EMI T~ RAN ERTEL'S* : Irtireo'rThatversat rills. ..40,:acecoloutd,tontrgoute to the:Crndflirt,_Reath ,i_—__.,4oiclAsppineAs-of—tilaqkiract." • • ,04,\Ahe:eighteenth, of- May; '1835, these now c iruly,celebrated ;Pills.were ---- first made - known id skates, although in Europe they had 'keen.previcusly. before - the public nearly-a cen, The_American..puhlic naturally - viewed them. with ' 'suspicion but as on -trial - they-were foiind r What they professed, it. wa's soon-displaced . the .. - gyeatettt confidence.' In . fact _five_ many ----2 peritoria r-7 Wlici - htn i e'Commenced7with - theitillitder" 'the -Most circumstances of bodily . afllic • :tibn; When - every' other mean:l - 4nd medicine had _ _p.ar.i.i..44ltokether_nnayntli tig;_na v_e_b emixest ed _ .01tealth sad ; liajipineass from their use.. and the Aorisequeticsi ith . ,they are now: recommended by Alton aacidtiof: persons whoin tliey-have cured of Cardininption, lap ‘lellati, COlds. Indigestion Eys pepsie kleaclaclier-Itainsand-ti.actise of fullnesp .10 7 thebaok., park Acna.of..Apeplexy, Jauaclice, - yeiver add• Ague, Uillious, -Scarlet, Yellow,.and coalmen' ."fekera of, all kinds, Asthma, Gout, Ithettmatisra, Liver ;Complaint, . : Pleurisy '9l the Spirits, • :11uptdrei, inflammation, Sore Eyes, .Fits,' Pal4y; int otisA ": 1 5rnaly Pont; Menzlen. Urotip,• Coughs, .Whooping Colic Clmlera 19.0 - • tbiti, 'Gravel' Worms, Uysenter.i., lleafneSS. . . the Ileac!, King's -Avil, - -Sciorula, • . trysipelas,.orSti'Anthony's , Fire,' Salt Itheum. some•of 30"years"Statid . Angi,,Cancers, Tuniers,l Swelled Peet aiid Leg., • Coafiveness, all Eruptions" . the Skin, • L Prightful -Dreams,...Pemale cornpliiiiits - of every kindoelPeciallymbstructiOns, relaxation,Pie. • Althottgli Dector" 11.-lias" enumerated by dame ~i6l;bov.e diseases, !leis nevertlieleits.-4Lopitdon .. • witfildigrt" --- tinfiWiTeicitlie late celebrated Dr. Win. that there is-only ONt Ersease, an ,impifritycif the• - bloOd, %illicit' by impeding the intiamin•stion, nnit-cpnse --Itiu'etifdrang.ernent-in the iirgan or part "where impurity of the bleed settles; and that it is .the'difrereht' appearances which this inflamation ',or erangemerit , puti•on, that-havescapsecl-mesli - 1•• 'cal men tcrdesignatesuch•appearances by - various • • inahlpe, but- whiolrare hr fact, - only the -sathe , dis, ,iesse;-'3vith more or less -violence. Dr. ,llrtn. Alrandreth was'so fully convinced. Of,the trtilli of above simple theory, that he spent thirty &ears esper;ments and laborious research into the medical • properties iirthe' numerous planti , ,_,_ coMposing toe egetauie Kinktlom• his object -- •,bettVc:ecimp - ose — a - Miffildir i e which 005 e., ptitify;and• .produciy skoifiC. action 'removal Of alt-had ,humors from the blood by.;he , :: - stomach and: boWels, - as- by the continuation o ••ttia• use or such a' mediAte, such_litimors r are -• - - infeLtri.be eihiried off, and the blood assume Stile . of ' purity; and • 'whoever takes these-. Palls; and perseveres- with them will he satisfied _Oaf ' Dr. Win. Itrandreth fully attained his philanthro• • piqobjeCt. - - It is now an absolute - and - known „,fiketi:that every. disease, whether it be in-the bead „,orifeet, in the brain or meanest member; whetlfbr It be an.outward .ulcer, .or.an_inward-abices_s, arc , Omagh arising from _many causes, reludible,' • to'this one grand effect, namely'. iMparity•of • the • , blood. . • . • lii all Cases they be asafe - and aim ItreferriVily - yetall pOtrdrftil Tor the'rethoval - Of • whether_ehronic-orreeent, infeetiods-I • 'or otherwise; and what makes them-particularly ; adapted for this country, is that -there is not the' sligliteStliability to cold 7:Wheit .taking them, in deed the system 'is absolutalY 'less susceptible of cold . when. finder their, infitiener,_ than -at. any other time; •therefOrclicthis climate they are in• • valuable. geithcr do' they 'require change o • diet or.careof any kind.' England these,Pills _ have-been -the only medicine- of many families for periodiVarYing . ...frOm fOrty . to sisty_years, an d haye'always, ; .p rum ffectua I -in -restoring; health -*lterever, an abe.rafion from it occurred.... NOTICE.—In• consequence Of' the numerous cbunteifeifirOr'sale in the Drug and Chemical Stores; the . publirare Cautioned against •ptirchas --ht-cif any person except the accredited agents:, - .Security Against Counterfeits. • ' S . ttn..nItANDIiETII has. adopted .the following ,plan to accitre the GENUINE- 111 ; antiretliTills'to tNe public. Ei:ery authorized Agent must:have. CertiPeateof Agency, anti it-will tie seen that . - a . dcuble:forgery MUST he committed,' before '!ant rine can procure a forged Certificate: and the per.SrinitOrig, it in his possession is equally liable with the finger. • , , -The foNowiog are the arfpointed agents for •this W'n. Gilmore, Chambersburg ; f-Jacob ik.'Whirtut, Gettysburg ; OGII.BY Carlisle; and Win. Hell, I larrisburg, flr(mireth's officers for the- sale of the aliove .sth street;-and ~34 citestitu - !itri4t," Philadelphia. -111 V 8,, AZ—if... . _ Seiiti.:llreekty Tc raph. - - . LEGISLATIVE. REPO' T RE P ENNSYLVANIA TELF:GIIAPH , Wiii be • published semi-weekly during the ensu ing-session of the Legislature. 'and contain full reports - of the, proceeding's of.both bran ches; taken 4y , Coinpeteut and faithful repor icirs. '' • The acts of the cnming session - of the Le 'gislatnre will he looked to with much inter- -est; The people expect the party that have obtained' &t• majority, in the_popAar_branch_to_ • s tViirry Out' their promises .of reforming.....the • ."-tilrreney ,and banishing shin plasters , from - 4- ciretiraiion: ThiS subject, together with ;he llftpinireirient System. independent of nume _, 00,..:nt1efilfittlerest, are , or them Selves of ---4 tifFicleht - magniturcreare - a - :(lesire,im.thr , mind -.of 'every intelligebt_citizetcr , paper:fillip the seat' of Government. . ;.-Autddition to this; the proceedings - of Ore ..Stateeraiventions-that will assembleliere:nn_ ethe - 4tlf - ofrklarch to nominate candidates for •Gin;ernor Will be looked to with interest; and - ,The , •proe - e - edirtlruf - -the-Coliven* to - innieild - the Constitution Will also be gi% , 111 - . iiiiitilltlifinal.'adjoiffiinittit -- And - also - selec ,- - ted irr!kins of the most interesting• Con ' Igressilfrial roteedings: . _'" The'• Terms of the, Telegrapli..4re,_:, Vizi the session, Semiweekly $2 . 00 • • .3 00- - ?paying_ two . dollars -in advance .— •*l4.44e.ceixe , tbe -- relegrapir- ifom -The prey ,-4,l4 3 otltinie to the Abe - session, anct._ six - ~copigs- w ill-,beaeiit to anyone place .fur 410 . .PlkiOn :advance. , . , • 2,, , ;Competent,persons•willing to act as agents inAeirneighborbood, for the usual compen equested-to:-.inform.1,us,..iandit1 itl,capg,K44o,os. to state referente.,:i'' • —, 1714E.0 , 4 " : -- HatT L 5 • ' — iiiiilibriOte SACE .1 ,, _._ . OF LAND. 7...'' lin pursuance ot-the-laSt willof John Col . iiicl l / 4 ;doF,e(isec),.- there: will ,be exposed to . 4..ilablic Aare, on thepremises,'on Wednesday ' :the i r day 61. N ovembe r _ ----- '," - **aluable-tt'stct-cif- -4t ,1' STONE. ''''" ,TIMU-LAND sc. - ;iiltnitedliflSouthamptim 'township,- Com-. lahlatidicounty,‘ , Pa.; 'adjoining, the lands of - Alasietai4ketrga-Vi;,l-41imes r -,fas.-Wallace,- Ifiathuttlt:WharrYP"Christian lioaker, .end •titt.e.ontsiningt ONE 'HUNDRED and , TErTICACRES, or thereabouts. The Jai.' irtrentements.ere a 1,„00:11CoUsE, and Barn, . with a - Well of Water near the building S— . porloifet the land is cleared and Ina goddi .state,of cultivation. The Terms offialo.will be .two,thit ds -of the money, in hatidiAlio.nther third part to remain 'proper-. . . ' seCoy.a4Vdttring the ,life4ime of the widow. ~ ..'"".- -A , , . , . _ ,GEO. HAIVIII.I4, • ,:az.r.3: 1 , t 4 ~.. _. • . : • -: -,.- . -10.EiNC0X," . 1..,.,„ , ..'q *',:-' ;',. ';',.--''',.:Eiectit,:.ont:4 • - :Ocbiher 1!, inn . , ' : T.? -•.- , 4.Beatititut Mad opt flair Is the grandest ornament belonging to Me Lu :Min frame: • Bow strangely the loss Of it changes the countenance and _Prernattfrely brings on the appearancc of old age, which causes - many to re:- 'coil atheing tincOvered, and sonietimea_evemiii shun society to - avoid the jests and sneers of. their' acquaintances; the remainder of their :lives - are -consequently-srientimretirennent. _ Inishort, not - e verrthe loss of pidpeily fills the generous think ing youth with that beifvy'sinking gloom as does the loss of his hair:: To averirlill these' unPleas ant cireum - staiMeS; OF EOLUNIIIIA stops -the hair froth falling off on the first application, and a' few bottles restore it aguii . L. It likeivise_proiloces' eyebrows and whistkersrprevents-the-hairtfrom-turitinalte .it curl beautifully, and frees it from scurf. meroui certificates of the -first-respectability-in support of the virtues of.o/ilridge's Balm, are shown by the proprietors. .. • , tryite:id-the ROBERT %MARTON; Esq., late Mayor of Philadelphia, has - certified, as may b q seen below; _to _the big . it:character of bi- following; Alie — ii - ndersigned . dii7hi . erehy - certify -tharttre have used the Balm of Cblionbia discovered,by, J Oldridge, and hive found it_bighly servicea hhcnot only as a preventative agaiiiltitte . fatling: Of of hair, but also a certain restorative. THATCHER; senior,. , Methodist Minister in St . George •elmrge, • No. 86 North Filth street JOHN F. INCLTS,I3I Arch street.' - .1011W0-.--THONIAS, AI. D: 10.1 Itace st. -- "JOHN S. FORNEY, 101 Spruce st. ' - r,,_243 South 7th JOIIN GAUD, Jr. 123 Arch it. • ---- . The aged, an d those4ho persist in wearing wigs,s may not alWilys experience iii - reitorative gitalitiei, yet it Will certainly raiie , -its- - nvirtites in trie'e - Stimation the --- plibirci- , -triien it .is kootvo that three of the above signers are_more s.o.years of age, and the others nor less (Prom the Mayorl • ,; ; • .-..-Co.r.proswe.ALTiz-or-Ptimartx,mi,l l ; - • pity of - Philadelphia. • _ 1:11011tRT WEI All'1 7 0N, Mayor of said city of Philadelphia, do - hereby . certify that j am 'well. acquainted with . Messrs P. - John b.' Furey - , runt *Hugh McCurdy, whose• names are -=signed-tcy-the-alpve-certificate, titat„they„arg_zen, tlemen of character and • respeetability,_ank as 'Arrctr - full - credit - should—be:given_to_ilte-said - -••• •_ .. • " _ . - In .witness whereof,. I .have hereunto set my handi-nnil caused the seal ofithjs-city to be L. S.) :aired thi§liixtliAny of De.Ceinber. ROBERT'WHARTON, Observe that-each bottle of the.- Genuine 'Balm Tins a splendid engraved- wrapper, on which is represented the -Falls of Niagara, &cl&c.. - - T . For sale 'at wholesale by COMSTOCK Si. Co; sole Agents for' America, New' 'York, 'and by most druggists throughout America. To Prinlers.--All printers or editors who wily insert the above, leaded, for 6 months in a weekly paper, and send one' number of their paper to the agent, shall:-.be 'entitled to one dozen of the above article. . For sale by:S. C. BOLANPER • .I*,gislalive Keystone.^ • • ,----- 1111311ING - the ensuing session'of the legisr httureolteMeystone WilLtie--publislied twice a. week, and containlull reports of the proceedings in both houses. -It will also con taityzan- account of the - proceedings 'of • the reform convention; which (judging from sim ilar bodies in other states. and the convention' that formed our present cOnstitution,) will artily closeAki r session before spring. . • The.politiCal complexion of the legislature anti the important aubjects which Will neces sarilypome before it, wilt render the next session peculiarly interesting. All eyes are - turned-this-way-for-speedy-refnrm in our present defective currency. - IDecidei action relntiveio the improvement system is'. ar dently desired . in many quarters. - These. two matters - of - themselves,_orm subjects of intense interest to the pedple at large. On the 4th of March, a democratic eon-• vention will assemble here and nominate a I anclidate - for - gpvernorr- . --An-accotintol-thisi-1 1 oge.ther with thevements or: the party in all quarterstivill '6.e faithfully detailed. 'From - these circumstances, there never has;been a time when a paper from the-seat olgoverpment was of such indisPen-. sable value to all, the citizens of the com -monwealth,_.as_it will'be for the ensuing six months; . -='.---V3it,--4errifto-tlve-Keysi'one--are-the--same . as heretofore:- .----7-7---- t:M MM During the session semi-weekly For the year" • . Any person forwarding us - 2 dollars, shalt receive=the Keystone,from.the_time of sub scribing to the_ close- of-the sesscon-:--or Isix copies: . ' will be sent tooffice any one for $10: MI P.oit Masters- »re- invited to act igen& fOr'the , Keystone, in receiving subscri fiers find remitting inoney to. us ; and. any One - Signifying Isis willingness to act as such, , shall receive a list of our subscribers, in his. town and neighborhood, with our terms of agency. Barrill4 :Parke. ' itarrisburg, Oct. /8, 18,57. _ _ , .._ ... . . , ------- : - FOR-FRENT._ _• .Lag Mouse A' Stoble; ------ 7--- . ,;:l'he - vcrliole-of the above property-will lie - sold . If, RIM subscriber will rent that Well knoWns,,, together, or f the Lot spill separate to suit pur -44 ..large and convenient house, for many years. 'I chasers The terms of sale will be.rnade known occapiCd by 'Christian - IlumrichT antl more -re-lon the - day-of-isale.. . . . ' .. . r.,-; cently by others, as a 'TAVERN .CATIimiINE HETnlcx,EXTettfrlX, g- 44 ,3 fill . HOUSE. The house is remarks- ABRAHAM HEftilec• . • '' li7c. 11, Mt bl ' well calculated for entertaining ~, - =tam% ;; , r.;:.,,' . -..:='-.::,' 110,CitlitirSTI' there [being thfte .f,..u, n- N - R l/1 2- 1 -C l4 ------- .-- ---....___.! statr-ways. - and Vire placesifi'most of the rooms. (alien GE IiETRIMZI • r ,A' l'iletitituation is very plea%ant and desirable, being October SO, 1837 . -3 w• on the north west corner of Ilanoverand Louther stree •A while, for conveniences, it excels any Alt L. touse_inAC:herottghcr__country.__lftio&_ nese " tt o unusual ildvantages of 12 rooms on the first do *l2 rooms on the2d floor;-4 rooms on the 3a fi,or.=.6 ,Cettars-in (louse. .! Two wells of ,water;_ one at the frontdoor on Louther street, withirpumP thereitiCtlYkother - In the yard at the kitchen door;) a. Cistern. made to contain eighty , gi4 Hogshead - large and convenient stabling, with carriage hnuse• and sheds;" large and owe lent gardens-,attached to the buildings; besides .many convenience s not specified . . For' particu la,rivenquire-or.-- - - - ,- - --- - • ...-r . . - "'0 , ..• ~,.:!•.-,-. , CMIISTIAN lIUMRICU F-041he -ho.use:his, recen t ly. gone under L !Aurnplel.4§pair . . - -' ~ : I I - - . • . ~ •.. ,_ . _431. " ,:. Ciddiltle,,,Ntiv.'l3, 18Z' ).". ifl(ll,.'o#lrx..4folf:lF.*::p.it'.7i.ATO. '.-##:-*±.:::*Vo.9ol*.ar, ' • 0:5 A . •PL+ „,. gra • tiontaintok' (4 6 1 - 11 —41 74 . - 10 ' 6 Situated in St. Claii• township, • dliteglieny County,' Pa.,. . . _ . This Farm - is beautifully- 'situated ott the waterapf Chartier's_Creek, FIVF. Mills frOm. the city": of .Pittsburg. The 'Washington turnpike - rans-with itr - a - few- rods - Of - tire - litre on the one side, and ,the 'Steubenville turn pike within -two miles on the other . ; ...die State'road ; from Virginia 'to Pittsburg passes through it ; also, a Courity-road-cpnnectin,g the 'State; road and the WaShington-TUrn eNkq; .passeathe. door. About 300 acres are cleared, and in, , a . gaml state of cultivatkon.— Where are near .§.. i Cig- R. —(1 cl • 200A,CRES:.. - flottom4.lancl, .ivhichfor riehnesS and .fertili ty cannot be surpassed in"t h e' ; `, state, a large portion-of, this is - in fneddow, • and enough might •be made to produce 200 ton& of • hay annually -; therels a rehe:thiffidante ,-- of buil-. ding stone,'& lirbe stone; and 300' acres of the' . •. -Which - Best Bituminous Coat' can _all be get :out conveniently..— The timher-ig---abundant-and-Igo'nci.:—.The. consist of 'a large . &St rate • • --- CUT . STONE lam-111 . A good spring and stone MilltirouSe ; two - of _th.e_btst bank Barnsitttbe tr_nnD:y, 70 by 38. feet and 60 by 030, with stabling "tfadCTtr - lit - Av hole, a I ar.g.efra me-Stab lei . , Four Tenant- Ilotises attached-;- with 'stabling a!-frame Meeting House - find parkonage • house with various. ntber nut buildings,_Suck . as Carriage houses Cow house, Corn hause.. Bee house,.Selrool' These_are_allfofn:sbetterrorde than usually found ,on , Farms_in.___WeStern Pennsylvania.. 'whole-farm is abundant ly and beautifully watered. . • • . '&II.I.4MEM.OII2ZIA,LIBAL Beating all kinds of i'ruit, adjoins the Man sion House. ' In regard to fertility- and quantity of land, quality .of improvements and nearness to market, (being only 5 miles-from--Pittsburg,) this farm is not equalled in- Western Penn syllania. It will be-"sold on liberal terms, antlimnietliatepossesibargiiiii: - Inquire of 3011N - ROSS; - ontlie - premists, or . 3. Et 11.*ALPSANDER,' N0..209", Market stitet Phil'a. August 7; 133 . 7.--•-3m.:. -- - MI ••. - • :ff i tair*iar. 11E subscriher offers for sale the following ...AL - described-house and:half lotof ground, sit. uate..on the_north,side_pf_Main - street - in the-bor otWaTifteirlkle-,---near-19 opposite - Geiirge itighinhaugles_h_otel; 7 -the west half of lot' No. CI; 1n the pJaii7ef - saitt .borough—bounded. by Main street on the sciuth,.,Dr. 'Myers 'on the west, Dickinson‘nlky(2.3..feet wicle) en the not th,. and the Widow Creighton_on the east c containing 00 feet in front and 240 - feetist depth: 7 - Th - e - htnt. dings e are a • Frame - Weather' boailled I • - • sco.v im fronting on Main street with a large • • • Brickllack .-AND.ABRICK STABLE; ' the alley. Said half lot is in a high state of improveMent, with a variety of choice • Feint Tee and - Grape Vines, now Wearing, Currant and Gooseberry. Bushes, and -Shrtibbery,of_diiierent_kinds. . , , An' indisptitahle ,title will+be given to the put , chaser. Further particulars are deemed' unne.l cessary. Any_persons wishing to purchase / are invited to call and view the premises. The terms will be made known ay • • • • , t , \ • JACOB SQUIER. • August 28. 1837. 11. B.—Good western paper-on-sol vent banks will bc received in payment for the above _____44IIIIIMUIL6UI _ • FOR_SALEi___ -will be sold at - public Sale tin Friday the 24th day November next, -at 10 .o'clock,, A. M. of said clay, on the - firemises;..the following scribed real estate, late the. property of John Hetrick, serf. deceased; viz: ' :-:----Vl---1177.4CT.--017--LiIitESTONE--LSIVA -SituateTin-IlictlKon ,township . ,,SittAsti.s.nd Cti ya,about nudes west of Carlisle, _ • A. 01131301,1, • 'Bounded, by hinds of William W.ockls, Samuel Beetem, and John Calbraith'i 11614; there re 100 acres cleared; - state . of •cultivatio and. under - good - fence, the residue is covered witb.thrlying young tlmber.._Theimproy.ereguts are 2,00 3,00 11 (13. IKE CD EZI ; ; ; AND A , ONE STORY STONE =ITS; adjoining. T!l'ere are two never failing springs of -water running nem-the - house. alsb - a=-Spring- Houe and a DOUBLE LOG. DARN, a n d ii apple orchard of ChOice fruit trees. ALSO; A LOT OF GROIJND, Situate bout half a mile from the above de,- seribed farm, adjoining the Yellow Breeches Creek, and lands of Dr. Wrn.,Chambers,_Henry Shank, Jr. and others, containing 13i.acres, all urTilii — good fences, having - thereon. erected a • WAS FOIUNII • fn - the - Carytiometlme - since — a - box - of - POrcelain teeth. The owner is desired toeall at Aughen baugh's gotel Where they can be . had by giving satisfactory evidence of the -.tithe. • • Carlisle, Nov. 6th, jar. 3 Wanted -Immediately. THE -subscriber desirous of hiring 3 or 4 - ' gond r MASONS, and also 3 . )3r 4 carpen teis, ,wili.give.ccinstant impioyment . and Abe highest longest° Ng, Who may call .upon him . for work: • . . ~ ;, - - . `-'. SAMUEL I,lEgup. Carlisle, Oct. 90, 1837.—. t$ The Piles. No cure no.pay?' RI CE - ON E-DOU-A-R Wii .-, . . " It is eon's' erect of great. inipoftance for.ifie - public- *DI w the following,ifactsi •- ... • . . , , • About 5 r : yeara ago, Solomon . Hays, the per- SoiCto - bniorn the-celebrated-Dr.-Gridley-had,--on his clFilli4ied imparted • thefeecret of inakh%_a - Liniment hi cure the:Piles, "authorized it iclObe put 14)-arld'sold • under 'the name of Illiyo Nal-. Ineinv:anci -- enjoineil=thatall AV il0:W011 !li '. ie.oine bottle for the Piles, .and return .the 'empty bottle; stild have the price refunded:- , • . — ducelVflime, upwirds of "fifty Sinn - Sand bet.: tits have been sold; . Out of which,, not ten have k t 7 real. ••neci;:and these'inily because the' persons' did not u it properly!! .Such..Avonderful 'success, 7Proba .lyvnever-stterlded-ircrotlrer-artitte;-At-i -*now determined by. the proprieter,Thatthe pub ! ' lic'Sliall be*made• more fully acqiquted with its virtues; so thailhose stilTering.ivitikhat 'dreadful complaint-may avail themselVes or its use.• • -• _ .. - There - are - many - thousand _certificates_of:the limit 'respectable and'aiithentic charactei, many of..vihich may le - etamined where . • tne article is sold. : " :. 1 ..' . - . 1 ". . - - - • .- . . ~ .. It is nied .sts,an' external application; and for many Ma dthercdinplitienumerated - in the'-wrap: .... - . . a en per lx,consalered, remarkably efrectiveri• but for . 411. e Puss it has.na equal,land the-agents nte now hound-to refund in all eases where it -does not 'elite. ~ . . " it is being used in Hospitals -, ' in our , principal cities_tvith great_effect." - No Fiction. -- , This extraordinary cliemical Co. -position._the restiltof science - and the invei rn dliirn of celebratedmelt : J4i man, the intri.doetion of which to the public WitsJnYested with the solem; n:ty of a deatli.beil bequest, has: since gained a reputation unparalleled; fully •sustainiitg the or. redness of the ,, lamented - Dr. - Gridleys last con. ,fassion, that •'he dared not -die without giVjog to puate - rity:the benefit-of liis""knowletige- en this subject, and he 'therefore bent tieathed to lii4 .friend and and attendant Solomon Hays, the secret - tirtiiiilise - OieTy:" -----------. . ---'--. • I Hit now,ststed.inthe. principal. hospitals, And the private practice in our country, first and most certainly or the cure_.of• the Pita, and 'also so extensirefy,and effectually as to baffle credulity. -unless whereits efrects'are"WitrieSaed• - • :External= • ty in the following complaints: .., _• . " . -.. _ ~.- . 6 . . 6 'vi . Fur Dropsy-Creating.. extraordinary a - ._3____o(l:p . tioit at once. - " --C . - M1 Swqlliiikif - - - -R - e'ducing - them in a feW "7C . Cro., hours, . . . . • w liltettinaliam-.-Acutebr-Clironic.,-giving:s."2l' zi quick case. - 0 • Sore .ThrOal—By.cancers,,olcers or colds: C 4 CrOup. or Whooping Cikigh—Externally 5 -i O and over the chest. - --- All Bruises; Sprains - and Burns-;-Curing ti app- fevi g • Sores and Ulcers—Whether fresh or long "El w standing and Fever sores. ; c.) • • . . . its.operations upon adults anit=".children yew duding - rheumatic - swellings,- and- lotiseing coughs Ijkilti4Sll - 01 . the . chest by'• relixation of the .parts, has . beet' surprisingJeyond conception.—. The common remark those •tito have used it in the It acts like a charm."' , f lOs.u.sed only as an exterhal•apphcaCon,..nnd . ttVereign pottier In curing. the above.named complaints, is justified by scientific principles. Out of the many warm recommendations this 'Remetly has reccived, the following only - are sub: joined. They are generally eWaetsirom - letters koni persons of the highest . respectablitrivltose names. art not: published fw obvious reasons; though. the' writers: have-not objected-3o -Initle them blown to-such as wish to see•them. , • . •.• Cincinnati, Oct. 91141856. 7" Of all the remedies we -• sell; none giveisir deChied sstishictionins . We can. procure, if you dc4ire,' the best recommendations from . some - of - our - most-worthy citizen" • .. • . :' ' Bufferia, Sp r &NM, 1837: '!I have sold all the Ilays"Limmentand- could have told much more.. ._ludge-is'cured by it, & .'lriii - sent at least twenty persons_here to bu y . it." : • Vickstntrg. January3d, 1837; ' iVenieln want of flays' Liniment,and _the_ sales are uncommonly nod, and the article finis Co.,' unrivalled. It is used for a variety of corn. plaintsy and 'apparently with great effect-in all. Mr. D.' , a planter now here, has. written,' near half `page about the, cure he has experi enced b , not having before left Kilionse for .?.... months. Ile was cured of riles in - fo - 4-eight hours( we will send you his eulogies whieh may be of 'service to Mr. Hays." ' - • I , Charleston. S. C.. Dec. 28111, 1837. --“ --1-have.heett tfupessed for four years 'with the Piles, my sufferings have been intense, and my physician had recOnuttended' an operation us the -only- meittls_of_telief._'_Days'i. Linimentwas ad vised, and 1 have' used one 'bottle, and so lar as'i , can .1100 ant fully and entirely cured'. • I cannot refrain , fit;na . expressing my anxiety to have its •qualities more- extesisivelY known. • - . • .-_•, • • •• • • , . 4 NeuiOrleans, Nov. 3sr; 1836. -”Mr. Hayse—lihave damned (black Medicines,. Calomel Doctors, Lobelia Steamers, -Vegetable Doctors, and so on to the end, last of all myself,. _life_and every thing hesidesrhavingall sorts of an idea about a heap of comftirt, in. exclitiii-g—lifti far 1 liat-place-e-r igh t - smartchancehotter - thn n any Arlin in- these parts.—l have-had the Piles for 1 eig.'een monthsitill.l_, gut your Liniment three days ago, and now I am well and' inife ‘ throwri Physic to the dpgs." . St. Louts, May sth, 1837, . "We dont • knine what the. people do 'with FIN '9 . Liniment, sure they . cannot all have 'the Pile?). we reckon. it is used fotritlietnnatism, - and cough % sores, swellings. «We have sold a. large quantity this year, as you- may knniF/IY - otiflatt Rtirchsise v -which is ull gone, Please send di two gross more, mnd - cilso - the - articles ordered-last week,.if not already shipped.". --. a_ • • Yours, 84c. ' AV might multiply such as the above to in. de t_€ tetgib„,httt prefeethat,persons generally . who sell the article should' exbibit to theie — itia: , tomery the original certificates they. lame on hand.lt.is for sale by S. C. BOLANDER, Also for sale at the store_ef S. Elliott: - Abtice to -Creditors. • — Take Notice-thatwe have appliato= the-jut*, es of the court of common pleas of Curnberland county for the benefit of the insolvent.,!aws.ot this commonwealth, and, they have appointed Mon day, the' 13th day of November, : 1837, at the court•lintise in Carlisle, for the hearing of us and our creditors, when and where you may attend . if you _think.proper.- --- WILLIAM WKINLEY, JACOU WEIYRICII, JACOB - BAUM. • JAS: 3U[:LIVADj; JOSEPH FRY, JOHN WCORMICK, - --JACOB 'RI Y -- • WILLIAM -BOYER, _ - • . PETER R6ODMAN. Oct. 17. 383 • .- - - Stock and Exchange -Bittort.Eß Harrisburg, Market street, opposite to Wilson's qmocasmaato . Buys and sells Notenntall_kintis.• Stocks bought and sold. LOTkERY PRIZES caski-d;lfid-all -information-givenrelative to LOWERIES.-- • August 21 107. 48 • Election' for Sauk Directors. • • CARLISLE BAilit, .october.32. 183 r, Notle:4ls hereby, given-to the stockholders in this - institution, that an election will he held (*the third .Monday of Novevber next, '(being the"2oth day,) at the Banking House; td ; ;thirteen ,- Directors, to serve _during .the .yeas then to ensue. ---. • ;-- W. S. COBEAN, Cashier, .:"October 17;1837. . • MORRISOTS TILLS. N'N - E L RTI . . aentrgi agent ror Pennsylvania. Maryland, Delaivareitro; ' -Non south 7th et. three doorrbelow Market U., Thiladel - North et., Baltimore,* sear the Pott-Cif, / . . . . . . HEALTH EICEEED• ET THE 'IISE OVTHE:MHOHAH -•.. .i . A.GET' DEE .VNIT:EIHIAL 'HEDLeIRES:OII . .. T E HOTISIt COLLEctE .01/ : . . . ' . HEALTH, Loisior, • ' • 7 :-. .--- " - , - -. WHICEi :we obtained the Ap.piobation and Recommendation of 'thousands, -wholiave beck -cured- in-COnsumptian,Chblera-kturbus,Litiflama. -tioas - -interually or externally, 'and all diseases of the ' Liver, 14110 W VeVer, 001 H, AlletiMatisni, Lumbago`, Tic Deloretik. DrOpsy, 'St. 'lrish's's 17 - tiance, - EpilepsAAppOplexy,LP-alsy,-Green-Sick, `ness, and ati . obstructions;tolwhich - the Female form is-so' distressingly liabl'e,-- - dnd".which send 60 Many. of the fairest portioatif the dreatiori - 10 . their untimely graves; Small 'Pox, Heagles, Whooping -ConlicScarlet .Fever,'Ast Inos, .3 au indite; tirave I; Stone, and !‘ll l .lrifiiiry , Qbstructions;;Vistida, Piles, Strictures; Ruptures, Qtul Syphilis iri'all its stages, , Constipated 'Bowels, Wolms, Scurvy.RChing - of the Skin, King's Evil; and.all ;Cutaneous- Disotxlers ;- :in, short, every Complaint; . which the human frame is so direfully subject, under all their varied : forms tind names;, as the' Tlinceian conviction is, that man is subjec t to only one reed disease / titat is, 'to the . impgrity of thc blood,. from whence springs 'every 'complaint -that can_possiblrassail his com. pliCated frame, and that it is the perpetual Strop' - gle•of OAS vital, pure- stream of-life,-(the gift of - Almiglitfpow,er) to disencuroberitself of its "is. Cons. acrid • humors,- with-which it has:become .. .... Commixed. .' Tint valuable medicine, being composed only of vegetable matter, or- medicinal herbs; and war= ranted on oath; as containing notrone particle.of mercurial, mineral,• or chemical substances, (all of which 'are uncongenial to the-nature of Phan,- and therefore destructive to the •human frame) is found AP be perfectly harmless to the most. ten delL,ags,or weakest Rame;-undereyerystage of hurtran belogit=in --and at the same time' the nnoat.cer. tam -in searching out the trot of every complaint;' however tieep,_tutffof perlbrming a cure that,-was -ever offered to the world. This wonderful elfett,, too is produced by the. ;east IN - ruble lolbq pa. trents, - .hy_nrierely:stystlowi riga - certain number of ptlls, and being. calleffa few extra times to the 'Purpose of - evacua t ticm., with- the : least .possible, sensation'of exhatistion of b ounty strength; and without the' fear of catching cold, or7atten. tiOn ttl dress of diet, in.-any -way _different; from . - 'their accustomed liabits. These pills cure in all cases,.."and cannot be taken to excess. Experi ence, which is the touchstone of all human knowl edge, has long_ borne testimony to the fact; and extensive" usiz•Aif them has already ver;fied its truth in this country. . •' _e,__ - These medicines 'cure by purging,' and yet the weak, the feeble, the infirm, the nervous; - the delicate are in a 'feet .days strengthened hy . their pination, because they clear tliebody.Ofritsbad -Immtirsrtma-jnyiniablyz-Troduce_-sound sleet;:_ They are.the safest and'most ellica'cious Medicine to take to sea; preventing scurvy,"costiveness Sr.c . ' The e - operatiem of this - mild:Meilieihe,".%%?ldcli . conveys immediate conviction of-its utility,. from -the first dose is as - beneficial to the mind as the liody; first calming,- then . curing all- Mental de.' ratigements; Eccentricities, - Nervous Affections, Irritabilities. and IteitleSsnek s, ' t on , ~ whatecer 11 source; complaints which ;1% li therto not been `properly understood, as the / eists`have found them all to proceed:from acritmilligs humours in the blood,-.and, happily for the pre ritaild fiftine. race .of_mankiml, discovered a cheap and -univer sal mode of purifying, miring Land preventing. . -' The being cured of - any disease, infirmity, of . - Sore, is..now no more a - dubious or uncertain:pro. eedure;--perseverance in the Vegetable Universal I Medicines will atways - - restore nature-to. her-.due course , . ,The literary and sedentary, of both• sexes, Whoile pursuits semuCh impsir the-fa - 61A- F _ties, will find a sure :remedy in-_the UniVersal Medicines for preserving and-spriglth , finess of the'tinaglhaiion, and- improving -their ' health; old age - will _ beattained by the- use of them; and passed-free from pithi and infirmities:: ' They-are not enveloped with the mysteries•of other medicines; they only reqWre - to be perse vered in_withTsufficiently large doses, and the pa tient will come off well;--when a disease is ob., stinate, patients frequently do not-take doses large , enciiigh. , . . . . ' The medicines are comprised in three different articles only, viz:, in two kinds of pills, of differ ' ent strength. or power, desigitated by No I and 2; ,the:first is a powerful, but most mild and gen tle apetient,or opening Inedicine,-detaching-and .partially...removing_the bithous_ropy, Intmouri,: whilst the No. 2 Pills carry oft' those ainl'+the . serous acid and putrid humours; incidental to the ,body; and act together as a-ferret in a warren, never. resting until &Very avenue of the human ' frame' . is thoroughly searched, and cleansed Of its impurities. -^ The Vegetable Cleansing Powders are ofgreat assistance to patients and facilitate the of bad humours; the ten, cleanse, and detach the acrimonious phlegm , ; . -cooling. and allay the thirst. -, One, two, or three ;murders may be taken throughout the day, mixeclin-half-Lium, bier of water. The _pills are sad in packets .of $l, $2, and $3, and 25 anil 507 cent - bbxes-Etlie two former consist agihree boxes each, viz: one box of No. 1, and-twoboxes of No. 2—the latter,_one larger box with a'division; the powders are in separate boxes'at 27i cents each. - (lain consequence oftherepeated solicitations of the agents, and for . the convenience •of the Public-in-gener.ll, - 6rixee of 50 cents, and 25 cents each, can note be Ilactaf all the:Agents. , - moil isi-ANA, the Pamily- Adviser 1 - oftite-British-C Ilutre ;A ,I 1 ealth, 3d Edition. price $275; and - PIL "ricAL PROOPS,ot the Hyge-- 7( ian-systern of I byaiology,-inclucling the ' , Origin of Life." " Treatise on Small Pox , "*Letter . on Cholera Itforbus."- and many attested cures effect ed in this country; as well asin Great Britain, 6th Edition, price 34- cents . -- The Hygeian Medicines are alllinpailid into this country at,ngreat expense, notwitlistanding which they are sold at the same price •as in P.ng land., They . have. - been 6 years before the Amer ican public; their preeminent success in the relief of the afilicted„.llto usands can testify - - - Ce• CAUTION.—In. conseryttenc*of the high estimation-in--which-Morrison a -Pills-are \ held-by. the public, it has indiiced an innumerable host of unprincipled counterfeiters - to - attempt imitations„ under deceptive terms thuslo delude the unwary, and' foist their nostrums for the Genuine Hygeian -Medicine; in consequente Of which,. the_ Agent has taken the precautionary measure of having an. _Extra Y6loW Label - fixed on eaeh'Packet, signed byThe Agent of each State and District, and - by -thetirSub.TAgentsiin-every-Countyt-the-imitation of-which will subject the forger to the Severest punishment the Laytean inflict:- and his further to be noticed,.thlit none of - .the -- above.-_-Medicines can be obtained -- in arirDrug - Store throughout the Union ;the Drug Stores being the principal source thioughi , vihith the Counterfeiters, vend their-spurious-articles: azrßewectable parties may he appointedi-A gents on liberal terms, by applying to. the General, ! Depot, No.. Soo7II 'SEVENTU STIUST, three '-doors.behw_Marketstreet,_Philadelphia-4nd at No. 10 Ninilt street:Baltimore, nearly opposite th Post Office, where the Genuine Medicine may _always he obtalned.' - For sale in Carliste - ,TtUtlielitcTfoT3f • ___ BiicHITNER. - - • Sept. 4, 1837. . • - ADJOURNED SALE. , . nHE FARM and two lots of Timber land, T belo ngi •to Wm. H. Woodburn; positively be sold at publiesale', on the preen: ises, , on Wednesday , the 22d day of Novem berneist: Forklysorjption of :property and terms - of sale, refer tosthe Carlisle Herald St, Expositor:previoui to the 22d - inst;" • - • JACOB SWOYER, Assignee 01•Wrn. H. Woodburn. . Newville, 0ct..24 f 1837. lilt. EVAN $P IVIEDICAL PREPARATIONS t. . fl; the.'Onjoymeot `of healttri~epehde'on.p're= • serving - .the',;complictited fitneiioi s of the STOMACH, LIVEIt,'INTEI3I'iINES.Bt LUNGS, ,ima -healthy and_ vigiarous'atatei iltrouh -I.lte-ope7.- rations of lv hiell'. 7 t he betty' receives its.growt its nutrition, and its - I:mport. r it can ho longer be astonishing that w hen .these Viscera are deranged. .0(1. cannot -perfOrm their 'proper futiciltut, the whele'systeed Shciild'suffer and'-become. disorder. ed,,Tfleblood is inadefrofliihe contents' of the stomach ; has by the action ;of the lungs; and us it performs its duty in circolationg through the veins and axle. riesi . ltasitsAllolv •tir billions'excrement; which may be - termed its reflise 'orWaal out7Siilhtieb , -collected: and discharged . by the • e viscera, then:are the antiMonial mechanism o tip." Partittis by which the blood-is mantifacturAnicl preserved f and it ik.therefore obvious .that- the state.of be'llie first Consideration of the physiciani -- Now.there are various caused thai will affect and derange these organs With which the bloodAias nothing,whatever to do..' 'Huss the stoma.cli may. be- ntterly debilitated in one.; niov . ment,'.by . :arright, grief, disappointment, heat of, the-Weither,•or any other.nervoris action;:and be wholly-tenable to digest its fond. ...fs the blood to ,blame for this? A NERVOUS AdTior , tor long continuance, will produce. settled DYSPEPSIA, With head-ache. ,bile, mental and physical dehili. ty ; ankfuneral ..retinue of other evils;. Is the; -blood to blame for this? Inteinperance, r by.in4 flaming the coats of the stomach, and Jellying it in flacid; prostrate weakness ; and an tisolice cpialitity and, continuance of purgative Medicines,- by - produeitig the saute effects,.wilt put this organ almost -out of use for digesting wholesome solid final, and Urns impoverish the blood and the whcile system. IS the blood la blame fiirthia?—; Again, with regard to the Gangs, it is well known, that a slight . told, cicessioned by. flanap, feet or.by a currerit.,rifniir, will iitfla'me the brunchhc...all .darriu:thinitglt brunching' air tubes .of the flingeicessive moquitros, or .that dreadful insidious disease, Consrimption, with. -.pustules and suppuration of the lobes, which; though 'timely retriediei 'May prevent, no earthly skill - can._ctire: - --Is the blood of the fair and bloom. ing_victim to blame for this? Srithe_liver, when Climate, sedentary habits, intemperance,-or tither' prostratiag'causet: have Withered away or 'paraly zekit wdli distetition,-becomes actilire-to carry.tdi the bile-from-the eiretilatiom - ank instead_ of dis charging. It through tlte gall - bladder, bladder leae's It to come through ihe :skin in jauMliced and sallow fluids, and to rush upon the Stomach in irregid:ir 'mid - excessive • quantities.- - Is . the unfortunate _blood to blame for-this No?' these vital ()tabs are never afreeted 7 by - the blood; loud after the bloodinis_. been affected by them t they are the makers and -masters, audit is merely their' worik and their passive agent,- . , to ,be sound and .detnoustratecl -fact in science-and experience,-Dr.-M: EVANS? .4ystetnlifrpractice.isTiufaillolif acc - 011ance_with it., lie fliills . to keep the Siam: ch, the Lungs,:andA Liver in vigorous and regukte action, t 6 ilia three great fountains Of healtil and Por — tliiirptir-. pose he prescribes his beautifully eflicaciaits:A Ail ENT PIAS (acknowledged by medical men who have analyzed and recommended tht(m, to be equal to t i ny in the:world) in cases which rvqttice the cleansing of the stomach and bowcla ; and his celebrated CAMOMILE or TONIC:PILLS, in cases. of nervousirritability, stomachic weakness . , or . general 'debility. A vast-majority of human thypithe priticipaY.viscera.witli the nervous sys tem ; seeks disease in the most sirbtile fibres of its roots, ittstecUliT vainly linping - lo titp"ate stßyPlueking .011 its leaves and More dii .tant. branehes, this APERTENT - PTLIA — UiII alrttiat any -purgative medicine,calt.dn„-thtt:is thoroughly cleanse the• stomach amt,howels ; and IiticAMOWILy. or TONIC PILLS, cotithiniart - s . they.. also .det, the .most delightful •• ANODYNE• - known-ittmediCinit, will-doi.have-done,..and...are contitUally doing morelo Strengthen,restoreand Sustain the human constitAitin 'than: anyother.. I Itiettteitielltat ,ItaiS yet .been clrseovered. Of this he has innumerable proofs, and this no man can detiy.without falsehood. Dr..YVM. EVANS' mediCal preparations are for tr Stornath and Nervous Diseases.. In Incliges. lion, Dyspepsia Billions Affections or. Liver Cam plaints, ..11eaktburn or `Acidity in the StoMach, 'lightness at 'the Chest, Loss of A ppetite, Pain in the side, or Flatulency. •Ily pochondriacism., Low Spirits, Palpittdiorts orthe :11,-tirt,. Nervous Irri tability, Nervous AVeakness, Fluor Alin's, SetM vostf Weakness, lit t I igesti s,- Get - whir I ity; Ilodily — Weakness, Cotorosis - or - C.Wett — Slekaes'C Flatulent or nystern I Paintings, HyStt , rics, Dead :mite, litectip, Sea S)ekness, Night. Mane, Gout, Rheumatism, : ,,Astlints, tic Dolereux, Cramp, -Spasmodic- A iTectionti,- Nausea, Voiniting, Pains 'in the Side, Limbs,- head, Stomach or Back, Dim ness Or ,Confitsion of Sight, Noises in th e Inside,. alternate I' Itishings of heat anti civilness,'Tu mors, Watchings, Anxiety, Spasms, Had Dreams, .Ag - itations, will in every case be relieved by an , occasional dose of Burins' efimontile Indies, during the time of pregnaey. arc' often troubled Sianess, Winitinft / 'HeartMilli - Head:ache, Tooth•tehe, Hysterics, and other t rout)] egome_ symptoms cffictually_reietied t by.thsse ifeep - arations. . , - • Dr. W:11. I , 7,VANS' MEDICAL; OFFICE, No. ARCADE, Chesnut street, Philadelphia.: •' .E9sale_atlhe [(enlist arza V.i positor Office.= • June 5, 1837 • - ROBINSON'S 0 ICE,[V 80 Bali. al, 4 doors Celow thi rianklitr-Bank. 50,000 DOLLARS., Persons• at-a-di st ance-di posed. to.t lock in either of the following granil Lotte ries4,,one of which draWs aliernately• every week—are respectftilly requested to frirwartt their orders to ate subscriber, eiicfosing the cash or prize.tickets, designating the Lottery will receive 'immediate attention by return. niail;:and'iltedraivingsfOrwaided r wh n o _ ter (if requested.) ' E. W. )2,?131N_S • • - • Baltimore. Md. DRAWING OF LOTT4RIF.S.—Order in which the several Le Lotteries will be draWn. Maryland SMoLotteries draws in Bald more everv.other Monday.. grpitals rau.e from_lo,ooo, 20,000 to_s3o;COO ; Delaware State Lotteries draws twiceever* week; capitals vary from 5 to $lO,OOO ; Grand Con oliditad - Lottery_ draws once_ - every -week, - capitals 20;000i - 2.5,000 to $30;0001-Aleilan- Aria Lottery draws once every other week, capitals 10,000, 20,006, sommoormo ; glom State•Lotterr draws every Sattirday in - each Week, capital prizes range from 10,000; - 2000, 20,000,..30,000 to $40,000. Tickets in the above Lotteries vary from $2, 4 4, 4, 5 and-10-eich, Shares in:proportion. _ • 11 letters •addressed to the-subscriber go pe ectly safe. No miscarriage has ever oc cu red. • 14,-1837-Iy-' Flaxpeed Wanted One Hundred.Busliels or clean riiiiieetl 'sint ed at the store 'of t!te Subscriber in South nano. ver , Streef. ' • . - S. C. BOLANDER: `,Carlizili . \Sept 18;.1837, 2,02 Figv2.:Z171102,4% ATTORNEY. AT,LAW : i - Souih•East of . Markel Square, Carliele ? Pa. OOLT.Strrariiii,* 01:Mt* The IndiairsootiliCl For the prevention and cure - of Coughsi Colds, Asthurias, ‘porisumpliOns, ,§pitting of Blood, and-iliseises of•the-breast and lungs, . . -- DOctor-Cia-rhoit4r .. eeman,.therOprie , . tor of We specific, :resided upwards of. far yeara among, the : di ff erent tribes of : Wartlit_ American I diali - i,larr &With :unwearied 'dill gence used, eve ry.rheana. in his, rimer- to, re quire a.knotvledge. .the:different remeies used by - them. for "the eure of :thei:nlek and - wounded-; and moreparticularlYthote - Whick. ,heY prevent and Cure the Coitstimpd • Aim,. and. Com p la ints : ial - theihreakatidineP., He • observed the' Indians ,we-e - suhjer:t to nu. memos and -.similar, complainW to:titoSe of -• white- people and - -frout‘. : their, inbde : eit i ni sed -- to - thoiricteinency-- of all_weethers, :man . - of - their tornplaints d were compli c ate and 'Although, • many 'pi' :their diseases were of 'such - a tta- •' tore as . would, with . :people . : in a civilized State haVe terminated iiiconfirMed conSump tions,j; yet, during •the.'time he was wick them, .ha ilid not hear of caie - .who died 'a consumption. • .So happy : aret they : in' their 'knoiviedge..of remedies, and so certain of- their effects-.: When applied in time, that : it may be said "a true 'consumption ig,aldisease 'never:known' • -or heard - among them." The truth of ; this: observation must.be corroborated-by all who. have had:the : opportunity of , becoming , .-60- An - ail - Wed with these people.' It bd. - asked w hy• they : are exempt from these'com-' Plaint!-4 The., reasOm is• obvintis ; because' they immediately seek for relief„ and pre- • -vent thmie complaints which insensibly. un- , clertnine the Constitution', and bring on incu ra:hle consumption,, - • - • • - 13illIbEdirection accompany each boltte--: cif the Specifie s pointing our - in a conspicuous Manner, all the- -syniptoms in the - different stages of-these distiessing,cliseaSes ; also-Para-- ticula rdi tections- respecting Diet- and • -linen, and-how-patients-are to conduct them-. selves through every stage until health is.re stored; for vain and useless would be--the :prescriptions-of-the-ablest- -pbysician±ac--, coin pained withthe'most powerfulnterlicines if his directions are not — faitlifully - - adhered to. . . . - -_llle_public-are` informedbat,the'deposi.i 'tioni of two hundred and eighty 4even,per4 sons have been taken before the iproper tlintities of the:city of Lancaster, Pa. all corn. Pletely; cured of The most desperate: :cases of consumption, sontemf'which are detailed In the bill's accompanying the bottle. .The . price each- bottle. of INDIAN • .SPECIVIC is One Dollar, ankeach envel . ' the genuine Specific is. signed by . Dr.-1 Clarkson a rk the initials C..F. on the seal of each bottle:: , None - can .be gene tit.d.wit bout thissignattire ; a base coinpesk, tion-having :been atteMpted-To--be'imposed - on - the public by a counterfeit imitation of is:ext ranttlinary . article. . •117' t constant supply of. !ha - above s,pec ifie4 is kept constantly on sale, by SAMUEL .I?,LLOTT,, Carlisle, and _by - Samuel Wilson Shitipemburg, • =•. Dec: 14, 1836.—1 i. liter. Dr. Bitrilliolqinesils PIN KrIEXP EC TOR A:NT SYR . Aii agreeable 'eath:o;old effective 'remedy 6i_ Coughs, - Iloarieness, Colds, ll'ains in the Breast. Hard Breathing; and Hifficult. expecteration: For d4dults F 3 Childien in cold H"rhe'tffnpriet9rs-iire , giware . Mat thererate.inany-' . remedies fur toughs and diseases of the lunga;• some-no , dOtrutlare-good, but it has retrained to a bite day to discover im article sn adMirably fitted fo - tlieseT 7 eOftiphiliTt powerful 7 and effectual; - and so,perfrctlyinicocent and mild. TLet.ff;t - thelitiblic - eliss Bit; scientific result of a learned. Physician and Divine with the - iiostrums --:- of..the day. Let.theur make a curefid perusal 6r the evidences attentlitjg - this article; their re spectability, and the decided manner in which they speak; and they cannot withhold their be lief to some of its virtues. Let us_ assure them. that a single trial of it will du more to convince all orits merits than Allotticy can see or hear ott the subject. It is quite certain that nO injury Ins ever been known to'arise from its free use. - .9n uncommon fact that this remedy is a syrup._asy . slutiatly s ou l - pleasant to - ilielsste - fts - : itie most poPlaiTiMch. cordial's and. Children. - take it always with the greatest readiness: -• • • Th'e pron - riet ors are now making rapid arrang& meats to have .this ariicte in the hands of every (froggi"..d and-apothecary in the conntry'; . " lUmay he known' to he genuine" by. the following • signa. lur e as h t low of the Rev. Gentleman and Phy , iiician_wha - k the author of it. It is with great pleasure that • the proprietor* ' are enabled thus to bring forward an. article se truly meritorious as this synifs, and from such a - source, and they. trust the community who have i;ieasionFrits use mayldwaysfind it within their' reach, both as to places at which it may be found ' ', aml_the [OW price al-Which it is sold. . A great comber of tiv most wonderful cores may : be seen fly calling on Mt. - 1101ander, st wlMse_tore kt is Mr sale. See BolaMler's papers. - DR. SUOBALL HEWES' Celebiated IthenimMic, Nerves • and -gone LINIMENT. Applied nuitning and night,--hus—curetLintn: clreds. It given relief in the swelling or the of the-throat, and relieves the ntutdmes4;, : . and contractions of the firths and will' take - met. bags down, and• iufkonatione, out of 'the . - rheumatism, bruises and sprains ft gilles immet ,hale relief 4 it sirengthens:.weak.limbsitntLeX,•, tends the cords when contracted.—A fettl drop .on - sheep% void ,applied to the ear.of deaf pee." sons, will by constant application; cause them to , hear in two,piontlis! time. ".'• • A. great number .of certificates of the most respectable and decent character may. be exam ! toed where it is Please eafi-on C.•floTander Carli4lic who Will give -further inforination, drieet: - Mr:ll6lander's' papers., , . Carlisle, October 36,1837. - - , --ty. . 48.... . .PUBLIC ..H USEi G.EO. PR CE, - - • ._,. . . _ .. .. . ' Formerly--of—Sunbtery,-- orilitinii.erhind.:x .. • • • Coun ~• - " ' .----- ..0 - • .- .-. .._ .tg,ileaie , res ectf yio..inforrn he_pubre,- Oat he bits remov o Han." urg, w here be has taken thatlike - titid - spacious - t t e-story-bilok house., formerly occupied by - Mathew. Wiliam, . - corner of Walnut and Third streets, .." , ^• . , • .HATIRISBURG,. ._ In View of the State Capitol, which h op nett on . - . the.first day.of May last, and , where he opes to? , mitinue to receive that patronitketo liberally bestoWed • on' - his - establishment-heretofore. ..Fle___ will at all times; be . pftitided with, every. thing necessary tp make his guests eomfiirtable. . 1 -•••-. ' • -: G. PRINCE." thrrrisbur ; lone .1837. • :: • : tf. Estate of Christian Convex., ,rteceised. , TTiRS' ofadminhttration upon the estate of Christian Coover, late of Dickinson Dickinson town. . ship, Cumbe-larul - county, deteated-hareihntied. in duelorm of law %odic subscriber, thsiihNgjars Ole' &map , ' said deceased, in . All persons having claims against 'sitigl,estate preent' them,",anit'those indebted will Make pay.' ment to' , ; ADAIPCOOVER. Sanigt Sept, 25, 1837. r .6*. • „ •