CZ : . • tr. trk4Tre , miry. I • ..By tbe report of the 9 retary 1, the Treasury, lt appears that .ilna present .adminoti:ation-or the general government has brought the publiepurse '. into &very consumptive . condition. 'Frain a state , of 'fulneas and ,healthful abundance, it has fallen . , • Sway,. undee the aUperintend'enee of our eeono-, , • co "finical rulers to gomething-very osidetablyless than a shadow. • • • The Secretary estimates the receipts into the :Treasury for the current year, in round numbers, at - about twenty millidns of dollpri,-and -the- pa•_ 7 iehdituies ht about ityriy•three sh6wing an : excess of e*pendes of nearly THIRTEEN MIL - - LlCHtki,--.4t-tbe-bekinniiiktolti;e fiocal yger there ••• was a balance in' the_ treasury . di nearli "scvc I?tis.r..serais,..which will not only be 'used up, but the'deur&y will have a debt olaboiit SIX MIL LIONS. '• • The Setietary says it.will be - necessa'ry to raise ten milliona for the s4port of the goyermeent, antl filyther says: , • • • • ../' In order', therefore, to discharge that (six millions;) end rettrin , of 'the money reserved t• he first of January,one Million.; which is the _ . smallest stun deemed . , proper„ under" the acts" of Congress, lbr the.elicient operptions of the Mint, ,and at least three or fohc millions more,. to anSiVer. :sudden and contingent calls, there will Oolnibly be a necessity to .resort.. to the drpoeits hold with: • 'the" 'Slateiiiond to the• inStalments destined fdi• • • them in October." _ ;••-•••••__.• you citizens of . Ou mherlsnd county, of bejing--callOUpori to plank up yotiOtare of TEN •MILLIONS to attiilYatC Mitto? • Pennsylvania cannot pay her sha're.Without : ton, and it 'Congressshould sanction this propo-' ' sal 01 IheSecretary, you Will - , : have to pay a tax \ three . timis _ as °Arcat as - the,oppressive.state-iax. Was, from which our patriotic Governor Joseph , ' .Ritner, relieved 'you . ; 'Those ..who are fond •of 7 'Mit - -.lileaTn . anetT7riixotiotti .- :iei 1 . r- AtiiinTsuppn 114 - ;.eenilidate - s — tir * Ilirit parti—but ~ .- ' ivgr trust tha - the days of our oppressors will be 1, inumbered by Winjured arid indlgyant-pe-ple., - . H would nein that the great object of bur Van Buren governmkt, t is to increase the profits of the - puplie offitier.s at the expense-of • the people. . gieat a - nkictr which has been shown by the. . . . , • different ' Washington to procure / A ingiashed for his intelligendei industry and dc specie, instead - of-the_ ordinary-eni iency' of the i votion to tliC duties of his . office. Mr. Penrose - , - cOuntry,arises from the fact that,the office hohlet's ' is far erably' 'known in his own district, not :only can obtain a large . hicrease to their salaries from as a useful and exemplary member of siacrets:as '''' the's - ale - Of - the kcild - dntsilver, in which - the - friend:of [lic - poorman and 'theenclitirager paid. Officers of the. glivernintnt who are re- of merit,. but he:- . .is known - throughout, the Corn . Ceiving their thousands in gold an d ` - silver, cao, I monwealth; - as:a statesman of splendid talents; of - • isithr. great calmne,i'i . ; look upon the distresses 'of ; enlightened views, sound ~p rinciples and 'corn ' the c ountry, and-sle w the destruction Which - they] ma nding'in flue nee. .A, a representative he i xis . . have.assisted to' create. They feel thatthe very I ever been a live to the interests of his. oonstitif , _ _„_______— _ sufferings of the community increase the profits , cots,- tindnever ,f,',led.tu caris3,-Iltroogl, the begis - 6fitielr office,---and without douhti.are opposed to l i :lattire'for thein any measure entinsted to Itis care,' 1.4 change. which would - depilve them-of the ten - -- Whicir_hii_influence energy. and . elocpience could . - ,per cent.•premittna which:they receive for their accoMplish. .ilis . •nan - re-is identified uith the gold and silver.. : ' f • .:s..r, . - Presideni Van 13uren, his' Secrete T ries, _Post- ' - h C.f. il-411aillly--iJuit rupili I ii ' 1.,111-1.) ri cigi lig-titks-gretv't masters and Clerks, have hnwheen enjoy ing tieirs work to a sneedv completion. • „__. - . Aare of tire pUbliC treasnre.ingOld and silver col- We t ia / A...ib l i .t t fr c ;77 reen . icn 6r ibis Senatorial lecteci from the people; to their great 'disadvan- / district will - quickly - choose - between the , two tage. The Se_c_retarY of the Troasnry-,LeviWood- I. ticket( , - bury, hoping to corritpt'Cofigress - by' glitter I - - of jold'has thrown out the gilded bait, and is wil ling that they should participate in the plunder of the Ontmonwealth. His bulletin to the• Clerk of the H use of Representatives, reads,as follows: 'Trt ASURY DPAIIT.IIIEIVT, Aug. 16, 1837. "Situ,- he near approach of the session of Congress makes properfdr int to apprize you, in order that the thiorrebtiontnay•be used , foi• the' benefit aanecOininodafion of the Members of the House of Reiiresentativet3,• that this department will be prepared to futnish funds fbr their payMent. • ' in specie." It is thus that the daily pay of a .meMber of :Congress is increased from eight to nearly nine- dollars per day. Why tliticlas of people should be Paid in money which they can sell at a high' premium, in' preference to other Creditors'of the government, the Secretary does not state. .111 - . - ctt,4 Duns who are In the employment 'of the kov-.. rnment are obliged to receive the hard•earned wages of their Ihbor in tiepreciatad rag money', 'but for the gentlemen men)* of Co : egress and :Other ..otTlee-holders - vvithilimh saffirfe . e, - nothinr, tut specie ,will suffice. The motto of the,Va'n Buren administration remarks a cotemporary, is— Gard and elin4,,:for the - office-holders—Shin plastira for the peloplel" The absolute folly and iingraelibility of the g'ov : ernment•plaft .6f an eritii•e metallic currency; is how sufficiently obVious to any man having the en first suggested, did remarkably well as aif electioneer ing expedient, but since' out': cUlers IMye attempted . . to carrYMe . project Into Practical opeiation,-the fallacy of the metiihrelliiif.become apparent. 'the governmini,- hiveior the present, abanddned.ihe., • Plak and have .become the fathiri of the inost• monstrous SHIN-PLASTER currency. that ever • . . . - _ `ll Isg ra c -this - country. Tuip:ATE "oi dollars are' to be *tied upon- the magi - Cation of I our liiird-money, democratic Preshlent ;Martin, • Vin Buren. This iiinglelact will for ever estab- Bah tlferso estion;-,-wlitreriPOSTllcegiiini - • paVy?_and . Martin Van Buren-must now be ac"- knowledged. to be the great leacleeof this RAG PARTY - ; -- • I Shia Plasters. t is . 4leA ky- quit e- ?pp s it! t o-Nir itness-t e-s e m y. ,which =some, Met) , can assume, ,When it , 1.140 their puiltdses: the late Van 'Buren tneeting held in the . dourt Mitise;:wc .One of !he indiiidea a appointed to draft testa. tionsyWriiia...,pertion yea_ amongst the first ig have altiti Plastertiprimed in his , ediately after the susperisien bf speeie payteenyi tile banks; yet we find' . . ' this,ltardmniney . 'detnociat, agreeing to b ring a : resolidien, Condemning the - iswe .of ,sych paper, 14die violation Of the dint Meeting. the. ~1111eappicival t h e democracy. ‘Vc aftekvards '" • hd theearne personage at a Van Duren meeting . .in Shippensburg, where he officiated as an - officer, Anil solemnly set his:-riame'to • a reaolutioni A in whiCh it was declared that-the issue of shin tera,tvle the result of a conspiracy between; "city =bands. bity bra era, city 7 Whi • gaXto-4.lefraud "the dear people, The opr .. .fellow should not have fieeit *Permitted thus to criminate himself ! but one instance in a Million,, of the insin terily inconaletencr of the Van Buren pa rty. _ _ V.11,1 - A T. TitT.o,4:_r:;_ this hitherto ileCided administrittfoif state,is elect., ed:bi it majority of ovei:1000 - votes. . Thiiiis a gain of more; than TEN TlOUSANp.voteks oee the'last gnbernatorial election.. PennayliniMansi• tomo - thotratill;(l . olikdivioe. t.THE SENATORS; • -• ,- -The 'Senatorial conferees r . o the Van ; Buren; loco fo'Coparty; met' at,Shippensburk; oa rriday last, and nominated Smith Mt. Kinney, of Cum ,birlandi arid -------'.llobeson;'Of dainti 'coup ty, candidatei for the Senate, oil theit:TirCka. '.lVe do not giiPpose that they'liave theMost're- ' mote. expectation of success, bgt mbrely wish to suake an exhibitien of their strength : Mr. Robeson . is a yOung man and is scarcely knbWnin hit 'Own county._ Ilere,_ not one man in a thousand ever 1 - • heard of him. This fact may be to his advantage, torstfte great difficulty With some of the candidates . on the's:lute ticket is that they are ton well known. • _lir,_3lcltinney_fs_knoWti rt — s - a.rnatt ‘YI o. has been for rnany_y•eara