• - • • .101 t. AND . RETII'S • ,science shou ‘ confribala to the,Cainforli - 'cut z . ' and Sappiness ff • Iliankind." .- , ' • CM . the eight(• May, 1835, these now - truly celebrated a first • made known in the Utti'ted'Stat< h in 'Europe they had been preViously .1 public nearly a tett ' Wry.. ,The , An blic naturally' viewed them with susptcton, out as on 'trial they Were • found what they professed, it.wns soon displacell • by tho• 'greatest con fi dence, In fact the many - -persona -who have Commenced _with them undcr ' the most . trying circumstances of bt.dily Millie- Don, Whett eVery other oceans and medicine had - proved altogether unavailing-, hail.: been restored °health and happinesSsTront their use, 'and the Consequence is; they are now recommended by thousands of persons. whom , they have ,cored of .v` . : _Conatimption,lnfluimza, (olds, Indigestion, Flys. pepsia, Headache, Minty and a sense of fullness . , In the' back part of the [Dead, uinially the symp toms of Apoplexy,---.launtlice; Fever and : Ague, Dillious; Scarlet, : Typhus,. Yellow, and conmton feVers of -all kinds, Asthma, Gait, Ithetnatisin, ..• • Nervous Diseases, -Liver Complaint, Pleurisy ' • Inward Werkness, Depression of the:. Spirits, .. Ruptures, Inflammation.- Sure Eyes, Fits, Palsy,. • Dropsy,- Small Pox, Measles; Croup,. Coughs, . ' Whooping Cough, Quincy, Colic, Chnlera Mor bus; Gravel Worms, Dysentery, Deafnearning•- • . , Mg Noises lit the _Dead,: thug's Evil, Scrofula, ''''Eryitipelas, or Bt.:Antliony's Fire,Salt telecom; • ' White Swellings, Ulcers . some - of - A years stand . log, Cancers, Tumors,--Swelled Feet and Legs -Piles, Costiveness all 'Eruptions of the' Skin, Frightful Dreams,- Female complaints Of every - iirdiespecially - obstructions-relaxation, - &-c. • Although.Doetur -B. has enumerated-by name ..the-above diseases, he is nevertheless -of opinion . with his grandfather,' the late celebrated Dr. Wm. Branctreth, that there is only ONE Dtsease, an impurity of the blood, which by impeding the : .!iCirculation s _brings on inflammation, and. eonse. , quent derangement {it the organ - or part- where --- -such-impurity of -the blood settles; and that it is 7--tlfe-different-uppealanees-whieh-this-htflamatiost ', or derangement puts on that have caused medi , Cal men to designate sttelf appearadces by-various ,- names, but whicirare'iti fact; only the same dis• - ease, With more or Ibis vierenee. Dr, Wm. - - Drandreth was se fully convinced of the truth of - the :above 'simple theory, that s h - e.spent thirty -- -years in-experiments and-laborious research into i• . :the - medical - properties - o( - 34m7rdimerousTplanta ____oomposing_the- Vegetable Kidgdem; his obyeet . being.fo compose -itt:'-medicine which' shintld at, once purify, and, produce• - by specific action; - a' ' •removal, o f altbadhuninrs from the-blood by-the ilMaelt and boWels, as by the continuation o the use or such a medicine, such "litimm's are sure to-be carried off, and . the blood assume . state Of_purity; and whoever - takes these . . Pills, , . :-aittl-persoveres-with- _ them-Wiltho sastiesi--that.! •- :Dr, Win,•Brandreth fully attained hisphilatithrO. pi 6. object. It is now an absolute and ktiown fadt, that every disease, whether it be in the head , or feet, in the brain,.or meanest member; whether. i it be an outward ttleer, or ori inward abscess, are __. , all, though„arising, fil?itt miyiu: c,,m:4 4 ,,,ygiincible„ to ths'one grand efieeti_namcly impurity of the In all cases-they will he found a safe and slut _ple-temetly-yet-all-por4erfulLfer-ille-f!.tITIOVHkor thd disease, whether chronic or recent, infectious ..: or otherwise; and What makes then' particularly adapted tor- this - atintry, 'IC at„there . is oat the _ • . -slightest liabilitY.tu,cold.: ten-,-fy•i - k-theta;--thetn,- in. : . deed the system is :MR) ttely less•suseeptible-of - cold when udder -their inthieneV - than at any - tither time• ' thi.refore in this cdirnate:they are in: - !valuable. Neither de they 7 ,recptive_eltange o , ea - or caTe_of. anY.Eiiidit Eiii.XiMi t Itese - Pills , have-been:the only-many families for periods varying from forty to sixty years, and have always proVed effectual in restoring health .wherever atiaberation from it occurred. . ]---- 'the - consequence - mi .- the -unmerotls ' counterfeits for sale in the Drug niul Chemical • Stores f the public are caufionecragainst purchas: - lug of any person except the 'accredited agents. -----:--, Seenetty Against Countqfolti. ---: • Dn. IluartnnErn has -adopted the ,following . plan to securethe GENUINE Brandre Pills to _ the public,, Every authorized 'Agen ltst . have < l / 4 • . a Certificate of Agency, and.it,Will h 'semi that n.double forgery MUST be committe before tiny one can procure a forged Certificate, and the person having it in his possession is equally liable with the forgei... ; . ---- -The follow*eare the' appointed agents for • this Sicinitv . viz: Wm. Gilmore, Chambersburg ; . lac ' 41 *inrott;'Gettyshtirg,lLSlCll.llY Et Fill . .ikl At t ek , v arliale ; and Wm. Bell,•ilarrishurg. : • , r. Brandreth's oticers fur the Sate 'of the shore Pills are 169 !lace alnyvp , -- - sth street, and 34 Che'snut street f .tillijsclelp3ra. . ,May 8, 18.37.—tf. FM Senti4reeldy_Tclegraph. . LEGISLATIVE' REPORTS. THE PENNSYLVANIATELEdRAPII Will be • published semi- weekly' diming the enstp ing session of the Legislature, and contain . full reports of the proceedings of both bran •thes, taken byerpent and faithful repor - tu.A. • The.acts of The coming session of the - _gislature will be looked to With much'm e er est, The people expect the party tl t have obtained a maprity-in-the-popular b anch- to carry-out-iheir-prontises-- of -refor ling the li 'currency and 'banishing shin plasters from --, ;" - ci rail WOW; -TIiTS-4Tilirect;lOgeiher-i,Viiiillie . . Improvement System.• indep en dent o nume-- . rows . . others of interest, are- selves of • sufficient magnitude to' create a desire in the mind of . every , intelligent citizen to ; take a , paper from the seat of GoVernment: '1 In addition to this, the proceedings of the State,Couventinns t hat will assemble-here on .;: 'the 4th of - March _to.noniinate candidates for ' Governor will-be looked to.with interest,and _ siven Avith.fidelity._____ _ ' --,-2,---- , ----- The proceedings of • the Convention ' to . amen, the Constitution Will also be given i -. untilit final .adlournment. • And also -selec tedj; • . rtions- of the most interesting Con gressienal proceedings. . . , ' 2 Terms -- oftWriliiiiiiihTarc, -- . . • For the session, Semi-weekly' , $2. 00 For the year, : - . '-. 2 - 00 - fersons'paying two dollars in advance, sh 11 receivc.t_the Teregr ph from the pre-, ... ._se tAitne to .the_end_ of..t e- session , --and-Six' copies will be,,sent to one . place ,for $10: i paid in-aduanee. ' . • ' Competent ;persons willing to act attigents . in theirueigliborhood, for the usual compenr. - „;:istitioni:are_rhattested ,to informus,-,_ arid ly, etrangers to iii to state references. . . • •THEO. FENN. .. ~ ' . .. Harrisburg, Oct. 25, 1 7. . FOR SAE. • ,subscribers olrer for_ sale the 'following • &entitled _ Alliontio.,_and Lot of Ground, siinateri Itie` north side of Louffier Street,rin the borough of Carlisle ' nearly opposite therCol,, lege.-bonnded on the West Ay Dickinson Col -lege-TUtiiii-tbit'Bilt'by the Widow Halbert's lot, containing 60 feet Front, and 240 feet in depth.— ' • - '- • - -The bnildings are a Stone House, ,411" fronting on Louther street, wiih a Brick back building and stable. The , • lot in in . a: goOd stale of improve ment Persons wishing to purchase are invited totall and_viamine the premises. The termiwill be made kuown by " Henrietta • Collisha*. John .yatton. - Nov. 6. • DISSOLUTION. Partnership keretofore•enisting betweri.- _ The subscribers, under the firm of HALL AND PORTER, is, this day .dissobced bymutual sent". The books are in the hinds or TVi/11,4 •„&f: Porter. who is "authorized to set,lle'the same. • • . JCiRN L N.' HALL, WM. M. .PORTER, . , Oct. 30,, • • ~• Legislative Keystone.' • • DURING the ensuing ses s ion of .the - egis- InfurC, the Keystone will be published twice a:Week, Mid Contain full reports of the proceedings in both 'houses. Tt will also coo tairi an account Of the proceedings of the reforric con velitiion,‘'whie.b (judging from sim ilar bodies in rglier, states, and the coiriention (hid • LAmed bur present constitution,) will hardly close its session before spring. .. - The political confplexion of the legiSlatpre and the important subjects wbich,Will.neces sarily come before •it s will render lie hext• session peculiar ly interesting. All eyes are' l,urnedl. this .way for speedy_reform..in .Our, present defective currency. Decidel action relative to the improvement systein ilently desired in. many - qoarters. • • These; two matters of- themselves, form subjects:of' intense interest-to the people at large. On the ,4th of March; p. deMocratic con vention will assemblehere and nominate- a candidate!for.governor. „, An account of this,, together with.the preparatory movements of the party in all. quarters will be faithfully &tailed: Fi-othese circomStances,lthere never has been a ti — "inert.-when a paper from the seat of government was of such iudispen saUle yaluc to lilt - the citizens pf-the-com monriealth, be for the ensuing six . months, . Thui Berms otlhe Keystone are . the same as heit.toforc. _ . . , . Doling the session semi-Weekly, - For the Jear 3,00 Any perm* forVaiting ns 2 dollars ) shall receive the keystone from the time of sub .stribing-tothe-close-of--the -session—or-six-1 copies willti,er-sent to any one office for $lO,. Post_lifasters ure invited to act as agents for the Kr stoty rt.r.cceivingsui beri and. remitting Money- to-us ;- and any one signifying his willingness to act as - such;' shall receive a, list of - our, subscribers in. his town and heig4ofliood,..with out., terms of 4ficPc3E' • flarrisburgl- 0ct..1 - 8;1834 - ' Pennsylvania -Reporter and • . St; te Jonrnalo, • - Is pablislterl - iit'llarrisburg; - e 7e.6 facel ilurin 14e session of,lhe Legislature, and once a Meek clariuk.theiocss, e p o'r t e i r 7 c , ihiidialil continue to be o . a firm and, unwavering % hilit;ii:C iii tie cause of Democracy;—an advocate of the,principles of the Administration of the General Governinent dri untiring opponent of the party which the: Exwitive lh•harttnen oTshe, StßW.;_ans.t... fliTeit 'has tra letl pon the - rights, and - wantonF, ly 'disregarded .tlie--yilrof the People of -po es y,. vaitia. • . AL the .egin will be one . _ 0 r_ more,_ has ordinary _intiinrtancs_ the proprietbr: has lade . sticl. arrangements as will enable him to give full and satisfactory reports of ihe-proceed 7 - ingsj of the• 1 4 :gli,I.,pie and _to realize the ex-_ preta I ip , l4-oL.tllo.si!_,Wilo_ r inay-paironize the 1 e. l pone,- as a - reliili2. of . 11:;,TisIative infoiiiton. . - 'the ,tei , llls Ur I.llp. IttfpUtter aPd:itOUVII:II. - are, - I r l!11,116 . 11111t, ':- .• •• •---' ' • s3' CO - Dng -i- --' rinthe session, 4 - -- -;---- •- , --- --- "00 .- .., Any agent oP.Other personiTorwardings 0, O r. liecimning• - respomlble therefore, ..Will .haVe six copies forwardeaftas may be directed, during the the session ofthe Legislature. ..-PyraPlistforwarcling-nautes-of-Subscriberimre, rccpMStecl. to-be-partictilar in stating whether the i sub,,criptions are to continue fur the year or the ' session; • WILLIANI_D._BONS, . Intelligenbkr. LEGISLATIVE .PROCEEDINGS The approliching session of the Legislature promises to be one of unusual ii,tei•est. and hence the spirit of its sittings cannot NI of' being, mo mentously interesting to the-general public. The Intelligencer will be issued scmt,..wEEKtr, pend ing.the session of that.hody,i Me, therefore; so licit the support of the friends of lIARRISON & 'ULMER to aid us• in our enterprise. We del sign employing , cowpetent Reporters, wht4vill 14411101 y and im tirtially note the proceeding's of both branclre the Legislature. The dominant party have cote •under solemn promises to de-. vise a remedy_ r the existing diseased state of the Marency, it will be nOtaniong the last amusing and•ludicrons inCidents in the hiStorYMlthat_par, ty - -to observe thi indirtlcrensc with which thos4 sundry pledges , wilt be rekarded and thepod plimeney with which they Will be vielateit The majority must .restore the Circulation of specie, and bring back to its Wonted regularity and soundnessi the monetary affairs of this. State. or a thousand promises will be broken. The action of sor'body, on the internal' improvement clues. n. will also be of interest.- \ -During the.sitting of the L islature, a number of Conventions will assembl at the seat of go. yernmentohe- transsetions of -t hich, will be-of no ordinary, -- interest - to - the - people;and - it shall be our'steady and constanteare to advise our readers - Of - theinipartiftlleifilefiEcerations. • •• Tile Constitutional 'Convention, now in session: will doubtless prolong its session fur some months. yet to come, and consequently regular repo of their pruceedirgs shall also have a place it his papet. % In short; it shall be the constant endeavor of the editors to collate and embody in the columns of the Intelligeneer, its great an amount of inter esting.. matter as.practicable,And no pains or ex pense will be spared, at any - time, to render this, ,paper_the=vchicle of - tbe — hitesrantltrkost tent news, on all subjects cif general interest. .• TERMS For die Session, twice a weeks '._42 00 For - tht whble 'OO SIX COPIES will be sent to any Plate during 'the. session, tbr $lO, if paid in advance. -- .A liberal. discount will be given to pet ctriiirti distance. disposed to net as agents :for t Intelli. gencer. . • , ' .1110MFSON & C Ma k. II arrisburg f 18.7. .st - •• ~.:,. ~_.....___ __ ~ .s. Allilliney - yAciflannitia Making'. --rtiHE Subscriber takes thip method of inform ing the Citizens of Carlisle and its vicinityo? that she has 'commenced the : - ..,"-,.: 11P, '"'" above-named business in alf. „I' cl - ,- its - various branches, io - Pom7 '"'''..'''' -- 2 . ,-, Lzi pi ) fret street, a (ew doors'East of the Second Presbyterian • i Church; where she Is ready i - s ,-., :: . . tOtreceive all these wltomzy favor her with their custom. , . She hopes, by strict attention to• business, to merit a liberal share of, patronage, and pledges herself that her work shall be done in .a neat and substantial manner.. She also-keepe r on hand, .Dregs-Caps, - Bonnets", &v. . ',E. O'DONELL. - ' - .__ • "N.13:;-Fal3hions . will be received regularly . _ every season. - ------ ---... , E. O'D. Carlisle, November 6, 1937. _, ' . WA'S FOUND In the Cars sometiane since, a boi orPorcelain teeth. the owner, is desired to call. at Aug.heri baugh's Hotel where they can be had by giving satisfactory evidence of-the -ame.. • ' Carlisle, ... - ..1 , 1_6th r 1837. .:_:__s - 4i-t-HVa- - Tt.X4 , Xit)Wtrati-- - 4-itp--- . llAraliDixiii . ''*9*4 ER 111 offal's -Vegetable Lille Pills • :and'• . _TIMM NIX MUTTERS. • - A..CON,TRAST, • - - All nations, redni the reMdtest ages, have had ships, but Columbus mily. tbb old out the way to AmeSica. Berms" the final, of the get mt Spauish tutvigatur,lieuple were mil y• 1211 8- bled to paddle: about the shores. Just so with - the Lire 'iltdicines. -It is Silt two=year,since first - ventuyeil upon nu 1111k1111.11 111111 I have discovered the preelous object I, was in searelior-11E A 1:111. Vegetable mediciaes were indeed. known *hen I conimeliceir my search. but their ustrwas nut. the *'hen, or them, I :have tilt . Only Passed .I'rook the dt;jecied invalid, to the hale, hear( y wail Active 1111111 W * 1014111;34, lust, COMparati wok spealsing,l have renewed my youth.; 1 tuna thus, with coditilence iu my:owit -es perieney, advise winnuy fellowstutkzens. - Does the reader Whit proof that the VI:GETABLE LIVE - . - SIEDICIN are suitable to his (tun case?. ; have - on file at toy office, 5.16 Broailwar, - hulvdrediTir letters, from late orthe most iespeetable.eitizeris yr this my native hititl; voluntary olrer ed 1m testimony or the virtues. or A GOOD- VC:G*I'4ILE 'AIb:DICIN E. - • - ... . Pelloll3 whoa .01151.1tyti0131 have, been nearly mined by the 6, 41-infallible" mineral prenarntions el' the day, AI 111 bear one ' ivitues.; that the Life :+ledicinesounl':stich only, are the true. noun,: to permanent good health. JOHN MOFFAT. . . . . GENERAL REMAIIIiS'ItELATIVE TO MOP PAT'S LIFE PILLS Sc. PIRENIX lill"l'LltS . - these 'medicines 'Hive long liven known and appreplated; fur their rotrapnlinary-and immediate powers or restoring. Perfs'el :nalth, to persons suilfei ins" tinder nearly every lull of disease to which the hnittan frame is liable. ' • - . In many •hundreds of certificated instances, they have evenTescued suffereri froth the fi.l.j , verge of an untimely _g rave, a f ter - allilie - tleceptive -- nostrilin" .-11 RHIHI -1 "” 1- nt" terly failed; and to inanyiliontands they haveyerinnuently secured that uniform enjoyment of health, withoin which life itself is but it partial' blessing. So. great,_intlet"d has their efficacy invariably and infallibly proved, that .it has appeared - Irtireely less - than miraculous to. those whimwere unacquainted with the beautifully philosophieaL principles ,nptin which. they are compounded, mill-upon which 'tlity consettuently act. It was to' their Manifest and sensibly -action tirporifying the springs' and channels oflife, and enduing them with reneweclioneitnd vigor, that they were indebted foe their name, whirl was bestowed thou them nt the spout:unions request of several individuals WilaSli WC'S they had obsionsly.saved. . . • • -' - . — 2 l:lip-proprietor ;reloices - itr - the-apporittnity7ffortled by the universal diffusion of the daily press, for - placing his VEGE FABLE I.I.I , F,I'ILLS within the knowledge and reach of - every. individual in - the eranitiniiy. Unlike the os' LoLpernici k t iiloccliet•ies,_schich Ilona. or_ . .• , gr - lients,. the . • Pills, are Jolrly,urgehible, and contain cp neither MercUry, .ittimony, Arsenic; nor ally other min, erali in - any form - liateven; They are entirely tomposed of extracts from rare and powerib I plants, the' virtues of wide'', though long known to Several, Indian tribes,Liutil.. recently to soineeininentpharninceutieal chemists, arc aim-- gether unknown to ilium pretenders to medical science; and wero never before administered in .so happily efficacious a combination. . ____...-..... . . , . The fir.l 7- operation is . to lot Wen the coats ..of the stomach and.bowels, the various impurities and ertidiOesjeonitantly. _ 33 nettling around - them ; • atitb - to remove the hardened faces which collect in the convoltitions • of the'small intestines. Other medicines partially cleasnse tiiese, and leave slid' col lected masses bellindias to trothieti habitual costiveness, with all its train of evits, or sudden diarrhoin, milli its ins , minent Clangers.This:fact- s melt known to all egtilit litiatoptists, who ',examine the Inman bowels after dentie, told hence the prejudice of Slit e well informeduien against thetlitacp. medicines of the a it. 'lite second effect of the vliGEß___A PLY. LI.IIt,,PILLS to-cleanse-Ott-1 itlsicys-atitt- Firchtlder,-a nil- hy-this-antia ~ ,i te—livor andt_thc_laugs,, the healthful action of millets entirely-tlepentlierupon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, whirl, talnis its red color. front the agency of the liver and the langs be• _fare_ it passes into tile hearty hying Out's purified by them, land nourished by • ilicid coining from a eltan- - .stiminelt, - coprses freely through. the veins, renew s every parted` the systbiiTand trinmpliantly- mounts the.-banitdr.oL_lnalth Tn . , tltar blooming OliCeleTT --- - - ----..—.., . Till! i ' olloylllW, arc milting the distressing varietyoflitiniatt diseases, to islnch the-Vegetable Life l'itls - itre - well LH:001- ito hrinfallildb:— _ , DYSPEPSIA i hi - thoroughly, (dimming the lint amid . ecand.stato sett 5, and-cresting to Iffitrer-pure f lealtityliile,- itstead of the state and timid kinds- Flatulency; Palpitation of the heart, Loss of A ppetit ~ heart-burn and llcad.ache, Ltestleisitess,- Ill•tempet, Anxiety, Languor, amyl Melatt -elioly,-whiclravathe general symptoms of Dyspepsia, w ill tantsliasa - nataral - consequeti ce"ofits - e ere. - Tortireners, 'by elemising - therwhiile lengtleot't he itt tes tinese‘wit It tmaile, - :tent - prrie•i3sl; a itd - iri theist - Mien cavalrvialuirrptirgerleave rite bowels costive within two dam. Didrrlura 111111 Cholera, by removing the sharp acrid Iltdds by ash lob these Com plaints are oceusioned, and by promoting the lithrientive 1 secretion of the tilbsciii_meittbrane. l'ercri fall kiiiils,. ,1 hy restoring the hhibd to reguthr circulation, through the 1 lrocps of persimation in sonic, eases, and the thorough_ so, otion of all intestinal obstructions in others. The LIEli- PILLS haveLeen known to cure Rheimiatiraslvermaitently in three weeles',and Gout in half that time, by removing, - local Milstein:dim.. from the muscles and ligaments - of the ,joints. Drojpies aloft hintliOry freeing AIM strengthening .the-kidne)l and - bladdem.they_operate_inostelelightfully- on - these important_orgins, amtlence have ever : been funnel ic certain remedy for the worst Cases of Gravel. A !so, lyoritts, by disloithig. from the turningttlf the bowels 'the slimy *inutterlo which these creatures adhere; 'Asthma and Con suniption,by relievingthe air vessels bf the lungs finnt tint mucus, which even phi ht colds ' I occasion,. which it not i removed becomis hardened,. • d pr duces those el t•eadlith diseases. Scurvy, Uhler!, an - invete ate sure; by the perl ect purity-which these-tafe 'ills - give o the blood, and My_ r ts.ti the humors; Scorbutierrop ons, and tad-complexionsi lie their alternative effect upon he hails that feed the skits, the ) Morbid state of which oc asions all Eruptive complaint- . Sallow; Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions. '1 he - use of these Pills forts very short time, es ill Oil et out entire cure of Salt - Rheum, Erysipelas, and a striking improve silent iii the Cl.l tat.. tif the skin. COlllllloll' C01(13 Mill In fluenza, will always he cured by utle dose, or by two, even in' the worst cases. Piles,, as a remedy fur this Intattlis , 1 tressing and obstinate malady, the Vegetable Life Tills de , ' serve a distinct and 'emphatic recommendation. It is at ell l: mown to hundreds in this city, that the Proprietor of tlit Se invaluable Pills. was himself alllikul with the complaint I for upwards of thirty : fircyeam, null he tried in vain every remedy prescribed within the , hole compass of the Meteriu Medict. Ile however, at length, tried the medicine which I lie stow off. rs to the public, nod III,NVIIN elliell in a very short time, after bit recovery -had' been pronounced not only itn probable, but absolutely impossible, by iniy human means. mitEcTionrs FOR 11SE.-The Proprictorof the l'ege• table Lifi, Pills sloes not follow the base and nit•rcenart mac ' - Um, 6f - the - quacks - of - the'llffiArinsmivising'personr , to - talre - - his Pills in large quantities. No good medicine can miiii lily, be so required. • Thise pills are to be taken at bed time !'every ilight e for a Week or furtniglit, according to the disease. The usual dose is from 2 to 5, according to the constitution of the person. Verydelicate persons should begin as itli but ' two, and increase as the nature of the case may require: those more robust, or of very &Afire habit, may begin with 3, and increase to 4, or even 5 Pills. and they will effect a stlfficiently happy change to guide the patiinit in - their fur 'titer use. These lulls some times oceitsien sickness and I vomiting, though very sehloni k runless the stomach is very I foul; this, liowever f amy be considered a favorable symptoms, as thepatient_will find himself at once relieved, and by per- severance - will - soots eecover. - - They usually operate_skithin 1 10 or 12 hours, and never give pain unless the bowels are very mut Vettett inhered,: ' They may be,;takett - by the must - 1 delicate females under any cireitnistanEes.-It Is, however, recommended, that!those in later periodsof pregnocy should 1 take-but -one et a time. and - thus continue to lieu! the I howels'open: and even two may be taken whe r e liirpufrilir is very misfire. ,One pill in a solution of two table spoons full of water,.may_h.egiven to an infant' in the following doses-a•tetriiption full every two hours till it operates; fora child from one to five years of age, half a pill-and from five to ten, one - pill. . . . , . THE PIPENIX BITTERS, are so called, becanse they posseirthe power of restoring the.expiring embers of health, ton glowing, vigor throughout the constetution,as the Pine lliX II 'el•to be restored so life- from the ashes qf its. own disso' tion he Phcenii Bitters are entirely vegetable, coin o outs found only in certain parts of the western count y, wide i ill infallibly cure FEVERS AND AGUES of all rielirWilleritiVer - fliil to eradicate_ entirelYffirtife - iw I'ecu:o _Zdercury,inflnitely, .soonertlian-the-most-powrtrfeil preparations of Sarsgparilla, and will inimediately cure the determination of BLOOD TO THE HEAD; never fail in the sickness incident to young fertiales ; and will be found a certainremedy in all cases of ikerrous debility and weakness of the most impaired constitutions, As a remedy for Chro rik and , Inflammatory itheutnatistn,,thb 'efficacy of the Phoenix Bitters will'be dernonstrated by the 'use of a single bottle. Thausual dose 'of these bitters is hall a wine glass ' full, iii,water or wine/ and thiS,,quantity- may be taken two or three times a day, abouthilf an lour before Meals, or a lesiquantity :nay be taken at all times. TO those alto are afflicted with indigestion after meals ) these 'Bitters will - prove invarciable, arthey very greatly increase`the action or the principal viscera, help them to perelrm their functions, anigmlable the stomach so discharge. into 'the bowels whatever is offfinsive. Ihus iniligestion is easily and speed . - Iy.reoloyed, appetite,restored, and the, f thee_ mouths oe • . a 5 ,1 ,orbeut vessels being cleanted, nutiitionls facilitated, lid - strength of hody and.energy of mind are the happy retells . For further particulats of MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS/ and PIHENIX_ BITTERS, apply at Mr. Moffat'! Miley, No. 10 Broadway,STew York, where the Pills can be obtained , itir2s centsiso cents, or $1 per box,' and the Bitters for 81 ; or -82 per bottle. o:7Nitmerous catificateg of the wonder, 4 Ail efficacy of ballsi may be there inspected; - ---,-• 1 ; In some obstinate arid complicated c.ascs - of - throitincrid= inflammatory Abenmittism, Liver Corn dainty Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Palsy, Piles, injuries from the use of mer cury, quinine, and other diseases of long standing,it rutty he found micestury to take both the Life Pills and Phoenix Bit ters, bathe doses beffiee'recoinmentled. ' . . N.B.—These Pills and the Bitters will getall.mercury out of the system infinitely foga preparationtof Sarsaparilla, nnd-are n eetnin remedy for the rushhig of Moid tff, - thi Aced,. or-nit violent:headaches, tic douletttu.t, Ike.- I, All persons who are predisposed to -op op fexy, patty, &e., should never be without the Life Pills or the lagers,. ; for one dose in time will save life. 'fhey equalize the Meet,- : lotion of the blood, draw allpressure from the head, restore perspiration, and throw off every impurity by the oresmf the skin. • - Fot - sale - at - the - store - of - S; — ELLIO' T. September' 18, 1881.-Iq. .Flaiseed Wanted' , One Hundred Bushels of clean Flaxseed . Want ed at the store of the Subscriber iiiSOuth Hanow ver Street. ' , . '' ' '•_.S. C. BOT:ANDER.. ---Carlisle Sept 18,1837. -•- . t ' ' Mal= 44241 , 1122 1 0. ATTORNEY. AT LAW, '.-‘, South ,East_ofliforket Sguttri r iparlide. Pa. • BRANDIRETIIPS A supply..* Brandretha _Pills, in 60. the eh me, jest received, and for pale, at ' ' • ~ o(AILls ) 1 1 „8 i , ! I . I ,TNER. ' • A Beautiful),lead of Is the grandest ornament belongmg 'to theldt 'man7fraine. nosy strangely:The loss of it changes. !the countenance and prematurely brings On the appearancea of eld'agt2!.; 'which causes Malty tore _coil_aLbeing—uncoveredand--sometimes-evenrto- shon's:ociety to avoid the jests and sneers of their ticquaintanceS . ; the• remainder of their liveS are I conserpiently - Spent in 'retirement. -' In short, not. even the loss of property.lilli the - generous think 7 ._ Ling youth with that heavy'sinking gloom as does the losS of his - hair, To avert all these 'utipleas anti:circumstances, OLDRIDGE'S BALM Or COLUMBIA stops the hair fi.om falling' of on the first application; and a TeW. bottles - restore_it_ 1-• rain. It likewise prqduces-oyebro-Ws-and-whis- , , kers; prevents the hair froth turning-grey, makes I it - curl-beautifully,-and - freeS it from scurf: 'Pht incrous,certificates of -the _first_ respectability in :Support:of-AIM .- - v.irtuti=ofrOldridge-s 13aIni , ar.(_-- shown by the_proprietors. - - ' - • •'• - - ' _XI t eadrthe 'mind: - ~ -- _... r - ROBERT WHARTON, cf.,- late -Mayor_ of T lThiladelPhia,has certified,- as i ly_be_seen belW,_ t o The ; 'bigh - , character of 'the following gentle-. - :. ~:. 'men. . The' undersigned do hereby certify that, we have used the Hahn of Columbia 'discovered by. J.Oldridgi.', and have found it highly servicea ble lint only as a preventative.agajnst theJatfing off of . hair; attolso_a cartain-restorative,-:,:- - , ',IfM.THATCIIF,II, senior;' Methodist' Minister in St. George e Na. 86 North Fifth strut. JOHN I'..INCLIS,I33I.Arch • JOHN 1). TIIONIAS; M. 1)163 - 11:Tc - e — St: JOHN - S.ll'U 191•SpFnee st. , • HOG!' MtUltDV;•`243 -.§otith-4411 st. _ „ - JOHN G-k. 111) Jr 1 1 3 \r c 1 t- . . . The aged, .and th.ctie,wll9 persist' wearitig wigq, may, not always experience its restorative italities; - 7tr.rit — tvill'tertainly — raTheTitS - •yir 'es-lit the estimation of the public , ,when it is: kltoic~i that Aliree of the above signers are' inore 50 years of Pge f . that the- otheri - notsless - -thanr3o.- - -:' . • . [From the - Mayor.] -- - ..... '4- '. Go 361(iNWC:k1TIt - OF -PF.NS ST IA A 74 nTr.:.: - , City orPhiladelp_hia - . • _,..1._11.01.3yAtT 11 1 11 All roN, m:iv or of aaid 'City _o Philadelphia, do itereby. , certifi that I am; well acipiaipted with- Messrs, 3.-P. Inglis,. John , S. -Furey, and Hugh McCurdy, whose, names are alined to the above certifiCate, that they are gen -t-lemeit of cliaraCter 'and respectability, and as Such full credit allot - aid be given to the said eel.. In witness whereOf, I have - hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of this city to be [•L. S.] affixed_,thjs sixth day of Decembor, ROBERT WHARTON, Mayar., Observe that each bottle of the Genuine Balm: has a splendid engraved wrapper, on which is represented the Falls of Niagara, &c. Scc. • . For sale at'wholesite by COMSTOCK &. ‘ ,C o. sole 'Agents for Ameriba, New .York, and by most druggists throughout America. To I'riolerB.--,All printers or editors who will insert the above, leaded,. for G months in a weekly paper, and . send one -- nuarberof-theirinrper't. the agent, shall' be entitled to one dozen of the above article. - . . . . For sale by S. C. BoL.kNonn, Also for sale by S. ELLIOTT. Supdrior Farm - EIT - LR-11 Containing apont • 4 75 elcres: :Situatc4 in-St. Clair township, .Illegheny Camay, Pa. • - Tbis Farm is be. t utifully situated on the waters Of Chartier's Creek, FIVE Mills from rert ) the city of Pitt..burg.. - The Washington turnpike runs thin a few rods of -thelike_ oft-the-orte_Si e;_ancL.the Steubenville turn ike—withirr-two-miles 'on the -other;-the State_ road front. Virginia to Pittsburg passes through it ; also, a County road connecting' , I t ta tt — ii - ard — arid — tireliNash ing t on-Turn— pike, passes the door. About 300 acres are cleared, and in azoOd state of cultivation.— There are near • , 200 ACRES BOttom Land, which for richness and'fertili ty cannot be . surpassed in the state, a. large .portion .this is meadow, and enough, miglis.__boliaa_de to jproduce ,100 tons of 'hay annually theft is a great abundancebuil ding stone, & lime stone, and 300 acre(of'the Blest ififfienditons. Coair Which can dl be get out conveniently.— The tirnb`er is abundant .and . good. The bui}dings consist-of ,a -large • CUT • A good springapd4toneMilk.-house ;-two-Of the best bank Barns in the . county, 70 by, 38 feet and 60 by 30, with stabling under the a large frame Stable, . . roar ' Te nant Roil eS . 7 _ . - iiittritaliii - Fig'lTtathe - d - ra — frame - 7 eating e,( House and parsonage • house with a 'oils other out buildings, such as carriage ousel Cow, house, Corn house. Bee house, School house, &c. These are all of a better order than._ usually found. oil Farms in . Western Pennsylvania., • Tke,wholefartn is abundant ly and heautifuOy watered. - • , - .. tatti,EALIM Bearing all kinds of Fruit, adjoins the Man sion-House. In regard' to fertility and quantity of land, quality of improvements and nearness to market, (being only 5 miles fromPitt;sburg,) .this fdrm is not equalled in Western Tenn qlvania. It will be sold on liberal .terms; and immediate possession. given. Inquire, of JOHN' MOSS, on the premises, or J. 8e H. ALEXANDER, No. - _209, Market street - Phil'a. August 71 18.17.-3 m. • • Wanted immediate y. PPE- subscrlher-desirotis of_hlringzj_c_r_4 , l loCed MASONS, and also 3 or 4 carpen terse will giyie *slant itnployment and the highest wage to'any who may call upon him for, , ,•,,,„„ • --• SAMUEL OCt. 30, 10 . ..-31.* • •Ve-r-t• The Pi OW6fliO pay, , PRGE - ONE POLLAR. . • -• "It is considered of great Importance fur the public to kitim the : following'facts: t•YAbout . four years ago, .soloitforlitflays7tlTe - pet. - son tit 'whom the celebrated Dr. Gridley had,, on. Ins deal h•bed .imparted the secret of making a Liniment. to ewe ' the files, authoriied it to be - Tifider"tbe --- na - me of Meat, and enjoined that all who would use (me bottle.for the . Piles; and return' titePentrity bottle, should'have. the twice refunded: Since that time, upwards — of - fifty-thousand bot tles have been sold, out pr which, not ten—have' rii.turnil,.and_thesu doly_ - becitusellte_pOscins did not - use it properly!! Such wondefful success, Probably, never attended any otheractiele': .ft is nutddetermined by the proprietor, fhafTliliiX-- lic'filiall be made -mitre fully acquainted with its virtnes, so that those suffering. with that dreadful° complaint may avail themselves of its Ilse. - -•: 'There, are many:: th6usnni certificates of the most respectable and authentic clutiterer, Irian)" of which may be . cianaineitiiiherethe, article sold. ' .4••• cti MI KS is used as'an - external applicatibM and- for , many other coMplaints .entimeroted in the wrap -per is considered remarkably elf , ctive;.:hut for - the Pi LEs it has noegnal, and the agents are now- Tun to refuncrirr-ttli case's,.whTire -- it - dtia not cure. . It is being usetl'in-llospitaiS: iii our principal AtilLgreatAreot,-- _ tranrdirnirreheml,takcom,. position, the result of. science and the invention. of-a' Celebrated medieill man, the intro duction - ofs which to Ow publie.was invested with the solem 7 Mty of a death-bed bequest, lots since gained a epidation unparalleled, tally susthining the, cot , _ reetniEss - orhe - h ttmented - br..Cridleys last con: fession, that "he dared not die without giving to imsteritv_the_benefit of his knowledge on this subject;', and he t Itvre lore berate:ailed to his frie . ll(l anil and attendailraohnnoli li.oys;the secre . hi4 - iliscovcry. • It. it now. used in the principal hospitals; awl -the:prii . .,att.-practice in ourcountry; ftratanttywit certainly_ for the cure of the i'dni, and also-so extelisi - vely.and.efrectually as'to baffle credulity, unless where its effects are witnessed. External- IA jii .the following complaints.___" ffi :For Dropsy—Creating extratmlinary ab, •c.". • ;LI - sorption at once. . . . . . An' Stecikugs—lteducing them in a • rew :v -. ... - a., hours: . . - ... IT.: Rheumatism—Acutc or Chronic,. giVing - ,Soke ,- fliiruat—iyy cancers ; . ulcers . or- col ds. P/ and. v cr4lr 4 . o'4 l 44' ,7 rv'aoreg.oimu , ..1//. Bruises, AS'prains an ITurns—Cuting. • bores and l7eei•s—)Viiet4r fiv:sll . cir lii g r standing and Fe'ver . CP Rs operaii . ons- upon adults and 'children in rel. ducing rheumatic swtllings, - and looseing . coughs and-Ogldnestrof - thelicst - b - y - rela - .yatiom-ofTtim.7, -parfs.Thas - been surprising beyffint conception.— I The COMMdli remark or those - who. have used it in the-Piles, is, "It-acts like a charm." I. It is used onlyas,an_ external applicat:on, and its soveri_ign=p_ower_itLettri.k.;_.• Lbe aboyeatne. Coniplainni•isunstiiied-by saentitio-principles._ - - Out of The many Warm recommendations this Remedy lias received, the fUlloWinitifily are sub joiued. They are generally extracts from letters fronipersous of the highest respectability-whose ; names are not published.. for obvious • reason's, I thotigh,..the writers have-..not objected to have, them shot to such as wish to see them. . • • "Of all the remetlies'-we , .•,sVll, none gives so decided satisfaction as Hays' Liniment. We ean procure, if,,,you desire,.-the best recrmendations from some of "Our - most worthy citizens." offido, April -10//z, 1837: have sold Hays ' tiniment and 'could n have sold tchimdre. - Jude—is efired by it, - & has sent at least twenty persons here to buy it." • VicAgburg, January 3d, 1837. We are in . want of Lays' Liniment, and the sales are uncommonly good, and the article thus far, unrivalled. It is used fora varlet") , of corn- Tirat Mr. C. , a 'planter- now here,' Ens' written near half a'page about the cure - he has.experi enced by it, not having before left his honk for months. lie was cured of 'Piles in iiirty-eight hours; we will send' yon his eulogies which may be of service to Mr. Lays." • Charki fon, S.C., Dec. 281741837. b eemdistressed-for-four -years:with-the Pile's, my Sufferings have been intense, and my physician had recommended' an operation as the only • means 'of relief. Hays' Liniment was ad vised, and I have' used one bottle, and so far as I can judge am fay and entirely cured. - 1 cannot refrain ,frorwApressing my anxiety ty have its qualities more extensively ,known. Nov Orleans; Nov. '3d, 1836. • "Mr. Hays,—khavedamned•Qoack MediCines, ralomel_Doctors, L s obelia Stemners, Vegetable octors, and so on to the end, last of all myself; ife - aml - every Thhig besides; having all arts of an idea about a heap or comfort, in exchanging' life. for that place a right smart Chance, hotter than any - ahortt - in---these-parts. , ==.l.l4ave-Inul-the-fo • eighteen Months till I got .your Liniment:three' days ago, and now, I am well and have, thrown l'hitsic to, the dl is." • St. Louis, May 511,, 1837. "'We idoritio.tv: what the people do -with Ilays' Liniment, sure they cannot all have the we reckon it is used for Itheumatlsm, 'eougli,,sotes,. swell ings; _We have l_sold-a,large gijantity_this_year,..as„you...may—know_by—ouriast purchase, which is alllone,. Please send us two &oat. more, and also tlft . articles, ordered last week,, if 'not already shippvl:" Yours, - &c. 'tire, might multiply such as the abotre to any in deffnite length, but prefer that persons generally who, sell the article 'should e 511.01( to their cus tomers • the, original dertificateAtejr have _ on hand.—lt is for sale by S., C. BOLANDER. Also for sale at the"store'OrS". Elliott. ffost ,5411,r4 T HE subscriber offers for sale the following described house and half lot of ground, sit uate on the north side of Main' street in the bor ough, of , Carlisle, .nearly opposite 'Mr. George Aughinbaugh's hotel—the west half of lot No. 61; in ilie pT~in of --- bouncled — by Main street on the •so ,T. uth Dr. T. Wets 'on the west; Dickinson-alley - (:;3 feet wide) on the north, and the widow Creighton on the east, containing 30 feet in front - and 240 feet in depth.. The_buil slings•ar • • _ Frame - If'eatherbocoiled . c .17 ' MI 4-ATIT [fronting on Main street with a large' .- brick Back A NH) B R . N 1 ST(A B L . E , fronting on the alley:: - SaiiLha.lf lot is. in.ll high, state of improvement, with a verietxof choice.- • • Fruit Trees and Grape - Vines, now bearing, Currant and Goosebaill Bilskii;aad ;Shrubbery-ofdifferent-kinds. ----- • - • An indisputable .title will be gitiren to the pur chaser. Further particular are deemed unne :ceisary.. Any persons wisl ing to, phrchase i are invited' to call and view the nemises. The. terms :will be - made known by : • .•JA OB SQTAP.R. August 28. 1837. • . N. 13.4" - Gociret"Vestern, paper on . soh vent banks will be received in jiayrnent for:the above . 3. . . . . . • It. rENNER ........ • Jent:rat ' T ent for Pennsylvnbin; MaiTlnntl; lb•laware t & e . No 34 south 701111. three doors below Market ti.,. Platadel ph in t .antl. Nu../O_North.st.,_ThlitiaL9lls,:..lllitt_tlitt.kat_Qt. ..... EALTI4 _SEC U R I/ lIY • Tilt Or THE Ilc ET,Ou.r.' OKI vEttERL. NI Ell 1111PiES' OF • war; 13 urri stf R-.OS ' ty Ain e -the Approln.tiiMi and Recommend:AM - it of s, 'Who have been cured in Consumption, Cholera Maims, Milani:t hous internally-or exiernally„ and all di:lease:4 of Liter,l7ellOw Fever, Cunt, Rheumatism, Luifiliago; Ti - ellolbreux.. -- Dropsy; St,' Vistus'S Dance, Epilepsy,. A pp.oplexy,Talsy,_Green_Sick, :tiess; find -all 'obstrubtions-to which - the Female form is so, distreSsingly tiablo; _and which settil,so V'many oldie fairest portion of . the el-ea (ion' io their untimely . graves': . Small PO * .k,,:Meales, Whoeping .Cough;.Scarlet Fever, Asthma, Jaundice, t3ravel, 'Stone, and :di Urinary Obstructions, Fistula,- Piles, StrictureS, Ruptures, and Syphilis in all its shigeS,' COnsti [Wedbowers, )'Dams, Scurvy, Itching tit' the 'Skim Evil, and alt Cutaneous Disorders ; in short, ,every Complaint.- which the lininan frame is so direfully kubjecl, under all their variid forms and names; .as the pygeian conviction is, ~that man is subject to Only one reed disease ; that , to the impurity of tlth blood, from whence springs every cOmplaint :11110%can possibly- - assak his cum. pli'eated frame,.and that it•is the 'pet_lpetual strur gle ire' stream. of lite, -I ftre — ilirctif - Almiglity:pow - to:clisencontbei• or-itsvvis , humors,:_with which it has become cbromixedi . . ' • . . _. This-valinible medicine, being composed only of vegetable matter, 'or medicinal herbs, and war. ranted on oath,-as. containhi 'Particle of nercurial, , mineral, or chenneal substmiceS, (all of• which are. uncongenial to the nature - of loam. and therefore deitructive to the human frame) • *. • . bc-perfectly harmless to-the most ten. der age, or weakest frame, under every stage Of human suffering, the most pleasant and_beffign in .its smeration r and at the same time the most cer, lain in searaing out-the"riot of CS:Cry Complaint-, however deep - , and of performing a cure that .wgs ever offered-to the world.. 'This-wonderful effect, top is produced: by , the. least tzmible fdllie.pa , tients, by merely :swallowing a teitain fiumber of billF!, and being called a few extra , times to the purpose 'of evacuation, With the leaSt possible sensation of.pain, exhaustion of bodily strength, and wlthdut the fear of catching cold j 'or - atten tion to cll42ss of diet, in anyway difkrent, from ! - theiraccustomedr - habits: ,- Thesepills - cure-iii" aft :cases,_ mul- s taintot..lie.takeit.to.- cue CSS, E X Vrj.. s l ol4,9#l4,4Lai th c,iottVWlAW4l.liY4r, ; "`e, ge,'..oa.•oog - -'.. - • ••,..!esuiniony_to_tiielact; and extensive use 'of them* has already verified . its h_nth in this country. -' ..- . • . . . 1 _'Thesee - medidines cure by rarrging7 aml yet the ,weak, the feeble,, the infirm, the fithOU.B, thy delicate are in a few dayS strengthened' by their operation, because they clear the body;of it: bail humors; and invariably _produce. sound. sleep. fliey-are.ithe-safeSt-atid-most-eflicacions:Mediehte to take id - se:4 prei'criting . setilld,-Ciistiveness,-&c -! The operation of this mild - Meffichie-,--Whicir coMieys immediate conviction of its utility, from '-the first-dose-is-as -beneficiaLto...the mind ns.tlie body; first; calming, them curing all Mental de; Tangements, Eccentricities;Nervoes-A Ifections r IFritabilitieS 'and: - ,4lestlessneSs; from. whatever source; etiMplainta.whieli have hitherto.nottheen properly understood, as the llygeists - hare fonnil tlicin aIL a tu prbceed froincrinionions humours in ' the blood, and,`frappily forAite present and future lace of Mankind, discovereda"Cheap and univer -1 sal mode of purifying, curing; and preventing. - - TIM being cured of any disease, infirmit ' or sofe, - infow no more a . u taus or uncertain pro., H cedure—perseverance in-the'Vegetable Univers:ll -Medicines will always restore nature to her dile. cotirse... .The _literary and_ sedentary, ..of_ both pursuits sexes, whose so much impair the feal ties, ties,will find a sure remedy in" the' Universal Medicines for preserving the energy and spright liness of, the imagination, and improving their health; old age will be attained by the use Of them, and passed free from pain and infirmities.. - They are not enveloped with the mysteries of other medicines; they only require to be perse vered in with su ffi ciently large doses,' and the..pa -1 tier4--will-come-off well;=-_-.when.Afft,s_eaSe i 5 b.b... stinate, patients frequently de not take doses huge enough. • The medicines are comprikd in three different articles only, viz: in two kinds of-pills, of differ ent Strength' or. power, designated, by No 1 and '.. 5 ..;• the firs 'is a powerful, but most mild - and gen: tle imeriei t, or opening medicine, detaching, and partially moving the billions ropy humours, - whilst - the -- No: - 2 - Pills - carry - off - those - and OA: serous acht_and putrid latimours, incidental to the body; and act' together as a ferret in. a warm), never resting mail every avenue of the human frame is' thoroughly searched, and cleansed - of its impurities. 1 . . The Vegetable Cleansing Powders are of great assistance to patients and facilitate the'esfacuatiori of bad humours; they soften, cleanse, and detach the acrimonious phlegn are cooling; and allay the thirst. One, two r or three powders may be taken_thrunghoul - day, mixed in half_a • ttum bier of water. Ifl•31E=1 The pills are in packets of $l, $2, and $3, and 25• and boxes-tlie- two former' consist of three ach, viz:. one box of No. , and two boxet ..,'2—the latter, one larger, box with a diiTsTon;' - the powd6..s - ttre in separate-] boxes at 37-A cents each. . . -(3071n consequence of the repeated solicitations . of the agents, and for the convenience of the ! Public in general, boxes of 50 cents, and 25 cents each, can now be itad of all the Agents.. - ' of the Papally Adviser tit the Bintidt-CoLegeof !Width, 34,Edition,,p_rice f27s,and - FiIACTICYCNitoo FS of the iI y ge- - ian System of Physiology, including the "Origin . of Life." " Treatise on Sthall PoX . , '. "Letter on Cholera Morbus," and Many attested cures effect s. cd i this country , as well as in Great Britain, 6th V. ' n on, ' price 37i cents —" • . . pit T e Ilygelan Medicines are all imported into his c nary at n great expense, notwithstanding Which t cy are sold at the same price as in Eng- - land. '1 have been 6 years before the Amer ican public; their preeminent success in the relief of.the afflicted, tho usands can testify , .- O:3'.CAOTION.-7,-To consetinenmof the high_ 'estimation in which Morrison's Pills are -held by the it has induced an innumerable host of unprincipled counterfeiters .to attempt imitations, under deceptive terms thus to delude the unwary,, and foist their nostrums for the Genuine Ilygcian Medicine; in consequence of which, the Agent hag taken the ,precautionary measure of haring tin Extra Yellow Lab - erfriEd - oiViiaelf - Pa - ekitriiglia by-the Agent of each State and District, and by their Sub-Agents, in every County;' the imitation of which will subject the forger to the severest punishment the Law caninflict:-.antl4t-is44llter• to be noticed, that aliment' the above: MediC.ines can be obtained• in any Drug Store throughout the Union ; the Drug Stores being the principal source thiough which ,the Counterfeiters Vend their spurious articles. - ' • . .-cf_ncespectable4attiek - rtiay -- be appointed A- -gents onliberrd_territs, by iipplying to the General Depot, No. 3i SOUTII SIIVENTII STIMIT, thrive doors below Market-street, Philadelphia—and at N 0.1.0 North street Baltimore, nearly opposite the It Post Office, • wlei.° the Pennine Medicine may s - h e - obt shed, ahvay- - : , For:sale itt Carlisle,. at the stoye - of Ocit.- -. . . 'BY & HITNER. - , .. . . Sept. '4, 1837. . ,-, ~, • , • Stock, a~ul -.laCchange - BROKER . Marrisbnrgi Market street, opposite to ,Wilson's Hotel, MCI itlat(DOZWAlat,Zi Buys amisells Notes (Wall kinds. , ; 'Stocks bought and sold. LOT I'ERIT VRIZES. cailied,. and alt information given relatiye to LOTTEItitS4 august 21 1837. .MORRISON'S PILLS. FM . . _ lON ,citrnE The- Indian Specific, Fdr the prevention and cure of Coughs, Colds; AStlinaas, Consumptions,. spitting 9 of Blood, and diseases of the , breast and lungs, &c. . . ' Doctor clarNon, Freeman, the propric= tor of the specific, 'resided 'upwards of four. y ears IA ra g-4.10 different-rtri Aineri c a n.-I ti clitfu so a nd.,Ny ith u'nWearled ' - gence • used every means inlislii3O.wer•to're..4, quire a knOwledge of the different r - entedieS usecl t by.them, for the cure:of the sick and / woundcdTand - morepartictilarlY those Which =trey takejireirentand cure the . . • Om and omplaints of the lireßst and hingS. Ile obser ed the Indians were,-object to -- iii - drousr - turd similar complaints to I.those whit people ; 'and from Their. nufide•of liv-. ing;=and_being-.expoSetl--toLthe-incletilency -- of all weathers; many of their complaints were corn plipgted,and violeat. Although 111101 y. of their diseases wete of such a na= lure as Woulil, with people in A*. state !cave terminated in confirmed consump-: tibus ; yet,-during- 'the time- 'hp. was- witO them, he did not hear of one who died conguipbtion; • 6. . • So happy are they in their knowledge of ' retnedios, and •so certain of their - effects--; , *hen applied in time, that it may be said ".1. • true consumption - is a disease never knowri - o)• heard among them." The truth of .this' -- obsersatienscast:be.torrolterated by all wild .7 rayhall_the_oppextunity_of_beco_rning _ac- ..". (planned with these people. It may then be - as e - d - Wri - Fthey are exempt firotitthes - --- c t - Tn - ,= - 7 --- -plaints? The ,reason-is-obvious- cause" 7 ,7, they immediately seek for relief, an pre- - - mit - those complaints which insensi y un- , det.nribe the constitution,: rind bring n incu- -, ruble consumption. - - , • . . 131 - 11zrof di ection acCompany each • boltte Of the Spec' c," ,• • pointing out in a conspicuouS • i l l -manner, all _ he-syMptotns _in _the_ different_ „ stages of -these distressing-diseases ;:alsopar ticular directions respectitig_Diet and Reg ;linen, and how - patientslare - to conduct them ! selVes't hrough j every - stage - untilliealth , rs=re: stored; for vain and" useless - would_ be the .prescriptions-of. the ablest physician, • ac- • c(mp:tided with the most powerful medicinek' if his dirc'ctions arc not faithfully adhered l . • . N \ ' - Tile pub)ic-,are informed -that : the deposi4l-:- tions Of two hundred and eighty-seven per sons have bceti taken before the proper-.an- .. diot-hies - al the city,-of-Lyreitster,l'aill-e."-ciffi-T— -plttely, cured -of the most' desperate cases ,nf consuription,„some of which are detailed , iii -the bills accompanying the Bottle. .. -.,.•• . . . The price -of- .each bottle . - of INDIAN, Si'FCIFIC is One Dollar and each •envel - - 6 - I)ing - the geritijne Specifieissigned by Dr.', " Clarkson Freeman ; and the initials C. F. on this seal ofealt bottle. NOne can be gen- ~ Mile without' hi'Ssiguature ; a base compeisi-. tion having en atiemptect - tO - lie'im pusecl±, - - on - the -publi by' a-- counterfeit imitation- of - _this_c_7sitalipilifz.l_Mgrticle.: • • -. Lis k s ,..tonstant supply of ' tha.above,Spcd ifid, is kept calistainly op - sale, by SAMU.KL - EL Liorr, Cat lisle, and by Samuel Wilson -- zbliinps_usbuit, • • . , . Dec. 14, 1836 - : - =—'ly;.77. :: ----7-- .• Rey. Dr..BariliolojnnewN - PINX. EAPECTORANT'..SYRUP. . -- di . AR agreeable cordial and effective remedy. for -` Coughs, Hoarseness, ;olds, Pains in the: Breast; itr.d_nrcathing,awk illicult-expe_claratidni____.-- l'or .2ditlls F?Chil rot in cold cliiticites itndivain. '-. The proprietors are aware that there are many remedies .for,coughs_antlAnasejAkr_the_lungs ;_ some no doubt are good, but it has remained to a late day to discover an article so allthirably fitted to these conqiiintsl so powerful and effectual ; and yet so perfectly innocent and mild. Let not the public class the scientific result of • a learned Physician and Divine with theltostrums of the day. • Let them make a careful perusal of the evidences attending 'this article; their re spectability; and the decided manner iu width they speak, and they cannot withhold their be --- ierfo some of its virtues: — Let -- us -assure-therm-- that a single trial of it ;'dl do more to cOnvinee. 'all of its merits titan all they can see or hear on the, subject. It is quite certain that no injury has ever been known to arise frotri its free use. WICOIIIIIIOII fact is, that 'this remedy is, syrup, as palatably and ple'asant to theiasreas the most popular French cordials anrchitdren -take it-always with the greatest readiness------ 'the proprietors are now making rapid arrange ments to have this :allele in the bands of every druggis't and apothecary in the country. It may he known to be genuine by the following signa ture as' below of the ltev. 'Gentleman and Phy-• .slcian who is the author- of it. - - • It is wit h great pleasure tool the proprietors are enabled thus to bring : forward an article so truly meritorious as this syrup, and from such a source, and they trust the' community who hare occasion for its, mity always find it within their 'reaCh, both is to places at which-it-may befottud,. And the low Price-at-which-it is sold. A-great number of the most wonderful cures may be seen by calling on Mr. Itolander, at whose tore it is Tor sale. Sec. Mr. 13olander's • .13:pers. Also tor sale by S. ELLIOTT. . SIILTBAEL Celebrated itheinnatiir, ey'rey - and Bone . __±l4l.N ALE' . • —Applied morning anti mhas cured hun dreds. It gives relief i the swelling or the' glands of diet:4l.oM, al relieves the numbness and contractions'of th' limbs and AVM take swel. lings..down, and in amations out of the flesh; rheumatism, bruises and sprains.—lt gives imme diate relief; it stiengthens weak limbs, and ex r tentls L the cords when .contracted.—A fewTdrops• on s\cep's wool applied to the •ear of. deaf per ions, will by constant application, cause them ter hear in two months' - time. ti . . A. peat. number of certificates of the most respectable and decent-character miry-be-exam ined where it is sold. Please call on S. C. 1301:nuke Ctirlisles, - who well give further information, or see Mr. ltolancler's papers: • --Carlisle, October eow. Also for sale by S. ELLIOTT.. GEO.. PRINCE,' •' . Formerly qt-Simbury, • :2Vorlhumberlanol County,.: ; 'HegsJeave' respectfully to inform the publiti tat he has removed to Harrisburg, where he 13.res' ' • to en that large . and spacious three 'story' brick It use formerly • occupied by Mathew' NVilsony )) 'corner of. Walnut and Third streets, - • ,'HARRISBURG, • ''.• In view - of - th - e - StMe - Ca - pitol - ,•which - he - opened - on' -- v .the fir st _ day of. Mcr ay last, •an where . he hopes to'.. continue to receive ;that. patronage so - liberally bestoWed on hi establishment heretofore. IIC will at'aiii-times, - . provided-with every thing' necessary to male' . guests comfortable. -- • ' • - - :' ' '.- G. _OUNCE:- •. • Ha rrisbur , - dune -: ~ ;1837. 1 - .• -•-• it • Election ibr Thu* Direttorsd . .. •'' • - ... ----- --1- si,x. 8 . 44)41 • . ..• . OctoUir 12..1837,, . 3 • No'ti els herebY given to the StoOkhiilders in tliis • • st,itto.lbn, that an ,•eleeticia 'will tie' held on t e tbird Monday of NoVember next, (beingtl e f4Oth day;)-at the.Banking.liopse,' tor thjrteen I-Directors, to, serve during the year th'en4 ensue.','... • ._ , • :. • . ' NV: S. COBEAN Cash i er. October 17,1837. . - , . , • . • f 1