Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 03, 1837, Image 1

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e• / lit .1. tt - te - .
- -
— AV II rbe - issued at-TIiraITOLUARS per annum;
-to' be paid half yea* in advance. . •
' RD VE'.4 2 7 /SEMENTS n et eNce eilingasquare
Fir throe insertions, ONE DQLCAR, - and every .
,tilisequent.insertion,.:l'wenty-five Cents, longer
ones in proportion,. '.. • . •
Letters addressed to the publishers
.on . busi.
MILYSI7.I.IE - POS'ir RAlti, otherwise they-
Will not , be attended to. • " ,••• • .
. .
...- The folloWing pers ns _bal,;e .Veen oppointe
:Agents,• for th " le , tlerald and Expositor
to_ whom payment for suscription" and'advertise
Inents can he made.:. .
1). Strmr.LY, Esq.:'Shiremanstown, Cinnb..-• Co
SCOTT. COrr...E.,•Esq. Newville;• ._ - ' do.,
l'i KOONTZ; Egg.. NeiVbUrg, ' : - do: '
Trios. W. HAIVIES, Esq..ShipPensbu - rg, - dm
Jonx WoNnSnmen, fivn - fr : do. ' do.
L i
J. At ATEr.n, Esq., I bguestoWn,
R. Winsoiv , Esq.:A i chattresburg, do.
Wrztptni RUNSI-1 , E - , llopewell,. do._
I. STURGEON, Esq. ChurchtoWn, ' . do. .
.Dr; AsAiWnprra NewrCuMberland, 7 ,d o ._. -
- Viiii - s:ll3l7ZE;E:s7 l l.l3ootiifield, IlerryTcouilf.ii.
:A. ill.:A'oli, gsq, Landisburg; ,-- --t-- do.-
'WHEREAS. in and by an. act of the
Genehal Assembly of the Commonwealth
of-Pennsylvania, entitled"an act regula
•tritg the general eicctibtis within thh
Fommonwealth, i passed the. 16th day
of February, in . the year 01 . .04 Lord Otte
thousand seven thiidred ',tad atiety 7 nine,
it ii'-etljoitied—on" dip -Sheriff. of ',each
_ . .within this- commonwealth, -1,13
, - _•
_ • give public notice of elections to lie
----held, and-to enumerate - in lcuc_li notice._
CHAEL HOLCOMB; High Sheriff of
the county of Cumbe;tiand ; do- therefore
- •
• .To,thel-electors.-of-the-County`of
_• land, that.on the
(being - thelOth day of The mongh) a_General
Election will be held at the several . eleCtion'
.- disiricts:estaiyllslied by law in county,ltt
- 'which - tiine, and foe.thelleve.ral officers here
inaft ertiam
toyepresent the . district composing tlie coin
ties 'of — Cumberland, Adams;• — • and Fruill
lin, in the Senate of Pennsylvania.'
• . 1 - TWO_.PERS.O.ATS.
. _
tq pis present the county of ICtitilberland h
tote House of Representatives' 011'ennsylva
—'" ?nia.
. , .
for the count=, ofContherland, to se..rYe fo
three years, •
and of the House of Employment ; and
to settle the _public accounts of: the county
And in and by an act of -theLGeneral As
sembly of this commonwealth, passed the
17th day of March, 1806, it is directed that
the Inspectors of said general election -shall
beChosen by ballot on the Fritiay next fire;-
ceeding the first Tuesday . in October (being
the.29_thtemb,er next,) at the usu
al place of holding townshipp - eked - sms to• be
held by the.respective constables, Twho arc
required to' give at least one, week's public
notice of such election) and the said constable
in each. township _shall be .assisted, by _.two_
qualified to vote as shall then. be.present, • and
the Inspectors choseri' are-required . by said
act to be at the proper election . districts on
'tLe day of the generl election aforesaid, 'at
dine o'clock in - the s morning,'„to do'and - per4
form the duties enjoined on them by law.=
- And theeturn 'Judges of the respective dis.
fix , tricts_ r are beret.) , )required to meet at the
, Court House in Carlisle, on the Friday next
. _
after.tberi.2d Tuesday in October next,'then
Ii and there to perform those. things, required of.
them by the aforesaid act.
And ini'iiaby an act On - he generaraisem
bly, paSsed 2d of April, 1821— " ' -
. r . r
' Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and I-lease of RepresehtatiVes of the Corn-.
tAnWealtir of PennsylVabia, in General . As
sembly met,- and it is, hereby enacted by the'
..,- . .
authority of the same. That . the
I qualified electors who shall vote at any genet.-
_al- or.special - -electionwithiirt his-common-
Wealth", shall give into the inSPectori,of.Stich
election Separate tickets for . each station or
office voted for, which tickershall
, cOntiin ho
,---- moPe - tiria4 the - proper number - Of names, but
/ n
r • noticket Shajthe rej ed by the judges of the
,Clebtiori in Counting', he votes
same Contain fewer n es thim the proper
nurnber=thase for slieriffsandtcoroaers.- ex w•
-•cepted. ! • . ,_ . ,
&Mop 4 frnd . be it enacted by, the author
, __:_itY of the aforesaid. That it shall be the du
sy of the Sheriff or Coroner; as Life case may.
be, :of such and every county ,within thii
commonwealth to-give public . notice at the
-------kamiLtititeland-placc- and 7 i-rßhe.satn . aiiif- .-- ;
and under the same penalty that he is now re
. luired to give notice of any general or specal
election, _that every person - who shall hold
'tiny office Or alipointnientof - prclit-or trust un
"der the government off the United States;
, - __
Whether a commisionedOfficer or otherwise a
7 -2 -43nbordinate-Ofri ror agent ,-: : who=-for ' shall
he: eariPloyed und • the, Legistativ.e, Execu
tive or Judiciary P art irt ent s of thelitito
:States,. and also "tfr t 'every member of Con
gress is by law hid" - able of holding' Or exec-
stislng at the same tmO:.the Office•or appoint.
___ tient of judge ~ In pector,_.tir. C rk of_any_e_
Jectioniti_this-state.. - . '•:---Y----"' "'.
Given tinder my hand at;Carli.sle, the Ist day
'of September, in the yeariof otir_Lorclolie'
' '..l.h.ousand.eight htindted and' Oirty seven,
••:.• and, of-the' Independence' of Alt tilted
,'States the 62(1.. ' - , . ''. -.f •• '•• '-•
. ._
• : •• -•-' • Micadliliore - Omb
teptimber 4i 4837.
• VORSA.II4E-,.=7"
A very handsomenew Carriage, 'newest
• ttyle,, with a complete set- of double,
fleas, voill'Aie , soliL cheap or exchanged
• . for a;fiecontkhandekone.
For particular
e nqujre.of.tilV•Print . "
.August,74B3r: .
, .. . .
* , . ' • . . .
. .
. .
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• ' -
r L
GTRlciti Teßi, ;I I dPiIiTS.IEMEOI_7P I die ;00.
4S the enjoyment of health depends on pre-
Serving - the" complicated functians of 'the
IRA, healthymta vigorous state, throttglf thempe
rations of which the body receives its growth; its
nutrition,' and- its support. It, can no longer be
astonishing that'Whetrtlre4e viSeera'.ard.deranged
andt 'cannot' perform . their-proper functiOns,Oe
Wii - Ole Systetwshriald sUffermid become disorder-
ed. The blood istriailCfrblii - lhe contents' Of the
stomach ; .lis its red color and vitality given to it
by the action .of .the .lungs,..and_as It performs its
ditty in circa:dieing through the,
_srelm and arte
ries, -has its yellow or hilliaus excrement, which
may be -termed its refuSe or worn out sediment,
collected and discharged by the liVer. These
viscera, themaretbeantimoniallnechanisin or.ap
, parinus by which 'the. blood - is manufactured-and
preserved; is therefore obvious .that the
State of these should be the first consideration Of
- the physici 41. Now there are various causes that
wilLiffect ,nd derange these Organs With which
the bloo as limiting whatever to do. TiIUS the
_lay bp . utterly debilitated in one Too-
M k
I' at' b - alfrightigriefrdis4mointment,--heat-of,
. the --- weather,_or any - othermervous actioM - jrndffe
wholly unable, to digest its Foods—ls-the blood.te
blame for this? A NERVOUS ACTION of long
.Continuance, will praduce settled DYSin.): 'S /
with' head-ache, bile, mental and physical . -
tY, and funeral .retinue Of other - evils. Is -the
Wood . ' to - blame for - this? Intemperance, by. ins
flaming the - coats of the stomach; and leaving-it
in - flacid, prostrate 'weakness . ; and 'an undue
quantity and continuance of purgative medicines,
by pruducilig the same effects, will pat his organ
almost out of use fur digesting wholesome solid
food Ind thus 'impoverish the, blood and the
:-whole syAem. Is ,the blood - to - blaMe for - this?.
Again, with regard to the ,Lungs, it is well known,
that w Slight cold, occasioned, by danip feet or kV
- ii. ciirrent of. Mi.' will- inflame the bronchi), all
down throeigh_tlie.. brat:aim; air - gees of the
lungs, and- create either excessive MIICCUITIS. or
- that the:lA(ld insidious disease, Consumption; With
pustules and suppuration, of - the liibes, which - ,
-Wm igh-t line ly-remedies-may-prev en trno - ra - rt h ir
skill can Cure. Is the blood of the fair and bloom-
Mg victim to blame fur this? -So the firer, when
elimitte,- sedentary habits, intemperance, or other
prOstrating.ctiuses hate,,Avithered away or pariily ;
. zed it .with,distention,:becomes unable tmcarry ar
l-thebili Ti.ont the circulation, - iiiitl instead of di's:
: charging- it through-the-gall:bladder leaves it to
come through the skin injatinth ced and sallow
fluidu, and to rush, upon - the stomach' in irreOlar
and-txcessive. qt 3 - theL-unforitmate_
blood to blame for these vital -organs
blood has - been affected' by - them ; they are the
makers and Masters, and it is merelystkeir worilF
and their passive agent, ..
Knowing.thisin be a sound and &mown rated
fact ilr-science and experience, 1)1.. %1,. EVANS'
system of practice is in filithfol adcordance - with it..
Ile aims to keep the Stomach, the Lungs; and the
Liver in-vigorous and regular action, as tho three
great'fountains of health and -life. • - Tor this pm ,
pose he prescribes his beautifully efficacious AP
ERIENT PILLS (acknowledged by medical men
who have analyzed Ma recomihended them, to be
equal to any in the workl)' in cases which reqoire
the cleansing of the stomach and bowels.; and his
celebrated CAMOMILE or 'TONIC PILLS, in
cases - of nervous irritability, Stomachic-weakness,
or - general debility. . A vast majority of human
diseases having their Origin in the general sympa•
thy attic principal visdera With the nervous sys ,
tem ; he thus seeks disease in the most subtile
fibres of its root's, instead of Vainly hoping' to-ex
tirpate it by pluCking 'al its leaves and more dis
tant braiTches. "His 'STEM ENT PILLS will do
all that any purgtdive medicine can do, 'that is
thoroughly cleanse the stomach :and bowels ; and
his CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS, eon - Mining:is
they also, do, the moq ' delightful ANODYNE
known in medicine, will ilei; - have dine, and are
continually doing more to strengtheU, restore and
sustain the human constitution /than any' other
medicine that has yet been discovered. Orthis
he-has innumerable- proofs; - and -- this - no - man - can
deny without falsehood. / • .
Dr. WM. EVANS' medical preparations are for
all StoMach and Nervous Diseases. lit Indiges
tion, Dyspepsia,Billions Affections or Liver
plaints, Ileartlurn .or Acidity in the Stomach,
- lightness at the Chest, Loss of etite, Pain in
the side, or Flatulency, - I Mit driacist , Low
Spirits, Palpitations of fie Ile t' „ Nerve is Irri
tability, Nery MIN W . 1341,L1)10V Athos, e i•
nal. Weakness, Indigestions, General Debility,
Bodily We'aknesq, Colorosi Or Greets Sickness,
Vlatulent i or Hystera I Fainthigs, Hysteries„Headr.
ache, Hiccup, /Sea 87Cliness, Night Mare, Gout,
Rhenenatism, Asthma, Tic - bolereux e , Cramp,
Spasmodic Affections, Nausea, - Vomiting; l'ainS
indhe Side, Limbs, head; Stomach or liaek, Dim.
)lessor Confusion of Sight, Noises in the Inside,
alternate Flushing's of treat and' Chilaess, 'To
mars, AVatellings, Anxiety, Spasms, , Bad•Dreairis;
Agitatioas Will in every case he relieved by an
occasional close - OC Eigme_flamonii/e / 4 1 7 / 8 - , -..:' - ''
Ladies, during thellmeOf - prey,.nacy,- are'aften
troubled with Sickness, Vomiting, Heartburn.
Headache, 'Tooth-ache, Hysterics, and - other
troublesome symOtomsTectually'relieved by these
• •
. Alto,-1.1/E, Chesnut street, Philadelphia. '
sale at the Herald and Ea,
'posher Office: - r • :
. Jun
. -
A firSt rate Limestone Farm, situate about
6 miles west .of Carlisle; *containing 27 - 8
Acres, ;about 200.Acres'cleir and in a high
state of cultivation; the " balance is . well tim
bered, and
-there is a !erg , qUantity "of Locust
on the_p_le.e„, •
'l'lu improvements.are anew , • •
.1910TISE; • - - .•
and tenant Houses, .a l•
anc two tAPple orchards. There is a well of
:Water; and severatVerylarge 'springs near
the House; The ttirnpike Road Trbut
risburg to Chambersburg passes through the
farm, and the: Rail Road •passes..nearly in
sight.. •
This propertr;is .for two
' The nboVe•property is Worthy the attention
of: capitaliSt, as it - ivi, , sold low. The ti-'
ittilisputable.Emquire'of' • •
wat II A K
ile,.Sept. 18, 1837-4 w. . •
Lairaster Examiner, an 4
Volksfreund,,, 4 w. m rk "'Alec &send paperp,
charge. this office. -
, -
5, 1837
. .
. . .
. .
.14intOtt and . Pa 1 1510eekly,.by1.,,J - ii:Opiaiii.iiis d P .0i0; 14;71r .e ifizell;. ill' Carlisle, :1p ti; Az bet 41inci:I.Cou;iiti i:.1.iiP0.,,
Nog Veketaiill'e, riles,
„ .
All nations, from4he remotest ages; have.had ships, but
Columkus Only futiiid - rint the. way_to,America. Before the
time of the great Spanish navigator, people Wore only ent:
tiled to.paddle about the shores. Just so with the Life
Medicines. It is but two years. since I first ventures: upbn
an unknown ocean,- nrid have. discovered the precio us object I was inseareh of—H ALTH. Vegetable medicines
were indetd knownsvlien_ I commenced my search, but
-their use wits not.. By , 1 he use of them, I have - not - ,pnly .
passed front - the dejecie& invalid, to 'the hale, hearty, and
active man of . business,,but, comparatively speaking, I have zny,youtb. I can thus, with confidence:in my own'
experience ; ad t trni y Does the render-
want - proof that the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES
are suitable to big own ease? I have on_ file at my 'Whet?, ,
546 Broadway, lifindreds of letters, from some of the most
respectable citizens of this my mauve hind, voluntary offer
ed in testimony of the virtues of A GOOD VI6OETAIILE_.
- Persons tlhose oonstitutions have been nearly . ruirietthy s. .
the "alkirtfallible" mineral• preparations of the
bear me %atIleSS, that the Life Medicines, and such.only, are.
the true course to permanent good health. •
I. 'These-medicines linsialongtheen known antrappreeinted,
-for their ex trnorilinnry and immeditite_poivors..ofirestoring
persons Buffed - 14 libeler pearly - eV - e1.:1. - kind"
. .of intense to which the humanframe is liable.
_ln many litindruilt_of certificated instances;. they have
even rescued snlferers from the Very, verge of an untimely'
grave; after alti he deceptive .isostruins of the tiny had sit
ez a -11 - 04;.. • itl to many thousaudythey brave permanently
Lcred that Aniforin eniovinent of - lienlth, without which
- life itselPis_but a-partial :blessing. -So grent;:intlecd - - - lias
• their efficacy invariably and infallibly proved; that it hai
appeared seturcely_less thanmiraeolous to those plio.were
unacquainted with thebeantifully philosophical ptinciples
npon_whieli they are compounded,. and upon which they
consequently 'net. It was - to . their. manifest anti sensible
action in purifying the springs anti alianneli of life,"and
codning_thein with renewed tone and vigor, that they Were.
indebted for their name, which was bestowed opine them' nt.
',the spontaneaus request of several individuals whose lives
they had - obviouslysaVed. ": • - . .
.The proprietor rejoices its the opportunity . .afToriled by
ie universal dilliisioiLuf the daily press,. fur placing his .
VEGE EA II LF LIFE PILLS within the knowledge and
veaclutif 'very individual in the community. Unlike the
host of pernicious quackeries, whielflionst of vegetable in.
gretlimits - the - Info --- tilts7m7.r
•oafetirt - iftWalrlc,..and :contain
neither Antimony, Arsenicoor any' other toil,"
veal, "in any farm white-yen They are entirely composed
oriAtilas from rare Mid powerful plant...the virtues of 1
.which. though "long known to several Indian tribes, and
'avidly - firm - me einmentphartnnecutical eliemists;are alto
-I,7utlier unknown to the ignorant pretenders' to medical
science; and .were never beford administered in so happil4l
ellleacious a combination.-
'Ube first opt-anion is_th_lmustllo._confs.•_of_ the. stomach
and - bowels, the var . /Luigi: mini-Wes iiiid'ertiditiesconstantly
settling around (Mtn ; anti" to r,tiouve.ille hardened filets,
ucliieli.colleM in _the_cinivaliiiimis iir..the situ', ll:intestines; .
Other medicines partially cleanse these,and leave stivireol- '
lected mass's behind, :is to produce habitual - costiveness,
tath all, iti'lrain - of- evil.""ii - r- midden difirrlitra, jt itlrits-iim
mitten( dangers. Phis fact is"well known to all regular
tinuteiniisti, who examine tlie liftman liaithls aria' 'death:
and henee the prejtieliee a . ..these:well informed men.against
- 'thequack - iiiialiethei - or Iliii - iigiY. — TifiFtie - eiiiid - FlTeet or AT .
• VEGE rABLE LI FE PILLS is to cleanse the kidneys and
-tlic - lilaililar, --- nitel'hy - -this - inentisTific - liver - and,thelimgs;
the benfilifu I' action of which' entirely depends upon the
regul d arity of the urinary organ's. The blood, Which takes
its red from the agency of the liver mud the tangs he.
'fore it asses into the• heart, being thus-purified by- theal,
and lidritillied by 76 - d - coming from a clean'stannic'',
courses freely tit ugh 11M veins, renews' every part of the
system, and trio uphold!y intuits the banner of health in
she libmining c I et-k. ' - ,
The thllowing are among the tlistri.s'sing variety ofhuman
diseases-, to which -the Vegetable Life Piils are-well known
to he infahihlO:- , .. -
DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first mill
"venal stainachs, Atari creating a How of pure, healthy bile,
instead of the stale and acrid ki nd ;-Flatulency', Palpitation
of the heart, Lotilif Appetite, Heart-burn and Ilead-aclie,, 111-temper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melan
choly, which are the general symptoms of llyspePsin, will
vanish as a natural consequence of its cure. Costiveness,
by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a sol
vent Process, mid without violence; all violent purges leave
the how ens costive %villa,' two tan's. Dlarrlara and Cholera,
by removing the shurp.iferid fluid, by h bleb these com
plaints are occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative
secretion of-the lumens menthriine. Fevers of all kinds,
by %storing the blood to regular' circulation, through tho
roc.- of perspiration in inane cast's, and the thorotigh lo."
In of nll intestinal obstructions in others.'" Tim EIFF., -
PILLS !lasi beets known toViire Rheumatism permanently
in three weeks, and Goyt in half that time, by removing
local inflaninattior front - 11e muscles and ligaments of the
joints. Drolisies of all hinds, by freeing and strengthening.
the kidneys and'bdder; the - operate niast,delightfully oil
3, 1
these important organs, rind hence have ever been found n
certain remedy fur the worst easel of Gravel.- Also. Worms,
by dislodging from the
.turnings of the bowels the slimy
math, to which thele creatures adhere; Asthma and Con
xititiption, by relieving the air vessels of the him from the
mucus, It bid] even slight colds will erbsion,. which if not
rcantved becomes imrdened, mid rod net's those• dreadful
disc ages. Seurvy; Ulcers, and • ive L terate sores, by the per-'
feet purity whieluthese Lila P Ils give to the blood, and all
the humors; Scorbutic Eruptions, and bad eumplexions, by
'their. alternative eff et upon thelluids-thnt feed tbe thinftlie
morbid state of Which oCcasions nil Eruptive complaints
Sallqw, Clitudi, and other disagreeable Complexions. The
use or these Pills fur a very short time,:will effect tin entire
core of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, and a Slriki;ximprOii..-
111elit in the Clearness of the skin. Common ,Colds and 111-
.Iluienza, will - mthilys be Mired by 'onedose or by two, even
in the worst easel. Piles,- ns n remedy for this most this.
treiring and obstinate :milady, the - Vegetable Life' Pills .11c
servem distinct and emphatic recommendation. It is well
known to huProprietor in this city, that the Propriet of these
invalunfile Pills, was himself nfilicted with the complaint
for upwards or ihiety 7. )7ve„yenrs, and he tried in vain every 1
remedy prescribed within the whole compost of the 31eturin
Medici. Ile hoWever, at length, tried the medicine which '
,he now offi rs to the public, mid heiwns cured in n very short
time, after his recovery had been" pronounced hot roily-ini- .
probalile,jim_absoltmly_thiptinible,by tiLly.litiniati means.
- lilrit. EC 'LIONS FOR USE..—The Proprietor of the Vege
table Lip Pills (loco not follow the base and nomenitry prac
lite of the quacks of the day, in advising. persons .to take
:his 111,113 in large quantities. No good medicine can
lily Inrio required. 'These pills are to be taken at buil time
every night, for a week or fortnight, acebrelinr, to th e distrust.,
The usual dose is from 2 to'.s,.according to the_eonstitutioli
'of the person. ' Very delicate persons should begin with bill
two; and, increase as the nature of-the ease may require:
those more robust, (trot' very costive habit, may begin witlit
3 2 and inothirse - tit - 4, -- or even-6 Pills. and they Mill.hirt:Ct a
sufilejently happ.y changeto_guide the
_patient iititni_r_finv,
,the'' . 4 . - 100. -- rlieie"="Pilli vial' tiiiiiaoetiiiion sickness and
vomiting, though very seldom, unless the..stoinuch is very .
foul; Ons,konvver,inat be considered n favorable . iv etutoin,
Ville patient still fi nd Ittniaelf at once rullevetk-and by...per
t•Verance will soon' recover. _They usually operate within
10 or la hours, and never give pain unless the bowels are
very inueli"encumberedt 'they may be, taken ley the most
delicate females under .nriy'circuntstaiices.-It is, hos - revel.,
.recommended, ) that in later periods of pregriacy should
..take but. one 'at a time, and thus - Continuo to keep the
........ open: and even two may be taken where the - path:MT
W. , iq'y costive. One, pill in a solution of two table spoons
fullof.trater, may, he given to an infant in the following.
_doses-a-teaspoon full every - two hours till it operates; for a-
Child from one. to five years of age, half n pill-and from
live to ten,dim pill, " • ' ... -
THE PIICENIX - BITTERS, are so called, because they
possess thepowerof restorisigtheespiring era benrof health,:
ton glowing rigor throughout the constitution, ai the Pluir
nix is sai'd to-bo:reitored to life from the uslivi - of its own 1
'dissolution; The — Pliconix;' Bitted are; entirelY . Wigetable,
nipr.,i'd Of eriats_floimLestLy_ittettrtahLourts.attlie.westorn-,'
C(11110.0`, which will infallibly cure - FEVERS ANIS AGUES
of tOintls;.. will never fail to eradicate entirely all the ef
fect tNerc u ry, infinitely sooner than the most, powerful
p2paratidps of Sorsoparilla,nnd will immediately core the
de" erminntiontif BLOOD TO THE II EAtfr; never fail in
t e siekness,litettleot to ajounT finnalei s and will 'be roiniare
certain remedy in all cases oi.llerVqll.2. *Witty and Treakneft,
of the most impaired constitutions. As a remedyfor Chro
nic and In/ laniznlttory Illieumatiim; the efficacy of tliFI
- Yhornirßitters Will be demonstrated. hy . the use of a single
bottle.. The u t ?fint` dose . of these bitters 'shelf a wine gloss
full, in woter n wine, and this quantity may he taken two
or three times nitlay,uhont,half 'an hour before meals, or n
less.qtiantity iniitakcit zit, till tittles. Ttithose who pre:
utllicted With indigeStion after muds. these Bitters -will.
prove invaluable, as they very greatly' increase the action of
the prihcipul viscera, help them to perform, tlieirfenctions,
..antlenable the stomach so discharge ito the. bowels,
_wliaterer-is-offitnsive.—Thus ind hoiden is easily and speedi
-ly-yetuoyedr-nppetite-resliffed,,tutif the mouths of-the. nb.,
sorbent-vesseli being . .eleatiscd. 'nutrition ii fheilititted, and
strength of-body min
. encrp;y, of mindmiethe.happyresults.
For Bikini'. particularspf MO Fr/yrs LIFE PEl.l.S,:niiii;
FHCENI X BITTER S,—tipply lit - Itlr.'lkloffat:Volllie,.. ilm
IS Broadway, New York, where the Pills con be,obtatned
for 45 Cents,so ernts,orgl tier box; 'and the Bitten for 81'
or 81 per bottle. .C7Nunierous certillcates of the %tender.'
fql efileney of•bothi . may he there inspected. • " '
In Some obstinate and complicated. 'cases of chrOnie and
inflaminntory Itheutnatiim, laver_ Complaints, riLlmr Rio.
'Agile, Dyspivsin,,P,ntsy, Pile:, Wanks from the hoe mei ,.
card, quinine,and j other diseases of tong standing, A misty be:
timed accessary tothlce both the Life Pills and Phoenix Bit
ters, in tile duserhefore rechinmentled. .... ' ' ' , .• • : . .
. .
N. Ir. These Tills and the Bitters will gcfall,:taercurY out
of . the systein-infinitely fastentlitnt the bestopreparationint
Sarsaparilla_ and arc a cetuin remedy for the rns/iiag:.
Mood to the henti v 'or all violent branches, tie dOttleureth:i
persons who.are predisposed to :apaptestli pairif,
15te.,abould never be ilthelltr LifuTiOsor:rhe.l3ilttrs,.
.foronenlostoinrrime - *llt - stifetif& — TiFefA the circu
lation al' the blOntl, dralvall fionthetrad; restore
Perspiration; and throw off evert, imptirity , by the'-poics of
the skin.' . .•
. Sepletrami 18
it' u
SDa9ll' l- ';
stv - e - etearflowers enriched,
Front various gardens eurirti• - with care."
.\ •
Far the' Her:tilt( 4 , Expositor
iiISTElit ON liEtil6ll
Bister,--The yerldis•bright before thee, - -
And idt is , fair and gay;
Hope's calmest-sky is o'er thee,
Lite-s sunbeams round the'play..
These Sparkling geins in joyous youtli, , - • •
Shine forth with power unknown ; ' , •
" thoughts that breathe and Avoi•dalthat
Aae heard in eversy:tone. • "burn,'!
JOHN 110.1.!AT
'But Sister,,—This bright world may be shrouded
With. sorrow and with pain--
Thy clearest sky beclouded, "k
And till, be dark again. • .
.Those eyes of thine . may'yet be dimmed
With tears of hitter sadness •• •
And hushed be every burning tone_, -
Which once burst forth in gladness. '
And Sister—Another birth day may not dawn o
Fraught _
..• . _ - The world's vile train may -round thee
• . And - smilebut to deStroy.• [fa,Wp
The loVettof ydiiir May from the - fall. • -
In'thy tirseivintry hoin;
And those who once heard friendship's
Slay-Ttkii — deny its power. • -
Still Sister,—Though all this may hap to thee,
. One gem will oe'er depart—
.l2nre.ness of- soul-- . ='t will purer be- 7
• • - life-spring Of'The heart:'`
And when by those once. loved—deserted; .
Affection's flow'reta.-thift,i'lt rend— -.
Flee theit to one-who Yet Will love thee; •
And ttilLiri_Whotn - thotilt find 3Tiienti.-''
The. -w_ll9leLanal - -Null.
, .
Finding that the gctpd ship "Pnited
States" had got fo ul nicks, Owing to
inorance and . obstinacyof pilots, and
utnniander, anti that the — breakers were
• nitaking bad work . with 'all'on 'board, C'ap
tainVAW BUREN, by and with the of his foresastle.council,.piped.,:Congress
together to do something; as all supposed,
to relieve - the - ship — CA . nd crew, and,.i€possi.;
ble, gel her afloat in,,snriooth . watcr again.
On coming to the. quarter 'cleck*cl taking.
' their v kcats,the Captain made a lokgspeech
to inform ing—t heni . :L t hit, the•yesSel-.
was "in a bad fix,' and telfing them how ,
some of the hands had put on too ,much
sail, and that she. had dashed:-ahead too
fast; that; in cOnsequenee, some' of her
yards:and-Masts had given why,' Congress
sat and fistened to-this, and knew ;that it
was all true, `though the Captain•
say a word about the_ weather having been
fine, and a good ten knot breeze. blowing,
the sky clear, and - all that, which together
with his frequent ,hints that 'the good old"
ship was staunch and could bear any
mount of sail, and- that was going .
- ahead `merrily , trcluotrt liands - to crowd
on sail;—nor slid he' say a word about the
carilessness cif the-man at the, helm in
running the shivin broad - day-lighti-Tand
in Smooth .. sea, right -among. the 'rocks,
though Warned. over ' and :over ;again by
some Of the shrewdest & most experienc.
ed olcLsailors aboatd.
. . ~
, .
Congress, however , ,---didnq--mind:lhis;..
because they know he didn't like to say
-much-about-that part - of the bdsiness; theywere expeciing, howeveroo hear him,pro
pose sonic .plan to get the ship off again,
wben, tot he astonishment - and.the surprise
of the-..whole ,crew, he merely pl'opcised
that they should assist him to, get out the
little'-jolly-boat, calledV 4 ith - e — ...rreasury . ," in
Whielr - Ire - and his forecastle council would '
- saVeTilfriiiielViC_andthe rrew,•Congress
_arid 011,thight-tOokout for themselves ;-,=-.
as to-the ship, the crew. must take care/of
'her is-well as they could; it waip't his,hu;•
siness, nor that of Cong're'ss, he. said,,' to .
take'care of her, and:he..should .always
liialt out how he meddled with other Pro•
pie's busipess,.eSpecially__when theY ! Were
„iii . trotilile-;-and he advised Congress/to be
as cautious and cunning in this. mater as
hiuself.• Jihrving deklyeret.l 7,Aseech l
.the Captain retired . to theca
the. jolly boat iirieasury!! ,,/hoisted
...oht and put aflok_for him and hia.,foret4, 7
tle - Coonsil. It is stirnijsed that in order
to get Congress into' what he recoinmend
ed, Ire promised a considerable niimber. of
them that if they would get thelolly-boat,-
- "Treasury,''' out and ptr.oat,- and
also rig out a fleet of titfle
,jolly' boats, -- :to
be .called ". Sub.Treasurtes)" they and
their friends shoulditareiiirtliainliciard and
li - e,taken,.care;tif in - case. the . old - ship went
to, piecesi., for no soo . ,,.hadt he, retire d .
than tine r m'a n• ,got• \ : f h :,-up; aticiriir ;id'
- Congress - . - itigo7to - Work7aghoiStAh jolly
boat as quickas possible, An* '.alsolti:bitil; ,
four - or, five little "subs" at nee.. ; ,, The
were sonic who demur to us • ' an; think I
ing that the ship and et ew,opgiw, 'be KO
vided fOr beforeStke nifleerat'eAri Ially;, - aS
the .latter, brougkt them into' the, sOope„t,
lint it • sernis"khat' 'ti,;nlajoiity,:dC„c9p . .:,
.greks Haire. been . PrOMikihg;places'.. iii-.the,
istiliS;".•• and . afel..ii4eetire 1-for.hhtltitii, g:
1110 - o,; : it .'i 4tit44 . ' 04, %fill . .4,6y.,*:
Otani into ike : Chtion%-iititivitligitktlintrAk
strong' symptottia of cippositiOlislng. l %.ihc:
--ereiy t -- and - es'peel - alFthy :I„l,4o.rtiott . 2 9llthe — m
that - odetink.'the'iiitiniii„,htit:Chtv,s7,,. 'We - ,
shall, however•know'aoVeab# it in a'f:eW
clays.: - . '. : 'r
grfr - 11X - 11 - 3 . 37.
6 titr ii,A.i.lttitik; ,
: ".1N SENATE.-- •.=.. - „,.._L.,, - _.L.:::_-
- • iiday, Selitember 10,1837.
The bill to postpone - indefinitely the
payment Of - the fourth install - tient of the
Deposite Bill, was_read-a-third thine; and
the question being upon.itS passage,-- •
'M'r.. PRESTON, of -South
said he -should - not .now undertake - to
yialt - raforinal opposition tO"this bill, as
he understood - its - fate - to' have-been- de
cided on the second reading, and it might
be considered as lievineatready passed.
,He, thought; hOisieve.r, it ought to - have
met wiireiliore diScussiOn than-had taken
place"upoti it,' and he would therefore,
beg the indulgence 'of the •Senate•while '
•he briefly expressed his opinion upon' its.
merits. "
-The-first enquiry he shOuld.Make was;'
' whe t her•a--caSe-bad-been-mtatle-oti t7-juitif
fying the withholding of this instalment',
of the -deposite with cite 'States; and,
secondly, he would inquire if, supposing
the case hall-arrived; this was the . proper
and the. most athisable colirSe7to -be
adopted 't - d-ass - ist iri relenishing • the
Treasury. ---' : ' •. -
My-opinion' (said Mr. P.) decidedly"
is,: that the casus.frderis. has•not arrived
-for-". Congress to encroach upon the
, Set:asideAbr deposite,' with the,WMte - s;
ancl4.Turther 'am of opinion that, even
if it had now arrived, yet this, is not' the
'course by which we shall best consult the
Interests of" the- country,. in attempting
.to tiring relie to the - Treasury.- ..
' Let us briefly consider the history ofi
the deposite act*,-,That act was passed
cotemporanemislr . ‘ilth -&-hen •- acts...of
iinestprodigal - experiditnre„ We, had - a
surplus- which we-kit ew_not_how_to_d is.
pose 0f...i.-To_ei - P - end.;-tirrget• rid or - our
the day, N).reLwere _in_..the._ - _.full_ tide -of
an,inauspicious proSperity, and the'De
-partments- mere- stimulated 'and 'goaded,
- onitcilitt - dli - o - w -- 4 - tititli'they - c - oultr=gli - et d'.:`
,wllll-the-majorityLin-Congress-4eemed : .
'to be employed in, finding_out how- dinch
'they could give. The ileParfments
asked for twenty Millions", and Congress; ,
eager to get rid of the surplus; outstrip
ped even their extravagant demands,.
and gave them thirtyrnillionS, - Then
it was, sir, that this deposite bill was went hand in hand with.
bills. of .
most ettraVa - gaut and prodi
gal expenditure., • - . ' - -- .
- No*, - sir , under these circtinristances4
when we give so prodigally to - the .pe:
partments, at - a time high .prices, it
is, weliwortb.our-whileyto inqtiire wheth
er the" time has not arrived to lop off
and curtail from our -- 04 - tetatttre, ta-ther
thdn to withhold this instaltne,nr from.
the,States:, lam of Opinion_ wre might
Save the nine thillioni, of. this instalment
by curtailing the-, extravaghtir expendi
tures of the departments,
,and : so pay
the "instalniet. 7 ,-.) - iitt , .4y., distressing the
States - in withholcii4 it, but by intro
ducing a Wholesoine meaStireitretrepch:
ment in the expendittere of Government.,
-:Thisasir, is4he ground I take; name
ly, -that it.would-be far better-..t0-curtail
our/expenditure than - to stop the pay- -
ment of this instillment.. - . -
__•..A.gaitt.. - I.:wouldlaA,_._dos_timpropo,,
Fitton .embraced in .this bill.go . to - relieve
in any manner .the pressure upOn the
PeitiPle? Not in the least; sir. Neither
will the Government place itself in funds
-by the'o era 'on of this law. ' The banks
have - laid vi nt hands on thedeposites - ;
„th.e.y.,will _pay_ tam- no-16 rtgerin-t Ire - trfe -- ;
chum they wee' expected to 1)") , ' them in
Of what use, then, -will this. bill, e t -
Government? Tlie money is lock cl up
it, the banks , and the• Wildest ent lusiast
in vor of this measure -would lot go
so fa_ as to say that the mere fiat f this
be - 4i. liill'inch as,,tfils, is - -- -;fle• - - fill
.DAY 5-
~,,...!&,, going\ to ti
Alle_cou ttryL-with : golCniil : - silver.-----We
haven t . got 'tile , niagicran's. - wand,. by
one " uch of which. we can • Make-the'
gold come forth from its,ldding places..
4V4 may call, indeed, b_y_our enactntentsi_
the.,sp,i,fifsfrcina the• Vasty:deep,• but Will .
the come when you do call them? Will.
money be obtaineil for, the -Government
when you pass this No, siri we all
kwow that.tilis bill will bring tiVinotiey
into the Treasury.' •
t wouldl. , be—beiter.i_therefore s -i under
such eircumstafices;to let the law go on,
- and -- letlhe. - States -- .rs'eeivc - thewhere 'of
ling to take the'. initalinent in .the
mediums'in which the State tit t*
.u tons.
are able to pay it.. They are pot going,•
at tbiS, to clarrintlele u hard'money:,
currency.. They be satisfied With'
'receiving theState - eurrency,:.theirc4w
domestic currency. Aut- che•Presidewt•
says, ”00;'!, and by passing this bill,:ae-
cording io his recnnarnendittiori, YOU Will
not lef.them receive a' currency .whiCh
the •• .* - rProlow. -- T_lteamountL
'oUtheinstalment.noWi,io4lfe banks Wald
• useful in: that etirreticy,:tO
=• .810!F.r1=e9tXe!.,At3r.but,
be of no tipe,,wilalever.,,to, G0.v,0017.
ent; theroc . cro:y rc ulingn not ;
'6eiie : ben,
ftt i a t tr i r iep t
this, you actl'66; "iart' of 'the dsi " g: in the
nor ; fait - 6411e tp - One,i;cit
'thetStalkikyontst-10esi' and' tiOt;
iti• thou gh- thUY wises` trt
teteltiE. it(' • :IS tbis.a nohleVe - eirebi poll;
t ,Is ,t b aiding'_an • if? .
ing the einharrassnAetitS',9l 7 q tbe...:ii?e,Opli •.;
to stamp bad :n'ante.upon t eorren-
ci,.lo..refttae to. receive
there is' another view
;whichl-1,41ic ought to !ie
,taken pf this
subject;-and?fiad-and,-ita clue -- cort.T.
siderthion;• - ittli avieasuretauld stireljt
iiever-:-have been 'proposed. In . fifteen
clays froth now this •Instalment will. beclue
to the, States., They_ have:already Made.
their dis Position of•the money. It has been.
"diSpOsed of in varioits.contracts,and been
directed to various great and useful
: Pali ,
pcises ; and now, Shea:
-notice, the expected sum, thesuiii which
the law had .pledged•to :them, is;-,by 'atm.
I ther law,:to be withheld. -- - But,T'by the
terms of. the depositelaw, a specific time
was fixed uppriaticLa Corded to the-states
in' whieli the States were. to have notice
of -anr demand. to - be made` uponC,theiii
I for the sum deposited-BM.helaiy,,,Aliere-;
:fore, -They are entitled, to a notice before
this fourth inatalnieth can he withcfewn
'froiii 'them. For they • have already eie
i:petided it ; and.this bill 'to withhold it ls_
- -hack
the' money from., them, without the no
tice which the law provided .for:. •
then_proteeded tail show that:
there Werlla ether and better.niethorls of
.raising Money, for the treasury; without
resorting tiTthis expedient; which, .While
it would be onerous anctoppressive to - the
.States, would be, at - the same tithe, Vie
-tually-Useless•and Unpraductiiie tothe gel ,
• Vernmen t,.. One, mode' which -he` should
Was -thaCollan' issue of certifi-.
rates of depos,ite, ite,which watild.imine
dia:tely_: proyide available- funds for the
Government, without thif measure of
withholding an. expected and: promised
instalment.' Mr. P, rem ar_keil.that suet)
a provision had been originally inserted
the deposite bill, but he
.greatly re.
grettect that;- in: orderto --o-Verchine the
prejudices of an illustrious person,_and.
to-make the-bill acceptable-to-him, (t,he
late Prcaideht cif - The - United States,) that
-- provision - had - becwitricken .citit of
bill,- in , ord,er 10- secure its passage:and
save it froth his veto. Mr.,P . remarked
that , he should no,t peimithirriself-ncih% to
'resting his deep regreCtliat ki - wise and
salutary d provision had been •stricken
out-of-the bill &Om considerations so
-Of (continued
the•originai dc;
now be here... a l'
be fatigued wi
and all the trot
ing would -have
tirer'venuld the
the.. certificates
what sum ,he
-- ft ,-
and ample to pry u,
of the slough of despond in tyhich now i t '
L is sunken. Not only Would it have given
!funds -to the bovernnient, but also it
would have given relief to.the People. It
would have thrown niOney into *cola
it!z...wOuld have benefited all Emilia.
It would have been twice.blessed.-giVing
double.i ( elief,both,:to the States_Wholave
the certificates. and to : the General Go
-vernmen h ich received them. •
By.this proposition to suspend_ or ucist
ponp..the riarnwetpttlfeWistahocut, Mr
no one will, be benefited.,lle
,wo'uld venture' to - suggest how hoth,par
-110--might be behefited; and the issue of
Nvcastiry notes - mightbe avoided.- Let
:.he clause Mesciitcled . from the original
depOsite be'roettacted; let the states
issue-their - certificatesrwliitlrifilrbeiS
good as specie to the Governtnent: Let
the'states receive this inStaltrteati. and let:
the Treasury receive the ,Certifkates,and .
sell. them. In this, manner, iffstead or
adding. to the general distress of th.e
times, both parties Would be - craineptly
Jaenefiteci. Surely (said W.
_e n dni
een b 0 tul
(Wait' hands, who carry:all the measures
they please toimagine, goad-or-liailaml.
P:) . was sorry to say lie could not
Idok Ijacii, and call their measures goad,
- nor look at thig measure and
deem,it or god'd;ospolitic-4
ivditid repeat, those - gentlemen'
ought tole willing to adopt - 'su'ch nieas ! .•
-urea al would he the, east.distreSsing, the
least painful, Onerous,- and (114trirhIng, tit a
time-of-general.t)istress,‘ such ad - the p-es . -
ent,,When we tire ',called - together -to re.
litvg r not-to-Eiggravate, to•benefir,'-ancl--not
1,0 iinjureito Ittal t _ond not to tag_
• I_entreat •thoSe gentlemen,- therefore,
6E444 W7p., totake these things into eon.
sider.ltion ;• I entre4t them to give more
tithe to the States, riot to stop the pay.
trient or this instalment; j entreat them
to let , the. nidney go where it might alMott
e:orisiderrcl a: vested right
_it shinild
tiCr:'l concluded b'y sartng 'he 'was scirry'
to have detained the Senate ot thiS stage of
could litive weighed enough .to changelhe
course of the "gentlemen of the.:majOrity,
Or to prevent the page this disastrous
_bill. . 6 01 he had desired -was, , to give brief
X.preiSioll.A - 9,,hiS" vieww.cif. He • Wait' now
one so, and doing so be .feit • that he
,k3•iday.4411..22, ii33rz:3
. . , .
'SVW TltgiOtlftit . lit tad. '',:
. . ille,-Senntn:,thEn..o:klgEthe_conni—
:(lerati4 9_*r:(lo 4111.prtlif
,f 4
1e col--
i '
ectionJiti! t
gOitinty.ol; tbe lil revenue:
Mr. liillnsige addressed tTi . .Seilate
abut two honrs in opposition to Mr; •
• •
T 7 Lam''Slßi* S _l%'O. ,
, . •
Calhoun's Sub-'rreasdr.t. hard _thoner.
scheme, and in deferiee of: banlsa:ilic tii,
value ofcffditliiid -- . - e - and--and,,itt ---
support or the ,Platic ' eriibOkced,by :Mk --
Rives bill., The.folloivirkg sheteh coml
prises the' 'principal-Pointe,of his tirigtil j
went :
He began by observing 'that '.thiim44l,
sure appeared to Willies he ldoked . Akt .14,.....
.-to be fraught with incalculable evils, to th'el
whole community. It was` ript ,4, tie i ste`
scheme; it liad been -brought fOrWaillln.
theliouhe by a Member of the, oppcisitioei
was then denounced , fix the friendg of
the Administrated tislkeing - dikiitikiAliii
and revolutiohary, and, on being Fri ici
the 'vote, this Very iheastii.e now proposed
was able;then to betudiand,,S3 'Votes pe . lj..'•
What had - occurred since - then tti m ake
the measure
. dilferent . ?. 1t *as atilt f ibi
same. mejksi_eir ? ....theugli_iikeklift.4loli4---=-
those who vehemedtly denounced It then . ;
Mr. T'.. proceeded -to Sty. that, when th 4. -
Milted -States _Bank was . putdoitrti,-1,4
the- State banks adopted as depositories'
of the ; public money, thoserWlio had cori=. L
stientiously opposed the formeehatik-did -
not contemplate egeneraliVerfaire sb.seoii:
_to be assuaged against el the titiiiking irtl,
Ptition - i - of the.cetintryi ' .
After strongly depreciating such nCniill, - .
plete warfare . against -the-- whole 4redit '
system of the country. Mr. , T. proceeded- '-
to argue, that if Pie' former bank had del'
served the measures taken agiinit it, ilia _
whole body ofttatiliiiika had 'not- hieriz
ted the war 'being now - clecialed - ittrii - r
them. Mr. 'F. contedded that. the' lit; -
barik deposite Pystem had net ailiti t *iii
,py,oof aqd evidence hereof,-She co lifi=
dently referred .I.'ci thii
. .pdsiiPte_ilecli k r.; ._
-tions of the...late President, - General Jack.;
son, to the assurances of the preserkt - ill.
cumtkeiiii and tothe ,reports and;reitera;•.. , ,
ted declarations of the Secretary-Of thel .
Treasury,__TO_Altotekv_idetebs_of_Akti___. ._
utility,aritilieigefits 0( erElpieyiptbanktriii - '
connex - Alt' the fiscal affitiriCer tho
Go , erniiient.• Mr. T., could -boldly re. ,
fer, arid-he considered_-themas-Odd iit:,__
theriky on the question. _ -
Mr'. - T. then proceeded , to - , maititaid
[lint tyS preient criaiti,was only an exeiP- -
tioh occurring to a getieral rule; he ar m : ..
°tied that if th e Government 'itself had
not entered deiirtictiie,ot • ' '
confidence, and cittising midi Upon thi
tidnks, then the 'Present ciiiii Would Oii:• -.
igr have arrived.' Mr. T. slated iiliit . '
, that tbid ttisis.lntil further been , produced
1 6y_he.:Eriatirter- in= which the Secrete - 6f ,
had carried the deposit hiW into execs:
thin; in• making transferp Of specie
tWeen distant. plece t Ektri such a manner as
to create a disturbance,in blisinessaffairsl
and lead to a crippling pf the banks. -All - .
these circumstances, ; Mr: T. tontendedi
_. -
had produced the destrikction of confi
dence ; this destrUction of Cenfidena
flowed frcirii the acts of, Government 'it:
Self, and . was riot the fault of the banki; ,
nor errors' belonging to•the baiiking Syti: -
- IVITTT. - 1 -- wo - cieteit iTt great lentt,{ - 4
eiamine :the que4tion of the eipediency , J.
and polity of adopting t"e sub-Treasure:l_, ,
sy4teni:" In Alit course rla ) reinittiti;.
l' j,
he observed, in stibstance) isfolloWS :: 'r -
I st. This syitem, if:cpi•ijeil intn'a;
fecti-wilt - be the btiiiSe of toratrillifilifa' ,
perdition to the country.;- - • .
2(1. , It _ is physically initikstble tit; he?
carried into etecotion in - New - Mt& •-- ' ' •
- - ad. It will ytoduee A. Ziint4te,, 2 ,itni_ti
versa!, , and far-spr,eiti stagnation e l hoz
sineit. - --
016 working = men td-
be thrown out of employment all over, the
Making the , manufactories ddd •
every branch of busineis to come
stand-still for want of money
them on. , ,
sth. It will render the resum Lion , of -
specie payments
6th. •It will iencter itioriey
• 7th. It vt;iii - cadie property Of
to fall to a ruinous degree oLderirecid=,
the ha tills
„of office=holderd i giiitig theniid
or per cent, more thail Congreili, hag
li)ived them, for their salary , while',lf..olr
I eavti .to the l'eoplea dePrectat6d6d#o44 '
901. Tlie ftindi kfifijko
ways safe in fcirniel''ilep - osiini4oll„thil
cannot• be , safer In ilkliittidtfif,infiivido • .
al officers, iiiirreadv`fr the,co r,
igth. -banking.histittitioilkoUths- -
`country „ -4111-•tle ohjiged:to'..yrind
till, It is an anitt4Vtliitilitaill
not a divOece—i marriage
law fill degrees' of e .
near in kin, and ought dtcf•lii.lie 4
”` 414 •'
When tir.,l% CoßelkdAif.,-; ;k - ; ::" .pfi . ;1.114
Stia 4 3 : l ' 40hq"Pi 460:1411.1
Rive , s , ' each
After•whieli, ,• • • n,‘
AC. When he iiitit'c.dn'elfitlegf
On- motion of King; 01' '—
the Senate adjourned;