Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 24, 1837, Image 3

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CAEMZ - S7nE.,
'Tutesdayi 3 October
—"Pie People's :Candidales.
. PRESIDENT;-:- • •
Yinicl zia.auniaQmc.
Tatazurvao cautamaarra
CirettmstaTl9 F .s Inive prevented Onr`giving
pstsink_notlee;,or our hairing,had.an_
opportunity afforded us, tltrotigh . the polde invi•
7tar!on:Of the, liead of the institution,, of dttend•
ing tireintrecluctory lecture of ProiessO? Allen,
of the Chemical and Philoiophic\aj depart el!ts of
Dickinson'Collerk, delimed
• * Upon mitering the chapel,-which we did ut a'
r .
very late 'hour, and conscquently lost 4 portion
of the which we much regret—We. were
_gratified ht finiling:a number of our lit6ati. in au='
aience, . whose marked attentiops z lioWelllo.w
- 'much they we're interd,raMrfrom thia - Circhm,
.----- - —._._._. esste
stance aid our' own. observation,' we -were ftilly
ji j
convinced that the ok a of - ' the Yrof6Sior was
handsomely accorrip ( ishrth' - - •
, - he cOnclustori f the lecture
- and - Professor - Allen took us to the apartmen
taining,Alie,...philosupli'lcal, npparatus, lately wir
chaseirfron'Professor Johnson, of Philailelphia.
,We were much pleased. with its appearance, and
_ with_the.'orcler_and. neattiess , Thritli_sv hich_eve.ry
thjsAi4Mirattcsi and
_ sucli a Professor 'a .Ir.~Alku, student has ev,.
:cry oppprtunity of acciThfing scientific-kidge;
and, which, if not improved; hd will in after lice
deeply regret. -- - - . .
66 The prdectical rerkiner.l)
- This --is..the name of montlily_periodicalju - gt
sited, by-nn assocititiTi of .Fail-net'si-'-!- etlited-b-y
It is in dtme.geiino size; each num
. )er to codiain24,Nges._:Weliave looked, dough
ylie, . 4 ti c uip
yaw .tte interesting andbeihificial !() the farmer,
. .
. .
The rolloollog - hotice ins-ert-tur- - ilie - purpose
f_promotinkihe.intent of the.publication.
. I' "AGILICULTURAL ' TinIii.. The Edit01 , 11111:1(1S
lake an'Agrictiltilral Tour, as sooners-practicable ;
ith a VICW to collect infOrtnation .from
'his Ger
lan brethren, on'the snbject of improvementi iU
'arming auftl Ittnal'Ecohoiny. lie will organize,
;herever it is desirable, IltrinerB'.. , 2B6ociat. 0118 in
ifterent parts . of Penns) 'yank' and btlier states,
. ) extend as'far as possible the circulation of the
--nrmer, in-order-to aid in_theitirthcrance ()fuse
d practical knowledge. lie - hespealcs, the cur —
ial eo-opel ation, and solicits lhe attention of the'
ermatipcipntation, to his enterpvize.
meetings may
,he. !whit, in relation to this sub.
ct, he will address them in ej4lLar or both the
erman and English language."
The Editorresides near Nlecltoicsburg,whei. r e
e presume, communications may be.sent..
We have before us the linickeroueker," and
e "Ladies' Book," for October, both of which
linen the character for excellence and ability
3ich they have hitherto so well sustained. The
tickerbOcker has a number of highly interesting
ticks, to which we will be glad - to devote the
st leisure how' we can get; and as new the bur
and, excitement of the efectton is past, we
have-muteskisure-foratte ntion-ux.our_l+ter
• partment, which it will be .our_endeavor to •
The first letter is a long and specious document. ,
from the pen of Mentucan Hunt ' , the Texan
Minister, in which tie first gives a "comparati s ve to
history of Texas and Mexico." As might be ex
make it appear that in Texas alone wee - the - true
Republican .spirit maintained. All thisji done
_with _agteat deal otplausibility,St one would sop: -
pose that the Texans were the finest und most vie' .
tuous of Republicans 4. Patriots, while the' Alexi- .
cans were the very basest of the base and wholly
adverse to liberty.l_ In this long tirade Gen t hunt
forgot- very adroitly-to tell us that these tyran
nical Mexicans Were so much opposed' to, true
~. . • . liberty, , accordinglO - Southern •idea's of 'liberty,
We have just received the first and second
as to proclaim • freedom to every man, and to put
mbers of the "Oasis," a neat litt i l l e_Nlqiithly of'
an-en4.l4o44accursed oystetn of Slavery, which
---; Imperial' tetavo size of 16 pages, - pithlished - -
continues to disgrace our own •_country ; .while .
)swegoiN. V., for the moderate sumuf $1 60 the Republtean.Textine with more just and correct;
I dvance. • From a hastiglance at the numbers
ifdliaa'of liberty, in their coWititutfon proclaim_to
-- eived, - we - are-verY favorably itnpressed; and* ticke ,
world that man has a right to hold his fellow .
tk that its title ivill not prove a misnomer. it' man in abject slavery.. The incongruity, of this
- n no sense' political in its chartietv, but is 'to 1
thing mu s t have been so glaring to Gen. Hunt
devoted to "Literature, Science and the Arts," - himself that in urging an annexation, he 'did not
tif we may judge from the specimens before I use the Slavery system of Texas as an argument,
we would infer that its conductors are capo - l-outwithstanding he knew it would be all power-,,,
for the task they have imposed on themselv „ ps„ •NI with the South. But as our tittle 'will not ad.
. ,
that it will be ably, pet:formal.' WP• Will with ; mit of . a. lengthened notice of this clocument,_We
isure' send on the names of those of our ' must briefly notice the:remainder. Geh. Hunt'
• nds who-maybe desirous of taking.this publi- next' promises On union between the • United
on., States and Texas, and says all he can in favor of
•z --r-- ' • • _ such a_measure.__To -this -Mr.Lrorsythe_our.Se--
7 - fian/C - Orike - Viiited - *MieS. .
craters of State, in
a' comparativelyshort note,_
___leUnited_Stitis--GSzette-givesrthe-fellowing7a iM- _
= TiiiiiiiematevO:stracts on whichwe
. eirfntrotll - Mlifiltion:Ol.the - PennsylVani - v iii
pass a few remarks - . . • ,
dt !Alike United States, as exhibited in ilsl7l "The qUestion of the annexation of a foreigh
ir report to the Legisl a ture of the State
he notes . of the new bank ' ut, except the post
," '-- presente to t his government..
before been: . . '.:1.• .•
' "
'to ; at long dates, issued to individuals, amount
$ 601,403 , "Whether the constitution of,the'Uulted States
.6,176;861 . contemplated the annexation of such a state, and
• so,
"--- it in what manner that object is-to be effected,
Totitl,24.'- --.-- -• • --- 6,777;264
specie, amounts to - - , - - 3 016,230 are questions, in the opinion Of the President, it
. he conditionwhich-this statement, exhibits of, would bejnexpedient, under eausting ctrcunestan- .
zorrcertis of this itnportantinatitoticM prsents ef's, to agitate."Lj. :. -.. •
~. ,
.... . : ,
._ _most_conetusive_and.holiorable_emide n C e of We haye. itAlieised.!!.'existing circumstance s"
Prudence amtpre-eminent ability:with'-ividilh- for the 'purpose of' drawing the pub lic l attention to
; ffairs hatiliVe'en : conducted by its'enlightened• them. The: letter was. dated August 25th,. at
. . ;wilt and his able coilOgues. -7-- = - . 4- ': -
,: which time it was certainly-titexpedient 10 ogitate
le Gaiettoannexesio this statementthe fol- thOluestion of such assumption onihe port of the.
;• log comparison of the condition oe the Bank F' sl nt ;'as the electiOns; differeut sec.
e United•Statesivith that 6fthe StMebank of.. tion :Of t i `, uhlry, tendered it exceedingly
~ IfOrk; and Virginia. •. ... - : i • " . rdon/b1 triVlietliii; he would barrio 'Majority to
• Circulation: . Sp ec i e ' : - ,l ( sustaln Win in annexing .Texas 'to the United
Bank of.the.U. States, 6,777,264,, 3,016,230, States bytreOlY,hgain'st the .Voiceol the 'people: :
D 5 banks oftbeSmte of
sir. York, - - 15,09,714 2;7.5
:4438-; l'This: mde , of accomplishing the wishes of the
: • - -- 1
two Virginia banks, & . .• ' TeXins 'and Southerner's being' somewhat novel
inches,- ---.--•••:.--,•- 1,008;602"-.----851,663• 'ieridered - iC - niesaaryl to feel the way, and hull-
ate as ia!ercsting as poshible. We notice in
is number of the linickercker; the 3d No. of
--Ttmerican — Atitiquities l " — which reminds Us that
e August' nuntiaci , eontaining No. 2d, has never
iched us) It se s titx ie package for August,
signed for Carlisle, has never come to hand
e would be very glad to have ours, and. would
ink the Editor ti; forward it to us.. .
..• . .
notes of the late look out, to -
Pcnnsylvaiiia Licction:
-- Tli - e - atithentle•-anlreportefl - relurni of the die,'
ion inf This State for men:berg - a the lOwer.House
of the , Legislature, are given i the folle - wing
tuble':' •
• I- .
1836 1837,. •
Whig V. IL — Whig V: B.
0 2
1 4 o.'
11 •aver
13 ed ford;
13 rad ford,
Culumbia r , •
.Payette, -
,leffei'kpund IVarren, 0....':'1.,. 1
rimer, l'ina , &; lll•Xeati 3 O..,. 1
Philadelphia City,' 7' 0.,_..-'7
County, 8 0 .... '8
2. 4. 2 0
Yenango,. z t:/ ...• 0-..
• • 0...•• 3' • 0• .
Westmoreland, /..
Juniata, 0 3
Lancaster, ---- ; 0 67. .. 0
Lebanon, - I ... •.• • 0
Lehigh, .... 0 2
I;tizevre, , , .0.... 2 .... 0 2
eld . U .2 -
leerct.4, 1
Alimtgotnery, • _ 0. .. 3 .. 0
Nortinnripton & Munroe,o . ...3 . -0 .
Northumberland, 0' 1 „ 0 ' 1
tt ayne and . Pike, 0• . 1 0 • .1-
Stisquelianna, . .0 0 ' 1
-YOll4. . 0 3 . 0--
- 00-In the Senate, the members. will stand 19
WhigsandAntt-masons,-to 14 Van Byren.
- •
The result of-the election for State geneVre tins
been__ truly.gloribus, _out of nine elee
the -
nre-seven Whigs - 116 d Anti-Morons,
Ourenites:- The following are }he districts:—
" L " ei 3. M. V"...13.
4da Franklin and.Cutrlberland
Philadelphia Uity; - •c - 7 - ,
13etiford arid Soine6et i - - 1
Beaver and Mercer, - - - - - 1 0
J2rawfurd and Elie, •---- - • 1 t 0
Bradford and Susquehanna, - 0
Luzerne,"Monroe, Wayne 87._ Pike 0 1
The Le,giature of this State will.sfabd inf °lnt .
ballot,•as-tollows: • •.• 7 I
5e050r5,7, 7 1, 1 ,
ReprFsenlatives, =
Van Buren majority, 7
Soriatoria Eicctibn,in: this District•
. •
• •
• - • •.*:
Ffanklin, 2060 - 2056 - 18457 - 1840
Curaielland, 2001 1971 2420' 2387
Adams. - 1779 /1758 1314 1337
5840 5785' 5579 5564
drititexalion of Texas.
We are Mated to the politeness of th; 'Hon..
Joy.:Outic cANT, for a copy of the correspon
denee_of one governinent, With the Itlini;ter. of
TeNas—as also for other documents—for which he
will please accept our thanks. '
0. 4:..:•o
0.. ..-1
.. ... 0 -
O. • .1 ...... 0
0:. 22 0
0. ... 4 ' 1 . 0 1'
1 .2 0
-- --_- r~ ~.-:mss.-.
.4 ..g
rectly to ascertainOhether the Covernment would
be-sustained by_hls Mlniona Inthe Senate in'suffi
nu'rnbeetojustify his going forward to qs--
complish his object, in • this • way. The elections
are no,w;cloied, and as he has a majority" in that,
branch - Of'the government which In connection
with hiinself Is pOssessed of the treaty inakipg
power, we may expeCt all matters and thing to
Ile quiet in relation to Texas until after , Congress
I adjourns next Spriog. AssOon-sa-this-takes-place-
Mr. Van-Buren will annex Texlis to the Union
by, treaty; and witli,.closed doors next fall the
SF:nate will forthwith ratify it, and representatives
from Toros, who will be on the;ground all ready
for action,•`will take their seats in7both houses of
Cirngress.- 7 ThileAnLallAUman--probability,-the_
'next Congress will open.with an' overwhelming
majority in favor of the Southr who, will not fail,
as far as possible, to make the north bite the - dust
for their ofpoeillon to Slavery., •
Is the country prepared. fC;r-such an assuiiiiiTioh
Of power, on the part of the Executive ?. If not,
!et eyery man from Maine io Georgia speak 'but,-
and in a voice which will shakn.his seat under'
hitn; Buren, that he„shall
-thus trample upon our rights and liberties with.
impunitY.' We shall this' subject again!.
10 1
4.... 0
VERMONT ELECTlON.—The•,efficial re
turns have been'received, and the Ilbston Atlas
thus sums up' the case:— •
_ .
. .
The Whigs have an increased majority in the
Senate. - The Whigs have an increased majOefity
in thellOnse. And thC Whigs have an:incritased
majority !Or their Gdvernor. • . - __.
This Is the great Van Buren gain hi Vermont!!
• • N.AVY YARD. NEW Yon=,
• • •
• .oatober 20th, 1837.
After waiting an d.w.ofdering • Kiitoore than
three Weeke, 1 was yesterday areeably relieved .
h ;the arrival of several hick numbers of "The
- Herald and Expnsitor." Have they been 'trans
mitted regularly? so, ti; agents of
l A;‘
'Kendall,, a set_of_stupidgascals,=Must_havFia mum
their characteristic negligence in permitting them li
to remaifibTthe-way, or else peradcititture rer
-may-havebeen Upon an electipliering. tour, in the
Far West, toendeavor-terenny - the. Whigs of
- that
region to the rescue of,the "bleeding Constitil.
. •
lion." Wherever they have.beenor wh ateve r
- has been.- their_ z btiainess,,the pertisal_of . theinis
ever, afrotals.nie much .I,atisllctieri.: They treat
-of'Carlisle ,- aml-the-region_round about-T-a 'place
endeared te:rny'lreart . by h
,thousand pleashig
associations; and . 1
recullection of a thousand
scenes of unaccustomed delight.. I was a, youth;
22.years'ol4pennyless, homeless and friendless,
tvlien,by some -decree or:Myst-ed .- pus Providence,
I became ayeaident, or rather, perhaps, a transient.
visiter of that - lovely .florough. One short year
I.W.uukl_not afford me- c_ipps.Ttunity for cultivating
extensive acquaintance,yet even during that time'
Tliecakie the 7 retipTent;liU%veVer liurntile ; of That
benevolence.—that disinterested_friendship . ,-;that
unhesitating hospitalitYwhieli so amply cltameter
ize the inhabitants of that regiOn: When 1 left,
the'recollection of past pieasures7past
past aintiserrrents,notukalloyed,yet rendered more
essential by the occasional intervention of adverse
thrtune,_united will the 'consciou§nesi of. the
probability that I was taking my final letn'T,
form a current ofirresistable emotion, which'eitsh
-ed-ifpon- my :mind , with an--intensity ; almost,.p.verr.
whelming. It was aboiit fdur in4he mornifig. At
eleven the previous night, I left fCrever,a friend
to whose name.niy memory still clings with un
yielding tenacity, and retired to bed at Atighin
nangh's.• The bar-keeper's cry of "Stage ahoy,"
aroused me, and I prepared for immediate em
barcation. The moon-had gained the attitudec.of
her. mereclitin, and moved alone in silent grandeur
through heaven's cerulean arch , —not a cloud cb
atructed the tinsel rays of7hei peerless light, nor
a breath of air disturbed the wide prevailing
-lencti Heaven's starry, hosts seemed asleep,
while the moon was their wakeful. sentinel. •l
entered the coach. '"Beside me sat a student of
Dickinson College—around me were several pas.
sengers of'whose presence I was made ec - TUiCious
only by their continued snormg.,.. The rumbling
of the stake as it turned the 'corner atAlte_Court
House, and 'rolled .along the turnpike towards' :
Harrisburg seemed,the knell of departing joys.
Could have wept, but my feelings were — too
intense. At Hoguestown' rilicok old Land
lord Porter by the hand 7 wished. him 'success : in
his cliiver.seed 'speculations, and bade hint adieuH
forever. After my friend Clendenio had- over.
hauled Amos Kendall's packages, sod , the driver`
had watered his team, We lost little time in gain.
- Leaving
. this place, a:pleasant
!passage to Philadelphia, and the amusing gonver.!
cation of toy sprightly fellow passengers (who,
by the by; were no other than Yankee specula. -
0r,,5,) had - a tCndency to overcome the thelimchol.
ly sensibilityivitli which the morning Itad.found,
inePo s ssessecl, and when I arrived in New' York
I had • the Satisractioti to know. that ..itteliafil • Wei .
himself again." • Such was. the . scene,. and such
'rrly emotions'when I left Carlisle. If, in view bf
_warm friendship offered_with_but_a—wish- , of-refi
ciprceity--generous hospitality rendereg without
. hape of reward, and the most unboun& d kind.
ness manifested towards me as the 'spontaneous
T ekusiokofsonlii_glowing _with the best feelings.
that ever Were klnclied_irk_the_human-breast,l-ratrt
tible_ortirry"thing like gratltude;such is the
sentiment whit still fondly - ChOrish towards
those with whom I becatne acquainted in that re:-
The South Seat irplaring siniadron under com
mand of,Cominodore T..Catesby Ap Jones, is'
now at this station.. It will Probably leave, for its
destination in November. . The expedition is
endowed with an efficient literary corps under
the dfrection of 'Mr. Iteynol4 formerly' a
ple to Simms. ieemiecred that "Simms' Hole''
will be_d isc,o.v ered r _p yided _Sitn er_ had-a
hole; if not, Iris theory:will bp-eirplodecl.. From
theuscheonnei Aetivl, Capt. Woolsey,- attached'to
this squadron, I propose sending you an occasional
communication. My , signature shall, be "Nlep
trine'Hini trident n• goose-quill. ~S omething
from the South.'Pole may not be uninteresting• to
your readers, especially, when it pertains to affairs
in , whlch•otir , Ination rind th'e . entire world are
mediately or . imtnediatel3Lcencerned. yOur
ceptance or rejection.offigs - proposal shall be de
ciaiye. : Yours ever; t •
Oloc - _Q . .4-: c 4 . : . _.‘ii..Tilh**" . #ll,lo ° '-.9u*v . o.iifilli.'4.,
Extract from the Minutes of the Belles
Eettres k Yociety.
Resolved, .That we learn, with de,ep regret, of
the death of our . esteerned 'felloi-member,
It. /1, Gontints.. , • •
Resolved; -That in his decease, our assobiatisin•
h ag b een depsived, of a member,tdilse esteemed
for his virtues and.rispected for his talents. • •
Resolved, That we deeply? sympathize -with
the relatives.and frienJ_s of the:deceased i ,
k. Resolved, That, as'aAoken gE-respect, for the
iliemory of our late:associate, we-wear the usual
badge of mourning on the left arm, for the space
of thirty clays. .• , f
Resolved,' That a copy of these resohltions be
forwarded.'to the afflicted parent and - fiends of
the deceased ; and that they also be published in
- tlic - Carlistelsap ere; -- and - i ifTWClffiStian'AZl vocate
—• _ • ,
_ Resolved, That as an addilionalmsrk of regard,
we di) now adjourn. • .
c,EORGE P. FISHER, S'ecretary.. •
- -
From !lie Pennsyloanin . Telegrrph..
---City'or-Philadelphla - raham Miller ,. Freda
I' County l. o f il. Burden;
M, Peitz;:*lt ict c) Snyder.
Montgonierrester and Delaware-:.-',Franci.4
_James, James Paul; and Denry. Myers. . • •
Ducks—Wm.:l': Rogers. . _
perks—Jobe Miller. • - . _ _
Lancaster and York--John. Strohm; Tamer 6
Conkey„ Jikmei A. Caldwell. • •
Dauphin and Lobation—,rohns arper. .1
• Union and:Worili - uinberland-,liaac Slenker.,
-Mifflin i -Duntingdon, • atiniata and Perry--Da-
Tid R. Porter. '
Centre, Clearfield and Lyconfing—kez.
-__Coftunnia-and-Schuylkill '4611.141 Fralley, •
Lehigh and Northampt4 —Peter S. Michlen
L_Lui.eitnernonroe, 2 Wayne-anc!-Pike- - ,Ebenezer-
Kingsbury, jr. ' ' -•
Braclford-ana,Sfisquchanna.E/Mis *Case.
Adams, Cu Berland and Fliankliti I •David-Pu/-
Won, Charles B. penrose, Jacob Cassat. _
• Bedford and Somerga=-Samuel.ill. Barclay.
Wy4moreland & Indiana'—Sam!: L. Carpenter
• z Wachington,-Isaac Lect.„,_ •
DeriictAJP - MTPurvicrnee.
teaiCr and Mercer—Jahn T. Pearson.
Crawford and Erie-../i,seph, M. Merrell.
• Armstrong, Jelferson, M'lCean, Warren, &C.—.
Meek Belly. - • . k - - -
'Adamsftliaddeus Stevens, Chas. Kettlewell.
Armstrong—Wm. F. Johnson.
Allegheny—Henry M. Watts, Francis Karns,
John Walker,. Win. Penniinan.
Bradford—Genre Winne/b._ •
I:Beiy_er= s -.lo'hn Ilarshe, - Wm.
- BedfOrd- - TliortifiS'W. --- TETwe r ,
lineks - -Isffiali James, .4aron Irwin,,Toseph
..I.3krks—S.nnuel Fegeiy ,, JacoblValburm Abra
Jamei Geiger.
Butler—Sarnuel A' 411671. 4 77 . • • • •
Crawford,-Dr. Luther M. Chamberlin, J.
son Farrelly. - " • • / •
Centre—jar. Samuel Strohecher. ' •
clii!sterr—M. Richardson, .4 R. 111cIlvain, W. 1 1
11. Diflinglaunt.-R-L.liPossmore.
-• Bowman. - -- •
CUMberland—Wm. It. Gargle?, JaS: Woodburn.
Dauphin--Nartin .Kendig. Christian .t.hrinan.
vffre'.::-.4 . 9hii — Eitri - vardi. •
Erie—Charles M. Reed,,Jaeob Sitody,
Fayette-Jas. A. 111'HIelland, Wtn. Coplan..
- Greene;—Enog Hook.
Huntingdon=liP7 - Conningham, /no. Morris n.
- Indiana Win•M'Ciarron. r. - • '. • •
Jeff'son, Warren, IWKeam,,Carlton Curtis.
Junia'a, Mifflin and-Uniun—Janies !Inglis, A.
S. .Wilson, Henry Yeariek. ' • ' •
Lanc . ast er—George Cornelius Collins, gd
oman Dilkr, Abraham Kauffman,. Benjamin Heir,
Lebanon—john Ke7linger.
• Lehigh—qacob Erdman, Michael Ritter. ..
Lycoming nm Clearfield—Dr. 'James Taylor;
James H. Lavery._
Mercer—Wl . porter, -F. Beatty.
' Montgoiner' —Jacob S. Yost, Henry Lonaker,
Samuel E. ech.
Nortl Ti pion and Monroe —Abraham Shorts,
Josef Hirst, William Sebring.
I%lortlaintherlamt—Lewis Dewart• - • .
Pike and W'Ayne.-.:0. S. HimmiOk4
' Perry —He.... Ws,. S. Clark. • .
• Potter and TiOgli4Wirt. Harrelson. -
Philadelphia City— - Fin. J 3. Crabb, 'Wm B.
Fling; Geu. Sliarstooca4,l Washlon Tyson, Benj.
41 . 1. Hinchman, Joseph Mellvaine, Thos. Hayes.
Philadelphia County—Sam'l - Stevenson, Chas.
Pray, John W. Ryan, John B. Smith, Snmuel P.
Read, M N. Carpenter, Thomas 0. Goldsmith,
Benjamin Crispin.
Susquehanna—Asa Dimmock. "
Somerset. and Cambria—Jonas Keim,. joseph.'
Kreb - s.
. Vemingo--Gclorge It. Espy.
Washington—William H9pkins. Robert Loit
John Parke.
WesliTiol'elami—Johp Hin t William Reynaldo
Yoids—John . Thompson, Martin Shearer, Sam'
rooks. - • •
nti-Masong rind Whip in Italie—Fed
n Btireintes in Itonin . n. " • •
end V
• -.
'fi r. .ll4. •
' 9 41,
.1 :
. tr't, \ N ., •
"Marriage, with peace, Is Ibis world's paradise
with strife, life's purgatory." . .
Oh :Wednesday the filth, in 4., by the Rey. A:
T. McGill. Mr. J. Pazion Words. to Miss Jane.
ynungesi daughter of James Woodburn, Esq.. of
On Thnrsc
inst, hy_the_Rey.-Oltarles
Mings, ?bit% .raCnes Robinson, of Ross
county. Ohio.• Miss• Margoretd?. daughter of
MK William Woods; jr. of Dickinson township.
On Thorsday last; by Rev., Henry Miran& Mr.
Joseph Miller, to Miss Margarel_Weibner, both
of this plAc_e—._ • •
Op the
Amaker, to Ntiss Elizabeth Hemp, both or Silver
Spiirtg township.
. On th' sth inst., •hv the•snme • Mr. William
IKag,troneri tpltlip3.-Miza Snyder. botlitif Perry
County. . - •
NI the same day, by the same, Mr.- Willidm
110f:finger, to Miss .4uiitiana both of
Frankford township.
•,- Oh the 21st. ult., by the same, Mr. Michael
of South Middleton township, to Mis n k
Nancy' Hickey, of Westpennshorough township.
Olohe 13th inst. by the Rev. John Ulrich, Mr.
givid - Branorf,' Miss famine I 1 ratictl, all, of
Monroe township: "
Oti the same 41av, by the same. Mr. William
SlMllr,; - M;n_Calharine_lValfoill of Carlisle. On
TtieSilay the 10th ifist , by the Rer.-Ainos
A. McGinley,' Mr. Preder;ek Shearer, of Path Val.
ley, to Miss Martha Melly, of Amberion's
bri the 10th inst . , by the Rev. 1). P.posenniil.
ler,. Mr. Jacob Wcaklein, to Miss Mary danKloup,
both of Newton township, • • _ '
' On - the sth bast ' by •the' same. , Mr. James
Hoover, to.toiss Sara 7 l - 11hocles,,boili pf
On the sth inst., In Mechnnicsbum - WReit:
William oa.timsalen, 11r. nioiy' l P nkle, ofWash.
tenaw county, Mitbigin, to Miss Re:tee - Ca .Criet,
of 'New Cumberland.. •
On Tlturday
John Coleman, Mr: B.Pierion.grinter• to
Mlas Scidine L , Bobson-, bOth of Vlilladelphiat
_ Ole riqigat r a liagi 111 VTBTO '
• c a
g• A s
-Senators.' • .
*Charles 8. - Renrose; 146 72;4 • pit., 129' 61 51
- *Jaco - b — Cassat, 147 695/13915s - 762 - 48
tAbraham S.lll'Kianey,-137- ' 677 168 190 255 49
Thaae Robinson:, 13/663 169
_ : _.188.`250 1 4.51
SSembly. -
Divid S. Ransha, 7 /138 658 147-,--13T_, 61' 45
*John - Coover,_ -152 .699:- 162 141 74- 59
tWilliam R. Grcorgas,, 145 723 168
_,189 256 58
flames Woo z dtfurn, . 131 686 1447 178, 242 43
•Continissioner, •
— *James z gekles •
tßob6i C.:SteiTet .
/*A atthew Davidson 144
tGeorge M . . _Graham. 136'
111ireetor - OritsePoor. - -
*Mich . Strickler - 147 6 8 1 -
t: braham Wagoner . 683
• *Melchuir Breneman,
-- Daniel-17ecky,
_ Volfn Cornman,.
Sherilfs. • -
• . geurge ituldey;
John Myers, .
- isaacAttgney,„ •
Jacub Wetzel,.
David Lehn,
ia_m_Jleon,l., . ,_. 4 I .. • .
George: Beetem . . .' .17 ' 130 74.. _1r:.00 - _ 7 2 • -54 , .78 . • 7. 6 ...7596:'.'
_JOsetill Lobach, _ • _ 7._ 234
_, SI -- 3 3(. 3•
. 10 -,90 - 14 .4 _3O . -
George W. Himes, .. - 1 - 9 16. . .2 . "5" \ .-..-.--4 - 7 -- 2 .. 25 -,20 . 96 3_ fi '. .193 -.
Michael Leigig,• ~.,.'I '' .5. . 1 2—..-.20,_, 3. '- 4 Oti:; .00 . 00 ,00 - •29
- -• - •:•Greorge - Crolti -4---. ; —7, ' .2 14- ' 10---00-- 00 1-; 1 ;-6 Z 1 . to--2-- - ...: 7 .11. 0. , ,
- - 1. - ho se ' marked-thus-ti!).4were itua_on_the 7 .Whig•Andntimasobic tiaset.—Those marked:.
---.thus-(f) were,_ - , ______ .___ . ____----_ -:- 7 ---- -- - , — .-. 97:- -- • ----- 7 -.,-,- 7 .----- --------•-.--:-
For irfal'ait Xovembr»z, 1837.
First-F/ 0k coliinencing .Monday Notpnbtr - 13,..181 - .
Abrahnm Waggoner & i vs. Mar Y Madden • -
• J69.7lll.lfiter's - ex!ors. • „ --- -•--- -------
JohnCarothers'. Eieors. • vs. Andrew Carother's ;nil
. . Maho n
_Stockton - .,vs. Moor,llt& Co..
r ,. Woods - - - vs. P: - Ege et al: . - .
.Welie - foruse McLanaliiii - iis. CrofiisterS' Admiteor: -
2 * -- ;;-Stair foruse.,&c: •-•-vs.-Zug"s Adm'or: - ;-_
7 -- Grair ----- ." -- ••- - -- ''- vs . ''Wiltion -, :. - • -,
Camp - ' .
Beatty - - • vs: Sample's Adm'or. - -
, ... .. _ .
'otter' -- vs. Sanno. . - • :
Commonwealth for use, &a. _vs. Neal -
Eichelberger & wife - ) • vs. Rupp's Ex e cut ors. '•
Zearing vi. H
, .
. Geese.; - vs. Wonderlich
iNhisler & wife . "Vs: Bear
:,-- " Soiree '
_vs. Clark
, Brackenridge . vs. Early & Dunlap
A Beautiful - Head of Hair. Battersby ' vs: Bennett •
Ithe grandest ornament belonging to• • the human Bennett • ps. Jlattersby -
1 -frame. How strangely the loss of it changes the, Gorges . , ,Vs; Gill
countenance and prematurely brings on the appearance . Carlisle Bank ' vs. Geo. 'Ego co-drawer
of old age, which causes many to re.:oil at beinguncov- Alexander . : vs. Sheffer •
ered, and sometimes even to shim society to avoid the McAlister . - vs. Laverty
jests and sneers of their acquaintences; the remainder Stool . 1 ' ' vs. Same• ,
of .their lives BM consequently spent in retirement. Same _ vs. Same
In short; not even the loss of 'property fills the goner-• - elever
~ ' - . .W. Patton
ous thinking youth with that heavy sinking - gloom as Same vs. Same
does the loss of his hair..!. To avert all these unPleasent R. Angney . li. Jos. A. & M..P. Ego'
circmstances,. OLDRIDGE'S' BALM OF COMM. Martha Means
vs. Nathan Ramsey'sexs
INA stops t e hair from falling-off on the firstaoplica. Gaullagherht-Executor
liTii - aliff - feTWVOille - s - ile it,..agAin7 -- Trlikeviise - Kirkitoor va._l3 is hop
prciduCOS - yebrows and - Whiskerst- PreveritS - the-hair -- • - ______. , -.--- _
from_tuin . ."g__grey. - makes_it_c.url beautifully, and frees ..._ TRIAL LIST
it from curl. Numerous certificates r f,the first re- * - FOR ADJOURNED COURT; - .
TrizT_thility in. support of the virtses - of Oldridge's Commencing Monday - 27th Nove,mhei., 1837.
Balm, are shown by the prorieterri. • , -I. Ramsey . vs. Harper,. - ..
reßead the foll Owing: , John Martin& wife foruse,? vs. Andrew Brown's ex
- ROBERT WHAM ON, Esq: late Mayor of. Phil- &c. . 5 ebuto
adel,phia, has certified, as maybe seen blow, to the Thos. .Creighton ,-
reighton & wife do ' vs. Same.
high character of the following_ge . ntletnen: • llarkness filienee 'of same • vs. James Brown et
- al
- The undersigned do hereby certify that we have used James Martin - ---- -- --
the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. 01dridge, and Mary Martin vs. Same
have found-jt-highly-servicable net-only as a prey:ante.-- Martha Murtin-- , ---- , ------ vs:: Same --:-----------------
Live .again i st the falling MT of hair, but also a certain. Jane Martin ~ • vs. Same -
restorative:, • . WM. THATCHER, senior, ' Ep4'm Martin by his guard'n vs. Same ,
- -- Methodist Minister in St. GeOrge charge, -- -- -.John_M. _Wilson by_do _ . _ vs._Sime "
...___ • .............._
. N0..86 North Fifth-street. . Seth Wilson by do. '
_ • , - - vs.'S , alne -
, JOHN P:INGLIS, 331 Arch street. - -Margaret Wilson bv do ' vs. Same ", •
. - • 'JOHN D:THOMAS, M. D. Id Bach st. -,Dinsmore & Kyle in4ses, &a. vs.. Sarno .
, JOHN S. FUREY,, 101 Spiuce et. • Bell & Stirling- .
... • vs..Wealtley
' • * 11UGH McCURDY, 2,43-South 7th et. - Alexsnder . ' • - Vs. Fetter ..
,• - , JOHIMARD, Jr. 123 Arch et. Blimiro for use, &o. - . vs. Moore •
—The-ag,ed, and-those7who-peraiat-in-wearing Wier, Fettrow'e administrator • vs. _Poise
may not always experience its restorative qualities, . Maxwell for use, &o. , - vs. Same.
yei it will certainly ra'iso its virtues in the estimation Clippingor , ta. Moore
of the public, when it is known that three 'of the above Same ob. Patton
signers are' more than 50 liars of age a d the others , Wightman'i Administrator vs. *Crever •
- not - less theri - .3o.___:_. --------- -- 4 ------•-----m--Sand ers=------------- -- tr. -- Moli'vehen - constl --
' [Fratil the Mayor.] - vs. reli man
COMISIONZICALTH . OF PENNSYLVANtAt_ ._llarrishurg_BenltindAle,d , po. -vs. Mahon
of Philadelphia. • Chriatleib for use, die. vs. Sturgiss
I; ROBERT' ffutir N, Mayor of said eity•Of Shannon - - _ vs. Kell. --
PhiladelPhia, - do hereby certify that I atti well ac
quainted with Messre.-J. P. Inglis, John S. Furey, and
Hugh McCurdy; whose names are signed to the above
certificate, that they are gentlemen of oharaoter•and re. ,
speciability, and as such full credit should be given to
the said certificate. ' .
. .0.
In witness whereof,' I have hereunto set my hand, '
~ ' • ,and • caused the seal of this city-to be affixed,.
[L. S.]-1 • sixth day of December, &O. .
Obse e that each bottle of the Genuine . Balm has a
spienkll4 - engraved 'wrapper, on which' is: repr ntea
the Falls of Niagara, &c;,&c. ' . ',.--
, For• sale at wholesale by-Conts•rocir Co.-'Sole.
Agents for America New York, and by ostdruhists
throughout - America. . - .. •
IliPt44vili•--All printers 'or editors who'will Insert
thti aboVe, leaded, for 6-months in a tVeekly,paPer, and,
send" One 'number oi their paper . to•theagent,•; - ,oball be
entiteled to ono 'dozen of the • %bp& article. , ' ,
"_'For Ale ID , S. 0. 130LAWAR, Qarliele,
• s" :
144 - 40: 66. 49
164 . . 10.247 52
669 143
706 166_
147 683 - 144 '139 66' 51
1-47-67-2-145-1-39-60_ 4 9
137 691- 164 182 219 51
1 - 36, 697 163 .184 252. 51
242 80 47 101 230 170
85 -128 •, S 4 87_1_ 407 .148
26 "13 10. 65 - 271 -51
28 26 - 43 •90 166
io - - 9 3 -
9 11 . 5 3:=--8 40 --
8•, 61 164 .19 . 16 23
1 :66 t_g3 - 2 _5
_B l .9
6 • 36 •_ 53 : 75' 25 ..2
143 275
127 550
32 . 115
79 2.16
- 6 a
S 2
0 11
11117"303 - _ .0" 46 „1 0.003 -
114 . 76 . 0 - 224 7.59.-. . 1971
116. 447: 226. • 68 87 .0) 420 •
112 • 448 • . :220 66 _434 . • '2387
116 190 .228 -54
1227-295 RV' 64
115 456 w .228 .74
105..456 217..57
115 295 216 60 - 45
114 455 229 66 438
101 297 220 58 507
113' 453 227. 66 - 83
132 6T A 7
174 239 5.4
97 - 296 'MT 59
112 449 - ten -- -66
131 62 50
115 296 221
•• r 02
114 452- 225
117 452
Came to , this premia;s .of the subscriber, in
Allen township, Cumberland county, on dig. ntli,
instant; TWO SMALL STEtlitS;atoit tiro years
old, one, of which is red, with.a small white spot
in front of the head t the.other is A. (hut red,
with a white head and licle,`,' The owner is here
by requested to come, forward; prove p!op . erty t
pay charge's and ialie theni away. '
Ab;ice ,to CrWitors.
"Tate NOticeithat we.haiie-ipplied, to the jtulgt . -.
ea of the.enukt of common plea%.l 4 , canbolind
6itiiitifer the benefit of the insolvelit laws of Ulla
eointoonwtallli,and. they h'n'ire' appointed, - Mon4 -
.'duy,7t4e,;131.11 'Bay. of -Nov emb•er i - - at -.the',nt Carlisle, for the hearing of us and
out. cred.itore,..when :and wlwye You may
if-you think proper.‘ - • . "• •
„JACOB at vv.11;" : IV
I F L UTEIt - GOVIJMAN. " • • •
Cot, 17 . 1837, • • • ..
Valuable 413 r pnt_p
gra' Jk qk ILA.
r n l ZI
IDO fp
. 9
- 1922
4'9 1972
49 1949
84 - 2384
84 2426
79. 38
64.--_63 - + -
7 1 -- .91.•
2,4 13'.
3 -101
fronting un Main street with a. large 4
Brick Back tilnilding
fronting on. the - alley. Said list(' tot •is in a HA.
]Craft Trees and. Giflitie
ifo - bearing.- Curraillini4,Gothebery,y:Bushes; atui,
An indisputable title wilt b.giviitefhe
chaser. , Furtlter .parflcultiretire ileemed/unne
cessary.',:•Any persons .wiilting..pyse. are
invited - le call and iietiethe premises .% rhe - tertzutr , '
wilt be 'nude known-by.
• .'f JA7C9D-SQUI.F I a. •
Atignfit-28: - 4377. • ".. • .
so on
western:Vatter --,
vent banks will be received in payment
for the - - • ,
Will be.exposecl-to - Public. - 9:dein the'_ac
Iliniiie;_in-ilietlinvough.sif Carlisle, on Wednes7
the 1501 . (liy of November next, tli - e7follow
Adscribed.prOperty, - viz: - ' :.. . ,
.. . .
A Valuatite.rartni_-.
situate in-Dickinson tqwtiship,.
ty„ , on, the Wultwt 130ttom : rciad, adjoining i,t
ofifgeorge iLee, • - . :Myers and .others,•!,
ablinl . four'nniles from arlisle, containing
-20 -ACRES
Of first rate tisuegtoree Lain
about 100 acres of •which is cleared and in a g,
state of cuitiva'he improvements are a
a deuble Log Barn, and other out. buildings,
goiter with a well of water at the door ;_ ther.
on this farm an excellent ,
Al' LE .01EICHARD.'_
he situation f this property would afford
excellent oppo molt) , " for any 'personiwislling
,commence the mercantile business; if would
be - a good scite for a:blacksmith shop;
Attendatice - will be given. on the day of - sale..
• , James S.-Woods ,
__,_,Vxecut_or /if t FArml„, ‘ l:Poaqs
. pen:_clq,c .
October 2'37.1133.—t5.
. Volksfrgitn"d" publi sh
above three weeks arid charge this office.
• . ..130-11-NOVEM3-E-;
150,000-$20000 . :-$ tO,OOO
• onsOlidate LoAtery .
' _ - - • , .
.To be drawn at VVilmington,.Del.;on Sate
. clay, Nov 18th 1637 '
_______tatos• PitizEs.,. .
1 Prize of $50,0001 0,000 3 Prizes of $2,0
1 do. - 20,000 - .. .5 - .do - 1,5
1- •,. do • zo,ooo, 10 do , -- . 1,2-
I._ ac - ____-7,500 20- -do-_ . - 1,-0 , •
1.• do 6,040 20 do s , , _7- ,
- 2- -- do- 2, - 5V 30 — do ,5 ,
60Lof__300, -besides many of $250—5200
- -_ i _ --- . - -$l5O, a Br.
c. c. ._ ..- . •
- •
Tickets slo—Half 85 - --Quarter $2 . 51--
Cer. of Packages of 25 W. Tickets 140 dol
cla . - •do r - ,5:- , liti -7 s lf. - do - 70 dol
r... - do".: -:.."'',. co . " '''''''' . l s :'-'s` gi'. , do -35 dol "
_ prizes of.
. „ ,
- .- nail:laud State Lettery.
- ---- -CLASS;.No. 23, for 1837. '
To be . drawn ot.• Baltimore, Nov 22V183;
8 30,000-B, p oo-4,000 - , -3,000---:2:,50:.--1c
.._ pi ize. 0f.. 1 .0.00_&c,i4ke - . • -,---..-
.--!-Titicets-Slo—i-1.4f A5--qoarter—S2.-5C
Cr.e of packages of 25__W.-'tickets $l3O -
- , --. do- - •do- ", •25 Half, .. ' .61'
,-do ,- do , ', 25.. Qr. du„...: ...:.,32-
Capital $35 294 - tiett S3O,QOC
ToiTEndo tying Leesburg-Acadetny--and4l.-'
--, _ •
other purposes. •
-,—: CLASS No 7, •for 1837. • I' '
To be. drawn at Alexandria,- Va. on Satur
day, Nov. 25, 1837.
5 35,294-11,764--6 ,000-5,000- 7 3,000 7 -
- 2,5002,361: * -
" • • Prizes of 'F,1,000;--&.c,, &cc. • •
- Ticket 810—Half 85—Quarter$2 50.
Cer.•of packages 'of 25 W.' Tickets- 130 - - -
do do • 25 Half • ' 65,
do do 25 Qr. do 32 5
‘l7*Orders for tickets and shares of •certi
sates of. pAckagesin the above magnificeul
schemes, will receive the most prompt at•
tention, and an offidial account of each draw
ing sent immediately afte'r it is over to allwh.
order from us.
_Address .. --;,
.D.-S. GREGORY & Cv. Managers.
Washington City. D. C
Oct. 23, 1837
• •
- NO TIC, .
Is hereby given,, that we the subscribers, re
siding in Silver: Spring township, Cumberlam
county, have this day taken out letters of admin
iStration on the estate of- Ileory, Cobver, Jr,
of said towlipip of Silver Spring and county o
mbertitok deceased ; • d we hereby requel
all PersOlfs having claims or demands against th.
estate-of-said-decedent r crittak-rtnnwinhe sant!
to_us without .deJay _and—thosc-indebted-to.-tb—
estate to make payment to • •
JpHN C0 . 0VE.12.
0ct..21. 1837.-4 w.
Attentio4 Artillery!
You a.e ordered to parade 'on you
_v •• round on Saturday the 18i I.
zof N .etnher next, at. 2, o'clock:M. lq
",' iVinter.unitbrrn, arms and -.ticcOutr
- - -mentidntodkoriler: — .
By dicer of - .
E. M. DIDDLE; Captain.
onLE. -
Carlisle, Oct. 24, 183 Y. _
N, B. The Annual, Court ofAprie'al fn
said company will be held at ihe.llsluse IL. Et
C. Macfarlane, on' 'Monday thii. 6th.•(14
Nnvember'next, between the hours 0f . ..1;4K
6. P. M.
E, 7 31, Biddle, Captain
ffriev ler4
. .
Tilt stibscrib • frers for . sale the followiin
AL described h 1 e and half lot of ground, sit
nate on the north si of, Main street In. the bot
..Ough_of-Cirliale,-- G~ort7.-
Au hot I—the west half of lot ;,:..
61; in the' plan o , stint boroogh 7 -bounded b 3
Main' street' on the south,
Dr. F. Myers on the
- West, Dickinion alley - (23feet wide).on the no+ th,
and the widow Cieighton on the east, contahnn i ;
30 feet in front and 240 feet In depth.
_The bki.l.
dings din are a • :.. , - . .
_Frame Weatherboarded,
1 1 ,...,1 ; , •
.ItrelitTO Lia