Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 28, 1837, Image 3

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    A criminal case somewhat novel was
bedught liable our couti - of Quarter Wessions .
week before last. Me subjoin—a—dincise
sketch or the trial. • •
Tii*. Offence laid -in the indictment was
"cheating.", It consisted of four counts, the
first three of which were substantially the
same, charging the . defendant, Eli Keene.y
__defrauding divers',Citizens of the
rnonwealth by means spurious
checks on the Northumberlan d Bank,'
, and differing•only in the manner in which the
charge The last_count_ charged ,
..•••••••' en anh .....dang - a certain John
- Hetrick, by means" of falser tokens.
It was ` proved to the jury' that the defen
:dant had purchased merchandiee hoof John.
• Hetrick, a merchant of Frankford township,.
and also from Mr. Mullen of Papertetwboth .
—_.eLlshorti-_-he:Lpaittinr,piintedeheek 5. 011111 ' 0.1
• .Northiimberland "lank.. : checks checkwereil
'exhibited to the jury.: The following is an
. 40,
• Northtusiborlind Donk, *
:4 PAY GstmEtt OR . DEA
pr when the lino prenentediniounti to five..
dollars. • , • '
• ,4 • ?yorthuinberlatzd
61/7,/ W
x) S7. •
14 • - 4.
He had - endeatiored to - pay the same kind
papee to other_ persOns in N_Oville. --'his'
pocket -book found on
, his person, w
rested Was - produced_t contained seVefat,
thecks'Signed,. filledOP - and dated_ready for
circulation,-and large i buodle -of-blanks
of the Ilenominations of one and' two dollars",
Amounting terabo,utlotir hundred -- dollais.TA'
• slip of paper, was-found ,in the book upon
whielt,,was• virliten sevet al •times 'W,Weli
-stee6 by the same"itanilWiViCh had filled: uP
'--and signed the checks.
• The Cleelt.Of the Northuraberla . a Dank,
testified thatii - o - rfnan by the name , of ..tB.
Welteter had deposits in their banit;"nOr was'
there nny Man . al" iliat"name, telfick - titiwl - - -
. . edge in Northumberland county. _ _'. ._ •
By the defendant's counsel, it was contend
ed, that the offence was nots-indictable 7 -- . that.
• . a . _ mervileaucannot . bermde the subject of
Ccrirninalprosecuticn_unless it lye such .a one
as cannot by common prudence be guarded
against_ . - - -that thedefendant had_dune nothing
thitn:_had_beep done by, autnerous
dividuals and corliorations; -he had issued
plasters" or-cite - cgs and that although
the issue; ivas illegal ; and stibjected-theof--
could notlie punish
Cci by indictment..-. ••.-
On the part of . the commonwealth, it was
„said - thlit .the . - clice.kainqnestion were false
•- token., and that the passing of n` single one
" upon an individual was aneffencein its nature
calculated to affect the public, and therefore
indictable at common law ; but that, even if
they were not false tokens, and it the de
frauding of an indiilictual by means of them
was a mere naked, cheat, and nut punishable
1 by indictment, yet that ,by imposing thein
upon numerous persons, he "established a
system-4-fraud i -made-himself-tilfzubiie-of--
=- 1 -'fender,--and-therefore w i ts subject to a crimi
• gal prosecution. - •. • • -
, The coon 'sustained thelast :count of the
indictinent,.and the jitry -returned a verdict
.of "guilty on the fourth count." The Oleo
'dant was;intenced two
„years„ imprison
*ment in is Penitenti96)l for the eastern dis
trict of Pennsylvania / to be kept at hard labor
in solitary confinement.
For the Coin. Dep. Att'y (en, Adair: ,
---For-Deft.-Messrs. Gatillagluer.&. Brande:•-•
. .
The folio - win
of banal Er. !fail Road tollsireceived.Stite, in this
from Oct. 31st, 1838, to Qct. 31st, 1837, we copy
from-the' Pennsylvania Telegraph. The friends
of Goy. Itrrmen and his adniiriiitration vdll b
gratified to learn that notwithstanding the pies
sure of thetiroes. , andthe consequent stagnation
of business, there has been an actual increase in
the receipts of the currentyearLuyerAliose_ofi he
preceding one, of $137,354 76 Cent's. So much
for the judicious, wise and economical meastires
. or our present worthy Governor of the Co itimoti
t Amount ct Tolls received lobo
• the Treasury, during the .fiscal
.. yetri ending October 51, 1837.
..$965, 42 . 763
...LPO, • do. do. 1836, 827,54 765
• . - Increase last year, 14137.50507
this we have the pleasure oladding, that the
'tolls for motive power on the Philadelphia and CO ;
i ;fUmbiaand' Portage Rail Roads, undei the wi:. ,
•'end economical managenientor the presentaetive
`And . Vigilant , •superfntendents; Messrs. litehal_f
'mita Patton, have exceeded all the eipenditures
fur motive and stationary power, about $30,000.
The excess, on the PhiladelPhia and. Columbia
sold it about 420,000, and that on the Portage
'woad about ten thousand•dollars. •
We also tdkepleasure in being able to state that
'the tolls on the Philadelphia & Columbia and
Portage rail roads will, the present ear, nettfive
Ter cent. upon the amount exp,en 'd on. their .
,construction, notwithstanding the immense sums
'or money equanderea.bylncompetent or diaho.•
'nest engineeni, and bernowed upon personal and
'political favorites.. The smile rosy .be said of the
,'main line of Canal from Columbia to Pittsburgh.
end of the Delaware division. These the present
'tor willeech pay upon their original cost about,
tve per cent:
'This change in the , reveritleof.the State is high.
ly gratifying. It gives assurance that under the
stem of reform andeconomy, the immense state
ide :t which had been piled upcn the people. and
for which the farmers and mechanics were taxed,
trill now become a source
,trovenue, after pay
ins the annual Interest.
' - , , Aippensburg, J4v, ; ',25, 1837..
We have• Seldom been more' gratified than On
seeing the irrivako . f.the cars hereon the 201 h inst.
On the 16t11 we bactseen them ppss filled *lib
gentlemen-olCumberiand and the ad :.
joining counties; and on the & 18th the same
train .enieted our A totvti'raild, midst the cheering
of the bystanders; and ihe, "soul-:stirring sound"
.e •
of martial music,,disturdened themselves, like the
the half 'had not yet been seen. On the 20th,
the usual \crcPwd,_ wiis assembled .long _before the
hour at which the 'cars were expected. At length
their appearance wiikanneunced i fr. two-lotomo
tives 'seen drew nine, followed -a tiaiii oral*
cars-laden with—whati--Not with a select emir . ,
tiermf :Woythy gentleinen, nor.-with-Pennsylvania.
Volunter : a — ft every Arinclow of
citit — fho - m
the cars there protruded the pretty (ace of one
Of, Penn's fair—Asirgliters! _ Ai the sight,_the
crowd were struck with astonishment. None but
onest - men dared to..tske a .second look, and
I hogues !Writ their heads and slum ked oft in every'
direction. No .onei not even e noisiest, dared
to cheer, but all stood peifectl aghast.-
"Surprise has this effect, to strike us dumb;,
.- •
Yet leaves the gate that eloquence Mips through,
Al wide as if it-Jong speeclt Avere to come."
Even the proud locomotives themselves seem
ea to be inspired by. the 'occasion; and lOoked at
each .other like. , two rival gallants. !* It seemed
the cars for that-An - Y. been exclusively - ap.'
prcipriated 'to the transticirtitiOn of tadieeOrid such
of the othersex,' as - should volunteer to° act as
theii protestors, : one or more ladieebeing_a
-cessary - passport for each; - This had the happy
effect of bringinen to the social bitiirethitie - whe
nevcr , since they left the iiurtiery,litul courage,
firlook a female in the face, — Many al shy youth become an ohrbach e •
leir, had thus been - saved, and even old bhaeltini
theniselves-On ;that-ilay."broke - the ice" and
teidd the list tironee; - 0 tiimtare : -- sport fdt.
'Cupid. That • morn''' ' ' had replenished __his'
quiver and bent hie bow another inch. At the
,arrival of eacli:dittle group, who' came to. take
their seats_ in the cars; he flapp9,his little
. Wings
and- - laughed- aloud at - the-prospebt.,in tick.
nevvigame.----After-r - Stop - n-fewminutitt4—the to Chandietsburg and returned in
'except that. an-- their return, a few - miles from
'Cliandie - rilinrfOlie front iota m_tnke_beca me jeal
ous of i the.on'e behind, as being nearerto the la
dies. and .refuSed to - preform its jiart.of:the duty,
But, by
: the a pplication 'ol a Mile more•fitreier; it
roon — fciTad to ----- 7 -----
I'_The - mentber of the Boprcl:of Afttnagets to whom .
the morslullsclip of the flay w4Veotninlited i ..
formed ltis.ordnolilidutlei in enable end most el l
littetit - Manner, reconirgendecl himself
adinlrably to all Under his'coniniond.
tours. A; B.C.
- 09 'out' exdhatige list we liave uotieetltwith
_pleasure' the ".giterla;ids Wriechter_," . - i; neatly
prioted oermati. Paper,: published in. Harrisbuik
by Joscia -Ennettantan. It is conducted with
much spirit and ability, and We cordi6lly wish it,
extremely I w price•of ..$l. per annum, and the
proprietor. s igns enlargin g. it, without hieegiis•
jog the pe e of subseriPtio,n, ,at's'o•in as the7pa•
trona .f the public Will.Warratit the undertak
ing . We couAdently recommend it to our Ger
:nairol neighbours na Well worthy of their support.
A it R
-- Orr the 23c1 inst: by the Rev.-John Ulrich, Mr
Henry 1144%y-to Mj Elizabeth Zigler, both o
Zi,Jrth -Middleton' township.
'—"Accompanyhig the above notice was-a liberal
allowance of a nice piece of wedding cake. ' which
conclusively convinved us. that amidst the joy.
ons reitiTities ofifie Widal party; the "poielirhr-7
ter" was.not-forgetten. • -•
•May health. happiness end prosperity attend the
happy' pair.
Ott Thursday last", by the ftev..toshua
Mr. Samuel Ore:4011,10 Mies Mary, daughter o
Mr. .Alexander.D,avidain, both of Wesipennabo•
roiigh. township,.
With gratitude — We 'acknowledge, With the
above notice 'a handinrne 'Bl,ce . of the wedding
cake. 'Tis the more ticceptable, as' for some length
of titne back; we have not beet` favoiet; with
even. a..elice of pound cake fur our kindttesi in
had taken to himself a rib. We say unto all,young
persons, 'go and do likewise.' We .wish our
y,oung....frfencin all the happiness imaginable, and
ihe agreeable necessity of 'eating 'more of this
account of tb
th K A . . .
On tht 14th inst. by Re v . . osenmiller .
r. H_erwy,J3 le • r isijlarga reit _A rinagatt.3i
Dickinson -19 wnehip.
On t to 16% Inst. by the same. Mr. David Grove
-to Alias Elizabeth Snyder. both of. Franktord
township. , •
, do vv - edriesday the 22th inst. by the Rev, Geo. .
G. tricilintan Mr Samuel Harder to Mies Eliza
beth Hinclii ' iAcui of Newrifk.,
. On Thursday the 23d, by the seine . ; Mr. Wil
liam Keepers to Miss Margaret Agneiv of this
OnTuesday.,the 2lst inst. by the Rev. A. T.
NVGitl, Mr. Levi_Trego of Westpennsborough
totvtiship,to Miss Mary, eldest daughter of James
Woodburn, Esq. of Dickinson township.
.Q_ .110 _ rarmai:paß TM ER ,' : :
bne rif the partners of the Herald and EXposi
or,. without :consulting the other, !ii about to.
introduce another Partner lute; the concern....
Whether or. cot itbe treating his copartner with
that respect which is due him, (to enter into an ar
t-angemeht.Oftliis nature. - withou(first hiving obi ,
tained hiiconsent,)u7e leiVe ourrenders to jiidge:
We had heard the ntory rumoured, but believed
it not—doubts are hOwever,riciii at an end, ftiM
our &Tithes this. moment informed dij that (lei
pit of all our incrodibility.his
_other Buss 'has
gone off ; in-a cogeli-nnci...six to consummatb the
contract, and will return • Wriolrow with iiis
wife!!! Things will
. change now - .heret o fore
we were blessed--,with the presence or. on. fel
low laborer daily, yeti hourly, in our Office; :mil
withhiSiesiskanae in the performance of its du)
tiees-7but now we slialk - be left "solitary and
nlone,l' midst degas, blue devils, nod all the evils
Jr st printing 'Office. Wlidst he and thectiew intro.
iliiced,--Will spend their time in the enjoyment of
all the sweets of cenjogat bliss; far removed from
Hall-the ills•tlist flesh is hair to.'-'-IL,oOle-Out
brother, .well play the !nine gyms some of these
ditys...:YEAZEIr, - Editor. - ... . '. .
• .
gliv . ."Vgoolo,l,o:' . t?.43,) . o*.tte . '44itr
.714.GTiallORE — ;1114412KET:
• . • N0v.•26, 1837. '
FLOvn, lioivgrB streets per brl. 9 25
___WHEAT:I3IO_ I / 1 111liet • - n`r!. 2. 10
_ reyE, 12
CORE; - 08
- iyhite
- the December ZotterieS.
-- 40 000-CAprrAt
2:s_prizes__Qti d oo_e_Doiarol_,
Za'be - draivnrit"-Wilniingtim, - -Der:on-Battlt7.
_- , day; Decem4er 1660827.• .
i • .. - Moat,Vilendid Prizea. - • .
1 'rriie 'of .. • 40,000 Dollars ~ .
1 - do: .:, . 15.000 Dollars •
. .'. 1 * ''' il6 —-- —. ' 8,000 Dollars ,
....1 .. rio - % • 6,oooDollar s, -
1- • • do . . ' '4,l3o,Dpllars , .
5- prizes of 1,50 0 • 75, t prizes'of 500
5 410 1;-250 128 do . 2OO
75 do , .1,000 - - &c. &c. &c. -
rickets 10 dolls—half s.qoarter •2.50
Cer. of pack . ages ot,, 25 Whole tickcts 140 ,
do -. do -25 Half • ' do,. 70
do --
~ : d o - • 25 Quarters ,do =, - 45
. ,
For. the benefit of the Own' of Wheeling.
Cliss 1637., •
ro be drawn' ae Alexandrht.•Va., onthe 23d
„ December 183 n.
. _
• . Grand Capital Prizes.” •
25'000f-40..000 !—.5.000!-•-5,000!-2,224!
: .2,000 1000!--:5G 300;.&c.
_ .
Tickets . rinly'B dolls—halves and gaarters
in proportion: .
. 100dols
do do 25 half .do 50 (lois
• -do 110 '25 qtiartet. --- do.- - " - . - -25-doll
• 15 Drawn Nuntinrs.
- ifiC4lllol . ll - 11 Ac:fdemy
• ; ' Class
To be dral,yn at Aloiantiria, Va. on Saturday
Decri.nbqr 30. - 1837:
-- - - -Brilliant
30,000-6,000-5, 000-4,300-4,000 —3,500 _
1,500e-1,200, Btc Flc &c • '
Tickets 10 - dolls—halves and quarters-in pro:'
Cerof iiiclinges of 25 - % - e . ii - olelir.keti
do--- -do 25 - - halt do 55
do - do , quaiter do 27,50
Orders f o r.'[ and Shares of Xertifi
cites of Packages in the above *lt - ernes, AVIIII
receive the mnst-prorript atientiou, and an
account of cacti draining * rent. initne-_
diately after all -who •Orderircina.
us.: Address.
• D..S. GREGORY & Co. Makiters.
_ , _
, Supplement - of the Ordinance re
\ - specting the. Hay Scales:
SECTION Ist. It is heteby otdained that
the keeper•Z'nf the Ito , SttAt . 'eS be and he 14'
li -- crebyttiliorized and reeptired, in addition.
to the . ,veighing• of hay, to weigh wagons loaded
with, any other loading whatever, at tneithtanse
of any person or persons applying to' Wm for
that purpose, lie orthey p tying to the rtid keep
er at the fate of fifty cents per ton for the fir.+t
ton of loading upon the said wagon,' twetZe
& a- half cents inadd.tinn, when the load exceeds
one--tone-twenty-five-cents -when theload-exce*ed,
two-tons, thirty liCce,ll half cents when the
load --- excere& - three tuna fifty-cent;-when-the
load exceetlQ.fonr tons and sixty. two and a half
cents when the load :exceeds five tons. Provid
ed, That. no loaded wagon 'which exceeds seven
tons. in weight, shall be weighted upon tile - said
'Settles. - Passed 4th Nov'. 1837.
. WATTS, Preset.
Attest.,..l.ts..M. [fort., Clk. •
c. . ___ .
. . ACV A - 113 5- ~
W. LE Sill 111; Dentist, respectfully in.
farms the Ladies and Gentlemen of Cal lick,
th - at he may be found all hours at his office
at. Aughinbaugh's Hotel. ` He. assures the
Ablic that no pains will be spared to give
satisfaction 'to those who may _favours him
with their patronag > <e wilt inst., t- Nato.
-ral,----Artificial,--a Porcelain-teeth,--upon
gold plate or ti et, in accordance with the
x i.r.--,H
irrostappTinfett z pritfclpir -orabe.-art,=-He•
will remove tarter of cartes, and fill cavities
with gold and silver. . Teeth and stumps of
teeth extratted . , if ever so difficult in the
easiest manner., On the first appearance of
- tartar—orscirrvy; ---- teeth — should alwayi be
,F.leariSed, as the_corosion of the tarter will in
a short time reach the roots of the and
they will eventually-fall-out i- and, by- Rite!).
ding to them-in-season, they-may at 41 trifling
- expetfset -- he - restored - t - o - their - trriginal - beauty; -
. Ladies will he waited on at their private.
residences, if reqUested• No pay will 'be
exacted unless satisfaction he given.'
N...-11.-- Itir—S. can give. the best recom
mendati, its front Philadelphia and Ye* York'
is requested. • • ', •
- Carlisle, Nov. 1837.-2 4 - • , _ ' -
TAKE N3TICE. that we ltave'aPplied to
the Judges of....the court of ..Common Pleas of
Cumberland toynty, for the benefit of the
insalvent laWs of this Commonwealth, and
they have . aiinninted Monday the Bth - day
of Jaimary,lBsB;.at the_CoorijiPuse in Car'
lisle, for the hearintof us and our erect - kW - a, -
when and where you may attend if you tliink
proper. - •
C. E. H. DAVIS,' , •
The Nev York CoUrier and Inquirer will
insert the above adveytisement, with the
name marked.thus(*)in weekly - three - tittles,
and tharge this office. •
THE subscriber, an Auditor appointed•by
the Court of. Common* Pleas of Cumberland
- countri to - distribute the effects in the hands
'of . David Kenower,-the gnee- of—Jacob
Snyder to and amongst the creditors of the
said, Jacob Snytler,' . will meet on Tuesday the
tOih day of December, 1837, at his office in
the borough Of . Carlisle, at 10 'O'clock it; the
forepOoni to .discharge the Antipi of his,np.•
pointmenti of which, tll concerned will take'
. Nove'mberool l sl. - • . •
ApAN'NttgililiS PILLS.
Is Further oplOy of ,Ilirincliethe 611 e, In 50
cent boxegOust recetv.o4, pod tor.'eale, at
the stoic
ire'v, 37, 1847
N • •':F.4-•
Piirsante of an order ,
of the; orphans pbUr(
'of GlintberlalateMinty, 1 °will apose to sale'
by. public yendue, 'en Tuesday the 19ilr'day of
December tievt, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said Clay,
at the Court house, in the Borough of Carlisle. A
tract of -lan d situate in Nortli_M idd,leton-township,
calmly Gu mberla nd,conialning about 173 nerve
.SC6O_ perches, neat aneasut4,. bounded by lands or
'George Wise r the Conoclogumet.Ofeek, and other
lands of 'Joseph Knordee'd. Terms made known'
on the day of sale.
•. 1 00
._ ,$5
Novi 27, 1831
,• . •
'Robintsons,_gairicky_olll.c_e l - Z...
80B.iltintore Street, Baltimore, Md. , 5 -„• W - -
E AT, grand-464.00ring5 ,:
resitli.Of the
50,000 dollar-Lottery,-drawn on Satur-
day the 88th :lost,- Grand Consolidated I.:nt-..
,tery, Class *lowest prize 10 dolls:-60 26
M-7--49,45-1-9:A3_11.4.1_112. . .
Conr;bination-26 60 17, sold in a qua! ter
ticket,- near the grand 17t.iye, besides hits of
-Itirge prizes: _ •
he following comtfinaiions are ehtitled to
.prizes . of, . . .• ,
- , 26 60, •$.50,609---17 0 49 $lO,OOO
11 19 43,. ,7 'l7 .26 6,040
,11.41 43. 2,000.---. 7 . 11 -. 1450
ig__55_6.0;_..1,0156-11 17.60 •• 1 ; 000
26 43, 750—..==. - 17 49" 100
19 43, • 40-- 49 5,1 . 69:
All persons throughout-she
. United States
having pies in the above Llitery are re
speetfolly retitiested to enclose them to the
subscriber, for which the cash, or. tickets in
any's - if the !splendid Lotteries, now drawing,
will4e forwarded immediately tlrnil Feceipt.
Address W. - ROBI - NSON;
- Nov It .• .
TAKE NO 11C . P. that l'have applied to
the - Judgei of the court of Common Pleas of
York county for the benefit of the insolvent
laWs'ef, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania..
and .hat they have appointed TUESDAY
tli e_l2 th.... 14. of Moe,lll3Z, atlo_o'clock.
in the morning, for the hearing . of me and
Court House in the binlitig►i
of York . , -when,and. Where yoti may attend if
ybilthitik - proper: - _ -
York, Nov: 8, 1837. •
Notice to Creditors.
. .
0163 Noce iliatl have applied to•the.Judge.
of- , The 'Cotirt - Of.COintnoti Pleas ofCumberland
county loPthe benefit-of the insolvent laws of.
this commonwealth, and they have appointed
Tu. ti lay, the 12th day of December 1387, nt the inl:arlislei for the hearing ofjne.and .
my creditors, 'when nitd.whe a You iniy attend
it you think proper. - -- :'JOHN ',131201VN.
.November . 2.0. _
Letters of Administratiort on.the estate of John
:111orret-deceasedvlate of-Monroertownship. de--
ceased, having issued
- to - the subscribers, residing
in said township. Ali persona hit - ving claims against
the estate, will present them to the subscribers for
_payment,e - nd all persons indebted to,the estate will
make pay Ment , immidiately, to
.~ Samuel Itior'ret, .•
Nov. 20,1837.
. Orphan's Calm*. -Sale.• .
101 Y titi:ordir of"tife' Orphati . 's coOrt , of
" 1 "" Ciumberlainl,Founty,.l , 111_expilae to Public
,pule, on . MalsipAY, the hilt day of I)eceriabei•
next. on- the premises, 2 Tract of
c ; Land situated In Sduthamptoh - townz .
itp; ship,-containin g Six Acrrs•mnre or
:Cs % having thereon erected, a Lue
ll r:I.LINti. !MUSE, knnun ua resi
deuce of John Mecarty,,dec i d. Terms made
known on the day of Sale by 2
' ;James Sturgis,
Nov,. 21, IR:7. - .17( -of .1. Ar4Cr.:lu ilrei.
- • -311611,- f
R.. " 1 •
The Subscriber. return' his sincere thanks
to his former'cwitnniers, for the liberal share
of patronage, which has bten given him`and
solicits a . ciattinuance - of-the.sante;- as•alsn-he
invites those who may' not,- as yet, have
given him a call; to do so at his shop ir t Narth
Hanover Street - , one door north of Mrs. E•
WeiSe's Store.
Having lately returned frnm the the city
of PlilladeliMia, bringing With hiattlre latest ;
tinit'lllo6i approved fashions, the sisl*.riber
has-on hand; a large asiortinent "of.
GENTLEMEN'S mutrirs;
LeauDzaz T3' U1T181209
Bic. finished in a superior style,
for cash, or exchanged for country produce,'
Call and see.
Nnv. 20, 1837.—it •
The_ Stockholders of , the Hanove and
Cat lisle!rurnpike-ltoad : Companyotre- here--
managers. *ill be held at - the house of Julio'
Overholtzer. Inkeeuer, in • Cumberland,
Couhty, on Tuesday the, 12th. day of decem
ber next. between .the haunt of twtive and
FOuf o'clock, on said day, to serve for one
year. The Commissiottars of Cumberland
and Adams County are liketVisa notified
to attend at the said time and place. to chose
three manager's. mi. behalf of the Common
wealth.. to
.serve foa the 'like period. -By
order of the Board,
Diem; 26, 183 i%
AHowl!. and Lot of.dround, situate in
North Hanover St, in whiCh at present there
is kept a Grocery. The - HOUSE
is large and convenient, having n
Ugreat number Id mama on . each - :fit, •;!:
oer,-an'd-an - excellent
the whole building. There i 3 in the ywrd, at ttie
Kitchen door, a pump Find wellyolfirst rate Water.
the situation cif theiniildiiig is such that any_ per.
son desirous of commencing the mercantile bu s i„
nes% would find it to bean excellent stand; There
is also a large
-on-tfie Lot.
can be had separate from the rest of the building,
iftlp&redi w
For particularsingitire . of the Editor.
Carlisle, Nov. 20, 2841 i. "
a 4 • •
to. Civaitorgi
Tate Notice that vie have applied tti"the
es of the court Of coatirtinii pleas 'of Cumberland
county for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this
idriwrionWealth, and they lave appointed Tom'
day, the 12th day of December,. 1837, - the
court•lionse in Carlisle; for tile itearinK of
our,cretlitnrs, when, and :Wharf; ya . n, flay .attend
if you thiplszproper. • , •
Ndv., $0
. Aam'r=oF
~ /•f, TICI.
11 - 41. - 1)-1 1 -33-S
THE subscriber would resifeetfully.ioforni
Abe of Carlisle .stad vicinity that he
has for sale'
. .- 1/17 : • BLACK FUR'
V D ' 330111 4 rETTk4
. ; Ni glociced over the latest
' =
ma . e ocks. The Bonnetts;ate finished in .
a style fuperior .to any manufactured in the
borough, and vary inTrice according to the
size and quality. - ,
' _The finishine shop itiTsituated in Ni;rtli
Hanover - street one door South of Mr..Ete
kielj3nllock's Chair factory:
Nov. 20, 1827.—tf. - SI
t _
N PURSUANCE of the direction'of the
Will of Thotinas Kennedy, . deceased, late or
.Mifflin township,.l - Av ill ;-sell-Jit - pubte Sale; - on
MONDAY:-the 25th diy - of December next, on
the premises ' at. Teti o'clock -in' the forenoOri,
the following described Farm, situated in-Mifflin
and Vratiltrird townships., bounded, IT the lands
of George Itratten,- . Jolia -Drown,--Ilenry ;trim
and otheri, containing 212 acres 'of patented land
of first quality of Slate Kul Gray.l,. about 170
acres of which are . cleared, the residue . is covered
With. timber. • Thejrnproverfients are
A Double Log
A Double, Lowliarnovith . tivo T.htesh
IrirFloorsand — schouse erected for a Distillery.--; -
There's a stream of never .fail.
. ing water running past the lin. •
provementa. There ii also an
-.''• . • *. - • •
• . ' • ----- ORCHARD •
• - •
. of excellent Fruit Olt the Farm,
lated - for-raisintreitheir Grain - ortock;-as'tliere
are azreat many drafts which prbdtice early pas.
tore, or may he cut ftir hay, and there beitig
mog tter hint! fe:fiel ds'e e t We;-T .The Patio
will.suit to be divided,and will *be .sold divided
or together, as Will best suit purchasers. Perkins:,
wishing to itispeet. the premises will.oll al — the
snbsCrdier's residence irr
• . Tht,T-tims of Sale wall be--SISU-pay—
able on the execution of the agreement, the resi- I
doe of otie-half .the ptirelfaie money on the first
Of April next, and the balahbe iii three annuali
payments without interest, tobe:Aecurtdl33 , a lien
on the land. •
- - Robert .M eFarlano
.L `Wm. de ban is non with the
.Nov. 20, 1837. -- - wilt annexed._,..
Este:ley Jacofi High. dec'di_
All perstins Indebted to thelistate. of la
cob High; Sen., decA_late_oftoWnship
kumbe4entl county, are ictinetit - iii to ilia - We:re - 1-
mediate pay l inent to Jacob nigh, residing In New
ton township, br tbsji.enry Railing, residing in
Mifflin township; to *both letters of administra
tion do ,aid estate- have issued; and all 'persons I
havinf; claims:Tor demands against the estate of
said 'deceased, ate requested to melee known the.
same to .either :of the Administrators; without"
••• .•
JAC9II 1-11011; - Attittrie npizeob .
HENRY—RAILING,S High, Sr. deed,
. Nor. .20,..1887. . • •
ran. .RENT.
rATAHAT well,knOwn Tavern Stand, situated on
4.4 - the Cumberland - end Perry line, known by
Stertitts Gap. This is one of tho best
~,ii; .. country stands in either, county.
1111 '
''• . • The Tavern -
- Will be relate alone;.or with the cleared land
allachetl,io-the• remises,—which-now--is- in
'order. a ny pet on wfstiihe 16 - View, or rent the
.pcoperty, eatt_b . accommodated...ll. applyingio
the Subscriber, r sldinrat the Gad.
Y' v- '
WWI F. subscriber 01 rent that well knoWn
large and cons house, for many years
occupied by Chr)stiati -- liitaririch,. and more re
centiv by others, as It TAYKRN
4 LOUSE . • Ihe house is rediarka
.l.,,i; bly well calculated; . for entertaining
BOARDEStS ; there being three
stair•Wa)s' and Fireplaces in must oldie room's.
The Batt. tion is very pleasant and desirable, bein
ontlierfoith west corner of Hanover and. Loutl r
street:SA while, for convcniencei,' it excels / . ny.-
house in the borough or conniry.- „If pos
_se‘ses-the-the--advsntagts-of--12-roinspn the--'
ve2d - linor. , -vir,t‘conts - Ori
the 3d Flour-6 Cellars in house. TWo wells pf '
water ; ' (one at the front door on" i..pitherstreet;
With o pump therein:. the other in tYe yard at the'.,
kitchen dom;) a Cistern made In/contain eighty
live Hogsheads; barge mid convenient stabling,
OH; Carriage house and - . idiedi; large and excel.
lent garzletis attached to tlia• buildings beiideit
many. conveniences not . specified.
Also,er -bbirOed-
Ntio - Stoty - t I °llse, siat...
with two Cellars; a Garden and Stabling attached
theeretti. •
-- S. Also, ono oilier Went ber•boarcied
House_in Wesa;Mither street, adjoining thelGer.
man RefornaNl i thorch, qartlewittacbed
to it. For T7rms 'apply to _
. •
THE Partnership heretofore existing between'
—. subscribers, under:.the firm of!HALL AND
PORTER, is this day.dissOlved by. mutual con.
sent. The books are in the hatuls.of JVjlliom
M. Porto-, who la authorized to settle the same.
• • . . JOHN L. N. lIALL •
• W M H. PORTER. •
Estate of Christian :Cover, deceasfd.
1/ on or administration upon the estate
• of Christian Ccioyer. late of Dickinson town.
ship, Cumbe-land county. deceased, have issued
in due form - of lair. , to the iiibicriber. .residinrofi
the farrit . of said deceased, in sad township.
All persons having child's against esid estate will
present them, and those Indebted will makiroy:
inert to -
• •
--serf.-ss,-ia;x 6~~
- ,t - Pii ORDINANCE,
Sectioa 1. The Town Council of the Bo
rough of Carlisle ordain: thatthe inner stalls
and area.of the Market House shall be ek
chisively appropriated to butchers and re
tailers of meat, who shall use -the - stalls io
spaces"between the columna ferthe purpose
of exposing their meat for Sale. The outer,
stalls or benehes shall be exclusively_appro-
priated to the venders of. provisions , and .
articles othe - r = than- meat by •less Measure or
quantitly t Wan a clearter;w h i s not there
be .exposed for sale:satid any, pereotior_ per-.
sone offending egeint the praidlikens of this
ordinance shall forfei and, Pairto the •Bo•
rough of Carlisle one dollar, -
teci. 2. No butcher or rktailer of eat by, •
less quantitiei • than a quarter Shall rir.C4y
any stall of the Market House without first
haiiht. obtained a license thereforfrom the
Boough Treasurer, and ,ha'ving_paid for said
license the :sum which shall tie fixed as the .
annual :tilt of such stall, a3'he or they , may
select: a stall: being the apa"Oe• between any
tvorof the columns which support the build.,
fog. • And any one Offending against the pro
the sum of one dollar for each-offence, ••
Sect. 3. It shall,be lawful for any vender
of articles - othet than-a-retailer
of_ meat_byjess quantities thari,a quarter, to
have a:spfiee upon tht outer belittles of
Market. /louse appropriated-AO --
their exclusive use, _.he, she' or they having
first . olitained-a-license therefor from-ti
tough' Treasurer, and paid for the same fit
the tate per annum which shall be fixed by
the-Borough-Alithorities,Jrom time to
. time.
,And. during th e thne for which -the , s aid It
„cense_shall_be sp grained, it shall be unlawful
for any one else tooteupy the
-space so Ap
prctpriated; and any one offending against this
proviainu;_shall forfeit
linerrupted, the sum of one
`Sect.' 4. It shall be lawful for a lierson or
persous to ; oecti - py - a . s t all or ..half a stall and
the area of the Market place,- foriliilm- 1 4 6 se
of vending :meat, for a market day, haVin§
first paitlin the 'clerk --of.-the--matiet,-such
inice for the occupation of the same, as shall
be ffixect ftolit time to time by the authorities
tA the Borough. . .
Sect., S. It shall be unlawftil for any person
in,huy any article \ of , provisions, (groceries,
all kinds of grain„and bread_only excefned,)
after the hohr of sunset of the_ evening of the
flay preceding - the markets, aSestablislied by ,
the chatter' eXcept in the Market House.—
And 'it shall he.unlawful for any person to
retail . any article' of provision: (except asbe
fore excepted) in shops-or houses, within the
said Borough, without-first.haVing obtained a
lieense for that purpose from i theTreasdrer
of the Borottgli' v and paid, for
_the same such shall-he fixed therefor—Audit:op:m
oftending-against titese - provisions, efiall for
feit and pay, for the use of the Borougli'i .the
- sum - of one &Hat for each off , mce. • -
shall lie Unlawful-for any-persbh,
or persOnsi who have ohtainedia license as
aforesaid, to retail tumiriaions,)(o_parchase .
within the usual Itilarket , linurs, any article
or ortioies of proviii)notlimie the quantity
hereitflapited, to wit: "Half a liusliel-olbuck - ,-
wheat or torn meal, 4 quarts of any kind of
nuts, 2 dozen of eggs,.sist polio& of butter, l
bUshelt of potatoes, one bushel of fruit, , 20
pounds of.tneat, (unless a single piece should
exceed - 20 . pounds.) And any . person. offend
ing against Oils piovision, shall forfeit find
pay to the Borough, the sum
.of five dol..
lari. :. •
6ett. 7. If any person shall hereafter. sell
or- otter for sale, any, Utter which shall-be
found'notto such - -buttes
shalr_heforfeited for the use of the Borough,-
to be Sold, by thegplerkurthe Market; and
the proceeds paid,per indo tite.handi of -the
- Treasurer.' ' - - ' , •
&ct: B.IE- shalr'he unlawfiit tolirino to
, market for sale, unwholesome, bad, or un-
Emarketable proyisions: and.auf one
this provision shall for felt to
the Borough the sum of- five dollars for each
froffente.. And it shall be thedutpf,the Clerk
of. the_Market immediately to remove:the
offensive article,. ' • ' -
, Sect. 9. It shall be the duty of the•Trea,
surer of the Boroligh_to.issaelt licenseAo-ttny-I
person or persons applying for the:samei'en
titling him, her nr tbern,. to the - exclusjre uge
and-occupancy tlyrtng Market Afoul's/of any
stall or, stalls inqhe area of the Mar i liet place; . ,
Or any, sPace or spaces on the outer benches, '
for a term not more than one year, nnr less
than three months: the ..appl)tant or appli
cants therefor, paying' to the Treasurer the
.following annual ieni, to wjf—Fdr Stalls Nos. -
1 _and:26,-the-sum-oft wei / Ve-clollarivfor stalls
Nos. 2 and '25, the. som - . of 10 dollars. ' for
.A.allS.Nos.l2 and _13, / the _sum,of.-Li-dollars,
and' for stalls Nos IVand 14, 'the sum of nine
dollars. For all rAlle.r 'Stalls 'in -the North
East Wing of the /Market rinuse,- the slim 'of
nine dollars; and -for all other stalls In the
SoUth West di ng of the Market.lloOse, the
:sum of eight - dollars,: - And - the - applicant or
applicants or a space or. spaces on the outer.
benches_pf the Market House, paying to the'
fs e
said Ti T asurer, the annual rent of two dollars
for a pace,.of
.foiii.-feet. or one dollar and a
half, or a space of three feet; al_marketl, de--
ii ated arid numbered on the Said ljetiches,
lel' said s'eirei•til refits shall be paid guar- -
grly lb aetmitcc.•. And it - shall be the duty
of the said Treasurer to-keep an entry in a
book fOr that purpose, of theriumbers of each
and every_stall_and space, and -the-names f
the persons to whom the licensetherefir h.(
1 issued, -- and - the - time - for - whichlrhowiswel " 1
ItshhlCbe=-=unialvfiil=to-ase any
fraud, force.or violence in the act of purcha
sing or removing or attempting to; remove
any article oi..artlcles . of !provisionC- without
the consent of the ovOtter: And it. - shall be
unlawful - for any person or perioits, to iise
any : fraudulent or dishonest practice either in
buying or selling during market-hours' in the
market -place; - and any one offending against
these-provisolis-shall-forfeit-and‘'pay-the-Bo -
ottgh for the use of - the person injured the
sum of two dollars.
. - - Sect.' 11. 1t is - hereby - ordained:thatdie
stands to be used by; butchers in cutting up
their, meat, shall be made of plank about
three_incheathier, with, feet tvstand upon,
of a proper heigth,: and to be in length, not,
eitteeding four feet, atid in breadth not tx.,_
seeding two feet six inches ; and -that the
same shall-not be suffered to remain in the
Market-'House, except In Market houits;
.unless •the -- same shall turned upon the
permanent: benches between the coltimtis - as
thati•theotitefliirfate thereof, shall not be
exposed - t filth ; or Uncleanness. And no
-person - or p ersons shall. bring within the
Market .H ust or-the-enelowre- which-sur.-
rounds the Same any block, dray, cart,. wa-
Win; earriage ofluly kind, or any other thing
not authorized by this ordinnnce. And it
shall be-unlawful for_atiy--person.*or persons"
to bring-into_And leave within the Said eh,.
closure any head, feet or the offal' of any ani
mal ; and any person or" persons offending .
againat atiy- of the- 'provisons of this-section
shall forfeit and pay fot each offence the. , l
sum of two dollars,.
. .
- • Sect. 12. •It is hereby ordained diet • the
Clerk of the market,. shall always keep for
the nse of - the corporation exact Standard,
weightS — aiid measuresc its the saMe are of
Shall be find_ by_the laws of Pennsylvania;
and that-It shall be his duty once in e)eity
three !months, or oftener if he shall be there
to required, to try the , weights and treasures
of all inhabitants of the said librocithi a 'Who
buy.•or - sell by weight or .measure, and all
andevery wei4lit or t
said either' for buying or se s lling,,
which shall be .founil either-greater or less
tne slandard weight or measpre v shall
be_taken into• the custody of the sald clerk,
whose duty it shalt be cinder the !direction of
‘he bitrgesses' or either of them to rettuee or
to increase thieinme to Elie true diatirhirdi and,
the. expenseof doing "the same shall be peid
ro the &wonh by the person - :owing' or cc.'.
tuPing the said weightS or measures, and if"
any person or persons within the said borough
- shalt knowinglisell atiirarliile.byweight or
mehinire under the jUst standard so to be kept' .
or shall buy . by any tileightlov i tfealurenbove, -
such standard, he she or they on liking there., -
of duly coniricted, for every such offehbe shall' '
forfeit arid-pair for the uge•of the coilibration
tio sum of teir dollare,• , and Shall, also
fdrfe:it • the said-AVeighti 'or mehidreiliphs-
And if s.ny.inhabitant said bi3rciugq
uiing_any weights, or - meaSures - for,thcpurv: -
pose cf !myths' or Selling, refuie de.i
mond Oditiglmaclejn the day time by the hail,
clerk, of the market, to produce hi
the said weights or measures by viliiCh he
*lher—buys—or-.Sells,_•to_the_said - _clerk,_for_. -
de purpose of being tested by the said stand.
and weights and ineasblvs. and beingthertaw • "
of legally , convicted shati for every such of.
knee forfeit and pay to 'the. use of the said • • ,
Crintionatimitlie:ttiiirritTerehty - d - ollars. And •-• .
it shall be the duty of the CIA of the mar-
'keeto attend every Market Morning - at the_
loose,. - wherthe---said-----ittandard---.-
weights•• and measures Well- be kept;--its the -- -:
- provided" for keeping therstithe44
all articles offered for 'sale, (other , than but.%,• - . --
-ter; put up in precise quan t ity ), the, priCe-of.•
whinii shall depend upon weight or measure;
Shall - if bre:light to the said honsei . be /by him • ..!
potty "weighed and •.meestireil,_and . ..he•. shalt ._,:.!„-:
..he-paid- - by - thelieller for weighingeaqh draft. •
not exe:neding ten pounds, one cent.catid•if •:--,
'ever 'ten- and notexceeding twenty pounds; ,
two - cents;• -•;.and if ekceeding.twenty and not
exceeding fifty •pounds, three cents ;, add if
more than fifty and - not exceeding. one hqn- •
_Bred - Jpiauls,__four_ .cents;._and•ikmore than!
doe hundred. pounds,.sll cents; evil] for Mee
suriiik all kinds oCarticles sold by the hush—. :•
el, or lei's quantity, he shall receive if under' .
halfa Imishel,,one cent for each measure „ ;,,if„ '
above half a lilishel and not more than one
bushel, t%; , p,,iCentsj__eoil.•two,..cents.for.eyery _ _
• bUshel liefishall• have so Metisureilin addition: - .
And if the•said clerk shall be called upon by .- -
'any - person or persona . buying or selling any_ •
- articles - by - weight: to oiedsiirertmtveigtrar — .--
measure the - sameataiiy--other dine than mi. - __..: -
thetnoruing of the. prescribed nidi4tt days,
and Within. market hours, • the serlei shall .
pay_to thisiaidelerk &Al; the tatekabove , •
- mentioned.---:. -- • -.-• - .- . , ' -.• • ---
Sect. 13. No huCkster or seller of oaiiii.. ..
Jliiiii r ben - per - mitted-to occupy any stall or •iii 7 - '
Within•the line of Poets atid . loot.paveniente •!. _
_piit around:the Market House:. with. intention - •
to-sell-:at-any other time than during market' . •
,hours; nor shall.they their,oceoftV the Mara
fee . r
ket house unless they have a inse ter tha
Ptirpci4e, uoder the penalty ot..ofie dollar-te .
belpaid to the Borough.: .. : —.-- • •-•-----:- --
_.• 5ect..,14.. It shall be_urilawfULtorany-per.—"----
ten or petrions to cut, break, maili', , dface-• •-••,"-
r other*lde.injure the Market:House (*the, , '..
encloitiresarmin4 the Same; or. Roy other ink ! ,
provement - or Ornament .whiCh now 'is; 0r ...4 , •
hereafter:shell- -be - made, within the said
- Market, HoUse Square or any other of the ---
public Squares of the• Borough . : or to out;
:break, - mark . deface or otherwise injure, any •
Piiblic building or house ,ot 'vttorghip• which' -
now is, or hereafter may be,_entiOted withja: . _
any Of-the _publ i c-- sqoarea - :of- thelteroughll-- -----
'and It shall:be unlawful for any Crovid of mein ..
or boysloassemble in the or
enclosures, -or= stater-of-theiti,:lar--the „put.. '
pose of aril usernent •or
..otheriiie,_•and. for • ,
,atiry_.petsmi or persons _; to .nie:'.'nr. occupy _the.% :
benellet in the said Market tiouSe for any• •
p_urpose whatever, eidept.dining: Market ; .
hoursi and anyperidnor persona offending.„ ,
against -the provisions of this ortlinanceshall - :__:_.-
forfeit and pay . io thi•said Borough. theSuitt .
of- tWeety dollars. • .. • -.. '- - - --
/' Sect. 15. li•shalf be unlaWfUl foranY-Pei••
'son ,orrpersops to construct and pill up in. the -
'said Market - house ; or cause". the . same - to be
Ibinti any-bertm.hook• - or de - Vice toren) , pug- .:
poSe Whatever in adaictito•ilte tia_mealit-- -
present eonstrUcted,• without Brit hating ob
tained the consent' of the - Town Council
thereto, and any person offending against this
protisioe shall forfeitand pay the sum of twd
dollars: and the Clerk of the Market is herir
by 'required to remove the same. • -
,Sect. 16..11 shall be the duty of the Treasu.- .' -
rerronce in every three months to, fitrniali to
the Clerk m
of the arket a r listiffiliiPersons"
, who have paid for and taken out licenses tor
} -- stils - or•-plateg-iir• the - Mstritpt.: - HouteTlind --
if any of the said stalls shall be occupied or
used by any person in. persons who have not •
taken out a license for the.same, it• shaltbe •
the duty of the said Clerk immediately -td
make 'report, lnwriting thereof th the Treas.:
urer, whose duty it shall be to procure prod
cess•to be issued against such person ot per.
sons for the collection of _the penalties srm.
posed by this act. Provided; hoWever, that. "
any person or_ persons 'that' ottalo perrills3itat ,
from 'the Cleric of the Mar -et to , oecopy a •
stall or Nag a stall in the said Market House „
for one daj , deringmarket houti, Brit paying
therefor to, the said Clerk the sum -of fitly --
cents for -the bas_ of -a
,stall- or twenty. • •
five cents for half a stall. Anit the
Clerk of - the Market - shall - neglect -- o refuse rese
d \
to perform the duties - required of h ari by _ '
tisTet shall...forfeitand
-fifty-cents for - each
the stall or stalls without license; and 'tor'
each and every market day the same .shall
be so occupied. •
Sec. in it shall he the. ditty of the Thaw
rer to ; gt . atit anti issue a lieense to any Berson
or persons aPplVing fa - the same to.retail
visions of any kind nr to ltieP and maintain
an-oyster or eating house within ihe tali. 110.:
rough for -the term,-of-one - year, — liei - i e - b - r ---
they so applying for the same- having first
paid to the- said Treasurer the sun% of twill
dollars ; and any person or perions,whcidliall
keep or maintain an oyster nr eating house
in the said Borough without baiting obtained .
a license therefor shall forfeit and pay the
sum of five dollars, •
Sett. 18. It shall be theduty of the. High.
Constable on the second - rdays of April,
July, October, and landark, to make due en.' -„ •
quiry Br. report to - th - eTreniiirer,all and every . _
person'or personi, retailers of -provisions' -
witliin this-borough:and ifany person or-per
sons shall be found retailing without a license..
the Treasurer shall cause process to be issued
against sucli_Perion,or_persons so- offending,— .-
for the peoaltied its such case provi4,
.._ • -
_Sea 15. kis - hereby ordained that the
space,on the 'South . and, East sides of the
Market House- are - biritiy - Tipprofiriaited
dnring•raarkei botirn for the use of wag9na,
carts, or cartiiagea, and the owner or driver
thereof shall back his ikagon, cart, or car.
rilige,iii such way qa• that the ,hind;: part
theribf sinall be note the Market House, and
any •person nr persons th owner or drivers&
a wagon , cart; or carria , who shall , suffer
, ..tie-same-t: remain any 1 rigth of time during
1 market hews in any oth r position shall far
feii nod-pay-the sum ofo edollar.----Andit-is—
hereby also 'ordained dint. WagOnS ladened
with wood, 'rails, hoards or other lumber
shall not be permitted, during market Murk;
' to occupy any of,,tfit *pace on the South or
East side of-.the Marker House, and any peg. .-.
son or' persons offending against 'this pre
visi^t .shall forfeit Red pay the,suta of oat • '
. . .. .
dollar. -
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sect. ItAilierebx ordained j
that'll laws ~
heretofore passed, which are altertd or sup.
plied by this ordinance are beret*, repealed,
Passed the sait Octaer,"lB37: ~- •
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Preeidont of Tow; Ostassifi _
.. , Itteitt—totieTWTEfort, Citric -
Notipmbet 0, /air. • •' - . _