Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 26, 1837, Image 3

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: . • tr. trk4Tre , miry. I
• ..By tbe report of the 9 retary 1, the Treasury,
lt appears that .ilna present .adminoti:ation-or the
general government has brought the publiepurse
'. into &very consumptive . condition. 'Frain a state ,
of 'fulneas and ,healthful abundance, it has fallen .
• Sway,. undee the aUperintend'enee of our eeono-,
, •
"finical rulers to gomething-very osidetablyless
than a shadow. • • •
The Secretary estimates the receipts into the
:Treasury for the current year, in round numbers,
at - about twenty millidns of dollpri,-and -the- pa•_ 7
iehdituies ht about ityriy•three sh6wing
an : excess of e*pendes of nearly THIRTEEN MIL
- LlCHtki,--.4t-tbe-bekinniiiktolti;e fiocal yger there
was a balance in' the_ treasury . di nearli "scvc
I?tis.r..serais,..which will not only be 'used up, but
the'deur&y will have a debt olaboiit SIX MIL
LIONS. '• •
The Setietary says it.will be - necessa'ry to raise
ten milliona for the s4port of the goyermeent,
antl filyther says: , • • •
../' In order', therefore, to discharge that
(six millions;) end rettrin , of 'the money reserved
t• he first of January,one Million.; which is the
_ .
smallest stun deemed . , proper„ under" the acts" of
Congress, lbr the.elicient operptions of the Mint,
,and at least three or fohc millions more,. to anSiVer.
:sudden and contingent calls, there will Oolnibly
be a necessity to .resort.. to the drpoeits hold with:
• 'the" 'Slateiiiond to the• inStalments destined fdi•
• • them in October." _ ;••-•••••__.•
you citizens of . Ou mherlsnd county,
of bejing--callOUpori to plank up yotiOtare of
TEN •MILLIONS to attiilYatC Mitto?
• Pennsylvania cannot pay her sha're.Without
: ton, and it 'Congressshould sanction this propo-'
' sal 01 IheSecretary, you Will - , : have to pay a tax
three . timis _ as °Arcat as - the,oppressive.state-iax.
Was, from which our patriotic Governor Joseph
' .Ritner, relieved 'you . ; 'Those ..who are fond •of
7 'Mit - -.lileaTn . anetT7riixotiotti .- :iei
1 .
AtiiinTsuppn 114 - ;.eenilidate - s — tir * Ilirit parti—but
~ .-
' ivgr trust tha - the days of our oppressors will be
inumbered by Winjured arid indlgyant-pe-ple.,
- .
H would nein that the great object of bur Van
Buren governmkt, t is to increase the profits of
the - puplie offitier.s at the expense-of • the people.
. gieat a - nkictr which has been shown by the.
. . . ,
• different ' Washington to procure / A ingiashed for his intelligendei industry and dc
specie, instead - of-the_ ordinary-eni iency' of the i votion to tliC duties of his . office. Mr. Penrose
- , - cOuntry,arises from the fact that,the office hohlet's ' is far erably' 'known in his own district, not :only
can obtain a large . hicrease to their salaries from as a useful and exemplary member of siacrets:as
'''' the's - ale - Of - the kcild - dntsilver, in which - the - friend:of [lic - poorman and 'theenclitirager
paid. Officers of the. glivernintnt who are re- of merit,. but he:- . .is known - throughout, the Corn
. Ceiving their thousands in gold an d ` - silver, cao, I monwealth; - as:a statesman of splendid talents; of
- • isithr. great calmne,i'i . ; look upon the distresses 'of ; enlightened views, sound ~p rinciples and 'corn
' the c ountry, and-sle w the destruction Which - they] ma nding'in flue nee.
.A, a representative he i xis
. .
have.assisted to' create. They feel thatthe very I ever been a live to the interests of his. oonstitif
, _ _„_______— _
sufferings of the community increase the profits , cots,- tindnever ,f,',led.tu caris3,-Iltroogl, the begis
- 6fitielr office,---and without douhti.are opposed to l i :lattire'for thein any measure entinsted to Itis care,'
1.4 change. which would - depilve them-of the ten - -- Whicir_hii_influence energy. and . elocpience could
- ,per cent.•premittna which:they receive for their accoMplish. .ilis . •nan - re-is identified uith the
gold and silver.. : ' f • .:s..r, . -
Presideni Van 13uren, his' Secrete T ries,
_Post- ' - h C.f. il-411aillly--iJuit rupili I ii ' 1.,111-1.) ri cigi lig-titks-gretv't
masters and Clerks, have hnwheen enjoy ing tieirs work to a sneedv completion. • „__. - .
Aare of tire pUbliC treasnre.ingOld and silver col- We t ia / A...ib l i .t t fr c ;77 reen . icn 6r ibis Senatorial
lecteci from the people; to their great 'disadvan- / district will - quickly - choose - between the , two
tage. The Se_c_retarY of the Troasnry-,LeviWood- I. ticket( , -
bury, hoping to corritpt'Cofigress - by' glitter I - -
of jold'has thrown out the gilded bait, and is wil
ling that they should participate in the plunder of
the Ontmonwealth. His bulletin to the• Clerk of
the H use of Representatives, reads,as follows:
'Trt ASURY DPAIIT.IIIEIVT, Aug. 16, 1837.
"Situ,- he near approach of the session of
Congress makes properfdr int to apprize you,
in order that the thiorrebtiontnay•be used , foi• the'
benefit aanecOininodafion of the Members of the
House of Reiiresentativet3,• that this department
will be prepared to futnish funds fbr their payMent.
• '
in specie."
It is thus that the daily pay of a .meMber of
:Congress is increased from eight to nearly nine-
dollars per day. Why tliticlas of people should
be Paid in money which they can sell at a high'
premium, in' preference to other Creditors'of the
government, the Secretary does not state. .111 -
. - ctt,4 Duns who are In the employment 'of the kov-..
rnment are obliged to receive the hard•earned
wages of their Ihbor in tiepreciatad rag money',
'but for the gentlemen men)* of Co : egress and
:Other ..otTlee-holders - vvithilimh saffirfe . e, - nothinr,
tut specie ,will suffice. The motto of the,Va'n
Buren administration remarks a cotemporary, is—
Gard and elin4,,:for the - office-holders—Shin
plastira for the peloplel"
The absolute folly and iingraelibility of the g'ov :
ernment•plaft .6f an eritii•e metallic currency; is
how sufficiently obVious to any man having the
en first
suggested, did remarkably well as aif electioneer
ing expedient, but since' out': cUlers IMye attempted
. .
to carrYMe . project Into Practical opeiation,-the
fallacy of the metiihrelliiif.become apparent. 'the
governmini,- hiveior the present, abanddned.ihe.,
• Plak and have .become the fathiri of the inost•
monstrous SHIN-PLASTER currency. that ever
• . . . - _
`ll Isg ra c -this - country. Tuip:ATE
"oi dollars are' to be *tied upon- the magi - Cation of I
our liiird-money, democratic Preshlent ;Martin,
• Vin Buren. This iiinglelact will for ever estab-
Bah tlferso estion;-,-wlitreriPOSTllcegiiini
- • paVy?_and . Martin Van Buren-must now be ac"-
knowledged. to be the great leacleeof this RAG
PARTY - ; -- • I
Shia Plasters.
t is . 4leA ky- quit e- ?pp s it! t o-Nir itness-t e-s e m
y. ,which =some, Met) , can assume, ,When it
, 1.140 their puiltdses: the late Van 'Buren
tneeting held in the . dourt Mitise;:wc
.One of !he indiiidea a appointed to draft testa.
tionsyWriiia...,pertion yea_ amongst the first ig
have altiti Plastertiprimed in his
ediately after the susperisien
bf speeie payteenyi tile banks; yet we find'
. .
' this,ltardmniney . 'detnociat, agreeing to b ring a :
resolidien, Condemning the - iswe .of ,sych paper,
14die violation Of the dint Meeting. the.
~1111eappicival t h e democracy. ‘Vc aftekvards
'" • hd theearne personage at a Van Duren meeting
. .in Shippensburg, where he officiated as an - officer,
Anil solemnly set his:-riame'to • a reaolutioni A in
whiCh it was declared that-the issue of shin
tera,tvle the result of a conspiracy between; "city
=bands. bity bra era, city 7 Whi • gaXto-4.lefraud
"the dear people, The opr .. .fellow should not
have fieeit *Permitted thus to criminate himself !
but one instance in a Million,, of the insin
terily inconaletencr of the Van Buren pa rty.
_ _
V.11,1 - A T. TitT.o,4:_r:;_
this hitherto ileCided administrittfoif state,is elect.,
ed:bi it majority of ovei:1000 - votes. . Thiiiis a
gain of more; than TEN TlOUSANp.voteks oee
the'last gnbernatorial election.. PennayliniMansi•
tomo - thotratill;(l . olikdivioe.
-The 'Senatorial conferees r
. o the Van ; Buren;
loco fo'Coparty; met' at,Shippensburk; oa rriday
last, and nominated Smith Mt. Kinney, of Cum
,birlandi arid -------'.llobeson;'Of dainti 'coup
ty, candidatei for the Senate, oil theit:TirCka.
'.lVe do not giiPpose that they'liave theMost're- '
mote. expectation of success, bgt mbrely wish to
suake an exhibitien of their strength : Mr. Robeson .
is a yOung man and is scarcely knbWnin hit 'Own
county._ Ilere,_ not one man in a thousand ever
1 - •
heard of him. This fact may be to his advantage,
torstfte great difficulty With some of the candidates .
on the's:lute ticket is that they are ton well known.
_lir,_3lcltinney_fs_knoWti rt — s - a.rnatt ‘YI o. has been
for rnany_y•eara<lninkeri ifg - after, office, :atiahliaS
from. time tiitirne',"gisen reason for his oPponents .
I-0 - think:Mr:if he7ivaild,://u_ off lite_;Aanille, it he
-did . not rectlye rn a.nomination.,..,:lle lsVa - yering in
his principles—.undecided inaction, and Pnisesses
other qualiti'es • inilicative'of ti weak,mind.. 1143
ambi tinn fora nomination has been gratified„.and
and he is nOV 2 offered up'as a sacrifice by:the - Party.
Of Mr. Penrose and Mr., Cassat on 'the other,
ticket it is' scarcely. necessary to speak a single,.
Word Mr.-- Cassat was - formerly a meniber'.of
the j,clislattire from Adams county, and
'Mho Mivornmont Spoculafing on aped°.
R'e'call tlie' attention of- the public to the fol
lowing statement, which we find - in the present
shape, in the Ilarrisburg Telegraph
draft foil "$90,000 was recently4raWn by
the Secretark - of - the - yrehauryr - oii - tlrcitint, and",
in favor oflhe BA RINGS, of England. The mo
ney had never been in circulation' here ; and is
already shipped for the English market._ The
PREMIUM which thT - Officers ofthe govern
will realize on thiS'money will be something like ,
nine thousand dollars, which will be - pockete by
Mr. Woonacily and his confederates. Verily, ho
country was ever Cursed iyith•siich a government
as opts. Ou r public. flincitionaries think no more
,14 pe!yde, thanif it Were,a part of
their preSbrihed 'ditty, We see in this export,
evidence of the penekint of the reigning - dynasty
for RAG •AIGN EV---111(-y - sell the specie- to-for
eigners,.make a handsome profit on it, and pay
their dents in the depreciated scrip of the Tre:.
sury. Their maxim is, that any'currency is . gooit
ennughfor Me people, no .mat ter whether it has any
intrinsic value or.not.---- The working,s of the "ex.
perimenl"'aee now seen in tneirprepossessineirpoinf
if view—and the predictions of the ends of a.
currency - areshiund being realized to he very
In addition to•the factti stated
riotis, that ottr post masters receive nothing bu
! , Specie ; that this specie is paid to the mail carri
ers and that they take_theA — pecielo"the
and there sell it, front whelic, it is.carried to Eu
rope!! Thuiiiihe country drained of jts specie!!
Thus, .through the mismanagement of-the cur
reiley;-the compel the
banks io,ilLispend - i'Pec;le payment; arid then sill
16 of and-agents to sPecUlate do the
ties o thp peBple, and encourage FOREIGNEIIS
to cor4 erthe Sl'l:C:tEloforeign countries, while
anise who earn monec here, are compelled to
take nothing but shin plaster." , •
. .
• "'l'llE FOUR-"EXPEItIsi TS."--qhe New
Yerk.Expressthus elassifi qtlire'e . Eipetimente'
of the acnlnistihtion pat.ty t with the fourth, now
tibiatt to lie attempted in the "ii l ttrc . duction of a
ti:eastry bank systent,---soPeradding a fifda r and
last expetilnent, in wl4ll 'the people tvill do
• .
ExpereMent .217umbo Pne. The veto of he U S.
[lank, tO'give the "better etiriTiicj , " of the State
Z,:vieriment. Ntimber Tivo:=- The rettniral of
the deposites "to ktter"Me domestic exchanges
of the .country. -
gr.elYmpber--Three.-lite-sp - et Welrem
:Lir to make the "Yellow boys" . run up- the:Mis
tassippi—to "peep out through the Interstices of
-tile long. silken purses," and to "set the' three
branch mints at york," so as to"- alioliAti bank
rags before the . first nine. mulititi of tlie . ,acln - nnii.-
(ration of the author of the' letter to Sherrod
Williams!" • •
1117iirimea Number Four -The new Treasu
ry 13:ink,.to hO.:callect "the-, divbrceirrient'of Bank
and Mate-., - 7 •• • •
To these we will add the Fifth end last experi
ment, 14- the people; : —The expol4ioir of - Martin
Von Boren fcarn tlte,ktsecutive dini,tr. •
• ••
• , ,
• - .
„..., ~ .
Agreeably to tv.rt.'einninenclation of the nti.
Masimie Senatorial Conferees,the neople of
senatorial' district, 'composet of the Counties of
Cumberland,. Ftai.kllin and Adams, are requested
to assemble in publiemeeting at the house of
Robert Goeltra A n iti the borough of Shippensluirg
, ...
On of'i3opternbor,
iriat., at - 2 - o'clocklirthira.froittiOn of mud tidy, fo
deliberate on the various quesiinnir, on .which the
electiop's this titirwill,turn: - l'he citizehs
counties without regard 'to parties"are
attend. , • ', .THOUSAND. L:
• ' Seftem66.-19th0837i
-7- --- .". - • ..q -- = -- - ----- -=' , "" MUM
on it are all hien in 'Whom we can safe',
At the , head stands CHARLES B.
PENROSE, for the State Senate,_Av •
r-e - ame - fortintrtime 'of need and saved our .
statelFum Att - t - et! ruin. Wiieti thee was
an attempt ; made by the General-GoYern
nrie to : )
-prOstrate all our. .mariufactorieS
aqi agrcUlture, from which we - derive
01-sources of wealth, Ite•eame.forth. with
dlrliii inthlencO, elogneitee and energy, ,
and - saved : our strite • from: ruin : -' We-had
'just erherged from -ottscurity. Our Iron:.
and Coal had juitt.ofiened to view r ,-ortt
mattufaeforieS , Just'started---oni. .-publici
rail roads and canalsjusmadelit great ex 7
•peAse—otir-ailltelox very heavy; but Mens
al! ?t,ronniaing fitir; a_ beititutul-, prostiect ,
,Was before ui,,••The sound of the, forge hatniner was heard, •the spinning jennies'
• veee whiizings•,the Shuttle wasllying, the
happy farther Was singing ..,at his 'now:
all 'were. e . niplOyed and 'paid:loch
. .oor
General Government Treasury Was Ovei•
flowing, ov.ery industrious man was he
dorhingithe owner or a pie-WofTlar)d _ _
ii - neat,dwetling thereon,' where he could
rec!ipevi.fien the tod..and , : heatot the day
was.. over , : under We .ckin .
~ , , _
ee '• Woos ..ot
•.. . ,
Vbr•Q4 - sicrittortir wHeriuti Vr/Patittor.
' . ..FEttow OL,TIzt ris - .Beinmelected.itT,
the Demogratic•AntimasOnie' convention
of: .04Mberland county, address you - .on,
the subject of the approaching election,' we
- beg.leaveto subniit- the folloWink. - , We
..htivitigheen . long laboring together in.the
Political' field, andheingslacquainted,With
rnank..Of-you. ,- --- and..Yott,with . us, you will
not expect that fine - diction and-b - eauty of
scholars ) flip, as if. this address . emenated
frOrn sof ne. of the. imareleitrned r
'nit:nag:We give you our Sentiments.,
in our . o• ,n unvarnished - Style'and_WO
ceiity . of heart.- .
,•• .
In-accardattee With:otir.'intotto, ".PERSE.
-I ,r,r.itANc.,"..We 'mire adh ered to our prin
ciples, and .onteiide'cl for the reihac:y
of the some
, more cap
tious, adviied tts td.cesee from ouroPpio
itin-tia--setret- societies; through_
a dread
of their violence.' But, being the offspring
of- those Airave•hearted men who planted .
,the tree'of liberty
„id our land, we were
'riot to be turned aside • fiord warring,with
that Whiciv we Conside'r - ed dangerous to'
liberty.. On the ~i tli-d'ay.of June,- 186,.n
-niasonit orator nanieTßrainard, delivered:
in-ora,ticin`in cOnnectiCiii", in which he ti the following boastitillanguagek .
' What is, ? It is. power•
comprises -men' of - 1. - atilt; wealth,
Office and talent, itr power & out of ,power,
and that tooalmost every place .Where
power is of any. importance—and it com
prises atiuing the other clasSes
community to the lowest; inlarge
.bers, & capable of being:out EcTirTfiy- the
-efforts.ut_others, so a-s to bave'the-.Frfircit
w-Lotti.D;Latitl they are-distribUted toojfitli-
Abe means of knowing / one another; and
the :means of keeping
_secret, and the
means - of co.opet ming to the sacre d-desk,
in the Legislative Hall; on the,hench, in
every gathefingiof - men of businal7--in
eVerY party of pleasure, in every..enter
prize of covernment i in ev.ery.domestie
circle, in peace and - in,war,"among its ene
mies and friends -in one place as well as
Another; powerful indeed, is at this
time, that it fears - nothing, from' violence,
either public or '• every
means - to learn it-in season, to counteract,
defeat, and PIJNISH is ion late to,talit
of.the Propriety of . Lou . nteractiiig,o(sup;
pressing masonry,- - afier theLtinne:to,do-so
liag gonet4Y - . -7 or basLthe world
roust it is,
,think' of it, laugh
it,:hate it - or depise it. Still it is not only !
;What I have told you; but it will.O'ontinne
io be, and the whole
.world in arms cannot
It was 'after-such : ibravado was ut terecl
by the, advocates of the, order, - arid afte:r
the trligic - scenei_ in the 'western part of
.w terminated-iti-the-dpith,
rneled , fve-eirt-en-of-Anveriel-aroOse(l7l9the
danget;'or fostering such an in.stittirion.
Siice then .many contests have been
waged. - We, met the enemy on all oc
citsions in .open conribat,"aiiil though pow
.erfutin subterfu7o 'it Was forced to give
way. . Is is with : grateful hearts .we can
say,that in this contest we have been:
backed and encouraged by many good
and honest men, who-in youth had been
led iiuo its alluring grasp. We can'say
to'stich men ; rckyoo..w_c_owemuch, very
Much; 'fOreVen aithe risk of .repiittitiOn,
prpperty, and life itself ; you came forth to
\lle rescue'!'_ ..'• ' - 1
S - Many will ask you,."Whatis the use,of
oppositibii 46 secret societies natv-inu
sonry is dead afil._gcine; .give it up! '—
"Alt, felicity citizens, listen not to the Syren
song, intended to lull you to Sleep. He
who tells you so, •is an enemy. Ile is
either. devoted . to the Lodge ' for promo
tion, _ clingS spit ,from his. Obligatioils, or
is hired as a lack to carry their
_They will prey upon the unwary—saying
'they .ai'e neither Masons, nor' AntimaSons.
I But beWare . Of such 'Wolves: in sheep's
clothing, they' are' only, seeking whom'
they may devour. In i primary meetings
the .: . ps2ple sent,..delegates to a , County.
Ccinventionlor the pu r pose of aomincting
candidates, to lie vdted , for by the freemen
.this county and- district at
the ensuing election, and. nominated can
didates fdi the' different offices, worthy
the support of, freemen, acid it we are true
•to our country, its , free. institutions, and
ourselves„ . the whole Will-be triumphantly
elected,-by-the-votes'of freemen, who go
forth•determined to preserve the glorious
legacy, purchased by the blood and toil df
our tire fat berg; arid hricled 'down td us to
. t re
the descendants - Cf,t . he. brave ye_orivaar'y_
who repelled -British . oppressionfrom our
NO. And now when our rulers lay hold
of, the sword .and the peojileis, money, and
thtis to-force us'into subjection, by a set
'of men 'cow •at the" Inad of th.eA.;eneraf
Government whO . :unbliighingly Say „that
men are happier when . %slaves ,thaii when
free, me -.say-,:td-all - vvho love liberty bet--
ter than glaiery,-coMe to the polls—brand
ish your tickets in the breeze, dete . rmined
ori-victory, and .vote the Democratic - A - rift=
masonic ticket.. The candidate's- named
. .
a :virtuous and -happy:- family...
--- But- alas;
the 'Spoiler came; eve became the envy — c&
ttiroperin.. martUfaetdrera. •,.The General
Goirernmerit Intide.war.upifin ourourrericy:.
The .
,prop . .and' stay-of: the 4ntOrpriiing,
ititiainitfacttirer was,.knocked
„from under.
'him; the eitilitdired. was 'arrayed.. against
his employer; Mir4peCie:eitherldelted up
- Ors - hipped: off by. , the.:,G,erieral
. .Govern,
meat, and. that nearly barertipti \ our cOm...
wiere - e - lesiened; the Merchan,t and manu!..-
4urer ruined; the :agricultural prOducts,
from whielf the resobrces•of t liii - itate , are
principally-derieed,_annitillitte4ciur_st :
plunged into debt by tile lavish -expen
ditures dtiringthe. administration' of. Gov.
Wolf . ; Many of . wlios'e minions • 'have de,.,
,:.etun . ed.:with their, ill:gotten' gain,leaVing
the oar laborer unpaid; taxation upon
tax lion levied -05.1teep•uP this hoard of•
sguandererst_:.:.our._ great _emp.ortuol.,..__the.
cit . y:of Philadelphia, heretofore the centre
of the domebtie eiChanges of the country,
.was ' abOut to loose a large arnount.of ac
live, capital. ',At a crisis such as thisthe
gentlerriart justnamed boldly stepped for t
ward, and .patriotically braved the load of
: vituperation:and Which he was threaeetied
with, to rescue the.state from ruin. Aided
. 141...
Penrose and a hand r Narks s and
s 4
Worthy men Governor Ritner,it'iless than
two Years, has, the•taxesl•kticlr,
were placed upon the people-by.:,Geojte
W'olf's Administration,' and prosecuted
the umprovemnts of the statelm cttqn
creasing our debts., LeCtis here' remark,
that the forecast of Mir patriotic Governor
in vetoin .the,uit
large improvement bill or
last se cs i, hasTortately - s — attedthe state'
71rorn.b ng plunged into the, grect:el — ds if. 7.1
fieulties and leave - Qin treasury' fuhnd
- Ithfe - to - nieet=the - demands upon-it
any•trouble. . What-a ciatitrast our state
Preset - its Under the fostering hand of 'dur
•FARMEIt GOVERNO___R„ - compared with
.e4iit of tile qeneral Governirient, • whiai,
- Ts now . nearly; if not altoget her, bankrupt,
and—compelled to issue I'M-UN
-11:12`i in.orderto meet.its iogagernents:r
and utterly iniable to meet
_the. require
ments of the law. whkb required it to de-,
poSite with the - States-neitrl9.teti• Millions '
on•the.•fifii of Octeber neitn '-; -
• •. - .Alo - fig with Mr. Penrose you Ita•Ve Jacob ,
Cas.sat of Adams county, xinani or' .ster , -.
-hog integrity,'r'lntli:otte'Who - May . be ;tle.-_
plmded up mein the greatest ..e n er - ency.
• Fur Assetibly`We have .loh4 Coo r, I
of Mechanicsburg; 'ti add Dav i d S.llithsfirt„,i
men. lio.appi:ove .of
.the independent andi
[manly course pursuctl,by josepli . Ritter,
im saving :tbe . staie :from so `Much evil:
But who. opposes., Joseph : _RithelO.
:Valiant . - R.- GurgasLlAnd,, Ja»rear.q:Vood- ,
t)utt,"" whose
.. whole phrty are in faior of
taxation, hoping thereby. to create inure
offices for the - faithNl ':to :riitt on the hard.
:earnin g s' tir - the — sweat - Cif - - - tlre — litiithrr — eri'-
- 14ro ws - 11re nei. : 4 - ST . , :riitTrlinq- tuore:'A
choice is made by all liotiest-Men;Land-rill
...trask is that-rue day maybe devoted to'
the Itfectiori, and 'bring yottr . neighbor .
Witli -- yea, .that - yOtt , once- - more • may go
home with ymir rightS preserved. We
Iliave an easy way-to redress our wrotidl
coinpared . with whit ur forefathers hiitk
yes, they . bot!glit us the ight to vofe,'antl
why not_exercise,it. Wehtriow there is
a large majority in our county' willing to
save our. country, .and we. earnestly' urge
thers,tb the Poll's. Since thegood' wlirk
Ig - lrgurt - , - StreliTtiiit !7 -the rest has spoken
in a vtii ett tlit is well understood; and the
east has come Up to' the rescue. Let Us
not faulter. _ . - • ,
..._Weinost ant loose.sight,of our county
-officers. 'We want a Commissioner, and
James EclOes liaS beefi nominated. Re is
-a mechanic; who` - by his oWn industry,
„care, and virtue,, has raised. himself up to
a standing ins society surpassed by. no man..
sm m deer e
His honesty, frugality - a id . good , senge
alifyld it a high . for the office. k i .
'But he-needs no•plauditS roM them 'that
knoW him', and We have scarce a doubt of
his being
,elected: . -''
The Director of the Nor is' an . office
of riluell troitble - and — lift - le . priifit, andlf,
is net :•ssrisy that Mils: Director should live
near the. Poor House: ?Dui% candidate,
Ulricii'Strickfer, li ves on the . , ad joini it g
,He is.a fine. far Mer, moral, liu
mane-. and 'virtuous, well worthy of ou:,
support. The. -whole - ticket being select
ed frorri the best men in the. county,. We
caii,tVith confidence..urg6 our felloW eiti- ,
- zens'to - the Polli; - to — b - ailikV their free
:sulkages . : .. oh it ; and prosperity . will mice,
more be seen. perched on-the republican
.banner, and the sentinel oh the watch
tower cry "All's well",- , Come up - boldly ,
-46 the rescue. As,,,the SHINPLASTER,.
horror .
PARTY are already stricke n, their
defeat is certain. If wii.lsell our vote
to its fullest height; env ;majority will lie
. .
overwhelming: ......„
We have written in tfieilicity Of
sincere republicans. Our wishis that all
lof us may Ire tr' ourselves, true to our
country,-an a l - manfully come to the polls
ait — t - fr_escUe i iiriserve, lif 13-U irrdtfettd
-1 and perpetuate Liberty- .and •equality,
s' much esteem We-sub-
mit to you this - address, and' beg leave•to
.subscribe nth-selves...your eititizeOs
with our best wishes, &c: •
• 31'41. Itcoecived.. , •
Port Sicily Itiadeira, Sweet and s - tipe
vier Li'sbon and Teneriffe
G. W. CR7A.1313;
Sept. - 2.5, . • '
• Estate,of Christian Coover, deceased
, • .•,
•y • ETTEitS o f u(Linitiiptratiout t!prm, the estate
,n df elwistion,Coner;late 61 . 1).ckinsmi town
.8144 Clumbe - lanci•CMllll3t:AlicetiSell; nise issued
in due form of law toilie'lihscrilki.r. teal ding ct
The farm tiir iiiki r traecense,r,7l, .an,d townsinp
pei'sons having claims - estate will
preSentflitm, and Ocoee, hidetiteclAvill make pay.'
rnetitto • .
Sept. 25, 1E97,--
• .0 - Wang.
• - .
On t a - dayififr evenirm - last,— by; the.
GeorgdG.'cook.ma_ I n Mr. Jon.N McEt.ivE,
of:Tairgr town to Miss* ELizABETB.-DAR._
LING:rOk, of - . York . .
• At his,residence in Mifflin township, on the
26111- of. August last, 'Mr. JAcOn lion, sear. in
.the 69th year of his age,.• Mt. High's character
was such *in for -him the good opinion anti
respect droll whO knew him •
The large atlendadco at--his funeral. gave evi
dence Of :the feelings of his neighbors - and ac
' cluaintalleda,'Whci there assembred to Fair their_ ast
tribute of ,respect to one whom they. honored
'while 'Mug, antine memory they tespecta
'when dead.
. His cleanse was pulrkidriery from the effects of
which he suffered Much, but-Withdut murmuring
dr complaining..
• !CM. Friday the : lst irist.; WILLIAsi
spit of Mr. ithilioinvr, of 'Moutee - toVvhship;
aged 16 years 11 Months end 14 dayi. The de
ceased was a lad of much promise,, and was be
loved and reve.cledliiiill'who krieW him.
WhereaS some malicious persorimr per'
sons;-last night or this nibriting, - _placed ob;
structions on the tractof the Cumberland.
Valley Rai.' ROad hear the Water Station,
west of MechaniCsburg; with the-Talpable
design - of throWing the, Locomotive Engine
off of the — fracki dnd therebftestroying the
Lives. of the Passenger's, and 'injuring the
property of the Company— Now.., be it
known that. the above Reward will be paid
for - the-detection and conviction of any p'er 7
Sonengaged in the ab ove. villainous attempt.
The same amount is. offered to' any one
who villan - future detect and convict - any
person guility of a similar offence against the
COMpatiy and the
;September 25, 1837.
Orphans' Cciuii Sale.
In pursuance ohm 'order of the Orphans' Court
'of Cumberland - .County, If will expbse Aft Sale - by
public . vendue, or outcry, on Friday the 20th, Oc
tober next, at. I 2 - o'clock M. of said day;- on the
premises,, the following prepertrof.the -heirs of
Joseph Knox deceased, viz. a lot - of grountl*tm ,
ate. On the.Noi•th •Side of 1 17 Oniffret street, e
borough of Carlisle, bounded'on. the South by
Pomfret street, on the Eist by a lot of the heirs-of
John Delaney Esq. deceased , - North - - by an .ally;
:and West by lot orJOIM Main, together With
all the buildinga-tlitreon erected Terms made
tat Wif. - tlie - (F.if. - Of safe. - •
- -'.MARY IL KNOX . ,
• .ddiiiiiildrulrix JiLseph Kr . zox, deCV:
Carlisle, Sept. 8,,1'837. - . - •
b 1 i'c Sal o•
- 11E - itulyscribef• 9 — eXecutor - of
_the lastwill
and testament of-Samuel Roby, Esq; late. of
East Pennt,borough • township, ..,Cifinlierland.
county; deceasq, expose :to poblic'salc,
the following, real .egfatO, to wit:—On, the:
'pretniseit, on Friday-the MU clay Of Octohor
next, at 10 ii'Elnck in'the . fo - reitoon; in Silver
Spring township, ahout• twtj . :.miles 'from
fingtietonn, one farm of Excellent _
red a two story
Stone thrtrellnig - a6lise,
a-born and other out. houses, adjoining lan( 9
Pyfer 'Ebefly,.:Elizabetit Albright,- and
John I-Jarman, in sight of tlie_Cutioduiptionet
creek. •
. -ALSO—Two lots of ground, situate. in
Hoguestown, marked in .the additional plan
of said town, N05..1 and-14,,
ALSO—One other-tract of land, situate in
Rye township, Perry County, adjoining lands
of Solomon Fenniklc, - r.White, and others,
containing : about „
thereon is croeted a two storyclw . elllng house,
and ot hs; btiilding,s,..w s!litht
. ALSO—One 'other tract' of timber . land,
situate - in Rye township,' Perry county ad
joining: lands -- of• George 'Kline and others,
containing 100 'Agres:-.'• " • • • . ..
ALSO—One - tract of timir - land,- - situate .
in Greenwiiiar tolship, Perry. cininv, ad
joining landi the snittisitle . nf Lick Rdn,
..ALSG—One-4)tlier. tract. .or
situate . in . Rye township, Perry county, con
taining 150:Acres. . • • . -
ALSO—One 'tither tract of - timber -land,
situate in Greenwood township, Perrv-coun
tv,: adjoining on the north .side of Buffaloe
Hill, containing . 300 Acres.
ALSO-About 100 bashels of corn,. by the.
bushel: • • •
. A . i . a4iliince will be given and.terms made
known on'the day of sale by -
. pf &mud Ruby,..decW.
E. Vepti;tietro'\towb , lliip,z
• Sept. 25, 1837.—t5. • S •
1001 -g ALE.
• . -. • •
l A .V a ti a bria — r i- a - r
VITILLJ).e-sold,n . t public .yenque, on Satur
day`-the 14th day of October ; 1837, on
the premises, that yalualile tract of land, site •
ate in Allevt9wnsliip,.ciimberfand cnyrity,
Prr: . two miles South east of Keciaresburg,
joinink , lands of Daniel Floiler,- : John Slieely,
and at ii,et*containing ; . • ', •
• • 3 e'a U - 111 1 Z - a •
of Patented land, mprc'or less.. The-Soil-is
Limestone of an excellent- quality; and -in a
good state. of Cultivation.: About 120 acres
are cleared, and the ktlance. , in goad thriving
.timber...,...oa the larirt,ls„an-e`xcellent------..
Apple Orchard,
The i mprovements ate a large DOublesiiine,
the A, , hole length of the building ; a tiOo story
stpne Spring "house - ; a:smoke house, and
Imick dry house.' An excellent building used
as.`a..4Vagon in a 's shop; 6,,large, jpg Barn.
.With a wagoit shed attached,-nnd a stonellog'
pen. There:are three wellsaf watertonv6- .
lent to said building , whiph yield an,abundant
supply of water, at a depth. of but'l3; 20 and
"25 feet below the Surface,•
• The farm is unclettood fencesi.alargeparP
thereof being:post and rail.: • 'This
in an excellent , Settlement E ancl prAgesses nuri
merous ady.ontagei: fol' . nictrlteti_lor . the sale
of produee , within • 2; niiles of the - depot,
bf the Ottuberiatul Valley Rail• Road; ‘yhieh '
promis,ei tei.creatc a hirge demand fiw pro
, 'Any . ', person desirotiS' of viOvini: the farm;
eat! .upon. eit h er Of the suliieriliers, - . the
one living ori - th e iirkaiiki,•iiKr the other 44-
joining. them:
Sale to commence at 1 n'clock,.:l ) ..M;'; when
.atiendance, .will be bider and ter ns of :Sale
'. • . • - -"
- osep Sollen4emet, .
Mobler, ,
t ft: 25, .1,811%,-4wi10....
Ite•community, • •
Chief .Engineer.
aoc 41.0.1"4°'
---. 7. - 7 : - . von ociiiini T tir. ' ' -
-___.-.SEND 1 7 .0U11. pIiDERS EASLY;
crTAL $39,000!!!!.
rginia,Stale . LOiteiy.,.
Far:the, benefit of the Mon - nngalia AcademY,
. , CLASS, No. 7, for 1837. ,
-Te be drawn. at Alexandria, Va...-4in Satur
. day, Oct. 14,.1837. *• ‘•
; -Grand' Capita.) Prizei:
mourilops.-•—io,000 dolls.-6;000-5,000-
4,000-2,500-2;00# #olllys-25'of 1000-25
r rOO-- ; 2: prizes o 30T)
dollars, 6tc. -
Tickers slo—Half ss—Quarter $2 50!
Cer. of Packages of 25 • W. Tickets 130 dolls
do do 25 Half do 65 dolls
do do 25 Q , lo' - 32 50
Capital prize $4lO 006.
150 prizes of 1,000 dollars!!
For the benefit of the Mechanical Ilenevolent
Soclet3i Of folk.
ctAss No. 8, for 1857.
To be drawn. at Alexandria - Va. on satur
o day, the 21st of October, 1837. ,
- $lO 3 OOO
4;000—,3,000-1,240-5 0f1.500-5 of 1,20 Q
—l5O prizes of 1;000=44 of 100-64 of 90
dollars, '
Tickets sl.o, halves and quarters in propor
, ,
.r. ofpckages of 25 Whole Tickets $l4O.
-- do do 23 Half do .70
'do do 25 Quarter' do 35
. - 7.1n - ril z. 430.000
ienefit of the Town -of Wellsburg.
C.LASS : I4D 7, for 1837. . •
. .
TO:bedrkwn at Alexandria, Va;•On:Saitir
, lay, Oct: 28, 1837'.. •
000-4; 000-3,000,..2;165- 25 prizeg cifl,ooo
50 of 505.:-.-50 of 200-83"4 1"50
,Ticket§:lo . doilars, shaygs inprOpottion.
of 2.5 - -W. TiclOts_.sl3o_
I: do do .25,1 - falf-. do 65
do . 2A7Qr. do - 32 - 50
.0770rders fortitickefs and-shares of certi
'cares of- viCkages the aboVe magnificent
scheme,. will receive . the most, prompt- at
-tention, and airrifficiaraetrimicaeach draw.-
im; ntinljunsalial&lYAtfsgrii
- order from us-. i-Vddre9s • --
1). S.-GREGOR.rfI- Cu; ..21finiagers.:-
li:teskingfpn_City, C.
.. 6 ) - ept: 16, 1E37:
ALL-pe'rsons indebt6.l to the.-estate-of-Samuel
'Ruby, late of Eiist PeinisborrongbW
tonship, Crime
berland county, deceased, are recptotedAtunake:
pyyment:ooor - befOre thei - first-Alay of November
next, to the subscriber, residing in the , township
atbresaid-; and those liaving claims against- said_
catate will present them duly autheutical.d fur
r^~ rr ~.~ ` 1~ . . n- `a
‘Tipu• are` ortleredl
parade arthiC Com
Douse in •the 13.trOtigl
of Carlisle; 'O . ll SATU
DAY the. 14th day
,October next, at TE:
o'clock in,the forenom
with arms and accoutrt
ment 4 .in
„nod. order
vith.. Oitte pants, am
:napsackg, with at feat
me - blankctf& - rAt r ite -- Pqn
If blue pantaloons,
13y order, Inc,
'.I.•K,LT.L . Y, 0. S..
N. B. general turn Mitt is requested, as busi-,
ness of importance will-tie laid-•before the cam-
C - Arlisle, Sept. 2-4•1837
AtteiiitiartArtillery 1
- You are- ordered to parade on your
-v.,., usual ground on • finturdar the 5.44411 day
- of October neSt o , at 10 o'clock, A.- M.
r 'Situtneini . ri,ars andaccoutri
lentsiii g ulorltr.
, .t i - ns , ordel', u r f
E. M, ill1)1)1.F., Cdptain:
I R. A. *MLR, 0. S. --,- '-
-0- • Carlisle, Svpt.. p 5, 1937.
~ - .
First Battalion, Curnherlattd Volimleers,
will parade •in the Centre Square, in 'the
borough of CarliXle, no Saturday the 14th day Of
October next, at 10 o'clock•in the forenopm, iii
s pAgq.7, 4,uN yortA. acOttutre
!rietitOn'gnod order. ' 3 • •
By, order of-Liont. Col. W. 1 , OU1;1\B.- . •
• WM. B. 51UltitAY. Adjutant:
First itegitstent VOltinteers,
ttt Springfield; on Tuesday the
47111.of.Mtober ifext„ '(in Ammer kinitbrin)
pletelrequipt tty_lo o'clock, A. M. _
• , . , 'JOHN. 1411$0; Adj't.- --
September 25, 1837.
, -Will be : expOsed to nblic sale On the,Pre
misvi on 'l:hursdt;y 6th October next,
a tract • Of Land situate i Frank ford Town•
shipi, bounded by lands. of John . Ernest; Geo.
holder. and others, containing one htitylred
oa'rtf(k:aeven-tficres,,;,niore. or less; of Slate
Land, about 100 aorta oll,vliiclf ate cleared
amfiai cei - d7firie7P,;and . or - which'iabout
twenty_ acres -are meadow. improve- '
inents fit'e a Log
at pple,Orchaid, with other' fruit trees;
and an excellent Well Of.'ivater
it it; fel. 'grazing,
having a-atream of water running through it.
of sale will he • one-third :of
the purchase money to remain in the hands
Of • tie purchaser. doting • the life
.nt: the
'widow„th'e interest of which to be - paid . to
'her, and one hundred , dollars; payable on they
conftrinatioii' of4lle. ale;.one - haff.sof .t be.
.residue of the put':::liaS'e Money. fist
of : April, - 1838, when posseiriiincwill..he de:
livered, .and ilte balance hi, One year there- . I
frOm, without interest.: • '
- .4dntintstra,or 9.17, .04 CiTM, deed.
' •
ilaximegl Wanted
, .
Otte Ihindre d Bitshels et elea9 Flaiseed- wan
ed at thkstiire tf the SubsCriber in , South Ilano•
. .
ver. Street. , „
Carlisle. Sept. fq,.. IV%
00. prizes o 200
IT~ tTIJP~':..: ..
PUBLIC • 8,51. CE OF
. •
I3y virtue nit - order of - the, Chfiltans' - •
Court. of "Ctimb'etland he* . •
posetl—tA -
Sattirday the 4th day of
~November' next,
A. 0138 P. •• AND —.1.0 ' , OF' GROUX.M •
.. • •• •
canto - Ming ttvo - , -- tio`.e.F.; - SittrateltrS;Mitlatetioic,77 -
township, on . t e, Sfisifig Phad, agouti,
rotir milesbelaw CarliAe. There is, tdsttitsta4lo, .%
V . y, premises.. Terms:of sale: oneihalt on-they
confirmation ()film sale' and the ; reshlue ih two -
annual payments without interest, ,
• • JOS EPE' CULVER; Guard'o t .
of du: ininor children of Johaihcin iteein '
Carlisle; Sept. 48,1037: • 7. •
• •
DrOtiPe• • •
I POk the application ql?4vid S.
. f2unslit~~
AdrnirA•triqor of the esiiie6rWilliam
VV,. Clark, late r,f - Southanititon townich!jh
Cu mt.;rland •ebitttfir.; tlett:a keit -the:grphatts,"
C oftaitl' eetfnty.have s ail:liointe'd,the ‘ .uti• •
itersigned Ancliforts- to, .iethe
rates.and proptirti,ooi ort t)e..,siet of the stud
estate, to_antt dniong.tlr 'lrespeeflve Credi
to6, atotting,tb the tailMf,egtablished by
law. The - ,pntler.OgnottAuditors - .will"meetat
the ltouiptof heel) Engle; Initketipe6.,Ship,
pen Om rg;on, Wedpestlay the:lloE Otto-
ber next, 4.lo•o'leltiek; A. w,hen, all pora,
- sonwint4eiteOlr)iy4ti r etid •
;S:LITUBL;'IrI r Ritfit'
, .
~_ ..
I ~.d.likrth§l 'C OV iI.T. § It. • • :
I• . In r pursuance of an br i der Of - the
.. rph4ns'
~ Court of cumberlatid 'f.cainty;'ther. will bell • •
• exposed to politic salecri Thursday Vte 12tli. . .
October-next.. the folloWing, deserlbytd.± . ,p_ro. -.
petty,- viz:- 7 A . Plantation Cir :, ,• . _ " .
. •• , IPrait• of Land; ••.„ •, :, --- -
_.. .
situate. in_Sili,er_Spring„tiaWnship. tuMbeel
land county', ope half mile frekra- Xreider * s.
• Mill, between' Carlisle - and. Harrisburg, act
;joining lanais cf o,eotge. M'Hoes,. 'Georgoi
Battoif, James Greason; theheirs of Wm. _,,,_.
Cleadenin and others containing l -- • •: .. '
' . c' • 26'2 ACREW '' -
more or - less, ' of
_Slate and. Lirheatone . land ' •
150, acres of which. is-clearecl. A and in good
i - - .
-state of cultivation. '' The inprovementtl ' •
. . . .
_ apt _D, QUBLE 'STONE -',.-: , ~.
01 :ii h .'? '.'• ' . -... . ,-, --; '-- ..1 .7 .'" .-
, • •
Two'Double *Log , Habig, a Spring Holise' =7
and other; tint itouses. 'fliere tut several '•
springs .on the farm„ and, a small streani
- passing - through'i it; 64,de11e a t
.. ,
.. . .
. • - - AP, liob .- WORt E lri - A111). . -- ' .
. .
Anyverion wishing to view. the premises; ,
-will Call-141mi - „eith er - Ort he ';intiscribersi-Or - 77
Johiir Armstrong, on' -• ".
• TEgm,S.,- . .Three Ittintired dollars' f tirq.
purchase' Money-to be paid on the confirma l
Lion of -the sale, and the one-half of,. the
resigne r on the first-Of April, - -1538, and.'thq" ~ .
balantein two eqUal anticial payrriiiits; with-
out interest',- - • ''', . --' - '-'-' '' "
.• . :-.' - ROSS LAWBERTON, • •
' • - ••- t• .. J.IIIIES GREASON, , • '!
. • ig i d4i ii i:siralorN of &Nue! Waugh, do'd.
-- 78 - etit. . 8,"10.57:* : ••. • - '- •
...__.‘...4_;_. .
.• .
- Y--an order - of Orphans' Courtpf-Cuin
land county, 1 Will 'espose
, 14-14vitr-se.y the-26-th4lay-uf Octoksei•
on the : premiSCE. a tract of first rate' ' • • .
situate about one 'mile west . tf . Mechanics :
6itg. in Silver Spring!. township; Containing.
..about 3O Acres; more or less,••boundM by ,
lands of Jolin•araLlicob Moyer, George,S:d.
lor 2 s SPoUsle,r, - George titippi
and - others„ aliolitloliFatia - iiriiihreli is cur.... •
• ' _ • . 24123
and the residlie is encloSed with — extclienf--
fences.: 1 Tice itiiproyements-area two story
Log -
Maim • 17q-oii — Sheds, - C9rn Cibs, ,
A first rate Atple Orebit'd, and, a well of -
good water. . - '_rhe - propeTtYi - SiieTfrtb - efilii-:
- d!e - Spri - rießnalTeiglit
nitles from Carl~ti e,
nine from liarrlsbni.g, and half-a..mile . from
,the Cumberland Valley Rail Road
Terms. Made known cm clay
Sept_ 18;71837,
-The subscribers begleave-riiiisereqectful:,
• y,t-ii4i- r , orni4-thi:iitizens:tifeartislc_dutl •
itv, that they have taken'the corner room oti
Main Street, immediately opposite,
Aughinbaugh's' where . ---they. intend •
carrying- on.'the above- business - in all- its-z.
branches.' trein their: long__exprience in • •
Airiest of .the cities, they flat ter,-th ernselveS -
that thc:y will be able - to render general - sat
i,Erction to those who may:favor.thern..w,itii,a
call: They therefOre solicit a portion of the .
publib patronage. •
C3AfITIN 8c SKILES:'' : •
• Carlisle, Sept. 15, 1837.-tf.
respectfully decline
)eing consieltreo a candidate for tluit.§lleriff
a.lty at the ensuing election: I return my
incere thanks
-to my friends for the exertionfi
they have made, and.feel disposed. to Make
Jniny behalf; but circumstances not v)eces-•
sar . y . to -mention incluceArie tqlvithdraw.,My.
, WILLI.4III GQlll,n
rartsir, &pt. 18, 1837.
Late of Administration de bohie nn
the Estate * John lieck,.late of the liortno) .
(415.11ippenstintz, deceased have issued in chic
form of law' tollre subscriber. All p'crsori
baying' claims against the said .Estate, %Al
Iziestmt them duly authenticated; and tlio s e
indebted will •make 1)411 - kilt to the subscri.;
her residing in Saiscriber.
J.OilisT L- C - 11-ESSI4V
• Admin;sti'dtor:
Scp(!iliber is, 1837.-6 t
By (111 order of the Orphans court of Cuniher r ,.
laud County.-.there wiU be exposed sale
' on the preniises,•on Thursday the 26th day MALL,
tuber next,- S tract of land in Itlifilin - Town,l4;
Cum berlancl Ctamfv, ,bounded by, lands r , or Ulu.;
Failure,,and,Jarnes Purdy.and Johitillekes, con;,
taming one hu,ndred . tind twentY-eight,4res, morn
or_ks9 Jitiout,E.o_acreaar_w.hieli- are-- dieared
cultivated, and the , residue -_,covered with, ttrott •
tinabo., The improvements are a
Log floiase, Loo-ilaria
Two Apple orchards,- anifan exe c litrii
Fens made known on•the day of sale. • ••
. • .12131 ES PURDY Sen'r.
• dldner of Williarri Purdy
Carlisle, Sept. 18;1837.