EIMI 'lF"fgetabte - Viitiver'sal. Pills. ieitc4 aiif el • tharibistel6 the' Co 44, aitd llappineas of 111ank773d. - !' On- the eighteenth •oP ltltiy; 1835, these now: lit], celebrated'. Pills 'were first made known 'in the States; - altluitighin .Ecirifpc 'they had' been previously before •the public' nearly a oen. -- turyv - --The — Ameriean—publit __naturally, viewed then') With , SUspicion, but-as on trial they:-were ill Otlfitt=ll4V4lWlMlCsltita•Wth by the: greatest confidence. In fact the Many 'per.lona who haVe;,cominenced with - therri - timter the .most trying circutristancesrralily tionovhen every °tip!. :Means-i d metlicine had . proved altogether, unavailing, hate been .restored o health . and liappinesss. Croin their use,-and-t4te —_ consequence -is; tliey ars no vr - rec o miiientled by • tilotlhands of Persoba[Nrhour they.have cpred of • Con:gumption, Influenza, Colds; Indigestioni Dys, _2 pepsin, - fleaditche,:Pains, and a-sense.or ftillnes's .2Lln _the _backLpai;,,Lof_lite..ltearl i : the ,ayinp . toms Of Apoptexy,•Jitimilice, ...Fever and Ague, Scarlet; Tyfilloq., Yellow, , and common fevers of-,all kiniti,..Astlima, Gout, Itlietimatiam, -Nervous . Liver Complaint, - 1 7 . 1e0r4 inward -- 'Werkness•Dzin-ossi - on — of-t-li . e.--S-piritsr - ) . :,Ruptures, Inflammation; Sore' Eyes; Pits, Palsy, _DroPsY; 'Small Pox, Meaziel; Croup, 'Cough's,: • • WhoOPing_Cough,_Quincy,:_Colic,__Cliolera Dior, 11l • bus, Graiel Worms, .I.),TifferTyr,l). - jiifiiiif, -- Itfilf: • • - Ing Nnis.e.s . intle Ilead, King's • Evil, Scrofilla, Eryisipelas;, or. St Annie:m.s's° Fire,Salt. Rheum ; ''+White Swellings, Ulcers seine of 3 years stand.; ing; Cancers; Tumors, Swelled Feet and PileS, 'Costiveness, all Eruptions of the Skin, . - Frightful 'Dreams, Female complaints of every .kind. especially obstructions, relaxation, • &c. • Although Thiptor It. has einitherated by name the above diseases, he-is nevertheless of opinion with his graiidflather, the - late eelebrated.Dr. Wm. . . Brandreth that there ia ONE nuclease, an Impurity of •biond, which by 'circulation, bitirg9 on 7nfiammatum, antrconse ,quent dOangerneni in the organ or Part.•where 'lnch •impuritybf ,the blinl,settles; and thatiii is the different :appearances whieli'this . hillamation ~b r derangerrient puts on that liitye.i.latised-medi ' cal min to-designate suc:h by various ..names, but which are in 'fact-, only the . ,sane dis 7 ease, • with was r Dr.. - Wm.- Brandreth was sofully convinced of the truth_ of. the—ab_ove_simple thhOry, that he spent thirty _ laborious-1 == , . the mediCal properties of the uninerous plants '.; composing the Vegetable Kiiigdom;_liis object •-. ' - ,being'tcr coMpose. a niedicine which should at ..^ • •brice purify,: 'and. • _produee,. by,.specific"action, a .__• .. remoVal,of all bad humors from the blood by the • atoniac..-and- bowels,-as by -.the-continuation o . • ' the ati'_of such. ,a, medicine, such: hurhors .tore' 1811' to be• carried off, and - the blood assume a _ . ..... •• 8 e or purity; and whOeyer takes these "Pills -•' '. an .perseveres with them will be a:Utak& that , D WT. Prindreth fully attained hisliltilanthro. ' ': - . , ...-..:4- -.it E' objecy Iris now an pbsoluteLand_ known' ----- . ..- 42 fit s itiff every'diseaSe:Vvther it be in the head - •or feet,.in the brain, or meanest meler; whether It bean outward Weer, or an hiwar abscess,-are '''''7 - tTidle 7 -Itcrit - TgliFiyrifim many causes-, reducible': .. : 'to Ole one grand effect, namely impurity of - the - blood. ' . -". • in all cases -they will _he - found - a (16fe,Atlff aim °• ,pie remedy yet all pOwerful fortlie Fe : oval of ' '--- 'the' israse, whether chroje or recent, in tio-.is ~ or"o Itemise; and what makes, them' • • ilarl3- - ads adapted for _this country, is that the •is not the -- --*--tili itesiliabiliiy_to_cold :_Whetii.laking_thelyir,jts.. - ) : ii ed the 'system 'is absolutely lesi susceptible of ; old - when linik:r 'there influence, .fha A •o n.at N. it •her tiiiie'; therefore in this cliniatelhey are iii. ~• • valuable. Neither do The . .yr require :cliange. - o _ ..diet or care of any kind.' lit:England these Pills '_.2____--.lya_v_e-lyei.L._the Itylv L ,Linerlicine-- of-manyTfamilies for periods arying film forty to sixty years, and ~, have always', proved-Val:oll44m restoring,-health, -,- ...wherever ,an aberation from-it occurred. . - ' •• .NOTloE.lir*conyequence of the numerous ---•-• 'counterfeits roi• Sale-in the Drugi . ..and Chemical Storea,.the publiecautioned against purehas . • .• ing Of any person except the accredited agents. Searirity A gainst Counterfeits... • - . .-• ' DR. BBANDInali 111113 adopted. the fhllowing pldn . to secure the GENUINE I3randreth Pills to the public.. Every authorized Agent must have - a Certificate of Agency., and,it will-be seen that . a double - forgery , MUST b 5 committed, before any one 'can procure a. forgotl Certificate, and the person having it in his possession is equally liable with the forgey. • - - • • - The fbllowing are. the appointed agents -roc tbjs , vicinity, viz: Wm. Gilmore, Chambersburg - Jacob A. Winrott, Gettysburg; t)GI f %4Y & HIT NEIt, Carlisle ;.and Wm. hell, Harrisburg.. • ' 1 Dr.' Brandi•eth's officers for . the sale of the ____aboye L Pllla_are_lo-. , liace - above sth_street,_and . • 04 Chesnut street, Philadelphia... ' May 8, 1837.—tf. . . . • . • Sciiti;•littekly:Telegraph." . • .-• LEGISLATIVE REPORTS. .. r } ! EPENNSYk.VANIA TELEGRAM; Will he published semi-weekly during the ensu mg session Of tire . Legislature, and Contain full reports of I he proceedings of both bran e.hes, taken f l y .compctent and faithful repor tors. The acts of the eriming sessipn of the 1..6 gislature will he Inokce—to with . muckintelL7 The.peciple - expect - klve - party - that have obtaineaa majority,in the popular brancir to tarry out their promises of 'reforming the 'currency F ma baniShing shin, plasters from circulation. This subject, together.Writli the, inprovem - entlsystern.lottepe g lent - of nome- 2,rous _others of_ inte rest. - ore:of_tVerasel,, es_of: nittale tcNgreake a desire in-the- ery elllgNitit_tipzen_tn_tat. 'the seat ofGivernatent. . m to .ntir.ns that will asgemble hereon the 4th of March to nominate candidates fin ,Go s vernor will be looked toVith interest,`iind given with fidelity. w. The" - prOteirdiiigi - ef — The Convention - -to amend a the Constitution will, also be _given ted.•porthins of the most ltiter.esting gressional proceedingt,•• • • The Terms, of the.Telegra ,are, For t I se ssion , S en i-wetLly s2`oo• , . , For the year, • 300 - Pilions - paying - two dgllars in aclvaileV shall, receive tile,' Telegraph from' the "pr • 'sent time to_the_ind . .-of -the- session, --- find - ' 'copies will be neat, to any one place Cr $lO 'paid in advance. • Compete* persons willing to act as agents itt,their tighborhood, for the usual corn pen, 'nation; are requested to infOrm -us, and if to'hs..to state references `. ' - • • • iLam: ' llirrisbur#, Oct. 25, 1137. • -- liitit47c - glitit -- if' ---- --- _ -,.. - . 0 . LAND: .. - - - . , - .• In trirrstrance of the last will of John Col . —welt; Ilebeased; thero will be exposed to . • Public safe; on the 'premises, on Wednesday ---. tire" IStli - day of "NOvember next, at ru'eloeli 1iii'.141.!..a valuable tracrof ''• . • ', , , • . . ~ -LIM STONE LAND, ••• • . .-tlititateasln? outliamptciti. toivnthip, Curn fliood,eoun. ~ Pa., adjoining the lands .of IVleriseris.. Air . gtt,W. , Rimes, Jas. Wa l lace,. SatitOei - Whir ~ Christian Noaker,'‘ .and 'intlierri, cont4ni g . ONE, HUNIiIiED and Fir...iry ACRES; or -therabouts. -.17.1te.-.lm -- pciii;Ternents, ate , a-t()G,HOilSEitnd Barn, 40.4 rr,Weil of:Watet nearint", btiiitlings.- :4, 1 115er:p9f-Aorrof ; theyitut. is Cleared. and . in, al - pod . state of, ;Oil iyatj9n..! ; . The * Terms f;f.Side . ill,be.Aver " loner in slitn b.tt,n.gi:t.hry , Iter.tbi prober - ' 4 :filr 4 ;4!ll ,f th 4 .Attidow. ~. 'lid., I=ll .octtobit V -1837. ES = !XIII 02 MHE :_subscriber will - rett that well •known. Iprge and convenient home, for many years, ucturded . ..*''Christian :Rutland), and: rpqre • :2cently by others„aS, a TAVERN •; ,-74 .111 11OUSE.. , The.housier. is: remarks. `-'t':" bly•well calculated • for entertaining • BOARDERS ; thernibeing,.: three stair-war, tund Fire places in most ofthe rooms. :The situation Is Very pleavant anddesiraloile,• - being nn the not th west cqrhee.; of Hanover and. Louther streets; while:; . fur conveniences, =it excels any other house in the borough or, ,country. Itpos iiesses thermusual adv : aritages•of 1 / 1 0 ms on the first floOr--; . 12 rooms oil the 2,d flonr-?-4: rooms on the 3d f1u0t4...i.:6 Cellars in_house. • Two Wells of water ;..(clne-at the fronriloor•owi Two anither'ittreet. - with a pump therein; the - other inVe yard at the: kitchen don,;) a . Cistern made to contain eighty lire hogsheads; large nitiPeorivenient titabling,, with carriage house and plieds; large; and exec- . lentigardetts attached to the buildings besides. many conveniences not specified.•,• For patticu larit enquire of ' • •// *- - • • ' • 'CHRISTIAN, HEERICII • 'N. 11.. The house has recently one tinder cutimlete repair. •• • • • • 'C. H. Carlisle, JAW:. 6,18.11 utors.' L. _,- _ 1111 1 ,1111111)Rilr tt . ti',1.....g1i! Il i Oil 1 ~::11. 1 !11, : t1 ,e39,i1 1 . ' ,- - Iti i ii!!' , ! illiiill '''' ' . t:'6ll - . 11;r1p i .; tl . -. 7 .k pp,.,4 ... ,Il ii i it i P 0 . Is ii i: IV -- 1 y .,,, ...,,,„., , r 1 __ ... 4 . re ol k s_ 1, Ig.lriiriw.. ii . e.... „,,,,,,.. 1 I 111! . • I .•:' k 1 , N7,..t .V . . i .' ': ..1•7-•- • . : i --- - - ,•': -;-. I'VV • ' • ,: f • . 1, A r ilith. ~;.- , Of ---. rr": -:-:(:::- 3 ,?-' 6 .- 4 Cit.' A Beam!!lul fiend at flair Is tile grandestnenament belonging to me'hu- Man frame. How strahgelythcfloss of it changes the countenance and prematurely, brings on the appearance of old - age; Which causes many to re coil at being uncovero, and sometimes-even to 'Shun. society to avoid the jests and sneers oltheir acquaintances; the remainder of their lives are consequently spent.in retirement. In short; not even the loss of Property- fills the generous think 'ing youth with - tha‘ heavy:sinking`gloom as .does the, loss of. his_hair4,..yo:avertAlL these Itutpleas-- , ant „circumstances, _TO.Cliiill.)Gt . F 01.11 041.1i1N_stops. thElhair.:from flitting- o -on \i/ the firstapplication, and. .a-few belles resto , 'it again. It likewise produces eyebrows WritA , a itiFrsijitWentrthe hairfrotritturning grey, makes it curl beautifully, and- frees it from,..scurt.' -Nu merous 'Certificates of the .first respectability in support of-the virtues or OldrirWilfiLlif, are shoWn.tiry the proprietors.: ,•• - • . -, . 0 gyitead the following; . -_ ROI! ERT_ WII AR FON, Esci., - latellsynr - of - Philadelphia, ha 3 certified, as maybe seen below, to the 'high character of the • following gentle. meth, - ' . sjhe . undersigned do hereby certify that we 1116*c:used Balm of (_;olumbia...diseovered7by dldriclgt:•;arid—haVe'finind it liig6lyt'ser%icea-. ble natonly as a preventittivd against the falling or. tit:Ai - air, but also a certain resturaiiife: Methodist Minister.in • • No. JOHNPANCLIS, - 331 i JOHN :11.0110MAS,. JOHN S. rUIiNEV,IOI _ • 111/1111.WCUIIDY. 24y JOHN pARD, ) • t. George chvge, 6 North , Fitth street. ch-street.„ -•__.-. . 163 Ilace;st. prime et. outh 7th st. ' Arcli st. - . l'he"tigeiVadirlhose - who - 6 - ersinf in - weari ng wigs, may not nlivays:experienee its..restorative qualitieiii_yet it will certainly- raise. its-virtues in the estimation of the public,, when it in known that three . Of the. e ubove signers are !nom so years of age,: gin: the ethers not less - than so. • [From the Mayor.] CominotsWgEvrit--or pity of Philadeliihia,- ' I. ROBERT WI! A WIXOM Mayor of said eitfor ehiladeliihia, do hereby certify that I am w,Ol acquainted with _Messrs J. P.. •Ing-lis, John S. .Furcy,..and tiatnesare signed to the . abore-certifiente,-that-the-y are gen-. tlemen oficharacte_r_aud _resnectability.,aud.,tis_ sod) full Credit - she - 61d be . given . to the-said-cer tificate. •• - - In witness whereof; I have hereunto set my: - hand, and caused the *seal of this city to be (L. S..] affixed this six.th day - Of December, &c. - ROBERT WHARTON; 11,1iyitr. . Observe that - each:bottle of the Genuiiie Balm has:a splendid engraved wrapper, on which is represented the Ealls-of Niagtira;:Sce, &e: For sate at wholesate - by ComsToes.l,l4 Co. sole Agents for America, New, York, and by most druggists throughottt America. . To Pr rtters.=All printe . rsmi editors who will insert the; above, leaded,, for 6 months in a weekly - paper, — and -- send - one ntimbet of - theiramper - to -the agent, shall be 'entitled to one dozen of the above article. For qsale by S. C. BOLAlrprcii, COrlisle. • Ze j kislative. Keystone. DURING the ensuing session of the.legis -2-4" lature, the Keystone will be published twice a week, and contain full reports of the proceedihgs in both houses. It will,alsb con tain an account of the proceedings of the reform convention, Which (judging from sim- - liar bodies'in other states • n 1 the convention that formed our 'present, constitution,) will hardly close its session before Spring. .. The Rplitical complexion,of the legislature• and the important sul?ject4 which will neces• sarily tome before ; it, will render the- next • session peculiarly interesting. All eyes are turned -this - --Way_ for _speedy. : _teform in our present defective . currency. D cidel action f i r .relative to the.,improvement stem is tir 7 ' . dently 'desired in . many titian s. .Thest . two matters.of th emselves,- farm Subjects 'of inft_ense_imer_estAn_th_e_people_atlarge • ". On - Ili - e - 4tlllW - March, a democratic -- con=. vention-will- assemble here -and- nominate -a-, cantlida - te - Tor - ;rivernor. An account of this -. together-wit -t te , preparatory movementwo - the'party in all •quarters will be faithfully detailed. - From these Ziremostances, OWE never.has been'a,time when paper from the seat of government was_Ofifucli indispen sable-value:to all the citizens of the com monwealth; as it will - be for the ensuing six- inonthS. • . .__• terms:ofthe Keystope are the same as - KM -- iiiiifore. • . Dining the session tetni=weekly -- 2,2;00 - ' Per the year' t,.. 'Any person forwar ing us 2 dellais shall receive the Keyston from the time of sub spribing, to the close of theses ion—or' six copies will be sent to any one . ce-for . slo., All Post Masters are' • vitecl to act at agents for the. Keystone, in recelyingsubscrin. bens—and remitting money to tis ; and any, one signifying his willingness to act as such, shall receive a list 'of our subscribers in his town and neighborhood, with .our terms of agency. Packer, Barrett 4-Parke. liarrisbpz, Oct, 18, 1837. , =FO- .=RENT.- ', ‘ , :ir e:...:4 - ,4 - ',V*.°.,e4 . *41. - i - ;..f . * : -..*,41.;iii-, :.. t . i, ~'41i. , .P. .- 7140.9. 4 iti0T: s .--:- ~ ~~:© Jr V 73 : Wial `'Wi = t = Containing. about 475 41cr,esv Jattrtfri", ' . '. This Far m is beautifully - Situated on the waters ofehartier's Creek, FWF. Mil Is from the , city of Pittsburg. The... Washingto n, urnpi4e , runs. within :a few. rods of the line orie side, and the Steubenville turti: 'n 'two miles on the otter ;..the from Virginia to.Pittsbtirg passes also, a Cotrnty rnad - chnnecting •oad antr,tlie Washington Turn s Atiout 300 acres are id i • goo stati_dcwltivation,; , near which for , richness and fertili- Je, surpassed in the state, a large portion 'of this -is. meadow,-and enough might-be - made - A - produce 200 [Ohs of hays annually ; there is a great abtindatice.of_bul ding stone, Ilk:liFne stone, and 200 acres 'of - the Meg Bituminous COW • Which can' all be• get out cria.veniently The timber . is .abundapt and good. • 'he buildings consist of. a large•first rate . • CUT STONE •• 4-21 C -0.11-0,1 474' A' end Frpring•-alill-stone - MiJk houge ; ttini of" the best blink I irns in the coinitry, 70 by.3B . feet aiid 60 by 30,: i with stabling . utalee the whole, a large franie,Stable,' , • - . ...lA. tit • ..rour.Tenant, ElouseS,- .ivith stabling attached ; a france Meeting 'House and parsonage - house - with varicm - s other. out buildings, such as Carriage houses Cow house, Corn honk'. Bee house, School firitlge",lB;e.•' :- Tliese are all of-a- belte,y order than_ futMd on - Farms .in Western Pennsylvania: The Whole farm igui.itindaCt- - , 1y and beautifully watered.. i&irdmaeam Tazzakmapb. Bearing all kinds . of Ft tiii, - adjOins the Man- In . • regal d .to fertility,and• quantity of lattll,- quality of improvements ,and ne a rness' to 'market, (being only -5- ladles from Pittsburg.) this farm is-not (loaner , 'iq We;tern pemi -It will be sold On - iitierar terms, possession given: --Inquire of . Cc/ 1 ,3011N itOSS, on the premises, - . • - or J...k 11. ALEXANDER-, • No, Z(29...j.girii.otAtrectPlint August'7:. 1827.-3 M, _ otae et .• - FlFlDE.stittscriher offers for sale .the following --described-house qind-liit If-lot- orirow the north_side,of Main street in_ttre tuw ougfi:•Ol Garhsle;„ ; _neally_opposite -Mr.: George we - St - Ana 61, in - the plan:of said borotighbotntled --- 14 Main street on the south, .Dr; I. MyCr.s on .the west, Dickinson alley (23 feet Wide) on the north, and the widow Dreight6ll on the-east - , 'Containing 30 feet in front and 240 feet - in depth, - :13te htl-. . • in Frae . .N'eatkerboarded,i .z..4t 1 2 - • - N V.,' • • I I "Arl . _ fronting on llairi•streetwith a large .• ' • • Briclz Back Building, AND A BRICK STAI3LE,• fronting on the alley. Said half lot is in a high State of hpprovement, with , a variety of choice • -• FruitTrecs and Grape Vines, now hearing, Currey)! and Gooseberry Bullies, and Shrubbery' of dirraoc:nt kinds. , An indisputable title will be given to the - pur- Chaser. Further particulars are deemed unne cessary. Any persons .wishing to purchase, are invited to-call-and-view- thepremises,-..-The-terms witl be made kitown by • •• ' JACOB SQUIER.- August 28,1837., • - • N. B.—Goodwestern . .paper on sol vent. batiks will be received in payment for the aboie.. , J. 8: FOR SALE- Viiill be sold at Public Sale on Frid4 the 1 24th day of. November next, at 10. o'clock, A. M. - of - said --- day. -- orr - the - preniii3ezrthe - follow aciilied real "estate. -- late -( tire - property of - John, Iletriok, sen.7deceasedi viz: 'l.l,:za.a.c:h_o_r_himg, ittiate in Di'cicinson township, Cumberland co. Pa,about-7-inilcs-west-of-C.irlisie r contaiiiing_ ; • • 4.31 . „ARES Bounded' by. lands of' William Woods, Samuel Beetem, and. John 'Galbraitle,s heirs; there are . 100-acres•elesi'-ed; ..in schigh_state_ of cultivatiori _and_u_n_dkr_gOnd_f_e fice,theiresidue vered_ 'With thriving young timber. The improveme p ts 4 11$ - Ir - two - story -- - • - 16041 littalll3 1104 ;;; • AND A ONE STORY SZCIT.EI- ZOITZE 2 • . . adjuming v —There are two never failing._springs waterrunning- near die house, also a Spring .House_and-a--DOUE BAIIH,--and-an apple orchardof ch oicefruit trees. -ALSO, . • •A. LOT OF GROUND, • Situate about half a -mile froto the above de. scribed 'firth, adjoining the lrellow..Breeches 'Creek, and - lands of Dr. Win. Chambers, Henry Shank, jr. and othe)l, 4 containing 13} acres, all cleared and under go' -fences;' having thereon` erected .a. .• ' . • - -•• • -The Whole-. of aliove property soh together, for the Lot . sold separate 'to 'suit par chasers'-.The terinssif.saleLwilthe made know on the day Of sale. • . . - • CATHARINE , HETRICKi :Executrix'," 7 ' • ABRAHAM HETRICIC, • Jaiii"HiTiltdie, 'Eseoutors. , . GEORGE HETRICK, •CietoVer 30, 18.37.;-3w„ ' 48. • fn the Cars.lometime since, a boi of Porcelain teeth. The owner is desired to call at Aughen. baugh i s Hotel where they: can be had by giving satisfactory eviilenceiif the -ame.' • Csrlisle. Nov 6th, 1837.:. • Wanted Immediatel y.;` , . , • . •..,- ___ . rirlHEI subscriber tlesinins.of.hirjng -3 or 4 ...11. , ' lOl A M AS011:4; 'anti alsir3 ur.4 carpen ters, Will give' ctinstant iriiilloOneirts find the highest ivakes Vi ii t tiy Alin,ruriy call upnti Mtn rilt . :- , ' fuivo,:. ". • • - - - • • • .. SAMUEL. NEIDIG, Carlisle, O t;'3o. 183T.-•4t* " Superior lE7arin 00 -ACRE S a , -IN64en re no pay. - • PRICE ONE . . . - It is consi:dcred of-greatT.importanca fcir the public to knour•thelolloWinglactg: • ..bout four years ago, Solortion Hays,:the per.' -son-iirWiliom-t he celebrated,Hr.Gridley harl; -- on . dur. eilathm.l - seOrPt - ufzanakitia. i,n ment to cure . nut..icrize it to Ve' putiip.atr sold unde r the"; name of - Haya'l.ini: ment, and enjoined, that all, Who, world use one bottle for the Piles, and retor,n;the:,crllPlX,lsott* should have the pricerefunded ti p witrils of liftyliluittaatid ties hive bee sold, out of which, not ten have returned, and l!ese . thili because the persons - 111 - d' Writ-use_ it properly!! .13 i!Ott WPnilerfitl success, probably, never attended apy.: . lither • now determined by the proprietor, riellialrWtillitte 7 MoollllsFirrAfgi. virtueskBa.thafthose atiOring with that coniplaint , may avail-,thiernielves - of - tise: „. .There. are many ,thousand certificates_of 'the mos,trrespectable-and-aittlienticTairacteri-many of which may be examined mhere 7 the -article is z• , It is-need--as an external •application; and for many other complaints entimerated , in the wrap• ryeria'con'siilered for the Pitzs.it has no equal, and theagents are now to.refund m 4111 cases where it does not ctire. • • . . . If ii being:used in 'Hospitals in on e principal .cititiewith great effect. .-- ' .. • i 1 -- - - No Fiction:-This .extraordinary Chemical cord posititm, the result of - science' and the invention of a celebrated 'medieal.man; tile intr(Auction of which to the public was invested moth the soleni- . . Hay. of aileallt-bed - bequest,- -has since gained a - reptitaficip-Mmarallelecli' fully' sit - staining:9e tor - :' .rectnesWlf the lamented' Ur. Gridleys laircon fession; thet:"lle_dareil not-'die Without giving to. posterity:the benefit otitis knowledge on. this subjficitet . ant 9 heAlierernte heqiteathed_ to. his 'friend and and attenclanOolom h-flays, the secret Of Ititi discovery. , •. ' . . --It it.i.now used in,the - T.ni eirial hospitals, aiiil - Ihe private pradticeln - cWbonsurn first - and most. certainly for ilie.:cifre 'of the Piles, end 'also so I extensively and effestually itsto_haffle credulity. unless-where-its . ..,ffects afire Ai I t liebsezl7 -- -Arternak lyin the followiumeomplaints:. a. .. , :,. 4F , =Fa- Driipsygreating extraiardinary--ab--C1• Lr 4 -:sorption at.-once.:---,_ , - - , •-' -.-- ..- .C' - 4-...a// , ..S'weit'nelledueing diem in a, few 7P: I t 3.; . liiiiirs._ ~.,1 Itheurnatistn-.:A . cuie or &Ironic; giving -. . ,- 1 - -=- Vilaease. . ---- i .:. - Sore 'Aron! —By cancers, Ulcers or colds. Po c4' • Croup, or Whooping Cough—Externally H. , ..ind over the Ch Z est . . ' . .4_,../211 Bruisd,-Bruises-and Burns—Curibg M• .... .ii.,s few tiouirs. „ _ F'4. Sores and Ulcers—WheOet fresh-or lung ' - r:: 'D standing and Fever sores .. . . _ t U 'n cn - .... - 7 - 17114 - iiiiefifilituOirrein.'atlults 'and ehildrenin re- Aneing - Theuniatic - swellings, unilionseing.coughs and tightness of the - clie•t n py relaxation of-the parts. has been surprisih Wond conception / The common remark of t 'time who have-used it iit-the....Ptha . ...ilt.act.s.4 ikeia. hartn.."..:____,...... - __,.... It is_ttied only as un extern- applicati - Ory - and its-sovereign-power- in-cbrin ---the-above-named complaintscis-justifie4 by s - entific - principles.- Opt- of the many wart ecormiiendat ions:this. Remedy. as received, the following onlyare stab-_ joined. Thoy are gefieraByextracts from letters _frtini_persoils orthe.higliett-respectability. whose: names :We. hot pubiislied far obvious - reasons, Tholigh lifa -- 'w'rjters have- not Objected to have ' ..them - strownitrwelv - as wish - tiy•see - them; -- ---' 1 . .. ... . • • - ' , 'Cincinnati', Oct 9/h, - 1836. - ' . so • i "or all the remedies - we Sell; 'WM LI gies o AlecicletUsatisfaetionits hays'-Linimeat. - Wc:caif procUre, if you desire, the best_qcommendations from soine'bf..our..moin wOrthy citizeits. , ". „.„ ~_ .- . Buffalo, - .9pril 10th, 1837. "1 have sold all 'he Hays' Liniment and could have sold much more. Judge—is cured by it, & Itai sent at least twenty persons here to buy it." ~ „ • .' Vicksburg, January 3d, 1837. " We.nre in want of Hays' Liniment, and the sales(re uncommonly good, and the article thus far, unrivalled. It is used for a variety of com plaints, and - apparently With great effect - in all. - Mr. c:--, a planter now here, has - - written near half a'page about the cure he has experi enced by it, not having before left his house for months. He was cured of Piles in forty-eight hours; - we will send you his eulogies which may -be-of service to Hr..llays." - Charleston!, S. C., Dec. 2804,1837: "I have been distresed for four years with the Piles, my sufferings Ir ve been intense, and my physician had recom ended an operation . 19 the ni 6 _only_ invans or telief. Hoye'Lininient was aif_ vised, and 1 have used one bottle, and so far as I can judge am fully - anitentirely cured. 1 cainiot reliain from expressing my anxiety to have: its qualities Inure extensively known • • New:,Orkans, Nov.' 3d, 1336. "211 r. Mir. —Lime damned Qoack Medicines. Calomel Doctors, Lobelia Steamers. Vegetable . Doctors, and so on to the_endl, end, last of all myself, life - ainl every thing - hesideaj twVi4falisarts'of an abont. aright heap' of comfort, in_ exchanging' for that place right smari clozce,•hol ter Allan any abbot in these .parts.-=I have had the Piles for eighteen Months till I :got your Liniment -three days ago; and' now•I am well and have thrown 7Physic_to_thoOs'.." . , St. - Leuisi - May 541 ssr. fir dont-kr • •vt-t-th --- .-c- on now—w- nu .ile—people-2do—wit. ' !Ws' Liniment, sure they cannot all have the _Pilksefireckon it is need for llilieumatism "and coliglis, sores, swellings. We have sold a large quantity this. 3 year,_as you may know by , outlast purchase, Whicli - isSil gone,' Please send, us two gross more, and also the articles ordered - last week; if licit already Shipped!' - , '''' . ~ Yours, &c: - --- - . ----Me-rnight-multiply-enchas-tlfembove-toany-in— definite length, but prefer that,persons generally, wli 3 O — Seil'the snide' "0 - 4,ltr -- exbtkitto, - tkeir - cor. - itiiniera_the original c itificates"ihey liave_on haiuk--It-is for VilV - S. C. HOLANDER. Also for sale at the store of S. Elliott. Maice to Ciediiors: • • - Take - Notice thatwe have appliedto the judg ea•of the entirt - of common' pleas of Cumberland county. for the benefl of the unsolved - Jaws. of this commonwealth, arid they have. appolpteil- Mon day, the 13th. day .qf .Novenabetc,- 1837, at:the. court.house•in Catlislei for the hearing of us and our ,creditors, when' and where you may, attend if you mink pioper. ", WILL A M M'KINI.BY, JACOB ; 1 /11YRIC11 / . JACO . BAUM, — , - JAS. Stit. IVAN, JOSE H FRY, 4OHN M'CORMICIS • 7JACQO RI V m- I ILIAM - 1301?Elli PFlTtfijalititaiiK , • Oct. 17,1837, %; _• SipekaniVlCxeh - tinge BROKER, Harrisburg, Market'street,, opposite to Wilson's Hotel, - • - • I • - • lao. 6111143231Riat0 ' Sup and sells Islotes_of - kinds. Stocks bought and sold. LOT EERY XIIIZES cashed, and all information given relative to LOTTPMES. August 21, 11337. • . Election Apr:Bank Directors. , • • BANK, / October 12, 1837 , .Toffee is hereby given to the,Stockholders in this . in'stiiniinni .that an •election Will be held'on the thit'd Mboday.oi Nevembei next,: (beitig the .20th day,) at.the for thirteen. Directors, to serve dtiring . the year then to enAue. - • , -W. S. etZ4iF,A:Ni Caihier. ' OCtobet 17,1837..: , • • • . MORRISON'S:PIUS, ~ .:eneral agent for Pennsylvrinia*Marylatii,fielawhasilie. No liiouth 7th it; three doors below Market st., • Phi Ilia, and No:10 North st.:, .13althaore,-near the Post Of, am ualc.Oteals:-8,- 7 ,-.7111L-I_ISAX4O4: -- TiOttial . o "Trlttiftursx-atelg-LI 01 ------ 7 -- 7 -- TUE" D aI4ISIS - Cn ILEGE-O. It - -----' -. ''' - - A.. - MAWR, LONDON,, • IV !ITCH Pave obtained the Approbation..and fiecommendation 'of Tionolands ' I,vlio have been cured in Coniamptimii Cholere.Sicirtms,- intim-na tions internally or 'externally, and all chSeasea of 1 -ille-7-1.-iier, yellow.: FeVer, pout,: Illic,umatism. ttimbagn, Tie DOloreux: .Dronsy, "St.. Visit:it's Dance, Epilepsy, Appenflexy;•Palsy, Greertigick- , ess, , ant) all Obstructions to which the Female 1 c tl , rnatiirstrdistreaSiAglrliableini w rieliTtei - lititT .my , of the fairest portion of the eatiOn to their: ,untirnety-graves;-Small - Poi:, Poi, Meas. s - Whooping 3 c Cough, Scarlet Fever; Asthma; Jau d ice; lintvel, _Stone,-andAll-Drinary-Dbstructions Tistula,-P-iles, Strictures, - Ruptures,--and Syphilis i I all its stages, Constipated Rowell, Worms, Scury Itching of the Sian, - King's Evil, and all Cutaneot Q. Disorders ; in short, every Complaint, •whielt the human frame is set direfulty 'subject, Urnler.al their varied forms and names; as the -llygeiatt. conviction is, that man is auldect to only one real diseaee ;.that-is,. to the impurity ef the blood,. from whence springs ever complaint that can possibly assail his cunt p•li fed frame, and that: it is the perpetual syn. gl ofthis'yital, - :pffiz' stream of life, (Me gift 'of. Al ighty power) to disencumber itself of its vis eot T ''Krid :humors, 'With, which, it 'has become . _ com ixed. . :'-This valuable niedicine, being composed only of vegetahle..matter, or medicinal ,herbs, and war ranted on - oath', es 'containing not one particle of nierenrittir _mineral. - or chemical substances, , (all• of whieh'ilre. uncongenial-to the. nature - of man, and - therefore .deiitructive to the hutnan nn most is found to be perfectly harmless to the most ten der age, or weakest frame, under every stage, of human suffering, the most pleasant and - benign in its opgration, Mid at the same.time-the most cer tain in searching out the root-of every complaint, however deep, and of perforn tat was _er_offered to th_e_world,l3l _effect ftiodnced least the ,pa. • tients, by merely swallowing a Mer of purpose of evacuation, with' )ossible .sens:ition of- pain, -exhaustion and Without the; fear of catcl atten tiOn tjo:ft.as diet, in' any way,,:_difierent the4accustomed habits.- These pills Cure in all cases, and cannot be-taken to excess. MOH= ence, which is the touchstone of all human knowl edge, has lung. borne testimony _ tp . the fi fet; and extensive use 'of them .has already . verified-its ti uth in this country. •.. These medicines cure by-purging, rind yet. the . Weak, the feeble, the infirm,. the, nervous, the delicate are in a feiv - days strengtheited . •hrtlieii• operation, because they, clear the burly of its bad humors; and invariably produce soupd- sleep. They arentht safestona.most - eflinaciouS Medicine to fake to sea, preventing scurvy, costiveness, &c The operation of-this mild Medicine, which sonveysarnrriediate_convietiim of its utility, from the first dose is is beneficial to -the, mind .as_tlie. body t_first 441naing,Alten .euring_all_tental de, rangemenfs, 'Eccentricities, Nervous Affections, -Irritabilities ancl,„liestle.siness, *Ont.-Whatever iciftreei etirrifilaints which have hitherto-nig been properly •miderstocditas.the Ifygeista.hayelinind them - all - to - om_acrintunious-liumour s iii the- the. blood, and, happily tbi the present and future race Of 'mankind, discovered aeheap rind itnivert sal-rriode-of purifying, curiktg, ahul-preventing.,.._ The helm cured Of - anvrclisease,:4nfiktnityox., .sore, is now no more-it dubious oroincertain -,cedureL-perseverance in the Vegetable Universal Medicines will always -reitore nature to her due course: The literary and sedentary,' of both sexes,. whose put-Suits-so mucivitnpvir thelactil. ties,: will find- a. sure remedy - in the. Universal Medicinei for preserving the energy and - Spright- - liness- of the imagination, and improving_ .their health; old _age will be attained by the use of them, and passed free from pain and infirmities.. • )They are Itot enveloped with'the Mysteries of o ter . medicines- they only rerpilre to be periet . vered in with su ' fficiently large doses, and the pa tient-will come 'off well; = when a drsease iS ob, patients fre?ptently do not take doses large', • enough. Tli medicines are comprised in three different articles only, in two Inds of pills, of differ ent strength 'or power, designated- by No 1 and,: .2; the first is a powerful, but rnost de aperient, or opening Anedichte, detaching and partioDy removing the, billions \roPy Ammon's, whilst the No. 2 Pills carry u iltase and the serous acid and putrid humours. 'ncidentaj to the Ott together as a Ile in a'warren, -never resting-until-every-avenue-of -1h chttman frame is thoroughly searched, and cleat se s t \ l of 'ts imauritibs. . - The Vegetable Cleansing l'onrders are of great assistance to-patients and facilitate the - evacuation \ of bad Immourat they soften, cleanse, and detach the acrimonious phlegm ; are cooling, and allay the thirst. One, two, ors three powdenr may be taken throughout .the.tlay. mixed in half a turn: bier of _water:. _ _ -„ =SEM - The is are sold in packets of $l, $2, -and $3, and 25-and .50 cent boxes—the two former consist of three boxes each, viz. one. box of No 1, and, two f boxes of No. 2—the Jotter, one larger box with_a_division; the potirdcis-are in separate boxes at 37i cents each. • - -ACrin consequence-of-the repeated solicitations of the ageothAind for .the convenience of the _ ' abtfpin-geyterah+4. Ise , f_4o,-cents r aie.l-2.1-' cent•*. each,. can no.v be had of all the 'Azents. . • MORISONIA.NA. the Family Adviser of the British College of Health, 3tl Edition, price' s2.74;Und PRACTICAL PROCES, of the tlyge ian System of Physiology, inclutling_the_"Origm ar Life," " Treatise on Small Pox ," "Letter on Cholera Morbus," - and many attested,cures elfect mt.Lin_thig.eountey,_as_urell.as-4-Great-Britainc§th: . Edition, price 373 cents,- TheAygeiait - Medicins are all. imported into this country at a great expense, notwithstanding. which they are sold at the same - price as in Eng land. They have been 6 years before the Amer i p bile; their preeminent -success in the relief of the afflicted, tho usikds can taffy • 'consequence_ of high estimation in which Morrison's-Ping are-held by the public, it his induced, an innumerable host of unpsinpipled - counterfeiteis.to attempt iinitationa,' under deceptive terms thus to deludathetinwary, and foist their nostrums' for the 'Geptline Hygeian Medicine; in consequenee:of which; the Agent has taken the Precautionary measure of having an Extra Label fixed on , each Packet, signed by the Agent of each State .apd, District. and-by their Sub-Agents, in every_ County; tbelmitation of which will subject the forger to the severest. pitnisfimenf fife La v baninflict: Ind it is further to be noticektliatnorie - Orikejlove eTdii can be obtained: in any Mirk Store throughout the Uniori ; the Drug.,Ssores being the, principal sOureb,..thiough which the Counterfeiters vend theirsPurious articles.- -• • ' ODespectable parties may be appointed A gents oaliberaMerms. by applying to the General Depot, No. 3i SOUTH SIIVENTU STaiurkrthiee doors, below Market street, Philadelphia—and at N 0.40 North street Baltimore, nearly opposite the Post 6ffice. where the Genuine Medicine• may always be obtained, For sale in Carlisle. at the store of ()GIL PIN-AC •HITNEft. • s. Sept, 4. 1837. • ADJOURNED . SALE. . fret FARIVI'and Iwo lots of Timber land, belonging-.to Woodlihrn, will positively be - sold at public sale, on the prem.. isei. air Wellnesd ay . the 22d day of Novem ber nexr. • For description Of property attd terms of .sale,. refer to the Carlisle - Herald tk, Exposhor previous to-the .22d•ittst; .„,..„‘ • • „ JACO6.SW,CIirtR; - Assignee of Win:4l.lyo'odblirat- Newvillc; 0Ct.:;4•'1834. 11. , :r-r_NNE DR. E AL ZW< , S. iviEDICAL :ASietnjoYMeitt of 'health depencht on Pre vying the, complicated funclions of th e Ite e .S.TOMACHJAVEIt, IN r,e,sTi NES Sr. LUNGS, 444-heaftl4,,AMLvih hu Mefitts;.itatc, i ;thrlinh the one. . - • tirtintrofwhieiFilie- - Ay t receiverowtttrin; nutrition, and its support.. It 'cart oo longer be' astonishing' that when these Viscera are .ileranged .and cannot :perform their 'pr - Oper flifietionk - tbe whole system should suffer and become disorder ;.The blood' is made Porn the contents 'of th stomach ; • has its red 'color and tic it' by the action of thejungs, and as it perforios its duty in eirchlationg through, the veins and arte. -nes t has its yellow or billioui.etcretneut, may he • terrmat its refuse or woi moot setlifnePt-s. by-the • liver: T 1 ese' viscera, them are theantimonialMeehaniSnykaii. partitusliy Whicli the • blood 15 manufactured and .preserved ; and it is therefore obvious that the :taleLt- If_these-should-bie,the-ttrat:consid erat i op of the physician: NOW there pre varkins caisseiobai Will affect and derange . these"orgatiCivah 'which the . blood has' nothing Wlt,„ateVer to do— Thus the stomach may be Utterly debilitated men t; affright, grief,' ditiPppointthent, heat :of t the weather, or any ,other•nervoint action, and be wholly' unable to digest its food. Is - the blood to, blame for this? A . NERVOUS 'ACTION of long a willconlinunce,produCe settled DYSPEPSIIA; with head-ache bile,"mental and physical debili. ty, and funeral - retinue of other evils. Is the blond to blame for this? Intemperafice, flaming the coats of the stomach, and leaving it flacid, , prostrate. Weakness, I , and an undo& quantity and continuance of purgative medicines, by proddcilig the same effects, will put this organ almost out of use for" digesting. wlmlesome staid. food, aml Thus impoverish 'die blood x :ilia the whole ayStstm is the blood, to blame for Again. with regard to Wettings, it is well known, that 4-slight cold, , occasioned-by . damp feet or by a. current Of 'air, will-.inflame the bronchia,-all clown throngh' the branching •air tubes of the lungs and create - either 'etcessiveninconms, car that dreadful insidious disease ' Consumption, With pustules and-suppuratiom of the Itibes, which,, though timely remedies may - prevent,- no earthly ski cnTl n cure- hr.lllo - OilTifilfffai r- marblrio • ing victim - to blame for this? :So the' liver;whet — climate, se - diwary habits, intemperance, or othtnr prostrating.causes liste-withered away - or paraly 7eil. it. with distetitieb, becomes unable to carry off the bile front the circulation: Mill instead of Ali!, lunging_ it. through thegall:oladder, feaves-it to come through the skimin jaundiced and sallow fluids, and to rush upon the 'stomach in irregular and excessive quantities. is - the unfortunate bloodto blame for this? No! these vital organs!' are never affected by the blood,- tintil. after the blood has been - affected by, them 4,they--are the makersand masters,'and it is merely their worik And their pasSive : KnOwingthis to. re_ a sound anddemonstrated fact in science and experience, Dr.:-AV-, EX-ANS' system of . practice is in-faithful accordance with it. He aims to keep the Stomrcir,the Lungs, and:the Liver in - 'vigorotis and regular action, as the three great fountains of 1161111 - arid life,:__,Por—thia_pit - pose he prescribes his beautifully efficacious ElilF;N't' PILLS ' (acknowledged by-medical Men who bare-analyzed alta:recommemledilienvto-lie .equal Willy in the World) incases which . reqpilre, 11 • Wcletinsing - Oftlie'stoinach and bowels ;and_ his celebrated CAMOMILE - -or TONIC'. PILLS, in cases of nervous irritabihty,stomachic.weakness; - or - general — debility,. vast majprity_ 2 ot human diseinies having.their origim . in- the general27ympii thy of Ulu principal viscera with the nervous sys tero-rlie^thils-seekst dik-aseT,in - Mie subtde fibresitifitotSi - inst etal l orv'atlityliiipitigipi---eic.- ti - iptite it by plucking off its leaves and more dia. tart branches.. Ills APEMEN - I' Mit§ will do' all - that any purgative medicine can do, that is thoroughly: eleanaeihe_stunnich andbou eis c ; . . and his CA MOND - LE or-'TONIC. PILLS, conibining they also du, the most_ delightbil ANODYNE known in medicine, will do, have done, and are continually doing more to strengthen, restore and sustain the human constitution than any other • medicine that has yet been discOvered. Ofthis he has innumerable proofs, and this. no man can deny without falsehood. . . . - Dr. WM. EVA N.S' medical preparations are for all Stomach and Nervous 'Diseases. In. Indiges tion, Dyspepsia. HiMats Affo.' ctionsor Liver Corn plaints, Heartburn or Acktitv in the Stomach, Tightness.at the Chest; Loss of A ppeffie, Pain in the side, or Flatulency, Ilypoclimulriacistn, Low Spirits, Palpjtations Of the Heart:. Nvrvons krit tibility, Nervous Weakness, Fluor Athos. Semi nal Weakness,ilndigestions, General. Debility, Bodily -IVeakne4s, Colorosis.cirGreen Sickness. Flatulent or Hysteral Faintings, hysterics, Head ache, hiccup, Sea Sickness,•Night Marc,. Gout, Ithetimatism,___Asibina,----Tic-Dolereux,--Graitip,-- Spasmodic-Affectinns, Nausea,' Vomiting, Ptiliti in the Side, Limbs, head, Stomach or.llack;: Dim. ness or Conflusiotiof Sight, 'Noises in the Inside, alternate Fltishings of Heat- and _Gliihiess, Tu mors, Watchings, AnxietyiSpasms,.ltad Dreams, Agitations, will in every case he relieved 'by all occasional dose of Evans' Camomile Pills. , \ . . - Ladies, during the time of pregriacy, are . often :troubledwith,Sickness,_Vomiting,,Heartburm Head.ache,* Toothache, Hysterics, find other troublesoin symptoms effectually relieved by these dreparalions\ . . Dr. IFNI. E ANS' MEDICAL OFFICE,' NO. • -- AUCADF4 - .Chesnut street; Philadelphia. . . Po eflerald-and—E-F: June 5, 1837. ROISINSON , FrOFFICE; 80 Balt. et, 4' doors below the Franklin Bank. Cdpital 50i000 - DOL - L - . - Ala& - Persons - at - n - distance7dipoyd to try their hick•in qjther of the fill rig - trand:Lotte- . cvi ries--one of which dr. ws alternately every week—are respectful! requested to forward their orders .to the sub.criber,' - enclosing the cash or prizetiek - eN — daitrtatie - g - theiliottety, will teceive inupediite attention byreturn mail, and the drawiOgS forwarded when over (it:requested.) • ' - -(E: W. ROBINSON. Baltimore, Md. DRAWING OF LOTTERIES.—Order in which the several State Lotteries.will be drawn. Maryland State LcitterieS draws „In - Hal d - more every ,other,,Monday. _capitals range from 10,000, 20,000 to 530,000 ; Delaware Stdte_Lotteries _draws —t wice -every =week=; capitals vary from 5 to $10,000; Grand_Con•- siibiliaA Lottery draws once every . week, capita 15.20.000,25,000 to $30.0001 Alexan dria Lottety draws once every other--week, capitals,lo,ooo, '20,000, - 30,00;50,000 ; Virt ginia State Lottery draws every Saturday, in each week, capital Prizes range from 10400. 20;000,. 25,00 Q, 30,000 to $40,000. Tickets': in the above Lotteries vary from $2, 3, 4, 5 and lo each, shares in prbportion.. ' An letters addre ssell 'to the subscriber go perfectly safe. No mibcarriage has ever oc curred. , Feb. 14, '1837.—1y • Flazsed IWllted . , . One Ilundred Busliele,of clean . Fhqseed want. eil,at the store of the Subscriber in South Hallo. ver Street. . . . • 't Carlisle„SeOt 18,1837. 16011131111 U MlNZeallfiro _ . :'ATTORNEY-AT'LAW, of Mark ci Sgua'rea Carlisle+ P l 4" • . ' . . prevention . . . , Co ughs, • .For the and cure ' of . ... Qolds., Asth Ina% . Consuinritions,',_spittink•of • :01e(1.and'diSeaSes of the breaStand lungs, • • --- -- .. - - -DOctor Etlork:4o- - Fi•eeniei. - the propri& • tor • ofllie.speCific. resided tipwards-of four, •y ea rs art - ong' , ifiti":differe.nt.. tribes, of .North" , Americaii_liidiaos„-.and,with iiviWeatled dili. ' -:site ised-„ever , yitnens._in,his_Rqwer.ito_re lk _:- gaffe - a knowledge . .of tifFarnretirrerritetre' iised.by them; 'for, the cure of,the., Sick and . voundecl';.and more particulayly:those Which li • sT er.take to,,,prevent and Cure the, constimp. . t ion.. and. cora plaints Of the bieitst.and lungs. . -: [le - observed the - Indians we - e-Subßidi to7nii= nierousand.siniilar .complaints. , to. those or . • t o ite,,peoplel intl. from , their- T o ode..of liv ing, and . ,„ being- .exposeil to the . inc inclemency _,OO-ill Vest hers, many Albeit '_coruplain_tn_,,„ we're: Ontiiiicated:, and , violein. - -... - ;Although, • Many."6l4heir dkeases__Were'of. Snell -a na:- tune. :IS would,- with-, people in a civilized tintiehave terminated in confirmed consuinp. , tion`k ; . 'yet,: dui ing7the .ti me : Ire - viraw - with ----- ' them. he.did not hear:cif-04'C who tlied of a, .' ~ .... consumption.- •-• ' r--- ' ' - ~..So happy are-they-lh':their4ktin*ledge-of -- 'remedies, - and so •certain of-theireffects.::, --- -. ~ when . applied hi:ollie, that it-may be saidt ea . . • trne. constinrrption is a ,disease never known • *or heard among - them '.! - l'hetiuth r of this observation must be Corroh4fited by all who have had:the:Opportunity •0f..-beconalng ac- -' quainied with - these,people—li.mai then be - ' asked why they are exempt from these corn. plaints?_ • The reason. is -obvious--; : because they immedintolv seek for 'relief'. and pre- _ vent those Com laaints. which. insensibly un. • . .dertoine the-constitution, .and_ bring on incu- • -.., .,. raide . Cathiniription. -pills of direction, accompany - each.: bnitte of the S:pecifici_ Pointing out-in-a 'conspicuous - - Manner, all the symptoms in . the . different _stages.of,t hese:distressing diseases ;-.ldso par.. , Ocular . directions respecting Diet. and-Reg- , - - linen, and hOW patients are to conduct them-• . selves Through every stage Until health is re.' stored; , for vain: and useless 'would be the prescriptions t)f..the ablest -physician, .SC , ceonpanied'witiftlie - ,mosvpoWerful medicines ~-.• if his 'directions are. not . faithfully adhered."' -, - _ , . , theSeal-of_each bottic— t NOne can. be -gen nine without thissigtiiibire , ;_a base compp_si beer(attempted. to_he.imPosed.. on 'the public by - It counterfeit imitation of _ this extramdinaryArticle;-- -- of tin- alxive Spec ific, is kept constantly on sale, by SAMUEL EL1.,10 . 1"1,-Carlfsle, And by,Samuel Wilson 7 The proprietors are aware_ that there are-many remedies for coughs and diseinies of-the ; lungs =• some-no dount-are good,-but it has - reMainedio-sr late day to (liacover-an article sq admirably fitted . to these complaints ; .so . powerild and effectual, and yet so, perfect ly innocent and. mild.• Let not the nubile classlhe scientific result or .a learned Physician and Divine with the nostrum., of the day: Let them makea.careful peruial of the evidences attending this. article;_ their. re spectability, and the decided -mannei in whtch .they speak, and they cannot withholdlheir be lief to some of its virtues. Let tit assure them that a single trial of it will do more to - convince all'of its merits than all they can see or hear ori the subject,- It is.-quite-certain-that-no injury has ever been known to arise from its free use: .14n uncommon fact •s, that this_rentedy is a syrup, as palatably and pleasant ta.theasste sr the ncost popular French cordials and children take it always with.the greatest readiness:'•• The prom ietors au e now in aking rapid arrange- '._ments_to.have imtlie hands-of every druggi.t and :pi thechry in the country. It nay he known to he genuine - by the following signa. ; hire :+ s hi l o w, of the Hey. 'Gentleman and Phi" eician who is the author prat. It h with great pleasure that the proprietors r are enahled 'thus to bring forward an article so truly meritorious ay this syrup, aiiitfram such a source, and they trust.the count 1111 l tity: who have occasion tor its use may always find it within their reach, both twin' places at which it may be found, and the low juice at which it is sold. . A 'great number of the must wonderful cures may be seen by calling on Me.. nolander, - st - whose tore it-is for stle.— Sec- Mr. ' Wipers DR SIIDBAELHEWES' Celebrated Rheumatic, Nerves "Applied morning and night, has' \ cured:hun dreds. - -It gives relief in the swelling •or the glands of the tilt-oat, and relieves the numbness _andLcontractions_ottite_litubi_and-will.-take-sWel--- . lings down, and inflamations out of the flesh,• rheumatism, bruises and sprains gives 'Mime- • diatet.relieri'll:strengthens., weak 'limbs, end tends the cords when contracted. —A few 'l_drops . on sheep's.wind applied to the ear of deaf : per. sons, will by -constant application, cause-them to,, . hear in two months' time. ._2.A_ --- grent — number=OF-ct lifiaates--eribe-most _ respectable and decent character may be exam ined Where it is sold. JPJ.enie eall'en S. C. Holender Carlisle, who will give further information', or see Mr. ltolander's papers.. ; • Carlisle, October 36..1837„-Iy. cow • PUBLIC HOUSE. c & Eo. PRINCE, • , Torme . rly . of Stgibuw,,:qVorOunaberland Cotints* - • Begs leave _ respeollinkuvinform :that he has removed. to liarrisburgvttlerchki•hao taken,that large - and ap . acions thr t story rick honite formerly ' -oeburned by Mat w ikon,. • corner of %Wont andl'hird streets. • • • . - • HARRISBURG, , • ~..I : y i e w' o f the State Capitol, which. he opened oh., • ihe first rtitY.of Itlay.last, and. where de hopes to ioatinue - to receive that patronage - so liberally bestowed . . on,, his- - establishmerit 'heretofore. Plc - will at all times, he provided with" every •.thing necessary to make hia guests, comfortable. • a d. PRINCE.. ** ' if. ETTEIIS of administration , upon the estate . ri of Christian Conirer. late of Dickinson town- Ctinthe-land eminty, deceased. have issued• farm of law , to the subscriber. residing on of said deceased in ' ` said toWnship —.•- ions having claims against said estate vr.ill theni, and. those indebted,will tettlso-pay- • " c.I3OLANDER v coNSWMPT . • The Andion Specjfic, , . . The public are - inforMed .thßt the deposil 'ions of, twn hundred and eighty seven per.. sons . rhave-heen taken • before 'the proper an. , - • thnrities of the city of Lancaster, Pa. all COM. pletely: - cured of the Most desperate cases of consuniption, some of which are - detailed -.- In the bilis accompanying the bottle.• • rite price tif each bottle - a INDIAN (1):ng the genuine„Sgecific is sighed by. Dr. - - 4 Pitrkson Freeman, and the initials C: F: on. Dec - . 14, -1834.—1 y tlev.lr.-Bartholomew 7 s-:; PINK EXPECTORANT SYRUP. An agreeable cordial, amteffective remedy Cunglis.lloarseness;f_enlila,_Paina iii-the , Breast,L Third Breathing, and piffietilt eipeetOra!yyni," .110 - ;Rdidis Es. Chi Wren: in - cold - climates-aid warm, • ail uYI . Bone N I.M E Harrishur Jdne 1.837: Estate ho over; Mecca NOTICE: .• Nt ADA COOVETI, ;5, . El