.; MR. BRANDER T.IIIS - ;io;eitakte . .; !Maya should contrlbulato..thc-Camfoyi, Health - .•: .and Happitte,s's of - On the-eighteenth of May; MSS, these now Ttritly celebrated Pals were first made 'known in •• 'the tlnited Slates, althotigh in 'Europe' they. had been previously before the public nearly a cen itury.: :The American -public naturally-vievied • item 'with suspicion.• but as' on trial they were • . ifotincl,What they professed, it sacs displaced itty_the greatest- confidence, „In.-fact the many liter-Sons .who have commenced :with. them under 'the Most trying 'circumstances of bodily: afflict . . .When every other 'means and medicine had. • . 'pri#ed•altogether.una - vailing, have been restored o -health and liaPpinesss fruit their use; and . - the • 'consequence is, 'they are now recommended by• thousands of perions whom they baye Cured of tio I n flu e dsiThul igesti o s• fp . sla, Headache, Pains,. and & sense - of-fullness -16thebarilr. ptirrarthe Head; usually the•symp-, Moms of-Apoplexy, Jaundice, Fever and Ague, - pious, Scarlet, Typhus, Yellbiv, and . .cernriinn 4" . tiv*.ii:Of all kinds, Asthma, Gout: - Itlieumatism, • 'Ne'rvous' -DiSeases,.' Liver Complaint, Pleurisy Inward Weakness, _Depression_ of .i h e-• S pirits, _ Illuptitires, Inflammation, Sore- -Eyes, Fits,- Palsy, „ 'Dropsy; Small Fox; Meazles, Croon, Coughs, Whooping Cough, 'Quincy, Colic,•blinlera. Mor • , . Am; Gravel Worms, Dysentery, Deafness, - Ring _ :ing Noises in the Scrofilla, or,St-JAnthony'e Fire, , Salt Rheum, .White - SWellings,Uleers some of 30 years stand ing; Canberst-Ttimors. ~S.Wellecl-Iteet. and Lee, . Piles, Costiveness, • all,. Eruptions the Skin, Frightful Dreams, Female complaints of every 'loaf], --- espeeiallrobstruetimis, relaxation Etc. Although Doctor B: has entimerateS,l4.,name ilie•above diseises, he is' nevertheless. of opinion .tvitlrliis grandfather,-thc late celebrated Dr. Wm. Drandreth • that . th ere is only Oxx Disease, an impurity of the blood,- which by impeding the '. - eirculation, brings on inflammation, and cease= StFllt derangement-in the organ or part, where such impurity of the blood settles; and that it is the different . appearances..which this inflamaiiond •orderangement puts on, that' have caused-inedi -cal mepo,,designate appearances, bycvarious - --pames,- hut-wliclk.are fads, only the same dig? : case,, with more or less violence.-L_DroVm . - Drandreth_was so folly Convineed . of the truth.iif ' the above simple! theory, = that lie spcgt-tltirty --years-in=expel invents alt - d laborious research . into' . • • he medical properties tirthe numerous plants . -composing the Vegetable • Kingdom; his , object ..being to comprise ,a mediCine. whiCh • shOutd at once purify, ant.- priaduce. by specific _action - . n temoval.of all badlitimors from the blood-by :he' _ stomach and • bowels, as by tbecontinuation of ' the use of such a medicine, such' humors arc sure to be carried. off, and the blood assume a , state of purity; and whoever takes' these Pills, - -'7and - perseveres - witlf - thtm - . ;wilr he•satisfied that - Dr. Win. Brandreth fully 'attained his Rhilantbro. ---- Pic -object- "Iris nOw - Airifibscilute and 'known fact, that evert, disease;_whetber itiac_in-the-head or feet, in the brain or meanest member; ivhether it be an outward ulcer, or an inward abscess, are all;-though arising:front-many 'causes, redueible • -to - this one grand effect, namely impurity of the blood. remedy - yet - all - powerful -- for - the -- removal -- of the disease, whether chronic or recent; infectious .:L'ior-otherwisci-and-what---rnakes:them-pa,rtiCillarly - • adapted for this country, : is that there is not the slightest liability to Cold when -"taking.' them,..in deed the system is absolutely lest; susceptible of 'cold, when under their influence, than- at any . • - Other time; therefore-in-this climate they lire in ' valuable. Neither 'do they require change of diet or care of any kind: • In England these Pills • have been -the-only:Medicine -of-many- families for:periods varying from forty to sixty yearS, and -tE - eireetitailitire4P-riPZ - 1/C4tir wherever an aberation froiri it occurred. NOTICE.—In consequence of the numerous -counterfeits for Sale in the Drug And Chemical --Storesam public ttre - etuttioned against purchas-, Ing•of any personpxcept the accredited agents. . Security Against Counterfoltg. Dn. BIIANI/RETII has adopted' the following - plan to secure She GENUINE 'Brandreth PillS to . the public. iierYiauthorized Agent must have a Certificate . of Agency, and it will be seed that -- a double forgery MUST , be committed, -before shy one can'procure a forged Certificate, and the person having it in his possession is equally liable • . the forger: - • 'The following are the appointed agents for this vicinity, vizt Wm. Gilmore, Chambersbtirg Jacob A.. Winrott,Hettysluirg-r-OGILBY - & - Ill'i: - NER, Carlisle ; and Wm. Bell, Harrisburg. ' • - Dr. Braridreth's officers for the:Sale .of She above Pills are 169. Race, abefe; 4th street, :and 34-Chesnut street, Philadelphia... • . • • May.8,4837.—tf. • . Shawls Patent THRESHING /MAC HINE .THE subserater.h.aylog„purchased of. W. 'Nair, the right for Cumberland county, of ShaW's Patent' Threshing 'Machine, would • igiform the..Publie that he has on hand and - v'Aktends 'manufacturing - a• good material, the ribllve - mentioned Machines, at • hia shop in -_west: Pomfret . street, Carlisle, ' The sub '. scriber does not pretend to.say any thing re specting-the good qualities of the .machine, but would respectfully refer the farmers of this totinty . ,*to any .of the gentlemen-Whose names iue.attachetl , to the Certificate.below, froni whom any infornriation respecting it can -- be - had-It-is-but-neces4ry-to_say...that-fer cheapness, ease of horse power, "iiiirSiinliTe ness of construction, it has not hil.iksurpas sed by any 'Machine yet invented. 60,0 r 70 bushels of grain. can be threshed with one boric in a day, and about 100 bushels with two horsei. • '" • =Vt.- The. subscriber has improved the machine so as to be able to thresh Much faster, with less power than as heretofore constructed.— • • The price.of the above roachinels 70.dolhirs. ""' • JOHN FLEMIN.G.'.. .P. S. As-A-proof-of: the--hstitnaticin-in .• which the•above machine as improved is heht obroadrthe-staterbt-NelivAriiik;Vermont, . . „Ckhio-and MaSsachusetts,• have given, it,ffie 'decided preference, and the three former of these- have awarded preMiums to, that effect. • - • • . . CERTIFICATE. The undersigned hailing each of us pur- Chased of.Wm. - illair, of the of Car . lisle, one of his Patent Threshing Machines, (Shaw's patent,) and upon trial have found it to answer every expectations in every —,respe t„ And in_addition to_its..heingint,exceL_ — lent - grain -thresher,- it-has also been-found-on : experiment to hive, the advantage of'being a clover seed cleansr. " p_ hp bpr,e_.,,,erisso_ easy, that it is very little labor - Air two horses, . and the construction of the whole machine is so very simple, and , so. unlikely to get out .f order, that-WO most cordially reconiniend, it to the Farmera'. of Cumberland county, as • one of the beit machines,We_have met with; which has - given us • entire satisfaction, and which will be the opinion (as we believe.,) of every fariner u_ conhis giving the machine a . fair trial, • Join Snider,n 'riankford township ; Samuel Westheiffer,Newton ; Jas. Sharp, Hope William Green, Newton; 'Jacob Hershe,' N.- - Middleton ; Christian Ilia, 'T Dickinson; John Tritt, Southampton; Samil Trig', West Pennsbororgh; Andrew Paair. - Carliale, Jul 10, 183 T. • ‘l9orrisonlg 'Pi lls. A further*upply.of the Oove Pills just regei ved.(i# , 2s,cept boxes) at thefifoie of - •s OGILBY Bt4IITNER. • • _ Aukt14.213483.r: - -777 falidreiteii Pills. A further'eeiiiioeilreiniretli's Universal hills just rece i ved gt , tiiostore o f • ' OILBY tt. HITNEII. - August 2.8,4837: SIIERIFF 7 S:SALES. . .. _ By . virtue: of sundry. writs of Venditioni: ponna to me directed, issued put Of.the Court of Comtnea.Pleas of Cunsiberlind:•edunty, will, be. exposed to pUblic Sale; at the 'Court I.louse,flin the borough.Of Carlisle; 'on 'Monday the . 9th day : of Octobet; 1837, at.lo o'clock, A.. 14., .tlie ing,desaibed-Iteal Estate, to wit:— • . agOVE ESTATE, - • - 'containing ; twenty - five:'thousand acres of land, more or legs, situate in Dickinson and South Mid dleton tOwnships, Cumberland connty, with a ' • - and'FORGE, Coal nouse,.sigth and Carpentel's Shop, a large,lfrick Mansion house, and thirty. .Log Tenantllouses, one • • GRIST-MILL' 4' SAW MILL, a two story-stone Ofßee, two large nod excelleh Barns,. Roe large Stone Stable,.and sevei•arimall Stablesi'BllB other buildings, Ore Banks, Minerals, &p.,:;4lli'is property is. un:loubtedly_ one of,t)te Bea in the State of Pennsylvania, and in excel': lent order.—Seized and taken in execution as tlimproperty . of Peter lige. • • ' • Also, A tract of innd .situate in Silver Spring!. township,. Cumberland county, 'hennaed. by_lands of the, heirs. of John-Bossier, Alec'd. and the - Conodogninet: Creek, containing 148 acres; more or less, of which about 920 acres. are cleareci 4 having thereon - erected a Log Houk and a Loy; Barti.-:-Seized and taken in execution as the property of Martha_Cunningham. All to, be sold b,v" MIdfIAEL.TIOLCOMB, &erg': SheriffArs S.ept,,ll, 1837. ,• • valuate viTipctig AV xs Je 11 / lu1u: be expbsed-tii- ptibli6-sale:on Fri , day-the 20th day of October next, the -following_desCribed property, , - alua,bielrarrn; situate in bickinaciii- township, Cumberland county, - , en the Walnut Bottom road.. adjoin ing laii - clsW George Lee, Myers and others, and..ahoutiourmiles from Carlisle, containing . . -.120 ACRES; -about - 1 - 00 - acres - of - whielrisclerred in a good state of cultivation. The improve ments are a' - TWO. STORY*: r - F— Stone Wouse, alsrouble Log. Barn, and other out bill:filings, trigethe'r with a .weio:lsl--watcr attlie door. there:is on .this farneariexcollent , . APPLE :ORCHARD... The situation of th ii,-.Propertywoldd afford an excellent opportunity for any person wish ing to commence the Mercantile business ; itiiould also be:a - good scitefor a blacksmith . shop. - • . • . rra a-aard-anifsim- .. --- ; - 41. - ttemlartawilL - - - 114:41.teir. -- .151i - e — , sale by • . . . • • James S. Woods, • Executor of Samuel Woods,'Sen. dec'd. Sept. 11, 1237:—t5., Also, in.sold on said day i * • (3,.9 aro LB al-0 .more or less,of good LIMESTONE LAND, ,situate , on the• Walnut Bottom. Road, about 8 miles from Carl isle, adjoining lands of . Wm. Woods, George Beetem, Samuel Carothers, and others about thirty acres ,of - which is cleared - and in. a. good state of cultivation, with a - small Log Dwelling-thereon-erected. The terms of sale will_be made known on dap of sale by the subicriber. _ James S. Woods • " Sept. 11, 1837: • • The Pennsylvania Telegraph, anciLancas `ter Exatpiner will insert the above until day ctf sale, mark price, and charge'this "office, _..71.1113L10 Urg.L.be exposed to public sale on the • . premises, on Wednesday the 18th day of October next, at 10 o'clock Al--M., in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, the following described property, vizi The un-_ disputed -part: ,of the- Sawmill - tract of the elgtate•_of Samuel Woods, senr*, deceased, containing . 200 ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands.of Camp Eberts - and - others,--About-15-acres of this land are cleared, and the balance is • Pine tcr, Chestnut Tinalier land, LOG HOUSE . AND STABLE,. and a - good - Saw - Milli , sitaatErdtrahOut three miles:from Mount Hol) , Iron Works on the Gettgs~ur-~ road._ ,Also r another--ract-et-Land i containing . 26 . 0 - :,LO It - E 5:, cIESTNIJT VIMBER LAND: about 60 acres of which are cleared. The land adjoins the' Sawmill tract 'above der scribed.. The _improirements are - a TWO STORY L•OG DWELLING- HOUSE and DOUBLE LOG BARN;*- with .an Apple Orchard thereon, and a never failing- Sprit)? orlr— ater near the house The land. will be sold entire; plt„the,.im....• provements- and a small lot of timber land by it - s - eit and;llle - reiniiiider in lots from # to 20 or 30 adres i to suit purchasers. , • ALSO,-4).n the same clay, 42 acres of Chestnut Timber . Land,' situated on the line between . V.umberland,and Adams Counties, about 4 miles - from Mount Holly. Iron Works, adjoining lines,with wick Wultemires and others. ",fltisland will be sold entire; or in lots„to suit purchasers. . Sale to commence-a(10 o'clock of said clay; when •dtie attendance will,betiven and terms, orsale Made:lntim - 1. • • Jame: 'S - Womb • • Exe.r.utor of Sainuel•Wootls, . ... . • Sept. 11, 1837. .' ....... ' , , The GettyabaFg Compiler will itisettihe above anti' day....Of sale, mark price,' and charge this office: __ - • . / ,t \ - ILEATrIVANCIEI3; .Notwitbstanding the. - suspension of specie piiymetits 2 ;.Notes of all solvent Bankswill be receive& astetetofore in payment for riekets and - orders will meet thelisual.pronliZalteri .tiqn, if addresseitta. EIVIORY BcCp. No, 2, Calvert st. l3alt July, 3,;1837. EMI The improvements are - a more or less, of _ • „ .ebb: - VAVICTI;(i (1 1ttuxvjg.43.1x4.491,-._+. 1 1 11011,RISON'S ooneral agent Dm Pennsilvania, lifarylOtor,..Dolo:worO; No south 7th st, Mace Pllnotfel.: • phii and No.loNurthsty Bo I tith9rj j - the 1204:Of . .. . . 111IVIII sccuniro wr .Tllll . USE OF TOE . lIVIIETAR - • I - 41i; EV . 2!.. irr. x - 7171.4 AVERBA I. NI EDI CII , TES OF • TIIE Burnt!' COLLEGE OF - . „ IhrAmi, Lo:./ninf, • ' ' . • ' . WillCil have - obtained the AWobation and itecommeitifittlon' of I'lionsamNr-Who have been cured in Constiniption,,Cliolera .Itilorints;lnflania; tiomijitternally—eiternally,_and-4111-.lisensesNf the, Liver, YellOW Pever, 'Gout-, Itheuinatisin, Lumbago, tic DoloreuX. — liropsy, St.. Visttislo -Dance. Epilepsy, Appoplexy, Palsy, Green Sick- . iiess i atul.tilkii oliStructiens to which the Female form is so distressingly liable,- and which gem] so many.of the &nest portion of the creation to their tintitnelyz_rxcest . Stitail.Pox,.llleales,.. Whopping_ Cough, Scarlet Fever Asthma, Jandice,..Gravel, i.Stone,,and -II Urinary, bstructions; pisitila, Piles, 'StliCtures, Ruptures, an • 13ilis in all its Stages, Cdthtipated Bowels, Worms Scurvy; fichingofthe' Skin; King's Evil, rottlull Cutaneous ,Disorders in short, every Comfdaint, Which. the. human frame is so direfully subject, vinder all their varied forms and names; as the Ilygeian conviction is, that mat is subject to only one real disease ; that is; to the inifinrity if the - go - Wit, from whence strings every complaint that _c n poseblY assail 'ids corn plicateft frame, and th ' it is the perpetnal strug gle) of thiS - vital, pur stream of life, (the _gift of Almighty power) to disencumber itself its vis.. cons acrid humors, with which it-has become corn-, mixed. . • ..... . . , ..... .. .... This valuable medicine, being cOmposed,,quo of.vegetable matter, or medicinal herbs, and war ranted on oath not one particle of mercural, min' oral, or chemical substances; (ail of which are un congenial 'o thb nature of man, and thi;refore de structive- to limp human frame) is found to he per. ; fectly harmiessjo.lho most tender'age, or weak-, e - st frarne, under every -stage of hurnan_suffEring, -the most pleasant and benign in its operation; and at the_same;_timethe.most-eertain in searching -Ma - the - root - of-every complaint,howeverAeep r &- of performingta cure - that was-ever 'offered; tothe world. -This wonderful - effect, lop, is prOdriced liy the least trouble to the patients by . merely_ Avallowing a Certain- number of pills„andlieing 'called a-few times to the purpPsesra eVacutition, witthe least possible'Sensatinn of pain; exhatts, 4 tica f - bodily strength, and Wittoulthe ' fear - of cathing cold; or attention to dress "or diet, in any way Ilifferent, from their accustomed habits. 'Ube pills are sold in packets (WO, $2, and,.s3, - Snd tts. and 50 cent, boxes—the two foriner .con: list of three boxes each, viz..one box of No 1, and latter,—one-Liarger box with a disision; the powders are in separate boxes at 373 cents each. „ , , _ cf p- In consequence °Rite repeated solicitations of tho Agents, and, for._ the convenience- of the Ptiblicin general, boxes-of 50 cent% and 25 'cis; 'each, can now' be had df all' the Agents.- MORISONIANI, the lanctilY Adviser of the Briti,ll,Cpliefre.uf ilealik9.sd li.:dition, price $2 75; and PRAVTICATP.IZOOPS-Ottlflyg .ian System of Physiology, including the "Origin of Life." " Treatisb oh Small:Pox , ' "Letter on 'Chofera .lilorbus," and many attested cures effect ed in this country,. its well as ih GrCM-Britain 6th Edition, price 373 cents - . ' The Hygeian _Medicines.arc all. Imported into - this country at a great , expense ; mitwithstAiding which they arc sold-at the same pride ati, it Eng:. Jand..Tkey - -bat.e_die - eit6. - yearif-befor-thAme t . - artimblimlitint - reeMnmirstie - eettlfrUirkelitir _oP the afflicted, thousands can testify (rj CAUTION:—In consequence of theltigh eitithation in Which Morrisotes .held by the public, it has induced an innumemble host-of unprincipled counterfeiters to attempt ink:Akins, under deceptive terniathus to delude the untvary, and foist thelr nostrums for the _Genuine Ilygeian . Medicine; lb consequence of which ; the , Agent btls taken the precautionary measure of having an Extra Yellow Label-fixed on each Packet, signed by the Agent of each—State and District, and, by, their Sub-Agents, t iu every County; the irnitatiop of which will subjebt. the forger to the severest punishment the Law can inflict: and it is further -tb be.notited, that none of the above Medicines_ can be — Oh - Oiled in any Drug — Store throughout the Union ; the Drug,-Stoics being- the principal. source Bilotti) which the Counterfeiters vend their spuidous articles., . , . C - 1 - Zltespectable• parties - may— bb appointed A gents on liberal te - rms, - by iipplying to the General Depot, - No. 33 Sou.rn Sm - r.DiTu Smsrr, three doors below Market street, Philadelphia—and at No. 10 . North street Baltimore, nearly opposite the Post Office, where the Genuine:Medicine may always be obtained.. - • • ' 'Sept. 4, 1837. °' • For sale in,Carlisle. at, the store of OWL: - .& HITNER. , . , •, NoticC to Contractors. ROPOSALS will 4e .received by the P tommissionerS of Cumberland county, on Friday the 22d day of September, A. D. 1837, at the public healgebt G:• W.'Wood burn, in the borough , of Newville, for gra ding the State Road •frona Gettysburg to Periaunty, from' the south 'end of the .13ritige - over the:Big_Spring, at Newville, for the distance of 30 feet from safd - Britlie; - said road Ao,be made, at an ascent of five degrees from the Bridge to ,the distance of 300 feet. ' . -•- .‘ .Lew c z I Hyei' l , •. . • . • . , , . Jac Zug, . . Jas. Willis -, - ,_ ----- • Commissp cri. ' Attest:4ollN 'IRWIN, Clerk. --C , MrrilssionersrOlfieei-1 -- - *- --C rlisle,-Aug.„2.8,.4.8375_::_t__, Tyn . Subseribei will sell at private sale, - on the premise's, a - gond Farm in - Mirth - Middleton town ship, 'Cumberland county, four miles north of Carlisle, an the road 'leading" to, Waggoner's Gap, containing .. .152 ACILES 9 '' -OF' FIRST Rd2TE ei,.BTE LdND, I • 1- • In a good state of cultivation ; -die greater part I enclosed in the best , of post fence, nearly new, andmiade-of-first-ratettnateriitls,--Ationtoneifittt .red,and-twenty-seres-are - elearedytlie - reildue . ..no.y4ketl with thriving • - I . . -, - - , UNG _ 1 / 'YO TIMBER, t a nd is also enCloied in good fente. • ' - . The iniproveinenteare tt.TW,G: . STOftY • • ' .. 1400 . 11101TSEi. • .i.4:-.. , . - , • . . ._. :,..,,,. ul , 11 .,,, Plaistered; a double Log Barn with .:- - ---_,i-1., : k., two threshing floors and a Granery ; and a good, iLigiao shed and Corncrib 'attached to it' ill fdrofed.with white pindshingles, *with Other good out buildings;'im, excellent Apple Drehard, and a variety of other- Fruit Trees. 9Two Wells of Water near the , house.: There , are on the farm N i . .several good bp ' . 1 of , waled '; one-an - excellent ' \ SIIIAP t Ili SPRING( ; and a creek passea' through it, ' whichtinders it very, convenient inatbeli water. ' • . ' . - ALSO,. - -Twenty! acres of . .: - Mountain Land,' about two and a half mites distant trim Said farm, An Long's gap :road, with a public road .° it. If sold. property Eilutil nothe disposed of before the'l2th•day of October tie4it, it will Onthat day, at 10 o'clock, , A.'.M.. be . oFetekl , atptiblie :sale. Any r person wishing _to . see, said . : piernises,An view of piaclittsing, will 4!leaserto-calron mon Sentman, residifig:tietti :the farm, dr:On the subscriber in'C'arliale. ' • • . , .SAMUEL L, SENTMAN. epteinber 41, 1837. ; El oFFPPE, 80 'Ball. st., 4 .dadra below tice l'ra'reclin Banlc.:j: '' - • e q p t t. q ......-.:,,.,.,_..:,,,,., 'p-4.4p.(.00..))0f,0i(AAR5:!. PersOns at a distance dipOsed to try their tuck imekL )1 the Id Late ries-7-one o week•—•-a're their order .cash , will .receivi (ii - requetz, E. W. ItOBINSON. ---- Baltimore, 1114.. DRAWING OF,LOTTErtiks.- - --:Order in Which !:thO.severaiState Lotteries. will Maryland -State ,Lotteriesql taws' in. Bahl, more every other' Monday,. capitals range . Tanti — lD;ooo, - 20;000 - 1 - 643:30;000;1561 Suite Lotteries draws twice every. week, Capitals'Vary fr0m , 5.0 810,000 ;.Grand Con solidatad Lottery draws -once_ evef , y, weeki capitals 20,000, .25,000,_t0830,000.;..A1.00n-. dria . Lottery draws once every, other week, caPr is 10,00,0,.20;000,.30,•000,50,000_; Vir ginia State Lottery draws every Saturday in each. week - ,' - capital•prizes range from 10,000, 20,000, 25,000, 30,000 to 0;000. Tickets in the above Lotteries vary frorri 82, 2, 4, 5 and 10 each, shares in.proporti,oti: — All tetterP. addre ssed_ to the subscriber go perfedtly safe. No miscarriage liaSever.oc-, corned. L Pell -14; 1837. y . Fair play aait 2eo NE TV C.1214 7 ,01D.47.17' FOR JOHN ItiVAlti b , Esq.. of Shippensburg, ever willing to, tleVote his time and talents to Abe_ ser-. vice of, the public, °lnns hirriself ti thecinsitle,.. ratli - fii - dttli - e - gtical - enhe people of -CuMberland county, for the office or 811 E El EF,,and pledges himself, .(according to fushion)-if—elected, to dis charge .the-.duties better . than esler 014 have herctcfore been, or ever be after him. . . • . Your.S &e. • '1837. • - 'ir - s - . 13 'ei --•- - - - ' um can - Mill S. '• • . ...... e l Just re: rived from the City, - one case - AKhite.: and one . c Se Miked, Tuscan Bonnets fur sale lo* at the.l Store ort4e_subscribers, -.. • -•'_ . ..' • - . 'OGILBY & IIITNER. ,_ __ . June 12,.1837: Stock; iiitiuziwiitime • . BROKER,. •__ Harrisburg, Racket street, opposite to Wilson', Hotel, • . • SUNZinaa.gte:' litiyh , ttinlsellsNotes of all kiiids. Stock; bought and sold.. LOTII.IItY cashed, and all information-given relittiie-to-LOTIT f ItIES. - August 21, 1837: XOTIOE. . THE subscriber resitting . at CuMbi . , ,:Hantl• Mills, inNewCurabetland;. will at all times' giveilehighest price in eash for wheat. 1 1 / 1 01{11111 Auglfgt 2.1i-1837.-6m.* TEACIIERS.WANTED - EVER AL teachers are wanted in Monroe township, (to whom liberal wage Swill - be given ) ) who can teach 'leading, Writing, rithmetic, Grammar, Geography,' and h other bran ches as are generally taught. one need apply but such as can come well ecommeiifed,- • 'JOHN ZIMMERMAN, .Sterchir.4 ofihe Board of BirectoM, Chierchfowti, 'Aug. 7, 1837: . .VALIITABLE PROPERTY • FOR SALE. FrH> subscriber intending• to move from •"town-,- offers for sale a . I% - , TORYTWO - S STONE. • , • • ‘' E t., l • : o i . • situate in Main street, and' now in the occu pancy of Dr. Wm..C. Chambers. Also,. on the same lot, a• Two Story Irkfune Building, now in the occupancy of- The Cumberland ValleY. 'load Company. • These houses are near the Mansion House Hotel, kept.by G. Aughinbaugh.• • • • Any. person wishing to purchase the above property, will be told the conditions on which it will besold, by, applying, to the subscriber at The, afgesaid hotel, who will sell oq very accommodating terms. • •- • Sept: 4, 1837. • . . . THE MOST SPLENDID LOT° TERY ever drawn in the United States;•23d September, next: See ROSlNSON'S'Ad rtisement in another, part of this paper.--, Orders . fer the grand Capital - prize,/should addregs' OBINSON' withoutitYr* ment's delay. • • ," • . • -- ..- 'NORTH AnIIERIGA: - ', . . Insueance Corripaliq Capital 600,000 Rtillairs. . THIS Company still continues to make Insurance on ,all kinds of property through their agency in •Carlisle. The premium is la reg Wed according to the risk. Averaging fro n 35 to 40 cents, in the hundred dollars. Descriptioni will be received;-and policies dited from the day of survey. ' ' • JOHN J. MYERS ! _ ~ . f , -4----------- ----- - - --------agen Jan. 11, 1837.-3 m. ' 'PUBLIC. PIOUSu. , - GMb. ' P !LIN C [Formerly of Stinbury„ Northumberland ,Begii leaVe .respectfnlly infcirin-the public, that he has removed to Harrisburg, where he his taked'Aliat large and spacious three story, brick hotise formerly occupied .by ,Mathew corner of Walnut'andThird'streets„ . • • 14ARRtaliTR'Gr; . P Wiew of the State Capitol, which he opened:on trrefiist rlay of May last„and 'where'he hopeslo continue to- receive that patronage so• liberally bestowed on his establishment heretofore.. He • , • I at all lilies ..be 'provided with evO . Y. - tl,iing necessary...V:ol4e his guests comfortable.' •••• G. PRINCE. Jun& , tr. . TEACHERS , WANTED. Severid Teachers - .are Idante . 'd the bo rough of Newville,..who can teach Reading, Writing, - .Arithmetie; Grammar ; Geography ' '''''' .oeher branches as - are...generalli taught 'in . Common • 'Schools: None need apply butsthose who can . Come•well reeoin mended. ' , JAMES KENN.gDY, . • Searoitdriof the. Board of Directors. : liewville ) August-Ai, ; ' PUBLIC- SALE ii..p ri ittisuppce,of an circler of r -Orphanst Court of 4-Cumberland county, there will be eicpos 'ed"to'bublje--salc OM the premises, on kriday, the the 6th day of Octolier neV, a Tenet of' • .•71a11.02f. n • -ive g .Speifth ; lownship, bettvepp_Carlisle• and liai isburg,' near the Turnpike rood, adjoining . hula• . of Tiimble's heirs , , John V'o'glezeng, John m I an, Jacob, Molly; and. 'the Conodoguinnet cretie, containing - - • 22a . ACHES • rno're Or less',:aboit one ilundiTd_l and - seventy acres clear; and undei. - good fence; and the-•resi 'dyelligatktimber. ThelTprovenichts arc li.l?rge . TO Sto , prierc 114- W • • • • ••. A -DWELL - 1W 'HOUSE, Jaarge . :Sione Mink•Barii a good•tenant house . , With a stable anaexed it:: There is an excellent APPLE. ORCHARD•on the farm, and Unit of all kinds, There is pleiity:of . • water Of' a . gciod , quality: • TERMS. -* Five hundred dollars, to be paid when the sale shall be confirmed, Ale 'residue of Oneihalf ,of - the purchase" money, on the.lst day of , April, 1838, and the balance 'three payments, Vithd interest. • ' •.. JOHN MUSSER, • - •.. J,ACOTI•ECKERT. ' Sdo 4,lra/ors of•JacobMusicri decd. August n, 1837:. • • 'co~The Pennsylvania Telegraph and lancas• ter Herald Will inseri , the above till sale, Mark. • price, anctchargelhis office. Order. of Court Sale: BY virtwe _or a Writ of Pluries order of. sale, to hie directed, issued out of,the Court of Conitinin Pleas of efitinty, cBp'd4d - th public sale on the premises, on Saturday the.3oth claYTOTSeptemtieinex4 - M - 10 o'clock, A. M., the following .destrified - property, vi.:.—A'''traCt: of land, bdunded hy,landsOf dafieirs cif:James Cif=* fin, deed,.Jacob NYcikle - y, John B. - ) VondelliCh, 40,F1:8:111(10sqq,: PlT,lleks. of lames - LamhertOni Iraq. dec'd, and'Jolin Fierovii4 containing- • • 351 1.011,M5, neat _pr_itriet 4neasure,--ot—thereabouts t in :hay. thereon erected a one story rownouS E, an-Ts' A Large 14o# .Barn; . . ~ .. , there is an excellent ,stream,, of water running through. said farrn; . and ibc'tind well Tinibered. The_conditiati• - . ." Ibe one '.• -of iht purchase - money -to 'be-paid on the confirmation of the sale, aria theLresidue in two equal annual instalments,. without iiiterest, to be secured to•the satisfaction of the court. 'To be sold as the pro. _ pertfef Rolm A Sanderson - still 'others. MICHAEL noLcoato; • • . August 24, 1837.- _ _ • -Sheriff's Sale. -7-- Ill". virtue orsopcky.writs of venditioni expenas • tc - ThieHdireeted, iSStica Witr.oT the court.: of::CbM 7 ., mutt ['lens of Cutnberland couitty, will he expos- - ed to public sale,at:the court house in the bpr: ough of Carlisle ; 'on Wednesdiw the 4th day of October. next, at, 10 O'clock, A. 14.; the -folloW• ing described real-estateoo ! • • . • .1 Ilous'e and Lot - of -Ground, .situate_itate_borpugh of Carlisle, containing 60 feet in breadth, and .140 feet in depth, more or less, adjoining n lot of. Peter Cufshall on the we - st,- bn Alley on the North, and Pomfret streetioo the south, haying• thereon erected a Two StOry Log Hotta, plastered.• Seized and taken in execution as the propeity of John, 'Maim • Andlo'be sold by me. ' . - • MICHAEL HOLC,TiMt, Sheri:o6Blw, Carlisle , 2 • Atignsi 28,A1837.' f ; • Cumberland IValley RAIL ROAP COMPANY. - - - NOTICE. An election for President, Treasurer, Secretor '1 and Tour Managers for the. Cumberland "Valley Rail Road Company, will be held at - the, house of George Aughinbaugh, in Carlisle, on Monday the 2d. day of Gctobcr next, between the hours of 10 o'clock. A. 111,. and 41O'Clecic P. M. By the act creating said' Company it is "provided, that no person shall be permitted to vote at such election unless he or she shall have fully paid all the instalments on the shares of stock by him or :her subseribed.. . J. IV. EBY, Secretary. -Carlisle,, August 28,1837. ' . • 137) . 'Tlic Pennsylvania Itepoiter, and -United State 4 Gazette will insert the above once'a week until the election, anti charge Company. Assignee-Sale.- - —WILL-be sold at public -sale on the pre mises in Newtolr township, Cumberland county, Pa., on Wednesday thi — lilth4lay o October next, 1,„_,.„A VALUABLE FAWN; . Ontaining'-150 Acres,-arid alloWandb, bound= ed by_jandsbf Sam'l WCune's heirs, Abra ham Grove,_Peter Tritt..and others; between 60 and 70 acres of which is First-Rate Limestone Land, And-the balance -Slate r -of-a-good qu-ality; - -- about 120 acres are clear* and in• a. good state- ot cultivation. the remainder is well Timbered. 'The improvements area LOG 1101 USE, LOG BAR , Wagon Shea, Corn Crib. &c., a Well of a hever failing, stream of Water at the-door. Besides there are several Springs-on-the-pre mises, one of a very superior quality. There is , also a young bearing APPLE QRCHARD .tf---abiout.lafted-treesbesidi, a vane A of other fruit trees z , ' idvan tageouSly situated, as, to,market, lying mitt:, way between Newville and Shippensburg, 5 miles from l each, 130 from Philadelphia, 75 from Baltimore, .and one-half mile from the Cumberland Valle!) Rail Row,. One-half of the crop in the ground will be sold on the same. day.' ._ Also, - 23 Acres - W.ood situate in Mifflin township, • near the Three Square' Hollow, • adjoining lands of David Sterrett and others, and five Miles from jhe aboVe fart94..ALSO, . . . 100 ACRES •y • • Wood Land,. situateihsMililin townshiP,• in Dublin Gap, nedr,. the Shlphur Springs, and about 7 miles, from Iskwville, adjoining lands of James Woodburn's heirs, John Harper; Esq., and . others .. The terins of sate will - be $250 of .the purchase.. Money ,to be '.paid at, the confirtnation - of the arid , one half of .the'regidue, on the Ist. day of April; When-possession gaven; and the. 6thar half, en . ..the Ist day of 18SO, without interest; to be, secured . by mortgage`; the interest .deducted fht• : :hagl;as it may besisuit . .purchasers; • •::' , , • • • ''.*,TACOl3' SWGVER, . AsSlgnee of Wm. H. W oodburn:- ivwviile,August 21,. - 1837. • • 'Rea l Eoalo at : 2.12V120 Sgt.la . E liE subserikerbein - g desrous-of reinoir ' ing te the west, will sell at'Private' 'Sale t following valuable property, viz : ' , No. '1 An exeellent Farrii, situate in the township . ;of Newton,- and county , . of Cam berland, four miles , west .of . the borough .ef Nbwville, at the .head of the Green Sprint: - 'arid one mile froni .the Cumberland Valley Rail Rbad.— ' • NE .12.0,...A.CA5S . ~. ot mist imile IllaiiincOme_tta . n/1 3 Ahatit - 100 acres - a - rwhich .is Cleared, and in a good state of. culti.vathiii,' the residue is covered : with..GOOD TIMBER. • The i - 01,.. prove 1 ents„ are a Double Log__ House, _L o Barn, Teriant House,. SPrilig_ _House, . and other bbildings, , This land is well ~. wa! ! . lere - d - byrthe - Gfeeff - S - pring,..._ - ----• No. T 2. The one-half of a ' , Fulling 'SIMI], and a tract of Land, adjohlink.:the ahove,:.-- The improvements are a large • " .„ . • • • : D011111114E.STONE: • mw• •11, DOUBLE LOG TENANT - HOUSE, Smith - Shop, .Frame' Barn, and other build •• . • • No. 3. A tract of Modutain land in Mifflin township, containing 10 Acres,.-covered with first rate Chestnut" and .Chestnut Oak. Tim. ber. . No. 4. Oneothetrti•a`ci of Konntain.land, situate in Flopeival—township, Containing 12 AcreS, covered with the best of Chestnut and Chestnut - Oak' Timber. The above properties will 'either be sold separately or together,,as - tnay best; suit purchasers. --Any person desirous of purchasing; Will "call . .on the subscriber reSiding.on the premises,• JESSE KILGORE:. Augus l Br.4B3,r. 4 cOpposilioia is $11:0 Life . • •• • . v . AND COAL - V - A.R.D - , pr 7 at "subscriber takes this nietho.l of-inform ing life public,' that. he. has this Spring and limner,. purchased an extensive- assortment_ of v • Pine • . P . •Ratters_l.- , Scatatling r •—• Assorted lengths and sizes and qtialities, Birds.nye and Cnigiv iple, _ • — Ash and- plan. .I.3umbei, _Long atkd Short• Shingles , Hogshead and Harrel Staves, - i . T or Hard COAL, of the first, quality, forStoves,-- ' Grates, Furnaces,-&C. Also,.the IliturninouS or fine Coal, from - Kartbaus; Reeds and Di. - 111iyt's celebrated banks in Clearfield' county. To provb the fact „ . . ) . . Lumber sawed.to ordetc'orCtiCriiT)Sitiodehte !prop.— Bills 'for lumber will be .sawed ariy time, with speed and' correctness. -The subscri ber-returns-his thanks. tO customers for thO liberal patronage thus- far bestowed . upon him, and solicits their future patronage. The public may'rest asst 41 that no pains shall' be - sparedlon my part, to accommodate .at the lowest prices, any article. in the Lumber or Coal line. • • SIMON. OYSTER. Mormleysbitt; A ug: -21,1E07. . • • I will sell at public sale in the town . ofLisburn, Cumberland county, nit Thurxday.the sth day of October-next,—at adjoining that town, beloniting to the estate of Andrew Carothers; Esq. dec'd, containing. 126 acr • esof 'tai l Lanai a large part of which is Meadow, upon the Yel, low Breeches Creek. The." z'provenients are a good Ttilp Story . • .. • • -Dwelling' House, • a LOG BARN, and a small Orchard. ilierewill be sold at the same time, a tract of about 15 acres of Chestnut timber Land, which lies abo lit two miles from.the farm: ... • . ALSO, oil &thirday-the7th day of October next, at the Court House in Carlisle; - a A p tlirt . ) TWO STORY ' 4 ;_ , 3 ),# 11 ,, 41 , , ,:''' Brick House,. arid a lot of ground, situate in the south side of High Street, a few'doors west of the Court house. in which Andrew Carothers, • Esq. resided. There is excellent STABLING upon the lot, and a well of ivate&in the yard. The situation of this property. is 'one of the-most desirable,- either-for private. residence or, public busivegs. terms of sale of the aboye properties ,411 be made easy. Frederick Witis, of Andrewtarotherti. Esq. dec'd. August 28, 1837. , ; ' - Estatc., - af,Mant Manes, • NOTICE-. - . Letteia a:Administration upon 'the Estate or. Adam Mariesmith, late of Allen township, Cum -berland county, deceased, have issued—in—dile Torm—a-law--40- . the : Subscribev r -resicling...in_said. township. All persons having claims . against said estate will present them,.and those indebted ill-:make payment to I ' LEVI MERKEL, Ader. _ - Augui,f .2 2,1837.-3 w.• • 39 THE subscriberoffers. for sale the following described house and half lot of ground; sit; _uate_o.n.t streetin_ the _•or .ough Carlisler - nearly opposite Mr: George Aughinhaugh's - liiffel—the-west .half-of-lot No. 61, in-the plan, of said borough—bounded by Main•stredron the south, Dr. T. Myers On .the: westiDickinson alley (23 feet wide) on, the north, and the' Widow Grei h the east, containing 39 feet in fro eet In depth. dings - are • - , re .• . Frame • TatherboOded , .111 1 1 ,;: , 4 • . _,• , __, • fronting on. Main street With large : ' 7 ' . - Brick Hack' wilding/ ANDA:I3II . rCK STABLE, fronting on,.the alley. Said hall -lot •is in a high state of improvement, with a. varitty of choice Frut Tree§4iii d Grape V4ies - ,. ilOw.boring, Currant and GdaSeberry Bushes, and • Shrubbery of different kinthw • .• ' •••• An inclisputable title will be given to the pur• , chaser. urtlier : partienlars are deeined unne cessary., Any, persons- wishing to purchase, are invited to call and. ieW the ,premises. The terms will barnacle known 14, A- , - - JA - COMSQUIER. August N.'13.--Good western paper on: insol -i•ceived in payment for - the move_ • •••• MEM MSS FLIBLIO Svc *axe* 6=l _ , To the voters of Cu er and' county: FELLow t'pr.rzz.r.ts • -. I offer *self as a.candidiiie for the,Offtee o .SEER IFF, at the ne*t general election.,-=- . I be' favdiea' ivith: a majority, of 'You'r .votes, 1.-shall . endeavor to discharge the dutiei impartiality. ('arlisle,.4l4,.il 17, 1111 -7. . To the free and independent Citizens of • Cumberland Cpunty:-.. • . . FELtow Cyrzzasts,z-11 hereby ,oiler myself . to - your consideration_for_the_loffiee - the - ; - at•the - next - gencial - ;electibm -- Shottld• - yowttilfit preper to give me your sutrage for thst office, pledge myself to do the. utmost to diseliarge urk . duties with promptness. and impartiality..'----:- • - • GEORGE RU.OLEit. . - Has \ Pennsborotigh.township,l, . _____,-April.lb r lB37-.---te;.• • -- , Do the . Voters of CumberlandFELD,* cotoixF.NB:;; - •. • I take to libcrly or uttering — myself:lu consider ion for the•oriCe•of ••—• " • . • . • . Siteritt . / At • ho_ ensuing general election.• Should •I be • elected 1 pledge myself to do my / Utmost : to dis: ',charge the duties incumbent _ ,upon me;•witli unetuality .andpatiSfaction to alrconeerned: . 'GEORGE W. RIMES • gonthampton township ; '. jtine; I'2, 1837. ./5 ' • • . To the free - awl / in . dep . ndeitt-electgrs of Criberlarid colt - iffy: 1E.r..L.0w CtrziErits:. - . • At the soli / citation of a number of my filehds in *aviOus.Sections of the county, I,ofFer *self to . yotif Ansuleratibn as . a •eandidate for the of fice eneral elec tioni„, and respectfully solicit your voteafiifiddit ---- offiCe. Should you favor me . with a majority of yOur.- - suffivgcs, I shall be .extremely - thankful - - for the same, and .shall discharge the .arduous - chiffe - a of' th4 - 15iffee With impartiality, fidtlity s and lenity. • The ,Public's liurbble servant, • WILLIAM DEAN;,•-- 1. • - Monroe township,. April 1.7,1837.—te. To the' „Electors of Curitheriami • _ . . . COUitty:. - FELLOW CITIZENS,-=I kerebypffer . myself a ciatlitistq rev the office • ' 1 IFF • at thF next ,general election, and most resricctfully solicit your votes and interest. Should you, thin me Wcirthys)f ;your choice, by electing me to s office, I prOmise you that,ll will use my-best-en--_ deavors tol . cliscfiarge-m4 arduous and responsible duties, faithfully -and honestly towards. all eon; , corned. _LY.our_humble_servant,-- _ JOHN. MYERS -7- 7 - Di•Cliiiion township, April 11, To.the Eleelgr . s,of Cumberland County - _ :—TECIIOW - TilliZ - eld'Fr • offer myse l lea as candidate for the office or - SHER/PP, at the ;,ncii - general election, and' shall be thankful if 1 - am faaorccl.with'a majority, of your suffrages for sail office. • •'‘' -- PAVII3I - LEM, • Spring to%vris _ fdpi . , Aprill7, 1837. . Fellow Citizens of Cumberland County. k \, I offer mysolf aa a iniliciate for the o ffi ce o SIIERIFF, of ihiS co nty, at the neat general electiOn, and — respectfu ll y solicit your sulfragei for the same, , . • JACOB IVILLIAMS. •Ncivyille, April 17,1837. To the ludependent Electora of ,Cumber 4 'land county. • FELLOW CITIZENS: „ Being encourages by a;humber of niir: friends in the tipper end of the cotintY and - elsewhere - , - I• hereby offermyself as, a Can didate ',for the office, of SHERIFF,.- at.the-2 ensuing genei!at election, and request your,. suliport for the same. If - you - elect me, I pledge myself to fulfirtlie duties of that im portant station with strict fidelity and cleM ency, and to the best of my abilities. The public's humble.servant,- • • . GEORGE CROFT, • ___Southampton township, 2 te. - April - 17, 1837. • ,5 • To the Independent Electors of Cumber-. land county. GENTLEMEN: Having 4een encouraged vy a number of my friendo offer myself asa candidate for the office 6fiSHERHT, at the next general ensuing elettion; and will be thankful for your support. JOSEPH LOBACH. .Carli'sle, April 17; 1837.—te. .FELLOW. CITIZENS: • ' - 1-take -the-liberty_of_ offering myself as iicandi. date for the • SHERIFFAVIIt of Cumbertand county, at the nextgeneral elec. , tion, and most respectfully - solicit'your votes for the same. I f elected I pledge myself to dis c harge the duties of raid , office with humanity, =par. , tiality, and . fidelity. • Very restrectfully yours, • : ISAAC_ANGNEY.t April 1837.--te.• To the , -:Eketbre of Cumberland-:Countyl jvc_Low CFrlzaws:--Meirwen_ e encouraged, by ma _-___ -- kii of MY - friends ilirouibout th e coun t y ,, I 'Wei myself as a candidate for_the office of Sheriff; at the netct generaty.lfion, and respectfully solicit your votes. fiyotild e deleted I pledgg_myagle . ' to perform the duties f the o ffi ce with fidelity 0 and _impartiality 4..._ - ''' .__ ' ' '-.-- • ' SIMON WUNDERLIVH. _ Carlisle, April 17, 1837.- FELLOW CITIZENS.: myePlias.a.Jcandidate-foti— the office of SIIERRIFFiat the next general— election,-and most respectfully - solicit -toter votes and interest. Should feu thinkAtis( Worthy-o( your choice by electing.sio - t o sa id offiee,l promise you to distharge the dutiel of said office faithfully .and - honestly to a 1 concerned. MARTIN BARNHART. ~Silver Spring township, Z , May 15. .1837". • 5 •_ te.- -A s the Voters •ql:Cumberland .... joingyt . , Belng,solieited - by a - number of fried & thrtigh - ; --- out tl