Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, December 05, 1837, Image 1

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OL trairE XL.—Ab. 9.
TVA . ItAILS • • . •
• THE C.krtrasr.l: lignArm Nn. 74CrOg7
c.) ..LA .p.et_ann
..!to be p,fticl WU' 3 ' vntice.•
, ../ID'V eRT/SEMENTSnotexceedingasql
• for three insertions, ONE. DOLLAR, rind e% co . ;
bubsagtient insertion, Twenty-live Cents,' Ivge ,.
ones in proportion.•,
~Letters achlres4ed to. the publishers on .
.POST l'Alll,,ptherwise
.dill pot be ntt9ndtql to.. ' • " •
r the following persons, ttaVre Veen 'appointed
Agents; for the Catlisib Derald and. Expositor
whom payMentjor_stibscripiton-and-alyortise—
Frients can be made: "
D,'SttEt.Ly,,Esq. Shiremanstown, Cumb. Co.
_ScorT Coiax, Esn.•Newville, do. .
KOOI4TZ, Esq. Newburg, • ' -do.
:THOS. W . : .1-DatklB - ,: - Esru. Shippensburg,- do. ,
JOiEN Virbxn.intacia, Esrf.• do. tio— •
MATEEU, do. •
,*, Esq.'Mvehanicsburr„ do.
:Wittrior lituststi Esq :ITopewell, . do,
At. STURGEPN, E,sq..Churchtown, • do,
Dr. AsA •IVEtITE; New 'Cumberland,' do. - •
Tinos. 1h...4cK,. Esq. Illoonifield, Nrry'eounty
--:A.-BLAcK., Esq,_Laudisburg, • do
To nE.c v/Are E TS.
. Se&ioti ,
1. The-Towtr Council of the 136:-
Vough of-Carlisle ordain:lli:it thrQuier . stalls
ittid-Urea - Ofrthe'Market House shall be ex-
— cluShrely appt , opriated to butchers and re•
7 toilers of meatov lro use — the'stalfs ro
- spaceS between- t he- eoli th - ins for the ptirposc
of exposing thei r-meat m for sale.. The-outer
. stalls or benches shall - he exclusively appro - - -
ed-•to,the—vOnde ofprovisi ons -tut(l,
- Cles-otlie:r--4 an-- ; mea essTrniett - sitrir:
- •
.ipiantity-than a qttarter,Vi hick ;than not there
be exposed for sate:sand any per:fon or per-.
sons_offending againt- the proVistens of this
'ordinance-, shaltforfelt 'and- pay to the_lio
'rough• of. Carlisle the sup of. one dollar.
-butolter-or-r et ail er eat,try
ies_than - a_quarter shall occupy_
- any stall of the Market house without first.
--- 'ltaving'ilbtainediliOense - thcrefor - fromAite -
BorouglyTreasurer, and - havingTaid - for Said
- :license the sum which shall be-fixed as the
annual rent of such:stall; as he or they/may
- selecti_a stall, being the-space• between any
two of the columns. which support - the build.-
- ing. ATM anyone offeticling.ttgainst-theTrd
--Visidirs-Lorthisectiorr:_ahall _forfeit and-pay;
~the,§,unf of one dollar for each-offence.
Sq . cti lt shall be law futr
'of provisions - or articlesother than a retailer_
of Meat--bylessAttantitics than it quarter, to
bave . a space upon the, outer benches: of -the
Market House appropriated tbliis, her or
. their exclusive use, he, she - . or-.they.-having
-first obtained a license - therefor from the be.'
rough Treasurer, ,acid paid for the siiunc at
the rate per annum which shall_be fixed by
the Borough Authorities, from timeto tithe
'And during the lime for which the said .1i
tense shalt, be so granted, it shall be unlawful
. for any one else to occupy the space so al)•
propriated, and anyone offending against this
provision, shall forfeit and pay to the person
Interrupted, the sum of one.atillar.
— 7 — Sect.'4. It shalFbelawful-for-a-person-or
persons to occupy a stall or half a stall, and
the area of the market place, for the purpose
of veffding meat, for a market day, -having
first paid to the clef k . of the Market, such •
price for the occupation of the same, as shall
be fixed from time to - time by. the authorities
-- bf the Borough. __ - • _
- Sect. 5. It shall be unlawful for an'y person
- to-buy any article of provisions, (groceries,
all kind 4 of grain, and bread only excepted.)
after.thc hour of sunset of the evening of the
day-preceding the markets, as established by
• the chafterr, exceprin - th - eitiatket HoUse...--
Anti_it shall be unlawful for any person to
retail any article of provision (except as be
fore excepted) in,shops or houses, within the
said borough, without first having obtained a
license-for that purpose from the Treasurer
of the Borough, and paid for the same such
,; __ol,pding,against these provisions, slrall for•
_andliay,_fur the use of the Borough; the
sum of one dollar for each off'•nce. . •
Sect. 6. It shall be trfilawful fur any person
or. persons, who have obtained a license as
aforesaid, to' retail . provisions, to purchase
Wjlhin th — e7tisirTif - MayketlioursT'nny'articte:
pr articles of provision, above ~ t he quantity
__Lherein,litnited„to wit: Half a bushel of buck-_:
_ .
wheat or corn meal, 4 quarts Wan); kind of
huts, 2 dozen of eggs, six pounds of butter-12
bushels of potatoes, one bushel of fruit, 20
pounds of meat, .(unless a single piece should
ekceed. 20 pounds.) And any person offend
ing against this provision, shall forfeit and
pay, to .the. Borough, the sum of , five dol
. Sect. 7. •If any.Persoh shall hereafter sell
tw offer for sale, any butter which shall be
{ found ndt to be oF full weight,. such_ butter
ahall.b.e forfeited for the use of the Borough,
to be sold by the Clerk of the . Market,- and
the proceeds paid over into the hatuls of the
Zirit. 8. It shall be unlawful to bring to
Mir et for . sale, uwhedesome liatt, - ,Vir - on=
Marketable provis'ns: and any one offending
against tliis-provisi 117-shall forfeit and pay to
- thilltiffiffgh - t Ire - sum ofltv.e7dollars - for each
,,,. ,
lattcnce.. And it shall he the. 4 tity, of, the Clerk
bf the:Market 'immediately - to . remove the
. • offensive article, •
Sect. 9. - It shall be the 'duty of ' tlre Trea
. hitrer of the Borough to issue a- license to any
..- person 'or • persons applying for the' same, -en
titling him, her pr them, to the exclusive use
.---, and ocetipanCY.during market limit's, of any
Mailer stalliMthe.area of the Market place,.
4rt on tle outer enc les,
:--j9rk-le_rrogt.-1 1 4 0 tv—than-vne- yea r, 4tor-,1 e s
'than three .monthst the applicant or appli-
Cants therefor, paying to the Treasurer the
following annual rent, to
- wit --For stalls Nos.
and 26; the sum af• tweli , e dollars; for stalls
Nos. 2- and 25, the sum of 10 dollars• i for
Stalls Nos. 12. and 13; the sum of 11_dollars,
and for stalls Nos. 11 and.l4., the sum of nine
tlollafs. ': For all other stalls in the North
EaSt wing Of, the -Market-lionier-the - -sum-of
. nine',dollars; , and- for all other stalls in -the
South-West wing of the Market HouSe, the
;bum of eight dollars. And the applicant or
applicants, for a space or spaces on the outer
beeches of . the Market House, paying to the
;'SaidTteaSurer, the annual rent of two dollars ,
for a'apace of four feet, or ,one dollar and a
half for a space.of threa-feet,tharked, de,
. . . • .
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a F.l l .,yinbie_ OM F 'S./Par-ER: —DEVOTED TO .lEOr*S l . .LiTIENraTURE, TME 4RTS - slaw s Es, s lialZlCELT.,utiE l 4'c.
Signated'and numbered on the - said. benches; ,
which'sfihrseveral rents shall be paidAuar-:.
-tel=ly-in-advance----Atid-it' duty
of , the-said!-TreitSurer: to- 4eep,-an - ently
book for thatpurpose, of the numbers of each
and every stall and space, and the names . .of.
I the persons. to Mimi - I - the license _the
issued, and the time forwhich it l s issued.
Sect. lb..
_lt shall be riilawful to,use ,any
fr.aiid,'.force or violent in. the act f purcha
sing or °removing; or tterripting to lesnoire
any - article or at of -provision.'_Without
the consent .of the owner. And it shall be
unlawful for any person or persons, to vse .
any fraudulent or dishonest practiee.either in, the
market place: and any • one offending-against
these provisons" shall forfeit.and, pay" theßor
ough. for the
. of...the peT,§ou injuredAhe
's.urn--of7two-doltars. . .
Sect. 11.. It is. hereby - ordained that the
stands to be used by • butchers •in cutting up
their.meat, shall be made of plank about
thick, • With - feet to stand 'Upon,
Of a 'proper heigth, and to: be in length, not.
exceeding four feet, and in breadth nOt.
ceeding "two feet six inches; and that the
same shall nor he - S'uffered to re - maid - in - die
Market House,
.except in Market hours,
unless the, Same shall be 'So Milled upon the
permarrentienches between the columnS•
that - the outer surface thereof, Shall mit be,.
exposed to filth or: uncleanness, And. no
'person - er per Sons shall bring withiW the '1
Market House or the- enclosure which sur
rounds the..Same' any - block, clra)V cart;
gun, cat - mike - of anykinct - oranrother thing
,authorized'Aly this ordinance., And '
shall - b4:. unlawful for any- person or persons
bring into and.. leave within the'said en-_!
closure - anyik'ail; feet or the efral of any ani
mtramL:any_person or—persons_:oireiling•
against. any of ilic• prorkons tills section
shun forfeit ancl pay ftir each offence the
sum of two tioltirs, _
" 'Sect:- -1-2, It is , hereby Ordained that the
Clerk of the ntarket,' shall always keep for
the use - of the corporation exact stainhu•
weightit - iThd measures; as•the'same ate or
.sha I l ' bk.Aix e_d_b_yAll el a NYS' of . .. Pennsylvania,.
and:.-that7it shall Ala his .du every .
three-months - , - Or oftener if he, shall-be the're
toYequired; to try The Weights. and meastlyeA
ofr . :alb,rinhabitants ofithe-saiirborougX - who
buy Or* . sell by Weight or measure, and,all
and- : every weight pr- measure psed_l_n-the,
said:..borOuo,either-fm• buying or selling,
which- shall be
.found either gt eater or less.
thanthe--standard-iv el - Ott Or rpeasu re, shalt
be taken into the custody of the:said clerk,.
whose duty it shall he under the dirktion Of
the burgesses or either id them to reduce or
•to increase-the-same-totheAruc standard, and
the eXpetrSe of doing the same_ shall bq r spziid
to, the IlOrtalgh - by the person Owing or op-,
•cuping-the-said---weight-s--or_mcastule.s, soil if_
any person or persons within thLtoidboyougli
shall knowingly sell anyartie
le by weight or
measure under the just standard so to be kept
6r-shall buy by any weight or nierisul4-above
such standard, he: she or i hey on being there
of duly convicted, for every such offence shall
for kit and pay ; fOr the use of the corporation
the turn of- cell dollars,' alici :Mall also
for felt the_ ltaill, weights •or measures.—
' - And if any iblaititant.witliiiithe saul orough
using any -weights or measures for the pur
pose of buying or selling, shallyefuseon de-1
wand being made in the day time by the said
clerk -of the market, to produce or deliver
the said weights,or measures by which he
either buys or sells, to the said clerk, finr
the purpose of being testied by tlie . said stand
at d weights all'irmeastireli, and Iseirrg there:'
of leplly convicted shall for every suck of--
fence forfeit and pay. to the use of tile' said
corporation the sum of twenty dollars. • And
it shall be the. duty of . the elerl-of the mar
ket to attend et-Cry, markt t morning at the,
market house,
‘ where the. said . standard
weights and measures shall be kept, it) thd_
house provided_ for_ keeping the. smite; and'
all articles offered (other than but‘
ter, 'put tip in precise quantity). the price of
which sle)II tie_pend opon weigillt_orAweasure,..
' shill latirmiglititilliii - Sliid libuSe., - be by film
justly weightcl . and. measured, and he shall
be paid by- the-seller for weighing each--.draft
not exceeding-fen pounds, one tent ; and if
over-ten and not exceedjL - L) e twenty paunch,
twd cents;—and if exceeding twenty nd not)
. exceeding fifty pounds, three cents; and it
TITOTC than-fifty. and not exceeding out hun
dred pounds, four cents;, and if more hair
-one--handred-pounilt r sixicentt;.and for-inga:-
suring all ltinds of. articles sold by the bush
el, -or lesS quantity, he shall receive if under
half a bushel, one cent for each Measure ; if
above half it- bushel and not more than one
buShel, • two cents; and WO cents for every
bushel lie shall have so measuaed in addition..
And if the said clerk shall be called upon by
ally-person or persons
. buying or selling any
articleS by - ;weight - or measure,-to weigh or
measure the same. at-any other- time than on
the.mornVig-of ale prescribed markerdays,
'ttlid within, market. hours, '.the shall'
pay to the said clerk double-the.rates above
mentioned. ..._
. Sect. 1571 , 7c7iiiiEkster or sell rof eakes
shall be permitted to oectipr any : stall or sit
within the line of posts - and foot pavements
put around the. Market House, with intention
to sell at any other time than during market
ket libuse'unless - they - have - e-license for that
purpcise, tinder the penalty of one dol • r to
be paid t,0, - the Iforough. ' • •
`Scct.„,l4, It shall be thillAvf4 n for am , er
soma. persons t 6 eut, break, lash, deface
or otherwise injure the Market House oldie.
enclosures around the samei,oviinyotler im
provement "Or ornament. ‘xlijcit now, is, or
hereafter 'shall be made, Wilhirs the s r ' .
VI t lir Sr
.virrer .ou - se Square or any)other of the
brenk, mark, defade or otherwise injure; any
public building or house of worship which
now is, or hereafterroay-be, enclosed withiti
any of the public squares •of the Borough:
and it shall
: be unlawful for anytrowd of men
or, boys to assemble in the Market house or,
eticlosures y or either of them, fur the put -g
Pose' of amusement - Or otherwise,land fur_
-any - person - or" , persons to use or occupy the
benches in the said' Mai ket. House for any
purpose whatever, ,'eitcept during. Market
hours: and, an . yperson ',or person's offending
agninst the',PrOvistana of this ordinance shall
forfeit and pay •te the said Borough the sum
• .
o twenty dollars:• •
Sca. 15. It sit:ol.h° unlawful for ,any per
'son .or persons to ° onstvocraild uut up in'Llte,
. .2
, _ . .- ....._,...._,______-____-_____ • _4.11
Arrintet, m.P
arl arblisilea, Weekly, by Geo. OIL .Phillip a
s 610 Geo. Er. Vevey, iiirrar as e 1 . 7-1
-said Market honSe -- ;or cause the sarrie to be
doae,.any beaM, hook or device'•for.any pur-.
pose whatever in- addition to•the same as at
present conateticted, without-first-having ob
tained. the consent of - the Town Council:
thereto, and any,person offending againstthfa.
provision shah forfeit and paY the sum.of. two
-dollars:.and the Clerk of the Market Is here.;
._by_required_to.remove.the .
16. It shall Gu the duty of the Treaiht
ter Once in every three monthalttfurnith to
the-Clerk-of the market - a - list - of the - OrsTins
who have paid for and taken out licenses fOr
stalls or places. in" - the Market House; and
if any of the said stalls shall be occupied'or
used by any person or persons who have not
taken. out a license for the same,: it shall be
the duty of the said Clerk immediately to
make _re piirt inw riting e reef to the 'l7reas
os e- d u t-s) alliite , toprocu
Ces - s to be issued against such person,,or per
sons for the collection of the penalties int
.posed by this act, PrOvided, howeyer; that
any, person pr persong'may. obtain permission
from the Clerk of the market to occupy a
- stall or half a stall in the said Market House
for one day during market hours,•firstpaying
-therefor to'-the said Clerk the sum of fifty
cents : for the use of a - stall - or - -twenty
. five centS,,,for half it: stall.. And if the
Cierk of the Market_ shall neglect or refuse
to perform the duties required of him by.
this 'act he-shall forfeit and. pay the sum of
fifty cents for each individual :so occupying
tlip-stall-or-stairs-without-licensei----and for •
each and every Market day the - sarrie shall
Sec. 17. It shall of-the treasu
rer to grantatt2l issue a license to any person -
or persons applying for the same tdretailpre.
vision s- ofan y kin cI - orTt olee - e - p - ilYid maintain
sit-ttysterm-patintirratiter'w tilititw - sliTirß67.
rough - for - the - Terin
. cif one year, he, *she or
they siy applying for the same_having first
- paid to the said:•TreaStirer the sum of' two"
dollars ; and any pertion or persons,-who shah'
keep-or maintain an- etyster or eating honse
:in the`saul Borough without having obtained
a - license-therefoe , shall forfeit and pay the
. ,
sum - cif five-dollars.. - - -
Sect. 18. It. shall. be the dUty of the High
Cons a - ahFs e con ifS t u .4 p r IT;
Oc.tober,_aticl - .lnuary;_to.inake due en : -
quiry . &•ar;ull and eve 4
pe - eson . or, persons, retiiilefs of. provisions
withinrthis-borough; and-if any person - or per
sons;shull be found retailing without a license,
the 'Pl:cash r alrta tise,proc es stabc-i ssti
iigainst...Shch person sn. pei*nis SQ Offelidipg,
dr - the. penalties in such c ~ss~ provided.
Sec:, 19, is hereby ordahled that the
spaTe on the-South-and East sides of 014
Market_douse. are hereby- appropriated
dilrin - g - in - arkA hours
_tor the use,ol 7- WagObs,
carts, or' carriages,:_and_the,o_wiler_or_driver__
thereof shall hack- his wagon,- cart, or car;
way. as „that_the,.hind, part_
thereof shall be next the Market House,.and
any person or persons - the owneror driver of
a wagon, - cart, or carriage, who shall suffer
the same LA remain any length of time.during
market hours in any other position shun for
felt and pay the sum of one dollar. And it is
hereby, uko . ordained tAtt wagons ladened
with wood, } rain, board* or other lumber
shall notbe,permated,-dur-ing-voarltet hears, -
to occupy any of the space on - the - SOuoh or
. East side of the Marketnouse, .end anytper
son or Persons offending against _ his pro.
vision shall forfeit and pay the sun) f ono
doltar. ,
Sect. 20. It is hereby ordained that all lovi
heretohire passed„ , whidi arc altered or Sop this ordinance arc hereby repealed._
•Passed.the.:Olst October, 1837. •
'P;:csident of Town Cau_ .
fle4l-3 . A:kiFiW..lln - r, Clerk. -^
Novumbor '6,- -
ROMINSOPCS 014101.':,
.o "kilt. st., 1 doo;s beim Ban /•.
-- rifit?, - 01319 DOIALARS..
Persons. at a distance di posed to try their
luck :hi eith6r of the following grand lintite
ries—one of which .draws alternately every
week-4re respectfully requested to forward
their Orders. to the subscriber, - eimlosing the
cash or prize tickets, designating the Lottery
will - receive; immediatetrention—hv—retu r n
nail, and the drawings forwarded when over
cii:requested) . . .
• Baltimore, Md:
Da.AwiNG OF LoTTlr.nms.—Order in which
the several State Lotteries. will he drawn.
Maryland State LOtteries draws in Balti
..every other Monday. capitals range
froM,10,000; - 20,000 to $.10,060 ; Delaware
State Lotteries draws -twit ery week,
capita's vary frotri:s_to $lO,OOO ; d Con—
, solidatad Lottery draws once ev ry week,.
Capitals 20,000, 25,000.t0t530.9903-Alexan
dria Lately itfrtivs once. every other week,
capitals 10,000, 20,000,'30,000,5.0,000 ; Vir
ginia State Lottery, draws every Sattirday -in
each we7e - k - ,'-'eafrit - al prizes range froarri-10;000;
20 000 .25 000 30,000 to $40,000. *Tickets
iyhe above Loiterles vary from . $2, 3,4, 5
d 10 each, shareS iti proportion.
All letters addressed to the subscriber go
-perfeetly-safe.--.-Nomiscarriage:has-ever oc
--• Feb; 14, 183r.-1y .
• Letters of Administration on the estate of John
Morret deceased, late' of Monroe township, de
ceased, having. issued to the sutisciltiers, residing
in said township.,A per Sons having chums against
the, estate, will ,res i t •Ir o tli a • .'bers for
ymen ,and all persong indebted to the estate
make payment immediately, to
Sal - inter Morret,
Georg673rindie,. -
Nov. 20; 1837
• .Orphaa's Court Sale.. •
113tY 'an' order of. the Orphan's Court . of
Cumberhind comity, I Will expose to Public
Sale, on MONDAY, the 11th day. of DeCernber
•• • Tract .• 'next, on the premises; a of
• s'i, g • Land„Nattateti-AiSout.hamptott town
.ol,i a 1, ship, containing Six Acres, mpre.oi
less, bayin7thercon' erected, a I.,im
1) w i LL.I N 04.1,..Q05P„ known as the' late i•esi
(knee of .. .John' NlCCarty, wade
known on the day of Sale_by,
• '
:NOY. licintr: of J.....lLCarly,ilecq.
- -- 1
.72.1i,tsz altpannazz,
1-IL -subscriber-has-just opetfed a lot of
- 11 7 Fresh Groceries; Fkuits - , &c.• which he
will Sell at a low proOt,•vii-: • • - •
• • beSt YOUng HySon'Tea. • -
Java Coffee, 20 years old \ • •
from dirt and stones. • • •
-Loaf, Lumpi.and•BroWn Sugars. .
Srealfi Sugar House Molasses. .
London Bottled MUStard. • • ,
Bottled Cayenne Pepper. ; • •
Cinnamon, ground and ungrbund.
Ground . Nuts, Brazil Nuts, English Wal,
ntits,.Soft and 'Ppper Shell Almonds,
lk.c. •- • - .
Old-London, Pale Pineti Champagne-and
- - Czo _____ _
Holland.Gini Jamaica and Boston Ilum.•-
Choip:e Madeira, Fair do.,L. P. Tenerifie.
. • Sicily Madeira; Lisbon,
.Port, • Pine
and . :Common, and 51y.(.14..Ma1a0
Wines. ,
Two Setts of Beautiful China, one 72, 'and
- one 46 piece's: • •
Large Liverpool. Bowls; and a General -As
- . sorttnent of Clrina, Liyerpool
• - -mon Ware. ,
.Corinecticut Mess Shad, .131 3 cents pet lb.
N0.,2 Mackefel-;;-Smoked'Ilerring•,..
CHEESE, lstquality. -
- • -
-• a Air
- 4 A- North I lanoyei. Stja_Ultich reaorttAhore_
is kept: a Grocery. The lIOUSE, , - , •
is large difireMircnicnt, 'having it •
great. mionbcr - id* rooms on each .; f,
- floori - and:TM excellent Cellar under
the whole building : :. There is in the ).ard„at the
Kithhen door, a pump and well offirst rate - -water.
The sitnationuf the building is such that- any per
son desirous of cornmencing. the mercantile busi
ness, would And it tmbc an excellent stand. There
is alsm - ft large - .
-T-8-2/ 1 0i'VE-IF.TRE-110-USE
On the Lot. 7 .Tlre Store Itoom mid 'Warehouse
can be-had .separate front the rest of the building,
ifdesired • • .
For particdlars ingoirc of the Editor. •
-• •
Fale-,Notice-qhtt Ave-have-applied-to-the-judg.i:
or the court of commOu pleas of Cumbe!hind
~tinty- for the beoefiCorthe-insolveM laws of this_
Lominunwe;ilth,.aild'tkey kave appbinteill'urs
day,. the 12th day of December, 153riat the
courthouse in Carlisle, for -
ur_tretlitors„whcit and_wherc_.
if you think-proper.
Nov. no
„. •
-1-`lp.-~.~I~G-ill-.1~ , ~*L.J - ~ , ~~~~ .
The Subscriber—returns_his_sincere_than
to his former customers, for the liberal share
of patronage, which haS betzti given him and
solicits a continuance of the sa u te; as,also he
invites thiise who may not, as yet, hay.e.
given Win a call, to ‘ do so at Itisshoviii North
Hanover'streetione_door north of Mrs. , E•
weises store. . ...........
- Daring,lately returned from the. the city
Philadelphia, bringing with him the latest
and most approvyd fashions', the subscriber
has on hand, a large asortment,, of
GE N Tx. E iNg EN'S nvirs,
&c. finished in a Supelior style.
Also, FUR. AND' !ZEAL CAPS; of the
fashiorth, all bf •which will be sold low
for' cash, or exchanged fur country proL
all_ end see.
Nov, 20, 1837-.-- I lf ' 51
TO Dl.Y•df®:Dlf'liV)Rß9.
TAKE NOTICE that I have applied to
the Judges of the court of , cLimmion Pleas of
York n_ty for the bonert of the insolvent
laws tf thialom we
umnaltli , of Pennsylvania,
and that 'they have appointed TUESDAY
theA.2llulayollkcembe , r,lB37, at 10_ o'ciodi
in the morning, for the hearing of me and my
creditors,`at the Court House in the borough
4-York . ; when and„wheye you may attend if
yOu think proper. - •
priTER: -
'York, Nov. 8, '1887..
- - Notice :to Creditors.
J •
,t,Take Notice that I have applied to the Judges
of the CommonCourt-ef Pleas of--Cumberland
c untY - tor the benefit 'of the insolvent laws of
this commonwealth ; - and they have appointed
Tuesday, the 12th day of December 1837, at the
court-house in Carlisle, for the hearing of me and
my creditors, when- and. where' you may attend
it you think proper. - JOHN- BROWN. .
1 ' Voventher 20, 1837.
[ . _ .• • -.
The Stockholders of • the Hanover and
-Carlisle-Turnpike Road Cornpanyi-are-bere
by_no_tilied,.thz4 an electiqn for twa inana
managerS. will be' held.wilTie .house - ot.TOhn
Overholtzer, Inkeeper, •• in Cumberland .
County, on Tuesday tlitt .11 1 . th, day-of-cleeem
her next. between th.e.hourSThf twelve.'and
Rour_teclock, on said day„to serve for one
year. The ConnuisSioners of:Cumberland
and 'Adains County ~are. likewise ,notified
atithid art - ht: said fittre4o7-pla,.,e, to
three managers, on behalf of the Common
wealth,to serve f.o.t the like period. -7 By
order f theßoatd. _ _ _
Nov. 20, 1837
Estate of Ch ristian rc>otiVer, deceased..
trerf‘nit's---a-tßtrilinistration-ipppn - the-estitie
••• of Christi'an Coover, Lae of Dickinson town ,
ship; enrobe-landcuunty, decettjecli 'have issued
iii due - forin of 14w to the su'b'of. residing on
the farnrof said ilebtiased,in
_said: township_
All pasonq havOk cJailns against - said . estate. will
.ptesent then, alid I.lktie iodebted will hake
went to
Gio:"-W. CuAnn.
to . Credito.o.4
ZIIBLIa ITosaam.
T. STEP I - 1 ENS.
. .
Sept. • , .
tatHE guhsbriber will relit that' well known
% large* and convenient'houseJor many years
occupied by Christian - Ilumrich; and - more re
cently by Others, as.'a
IL pp g HOUSE.: The house is , remarks
' I;' . . 010 bly well c.deulitted for: entertaining
; ',there being three.
stairways;-und - Fire - places hi:most-of:the rooms:
The situation is very pleasanttaud deSirable, being
on the nOrthwest corner -;offlittitiVer and
streets.conveniences,,while, 'for conveniences,, it.excels any.
other house in the borough or country: pos
sesses the . Onusual advantages of 1-2'roms -oft:the
first floor-12 rooms on the 2d floor,-4 rOPMS olr
tbeqd _floor6 Cellars in house. Two yells of
water. ; (one at the front door on Louther street,
with a pump.therein; 'the other in the yard at the
kitchen.cloor;) a Cistern- made to contain'elghty
five - llog . sheads; large - and - convenient stabling,
with.earriage-house- avid-sheds; large-and eke..
leut'gardens • attaChed 'to the huildifigit besides
• many conveniences not specified.- •
2. Also, one frame Weathel'-bo'arded
TwoNStory House . , situated sin' East -Louther st.,
with two Cellars, a Garden and Stabling attached
3. Also, one other. boardedl'Ve4ther.od
House:in West Lauther street, adjoining the Ger
matrliefornyetl-Church,--wittra Garden - attaelred
to kt. .!FOr fr s erins'abfily .to • ' .
~.• Estate . of. Jacob nigh, deed ! , •
• . •
. - All persons. indtce ecl to the.Eitafe.ilt Ja
cob - High; Sen., deed; late of MICIIIn torviiship .
Kumberlawd county, are requested to make im
mediate payment to .lacoij.llight-hosidloginNew
ton—tow:tiMrifcibi;_lto i epry Rtkill, r ng,in
ifili letters-of--administr. -
lion on-said estate have issued; and all persons
'having claims or demands' Sgainst• the estate of
said deceased, are requested to make known the
same to either' of the Administrators, without
delay. •
• .1 . A C 9 .4-1.41 I (.; IT, - r' 4f Jacob
. HENRY ItAILVING,S-.1.K0, Sr. deed,
Nov. 20.1887- • • . -
7111,1111'__Avell_know.n,.T4 orn ta nil, situated on
tbe Cumberland. and:Perry liiie,
Sterritts Gap. ' of the: best
country - stands. in. . either county.
will -be rented alone, of _with the_cloired_larul.
attached . to the premises, which now is in good
ordee._.':Any person w4hing to view, or the
- property; - can -- be -- accommodated—by-applying-to
the Subscriber, residing ut the Gap. .
- _ -IV. Clar k
Sterritt's Gap, Nov 6, 1837. v.:
)Lan ing
• FOR . S
- •
• -- •
I N RURSlJANCl7cTriliFilifer:iroliTirlTir:
will of Thomas KOinell.k . ,__deceased,: late- of
'Mifflin .township, 1 will t,ell ut Pulihe sale, •un
mots:D.l:y, the 25th thy of December next, on
Alio premises, at Ten o'clock in tie for T itoon,
the following described Farm, situated ill Mifflin
-and Vranklbrit township., bounded by. The lands
of Georf%i: Brat len, Joh n brown, Ileum' Brim*
and-otinTs;-Mlntatittrrir2,:r2Walir - iisGyaccAlitill
of fii•st (pianty - hi, slate andiGravel, about :70
acres of•witi - are-tire-clearech,v-tlie-rshitie-nis.eovered„,
with Timber. The iini t rovements ore
19 IlioqWo Log .c.n.:•uato
. • AND I E' • i r,
A 'Double Log. Barn, with, twd Thresh
ing and a house erected for .it ry.—
There is a titt C:1111 of never-fitih c
_ To tug Water running past the
`‘ Itn-
.6" 17 provemOßCHAßDents. There is also
.!. • •
. -
excellent fruit htrthe Farm.
• :I-a 'the above • Farm is well calcu
lated for raising eitheir Grain or Stock, as there
arc a great 111M13: , drafts which produce early pas..,
tune, or...nety be cut for ; lay, and there pcing run
ng water in-all-the , fields - evcepflwoit.: l llre.Trarrir!
iviil snit to treTditidetlTatid-witi-b4-s*Odivided
or together, as will best suitpurchasers,lPersons
wishing to inspect the
_premises will : Call at the
Siihseribeesidence. in Carl ale.
The 'Colis of Sale will. be= 15'0 pay
able on the execution of the agrc!enieut, life resi
due of one-half. the purchase, monevon_ thedirpt
of Argil next, and the bahence in three awed
payments without infeiiiFsT, to be secured by a licit
land. • • • - t.
--- Folioit-Maarl an
ale ihc
!dill andexld.
Nov. 20, is 37
_ .
`. nolbinson‘s Lucke Office s l,_
80 Baltimore BCreet, Baltimore, Md. S
CIBEAT, grand and glorious result of the
" 50,000 dollar Lottery, drawn on St ar:
day-the-88th---inst,-Gransl ConSolidateot,
tery, ClaSs B, lowest prize 10 dolls:-: . 26
717 49 55 19 43 11 41'50. -.- • : , •
_Combination 26 60`1T; - sold - in -- a - quarter
ticket, near the grand pliZe, bezide,s lot.of
lurge prizes.-" .
The following , combinalions are entitled to
-prizes of,-viz.. . . ~
7 ,26 60,'„50,000=17 49 55 $lO,OOO •
11 - 19 43, 7,500- 7 : 17 26' 6,040
'll .--
.41 43. 2,000 711 60 1;250
- 5.1 00; . :1 ,0001117 - 60 .- 1,00
750 ,. , ]7 ._ . '19 100
19 43, 40, 99c55. - 60
All' persons throughout the United States
having prizes in .the above Lottery. are re
,spectfully'enelose them. to the" ,
subscriber,-which-tlit_cash„or_tickets in
any of the *splendid Lotteries now drawing,
will he fur war led immediatel -trlrm4ex.ei
_ Nov' 21
c - itEDAToßs . .xoniciE.
t h e
NOTICE that we have
the judges:ol.the , ,court of Common e,ieus of
Cuitiberland , count_N, for the benefit 'of the
insolvent taws of this Commonwealth i and
they have appointed Monday the Bth, day
of JanhatyoB3B, at the Coui t . House in Car.
lisle, for the:hearing Of us and our creditors',
wheri and where you nuiy attend,if you„tithlii
. E. IL DANIS, •
th O
the New Yliti. courier pud -Inquirer will
insert the , above• navertil,inuent, ylish the
name marked.thus(*)in weekly; thygetinlei,
and charge
FOB , ~'l~~
t' 0 re I RE N T.
10aluable.Real Estate
E. W. ROB NS e
Baltimore; .Md
lartzpixtp4rx.:ACHEMES 7-
In otUerie s.
$40;000 .CA.I-IT-4.i.:,1-
. .
7 . 5 Prizes 91 I,o'o 0 Dollars,
CLASS.C. 72.-- - -.
To __ be drawn at Wilmington,
bet onSttur.
day,. December 16th, 1837.
- ' • Moat splendid Prizes.-
1 - Prize of_. 40,000 Dollars
• 1 do . ' 15,000 Dollars
• 1 do 8, - 000 Dollars . ...
1' do • 6,000 Dollars
. ; _
. do • 4,150 Dollars
.5 prlzes of 1,500 - 75 prlieslof — 5OO
5 do - 1,250 128 do . 200'
5 do. 1,000
. Bcc. sic - :&i;. --- 7
Tickets 10 dolls—half s—quarter 2.50
Cer. of package, .of - 25 , Whole ticketS 140
do • do 25 Half j do.- 70
do do 25 Quarters do . 35
• •
• , - ...-
.' VIRGINIA STATE - 1,01 7 TV.0.
.. . ....
____For_ the benefit of- the town-of. Wheeling/
. - • Class No 8, for 1887. •
!To be drawn atkAlexandria, Va. on- the p3d'
- _ _. • •
' December 1837. . •• •
„ -• _ Grand Capital Prizes.- -- ,
25,000!-6,000,!- 7 5,000!.--3,000!,-2,224!-
2,00 . 01;--.50 of 1000!--50 of 300; &c.
Tickets only 8 -- dollsr—lialves-and quarters
in proportion. - )
Cer of packages of 25 whole„tickets 100 idols
do do ---25-balf-- - - - do"- -- 30 Bois
.do do 25 d uarter do. - 25 dols
_' •
_ __,
. • • .-
- $30,0 Capital, _
. 15 4 Drown NuMbers.- . •
- - •
Richmond .dieadettly Lottery.
Class - _ •
To be drawn at bnPaturday
• De.
' 100-1,750 -
- • 1,500. trc ' . - -
Tickets-10-dog) tarters
Cer4packagi sl3,(i
i`o- do . • •
- do tlo .., qua . . lo• 27 50
arc erFaii - C - Prekets
cates of PackageS•in the above Schemes; will
eceive - ,the 'must proriipt attenthin"; -- anoran
account .uf each drawing ern/ inirne
diatcly7after-it-is-ovet-to--all-m 110-order-froth
_us, Addfcss,
• D. S. G REGORY &CO. Maragers.
Washington City_ D. C.
. --
Sufpplen2pitt the Ordinance re=
specting tce ilay.Scalai.
Sir.CTiON; It is hereby ordained that
the keeper of the Hay Scales •be and he is
to the weighing of hay,.to weigh wagons - loaded
with any ogter loading whatever, at the instance .
of 111131 persons ajtplying iO - 111111 for
that purpose, he Or they paying to the said keep.
er at the. vote °flirty cents per ton for the first
ton alluding - upon the inild 'WaxOn,
-Bc , a-half cents in addition, when' tlie load eiceeds'
'one ten, twenty live cents when th( load exceeds
two tons, thirty ^seven and half.cents when the
load i exceeds three tons: fifty . -cents When the.
load exceeds lour tons and sixty two and'a half
cents when * the load exceeds live tons.- Provid
ed, That no loaded, wagon which eieevds seven
tons hi, weight,' shall be Weighed upon the said
_scale s._lntssed Nov. 1837.
Attest—Jas. W. - IrO•r:r, elk.
- • LS 2) 4
D era; st,. respectfully - Pin-1
Gentlemen of Carlisle,'
that ,itle.'inaY be found all-hours at his office.
at Aughinliitugh's
public-that no pains Will he- spared -to giV6
satisfaction- to those who may: favour him
with their , patronage. He Will insect:Natu
ral, .and Porcelain teeth, upon
gold plate - or,, in accordance With dm
most- a p pl e - s - lof_th eLart;;Lffie..
will_rettiove tarter or caries
,and fill cavities
w it 11'01 TelFritul - - - stunipS - 61 -
teeth extracted, .if ever so difficult in the
easiest nianner.• On the, first appearance of
tartar or scurvy, teeth should always - be
cleansed, as the corosion of the tarter will in
a short time+each the roots olthe teeth, and
they will eventually fall out; and .bv atten..-
ding to them in season, they mayatti trifling
expense, he restored to their original beauty.
Ladies'w ill-be-waited -on- at their -private
residences, if requested; No pay will. be
exacted unless Satisfaction be given. .-
-N. B. Mr. S. can giVe.the best reenm.:.
Mendations from Philadelphia and New
is requested. • •
--Carlisle, Nod. 27, 1837.-2* . .
• . NOTICE. •
• .
. THE subscriber, a_t_r_Auditeit• a P pointedby_
tlie - Ctiiirt..3l - (foinmon Pleas of- Cumbetkild
county, to distribute tile...effects in-the ltifdt,
David 'Ke nOW el., - the -A ssi gne eu of --J 6.61, -
Sny de r. to and amongst the creditors.of the
said Jac Snyder, will meet on Wedneacho
20th day) of Dicenzbei:, 1837, at his office in
the box - pugfr l of Carlisle, at:10 o'clock to ttie
forenoon, to discharge t heilutles of - his ap-
pointment, of 'which, all concerned will.take .
notice. -
November 27, 1837.
I' , 0 R.P.ILCIV S COURT - s.t.L.E.
Ipursuance of an order of the Orphans court
_of Cumberland county, 1 Will expose to iale
by public vernitte; 'on Tuesday the 10th Ilay:of
December next,.al In, o'i:lock.A. AL ,of said day, ,
, sir tiM . couit house, in Abe -Borough aft:artiste. IV
' tract of land situAi in North Middleton township%
t_caunty of Cninberlarid,containing about 173 acres
& GO.peithesi..riOt ificiistire,tiotinded - by•littid4 of
G eorge wisei the Conottoguinet creek, and other'
l au ds of Joseph ICticiii, dec'd. Terms Made, known
en the sale -
MARY 13:KNOX, Adner of
J 0.6 9 11 Knoticlee'd
Noir; 27, 1837:
,ittnEs, Ewa" 0.--ab.
' aCrs.rif
- • parlisle, NW,. 11, 1837.
Ti;'L,_egatees, Creditors, and all othei
perss conger riLd, that the following ac
counts' nave been tiled'in.this Office for
examination, by the accountants therein.
named, and will be presented to the -Or,
phans'.Court of Cumberland county, for
confifination and 'allowance; on Tuesjlay
the .12th day of December now t tit
;The Administration accour'o fr f Da -
yid W. McCulloch, Adrninistrator of Jon 4
athan Huston, deceased:, -
2. The Administration 'account of Rtr - ;.. •
dolph Krysher, Esq., Aditinistrator. Of
Peter Lead, deceased. . . •
3. The Administration` account of Jas`.'
- MeElhinney - ,,A:dminittratcir of-Johrifcni
tun, deceased. ,
. • 4„. The Administration dtcotint of Abra - .;
ham Hetrick,• - iiiie. Of the Exectitcirs
John Hetrick, deceased.
5: The supplemental and final Adinin
titration- accdtint- o.r Christian_Stayman t ,
Adniinistrator .' 4 with - the Willannexed"-of
;.Thcimas-,Fisher deceaSed. _ - -
6. The Administration account CPWrn.
.I3iown, Executor of-George--Northydec'th--
-, 7. The Aditiiiiistration_acconnt - Of Chas.
B. White, Adirlinistratdr of„Elislia Whitey
8.-_'l;;Jre.Ailtiimi9tration• .
dc . cciunt of Johrt
_AOle4y4•Lcilve-01-the ,-- Eicectitdriflif"Adairl -
Rei - inger - , deceased.
9,-Th - Admiti - istratiotracretath - t - tif7esfitt -7-
Bro*ni Adroinistratbr of •Nanty Gillespyi • •
deceased. • • ' •,, • •
10. The Administration detount of Geo:
Brindle, - Administrator of. Abraham
deceased. • _ . • • '
1. The Guardianship account of - Lem;
Davis;uel 'Esq., - Guardian of Andrew M.
Miller; .a minor ton of Andre*
deceased: - • • ..„
WILLIAM LlNESltegistii:
• E - s - reit ("of IlaWiliesTO - danis; deceafred.
Letters :of udiriinistrntiOn upanttliti
estae of ItArjoimAit,4o,_ols, lgo_of East=__
pennsboro' township, Ctimberland:couii-' •
ty, deceased, - haveisstied in dite'form of •
law., to - the Subscriber. tesiding
riecsOnsinviing clainui
against-said-estate-mill T preSexttAh . ern r and--
thOse intlebted . will.nisk6 pqnrient 'to
j/nii " •
Nov. 6, V.337,--6w. • r. istratoi
Report of Poor Aritoitge Pisitorti
TO the Hutt. :roan Reed, Esq. Presiiient, and Mil
Sietv“ri, and John Lefever, Esp. ~, tzrzalseo-
The SubscriberS, in pursuance of their appointl•
inent by the Honorable Court, at November term! •
I - A7D7IS3t; ai - Viiitors . tor `the Poor - House, - in - --
and for Cumberland Crifinty, relPectftilly make,
this our fourth revert, and with which,the . tend
of our appointnient as such will end. -
We..this day visited the„.Poor Hottse, and were'
Ticaied to find that the rules and. regulations o
thexllirectors'of tlyat institution, laltbough
otiii to perfoiM compliance there c rith,) have been ,•
caraulty, and promptly attende .to by both the
Stewart an4Alatrou thereof.
We examined the different apartnierits theme.
all of which, as well as the furniture, beds awl •
bedding, Were neat,. clean, and comfortable, and
such as that the inmates themselves had no - reason --
to complain of. The inmates appeared cheerful,
induitrious;' and agrecahly_healthy which Ivo.
believe may principally be attributed to the ex
cellent manner in which that institution is.conJ
have been die~eub]ecte o 7 dL=
unishmentthiring - the last year, .
The n nber of those supported.thorem is nine
t}-seven. •
a ppea rance.p of the - Tarm justifies 11 , -.41. say -;
ing that it isovell managed. • .
And ive Would further atilt% that the benevo
lentprojeetbri of that institution, have great rea. l
son highly gratified, upon their being 'nem
mental in removing so litany of the human fain',
lifro4 lives Of intemperance, wietehetlncss and—
misery. to all 4136reonlfrort and-rapparent-happi
• --
• • ••• •
RtinEum Invirtsa, .
Jour; Cittiott, . • • •
Carlisle, Neixeriiher 9th, A. D. 1931. •
[Certified copy froth the ,record s of the couri
Quarter Sessions, • Thoi. Craighead; Cl'lc;
BElL—Ordertaiont,all :parts_ of tlie United_
Stateg'respeatfully solicited.
The Itiost Spledid 'Yet.
.6711 N . cioNsomijs Ton LOTTERY.
• . -
'ic; be -drairn 44. Wilmington, oii-ABTUAY
,DAY; Nov. 18,
- - • L - Liu) 3nxla it
to,ood. •
io do 411250"
20 dti ,
2 1000
30 dd , * _ 7.5 d
30, ._
do '
60 do • . ' 'Sod
Besides wan)' of $2,50,,-200'• . ;-iiii v iteA
Tickets $lO-11alves Quarters $2,50,'
Oertilicate of packages of 2.`a whole tickets $l4O
.Do • .qo.._ 25 liajf - ,
prize of
1 do
.l do
1 dd
3.. do
at? ' ' - 25quartif - do , 35
b -Orders for nekets and ahares!or certificates' .
of 'packages the above ,magnificsni• sepenked
w ill receive the most' prOmi)t.nktentwn, and the
official drawing of each sent hiltiiediatekti,atter it •-
is over, to all whil'italuest
confidential. , Addressi: '4. • •'•'"
, trlY4 •
0 Ctober3oi 1 . 1337:4 . ' •" , 7 - 4