, ' `,, - MI EN 0UT.11., 5. • • - MOVAIR;Wf.S ••• ; tin el Cenutir,s,, HERALD AND Eivosrios," . , be issued at tIi'ODOLLARS.per annum; '• „;:to bQiio.l half yearly in advance. 4DVERTI3B:IIIENTSnotexceeding a square for three insertions, ONE..-DOLLA.R,., and every subsequent insertion, Twenty-five Cents, longer •• ones in propottion.. Letters' addressed to the publishers on husi -. - Bess,. MUST BE POST PAID, otherwise they will not be attended to. • •• . • ..* - AGVNTS: • . • • , The following personshave been appointed Agents, for 'the Carlisle Herald and Expositor. to whom payment for subscription and advertiseL • ments can be made.' • D. Slf ELLY, Esq. Shiremanstown, Cumb. Co. • ." Scope COYLE, Esq. Newville, do. _ PTKooArrz, Esq. N'ewburg-, - , . do. • Thos.', W.% H1111F45, Esq. Shippensburg, do: - 7 ----- , ---,Joux—Woxnximicti -- .,•Es — q - ; ----- do. Att.„_;,_„ R. WILSON, Esq/Mechanicsburg, do. • .11 , rxr.LIA,x1RuetattA; Etq Hopewell, do. c 4 R. S'rtinciloar, Esq,. Churchtown, do. 1- 10. As - n. IVnirE, New Cumberland, do. Tnos Esq. Bloomfield, Perry county A. BLAcii, Esq, Landisburg, • do: -elyt Slit• tali -"Witli:sweetetiloweri en From trarioutt gardens citit'd with care." - -• • vela: - . fit GEO. B. PRENTICE. --: ' ----1 01r± —. woUtif there-were some orb on high, Some Tar, far place of rest, ", • Where spirits worn with strife might IV,. And be with quiet bless'd ;'• • • I wander :here,. J. • • A thing for Joy to shun oeye — myliviug°stepst~~=cheer, -- —, . _ To weep for mewhen gone. 'l'l— My years have - been as dreams Id fee, Strange visions, wild, and grand, Alai! ilispelleA—hew bitterly I.l2 , disappolntinerWs, Warnli The hopckwhiali once so freely sprang, seemed o'er earth to dart, NoW tilumeles r s, chilled, and deadened, hang Like ice around my heart. A cold and itching sense of grief \,.\' - -Thro' - each dim current 'firs; A pain, which seeks a dark relief, In brooding o'er its woes; - -Mid buried joys I love to lie, Like some spell-gathering priest Where vampyre thought witlt.deadly eye; Comes to its nightly feast I, • • One Warm and living drop alone ) . In this sad prison dwells, Which ) like a hidden gem, path thrown A ray upon its cells; • Within my bosom, kiilkd and ornshed This frozen cave of care, One little spring of life-bath gushed; Thy smile dissolved it there! sweet! but oh '6,5 - passing now ; • The-spell-will soonrhe,o'er.;------------ . moment—oh& upon my beOw, ,• - • !Tope sheds its light no more ; I leave the only spot of. earth, - - Which turned - me towards Heaven, . And peace e'en in the hour of 1310 4 _ From its sad home is driven: i'Vell—,be it so-r-UH wend my ' Come Fortune's cross or era • n ; - Colcy==cbld I'll deem her 'Warmest ray, ' 11l I:uave her darkest frown! • sunny smile is gay and bright, iovEn 'twill never be; I seek a softer; purer light, And that beams not for ! I'll name thee not—but 11! farewell, fiinw—now I feel thy P k ilweel N 4 Ver may'st thou knOw—l ne'er can tell -- 1 1'he-anguish-of - this hour; 'Tie in my heart, and deep,and wide, A sworn imprisoned lake; Ventless—until the whelming tide Shall bid this prition--nnii.x.! 1 'Farewell ! perchance this form again ---May-neverneet-thine eye;' - Strangers - may wateh _my couch of pain, Tread o'er Me where I lie; • _ —Or should my wayward steps once more ' • Ttetrace_the-leagues -which'sever, be - to mourn thy image o'er, Lost— ! ~. — FarewillegainFand - thia - - - 4helast, • Be blessed—be happy still; , • With no regrette shade. the past, -The futurezbringeo ienh`it Mournful love, • My Spirit's-only bride; ‘. . _As some. fair being fronVaboie, •• . To earth's embraim denied. • ~Women in Parliament—A poet, in re spy.to" die long talk in favor. of woman Ve t:station, thus hits of the ,matter: , Still; should your plan, my friend beicarried,: , — " "And none but women that are married— : Grave spinters of;abotit 'three score; • - ' Or, il'ycru`will, say seventy-four.—,- " • t',Sltould_take_their_seats in -Parliament, - • - 'l‘o such asrangement I'll consent. but mace permit the!young-and fair, To gatit:a . lekal footing there, • ' Mark what 1 say; and .1 have done, • (,Believe ms!,l don?kmean,to pun,). Iteformwould.surely be prevented ~...---;' And we b 6 still MISS-represented ) , • ' • • . . . . • . • • • • • • . . .. • . . . . . • . . • A. • t . . All . • . , . , . . =MS •. ,.—.-Z o IRV? ' "ELY . 01 17 -E -111 - &PAW- . ":711HLtfir • t sciik a ycis, aGRIIC)ULTII Rig •filar ! ur By U. 11. moons, Ausuon , OP " MAnr -MORRIS.!' Mrs. West's absence from the break fast; table was immediately noticed by her husband, on the - following morn - ing. HeinstantlY despatclfed - a„,servant i: t to her phamber_to_seo ifs .he-wag here. The answer returned vy as in th_ nega liii.e;lttia-A7l-0 il n ce'llo IA ' o r wh 'eh liisi he relinquished coffee slid started to his feet, pushing back his chair in surprise. , 'Not:-in her chamber!' -. 4 .1‘T0, sir,',replied the servant. • - - • 4 Where, - -then? - where is she?- . Go -qu i ck--tell-4.14an uel-to —co me--here.,-'-he Cti_ hurriedly said,. eyideu . l __alavrned at the circumstance ; 4;ilt — e .deavoririg to. conceal - his anxiety from observation. At- his side were three or four domes= tics--in attendance. 'Go you - to the nur sery;'.hecontinued, speaking to . one of them, 'see if she.s . tlApre. If she is net, ask the nurse where she. - is.quick' He ordered the rest out of the nom, and up and down tlie_apartmentfstrode„ with.one hand ,thrust into the bosom of his vest, and the other . _ pressed. against his forehead. : Manuel entered hastilg,_ . with an :appearance - of concern in his countenance and a look of-surprise, as sumed forthe occasion. Use had made it second nature to .him,-a — nd he-could. be.. sorrowful 'Or glad at- - a.'moment's _warning._ - -gone!': he ex .claimed, as . if he knew. nothing of it. , ‘Yes--gone!' cried kis nriaster.-7STie_ isigonegone, and I amieft to misery and shame!' • . At this moment - the' servant - serit to the nursery re-entered, and announced that Mrs. West was not there; and that the nurse knew nothing of her... .'--Then this confirms it,' vociferated the enraged husband—she_ has eloped with her seducer - Byard!' emphasizing the name of his relation With a bitter too, Whilst his very teeth grated with th&energy of his passicia: 'I saw the villain but yestbrday, and told him to .gone,,or that [would blow his brains out if I found_ hint here again!' 'The—the child,' hesitatingly articu lated the servant, wishing to speak, but _afraid to;__ disconcerted. by the vehe mence of her. roaStei r s - langliage. - Faint as was her utterance, it. was heard by the ear for which it ‘vasintended. As drowning men. will catch- at-straws,- Mr. West. eagerly uttered the 'word, 'the -child—what of that—speak!' "Tis asleep. •in its cradle with the", -- nurse - ;' - was — th - e - lii - astesponse of the servant, eroWding her words together as fast as her utterance• would.lpermit t for she was actually alarmed—her mas ter, in the eagerness 9f the moment, ha ving seized her by the wrist, fixing his eyes wildl — u on her __ _ in - its cradle, - say • 'Yes—yes, sir;' she replied, trying to disengage herself from the grasp - of tier 'questioner; who .how'burst : out_ into loud laugh of exultation, mechanically letting go his hold of the maid at . thd same•time,_.whilst a_beam ofsgisfaction lighted 7 up the expression of 'his - lace. 'Then I have - Ayronged cried he; 'she his not gone. That:child she loves as :Tondly ever inotlier loved — her babe; she would not leave it—no,_site. never courcr. No, never so much for get the sympathies of• woman's heart!'. Confident' of what hes call ingaSserted,-mitt the domestics together, he gave er r ders- for then . ) •to seek her about the place,. which . they did thoroughly, but after iin_hou'esusearch;-it-was-distinctly aseeffained lhatshe., was neithe mansion or neighborhood- A horse_was saddled, and Manuel sent - to the city, to inquire among her - relatives—perhaps she was there. , absence of master -strode - 'ckwards - anAldrwards; with - 01 - ifirria pace, an anxiously and impatiently 3ooking out for his servant's return. His eyes fr 6 -- quenily bent to Abe but ..at--the. slightest noise they - vr . qad .glance to -wards the road, expectWto encounter the object they desired to see. The longest day must have an end, and at last Manuel' came. •Mr. West'hurried ,down the gravel walk to• meet him, and Instinctively taking hold of the bridle, o .o,Pped.the horse, whilst hoodeman'ded. in - Aaste of the rider, if he had seen or.heard bny.thing of his wife. • = . ..sir, replied . MannelJl haVe nei thereeen nor belted of her.' 'What: they know nothing of her?' -1 : - 'Nothing! ', 'Then she is gone,'-said the husband; enipfiatically.l giving utterance to his yrords l o‘Gonet gone!' beating his breadt • Belch Cate. -- From the Pennaylvania -- Inquirer. T FIE GR(IOI[SIitIAN.. A Talo founded upon Incidents in foal t Life.- c (Contiiiued.) CHAPTER • . .. ...i• . .. , . . , . , . . . , . _ —. - 4 1 . 1 rtn,ted-an -.Pubiisited—lreekly'hy-Geo*---01----Phillip ,-.• Geo. Ii Peet ey in Cettlisle funitterlund County Pa. _,. • .- . ~ ---. • _,_ ._ • r g! in 'the violence of his'emotions.' , 'Gone; and left her ehilddeprived the infant 'of a, Mother's tare. . I thought her in- capable of ,sucli . , an - act, - b - ut find I -- gate her credit for sensibility. she rietrerpos sessed. 7 - As he . finished Speakinp he dropged his hand from the bridle, and walked backwards_lOward .the'house— serrowful—dejected. ...Manuel rode to the stable,, put the horse up, and went 1 ,,i, into the drawing - room where his. mas ter was sea 'So,' sat the litter, as he rose and . commenced pacing to and fro, 'her re la tiv_e.s_ have,itot .seen = herr.` . ' - • .-- ... 'No, sins --i-N Ife — r4ou :iay?' .'They . have, neither- seen nor heard are at.her disappearanee In fact, they are alarmed, and •purpose, visiting you •Wisiting.me! not see them! If they come, tell thetn. I'm absent,. or, if -you-choose r ttelikthem,l,Tam_atit.otee,„bet wont. be seen. OVNlanuel, my-disho .nor is now' - ccitnpletel—made public to the world! Little did I'think, ,Vhenat the altar I,macie her mine, that I Was reserved for , a, fate like this!". • Ast be spoke, he clasped together his uplifted hands-, and the'tears of ag,ony_drenched "his eheek! The tears of a woman are not unusual, and we , may expect them many.occasions'; but. when .a. man, weep'S, when the sterner heart is sub dued, we may, of a certainty infer that ,the cause, whatever it is,„must - be pain furindeed. , . _ 'Sir,' said Manuel, 'let .me advise you to _forget it,_and• think of her no more„buttake_another in her stead.' divorce from -the—first, marry again; add you can again enjoy the 'advantages-and the comforts .. that:your_ wealtkaffdliN2 •A divorce!' 'Yes,;.„&v.hYLyou echo me, • and-seem .amazed that ) ! should propose• it. It's . but - an-every-day. occurrence.- Many like you, sir„ have married with hopes of perfection in the choice they made, and have experienced . a like disappoint ment.-Many there are that live toge ther,-nomilially man and_ wife, bound by the rites of the church; •but - who would willingly be sundered. They would, but can't: you can. Your wife has left your bed and hoard, and if you but ask a divorce of the authorities, they-cannot refuse.' a divorce of the authorities?' 'Ares: by all means I advise you to do so. Wed nother. There are i. many as fair as sheds — merry one of them, and let the wife that has deserted you, see that you can live, and happily too. As -for her, let her go: let her bask in the arms of her..parambur.. 'Tis but an ae -cident that has happened, to . you, and r ybushbuld_look_u.ponitjn_ no other light. We are all liable to 'misfortunes, arid why should you be exempt? Par don my plain speaking, but I consider it my duty. .If you marry again ) the same ,niay happen again, 'and it may not. Like every- thing else, it -is all -chance,=Orte-ma n ;cscapes-the - - _ga ows tbat deserves it, while another that . is. innocent, hangs. One man is suddenly. thrust to the-steeple-top of tune; with -out even .desiring it; whilst others that have toiled, their existence"for.it, fall short of it,. and sink forgOtten. to un heard-of graves...lt , is chance—k.say again, get a divorce and iiiiirrY - iiintlief.:' — 'Nolanuel ntr! Ido not wish the kno_wledge.of my dishonor -more pub 7. lie than it is. You.tal c k of marriage as . a_matteri-of-66sineasizlas—a-7merchtint-- would. speak of a bargain: but .to me there is sorocthin - of it; more more holy, than tbe thoughts you entertain of it. 'Twas, not for the gratification of sordid appetites that I married - Julia—no; but because 1 loved - her:" • 'Loved her! Nonsense! You were Alreamiiig! This love of whielbyou talk; may answer well enough for.the rhymes" poetry; or . the, exaggeration,s,of ro .manee, but. if a nalyzed L it falls *tle_otlr the test of eritiiism. •Jack-o.'-‘ lantern that .flickers 'in the path of al , 7m - ost - revery - Owe' i n fi eu 1 es,. if not to, actual ruin. For' ex ample, your own case*, s 'Nay speak not. thus; torture tort yOu . •,tortiourself- r -by ting , vex you. Tam giving you good advice,. if You'll_ take it.! .•, • 1 . Here a pause ' occurred in the cpnver- S tion for a •minute or tWo, which_ftfs thus.resumed,briVir. W.: 4 in:her thad centre.d.all myjoys, an'd.in her - my hap'- pineis is wrecked! I am_ now an object for r tliefinger of semi!! -The world will sneer as it 'Mints at My disgrace—Ss it Wl's the tale, and' in mockery, pities me!' Approae ing a mirror, and view ing, the reflecron of himself in the , glass, 'see here, Ito ir..„l,am altered,' he 6 - iriti" noedj icida'verous cheeks; and a hollow eye for. Ilk. bloOtn . .of health ,'and the T UE SIP 'Another-!? ECIE I''3- ' 0 .71 PE .711 B' . _ flash of fire!' Toy a moMenthe palqr s l l ll while his bosom_ heaVgd With the tho - that tip& ssed.Jt it. then dashed the. to from his -dm. and called, for wine,, nd _witl - Cle_-vehement„Voice,he, -cried 'GI-hie me the\glass-4'll drink; drink! nd drown_ my yecollectien - in the s rkling . fluid! -Another, another again •;- and another! drink till my brain - whirls, and my sen ses are steeped in Lethe'swave!!_, As he' - said, so it proved. He conti nued to drink till• completely inebria ted, and actually staggered as he ascend= ed the-stairs.taLhia..thamber.--This r wes erirlV in the ev_erlitig - if, ' of- the: establishment--hadnot yet re tired, when, about 'ten o'clock, the re *portAit-e'--pistol -'lvairr-heettllrtnrr-the room of Mr. West, The door of his room was locked: the servants bursted it open, and there they found their noes , ter upon the floor, drenched in blood, with the pistol :Allis side, and the room _fill_edwith- smoke. , 'ls he dead?' cried Manuel. _ 'Yes,' answered another, who was in -the act of raising hini from the floor. CHAPTER Ilt. Life! what' is it? .What else but a passage to : the tomb, or else to the hum bler mound where the long grass' waves as the wind means by; Where decrepid age arrives at lastovithscrutch and,tot tering step, to end- his pilgrimage;--- Where.the.middle-agertare sleeping, and youth lies at rest! For my own part,_ whilit bounding about in the insolence_ of health and the buoyancy of youth, it seems as could- never die---as if I titust But reflection call in% back to - reason: . The funeral trideilip . path daily,. with_i_ti_long_liffeo . f mourn-- ers and the Hearse, windirig slowly through fhe.sii ets, with the active and the living-throng, ipon its-Way ; to the burial. ground, thei -. to deposits its dead, .1 - pause as it-passes-oie, and--the thougbt inevitably - iritrudesi : sthat I - too Must-share the common lot. Perhaps, ' tee - , ero I have gatheiZ:d around any broW" the laurels I anticipate, or drank of the faPie"fer which I thirst. Mr. `Vest "was . not. dead, as the do mestics at first sight were led to believe; for on lifting him from the floor, respi ration was perceptible, and the effusion of blood being stopped by*Manuel, one of the servants was sent _off forAhe near est physician, who luckily happened to .he . disengaged; -- and came at once. The -wound, though serious, he did not con sider mortal. His first care Was to wash .offthe.gore i and have his linen changed. The''sofferer was then put tO•hed, and other remedies applied in plaCe'of the simpler applications of the servant. Af ter being put to bed he , I nTaa spoken to, but whether he - hearil or not, he return ed no answer. The presumption is, that he_iwas. coinpletelyinsensi ble -from-the exuberant loss of blood. He neither spoke nor Moved,'but lay quietly upon his back; and the only indication of life to be-.perceived,, was thelow wheezing' sound so peculiar to the respiration of the sick; and which must be familiar to' -t h e-ears-of-eac 1-ro 1 - My — read:ars Wife 'his watched by. the couch of' arr4valid,. The Wholehouse was hushed, and ren dered as-quiet as possible. The domes tics,epon tiptoe and with a moisele'ss tread, went through their ordinary du ties-,- For nearly a week be lay in a kind of torpor, withatit once speaking, and 1 - scarcely ever-moving-niking_po_suste, nance but the little Ahat was,foreed in to his mouth, and swallowed with the reception; Of the langs. His eyes-were, almost all the time closed; when opened, irwas but fora-few se- I I -condo r -with-a-spectro4ilge glare; -=then shut again,like the faint flickering of a' dandle.consunied to the wickyzas'simul taneously it. revives — and,goe,w:out. The physician was constant ill his at - Aficei evuTeiii - alhe7greatest concern for the welfare of his patient, andeven tually had the-diSinterestedsatisfactiOn `orfithlintiiirnthValeseent.t tithe-the wound began to heal.rapidly, and 'the: recovered strength enough_tO-eit - upright in iced..• At the - end of • the second chapter, in. the;progresaof - thirnatativeiwe-left-Mrs WeWest on board of 'the sehooner k Where Sheihad been entrapped by the wicked Artifides _of her•' ‘ oWn _cousin. • Two months had•now . (passeduothing had :y ./ et ben heard of :herHnildiries had been-Oveley *here aef•allaiti..and — it had even beeriadtrertised in.the daily. pa:. pops. PArt-,QI the tune.on the:night of her husband, • it will be She left the letter • upon a table in her, chamber, where,:__OA. kmakto : t,;111.p. Corse; sheekpected ilWOuld,immediatelybe nor, ticed 'open . the discovery of 'her iNtht: As it turned-oht,:, ; hotyolter,:it.lvas not observed until therkleCOS:Morniog after she left. One, of 'the 'Kethale servants, ' Who:had:enteredthe . .opa,rtrnent -; to, 'sweep 4,- - ,On.n,..imiproaohing the table, saw the: Ctter--the first that .fioticed_ it. Owing too the fact of her , rnaster!i; havhig shot hhnself•the night before, it ticable tr him,-seated-in-6.-cushioned-chair, -made for his convenience sick, upon rollers, .-and==caPable-of—being-moved with ease from one part of the room to another. "Here's a letter, sir, for'. you," Said Manuel," . as he delivered it to the:hands of Mr. West with a respectful obei 7 Sauce. "For Me! from whem?" iaid,the in valid, as he gazed at the superscription, endeavouring, to . identify the writing —it however had evidently been writ 'ten by 'a trembling hand and - was 7.01 very intelligible. your wife - I believe," said Manuel,l"bulTirri" not Certain of it." At the mention of his wife tlre less cheek- of Mr. West faintly- colour-, ed. Having - broken .the-seal, folded the letter and read as follows. . AT. NIGh T, October:l9th, 1829: „/Ify__Husbandt—f_. will yet venture to addresS ;you with emphasis by .that endearing name: The.name—alas!-- -- is all that - r .have left of you!" Before tiii meets your eye I Shall.havexseap , etl-far-enough , -to-elude—the-,posai b Ray , of being overtaken, should such 'a step be decided upon by Other yourself or' any-of-my relatives, Into a detarl- - ef the causes which - haVe • induced me to pursue-this- doprise-I will--not-enter—it would he but upbraiding you, -and I have not heart to do. that. My cause I place irkthe hands of Him who sees into the- seltretsof the _soul-7-and there is comfort yet in - the hope that you will in time be convinced' of my . innocence. I weep to think you should ever for a moment have doubt ed-it! . • - After an hour's intermission I re sume the pen—with a handshill tremu lous with emotion,' but a_heirt:resolved_ to brook ,' its fate. -My "chile!--=our child!--- 7 take care of it I charge you! all the love - with Which you once caressed me, and,, which you felt---by: that; and by the tears now 1 shed---1 entreat you-to cherish and, protect - her. Be a kind father to, :her---be to her .what her mother would have .been--- and every night, when you kneel in Prayer, , if you only remember !tee-you -cannotforg,etLniel on, and we' are doomed' to never meet again---oh! let her not knew her moth er's story—let her- not, know it til grown to wornanhood, but speak of - e to her, when you-speak of me as 9 •the dead!_l'hese,tears!_..th.ese_te7sl--bow fast they. fall! Farewell-4ot not I hope forev4.;,.. / /;Turan," 13aek..on his ; chair, %9-11 closed eyes, West sunk as hafintshed the pern- . , sal . of this letter. Manuel, as he gazed upon . the agonized expression_ of his master's coun th ance, saw the tears steal down Ars eyelid's, whilst his bo-; _Som,heaved,-and- t he-heartfel t-groan-o( anguish/was audible. "Read -it," he' salt Landing.the letter to Manuel, - who took and after the perusal bliiritly denounced it as hypocrisy! "Hy poerisy!" --- Yes---a mOther.. with the feelings which she pretends. to -possess, would never. have deserted her child as 'She has !lone." —•' • "fly.the by," said Mr West, "where iy'tlie'dliikl? - 1 - 811 - 0 - ulitticelty - sualt.---Gtt, bid the nurse bring it here, if it's awake - -=if it's asleep ' ~iisttttl3 it not "• ,; ---- Manuel went to the nursery and ae: . livereirhis orders to the nurse; Who followed, to, the„chamber Of: the - -invalid . with,the little Julia in her arms. West took t4e_chi_td, And .raising_~L to - -h rin - te - d - AHtiss-tipnn.. its blooming- cheek. 'was 'smiling, and seemed .gratetul ,For,tite-ititention , . . Stowed upon it., For:an bout' and better I he . parent fondled with itt4e.appeared delighted-lwitkits..infantiln:eareises, nor relignedlt - initn:the„.handsnr the-'nurse till:the child:itself 'grew area.- .- '4Wliat ' a resemblance •bet Ween-- the babe 'and .144 - b — SibtAnother,"-he -,u tte red , ;of, wide him self, sal'afel e, Intheyernatlts,,t9 Mandel, -Wll . .ad pelted. the {rg . ) u. self, "she' is.indeed ' like. fier.tno or, And,ii as. , -slie is calledithe little Julia." • 'Julia! said, orrather exelainied Mr. -West with a- v o icel 4.. , ___wh - i - eh - Ti'iie re 'min,: glea.the tones of-rogreVanticalfeetion.. All! what fond - recollection the:sottnd.- of thairemembere4 hame'will. - coripn•e up! .'Over thespresent it casts a .veil; and..l am ,back again amidst the sum- mer-days of life; nlhen in . sunshinc acid `shatie,midstlln wars; fruit and foliage, 'the happy hours Were passed—wh• existence was buklove,_and not _ a. care embittered the cup of joy! . Oh! those times, those happy times, they never .will return!' • 'Why:speak_of _them said Manuel. 'lt only makes' their loss more keenly felt. But, sir, had- you not better get in bed again? Yon have been np long er than you are awate of, perhaps.'— speaking kindly, and apparently evin-. cing the greatest interest in the welfare of ,his master. M. West - was Amt in -the_hand_of__-_-the othokkindly -in--that of his owe.- "Oh, Manuel, what a friend have I in y'dul . She that should have been with me elf - a - s - 16he'Ll . .:Teaeri:eil lgt - 1 onen of my servants..l - find an . only friend. But for 'you ) amidst these what,..what should .I"havg done! You be:rewarded , --you shallt--you shall!" ii‘Nayrs alczofl t===a good action will always baits own re .Ward"laying his hand On his. breast: The next . day',MmAyest asked for the child again, wllkch, .when brought to him, he. affeetionately held out his hand_to receive, and.tenderly foniled with it" forconsiderable part_of_the fOrenonn. .On the folloWing—ila-rthe same was Tsepeated-.,:•the next ---and so_ oil - daily- . file continued an itivirid n- during the winter, _and was not able to leaVe his room until the following spring when on a beautifnl day . towards the TES( eriVlli - e - Vat - o - trt upon the pia - z= za with little Julia upon his knee. The child had-by this time become so accus tom-ed4o--thcifatheri-that it - preferred be itig.with him. 'Tlie"Month of March pas-. se - d :-. iiirariAptil, -- Avi dr iis - Shoiciei.i aii .- sunshine followed-it, .and by'he begi 7 nirig - of summer Mr. West % s eta' ly -recomereth i His melancho y was thrown side, and he, craTi tocik_ notice °Fed - clay; for, - on - -ffi'le tiji iVereirY Of . hi& country's independerice the . Pith of July, 1827---he had a; large party of his acquaintances to -dine-with him.'' He was sociable, affa'ole, - and appeared as merry as the liveliest of his guests.---- About this time, too, his little (laughter hegan'to walk, and the. inexpressible Pleasure that -this but ordinary occur ranee afforded him, was truly remarka: Inc. His whole soul .seemed to lie celi• tied in his child--as in the mott(er once was, and twelvemonth passet(' around; and lulia ,completed he econd yeat:. But. still'orthe abse • arent there Was nothing heard.-, Ile husband ac lcnowtedged to:himSelf-that-there were moments when Ile wished she was at, his side, to witne/the pride of his'heart, and see the growing beauties of their own---their only child !-.== His belief in her nAilt would often wa ver,/s-he-gazed-at the - child, and - ,mu- . se upon the . iasseciationS connected ,with ts l --its birth---and the 'tidies pre cedi, ,* that. Her letter to him he WOul read over and over, and ''surely the heat that" - dictated such sentiments as7tlcerser he - won - kr say-, "cannot De ca pable of crime. But, yes, she must be guilty! if innocent why leave her home and MC? Ay---and with Byard, too--- Byard!" • . - Another . year---and another---four years altogether passed;_a way,. -and . .still his wife was'not heard of.,What had be come of her? Was she Ilead..?he ktiew not ---she might bi 2 --no tidings came, no account of her. . . The - little . Julia rapidly improved.— .her childish prattle - tile husband lis -tened once,more to the musical tones. of 'his w ife's - soft voice, and,itraced-itt the growing features of his child the, wellt remembered lineaments of hey' whoth. once to see was never to for,, ,, et? By the hour he would stand, with his. arm 4 -fo Ide cl,-b efo re,. the .p arl f_th bs eat one; and think of other_timesolhap;.. Pier t i 6,4'whett. - _lin o cult ed± - eite r_ forivard to a brighter scene,, arid . eVery day - Went" .by it happinesS and peace-,- . unclouded:: by a *single - . sorrciw-!:-.,-Oh! . metnotiy,licivt magical thy influence-is! CHAPTER T. . . . . . 'Manuel Garcia, the servant we have So frequeritly . hatl . occasiois to mention,. was a Spaniard by birth. At the age of fourteen be emigrated with his parents froth Spain to the West: indies,,wherethey , both died in .a short time of eacli'-oeliel, trotriville-ef feeta.olan:eepidernicol-dfseasei-: Tlie , boy. was himself attacked by the contagion: but stirrived _it."' .AftertVaraa-ite shipped as Cabiii•boy..:i . n . 0 •btig,..and"cip6'.to. tha 'Linited . Statee .. 'WlieWile• passed a deiulto: ,rykind.:.Of- life.fOr iiiveral, years:. 3 . he loivesf kjndOfpilfering and dissip a t ion he tyaS Tantiliar witlii'and wasfinallt\sOused o‘ f:,-ridt'ilei • 04. ravernkeeper near: j3a1,6,,, nior.Wa . a . :idtitidin'tirderectin his bed, and siispiciiikbpliebrime,fell uponparcia . .- -,- ... Giitlty oinnt; he eiaded theinirquit of pOlice, and-bad.lhe , addrega.. to insinuate . 4iiiiself ii o' th e_iervice - ori9r. West: I r. height" , :Siris.belosi e: nsiddleiiie; bat thickse ...he had straigh black hair, sal. N 1.11,,,. ' •" ' 4- SAIRLES, Var.. 1.:-..71V'o. 49. from skin, and dark - restless eyes.', - 'His • lips were thin and bloodless—his forehead low,.and when frowning his hair and, eye-, brows seemed to meet. lEt u_t, whatever - might have been the. chareCter. of 16 life previous, MP. West found him to bean- , attentive servint. lie was-assiduous kith ,endeavours to plettse-Hto much scOthat his master - singled singled him out - particularly • to_ - wait upon himself. He performed. with alacrity, and apparently with the greatest- goodowill, the duties - incumbent on him.— I Eventually hs.became his.emploYer's con fidant—more like his companion"' than a servant. It Jas now more than five.years ~„,„,„ that he had been with Mr. West;—sud , denly_he gave_uotice thathe -waszoing,tak— _ _ _ leave--and that gentleman eltprossed the sincere dictaies ing that he was sorry. 41 Th_en_ u sir," said Manuebusin. hav_e_,_ gained the esteem of an equally respected master, I will venture to , ask a alight, fa, vor." • i6Name it—it shall be yours. ..It: is that you will take into your, tier= ' - vice, in my place, a - destituto friend=ono -that-has-seen-better days,-btit =is now-Wit--- ling to accept of an humble occupation for_. the sake of a livelihood." . -• • _ "To grant so simple a request as you have named, wilfuld scarcely be conferring a favor--at any rate, but a slight one." ~ ‘ lt is all I ask, sir,-L-all that I wish." "It is'granted," said Mr. West: igls there nothing else that I can do for yoti?" • "Nothing—l thank you. - You have been to me a.kind master, and '1 Shalt—et 7erfeiiiiinbir you "When do you leave?" "To morrow - evening at dusk." "what is the Dame of your friend?" " Thorna ' s Clark." - "Well-4-Send him as soon as you —`n .. he only proves as faithful ar.ser• vant as you have been, I shall have-no rea, son to complain."... " , - Accordingly, the next_evening _Manuel _ rought into theparlour, where l3ia mas ter was sitting, a stranger, whotrihe intro;. duced by the naive - of Clark--Thomas Clark. /7.- "The person you- were speaking of,". said Mr. West, luying4side the book ha_ had been reading, _ sir—themnie."' "He' is weltOme. =Sit down, Turning to Manuel, he said, - "so—you are finally resolved to leave us?", "Yes," sir,—to.night. - But, .you will find p , tr. Clark as capable for your service as Ywas." . So saying, he turned towards ,the door, and subsequent to bidding his master and Clark farewell,-went upstairs for hietrunk and &c. and left the man sion. A week-passed,-Land-Crark---acquitted----- himself very plauAbly in his-new situation. As Manuel had .predicted, he was every `way capable. He had emigrated to this country from England, the said in answer to a question - put to' hint:. by Mr. %Veit, -who was under theiMpresa r ion 'that be-had-7 seen him before. -He even thought. , the • face was familiar, but where to 'place him he could not recollect. - -Weeks went by -Months—a year—and eighteen months. altogether - -whfch, brings us up_ ter the date..of_October, 1831. Clark-;stiilAre maiLted in the service of Mr. West, like his predecessor, had managed to gain Atte entire confidence of the man he served. The little Julia ras i sulEher father's-pet, quick at her lesspn—livtly—amiabl6.;.and her beauty_increasedwitit_her Lyeafs.--- - *Mr. West continued unheard ?f,Anil'her husband had resigned himself'to the thought of never - beholding her again, • thinking of her often to, be sure, but fin d ... ing a source of consola tion- in: the ' daily . augmentation of his daughter'sincteasing • attractions. Cold weather had now sef In unusually early, and the inmates of the mansion were mostly confined to_ the shelter.pfits_ roof. _The sun seldom, enlivened the scene With his rays, while the chill north ern winds, as_ they—sighed through: the' woods, scattered over the ground., the lait yellow leaves of autumn. ' and at intervOs a - momentary , fall of snowilitted by, Whilst the blast • that folloied it betbketiedthe sure approaCh otwinter and storm. - One intensely cold night; the etars Were shining, but no moon,' and - after twelve o'cleick,,the .figures-otwo-mert-Wee distinctly visible standing under' the'piaz is, In Tioift - iirbrr:•Vtreitis mansion. -13 1 - i - d —r __of thern_was_ enveloped in alit* thrci*:___ over cloak = end tilreittli - datVeldtlll - 1 slouched over his broWs, effectually con cealing the featitres of hie' face. TherOth er was bareheaded, with his hand upon the latch of the door, , apparently just 4itsen front- his-bed, =and - eyidently - in - a - hilfr7y - hi get his visiter off. • ' ' ' 1, 50--he loves ' the 'child, 'doer : he?" said the first, in return to something the other, had advanced. I , • , “Yes—hedoats_ upon__it...and._ in , his . londness for it has forgotten his grief for the mother," , replied ,the latter., Anust_neChe,for_while lie. lives he - niust - be wretched! The child must be , :takell bins." To which thp one WrepPedlit the cloak answ red that he would ~ Willingly and tit carry it off. ' ' - • Plsl.4l4s t , !aimed his companion—Jthat will n • 'nswer—it must die!' must die!" he repeated, Ina - positive' \ tone,-whilst,the glare of a denlyn shot from _his,eyes; but.,foreibly betraying-the working Of the fiend. within , "It - must dier-before its' father's ayes;-:it • MuStirtnd you mus t procure , methepOl son. An ounce or arsenic will 'do-here's the money to buy 'it. Bring it out to. MEM = 11