Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 12, 1837, Image 1

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• .
of,•eirlP • xar,.--xo. 10.
. c yrts - r!Ce.nLisras-,ltenAin - .A - rrn - ~Exilosivon,'
will' be. issued -- at TWO .DOLL.AIIB per annum;
to "tiemild Nair. yewrty ,in nilOnee, ' ' •
5..1)1/:BliT,lSE.ll.lßll7'SnOtdxceeding nnquAre
fdt; thredinneitliiiisTONE - DCILLAIIi - ,And: every'
subsequdn't iiisdrtion, Twenty-five Cents, longer
ones in firgp05ti0n.,....,..; •
- •',LetterstAddressed to ;the . on
:I mi,'"-MUST BE POST otherwise' ) they
. 1.76
.attended . •
• •
Thol fallowing-PersontiAave been. appointed
Agents;, for. thn....Cartisl:ilepald and Expositor
' . ." , ..9 ,, ,,, , y1vtnent tor subscri tion and advertise-
ia="not, thought- to - be well founded, my -
:‘,;•,.!•,leeesor gave-...the- sircingest proof -of
1.... - -- • - • •••-•tr the United States'
the.- earriest„ . ..itesitt t<.-- . i. . ,
• tci terminate' ;•satisfactorilly ',...' - ,! . : 5 -- 61-5 .. T. 1 , 1 ,:, • ' -
. Ity proposing the_ substitution 'of a coil,.
Ventional line, if the consent oF.the States.
- IFiterat - e - d - in - the• - q - uesiiori-eould-be-0--
-lained. : , - • - --
.1 _To. this - proposition . ' rio,"swer-has-yel.
I _lle.ert_re_e_ei_y_ed,__The - attention-of the Bri
tishgo•Vernment.;has,,-heen Mr--.
gentlyinvited to the:subject, and its re,
ply .eanifot,•l am confident, be much long
er delaied. 'The general relations be=
tweet' Great Britian end - the 13nited
-States - are of the most friendly character,
-and I- m well satisfied of the sincere:dis
jiiiSition-arth at" Gov e rniiiali t ta Maiiiiiini
them 'upon their :present footing. This
dispoSition has also, I am persuaded, he . -
r _ c _ orn d___ te nro genet . : 01 the people - Tot
t : .
- - :Eirghind - thatratany previous period." It
---•--°--We-have-reason to renew the express
is scarcely necessary to_ say to you, how .
,sion of otri• - clevotit gratitude to-the Gay-.
. '
EN - or ALL 0.0 . 0.1:1' for -his. -behign protec- -cordially it is recipiiiateilliy
y the,Govern
lion.. -Our countr — presents,
.on every mint:and people of the U..Statei, The con
,- -
side, the evidences •of that continued fa - - _vietiorLsvhich must be
• sibr, - - - -tin der iv tioae - a"iiayeeilT - h as gladu—fire injliflous - 7clitstipretrers - th - fft - y e i
• 'ally risen' from afew feehle - M - i - d - ilep - en. • - from . ,keeping-open-this.irritating_quesilim;
.. dent-Colonies'to a proSperous and poii 7 - ..and - the f eartaiiity- that iti'final settlement
~_terful:Confederacy.. We are blessed with cannot be- inuzli • longer-deferred, willi-1,-
- :domestic trg - nottility, and all - trust; lend-to: an,--early-slid - satisfactory .-
_ 2. „cif_national_Atrol.KrilY_• _Tie
1011 . i
adiustment. At your lastiess• la•il
Wltl - dh - ;T•inv - a - d irtg - , - far -a- tiiipoome . --fliiur,___ •• •- - . --- . - -- . .. . -• • -
, before - you-thesecent cominunications be
- fishing; portions. of.t he •Uniion, interrup. -_ . . _ -
tiireen -the two governments, and between,
led, the general_ prevalehce titif unusuaT
-- : health; has happily - been Baited in - ex; ihis Government an.ti that of. the State of
tent, and arrested in .its fatal career; The Alaine,.inr whose solicitude, concerning a
industry add prudence . of our citizenssullijectin itiltich_slie,has so - deep an inte
- -.
---a-re-g - -rhd - tiallf- - relievingt-herrr-!-frorrr- - t-he-• , =restreveFy---por-t-ion-cf , --the , Uuim-partic , i
- pee.iiniar'Y einbarrassaients Under which' •iiales. • . .
• .. . - - ___
portions of them . have labored ; judiciv_
...: The.fe"elinu' e .a a temporary
_. - ous . .. legislation; and , the - natural and - :interru ntion of liMmsoious relations
- ••:boundless'resiiiirces,„have. between France and the United States;
:afforded wise
,arid timely aid to private .
wln . tli are due as well to the:recollection's'
enterpt•ise ;. andalways the_ activity - .
of former tii.tting eStailo •
a .
have correct apprecia
.cbaracteristip of our people has already,
in great degree,' resumed its usual and tion of existinterests,•
:ve been lap,
-.profitable channels.. . • pity succeeded by a cordial disposition
Tlie condition-of, our foreign relations on both' sides to cultivate an active friend
has.not.materially changed since the last ship in jheir• future intercourse. The_
. 'annual message of .my lii+.dee.essciK, _ We opinion, undoubtedly - correctand steadily
- • remain at
-peace ;with all nations ; and no entertained: by us, that-the comniercial re
. , , efForts!on my part, consistent with the lations at present existing heiweep the
' preservation of our rights and the honor two countries, are susce;tiblef of great'
of the country,. shall. b& spared td main- and reciprocally beneficial improvements, -
• tain.a position .so consort - ant • to our in- is. 1 .• . ..
.. .
obviously :gaining ground in France;
,'---rstitutionS.-L-LWe_have_faithfully_slistaint:_. ____
arid I am assured of the disposition of,
- rd theloreign policy with which the U.
that Government to favor the accomplish
:,States, under the guidance of their first
ment of -such . 'attohject . . This disposition
Presitletit_took their stand "in the, family
. shall be met in•a-proper 3Pirit, on- our
of nations that of regulating their iii
tercourSe with other Powers by the ap. part. The few and comparatively uniin
'iiroved principles of private lite; asking
. portantqiieStiosis, that _ remain - to.'be ad ,
'.`and''-'according equal - rights and.equal justed bet Wee? as, can, I have .no doubt,.
• -intivileges p I rendering -and deirianding, be settled with entire satisfaction, and',
justice in all .cases; advancing their o.wili wi,hout difficulty... -- ')
• . .
-11nd-dismssing thepretention of others, - 13etti'reenRUssia and the United States,
svith catidori_tlirectness
.and,,sincerity.4..en. tin - lents . lrgooii - wiii continue . ..AO - The"
_,appealing at -- all, time.-to reason,- Itut-ne--
cher - iSl ‘ i - ed.... -Our :Minister re--
.. vet...yielding toforce, 'nor e liii ,, 6l , u , if . fy
i: . iii!y. acti . entteu to that Court, bas been
_quire an . y thin for themselves by its ex
:erase ,_, . . . . -4 recetved-ivith-a- frankties,s and - cordiality.;. - _
and With: evidences of respect' for his
A rigid adlieronce• to this policy haj
.left" this Government' with scarcely .1 country; which leaves us no room to &lAA
, ..- •.
- .claim upon . .46.justiee,• for injuries ai:is..t.iie preservation • in' future of Ihase ami
relations which have so
' , "-Ing;fro"maets committed by ita author', cable-and...liberal
-4:,ty•• The most iniposing and perplexiMilong•and so uninterruptedly . eicisted-lte•-
• '-of those:Of-the :United-States-upon-Son
l_tween---the'tveo. - ' - .eotmfiTes. ---- • 0 . n ---- 14 - _ -- ,ce -- A - c,
eig n_Governmehls,..forag_gressionsupo(-gubjeetrunder-dridifiliii:
is confidently
..our,.cit4es, were dispoed ; of: lAy.rn early, andjust
decision is confidently ati-'
.., ~,predeceiscir...liidepe.ndently_of the heru .. • . . . .
,LlClViated. •
• - ,fits Onfertediipon - our citizens by rests; --- •
Ing to . tb .nereantile Com t nii , i ty so, t
as been.,Opeit
- wrongfullycivested a. gtea' serve
• a cfortuity-.with the- wishes of, COngress ,
'= factory of :ao many andt: . indicated-- by)in • app:refiriatiiin . act a
:1 1
, iatict itiitatingaiibjecti of . coittenticinid : re : session 0f.11837, - .and ~arrangements,
~ ..
, 1t: tkfiects. not ordinary. ereclit:upotts; 'made for-the-purpose, which - Will be duly_!
Af t uccessful, administratio - n - Th - f-,15T.1.1 if if -
- .4airsit that this great abject :,v.ap,,,Ardn. - :'
. ~-_pushed,. wlthout ,compromising, qiny
e honor . or theke
- •..pccaslon, OAF 0
...,, , .., . , 1 ,,
,Of the nation . ..„„ •., : , , • -
..',With , ;E:OrOrietini;POWes'iiq . ne hib • -•
---.;-;.:::lje'eti.tit•diffi'Cnitr-hilite - ;.iirlsen; .4 tin t _4 so
' • ViijiiekWere - titider'cliscnision, at tigh!
-''not terniinatidi 'Aci not' PreSentlidre
'tnifatikirable."alpeet - fort he - fit t itrieser-,-
.: 7,•taion'tif tivailood; understand iaillic, b.
...-1-1,-it has - ever betni our idkaire,teit 04. i-et
metiti - an - be . ritade.....-
DA!soi..r.y,• Esq. Shiremanstown,' Curnb.
SCOTT-CoYLE, Esq: . do. .
P. KOONTZ, Esq.- - -Newborg,.
Tios. W. 'RIMES, Esq. Shippensburg,......-4z ---- -
Jour Wasriiinticut_.Esq.. do. 'do:
.T. MATEER, Esq., IiggUP9tOVV, do.
R. WILSON, Esq. MechanicEihiffk,
Wrx.r.rssr A Esq_: Hopewell, • do.__
R -- STV Eonr..--Esq.-Churchtom.o.,.
Dr. ?OKA Wiyrr,.New Cumb.erlandi d 0... •
131.. - "APIW, Egq. Mijonifield; - Perry cou!ty
. do:
' •••• - - Pynov - ,
, ITO the TWo soases of Congress::
-at the- Commancergent of -the Secaitil-
Session of the twenty-fifth .Grongress.
. ItOITSE o 8 111.1RV.SP.
• P0f1 ; pending. , questiops;:the
•;cipOrtant.inAnatwiliph exists ; wit? Go-. 7
p preat l .Ositaio,, in tect ; to.
;•19Or334(?Athte.alitf.ft,,hd,anilary• with.
.Aarelgafd regLe.t,'that.tbe pet pr,are
!4`lo,lnNi‘s"(l9:(iilt baclon tl
4 7 : 1 1 abln:liy'eff:4;ts ifinaW by kifwentlie,' , ,
,fOr nil' , ti ty,_
linig disti the true"
line which divicLe.a its liossuns
' those or otheripnwers„ra t Ure Or,
1the,13 1.5 'of thd
i 'lliiiied - SAtitnti±:ninfil On; htiOu_
i'"ttyritnii4 Was' ' fOr iet6adonWth4 l `this
rfutivetforiiiiimi theites'..ofr;the,
IRederal OoVernnient.•:rip as o
ri4crelAngetl-Aliis;Stite and hras
brOught about a condirajt_P_ 4 9' B 9 cu .
___ which the true interestn' t o countries
, . • _ ,
' - •: , • •-• ..' - . ':•-'• ." • ~... :.•- . =.'; -'..-. :. .. .2 ".. :._. .. - ....- : . . -.... .. .' , ~' . •
. .. . .
... . .
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'.. )• • - lb.:- , - . , v o.‘ .
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P 11 : 111 A`‘ • .
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.rdITICVL-17/4/14-111W r ME-Mlir -- ifiX.ll-IWIE.*CEStiftafititRIVeLTURAIAMVSEg7. I E - Ari_.:
_ .
• •
. _ .
imperatively require' 'Oat : this. question
shouldhlie put at rut.' •h is norto - be
expressed, in the desire of - the' British.
Government to terminate -it, we are - dp 7
ita - _from - as_
we IST VC,. at the time of signing-thettrea
ty of peace in 1783...
t.The sole reaulta
long Tending tiegotiations,and a peraletc
ing arbitration, appears to be 'a totTvic-•
tlon, on its part, that a . .conventiolial line
must be'a - colt4e - d - , froth the iinpossibility
of ascertaining.the true one according to
:the de.scriptiod. contained in that treaty.
Without'coinciding in this_4pinion,which
carrie in tic - areet
With - Austria and..Pruasia; and with,
the States - of the Geimin
.empire,t . !tow
composing' with the latter 'the Cou'imer
alai, Leaiue,' our political, relations are of
the most,ftjendlycharge.:tk3viiiist ',Our
:c . ---malercial,inte.mouraa is
. gradually ox
to (rug, with benefit to all I.rhotare.,en
, Civil,waryet ragesin Spain . , producing
intense s, . , its ,tnvrt ; people, end,
to other nations inconvenience and regret.
'Our - citizens who ,have ,o dins - upon that
country-will'. - -be F prejudiced:for o timer by
the 'condition: of itt: Treasury; 'the ineziii- .
table conaeqttence.ofjorig pentinued , tiiid
exhauatini 'internal W,ara,:• / '.(:be:litatitiL
:slid pip,i)( . or.* '601.0t-of th4' . l.teht - due
under' the: iinixeulien r iviili:' 'the gikeil 'of
iSO r ziiil ~ki.,414#4 '4een , Paid; .o.n 'piinj I qit' fat
is -".d i v h ' - Vl' d
k ureB ")CL:Y.', , e.: ( 4P,Ccite ti, ( i. APPFn , lin.'
Lporiton, of, idle yllsplii:,,q,s 4,11 gr 'hingdorn '
,can "_bye_ clevete4T.l.o Alle:exting!ii4iiiien . of
its forigivAebfr' , : i, .; ‘ ,'-,. . • , '
Having. receive 4, .totisfaatory,ovidenge
tliat: 4:lisoritninating 'lon-aageduties,lverb'
a drged - ',tipo if -? thoive sae' et of , t he; tin i ted"
StafeiViit -th'e' ports . Of `Ptrtugal, a‘tirotlu:v
['nation- was *i alaued 'en - he tilt day'ef : cied
tooterNati In Comp! i' e :With: the pct
t 4ey,
. ,
!Published, *ea, y, by Ge 0...111. Phillips di ,Gig::,llP.,Peazey, in Carlisle, Cumberland Zounty, Pa.
. ,
of. May f2sth,lBBT;. declaring that tacf,' &
the utie:q - on . foreign tonnage which ;were
leVied.upon Portuges&vessels . inthie
ted .States, - 'preirisously to - the;passage of.
that. act;are4Ec*ding revived. ..."
The'.act saspTending -
Alie_sliscriminating _duties upon.the, pro
duce of Portugal ) importedintO
this co~in
try in portugne4 vessels, was pssed
On the application of that GovernMent,-
through- its representative - here, under the .
belief_that no_similar_discrimination'exis
ted in Portugal to the prejudice_ orthe
duties_arditiow_exacted_in that ,country;
upon the :cargoes of Anierican,, vessels;
and_ as-the act - referred -to
,vestsrno--dit - --
cretion in the •Executive, .it isTor•Uon,
gess.. to...determine upon the eipediency
oLfurthers,legislation±upe_p_ike silbject.
the vessels, of this. Colin try. an their__ ta r
goes, seasonable remonstrance was Made;
an d __notice _to the °Portuguese
Government ; -- that unless they should be
discontinued, - the adoption 'of dotinter 3-
vAing: measures- on.the part of Ahd:Uni, -
tod.StatesVould-become necessary; but-the
reply .of that -*GrOvernment,.ireceiva. at
the 'Department:of State through our
rg e d'Affaires at L:i - sb on , in the mtinth
of September-last, - all orded - nci-grotinil to
hope . for the abandiinment of a system,
so little- in' harmony tvith the. treatment
s tie vessels of eortuptawd7thei - r
cargoes ifi_the ports. of this country, and
_so- contrary to the. expectations ;we had
_"`Pith HA land ~S weden, D e ark,: Na -
les -,itrinOrfriendly-ititereours
has been uninterruptedly maintained.
. .__WitliltlieGOvettlentof - the - itltternian
Porte and4its . -_depend t reies- on the coast
o theL-Medi ter-r-a nea n „-,peabe and-- good
will are carefully_cultiyated, -and -have
fo-s fe fieuTd - 611 - e - e - cas - _ - the
those •_.coMitries would Aermit.. •
Our coYameree• with Greece is carried
on _ - _ - undli - JlieT aw-s—orttfe—W-GtWrrn
gatin intlitsts or both; and - I hai;e rea- -
son to - lop: forward to the adoption" of
other - netiur'es Which - more-a:ex
tensively:JO. permanently advantageous.
Copies ,f the treaties concluded with
the goveriments of Siam and. Muscat are
Aransmittd for the information of Con
gress', theatifications having been receiv.; - ,
ed i and, he treaties made public, since
the clos; of the last . annual session,.
ready . reason to congratulate
ourselv' the prospecf of considerable
botnmeiial benefit; and we.,have, besides,
receive; from the. Sultan L.of . Muscat:
prom p( vid eke of' hisflesire to: cultivate
the moSiciendly feeling's, by liberal acts
fowardr,ne- of—our-TveSsels,—bestOwed-in
a mannr so, , striking as to, require on our
part a fateful acknowledgement.'.. 1"
Ouronmerce with the Islands of..,,cu
ba amptirto.Rico still labors underhea
vy_reifictitins, the continuance of which
is. a lbject of regret. The only effect •
_of anAherenr,e to them will 'be to bene
fit th . navigation pr other countries, at
_the cpense both of • the 'United States
jand .
, Te-independent nations this conii7
.r i entimve, ever since they, emerged from
Itife , -colonial—state, _experienced....tevera
trio in their progress , to the_ permanent
estolishment of ,lib_eral politcal institu
ties, .Their.unsettlell condition not only'
inerruptstheir -o'Wn ad vances: to .properi
,ti but has often seriously lain red.the other
-ewers-of-the , -worlsti , L--Thr - clarm
ftizens upon - Peru,..phili, Anil Brazil,,tlic
I:rgentine .Republibi — the -averments
formed, out ortlie ; Republics.of .Colombia
and -Mexico, are still pending.-although
many of them / have. been; presented for
examination nruire than twenty years,'New
6 raptiOa Venez,ula,. and '
.Ecuador .have
recently fern d a cpuiention.for the init. ! .
pose or,asce aiding ; and adjusting claims
up_on_the_ public `of .Colettibia, from
which. it is
will ere j
for the iiijj
for, thctle
_ . ,An ady ritageons , treaty of commerce 11sAtectl- an - elu '&O3 y the_VnitectSt ales
With_the 'eru, Bolivian Conrederation,
whiclr'w its' only the ratification' of 'that!
:Govern' era. 'The - progress of ‘a'sa,„4lol
glierit ''' gotintiOn fo . ' he' settlemeUrof
clainta -
_non Peru, , hits een wrifavorably' l
affect° by, the war bet\ on'. that:Power
andLC li, and , the Arg ntine , p4SlThlic ;"
and tl same event is also'
nce elaysin,the settlentent.of,our de ,e -'
and , to : those powers. ''; !lers. ' , . ~...'m.-,
1 c 'Th aggravainr; circumstances` Con=
t 1 eted : With oar ,claims urion Mexico',
inctr'i , Vai:letY ,:or events 'touching the.
'honiar' and in'tegritY)of • ottr'd - Crifernrnent`,••
c r
1 .1e4:•• y:predeeessor:ta make r at these.'
t.on session -- Oftifie.last , Congress, -t;spe! , • -
i alai ecommendation 4 - the. course to 4,
pu obtain a,spledy, : auti..,4nal,',sa";
Os actieti,,of•• k t he ,inj,upes ,complained' of
b Oli'PgliritilliClq,lPlAMr,Vmr citizens:;.
1 - le iteeornmende.d a firirtl demand ' 01` ; '1 7 8...
qt;cli? ,)! it ' ll .a.c.onliitent,iiitirarify tb'the
rI I
,ntiv - a;lo. Make reprisals', if 'that,:ile=.•
''' an . 4hould` be' niade in - iiiiii;' - : = - F l'-' 1 - 1 , --- 4,
' ',T ifririqß iir6ce'dittiNil"Coiikrem Oil
, TUESIDair, b E ICE•111BER-1-9, 1837:
y lope our CI izens
ng.ree,elve full compensation
ries' inflicted upon them, and
y „ _
the opinion of both brancheaorni - ctegit.:
lotion •coincided• with. that of theAxecus
- - five, -- tharany.rmode - of , redress-khown to
' the •law •of natiotis..might justifiably-be
Used,. It •was'-.obvious; too,• that COn
..gress-..believed, with. the Presiden,t; that
another demand should• be trade,
der to give undeniable anctsatisfaciory
:proof of our desire 'to 'avoid extrennitieSil
With . heighbOringptfiver;liut That there
Was an-indisposition to vest did lscreti9n*
ary authority , in thsExecutive•t@ake,
redrcas,jshould- it- fortunately_ be' - either
detiied'Arlittreitsonably - delayedl:by the
--Mexic -Government.—So -soon-as-the
•necessary documents mere. prepared,af- •
ter - entering-upon-the-duties of injr_office,'
a special messenger - was sent to .Mexico,
1?; ; - „;,,,L - finaf detnand of redrei4 - Avitli
docuinents-reqhfCal-by-he provisimo of
our - treaty.. The dernatio's ,was made on
-bears date the 29th 'of theme month, as
contains:assurances of a : desire, on the
part er•f that. Govern meiltAto give alirtimpt
:St.explicit answer - r:_espeeting - eaai of the
complains, but that the examincitiott.of
.thent_wotild-necessarily be i deliberateitath
-n-this examination, it-would - heguided- by
_the principles of ,public law-and the obi
•ligatiOn of, treaties; that nothing should
.be left-undone that' might lead - to the
-most speedy and.equitable_adjustMentof
Otir demands; anchliat its determination,
in, respect to each case, sfiould be corn
municatedy through the- IVlexican.llinikt.,
Since that time, an nvoy raor
nary . and Minister Plettipotentiati has
been accreditesUo this:government-by-that
of ttie• Mexican -
.Republic. ,- lie brought
with 7hitn, -assurances of a sincere desire
tartli - e - Tierfditig - di.fferences - between the
-- two - Gtiverritnents - should - ;be-terniinated
in a -- manner - -salisfactory - to - ;=liollt: - ., Ile I
Was received Willi reciprocal - assurances:
and a hope.WasTeritertained
sion-would leadlo. a speedy, _satisfactory
and final adjustment of all existing sub
jee-ts-of complaint. -- A:sincere-believer in
;the -Wisdom of the pneific _policy .by_w,hich
*ool lll ** *0 "-
ei d , 141_ t • tl f
'ThttibTlW-J - tWitirria - rlifair :dem re;Titit
"die - proximity of the Mexican republic,
and well known occurrences.un our.frOn
tier, to-be .instrumental .in obviating all
existing dilTicplties•with : that government,
and in restoring to • the intercourse he
tWeert the two rtpublids . -that: liberal and
friendll.Character by which they .shOuld
always be distinguished. .1 regret, there
fore, the more deeply to have found" in the
recent communieations'of that goiernment
so little reason to hope that any fitture ef
forts of mine for the accomplishment of
those desirable objects would be-success
ful • , , •
Although the larger :number, and'many
of them aggravated cases :of personal
wrongs, have beeittiow for years before
440 , , , Mexican government; and some. , of
the causes of national !complaint,' and
those of the most Offensive character s ad
knitted of inimediatv, simple andlsatisfac - 1
Tory replies, it k . only•within a fed , days
past that any.speeific communication. in
answer •to our dettiand, made five
months agn„,been 'received frOM the
Mexican M nkter, I he, r ttottlie
=Becretary Aof .State;=lierewit,x , pres
-and thwaccompa:nying documents, it t ill
,be 'seen, that
-for not one .of oitr pub is
offered; 'that but one of the cases. or per:,
*wool wron g -hos been favotablr.ctinsider
ed; and that but feur cases . :of both de-,
scriptions; out, of: : ailthose fornetly; pfe: .
Rte.& _and
_earn est ty_ .priksSeCiliaire_Las
yet been „ileeicled : up o n by 'oie m o iioao
Goveiliineta; . : ',;'. •
Not perceiving in what manner any :of
the powers, given to. the Executive alone
could be farther usefully employed -Ain
bringing this ittifiikUtiate.cOtgroverSy" to
a satiit'actorytertainatitin, the 'subject was
by_ My preilece'Ssorfrefetred- to Congress,
as - ,une- calling for ita rikteirriosition "'ln'
Ace.ortlanee . With , the. clearly' - ittitietsttiod;
_wishes of - the — t.(;gistatti re,. tido:fillet- and
' formal 'demand saiiifaCtiinfliasr been
ma!le - iipoly,
_the -, ll4exleart poiernutent,
with what succes4 . tle.'d`ucuments now
• C 9119 MU I.llCatOQ . W4l.„O4ow. - acat:efu I
and , deliberate Lesamloalion.
tent;affil liiiirSidiritlieTiipifitinarn s
ted_ by the" Mexican _Goveronientit.hils ,
beconteLmy painful , duty' to return the_
subject,; as it , now ; stands, to Congress; tO
tvhvin it' betonisy -tb d'etide' upon the.,
time; the taoile,,atut 'the 'lneastire'Of re:
Whatiiier - iliaii '
t shall;- he faithfully executeq,"confitlent
_that, it,Aiillitie_cli4r4slerk444:l4.lit--:TD--
: 6( q4 6 9 , 4
t4nqer 4IJ eircUmstapepsiguY9r4tim.,c9un7;
of Aurc,etiOtc•br? . .",.,':• ; - :
The‘lialtk nee ifie . }Treasury:Mi ,, tht:
first day of. Januar'y';.l - 637Tujis•foitty-41've
nines hundred wantl,,-sistY-eight
thousand-:five hn,ndiediiiiid , t'webty , thre'e
dollars. r.alie,lreeeipts.duriag Fthei pre=
'iantlear from all, sources, including
amount of-Treasury. notes issued;..
at • twenty-three ;millions -,four_
nirie:ty-nina thouband,lane.,
titiAsefLa n_d_e ightyr_mie: dal I cirs,,.4utuitii
ting*aglgt.e i gate.zoft
four l ..'litintlretL'anC siitlynelptAltotßand
five)undred and foUr, dollar& DU this
amount, about thirt,y - -,ftie million's, two
hundred and eightr , one thousatril - Iht;ee
hundred arid dollars will have
been 'expended at the end of the year -rin
appropriatiOns made.- by • Congreis;, and
the residue, amounting, to thirty-four , mil
lions_onehundred and eighty_lseyen_lhou
sand one hundred and forty-three dol•
Tars, will be the nominal . balance the
Treasury on the :Ist of January4ext. 4trt
uriltat sum, ,only one_million eighty five
thousand four hUndred and ninet ei
-- i liars : • co - nst ere as immediately,
available .for, . and applicable to, public
ritirpos6.. Thqse.
_pains of it, yi,icit
will. be,fo - r..gome time unavailable, consist.
chiefly of sums deposited,' with,the.o - tatei,
and due frog! the former deposite banks.
The, details upon this- , subject will be
found in the annual. report. of . the..-Secre- -
-tary , --OP-the---Treapry. - - - jThe4titisfiu — nif
Treasury notes; which it will be necessary
AO - issue -- during-the - Iftar. -- on-; account- of
iiiiiieTuaSiieiniTut itiiiifibte;-M il citlii
supposed, not- exceed . four and -, a.-.hay
millions. -- It seetifeilr -- )peicin the con-'
dition -of . the country;to Lhaye-th.e.itith
mates - on -.
\all - subjects -, made - as '<l oiy as
practicable, without prejudice to. 'any
great public-measures." meisu res.' The Departmenti .
were, theretbre, desired . to . preptrre ' their
estitnates,..accordingiy,Ltind 'I ain . happr - 19..
-fin tl , thatthey-hre_been_ablel_tolradua*
11icin...0n..--soAc_ontimical.. ILscale..._,L.l.__the,.
great and often _unexpected fluctuations
not, possible to, i compute- the receipts' be
.7%yith -great - CertaintY;. but-Should-,
,anticipations, ind should the aPpropria
tionicnot.lnucL et:ceettilietektiniates;"ritv.
. ..
I I difficultfTwentwrltkely-to - - ha . ppeirin-de--
I fraying the - Current expenses with-prompt
-1 itudelatid - tidelity....: - , ---: - -...---•-----... ..-
---Niitmtthstanding tne great entbarrass.
- tri entS --- Which '- haye -recently -peen rred An
commercial allairs, - -4 -the-liberal indul.
:enee,..mhich --in conse , ence of-these
einbarrassmenti - , - I)lT 7 been exten
tottrilir. - L - nittelltaa - faid
gratifying to be able anticipate 'that
th,e Treasury notes, which jiave been is
sued during the present year, will-be re•
deemed, and that the resources :of the
'treasury,-without any reiert to loans or
increased taxes, will prove ample for de
fraying all charges,imposed Unit during
The Report of the Secretary of the .
Treiury will afford you a more minute
exposition 'of,' all. -:matters connected
with the administration of the finances
during the current year; a.periodw •
for the amount of publi s disbur- .
Sed an epos' .Ith the- States, as
well as the nancial diffienitieS Cricotta : l;
nireicome, has few parallels
in otir history. • . • ,
. • Your attention was, at the last ses sion,
invited. to the necessity -Ur additional'
_legislative_ provisions in respect to.the
collection, .safe•keeping, and transfer of
the public. money. No law having
been inattired, .and , not .understanding
the'prOceedingsvf,Congress as intended ,
-to be final , it - beeomes Eriy:'ditty ageip. !
, • , .
On that occasions,, three mOdei of
serwice.:o;vere'_. presented ter coesdera
tion. :These were; the creation.ofa Na? !
tional :Ban ki.thesevival,..modifi,,
tations i "of.the deposite system estab- -
flatted by the act of • the 3:'of
- Menus by - the banks; and the 7 diSetin:',
tinnance of the use o f such , 'insituticins
-forthe purpose referredl.O... with suits.
bier provisions for"their aeComplishment.
through,the.agettcY. of. publiC,offieersi.--
Considering, he, opinions of both Hotta-,
.es. of .Congress .on the two_ first propeo,,,'
sitions_as expreesed in , thel-Lnegato4:in
„L i entiLely concur, it is:u n-necees
-7s'aryrfot" riiii--Nain:to - recur tcithenft
respect - t0:14 , 45t; you haveliad-ati:Op
i:Ortiniiiy since 'yOu•adjourninent,- , not
only'; to :test still further - the - expediency
Cif, the Mc4Sure;',, liy 'the . •Crintinued
of ••suehipartS eflit:l4
'a re .upw elfa rc - e;,, but-also to J.iscover
ziwlat; ; sfinuld, ever , be sought for 4701
'the opinions and wishes .of the,people:!
The-_natural.:will is the
t:helrepnliiie; and; on a'll , .etthjeets,:ivtititia.
the liinits: , Ol itikeenStittitionar constitu tional'-
Ahould_he faithfully' Obeyed kfthepub,
. .
lc servant,. A 7 .2
• 'L„.% -"kiJ
b a n Ag i .e t c i ~,thrf3 „Ta.
t Sf ,
of 3'90,1)P VAll,Actlfl'3 : A4.,cße; Yi 4 9.t.!e;
PerNOPE4 eQ I . 2.OI4 4 qAtiO.RII* I ). 1.P 1 4:09n7
stituenteng Icone•katato..9.94.;:th44l l lli.
elgetibnt bgerri.,bekt , ifori.:thek,FetleraL,
,Goverilitien t ; but thel ;early, Any-.
took place; 'depliges the . me
muPti of the
tiii , :ptift it - misllVoilierivisto tame ':deeit;,.
ertirii: the iegtitti'R•Loaf elections
of l # 6 ` SfafOss:
'l' , / ', l'9 , l ;c2FigA4
IthQ EXtcuAiYA! •fia'!:•• o !P,t)-41 1 ,9,1149F,[)et1i
diseetmd. - ::WiPr: hilltilvigt)figgPixt
- - - -
yield to' their results the respect dun to
every expression of the public voice.—
Deairing,..hovvever. to :arrive, at truth,
and a just view on the sobjeet to all' its
bearings, you will at the same time re
member, that qUestionn of .far. 'deeper
and more immediate local interests,
than the fiscal plans',orthe National
Treasury, were invoised,:jn_those elec.._
tions.'-Above all, we cannot overlook
-the strikinglact, that Whereat the time
it . those States more than one hundred
and - nix-trrillions' of bank cipital, of
wllich large portionswere subject to
actual forfeiture—othei large portions
upheld on by special andiimitedlegis
lative indalgenee4:- - -- - iiiid- minit - of11;if
not'all, to a greater or less extent,-de
pendent fora continuance of its corpo
rate eiisterfee upon the ivill of the 'State
Legislative tnbe thow,ehoseo. .Appri
sed;of-this circumstance. you will judge
rtwhether -it-is 9 , most: probable that'
Qin:peculiar co dition - o f - that vast-in
erest-inl h ese----reirpe6ts-,--tlinnxfe-tirto
which it khaa---heen_spread _through;alr
.the yamfications of society, its direit
coitGeoljon With the,- thew pending dee: 1
irons, ana - the - feelings it was calculated
to infuse intosthii'eapvass, hie exerri
sed-a far greater influene.o overtliere'
stilt, - than..any which could ,possibly
have been produced by a conflict of'Cli-.
iiii On .in resPe e Ft& - a qiies_tion_in_the,
id rnTii lA - ration of the„aeneraLGititem,
- merit more, re rone. - airtl - farteln) -
_I hat: inje e r st.
I have' found no reason tOeh,nge my
own-opinron'os to the - expedeney of
perfectly satisfied that there will be
.neitirer-stability-noi7 saletyie - itiver ill
the_fiscaLAtfacirs/of, the- Government,_ or.
in the pecuniary-tranactions-ofindivid:
uals and sOrporationo,- so-long aS'a - non"-
-heetioty - exists, between them, whicifi
like:the past offers- - iuch strong-induce
ments to make them the subject - a" of
litical nit - Rion. -.lndeed, I am more.
Ahan-er , r-eorrvince - e — ^ - -' to
ever-convince - d - of - th - e 7 d - afigeis ,
which-the -free-atitL.-unbiassedexereise
of 'political opinion—the only sure foun
dation and safeguard of republican gov
ertirrient—would be exposed-by any
further increase of--,the already over
grey/a. influence of corporate authori
ties. I cannot, therefore, consistently
with my views of duty advise a renew
al of a connection which circumstances',
have dissolved. ' *; •
The 'dis continuance of the use of
state banks for fiscal purpose ought not
to be regarded as a . measure of hestili
jy towards,those institutions. Banks,
properly established and conducted, are
highly useful to (he business of, the,
country, and will debtlese Continue' to
existin - the - states, so !Ong as they con
form to iheir laws, and are found to be
safe and beneficial. How they should
be created, what privileges ey should
enjoy, under what,responsi ities they
should act, and to what res rt ions
they 'shoull .be ",subject, a e questions
which, as I observed on a previous oc
casion, belong td the states to cl•cide.—
Upon their, rights, or - the exe ise of
themi - the , General Governm , , , can
have no motive to 'enroach. Its
toward- them is Well performed
retrains ft-oin legislating for their'spe
cial benefit, because such legislation
would violate the spirit of the - donsti ,
tution; and be unjust to other interests;
when it iakes no steps to impair their
usefulness; liut so .toinages" its . ‘o* . n
affaits--na-to: make- 7 4;411e
.-interesls ¢f
Ithose institutions to strengthen in4„im
prove their cotidition . for. the-security
and welfare of the community at large.,
They, haye no right LO -insist on a, con-,
_w,ith.tne Federal 'Government,
nor.on the oseef the public money . for
their own ,benefit. - .• The object , 7 61 the
measure., under- consideration- -is,( ; to
avoid for- the *ture:a compulserr con
nection of this kind''
Td o
It' proposses' to' place the General
Government,, ko rOgard to the:essentiel
points of the 'cojteotioti, eafc Keeping'
andirangvi oLtb i epOild mone r if 1.1 .%
' ' h Il i r - -' it-from "" a ll
situattorr which - 13 a re 'eve.
Aeßciinenc% o 4-` , o9Alritt:PfirXeAll9lisibl° -
[ indiffidoole Of ROVpl? rations; to withdraw
'those moneys !rain ',Abe pees of „private
tratte sod, confide t them -to agents eon
stitutionally selecte &and • controlled-1r
lainq to"abstaili ftiornArdproper. interf l'•
efiVeivith the indostrfrorthe people; A'
ivitliffilict indbbeinenti - toimprOvident
ilitaiiiiixiVoii th'etifirt billolididliajkl'
g l Y e. ??Wir e ,y of ltic - doirc - koorthet
surii.i.oliSFsOi:Ye - tile#leal'Pl'o l ! or,`,
9RXREPnIePts-fr,fini ihk PligV °MAI! :rt ,
Pi•glAtßs ,thokylloW from , stk o l l 'i!' , lfx l 4 B . 4 "'
tioni, /And' Abe: bano , ihqm.liiilFs4 *gni' I
„the injuries effects ota suppOskparOci
pation in the political , , contitcts of';.the'
d ey. ' , fro m Nehich- ,ther, evil'', otherycisi
find it'Aiffieult to-escape. '4':' O' '' '', ;'
'IT h Elie 'tirdraiivievt ,, s upo it: thiti irnporz
tont' ail . * 81r 7 for Wed' erter olteru r; *id ,
wikh no, dcsirf ' btli la, ' aill'ly'le at '97 , hht i is
objl alfo)r ,, eiii°:!Ml 4 ( l m: Pj l ,kli lci . n f er .
FP 1 "51 111 f. t e ' 1191 an lied - w . PrPzi b vttß re P
:t tiOnt . a .10,1, 1 19 94140, cleirmnsc; A il :
- .
01.4414 19P 11 , sit.pbßm.._ t ALAVA 4B , 4.r,dii?
to. be hoped that, changes so important,.
on :subject so interectitigi' could the
made without - producing.a seriotniAi•
versitTrofopinionybut so•longlus those -
conflicting views are, keep' abovetheini•
fluende of , individual or , lokal - -interests;
so long as„they persue only the general
good, acid are distnssed - , withAnoderal
tion and candor, such diversity - is oben
efit„, not •an injury. If a ., majority ~ of
Congress seethe public;welfareintlit- ,
fe - rent light;'and more espet
should ,be satisfied that the meisOikOilf
posed would not be . a:ceepitigeloAcpt.
people, I shall look to their',Wisdnm to
substitute such as may be - moie eanitus- -
!Jive and
more t,,5,141/ifie4l/1
to-the other. In any event, they inay
confidently rely on my-hearty co-opera
tion to' the fullest_,extent, whieh.-nir
vie Woof the COnstitution' anassrly sense
of-duty will TY'
It is obviously important to'tht.s ---
brafich--ofithe public •servieei and-the
basin - psi - air& quiet ofirie - e - Fitt.=
the whole:subject should)dsoln'e,,iiiik
be-settledancl_regulated/by jaiv,
bov ;',Wzr; l ,f
possible, atyour pr , es'ent
sides the' "plans ae referred,to, I:am
not - aware that-siny one-has-been sug
gested, excep(that of-keeping-the-pub--
lie money-In' the Staie-banklik. special
deposjte: This . plan is, to some-extent,
imaecordance-with the - prietice-nr-th-o
' t til•= — ;
Gio-V.irifilnt,s_,.n.Li. w;. l -t.. , .
range me n Ceti.- r e-L'i easil-r-T-D-enrtti* l ll; _
which except, P'er;lin riekd ori ng, -tife.Op
eration of the late,deptiAtP. act, h4 . .gi'•
Ways been-allowed, even- durtj. l .s . .:the i. :oX"
istence of. a...lslatiorial Bank, to ma a' a •
temporary vse- of .the State -banks,- in
- Parricularplacetri.farthe-safet eepitig of
portions of the revedue.`" - This disere
Corigiesi deems it desirable, 'whatever
- general - system may be adopted_
:Soli:Mg as the connectien is.volunta - --,
ry; we need perhaps anticipate few of -,,
those difficulties,-rand little/q* that de- '
-pendenee, on -the banks, which , must at- -
tend-every-such eonnection'wheti4rim - =
pulsory in ifs 'nature,' and Wherf'se• - ar- .
ranged as to make -the banks a. fixed
part of the machinei7 of :Gevernineat.
• t is undoubtly in the power of Coil
ress so to regulate snd. guard. it, is to
trevent.the public 'money from - being
applied to the use, or intermingled with
the affairs of individuals. Thus arrang
ed,- although it would-.not - • give to thet r
Government that entire control over
its own ' funds which' I desire to secure--
to •it by the plan 1 have prop'osed;'- it
would, it must' be' admitted; in a''great
degree, accomplish one of the -objects
which bas recommended
,that' plUiCto
mY..- j9ogtement:---the.__aeneratiori ot i ihe- -
- fiscal concerns of the Povernment'frArn
those, of individuals oreorporatiorie.,, ! ..--
With these observations, I recommead.l
the whole matter to your dispassiortro
reflection; confidently hoping that sorne•
conclusion may be reached by your-dc
liberations; Which -On the - baud; shall.
give safety aril stability to;the'fitteal . ap-,
eratientiof the Gtivernmeittiind - be
sistertt,.on thiother; with the"gee ies'of
- our institutions and witli_the intereittST'
and wishes of the grease, mass of itr;4 ll -.
iftiluen is. ' - :•' ' 7,, .'• -:. :--;-:
It %veiny .hope that nothing would 0.-
cur to, make 'necessary,-on-this occasion,
any-allusion' to2the _lateLNatiortalt,llank.
Therearti . circumstances; howeyer, con
nected with the 'present -stite of RS - affairs
that beat . sa.'dir'et!y'on , the-pharricke of
iltil'Goierntitent.itad, i dit*trai:e2'Or 'he - -
citizens, thi4 I should not teel s ,ffelf - et -
cusetriu ueglecting to noticeth i erif, 4 The '
charter- which. terminated.its:llitiltirog, prt
yileges- on the : fourth, of4Aturohs,:/836.
continuedits coriforate :gowers.ltwor , ye rt rs
more, for he sold - -purpose or-oloshig its
affairs, wi authority !go' nse , the' terito- •
rafe'nutne, tity4:aad'"Caprteity;',"for4'the
purpoie'Of au i a flail itittleineht 'tend
jiqUidatitia:or 'the ifrigii 'Silerteteof the
-09sitAhli .or - • theti l e'iAife; ~ i:cel,4er c soial
14nd--- - 04e4' -. 1-, C 11 ,.#94er5 i ;.; ; 3 :4:4
~.& P c PI Fti :I h °
blitiking psiikligoe,,cPeeeduitS gre- - sRlLlvcre l -
trait sferrAd,by,thejutnicaoAdjoivoutte____'-
jitstittitieff-Iliek;recentlysirstirpOfeledo in
',trust,: for the discharge-41f its delitzsi-and .
the - settlement:l of-Itieltiffairs:; ~ , -W itlrtthis
'trtistee ,-l byi,autkoritY4iP r Oottii§s7latiitd-'
joittneUt - waelitibiteiltietttliiliiiie#4f the
hirg - q t. ititeileif iirlirthlhil Goiti?jilitehilliad
in the stock 'ti - fllffilittlifuliiig'Ttifi'iiiin-; _
'l'e.l' l',L,i',.Wo4'4itiekil,AttcCknittiNed
Pi.l, -- PS gOnt‘inil•l l 4,,ClflrSfis,tor •
t.-, • •Iltelf -1 .. ,- 14Pe-t•INIII14 , alli
IRCii, 04404 4
. I diAftergvw ''': 1..-
.41)k ..,; bfb** ,, Auctjectior,*liir ". of • ,
much More cloak i Weal .rtetgtlifgon,
when it•-embraces,:thsTviletriPtion*lleb- ..
Ilgations' to whi6h thelat,t4oiiitilialdfere
dit Of 'the Ij,iriti'd•lStatert het glVeniNitifue
'The' tiro years'ollo - Weil'rfeeijakilgilij- at
itll. end:-'- It - is "iir'elVit riil4iistiiiiir, dial" the --
I trititie r hati' - ot.'X'ed'eeitf44'O r tis l iitfeelled
the on tstintlini 'tioiei P ,Or the rv 'taiilcf-, ) but 1 ,
'hite:seligited' / . a)id',le!! AO Ulf 4 ieso,ing,
I tiiiec:l4' 9 !:141,14 r plsi s orrtlig '*ptes
.t h 4ii*i-, l 4 : tllAl9f , ! tr ehi . 4 :l:ol:#'!iiiit
, i4 0...9P ~., j etcpp4lligd t g i I, ''' , i i. : ita
Mat.e.llkell. gPrtatitrifi. '.' ' -1-,' ff'...• '' '' ''' 7 ='
. .• .
-~ --- -
~;1 ,