Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 03, 1837, Image 4

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    . . . ....
-DR.AmitANDER rim' - ._
- . . _
. . • -• ,
. ...
..- -. 'Vegetable , palvetwal. Pitts.: - '. . . -"- . . . • • .
Scienci. il,loutei contribute to the - Corner,goy :.
- , ~ • -'H ••• • and Happiness of..gookind." . • ' • _MI' •.k ins 'wit :10 . . . .... ~. • '
': • ' 'On , the -eighteenth" of May,ix
. 1835, these now -x. .smi , a.m.. AI . . 'SI kll#34lll__
truly celebrated Pills were • first inadkintatvit in . The SubScriber•Will 4.11 at private sale,.pn the: .
- the Onited•States,-altlititigh in itnrope they hail premises, a'good Forth in -North Middleton town ,
_been previously' before the publia•snearly• a cen- ships' 'Cumberland CountY, Amy miles' north of
,s , tiiry. „The American priblie, naturally viewed Carlisle,:on the road let 'rtg -- . - :to I,yaggoner's•Gara - ,
bem with suspicion,. but es on trial they 'were cOntaining
...,,,1„...i... • : " ' , "."-.,,,.'
found what they- robsed,-it was-soon-displaced • ••• .- . - 4 ,..-. ~.. `,-5,'•5.: .. _ '_:. (:t ie , __._.;,
•' by the., greate confidence. 'ln fact . ilia n....t ' , •juo.xl . A . . 1 ~.
..., . persons • wlio iave,coornenced• with them tinder,
~_ •
. ••, the m o s t try ng circumstances of bodily' afllic. .OF .plitST R.d.r.E. S .1,41277. E L4.1y"..19,'
. .
tion,when ev ry'other• means •and medicirm.had •iifirgood • state of Cultivation, the greatA• , part
°Proved alto her unavailing, have been restored enclosed in•the.beSt f ttif poSt fence, , nearly., riew,
-- . ,0 Ileattli a Itlippiliesiss horn their mse, and the and' made of first rate' materials. -AbOitt onelitui.,"
conse ence iS'tficyLare_nOw-reciomotirled by
zr o
deed - iiiid'twerify acriissir& cleared i the reshine;
-- -,---,Ltbion nds ofpersonx- whom they have , cured ..of c a eye 4 wi t r 4 : in g: , .
tonsumPtion, Influenta, Colds, Indigestion, Dys. -.,-•t ••„„•,
... ,
..: - • . ..
. tiepsia,.fleadache,.Pains, and a scnse - of fullness' • t w.tiba• • , YOUNG. '• TIMB Bit
,• • , liiihe •baelt.' part 9f the flead;..tisnally the Symp. Y . .74t`r•r-zg'..- •. • - . .. , • .
.•-:•-•- - trims=of4poplexy,--:-lattitdice--,------Ftivertut=„Ague, , .=_,- . ...=1__-. f i-dl- 8 ,-.atter t v,.-0 0 - 5 - e ---ed..f t - gr ee r - - 7 11811°4; Scarlet, Typhus, YelloW e nlid-coatnion— 'r- ":". 7,- - •'"'- - - •
. letretrvof i , all kinds, Asthma, Gout, lthetimatban, . "The imprOv.ements' are a Two STORY . •
. . Isiervoui*•Diseases, 'l...iier . Complaint, Pleurisy
- Intvard `.Weakness; Depression 'id' the. Spirits, _LoG - Volusig , — , 1:ail ii ti
_:.: .Thipoireß, Inflamfilation; Sore' Eyes; Fits. , Valsy, ~ _ .., ._
__.--- • °'
• • "lift i l , -* l ii 4 .),•
• Drop_sy,__S mall Pox._Melzles,_Cratip,.„..C.ougiel,_ Art i ,li it ei; - ( - 4 - ; - _ hflottb le-Log- Barn-wid te• -1 -14-..,, -
Whocipbtig„cotigh, Quinny,- 'Colic, Chulera;•ll oi thixishing floors and :t Granely i' and;a'guiiit
- Imp, Gravel Worms, DySentery, Deafness 'Ring-, waggon. shed and, Corncrib -attached-top it -- all
. 14 Noises in the Head; King's E v il,- so,rolidae roofed with' White 'pine shingles; with othergood
Erysipe4s, or St. Anthony's. Fire, Salt llliettin, otit•bnildings; an exe.ellent Apple Orchark and
..-• ' White Sivillings;.Dlcerssotne.of 80• Years stand. a- variety of other With-Trees. Two.. Wella• of
T-- ` -i . llC ' i n eds s "r-ti l Y' 9l % 8 -w-t:lled Veet•-•" (1 . 1 .4 -M
f; ater nem. the . house, There bre_oh_tlie_ftieni_
•. 7 P iles, Costiveness,. all. Eruptions OF the Skin,• 'several good spuingi orSvater - ; one an excellent
Frightful Breaths, Female dompiaiiits or eyery "
kind; elpecially r obstructiOns; relitiafroir '&6: ' • --- -'-- SC LPliitUa; SPRANG .,-:...:
~-:- Although Doctor B..has enumerated by: name• • ' • .
And a.creek passes -through 'it, which renders it
, . t he above. diseases, he is nevertheless of. opinion ~.,,,y Convenient in "stockwater.
7.77-withitirgrandfatlicr;rtlrezlidge - elebraoDr; - Wrm - ----- AtSi.);'- - -:Tiventy aereri "of Mountain• - Land,.
llrandreth, that "there is only ONE "Disease, an' about two and a half miles distant from said farm,.:
impurity of the, blood; '
which by im'p'eding, the. on l- Long's. Gap road, with a_public tearttO it.
• circulation,
-brings on. inflammation; and eonse." - _ - •,prapei,iy:shaibititbkdispose,i 0 before
quent derangement in the organ nr part where the 1 2 th day of- Octpber next, it Will on that day,-
. buch impurity 'of the blood settles; and that. it is, at 1-0 o'clock, A. 111.'he offe.retl at public sale. • .
.:the different appearances which. . his innamation - Ahy pe'rson wishing .to see said prethisesi. in
•-• or deranßment putson, that have caused mech.; view of purchasing, . will please to call on Solo
' - cal men to designate such appearances by various moo &Minton, residing,„" near the farm, or on the
' • names, but which are in fact, only-tile same rlis- •-- s -
• subset.iber in Carlisle.- A '
, base, • With' more •or less violence.• De.-. %Vol" . ••••• . . Spiel:lA L. SENTMAN.
Brandreth was so fully, COrriiiii - CeaT:tf the truth Of september 11;4837.
. .
the above - simPle_ theory, that lie .apent thirty _ • •,•
..• years in experiments and •laborious research into„,• •
-- -- - - --1- re , 4lTediet - : - tt -- tirop - er fi es - ortherotis - ly - liiiit tglt-P ii.,,,,
• . Composing the - Vegetable Kingdom; - his object .In pursuance of an order of-the orphans'
_ , being:to
,ctitripnw - a - • medicine. which___siiitukt,a t +Gourti-of-Cumberlancl county,-there . -Will-be
once - purify, and - "lprilduce- by . speci fi c-Action, ".”' exposed to üblic - side, onr-Thursday the 12th
:( temoval or till bad'humOrs- fr om the, blood by the - October ne x t, the following _descr ibed' pto
stomach and bOWels, - as -by . the cOntinuatioit Of.-
the use' of such a medicine, such humors are 'P e - EtYl viz :• , --- .. A:Plantation or: -.. . .
: -
dire to be -.'carried off, -and" the . blood assume a ' - Tract of Land,
M ate of - purity; - andwboever takes Mick Pill s,
'and perseveres with them will be satisfied that
..". tir. Wm. Brandreth fully attained his philantheet:
. plc object.' It- is now-an--absolute and known .
fact, that every disease, whether it be in the head
- _ pr feet f in tile brain or Meatiest member; whether
.. 'it be in Mitward Nicer, or an inward abseess;•are.
--- bill, though arising from many causes, reducible
.• effect, namely
. impurity of the
- -Mood,- • ,-- " -- "'" *- L' :•__ .:_.
'ln all cases i'l'er - tiiii beYourtifiNitte and - sird - I
Pe reinedy yeearponNskfyl for the removal' of
the.disease, whether chronic or recent, infectious
otherwise; and w sat makes t win particularly
Adatyfed Iv this Country, is that there is not th
slightest nobility to cold when taking them,
deed."tliA system 'is absolutely less susceptible
cold wjieif: under their irifluenbe, — thanTat any
- other time; therefore in This climate-they are hi
4alstable.. 'Neither' do. they require change, of
diet or care of any kind. In England these Pills
have .beeq the only medicine of many .„families
for periods - varying 01m-forty to sixty - years; - antl
hive always prOVed effectual in restoring health,
- -wherever an abelationfrOM it occurred. .
. .
- NOTICEn consequencethe .numerous
--counterfeiti•for sale in the britg d Chemica
• Stores, the public_ are cautioned agains
_lng. Of any perahn except ilre — acci•edited agents.
•- Security Against - Ccituitcrirclii.
'plan to secure the GENUINE Brandretli Pills to
the public. -EVery authorized ttigent• must have
a Certificate of Agency, and it-will be seen that
a double forgery MUST be committed, before
any one can procure a forged•Dertifitate, and the
person having it in his possession is
With the forger.: ' „ • •
The followiog'are• the appointed . agenta fhr
this vicinity; viz; Wm. Gilmore, Charnhersburg ;
Jacob' A. Winrott, Gettysburg;
PER, 'Carlisle.; and Wm.'l3ell, Harrisburg.
Dr. 13randreth's officers , for• the sale of the
3bove Pills are tfig Race above sth street,. and
4 Chesnut street, Philadelphia.
--, May 8, 16.37. 7 -tf. •••
Shaw's Patehi • •
e t a"
- THE subscriber having pure sed. of W.
iltalr, the right. for Cumberla o county,'of
thaw's Patent 'threshing Mac -Me & would
_ _lnform the public; that he 1141-on hand and
intends manufactutirig a good Material, the
_,above Mentioned machines;' at his shop in
-- west Pomfret—street, „ Carlisle. The sub-
Scriber does not pretend to say any thing re-
Spectingstliegood qualities of the machine s
- -- Slit Would-respectfully, refer the fanners of
thiS . countyi - to any-of-the-ientlerneil -whose '
. names are attached to the certificate below,
from whom any information respecting it can
-)be had, ' It is but necessary to say that for
. cheapness, ease of horse power, and sirriple
___liessof construction, it has not been-surpas
- aid by inif iiiachitie - yet invented; - 60 or 70
• • bushels of grain can be threshed with'one
horse iti.a dayi and about-100 buShels• with
'"lfiti - hoises. ' • ' '. .
• -The subscribe Jasimptoved the machine
to as to be abl A - thresh much faster,_with
-11: less - pciwer n - as heretofore _construct
•.. The price _ f the ab ove_ machine_ is 70 dollars,
— i - - • -----'--''''-- ' %lOHN FLEMING.
_ i
ll As- proof- - of - the - - estimation4
W 6
..' lelitheabthremachine asfimp - rtived is held
abroad; - the 'itates:N c vv'- volt ; - Ver:nont,'
'. • Ohio,and AlapSachusetts, have given -it , the
decided prifdrence,' and , the three fOrmer of
these have awarded premiums to that effect.
the undersigned having each of fis Par
- chased of. Wm. Blair, of the borough of C•ir
_ lisle, one of his Patent Threshing Machines;
4 ter• answer. every 'expectations in, every
tesped, and in additiim to its being arr excel
' tent grain thresher,lt has also been found on
experiment-to.have.the advantage_of being a
dioVeriteeVeleaber.-- -, .The-horse-power_is_so.
easyithat it is very, little labor for two horses,
and'the construction of the whole machine is
aci-very'siniple, and so unlikely to get out vf
order; that we - Mostcordially recommend it
to: the -Farmers of Cumberland county, as,
one of,the best machines we Wave met, witl4
which hit given us entire satisfaction, and
_ which will be the opinion (as we believe,) of
every farmer Ocufitis, givmg the machine -a
fair trial: :". 1_ •
John. Knitter, Frankfnrd . township ;; Saltine'
•• Wesqieiffer t -Newton ; lasi_ Sharp, hope_
• ',Green,
.Newton; • Jacob
• • liershei-N.«.Middleton3 . ,Chrihtian Tritt,
Diekinson; John T ritt , Sou tham pton Sam'is•
Tritt, West Pennsbororghs•Andrew
• - '
Carlislee:My, 10, 1837., •
• 01' 60018 - ,
- .n , iprther:eupply of .tite-tibove Pala jtilit:reeel
itejillit - ;cept,boxes) at the store. of_
r• i
~randreih's Pills.
Anti4i.'iiipiy . Pille
:hut received at the etore_of - •
• 'OGILDirIt
Auguit 28 ,857.
013 - RT -- SAL - E
situate in Silver Spring. township, Cumber- 7
_land count . V; one half...mite. fronl Kreider's
Mill, between Carlisle and Fl L arrisburg, ad
pining lands - cf • GeOrge Georg-,
.Greason, the- heirs Of . 4Vin.
...Clentlenin'Arid others, containing
262 AC_RES,
cfnr, less, . ~l< slaie aril - Limestone ; Bind
1.50 acres , of. cleared, and in good,
state ,- of — e.t4tivati9l.l. The
tj ": 1 -. 1 A- a-ITS E
Two Double Logliarns; a Spring--House,
and 'other ()kilo - as - es. There are several
springs on the farm, and a .small :Stream
•pasOlg throtigh it, an ekcellent •
•Atiy:person wishing to view the premises,
will call .upon either of the subscribers - , 'or
Jolm'.:TArmstrott,_.on-the,fartm-------- • -
TEltiStlS - :-==l'hree hundred dolliii.effhe
iiiirchase money to be-paid on the confirma
tion of the sale,- and the one-half of the
- esidtre, -- orr - the - first - of - April, 'lB3 8 e
balance in two equaLannual_payments,
out interest.._
.. • n
J.RDIES G 1:W.450 N;
. atlnzipistrator;of Samuel lVzugh, dec'd.
September 18, 1837.
BY an order of Orphans' Court of Cumber-
land county, will expose to public sale
on Thursday the 26th day of October • next;
on the premises. a tract of first rate „
WltaltMOV l Veraji Int/AUIDE) .
situate about one mile west of Mechanics•
bug. in Silver Spring township, containing
about 30 Acres, more or less, bounded by
lands of John and Jacob Moyer,' George Sai..
lox's fieirs,.bavid Sponsler, George Rupp,
and'others.about'four acres of which is cov-_
eyed 'With first rate •
and the residue is enclosed.iwith excellent
feheeS.-.2rbe,iirtp rove m ents_are.
Kitchen, and , a .111onble.Log :
Mara, Ifirgon Sheds, Corn CribsoS-c..
A first rate Apple Orchard, and a Well-of
good, water. The property - is - Warr therrin r .
d!e Spning Road, eight miles from Carlisle,"
nine from Harrisburg, and halt a mile from
the. Cumberland Valley'Rail Road.
'Terms made.known oh day of sale by--
• .Bdministratoi• ofjonas Zearin;, deed.
Sept. 18, if,V.
NEW TAlLmuma_., •
The subscribers subscribers beg-leave most respectful- .
irte inform: the citizens of Carlisle and Vtein
it v. (
, .tirat-thej 4 have taken the corner r mon
Malrr" Streeimmediately opposi e Mr.
AUghinbaugh's , 11(44:where they.• tend
carrying von• the above' business t in - all its
branches.l From their long „exprience in
most of
,the cities •therlioter themselves
that they,Will be able 10 ren4er general sat•
isf..thm to thos whoay fa% or them with a
.. forecoreit a port:ilia - in e
public patronage. .17 • • " ' • I
' Carlisle, Sept. .;, 837;•••=4 • -
. " ._
2 -FO-- 1 14-IE-Cl l .l l a
Fellow res'pectfUllapy , cline
behig - considerecta candidate, for the sheriff
arty tt,t the ensuing:election: I return my
sincere thanks to my friendS. for the exertions
they hay . e made,and feet disposed to make
in my behalf; but eireurnstancea.Mt ilecest'
'sary to mention indOce . .me . tci withdraw my
name, , ' • • 4 , :
• • 47.4Ardal,poizta
cdi.ite; , , .
'',lr . E A Cia W*IIIIPED.
• SEVERAL teachers ore wonted in I.'irankford.
nicti4:and such ntfier brrinches 'so bre_generally
totighrin touritry_ticlinols.• Glood,recornmenda
tinno. will be ••,re4uiretl;=4tiiklientititi -- liliiiiiTd . ,(Te
iti-Sept•ember. , • "' • • ; •
,- • • `. ROAM. ,
• — - .§"eciAarito. board of Direlori
. •
Augn0t,.28;•1857.,• ~• . •
--ritiiseed Wanted
One - iFfundro Bushels of cleanFlastseed - want
ed'at the store of the Subscriber in South . Hano
ver- Meat-
Carlisle, Setif ! 18,1 837.
ovi.i - 'oi,..'i'4iiiii*i - ' , i , Y:. - ii:i . :? - t
SitEßlPio r § SALES
.'..Try virtue orsuntley :writs of 'Vontlitioni - .F;x.
Pawls to me llirecteili issued out of th..Coort of
coliimon Pleas of, - euttpc.rhald county,' will bp.
exposed, to Public §:d.p;'ot the t3ottit !louse, in the
borolfgh of Itloutlay • the-9th day" of
o_ctofter, ; l4s:37oq A...14:;:t1ie.
ipg described-heal E s tate, to •
PINE .14110.1VE
. .
containmg twgnky fiyg thousand , I.tures ofiaiid,
:more. Vl' les.-siinfite in Dic i ctim(on,autt South M.
4leigg_ tg_oinsliips,_cutribet4nd_"go_utity,
- -
. ' •
• .• , _ ,
TrOM T Z( , Va l
and F0RG . 1 , .1,- bo'nl Elonse - Slnitll nod CaFpenter:'s
n Inkgd Brick_ AllinsibiC,hou:se - , nail'.' thirty
Log Tenapt.lionsiA'Orie ("' •
-- GRI .
it. , .
two story Stone-,OffiecOwo large And , excelleO
Burns, one large.Stbne..- Stable;-and several
' Btables, and oilier buildingS:fire3lanio, :Minerals,
Best in the State.,of Pelmsylvdnitt;.an4 ip excel-.
.order:—Seized"uncl taken inlexeCution as
the property of l'eUTEge; ' •
Also, A tract of land situate .
Silyer Cumberland county;
- buttntivd - hylands'orilm - heirg - 07.3ohnliosider,
(lee'cl.. - ancl the Conodogninet. Creek, oontaiaing•
148 acres; more or less, of which, about. 120 acres
are'eli!ared,:hayihg thereon erected' a log 11ou.S.e
and a Log;llarn.:—Seized and talsen in 'eiiechtjOn
as thein'operly , of 'Martha'Cunningltam." ' • -
All to be sold by mc,:
Sheri i Ottici, Carlisk,
'Sept. " •3°. , •
. . • •
.-• VoiltenVic Vrovcrtv . •
A fF r- 5- tr_4-.
TILL be exposed to ppblic sale on Fri
.!! day the day of October next, .the
- -- ----
, .
Sittiate in-PiCkinson,township, - Gpmberland
county, on-the Walnut Bottom road; adjoin'-
ing lands of George Lee, ----L- Myers and
others, and. about four miles frem •Ca . rliSle,
_limPr.e,or less,.
Of` first rate Liiinestotte 14ant1 . - ;
. ..aboui7oo - ticrVs l of.wliicli is cleaved 'and . in
good state
. of cultivation. The Improxe.4
ments are.a • -*
a dou e anthather out buildings
together - with .a well of water at the door
there is on this fartnan excellent • •
211 EI - AR - Mt7: _
The situation - Of this property'woulq afford
an excc•ll '
cnt opportunity fur any person wish
ing to — commence the mereantjle.linsiness
iC uould-also•be it good Kite; forabliteftsinitir
Attendance _will . be given- onday of
sale-by-- .
. • -
- •
Exetutor of Sanniel.ll 2 uods, - Sen. deed.
Sept. ;11, 1837.—t5. .
Also, will be sold oii•said day, •
a - ; co 42 U.l
more or less,qfgood I LIMESTONE NE LAND,
- - situate oh:the Walnut Bottdm Road, about 8
'miles from Carl isle, adjoining lands of Wm.
Woods, George Beetein, Samuel Carothers,
.and other§ ; - about thirty acres of which is
cleared and in a good state of cultivation,
with a ,sinall . Log'.D welling thereon erected.
The terms of sale will be made-known on
day of sale by the subscriber.
James Woods.
Sept. 11, 11:37.
The Pennsylvinia Telegraph, and Lancas
ter Examiner will insert the above until day
of sale, mark price, and charge this °nice. •
PU81.11.0 Z.A.7.1t.
. .
W ILL - be.expoed to public sale on the
premises, on Wednesday the lath day
of October next,,,at 10 o'clock A. AC, in
Dickinson township, Cumberland county, the
following described property, viz: "The t -
disputed part of the Sawmill tract o tits
estate of Samuel Woods, senr. de ased,
.. ..
containing , . .
. .
• : 200 ACRES, . -
more or less, adjoining lands of Camp Eberts
and others. Abiint 15 acres of this laml Are
cleared, and the balance is • _
Pale - & - Chestnut Timber Mind,
TlmfwovP.tnents are a
• •
-and a'.good_Saw_:Mill . , -situated about three
miles from-Mount . Holly Iron Works on the .
ccmtaining . .
2:80 . :110,13.E5,
ntpre or ; thss, of \
about 60 acres of .which are cleared. ,The
'land adjoins the Sawmill -tract - above de
scribed xrrotrrneuta:-.are-41—T-W6
.; ] ..i/HL
DOUBLE LOG: BARN, with an Apple
OrelVd thereon, and a never failing Spring
of Water near the house. . .
. .
The land will be sold entire; or the im
provements and a small. lot of tirrilier. land
by itselland,:lheiemainder in lots from 8 CO
'2O or 20 acres, .to suit purchasers.
ALSO,-0 the _same. day, -. _42 acres
Chestn imher Land .
situated on the lut etween CurUberlancl and.
Adams Counties, about 4 miles from _Mount.
Holly' Iron Works, adjoining lines-with Lud.
Wick Waltemires and others - . — .37his land .will.
be Sold — entirpror - in lots tc.ratiit purchasers..
• Sale to cmtmence at 1.0 o'clock of said day,=
- when dile ttendance will be given, aiiirterins
-of sale _ade kin Own by, . 4 .
•, "aatries Woods
Executor of Satitnel Woodsrsr. dec'd:
Sept. "}l, 1837.
H - Tht - Gettysburg Compiler wilt. ins - eft - the
above' until- day of ~ sale, mfk price;. and
,charge office. ;, - •
Notwithstanding the suspension ofspecie
payments; Notes of altsplvent Bankswill be
r„eceioed as heretoforg in payment for tickets
and orders mee,t•the ugual prompt atten
tion, if addressed to
'F,MORY. & Co. No, calveri st.:Dalt
y. 3, 1837;
BQ .halt. st., el,.thpors bclaiu the Franklin Bank.-
-50,000 !DOLLAIRIS.
diStdp . ceitiPOSedtoiry . their .
riis-z-one - Of `Which draws alternately every
week—at'e respectfully requested to forward
their orders to the subScribe.r, enclosing . ..the
• • • • •
cash or...prizetickets, designiturigihe_Lottlety:
will receivelmrne.diate.:Attention .by itturn
mail; !Aid tile drawings fo6varded•when.over
.(if requested.) . • •
• Baltiniore• Mcl
R iks•.'.;—Ortler in which
-• the several - State Lotteries will be drawn. :
:Maryland State
:more every .bt Ira"
froni.10,:600;• ; Delaware
Lott'sitigitiraws: twice•'.•eitery", - week,
capitals vary front"s - 16 - slo;ooolGiiiiidiCtiii•: -
solidatd Lottery' draws once . every week,
' 'capitals 20,000, 25,000 to $30,000;
dria Lottery draws once every i - other•wrelt,
•capitalk:lo,ooo; 20,000, 30,000,50,000'; yir
ginlit,Statca.Lott6'y'difairk etiery . Saturdiiy in
each. Week, capital prizes' ange from 1;0,000,
20;000,.25,0 . 00, 30',000't0 . 540,000.. 'rickets
in the above 'Lotteries vary from .$2,. 3, 4;5;
- and - 10 1 each, shares i'n,proportion. „ • .2 _
• All letters'addre Ssedi to.the sabsCriber go,
perfectly safe. • No miscarriage has ever oc-.
curred. -• • , • •
. , •
TlE — subscriber intending to move from
town, offers_ for sale a, •
91, 1 W0 STORit STONE
:ire in Vaitilstreat,and now hi' the-oec4i
rkinty.lif De. Wm. C, Chambers.:, Also, on
lot; a ,
_ , . • . . .
Irwo' . 64ory Flea wipe Beiliding; . _
now in the Occupancy of the -Cumberland
Valley Rail Road Company:. These - houseS
are near the Mansion - I:louse-Hotel, kept by
G. Aughinbaugh. . . .
Nny person wi - Purchase the above
pfoperty, - Willbe told the conditions on W,11k,11
it will be sold, by applying-,to the Subset - ipso
at the afore Said hotel, who will sell on v q'y ;
.WcgitAwbslating terms; 41 .
. .
. . . ,
Thomas B. Jacobs.
Sept. 4 . , 1837:.
.. •
Former[li_ of ..yinibury, - Northuniberland
County,. • -
Begs leave ..ref,Vectlitlly to ifirdt•M the public,
We - re lie has
akin - iMi - ,1.i. - eiotis . three story,. brick
hnpse'..furinci lyr act spied'. by Mathew Wilson,
corneif Walntit , alitt Third ^
,the-State-Capitol, which he opened on
the first day of Mtiy'last, and Where he hopes to
..contiMie to .receivelhat pntriinage so--liberally
bestowed oil .his csi.aiiliSliinent heretofore. Ile
sitilrliTriaTlT - e' - piWisWl with every - tlfifig.
necessary to make' his guests comfortable. -•
llhrrisbur June • . 1837. tf.
Notice to CointraOtoks'. _
PROPOSALS will be received by the
-ComMissioners of.Cumlierland comity,
'on Friday the 22d day *of September, A. D.
18 - 37 - , - trutlit7f — mlitieliouse of .G. W. Wood
burn, in the borough of Newville, for . -gra
ding the State - . Road.-from Gettyst)nrg. to
Perry .county, from -the south - end of the
Bridge.oVer the Big Spiting, at'Newville, for
the- distance of 3CO feet from said 'Bridge,'
said road to be made; at an 'ascent of five
degrees from-the - Bridge to the distance of
300. feet. • tr . ' - \. •
Lewis 'flyer,
. f Jacob Zug,
b. •.
• Jas.. Willis,' _ . -
. •
Attest--.Toinq InwtN, Clerk. -
Commissioners Office,
Carlisle, Aug'. 28,1837. • •- -
Insurance Company.
THIS Company still
_continues:to - Male
Insurance on all kinds through
their agency in
,Carlisle. The premium is
regulated according to:tbe risk. Averaging
from S. to 40, cents, in the hundEed dollars.
Descriptions will be received, add policies
dated from: the day of survey.
• 101 - 11C\J. MYERS,
. .
Jan. .4, 1837,-3m.
- Several- TeaChers..-are wanted- in- the - In- -
rongh .of Newville, who can teach Readigc
•Writafg74 - fitli etic, Grammar,-GeograPhy
and'such- othe b ch sas are generally
taught m Common 'C;11061s. None 'need
apply but thoSe who can come .well recom-,
Becretary of the Board of Directors
August 11, 1837.! •. -
Mock mill ixchaatge •
•IlarriAArgi-Market - strect - V - Vairoliiiii
Hotel, •
' • ILL ' 61110630/U - Ana .
Biqa and sells Noteivof all kinds. Stocks bought
'and sold. ' LOT l'EltY PRIZES cashed, and all
information' given relative to LOTTERIES. •
August 24_11337.
•' • ..71r0T1C.E. •
SHE subscii6e ' r residing at -Cumberland
inNew Cumberland, will at alttimes
highest' priCe in cash for wlitat.
• ' • David: Reichard.: ,..
Augus,t 2.1,..1837.-6m.* • . • °
':";Jost received:from - the City, One. case White
arid' one case--Mixed,,Tuscap - .Bonnets for sale
low at the Store'ef the - subseriliers.' ' '
.• - 7 GlLitt& lIITNgtt.
June.l2,. ~. • • -, • •
1 1 1 , 41C//CRS: lling/X2M.D.•
Severid 6°od-teachers are Wanted by the School
Directors' of` South Middlethw towhship. Inane
,diate.application-Shoulthhe'made. Apply to , the
lion.• John Stewart, or •' • , • ,
• TH0211:11S - gSeciiry. '
Aug'ust 1837. . N`•—•` • -. •
•. . ‘ ' VOINDIER. • ,/," . •-•
0. FF. FM , Powder for dare at either :whole-
sale' or retniV at t e store of .the subscriber in
North Hanover \ stree . ' ' ' -.- -
' • J,A.0011 SENER. ._
Carlisle ' , August 21 ' , 837. •
0.31 v 1,5x4 Qi}
. _ -
Stspoi Patrxt
h--n . a 4; MR'
fohtoliatii^* about "475 ;dlcreelf
siiita(cd fir SY.- Clair' township, - - .--'' .
.. .
• . ..r .. :. filleVierip!uountv:ra -, . _
• title Fitrol ei`lieautifittly' situ9.ted oh the
waters of Clitirtier!ii Creek,- FIVE Mills-fram
the city of pittsburg: : ".;;llie ..I;VaMtinkton
turnpilse.runs withjt. a fel, - -.K.iids of the•line.
oiritie . -ian.e_side.,; atU-I—th e- . Stenhen vi Ile :tu rki -
pike within . - two 'tniles• on , the other
State road from Virginia to . rittslatit - asses it ;_also,..,.a...Caanty : rand.con.Ve.otilik
State road and' theNVitsliingtoti Tarn
tiik q,
i,i - F, iloor'. About - nay t-Trcre-.5..-me
cleareicand in a - gobd state o .-
t ultivatio
Therpare near . • • . . : - - q • - •
. •
-- .200:AC - It A S .
Bottom I*lndovhich foy_i:idnesstancl fertiti
ty-cannot be Siirpas - 'rin - the -- statet - a - larg
Poi tion . of this. is n meadow, and enou.
inightlie. made* o produce-200 tons of I ay,
(i p ,
annually ; there is a great abundance of buil
ding stone, & lime stom.-,, and 300 acres of the
-. iiliegt lititanuileo,tes Coal, - - :
Which can all be get ' out conveniently, -
-E. be•-•-tirnber-4 7 ,-'abundant—and- T goocl—Ther
buildings consist of a lame - first rate •
•J. • •
H t . 1/• ; .-01 [4l
A goottspring - iiiid - stone Milk house ; two of
the best bank Barns-in 'the countq,l_olby_3B,
feet and 60 by • 30., nw ith ,stilbling - ,uuder the
mhole, a4arge - franie Stable, • • • ,
X"atlii.; • Tenant ri S
with s(ablitrg attached ; a frame" Meeting
. , .
_ .
house and..parsonage house AiiitlVvarickos
other out buildings; such as carriage hnuSbs
- Ctlvi;lratistri7 - eorn - lratie'. - BeelroWe7;SEITO •
souse, r- These are a_ )'' better ortlei
than .nsuallttnil..-iin -Farm In"
Pcnnsylvania. 'l'lie whole'farm is abundan't,
ly and beautifully 'watered. •
• ...4\;i21121m . two
whits bea
• . -
Bearing all kinds of rruit; adjoins the Man
sion klouse. . ,
In_regard to fertility and quantity of land,
quality of im provements 'and nearness to
market, (bein g only 5 miles from Pittsborg,) -
this•farm is n ot in WesteiTa•lenii ,
It Will:be sold. on' liberal terms,
antlintßediate - pos - session-giretr; - -- Irir4t:iire of
theerriiscfs, -
or J. & 11. ALEXANDEIi, - •
, " --.1 `1:2;r47.Q.%5Wi 1 f4W/•t , ThlrLf.;
- IfY virtue of sunclry writs (Tye:id:mini exponas
to me - directed, - issued out of ethirt - of Coin
iftTiii - T - IT:Ti:s • fffircTlT:fiticounty, - will be expos
ed to pilblic;ale at the court - house M 'tlM bor
ough Caelkle, on Wednesday the 4th (lily of
Oct(lbo next, at, 10 o'clock, A. M., the follow
ingAescribed reatestate, to wit: .
~and .Lot qf Oround,,
- Situate in the : borouglvof Carlisle, containing 60
feet in breadth,-and 210 feet in deicai; mare or
. _
less, adjoinink . 6. lot of Peter Gitt:Shall On
an-Alley...o.mtheAortli,_and . Pomfret street on the
south;" liailTig- - theitott - ericted 71.66 Story Log
!louse, plastered. Solzell and taken in execution
as the property,orJohn Blain. And to he old
hy -
Sheriff s' Wire, Carlislc,Z .
August 23, 1837.
. - .-Assignee Sale. -
WILL be sold at public sale on the'.l3le
•rnises in . Newton townsli s ip, Cumberland
county, Pa., on Wednesday. the 18th day:of
October next-,
. „
Con'tlEojng 150 Acres, and alloWtkhiceOnuncl
eirfiy lands of Sam'l M'Cone'sll6rs, Abra
hofGro've, Peter.Trite4aid,others; between
60 rind-70 ades 6f which is .
- Irkst Rate
And the balance Slate, of, a good quality—
abnut 120 acres are cleared, and in a good
state' of cultivation, the remainder is well
Timbered. The improvements area •
Wagon Shed, 'Corn Crib. &c., a Well of-a
never failing ,stream of Water at the door.
Besides there are several-Springs en' the-pre . -
Anises,:ene:f a„ver_y_7su -- perior_quality.ZEhere
s alSo - dyiriiiitb - earing -- NPPLE - ORCHA-11-D
of about 100 - grafted trees, 'besides a variety
of other fruit treed,. This Farm is advan
tagenuSly situated;, as to market, lying mid
way between Newville and Shippensburg,:
5 miles from each, ISO from Philadelphia,
-75. from Baltimore, and one-half mile froM
the.. Cumberland Valicyßail Road:
One-half of the crop in the, ground will
be, sold 'on the same day.
; situ fll Alm—Three
s,sappr,' Hollow, adjoining lands. of David
Sterrett and-:otliers,, and fiv_e-miles froiritl*
above farm. - .ALSO . _
Wand Land, situate in . Mifflin township, in
Dublin Gap, near the` Sulphur Springs; and
about rinilds-from Newville,sadjoining lands
of JameS Woodbr "'s 'l
John 1-1 r
Esq., and - others.
$2.5(t of the purl
half of, the residL. p.
1838, When possession will be given. and the
other. half. on the Ist day of .April, 1839,
without interest, to be secured y mortgage,
or the interest deducted for ash, as it may
- .IACO - B - SWOYER, •
Assignee of Wm. H: Wocicthorn,
Newville, Augu5t.21,..1837. • .
Fair play Egad iio
.IV7E W C. 02 , PATE - TOW' SHE'RiPIi!
JOHN ikty R, •tsq. of Shippensburg, eve •
willing to d •ote!is time and talents to- the. ser-.
vice of th )üblic; offers himself to the ci nside
ratinh of the,good ofthe,people Of Cumberland
county, fob the Wilde, of 'SHEIHIPF:Ind pledges
himself, (according tb-fa , if elected, to dis
.charge the ditties better than eVer they. have
'heretofore been, or . ever:Vvilthe after him.: ." •
. • • • Voura
• . JOHN IdY4R.
July uO, ISM
reVE.RiLL,teachers are-wpnted in Men roe
toWnship, (to wlipm, liberal wages wily
given,)•Wlio can teadt:Readitig, Writing,
Arithmetic, Gratnnfar, GeograOlYt, .and
welt• other bran ches' as are glfierally taught.
one need ,apply bil t such as can come well
ecommencled. .." i • ,
,TC1111•1 - ZIMM . F.11MA'N, ' -
Secretary of the Board off Dfredors.
- Churchtowni Aug. 7, 1837. •
Slacriirw Shie.
eves Wood Land
100, ACRES,
Yaluaibie Rekal
• getgag . •
• • ,
subscriber being d esirous of reinOy"-.
Mg t° the west,' wilt selLat Pitivate Sale
Ifie:f(illtiying valuable property; viz.:
eXcellept:Varini•situate, in the
township ~ of - IsTe;tiitoni:- Chc.F - County_ of
betlanl; four Miles West .of s tile ,boroughl of
Newville, at the head .of the.Preen_Spring.:
and one mile froin.theTurnberland Valley
Rail Road. . -
•-• •
•.- •'-'•• 2.P.0 :•1L0.71.3Z . •••••.••••••
' t` 1 - 4' it L . ' '..' . i ..-... -- it: ... II •
.01".. nes .., a le ,, lakes one 'lnc
'About 100 acres•of whichi 'cleared, 'at/di l ly
itltOd' - siiite -- of - cultiv a t.; 4, - 'the - residum--
_covered--with GOOD TIMBER.: _The_itrr,
proyement's-are a. Double 1.-Kig House,.l, t og
1 3itru,.Tenant4ltuse-4-, Sprittg — linirse, aticr
her out building i,- Thiii tatid•i*well..w4 7
erect by the Green. Miring. - - - . • '
- INT - O' - 2 - c - Tlre - otte - thitif - of hullingi - Mili - , - '
riri - d. a tract of ,Laud, adjoinitt the- abbye.—
The improyenienth are--irlarge '., •.. -1
Suiitli Shop, Tram
,e Barn, and other briild r
ings. . •
' No. 3. A,triict of Mountain land in Mifflin iv
tonship - , - 'cnntalning: jO Acres, covered with
first l'ate..Cliestnnt.lod. Chestnut Oak Tim:
___NiO. •One. other tract of Mountain land,•
situate :in. Idopwell - tOwnshipi_containitig
12AcreS, covered with the best of Chestnut
and Chestnut Oak Timber. - The above
proPerties wilt either be sold separately or
together; as inay best .suit purchasers. Any,
pers6p . .desirotis.of purchasing, will call on
thOsabact ihe.r residing on' the premise~.
- J - EssmurOcißt - .7
August 28, 1837.
• I._
will-sell at pup sa le in the town of . Lisburn,
CumberlaMl county, on Thursday the's6 day of
October: :next, at 10CaiCelc, farrit
adjoining tliat town, 4c:tonging .to the estate of
Andrew carothers„Esq„deed, containing • • 1
26T jeres of - EXCelleilt
a large part of which_ls_Meglow;npon the-Yet.
- low-ltreeeltes•Tll9ol.
good Two Story , • 4 1, -
a LOG 11Alitg, and a.siitallp'rehard-.. There Will
'he sold at the same timc., tract aboutAs A kcres
(re em atm
•• " -' •
at the Cotn't !louse in Carlisle, a
;IX 4
:T.. n " la- • • • 7, •
rpm ziouse,--
'0,2-1',:l •
and a tat Of ground,. sitiiade
.in the -south side of
High Street, a few, doors west of the Court 11014,
. which Ahdrew -Carothers, . Esq resided.—
STABLING-upontheJot, and
41-We,1144 . - water iii the yard... The situation of this
,pr'operty is one of the most desirable, either for a
- private•residence or public: bugines's. The terms
ofsale'of the'above properties will be Made easy.,
of Andrew Carothers. Esq. deed:
.Aittist 2S, 1.1337
Es(ate of Stlam Manomilk •
. 'LettermK, t,ciniinistration upon the Estate ci
Adam Manesmith, late .Of. Allen township, Cum
berland county, deceased, have issued in due
: Quin of law to the subscriber, residing in said
township.. All. persiitis having claims against
.said estate tbill present them,:and'thOse tudebted
will make payment to
• ~LEVI NIERKEL, Adm'r,„
-August 22, 1837,-6w.• • - 39
• •
- ff r
it . 01 - Ouinberland county, therewill - bp expos
. .
-61% to public sale on the_premtses,.on Friday the
the 6th day of October next,. a Tra:ct of . • '
ilarrisburg,..near the 'Turnpike-road; adjoining
lands of Trimble's heir's; John Voglezong, John
Ilarman,. Jacob° Deemy, and , the Copodoguinnet
creek, containing,
223 ACRES;
More or . less, about 'one hundred. and .seventy:
acres clear, and under good fence; and the resi
dUeintood timber. The introvpments are - alarge
'&:"- -, 2:), -„ ' grwo..Story . Brick -,
ease IV - , ' .
'.A larg,_. - Slane Bank Barn , .
a good tenanthotiie, with a stable annexed to it..
There is an excellent AFP,LE ORCHARD. on the
farm; andTruif of 'all kirids.' , , There js - plentypf
water of 'a gedd:ipiality..- -,. . .'. -,..,:. • ‘.' ,
TERMS. - Five hundred „dollars tO be paid
whop -the sale, shall be colifirmed,' . the residue of
une-lialf of the" purchase money, do the'lst day,
,ofApril, 1.838; and -the. balance in three annual,
paythepts, without interest, .. •, . _ : , '
-• • JOHN ,
. • •• • Atinenistralora of Jacob ;Maser, dic'd.
. •
August 28, 18;37., ' . , •
Alor - The Pennvlvania Telegrapl! an'd I.4incas:
ter Herald .will insert the above sale; markpriC ' e, and char. e Ibis office* , • .
;5 1 4. 1 c: . ,4* . rf.1;V:..
.• - .
the -vote r s ; • Cumbcrtsina county.
Fs Li° tr . CrtrisSrs
I Offer myself as a candidate for the,offme
SHE It IPP, at, the neit general election.
Should I he favored 'majority of youi
votes, I sh”alt 'endeavor tiPctis'eh4rge the duileti
carliele, Aji:il I`7, 18 :-
•To the frec und fndepenilen? Citizen s f
FF,LL9v , !crrlzErio,-1 hereby offer . myself to
your considerltion for .thearoffice of SHEEIFFI--.7 - ,
at the Tiegt general election.
_Should you think. •
*Tier tp_give cone - aufli.age_for_that offi e e,l
p dge ::-ny $0 f.i odo the . utinot to dicharg'egn3r
duties with firomptliess - thidrniffaiiiality....-
East Penns 3orough tawnshiri;l . _
. April 5,
- 'TO 7 thre - 1 7 orci•s: of Cionberldita _to - unty -
take-the libcrty of offerink
consideratioil for the Abe of •
- • •-• . Sheriff, •
Ait the "ensuing - general elecilOm -Should bd.
eleeted I pledge myself to do my utmost to dial
poil .me, withr~
unctua — lity and satisfaction to'all coneet'ilVd.:c
• • • GEORGE W.
-Southampton township, 2 .
. June 12, 1837. - $- .
. . .
—as rEOI;LE'S 1...
theli•ce and enitent electors of
ttim - bfilaizd-cozi nty...' .
ltz.-LolV Xl'7l2E'
At the, solicittdion-of ti - lAumhcr, of myfriends • L.
in various sections of the county, 1 offer _myself
to your 'onstderation as a-candidate for the of
fice Of S RIFP at the 'ensuing general eke,
flop,- and respectfully solicit your votes for
offie6, :ihould . you favor me with a majority of_
- y titt i - l uff r a ges -, 7 1-- sh 4ll.4 be -= e - xtreyre - Tfllraiikftil . `
for the same ; and shall -discharge the arduous
- duties'orilie7. - office e trimpartiality, fidelity,
and lenity. • - :.*.
he public'S humble servant,
• . - WILLIAM DEAN . . ,
Monme . to wnshjp, April 17;1857 •
To the Electors of Cumberland
- , • Confity: .
143LLow CrritiNs,—l hereby offer thyself as a
candidate for-the ()like of-
'.itilieli - e. - Krgeberal election; imd Most respectfully •
solicit your votes slid interest.. Sliould_you
'Me Worthy — Of y.our.choia - e,Ty electiiig 'me to said;
()Mae, I promise you that I will use my best en.:
-(leavors. to di, , „ch3rg - e - its sr/luaus artd — respotisiblO:. --
Autitis; 7 fail iirar-allll ;:hdliiitYy**:WS . all Cow: •
corned. Your humble servant,
Jf}IAN - 2141 Efts- -
. .
Dickinson township, - April 11 , 1837..—te."! •
•To rite. Elector's Cumberland County:
. .
of myself aas candidate-for. the offieei
of Sligleteli; at the next general election, and
shall be thtinkfut - if I am fa.ttired*ith a majority
of your suffrageilor said - office. . -
. - -
-Saver -Spring township-Z
Aprill7, 1837. 5 •
tllotU Citizens
.of Cumberland Cozinty;
I offer myself' as a candidate for the office o
SHERIFF, of 'this County, at the next generat
election, - aml respectfully soliciit your suffrages'
fur the same
, • JAccop 1V ILLIAIIIfi.
Newyi Ile, April 17,1837. .
I t ake the liberty ,of offering myself as a candid
(late for .t he ,
or Cumlirtand county, at-the next general elec.;
thin, and most 'respectfully snlicit your, vote 4 for
the same. Ifeleeted I
,pledge my self
. Co discharge
the duties of said office With hitmanifyi
tiality,- and fidelity.- • -
'..VerY respectfully yours; &c., ' • ,
. Carlisle, April 21, 1837.—te."
To the Electors of .Cumberland County'
FELLOW clirkzENs:—Bei^g encouraged by ma
fly of my friends throughout the county, - I offer
Myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at
the next general Election, and respectfully solicit.
your votes. Should I6e elected I pledge myself
to perform the duties of the.ifice.with . fidelity'
and impaitiality. . •
Carlisle, April 17, 1837.
--.I herehyoff`er.ntyselfas;a-eandidatt-for- _.
the officc.of SIIERIOFF, at the next general
election, and mdst respectfully solicit your, -
votes and interest. Should you think me
worthy of your choice bytelecting me to said
promise ynu to discharge the dutiel
of said office faithfully and honestly- to dF
Silver Spring township,•
'May 15, 1837. ' 5 to .
.:Tti the Independent-...eleelftze - o,Cunlher_
_ . L_, land 'cbunty: - ,
' - '''' •
- . - Being encouraged, by' aliumber.of my
friends in the.upper and of the 'county anti
elseythere, 1 hereby' offer myself as a can
tlidate.lo.r the office of SHERIFF, at the
ensuing general election, and request your .
support for ithe same.
.If you elect me, I
pledge myself to fulfil the dutiekof
portent station with'iffict fidelity.and clem ,.
.C.IIC4WInd .
The public's humble servant, .. -
South airipttin — townsli ip, te
• April 17, 1837.
To - the . Voters-.ofcumbeiland
lleihrsolicited by-a nuMbei•offriemls thrbuglf.:
out thcbounty; 1 place • myself befOre theimbli6 /
as a candidate fir the office of SIIERIFP,. at the '
next General Election, and would feel thankfut•
for your support: - •
. Carlisle,, May 8, 1837.
To thPElectors.Cumberland County;
FAtIL, LOW. S: • •
- • Encouraged. by, w number or my friends
different sections 'of-the cotinty.,,A Offer mysef
as . a catplidateifor the office irof a
the .ensuing . general..eleotißni and: respectfully
solicit your votes,.,: If eleccadi.l shallimdeityor. .
to discharge the auties: of the
Isffictiph of thepublic..
.---NewtowtownshipT - A - pri117,_18.47.—te.; • .
Electol's e , f Oft . 00:-:
idne cauiity.
Having"'been'enceitrageil byEi filirnher Of.
my. friends , efTer'inryself di a caudidate
the office of SHERIVPV at the "'waft general
ens uing. etec.tion; and. will , be thankful fo r
Our support.,
.Aril 17, 1837.--,te,
DAVID: LEH1;1...,'