Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 03, 1837, Image 3

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    The Golden Arist
• 4 1 . 6."31it0. Plaster." " Itaeniolie 'party," are
striving to saddle Up= the people a 'National data.
NOTES ! when , it has. beetts,file,, boast of Gen.
_ Jackson that ho paid off thelfitional debt. A I3lll'
'l. - .'has been reported by Silas IVright, • theJeader of
the:shin- plaster-party-in-Congress , _which - propo l
Currency on grand
sea .toA commence the,Rog
scale, He recommends tne issue of $13,000,000 .
• of Treasiiry notes !• This nation Which 'Jackson
said inSfejarewell address, he left "prosperous
and happy," in the space of:a• leiv months, with
no calamities'ofpestilence oc war, is brought to
this E tate' of national' bankruptcy !• The govern=
DOLLARS to i.elieve
_it .from , its embarrass-.
mews!! Thiti• suns is proposed to be, raised by
taking from the people ten millions - of Surplus
_ Revenue, which 'will be due them on the first or
Octobei c and by the isAiance, tss before,said, of
••dof Treasury shin plasiLritertaking
two millions I,Hciw was 'this debt contracted !
How comes it that. in a time of.--pfefound peace
the government r is
And yet, in the face of this alarming 'state, of 1
Ibings the goVernment is anxious to start out ori•
a new experiment ! Yes, to establish' Treasury
hanks all over the country,for the purpose of col
lecting their dues in GOLD and SILVER to pay I
. the OFFICE HOLDERS, & the Twelve Millions
, • PLEI! This is the present arrangement ififis
is the sum and substance Of the proposition now
before Congress! The scheme Originated with
. for the PEOPLE! 'Should not these'perlidious
Wretches, who have all plongbeen'tleeerving th.e
Awnest yeomaiiry [ of the country with the syren
eopg of Gold, htde their guilty_ heads for sharrie !
They--have-been promising to reform buses to
imprbve the currency and benefit the people in
ol•possit)le Ways; and when all comes to all the
gist of their- ”bumble effor!s" proves to be the
Proposition of a grand Scheme of SWINDLING,
• .whereby - they can monopolize the preciousme-
tlls•the GOLD ,arid SILVER. FOR - THEIR
OWN -PURPOSES, and saddle the reopleivith:
. ,nn interminable system of "rag currency." Will
, the people longer suffer themselves be thus duped
and imposed - Upon? Will they tamely submit to
'such high handed imposition? , The country ruin
of DOLLARS rewired to rid hereriiharrsniepts...
"Shin plasters" to be issued by the 'Milieus I The
' gold and. silver to he abstracted from circulation,
and hoarded up by_the federal office holders and a
. new - National Debt to be created !—We trlrady .
, see on advertisment in the Globe requesting
- members of
- Congress and office holders-to call at
---- ..Mr. - : - Jones! - exchange. "office,' in - .Washington,
_their SILVER. and GOLD Will be bOught
- atth highest premiums !! ! Afembeii of . Con-.
---- gresliiiiri'vire - no - eallMicl EXCITANGEAhe
precious metals which Woobury anchKendall haye
wrung from the people, for the people's currer
cy! Yes to clll., and exchange their gold and
silvir-at premium =of ten or tWelve per cent.
for the People's urrency—ilie rag , currency !
Was ever imposition so rank-and to_ foul attemp
teirfo be 'woe - Heed on any people under the Ilea
- ens befiire? There never waslt is outrageoUs!
:Should Van', Buren's nefirjous scheme succed,
the.olliseholdeFs of the federal governmebi,
be constituted . the favorites of the nation—th'eir
salaries wilt be paid in gold and si.lyer, every
hundred dollars of 'which - they can 'sen i le the
brokers or to the people for one hundred and ten
'or twelve dollars !_ thus increasing, their sala
ries largely. Lei the people look to this on the
eecond-Tuesclarin October next, in Pennsylva
• Fottract of a letter to the qditbiagate
. • Gettysburg, 30, 1337.
!'Derir Sir—W e have met the enemy, and they
'Are ours!" yesterday waia sore day to the Shin'
Plaster party ! In - this place, we elected our In
spector, Assessor and Assistant Assessont by an
• overage majority of SIXTV-VOTES. Every
ertion was made by the Van Buren Shin plaster
boys, but to no purpose,
- nuked.' • ' • •
In Cumberland township, we have also elec..
- Te - d our . whole. tickot! as- well as in Franklin
township. 11lay'''lliese facts be omens of .wtiat
Franklin and CumberlWnd Counties intend doing
'on the Wilt;
In Mountjok,- where, the Masonic party site,
'needed last- year we have beaten - them this year
handsomely. Liberty township; as we Ham
iltonban, are always too free to be bound tot
Car of Van Bureniam.
Let is have a good - account rrom,Ohilliother
z. -- uiftberland_onibe 10111.:-_Yours. _
-AseE\ElV ToNtrrt , Slier, Sept . 30th, 183'7.
Gentlemen—Thinking_ you would. be anxious
to know . ttie rosuit.o(yesterday's . ele - OtiotiO has
*ten to give it to you. Last year the Vanites got
• .Their Inspector nt ) Shepherdstown by n pretty Mir
titttistitYo this year we WOO, 9.sP-c ll 9thdate by
's — nifijaity
se.4llor and Aasislant.a . rtEtv.Ena also done giori
b'ua; OinAntiniasOns elected their inspector and
Assessor by - a handsome majority; last year it,
went The 'other way. In NEW . Cu.itn'Enintain,
:I-. , - , --dbur-frienthralscretectetth• or;- ast year
"the Variites elected. theirs. But so ive go in 'the
' low6r - end this year,' and this fs only a specimen
; Of what we are going:to da, on the 10t h of Qdto
ter. We' have The majority - jn,tbis end, and we
int'ena tO keep it. SO much foi our end.
• Yew's, ik.c.
We would 'ask the most' 'violent Van Buren
• than in tbisctiunty to 'contrast the ivesenVeo'ndi
, 'lion of (MA- etirt.eficy What. it was, before the
gov:ernment cOMMentedtheir eaperinfentsApon
We'then had a' mixed Currency of specie and
hank notes which could be converted into specie
'id the' wish of the holder. This vias'lhe most con.
verdant:anti best.currendy thaCcould be devised,
Now, slnce.thet goid , hunibue hestiarted IntO
istence, we haire'•noihing. but a villainous - rag
• currency, Which Caned be exchanged for specie
undera . pretpiurpiei ientein Me dllar. Wilmer
TliE lIIFTTEIt OP 7 . 1-1 TWp ?., The , first, you
6 .
wiliuncionbtealy .say, yet you will give your
votes for sustaining thr4e,‘ who have by their tnis
:tnanagetnont. brought , about tho.,liresent'state . o f
teems them? Shall she say, " Executive uArrpa-',
lion Witty ekcite'the anger and provoke the ven
geance -of the other portions -of the Union, but
having declared for a man, I am not - about to sa
crific'e him to Principles.?"—and yet such"
the construction of her action, should she, in:Oc';
tober, elect even in one-third of her ) counties;
Van Buren.legislators:' •. /
fa r aught we know-, may have its weight ; but it
rs_unworthy republicans. It was said that the acts
_of:_thelExccutive had yet_reathed- only_ttre rner
chants of the city,. the manufacturers, and other
such as they, but that the interior of the state had
not.essentially-suffered by the errors of the
eral government', - and of course the people of the.
interior could not be expected to vote in opposi
tion to thd general government. We-now ask the
- I honest yeomanry - of Pennsylvania ; whether that
ThaTircHA - BD mg. ris a true statement Ofilie - Clfiel - I - Sitt friCt that
Will the active auti•Van•Buren men. of each
county sef: t lie matter ? With the evidences
before us o whelVti be•done by. energies pro , .
peily dire ted, shall we not strenkthbn those
evidence by what We shall do? ; •
It is a fact that the thilltd States Senate, com
posed.of a 'large inajoiiity , of Van Bureriites, had
passed a lam; in accordance with the wishes of the
Secretary of the Treasury,, authorizing that of;
A rid 'this is the end of the great gold humbug , :—:
this the fulfilment of. the promise
.of a metallic
currency.' Thus while members of congress and
the officers. of the.qc;vernment.recetve their a
In gold, teniiiilliozdof the pape . fitails, irredeema
ble for twelve _ inonths;:is ilibitsentabsm dameng
the penple to become their,eirculaihni: medium* ,
drOH," that were to float "up the rivers" and
"over-the mountains" and to shine "through the
They vi'ere - signally re
tnanry, according to the Globe. Such is the mis
erable failure of the 'experiment instituted by
financial quacks upon (he currency of the Court.
. A ndwhy are these Treastiry 'Noted issued? Not
for the sako of the people, for the President tells
them that they have no-right toclook to. tl ".* Go
vernment for - - sill, bet to reties?' e • Treasury.
Thus tho-coffers-of tl e ich but-'a few,
months_ ago_were_itlinost_htirating.with a= Surplus
revenue Of forty. millions' are now entirely emp
ty. Indeed Mr. Cambreleng' declared in the
Raise of liepreseittatives a few ibis ago that if
congress, did not 'furnish !diet in .ten days the
Treasury must stop payinent. - So that, the expe 7
riment'Of the Government haPnOt only resulted
in distressing - the people—destroying' ciiiiimeree
and commercial men, and paralysing ,all the opera. ,
lions -of industry and enterprlio throughout am!.
land, hut it has rendered:the goVernment itself
BA NIFRUPT. !Ike cry 'of ever ' atriotic ''
.the-veil-is removed-from hie-eyes,-should .
be, " Down With the shin plaster party-,dotitf
with the deceivers and destroyers of the people,—.!
down with the ,Igtiorant emplace who have reel
tiered -the - natlon benbriipt!"; All should GO
TO TEID Pbt,LS, ntid - fhroti;tol fhe ballot box:es,
ex i tresa their *condemnation. of the shamefu l
anlibiff Of 'the men who ha've..inielet them •to
thiir own injury end. - tVe ruin 'or th ,l
nicht. • •
• ,
Don. 1 . 11.1331.1.9 11. Dunnowssi, Becretary'of •the
Commonwealth, and fittperintendant of
Cornmerrgchools, visited our place laseek . • in
fulfilment - of. an appointment to - rpect Alle:•yaridus
School Directors of county. 45,, number
the directors ( Mei him 'fitilis !edging's,, anti had a •
freC•conversation frith hirt7 ohk the subject of the
Comnion . .Bchools. gentleman ling just . ter
minated a , tuur throughout the'treStern par( of the'
State•in. reference to 'the operation orthersysteS,
nil gi'yes tattering accounts or its progress in
most Of the counties he: has isi.teci."'
May. look for a, very interesting report from liini
Yn the assembling of the.legjs!aturq,
Tlie (WO Revolution, and lig Sifibet ark
„ ' Pennsylvania. • ,
_ we,havit.ap.artide froA6peii of the
editor. of, the ii'mted States oazette,..,whieli we
-hope-Virißtato . ibe - effect oftrousing - thewponents
of Van Buren in this State to a sense of ditty,
we.are huzzaing for Maine, - -for 'the
great, th'e unexpected and glorious victory of
Whig principlea in -the state' of Maine,-;--let us
not forget to apply the cirtumstanee to•Oui rod-
What has wrought. the chan es in In-:
diens, Tennssee, Notth C'etollne,.:Riirae IsWO,
Fentucky and MAINE, which sirould not operate
With — rerienbjed force in-Pennsylvania . ? Shall ;1;e
Iffy-stoneState.regard the. princiPleS of republi-
Ctinistn_ less than, an •• • other state, of the Union es-
republicans of the
see the national government adopt and carry out
measures destructive of the merchants and martur
facturers, paralysing industry, and heaping insup- .
Will they, we say calmly 10 - pk upon this, as vet,
but partial ruin, and refuse to slay the destruction
because it has riot yet overwhelmed them? Is that
the'spirit that &vine - Ellie ` - tea tray opBoston?"
Is that the attachment to principles'whlch refus
ed the "stamped paper ?" Is that the love of the
whole-COUritry which secured our indePendence?-
Suich a thought is unwarthy_. of .Penns`y,ll4Ula,_,
the impittation is; libel upon.
the character of our citi?.eni.. We • will. nit be
lieve, until painjulrand,. we hope, now innproba- _
evenls shall have forced upon .tis the "convic._
tion. thatPennpylvania-will longer hesitate to de 7 ,
clare.herself indeperident of executive dictation._
Th e_ti Metxegulre an e nrd nary_exhibition_of
p - atribtiatni-Koblesacriiices Of ?ersonal attachments
and precoficeived views, to the great good of the .
- • •
Indiana, „North Carolina, „Rhode Isihnil; Ten
nessee. abd: - Alaine have shown that whateVer
May have - have been theii 7 attachinetts to
love,their country more- Pennsylvania - be
so far•beltirid in life race of:pitrimisin ? Shall she
on Iheiebiatkaric - elaiinto speak with a holder
vo`i• ; 'as having given up.triere to.the cause .of
zei:lonal pOIIUCP , sacrifiee'd 'more
. of political
weight to .those who have brought upon us these
ev,jls? Shall she - trot, -- Avith a more triumphant
majority, proclaim her freedom? She will—and
may' bOast,,,too, that she..began the glorious - revo,._
lotion in the Third District.
Tho shin Plaster Party.
ry. Who is now so hlirio bp not to see tibia is
he real shin plaster party . ? cau.Almseignof de
Liston last Any longer?
Or yatißurett
- LaAt yettelltoeWas 'a surplus of FORTY-FIVE
the • United - Slittes;., over.
.and above the wants-if
'Government. Dongrese not • IF.noWini what else
to do With this money promisedsonie of it to•the
• .. . .... . .
States by instalments Well, what are the facts
now? 'Why, that these .FORTY-FIVE MIL
LIONS 'OF-DOLLARS; tire, where? why lost.
' Lost bow, - or — where! — Aak - Kendall, Blair ti..-Co-_,
'And 'is the Government not new:able to pay the
NINE out of the FORTY-FIVE-millions pronii
secl 'to the Sta!eli?. -. No, she is / net. Nay;-nrioi•e: .
she is 'under the necessity of issuing ON IdEL
LIONS 'of -dollars of SHIN-PLASTERS, in ad.
dition to those already - laitied by the Van Duren
party, on tedit . of .the Treasury , to save the
Nell it- not ath,proclaim it not irt.the.:streets,.
of Asielon,'?..thatlast year . the United States had
and abOje T her_ malts, in the Treasury; and that
- now,4tr-ONE-SINGLE-Y-DA,11,-sbe is worth TEN
diet Of MISGOVERNMENT!! Thes.stiAiditY,
,or cupidity and dishonesty, of the-Van-Buren ad,
ministration, is unParallelecli Who ever heard of
such an instance of Mismanagement? What; spend
and. above ordinaily expenses, -at a time when our
Goiernmerit. is at peace with all the world, and
no debts to paY? Strange, strange indeed.
t is high time that the people attend to theSe
things,iif Government will not-:—WillLthe-voters-
of the United States, the ,sc — Tr - is - ortlid — p - atchits - of
76,suffer themselveseto_be thus embezzled ; thu.
iinpolicrished, by those they have' employed to
attend to4eir,.the people's business' No: lie,.
or they WlTOTiniagige - dat supineness in the
AMerican people, haVe yet to Icarn'their charac.:
ter. They need s but know that they arewronged . .
_And 'We call. upon them,_ to examine into thdse
fuels now; It is iinportant that th• - y -- 61'itiuld know
gow theit4eVVanta administer their Government,
in - ail - Cr to enable them to act, accordingly at the
coming election: Ltioli: to-it . then,.and hurl, as
withA giant's_arm, those minions of:Power and
-ckuption- from their. high . places :in th ma
&Tue: They are crying good, purc,imuladula
.Government, when all is rotten eve.n-to - thc,cove.
it is important tlnit you should act at the coming
election, because those Who favor the mahadmin
istration of - the general government are running.
foy office throughout Ile:nnsylvania..".. le they (the
Van Buren candidates'.for assembly) are elected,
the gineral government Will' takelips an appro.
of *their . , course. — Nay, more: your Le 'gisla
. tyre, if . cum l io'sed of a majOritybf This Buren men,'
pass:resOlutionS- approvink-of - the-cori option
at WaShingtOnotnd thus fitsteti . thetrselves down
upon you, as with an iron grasp. - Tree yourselves.
Shake Off-=- - the'Le - oebeilluitaresapping*thE - Viliiß
_of . your liberty,-and the.,Treastiry or That money
which *rightfully belongs to you. Rise freemen,
and put the seal, of: diapprobation upon them.-
riipiions which are stealingyour rights atTrae
straying your• liberty, and Bobbing you-cif *your
good name:"Recollect, a - government can_ only_
be . good and lasting in _Troporticin to its virtue..
The corning election will by the tisjici . Your con
duct will' prove one of two things, and no more;* .
and that is; that you either• love a good Govern
ment, or a bad one. GoV
rnment vote AGAIN! ;et in
all shapes and .forma, VAN
.11Orritiburg Chronicle
Office-holders vs: I.lteOple.
'We cut.the following comment on the Treasu
ry pircurar from the Cincinnati Gazette. • We re--
co - amend it-to the attiiiitiye perusal•of all wliZart:
in favor of Rquality of rights, pi ivileges, and GOv
ment favors—of all who think and know, that the
Etyma' of Government should, like the dews of
heafileall upon- the poor as well_ as the rich."
head this Comment, and- then Sayoyhether you
can any longersupport the.present 4nristy, which
avaikevilliour, sdffiiiit to get — Fossessiccif
our Gover)unent, to •lord it over you, and your
• ‘
has been published, and its authenticity not haVing
been denied, it is to be as; as authentic:
_..„ i.„...t: ,
.., .. ,
Sta:—The near . aPp l - 1
dress makes it prope • 0
order that the infor: - ion
benefit And accom • dat .n 1
House of It" •serttative• t
will be • pared to furnisi .
• itt notes of k
drafts upon.sevcrat of the tb le,
• .and- Receivers of the Public ~ <
.deposit. - haliks - , - in - batiks, - sun
onvenient to any of.then. • ,
• I am sir, very respectfully; ~ o ur obedient ser•
. . .
- , . _Secretary of the 'Treasury.
W. S. Pitirritrati, Esq. .
Clerk of the House or Reps. of the U. S.
-----ttut-a-s-hort—time-agO r the-Governtitent laborers,
Ithe mere commonfulks,• Were paid off with: pet
bank notes, at Vl , sltingtori and elsewhere. Why
, .
„should specie be reserved for Members -of Cont.
la's? -. Is
,it not a most base, nay a most imlitt.
dent Measure, for a Secretary of thei:rear a uty_te.
- rmtkirilits — iligtinction between Members of Con.
.gresiltd - ollitcrneifilillie:rfitililaiiTniifoirWriat
is it 'But i open offer of price? It read§
thus: You, Membcrrof Congress, hare to pass upon
the conduct of us Executive Of Tire worth(
!cap in your favor. /kit is gold for you."...While
the other reading is, "You, inere.cohroon -(bor
ers, we care. not for you. Take ythir pay in rags
_drafts, and make the hest of them." What
basclicsa Of feeling constitutes public character,
where a public mai) thirst xratlie atich ii distinC ,
tion l 1/2 --
the : Laos C4gM
• .
Ire er.e.happy tiksay,.that the whigicifSofilli t
amptoittp: haveeiected James IViilia, Inspector.
This •will ' pffoid:owfrieniS opp9rtudity. of
colningAw•tbe• Nits and voting on Tuesdarn:ext
e • -
- .without molestation.. 'Horntofore, it wins dilauit
for; if modest .voter 10 get ln hiii , vote l without
being attacked by the Southaniptm Liore. The
, therefere, need .not then hive any.feari
110$V•its btftbiained on that dsy.•
. • .. ••
"EDUCATION_ is a belies safeguard ler fiber . -
lyi- than standing- irmy. ebuth u e
•wages - lit - thoi school insulter, - iveinust nise the
wake of the retrultlnvergeant."
Vlm etartiesity Wevanvantr 1137r oL'i ietav+
({St I G, 1.537.
k_oiltheiession, of Con
. me to apprise
ion may be used fOr the
in of the Members of the
unit this department
funds for their pay
ks nr spedie, or fcbgive
Nc d'. of the_Cadoms
'ney, -- oi'The former.
Ns; as - imay lie' Wolf
, . . • •
Fon Tay. llEnacu
MMUS:, EfitTOlLi t -4 was once-remarked. by a•
celebrated - writer, 'kat - . ."igniteanca anclgrwaice ,
generappgqjhand in liand"-a saying that•is•fdily
exemPlifled in , the course and character of. the
editor of the ValUnteer.' 'This iWiterate teacher,
this,.vain pretender, this %tali:stied
. flirt; every
week renders himself -still more ridiculous in:the
eyes of men 'of disc rind nation, by his"sicklyserib
-blings,"ltis clisjapted..paragraphi, a his arro
gant. tone. - Having acquired some litile'reputa
tion by fathering the pi•ocluctidits of other "sex's
irtalvs "• and • having' been accidental lipladed at
•the head-of-apolitical prifervlte-lias-tlieliresurap - ; -
-tiin to.turn critic, and to leCture his party on Van
- Burenism and'anti - - - 11a'nkismr many pen.
rsons who might•read theircildnteen i and not know
the calibre of the editcr's mind, in the ellent of
his learning and researches, would . be led tobe
lievethat he - had - taken his degrees, tlie-"Qlst
-'ColleW!1-14-tha(lia-liad been an uniforta Van
•lluredand anti-bank man! .EVerY week his pa
per contains e4itorialarlitles, which Would reflect
no credit `on. a common school boy, "and "which
place most ridiculous point of view be
fore an enlightened -public, although he has not
sense enough to .knovi it. To 'Drove this asser
tion, permit me to refer - to butane paragraph in
!Ili last paper, which a:ill, afford the reader some
little idea - 001m ignorance l and arrogance of the
would-be .critic and dictator of the,Volunteer.
Now, Murk the ignoramus: "We suppilge Mr.
Phillips means to:Say Ed that neither Messrs. [Mr.]
Woodburn [,..] or [nor],[ - Mrd_Gorgas_Ed,have [has];
ever rubbeAlteir [his] rumps Crump) against a
College," &c._ "Neither of those gentlemen have
[has] evert' studied nil:trim - tidy," .Bt.n. "Nor have
[los] - either - ofthem.Fortlic sake af•ex•
Posing, the miserable inconsisteney.and
So much for his literary allainments-•novir . for.
his political consistency:: In the 'first place, then,
let. me.ask toigo 'l.ll . esedit or ofTthe Volunteer be
eartnes_Vaaßuren and anti-bank Man?• Since lie.
Ass - assumed' the olliceof dictator to the party; he
cannot surely - object to a - scrutiny-_of) . b2 ;
that part. ' We all . redolleet - iliiii - Ife sidnaliied
hithself in_ the - County Hall, a's a Member. of the
standing committee, by his arrogant tone and in
tenverate zeal inhiS endeavors to prevent , reiiis
flyer; Esq; sad - other Van Ilurendelegates, from
z5„.. 94
takiartheir scats in the County Calfi;etitionf,
he not Poldly-and impudently pat-the que e ion—.
- "Are ,yotTin - favor of Van Buren ant-11" National
'Convention?"-. p4l,ll6'not wish to-make this 'the
- test, in- order to deprive the Van Buren men of
their seats?, Did he not 'use insulting: language
.: -toward the late-Judge-Graham, - Gen. Lamberton,
.and '.
other old ' democrats,. because they were
known to lie_friends of ran Buren and Jesse Mil.
... 160 . Did not he and .his: colleagues, finding tat
they - were - in - a - minority, WitlndraW-friim the c n ,
r vention, rtml form a ticket for themselves? pad_
not he procure his nomination for the legislature
on Mat ticket, which was composed exclusively
of, anti-Van Buren men?" Did they not run -Dr.
Whits&de,' a - bank man and an avowed - anti-Van
Ii man, on their ticket ,for Congress? -- Did
they mot oppose the election of,Jesso Miller, the
candidate of the Van BUren party? _ Did they not,
, by that means, give abOuCBoo of a majority in this
county for Dr. Whiteside, an anti-Van Buren hank
man? Did not the editor of the Volunteer run
fur, the legislative against Col. Woodburn, the re
- -gular candidat: of the Van-Buren .party, to. sup
ply the vacancy ocessioned . by the deatli; , of Wit.
liam Ruitslia? , And . did not • a majority of the
Whigs support him, knowing tliatlie . was an anti.
Van' Buren and bank man? - Did 'fitit he and a
- majority of hie .partizans support- . Judge M'Lean
initreference to Mr. Van Buren, whorit they de
nounced, in the most bitter terms? - And were
they not advocares . of the United States Bank?
These are furls-which are "undenied and under
iiit.ble",f6r,lfesides documeniary evidence, we,
have living witnesses to
,prove_ them in the - maim
[low presumptuous, iheu, in - the editor. of the
:Volunteer, to prate about Van , l,litreniim and iinti
others of being bank men! now laughable to
hear, him preach about consisteniy 4, How absurd
Joilear itim_bOacitcit kis:demacracyl_llutg.ncnlgh:
I know him "through and through ; " 'yet know
no generous feeling, no lofty sentiment, no. Man
ly quality; no honest principle, adhering to _his
nature. .• '. ' VERITAS: •
ror the herald and Expositor.,
The Currency. •
Never was the currency of 'our country
in a more wretched conditiOn than at pre
qhitt-pinsters.,iti-A:tern and tatter.
.ed..._condition,.antrfront -every ,- quarter-of
this and the-adjoining StateS, are present
ed, to the people, in payment for their pro
duce and ..uercitandizd, which are
expected. to- receive without cothplaint.
And this, then, is- the pa. of The great
"experiment" set on foot bi'den. Jack
.in 1832! He then promised • .that
gold. and -silver-should-take-the place:of
the "filthy rags" of the monster—;and
stead of gold and silver,.he has given us ,
h cliorrj eaves" as has boasted .Theiter
•in pcostratirig the Bank • of ; the United
States,, (one of the best moneyed institu
tions ever established_in this or any other
country,). and dclitialteil- the : revenue of
the country- in certain State Banks, and.
boasted of their •Ability,to regulate the
tn,onetoryof .tho county
pet • Piot10" thitie On the
contrary, Whin;-the- r ire•ssure - cnine,•the'y
were the' 'very- first itop.„.apecie pay
meets. ,~lte Dry bet*. hank. of the City,
of .New York, - fitiled..
_The government
is- now. anxious - to try .another
mint." It. is:desirous of. eStablishing a'
Stib-Treasitry Kaiak, to be Under-thecon,i
trol Of-Yiropidtiory,.Blair; Kendall & Co,
• ,
Andthe , reyenoe,
of our country placed tn.
the hands of, AO ; varions "Cti . stbio.!" house-,
otlicel•i i - -It remain ,now.
ivhethec: Cengress will countenance
dangerous measure:. They ,are the guar-
i a 'is the. right Szt,:the,peOle;Andithe - :
peot?leare:liPpoiiettto this Mattsure.•(.Doe . s..
un i y:man - doutit:th4P 'Let hini look at this,
result of the recent Kentucicy,
Indiana, N. Carelina, Tennessee, Rhode"
lalinitan'd Maine. •He will then gee that
the people, of these States have-declared,
in - a.vniAe,,,not tn he misunderstood, that
they wilt submit no longer to the arbitrdry
exactions of a tyranpical government.
Fellow-eitiienls; On next Tuesday you
will haVe it in your power to decide upon
i r
this question- , —to sa hether you prefer
silVer and gold-lt -good' hank
_paper, or
e rl
a pile 'of wordde trash, issued by irre-
sponsibleindividual , acid -every petty do
rolgliii' the• Comm wealth.- If you 'pre;
ter the.fermerTyo - u - Will - vote ilia ticket
beaded - OH - ARLES — B - . -- PENROSE — aiiir
, JOIiirtASSAT, both *good men and,
Citizens-of Cumberland, C. IL Penrose
is a 'mail whom we all know. - lie has
done - moire for - the - interests of this'cteity,
than any other man in 'it.. -He is the-poor
man's friend, and his hand is always out
stretched -to do good to-his-fellow-men,
without regard to party.. Let us - then
secure the services of. C. B. PeNnosr.,-for
:another term in the Senate'of Pennsyl
vania, and by so tieing, we will be repre-
sented by in honest, talented, and worthy .
e 2 Journeyman Mee tame.
Groff Ptriilic a7Pleetingi
Ant' large and respectable Senatorial DistriCt
=meeting,--composed-of-the--counties of_AdamS;
Cumberland and Franklin, Shippensburg,
on Satut'day - the 30th - of - September,-to take into
consideration the qualifications of the different
candidates for the Senate of Pennsylvania, and to
express.their sentiments on 't to present coot non.
of our country; BENJAMI L O_XaNOLDS, Esq.,
was ap_pointe&PrealdentOtai.—lMAN Ili - arra and_
Pntrar BERLIN, Eiq. — Me Presidents, and L. G.
-Brancleberryand-Gladaira T l'e4irs. i -Seoreta-,,
ries. The_objectcof the'meeting having been
stated, on motion, a Committee three was ap.;
! pointed to draft-resolutions, Wherupon Jasper:E.
Brady, E. Bradbury -and -S. 1). Adair, EsqrS„
-were appointed. During the absence .Of the
Committee, the meeting was ably and eloquently'
addressed bY.Gen. -8 untie! Alexander:
followed by Aln. B rady' and -- Bradbitry, 'wife pre- -
sented - the'resolutions-willr- some very close-and
racy remarks. Sir. Cassat, -one of the:Senatorial
candidates;-make a speech likewise fin conclitSied.
Every one who heard this gentleman felt. satisfied
thaf - he would do honor to . the. State of Pennsyl—
vania,itelected to the Senate. The following
-resolution' iVere unanimously- i.dopted. "
,Tharwe fi rmly believe that 'the
present disastrous state .of :the . business of the.
entirely attributable r o Biel - Measures and polic
Of the late and present Nationll Administratim .
Resott;eil,• ; Pliat we -- view with deep. interest
the approaching General' Election in the State-of
Pennsylvania, as , we believe its retnilLwill.have an
important .bearing on - the futnre course of. Mir
Natioual; Administration, and if .Pennsylvania
her people and her Legislature , shall - condemn tlye
present destructive and ruinous -policy
General Government that the men now at the
voice of the -country is opposed to - course
which they have heretofore pursued. '
Resolved,.'l•harivc approve of tbi2, course of our;
firm and independent Governor in maintainini,i
the dignity - and:interest \ of the Comnionweidtk
against the attempts wliVeli have been made to
interfere wiih her Legislature by - the jowlers - ar
Washington: •
Resolved, t we approve
. or the nomination
'of Charles 13: Penrose: and JacOb Cass - at, Isgis
as candidates to repreSent this bistriet in the
state Satiate, and that we have full confidence in
their talents, honesty and integrity; and will give
them our - zealous support and use .our best ef
forts to promote their election.
Resolved, That the proceedings .of this mac
ing- be - published in - all - the -- newspapers in th
- ..1011N iiAItPEII,
I Vice Presidents
Pit t LIP iiElti.l.N, ~..
.t.; G.Vrandeberry,
Atadaira, .
G. A. -
On the .21st inst., by the Rev. .D. P. Rosenmil
ler, Mr. John Chambers, to Miss Catharine,Wurst,
both of this County. •
On the 21st inst. by the Rev. 11. R. Wilson, the
Rev. Robert Grace d, Pastor of the Associate Re
formed Church of ChanXersburg, to Miss.Junc
AI Clark, of Southampton township.
On the 21st lilt. by., the . Rev. John. Moody,
Mr. James Sharp, of„ Cass county, Indiana, to
Miss. ilforgareLjane;_ilaughter_of_Mr.-Aoseplt
Quigley-of Hopewell township. • •
On the.26th inst. in'Shippensburg, by the Rev:
Henry It Wilson, Dr. '.drchibald Rankin of New
ville;-to Miss Mary - Jane Falwiler, of the farther
On the same day, lay the same,Mr. inilian
Nevin of Pittshurg;:to Ilann June, e'des
daughter_ of John MaClay Esq., cif Shippensburg
. -. . • .„ •
—DYED. . .
On Wednesday last, the,27th Olt., Mrs. Jimi
,2nielia 'Gould, Wife of thciate Christopher Gould,
aged about 83 years.
PVlti, Le, ST•
. .
Will be exposed to Public Sale, ontbe premises
On Saturday 2lst day or October inst. a
TrA - Cf of .Land,
situated in Vrankford township, Cuinherland •un
ty, on the.road leading . from Dilkea 133 i ge' to
'Dublin nap, containing about 25 : re ,more or
less, upon, which isioretted
-And-a LOn BARN; two iVells•of water on the
'premisesi-a•Arst rate Appletrclard, , The pro
perty is under gOod fence a d in good state of
cultivation. The land ad outs the
_property of.
eterWcra, uhrigtat. .A t eT, qcorge Eckardt
andutheys,_ : _
Terms of are as-foliows: the half orthe
purchase money to , lie lisid on .the • at 'day Of
1838,.. when posssssion will 'be iven, the
remainder-in two equal amnol paymen without
out' intereat i - •. .
1 • „• • • JOSEKI
Pao 2,1837.
The civl4ors,ofll. Akightnhaugh, , ,clecet.764 -
will tike ktotte6 that the tiditori.tomaishatilhe
aasets,ol.the estate among thera"will roeek•aCi4o
*oose of ltehe:rt Macfarlane, Carlisle, oa I'Vedneti.
(14 the:.lBth„day.of Octeher'siost; at 2 'clock,
GOO Ittniivo, -. , :,. ,
. ... . - 'JOH N. IRVINE. -. . •Z., •
•. -.:. • . ;... n,Q.0',2'.. 1114C,1 , 141 - ILSIVE:.
october'2,lB37.:" ' *. , ' - .' .
• LAND COUNTY • •••• .
• -
(e •
1* lan til foy tlte enconragement offered
me as a candidafe foe:Sheriff, i nevertbeleis beg
leave tn decline staizjing a poll 'id the present
time..., Tliitt"tleternfifiatioit Was' beemtaken'in et:et:
seqeence.of severe doinestie affliction; tont other
eattlesimott r e_eessary. a.t, 111.6er - it:to . mentleit,
ai EP 11' WA GaoNER.
..:;/%lewtou towliship k October:4 - 4'OA ,
R016E1404 old - Ritablished . .
80 - 11altesti - 4 doors below the FranklintanlC
I 'RI$40 • 000
, . .i,
To go of ; on the 218lit4ii of. Oclober'.lB3t- w
ROB' NSON'linq the pleasure of. announcing . to
his 'friend3 and . patrons 'abroad the :40,0e •of
ahothei 4 grand lottery to'be drawn on.SATUR.
DAY, the. 21st day of October, -1837, -the Va.
• State Lottery,- fbr the.bepefit'of the Mechanical
Beneti.olent .Bciciety of Norfolk, Va., class 8, for
1837,..t0 be drawn at Alexandria, Va. on SA'llilt-,
DAY; Oct - 21, 1887, at 3 0'c10C14,11...1t1.. -75 No.-
Lottery and eleven drawn banal. • . -
: - .'. •
-=--T-GRANDCDESIE. ' • . '
1 prize of Pl-0,000; - -$10,000, - 1A0 priies - orslooo4
-14rize_of_ -,:._540i000 1 prize of ' $1,940
-1.-- , ---- - -10,03 3 . ----, -- . - -1004-,
1. - ' ' 4;000 • 5 . . „ - 'l, - 2001
1 -.3,000 :
1 5
-• '. 150 - -
~, - • . ' 1,000,1
64 priies of 'sloo-r-to Ist and 2d 4lraw_n numberss
.64. -,.• dd 90--Ato 2d " 3d do do • 1
64 do- . 8044t0 3d. " 4th , tld' -do'- .. I
64 - do' . 70—to 4th " • sth, do • db . ,
Yiizes in the scheme amounting to more
' 'Whole tickets $10; halves 5, qrs. 2,50.-.' . '
'Certificate or a regular package of 25 whole
tickets ,in the' above,
_sple:ndid lottery will be, is
sued .and .sent for 'sl4o, halves $7O ,
. 1r5.133:.
eights SIP;SO. A.: regular package of tickets
may contain the 4 , ltigfiest - capita) prizes.
To secure the grand capital, it is irecidedly-the
nearest rout. A liberal 'discount will .be made to
Clubs, or individlials disposed to,adventUre by
the-paeksge._AlL.orders- addressed-UFO:if - sub . ;
scriber,'. either' by post or private conve xint e,
thankfully - -.received and .promptly, attende .to.
All c on: munica t ion s ; „perfectly confidential..
Ileae'audress E. W. Robinson, Baltimore, Md.
October, 2, 1837..
FORTUNE.— , The attention of -citi
4zens-and .strangers and all persons at a dis=
lance is respectfully diraltdd - to 12.0131.N50N1 .
ADVERTISEM Tin tin Other, part of this pa
October 2_, 1:1_6.7.• •
, - -0101E,-to - nthe7platitation — of - tlte
• ,Viikol i N a L subs.criber residing i S outh 314-
oil n
bou .t
011. 4 4? n io f middle
nst.,_a stray Cowl
size, and of a.dark red color, the two" iind feet
are.white. The cnvilerinust corne.forwardi prove
property, ipny. charges and take_ her awm,lother
.wise7Stie:WilriiditivoS6d of u coi•iling to 1;0*.
. . JACO() 87.711CALER:
:Octolief2, 1837.—.1w.` .
Foe Sale or Rent.
ill AT large and well known' firm, .Ily ing one
mile west ilif Carlisle,.calle.dAlie—Sleel 1' rin..;,..noW
ni - Tins - sesiliiii: i nf,heldig -and - I.loliref, ontaining
about' 250 acres, : • . .
1.75 AcrCs of Iv " bra re - cleard -- ,
and . under.good re ce,_iptl-well set with clOver.:
ircirinirov:krimen s - ate a.gbotr _ .
. • - Dwalling House, .
90 feet long,_ a piup, of .neverialling. an
_Applii.grehard f .and - every:Oilier neces s ary in or
der.,-- This Tirtifis sntierkor . ficr sloak. 1
A nether farm in North Middleton town.
slap—adjoining—Zeigler. - and—iiorner74:heirs i -con.
tainirg Abut. 2)..5 acres, a large portion of which
is cleared. This tract is well Calculated for stock,.
inwing , idninclance orineado*-andAvaleti . in-every-1
field.- The inwrovements are several dwelling
_hottses,..a log_harn:and-still .
above:will be sold or let on- good terhis,
Apply to U. G;vin, Carlisle, o r to
Octotrei• 2, 1837..7-4t.
• • October 3J, 1837.
The Directors of the P.y 4 , fide Swings Fund
Society" have this day., declared a Dividend of
3 per cent far the last six in:ontlis, on, the stock
and weekly deposites.
order, 101E4 J. DIVERS,
October 3,11337.-3 t. • Trqubirer;
TH.V:..subscriber, executor of the last will
and teStamcnt. of. Samuel- R uby, Esq. late of
Vast Penof,bortingli township, Cumberland
county, deceased, will expose, to public sale
the following 'real estate, to wit:—On the
premises. on Friday the 20th day,of October
next, at 10 o'clock in the foreiloon,'Silver
Spring • township,. about :two 'miles from farm of excellent • .•
coutaining.abOn't 60 Acres, whereon is erep:-
ted a two story •
. .
Stoll.oAViterlingf ElCrageg
o-barMand-other nut houses , djoiningllatids
Jf Peter , Eberly, Elizabeth Albeight-, - an 4
olin Harman, in sight of the Cohod2gui net
creek. . - . . . ... . . .
ALBO=Two lots of ground,sj.t ate in
-Hoguestown marketlin the . additional:_p_lan
°lsola rown, -- Nos. 1 and 14:
ALSO—One other (
,tm tract o and, situate lh
Rye.township, Perry cot , - adii)ining lands
of Solomon Vennik.le, Nl ., (White, and others,
containing about • - - . .
thereon Is ere ecl a two story &Veiling house,
and other b ri dings, within sight of_White',a
ALS .one-pther-.-tract Of - timber - land -
6 /,
sitimee i — n
12Ye :township, Perry County ad-
joitiing - lands7cf "George' F.liife 'Mid - diliers,.
•ontaining 100. Acres. ' • ,
ALSO—One tract ot-, timber-land, situate
in Greenwood township; - Perry county, ad.
joining lands - on the south side - of' Lickßun,
- or, COckalumus, Containing - .. . .
•,,One-.other Aract . of timber land,
situate in Rye townsiiip;perty.county. con
taining 150 Acres.
ALSO—One other tracCof ti
ituate-itt-f4vooliwood-tr; Perry coinit
ty, adjoining
s on th`e. north side of Buff.doe
SAO Acres.: -
ALSO;—Ahout'loolitish els Of 616; by the
bushel.' •' • -
'Attendance will be given and ternis n?ade
knbwn on the clay of sale hy' . -4,
4'' , ...;•....' •''''.— ' ' • —. ' . ' • )01 - 1 4 N: 11,Upp,
.. . L i xeotdo . rof iS'Onittel Rtibil, (Iced.
, Pennsboro' n t6wnshili, Z., •
. Sept: 25, 1837,...--ts. 3
i., - .:. - gAT w, iti Tzr. ‘'
), .. : '.
I ra
1 -12 ' PI -4 - I
ci l It! ei
• . , u. are t 9
dei•ed to
~ . 41 parade at the Cotirt -; . -.•
• ,• • Rouse In
.th&horongli : •
. _
... f; of Carlisle, on sATuu•
- ci' -
; DAY the
.14th day .or • .
I r .; ii -.
... ,pi = (10,41)er tlext, ilt..l'EW .v 1 ~,
I A 1 I•altlck.ittilte forenoon,; , 'N I .
v.•• with•nrcon and acenutret • '
1 , . 1: . mons hr goad .order., r
. t -. - w ith ,tylwlte.intntn, and f
:- I ::••••.Itiiip"Aneka,r,tvith nt least I --.
• '" ti . ••••• 'one blinketter.atin.Lpair,..„ _ ..
. :1
. of Woe pantaloons. .• .; I •
--• ,• -- :'' Ay: orders...l4 , d. . : •
. - ,• - • ••: • - •.: • , .14EINKY 3. KET.L.Y.: O.S. .•
:r, .1101:04 gnfterniturp oittlet.reijnesteiblls hnsi
fleas, of intpottance vFill,tre Inid _b,efore:•the corn,
, . ,
• Varliale'rSelit. 25„ 1837. ' ...... ---.: .
tublic Sale:
300 A.OII,MS.
• -
vow. tie sold at:public- venclue, on Satue
. day the 4th day of Oetolter, , 1837; on
the premisesoliat - vainable - tract,_o t f Yartd; situ
ate • in Allen
' township; Ctunbell and . county,
Pit two miles south cast of Mechanicsburg,
joining, lands of Daniel Mohler, John Sheely,
-and others, containlfig -
. . •
, Sa AVM, 04. '...•
. • - .
of Patented land, More or'less:,• Thesoil ii , •
LimistOne' of an excellent
,quality,.and-Ifi a
good stale'of cultivation; About 120 acres -
are cleared, and the balance in good thriVins
A -= - Otr
mber: - the - farm Is •an excellent •• •••• •
-Apple tlreharEL:
The iin . prilieltienis- area, n large . :Double ."'"""'
putellingliOdse,:tvelLft .
stone spring house;. a smoke-house; anka •
bra: dry house. An excellent building used ;-
as a Wagonmaker!s shop;' . a large Logßarn
With - a - wag - on slied attached;' - anka stonehog;
pen. • There are.threewellapfmateCconven,,,_:-
lent to said building, Wild' yield anabundant
supply of Water ; at a depth -of but 13, 20-and-
-25 feet belnw the surface, ' •,, •
.. , . •
The farm is under good fences; 4 larg part' . •
there o f being post and rail s This farm liesd
in an eicellenusettlemcnt, and possessei nu• •
Merous advantages for Markets for the said
of produce 1 it-is within 2 miles.of.the depot -
of the Cumberland Valley Rail Rciad„ which
promises to.create _large_..demand for pro
- -
Any person desirous of .viewing the farni t
cab call Upon eithei• of the subscribers, the
one. : living on the pretnlses ) and the other ad
icaning them,
Sale to-commence at 1 o'clock. P. M.; when
attendance will be, given and terms or sale—
made known by - ; ; ,
. osephlitollenfierger t .
Executors of Christian Mohler L deed.
- -
Will .be exposed 'to public sale on the prez
ibises on Thursday
-the 26th October nexti •
a_tract of_Land,situate_in F_rankford -ToWn;
ship, houndc;el by lan& - of - John Einest; Oredi
Myers, the heirs of:-1 - hinter, "Henjin
holder and others, containing one hunched
and - ilfty - seven acre§, more or less,..of .Slate
Land, about 10 - 0 acres of which ate clewed
and under good_fendei—ntrdlef-witich-ributtr7: -
TW - eliiii--arxes are meahow. The . inivitovo.
• Low "
tmen.Mare a Log
e • .
an Apple Orehard,+.:With-.Other fruit 'irees- -
_and-an-excellept . Well-nf-water-With-41, iii
n it. The..; grazing, - -
having a stheam of water minting through it,
• The terms of sale will be one-third.. of
purchase money.:to - reinain in the - hauis
tif m the- - Purchaser. during the _lifeof
._the -
widow, the: interest of which to be paid
her, and one }Mildred dollars payable onthe - -
- _confirrhation - of—theTTsate)•-tine half of-the
'residue-of the - purchase stoney cin the' first
.of _April, 18,41, when possession -will be de., ..
liierrd, and' the-balanee in - one - year there. =
from, -without interest.
HENRY - Ruer.Ev,
Alminzetrator of David Crepe, deed;
September 18, 1837..—t5.
• •• Has co' menc the practice or. • •
Physic in. Borough of Cra ,
where.he...tvilt be happy to
/• rehcierills pr:ofessional sertiiicea
fi to those who please - to (Nil
.' • upon 'him. His place of rcit.,i
dente-is - in — North - Tilanover - O-t
in the house formerly tictUriied
by Dr. •Pahnestock, and nearly opposite ,to
John Carman's inn. '
Octobdr 9, .1837 . ---.iur. •
Attention, Artillery ! '
4 You aye - ordere Ito parade on ,yOur
, 5... tt§ttal grbund o Saturday the WI Mtk
5 of october n t, at 10 o'clock, A : M.
5,; ,- • in Somme Inifbren, arms and accoutri.
V•,,.4 _rnents_h ood order. , ...---'
••_ • . Ilyp der of
/ E. M. RIDDLE, Captain. '
. A. Wantn, 0: S t _i_,- •
• v •
'.,::.L. -: Csrlisle, Sept. 15; 11337. . . ,
I. rir§t Battalion, Cumberland Volunteers,.
will pradc in the Centre 'Square hi the '
borough of Carlisle, on.Sat'urday the 14th4ax of
October next , at 10 O'eldok in the forenoon, in
SUM NtElt UNIF'OItM, With :frths.and due.ohlre4
Cdl. w. Potir.Kn.
Wril; Adjukint.
Pit lleg't Climb 7 (ll 'oluntectll
. Will "parade at Springfield, on Tuesday the
17th of.9ctober next, (in summer uniform ) Com
pletely eqttipt for drill at 10 o'clock, A. M
By order.
_& c
ibt - INIFOO,Adj I n
§epiember lg3 't. - • '
ALL persona-indebted to the estate of sftrimel
-Ruby, hue of Bast Pennsbordugh toivroship,. ctitn •
berland county, deceased, are requested to ihalte
~payment on or before the! first dad of November
uext . -esiding en't he tdwt , stiift
arm ving claims againit sail!
esti duly authenticated for ..
JoHN 41014,;
• • . „
of Christian Conver, lateofOickinsohtchvh•_
ship, Cumhe-land comity, deceased,. haie issued
in tine form of law•to the subscriber, :•residing.on
Ale Grin of. said tleceaded,,ln„ said. township.l-,
'All persons having claims againiviaid estate will
present them, aml-those indebtefl)v.ill pi k e! pay.
mem to N -1; • 4
•.' - .
Sept. IS, 184...4diy. •
. ,
Notice. - - .
ITPON the application ofD'avids. tt Unit's,
*--' Admini'skintor , of the estate of Williarei -
W, Clark, late of Southarnpitort tovitnitrip. •
.Ctiritherland ctiunty, d eceased, the Orphans' '
'Court of said cofinfrliave apPointed thOtun.
dersigned Autlitors to - settle:atiff.adjitit'the '
rates and proportionS,Of the aiseteof !lie Said . .
estate, to; and anning thez.reSPectlie ei•edi- :_...--.
tors, according to thelitiler establishied. - hf
I a xv.:: , -The undersignetlatialtoreAvill rtieet at
the house of Jacob 'n'le„ Itinkeeperii Ship-
enShurg. on' W'etlti ' the; 1 ith44,oCto- • .
her , next; at Ur o'elobli;A. IVI. A when all per- •
sons interested may attend,/ .. ....:- - . 1-, - .71,,...!, - • -- •
IMBERT 6' - 11PC01174
84 4 11 4.& iffiE l illin - -
r , .. (tiki#6ll..) :.-- . ,
Scpttmber iosr.