BRANDER-111'S. • Gresetable • P i lls . *Science should contribute to the-Co'infint,. d Hahinces of Mankind " • On the_ eighteenth .cif_ll.lay:-1835,-.-thes 'truly celebrated Pills Ikere . first made knoo n in • • the United States, althoUgh in Europe 7 - 7 - been - iireviottslyibefore-the , tury. ~11'he..Arnerican _public, naturally .viewe !them Alvith suspicion, but as on - trial they -were, found what they prof essed, it was soon displaced' by the greatest confidence: In fact the many , _personsAvho have commencedL_with them under_ 'the moat trying _circumstances of bodily Con; when every ether means- and medicine -had proved aluigether unavailing, have been festered ci health and hal inesss from:flu-iv use and the consequence is, • they are now;.l thousands of persons whom they have' cured of Consumption, Influenza,. Colds, Indigestion, 11y5 7 pf,psid, Ileadache;'Pains, and a sense:of—fullness • In the back • part-of the Head, usually' the•symp'-_ torns of Apoplexy,..latindice,..FeVer and Ague,, Saarlettyphus;,l7Veliow,_and common 'fevers or all kinds;_ Asthma, Eout, - 111teumatism, Nervous Diseases, -Liver--Complaint, Pleurisy Inward, 'Weakness, • Depression of the Spirits, „ nuptures;lnfratnniation, SEire 'Eyes, Fits, Palsy, Dropsy, .Smiill l Pox;Lltleazle.4,- Croup, - Cotiginc Whooping Ciaugh, Quincy,. Colic, _Cholera hlor ' bus, Gravel Weirs; Dysentery,. Deafness, Ring , Ing Noises in the llead, King's livil,' Scrofula, ES•ysipelas, Antliany's,Fire, Salt Rheum. White-Swellings, Ulcers soMe,of A,yeiii stand- Cancers, Minors,. Stvelled-oPcet and Legs, -Piles, Costiveness, all Eruptions or the Skin, Frightful, Dreams, Female corriplaintil of every kind, especially obstructiOns, relaxation, &c. . , . ~,Alth_ough.Doctar....ll.._basenumetatecLby_nam. the above diseases, he is nevertheless of opinion ' with hisgraildfither, the late celebrated Dr. War —l.3randreth,..lhat...ilterei_is only ONE Disensq, an ;impurity of the .blood, which 'lcy impeding the • circulation, brings on inflammation, and -conse- . . _ .quent- deFangement in the - organ, or part where such impurity of_the blood Settles; and _that .itis • ; the different. appearances' which this inH smatiOn or derangement puts . on that have cause medi cal men to designate su ch appearances by atiOus si/ names, but. which are in fiict, only the same die--I 'ease, with" 'inore..:or' less • violence. Dr.' 'IV in-' • Drandretli - Was so fully corivinceiroflhe truth Of __. be above Simple theory, that he spent thirty,;' years-in exper:ments and laboribirsTres-wah'inttr lhe_metlicar properties of. the numerous plants . composing theiregettible' Kingdom; his object -' being At) coMpoie a medicine which should at• once purify, and- Prodace. by specific action, a - removal of all bad humors from the blood by the: - . stomach and , ' bitwirels, as by Atm.:continuation fa .the use of such a medicine, such humors are sure to be carried 'Off, and Idle blood' assume a state of parity; and ~whoever takes these Pills, and perseveres with :theta -will be satisfied that — : W - T•Wiii ran re aly attatned IfirphiliffilliTir ' pic l object.--It-is now,an--absolute'—and-Inown: ---: fact, -that every disease r whether it 4ciin the-head _ _Or feet,ln_lhe_brain .or meanest member; whether it be an outward- Ulcer, or an inward abscess, are - - all, though arising from many causes, reducible ' ' .101fils one:-grand effectiliamely . impurity of the' • 7. : : bfood.,'. -'. •• .=_.. o :''''s:i•la , ali-exiea they ; - T ii4it'lie found a safe'and'sim . • fge,remetlf"yet all powerful for the removal - the - disease„:Whether chronicor retent, - infectious dretherwise;and.what makes them miticularly - • adapted fo r this country, is that there is not the ' slightest liability to cold whenitaking them, in deed the, system* is' absolutely ., less•susceptibbrof e01d..; whet) under • thein 7 influence, than at _any ' _other..time;_therefare in this Climate:they :ire in. valoable. , Neither _de Amy require change, o. : - diet or. careof- any kind. In-England tliegerPillal lu been the Only Medicine of many familiesl -for-periods-iarying-frbm flirty to sixty years,ind have always proved effectual in restoring health i o wherever an aberation from it occurred. -- Alti TICE.—In -consequence ortthemehotiS_l -, 'cog derfeits for sale in the Drug and Chemical_ . "Stores, the public are cautioned against purchai •• ing of any person except-the accredited, agents. N.,.. • Siourlty Against Counterfeits. i . nn. BIIANDJLETII has adopted - the: following plan to seEttre the GENUINE Brandreth Pills to , the public. Every authorized ,Agent must have ' a Certificate of Agency, and it will he seen that .a double forgery. MUST be committed, before any one can procure a forged Certificate, ant 'the' ~ _perino having_it in his possession is equally_lkable with the forger. • •• ''--- -„,,,,. ' -The following -are the. appointed agfnts for ii. vicinity, viz: Wm.:Gilfriore, Chambe , sb_ulg, Jacob %Vinrott, Gettysburg ;•49GILBriallT, NEIL, Car isle and Win: Bell, Harrisburg. ~ . .„0" , • • Dr. -;Branclret s officers for the sale of ' - -- above Pit s are 9.. Race above sth at 34 Chesnu street, Philadelphia.' May S, 1557.•••-tf.- . THE NEW-Y ► RIVIL c--% . ~ . 04, patrons and the put} re earnestly lei. 'quested . to observe' . .7 - - 1. That - the _price of The N W.Yorker,• for reasons of overruling force, fully set forth in our ' . . paper of>Week before last. has been, raised to Thre CDollars per annum for the Folioland Four . poll 2 info he - Quarto - edition—said increase to take effect om the 28d inst.—but 2. All subs ' ers who have paid in advance will b e supplied for the full term of their pay ment at former prices: 3- . — Ail - ourrstubstrib - erg - Wh - o - i - elnifrifeiitiii - r - e — diit now in - advance are•mitborized -and earnestl in __ vited-to make payment at the - farmer low prices as far in advance as they may . choose at any time previous to the Ist of November ensuing. 4. All persOns not now subscribers are earnest ly invited to become such at the former low prices by voluntary subscription at any time prior to the 15th of, October. Where payment is not made inn v advancey however, they be. charged. the enhanced prices, We trust this is sufficiently explieit, and that it • will be understood and heeded by all our, resent _patrons_at Jeast„:__Those-who-wish-the paper cheap wi4__. \ umb'race . the opportunity. • 'hose :who delaocir payments beyond the Ist of .- vember; Will understand as choosing to awar . r. - _us,ainore-generous- recompense - for •our labor: - . We can assure them thUt 4 is needed—may•we not Say earned? Those'Who discontinue must pay all arrearages or appear in our Black List... • • October 9, 1837. • PIUBLIC. SALF f py LA D. ~, In .pursuance .of•the uf.Johd.Ctll= ,well, deceased. there win be exposed to Poblic sale, on the pterniSes, on Wednesday • the,lsth day of 'November next, at 1 o'Cluelr. Re M. a valuable tract of ' 7 —_-:LIME-STONE---L-AN____2,--D - Situate,d' in, Southampton 'township, C'um berla_nd county, Pa., adjoining the lands of •IVlessers. Gr - e - orgo - W. Himes, Jas. Wallace, Samuel Witerry, Christian Noaker, and. others, containing ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY ACRES, or, thereabouts. The lan proveitienta are a LOG HOUSE and Barn, with a Well of Water near the buildings.— A_proper por.ion' of the hind is cleared and in a good' state of cultivation. The Terms of Sale. will. be two-thiids of the money in hand, the Other third part to remain'proper secured during the life-time of . the - Widow. • GF,O. HAMILL, JO)po ( T N,_ Executors, . , . . 0 A October. 17, 1837. . -- - -- FoßyurcE,,,,-The attention-of-citi- Alizens and strangera and all fieraons at a dia. lanceitt-fespectfidly directed'to 121:1WINS6WS .7 - an9lhor part of this pa. Octobei0;1187. - • Flaxseed , Wanted-' „ One H udred: Bushels of olenn .Fliurseed- ant ;led at the otore 'of the South Hano ver Stied. ' . • , 13; C. BOLA - NDF4I. Carlisle, titepts, 1B 1837: , UM For -Sale-orkent.---7'.2 - ' _,THAVIAr g e-ainty o ll-known -farm,- lying one: mile west of Carlisle, called did Meel farm, now - - ittpaiseisionFteldig- and:Mohler; containing_ about 250 .acres • • 175 AgreS of which are.clesird 'and under-good fence, and weleset with clover: -rhelinprovementa-are-a-good • ~ • ',welting- Houk!, - • _ A LARGE, STONE BARN,' • • . - 20 - feet - longra - pumpTof-mevrAllingWerr - a - AP p :tilealiard; and every-other neceuittry in -or der. This farm is4uperior,f4 stock. . • A LS 6-,Another farm inNostli Middleton town- . ship'-adjoining. Zeigler and - MornePS - Ireirs, coil ; taluing about 225-acres, a large portion of which is cleared. This tradtis well calculated for stook; - havingrabunda,nee' . of-meadoWand water in every, field. The iinpiOvements?are scveral dwelling . houSes, a log barn and.still house. •-• The above Will be sold or lot-ott,.goncl ternii 4pply to It: Givii;- Carlisle; Or , to —• , JAMES,GIVIIst, • . . .. • Kiddermilister. Oblither 2,18.37.-4 t. • • VA LITAB,L E - REAL ESTATE • IF 0101, %ALTA. By Order; of the Oiphaiis' Coicrt of Cunt-- berlaricLCounty.- Tn pursuance. ofan Order of the °pitons"' Court of Cuinberlallttrounty will be sold onthe,preniiges on -Saturday the "4111 -day of November next, at 11 o'clock - A. M. that valuable farmi late the estate .of -Samuel Lobach, deceased, containing , 107-ACRES • More or IeSS, situate in South Middleton township; in said county of Guinberland, bounded by lands of Thomas Green; George Cge, Richard and William Craighead, and others. This' farm is situ - ate - 11m the Yellow Breeches ..cre ek—has about sixty•five acres cleaied, under good fence wttl . ta young apple orchatcyor grafted fivit—and peach orchard "-the balance of the - land ii_fintly_lirnbered.- The improvements . are n Two STORY.: - •r,. LOD . Dwelling . . ; a; var r , ANA 14=1;0 • Tenant-House; a good Log Barn, and a well . of - 1 never failing-water , in-thee-yard-of-the- House. - 'his-prlsiperty-Nrill-be-sold-subject-to-tite-Aion-of 7 k recognizance in the Orphans' _Court of county for $563;7.5 cents,, regularly •the interest-of which - is to b r e-annually and paid to Mrs. - Jane White, -formerly-`- Jane Rickey, widow Thomas Rickey the elder, and at her deatlrlthi said-principahto-be-paid-to-the-persons-legalty. entitled thereto.' Tlre 'one half - of the remaining balance - - - 41h6finichase money to tie paid on the cootirnitititin Of when r possession will del iereredlieff4:loxtter.' , lFerid4itiMgii4o- and sequred-by-tlie-'Judgment Bond of the 'put.- oliascr., • JOSEPH, LOBACR, ExecUtor of SarnuetLobach, deceased. October 9, 1837. • - ==== - - ---- NOTICE • t • October 3d 41337 _ - - 'The:Director§ of-the.ffiCarlisle_Sivings Fund Soctety?! have-this day declaieir n Dividend - of 3 - per - cent for the last six months, on`-the stock and. Weekly - deposite§. By . order,_ -- NORTH AMERICA . . Insurance Companyl 1- Capital 600,000 :Dollars; THIS •Company still, ContinuesTiFirTake Insurance on all kinds of Property through their agency in Carlisle. 'The premium is regulated according to the risk. Averaging \ from.34: to 40 cents in the hundred slollars. pescriptions-will be received, and policies littetl - fr day-of-survey.- - ------=` JOHN J,_MY_ERS, 1 - 7 _ an.,l ,- - -- NI 0 CIA KM. TILON. ' WI ereas, the Upn. Jonx.-11krari—Presi-- ( dent J dge of the, Court of Common Pleas in the 9th district, composed of the counties of Cumberland, Juniata, and Perry, and the Hon, John Stuart-and John Lcjevra:Judges;6_said . Court of Common Pleas il f the co. of Cumberland, hiii6 issued theieprecept, bearing date the 15th day of August, 1837, and to me directed, for holding a • COURT OP OVER AND TERMINER, • and General Jail Delivery; & General Quar ter-Sessions of the Peace, at Carlisle, on the second Monday , Of Nov., 18:37, - (being the _l3tlLda at ten o'clock in the forenoon, Notice is hereby Given to the Coroner,Justices of the Peace, and -Constables of the said county , of Cumber land, that they be then and • there in Their proper persons - with their records, -inquisi tions, examinations, and other remembran ces to do those . things which to their dikes" respectively appertain. And those Virboate bound by recognieances to prosecute- against the prisoners -that are, or .then may be, in the Jail.•of Cumberland County,,to be then and-there - to - pkosecitte - ngainst-them . as yshall bejust. • Dated at Carlisle, the 12th day of October,- 1837, and_the 62st-!orAmerican Indepeof! &nee. ' • MICHAEL HOLCOMB, Sh'ff. PUBLIC SALE. ••;:.133E,,-sirtue of a_ deed of assignment made by_ §lnnuetNeidig to r the — sOscribers, will-be sold at aublio sale, on - Priday,.thVallrofCotober-neit, itithe dwelling house of Samuel' Neidig, in the .borough of Carlisle, the following ._..._ pert", viz: Feather Beds • 'Redding • and Bedstuids, Tables, Chairs, Bureaus, one Se cretary, Looking Glasses, one_Ten PlateStovo, -one-Eight-Dar Clock7Carpetingi'exe;r7-- • Atso, - . • di SET OF C.d.RPENDER'R TOOLS, One - Patent_--MortiCing- - Machioac 6 Washing-Ma chines, mad - e - on the most approved-plan, one Pa. tent totting Boy, 2 Gigs, 2 Wheelbarrows, one Dearborn Wagon, one floor, one Cow, 2 flogs, •and_a lot , of Lumbei; cariiisting.of ling.; Alsot • . . - • A: Frameuilding" . ori 01e Matta ' Squ ; fortnerly . the Weigh House-,- which might be concerted into a very, .comfortable dWelling,' together with a variety of articles not here enumerated. "• ' • Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of 'said day, when 'attendance and a reasonable credit will be given by the Sihscribers, : , WILMAM LINE. • ' M. BRENNEMAN. Oct. 17, 1837. -Assignees. • Asst nee Adcotfrit NOTICE is hereby given„ that the-Assignee account of Rennick Angney, Assigned of J. B. Nicklin, has been presented tolhe Court of Com= mon Pleas of Cumberland county, foreconfirms- . Lion and allowance, and said ,court have appoint ed the Arse day.of November . court, (being the of said :month,) for its consideration s and rule on all concerned' to show cause why it shall not be confirmed artitallow — ed.' GEO FaCtßllNG.Protte.y.: Froth'y'q Office, 1 01 110eti1837:".' • - • ~,. / ~ 7' reasurer digent. II .-3m. El .--v.**.. - 4--,1: - *I.,t04 - 0qirt.. - -41z74-.1ixo-x-..v.10.0ist*pir:4, - , _....,-. • VALILABLE REAL -ESTATE . SALE. A_ fifst Liinestonq Farm, situate about 6 miles west of Carlisle,..,containing 278 Acres;about 200 'Act'es clear i atrin a - high state.aculti.vation; the ,balance is wOl hered; and there is a 1 1 Stgcquantlty of Locust on the place. , - • The improvements are• • - • BRIM HOUSE , teilant - itottses, a • , LARGE.tANKTA-RN.-- - and two Apple orchards. -There is a well rif water, Anq 'sevei , alNery large -springs near. the:House. The turnpike Road from .Har, .riibuiz,bo:Chambershurg passes through the. farm, and the Rail - Road - passes - nearly in sight. • • • . : This•property is well :calcul'ated for two farms. 'Tie lcove:property is.worthy the attention of capitalist, as it will be sold low.; The ti tle is indisputable.--inquire of • - •. , WM . BAKER, " E. BOSSERIVXA,N. CarliSle,'Sept: 18, 1837-4 w.. . SPLENDID FORTUNES SEND:YOUR_ORDERS CAPITA: $30 , 000!!!!!! . • Vir.rifiritate Lottery For" he bene t ie Moingalia - :keaderny; —CAA b i No. 7, for 1837: To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. On §itur - day, 0et,..:14, 1837. , • - Grand Capital Prizes: — - 50,000 dolls.-10,000 dolls.-6,000-5,066 4,000-'-;2,500-2,000 dollars-25 of 1000-25 of 500-28 prizes of 300200 prizes of 200 —• , - • dollars, & :— C.- 2• • Tra - cts-11111,85—Quarter 82 50! Cit ti) of Packages of - 25 W. 'rickets 130 dolls • do. do "• 25 Half 65 dolls do .do \ 25 gr. •do 32 Sr— " - • Capital - Prize $40,000. _ , - 150'plizes of, 1,000 dollars!! VIRGINIA sirAJLK LOTTERY, • tor the b — enefirof ilieiVlecliariicalßenevolent Society of Norfolk „ - N0..8,• for 1837.. • - ,To'l)6 drawn ,at -on Satur -7 - day, the 21st of-October, - 1837. ''' • CS - P17111,- - PRIZES. 5.11,0 - 000$10 000 M, ----- 0f.1.50.0,,-5 of 1,20_0_ —.450 prizes:of 1,000-81 . of_loo-64 of 90 &c.- 'halves and ipiarterrin:propor=- . tion. Cer. of packages of 25.Wiiold Tickets - $l4O do . do 25 Half ,do _ 7Q do • . .do •25 Quarter do 35. - vr2PITAL $36000 - _ virginia'State Lottery,, _ . For the benefit of .the Town of Wellsbut. .011%5.534.0 7, for 1837. ,- To be drawn at Alexandria, Va. on Satur - --' ....dap;-Oct: 28; — .1837. _ _'± — v" ---- SCHE MB:2 . 50,000 dollars-10,000 01 . 11 rs-7,.000-5, 000=4,0003,00C--2;165. 25-priies of 1,000 , 50 of 500-50 of 00-88 of 150 Aollars, &c. 'Tickets 10 dol ars, sliares it proportion. Cer. of packages of 25 W. tickets - 6130 do ___ do 25 Half • do 65 do do 25 Qr. • do - 32 50 67-Orders for tickets and shares of certi cates of packages in the above magnificent scheme, will receive the most prompt at tention, acid an Officialaccount of - e - a — c - k - dtaiii: ing sent immediately atter it ithover to 41to order from us. Address D. S. - GI'fBORY Managers. • it asliinitott City. D. C. Sept. 16,1183 - 7. V . . } RObinsim 7. B old,l64a.blished ANDI 7- (YRTUNATL - o - FFIc 80 Balt. st. 4 doors below the Franklin Bank. `• DIGIVCAPI I'AL 40 000 P R IZE,R , Togo off on the 21st day of October, 1837. ROBINSON has the pleasure of ihniiiincing,to his friends, and patrons abroad the scheme of another grand lottery to be, drawn on SATUR, DAY, the 21st - day of October, 1837, the Va.. State Lottery,- for thebenecit of the Mechanical, Benevolent Society of - Norfolk, fo Ik, Va., • class' 8, 'for 1837, to he drawn'at Alexaddria, Va. on SATUR DAY, Oct 21, 1837, at 3 o'clock, P. M. 75 No. Lottery Juid_cleven dmvn ballots. . GRAND SCHEME. 1 prize - of $40,000, $lO,OOO, 150 prizes obf $lOOO. 1 prize of $40,0001 prize of. $1,940 10,0G0 I 5 . 1,500' „4 - ,000 - 1 - 5 .-, - '1,200 1 000 I 150 • - - 1, 3,000 150 1,000 64 prizes of $lOO,-to Ist and 2d drawn numberss :64 do 90to 2il " 3d do do 64 do 80—to 3d " 4th do do 44 do 70—to 4th 4 ' .sth de the scheme amounting tp more than lIALFLA. MILLION OF DOLLARS! ---Whole-tiekl49- oertiSc3te of a regular package of 25 w)toles tickets in the above splendid lottery willSe is- sued and sent for $140; halves $7O, (Ira. $35, eights 417;50. = A regular - _package -of tickets may coptaini.the - 41tighest capital prizes. To secure-the grand capital, it is decidedly the nearest rout. A liberal discount will be made to Clubs' or individuals, disposed to adventure by the pitclrrge. All orders' addressed to the sub scriber, either by post or private conveyance, thankfully, received and promptly, attended to.' All communications, perfdctly 'Please address E. V. Robinson, Baltimore, Md.' October 2. 183 - ' 161.0 SA L E. exposed to Public on the pre ises tur9aturdarthe-21snlityt-11-0-etiih—e-f- Tract of Land, situated m Frankford township, Cumberland coun ty, the road leading from -Diller's -Bridge to Dublin Gap, containing about_2S acres, mole or less, upon which is erected ' • WOO 41:1EV/Mio • And,a LOG BARNOwn 'Wells of,vrater on-the premises, a first rate Apple,:.„Orcliard. The pro perty is under good fence shit in a good state of cultivation. The' land' adjoins: the property . Of Peter lEysLis, Christian Fahler,: George Eckerdt and others. ' .• - • , Terms of sale are as follows: the - half-Of the purchase money to be paid on, the .Ist day of April, 1838, wheii possession will be given, the remainder in two equal annual payments without. out' interest,. October .2, 1837. • n Trustel 46 Account..._ NOTICE is here 'ven that the TritsteetAc c6unt of Skiles' Woo burn, surviving, trustee of Samuel Caldwell an habitual drunkard, has been presented to the Court of•Comtnim , Pleas .of Cum berland county, for confirmation and allowance, and said court have. 'appointed the Orst day of No veniber court (being the 13th-day of said mehthr) for its consideration and rule on all concerned to show, cause why it shall not bp confirmettand al loWed; GE!9.,FLEIIING, Pcoth!Y• Froth',yte Office, 10th:cict.,1837, iOSEPH_HEBERfoIek_ PUBLIC SAVE OF 7. • ESTAT . Will, be exposed to . PUblic,sale on the pre mises on'Thursday the 2Gth _October-next, a • iraet — Of kford ship, boubded by lands of lan-Ernest, Geo. Myers, the_heirs of 'Hunter, Bairn Burk holder. and others, containing one - hundred and fifty : seven aereS, more or less; of Slate Land; about 100 acres of which are cleared_ 1.0..(m der good fence.,_;_and;or Which about twenty. acres are meadow. The improve- - 1 inents area Log. w••• HOIISE.AND LARGE BANK BARN, an Apple Orchard, with' other fruit trees, antran excellent Well. of . .water with a pump n it.. The' Fatin . A-ialculated grazitg,: having a stream of water running' through it. The terms of,sale be one-third of the purchase money to remain in the hands of-the- , purehasei— Hut the life' .bf the widow, the interest of which. to be paid to her, and one hundred'elollars payable . on the confirmation of the sale; one half of the residue of the purdhasne money on. the first of April,.lB2B, when possession will be de livered, and the b'alance in one year there.. :from, 'without interest. • . ' HENRY. -12t_TPLEY, . ''Administrator of Thivid Crepe, dec'd. September 18; ADJOthtNED SHERIFF SALE. By 'virtue' of, sundry writs of Ex• pons to rue diilcted; issued - out of the Court of Common 'Pleas of Cumberland' comity, will be exposed-to Public Sale, utthe Court House,,Mthe. borough of Carlisle; or, Mtiaday the 13th day of November, 1837, at To'clock, A. M., the follow.. described Real Estate, to wit:- • -IVINiE GROVE -JESVAIrIp; containing twenty five thousanc acres o , more or less, situate in Dickinson a 1 South biid• dlefon townships, Cumberland omit With a ors• - and FORGE, Coal House, Smitlt'and Carpenter's Shop, a large Ilrick Mansiob housg, and thirty Log Tenant Houses, onel .71 • IGRIST-Mt L =SAW -MILL .a two story Storie-Ofrice, two large and excellent - Itarns; - one - large'Stone - Stable; - and - several - small - Stables; and otner•buildings,-Ore-Banksi Mineralsi -Sm.—l:here is-a-large -part- of, this estate which is cleared and so improved as to be admirably adapted to. the-parposesafjarm, log! and part,of it is occupied by tenants, and and -in a good state of ciittiVatiri. The 3itr Bank,.and timber for coal . are so conye the .Furnace• ando - FOrget;--aitittan-l* had ataolittle expense as to:make it among the, most . superior. Iron • establishment in Pennsylvania'. -- The Water never fails to an •cxtent to reqUirel the full operation of either -Forge or_Furnace_Taking:every_thing con nected with the establishment into cOnsider ..ation it has no:superior in Pennsylvania.. - ILSeixed and taken- in execution : as - tire property of Peter Ege MICFIAEL lIOLCONIII, Shcrig. Sheriff's Office. Cirlisle, 3 . . - - .3tolitiitsoni*litintcE; 80. Bail: at., 4 doors below IheTranklizsßwle, Capital • so,oooorffi) . LLARs. Person 4 ht a - dcitan.ce diposed to try•their luck in either *of the following grand Lotte ries—one of which draws alternately every week—are respectfully_r_e_questeiLto_forW_ard their or4rS to the subscriber, enclosing the cash, Or-prize_tickets r designating the Lottery .. will _receive .immediate attention by return mail; and the drawings forwarded when over (if requested.) E. W. ROBINSON. Baltimore. Md. D RAW_INiG OF LOTTERIES:—Order in which the several - s', tate Lotteries will be Trawn: Maryland State .Lotieries draws in Balti-' move every' other Monday. capitals range from 10,000, ‘20,000 to . $30,000 ; Delaware State - .Lotteries draws, twice every, week, .capitals vary from 5 to $lO,OOO ; Grand Con. solidatad Lottery draws once every week, capitals 29,000, 25,000 to $30,000; Alexan- . - driarattery tt - Fa - Ws once every other week, Capitals 10,000, 20,000; 30,000,50,000 ; Vir'- - ginjaState Lottery draws every .Saturday in 'each week, capital prizes range from 10,000, 20,000, 25,000, 30,000 tcrs4o,ooo. Tickets in the above Lotteries vary from 2,. 3,4, 5 and 10 each,-shares in proportion,- _— All letters adcli'e ssed to the subscrib'eFto perfectly . safe. No miscarriage has ever oc curred., . . Feb. 14, 18:37..-1y , . --,, - PUBLIC SALE . OF • 'REAL ESTATE. • plr an order of Orphans' Court of 'Cumber -"---land county, -expose--to-public-sal: An Thursday the 26th day of Octobei r• , on the premises: a tract of - first rte - "" • -111aiaWauaztati.64113 1 Dp situate about one mile west. of Mechanics bug. in Silver Spring--township, containing about SO-Acres, more or less, bounded by lands orjo - lin and Jacob Moyer, George Sal , - lor's heirs,David Sponsler, George Rupp, and s!about four acres of which is cov ered. with first rate ' • T Zit E E 0 . and the residue is enclosed .with excellent fences. The improvements are a two story ROUGHTASTITOITSE -- &Kitchen, and. a Double Log Barn, _Wagon_ Sheds, _Corn,Cribs; .• first, rate . Apple Orchard, and a well o - g... water. The property is near the Trin dle Springvßoad, eight miles from Carlisle, , nine from llarri.sburg, and half a mile,from' the'Cumberland Valley Rail .Road. --"-; • • - ' - Terms made knowri.On day of'sale by • •;• JOHN' HOUSER , • . ' • * " ..i2dnartistrator of Jonas. Zearing, deed. SepoB, 1837. • ---- STRAY COW. : • • • CAME to the plantotion- of the .fiffge(97 . tibiscribßr residing in South . Mid. , dleten,,toninship, on or about the 13th _inst., a tray_Cciw, „of_ middle size, and of. 21 lop, the two hind 'fet are-white....._Thepwner' ust'c me fortyarciatrn e prciperty, pay charges and take her away , o}lie wise she will be, disposed of according to raw. • TJICUD STRICKLER.. October 2, 1837:---3w,c 0 . • XOTIOE. THE stibscriber residing at Cumberland Mills, in New Oumberland, all times give t he! high, price in cash for wheat. David Rekchard August 21, 1837.-6 m.! „ , , FOR- SALE. A. V a - 1 a, tat . • • . vir.ll.[ l , be sold. at inddie vendue, on Satur • • day the 14th day of.gctuber,lB37, on the premises, that valuable tracti6fland, situ• ate in 'Allen. township, 0u rilbetl and 'co ti nry; Pa, ttv~_iniles_4outh,east_ of: . _Mechaniesburg, joining lan& of Daniel-Mohler,cilin Sheely, and othe).§, containing • m of Patented land, more or - less.: The soil is Limestone of an excellent quality, and in a good stale of cultivation: . Abiiut .126 apres are cleared, and the.balance in good thriving timber. On the farm, is an excellent ss . ._ •. 1 -.- . Ap.ple Orc h ard.. . The improvements are a large Douhle" Sten: Dwelling-House, Well finished, • witlr.a.Porch the_wholelengt,h-of-thelMil s cling4a-tWo story - Stone. Sprint s house.; •a "`smoke--house; and- a brick dry house: .1 An extellent building used - as, a Magog:Maker's shp; a latge Log Barn s with a wagon shed.attac ed, and a . Stone hog pen. . There,are three AV is of water conVen.: ient: to said buildingovhic yieldan abundant ,stipi s si s of.water,at. a depth of,,lmit 13 20and I 25_ et-below the surfaCe. . ' le farm is uhder good, fdnceS, - -a large part thereof b ' , post and rail, This farm lies in an excellent. settlement,- and possesses _titi• meroul advantges for Markets fiir the .sale of produce: ii is s within 2 . m iles o£ the depot of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road ". . c i promise's to create . a. large.denha:nd- for pro- , . - .Any person desirous of 'iiiewiti:tl)e - fartri; can call upon either of 't.hd•subscriberS, the one living on the premises, and.the other _..._ joining them. • . , .Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P,M.,,wheic attenchince will be "given - and terms of sale made known by _ - . - . . . • . -.- luellitthl__ler t: -. : -. .1. _____ , - pseph Solleliberger, ,Executora of CliristiatylVlohlerlAlk7d .sept. 25, 1837.—.3yA Estate of-ehtistian '.;hoover,' deceased: NOTICE . . _ . Txßilg of admuiiatrai~dn Upon the- estate •of Christian C . oover, late or Dickinson town• sliii.Cumberland,courity, deceased; have-issued yn dne;:tbi:ni_or laW:to on the. farm of said .deceased, in said_ township— An persons having claiins'against said estate.w,ill _present them, and those indebted will realcd pay- DA NI - C 001W.R,: Ader 122 , THE subscriber having purehased of W. Blair, the right for- Cumberland county, of Shaw's : Patent,ahreshhlg7Machine;%iwonid inform the public: that he has on - hand and intoods,rnanufactprinva -- good -material,--the' above-mentioned . .machineS,. at -his-sbop--in west•Poufret street, The. sub scriber does not pretend to' say any thiog-re .-Speating.the good-qualities of—the-,machine - ,--. but would 'respecting refer the farmers of thiS: county, to any .of . the gentlemen. :whose. names are attached to the„certilicate beloW, froth; whorn r infOlmation respectinglican be hp - 0:- is but necessary - io.;.yllint for cheapness,. ease of horse power, - and simple ness of construction, it 11:A not been surpas. : sed by any machine yet invented. 60 or 70 bushels of grain can be threshed with one horse in a day, and about 100 buShelsWith twahorses. • - subscriber has improved the machine so as Co be able to thresh much faster, with •less power than as hereto ore - constructed.— The• price,7of the above tn• chine is 70 dollars. r 1N W,,ENAING. P. S. a prohl the estimation in which the above mach' e as improved is held - abroad, the states of New Ydrk, Vermont, •Ohio-and/Massachusetts, halik i given-it-the decidedjprefererice, and the •thrbe former of these have:awarded premiums to that effect. . CERTIFICATE. The undersigned haying each of us pur •chased of Wm. Blair,.,of the liorough of Car lislei=one of his.-Patont-Threshing•Machines, ,(Shaw's patent,) and upon. trial thave found it to answer every eipectations in every respect, antLin.addition to its being an excel lent grain thresher, it has also been found on have the advantage of being , a clover seed - Cleatierit e-horse-power-is-so easy, that it is.VerV little labor for two horses, and the construction of the whole machine is so very simple, and-so unliliely_to_get out pf, order, that we most cordially recommend it to. the; Farmers of Cumberland county, as one of the best machines we have met 'with, which has given us entire satisfaction, and which will be the opinion (as we'believe,) of every, farmer upon his giving:the machine a fair trial. - ' JohnsniderLFrahltord_Aewnship.;._Samuel Westherffer, - Newton ; Jas. Sharp,-Hope :well; William Green,. Newton; Jacob Hershe, N, Middleton; Christian Tritt, - --Dickinson; John Tritt, Southampton; Sam'l Tritt, - West Pennsbororgh; Andrew Blair. . Carlisle. ' Carlisle, lily 10, .187. Notice. TTPON the application of Divid S. Runslia, ‘-f Administrator 1 .the estate, cif William W. •• Clark,:_late'of deceased, township, Cumberland. county deceased, the CirPhans' Court of said count e . appointed the un dersigned Auditors .to settle and adjust the rates and- proport ions•Of The assets of. the said estatei — to - and - anywg the respective C - Feiti: tors, according to the order established - by. law.. The undersigned auditorswill meet at the house of Jacob Engle, Innkeeper, Ship penshur.g..on' Wednesday the 11th of O;tto ber next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when all , per r sons interested may attend. :ROBERT S D 'CUNE, B.4IIIUEL • 0, Elllll,"desdifor3 September 18,.18V. ' • 2 . Stock and ge BROKER . Harriibtirg,"Markelt street, oppogite to Wilson's 'Hotel, ' • . , 124,A11345)63631 Floys.aiid sellsilgte4;