Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 19, 1837, Image 4

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Pewee/bk Universal .
: ..6ciencashouler ioninbu a t;1-4" _
.• ~ • and Happiness of Mankind."
On the, eighteenth of May, 1835, td se now
-truly Celebritted-Pills-were;-firatmadelmowit:iii
• the United - States,. although in Europe they had
been.pre.tionsly before the-public: nearly, a cen-,
The American public naturally , viewed
hem with suspicion,'
but as on trial they were
Ifound.what - they professed, it was soon displaced
'by the greatest confidence. In find the• many
persons who bave c onmenced_withthem tinder
• the ,most trying circumstances of bodily afilia
'lfidti,'w.lierrevery other rneans anti - mediciftehad
• .10 . roved altogether unavailing, have been restored
health andinippineass:from their 'use>. -and the.
.consequence is; they are noW:lrecorinended by
thousands of personswhom theyltave cured , of:,
consumption,. Influenza,
pepsia, Headache, Pains; and te sense of fu'lltiesi
• In the, back partof thellead„usually the syinp
---itom. of A . p.oplexy>tihtinnlicie, , -Apoplexy ; -and
,Dillious, Scarlet, Typhus, Yellow r and' common'
levers of all-kinds; - Asthma, 'Gout, Atheumatisin,
Nervous -- Diseases; Liver Complaint , - Pleurisy
Inward Weskriess, • Depression of.the Spirits,
. - Ettptureff - Inflammation, Sore Eyes, Fits, 'Palsy,
- - Dropsy, ' SmalLPox, Menzies; 'Croup,- Coughs;
Whooping. Cough, gisiney,
• Colic,Clicilera Mot'-
. bus, Gravel - Worms, Dysentery, Deafness - „ lting.
• ing Noises in the 'Head, King's.. Evil,. Scrofula,
Erysipelas, or St. 'Anthony's. Fire, Saltltlietun,
. White Swellings, Ulcers some of 30 years stand
ing, Cancers, Tumorg, .Swelled :Feet alai:cgs>,
Piles; - Costiveness, all Eruptions Of the-Skin;
• Frightful' Dreams,. Feinitle 7 edriilaiiits of Pyery
icind, , eapecially obstructions, relaxation, .
. • Althoughllsoctor B. has enumerated by name
,the above diseases, he is_nevertheless , ot. opinicin:
==\ - Vitliliiegrandfathen4helnte-celetwat ,,d- OrAV.m. , .
Mandrel); that there is only ONE j)iseAe, an
impiwity of the blood, Which by impeding the
circulation; bringson .inflammation, and conse,
quent derangelnent in the organ or, part where
tuph".iinpurityor-the blood' settlesrand that it is
the different' appearanCes• whielt this intimation
• or derangement puts 'on that have caused m‘pdi:
caltnen to designate suchtfipearances by various
names; but which are in fact,,only the same dis
ease, with more -or less' violence. Dr. t'Vm.
Dranclreth was so-fully convineeiltif the truth of
the . above :simple theory, - that "he spent thirty
- years in,experiments and laborious research into
he .medical.Propertiesi Of tire numerous plaids
. '__compstsing the 'Vegetable ,Kingdom; his object
'' being to compose a meditine - - - whicir - should - at - ,
Once purify, and produce .by specific actionn,• a
removal of all halt hugrom front - the - blood - by Ihe
Morita& and bowels, as 'by the continuation - of
,the use of such medicine, such humors arc
, • sure - to be carried and - the blood. assume a
Mate of_ purity; and, whoever: takes these Pills,
ind perseveres With them s will be satis t tat
- Dr. Wm. Brandreth fully attained his iilantliro-
Pic object.' It is now an absolute a d-known
feet,-in the brain_ormeanest number; Whether
it be an outward ulcer, - or an inward abscess, are ,
- all, though arising from many causes, reducible
to this one
-grand effect, namely impurity of the
blood:;- ,
Al cases' - the Al_he found,- a safe and aim
.- 'ltle 'remedy yet all powerful for the removal of
the disease, whether chroniclor recent; infectious
or otterwis - e; and - what'makes -- them - Parti - CidarlY
----- ,, adapted4or-thincountry,.l.auhat_thereAs_nutilltel
_ - slightest liability to cold when taking' them, in-
deed the - system is absolutely legs-susceptible of
told-when under their influence, than..itt any'
other time; therefore in this climate they - are in
valuable. Neidrer-dirthey'iCquire-cliange-of
:7 diet or care of any kind. lirEnglancrihese - Pills ,
have been
. the only medicine of litany . families
' for periods varying from forty AO sixty years; and
have always proVed effectual in restoring health
adiereveran - alieration'front - itroc - curred. -,- -
NOTIOE.—In consequence of the' numerous
counterfeitslor .sale in tlie7D - rtig..and Chemical
-'Stores, the public are cautioned againat-pirichas 7
ing of any person except the:accredited agents.
Security Against Counterfeits. .
Dn. • INANDILETII has adopted the following
• plan to secure the GENUINE Brandreth Pills to
the public... Every authorized - Agent,
.-: ja ' Certificate of Agency, and it will be seen that
- nrdOuble- forgery MUST-be -committed;_before.
ahy one can procure a forged Certificate,. and the
personhaving it i his possession is equally liable
I:77WiththeTeirger; .
The . following n-Itie -) si e ppointed agents for
this vicinity, viz: Wm. Gilmore, - Cliambersburg - t
Jicob A.Minrott, Gettysburg ; ,OGILBY & in . r.
• NER, Carlisle ;and Harrisburg.
. Dr. Brandreth's officers for the sale of the
' above Pills are 169 .Race, above sth street, and
84 Chesnut street, Philadelphia; - -
May 8, 1857.—tf.
. ' Shawls' Patent ---'
THE subscriber having purchased of W. _ merrup.m i la t' A u r ~,,,
131 air, the right for:Cumberland county, of . .w !N. AP Jaal•
--Shaw's Patent Threshing Machine, would WILL be exposed , to public sale on the
'inform the public that ' he has on hand and •W
v premises( on Wednesday the 18th day
Intends manufacturing a good material, the of October next, at 10 o'clock A. M., 'in
' above-mentioned chines, at hinhop in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, the
- west Pomfret stree - Carlisle. The sub: - following-described-propei ty, viz: 'The un
scriber dogs not pretend to say any thing re- disputed part of the Sawmill - tract--of the
- specting tire gond qualitied of The Machine, estate of Samuel Woods,. senr. deceased;
• but Would respectfully' refer the farmers of eontainiag
this connty; to any of the gentlemen whose 200 ACHES •
names are attached to the certificate below, 9
. • from whom any inforwation'tespecting it can more or less, adjoining lands of Caine Eberts
be had. It is but, necessary to say J.llatibiL and others. About 15 acres of this hod are
cheapness,_ease_cd_hOrse_pewer, and simple- 'cleared, and the balance is - '
ness of construction, it has not been surpas • Pi •
Pine clic Ches tnut Timber land,
sed by any machineyet invented. 60 or. 70
' bushels of grain - Zan ,be .threshed 'with one • The improvements are a -
horse in a day, and about 100 bushels with ''' ' LOG HOUSE
two - horses. , ' ' -: 7
am If ' •
' The,subscriber has improved the machine semi
-soasto be able to thresh much faster, with 11 ' ,-..:, AND STABLE ,
less power than as heretofore constructs 7-• and a good Saw Mill, -situated about three
The price of the above mach i ne is 70 dollars: miles from Mount Holly Iron Works oa the
• "-----....„ JOHN FLEMING. Gettysburg road. - , '
• , P.-S.._ As. a. proof,,,pf_the estimation in Also ...another.tract et Land
'Which the above machins Improved Is lield ~ ;
i -
abroad, :the states of New York, Vermont,
- Oblo and Massachusetts; .have given it- the 0 ----A tiv-se l - 31 -ft--- - ,
decided preference, and the three former of ' ' ffill:%' , ' 6l . w 9 •
__, these have awarded premiums to that effect. _
,_, more or less, of ' ,
• J. . P
- •
..' • .
CERTIFICATE. abbut 60 Aires of whicli are -cleared., The
,The undersigned having each of us pur- lanc - P:aiijoina the Sawmill . tract abode "fie
- Chased of Wm. Blair, of theborough of Car scribed::•-i The improvements are -a TWO
-----liilerene-of-hirPatent4-11feshIng-Meehines - G-RY-LOG-D-WELLWG-HOUSE-and
'-,lShaw's patentil-and upon, trial have found 1 DOUBLE LOG BARN, with an Apple
` 4 it to answer every expectation's - in every ,Orchard thereon, and a never failing Spring
- respect, and in addition to its being an excel '. of Witer'mear the house. - .__ ,- • .1,
lent grain thresher, it has- also'been found on . The land will be sold entire; or the irn-'
e 3- tpertment.tc_kave the advantage of being'is : provements and a small lot of timber land
clover seed cleaner. The power w so - S - 3 - rifielfaM; - the remainder - liclnt - slibin - EM
eafiy, that - itisvery - little labOr for-two-horses, ' 20-or-30-acres,--to-suit-p urchasery.--________ _
- - and the construction-at whole:machine is __A So,—On Om same_ day,- 42: acres_ of.
so „very sing*, and' sn unlikely to getout .f
order s •th -
iii ws most cordially tecommend it.
• Chestmit Timber Land;
to . ttie *Farmers of cumberlanevoimay m situated-on theline between Cumberland and
one of ,thebest machines we, havimet with, 1 Adams Counties, about 4 miles from Mount
4 'Which has given us entire satisfaction, ,and ' Holly Iron Works, adjoining lines with Lud-'
which will be the, opinion• (asme_telieve;) of : wick Walteniires and others. This land will
' every•farmer upcin_ his - giving the machine a, be sold. - entire ;- - or in lots to,suit purchasers.
~: f a i r tyr a t - ..- -,s' - • , , • 1 Sale to commence at 10o'clock iit'gaiirdiik;'
'4,..„,4oblesnide,i.. F ran kr„ )r d township ; ~,Samuel' whin due attendance will be given, and - terms
• ,-- - . - M'esitiiter;''Newtonj Jas. Sharp, Hope of sale made known,by . - - • .
ifer; - William-Green, Newton; Jacob .
'• James S Woods
-- Hersh's; N. Middleton ; Christian Tritt,
Executor • • 1
bof Samuel Wood d rd• -
':;Dickinson,John Tritt Southampton • Sam'ls, sr. c.C. •
- 4-Trittaaskpennsbor'orgh; Andrew Blair _ , Sept 11, '1837. - .. ---7- • -
Cailisle. - .1 , - ' 2 The Gettysburg Compiler willinserf , the .
Caiiisle,'lfily - 10, '11137.- - .. abov e until day .of sale, mark price,''and
- - - charge this office. , - .., . - - -
. .
. : A %Ober supply of t e above Pills just tirei
_Ted (in 25 cent boxesl aLthe store of . _ --
Aupst 113• UV;
Bra. nidretWo Pills.
A further supply of Brandreth's Untversal.Pl4
just received at the store of • '" • '
August 28, 1837.
' . . SAL '
81-lE,IEFF S .SA ..:.ii '-
..._ ~
— .l;tt - iiiittie - zit sundry writs'iirVailitioni EX=
ponas to me Tdirected, issued out of
_th&Court , of
.Common. Pleas of Cumberland 'Couriff,willi be
exposed triP.ublic Sale, at the Court House, in the
borough of Carliale,l-on Monday the "9th days of
tactotrer,lB37, riff() o'clock, A. M., tire follow=
trig described Real.E tate,lo Witt—
.. .
g- - i
-, ,
Containintwenty five " tiOnsatirriere.s -- orlaud; -
more lir less, situate kinson:and SOidli Mid.
till f on townships, ei, - atio•xounty, with 'a
- - 1 irsawai - ctat .---
Yn:FO - RGE;CM - H - rWSW - OirrithifiaCiatp - e - rit r s
Shop, a large Brick llansiiiii7frouseiqind , -thirty.
Log Tenant Houses, (NM ' //' • ..
- GRIST;MILL — EfSA fr w-mrtv; -
a two story Stone' Oflire, two large and excellent,
- Barns, one large Stone= Stable„ and several Small,
Stables, and oth'er,liuildings, gre Banks , Minerals,
&c.-L=Thii. priipeity-ii. rifidoubleilly - MieL.of -.the
Best in the State of Pennsylifania,' and in excel- I
lent ordit.- 7 ‘Seized. and •taken in execution as
thc.proliert , cd".l 3 6CVEge... - .
• . . . i
t , . - Alki *Atria of land. situate n. 1
Silver '.
-Spring township, CuMberland Cl:fluffy,
bratinded, by lands of the heirs of John frossler;.
tlec'd, and the Conodoguinet 'Creek, 'containing.
148 acres ' More or lesci„ Of which- abeitflgneres
.are cipaied, having thereon erected a'Log House
and a Log Darn.—Seized and taken in execution ,
as the-property of 'Martha Cunningham: -
'- MICHAEL HOLCCMI3 - ;Shiriff.
• Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,; - -__
Sept. 11, 1837. : -) - -- - -
Vatuitibie 43fOlottlp
MOVE% Oil r
WILL be exposed to public sale.on-Tri
day • the 20th day of Octpber - next,-the
following described-property,,yiz.
A Valtiabi'liarm,
situate in• Dickinson- tovinsi;ip,Tdumberland
. timay - i - on-tlte-Walnut-Bottom-roacti-qjoiti
_lands of George. Leg, -- My.ers..and
others, and about four miles from carlisle;
120 ACRES, -
-• 1 - more or, less, - -----
.oflirst-rat6 Liineitoite land ;
aboilt-100-aci•es-of which. is pleared and in a
good state of cultivation.-. The . improve-.
ments are a - - - - . • - . . •
-:„ , TWO 'STORY
- Stone Jirouse — ,
.a•-double-Log Barn, and other outbuildings,
tcigether_with_a___welLo. ciyater at.the door_
there is on this farm.ab excellent •
The_situation of this • property,would afford
,an excellent opportunitylor_any_pet.son_wish,
- Moo commence the mercantile business ;
it would also be-a good scite fora blacksmith
Attendance will be given_on 'the. day of
sale by -" - - -
Jame S; Woods; -.—
Executor pf Samuel Woods, -SA. deed.
Also k ,w,iii tie sejsl-ort.said day, •
- 49 a tat
inore or lessolfgood LIMESTONE LAND,
situate, on the Walnut-Bottom Road, about-8
milg from Carlisle, adjoining lands of Wm;
Woods,George Beetem,. Samuel Carothers,
and oters ;.`about thirty acres of which is
cleafedLand ina_good state of_ cultivation,
with a small Log. Dwelling thereon erected.
The terms of sale will be made known on
day of sale by the subscriber. ' •
- _James. S, Woods.
Sept. • , , . ,
The Pennsylvania Telegraph; and Lancas
ter Examiar will insert the above until day
of sale, mark price, and charge this office,
. .
•• TIM Corner Slime of the Rresbyterian Church
in Newburg, dumberland county, wilt be laid on
Thursday the 7th day,, of September neat,
Christians generally are * pas:Aridly invited , to
attend. Several clergymen will' be present on
tbejoccasion and public worship 'to commence at
half-put ten o'cl. 11. M.. A. collection will be
taken up in aid ttioTin4 of the' congregation.
'AiNinat s • • •••
1 ' w
agent for Pronsylvaida t Marylohd,,Delaware,
31south hlisf;;lhree doors belthi , lktarkerst..;
and No. i 0 North it Baltimore, , neat the Post Or-
HEALTH 7.0ND0N _ --j,
WHiCH have.obtained the Appioblition' and
Repommendation or Thousands,. who have been
cured in Consumption, Cholera Slorbua,.itrn
lioria-inteinally.or- external) ‘;'rand diseated'of
the Liver,. eow Fever - , out, tittithatism;
Lumbago, Tic Doloretix.' - lirOPsy; . St, Vistus's
Donee. Epilepsy;Appoplexy, Green_Sick
! liessiltud - fili7obtt rtretict — Urfoilv Waite
forin is so distressingly liable, and which send so
'many of the fairest portion of the creation to their
- untimely - gravest - Sul:ill - Pox, Meailes, Whooping
Cough, Scarlet Fever - Asthma; Jaundice; Gravel,
H.Stone'opdiillUjinar;Dhslritetions,,Fistula, Piles,
;Strieturesiiillptures, and Syphilis in all its sages,
ConStip'ated Dowels, Worms Ching of the
Skin; King's Evil, and alt Cutaneous Disorders ;
in slim% every Complaint, which the human
frame is so direfully subject, under.all their varied
forms and names; as the Ilygeian conviction
that min/ is atiLjeit to only one' real disease ; that is,
to , the impurity of the blood, from „Micmac springs
every complaint that can possibly assail his cam.
'plicateci fraine,:cythatTlt is the perpetual strug !
gle:of this vital, pure stream of life, (the gift of
Almighty - Power) to disensnlmber itself of its vis•
tousmcrid-humrorOvitlrwlireh Uintsb — ecome eiim
mixed: - ' - ,
this valuable medicine, being composed, only
of vegetable n --. ii - e'rciflizmeilicinal herbs, rind war
ranted on oath not one particle of mercural, min
eral, or chemical substances, (all of which are hiy
Congenial .o the nalre of man, and therefore de
structive to the hum frame) is•found to be ‘,per
fectly harmless, to the n ost.tender age, -or weak
est frame, Undee, every stage of human suffering,
die' most pleatant' and benign in its, operation,
and at the same time the most certain, in searching.
_ . every_
out the root of complaintihowever deep, &
`of.perforiniing a cure that was ever offered tothe
world. - - 'l'his •woliderful effect, too; is produ,Ced •
by the least - trouble - ]tcrAre patientsTbr - merely:
: sw-tilkiwing a certOjn•rntlinber of_pill•, and Wu,'
calle,d a „few_timesicrthe_purpcises_ofleyacuation,-
Writh the least possible sensation of pfineexhaus
tion of bodily strength, and witlictut the. fear of
cathing cold,.or attention to dreSS or diet, in any
way different, from their accustomed habits..
The pills are sold in packets of $l,-sE,:and $3,
and 115 - and 50 .celit boxes—the two former con
sist of three boxes each,.b
viz. oneox of No 1, and
two boxes of No 2 — the,: latter, one larger box
with a division; the powders are in separate boxes
'Ot_37-.1 - cents each.i : .. .
oa.ln . consequence of dieTifienied.solicitations
of the Agents, and for the. convenience _ of the
PeliTheili gerieral, boxes of 50'eents, Juni 25 - cts:
each, 'can - Jionr be has" - ofall the Age
- MO R ISONIMi the Family Adviser
of the Briti,li College of - Health 3d Edition, price
42 75; and PRACTICAL ('MOONS of the liy,ge ! _
lan System of Physiology,iiicluding the "Origin
9f Life."-" Treatise on Small l!,:rt , ' "Letter On .
Cholera 'Morhus," and many_attested cures efThet.:
ed inthis country, as well as-in Great - Br i tain-611
"Edition, price 373 cents .-:, '.- • , ',.•..,-1, - •
.1- - -The-Hygeian Medicine.s_ .,_ are'alt importedlint
this country at' a great - expeose,.• notwithstanding
which they arc sold at the. sapie-'in Eng
land. ' TheY - have.,beeii6 years before the Amer
icanpublic; their Preeminent success in the relief
of flielifll ictek - thottiands - cantestify - ----'-,-;! - -.
' (.0 - ' CAUTIONIn consequence of thelligh
estimation in which Morrison' Pills-are held by
the-public - , it has induced an innunierable host of
Unprincipled counterfeiters to attempt imitation_s
under - deceptive - terms thus - to delude - the unworn
and foist their nostrums or - "Genuine - Hygeian'
Medicine; in consequence jifulti'cb, thc A, •- ,
has taken the-precautionary_ measure °Navin': an.
Extra Yellow Label fixed on - eaeli Paeliecsiglied
by the Agent Of cacti State and District, and by
their SA-Agents, in everyXpunty;.the imitation
of which will subject the forger to the severest
'punishment the Law can Inflict: and it is fOrther
_to be noticecloliatpone of_the_above__Mediehies
can be obtained in ,any Drug Stol l e throughout'
The Union ; the Drug Stores being ,the principal
source through which, the Counterfeiters vend
their spurious articles. . .
CCFRespectable parties ay be appointed A
gents on liberal terms,.by dttplying to the General
doors below Market street, Philadelphia- r and at
No.lo North street Baltimore; nearly opposite the
Post Office, where the Genuitie Medicine may
always-be obtained. - • . ,
Sept. .4,1837.
For sale in Carlisle. at the store 'of Ocu..-
PROPOSALS will _be received by 'the .
CommisSioners.of Cumberland , county,
on Friday the 2 2d day orSeptember, A p:.
1837, at the public house of G. W. Wood
burn* in the borough of Newville, for ;gra
ding the: State Road from Gettysburg to .
Perry-county, from the south — end/Of the
Bridge-oyer the Big Spring, at Newville, for
the . distance of 30 feet- fromsrti'd Bri d ge,
said-road-to-be-made, at, an as cent of five
degrees from the Bridge to the distance of
300 feet.
IS•Hyer • • •
ib Zug,* .
Willis, :bommissioners:
Attestiontl -
Carlisle, Aug. 28, 1837.
A.wm. volt sx.itri.
The Subscriber wilLsell at private sale, on the
premises, a good 'V:arm in North Middleton town-,
ship; Curnbefland bounty, 'four miles north of
Carlisle, on the road leading to 'Waggoner's Gap,
152 A'C R E'S ' •
In a good State . of 'cultivation, the- greater runt
enclosedin the best of post fence; • nearly new,
and made of first rate materials. . About one: hull
red and twenty :acres are cleared ; the — resldue
covered with thriving ,
, • ..
, ~
• t and is also enclosed in good fence.
- The improvements are a TWO STORY
LOG 110USE,)P, Fyn
Plaisfered; a double Log Barn with ..,_, 4 ', , 1 •1111 4., _ 1. ..
two threshing floors and a Granery, ; and a geed-,
Waggon shed,7and . COincrib attac hed to it -all
roofed with,Whitetlne shingles, .with other good
out buildings; an excellent Apple Orchard: and
a variety of - other - _ - F`ruit Trees. Tiro , Wells of
Water near4the,;honee,: - There are. on the ' fent -
Teiieral - gtio'd - sPripgi of . water ; one'lui excellent,
- ' SIII.PIi 131!t- SP.IIIIVG
n 0 a-creeXpassee through, it, whichrendeta , it
very convenient in stock water."- ' ~!- ';',
ALSo,— , Twentyres" of Mountain Land,
allots two min half miles distant from said farm,
, on tojea'Gap road 4 with a public roadlnit.
-,- If: said property - B'o4r not be - dispesed - ottbefore
the.l2lli day of getciber next, it Wagntlifit , day,
'at 10 ifclock g A,..l4 4 :Woire . red atpnblih sale.
Any person wis ingittisee sa i d %premises, •in
view of :parchasin :'.,will please to call cut Solo=
mootientrnan;. res dinteFar,. th e.rebi t ;e4 on the
iflubscriber in Carl' lc, .- .=. •- . ~, - .- 1 - :
.. --- ' I %Aiw
: aT st
. - . tiTnii4 !.'.
... 0 , , . ~
Tp) outt,t(iititelsj:.:.
Notice to Contractors.
THE suliseriberinformathe.public that liis asaortm' epts complete—consisting of every variety p
Drugs . 9 Chemica ls f Perfthite Spices ,
0 , 014TPM:e20114,4.1E1T
consisting. in part Of _follovpine
will be sold WHOLESALE and RETAIL, on t!
— PHYSICIANS and the.public maypend.
—_ • Lamps.
Lamps pf all kinds, .
Chimneys tor astral Lamps,
Shades for do
Lainp Wicks of a.I kinds, , •
Cut EntryLamps_of all kinds.
Jalap i
Litna Ba:lia,
Spium, .
tpsom Salta,
glauber do.
Cream Tarter,
- Spices.
I -
. :. Brushes.:
Paint Brusher; of all sizes,
Whitewash_:_do. .du,
Sweeping Brushes, •
Corn - sVhisps,
, Clothes Brushes, - , •
Ha; do . 7 -,
Shaving, do
Sho4 do "
Moo *o
consisting of sill tli'e . stAnditrd works and light literary . ,prodtictiurs of the day
- M oks Assortment of School Bos
s complete, mid are offered, to Teachers'atr-ery_reduced prices. Also a large and general assort. -
ment'of STATIONARY of evety description. ' tonsisting in part of
School books of all kinds,
.13Ia'nk.boolcs of all sizes.
.. Byron's works, '• .
-- Csimittes -- iitect - Sp - eochts, ',..
/11 ° Kenzie's 5000 Receipts, . • Lockhart's Burns,
WAster's Dictionary, ' Bibles, family, - -...,
.. .. ".
Rollin's History,• .
Crabb's:Ppems, • • Paulding's works, •
Reckford's Italy,. • . •, Tom Jones Illustrated by • "
Zilwertlorff, and other Poems Croukshank,
oflgrs Stourney'S
7 —. ,Wirt:s 'life of Patriot Henry, -
do. Sketches, '
Diary of a Physician, •
Dick's Works. . , ,/ '.
Blank books of all,kinds,
Clark's Commentiry, •
___ . • . .
. CONFECTIONARY of all kinds, together with a great-varie . ty of Fancy articles
all of % . vhiilthe will di4p - Ose•of on the most accommodating terms. , •
. ,
. _
Carlisle, June 12, 1867.i—tf.
ssieLvEit IPLATIN Cr.•
/THE Subscriber respectfully informs his
'friends and'the,public, generally, that he still
continues, to oarry_on the •. _ .
. r Plea / lug ilitsineqs,
aft his OLD STAND, in Carlisle, *here he
'has constantly on hand a large assortment o
- - Bitts, Stirrups, Buckles jiarness-
Jrriounting; c.
which he_willselLatfair_prices, wholesale &
retail. Store-keepers and Saddlers will find
it to be their interest to call and examine his
`ware. .• Coach-Maker's plutihg also 'done in
the neatest manner and with despatch.
P. S.. Rail Road Notes will 'be received
in payment for. goods., . P,
Carlisle, July 10, 1837.—tf.
_ . . _
EVER AL-teachers are 'wanted - lir - Monroe
township,, (to whom liheral wages mill
begiven,) who can teach.l4ailing, Writing,
Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, and
uch Other branches as are generally. taught.
One need apply , • but such. ats - ca,n come well
ecommended. '
• • - - Setrelaxy of the Board of Directors.
THE= subscriber intending to , move-from
-__town, offers for sale a
..' -'irwasTowx—sToNE
'situate in Main street, and bow in. the occu.
I panel, Of Dr. Wm. C. Chambers. Also, on
the same lot,'
Tyro StorrEirime Building -
1'111;W - in the occupaney,Of 7. the, Cumberlail
ValleyAtail Road Cotnpany. • These house's
are near the . Mansion House . Elotel, kept by
-q..Aughinbaugh. • .
Any person Wishing,to pure,hase the above
- property; will he-told the conditiOns oti which ,
it, will be sold, by apPlying - to the subs s triber
et the-aforesaid hotel, who,-will sett do very
aacommodating ethos: • .;,
1 4. • Thomas . 13:. Jacobs.
Sept. 4, 1837)
TERM evetdrawn in the United States, 2:3'd
September next See , ROBINSOWS — Ad•
v'e rti sem ent in another' part' of thig. pa p e r.—
Orders for' the grand Capital aviae, should
On-addressed to ROBINSON,YiIthout . wmo
silent% delay. ,
:,21Julf3; 1831. • •
C s
i a l a a t v e in l
g So d a o p , , o.r
-1 •
Hyde Variegated iloatil
Thermoinetersib;isOiers, A variety of Fancy Soab,
Fancy Ala for• Mantle. • •
- Segars of ali
1 • - -
. . . Dye-Stuns.
- Madder,
_ ..Lopperas,
.11razil do, , '
Nicaragiia - wood,_&c. &c
544itinita i vt)
Stationaryi •
Ruled Letter paper,
do. Cap,. •
Colored paper, ruled add un
• ruled,
Insurance .Corn any•
Capital 600,000: I illars. - -•
:•TEIIS Company still ,co inues to .make
Insurance on all kinds of' p operty through
their agency id Carlisle. 'hg, : premium is
regulated according to t
from 'l3in - 461cent, • ' $ :hundred. &Oars.
Descriptions will he rciehjed,44oll policies
dated from the day of suritek;r
-• . .
Jan. 11, 1837.;-3m.
• GEO. PRINCE, • ,
Formerly of S'yirbt4ry, Northumberland
Begs leave ,respectfully to inform the public,
that he has removed to Harrisburg, where he has
taken-that large- and spacious three story brick
house formerly occupied . - by lilatliew Wilson,
corner of Walnut and Third streets, •
HArtiusßultff, -
In view of the State Capitol, which heopene4 • on
the first day-of- May last, and where be,bo.eis to
continue to receive that patronage se liberally
bestowed on•his establishment heretofore. He
will at, all times, be provided with- everything
ecessary to mite "h ' • gue Qirthatikble.
thirris bp:r, dune 1637. tf. •
To the Electors of °umberland County,
Paz. Low Otrizaxs:
Encouraged-bia number of Mena in
different sectionsof the county, 1 offer Ili - fie - 1'
as a candidate for the offkci of SHERIFF:Im
the ensuing_ general" . electiOn, and respectfully
solicit your vote - s. -If elected, l shall endeavor
to discharge the'duties' of the office to the sat
isfaction of the public.
Newtod township, April 17, 113:37.--te.
THE subscriber being desirous of closing
up his books; iequeits all< tliose who know
thernselves to be indebted to him, to call, and
Settle. on or before the first day of 'August
.as..after that , time his . bookS will be
placed in the, handi of.-4' proper (leer for
settlement. • .• ,
_ Charles Barmti.
Carisle Jdly 17,1837.
Notwithstanding the - suipension_of_specie
payments NOtes of all-solvent Banktiwill he
received as heretofore in p'ayrneut, for tickets
and orders will meet the usual prompt attent,
tion, if addressed tb * •
• •
EMORY te Co: No, 2; Calveit st. Balt,
Arty 3, I k esr. . . -
lb Ott
Ca 0
Inted FRESiI and,,qoo.b, and
ig accurately
.put up,
"White Lead, , .
Red Lead;
Lithate, - -
Terudecianne v &c. Ste. p
VatP iiisheg.
Copal Varnisli i
Black do.
Patent 'Eftlases,
Knight's do. db.
He:ntzelman's do. -
French. Trusses of all sizes.
Stone Ware.
Stone Jars with
- -
% covers,
o - ers,
do Spit Boxes,
Sperm Can ales, „.
do Oil.
_ Deed paper,-
. Ink, Quills and slates.
Viblins - -
Fifes, •
Violin Strings,
Piano music,
Music set for the
and Violins with .th,
Also Fiernini i s Sa,
MAPS of all the Western and
Southern States, both in pocket
form and on roleis.
3tEMrT rANó .
, .
ri i•f . :P OLLARS.,
:: ~:~;
,~,' ~. ,
~;.~;,, . , •.s
- ,
_derions•at a_dittance'diposOqo try their
tucle in either tif the'folloWing , grand,Lofte - , -
*es—one . of Whick, draws alternately .every
-week—are respeottblly requested to forward
their- ordees to' the4tiblcriber,- enclosing - the
cash or price ticketi,:designating the Lotteiby
will receive immediate` rittention by return
mail, and the drawings forwarded when over
(if requested.) -
• Baltimore; Md.
,GRIV' RIR S. —Prtler in'whic4
-41ie•severEFState Will be drawn.
:Maryland Statelotteries draWs in Balti
more everpther Monday. - daPitals range
from-10,000, 20,000 to $30;000 ; Detail/are,
State Lotteries draws, twice every week',
Capitals vary i t i;onn 5 0'4;10,00'0 ; Grand Con:
solidatad Lottery 'draws once every' week,
capitals - 20,000, 25,000 to $30,000 ; Alexan
dria Lottery draWs once every other Week ) *
'Capitals 10,009, 20,000, 30,000,50,000
gum State• Lottery draws every Saturday in
each week, 6124141 prizes range from 10,000,
20,000, 25,000.10,000'tci',540,000: " - Tickets
in'the above Lotteries vary from. $`2,..3, 4,5,
and 10 each, shares in priwortioh.• •
• All-letters -addressed to the subscriber go
perfectly safe. to miscarriage has - ever oc
curred,— "
Feb. 14, 1837.L1y • •
. THE subscriber will offer at public sale on the
premises, on
_Friday The 22d aay of September
next 7 .. •
of, Land, situate part Newton, and part' in
Southampton townships, hi the county of Com- .
berland, !wonder] by lands of Peter Cape, John
--tirlaxwCll/4-Jarnes-Keliro-and-othersz—The-larid- is
of an excellent quality Bing a mixture of
aslate_lifir4 shout 0 acres oOtiaa - re clear
ed, and the residue well set with the
choicest Of - Timbers. •,
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day,
Olen dtie atieudancewill_be giVen and the con;
ditions made known by
Alexander P. Kelso.
August 21, 1837.—t5. - . 38.
771.81.110 SALE.
WILL be' sold" at publid sale .on Friday
the , 15th ` day Of - September nexti , on
the premises, a valuable
• • CPTCITMI - •
. 9
and a LOT 'OF GROUND, situate on the
south side of Main street, in. the borough' of
MeChanicsburg, Cumbei land county, „Pa,,
fornierly. the 'property •of Samuel Ciawell,
Sr.,-at present...the property of S. CraWell;
and in the occupancy of m r . Zimmerafan
Sadler. The terms of sale will be Cash,
on the execution of.the deed. "'Possession
will be given on theist day of April_next.:
. Due attendance will be given and terms of
sale made known' by
Henry K.nettle, Agent.
August 21, 1837.,
Stockiiiul Keflta!ige _
Harrisburg," Market street, opposite . fo Wilson's
Hotel, • ,
Lace AU. 4
ituYs and sells Notes of of-all--kinds. Stocks bought
and•-sold. LOTTERYY - PIiIZES cashed, and al -
information,given relative to ,LOTTERIES.
Augus 21,- 1837. •
.p . artq f _
- .7170T iCE, _
E subtcriber residing at CuMberland
Mills in New Cumberland, wilt at all timeg
give the highest - price ib,cash for wheat.
David Iteicliard.
August 21; '
Carlisle, July 10; 1837. •
The Journals of the Senate and. libuse of_ Re
presentatives of Penpsy,)vania, and.. the Reports
of the State Treasurer4l Auditor General, for
1837, have•beeh recelied at this ofce,. and ate
ready for delivery to.those ttho are by latV entitled
to receive theth.
July-10, 1837.
Fair play and no gouging.
JOHN 1111"Alti; 'Esq.; of • ShiPpensburg,' ever
Willing to devote his time and talents to the ser
vice of the public, offers the c(nside
ration of the good of the people of. Cumberland
countyy, for the office of SHERIFF, and pledges
himself,- *ding t 9 fuWan)jf 'elected, to dis
charge the duties better than ever they have,
heretofore been; or ever will be after him.
Jury 30,j837.'
• .
Just received from the City, one, as White
and one case Mixed; Tuscan Hatinets for sale
lourat-the*tore of-the-subscribers.
June 12, 1837. ,
Pamphlet Laws.
Carliele; 27th June; 1837.1
The Act4f the General Assembly of the
CoMthonwealth of, Pennsylvania,lpAsse'd last
session, liave'been received at thi9Loffice, and
will be deliveted to those entitled , tc...receice
them, • .GEO, PLEMING, Proth'y,..
Carlisleduly ,10„ 183 Y. -
Several Teachers are! wan,ted in- the
of Newville Who can teach Reading,
Writing, Arithmet ic,
.Gramituir,Tie . ography
an~lc finch otbir branches as are._ generally
taught`'in : Common . .. Scliciols, Nontriieed
apply, but those who can come well recorm t
'Mended.' - - JAMES KENNEDY,
" Secretary of . tteljoto.d oi'D4ectors.
Newville, Aogust:ll, 1837., •
Yours &c.
JOHN mirArt.
5i0.,..0j.ff..a.:k;t.0_ , ‘4: : : : .
ZYthe Electors:qf Cumberhod
:\. • FellOw...Citizems g •
•offer myself as a candid.'
lie tor the office of 0,1-11BRIPE, at the ne,st.Geti.,
'era] Election, and respectfully golicityour_votes b
should you think proper to elect me. T pledge
- myself' to discharge the .duties oilhe office with
edientservant; , '
, • -- __WILpAM G0Y149.
• . • •
To ilre voters _Ciiirialreiland county.
Fez .r.o:0.• C 17.128 ;
k 'offer myself as a, candidate for the office t)
SHE R I.PF, at the 'nejttlkenerttl election.
bo , ftv'cited- - virith - a - Majcirifyr - of
voteso. - shill7endeavor to discharge the duties •
with impartiality: _ ' • - .
• • •• JACOB -W1T284.
C'arliile; A p il17; 1 ' 837'. .
To the free and independent. Citizens of
Cumberland .County „
nutt.ovc Crrizrals,-1 hereby
,offer myself_fd
your - consideration for the oflice of SHeßfliTt
at the next t ,generil election. ' Should yeti thittlE
proper to give me .your auffrage-fpfthat office,
pledge do the utmost td 'discharge mY
duties with promptness and - .
'To the Voters of Cumberland•' County
I take the, liberty of offerin g • „ myself to your
consideration for the office of •
. Sheri ff ,.
At the ensuing general election. Should Ibe
elected 1 pledge myself. to do my utmost to dish
charge the duties_ incumbent upon me, with
unctuality 'and satisfa'c'tion to all conderned.
. ' GEORGE. W. - 111111ES.
- Southampton township,
June 1 , 1837.
To. the free and .independent. _electars
ELLOry •—:.—
At the solicitation of a number of my friendd
ill various sections of the county, I.offer myself
to your Onsideration-as a candidate for theta',
lice of SIIERIF.P.I at the ensuing general
lion, and respectitilly solicit your votes for said.
office,;_ Should you favor me witha majority of
your sufroges,--I shall be extremely thankful
fur the - same, and shall discharge the arduims
'duties of the office.with ;mpartiality, fidelity
and lenity. . „ • .
• public'. humble servant, -
• '•" • • • DEAN. • •
'Monroe township., April,.l7)
. • •
To, • the 'lectors of Cumberland
candidate f r the_ejliee of
at :the - next general election,-end most respectfully —
Solicit your votes nd inteFest. 'Slioidd you think
trreWftliy- - of-yq‘fr choice, by electing me to said
office, l'promise you that twill use my best eft'.
deai , ors to discharge itg arduous and responsible •
'clutiefi, faithfully and .honestly towards all cons
cerned___Yourhumble aerita,6 •
- _
1 Dickinson township, Apiil:ll., 1837.—te.! _
To the Electors of ICtnikbtrland County:
__Felloui Cdizens:
. offer myself a as candidate for the offieti
of-SHER/FP,-at the next-general election : and -
shall be thankful if 1 ain faAored with a majority
of your suffrages for said office. . '
Silver; Spring township
April 17, 1837. • S
,Fellow Citizens, .of Cumber/and_ Countyi_
I offer myself as skcandidate for the office ci
Sit E RIFF, of this county, at the-nextzeneral
election, and respeCtfully solicit yourgififraged
for the same:
Newville, ±£o.
Do the ludependent Electors of Citntber.;
' land county.
• Being , enEoUraged by a number of my -
- friends in the upper Mid of the county and
elsewhere, I heft , lty_ofter myself as a can..
,for • the .office of SHERIFF, at the
ensuing general. oleCtion, .and request you!'
Support for the same. If you elecrme, I -
pledge myself to. fulfil the duties of that im. -
portant station with strict fidelity and cleat. , .
ency, and to the best of my abilities.
The public's humble servant, -
s • •
. 1 4..„)
Southampton township,l
April IT, 1837.
To the Independent Elictors of. Cumber.;
• • land county. .
—. Having been encouraged by a number of
my friends, I offer myself as a candidate for
the office •of SHERIFF, at the next general
ensuing election, and will be thankful • for
your support.
Carlisle, April 17, Ito7.—te.
. _
I take theliberty of qiffering myself as a candi:
date for the ' . .
. BHERIPtAttIi -• *.
of - CiAnbertand count3r, - arthe - nerrgeneml elect -
Con,, and most respectfully solicit your votes for
the. same. ifelected I pledge myself to discharge •
the duties of said -office with hhthanity; imp #: ,
tiality, and fidelity." ,
Very respectfully yours &c., ~
1- ,-----2-18AAGANGN&Y,
Carlisle, April 24, 1837.—te.• . ,
To the' Elector 4 of Cumberland Cinftti:Vl
FELLow-Gliztris:—Being encouraged by ma.
ny of .my friends throughout the eminty, I °Wei
myself as a clihiii7f6t the o ffi ce of .Sheriff, of
-the nest gene 2 kclknoed respectfully solicif,
your totes.- ElWWlntbe elecied I pledge myself
to perform the'didita - cif the7offic - e - with - Ailelity ,
and_ impartiality.
Carlisle, April 1'44f337.•
I hereby offer myself•as a candidhte
the office of SHERRIFV;tit the•next general
•lection, and most redpectrully sialieit your •
~tes and interest. ' Should you think m 6
vorthy of your,choiCe by-electing me to said
officea promise - you to discharge the' dutiel
cf said o ffi ce faithfully and: honestly. to••:•al
oncerned. •• ; ••••••- ' -
.Silver Spring - township, Z .
May 15. 18.3 t. s' 5
To the oters of Cumberland.:._
solieiteA by a ntitilber frienlitth:Hrtift.
out the county, 1 plate myself beforelbe;publid
as a candidate for the 'office:of SHERIFF, at the
next General 'Election, and would' feekthankfa
for your support.
.Idai 8, 1831.- , • •
ffer,niyseT as d