AIERALD AWEXPOSITOR: MM=t=glM 'rite People's Pithdidates, FOR_ PRESIDENT, -47414 Zia Malilla a TAW e - FOR: VICE PRESIDEN r, 01aa, 13 " .T7 la Sentocratic aniimasonie Can ififtefte for GifiveraO _.. : --- .....vazDzEc - zkuulqaag co vOiA~ ~~, In , accordance with the !outages of the Dento •ratic'Antintstsonic Paity.of Pennsylvania, a State ronvention for the nomination of a suitable can llidate to be supported for theollice of GoVernor of-the ,eommonwealth.• at the next general elem , lion; beteld in . Harrisburg on - the . fifih-day of .Aratehmext (MIS.) -- "Thecounly comibitteei of_the severe].c4ties are "therefore respectfully requested-to - talre"the neceasarymeaSures to have theirrespective cowl! • lies or districts represented in the Convention by --a-nurnbet.Lot-- Delegates-equal to the. number- of_ 'their Senators And Representatives in the State • Legislature, so. - that there may be a full, end equal expression of the - wishes of the ivhole portal in the' - lection , ol-the-eanditlitte,-.-- 1 -rhe-ncromplislnnen t , lof thst object by the convention, is all that is ne cessary to, produce the complete triumph of tie. 'cum. • Harrisburg, Nov. THOMAS BURROWES, THOMAS ELDEIL - • . = ••_.THEOPH . FLUS-FENINI,---_-'=- • AMOS ELLIIIAKEIL - _FRANCIS JAMES, ' WILLIAM W. IRWIN. • " ' - . . :JAMES WILLIAM AVRES, LIAR MER .DENNY, . • . . SAMUEL IL FISHER,-. _ M SM - - --SAMU . EL 9:AY-MARTON. 1 r Sfafaf Committee , Thej.egishature of-Peowylvanin . meets td-day in _-The :of. this_body. will 4e'lpol r :ed' for with much interest, as matters .• • and things in general, have assumed SI new aspect —= — 'eiiice Rliej"iiljorirneil fast"` Wong.. d'Oneessill'a ; _postponecrthe payment of the instalment of the surplus revenue due- to the differed hates—the 'hanks • have suspendedspecie 'dividualartd corporations bard 'issued bills of a less denoninat , itth than fire. dollars, in direct and . • • - open violation of a Written law. With regard ti.) the insta:Ment due Pcnnsylva 4 -"via, : the action of our Legislature cannot affect the result, one way or the other, Witless indeed ao ifar as their rpftsioils may...infkience_those_uL •Washington cityo , .. db:soinething. Hut we fear ihE postponenteriFlif the last instalment is top 'clear-a pet with' the White House gentry, to ex pect any thing from them, the admonitions' of the late electiona, and the opiiich of our .I,..egislature; to the contrary notwithstanding-. ss - • The' Legislatures or / Other states whiChlbare_ 1 - net since the suspension of specie payment§ and issuing' of small bills, haVe ( legalized these projed ' logs and they are now lawful, , What course - our • Legislitriire will pursue, we do not pretend to say, We have nu doubt the auli lx,nk , locofoco Party _in the '4OO - er-house, will be the first to bring for 'ward a-bill to make:the - whule ifrair icgaT. Our 'Own opinion that legislative enactments will much more harm than good. The suspension 'ofspecie payments waS-the_reslrarcattses-oVer :.. ;which the banks had in) control. Specie being 'withdrawn, the abSolut i e. necessities of, the ple, demanded' a currency of, some kind, of leas den - cimination shn f ive dollars Necessity " knows no law. _The letter of the law may have been broken, but public opinion sustains tha, • Ar:olation, knoWing that ituld not be avoided. ,So long therefore,. as public kpiition says .it is • . Tight, there will be no prosecutions for.the pen- . : silly-whenever it says the banks ought to:pay, • they ought to pay. • Any-law, thereforee - passtl, legalizing , the suspensieiti for a certain time, will give the , banks greater latitude and' will:delay :the res umption of specie payments, until * that 'time shall' have run out, if circumstances shall 'even arise within is Month or two by which they could resume specie payrrient. We hope 4lte Legislattlre_will_leave it to find its.oivnlevel d he spirit 4 —.---- W - l — lpprebation, which has been levinEed by the people throughont- . our country at the reaulr - Of the - late elect innsi. and espeeiiiikut the New York retiolution, shows conclusively' .:• • , That the interests and Nye 'fare Ofpor institution s bre. too deeply rooted in the a ff ections of our eitir 'ir.ens, to be . ottaelte4 with impunity by the Ma- . thinations oirtim demagogue. We arc an indul !'etit people—We are a forbearing people.- We neverjudge haStily of itien'simotives 'from'their Oclions;:,...ttitr_when_We-a cattempi:after;litteMPl-- :. made, to ruin tour instit4tions=ourliriterestsr-bur ought toy guardians instead of destroyerswheti. liearance easeF . 4.t)ti ',i!virtue—wlien the pto-! . clearly and certainly that the objects and designs orthe rtolerk.are to ruin the •coUntry, they WILL WILLBrSAK 4 and nobr”. which cannpt be mistinderstood A puny ...A c_l 4 . , tninistrationi.:ffscow.n.ings being by mere accident; taitir the avowealesign or follotvi I hl the foot steps of a predecksor "who ina-lc the fir; tep 'towards ruining the -- Country, has scarcely been in existence eight months, until_ a number' of States, sufficient to castoxis 11UNDILlip19) xraTr - electoral votes, have passed a solemn judgment or condemnation upon; them! *its tliere- ever ""'teater ;mute fora rebuke ~,:YSIE. ry for them to raise their:voices Si behalfof the oppressed. And XI the periitrators 2 of this foal act are not brotight to condign pun ishment, Ministers of the Gospel will be com pel I every thing wZitcTnia}, he displeasing to the cars of certain perseris who have it •in their poWer by a 'word or a 10k,to.excite the it e of the rgnotile ttlgus.. Nye know not how to express ourselves in reference to this outrage. If it 'is,to pi un-' puni,Sh'ed, no man mill beliereafter safe in not but he May offend sortie delicate-car, and then a vandal mob, be excited to punish him 'Or take his life;. for exercising his constitb tional rights. • If the law shall• he found to he a dead letter 1p Illinois, it will soon be so - inf - Peimsylvaida nhd New York nod Massa chusetts.and mobs will regulate every think; -.autliorities'in--Alton -wilFso act, that these I niters may be brought Ao_eondign__ punishineat,--and the murderers bf Lovejoy receive the just' reward of their blood thirsty sp)rit. Asa palliation of thelnoli; it has been said that Mr...LoVeJoy was the per Son who shOt .Bishop and 'whiclLexcited a l e' . mob. This is not the fact, and we are haPpy to be able to contradict it. Indeed it does !tot appear thatf_Lovejoy even-had any arms-in his bands, at all events - (lid not 'Use them put a stop to 'We' wish not - to be.iulerifii;od, hi what ive havc,,s'nici, as endorsing the • many visionary salienies of the abolitionists. We look l upon this -outrage only as it involves the liberty and_ independence of 'the-press,-and. we-do say that if the_pyinelptes which may be es- tablished on this rial are carried out, ..our boasted liberty will Soon become' a name r•ffM A Y . • We ask the'indul ence f our liberal Pa trons. for the &lay theiSSuing Or °lir pa per ; Senior Edtior is - necessarily' absent from townoffid \ the junior tditorluis been setkriously indisposed as to be incapacitated for business. Hereafter, punctuality be •• - • ' • , SUDDEN DEATH, We learn from the St.. Louis 43011e n.0f the 23d ult., r.that ,att in — quest was held ott - thO ptevious day; at the Nation al Hotel, fOhat • city; on the. hcidy,..of CA.' Cu.AULEs linr.wric.; who had ,been found dead in his bed„ 'The-ver dict of the jury was that "the d.ecal - sed came to his death by spoplexy. Ps'ENTlcr: - . was - a highly .. ..respoctahle itizeiL...of_Vatrilalia, 'Wool's; and T -vgas Register of - the:•General Land (.)fflee,'of 'that. State. - Accordio'g;lii theitesti roony of a rOom..mai . e' , .hp_had .a pPeired• to be well in good spirits; the even in to his 'deavb. • .171iirdpi• • ;,.I)ilurder t s ; The following article was,prcpared for our last paper, bitt.,was crowded out. . . . It-becomes our painful duty to announce - k • Wo readers, the melanCholy fact, that in :noisi 'rioting and mobbing hive . triumphecl over. all laW and order,. and+ that die life of a devoted .11finisterlof the'dbspa of cliiist has been sacrificed to the lawless violence of a wicked and infuriated, mob'. ' • ,• • . It appears that ..the 4 2cr. .M r. Lovejoy, z, who baS. for sounatitne pas(heen engaged in p .. uhlishirig a papOln, Alton, :111inoia,'in which be :rrivocatedt.lie_causeof abolition, had re: ccived-thO!pplaratrsconnectedWitli'd print- big press' atirl4as about to" re.establish his !Observer, i , r " . .ancl printing office, Which . ifad been destroyed wine mbntha since by a mob.- Thp press Was. landed at niklit and deposited in a warehouse :Which :contained a large f ,amount Aithergtaidion• - ntorage:v4 , lle-fabt tecarn . known irrimediately,.andAiiring`the Whole of the following day an' exciternent prevailed Which issued atr ------- ' - it - iii - itra - cn Lion "of a mob; A . number of persons, among 'wheels was the irropi ietor of the -warehonse, entered the building with arms and prepar ed it - far defence.. .Repeated attaeks were made 4.lmrling:missileso.the_windows and tiora, and eventually several glans were bred by thepob but without effect. During the. height of the attack a: single gun was fired from the building; which resUlted in" the dcath of a young man outside, And 'a pretty active member of the mob; namCil The mob then @arried Bishop away to a to yern where they revived- their'sfiirifs, -and •rottyncdWith - t enewed. Vigor to the moth. .11destriiction E wliich they liatt;, form. Not being able to succeeffitioobtain -- • ing.pcssession of ;the-press, or in orivhireput ore, iwthe bui!‘l - Tit;l%;ed to "fire the building and ehoot every damned hasist,in- ft: as-they- A bould-a - cape." ' Lovejoy and several-- others went Nit to.cndeavor to preventthis; l -after. thattiadder.liad„actually been . raised farthe . purpose of placing combustibles on the roof. -some-one;-firea-gunTat:and-wontiided.the man on'the ladder, who was,eligaged in set ting. . fire to the.roof,-At this tithe Mr. 'Love: joy was standing near the foot of the ladder; when he Was'ileliberately 'aimed at and shot by a man'wlio was but a few_yards frorn.him. fie nns rtitl (") walk irito_tlielcounting - lfopse,. exclaiming "rain' am a dead roan," and fell (limn and expi ‘ red in a few minutes. Here then has been 144. decision 'Made by the citizensTa Alton; that nn man is at liber ,ty_to.p_nblisik-:-Itis=sentiments-if-those-senti- Mon-ts:lsfe-ndrerse-tollitii-o Theireeclom of speech, and Liberty - of the PreSs, both of which arc guar . anteed by the Constitution—of—the-..United--States ; --and the State nf Illinois, arc denied ko' . Miiiisters of the Gospel who may see and fees it necessar_ e expregion of his opiniOns i for he knows kis high time this spirit pf mobbing was u...' -VlK.:::V:ii..*.Xititx . ,:. TlL;Yrt..4.T. .iilitto Igijovia 4 1 I*tit. ffi. • - smo, 4., " / _ 6-1 ' • - _ Dr An raD , , ~.n . . . O Thuredlty evening last,'by. the IteA , .'llenry 11. Wilson,.er.onoz M. PIIILLTYgi Senhir editor of thirpaper;,tolliss,, -youngest-dattgliter -of the. hitelle: JOin•COtwelli of otithariiiitozi,town ship. - - t• ' - ~ . ' ' ' The Jonior eclitor in achncnyledgung with the re - c ' eir4- . tif-the above notice, - a - handsome Ilice Of :the wedchrit , caice,.begs leave to present his con• griittdations to the senior, on&Wislies that lip, with his faiihride,inay'enjoy fully all.the fits of the married life, stild that rieSee and good will may forever attend them. , On Ttiesday last„by the ifev, tienryWil. son, Mr. Joun . Dcitcssr; orouthampton town. ship, to 71.11615" MAIIGARETTA, daughter bf Mr. John Chriswel ofShippensburg. • •- • - hOve been dab bling ilymatrimony ourselves; we knotv - not,. . 1-1 but we - Above feeeiVed a . fiandsonie . sliCe of cake from gentleman,. or inthe'r we 'should say a lady (for they have more of the Milk of human kindness abottt therh than the gen tlemen) who - has;;as will be secii 133 , the above-notice, -been—entering—into-that :bliss: Jul state. We . hope , he' or she, ror-hoth of them, 1;114 have ass - Mitch felicity as we en : joy oursclreS— r more would be too,Mucli for - - m ortals. . . . On Wedneschy last, by the Rev.. Ilenry-11. NVilso'n, Mr. JADIF:HON" 11. t . tiNA:e or New.villt.,_ to Miss MAttaAttET, c . ntgliter at Mr. Johnston Wil liamson cif 'Sonthanpton township. . On the 29th inst.; by the :Rev.- J. ULrich, Mr. .lonN Bno:udnEn' . to -Mrs,. ELLEN Loircx, both of Allen townshi. 1" - - - to - this - 1toiottkit [WI t. ry tto Nev. Dimiet Ar.rxANneo. Thtorxivoun, to 'MATILDI Moxratt, both of :Yak .• The'abor . e - notice - came - to-ns-accompanied by r r ! slice of wediling cake: 'People. are beginning , to do things the right • *aye not long ago. wed ding.cake. to the printer was seldom heard iaf, - it was thought Lis duty to puhlish.eYerfiiiarlinp;e that - (.ceuiTed in the county kriChoutjhefilightest remuneration. Things,are different now; we ,have' had . occasion neyerat times recently to o'cknOwl*. edge that we were not forP;Otlercirniair'ilie mvedding feitiiities: A long life and a Inerry . one _ to erery , LlnipplCcimple ,,, that—siares-their—cake- With'llle printer.: ". '.--'r—•:::1.:;:':*:, -=-..:"...-.,.::=,,-7.L---__7.--,.-----,- ..5,...7,rt , -- .N. - ,...,: i, - ..•.k...“.. - ;:.,., - .. ~v4.—..1,?.. 1,,..-. :1 4 , r 15T , ;;; ,,, , ~• , 14. k.c2 rr f- .r ... .:p'..::? , ..y . .4 . 1 ...4 -:. vis... - ~...---,-F . ,_ _ . ~xZ7D:=- Al his residdnee in Hopewell township; on Tuesday_ the 14th inst. after 'a' lcing nail painful) illness, which lie bore with christian fortitude and resignation, Mr. Ron'EnT; in the" GGth• year . _of his age. , • • .0n • Sunday the 26tli ult.] Mr. A itstc•rnowo CAnornEns of Westpennsborough township, aged i 9 years. COMMUNICATED. ' 'Loiives Nive their time to fall, And_fiowers•-i - O.Avither-nt-the-north-witidlis breath, And stars to set —but all, • , ThOu 'has( all se:mons - 16r thine' own, 0! DEATH !"---ifrinand. Whet), the earth Received thee, tears were in unyielding eyes, And on hard checks, and they who deemed thy' life " Redolent of gdo - dti - esS,-shu.ddered and turned Pale . . • • When thou Wert -gone To record the virtues of the dead is a ditty, which, though it may excite tleep leelrng,ayd'e'ause imignOnt Teiret, - still carries vrit, at melancholly pleasure.-- good sti.zati , ! : be.,cirtvluniti farerwith but, .one feeling, and it is sweet — to look upon -virtue ; --even--when-shrouded - in -= the dark - grave,.an - dlAYTteall the im6 - .lile and 'va lued traits fn the_ character-rif-tho fiicnil Snatched .Tom us — by - the chilly 'grasp of death. , • . These Jeflections-are occasioned by the deceise of •111 rs. NAny Tnourso: , !, con .sort of James . T hompson , Sen. - Mr& bid ',adieu to this "Vale of tearswou Tuesday last. The writer desires to testify. to - the porth.of the departed. She was indeed duties of life, as wife, inother and friend; with- that cliarTing. symplicity 'of heart' which gives assurance of wartii attach !neut. It was her good lot to win by her gentleness and Itindnesi the love of all around bet, fend iiispire.eStVein out the.ertion to please. - Retiring and unpretendiug„ the substantial tvorth o her Clia g r e act er minsisted in a pure . integri.;;urp urtiosei'a: - gnileless — eprighthess-of dispOSition, and 1 benevolence which . al aimd ,atthe_happiness otthose_ardund her,—and . above alli she was a pious, de voted,- and '-exoniplany christian: But alas!. an All-wise. Providenee has been pleased to remove:ber from the sphere of usefulness, *here sh 4 was so much and so justly esteemed. The . eye ivhkh alwayS . .Itintlness is now.:closed,--the. countenance, which ..lately .xliibited ttie glow or life and health, is ow pale, cold nd rigid . as marble—the 1 s that Were wont• to smile with affect , are sealed in 'death—the hand which ; oft gave the .pressure of friendship is Vitt and :Motion, tildte Mantle:lir thb corpse en- Wraps her, and . the "clods of the valley" cover her! r Her_ death has creatikrit void in-.many heartS and her memory4ylll not soon - pa - s - s - from the alrectiogrof her dis, tressed relatives and friends. JR is hew- ever, their. consolation,' tied one .which .`.'robs death of 4l1• its terrors, "to believe that her sun of - life has gone down in bloodless light—that she left this transi tory worlirin 'the foil:enjoyment of Chris tian llope—Lthat- tfie• soupy beattis of a ilViottr's hive xrere,slied over het' heart; that she anticipated an ,eternity of sanc tified pleasure, and trusted that her' name was . waten on the bloMl'-botight page of everlasting 100 the bitter .streamin teat • must flow-awhile .the woe-worn heart must sorroir;but not without IMPe, . . For ,though sunk beneath. the steiii 't. marids' • . • • , ,•• . 'Or Dratli . 's resistlese-and .relentless powers; Snatched trenc.rnortalitY, bangel - hands; . She'll Wing her way to'_ Eden's • 'blooming bowers - •• And, spring - friumphapt o'er the gloomy „ . . tomb, Safe from_tlyebla - stvot - tare—the” storms o strife. — • traw in colors of, utifading Fed - by the-waters of 'Eternal 4.i fe.-, . , At- an_. election-:held on the : 20th ult the followitig persons were • ,elected rectors tif the Carliile Bank; • : .ffeo: - A. Lyon, Thos. Carothers,. lames 11.-ifevor, Banl, iviohler, ° _ Isaac - B. Parker ; E BOssermiiii;--Itobtrirvjbe; Samkirvine, Geo. Metzger; Jos. Shroin. And at a , meeting of ilTe tiiiard oh the 7th ult. 'Geo. A. Lion,,Esq, was elected *President:- . - , • .UNITED= - TIMS ARMY. • ' ,„:„ Etecruitilig Sekvicb. WAN 'Ea - forllse UN MED' STATES - A It_._ MY, ii , fe is , riffle-bodied citizens, bet Ween the ages,of 18 and 35 years; being abnut , s feet 6 inch es high, of good-character, and - of re . - speatable7standing,aniong--tlfeirfellow-citi zens. -None-ticed apply - to r enter the service, but . tho§e who are deterinined . to serve the -period---of-thei- enlistment - -favirkir - is only three years,.--lionestly and faithfully: • .. ~. . . of P ~ Pay'-of. ro:vim, . . , -;:, '. '• , ' s97ditrs' i ,tolicti . . • " ''' .v ~: --' 4.llOUnled. • • ' '• Z kti '. Z • q IZt Z . 'phis table slmws 'the amount tc se 'I-tc ... of pay. - whieh enliqed soifliers,- 1 : 1 ::' V according -`to their yespectiVe t .„, I . r ... _ , c.. ? 1 Oaile - S,_.are...etititicd._ to receive: _ for their services. • ' I I. 4- ^ ':, :', Tot he-Sergeant7lllajorQuar , q , termaster Sergeant; . Chl siCian; & Ch'f Bugler- 7 --each 16 192 576 To the Ist Ser't of-a Company 15100 540 OrdnAnce Sergeants All other Sergecanteach Corporals- , Buglers Musicians: Tamers anal? Artificers - Privates . • ft 96 288 Besides the monthly pay t as above stated, _ _one_ration_per_day_iS:allowed.eVery-soldier;" which Is amply sufficient fOr his stitisistence a large supply of comfortable and ,genteel clothing. -- Good quarters and fuel are at-all4itries'Arnish'ed; and every. Atten tion will be paid lo•niakirig.thOse men who may enlist, and are determined to serve their country in good faith, comfortable and con. tented with thetr situation. • The best medi -cal---attemiance-is-:nl ways provided - for - the sick soldier; and no deduction . ofpay is made during the period he is Miable to perform hii 4 dutY. Should the soldier bedisabled in the line of his duty, the laws•providea pen,- sion for him. ' Ily the above it is seen that ,the pay and allowances, are respettable,.anit that, .with. prudence and ed.onomy; - the monthly pay of the soldier may-be laid up;--=its every thing reqmsite-for hi s comfort and convenience is furnished by the Government, incruding.his sugirr and •coffee: Tlie prudent soldier, therefore, may readily sate from $3OO to $5OO during his short enlistment of 3 years; and at the expiration of the term he can, if he chooses, purchase a_stnalLttrtu in any of western States, and there settle himself Com fortably, on hi.t . o)sh land, fur the rest of his life. 11Exn`kzvous, eatlisle, in he fro melfMding in in street, or merly.nLed_d,r the _lto lnnleekniinting office. Dece)er 1837,—tf r• _ sum of TWO DOLLARS will be given to ap.y4 citizen, Non-commis ' sioned Officer, otgsoldiar; who-shall bring to thisltendeivous an able-bodied recruit, wel" formed, sound, add otheriiiise duly qualified (as adobe de'scrtba)for the duties of a so dier, and who s ta l l be regularly enlisted. == . . torAtioter :14 • cIOLD' Winter's sfortm are cothing dst. And wood'and bread's advanbing; 'file poor are thigiting on wants, . • The rich of balls .anti-dancinv- -= -- The widow in Her lonely cot, 'With feitrshrinks from the storm; And mourns. the hardness of hEe lot, No fuel to keep her warn ) The orphah seeks with tearful eyes Some friendly handl° . -7-3ut oh !- how few among - our !•-free Are charitable add, kind! • - -1- - -Come_ old and.young.::—both:richAnd.poar,. . And joy shall fill each heart, - 'There's hundreds, thwisandsi milfions too! . 'And each may claim a Oak; . en • • th do not - sigh-then do not mourn, There's happiness in store! At ItOBINSON,'4-4pcinze * Fortune's . ' ' $lOO BRIVAI:RIN AN.7lWAY.froro the sulzscribet:, residing near Woodhlioro, Frederick County; Maryland, on Saturday night last the 25th of Noyeinber, J'YEGRO7aII4I.7 I ri oaraed Joshua, who, calls himielf JOSHUA .BELL,' aged bkiween 45 and 50, aboitt - 5 feet . fi - cir 10 inches hiO, very , smooth_Spoketi and. polite, and of.yelld* h . onnpleSiotr. He is fond of liquor. His clothing consisted of a black, Hat,-coarse Shoes,- a drab and a blue coat, a coarse black 'mixed homemade Yest, A reWard„offifty dollars will be p 'tit° any one, who will secure said Negro, wit in the State, so that the subscriber may ge, him again; or the.nbove reward Will, be paiao to he taken oilt of the State and secured, in jai so .th4t. he gets kiln . Dee. 5 . . , JOHN 11§RAWN.numbers cif the_Dehtyvare State •iL 47 4 I; ot!e ry, class 48- - --lowest 'prize s2.i drawn 28th tilt: . • • 40-O'OOl.H. IGH . 9 . "16th December.".. $l5OOO-75 Prizes of $lOOO. ACME:CENT - SCHEME.--:Orand Canso!lasted liottery, Class C '-:.;•to be drawn in City. of Wilmington, (PO.) on SA TURDAY; the 16th December,'lB37; under the Superintendence of' Com Missioners. . Up- painted by =the-Governor: - • All persons thronkhtibt.the United States disposed' to tryiheir this,-great lottery, are respeCtfully:iind -earnestly re ?vested to for Ward their. orders to the gob scriberwithciut a moment's delity—Lati pendente may be -secured; - . PR-121. . is - 40,00 • 4 do • , 15,000 •±.i215;000 1 do , 8,000 8,000 • - 5,000 .' oil- - • 5,0 . 00 1 .do 4,150 ge 4,150 5 'do , - ~1,500 7,501 . do : • • 1 250 6 250. Ed wand J. , tiks, ip Weaver, 128 Ist •r 2d 30,-- . 200: 1.. 25,600 • 128 3d , th, or` , 4th stli 100 " 22,800 128 sth.6tl), or 6th 7th 80 " 10,240 — 7128 7th Bth, or Bth 9th G 0:." 7,680 128 Bth 10th, oi.loth 11th.40 . " 5,120 2880 any , 2 nitnabers 20. " 57,000 22176 any 1 number..__,-.10 "_221,760 • 25,861 Prizes amotinting to • '5540;2'00 Tickets slo—Dulves'ss—quarters $2,50'. Certificate of Packages of 25 whole tickets — sl4o. • Do do 25 half. der 70 Do . do - 2.5 quarter do .35 - -Orders from any part.of the Unitcd Stares respectfully-solicited. For' the grankpiiie Please -address • • 'To THE - PEOPLE. OF. Tri.FioNIT.ED STATES!—Be it - known that rhaveap;. who is duly authorized to transact all bush ness with my friends; and for whom Know -ha-tio-ikstore-sorn-e-highlyrclesirable-present•, ealcOlated to . Make glad the heart, mid - tatise the old year - to pasS away .wit joy"atid glad ness. The agent may be found at 12:0111N- N-'S, No. 80 Baltimore street. where.thuse who Wish tO.rOteive my favors are invited. to call. , ' Combimit'on_OLUcraill MRS:. HA LE & MISS LAS I. lE. • TINS: DVS BOOK - , • itd‘')_pg larer circtilatioh r A otheohtii . _$ $ $ TESTIFASHIONS in-every ;1,1;0).0! M - PORtA ANNOU r isit'ENIENt-At was juiith. it incere pleasnee that the publisher: men,: ,boned last Season the arrangement , hy which the Lady's Book. and Ladies' - Ant efican : Maga i El.o -lucre--united, kited, .a Ind ; ted-by,-Al rs. -SA RA !1 - "J. HALE, It is with.equal - pleashro that he no* informs the patrons of the work, - that he .hati.nrade art-arranwetpent=with—MiSsiXS t lt o r - of. Pencil Shetches, &c. &c. oho bill he connected 12 144 432 10 1 sfsb • Q 108 224 0 - 1 20 - 360 with Mrs. Hale in lending 'interest io the pages of the Lady's Book.- , Her powerful aidwilkeom.• tWance with the January No, I_B,lB-A-Iri addition to the Wove,.every number of tho-wOrk-next Year will contain a'Plate of SUPERBLY COLORED FASHION'S, -• The subscriber endeavors by 'exttaordlitary ex ertions to show his gratitude. for the very. many 'favors which hehaAreceived from Ills kind friends, ,the public. • From among the many female Wri ters of Ameilea, penaps •no two Ladies could havebeeiNelected,.whose varied la,lents arc no well calculated to nelortrqra work like.the- Lady's Book. — INTi - efilt i 3 also. intivaTolied that — MiT. .SIGOURN'EY, the Heinous of America, and OREENVILLE. MELLEN, are contributors to the poetical, depariment it will be uselessilo waste argument in endeavoring to show what is apparent, that the Ludys Book will stand unrival led among the periodicals of the country. Each number also contains two pages 'of FA SHIONABLE MUSIC—in Many easesoriginah --TERAISL-The erms.of -- the. Lady 's liookLarci 43 per on nu in, - OartiVtrapie.4 - for ti`rpirSbiti advance. • . • to -Air orders must be addressed to • ' • It LOUIS A. GoDLY, ' blterary Rooms,.ellesi.nut . st. one door below 7th Philadelphia (ir37As.dhe publisher of the Lady's Book is con nected with other pbpillar pexiodicids. he 'sug gests for the purpoSe of remittance, the following system el% . • CLUBBING: tridr'a Book tr. D'lsiaers Novela, Do ond - Bulwer Novelsi `Th Jo iltirryatt's -Do _and Salurday Do and celebrated Trials,. • Atarryall'allove!s, 17, • • Dti' or Mariyalt's Novels and Ctrbbraled " • . Triali, • Do andD'lsraeli's NOvelri Do and Marryrill'a Ocl. 27, 1537. rritc.Ncss•-York • The following are the, contents of the Ncw .York Mirror. publish - RI On•Saturday a the 24 EMBELLISH NlF t li TS: I—Departure of Mr Green, after alt afrltir of honour at •Hotiokeit.—illustrating an dent in the tale of Mr Green. :Engraved by ll—l've Gazed on Beality's Brow. The popular song sung by Mr Williamson; in The attractive piete of the:Bronze Horse ' , the Music composed by yhomas Comm I—Editorial Correspondence--By Theodore S. Fag. ll—Three d -I . s at Lif Sheideck- HL—FragMents from an Editor's El how-Citair—By Jonatimn - Oldbncli. - 1.-1W , 14T 1 Green , ---a Tale—By the late Robe C. San d V.--The Bridalz—a.Trazedy; littered' by - Slieridatr - Knovides—concluded,—, NtlA Day at Tomato:. •_‘').l--4'oetry—Can you . forget me? By Miss Laud et,. Apropos of Bores. IX--A. To' kitih Cps tom by the author of Vivian Grey. X—Poetry bath a language of 'his ciyti; By T. Moore. '._XI Family Circle-4; prac tice and Habit; 2,' . l l Vpiifio . ; . 3, Beauty _,and Deiittii - 4, - KnoWledge. Xll,—:.roetry - _NV here : doth _the: side-? - Xlll--lAtO ; - - - Three Sisters--; 4 Trtinslated from the Plioeni; clan, by Edward L. Bulwer. XIY.-xLong Noses. • XV--;-Poetry:---Lady'l3lue,'S Sall-- 13y Mrs C. 13. Willis..! NeW . Wyk Stage in the Olden Time--13y . ' " - Dunlap:. XVl—=.old Engravers. To Readers 'and . Cerrespondents.----XIX--- . ' Editorial •Itemark,s=-4,, The'-Choice of an Occupation; 2, • Mr.Woodw.orth; 'Pelapo ; Si Concerning spoons.•.: XN—Scraps fismi . the 'Germ .n of Jean Paul: mil. I:he'Unconscipus One; . 2,' The Man of the World; Prose and.Poetrr 4, The Errours of Genius; 5, Late Piety;. 6. EariblY. PleaSures; Insensibility cf • Lov ers; 8; Poetry; 9,'Criticks: 10; Critii ism: of others! Faults ; • 11, Blame ; 12. Doubt in Truth;.l3; '.Philanthropy.; 0 14, •Feeling and 'Sympathy. with Delicate . Peer- Mg; .16, Night; Ir, Verse; 18, Imaginatipn I+,l, First Love; 20, ConVcrsAticin ; - 21, Mo:. licj:; 22, 23, Chiliakhq ct.c•.l' • • Robinson's. Office, z, 80 Salt. st. - 21: doors below Franklin bank s 3 63 21 4466 39 - 15 50 •lb 61 3 23 63, sold to .a citizen of Baltimore. 75 PRIZES 75.. Ts: W. ItODINSO . . M A .F.0.R111.111E. Dec. 4 ove et LI l',ElfA RV _PAPERS . . .. • It ‘iS withh pleasure that we call the atten tion of otir friemls andsprrespondents to the Schemes for the Month Of Decent? tier, as the really pr6ent a conabitiation of Capitals never equalled.. We -tespectftilb, request iiftTWFiit lee ToTlibl — Mieitibia below,' as they are. the most favorable. ''To insure a supply, address your orders to Em t oryq? Co, No. - 2 Calvert tree '' , BaltiMore. • P. S. Pafticularatta ion is requested to . Scheines Mentioned be w. • . Virginia Stivic Ltfiteid/ Class 8., To 4e - drawn at AlexandllaiNifirDe6; 2,-1837 , Capitals. $30;0(90 10,000i' 6,000! ,5',000! 2;500 ! 25 of 1,000 ! • 25 prizes of 500 dollars! !, Tickets only 10 Dollars. • A certificate or a package •-ot 25 whole • Veleta will-be, seat for 130 dollari,-Halves, Quarters and Eighths in Proportion. • GRAND . SCHEME,. - • • • - --25 Thonsand 1)0111111%. • ----,- MARYLA - ND - LOTTERY;No - 24 -- , - To be drawn, at Baltimore, Dec. i 3, , --Capitrils, 2.5;000! 8,000! 5,0,00! 20 of 2,000 20 of 500,&c.. • - — Tickets liTffidlars—shares in proportion, Certificate of a package ofWhole tick ets will ,be sent f0r.120 dollars, - halves, tort arid eighths in proportion. ' 1,000. ARE 75,000 .5 . 00 " 37,500 . . , VIRGINIA 'STATE Ltit.rtilY. . • Clas No Endowing the Leesburg Academy, and• for other purp - oses._ 'The. drawn-At Alexnn December dria, Va, Saturday December 0; - . • Scbeme . --S30,000! 10,000! 8,000-3,000! .2,500! . .50.of_1000!••20-of 500! &o. .. Tickets 10 dollars, . Certificate of a package-of - 25 whole tick: :etslyill cost only 110 1- dollars.-Delves and -quarters in proportion:- - :Delay-. not •to-send your oFders. to Fortuoe's Horne. -N-, -- Splondid 'Seberiie - .: - . - - .....- - C' rand 1 1 .`, 4 o ) eoli ° d ?ted. 41 _ 1 , i o lr ft 4 e ll e ' c I A S Ss C, fo'•at-Wilining,tmc-:-Delai ware, Dec_16,.1837. : Capitals.: 7 -5-1-0,000-' -15,000-8,000-L6,000-'-4;150-5 of 1,500 1 - 51iTir1,;230 A 611 - V - S1 _ .• - _ .., ....r_ Tick2ts..only ladollars.-. -- - . ----1 Certificate of a package'of 25 'wholeitick'- ets in this Magnificent Scheme may be had for 140 dollars—packages of Eat ti•cs,und quarters in proportion. • 20 . :000 - '1114'011iit 40 prizes of 1,000 (billet's! - -111aryland—State , f,otteryi-Class 26, To be drawn at lrithintore, Dee 20, 18fir CaPitals-25,000-13,400-1,0.00:-40 of 1000 dolkirs. Tickets olify 10 dollars. ifrp - te:ol!n - p - eka ffeffolf-22-Avyaleji - elcz ets. Magnificent.Scherne.2will had ear 120 dollars. -Packages. - of- halves, and quarters in proportion, • , . . . Emoiy & Co: 2 Gulvert.,t..Balt. Those persons ordering tickets in any of the •above. Lotteries, can :fititl_the, tlre_wings iris the _Southern and \Vestern Cotintgr'feit Detectore-a-weekly paper--pupislied- by is,-• wilt h'will be forwarded on to. those ycques 'ling -it . ' - - Y C, SPRI . P;iIG IVOOLLIA .11'.'A.CW,0u2-76 SITUATE nt the head of Green Springs, ni Nowtnn township, Cumberland county, about four miles west of the borough of New- Zidifeciiii Lbe.rented for_a_term of one or more years; .TIVe buildings are A Two SiOn 4 .4r Stoop. Faclor!..- 1 • with carding a(aLspinning machines, looms, and all neccssatY ninchin cry for manufac turing cloth; also a dwell ing house_conven lent to the factork. For terms apply. to eith 'er dithe.undersigned. "e , • Wlll. • J. FL ,G l( All AM, I= Akrbereas C. E. R. Davis,,did on the 13th day oftij4 .(November) execute to the sub. scriber a deed. of Assignment of all his et. ft. - us, including his books and accounts for the 'benefit . of his . creditors, otiee is here by given to all, thOse indebted to the said C. E. H. Davis, on bond, note or book aceohni, or whO may have unsettled.2accounts with, tint,. that--I—wilfretain-his-books-andimpers n . y hands until . the first day of January next, for the purpose, of:settling the same;• on which day they, will be-put into the hands of is 'magistrate for the ,purpose of - collecting all unsatisfied chlims. . 5 5;,f, 55 -IENRY hUVFIELD. Carlisle,.Ded. 7 's, 1837. Assignee - Harrisburg chronicle; There being nothing which Ala much eniontes the value of a public a yearly and faithful) news, the editor and Krupifefor of the flarrisbnig Chronicle has : inado-stch.arrangetnents,.as w i not fail to niake hisvaper equal; it r ahv other in the place, dtning the et in this partiodar.. .-•-.. 'I -; - ) ---.—There,will„be.,imeesa'onjlie_gs s eaj nett winter three publ • dellbeist eaeli of Which irk peep! . of Pennsylvania are ;finch interested:Ar.eaci of Omni, coMpetent re • e I portent will be ettnli ' e in orderlinit we may be enabled, to keeplitir 1' iiciPl'S )egllarLy informed of all that li deine - 'IIC- -- ; i rrespectively, _Congress haiTinportant matters 'to settle:...ltilieVtlint., wilt, be interesting and worthy -the ihiention: of people of this Steitp, will be - .adite In ,the 'Stale -Legislature:: --The-Cvnvention to siter : and emend .the Constitiition of the State is heginning to at tract PubliC attention; inasmuch as it is noW 1)1., ebmingiongagekin the more:important branches of its dtiliesr-Wl.these taken together must make that Paperinteresting whiaTii r ill give faith - NE :Ic ' .unnrOnill that is each. While attend ing to allthese the publisher-ivill not- forget the etirrOt news of the day, .not 'only in relation to polittcsc'but every thing else n hich will instrtict_ . or airtime. ~ , _ i l'EßMS:—This paper 'will, es jiereiorcireii' be published twice a week during the Session of the .LegiSlitttire, and once a -Week-duiltig the remain der of the year; on 's fine- double medium sheet and new type, tt.3 annum,-payable in'ad- Vance. For the Session' alone Two Dollars advanhe.• For sis•nionthe'; including the season. of ihmtegislateire.2 60 in 'advanco. No subscriber. can - discontinue•his Piper Until.' all arrearages arc, pat irl-Aily . perion' forwarding five whiles as sub= scribers.shall bare._ n-copy. of die Chronicle: one Novimber 8,1.9;7 • . , Winter Arrangements; . .ItIEOERIMEff i t : . grand , ,Seheme ~.. .. . • 4"lt-5,4774.,a. -v a t.,: k aiw...,t t .., 1 •;:,....---4„.., .., it . . NA iiiii iii - h • I , m-A L.krisa.. 5.5 a t, , jur 4 . . .A+.41.... •.;.• .. t . 1 - 7 .2 Z ._-_, -- rn ,1 . - . =•::- ....., . - . 4 .:AL . SA NM GRA - 1T NN1;:, ' • Wtst— toricE BECIEWITH'S I alit!i-Dyspeptic Pißs. I -- - - Iva - Iffedibine _ haVini ;Met_ With the tininimOtig "approbation Of those who have fairly employed it, according to the directions, is recommended with increased confidence to 'the - public," in almost. -every variety bifunctional diaorder of the sta... mach, bowels; liver and iipleen; such as heart- - burn, asbid eruptions, nausia, - headaette, -paid jind diatention of the stomach and ''bowels, Ind • pient disit•litea, colic, jauzliet, flatulence, habi:i Att I costiveness,_loss_oCap etite,sick head r aohe, --- s . sickness, tltc. &c. These.pilli being entirel,sl ( V etabk, may be taken with perfect _safety uu ilt any exposure to weather ' and it may be further remarked, that they Seldom, if ever, pre. ,duce sickness 'at the stomach or ,griping.. The 'numerous Certificates, from gentlemen of the highest .respectibility, give ample evidence of the value in which these Pills are held, and there arc few who do not-say they have - adopted them as-their comrhon frily medicine. . " -" " • - TESTIMONIALS. - From--tbc • - of North 6trollk. - - BAT FtGH Mardi' 2, 1/3‘35. , laving for the last three yettnii; been ihtihrtate= ly acquainted with Dr. John Ileekvvith, of this city, and enjoyed his professional serVites, I take pleasure in stating that bis character as a eltrisi tisn gehtle.mairrind experienced Physfeian, en;' Pies his testimony; in regard to the use of WC' ti;Dyspepit — Pilli - 10 - Die — ElifiFe - CiTribdenee - of • the My exp ' Arienbe_of the good effects.— of these Pills, for 'two years past, satisfies me of their eminent valite, particularly in 'aiding id impaired digestion . and .warding oft' bilious at: tacks, I the habit-of resorting for Security against them, and-With very partial success, ton liberal use of Dalamel, or Blue Pill. But since my acquaintintce'with the Anti-Dyspeptic pills de Dr.--IteckWith .prescribed in' the finit instance himseir',,l.have not-been tinder the•ne cessity. of using Mercury ,in any form, besides •: being wholly exempt from•biliousi attibki. Se, •• members of rrty_family are eaperiencialf the Sitia - c - ,b - Cife fi ebil•results • • - • L. S. nrEs. From the ltev. F. L. liand6; D. D. St. Thomiisi Lthuith. • • . ' Naw'Yonx, Feb. 3, 18.1& • .1 have no knowledge derived from elperience. Of the. One:my a D r . Beckwith's Pills; but 1.. knowthat several of my. personal riendsin North Carolina, whoml left Bowie yeah ago suffering' scl'erOy_ under dyspepsia, ' , Ave . -m-good'-health When 1 saw them on a visit _made a few-months since, and,all ascribed their recovery toi, the use of Heel:wail's Pi 115..., - . •1 know. that the certificates obtained - Doctoriniyorth Carolina; - are - froni geratemen or the Itighesl. respectability, 'and several,of them stated to Inc verbally that which is contained iii • Wen. pub . - 113111AI , ceitini - TitieTs'TrlThave te utost entire confidence' in them. nlso kniiw Bed:With, and. have knowd him •from. thy boyhood; aril cheerfully' state with Bishop Ives, "that his character as a chrii; flair j efitkman atuLexperrenced 114sinian, enti tles his testimony, in repent to the use of his Antl 1)v i Lilt entire_ cofifictenee did rom Dr. E. IC.L.Mygatt. llAN.sins4,, N. York, Aug. 183i..4 . . 1 1t1r. 11:1). Turner, • ' ' • , -__liir•-. 7 ,80 - cral ti.f., - ..M.y,.f.rictuls..iti.-tliisA.owil-have------ fiTti Dr. Beckwith's Anti-Dyttpefitie Pills -ivitli - ' lec'tled - benefit. . . _ • .... Among the number is. a Mrs.— ' a Member :of oiic of our tit st families, who has been afflict; ed with dyspepsia ofthe-Worst-grade-for-fuhr------ years._ll_have urged the- use ,of 13eck-with's - Pills,---:- as affording her the best chance - off. relief. . She - hra -- already --- tri - eirvarions - reintilica - , --- Wliff - dittle b.ene fit or r imsitiee • ifijury, -.and was `therefore - te - ; - 7 --- Itietant to emonlenee ---- Witli - this: 'ller symptoma '.- being much alleviated by the use of the first bog - , she Caine to My house for a farther supply.;- bitt -. finding-that my stock of the article Willi exhaust: . ell, she .expressed: mucli_ : anaiety_io_have_fttorta_ - - Obtained as soon as pbssible,-and wished that one box,might be sent by mail, if they.could not be - . had in a short time by-other means: -•-- - "I ant not in -the habit of employing nostrums . _ and (pluck medicines in my_practiee, but the Pills . .which von tend should not he so classed. The . . recipe from which they , are prepared is undoubt. ly a scientific one. - • - . "Having spent_tiVti_wititers_in_Narth_Carolitia,,_,____ 1 am not ignorant of the reptitatiim of some of the highly respAtable gentlemen there who have Al rdridered their public testimony in -favor of the (- Medicine. • • . "l Will only add that. the trial of these-Pills ha 4 been satisfactory in this place.. You -may send me, by the first oppoi•ttinity,'lnic quarter gross; ~,,.. . Truly and Tespeetfully yours, ' . . ------;-:-... _ . Froth thift• tion:• Glut rks pi.lier, hit -member of Congress. - - • , ~. , .S.wsnunr, Peli.• : fai • Several years ago I was very time! afflieted with a diseased stomach and bowels; nothing I - - COll Id cat appeared to agree -with Me, and I . wail obliged to Be very e4rrtill in my diet. A journey *- . to the south - west a ff orded tno considerable relief„ ' - and, as T - supposed; had cured - Ine; - but - when 1 - left off travelling, the disease returned- again and , 1 was obliged to take medicine constantly, among • other things very often calomeli - this conuntied td -be-my state - until - ahouttvelve - Momlis ago, when on the recoMmendation of Major_J.olut_Beard,4__ ____ begstirtir - tirffe'efairlth l i Anti.. Dyspeptic Pills; - I soon found relief from them, add have Si* ---.- taken no other medicine whatever. ' Whenever -",,.. I find tilyittamae.4...Rnd bowels are„becoinitig de4 ' • ranged, tresort to these Pills and invariably find-----..-.:': •• [ relief. , I have heard a-number of persona sPeik • of the -benefits. they hive - received from t head oils, in the moat debided ,terms. - I. am well ac: qusinted with Doctor Beckwith; he fcir a time resided in this place, and was mYlatnily , ,Physi:. cian. His own testimony witliregard to the use • -of-lids-Atiii•Dyspept ie--Pills--may-be-- fully-relied on. "CHARLES' 1'1S111•111.?' , . kiw York den..Tlito. Sem.. May, 11, 1837.- • Mr. 11: b. Turner-Dear 'Sir,-,Tci those isub.l - . ject to bilious attacks - arill'especialy to the Dys: - pi. , ptie,.l)r._.Beckwith's Pills, will unquestionagli - ' aflbrd relief, 1 . . speak,with more cinffideitceTatter- •••• • having received diateriaf h net . r ' • ihem, for whieltt had used almost every t=inge ittyain.; , --. They need bid a fair trial to find - *pine in thci • - - Medicine.chest Of every family; find ~ to gainsi - - reputation 'at theNortli,,al.resikeetabie and ex; :' - • tensive as tliej. have secured,' where they have • - betAtiolig - knOwn at tire South-.:_, - - , • 'Very respectfully yours, - 1_ _ . • - - N, S. nictuitbSox. . , Other iestimbnials in favor of these:Pills,froni • tht -- inoist•resfiectab.le. -- sottree4;7aregiveti Witlfthe• - accompanying directions.. - - • Price for a single box, 5d., Terris 'libers,'lttoi'' ~-, agents - and those, who, buy to sell again, ,To be -. • hail of 11. p.'ll.lliNklit,'Principal Agent;' 18C, ' - --.-' ',"''•-• Broadway, New York, and by --- '''••••• , -T”?'" • - - . SAIIIII ELLIOI7, Carlielei, • . • .. _ _ Dec. 4, -',1'03."(--,ly •' . .-: : , 1 ,-; ':.--, ' -i" ' •• _ „ " - TO T,EpM 2.1.63:11 1 310: . THE subscriber 'wOulti respctitillyLitifotni-l— the Ladies and,vianitr th . it ' haS - tor sale . • • ' • ';'BIACK' , FUR, - ' noltrrmtnis . Blocked oVer tite: :Rifest_ and. most approvil`' made blocks. The Bonnetts are finished id -- a style fuperi* to any manufacttlized'in borough, aio vary in prine,accorditig to the sizt'atichluality. ' - ' The finishing. shop . is-aituaterd in. North, Hanover street, one donr.south of•Mr..Eze: kid Bullock.% chair factork.. • -• • ' • • • ,• ANDREW G. LECHLER. t- 11 I. L. nAwks.