Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 28, 1837, Image 4

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    ' ::1111LitiRANDITIET141'4
• :reg taVe- Uaiiverftazt . Pins—
conbrthule to' the Comfort, Heal&
an4Rappeness of Ithnhirol.".
Oii . • •
the eiahtemith. of,May,. 1833, 'these now
truly Celehiated - .Pilla were tirst made•known in
, theiTnited.Slates, aithotigh m .liurope they had"
been 'previonsly beihre the pubk nearlya cen
tury. The AmerieW - pitrilicr napirally-,viewed
' - . them -with - . snspicion,, but as on trial they Were
-Tound-what t,ticy professed, it was s on clisplaced
• , by the "OFC - atest , •e,citifide'nee. , , In tot. the many'
persons wlM•haVecornmenced wit hem under
the .most,trying circumstances of ha •
:Lion, when every other means and medicine•had
• proved iil t oget her.unavailing, have. been'restored
healtho and, happinesss from their use, and-the.,
_ . .
op cripte-nee-4W,64 - --trinintnettne r - by
thonsands-oe' persons whom they have cured of
• Consumption, Influenza,
Ileadache, Pains,.a . nd-a sense of .fulhiess
to the back part ortlielleadtistitilly-the-symp—
toim t>f Apoplexy, Jaundice, Fever. and'Ague,
It \lusts, Scarlet, 'l'ylihiis, Yellow, and
-fei•ers iff. all kMds, Rheumatism,
e s •P i c i t•
Ruptures, Inflammation,. Sore byes, Fits, Palsy,
Dr9psy, - Small Aletizles,, Croup, :Coughs,.
Whooping Cough; 'Quincy; Cglic,,Qholera Mor-
Ims, Gravel Worms, Dysentery, be s afitess,
ing, Noises in the Wad, King's Ryil, Scrofula,
EdySipelas,'orSt. - Anthony's: Fire; Salt Rheum. -
ite,Sweigngs;, note of 30 pmrs stooiLls.
log, bnlnerg, 'l7a nicm;s, Sisellcul"re'Cl and
•Qoativenksl t all mroptiwts or the Skip,
.Frieaftil Dreams,. Female complaints' of every
kind, obstructions mh:Minn,
•Although Doctor . It. bas . enumerated by name
• the above, diseases, he is•ncvertlieless'nt
. with grandfather; the late EiT•lEfiTiTeil - Dr. Wm:
. • Dramtreth, that there is only Os . Disease,'an
impurity of the hlood, which by irni.teZling the
ciit, 1 li# i iib; : Jilin ks-.i)i -. ilifiliiAinZtiOri,.liiiil -copse
. ~ .
_ quent 'derangement in the organ or part, where
- such impurity of the' blood settles; and that'it is
.. :'the different , appearances which this tflamatiOn
• or derangement puts, oi4 that - have. eat sed medi
r-,--", val-Men-toLliesignate.stitkappearanoesi by-various
' • names, lidt,whielvare in fact, otdy-theli same dis
ease;: With..'more or. less. yiolence. 'il,r. WM
• . Irrandreth-wasso fully convinced of the.troth . Of
the - above, - eitriple-theory,-that_he:_appin tltirt
years in experiments and laborious research into .
he medical properties of the numerous plants'
composing, Vegetable 'Kingdom; .his objeet
being to compose 'l:Medicine which
,should at
once purify and produce byspecific-action,
removal of all, bad humors from the blood by the
------- 'itomach.and'bowels, as by the continuation o
. 4 .the'l4se of such a ,medicioe; such ..humors,are
sure to:be - carried- Off,-,and the. hlrind -assume
--.-:etate of 'purity; and whoeyer take's these Pills,
-ind'perseveres with them wilVbe'satisficet4lial
Dr. Win. Brandreth fully attained his filtilanthro.
object./ 'lt is npw 'ati absolute and kftotvn
. • fact, tied every -iliSe-aufe;'wh'etherit-hein.the'heatl
- .or-..feel,At the brain Or rilailest member; whether
, outward.._nyer4o,r,p,iooward-abscess i :tare
causes, rellue ible
to this one grand effect, - itainelyimpurity of . the
- -
." Io all cases they .willitsz, found a.afife and shit
' ple remecly, all poWerfad, for the removal of
disease, whether.chrooic or recent, infectib:is
Or otherwise; and Nt , Alit makes them particularlY
_ • - inlipted for this-coinatrYtAisithat . tbero, is n-ot'the
alightest_liabilny to cold 'when taking thorn, in-
Ip e d, the4v.Stemisaimolutely less ausceptible-of
:- . :-c (1--when under . heironllnelice,- - .. i -han--at-any..
- 7 ,7 : , =-'-=fa fey 2 -time; , :thei• we-in t liii- climate-1 hey'areln*
. v s able . _Nei ler - flo. they • require change a
diet or care of aey,k-hul. _ln England these rills
-- --- have-been thc= onTy. mcdicine Of-many families
for perinds'Varyhig frqin forty to siity years, and
- ' ---, liave - ttlways - proved effectuarin restoring health
wherever an abetationfroin it occurred. . - = --:
NoTlcE,ll)..conye n nence of the nurnerqux
. .:- datint - eTreitstor saleinJtie - ijiUg - and Chemical
:=--.- 1 - Atoresi= thc public are - cautioned.against pa-rehab
. ing of any person except thi accredited agents.
--SoCurlty Against Counterfeits.
„ton. RuA7intwrii - has - adopted the following
plan to secure thepIiNCTINE Brandreth 'Pills to
thespohlic.. Every authorized - kgent Must haVe
a Certificate of eencvc. nditlwill - be seer than
a &Utile forgery MUST be committed,. before
any one_ean procure a forged Certificate, and the
pers - a - having it in his possession is equally liable
with the-forger.
The following 'are the appo ted agents for
this vicinity, vizTli'm. Gilmore,' lit mbersbsirg ;
Jacob A.Vinrott, Gettysburg; 0 11.TiV &
.NElt, Carlisle . ; and Win. Bell: Harrisburg.
Dr. Brandreth's officers for the sale of the'
. 'above Pills are 169 trace above sth street, : and
- 34 - Chesnut street-, Phihidelpliia:
Semi-TlA4kly * Telegraph.
published semi-weekly during'the ensu
ing- session _of the Legislature, and_ contain
full reports of the•proceedings of both bran, taken by empeten_t and faithful repor
The acts of the coming session pf the Le:
gislatore will be locked to, with. much inter
est, The people expect the party that have
obtained-a majority in-The popular - branch -to -
carry _out- their promises of reforming the
rency and banishing shin plasters from
• citctilatitin. This subject; together with the
• • lmpytivement SystOit. independent of nume
,•:rotts. others of interest, are of themselves of
`''suffitient Magnitude to create a desire in_the.
'.evesv intelligent eitizeii to
_take a
papetTfrom - the seat of.Governtnent. •
In addition to this, the proceedings of the
. --4_ - _ , State;CotiVentions-that-w-ill_aisem
the 4th
,Of March•tdi nominate Candidate's for
• Governor will be looked to with interest, and;
given with fidelity. •
The_proceedings of, the -Convention- to
aMend the Constitution will also rhe given
until i final adjournment. -And-alsoN sele
tett. .dirti fie most interesting ton
gressional proceedings.
the .Terms of the Telegraph-.are,
FM. the-sessiim, semi-weekly S2_ 0.0
Foi the year, ' -- 300
Peisons paying two. dollars in advance_
shall' receive - the .I'elegraph from the•pre=
sent\ time to the end of the session, and six
,copies mill- be sent to any-one:place—formslo
- in advance:_ _ - - - ---
Conipetent persons willing to act as agents_
in their neighborhood, for the usual compen
sation, are requested to inform us, and
strangers to us to state references. _
' 'Harrisburg, Oct, 25,-1137. •'I ••
• The subscribers otter for sale the fallovillA,
_ described__ ._
• ....111onse and Lot - oirror - oundi;ff
'heated on the north side of Louther Strect,tin
the borough of Carlisle, nearly opposite tike Col
lege—bouctled on the West by Dickinson Col ,
lege - 1011 - on the - East by the Widow Halberni lot,
containing 60 feet Front, sod -240 leet•in depth.—
* ' • The "buildings ore a tone Rouse,
fronting on Louther street, •wiih a
"I• a Brick back buildingand stalk , The
- lot Win a good state of improve
. • -ment PersokriAisbingto7p,urehase
examihkihe prerulies;The
fermi will be , made ktiowS7j:ty
Nov. 6.
• -
''THE partnershiplieretoforo-exiathig between
/ The silbsOribefs,'under the,fitm or HALL 'AND'
• - pgHTEH o fis' thiq:day dksieed by 'militia! co)i
batiks are n : tbe hands-of Iri/Tio;ii
. Romer, wholJs anthorizad-to settle Hie-same:
• • JOHN L. N-• HALL, ,
Oct, s 3o; i 837;," - •
. . • .
SemirWeetay Llltclli caiicter.
_ .
-Th e-epproachi ug-seSsi on - oFthe' - .Legislature
promises to_lic one of unusual interest, and hence
the spirit:of:its sittings cannot fail of being
me,ntously interesting to the general - public. The
Intelligencer will be issued eamt 7 wr : r.tti.r, pend
ing the . ieSsion. of that body, W'e, therefore, sm
licit the support of the friends of 11.A:ItItISON . &
111TM:it to aid us in o u r enterprise. We de
sign employing conmetent Howlers, who will
faithfully and impartially note the proceedings . ol
'both branches of the Legislature. 'The dominant
- party - have -- corneTundersotenin - promiseglo de
vise a remedy for the existing diseased state of the
curienr _be-noturnimg-t he-lcait-amusing
and ludicrous incidents in the history-of that pr.
ty,. to. observe the indifference, with which thLse
Sundry , pledges will be regarded and the co n
.placency with which they will be'violated. -11,16
majority must restore-the circulation of spedie,
and bring back. 10 . its wonted regularity and
soundness, the monetary affairs of this State, or a
"thousand promises will be broken: The action .
of this body on the internal -improvementques
lion, will also, he of interest.
boring the sitting of the Legislature, a number
of Conventions will assemble' at, the seat of go
vernment, the. transactions_of_which,:will be of
naordinary interest to the people, and it ehall be
Mir steady and constant care to advise our readers
of the import of their'. deliberations.
The Constitutional Convention, now in session:
will doubtless prolong its session fur some nionths
yet to come, mid consequently regular reports of
their-proceedings-shall-also-hayea-place-in this
In slmit, shaff_be_theconstantendeaeor _of_
the editors to collate and embody in the columns
.Jafaheintelligencer,_as_gc.eaLan amesint ofkr
esting matter as Practicable, and no•paina or ex
pense will be spared, at any time, to render This
paper the vehicle of the lateSt 'and most impor
„tent newsoamall.subjects -of gencral_intcreit—
TERMS':” .
SIX COPIES will be sent to. any place during
the' sess . ioii, for $lO, if paid-in advance.
A liberal discotnnt will be given to f;s• - riansat'a
distance. disposed-to,act as agents Sor.the Intelli•
• , , .
CARLtst.F.:BANK;-NOV. 7:1837; 7
The Board of , Threctors of this Institution
have today deelarect. a dividend of 3} per
cent. fn• the last six months,on the capital
stocit y paidjo.__ The_samg-..virll : he,payable-to
the stockholders or their algal representa
tives on - or after the 17th instant.
W—S. COBEAN,Cashier.:
_ _ _
tannery & Mantua Making.
rdt_Subscriber takes this method of inform:
ing the Citizens of Carlisle and - it - iiiiielat - 3T, -
•- - -••• that she has connnenced the
. 4 • • abOve-named btisiness in all
• ' • • its various branches. in Pom
&Avp fret•street, ale.w doors East
_„--„V,-_,Fr of the Second Presbyterian
Church, where she is ready
to.receive all those who may
• L film' her with their custom.
She . hopes, _by, _strietattention -to -business ! -to
merit a. liberal share of - parronage,_and pledges
herself that her work shall ba done in,a meat and'
substantittl manner. She also keepslon hand,
Dress Caps, Bonnets, tic.c.
N. , ._B.—Fas Sons In ill be received regularly
ivory season. E, O'D.
Carlisle, Novemb 8, 1867.
In,tbe Cars sometime since, a box of Porcelain
teeth. The owner is desired to call at Aughen
batigh'a Hotel where they can be Ihid by giving
',satisfactory evidence of the %tine. •
Carliale j Nov..6tb, 1837.
• , LegislativeWellstiiike:
Hr . TIRING the ensuing session of the
lature, theKey6toho %vill. bepul
twice a week, and contahf full report: ,
-proceedings,ip both honk's: :It will a 1
taitr .an account of: ,he proceedings
reform convOlion, which (judgbig &at
filar bodiFiln other states and tile cony.
that fortited our present .constitution
hardly.close.itS,seSsion before spring.
7 he compteation of the legit .
and the irri . Pottit.3tilije - cts wlrratiVilV ,
satil conte—beforefir,,-1,,
session peculiarly interesting. All ey
turned - tiii.lvarior speedy reform i
pregent defect kke currency.: Decided":
t Ve— es-IM-p-tiove-ment-systern—i
deafly-desired- is "aiatiy;quarters.-
twti 6mi - tells of •eheniklves,Turin , sab,j;
intense interest to:fite.people at
t`:,e 4 tir-af Mattiti-a—Oeniectatii
xeittilaLwpl_asseitible here and honiik
candidate :TV gnpei aiur. An,aceoupt of
•thketlier with the preparatory raovem(
the part k• 11TIV NV y'
ctet;ileci_ From .these eircaiast4nces,. there
nete r w -a -,papel:;fro-m•
e.sent of government was of such iudispen•
sable ,of the.:coin
n4iwealili, as it will be for, tin; ensuing . six
months. ' •
The-terms:of the keystone- are the - sntne
as berttofare. " • .'
I)uring the session sem.kweekly : -
For tile year • 3,00
Airy person forwartfitig ifs dollars, shall
receiv.e.the Key'Stond fromthe. time .of sub-.
scribingio the ein,se of thesession= , -or six
eopie's , will be ent to any one office for $lO.
• 'All' Post Tasters
.ore. invited Co:act as
agents-fnr _ he',Keysfone r it - i-i , eceiving subscri=
aiTylf remitting i - lioney-to-65..; and any
one_si ngliS „willingness to ~cteas such,
ShalyreceiVe'adist of our sub - kfibers in his
tow 'and neiglil3olhood,• gith terms of
ad nor., - •
/ Packer; Bcirrett • . ,
HarrishufgLpet-..18, 1837.
r reinusylv!ipp.. Reporter and
.'!:" 5 40 State 4otoratal.
./.7publisbeii at . BarrisGiir , twice
cTdipz4ig the session of the:.Legistature,
and'O)ce a zierte during flee recess
The' Reporter has been, and will •Cinititrite to
be, a firra•and infwaVering laborer -tbe eatise
of Democracy;—an. advocate of the principles of
of — tire - lieneral-6overiunent--;-
Ali:10106;1k sipponetlt of-the party whici.rillesin
the.. Executive Department -of the- Statt , ,Vand
Which - has trampled'nritm the t ihhts, tnni : wanfoli.
illsregarcle,d thel lOf - thp . . Pe.op le - of Pcmtsjl
suna. • - -
As. r the . ensu i ng-session will be bne of . more
ths:'4'!•dinary importance, the...proprietor has
•made such arrangements as .will enable him to
gii;e 4411; . amt-satisfactory-repo,rts:of the prkiceed;
sings of the Legislature,
.and. to realize" the ex
pectatiolis of ._those 'who may patronize the 1:c
-porter asst vehicle . of Legiraative firrination. "
The termS the Reportet'and Journal, inre,
Dueing--the. session,. •• - „ 2:00
ny qr,ent-or,other.persens-forwording
becoming responsible Alierefilre, 'liVe sis
copies forwarded,, as may be directed, during the
the session of the LegiSlature.
. -
-Person - s -forwardingTnarn - Erof s'ilb - scrilievs are
regnested-a-be•partienlar •Stating-whether•the- , '
subsorii3tions - are to eon 'tfue. - fur the year or the
-session; - • •
For the whole sear, ' 3 00
Harrisburg, Not. 12, 1837.
egyr 044li:Pk4ir WevaiM attliraatioktor.
Is itulAilead-;44÷Nizair-
• . t grandestorpament beT M
ging to c Tip.
m9ll MI e,__llow.atyang,ely the Itiss'oPit Changes
the countenance and Inernattffeiy bringi - on the•
appearance of \ old age,. which causes roanx try en.
c0.,-at. being -uncovered; and -sometimes even to
slitn..sOciety'Ao avoid the je'S'is and sneers of their
acquitiotances; the. remainder Of their, livts: arc
Lconscquently•spent_in retirement. In short, not
even the loss of property fills the *generoos think
ing youth with that heavy sinking *gloom as dii - es
the-loss of- lI'S hair, - l'o'aeert all these • unpleas
ant circuniStantes, - 01,1iltlDGE'S. , -1:t ACM , OF_
C9LIIIIII3IA stopS the' hair -from 'ldling off on
-the first appliedlion, and -a few bottles restore it
again._ I,t_likewise produces e_yebraws and. whis
kers; prevents the hair:frOthAurniOg grefTinakes
it curb beautifully,
_and : - freesAt_frooh!scurf.:.-.lslu,
Meroits - cerfificateS of theefirst i.estieCtabilitf in
support of the - 'virtties_of Oldridge s Balm, are
shown by the proprietors. • . .
' - CC/attend the fhlloWing: - . . —.
It t ... .. VII - A - UTON, rsq-.-Hate-4 . layor-of
Philadelphia; has certified, as maybe Seen below,
to-the high -character-of the- following -- gentle =
.„ . • ' .
1 - --- The undersigned •do hereby certify-that --e
have used the Halm of Columbia diseoveraby
J. Qldridge,-and have flitMcl it highly 'servieeit
-1)40, not only :is aiwevelittitive against the falling
-r,frz . of hnir, , -but also-a certain restorative.,
TII ATCI I rm, • .
',Methodist - Minister George .chaTe,
• ' - North-Filth street..
• •
JOHN -P. INCLIS, 3JI Arch street.
_IL --
..1011 NT1VT110:11,1,,%,.,N.1.. D. 16.; Race st.
, 101 Spruce At . ..
1 31 UGH ANCUI DY; 243 South 7thfit....
f - 2.101.1N - .GA lin, Jr. 1-23 -Atcli
ag&!,Htnd tlinSe who pi. rsiSti - ' vvcuing
wigs, may not - aways &Awe itS - restorative
yet it will cvrtaitily — raise its virtues in
the estimation of the pnblie %%hen- it i. known
„shove .signers s(t. years
of ge, and- die others not- leSsthan SO:
the 'Mayor:J.'
- Commomvp..ivrit I'ENNSTI.VANTA,
I.4IO.I3MRVAVFM42 - 1 ! ON - i M ay or of. Faltl 'city n
Philadelphia, do hereby certifyi.lhat_l_atil_Weli
acritiainted with - Slessrs .1_ - loglik,2- John -- S.
Furey, and , litigh McCurdy, whose name's
signed tolthe ah()Vl2 cert.:tie:de, unit.they are geo
painep orchirrttaer respectability,reSpeety,
quilt credit giyeulo the-said cer
In winter hereunto - set my
blind al Of this — city tc be
[L. S.] slli. of December; - •&c.
Observc ; that each bottle-of the .Genh _ Mine ilo),
-has e splendid cog-rawed. wrapper, on which is
reprebeinelithe - FallS- of Nian•ara,.&c. B,4e,,___
oTS-tife.allesal :by - ecors•roon. & Co, sole
Agents for Arneric; , .Newz.Vork,,:ind by most
druggists thrrioghotd America.
70 PrinierS.--Aii prititCrS , ir editors who will
insqrt the-aboVe, leaded, for'6months in a weekly
,paper and - send Ante nini - ilw of .their paper to
the a rent, shall, be• entitled lo- one dozen'of the
ahoy( article:-
Fo .. sale by:-S-0.--13.6LAxoltn, Carlisle.
.A . qr
for sale by S. ELLIOTT.
61C ---- - -- - ---
Sup_erior Farm. •
auvr am
Containing_aboift. 475 Aicrics :
- Situated in St. Clairiownship, -
Caunty, Pa. . . • , •
This Fitrm be.gutifully•situated on the
waters of Chartier's ere ?min
the city of Pittsbnrg. igton
turnpike runs within a line
on• 115 one side s -pnd the
pik - C;within-.two fillies.
State road froth
through it ;..also, a Con
the State road 'and the
pike, passes the door.
eleared,'and iii good st
There are pear
_ 200 ACIMS .
Bottom Land, which fellness and fertili
.ty_cannot_be_sUrpasse Ittitgjlatet, a rar e
portion of this is in meadow, and enough
might be made, to produce 200 tons of lia3i
annually ; there is a great abundance of buil
TBCIIIII6 and 600 acres pr,th6
Which can, all be get ouf.convenientlir7-=
The timber is abundant and good. The
buildings consist - of - a large first rate: ...;
;;, CUT STONE . •
A good spring and stone Milk house ; two of
the - best - trunk - Barns - in-the - country; 10 - by - 34
feud t3~ under _the
whole, a large frame Stable,
- Pour Tenant, Houses,
with_ stabling_ attached ; frame,' Meeting
House--and--parsonage house. With various
taller out buildings, ;such a'S Carriage houses
Cow house, Corn 'house. Bee house,_Seheial
KM] ie, TWere — iiii — till — rif ifetter — drdbr
Pennsylvania.' The whole farm is abundant
ly and beautifully watered.
mem czecoml2osl
Bearing all kinds of Fruit, adjoins the Man
sion' House. ,
In regardleaerlilitrand•-quantitrof land;•
quality of,,improvements' and • nearness to
market, (being only 5 miles froM Pittsburg,)
this farm is not equalled„ in Western Penn
sylvania. It will be sold on liberal terms,
and immediate possession given. Inquire'ef
_ COL% JOHN ROSS; on tbelretnists,
or J. &c. B. ALEXANDER; .
No: 209, Market street Phi Pit.
August 7,1437.-3 m. - • , •
Wanted Inmikediately.
T il .'
_ subscriber desirous pf hiring 3 or, 4
gootl" MASONS, and also 3 or 4 caiVen
ters, will give constant iiployment and the
highest wages to any Wlid may calrupon him
for. work: . . - -'-•-• . . •
Oct. 90, 1837.--3t*
Cincinoaßi, 0c.129th„1116_:
--ririf- all the remetlivii we-sell, -aline - gives so
deeidedsathtfictiOn as 11.1:4V s ti - iiiifferr - 11'e can
prnenre,- - tr,ymi deNire, The best yvcommendalioits
flue sonic of our most wpyt hy Citizens."
•T' - '
_fluilibi, .Ipril
.101 h, 1337. -
' . ' , .1 have. sold 1111 lie Mays' Linitmont and 'Could
have . sultl litel) m , oe..____lage_—is_cured-by- , 4-44
bas.sent-se-lenst - VA. e nty pei•mms-liere t.(?'btly it.'
. •
b7dArir , ,.Janitary- . 3;/,. 18.37. - 7
We are. in waling' Inys Liniment, and the
4:iles are totem - Imola)." good, and the article thus
flu', uniivalled.- - It is usv(l for a varn:tv of coin.
plaints !, and apparent vith grit effect in all.
Mr. C. - ---.— , - - , a phn L'i nu • here, bas Written
near 101' a page a. tit the lire be . has experi- -
eticeil by ir. lint having' bet re felt his lonise IM•
Oninths. 11e Was enrect 0: P.les brfrty..eigtn-
Itours;_me:Avill_scind ..yeu_h is_ e uledi es ;_whieh _may_
be of-service to ..Mr. 'Hays." . .
--eharleston,-8. C., .Dqc..2Blh, 1837.,
.1* have distressed for, four years with the
Piles, my sufferings have been intense, and my
,physician-had recout' tided' an operation as the,
oily means-.of-relief. ays' Liniment was_aff
vised, and I have used on -.bottle, and sold: as I
. judge am fully and entirely cured. cannot
-refrain from expressing my anxi to have
qualities More eXtensivelykno
• • • • •
• a /lint. 3d, 134 1'
''Mr. Hayg,—trir • danine(l4.sack Medicin s,
Calomel Doctor. .obelia Steathers, Vegetable
Doctors, - and' ) - on to the einl„ - last _of all oi) tielf;
lifi and • ry. thing besides; having all sorts of an.
idea-I nit, heap of - cornfiiii, itt "exchanging' life
In tat -plac'a right stuart : chance, hotter than any
.oout- in •these parts.—l have had the riles for
eighteOt months till I got }our-Liniment three'
d:iyt aim, and now I -am well and have thrown_
to the.
• 81. Louie, Nay sth, 1857.
"We dont - knew - what, the people do with
flays' liniment, sure they cannot all have 'the
reckon_it is used for Itheumatiiin,.and
coughs, .ores swellings. We have sold a large
quantip this year, as you . may know by our lust
purchase, which is all gone, Plehse . send us two
gross rfiere, -- aiid also the'liticles orderedrTait
week, if not already
- Yours, Ike.
' .."
mDithruntrit s rm-ctrus-the-atm nt z.,
definite lenith;liiii prefer that persohs generally
who sell the article should exhibit to their cus
tomers 'the.7'original certificates They have on
hand.—lt is for-sale by'• . S. C. BOLVMER.
Arso for sale at thestOre of S. Elliott.
I-T"'suliscriber the following
:described house anttifalflot of groUnd, sit
uate on the north side of Main street: in the bor
ough of Carlisle, nearly opposite Mr. George
Aughinhaugh's , hotel 7 .--the west half of lot No.
61, in the plan of said borough , -.bounded -by
Main street on the south, Dr. T. Myers on the
west, Dickinson alley (2.3 feet wide) on-the north,
and the widow Creighton - on - the-east, containing
;3o ft.' 7 e - t infront tifid-240Teenitilerttlfr-Tlre-birit
r-clingsitre .
Frame. IT'eatherboarded
fronting on Main street with a large
fronting on the alley. paid half lot is in a high
state copmprp_mtinnt, Vtlt_u_variety_of_choice„r.
:Fruit 'Trees and- - Grape'vines;:
•now bearing, Currant and Gabeberry Bushes, and
.Shrubbery of different kinds. •
An indispUtable title will be given to the pur
chaser. Further particulars are deemed unne
,,c,e,Asary. • Any persons 'wishing. to purchase, are
. invited to call and vieso. the premises. The terms
will be. made , •
Aiikust 28. 1 . 837.
•N. B. Good western , paper on sol
vent banks wilt: be received in .payment
for the above
PH63.. No cure no ibay:
RICE Otii'ff,r)!DLl,,4R.
isideyed of great importance:for th . %
limow the' following facts:
imp fears ago, - golomon Mayi, the pep
nni the celebi•nt'ecl Dr.•pialley
red' impaited the . .•:SOaet of •ntking tt
to—C . llre the Plies, to be
..sold under the name of Hays! Lini•
.that all who . would use one
the Pules; and - return the empty hottle,.
e the ppi'ce refunded.. • •
ouf'uf whlch, .not ten luti , e
And ther,e only, because,the persons did
pi : ppm:Vl' 'Such tvonderl4l—stmrag . ,
never attended any Other article*: '"
arined,by: the proprietor, tha&Alie'pub
; tharlenitOre t‘thy a - ego:timed NVilli,,ats
that those guttering vvith that dreadful
may avail themselves or its use. .
lre inzwy thqusarr,L•certiticates "or the
-:may be - era - dined - where Ore — article is
the rivis it Has no
bound-to refund in
It is being used-in- lloSpitals hi, our pr'ineiPal
-cities with great effect. ~" -c- . .
. ". ,
N0 . ./. ; 'irtion..,77ThiS - ektraordinary chemical com.
position, the result of' science and the •invention
of a celebrated medical nan, - theintrz duction 'of
which to thq public wasnvested 'with the Wein.
.nity-of it death-bed beg lest,: has. since gained a
-reputation unparallehrii, fully' slistaining' the cor %
reetnesS of the: lamehted Dr: Gritlieys last 'eon ;
fession, that "lie dared not die 'without giving to"
posterity the benefit of his knowledge on this
subject,''._ and" he.-therefore bequeathed-to, his
friend and.and attendant Solomon Bays, the - secret
of his 'fliscovery, .. . - - .--._,-.........._____„..:
It it now used'in the principal hospitals; - and
the private practice in our country, first and most
'certainly for the cure of the 'Piles, and also so'
extOvely and effectually_ as to- baffle cm dulity, 1
-unk vhe re Its effects_are_w it nes , :ei I 7P.denrud,_
7yin,the following cOmplaints: • i
fii .17ifr bropsy-- , -Crep,ting extraordinary, ab: C.:
fr.,l 'Sorption at once. - , . • - -----t;
" ,47-: :all - 4S'Ivellingi—RefiiiCing them in a. few
67.; hours.
BliMmatism—A - dute'or Chrchic ~giv.:l4l.2:ri
q kick ease. • 0
Throal—Fly cancers, nicer or colds.„•••'
"Ora,nr !Latrivnally
and over the chest .
-.211 Bruiser. Sprains. and Btirrle--C3lring
c 4
bores end
. I:7lcers— , '!tetherfri.i.h or hut .
- •
children ifi re.
dii g Id.fobscilig coughs
and_ tig ..... relaxation of the
pails Ants beettatirprising, lt - e) (id Ecinceininn.--
The ctintnion 'remark of 'those who !:i . & used it
ant like a charm." , •
It is usedonly as an 'external' application, and
its.sovervign poet r in curing the above named
Out tif the tuany:Warrn recommendations this
biis red6lvo I„ (lit. sub . -
joined. exUactii Irotn l'etti:ri.T
from persons of the highest respectabillipm Ipse
11:1111CS - are — lint published. for obvious l'e3Soll 4
!bugh the writers bare tint objecteit to Intvt. 7
. _
thein'hhown to stic
t wi;al:to se . c them:
A.N D . A B RICK ST A - 13=L E ,
• - ir:zzEß, -•
..., , nprningent for. Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delawnre, gre.
No tlsuuth 7th.p..f.-threw doors below Market st.., Thaluctel
phinond•No..l.o North tit., Dultimorr, mkt the Post_ol;
Eg r iTtOiii.l itgll-117—TTIV.-11,41-OV—TIir.—HYtirP.TAN
- • kG ETAII E UNiTattaAt. kirp;ciz i g s or •.. • •
• , • lEA LO:Y DON,
WI I(3H haye obtained the' .Approhation and
itecanimendalion of Thotwunls, .who liavi!l)een•
curetrinucuristim tiani-diolerd--Morhu
tions internally-or . externally,. and all di s eases of
.the 'Liver, Yellow Fever, Gout, Rheumatism,
`l umaago;.'l'ic poloreux. Dr . opsy ; „st..vigtu,i's,
`Dance, Epilepsy, - X - ppople.xy, ralsy; - Green Sick
ness, and all obstructions 'to Which 'the Female
- formAs - sd distres - si - ais ,- !liiilile - , - tininfhlar send so
"many of the presi-portion of the creation to. their
tintirnely.l2, , rares;•Sinnll Pox,. Ateltilek,l/ritooping•
- t. (Wrt; .S" - c - '.fi'lio-A - P' - e - PT - Attirt.fluiTlTl ice; ttrave IT
_Strine,:and4l,ll-iiinary--01Mriictions; - FistulaTlllK%
Stileturesi-Ruptures,-and-SyphilisiU all its stages, -
rriniaiiiirtcrt - LltiWelsilYorins„Scurvy, I telt i ng of t lie',
Skin, King's Evil; and all Cutaneous. gisorders ;-
in short,
.every.. Complaint, - which Riii-Thlitiniii
fratnt ris - so ttirtr flt I ty - Subjc et ,- ti liel eit - it i 11 I ie if Val. ii:il
1 forms and 'rias; as .thy Ilygehin conviction is,
that man is S due. I to only rine rcai'd . iscase ; that is,-
to life - impuP ty ' the blood, from whence springs
every coinpla ;it tin - it - Can p9isibly assail -his cout)!
die, f
&Mile, and - that it is the perpetual sting=
.gle of this vital, pure stream of •lift , , (the gift of
..liniglity.pywer) diseneuinhiu itself of its vis
'COIN acrid lititnors, - With which it. has Geeonie
. . .
.cation,. and for
red in the -wrap•
agents are tibw
ere it does not
This'valCiable medicine, - being 'composed only
of vegetable matter, or Medicinal Inuits, mid. war
rant c'cl on- oath, - as containing'lief tine particle- of
.or chemical substances, (all
ot' %%Inch arc uncongenial to Aire,. nature, of man,
and ..therefure...:destructive to the human fi.arne.y,
reundlo be , PerfeCtly harmless to the most ten.. -
der, age„or weakisitrhune, under every sfirgell
- •snid`tiiiiig:Alfe most pleasant and benign in
its Oper,ttion, al:tint:the same time the most cer
-taio in searching out the mitt of. eVery complaint,
littweiver•deep,' and or performing a cure Oat was
ever Offered to the world. This wonderful effect,
too is produced-by the least trouble tinit - e - pa.
neillsiby merelyy - swallowing a.ceoiiin cumber of
and few' extra ;Mies - to' the
purpose; of .. evacuation; the least possible
'sensation-of pain, exhaustion of strength, •
situ without - the - fear,of_catching cold, or ;men.
lion trodress':of diet, in any.way differenr,- - Trom
their accustomed habits. Tlese pills (Aire in all
eases, and. Cannot-be taken - to excess. % Experi
enee,Which is the touchstone a all merman know l•
edge., has long .borne-testimony to the fact; and
extensive -use of theM has .tdready verdied
truThifithis counlry.,
'Thesc medicines cure by purginf;...and yet the
weak, 'the feeble, the infirm, the Wert ous, the
delicate seem a few I dAys strcngiiientd-1.3,111eir
operatinm - liecatiSe•they clear - the - body - cif-its had
lituntorS; and invariably produce sound sleep.
They are the safest aplonost eilleackars_Nlerlicine,
to fake to . 6
et , ,- preventing. scurry, costhene:ls,
The operation' of this nind itledicine,tt _ ltict i
cnoy( yslminediate conviction of ots utility, from
the first dutiels as bend:le - nil to tbe 111111(1 as the
,03 - ;,first theor--eu-rirtg-.ail---Aleiil,r.l-:,de--
- range - rrrurrtT, -- F.rcenti'icities . r.:t.: ., 2_:r,onhr_:&fl_'iir_li••'''iniS•",,i --
ti•ruabilities 1111(1 leSl ieSt-I/CSS, rl 7 / 1 11 tt Initet er
, ource; cOmplonts which incur' hitherto lit oecii
•Dlroperly understood, - as the-113 ge - iStlt Site found
_the:midi- to proceed limmacrimoniiiesliumomsin
the blood, awl,' happily fin; the present and forme
race of mankind, discoyererla_elmapLand_urie ee e.-
fife r purifying, curing, :and preKenting._
being cured'ol-ony . disOrre,.•
sore, .16 1100 110 • more a dublolls .UI AlllCeY6ilLllllll_ , _
cedure—perseverancedn-the Vegotable-Universal-
Merlicines•will always restore nature to her olne
course: The .literary and .sedeittart., of both
sexes; who pursuits so much thirytir the facitl
ties,:willdinci a 'Sure remedy in the Universal
Par preserving' the enery and_ spright,
- littess ---- oftfie — itnainaiirm;and improving their
health; old age • w ill 6-6' astained, V{ tiie'ilse'ol
.tlientrand passed fi•ec - from puill . .and
They ire not ,enveloped with the
'ether - medicines; they : only
_ri:c - ptire ti
tiered - in with sufficiently largieses„ ..e p:
tient ivifi come. riff Willi—when it-dsease is ob.
stinate, - patients frequently do nt,ivrake lises - large
- The medicines'are roMperised in three different
articles only, viz: ti 0 . ,0,6 kinds-of pills, of differ.
edit strength or jp - Oer, designated, bv , No 1 and ,
2; the first isfi,-po..vJrltii, but most Mild and gen
tle aperientilla opening riedicine,.detaching --- and ,
partiallyiremoying 'the - 'ropy 'humours,
sf the No. 2 Pills carry off those and the
rocs acid and putrid litnnours r locidental to th e
•body; and act together us a ferret in a warren,
never resting until every avenue of the hutnati
frame is thoroughly searched, Ana cleansed of
its impurities.
• The Vcgtt ide"Cleansing Powders arc of great
'assistance to Patients and ricilitate_thiLevacttation_
,ol.bad humours; they soften, cleanse, and detach
plilet,m; are Coolir.g, and allay
the thirst. One, t wo, : or three powders • may:be
take_nthrouglrout half,alum
bier of water. ,
'-The pills are sold in packets of
SS:, and - 25 and 50 cent -boAes-Lthe two former
consist •of three [nixes eath,l viz. one box . of 'No
1, and two boxes of No. 2—the latter, one larger
box with':a division; the pVclers are in se t ntritte
-boxes-M.37'1 e t ents•eac4l o .,
Cain cabs.ebluenee.tif-thelcpu.. -et -so u tEatiofilar
of' the agents,. and Air the' . conVenience of the
Public in general, brixeS - of 50 - cents, and 25 cents
each, can now be had of all the Agents.
--; siroyt rgo - NyAN - / - itre - riiiiAy Adviser
ofthe Itriti4i College"4•lft;ltli, 3d Edition, price
$.2 75; and PRACTICAL PROOFS iit the I lyge-
Ja n systeiffOr Pliywititoi.ty, ifivoiling-the - "oogin
.cif_Lifeireatisam n-Spaillt_lP-Le tt e r-on-
Cholera Morbus," mid many attested cures efl . ect.'.
--ed-in-thix...c.muttrys well as • Great Britain, 6th
-Edition, price 373 cents — •."-----'---•-- •
The • • es are all . imported into
this country at a 6 .eat expense, notwithstanding
which they are sold at the same price as in Eng- ,
land. .They have been 6 years before the Amer-'
ican-public; their preeminent success in the relief
of the affiletaltitp usands can testify
Cr CALTTION; . i-In consequence of' the high
estimation in which Morrison's Pills are held tcy•;
The- publ , , , - - -iehas fridneed an innumerable host of
unprincipled counterfeiters to attempt - imitations,- ._. E. W. - ROBINSON.
under deceptive terms thus to delude the unwary, ------- ------ - - --Baltimore..Mfl.
and foist their nostrtons for the GentijoepilYSelao DRAWING OF LOTTER us. - , -Order in which
Medicine; in *consequenee of . which, the Agent.' . the sever State Lotteries will be drawn.
measure has taken the precautionary of having an , Wlfryllan State Lotteries draws in Bald-
Extra Yellow'Lairet - fixed on each Packet,
signed: `more
ever other.. er Mmu lav capitals
_rang e bythc Akent of'each State and__District,:and by, ,rom
10 BO ' 20 , 000 to 530,C00 ; . Delaware
their Sub:Agents, in every County: the imitation . .
Lottmies draws twice „eyeryz_Ave4, :
of-whielrwill-subject - ---tlie-forger-to - Alic-sererest-4 0
, vary froms to $lO,OOO ; Oranaton
quinishment the-Law-can inflict: and' it is flirther
solidarad Lottery draws - Once. every week, tb be noticed, that none of the above Medicines
capitals-20,000,-25,000 to gso,ooo ;Alexan-.
can be' obtained in any Drug Store throughout
tlieVnion ; the Drug ,Stores being lite principal : Aria : Lottery draws once every other-week,
sourcerliffiffigli" which the
articles'::,. - -----;-- • I ginia State Lottery draws every Saturday in
-- 6'Respectable,parties may be- appointed - A= reach week r cipital - ptizeS rang - e front I'o,ooo,
gents.on liberalterms, by applying to the• General - 20,000, 25,000,...10,000 to $40,090. Tickets'
Depot, No. 31} SouTtf - SEvErcrit. STnitxT,. three' in the above. Lotteries vary ,from 62, 3, 4, 5
doors below Market street,,Philadelphia- and at :'and 10 each, shares in proportion: - ' t
No.lo North street Baltimore,.nearly opposite the I
Post Office, where_the Genuine Medicine may !.." •
-Ailletters add re ssed to the subsCriber go
alWay§he obtained_._. . _-..„*_______A% pet feetly . safe. .N 9 tui :• has ever cid
-- -;-. -
- i
INir safe-in Carlisle: a t: the store of Oct..- I
Bi& HITNER.n'_ '
-Sept. i.4.,1834; - _ .
• .
Stock and Exchange .
.[larrisbu . rg, Market' street, opposite to Wilson's
flottel,` ' . •
• jai 024,1; 1 003)1AgrO: •
. - .
Buys and.selts Notes of,sl I 'kinds: Stooks !tonight
and Old,' , LOT.I4.IItY PRIZES cashed, anttail
,inforrnstionliveti LOTTERIEK -- , • -
Atigust 21 1837, • • •
;' • . -
• - avaivol3.•.'
S the enjpyment of health depends oM pre
serving . the complicated ftinctiow'Of,.the
romApti, LIVER, INTESTINES St/LUNGS, atate,Ahrodh_lb_e_iope
rations of which the body receiveszlts grottirt hi its
nutrition, awl it support.__ 11 can no longer be
astonishing that when these vs6erli are deranged
and 'cannot perform their jiroper functionS r tbe
wltole system should suffer and- become disorder.
- d;-_-4,-j,Vheailood4s ,- maddretralte..-coot: f the
stomac i ; las its re( co or not vita tty giTer77` i
by theacti,on of-tkelungs, and as it performs its
circulatiting'ihrough the veins and, arte
ries', has its'yelhAV
.excrement, which
may be termed its refuse or woi but sediment,
- collected and - disehargeff -- . l.iy the -fiver. These
viscera, MeChaltiSlTl or aP
pnratus;ffy Whicli, the blood us manufactured end
liresey-Vcd-I-and-it-is-therefore-obviotts-thaf-t - 11&-
state' of. these should be the first - consideration
the - physician. Now there are various causes thai hid)
.the - hltiod-has nothing'whatever to do: " l•hils the I
.6ton - tacit may_bc_utterly, debilitateff.in_oneL mo
men‘, by' affright, grief, diSappointment, heat,of
the weather, or -any littler nervous 'action, and be
Wholly unable to digest its f00d... Is-tlighlooMto
blame . for - this? .`' - ')!LNERVOUS AOTION of long
ctintinuance, will produce settled DYSPEPSIX,
ty, Jana' funeriff,retinue- of other evils: 14 the
flood. to blaMe for this? . Intemperance, by in
flaming,. the. mists of the stomach, and leaving it
in.. flacid; prostrate weakM'ss ; und an undue
quantity and continuance of purgative medicines,
by - producilig the :.aincvffi:cts, will ;Mt this organ
- almost out of use for' digesting. w holesome solid
60(4% Find thus impoverish the brood and Abel
whole system: is the blood to' blame lair
Again, with regard to the Lungs, it is...weJPknown,
that a slight.cold, occaSiouect by - 410.dip feet or-by
-a-:r..tiri.c;nt...or MN- - wIl 1 - R - 11111 le
: tilt. - littint - liiiiiill
down - thrinifflt':tl - 'ranching air tube's or- the .
.Imif.;s; - and dea a either excessive ntuctitnits, or
that dreadful insidious disease, Consumption; with
- pustules - and suppotuttort - of - The'lroties,"wli . : - e - li,
though timely remedies may prevent; no earthly
ski l t-aan-eood-Vif-tlte4.lviratiti-b-ltotorot•
ing, victim to blame for this? So the lied; - when
climate, sedentary liabits,'internperance, or ether
prOstrafing . calows- have withered away--Om paraly
zed it with distention, betyotneS unable to carry Ml
the-bile front the iirculjition, tind 'instead of di's-
Charging itothrinigh the gall bladder, leaves_it to
come -through the skin in jaundiced and sallow
fluids, and to rush upon the stomach iMirregii!...ll.
and: excessive quantities.'-, Is the - unfortunate.,
blood-to - blame for this? - No! -- flies ital organs
are never affected by the blood,. tin I,•after, tile
blood lias - Ve - en affected'. 'by them ; they aze the.
makers and maaters,.tind,it is merry their 'word<
and their passive ageut, -
' , . -- K - nowiag.this to be a sound and dernonst rat.-11--
fact- in sciync and - cixper.iiiirce,ll)K -- IV:, EV.ll.\:3'
system of jpracticpis in Litliftil accordance With : it.
-trelainilqu-k-eep-the:StomFtittl ie Jmngs, and the
Liver in vigorous and regular 'action, is tins. three.
.I.',iriFiltiliftiitaiiis of health...and life.'. Yor tliis p . n..
pose he prescribes his beau tiltilly •etlicacitu s AP.'
EIifENT I'll,T,S (acknowlediyeil by medic.-1 own
--who-have alial) . leif and recommended them tri he
"ijilitTitrt4iiiiirt. lii r l - Walify_llT- - c - ii:aiaAT-iiii 7 ,l-;:yjiPic,l
tlo: cleansingof the 'stomach Jiml liovcl.s.i„iniei Lis_
cell liaied eSSI()NI I I.l'. or TONIC ;PILLS, in
cases ef nervous irritability, SthIllaCIC!C Wt.:l I: iti !.,-.,--
or general debility. A vast injority-iil iiiiiiian
delease's_liaving their origin in the geiteral4Mpa •
thy. 01 . 14 principal viscera with the 11,7-r - voUs to a- 1
Ulu V . ; -- ... lre`t . ..d.i.sease..:in,lliti:ACtost_sulttile.) ,
fibres of irstoots,,4;id.of viimlY. hoping tit ex,l
A i ng.,3l'._ it . ,.....1 4 :: : , ‘ ~,4 It e d.. more ,d; s ..i
-tirnt btanches - ; - I.lis - A ry - -ru ENT l'ILI„S within
all that any
_piimati,2.e'tiailicine can do, that h,
'I liormighli, cleanse the stomach ;mil hostels; aunt
hitt C11:116N111, - E'or T,ONIC Pll.l.S i combitiing a s
they silsoAr,":,tlie. irth . ..;l,Alelitzlitlttl . - ilttN( •I'N.E .
.I:llQ.Wl.l,lllT"znetliqtPc; w - liana 11 'do lava ()cute. ont.l_ttilt2,
- continftitily aping. wor,e7irgigfriti;tltett, test trio Anti 1
S:tigfilill 'the 'human constitution than any other
"Medicine that has yet -been ilscovert4l -I 'o ilii , T
lie has innumerable proti t tl this no man C:111
deny without falsehood.
Dr. IV:ll..BVANV.medicq preparations ardor
'll Stomach and Mirror's jNseasesi,...'Bi lid' ges
tion, Dyspepsia, Billions Affections or_ Liver Coin
plaints, Heartburn' or Acillity in. the Stomach,
Tightness at. the Chest, Loss of Appetite, Bain in
the side; or Flatulency, Ilypo6hondriacism, I,ow
lability, Nervous'iWeakness, Flitor.Albus,!Senti
nal - Weaktiess Incligeittions, General. Delii,lity',
Itodily -Weaknks, Colorosis or Green -Sickness,
Flatulent or - 11) stera I Fitintings . , Ilywyrics, Dead
alle, Hiccup, Sea Sickness, Night
. Mare, Gout;
Rheumatism, Astlitmt, Tic Dalereux,. Cramp,
Spasmodic Affections,, Nausea, Vomiting, Pallitt
in the Side, Limbs,-head; Stomaiir Iliick,-Dini
ness-or Confusion of Sight, Noi ies i f the !oxide,
alternate ii'lushingtfi of I leat at 4.1 , hitnesit; 'Tti,
mars, Watching% -Anxiety, Spasms, Bad 'Dr..ains,
Agitations, will in every case he relieved by an
occasional dose of Emma' Camomile Pills.
lics,Qiiring the. time
- of pre4rnitc3', arc ortor
trou'oled with Sickness, 'Vomiting, Ileartinivii,
Iletithacho, 'Tooth-Licht-, --Hysterics, and olhcr
troublesome symptoms effectrefilly relieved by these
. •
ARCADE:, Chesnut street.,
positar Office.
Junc , s, 1837.
'all. at., 4:daors beiop
.4e .rranl•!in Banle." j.
50,000 D
• - Persons at a dista ce diposed to try their
luck in either of. th • following grand Lotte
ries—one of which 3 raws alternately every
week--are respeCtfully requested to forward
their orders to the subscriber,'enclosing the
cash or prize tickets, designating the 17ottery
will receive immediate attention by retutti
mail, and the drawings for_wardett_when_ov_er
ve - e -
Feb: 7 l4i: 1837:-.1.;--ly-7
Flais'eed Wanted
_ .
One Hundred Ittisheli'of clean . Plaxseed U : ant
ed of the Subscriber in South Hallo
vet Street. ' , • ----
>-.SaT; -- 11441 NDER.
Cirliide Sept 18,.1837. •
liaZa2.l2 l- 11V.Y2al'2Iro
SouthEasp i i- var e, e cr u* pa.
For the:prmientiFin 'and cure of Coughs;
Colds, Asthmas, Consumptions; spitting 'of
Blood, 'and diseases of the breast and lungs,
&c. _
k /I
. .
• • .DpetOr Clarkson; Freem a n, the proprie
tor of the Specific, resided upwards of fohr
years among. the Afferent tribes .of North •
American Iridiar, a!iif;with unwearied dili
gence. used every'rd ans . in -
his power to re
quire a knowledge f the different remedieS
used by there, font - le cure of the sick and
wounded ;and more particularly those-whiett—
hey take to prevent and . cure the consnrop• laintso . .. •-.- ..'l.--. •
Ile observed the hit' s w_e7e_su )Jett to nu,..
merous and similar complaints' to those -of
white people and from their mode of liv
ing,: and •being otposed. tb, the inclemency
of- all -weathers,
_Many - ofiheir:-Coriiplairits -
.were complicated and -.violent, Although;
many of. thkir diseases were of such a. 7 na; •
tuile_asa_vOtild4w' ith_peoPit o '
state have terniitiated in coinfirrited consump
Ahem, he did.ricit hear of one who stied of_a_, •
:consumption.. • .
&C .- happy-are :they in- their- knoWledge
remedies,. and- so.,Ceriain:--of.-their effects,-.-:-
'when applied in time, that it may besaiii-fla •
Arne - consu mptinti . is.a - drieaSe :never known .
or-heard „among them!! The uth of this
Observation toustlie corrobpfated by all who .
have bad the opportunity of
quainted with these people. may then be
asktd -why. they are exempt.frOm these Corn
plaints? The reason_ is obvious ;. because
_they immediately seek for
.relief, and pre,
vent-thoSe Complaints which '-insensibly -un- •
'dermine..theconstittition,• and bringon incur
rable •
Bills oLdire.ction.accompany. each boltte
of if - ye-Specific, pointing out in a.conspicuOus
manner,-allr_the svmptimis in the -11.iffe ,
Tijiilies . of.tliese distressing digitises ; also par
ticular 'directions respecting. Diet- and - Reg.:
and how patients - are to conduct them
selves through .evely stage. untithealth -is re. •
stored; for vain and uselesS Would be -the /
_prescriplkas of the' ablest. physician; ac- -
cinnparlied with:the ritefg - pOwerful
if his directions: are not faithfully adhered
The public_ re informed .thatthe &post,. •
lions of--two hundred and eighty seven Ter,
sons.have been taken before the proper an
thOrities of the city of Lancaster;' PA, all coin. -•
pletely . cured of most - desperate cases
of cinsurriptiori,,-soine Of Which amdrUilod. -- .,
liithe bills accompanying the bottle. • • • ••
T The price of each bottle of
.IN . D4•IN 2 ::
SPECIFIC . Polhir, and each — Omer: o ,
rping Ake-genuine-Specific i•gned
Telcirk:son Freeman, and the initials '•
tbe,Stil . of each, bottle. None SO be
without t hissignatu re ; abase coniposi- •
tion=baying been :atterrrlttiie - to — lje• `••• • -
on the public by a ocoiniterfeit imitation of
this extraordinary avricle: . • -
tl:7' constant,stipply- of •tlia above Spee
ific, is kept 'constantly on sale, by SAMUEL .--
EI,LIO . P•F; C.ul sle, ancl - 4 Samuel Wilson
Dec 18.3 * 6-1v- • .
. _
' : - - tiv.ll 4 l%.lLlartholoasseitN.:: -
PI N' .I..XPEtc:ToI A-N.71 - SYRUP.
A ii• alit. •eabit nrillal, ;mil e fft-ctive reriwtly for
i en - ,,,,Hi5 : ll();irscai,ss, Gplas," Paiti, kif the Breast )
iltißtt_llreatliiitir, anYI Jiiiikii!t vliii•doraliein:-"- `.
-A ' rrAitt/4.e...4. Children-in cold 'atMates antlwarm.
The prOtietors-are.aWare that there are many'
remedies• for coughs and diseases of the lungs;
some no don..t'are good, butit has remained, to a
late day. vo di-coVer_an article SO admirably fitted
to t tem.. - - c , itifoLtinfs_f—sa.p.toYerful—unt.f-r ffecttial o :-
1 -and )et so perfeetly innocent and mild:
Let not the 12,.tilic-cla-ts-the-i s icientific result of
a learned Physician aiifliiiiineii•Tiffltiiiiiit
of the (lay. Let them make.a careful perusal of '
the 'evidences attending this article; their- re
spectability, and the decided -mtinster•ia which
they speak; and they cannot withhold their be
lie( itosome of. its virtues. . Let (Vs - lissom them»
that a single trial of it will do more to convince
all of its merits than all,, tiny can 'See or hear on
Ale subject. it is 'quite Certain that no injury •
has et er been known 'to arjse -from its fire use.
- iht unconinuot ilia h i , that this remedy - is a.
syrtip,--as-paialably and plcaSant. to the fastens
the most popular French cordials and childrerf
A:lke it idways with theigreatest readiness. --
i The p orletors are nosy O akin. rapid arrange
ments to lave - this ariicl: in the hands of every
druggis an d . apothecary in the country, It may
s„?be kn vat to be genuine by the following 'ittna
turd as below of the. Ilev.-Ce . ntleman and illlfYi•
sician who : is the author of it. .. .i • - ~
!Lis with great pleasure that the ;proprietors
are enabled thus to bring fon‘ard an article scs
. meritorious as this syrup, anttfrom 'such tr)
source, and they trust the community who have
Gee:is:um-for-its use-rmiy-alwitvs-find-it-within-their ,
i•each, both as to' places at: ult . :eh it may be found,
and - the low price -at AI iliCk it is 80111. •
• A great inimber of the most wonderful 'cnieA .
May be seen by calling on Mr: nohinder, Carlisle,
at a hose tore it is fur sale. s.:e Mr. .lidlapJer's
I Al3 - c
. t .. for saIeITS:ELLIOT
Celebrated Rheumatic, Neirve _
• • •
LINT .111 E N T
Ablied_mornhig and .night, has cured hue
'g-ii4s* relief:in - the swelling or the - 7,
and contractions of the limbs and will take svrel. ,
rheuniatism, brill s and sprainat giveslimme
diate relief; it strengthen, weak limbs, and . •
tends the cords when contracted.—A few drops
- on - slic - Ep'& - WirdratifilieA Fri tli - ea'r - of - deaf'per. ---
suns, will by constant application, Cause them to -
hear in two montli? time. ,
. _
_A. great .number of certificates of - the - trist, - 7 - ,. -
respectable and decent character may be exam
.Carlisle, who will give further information, or see , .
Mr. llolander's papers.
Coiinty,:' • .
llegs leave respectfidly to inform the public,.
that he has removed to.riarrisburg, where be has
taken that large and spacious ; three story brick , •
house formerly_- Wilson,-----
corner walnut and Third Streets,:
,to view of-the State Capittil, which he opensdAna"
the first (lay ef...llay last, and where he hoftp to •
, continue to receive that patronage so liberally
estowed on hiS establishment heretofOre. • Ire •
will at all tithes, be• provitletl i with_LeVery thing
necessary to make his guests comfuitable.-
rristar June . 1837
Election for nank,Dircetors,
October, 12. 1837,
. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholder*.
in this • institationOliat an election will!tie .
held on thethird•Miiday,OT NtiVernbee ' itek4
(being the Nth day,y lit the Baratigllonse,,L
, „„
sor iiMeen vll7sCtors, •to serve during tilts
year then to ensile. . -
. W.S.TOBtAN,.feashier. •
October In tasn.