Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 26, 1837, Image 2

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    Remembered; Freeniete
. .
, t hat the success of ‘ololesorare Const,hu=
&pal Reforms-a - the - Ourtailment of Corporate
Privileg‘—the restoration of a Sound Cur
theT-re eclom of -the Pres--:- - the pre- ,
of Equal Rights .arid.Publio
extinctiori of irresponsible-_money
Corporations—the 1 E , EL,SC.T.O.4 • OF
rHE. P.R,ESE:NP _TVO HY : 13 F.111C) : :
_ saAIC GOY:le 17,.
P OS . FRA'f'ION - 6 - 17
PtASTE-14 P-ARTi 7 :--and - laxplosion ofibel r
1 - ILlMBUGS" 7 'tictilurtiph of Repyl)liettic
• krintipies, and the
_ CENDENCy . 6FItB DEII , I6Fe R 77C
a. ? % , T.I 7 M4*OAPIC Pit RT,I r in. PenusVl
vania,-aswellasofsecuring the. election. of
Pattiot"FIAIWISON in. 18;10, are ques.
. 'Mons ivhick will be greatly'and deeply airep
ted regardstheitAihiniateAlecision
this is our Arm and deliberate opinion;•and
we. therefOre, for. the atlyitncement and . ' sqe
cess-of the, 'N'tte Pt inciples...and.•Measnres;
do now • -FLAO, I'o
MAST-=-where it- must remain until - it
S T ET 41;11 SONIC V. 4 A
9111 X Si'E Pil 7' k:L--
TION:i • ^ -
T- -- :e7Olessnsge':pf -
Op retprpiPg:the'rbill itniking':appi•npri4:
. .tions to tho I in t Systenit giving
his Treasons '•fdr ..raosing his signature
theietn. • . . - •
Po the,.S'peaker arid ntin.66l.s. of (ha liouss
- df I?vresentrithies:-:
•GEN'i'LtMEN: - 1. returOthe
"An act further to continue and itroinote
the intp - rovements of4lie State," • . "
I regret to be 01*(1 to withhold" - the
executive ppiliVation from — in - 11c t• h lel]
ifi Ito! ve4 -q a est ion:- o omit
Nothin; but a firm belief tligt the
----beq-interest . s of t . he Stlite ( - I,eialted
...... iiiiiiiiiiiiii
tectenee_is_inereaseillen "duty
the thsapprovat..ol_a,.hill. for.ctmtinuing
, the internal ireprovements' of the State.
Could, I believe that the measure was cal'-
. ...
tulated to hasten the completion and pro
.— tnoteTthe usefulhOs - Of :those.. workS,:
Would receive.niy satiction-withMtCrefer7,
tko to the Junolu -
ted.. _True ...economy_ qlabands - that - -the"
ftsain lines our canals and lrail wayE;, -
_how under,
s c,Ontract, or-partially . con-trite-
ted,. sbaliihe__p_uShed_nn_with..the _least.
dela osst y, to the points of their oni
- ginat declination. .But it seems to me
• that this calculated,
retard: their progress, by dissipatilig the
funds of the.Comtrionivealth upon ,a- great
variety of nbjects, which,'however meri 7
torlotis in themseivesi-and interesting as
' loCallmproiemente, are . . imt part of - the
main lines, but lay the foundation for a
'Vast increase of ptiblid debt,' LThe `Mill
contains the folloging items: '
• 'WORKS: •
--Erie-caclai, .
North Branch canal,
West Branch 'camil,-frOrn Tangasdoo. • '.•
tack to Sinneinahoning, " ' - 100,000.
Canal froth Kittaning to the mouth of
. the Iciskiminetzis; '
inclincil Plane at Coltitrihici, ,- .
' West Branch canal, Tangascootack .:-.
line, ° I. . • 1..._ 33,913 .
Gettysburg - exam - 04 1 0f the - COlurdbla - -
_ • rail-road,
--- irervoiri at 7 11ollidayshurg B!„.Johns
larietta extetOicih, of the Columbia- -
rail-road, .. • . . . ...
• .• SUrvey;to avoid the Peti.tage•inclineil '.
t• ltßver'a•Creelclfeeder, • i' 7 :
Outlet-lock 0. p_tinc;itt'i Nand i ' '
-Cxamillatibriljr. the North Branch ca- • •
• nal from Nanticoke to Lackawana, „•, • 500
to commenee Wicimisco.fpecleir-- -- - ------- '30:000
Cutbusli feeder, Delaware canal, ' ' ' :10 000
Outlet-lock - at New Hope,. '• : .
,' 3,030
and 'Philadelphia steam tow
.•'''• - boat ' . • ,.,.1-por:
•. : •c, Survey- to avoid Schuylkill inclined - . •
.•' . plane,. . .y. . • - • -' 7 ! 5,000
---ROM S':.
thilliville and• Pottsville rail road,',- .
Bald Eigle,..nclipring'Creek navigap• ,—.
• " • ' 70,00 Q•
Ctim4rland Valley rail-road, . . -440,000,
' 'Monongahela •NavigatiOn; • .7 .: 85,000
- . Pittsburgjincltatighlinstown rail:road, .'••••'' ,
(When hiCtirporatea,) 'll4OOO
t.. .IBeaief and/Conneaut ruil.roadi " 60,000'
Franklin rail-nnail, '' " ' ,
- • 40,030
. Lewisburg, PCnil's Valley and-liolli- '
• daysburg rail-road, .. / • ' 50,000
Chester and Delaware rail-idad,' - 20;009
-- eadoros-Navigation r —L:,....„...:•"•'• ~,,.. f• • .. 20,000
Novistown ancl - Valley;of Wes t Phila.
•defphia rail-road, if itlier'be adopt
. ed by thb State, to avoidthe inclined
..--.••• , :plane-at Schuylkilfi •
Union Ginal-Compaily,
.11.;-- - =SU R 1 . YS! FOR ' RAIL -ROA D i S
—From (;ha'' -ra!rilq, .tp Pittsburg, by , -. •
.. 474 ' Laughlinstown.anal Li g onler Valleyl_,.. •.' '
• An d from Darrislistrg by the Valley ;
,bt Juniata, to Pittsburg,. , • .- • ,1:2;000
From the 'State lice; lit Siisquebanni
. . .
county,' by the., otitkoil'iridthan.-
• nook -to•thelslaptieiike dam, . ..
-From the town, of, Fp:Lilian - 10 'Erie,
• From, West Chester to 'iti•ilit Port, De
,-• • Posii.'. . i c : - . 4 .^ . •. • ..• • . .• 1,50
•4' ''• :' ' ii.l.l.ip` COMPANIES : "
. t iiitifitidg and •lltoler,. -
: Iltitler an'ilyterter; •
~ . • . ,
• Dude* , and'Fre . oport,. . • . .._.
Br . pwnihgto,n, liaNpville and Fra n k.
• lin {whenitcorporated,) ,- ' • •
'. Perklomen ad Reading, , !• ; ''l
.. • bowningtow ,:,Epltraitai 'awl. ilarris 7 _,
'', .......burg,s.,.:-7.-- '••
-•••-••'•-•-•- --- -:---- '• •:• '•-- 6;000
t i_
*war GroVi i and Unions . • • ' •.‘ 3;000
• , - WashiligtatiOind,Williamapoit, • . • 10,000.
Warren and;l l .'raiiltlfrr„ , • .;•;''. ' •_. 5,000'
Tletlfotd inullfollidayabtirg, ' '.: ••••-• — .10,000
'•-i l l9llstitiehtinsla.and Waterford,• , ••. • ),000
4 Washingtpry and .Pittsburg , i . ,- ~ ' " 25,000.
...: ..ike4intoo and • ``lo 000
SuNuehanna•iiiia Tioga, • I
Mercer apd' Meadville, •-•-- 5,000
EbensbUrg and - Indiana i __, 000'
an4...Etizabetlitowni• . 10,000
Pittsburg, karnieril ail& . .• 5,000
Youle Hnven and HarrisbVrg'bildg,e;
'Armstrong and Clearlield,., = " 5,060
.Armagh - gild Johnstown, 2,000
Harrisburg, ChambersbOrg, 20,000'
w GrUve and ,11oy lestow ni (when , -
hleorporated,) . • ,• • , 10,000
Smuerset and - JohnstOwn; - •• • • 4,000 -
Somersej and Comberhind road, • 4,000.
Ittnninigafvela and
Jersey Shure, ' • • . 5,000
TnnkVandncke - - 8,000
aaitsburg; • . 4,000
!Simon, . • • -5,000
.11.71 zabetbtown, • . - _16,000
_ .
SaMbhyg and
East - 'and 'West, •
Franklin and Butler,- -
Pittsburg and IleaVer,
l'itt!iburg'tvridlirowningtor i -
Butler and New Castle,-'
Waynesburgand pinnbet;ltind road,
Kiskiininetas and'Virginia
gbbhstown,'Brnwnsville and Virginia
Min ty - . • '3,000
Sfeen's tavern and ConnellsJille, - • 500
Waynesburg and Vitginia line, 2,000
Monongahela bridge. and Virginia line,' 6,000
Greensburg and West Alexaydria, 2,000
Monongahela bridge-and Uniontown, 8,000.
Virginia line and Monrde, . • 3,000
White horse tavern and ' 6,000
di which the amount of appro
priationl-io State works is
Stlbseriptions to Conioll
--- 01111 - rait• - •Tond.R, •
Appropriations for surveys for
no w .w 01%0
I SOMA:11)1100S 10 turnpike-Coin- -
- }miles;
Subscriptions_ to bridge- tompa•
hies, ' •
Alipropriatiena to State roads,
Ti)1111 of approliri . a,tions and sub- , ,
• sciiptious; ' , • 443,0'31, - 943
• I cannot - sign-this bill lor.lhe folluwipg
• I stifl ts, main featutle is the_ distribn tam
of great :portion of the proge!it resources
of tiLe'Oonnuoiiii;ealth, among.,:wolAs — not
owned by the State, curd its coti ''' Mbent
eithdrawal-from the fut ure - pros'ecu ion id
le - 1111511 - 6=WFW.4 — a, iftr - fr'om
,tlecqase of the State (10t.
-c - aplfalfists- and spe
cu Ia to cso h e An on ey-wlii ch-is the-,pniperty
-of:1 e Tith iUg
individuals and sections;-to the.injury of
the•rest of the-community. •
3:1. It not only thtt's 'fritters.. away the
mean's. which, should now. lie otlie e
by—enabling- the.-.compatfies
who are therecipients-of , its . liberalifv, to'
commence and prnSecute works which
they will -riot be. able Ao.cemplete,- it eel
barks'th—e'SitifegO6r in tlfese works, that
she wilt, at no distant day, be compelled,
to increase , her presentelitifotr pur- .
pose Of ftnishiriA them, or lose what-is
now proposed- - to the glverf: - .
-.---- - 4th.T[ will inerease the State
debt, in lour years to" $45,006,000, -wil I
appear by tile following short-'statement
The Erie'Extension of the main
The North branch-Extension, •
The Gettysburg rail-road, •
l'angasco9tack and Sinnernaho4
!es( Branch ang Allegheny cal.
Red bank find Franklin canal,
Red bank and, Freeport,
voiding inclined planes on Coo
•., lumbia rail-road,
' 1 )oko'}
. .
Total to complete• Stale works, $16,200,000
• 'ne 'company works 'Oommentied by this bill,
will colVas follows: ' '• .
_„.. ~„,.
Freeport and - ;dew Castli• nil- - ..:"„
road, * . ' . .• • 01,00000
Pittsburg Ez:T.iughlinitown rail- , •,
f i l
'road, - • . .' 1 500 000
Chambersburg and Ltritghlins. . •
town niil•road, • ( which' must
be'conati:ucted to cOnriplete the-'--
-,. •
• connexiwn,) .' • ~. ", - • .- 3,006,000 -
Lewisburg, Penns. Valley, and '. .; • ' - '
11ollitlaysharg rail;rold 4 . • • 2,500,000
lleuver'ond Conneaut:rail-find, . 450,0.60
I, ~.... , # --r...,—::-.7---,
'Total_ lo'mplete the company . .. . .- .
work's; _- . : • $9,06 0 ,90 0 ,
/ h y
Of this st sum, before the' (lit. 1 - . . • ', .-
(event Works are cdnipietedi
• •
the State wilLbe,Yromfa doubt ; , . •
be compelled to , • , .., .
' less than one half, or'else, hod .. . • , .
the whole, say... - :-. ,: ' -4,530,000
to which add the above poet of ' ' •
I . State Works, - . • ' - • ..1.0,AV3,600
Making . of debt which this. bill•
will iiroduce:— _,520,790,060
-To-Which add the. miient.S . tate
iso, - oct
. .
4c t
.Total.del Is'llia will exist when - . ',.. •__
- thesyst mconteitti)NicApp Oas • ' -
bill p . c. opleted, . $46,12; ' ZOO
___ c.
It is i) suns that the Olive use mates
if thefshould ' vary frdtn. the seta 4,, COS
If the i , 6A4, will be foutti) tolat belmir
rather th4n e'ytc , itd' Theylre.all (let
rived from the: : Orls of 'engin rs,:which
are found in most cases to .be ar short of
the •ttitimate ex eose—or f mu 41 compa-
fison with °re
. ..
I atshould be . ohjeetedtdthis-ealt ula .
do, that 'part Of. jhe abov e cost of State
. v_o. .s_lias-either.---lieen-alrea.tly - i rie,ttr red;
7 ;
01' is provided for in this—bill,-and there- .
•faKe should not be iiiefuiledthe reply is,
that the portion' already laid" out will. not,
1!i .ill probability, be equal to aneLfourth
,of, the amount which their actiial . 'expense•
wilt.xceed their,estimated co st; laud that,
the propOrtion. provided for by ihisbilris
borrowed incinoy*.or 'tit le6s . t: 611,01. as t 6
State may; li*Piire long, lie culled on 1...
repay.. , -It. - trray-.. therefore he fairly .a6: -
sumell,l'as 11 - ;C1110113006 ,qVithili bounds,
flliit the passage Of this bill will cause an
addition pf. twen s ty -0n . 6 rid I I iotis of dollars,
•to•out:'''prsent debt of übtiUt' twenty-four
2,00 u
5 010
. 5,0J0
• 15, 000
o w ti-67istIA
NoTe.--Oivi to tho-husle in which the bill
tins necessarily exaiiiiod, (his work was inclu
ded hi the licit of - company *orbs authbrized to be
commenced by. the bill.. re Nvies'not contained in
thi. hill as it passpd the two: Houses ; and - the
`propriation is therefore tolOideducted.froT tite
amount of money Intended ;Was •give'n to compa
nies.. This will reduce die' estimated' amount of
debt In 1 , 8•14 to $43,530,000. ,
„ . •
million's==-maki P
nn• a gross debt; Mit irate
no•thord-renintp than 04,41 FORTY;
fIYE an . not. prepared
o : sanction. this, liorld become an - pgent
wsadidliog sue.h rin ilicun - iranbe,upoii.thoj
4tAns and intjuityv Petinsy.lyarka,
. sth. I Ithis bill ..and the Other: prorii'setß
leii,s,ures of the•Logis!Oture.betfno)a%Vs,
the Suite will be ‘vithout.a Single . doilar of
unappropriated *Coney in her treasury; at
the Comtnericopment,`of the .neat session,—
hiso:o,islattiN replenished
e afters, !vv near fourllnilllons,,
and the present ha§.reepiv'ed a like sum
—your suicessn) tilill,',netictrtheleis i
: bre%
-compelled ,elther'to abandon the•proSecu
timy of the public - ,1 Irks, rir to borrow.
.money to- carry thein on; and I p ity interest
'on the debt. •No aid is to lie calculated
on froin - the Nationaltreasuss.__OnAllei
- contrary, :care •should betaken"to keep
the State in'a;conilition to meet tofy.;de:
mantis for reptiyment, which may be Made
Oh.lter Mon that - iptarter. . •
• seems tribe a total tleparture
from our true, policy. 'That policy is to.
hus4and our megns fdr tli. prii . vnt,'-and;
while %•e !nif.iinproductiye
lie works, with all prudent; .speed,• to a
State. of profitable completion; to apply
tlie t. bkitance - to - the reduction . of the State
course be pursued., only for
two years', the . 6 - xpentliture.of the,Corry,
pun wealth will be brought so-far within
her income, that afferwards_the.mere ex-
receiWwill enable lier tO un
ilertake and Cl)oplete, - ii.t .4tobtotras •
tnent;•%fia - s - of any nin,oltude, But- if,.
an ti e..other , hand-,zihe inetoue; ''however
large, is constantlylic pi:below the a utomot:
of - e - xpenditilre—dier, pint cut_ ricjieS
only increitse her real difficulties.
7th. Its passage will diaye - ti
most tlis-
astrous effect on our preitmtondertakings.
Iu coirseilueOce of the . rise lit the price of
labor - and - . --- przyvisions within the last two
years, Mid Of-the -amount iif-tvoik--coni
ineuced iti Miter states, th'e expense of
cooswucting public:improvements liasln 7
creased:fully•so per eco,f.: •
~-Ir the -present '
,bill,past4 i --tittrrii e a ITITTUJIVoI'Arki r -
rized by it, will•lutite an Uirditional effeCt
-,tie sa will cause eirtiftv .
con tract , in th eiC.o taint) rimeal th_. to
no( per cent over the..,p•File.4'
of lasi. year. a vave etin
81 500
tiou. It must be baiie in toinil, - : that
while thetitommt. "n - Ipublit hurtlien is in
GyedSVll4l" - - - -', .i hc
_amount of means to sustain it remains the
saute, that a milli/in dollars,
whether that-debt . t h
lion cif sixty milbS canal, w twenty...
Sth. Not onlv will its consequ - ence- be,
nj tottlte:l3tiances ----- burro - the7m - ands'
of - -the State:. The, bare probability_of the
paSsage-of---th-e- bill has a I re-ifily
the condition of -whole sections trie -
Sita.te. and has given a new stimulus to'
the - over - exciied'spirit of speculation. If
this state of- things be:fomented and con:,
tinued-, there is no• limit . '-to the injury
which..may-result.---While - -the gam.blitig
spirit of speculation is .continued to the
large -towns, society may bear- it without'
material, detriment,; but. if it once infea
and derange the-productive industry-61
the country, the piiblic pniSperitfwill lie
shattered_in its -very--eletuentti. If the.
'mania which now rages . among 'those,
speculate in, the surplus,property of the
Country, once'seize those who alone ren, -
der property valuable; there is an end tit
oil/dope of continued prosperity. 't fear,
that such will be'the tendency of thd.'legis
latiim ittopused by the present
,hill. A
few perSonsfMlunately located or bircum,
stanced,-will" be unduly-and- inimensely
benefitted. :The mass wilteither become.
'dissatisfied, r embark in the vain titter pl
to achieve good fortune , : While all
aic thus efigaged murmuring or hoping
at the lottery door of. fovtucc, the plough
- Of indtistry.will_stand•-idle therfiirrOw._
9111.1ts.signature, would 1w•-a-vifilation .
of .everrprinc•iple and pledge ,connebtecl
withthefinatiOal affiti'rs of the diitintion•
Wealth,:•tipon 04.elaaltij.of which the•adr
ministration--W4s entrusteetV my ,discre
tion'hy citizens of PennssAvania. : •lt
is. admitted._ that the-:-Ei!astires of "g6Ver,n
tnent. shou l td-!;•arylwith,jll6.- ngees.sities - of
the times, always keeping - th - e - g. relirlWd-z
:the' Trescnt case; tie: Change of circum . =.
stances takes Tjace• rendera •
Change of practice Jt.e.cessary • ;
an : it : pledges; both expressbd 'and
\ plied of a public agent, whether by him
hell or his. friends,•shouhl, be kept wtth
the same goad faith asAbige•of a private
• I'l
tiy.QAtii.lw-objects 7 ponfended:•,for - 'by
'those Who selected me -to If Allister the,
exeutive. - fon etitthir - mf. -- 111 - e'trv - 01 - fitercr 3 ,
weie, the decrease qf the H 'itate , debt, Al
the ,viiLiorozis prose Ilion- early com
pletion of, thepublieworks of theComnion
-wealih-.-j--. 13.0th - will-eWrer-be-xlefeal-ot
retarded by the" piresent'bilt if :it becothe
• • • ‘•••-.•
When, such a. state .of things•is produ
cPti, the . path of duty. is plain:
the veto, power should be cautiously used
when no* ceristitutional -.scruples e.Cs,t4it ,
cases w itkellie present; ,of mere pecuniaiy
expediency,' will arlsc,_affeating so2l4ply .
the paramount interests of theystate - ,.. - ks...
imperatiVely to'demand .
My, fears'are correct as-efO :the great in‘- -
crease - of the state of, which this bill,
if . passed,.ivill4e - thuparent,l should •feer
it :to' be au :abandonment of ditty;t6 the e.
peOple, were.l.ll; omit any constitutional' i
Means to Wrrest
,Ou„r enormous pub
..deht must. liv,e'a tendency: to retard -1
:the increase- of our populatiorrld .prO:
ductive industry, if not to diminish. them:
Although' such a - . not fornkii
ju4 iient.dponthe prnperty.Otthe,i-peopie:
yet .. it elreet it is an'absolute.ließ..-T4e,
SIT virt i . tpcipto.:l4l.l: - Fel.: gorrop'_44o- - &Aix * 4.!.-20440.*'':,
,PA-PUNG.II‘,Ta—Th process - of ' , Ex"-
ISungfag" . is in the Atli - title of successful
..../ixpe:rjrnent," ._ "Black Ii n e4° hive been
Arawtiaround` around` " t he greatesrancl bill'. in
,-,-Teino .- ssee; - IVI - 6 - PiWillOrloliti,Forly : .
.",, raipanged" from tbe GVeat.:Qt7os
: sings• in . K,ebtuetcy ; . the freethen of (nth.:
-ono have .!!expunged'? six Van
. . Buren •
tnembersTeut Of bongreis: . Rhode Island ,
has • nobly nfsehareed • ker - Duae, - in: s ex=
punging her , i'enrce, and Maine.hOs.,nOt
-- op I y -"expunged" Tier
", b-hiekli ne.s". • round her, Paiiii:eldS.-4'
'"Scilitary and'alone" the , gren" t' humbug.
Renton, "set.thiS,boll in-motion' ; " but the
RienPle are rolling it over the party'peetty.
1 nierrily,!, and. if -- it'"iiintirtues 'to itS
pre sen t Tote, "we . rathey Olkelate'r th Vi t
won't, be:long befde,.the ,whole' pa •ty;
hittnbug 7 l3entbn , ,tind all : •will be "eip 'ag
ed.'-!-Livii(l4-SeWiifel.. • * • • '
faith and propertytif tlke 'Common', alth,
and of • very citizen ja-iti, are pleriged for,
its' reder: tion: It, is obvirmS that 'the:
tan& Of a romniuniYincurnbered. with M .
lien .of fifty or' an :hundred, millions'-of
dollars, are Wortkleskthan
„ the:oin min -•
bereir.PriPertyNetither Wile's: -- "Oeifee, if
the amount:.of:.:tlebt be increase& - heymfd
'the coirinfoil;.ririvaritages: to bt 'derived
.frolulliM t anilertakino.4 that produced , it s
is-ylaiji that pradektmen -will be nir
willing-Au -pii:rCha se: an&Lholdircifrerty
which -Must 'remain . subje s ectO ifje-pay
ment. Such anincurnbranecou Lfinally ..
and-rinavoidably'rest upon the 'most 'meri
torious class'of people—the' farmers and
mechanics:""-:Capitalists and traders .may:_
easily, witlnirriw Ltheir' transitory means
from 'our, jurisdiction, when . the 'day of
la .i gott_ilialLoxivek-but-:the-latid;--and
buildings" of: the Mechanic,' alai
and farmer, admit of no remo _ I. Tlicy
roust endure , the whole...hurthens Ayliich_
hastylegislation mayppese . , tiptin .the .
•coretnuray.. , •
- if. this bill . is intended as a-distribution
of 'our portion. of the-surplus. : revenue:
amontgytbeipeoplejt:seems to tire to be
unequal and ,unjust. ' The sulbs appro
priated tri the different parts of the state'
bear no, proportion to their popritation• or
taxable property,', But if it Shoal& bM
comejrecessary-te retmrirthisdepriSite to.
the gederal government,•it must be raised
by teuxation . upon all without ex
Anti7yet - an - equitable - applicationbf - it
may be Made for.the equal benefit of every
citizen - of the Commonwealth, - without an
,act al distribution among the taxable eiti:
zeire,. If-aliproptiated : Ao.thoSe-Yorksf_of_
internitl improvement which the Slate has
'hire - oily author ized, and pledged, her faith
to complete,; or if 'applied 'to the. reduc
(ion- of the state debt already contracted,
or set apa'r't for common' school purposes,
e 7 very eitiien would (rave a direet interest
iii, and derive inunediateadvantage from
it: But no suCh.equalitris conteanplated
by the,proviiians of thiS bill.
L I regret exceedingly that many Nalua
jite-proxisions arerconiveeted • - With'ille'oli - - --
I jectionahle portions of the bill - , in guith a
inanner•as to' inipo . se upon _me the neces-_
sity of returning_ the.whole: - Tha appro. , -
t pinitti ons4o-the-Commantweittilt l 4-etrtiftf-s ,
and rail-roads,.aml. to some the .turn ,
ißiikes.-if they stand alone,-would he Most;
villingly approved, but aecoOpanied its
s '," -
they are, it is' impossible. ?ermit:me
i -noce morejespectlailly to remark tlint_this
practice. ofcombining-in - the• - --same bill
1 - sitlijects distinct and -similar in their m
ture_and merits, is .extrejuely_endiarrass-•
log tnthe executive; and highly injurious
to the plablic , ' in tere.sts..•• , • - • - -•
-.41. 1 -liere:as,at-o-ltirious-fu I ureof-prosperi , - -
ty before` Us, if - we•don't prevent its art i- 1
-vat - by - -e in ba rots shig - trib - fiTek iTt - Tll - 6 --
!times are-unpriipitious for speculation,
l either ,by individuals'in states,
ject under'considetation is a riSk of--this,
kind..- It is the hazarding of-money which
should be.otherwise applied, on tTh mere
leontingency.of the con tiouarMe.of the pre%
sent state of trade and commerce, at a,
moment when-..every mail bringi fearful
. proof of the instability of. both ••• Tiribe
adventuring -tf all the means of the Com-
Mini weal th, on the bare hope that the same
fortunate circumstatrces. which . so recently
filled her treasury, will again occur. - It
concerns us dearly to consider all the
chanees•of such an event, befOre we place
the • state
,completely at its.' mcrcey. To
my mind, they appear rely, slander. But
Iflhey;Were•much stronger, AYR should not
depend tin extraneous and Occasional aid.
Our resources are at home—in - ciurities.
L:in outcharacter 7 -in our tiniuntains, and
in_ oor_v_iitleys.Let_us._not_be•--tempted
beyond, our steady pace to ,proaptuity• by .
accidental circumstances, nor retarded by
their failure. Whil the crBdit ,of -.the
state-is made to dope d solely on the pre
-Ident 'and punctual Management of
•Offairs, and. er Weal tlr floys froin her own
ilttexhaustitite and unborrOwed - iesources,
no outward 'changes can materially affect
her 1 . . : . -'' . • ' '
With : M OO objection's, I hasten to . 1,,
turnthe-, bilk that .: thefLegislaturP, may_
have'Aithe to re-consider ; it; and. if the
„npinioni - herein expressed should 'be..ap 7 ,
-pi.ovett;--inay- - be : (enatled immediately - toi
LiwOviale •lieciall . for- 'the rirosecutiOn of
1 works ti•hiCh ail agree to 'be: proßer and
!'necessary.- . In such -,a Measure - it wifLni . - :
ford ine•gitat pleasure, to 'concur. - Should
it however,- pass by the constitutional'
power of the legislature alone, I most sin' :
ce - rtly,hopp-that. the' evils that have been
I •
predicted, may• realized: In the
111. vent I shall participate. in_thP - corrithon
14 aCits' .. gooiLeffects,- and gra tit 7..
/ lied that the superior intelligence of the . '
4egisl4(tupe` -furamt-r-er+ain:....bentilL*llere.
rOy fears beheld only impending dangers.,
. - • JOS. RITNER,'
Exunixivr}l C HAMWt
'l, - air;igtkrrgT-Apti s''3
• . 'TegitgarB,t7Pleetilaci
Alarge: andresgectable= meeting o
the YoLuntiMen - of.ShibpetiSburg; Orpo , .
Sed toile . doetrittes Mid measures of the,
late . : and present National, Adthinistra
..tiOn,_„and in favor of thedoctrines • and'
measure's6i tive . present,State rltirninis
-1 pa heT'Colitreirkihuse,
ou Fridari;vening,..the 15th inSt, When'.
. l Alr. Jn •s It. Scor'r was appointed pros
ident HN tSII . . and NVICt--
• PreSidnts, Sc. G. W..C.14P-
Lx.6.r.a-and4-.41-o G, I I4ilESi: ktre tak,W . l3: -
• The_ _Object, of the Meeting- • ilg
been . . stated, on- motion 'the .:following
!named: .gendernen .;were apPoitiied
- Comtnittee to draft. resolutiOns
'ive of the:senSe_hf_the.ineeting,' viz:
DoCtors Sturgis and' '/IfeCittr - , J}iessra.
i3icGinley, Keyser" and d9ltieli„ . who ) artet,
retiring, a shortitime, - repof tett the fol.: ,
inwihg, h WIC were prefaced at . some
length 'hy the Chairman of the ;commit- .
tee and unanimously adopted. •-,-` • •
That . we have - 'full
41erthe in• the • eflictencY:orour •Repttkii-
InstituticitiS:for -all: : the purposes of
good Government; 'and for the purity
• nil ptrmatieitcy, of thtie, our chief reli
ante is oh the- virtue, intelligence and
ipatriotiani.oil the American people.
Resolved,. That we view with fealtusy,
and "distrust,'; , any effortAhat has, forits
airn - the - consolidation of....',.;tke' distinct
powers ol Government. , as exemplified in
the admiastration of-President"Jackson,
as a dangerbus innovation 'opott the lib ,
_cent s of the_people;-„attd-a continuous=
lierldiravy saccession,•as eta - 14a:
lied in 'the. nomination of a successor,
by the late Chief Maoistrate as a scheme
to perpetuate power, -,cinpyec,edented
istP.r.Y„,of-=rt he-Go_v_e_thrrtettt i llanirdS
an u - nalc.thorised •interference with the
sovereign power of the people.. '
Resolved,._ That. the result'of -.- thei - re;
cent elections in the .Stales of L liana,
Kentucky, l'ennessee and Rhode "Island
gives us ample cause to congratulate the
.rriends of the supremacy of thethe laws;
and affords additional grcincl*to___hope
that the day is not far distant, when the
Country shall_ he redeeMed Supm _the
tlu•aldoin tyranuyand misru'a, '
t 4e—have-increased - conc .
fidence in the ability, integrity and stabil=
ity .br oUF worthy Governor: and that his
patriotie•devoleilness to .Pennsylvaniiiiii—
tepesti-and - Pennsylvania . policL and -his
-S denunciation„Zol foreign interfer,
ante with our domestic concerns, deserves.
our highest. euloi.Ouna.,.kk
••. - '
Tina_ 'ivithoutt•-ac ion
anti a rechiroCiil..spir:it ofjcubearance and
cooperationlln•t%Veen • the' executive_ and..
legislative department of . our State Gov
ernment, wecannot•lodkr for the cotisuma-,
Lion of tho:se, saltitaty,rheastires of reform
and —intern iartlemly
desired, and which arc so ciaracteri,s 7
tic of Governor ftcrstit's administration;
tri 1: 7- ievvr o(the utmost im
)prtance that such men should Le.e.lected
to our next_LcOslature as will coppeyate
with . the lixecuthe in the tic.cOmplish•
met of those grcat objects. . -- .
, „ I?colued, :nut z wi give-a-he4rt yr asiept-
to the ncirtiinatiOn.of the Convention of the
22d ultimo,, and that we_•will uset)ur -ut
Resolved. 'That we especially apprOve
of the nomination of our worthy friend,
DAVID .S. 12UNSI - lA, in whose - ability
and integrity we have entire confidence;
and that we 'will use all honorable means
to insure.his election.
Resolved, That it 'is the duty of every.
good citizen. to disregard the dictates of
party 'feeling : in rega!d to ,Call publicrue.a•
sures, founded. .in prudence and good poll.
cy, atid to act for tlre,good_of the Country.
Resolved, That the prOceecliog„of . this
meeting be signed by thwgicers, and
publtshed in the 'Shippen Herald,';
!Carlisle Heratcr and Expositor,' 'atte.
`Chambersburg Whig.' - .
.JOHN McCURD.Y,Arice-pres..t.
WM. Ght4Ri
G. W. CLlPPiNGt4,l`.Secretaries.
• aleeriug of I.lte _People tiWirlien .
• Totintsitip. • •
Agreeably to notice given, a large 'and
respectable number of fne' Antimasonic
Citizeps:ol._Allett-Township; assembled at
the patine' hoitie Da.yid Sheffer, on.
_Spin day eYening r tite.l t ppt etit hero nil;pppointing FREMERICK'
7W - ft L I - A DI -- E - CISLE
EIIES,.AiitARO/011ORSTINICe Presidents-
Jacob Shell y, 'Daniel
. Ilfricll-.Geo.
.J'hcob,H. Coa.p.ezi t .; Seciet arks.'
On-incifibu 'of .JoSeph( Mosser a com 7,
miiree - of A;v6;ivag tcrydrafr,
resolutions; expressitte of the sense of the
meeting, ittliereapon the President' ap ,
pointeiliosepkAlcisser,"l:evi _Merkel; Esq
' Daniel S:1-10Maker4 - Jacob- , Landi.o and
Jacob Geltr, kikho' after retiring "a short
Airne'reporsed the folloying , preatithle and
res`cifittioris. ! - . 7tiibielfwere` unanimously
I ado , ,• ,
Whereas e fineis:fis tregrOaching
when it becomea the.duty f every .free
man to exercise the rigli torthe
lolls and depoiiting his vote.for,Stateand
• and as there.has been two
tickets I.i - resent:ell to the people. of Cum
berland county, it becotries every freeman
tb expresi bis preference for one or the
other--.therefore` ty'e_the . Demotratic
titivainnic • Citizens of Allen — toWnship,
press Our decicle44pinintylu fay,,or, jot . the.
'ticket agreecT upon by tle.Antiniaion'in.
CenvetitioniliebevinOlf64:ntdictates nom=
inatffd by that COnvention be ‘ tter-quAlie - d
to discharge ihmduties of 'the office to the
satisfaction of the people tit - atilt-It / 3i been,
liytheirpreqeccssors, nalnely, r the Rem
sentatfves of the last session of. the Leg's-
TlierefoVe - ' .• " • • • 9,
'ResolVe4,rhat. we can by no:means sup.
port tlw . then for. office that rellues i ' . te)a
Goyeyniar Ritner to•give . .iatiSfaction, /61'
his — s'isection On. Masonry , t ken -sup:,
' pres 4 thZ aniiver: `Shaine on such rSpre ?
sentatives; . •-•
Resol Thatiour r ykitOi shall be un
comkornisini .Masonic
•Institutio,n, end,' all secret Ostli-bound
InstitutiOns; Fselieving them to lie. ilange'r7
,oni.isa,ottnifreelnttiattiiina and a violation
of - Canstitutmn.
Resolved; 'That the course of the Ares
ent 'Chiefl - Migistrate . in 'vetdjng the Gi
rard Wank and the.famons.lmproVement
bills,• thereby savingthe.state from bank
ruptcy and ruin, meets with .ourclecided
a,rprobation• ; •• " •
..Resolved, we . .highly approve of
the Ticket formed by the, Democratic
Antimasortic .COnvention, and Will•uae.all
fairaffir tioneSt means to secure_its-_.suc
ancFtiat We call oh all our
friend§ throughout tlie - coutiff6 he vigi
lant in the diScharge,.Of their duties, and
nothing is more certain bUu•VictOry. will
crown •our_e_flort-s. , -•
ResO tied, That we believe that ate pres
ent dera •ed, state of the. Ctlrrency has
resulted fi m the.bad management of the
Government, and that we look to the pres
ent : Congress of the _ United .States, for
o Resolve tbat the, result 'Of th.e late
Elections in th silty ih the-East, and
in' the West,_.prove tharMartin Van Buren
is not the -choice of the:people, but. the
mere tool of Jackson, Benton,•Kendall
C 0.,. and that we feel assured - that he will
be h titled froth. the o. throne - -orpower•in•
1840. •-
. . .
.-_Rescilved, Thai it i 3 the- desired vigil
of this"in - eetMg.that . alltbe, friends of our
late able. anci patriotic SenitiOr, CharlEs B
Penrose, throughout thiS Senatorial dis
trict, mike every possible exertion ab fa r
as hone - aty ,permit , to, secure his -re
Res . ollied,, That it becomes the duty of
our Molds in counties of Adams and
Franklin to'call - earl mee_tin;s_to,secure,
the electioo:o!-_-,‘ the
dales-Tor senate
Iteolvedi-That we Will use'all fair,and
- honorable niearirlia defeat the "Electionof
the - ,, Masonic Van 111 . :611 ticket, belivitrg
it to be made up of the . real Shin Plaster
Party. '
That,the thanks of this meet
ing he tender.;t - !cl •to David Sheffer, Esq . .
for his hospitality so fniorablyshown - to
t meeting. •
Resolved, That a. Committee of WO=
of 'fifty Persons, be zip.
pointed for A lien township, ‘s hei upon the
following gentlemen Averemaimointed,-viz:
Esq.,Jacob- , Landis, -- Josepli
• 4_l2a-v-id Eberl-y- r lacolrSthrlly. Ah'in
AVarner;Da i vid„Emmeyt;:David Reichard,
AndreW Chainrian - , - John 8.. Cimyer,Dan't.
S.Haymaker, Philip4lovenrity.e . r, Johif-
Shee-ly, Andrew Tertitihaugh,
Lewis, Geolge- AndersOn, John - M at eer,
4V I>isler, Daniel ShiredianiFred.'itlitmier,
James Afoqre,,; Robert Cornnran, Roclorpli
Martin,. bilvid •Cobver;
Jacob H. Coovd,D.mielDrich, Alartin G.
4upp,__J.,din -.Orr, James Al =Sh_arpe - , -
B. WhiSler, John '.Ritner, Wain•
ELkles, B. C-.
-Jcd,,prs-Eicock, -- 13,eorge - Yost, Jacob:l:WM,
•Jocob. , liouk,__Christian lialtrier, John Euz. -
ter, Gecrrge'Shisler, George Lantz, Chris' ,
Alan Mohler, Abraham from, Geo'• Beef
man,-Christian,Musserman,§anil 4 A - lohler
Resolved, That the proceedings of this
meeting be sig'bed by the 'officers- and .
published in the.. Herald & Expositor and
Republican, Carlisle; Village Visiter, Me
chanicsburg, and in all the untrammeled
papers in this distriet.
. .
• ‘VtLt.inia.Ecxr...E.s, -a
• B. C. IIoPXINs,
Jacob Shelly, 7:: •
Geo.',Beelnzn, Jr. •
Jacob IL Coover.
. . •
We fine the following advertisement ig
the ;Washington Globe:•
11:7°5 . P.-EClE.—
Antl..mlietp are respeofnily,..infarmed that
the highest premium 'for gall( and siVrer
iv ill .he the. subscriber. •a.
do. -
Cornerof ljth street and Pennsyhtbiiia Avenue . ..
6 _Txt.'Merribers--or- Congress.' Why - to
Nlernbers of... Congress :. Why are they
paid in gold and silver, whilst other pub
lit creditors are put,,,off with the rags of
the Treasury?, Why is it that the Gov.-
ernment pretends sucli Jigiclregarcl_to its
constitutional obligation to :pay : Specie,.
When. its d.ealingiftlieTZifirli-its-legislative
masters,. whilst it, cOmpels. s the poor sol
dier, who has been fighting its : battles in
the mOp_sse_s_ of Florida, to : take-Ail-pay-41.1
a -currency which .he: can only use at a I
dis Count of from - ten to . fifty per,,cent?•.:
• • The•••pay of a • member .of • Ctingress •is
,eight•rlollars• per day.••: jr .Paid -in
gold and , silvey, his•oght d'ollars becorne's
worth eight dollars and, eighty cents., If
the session last,. ns it' probably will, :one
hundred' and 'twenty days, each m ember
Will receive a preminnt of 'about one hun.
tired dollars ; whilst other . creditors of the
Governm'ent must be content with ivhate
..ver_representative_bi money the Treasury
maychoose-to ex:hibit. The salary of the
per annum. ' IT speeic 4 can be
,made, by
his means, to,remain at a•-premium
.the. whole of his, term,' his t salary ° for the
four 'years be worthan aggregate`pre
mitt .of ten:thousand dollars*: Each
the high olEcer,a• of. the Governrnent.Wlll
realise like advantages. No rwonder that
they,,seek, by . everrthearis in their Bower,
to 'prevent the resumption, tif. speeie , pay.
Jnents, which their . money: and the
11".j4c.Y. of the people 'will become
7141Un. As 46, theya re preyinp; uPon the
people, litre throce — SWarms ';Of foreign de.
inedatora'who . in'the declaration of iride' 7 .
'peridence, Are . described
,ag-• sent amongst
-us . te(qraraSii our people' and eat Out their
subsiSrance:Brdt, Chroniclq. • .
''Come ftiendl'aatcr• a . creditor to his
ileliter,; ' F want ttap.rn
toney .! '.l-lav'nt,got
!1.11a: I must Itai.e it nob.''-‘‘Vell, if
befail ilo,. just .know,:
. We have from every quarter . ancomitti of :the
4 'unprecedented desPdtch'P witkiiiiich the. ['rest
deuee Metisagn'lwtsnonveyed, by exPiegli'lo all
parts of the country. This but ;illustrate the old
adage that bad news always flies stilltly ..-.Ptiott.
. I , ,
mt PHILLIPS &, vimazirx;
26.: 11337.4
1 , 911. vICE •
rjr3.ll , ..,MVaa . ("" 12.4illetBan
/ Ticket.
•• renrogfi:
Jacob rassat. • •
Jahn Conner; iNechanicsburg:
Jtone.§ Eckles.. . .
'l3 R PO_OR,
• Vb74le .-
CORONER. --- •
• litrezinepian,
Let it_not be fot:',gotten liV ciur friends,
.4114 on
Saturday next a gfeal ilistriet Meeting tiO
held at ShippettsbutV ) prepare for the
tialciutest, 1-a united and just-bhor (Ctjle:pet : ni•ions .50-yreasurS , scheme of
Nan-Buren and - 11 . . •co_foro-coacljototraititAti 6r
-the utmost im xt •tane . e_tht
6e lu c. - Atiam: Mid Fi•anttlin will each send
host—t . A aot Cl)Mbetialo be behind.
The jn-Nectors' Eelec.tion will he
. 11011 on 70 . .
la ,-- next, Rube places appointe d by I** for hold
. .
. .
The. lncn.fc cps . are rallying - force for the'
t ctora s e lepi ireirhnire7tO7tak - e - italiy — a - tfr
.prise, cart) , „their_ Insuector, and Judges for
he luiroth. They must be diatppointecHmore _
--they nit be'defeatek routed, overthrown . .—
. _
Frtends of the crtunti)--:friends of cred;t7—friernis
cooitoerce„:4l4eods of Manufactitresfriends .
iif Mir thealianiei and farmersAy,whatever politi- •
cid name you may be known, whether Anti•ma
suns, State Rights Democratsor Whigs, we must
linite,ConCelil rate our energies, and4win the priie,
the token.of agreater:and-more glorious -victory
on the second Tuesday . of Octdher.' What will
be thoUght of us if we permit a handful of Nu 111;
fyerito profit ii r- feur'supineness, and, Oat their
InspeCtor? It must, not be. _IT we can turn out
but three fourths of our strength we Can beat them.
two to one
• (tu-There be a meeting at iVeibley's gni
Thursday evening preparatory to the electionvl
Let every man opposed to the- ittinous measures
of the Natiptial Administration be. there, to
in nominating a candilate
Tho TiChotg.
. ~ .
In our county, we .have presented .to.'us two
tick. is I'M. •ou nrupport at „the:coming election,
- one, composed Of these and •by those, who - are .
willing to sustain the.general government , iu its" . ..
mod policy of breaking down . the prosperity of
the country--the other, of those who condemn
_measure.s _as clestructii;e-t r
o-the-best - intercstoti
1 the people. The intelligent fi.eemen-of,Cumber
!arta._ county we trust, will not for a moment hesi
to choose between them. Let tint mere party '
names sway you in your decision, but act with; a
desire to do that which will be. for the benefit of
the country independently Of bilWr conslifeiratroni —
S e lectmen...ollllm politkal_priociplea, known to
be opposed to the ruinous nitisures of the iran: .
Buren administration, and whose election will
i ave,art-in(lueneeTin - cligokins - the - onward-march'
Oroppressive governmentt'. iVe know that many'
of the. voters.of this county.have heretofore been
.shackled by the trammels ' - of 'party, but ., v s .
`know that' feelings,of ,patri r otism will incluCe them , •
to break loose froth tbelrfetters-.: . Np - 2#,,is the time
viten 'duty-to °lir country requires greater sacri
ices tlian tlitsimpie abandonment:of:party.
-7— Specic rayments ,
The utility of Collecting artici governv 1_
Air distribution TOiti - Offiders - is - Itot very -
pparen.t.— ,
holder, hut it is Ap, oppressi've,tits
Every dollar of gold oi"silver which goes' .
into the. United States Treasury costs the people'
the.preinium for which. it sells. Tim mtro, ah r
who is'obliged to pay the en'sfipt dutielsii
stieciei. obliged to, buy of alma
ten percent: illusif he . hare dutieSto the amount
of pay in speci; he must give - $110.-for ii
in notes; there is the' loss of'olo . to
body. V 1 .143 Icsett is nOtihertnerchani,-tor
he Vds the. inCretoe.d'tloty ° to the price'-of
merettandize,. The - • . peopk . who..purchase must
therefore necessarily 'be the sufferers. Good
zens Ivoulti , not tnitripuril this TA:kATIONwa , : . ,,
for thC hengfitof the gqynnent, •but when th
see it is teetelY ;for the profit-of the ofkce.hiaet' '
they feel kpi-essech,
The proceedings of the Teinperane* - Oinven.,: •
Lion held at. Shippenakttil on Tuesday last r itsti - ei;
hy_a_piess of othesgifaiter,_been crowded out this`
week.. The convention Was well. attended, and
'the proceedings,, conducted_in4hat spit:ft of u nen- .
ity wich should ' always liaracterfiti a bodY. '
assembled fon such an objeit. 'We hope that the' •
tneetjng'of thls,liody mfty r glve do iizipittfi
rion6 of :Ns' cause in oiin - cotinty. •