0 -41 E,! AND' EXPOSITOR. *Ol sir'PEpailap.s - & C A R:L Witelstlay, , .Septlember 19. 11 537, 2We Pe . opk's Cahrlidales. FOR 171E8ibENT, . : ra.aulmilp=Cl - • OR VIDE PRESIDENT, - - Teat& ixtuacauiwilamat • 4 I emocr4tieeatil:lll.Aiiiiic r t Ticket.. •• • _ ENATOR:SL Charles B.' Penrose, Jacob Caksat. ASSEMBLY. . ' EMI John - Coover, Itfeeripticsburg 11ffiailid, S. commism,oktg. James kale& • - DiRECTOR.OF THETOOft: Ulrich Strickler. • A u.D yr o R. COR 7:4 ER, alfichoir_:ilrettateniftiti -- paati,ef ILecky.' 't4 Re it Rfineml4Cred,.:Frecinaeol chht - the - success - of wholdsome Coil:Attu- tioKal rieformthe curtaanten( of:Ct . n;pnrnte. Frivile•gesthe 're.rtoratibit-of 'rency—t he Freedom of the Press-Hhe pre- .serliation_9f.Egpal 4iglits.ancrPOlic Nforali ty=the extinctionlof- irreTiponsible mnney . _ corpoiations- - -th.o: - 72 F.= EL — E C T CINS F P THE , P ESE.NT IVORTIIY DEMO-. :4NTI)11 ASO. I I IC o 11.".E;zg_ .71 , 017.47/1838—s-the PROS . I I. IIATioN OF THE MASOI‘ . IIG VAN BUREN SHIN ~.„PLAS'T'ER:'AIti'-Y and Explosion of th(ir . HUMBUGS—the tof Republi eau 2 Prinpiples; and the PERMANENT 'AS ::;CENDEN.CY...OF.THE_D E o 1?.4 771 7 111rf A cX.A'7C P 4RT Y in `P, nusvp . ia 11 - A of securing th - e - eteeti(4s-of the Patriot HARRISON in . 1840, are_ aion§"which will be greatly and deepiY-affre; LOA si on 117•111 r. THE ELECTIONS Tuns, This is our firm and deliberate opinion; and we therefore, for the advancement and suc cess of the above Principles and Measures, doh 'ow NAIL 'O4. FLAG TO THE MAST—where it must remain until it'shall 'PROUDLY ANDL4RIUMPHANTEY \ WAVE OVER THE BROKEN'FOR aES -. 0.F THE 111.4 SONIC • •1 1 1/I.A. RU REJV SHIA PI-4STER P.IIRTY-- Z7•WHICH IT , ASSURREDLV WILL' -AT- 2 --THE AP.PROACHING - ELEC TIONS... • 6. 6 6 6 6 - .6s 2. amaw PUBL EIiTIETNG. , - Agreeably - to - a — recommendation of the A mi. .Masonic Senatorial. Conferees, the people, of the senatorial district, composed of the Comities of Cumberland, Franklin and Kdams, are requested to assemble in public .. .meeting. at the house of Robert- Cochran, in the frorough of Shippnnqpirg' 'On--Saturday the 30th day , of S3optomb'b , „IMO., at. 2 o'clock in the afternoon of :.aid - d - Ty, to deliberate on the varions'questipps, on which the elections this fall will turn . The citizens of -aid 'counties without regard to parties are invited to attend- September 19th, 1837. As we have beenAglegated to attend a : _counly ctitiVention, of the friends of the Temperance etude, to be held ( this day-at Shippensburg, we *4llCoicaeijuently beab.C - tit;hemthis number of our paper is put to press. Our readers will 'therefore overlook:id) errors which.may appear. - • 0 'Xi k . "• - Our neighbor of the Volunteer.„4,As . tire 'trot), how we can expect to , carry oor,.county, ticket at the approaching. election, when we wei.e beaten at •the,last trial: The reasons fot , suckpn, expectation; we think' nre very obvious' to t i ny 1 .....,_lrefier;ficii-niart.—Alurtntnr-rettson-frn-rtfmthr be, sucegsful is, that viirliilect is Vie best _'offered_to the voters of the countv.. Our seetnut --7- .it ,... ithe causes whicitp„: -, .ierited in prodn ing the total toilt and . i '''-'r)i ''re . F the van .__, ~.: weir ferces at the reeer, : ,t.. l'ifsi ; thAntitit i 1 4,. In the East,. and" in tili .. ' t'l'ivi 95' 4..ffvetna I _, emin the.ove rt hrow Or po liticalerrors, a n an leitabliShtiiteit ..c.ttlie puretinciples, for a oic I live oritehtl.. _Anothert re - a -nn Mt • ive notonly think; i?tit4)into that it gin .ints-"vic . I to& awaits-I.i - 16 - tleit:We "lave the . :trevitli to eitlct it. • ...' • . . , ..,:fiteri is inodier con ideration s which however • sti-CohlyiiiiipliCalilto that port of the tick i'wl which relfogq.,to the Met ertik s ilAssemhly—titat is; . iliat 71t4iiiitil - be - iiielteetibn ifkon - tli - e - Tko - e - tl,iieiii. - of • the peOple of"hip . iibunty t i td Suppose for an in -. nt, that they will sustain thetWo Candidateson: :____•,. e:\ Aran Buren ticket,- wicae entire irk:fficieney - • Oks \ -- . -want of energy and iniluence`ond Whmie new • lot 'of ihe-lictcl'ests, of theft; constituents, iyaa , so typare#4 . 9t the last sessidn Of thel,egislatoFef, - - - :, )1 7 .e_do.ii - ot thusspeak .of lyoodhuo and Gingtiii • . fOr the purpose Of censuring them, for they, in till - ". 3 preitiabiliiy, did the best that theiiliinited capaci-' _-. tiy, would allow their Want of intellectrinfolna. . ~. tfiol4ln4 ,: , .011tWVieoess fOr. the • 41f!.ce;tgae' . and, ; :W' yet nothing,of „the 'dUngpOtS - doctrinei• reOdlnendatiOnsaescrryToM:4; , . stituents ttie last n ren s elpage.• • • • ..Nature leas ficihe:.btit-:'2111tIne"-frilr''.iliOiet-eilndidalest:1$?:,.,:,,44191lhermotu!ormrprg•lealut-e of iLT":l l lrheu .iginir one - " 1 - them, for'beinilwa'situation, Whjch; ' ies _ . Was, .that,.stich , ..nn institution`' WO4 • least, they' reflected ,no Cy. tisiire 0 1,,0 111 11, so .1u!. fl a monied in f luence as to make , ianget nicheS party ,W . l4ll : :eltiCtict.thrili:' and outl2o4helibertici of Bic.: Thls meo, a .glea weightwith the " people, and-in upon, the , - cnontf. few reasons for. our be - -dee med., insoffielent by , gip. f r i en d s o r rsoityithe' arglirpOirwits . the-Volunte - ei s, , - ry - muiher.eafter -- 4SsikM:SMniefeW. reference a -. to Bnuk, must it in - a:have a aow. others which will. litiOfiiihji- ma ke force ,when 4)17110,1p - the G overn. Co_our-way of thinking.: .• ' itseyr-wpjoh-tdreadYliissq*.!i:d.. vast intlu • enc nd,powet ?-float assuredly it-must - •The people Of lierinsylvania have called a con. welitiun to amend the:Constitution Of this state, chiefly to'curtairthe Plorpillige of the Governor, under the 'conviction that - he had too much I;oW er and ,influence., What must they ,think of President-Aran 'Buren, who -possesses' power did. patronage yastl'y j beYond what our state Governor possesses, and.yet asks to fiave'all the'monied,. in-- ,fluence and power of the gountry added !!! - 7 - ;:tVe -- riiry confidently the , .people Mexer will sub ; - -mit to such derrisnds. ' • .• • , " Tl'he - p'resident has alf .- .lly too nnitli - p - oweinl - . t-luste' Ud of adding to them, let them ..... , rather hO,eurtailed., •• '• '• • - Lest - week we 141 before Our readers, 'Neal- . dent.. Van litiren?s message to Congrss. readers ire a wate.thaeC.otigresphas heen coht;e4e. ed mike than.usuit, by proclamation Of the president. Last 'week we had , neither time nor space to make 'comments •on the ~message, and promised toretnerk-uponit in this p - aper.'one en-. quiry h3foreici upon uS,on . kpernsat of this nees &tie, is this: ForwhiatifipoSaies• -greislleen .essenibled in sn extraordnier.y.e.9sston ) . by, the P!'es . iiletftf - W.as 11to rthetie. the cuunfr. from iy present• embarrassed situation? No! no plan .it propoicd ! ry!, - the President distinctly sags.that it Ts ito part of the duties of the gaverUment to aid the citizens!! %Vasil ;to aid-the Banks toresume the payment of specie? Not.. For the Measures proposed,,,instead Of co-operating'tn produce in deairable-a .result: are calculated to prolong, rather than exkdito so desirable a result, &to wrest from Q eilr man who is in debt all his property at . ' adful sa'crafice. • • . Was'it to enable the Presiden, rasp thlfitnds of the government, and appropriate The* pre9ident has thynt all at his own .atkl. had no risques to ~ rAtn,.ha.ke.eping. them, till . the regular meeting of Cjongreas: It cOula.not be for that, - ------ . . . , .. FUT-WIT - if then has Congress been called togeth er? Most evblently to.authoriie ' f'resiclent of 'the United States to Withhold. the Instalment of - the surplus revenue, due the'states, and Payable' on the Gist of cctobera : :.,Tbat this wasthe objeei to be attained by an -early , ineeting-or-cupgress,- .cannat be disguised ,Jlol'. controverted. Aliwdy lias-ii bill lipeFfrej)oried in both branches of Con• grew to eirectuate.,,that purpose!! - Mr. Van Bu ren tong since det:ettnined that the' people should have_lhisinot.t4y, let.,the — conseguencei be as they would,- prove this, the — eTtdence is at halid, and is IrTete inserted. The followhig is an extract - of a letter. Irtph;;Mr."Vaii Buren, dated 1.: " L A .11! , trc ugy 8,.183G... "Dynil n:—ln_answer to your first qurstion, "Will you, if eleened -President nf 'tire United States; sign antl7spiirove: - a: bill. distributing the Sin plus 11 , weilne.to each State,',' Ste. imsner: "it is triy firm conviiltion; that any system by which -5 ilistribut ion is: nide - ammiT ,, stilic - Stlatis; i ,ormioneya.collectgai r by fbe federargoverniiient, would introduce vices into the Legislation of . j both -66 V ER.Ar.IIENTS, prodircißre of fife most in .. . . . urions ofects, well tipun the-best interests-of the country as the 7 perpetnity or politi coAnstinitions...l sincerely hope,l therefore, that time good sense and patriotism• of the A Illel icon petiple will PRE VENT THE ADOPTION OF ANY SUCH PLAN." "It is now. for :.the. majority of the people to tb.: whether the,measnre referred to shall only rated ap temporary expedient, forced up: 'on the cojw.rS , by a conjunction . of extraordinary cirennOffices—or, whether- th e distribution or the pilblie cleposites shall be the parent and fore runner of FUTURE DISTRIBUTIOXS of the PUBLIC REVENUE." L . "1 hope-and believe that the Imblie'voice WILL . DEM ANU that - this species of Legislation shall terminate with th eitinrkencv that produced that EARLY and EFFICIENT STEPS will he talien to PREVENT the occurrence of a elate of things calculated to Irnnish ;iny excuse . tor any MEASURE OF DI , TRIBUTION." MA RTEN - VAN — RUIZEN:' — . written before Mr. Vau 1311rVWS election. Since iber i , the Globe, Which publish es MI:. Van BIIECIIN View!, has used the follow: ing language: . "MR. 1 , 79 N BUREN ILIS n.iirrp,nmr.vEn TO PREVENT THE • OISTIIIBITTION THLL FRO.II GOING INTO OPERSTION .11T 41,L 11.7:43 RAS ; EVEN BY .fiSSUMING:- TOE .RP , SPONSIBILITY OP TVITRHOLD: ING THE SURPLUS MONEY" Such, is the bold language of the Globe, the Gwernrneta_papern -reference to the - distribt. tion of (he surplus revenue. To carry this deter . - initiation out, Congress has been called together dk nn untistiat . : time, special elections in many States have lad - tip be held at great_emensitand. sacrifice, all, that the money wl.ich has been'ap proptiated-to the,Statei may be withheld!!! - The Tatik.fsage. tiIQUSANDS 'We have itated.fliat.there is no proposition in the message of President Van - Burent . to relieve • the country; :and that there is a strong it that it is tint the province of the Government to ye:" heti the people !! There is, however, several projects suggested in the message to relieve the Gnueriint rii.` ,It appears dial it (the GoVel;m4nt) ifi,i l ;soivent,;s,:.--915e.:0 • mojects is, that„the , ,,h*onent of .the surpluS revenue which was clirecte4 : hy law to lie distributed amonlttho states,lizotsktbrwithheid—thati it shOuld not be diSiributed. This millions Three inthdred cind.4lthry-setten thousand two hundred and fintricen cl Ilu • or e Lich near. / .Iy_oree_anillon_would-bo- oining to-Petins)-Iv7 ins. _tint if the President' men: • ineridatlon be adopited,'slie,will.lose thi sum. --- Anotherriroynasitiiiii la - telt sue "freaSnry thititsi or Mid ilosterS. -. I'.. . We understand .that the draft 'oetwo laws Int l / iiiretrili been introduced .into botit branches of Congress,:kin . .aceot•dance , yvith the pre'sitteitt's stiggestiO,S,4the,onel lintt'ri . iing the withholding of 'the Al;tive luelitioiititkitisuilment, and the oilier .. ~ authorizing the is,tiiiig by the ,Uninell • tates. ..... TreaSury,''br.TT - V.E:L V. E MILLIONS op DOL.' LaRS of TRE.4,SURY POD: S : Si) if 'tliese billapass, ; L(;and-they will-be--urged -by the,Vsn- Buren party„,) instead of decreasing, tl gcniernr . i meat Will be iNcitcAr•i;:or, to anions 'oils extent; .tote ;SINN PIASTER • CURRE Ci ? I? We ? have iel;soii to tiielieVe, howeyer, the representa tives tites uf.the people iivlll'nevr.'asseut lo.such - pro.l ; rats, ..- :• . . . - . ,si+.,-; The Peeretorpor War has authorized Gen. Jesup to address a call 10 . the Geiernor of AertiiekY, tot u/ brigade ot . yOunteeis to serve in the mining campaign it - • • 5111 The President74-Jte,is'age. for thdt pap Vartio 1;) levant 4411, gie#01004111r4; 1 , fr.' r)se.. On-the contra• . . it • . We giV i e. below extratt friltißwo l toys from . different seciiiins of the county, on tit_ subject of the - coming election. It will be per dyed: that. our friend's are sanguine of suceesi, feeling of i smith"): huwever, should not induce any man to' 1 awailiviill'foltle‘arins tlte•reetilt-a.the election. I Every patriot shciuld . _Put on _.llls armour end gird. . . I orrhis sword - for the' approaching contest. Great prin'aides are involved, and fret exertions should be Made to insure success.' oyr Country eipeas. every man to do his duti.. • ' . Extract - a:fiddler - elided ." ____. . . „ a • m „ , ~..,.• _, • •- • • * "Our prospecisja-Anstrit. are , cheering. ' Our liekei..givei - inore general satis ; .Ifaction than any other which has been presented to the public by arty party, for a - long tiine. The .voters of this 'di:inlet 'have become heartily tired' ... of the contemptible junto of loco 'fOcii politiians atCarlislei - ivbo , always so .kiMlly ; ittidertake - - - tei . regulate the political concerns'of the county, arid I are de_ ermined to show their dfslike at the ballot 'bog.; r farthers and :others begin to. see that they In' beeWsuppM ting_a.set_of. men-who .prate - about "the people," "public libertY'.! and "de- fnocracy"---vybilst they care for nothing-but their own Trotnotion..to. Once-4 am candid enough to say; that f- tOgether with several othertitif my' neighbors opposed- your ticket. at the last election. Since then we have had" much - reaSen to change - Onr_views, and. will -v'ote - . attcordingly. People see that bad governing - IFt has brought. the - cotinvry _into Its vesenisituation—if-has,-prostrated-cretlit it has driVeli gold'aiiir.4l.lVeViiiiiilefiailaliOn'L- Raralyzed baSiness - =thruyvn thousands out of ern; ploy ment-z-atid toade'bankrupt, merchants,Manu factnrers and mechanics. When the time for ac -'-tioli-'arrives:Yoii will have .good account from our end tfthe co . w.ity.. amiot slate with , llC cturrwy any thing abo ' lifTn \ t ‘ r 'orities, but depend , upon, it w e will do ourdlity. , , ', - Iye..are -gaining ground every *:•-• •••,, , . Extract-J3'om aletter dated , - . - ALLEN—TOWNSHIP SEPT. 1 5 , 1837 , . ct. Dear Sir:-I.om_glad-that Lam able to corn-: municaie •good' tie s from our 'district. Our frindsheteare.ln/good spirits, and are fully pre pared to meet our appon Ms with the expectation of gaining a/bandsor .. tory. 00 - Majority- Nip be at / least double that which it was at the election. Our commissioner 'Eckles, wil many of the opposition vales from Stert;ett, cannot run below„ the ridge." In Silver Spring. our ticket' willdo havin been great changes ‘ in public opinion witbitt_ a weeks. Coovvr js very favorably known In the lower end of fi*Lcounty, and will strengthen the ticket. ..PenVOlo;twid;his'colleague for the Senale . outrua fill-cOinpstition. You may depend *Mit that belOrthe ridge we. will-gainr e atrthst one hundred aid fifty votes. Success to the good caulk! • ;••• , • Having 9? ~ 114 . 1 t week to visitthe city of ', brotherly; 161;;Whi'',Wi: wei - re favored With a fine opportunity of seeing the Siiitrit delegation of In aians, who were in the same train of cars, pursu ing their.'way to Washington City, whither they jour fey for the purpose of entering into treaty with our government, by which the peace and safetyLof one frontier settlement Wil I. be. mare ef fectually secured. • Through the politeness of Mayor I ahaferro, „who is the United States Agent for the Sinus; and who .is journeying with the. delef were introduCed to a .number of them, much with _these noble. .—........ . ie fled men of the far west. We .r ever to have seep suet' 'a 11111 . M .. , athletic and finely formed men tope) , did 'not 'Witness so much of that apparent apathetic indifference ,which we had been-led4o : expect-frorr, v haEare - tiavrrOpiiiie - dryt - heard and read of the Indian' character. - Their - Cntintenanceti exhibited a high degree of sht4wd- ' 1". 44- "iid inleihg;: i ntki -- itnd the-eye--glaneingfrom ' Object In object, as - they - were whirled Ant., shovied that they vere far filial beiit gwr ape -._eel anal brethern ititheicitv, z, speak 'of this lap . arent indifference -- ; but the sit; tition- ol• the hit iatts In their .iipiiiimmii in; the \ :.... ~ city, where they a e codstimis of being consider- Fed n rare show, Wi I 'fullyacceunt for it,,- as there . is acaiceoi moment that' thei - r privacy -is not in. . friiiett upon by : :_stiV .wender stricken white' marl ‘V I i itt:iaatt p posed!te, fie Indifference,. is in fact contempt, forwysaW . c;niugh to convince us that t.' eh' being triadell l ie osfeati4:ObSers;atitM, 'and t eMarkexciteiFin their'bitostyfereign contempt. T ' here waS one-ainopt Mein thac excited our Particuatrattention; from his size and fine prOptirtions.„wejlever saw,...a*man with til spec do ber ingre expaiiolte ; ;Aheilt, indicative of immense sto4tii.; whiett*ltle,e4 . ,yeas provetl in one iri; itehee;lnWhieli .and 'fem.illzll;ans. who liactettacite4 hiM simiiihmeously: 'We "could, spy ; , Much about them; but must conclude. by , sayieg, 'that . , take. them ell, lb all; 'we tieereipee to,see their ike agate !' " -• , Public Sentiment: • ' NEWrILLEj SEPT. 13, 1937 Yours, &'c . . fiecued Dialogue .. *Eielvireen J. latm.O repreieitiativeli, Ake _legislature, afillnow_ a_candidte*ii-elec Hon, ttilltiline • J. iy:':, - (40.0 Very - vial, I thank • • . ;Plague. on, y,.h - ear you have printed!_ c. 4ollc•yOiti,Tt tnrh dilihe other day; in the "papers,ZliiiihOpptp , O,ct that. - • in. sIIPP_CsO3IO.4 " ,, Other p(rati_ner ashained to, let people kno 4:914 : J. w. But did'ut yottl.knOn'r that flohl. you 'some things'as a necret, tvhfch..l did not wish the Anti-mpgons I'll Mind-you tor -telling En= Con. 0! d thought you did'nt' care for the Anti-masons,'and that you•wern of 'opinion your • good friends would stick.to - you right or . wrong. 'What did'nt you wish the'"Anties to know? J W. Why, 'daz if; I did'nt want them. to J. know that 'was .indtked to vote for the big bill , . to 'aid Our political' -frien A. W 'and Joffn'l . or-to kill up ,oe ner.:;:rhei'll make fuss about 'it. My inten%:. ' tiori was to keep them Imatters ; among our own friends, to pecify,them'when nothing else would qmswei.; -Irs.une of the greaLadynnfoges otLour_ party, that we, can help one another. 13.1 t now "the cat's out of the,tiogr . Another. thing —J. hate it so-that;you let out the gs.ret.of our'eats- eits, that we supported' the bill to kill up the Gov ernor. We y e anlluren members did'nt wishAhat -16 get out, But now, plague on - the thiiig, its printed pl7tfie-papers:, Lawful-heart 1 . ”liiii you jiad'iit printil it. - Con. • I thought - you were honest oPeiigoing fellow, who said 'nothing you would be'ashaned of. , But it appearsTrem your own account . of the matter, t hat_you_do-not w ishitig - ttiitHrlcitrertir: But enough: . of that: I ‘have antillie?" - ".cresi pick7,,.with you; as told,yen-when wellaSt porter : 4 , --: J. - -Y; --- 'yes, I. suppOse you wish to get seme , .. itiii )g , for the printer. fromanditier 40 us' hear 1 what you have to Sq. , con. .1-was over -at he election district life . other day, examining , the . Aiirnal,, mia I see that 'there,weie some Freemasons petitiOned theLegis „ letnre to.sell - on Governor gluier:lo show on' ,what autholityhe asserted that.Genei:al: Washing ton had denouncell the Masonic liislitutiotln.his . farewell address.: ralsaObserved that you:voted to print the „smallest number of. copiespropoied, and. then voted izganst priniing any -number of copies at all!! I did riot nrideistand. this. I hope . you can expliiiii'yOur conduct satisfactorily. -J. W. Dad,friend; I think you ought to' under stand that very 'easy. The Governor in his an swer to_the_committee,inadelt appear as plain as A B c,ihatperieral Washington warneethe pen pie agdrist Masonry.. Lawful-heart, don't you. see lfAv s e had - allowed-a 'large number Of copies to be Whited, - the - 71 - iitiZil'risoniii. -- iiiiiiihers — iiroidir .have sent them out all over the.state i -and would • have hurt onr-.yarty —and 'yo u know a : perso ie n. ought not, ttcgire.e,Stick_to,hreak_one's own head_ with. When a'persim's elected.; by a party he ought to iiiWk leo' his paity—should'nt lie? , ' Con: . I think itsswell-ehough in party matters to be a .party Man: Dtit when o ruin' become a i . - representative of 04 people,' and he is sworn .to discharge the duties of his officewith fidelity,'he ought to overlook party considerations In an hon est and faithful discharge 'of his duty. It appears strange, - that you would 'receive ;gentian from the Masons, then iiiiiioint'a committee to demand from the Governor his reasons' for saying that i t, Washing! n was opp sod to Freemaionry, and when tl e Governor glues ?ifs reaSons, yourefuse la liar thentpublished!! . .; - -- 1 - .W. Why, friend, you cut close! Don't yait know that the Freemasons an.belong to.our Party, and why shoukk we print thipgs: that is'against them? ll'av'nt we always to-hike itp& of the. Freemasons on our ti cket . to keep them ln a good humor, and make them stick to our party? As lodg as they vote-with us, why should we. abuse them?. , : .- " . . - ._,...ant,..Sorne,,,sopie,f4iend James, I hope such considerations wputd , pot induce you to do an un just act !_lfou first put the Governor to the trouz hie of hunting np historical records to.sustain'his position, and then refdse to let the pOblic know what he has 'to sW iii self vindication: That wont do; Such a course 111 becomes: one who_ believes in the rigid.and upright creed of the Se ceder faith. We. never ought "to do evil that good may come!" The scripture never authori- zes such things. J. W. My ,good neighbor, .con.l must again express rity fears . that you are inclining towards the Atiti-masons. I fear. it is .your nonsensical balde:rdash that is inducing many of our neighbors to turn against sure I stucLcta my party as .close as 1 could4nd done as Jimeh76 throw obstacles in the way of the Governor as I could, and yet y6u Wain - 6 me,how.,unieneroui! Csn. Pin astonished!!! Was it to "throw ob. Ataeles.jn = tite ,tysy,.of, the Go . rertiorr,you_were sent to ,pe-littgislature ? ; Who ever .heard• of a 'men . being sent to the Legislature for that Pub. pose?: If _men are base' enough to act on fillet) few are ivillidg'to acknowledge it. I ear itmas very unfortunate tl!at. vopr sufroyeil you to be sent tollie Legislature. Your bOdUct dues the y party more harm • than' "Honesty" u ill akirays and under all cireitmsfan ree;'be-foun-d-ro-tre-"ItiIMITTOIRT"—The pie wduld- have given you more credit, lot• hon estly, co:operillog with the Gov'ernorptearry fug-9 ut_ tile:miessotes, tplije• Messoge„ than in endeavoring' to tlO'eat .all hit good "pro 'ecti.- YOtr reitiltul''me..c . i 4 t the Indian's urguin scripttire,•--- . J. gr. flow did he argue?"" . •Con. Ho.thought it %%as riecesiarylo contra-: 'did everything that' cipiineiit said: his oppone)st "the i.Vhete'SsUudiowe4 Jotie)i;"' Tao'," 5035 the: Indien; , Go'vernor. R said "let'us be . eono- .•T. itnec ", • 2 • • • inierd; and, try •:t . c 4' s omeo pay" 9ine of 11~e. large state: ebt." - *aye . tfd •yoi colleagues, • the debt must be increased." "We must get the Go into..,dtsa~ , sumo 'lid* or other." But 'fear filettd-4Tamey, you hive put your ff,pot into it: • • • 3.11 r . You are tarnat)on severe. I can't stain you. have,to „ ansl,:hereafter set - you - clown - at Nnt!•niason;” • • 4 --;sAt Clipuilando train 20'16 20 iiekk, cent. premium. - An the 3d inst. at' the resalencemf his mother, in Greensborough, Caroline County,.:o.., after an illness_ of ten days,. WILLIABI T AL ll.,Gonwtar, member,Orthe Senior class orßickinson College, in the l9tli year Of hia-age.. From a.communimi-, iioif rroM-his family, we learn that jre was taken !r4 a camp-meeting, which heyas'attemling during. q6 ,, ,vaCat ion ;—that believing frOm the first,4l4 , lkia sickness wa s unto death, he turned hiaattintion More. carnbstly than evey,,tu‘ t4e sOjeertirieligioni on whi - clr had, long I . 3'gen::nxercised r —and that lie continued - in, :this, wanrennbled-jor:=Banie-timbdrorn his death; to:fejojce in God Otis Saviour,, and died. in treat 'Ocoee. In t." tt;srffn able and sucuessful student, his clasSmntes, a generonslisend , arid honorable competitorhis mother,ithe pride and conttOrtorber widowhood.- Combining, in a superior degree; genius Witlt ap plication; he had already made uncommon ad , sancement in study, and was giving Promise of high and honorable distinction, when thus arres; tell by this rilysteriptia dispensation of Urn, to whose will all must bow, in whnsewiddorn and goodness all should Confide. His fellow students, who parted with 'him, at the commencement" of the_vacation hi health, and expected at its close, to greet his , return to their snoiety, will, behold in this sad client, fresh eyiderice that even_the:Most viglifints . youth, and the most, flattering prospects are nArctirity agiti , llst the inroads of death. • • • • • - GENERAL RBIIIA.RICS RELATIVE TO MOF FAT'S LIFE PILLS•& - THGENik; BITT ERS. ~.. • .. ~... These medicines have long heon known atidapprechitCd e for their extraordinary and ithinedinte - poivcrirotrestoring perfect health, to persons sufferlieundeemearly every kind' 'of disease to whieljTheljuman fentne.heliabte , . . -l - In many hundreds of , certifiefited , instances,‘ they have even reactiedsufferers from the .very_yerge of an untimely grave, after all the deceptive nostrums of. se day &lit. I terly failed; and to many thousands they have iminentry:! secured that nniforin enjoyment of health', without _which. life , itseif -it but a 'Tether Wising,' So - great, indeed 'll:+3 'their efficacy invarinbly•ana .infalably • proved;thlet-itditts appenred scarcely less then miraculous:to those who - were _nmehquitinted with the heautifullyphill,sopleicaf ptinciples upon whieh theyere _compounded,_and _upon _ which_they_ euesequentty net. It was to their manifest and itilsible actionln purifying the springs and clienuels of life, and , ' enduing them with renewed tone and vigor, that they were. indebted far their name, which-was bestowed upon them at the stiontancous_mqiiesliesCOveriAinilividuals whose Reek they had obviously saved. . 'e I The proprietor rejoices in the oppOrtunity affOriled by -the universal _diffusion of the daily press, fur placing Ins; VEGE PABLE LIFE. PILLS . within the knoselyage anti' reach of every individual in. the community. Unlike the I hest of pernicioui quackeries,, which boast or vegetable in gredients, the Life Pills are iolely , veget able; rind contain neither Mercury, Antimony, Arsenic, nor any other min eral, in any form whatevi r. They are entirely composed of extracts front rare and powerful plantsi the virtues or which, though long known to several' Indian tribes; and recently to souse eirintent - plearnincentical cliemists,are alto- . gether' unknown to the ignorant pretenders to: medical science; and were never • berove administered in so happily - efficacious - a - ccitithinettiems--- _ ' _-'--- ' . . The first operation isioloosen the coals of the stomach ,and bowels, th verities impurities and crudities constantly - 4(7ttlitigletapid ens; and - tet , l;l;Weive the horde:nett faces which' tlialect lii,• '''Cosiveeutionj of the' small intestines. ' Other medicines Part Ily cleanse the se, andienve inch col lected - mosses behind, as to produce. habitual costiveness, - with all its - wain of evils. or sueldeiediarrlicen,, with its int.-' lirinent - tlangerse-rhifact Is well. known to all regular unatuniists, w has examine the human hostels nftei death: I and-hencethe peejudiceof these well informed men against the genick•ineiliehn s• of - the mgr:. --- The settitel.eff. et-of-the VEGE FABLE-LIFE PILLS 13 to cleanse the kidneys end' theisleader, and by this walls, the liver and the twigs, the Innelaliful action of which entirely depends upon-the regularity of the urinary organs: - Tim blood-, is Lich taltc.s . its red color from theeigeiwy_of theTivhe-and-the-lemine fore it passex - into - the - heart - „litfrAlAtoi s ltktle,„, . mild 'nourished by_ food &milli it maw a ii.. 3 / 4 vkb 's • 1,2 ?Ne .snouts Ct.-1y through the reins, renews ever) - pail a' he • System, and teliperp - leently , Mounts the leamihr of health •in the 'hemming cheek: . . •' ' . '. Ihe rullowing oreamting the distressing variety °Nieman ,diseuses, to si Mull the Vegetuble Life Pills are - well known to be infallible:-. • - -• . - . . , bysmvstA, by thorciughlk demising the lint and., sechnalitainachs e ated creating a flaw of pure, Ninths , bile, instraiTof the stale Mid acrid kintle- Flatulence Pe:Tit:llion of - thelwart;Loss:or.App,tit2,_ll.t.boro._onlimood-oitho ite,tkasilk•ss i " I.ll=tilapiei — eVitirietl', - I.istuvioc,_and..._llelan;-I choly,-whieleare , the - gctierill - Yyliipeoins or Dyspepsia. will ' -.Lanlsh . 1 0 natural - eunsecineucemein,c-orc.—Cosftveness e .l by el, nosing the whole iength of the intestines-,with a sol oist, vent proc,ss, and without volienhe; all Violeta purges have ~,,1 . ,b,, Ache, els Costive within tiVii slays. UPwrietto and Cholera, :-----, ' by Felnoving. th, sharp-111:dd llnith by %stria_ these cum * plaiipe tire iteensititied i . and by •promoting, the lubricative '''.. secretion of the naiscus membrane. Fevers of all . 4. Dias, Isy...resterilig.lbe blood, to regular eircu'ation,.throngli the process of p, rspiration in Sense eat: s, and the thorough Ike; lution.of all intestinal obiteuetions in, oilitl3. The LIFE PILLS have been kilo, n to cure Rheumatism pennant-11V in three_ Wick", iiiill_G.OGrill Half out_tiaw,by.itouoiiiar 'Mei& inlisiminitioe .from theirlise,cs raid liganients'Of the joints - . 01%9:kJ of -all A mess', by f,"eeing• end skis niritienitig• the !chines - 1Mo! baidder; Be y operate inuitilelightfokly on "lotto iiiileirlarit'orienni,,nud bence_linve - everletorlitinithr' certain, remedy far Llie worst colossi(' Geas'el.° Alto, Worms, by elisMaging from the - tursiiiie's of the bowels the slimy matter to which these cr.:Muer-I Adhere; Ailliiisa nail Con somption, by reli e clog the air vessels of thelungs Prins the mucus, which evi is slight colds is ill occasion, witch if not removed bhanits.liardenetle...ana..areducet....these dreadful diseases. limo vy, Ulcers, and inveterate sores. -- hy thepee f, co polity whielathese Life 1613 give he themlood,mild all One humors; Seurliiitie Eruption., :old bail complexions, : by their aiterte.tive ell. et ',hint the Mails thetfet•d the skin: the morbid' state • of which occasions nll Eruptive compleints Sallow, cloudy ' end other elisagreealac Complexions. Ihe us; ill' these Pi Is for a very short time will ea: et nn-entire oure of Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, iifie6:striking improie; I nicht in the Clearness of the skin. .Conuln Colds and In flii.nza, will always be cured by one dose or. y two, even 'in i'glit.•. - _.. . . .. , - This property is - well caleul4e4 . farAwa.. .., rams. .. .. . • The above prpperty is - worthy the ittentirn. of_ capitalistiasit will-be-,sold low.—The ti-- 11 . d is indisputable. r —Ediquire of . WM, :BAKER.: ` • E. I•IOSSERMAN. - .Carlisto; Sept.- 1830837-4w._ : _ Lancaster ,Examiner. & Herald, - and Bear's • Volksfremid. 4, w. (rink price & sent' papers; charge .this Letters of Administration cteloonis nOit,-otr the Estate or John Heck, late olthe borough of Shippensburg, decet-have issued in due form of law to the su b:All_persons - having=claiins_against_Alfil — sald_listate.7wll -7 meson them duly 'authenticated, and those ' indebted-Will make - .Payinetitrto ---- ":7: -.-- 7';7 ------ :. JOH,W.CHESSLER, - „ Atimitiist rotor: PRE ternber 18,.1837:--6f PUB. IC: SALE. By 11,1,i:infer of.the.Orplimis ,Culwt 'Of laud tloWbty, the 'll be tn, pig:die - 14*k, oh )retb* s, on Thorsilay the,26thtlik:of4lo; tither u , A Iract alma in _ Cotnbc-rW)d Cc.boty, dm bocleil by - luttOs.'.,of , Vitir k . Failoreotlitl;lnmes Purdy; tuioiiig one koinclred un.t twenty-eight - dereti,1461.4,,., • rless - ahnot - 86 - ast•etrof - witioli - are - 0,161:ett7-Atird ',- ttlhivi!ecl,--ittid the t'esiitiie . - c.oveie4 With , The'lloprOveniesiti gye,a" -- :, Log Illoust,-Logßatin-4 - •••••, . ••_ • Two Apple oicharditi3 . ..ltod tot excellen t .Orell of • made,TTerms known , On,the:clak,',losaile: - • JAMESetniDir.fien'r. • - • • • • .Flaxserd Wan e . One iltoldre&liiislielt)f clean Flitxbeed want 7 ed at the sstpre kiAl/9"-- ve'r • • - 11` DOttiNDBM . ' 'OFpt •Itt3r. „, . MED DOUBLE STONE TriLtrnf GOULD, ~ ~ '~ I MIMI