MN tozuom %%%pII.-• 7 Vb. 13. • _. • TER• , TUE 6.LltLp3t& -DEas.r.o ATM ' liPOSIT011," ;;'will be issued at TWO DOLLARS per annum; 'to bepaid half yearly in advance. - - VERTISEMENDSnot exceeding n square or 4.hree:in'sertiOns; ONE DOLLAR,' and every übsequentinsertion, Twenty-five Cente,..longer ' -.- Letters addressed to .'the publishers on busi sea, MOST BE POST:PAIL), otherwise they will not be attended t.o. • - '- • , ' - :Tile 'following persons have been appointed • ,Agents, for the Carlisle _Herald andtExpositor 'to whom , payment for subscription,and_advertise iments can be made. D. SHELLY, Esq. Shiremanstown, Cumb. CO. :69COTT COYLE.. Esq. Newville, • ICOpNTZ, Esq. Newburg, ' dq. Trios. W. HIAIES, Esq. Shippiniiburg, do. JOHN Wcizinnuadcrt, Esq.. do.• do: .1. MATEkn, Esq., Hoguestown; do. 'R. WILSON, Esq.,Medhaniksburg, do. - WILLIAX aurnins, Esq_ ,HoPewell, do.. R. STURGEON, gsq. Churchtown, do. • Dr. - A.l3n WtirrE, New Cumberland, do. _ —Taos Ilrrearc; Esq , Bloomfield , Perry — XTBr.AcTr.TEsq; Landisburg, • - do. PROCLAIIIAT NJO • , WHEREAS, in and by an act of the 'General Assembly of the Commonwealth 'of 'Petinsyliania,. entitled 'can act regula ting the general eleCtions .This .‘ 'Commonwealth," paised the 15th day of Feliruary,, in the yeiar of Our Lord one'; - -thousand seven hundred and 9inety-nitie, it is -enjOined on _ the _„ShOiff, of each county within this commonwealth, to give public notice of such elections to be held, and tO:',enumerate in . such notice. —what-officers are to he elected: I, MI • CH/NEL FrOLCOiVIB, Iligli - Sheriff of —the- County ---- ct - 00Fnb - Erfaid - , ---- dia therefore bereby-make , known , and_give_this PIJIILIC NOTICE. • ,to the electors cif the County' .of Cumber-. landO.hat on the ' • , • . Second Tuesday -in October next, • Qming the 10th 'day of the month) a General 'Election will be held at the several ,election districts epablished by law in said county, - At. which - time, and - for the several cifficerkheref, . Anafter:narned:' they-will vote by ballet viz : - -TW-O-PERSONS .f to represent theilistrict-coMposing die ecian ties of Cumberland, Adams, and'Frank, • lin, in the Senate of Pennsylvania. ...... _ TWO PERSONS , . . •to represent t4e county--of—t -- in She House •of n l epre'sentatives of Pennsylva-. ''ONECOMMISIOIVER for the Fount; -pf-Cumberlandi- to serve for three'Years.' .. • ' 'TWO SHERIFF'S ... • , TWO CORONER'S :., • . • . ...ONE DIRECTOR OF ThE' POOR , and of the House of Employment ; and ONE_,TD/TOR ''to settle the pub ] . accounts -of the county Cs,pri . isidners, &c,, . . ' And in and by an Act of the General As semblY, of this commonwealth, passed the.? 37th day of March, 1806, it is directed that —the-Inspectors of said general election shall be chosen by ballot on the Friday next pre, - seeding the first-Tuesday in-October (being . -'-the 29th day of September next,) at the usu al place of holding township electioni to be 'held by the respective constables, (who are ir equired to give at least one week's public i e 'notice of such election) and the s 'd constable in each townshipohall be ass' dby two • 'qualified to 'vote as shall then present,:and the Inspectors 'dhosen arc r ' cored by said act' obe at the proper 'ele on districts on the day of the general ele lull aforesaid, at: ' nine o'clock in, the morn" g, to do and per- - form the duties enjoined on them 14 law.— And the Return Judges of thertspectirte dis tricts are herety•requirAd to meet at the Court House in Carlisle, onothe Friday next ajUt.the 2d Tursday in Octpber next, then .and there to perform those things required of 'them by the Aforesaid act. - And in and hy an act ,of the general assem• bly, passed 2d'Of April, 1821— Section 1.. Be it enacted by the Senate and 'House of Representatives of. the Com-L monweeith of Pennsylvania, in General As ~sombly-niet,—at►d-it is-hereby. by the: —.authority -of- the . same, , That--the :Sever - al qualified electorswho shall vote at any ge:ner-• • al or special election, within 'this common 'wealth, shall give intd,thi inspector of such election separate tickets - for each station or office voted for, which ticket shall contain no .inorerthari'thiproper number of, names, but' no ticket shall be rejected by the judges f the eleation in counting of the votes should _the same contain fewer names than the proper .—mumbettrithOstiotand corstners_ex, - -,4cepted. ~..erticin 4. And be it enacted by the author ity of the aforesaid. That it shall be the du ty-of the Sheriff or Coroner; as the caSe may be, of such and every ,county within this commonwealth togive__public:potice at-the ---- -sattitctit - n — elikiplace, and in the same manner, 'and under the same penalty thatte is now re 'nuired th --- give notice of any general that every person Who .shall hold - coy office of y pointment nf profit or trust un .tho_govern, of the United* States, whether _a commleionlofficer or — alferw • • • • oubotdinate offider dent, whp is or.shall 'be replployed.under the Legislative, Execu;, tive_or lizdiciary - Depormttepts of the._United_ States; and:also _that, eVery `Members of Con ' r*fess is bylaw inealiable of holding or eiter . tieing at the sortie time the office or -appoint ment °Chid& Inspectori--or,Clerk of any e lection in :this state.. ' : Givetiiiiider my hand' af Carlisle, the .I.t day f Seifte.mlier, An the year of our Lord one ousand eight hundred and thirty seven. *. ,9f .the Indepeildence of the United -States the 62d: . • _ ' • .. tiolcOrnb, qPbw.lit 4,1832:: Sheri/. FOR SAI4E.' Aiveryhandsome new Carriage, n'ewesf atTyle,... with a coriiplete - set.Of dOnble, H r tetoi.rwill- be, sold cheap txthatiteci aficie—nteMlA haridecrope,, • . • . rptirticulars.enquire of the Printer. icugust 1.8q7. , ----- w. . . 41i..•..4:-_:•'•-,.::•••,,4•.:V- , . .. ' • . •.., , •.• • -:' • • . • , .;z • ~,, .... „ ' •::-: , :--"•.:-c,:-.z,•••, ; ', ~; ' ,•;:."1„..:2 ,i*:•, 7 ,•..••• , ,'';' - .'..:, ..: - s • '' '• :-'.- '• • ,- . , -'• , :• -' : , : r• - •.: ::,:- ..•. ; - ~ .. ;I-- • • . • ~ - • ._.• . .- . : :.,;.' - •, 4s::-P i;,, , ‘,1..2.k•;;. - Y':: --;•,. :.•: .- ._,,,•1•4 . .. . . • - . '--f- .. ' 'i. ". ~,,s'; '-'s .-•, -1 it7,--,•.* .. . , - r . .(11 ' ' •'.:: • • ' f . Ak. . . .-• - • X. 4 • .... . e - . . ... - 5..7'• . .. • - ---- - • • - , • . • . . .. • :., • .., :•. .4 .., ..•-• 4:.'t.,'" ' '''''• - . ~. . . 1 , , 1 7 - 41 , ' ,'.:- '', - 7 ' ' ' '•. %; jr' ', i __ 7 -; - / ''''' ' l • '. ' or- . .-•-:•'..1.;• - •'• --.-, ' .•- -..•- - ,• 2 :;•. - -:•,..., , ,. „!=i•, - ..-.: . „,-"T .-- • - - "-,-.•••-` --- - - -•••--- - - - ••• -•-,. ' • •, • ' .'.‘...- • , ' ~• .. .• -:- .. , .. ..„ • , ....... • . 111.1111.1' XEWSP.IPEItr-DEPOTED TO VIEWS (marl iariwizow t iv • IrliE &FITS amp. ,4crivailes oGittiru rrar (JAI/B. I E I RA riP-40 . c. , • ESE At PCLICA - I; PREPARATIONS , . A S the enjornent . c . l, heolth.depencls on. pre 'AlL serving ' the complicated; functions of 'the STOMACH, LTVER,.INTESTINES, It LUNGS, in a healtky and vigorous state, through, the 60e rations- of which.the body.receives its growth; as nutrition; and its support. - It ean'tio longer be astonishing that when these, viscera are deranged, and cannot perforin.their proper funMiofii,. the 'whole system should - suffer and betometbsorriten• ed. The blood is rnadefrOm4hesontents.Oritm , stomach ; has its red colOr ind'vitality given„tottf by. the action-of the lungs' -and tisit'performs its ,'cirmilationg through the, -veins and .arte. tie, has its i yellow or ballot's excrement, which' , may •be termed' its refuse or worn out sediment, collected"and discharged by theliver. Thesei viicera, then, arethe antimomar mechanism Or ap• paratua b 'which the 'blood Fa Manufactured and -•- ' -• ~ • d-it-is-theretbre-otrialitirthlFATie state of these should be the first consideration of the physician. - Now there are various chusesthai will affect and, derange these organs with which • the blood has nothing whatek , er to do. -- Thus the stomach 'may be' utterly debilitated 'in One mo -ment;-'hy 'affright, grief,- - disappointment, - heat of the - weather, or any - other - nervous •action - ond - b e wholly unable to digest:its:food, Is the blood to - blame for this'? - .A NERVOUS ACTION of long .continuance, will produce settled DYSPEPSIA, With head-ache, bile, mental - andphysical - debili , ty, ,and funeral'. - retintie - Of other evili. Is the blood to blame for- this?Ontemperance, kyr-in flaming_thecoafs of the stomach, and' leaving it in flacid, prostrate weakness'; 'and :ail- undue quantity and coati ace or purgative medicine's, by producilig the same effects, will put this organ almost out of use .for *digesting wholesome solid feed,_ and_thus impoverish the blood , and =the whole system.... Is..the_blood to'blaree_Rir this?--- Again, with regard to the Lungs, it is well known; that a.sliglitcold,',6o-caskined by thoop.feh er by. a current of air, will inflame the bronchia, all down through the branching ,air tubes of We . Itungs„....anthcreate_eitlUtLexcesitive--iniglatrwor. that dreadful insidiouifdisease Consumption, with pustules and suppuration ,pf " the 'lobes, "which, though7timbly_remedies_rnay r lpreventomearthly skill can cure. lathe bloedofthe fair and bloom ing vietfm. to blame fin , 'this? So the liver, when climate, sedentary habits, intemperance, or ether prostrating cause& have withir..4,l awa y oi , paraly zed a with 'distention, heeernes unable/to chrry off the hae from the z:ireulation .t.inkinitead,ol dis 7 charging it through the gall der'', leaves it to I ( come through the skin in ja ndictul and. sallow fluids, and to rush upon ,the s omaoh in irregidar. ,_amL_excessive:Trivantities..__: 2..the_unfortenht ' blood to Warne for this? N 6! tliese vital organs are never affected by - the blood, until after trie blood his been affected by/them" they are the -Makers and masters, and-itis merely thew- worik and.their_passive aget — • -: Itnowingthis to tie' a sotind and , demonstrr rated fact in scien nn; ed'" ence, Dr. W.,.EVANS' system of practice le in faithful accordance:With it. He aims to keep the Stomach, the Lungs; and the Liver in vjgortitts and:regular action, as the three greatjountains of health and life._. For this pur pose lit , isreseribes his,beautifUlly.efficaaious AP ERIENT. PILLS (acknowledged by medical men who have analyzed and recommended them; to be equal•to-any in . the world) in cases which - require the cleansing of the stomach and bowels ; and his celebrated CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS, in' eases of nervous irritability, stomachic wealthess, or general debility. A vast majority of human diseases having their origin in the general sympa thy of the principal viscera with the nervous sys tem; he-thus:seeks disease in the most subtile fibres of its Mots instead of vainly hoping to ex tirprite it by plucking; off its, leaves and more dis tant branches. His APERIENT PILLS' will do all that any , purgative medicine can do, that is thoroughly- cleanse the-stomach and-howela his CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS, combining as they also I da, the most delightful ANODYNE known in medicine, will do, have done, and are continually doing more to strengthen, restore and sustain the human- constitution than any other medicine . that has yet been 'discovered. Of this he hai innumerable proofs, and' this no man can .depy without falsehood. • Dr. WM. EV ANS'• medical preparations are for all Stomach and Nervous Diseases., In Indiges. tion,-Dyspepsia, Billions Affections or Liver Corn-- plaints, Heartburn or Ajoidity in the. Stomach, Tightness at-the Chest,,goss of Appetite, Pain in the side, or FlatuleneY, .Hypocliondriacism, Low 'Spirits, Palpitations of the Heart,,. Nervous Irri tability,Nervous. Weakness, FlnorAlbus. Semi . nal Weakness,. Indigestions,. General -Debility, Bodily Weakness, Lolorosis or,Green Sickness, Flatulent or Hysteral Fainting', Waterloo, Head ache, Hiccup; Sea Sickness; Night Mare, Gout; Rheumatism, Asthma; Tic , Doleretii4 Cramp, Spasmodic Affections, Nausea, Vomiting, Pains in the Side, Limbs, head, Stomach or Back, Dim ness or Confusion of Sight, Noises in the Inside, alternate Flushingri of Heat ,and Chiluess,-Tu mors, Watching!, Anziety r Spasrus; Bad Dreams, Agitations, wilt in every . case be relied by an 'occasional dose of Erions' Camomile Pills. Ladies, during the time of pregnacy, are often troubled with Sickness, Vomiting, Heartburn, Mead-arNe, Tooth - ache, Hysterics,, and other oublesoma' syliiptoms effeetually'relieped by these iprepritotione. - - . _ • _— Dr. ,WM: EVANS' MEDICAL OFFICE, No ARCADE, Chestiut'stregt,Lrhiladelphibi. ---For--ealattheilerixkl-ani-Ex-- - positor (Oa: Julie 5, 1837 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR, SA E. A first rate Limestone F arm, situate about 6 miles west of ,Carlisle, containing 278 t Acres about 200 Acres clear_and in a high state'of cultiiation; the. balance is- well time e ed, and there is a large quantity 01-Locust on the place. -• _ • The improv,iments are a new BRICK. HOUSE' and tenant 1-14tises, a LARGE tANK-BARN. andlivn Apple orchards.; . ,There is a well water, • and several _very_ large • springs. near, the:ll6llSe: The - turnpike Road: from Harr. risburg Chtunbersburg passes through the farm, - and the Raß,Road,:pasSes nearly in ighE, This ,property .. istwelV4lculat6d for ,two , _ The Ekbove proper i 4 worthy the attentiiin 0„ of 'capitalist, as it will be 5014..1 w. • The ti tle is indi"sp"utablenquir9 of . -, • . , ."-- •',F. : ' , BOSSERIVIAN.f ; CarliSle r Sept. 18 i 18.34iir.' • '" - i., " , - tancaitei ,Examinee Ilerald„,. Volksfretinil; .4 ,w. enork ;price & send charge thIS oilic4c • DR. W. EVA.NS! Printea gi ) •• Weeily. 1 . -►ti Ge' hillip s A . • Ge . a.- IF .•11•:evoi Ilialnd's - Vegetable Life ?nisi , r - , - • aud, • IPIFIENILVItijrtIERS. . A CONTRAST,' • • _ - All nations, from the_remotest ages, bave had • ships, but Columbiks only found out tIM way to America. Ilefore the time of the" re nt Spanish insviKator, people were only ena bled to pa le about the-shores. • Just - % o - with the - Life hitilicjner.. I's, but two-years lancet tinit ventured opop • an.- unknown , ocean, and- .ll ave discovered the medicines object I .as in search of—H EALTH. .Vegetahle medicines • wern indeed known when . I•commeneetl• thy. search; but their use was. not" 'Hy - the use of .them, I lave not on poised: from the dejected • invalid, ;to the hale, hearty h • d activomfin of business; but, comparatively speaking, I have renewed my youth. I can thus, with contldenesin_my oWn experience;hd vile youth._ fellow-citizens' Does the reader want proof that the VEGETABLE .LIFE • MEDICINES. are suitable to bisnww case? . haw d on tile at niroLdeci , , 545 Broadway,. hundreds, from acme of. the, most, respectable eil - Wri zenrof this mytiVe landablipitary Carer qd in,testimony of the virtues of A GOOD. Ve.GETABLE - Persons Whose minstitations: hove been nearly ruined by the Mall-infallible" mineral - preparation's of the,day, will • • bear me witness, jhat the Lifeliledicines, and such only, at the tine course .tqfp#Tffifdagood health.. JOHN HDYFAT. . GENEfIAL RPM RKS RELATIVE TO MOF FAT'S LIFE PILLS Re PLICENIX,BITTERS 'lneseinediciney have long.been hiiewn'tind appreciated, for their extraordinary and immediate powers of restoring perfect health,to persons suffering midermearly every kind of disease to which the !innate fmmeli liable. • In manylliiindledintCalifliatid-iiistitite-e-4-iffeji-Iniiii even rescued sufferers from - the very verge of an untimely grave, after all the . .ileceptive nostrums of,thedaY had ut. terly failed; and to many thousands 'they have permanently secured thatuniform, enjoyment of health, with'out'which life itself is : but a partial .blessing..' So great, indeed_has their efilcacyinvanahly and infallibly proved,.that it has. appeared scafaely less than miraculous to those who, were unacquainted with the beautifully philbsophicaLprineiples upon which' they are compounded, and upon Which they consetmently act. It' was 'to their 'manifest and sensible action in Purifying the springi and , channels of life,, and enduing them witlixenewed. tone and vigor, that:they were indebted for their name, which was:bestowed upon them at the spontaneous request of several individuals _whose lives ' they had enviously saved. --. The proprietor. rejoices in the opportunity afforded by the -universal diffusion of the daily press, fur placing-bur VEGE FABLE - LIFE PILLS- within the, knowleifim and' reach of every . individual in thecommunitY. Unlike the. buster pernicious qua Cher i -6; . whiclubciastof vegetable in.' -- gr§ . dients, --- the nre•aufg/y vcgetablc, anti - contain _neither IdereurY. Antimony; Arsenieynor any other min, ern!. 'in tiny form whatever. They nrelentirely composed - or extratts thirti rare and powerturplanti, the virtues of "Whitl4 - 11fOtrgirionricnowirto-severol-Indiantriber;_nnif recently to some eminent phatnraceutical Chemists, are alto.' gether uhknown to the . ignorant pretenders to medical sereririOnd. were nver beibrensininustfred in so happily efilincibus a combination. - • : , The first operation is to loosen the coati erns . ° gotta - Ol and bowels, the various : impurities and truditiesconstainly Ett . .ing around .tfir.t : to' remove - the 'haellenkil,Teces. whichwhich collect in the 'cuprofutioni of the small intestine's. Other , cleanse these,andleave finch col , Meted-masses-behind, as to-produce-Lobito al_-coitiveness, with all its train of_ exils,or sadden diarrluen,_with its im minent dangers. ThiS feet is well known to all regular ' anatomisit„who examine the' human -bowels - after .death: and hence theprejudice of these.well informed men against the . quack medtmnes of.l.lle,agc, The second effect of the 'VEngTATIEE tyvtpix.Ls is to tleanse.the kidneys and' the-bladder,aud- by- this,meaus,.the'liVer and the lung!, the healthful action of whieltrentirely . depends upon the. regularity of the urinary'organs. — The blood ,- which takes its red color from the-agency-of the liver and ike fangs be fore it passes into the heartrbeing. thus' 'unified by- them, and nourished by tbed bowing fiMird clean stomach, coursesfrody through the veins, renews every' part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of health i'a_ •--..m ). chock, The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases, to *vitteliolte Vegetable Life Pills 'are well known to be infallible:— . DYSPEFSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the hrst aryl. secontkitarnachs, and 'creating a blow of pure, healthyVki instead of the stale and acrid kind;— Flatulency, Paipiention of.the heart, Loss of-Appetite, yeartborn end Head-ache, - Re'stlessness, 111-temper; Anxiety, Languor, end ehoty, which are the general symptoms of - Dyspepsia, will -vanish-as a natural consequence of its cure. Castivenessi by cleansing the whole length of the intestines. with a sol vent process, and without violence; all - violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. Merriam and Cholera, by removing the sharp acrid fluids' fty which these com plaints arc occasioned, and by promoting the lubricative secretion of the ;immix membrane. Fever, of all lands, by restoring the blood to regular circulation, through the process of perspiration iugh so lution of all intestinal to LIFT' PILLS have been knows ku three weeks, and GPI local hithumnatior fro, joints. -OroNies o//''all k. the kidneys and bladder. these important .organs, Certain remedy for the w by dislodging from. the matter to..whtch_thesesi siuption, by relieving t mucus, which even sligl removed becomes harder diseases. Scurvy, 'Ulcers feet purity which these I. the !authors; ScorbutiO.Ert their alternative circa* morbid state of which Sallow, Cloudy, and Gan use of these Pills fora VII cure of Salt Rheum, tent in the Clearness of Iluenza, will alwayshe• two, eve: in. the worsreaset, Pit toast die. trtssing and obstinate .ms pills de serve a distinct and tixnl4, f t is well known to hundreds intim c. if these invaluable Pills, was - hinuel. .......: complaint for upwards of thirtydhicoeui., out he tried in vain every' remedy prescribed within the Whole compass of the Metena Medics. -He howeveri'atlelfigth, tried the medicine which he now offers to thepnblie,idid he was cured in a very Short time, after WS reebzery bad been pronounced not only lin probable, liut.absolutely.impossibfe, by any human means. tDIRECTIONS FOR USE.—The Proprietor of the Vege table Life Pills does notfollow the base and mercenary prac tice of. thequacks .of the_day,in advising peniins to take his Pills in large quantities:— No good Medicine. cau•polii bly be so required. Theie pills are to be taken sit bed time • every night, fora week or fortnight, according to the dikaie. The usual dose is frorri - 2 - fo - clicettriling" to the constitution Of the person.- Very d•• icate persons should begin with but two, and - increase as e.nature_of the case may.require: - -these-more robust; of very costive habit, may . tiegin with, 3i andincrease to , - or even tPllli, Mid - they,,,will effect a / sufficiently.happy change to guide the patient in their_ for-_ther use. These Pills sometimes . occasion sicknes.i.. and vomiting., though very seldom, unless the stomach is very foal; •tbis, however, may be considered a favorable syniptom, as the patient willlind himself at once relieved, and by.per ievenince will sookrecover. ' They usually operate within 10 or 12 noun, nd never give pain unless the boWels 'are 'very much encuniberedi___They may be taken' by the most delicate females utid - e - r any circumstances.—lt is, however, recommended, thatithose in later periods of pregnacy should take but one at a time, and - thus continue- to keep the bowels open: and even two may be taken' where the patient is very costive. One pill - in- a Solution of-two table- :mount full of water, may' be.gisen to an infant in the following dos es,.-t t s ta..ll4 silLtmemtwoligartii kap. peemes;S - c iiidfrioni 'one liitive years of age'', hair a pill—and from' five to ten, one pill: . ... • - .. ' THE-PHOENIX BITTERS, are so called, -beentise they possess the Lower of restoring thee:piling embers of health, to a ;town] constitution , as throughout the constitutions the Phte nix is said be restored to life Mimi the ashes of its own, dissolution. The Phoinla titters are entirely Vegetable, composed of roots found only in certain parts of the western iiiiintriihieli - will infallibly eifie-TEVEIIS-AND-AGIJEB of albkindli.sVill never fail to eradicate entirely all the ef fectfdl Mercury, infinitely leoner, thmithe.trant . powerful Preparations of Sarsaparilla;and will immediately cure the ACtermination-of-11L-00D-,TO-VIIE-11-EADT-nerer-failriti the'ileknessineuienftuyolng females.; and will be founda . certain remedy in all eases of nervous debilitit and ireirkness Of the molt impaired constitutions. As a remedy for Chro nic and Infilaniniatery - Rheumatism, the efficacy; of the, Phoenix - Bitters will be demonstrated by the' use of a single bottle: The usual dole of these bitten is halfm• wine glass fultrieLwater-or-winei•and - thittnnintirrimay - bt - tliVen two or three times a day, about half an hour ,beforemea Is, or a - leis quantity may be takenat all-time:l. To those-who are afflicted •nth indigeitian after 'meals . , these- - Bitters will prove' invaluable, as they veripg_iratlYtnereastitheractimi of the principal viscera, help theiS - to perform their funtrtionii, and enable the. stomach ..tai ;diseharge . into_the - bowels whatever ii offensive. „Thin indiimition is 'cosi ly and speedi, IY, removed, mipetite. restored,' mid the menths'of tliemb• serbent, vessels being cleansed.: notaitien it facilitated, and -1 'Strength - of body and.enetAl of mind. fire the happy results. 1 For Further particillars of. ItIOFFADS I.INE• I I.l.l.4:trniV 1 PtICENIX . 1111"FERS, apply- at isfr: Muffutts , °Mee,. No.'l 16 Broadway, New York, where the.' PHIS Can be obtained for Z 5 console Cents or 81 . per box; and the Bittere the r 43 1 : 0r.,E2 per bottle, :6•Numerties.certificates of the wonder- , Tul ellleaciefhathi maybe there inspected.. • •,` • : - "I as's'ume obstinate mid complicated cases of chronic and inflaniniatory Rheumatism Liver Complaints, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Polity, Plles,-injuriesfioni thavac ohne) , cury, quinine,and othcissliseares of long .Slanding, it may be found necessary-to take both the Life Pills and Phoenix Bit ters, iti the doses before 'recommended; ; : _ ••:•.- - : : • N. 1.1:-.These PHIS And the Bitters wilt getall Merekry Out , .r_tha. system inflnitely,faster than the . licit preparations of Sarsaparilla, and are a et:lain . ..remedy for the rushing of btooitso• ilia lien . rii brill: nlolenrheddoches; tiellouteuru47, •&e. All persons who arc predisposed to npoplen.lii ' pdti#;. ate., should "meer be without the We:Pills or. thmilitters, fee onosiosein tnue.will save life: . They equallietlictitiretf, lotion of 'the blend, draw all pressure !from the head; rehture erspirationituid throw elf every itininrity by .the, pore:iv:if I - : k.r. ' eil 6": at-'th 6:: Dtvit,,, ,,, TStor of S rEtiii - C 'l''li' - 4.- . to ar Ls _ 4 ' . MEM T I.E ! gpaur, skJetT.,iyalnEß , ,26, 18-37 • rarm -171 . 02 aa Um -a m taining about-475 - 491 crek: 'Situated in. St Clair tOuisiship, 411ek t fieny :County,,. Pa. • FeVe is beautifully situated•on the waters of Chartier's Creek, FIVE Mills from the city of Pittsburg: The '.Washington turnpike rune within a fem rods of the line on the oneisicle, and the Steubenville turd. pike Within two miles on:the .ot-bet ; the 6sate road from Virginia - to Pittsb4g passes through-it ; also, 'a County road connecting.' the Stoic road and the Washington-Turn- pike, Passes the. door; About SOO acres are cleared,-and in a good state of cultivation.'= There are near • ' • 200 ACRES Bottom Land, which for ficyhess and fertili ty candot be surpassedin the state, tOarge portion of thisis in meadow ; and enough might- be , 4.0 produce "200 tons of hay -- annually there, is 4 great abundance of buil tn stonev4u4-300-acr_es:of_the 7 Best Biltimituins - Coal,. ,•• Which can all, be, get out COMmtkiently.-- The. - timber. is _abundant :and:good. The buildings consist dt-a large first rate ,_ • • - , .. . , ~.-,,:- . ..', CUT STONE • . . A good spring and stone Milkluntse';_ Vivi:kg the bes,bank Bar s in the country:7g by 38 feet and 60 bk 30, with stabling. under the 1 whole,- alarge fra e Stable, . 7 - - . ~, • . . , • rour..Tenant.ll,oll,_. l with r s tabling attached ; a frame Meeting House-and parsobao. hou'se' iyith Various. other-out-buildings,-such-asi_Carriagr—hi Cow house, Corn .ItiOuSe.. flee house,.School• - . 1 are,all of a better - Order than_asitally:foutttl_ on _Farms in Western Pennsylyania.. The , whole fam is abundant ly arid 'beautifully. watered:. „ • • ZIA R&M ©IIOI2Z/IBLDR. Bearing al 1' 'lnds of Fruit, adjoins the Man sion'Hous .'. - - In regard to fertility and quantity of, land, quality of improiennents and.. tenrnesi •to marketilbeing only 5 miles from' - Pittsburg,) this-farm is not equalled. Wekern Penn- - Ft -will. be. s sold - On 'liberal tertns, and - immediate possession given. Inquire of. 301 IN ROS ss , the_preiniscs,_ tii• - 1. & r - . • No. 209, Market kreet Phi Pa. .._.August 7; 1837.:--3m. Xez6l4.• ImprOverl-Patent JIMESHINGL&____CLOVER _ AND •LEO'RSE POWER. . . , The subscriber respectfUlly informs his friends and . the 'public generally; .that•lie continnes• to amstruct at hia.nianufde.tory in the 80 - rough of, Newville, Threshing and Clover Machines', and-Horse Power, upon a new and improved plan; - . •. _ The above machines are constructed of the best materials the country can offord, and by the -most experienced Workmen. The - sub c \ iv riberhavingtaken - great pains - in making man ••/ . • --. , . alluatde.lmprov'ehicitts • f • • in these machines, and in selecting the mate rials•from which they are . constructed ; , he flatters. himselLthathe shalLbe;-abjejo red der ample satisfaction to all. who favor 'him With a call, and that for expeditious work and durability they ,equal; if not saiiiaSS, - RAY thing of the kind, that has ye,t been offered - to the publi4 As he has . constantly a tate ,agsortmentoll haba, persons wishing to pur chase are respectfully invited to call and. ex aniline for . themselves.• .. . . . . .. " • • WM. B. MILLIGAN. - - '- lrewviye; July 20, 1837. , .- :CERTIVIC &TES. , anently nnoving of the igthening Itfully mt t found a , Worms, le dim) nd Con front the :h if not lreadful the per , and alt dons, by Min i the oplaints te. The in entire and In- . . Having purchased and . :tried one of the Threshing -.Machines and Atorse Powei, inanufaCtured ..by_ W. .B.' Milligan, I . can x safely s. .that-I.fully--'realized--iny - cxpectm tions. " 'lt run ' at least one horse lighter, and the hors walk about one fourth slower, add , threSl s - more - grahrirr - the - satnetfine :than .anyrsine_l have yet.seen, ___ _ • --'-'- • ••. , .. I , l7lo.l:;triGßA`cEk.. • ' Newton ;. July 8;1837. W. 13...ltililligati-4 Willingly certify to the utility of the above Machines, .yours. being the third Threshing Madhino which I have had .tidt up in my. barn, besides having seen eight different ones in operation, and I can safely say, that in my opinion,' yours 'surpasses any thing I yet 'have seen for light and slow ttiti-' -nit) g-aniHOe-ex-pei-lit-ous-wot4t. - " • . - - ' JAcbis MrE - is; TR. . . .• West Pennslircro', july,l7, 1837. ~ • ' I have threshed upon the Machi m nes . - anu , factured in Carlisle; and thituost if noTitirthe differed kinds of machines . in the county; and cangay - withuut -- Itesdation — that — thost I . manfaeured by W. t. Milligan lin much . lighter, the horse+ walk-much. sl ttrer, arid ihrestrek - More - krnin in the same time-Utah any I have yet' tried. - - .. . - ,• SAtti . iiici.. GALBRAITH ' • liewville, - July; 12, 1827. •.- . . '`- - ' MrM ikan:4l 404 g fortnyowhiatititib toaoi 'ne of your Clover 'Machines. last , tvihter; .f , took one half• .. .chaff ,to. the • clover mill;whichturtied out ten biishelS; .cif whiChl gave one' bushel for toll, *the 'oilier half I.shelled upon your machine iii brie day 'at hoe, Mittliatl , ttlielc . LbtishelS and one fourth of Clean aeecl; : ' '' :• . . -,-- , •.. . . West l'erinsborOgh;:iulfl7‘ 1837. ' ao.ll.ol:l6lxtrea• -, 2., Thi...subseiiter'aiiitild also inform'the — pub: lid that he hag comthenced" the • . , COALCI •ITIAKINet ID,QISINCSS in.ilt itsibranChis, and is prepai•ed. to exg-, cute' a . ny... : .oxder that line, - either.M gon• stfutting ..Barouchei, .Gigs, &Attie's,.Dtiat' boras, , sch. in,repairing done the shortest notice , and on,theirripsr.ttasona. ble Thb ',ars invited 'to call. and eitatnine 'for. Oeinselvg ,-as he intendi;- Iteeping a bonstain sofifilv cellaiit.V. • •W. 1114.141 GAN. JuliL2rl - 81r; •••; Woobs: , ero C. avv:tainior;' -.,d:P7ltleivedleat flowers enrich',, From vaijOita gaiikais ditill'sd with care." For the Herald* 4 . . • NATIIRE • BT JOI1N,N;I, POIIREY , Eve watcle.d thee; in the Orphan's tears, tt; When l friendihrtd diiubts,'and woei, and earnest feare, •Held the ypting soul in thrall: WhiU tarniue, hrthe vacant - eye, Bespoke its chilling p&wer•; , - Betrayitd it.s_heavy,,power. r-ve_stcod beneath.the..bertgitig , •'-•:Whe'n.staritlcy • • Traced - on the brilliant caotiy: . . •"- • ' The witness of thy ' .• .' I've Ka16141 the-floods of moonlight On tree, and hill, and-tower'i • • And there; before its holy c l l, H - •• • _ave lc,ssecl thy saerCtl - • "The lightnings paint,. thee in the sky ; . The thunders shout tlit,praise -' • While in continual itarrnoni , , e storm thy lit die Is s /.. • An'd when its-fury sit is spent, • And citilet.waves her-wand.; . : -- - - i'lleCtlten,'llty - ballutved nape is blent • With all the sail and bla n d:.: • • - Bright morning, in the-r . 61yeist,. i . ..Betrays thedlit'ller:blu It ; -.-_ ... Cahn Evening s tylien the ay - is least, graesents thee in her hush ;• . . ' ,— . Thy-euidgriahtthe spheres-;,..._ - 1 ---- , --- Thy-Monument the hilli; ' .`The deals are thy relieving tears'; - ,l'hy name is itithe rilta. . .: _ Young love ewhen sighs proclaim ft's life,. • - Breathes 'out thy presence still ; • -- And in the itea'rt's fast-yielding strife, r We see - thy,sacred will: The mother, when her eyes behold • The pledge-of holyjoy, \`\ is Would not exchinge htr bliss for go d— .- . For thou art in the boy! When deep contrition bends the ince Livfore.the shrine of prayer ; - When - husired is pleasure's noisy glee, Arid grief boWs weeping there, - Then may the soul in silence feel The'spirit-chast7ning-rodi. And . While it ears Great N'ature's seal, Behold that Nature's God! ' e 1:11C K , oyr ~7v4 or , - On the...Misitige. , the Major calls this "ohy takin the bark Off on't,' we .don't know What will be left of the lil.nber by the time be_has got the 'squ'are !;:pri't`-- but we will by any remarks of our own, detain emir readers from a 'productions, the perfect good temper of which; is c only .equalled by . its true and unalloyed patriotism . • • 'Nigh the wreck of the Two PoliiesiZ ReiVrinwity Sept, 14, 11337. S To Uncle Sans. 7 • _ . My OLIS . hay . e-been readin , the Message over from top to bottom-and froth bottom to top—and from the mid-. dle on't belt's' ways—and. I roli'd it over -jest as-a-car penTerti oes - a - fogi - and d rayed ' chalk lines to gtt the _square on't and sharpen'd my, ax, began to chip off, Iris more than a day's pp, mid I don't know that I can promise, in Oh, letter, to do more than git the bark off. . It is a plagy long Message, seein that it speakS of ony one matter- but this comes frolit outt•reat Folks' in office usin sicli tong words, and Stringin on 'em together, like -ingins-,--svlten--a few short--ones--- 4-iia onei-kt. tell the same• Story. I remember; one day *fie,n I iris to htlin', Uncle Joshua got a letter from Washing 7. ton,"frodi afriendpf hisin whii had gone -there--to-ask-Ihe Gineratto - makev'Uncle - Joshua PostmaSter. told a long story about 'the 'delai—and that, the Ginerat was sick- - -alid that the doetors said that he was now 'coatiratlescent."- , , Con - ,t - whatP- - asked -, I A un t tWhi' conivallesent,' said Uncle Joshua, rubbin his spectacles. " ia natu re s hat - 10 - mfitailit. no w,' ask'd - Aunt - Nab by - agin w 4 •l'don*,t know,",,!says Uncle “but aliT hoPe is it ain't the nartie Oil new parl,o —it is one or tothe‘r; I am afraid,andif_jt is tile Tatter,. we mast all lirtiali\r . OuttUnd turn 'Conwal lesent'f'ai soon as possible, ;.on 1 shan'i, git my • ollite, that's Sariing'--and jest_ then I - came in, and it was.welt,l did, or Uncle joshua would a. had all no"witing : ville, call'd to a public.. meetin, and the hull Jackson - party, would bare gone right over to thexConiirallesent party' in tio,mme. But as loon as I Joshua, what the, rale meanin of the 'WOrd , Aviis—antt that., it,was (my ;the Doe € o e B way :of s.ay,lo , qh4 , ' Cineral`piii . 'llitt• tin better'—.'Well,,l! '' says,!frie, iiss worse; -feirii. 4 B - a hard . mattir, maJori'to chai*:A44'llalitt:'or;;C- , Partir; but whir in matur6trlian - nay . nn -- r'Efittifl.,hetter! is plain, AnOlinpi,",but 5111113 'Conwallesent' 'is jest no, word at all. was,afraid,' . says Aunt Nab!ly; dy,afeb y. ' d e-s tick s. ' • sails Uncle 'Joshua, ltpoiv'd warret,that '--for a d'op, would jest - as - soon - Fdare'bite tehot pudd 9 h sto bite the Ginerall'—• And So w!! , alr6onoluded the West way was to use ,plain language--andit has been alesson,lo me. ever since:, ~Now,astO this rrieSs ge, .eyery . ..bod'y thiriliS.he:lt . noW's whn it ineqns,..and all f) ? that - par t . on"i'..that , as any' of the 'Con= "walleseent' 'natui. 'out-it is so. ifigarid . over, prity.rouch-e efyliolly sviallows it "right down./ But that -ain't my' , way: .I' Inowthere is:alivOitwO sides to . artiew• ter, fatter, - .If I. We . time; 1., mean_ to "rub ofratl the ingar7'snegtildingi.and . tee What filth on't; and then if - IrEnd - sitllif , rale" . grit,' • I'M go it,, and fady . tpo .6Veiy ,bodY to, go it ; byt. if - on the . contfary, I 'find it won't hold: 'Water and ain't Sound. doetrins; - I Won't go it,, and no .min in all' 'lloiingville - -, will '_go it: _Every ,!body says, •that I' havellearn spe a k MA(ind . 'every.ibody Is.talkin...of.nothing else ~.jist `flow,) that t . ere , ts'no mlstaWlit that k-tneSsige . ---lioiv I illink-4—ste--a-060. Man y.misla,lr es about it.NThe. first- Mis take is , . it' i s too long . at both eends, and not short ennugli. in c the Middle,-,-seein now thattlia 'Globe folks have lost the , peintin on't, you won't see so long.a ononpitrin one spell, so long as the Con sarvoilfves follci . keeii .the printin.—,mistake is, is says n leitle too much, about separotin 'The Government" from.the. go ne al .consarns of the people,. "and .as 'p s s for the goose ..aiiht sass fo'h_tbb .g.ander,. Congress began '"'lt off. try. The - Experiment, first on linp.v..._ . lint— the.printin liae-!`and, sea - tow, work, and-. the first: thing :we'sec:' is the Globe folks thathaint been separated now !forrgOin on over 8' years front iti - goOd 8350,000 Tit- a year of 'The GOvetn, anent,' 'round riglic - arid: another pig: got-holt; ,I don't like -to see a man or a pig lose his fit; unless heAlesarvesiit, and If-F-can find put., - that'lthe Globe. fcilks -dont desarie _ tci lose - theirs, they shall 'the piintin' of. all - my etTe*lita; no thin.' _ The rie . N.t.•'miitake is t inTilkiVoo:sev• erely Agin-t hp___Banks,lang',lseparatin-all- 1 tonsarimof Etha.,G,over_nment, -from them. i I should ~like to know now,-- who. first l ask'd to be tonnected=ivas ;it 'the r t'd'e= etnment' Or •lthe Banks?' Mr. Kindle, Iperhaps:daa_anSwer this,,and tell vs whO I lsent-him round among the banks- 7 some fou '' ' days . .ago. The banks; to be sure, have got a .pritty.,..bad...iiamejiSt-towa' list so the old quaker's dog got a bad character, and come ,near . the loss of his life by it; his master said he would not kill hirtt','liut Illgiv'e-him-aTbad-name.'- - 'Bad ilog, bad, 'clog,' says-he, and. away went poor - Towser, and afore he got round the.cOrnor; the boyS all atter hint' —With' ticks and stones-- , -"bad dog, mad: clog;' an • the folks tcampere'd,!and the old rep n slain'd the - doors shut; and it.'"Was 11 upon all over` - with poor: Towser_ fit had'itt been for his gittia to the river • an Las soon as he took to the - water - and swam like a duck—every body stop'd r _aiia said. 'well, that_ dog halm got the hidrafoby,' And jistisoit will be with our Banks, they will git afloat to* rights, and then a good -inany folks will ;say it was a great mistake to -abuse -ent---so, I dont -think If -Uncle Sam' cuts sick shines as hehasosf late, that he. will find a bank or 'a natural per-. son' as Mr. Wright Says; ready iii -take, him in as a partner Elgin on . any day—= espetiallY if, lie.goes on the principles of 'separation' himself jit‘ when it suits WU, without tegardin his 'agreetileict of copartnership,'--'as- he-idid. a;-spelV ago,. -with the United States Bunk. , . The 'greatest -mistake 'Uncle Sam' himself, from. any class orportion of the .people- - ;-for it-wartet'forthelthe peop!e'. of 411 clisses*-on whose .earnins he lives: -he would have a shoe to his foot or a shirt to his hack 2 —who on. airth is 'Uncle Sam'.-tin his .Olvn hook—r-unles he means to put'on a cocled_.hat like Bonit part, or, some sich kind folks, and'say he is 4 The,--C3overntneeit,' and his - word is - Law,oltl forth“-snA: . th a i he witl keep:/ias owriThtm — und - lrunt--trurst.:.the:. peopli with it, or loan it, to em, as other folks , do, 19.1'. general ,prosierity-I guess. lithe l'Phigs Or the old Federciliit:§ _put all,nck awl . _ said: - he . Wais' ohe of !heir party, 7 . ana he talk'd so '..the.'dajoei•Ufs,.uFonld :soon grease-his, fiddle-Strinks so he eaukrilt a varse otraiikqe Mod& qr (God save the King , - __Pmher..:=-The'faCt is 'Uncle is auside'rahle of-a inait so . tang - as he. re: tneinhers that lie is one of the huilpeople, and not. ofa party only, Atiii-the'.he May' :Cut a . shine fur a spell with recall's hisportilL7thenaturenf.'th4 great' family of the ,people' -is such, that 'as soon as (hell. feel lie treads - .on any .o 4 t their toes' grutrihle, and espsylaily-, - tlient folks that pay-the. taxes-Ifey..doit:t sVe; Why they Aylib are eali'd on because iitey:. have ~ earte.d• pi•Operty, ttipay:the' ttiste s . should alsci'be held - tipits Citeatte,; . i 3 OVlieut folks• as habit gut'_.any thiris the, doctrin4.?'.thei! ,the pest wayls .••• A rich ntiw:44ll:;ilg..ealked, an by. ;tiOttie.foiltii,pr'ekiv itindli•aantlie.q4k . or did of iiia..dOg.:pow .Wliat-titi'airth i can o . ;•rielf man tlo,'scuts° his.ntop ey'ipllils cduii, -, itigold,.'l4o : iilver in 21 qt*, iflie:') any twit in hiniolie. , .4ri'nwS he didint 'nuke his money way--.noi • no . ; lie keepsit- mo yin—.lte,lattos • it , Ottt to tlietn that haye 5..,.1 MI 1111 SE MEW' SIatVMS ) 118,14. , 'good characters° and a - o re. indus us—he huildS, honses, takes a share in rail roads . and canals and banki, and yoliwon , ,t catch ~. himtdoiog any thing that willScheels pros- perity,he ,don't very ofteri•twant . Oflice, .--- and Wild did he caul - nit - nor tit -. : - '. _ The hlessage i iSifaitlif - full - of the caterer, 'that brought to' into our present °troubles% , a9d - is tmy title on that "point, as-far as it • goes—but it don't - tell`the .- hull story , , ,If.._ . - I had tell'd that shark of °Zakel Bielyasit watch (wizzing‘ sp—and beginnin jeAt ie= ter it`began ‘ itotz.i . folksmould not :know to this day whatinadelt itizao—but I her i'l l t , at the beginU'n'onit and_ tell 4 how Zekel twitcked out t e balance wheel or ,klicker 4 -4 and then the o d watch. that had been main— as true as_ the_ tides.or timritYie4is--werit -- ‘NViz ,- *li i e. enhl; and.sban went to s sllliStr, \ . —and - jest so kyvas in -England--they twitched out their iltlicker , just about this same time, and 'tviz'cl' always jest as we - - dith "`" ellirtii - Tinore: about_ this. herfte l r • :--and in my next too:II try . ', • what I' - ,consider' another_ mistake and a •. • iiretty-important-oneAcio.r-and that IS bout 'private bankin' being conaidtr,dtet-' "7" . ' ter than coiporate. banksiiis a fang sto. ,ry to show that 'bank is a small part • • of the . Banking business—and _ -- that the - • most dangerous part of a . very differed; naturand that all Our Banks could • pet git along' easy enuf.- - if . iLiras,ony _ own-bauk ,had to: parin.'specie-- allthis.Livill-try - tcr - show, , :anti - then. --- .see...how_it'coines about tholbonki suspad.. ' iiiYind- -- ipecie and yet iiray'fie as sound al.:- ever, odd. weshall - then see, that "is ony . one thing mote . thOn any "other . thing-4.• .• 1mmy..14 - about-this•-statt-Of-thiligt, icore'r attion'• of pritaie .bankers::-% • cmpbibte bankbills, now in the work of times.M4r, •'• • oat he - worth - as - nth - a as, fiOld _arid. silver -.but the hardest currenty . " I guess - folks - • holds nowi,:a;_days, - is the:currency of privace,- bankers at home and abroad. ~, dtitigt knot? . sartin--but that is. my notion =-and if so I••••• thihk 'the Government': is -mistaken bankin...aa the,_beit, - amt . 1_ would aatitt you''Uncle.SotiVto separate— L from-all-that-kind of currency.. • . - 1 - have only one .word • more to say CA. at-is,-no-to-let-Gov-' --- eminent, • eminent talk to mulch of 'separation; a' • did when Str'uck'off •B Phiribtri .Ununt from the new coin; I 'did batlike • that—but I thought Itivould stop there,' and -not- my it in other Matters. ;Alta' • fact is. ' , the GatrtiMetA.! : - iint ',Under - - • Sam' alone, or ~'Uncle Sam', grty,:alone--it is the people's prop . ertiyi. and no matter_ how much 'Uncle Sam• • may try-to separate hirnheff, the people . ; wont ; let . him—for without 'the-ptOple, • the-hull- people, and no•thin:but they know.thatl 'Uncle Si'a *add . • • soon become a poor and rag ged . bld •• : anti • ve• •no -money .to-pay his ilebta; and no one would4okt..his note;.tliere;•-, fore, .1 Say, 'Uncle Sam,' don't say any . thing•.more about separMn;.but stick td_ •• the•old sigd board, 'E . • • .and if you want any 'furth er a sick .kind folks 'about any good 'citizen would like : to ap:point your elteCUtors, aryd guardians of,)our estate' and children, and to take gout!. care of- }four widow, if you left-• one; • these kind of folks M'e.'safest, tho' the may not be .as..-liood politicians; ,and iltin!,t_di'scard a man- tho• he May cwu • - /iMise Ws' Or • new land, and : paid • hill neighbour too much for 'em—this-103U; nesa at. hoticieis • better(as bad its -• • called!) • thair speallalion ronnd. Gape Horn, •any , where :abroad, _for . tlth - 'profit and loss'. is . home—if A .• paid B too much, it'lS•tiO 'Matter, its'all at, home: .and.these Mistaites. Soott._COt, thernself- r -and _depend . 'on't, it man Whi', owns, a 'leetle land,. .'house .14 or • farm a new town •Or the skirts of ad ald ; Onci - won,Vove --- aivaiia - Note•fttr".l4B - .. --- . best interestA -Itii . ;;e:outitry,:than. if Ito • lived.on •tht pay ; f an of fi ce,..or . his - earnins „talkin 'politics, and drink id whiskey t atr - eleCtion, • -This is aotirtd doctrine, 6 icle Mid you don't• - find it to in practicp•=tte - 0 tibt; your friefid •' - ~. • J. .DOWNING--Major , • Another ,CgOididisitiiftor Sheiiira To the NElectors of rl _Cimelearad . . A candidate: for thUmffice. eif • SH Elt 1 FF,' at the insuidt nelyerat giectioti . and respectfully solicit your trotei I be so fortunate as to be ejected, *at nilijr. assured .thitt flocking Shall be ;wanting otkiik ar -anal_F—sta - ffion... • genral sakplacooll • .. . :14.11QtrtiEt LF:II2IG SpTing t'owohip,. Attu:l4:lB37.s.:,ii .• .NOTICIEti. • $ • ALL persons inhetied In tte estate of lisit,sts, • Wott, late - Of South blitltlleton township, CUM, beiland cdonty l deed, tire requestga .to matte payment td, the. subicriber, residing in the ough or Cott*, and those haring Oilms .;;- cud estate. twill present them ptliperly , ;(*e.litibiiit-7 te. for settlement. sf . - • , C A t 40,TH E 116,. ; Aligust 28,1837. • • '.• Several good good leaeliersareavratttedby.AOSOhisi ' • Direetora.of'Southr ktiddleen'to;Wriahtiß . ''.ltntile%,, • dlate applicatitOr should be Ode.; 'APPIY lion Jo Stewart, : oe.,'.;r - • hn t ote , • ~, , r1it0.M.16:•C1D21074:44; ~.4iitiOst 28, 18.37. • ' - A friil -Jars of "Vrench. Ituord".7.-raper . SbeL used Sufi Shal Uur dea u. Alaionde., . • MS MEM o ;! ° -fA - MEE rigal IMII 1