Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 19, 1837, Image 1

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^~f~u~ ~„i ~~l
_ . .Tna MC .4 tItLIILE fiEl4l.l) Airrn„. rocyosireon,"
will be issued at, TWO DOLLARS pce annum;
bepaid hair yearly in advance. -
Jib 1117 SEW E N 733 01. exceeding a square
'or three insertion; ONE 1)014,412, and every
Yubsequent insertion, Twenty:fiVe Ce ts, longer
'ones in proportion, _
Letters addressed to the publisher 'on busi•
" begs, MUST BE POST. PAID, otherwise they
will not be attended to. • •. - -
. .
* The following .persons have been appointed
Agents; for the Carrlisle Herald and 'Expositor
.to whom payment for subscription and advertise
ments can be made.
Stick.ur, Esq. Shiremanstown, Cumb. Co.
S'Utivr Co*LE, Esq. Newville, do.
P. KOONTZ, Esq. Newburg, - do.
Fuos. W. Hirs, Edq. Shlppensburg, do.
JOHN Wosulilltitcll,' do. • • do.
-J. MATEER, Esq., Floguestewn,' • .do.
--11..Wft.sow,Esq..141echanicsburg, , do.
• :WILLIAM. KUNSHA, Eiq Hopewell, "_do.
• R. STURGEON, Esq.Churchtown, do. .
Dr: AsA:IVHITE, New. Cumberland, - do.
Trios BI.ACK, Elq..Bloomfiel4,.,Perry county.
-, A. Biem, Esq, Landisburg;
-. *.
- WHEREAS:in-and, by an act-of the .
• ,- general Assembly of the Commonwealth
- of Pennsylvania, entitled "an act tigula•
titi - g the general. elections -within :this.
• , - commonwealth," -- passed - the l..sth„day
of February, in the year of our Lord' one
• -- thousand seven - hundred and ninety-nine,
~ fit. is enjoined on the Sheriff of each
_,'county within..this_ commomienith, to
• . give üblic notice - of Such elections tO,tie
- 7 --ire ' °I enumerate in such ' notice
' --
,- -: --- Nv at officers_are to-fie . e - OTATtI - r - T, - 7M - 1 -- .7 -
• SheriffiTif
' the county of Cumberland; do therefore
, Vereby make known and give this .
. ._.
To the electors of the County of Cumber;
-• land, that on the .- : .•- - •
. Second Tirsday in October next, ,
'Zbeing the * ll3t day of the matith) a,Getteral
Election .Will he held at the several election
7.- - --tistrieta.established by. law-in said - county, at
i • .'which time; and for the several - ellicerS here
. inafter named, •tliey will Vote by ballot viz:
'to represent the district composing tile coun•
'ties •of , Cumberland, Adams, arid Frank:.
lin; in the_Senite of Pennsylvania. • - •
• SONS •
to repreient the county cf.:Cumberland in
The House'd Representatives of Pennsylva•
ma. -
. OY.E ucisialyff.a -
for the county f berland, to serve for
• thre years. •
• .and of the House of,Einp)oyment and
'to settle the :publiAlLc.. ounts of the county
• CommßiMiers, &c. • -
and by an act of - the General As
t'embly of this commonwealth, passed 'tlie
77th day ,cif March, t.#106, it 1,4 directed that
`the Inspectors of said- general election shall
be chosen by balldt on the Friday next lire
`ceeding the first Tuesday in'o"eraer (being
4 the.29th day of September next,) at the usu.
r• — • -al-place of lidding township elections to be
lteld'by the respective constables, ; (svho are
• required to give at least one- Week's public
notice of such election) and the said constable
each•lownship shall be assisted by two
_ qualified to vote as shall then b6pLesent„'and
_ 'the Inspectors .chose' are •etpnred by said
'Vet ‘to beat the - proper erection districts on
the' day
-of the general election- aforesaid, at
line o'clock in the morning, .to do • and per--
,_-`Form the duties enjoined on them by •law'.—
And - the Return - Judges of the respecti - - -
!tricts beret.) , required to meet at the
_court Thinse in 'Carlisle, on the Friday-next
.:'after the 2d tuesday in.Octglier next, then
'and there to perform those things required of
'them by the aforesaid act,
,And in mid by an act of the general assem
iettion,l.' lieltnact.ed' by the,•Sonate
'and House of Representatives ;of the Corn- -
monwealth ofPennsylvania in - General As.
sembly met,. and it is hereby enacted by the
~ 'authority of the', same. That -the - several
'qualified 'electors who shall vote at a - ny goner
al or special elettitin within this common
'wealth, shill - give into the„ inspector Of such
' 'election'separatetiCkets for,tach station or
'office voteilfor,.Which ticket shalt 'contain no.
more than the proper number of names, but
no,ticket shall be'rejected by the judges - of the
in counting of the votes should the
isamecOntalo-Teivecznames_ than the..proper
'number—those for a - lierilfsand coroners ex
.cepted. ~=
•SeCtioh 4. And be it enacted by the author
* of the aforesaid. . That the du'-
- ty of the Sheriff or Coroner; as the 'Case May
be, of such„,and every county within this
---icommonwealth to giVe public ,notice atee,
' r'sam , time and plate, and in the same manner,
,:and'utrder the santep at he is now re
' 'Ora - 04 ilienotic oral Or spetial'
ei .
' , election, that every o shall hold
zany office or appoint At or trust un
Saer the-government-t e---United-States,
''......Virether a tom m isioned officer or o herwise a
' .2.9lKirditiate_pffi e - e cer or ','who s or shall
*_ tie employed undthEilltrgislativ , Execu
tive orniliciary Depariments_of it `e United
___lStates, and_ also.- that - everyinimber of Con
, tress ishy latv itteapable of holding or exec
'incising at the same timethe office or appoint-
Inent of Judge Inspector, or Clerk•of any e
teal= irdhis_ state. • . •
7 -I Given - undermy - hand - a - t - ,Ctilr iile - ) - the Ist ill ,
of September, in the year of our Lord one.
thousand eight hundred. and thirty seven,
and" of die Ifidependente of the United'
'States the 82d. - . --
.. Michael Holcom b,
' " .... .tppternber 4 ). 1847,
FOR • L.lO. . ~•
A ir'ery'handsOme" evic . Carri • ge, tiewest
'ttyle,with a coniple iet of .d üble,Har-,
'mess, .w.ill bessold cheap or e. changed
fOi' a Second, handed. one.: • : ,
Fori .articulara enqu'ire ot the 'rinter,,
in st .7 1. 1837. - . - '—':—......'' ''
, ~-, - ,,,,,,1 , ~.--. .-. „.„,,,,,,, , :., , :-_, -- .., '.. .. •
-i.: , ,-..!., ~, :,.,...,..., tO v. • - k- ~, • . --' 1
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,::-.,..,,,,_,,,... , -. , 4--..,,.-4:,,, , ~.i .., \''' --;•:- ':. ,, ,:ib''''',e`" ,,, :;?*.A l '. , ' ,- *et, ,, , - ,.. - ..-..,,,,,.,,,- , - : .;:7 -,.,-, ~,,,, „,.. • . ,-.. . , ‘.. • , ... -,. •
8 .. .E1J1:E . AT
' ' 4 '''' ' . ''''''''''' ' '''''. ' ''' -.' . '`: ' "- 1 - V.V.4.-,.re' :q) - ''' -.," , - I' ',•;', ,: • '''' •.- 3 ,.1. ) A.' - , ;• . ',.?.y ...... ' .., ' , .• •—• • • . . - --•-',----••-•-
, .
. _
........m....... ...;........
--.': '•'-' . '''..g" •.:'-•:'' .-+- ::.. ~ 1 a 1 1 .1.:&;i--',',i- • - - ,".:T - Ci. ' • ' . ,
IFIrS' JP ' . , •
' Feara/ALle 4:E • „I. 11 .1PD H; :ii 0 a . Eir:S l ; -' 'P,!4 l 6 - *TIC '' - ~,..,'5;;f'rit':;;:1r,,,..11:46:1;,„.411,21,,/7 .112. E . 1
, T71 ... JR AIL
~,,.....„ T S,11.1 1 : 11 SCILVITES I elp . R . l. rib'' ,
- - -zTliat -.well established new STONE IifILL E H
with about forty-two acres' f land adjoining, and
situated on the .South side of the' Turnpike,. one
mile east of Carlisle, hilt in the , ' most substantial
manner -, "fifty•two by fifty feet four and a half
stories : high, having four run or - stnne, threenf
which are Freneh . Burrs with elevators, smut
and parling- machines, all drove liy.water, pp ower::.
built on the plan of the.
.ItoctieSter hlills in the
State of New York:. one never; failing . spring,Witli-`
in' three miles of its 'solace, and very near Abe
Cumberland Valley-RaiLltopd.—ALSO.'_
on the Turnpike, half e ,mile below the above
,property, containing about fifty-two, acres, in a
good state 'of Cultivation and well imprevcd.—.
ALSO, • . —• ~.
- " A LgrgeNti me 31111, - ' . •
On -17ellow,13reeches creek near its source, afiont
eightand alf - miles :from_ Carlisle, ninety feet
" . rty.fiv'e; three:stories high with four: run of
itondS in good repair, ailjoining Cumberland
Furnace, with or without the Farm attached, con
taining about ,four hundred and ,fifty acres: of
which •seventy-five acres ate,cleared with a large
Barn and small dwelling house, and - a large never
failing ,spriiik; a great portion is covered with
thriving Chestnut': t'he water never Tails: neither
does it ever freeze.—ALSO, •
2200 Acres of:Mountain land,
• ,
adjoining the above tract—ALSO, ,
11.8,:acees of OlOnittatielaw,4
Thickly covered with large Pine near the beall
miters of the Yellow Breeches, adjoining Newton
township line, near Ilettrix's Saw Mill:
For further particulars enquire of '•
• - -- -- - WM. C-CLIAIIIIIERS, ------
Ju1y.17,1837.: .. --::- --- Carliale,.Pa:
li'vm ( *(alr+
1u -E iiiliscriber offers for sale •the following
described-house andhalf lotof grounk.sit.
nate oo the_north side of Mails street in the bor . !
tugli-Lof-Carlisle,-nearly -opposite-MK- George .
Aughinhaugh's.lidel—the west half of lot No.
61, in the • plan .of - said ,borough-hounded • by - !
Main street on -the 'south ' 1 )r. 'l'„ Myers - on the.'
wdsti DickinsOn alley (23reet wide) on the north,
and the ‘yidow Cycightoiyin'the 014; containing.:_
30 feet in front_and 240 feet in clept_b_._,_The
dings are a • •
Fraing,- - Wea thei.boaPdid
- • -
.1. r
• _ •
&•outing on Main-itreet with dlarge
AND. AB R-I C K . S: 7 l - A BL E,
frmiting on •the alley.- Said ,half Ipt is .in a high
state of improvement,- With a variety of choice
F '
'ruit Trees and VoraneArines,
now bearing, Curranta,id.Goosebcrry Bushes, and
'Shrubbery of different kinds. • c
- An indisputahld title will be given to the.pur•
chaser. Further particulars aredeemed
cessary. 'Any-persons wishing — fq - pitychase, are
invited to call and - view the premises., • The terms
will be made knowit'by
August 2:8., 1837.
• •..
Assignee .Sale.
WILL be sold at public Sale . on the pre
mises in NeWtoti. township, CumbOrland
county, Pa.,. on Wednesday the.`lBth day o
October next,
..... •
Containing 150 Acres o and allowance, bound
ed by lands of Sam'l M'Ciint's heirs, Abra
ham Grove, Peter Tritt and others; between
60 and 70 acres of whiCh is - - • •
First Rate _Limestone Land,. •
.And the balance State,'•Of a good qtiality:
about 120 acres are . cleared and in .a pod . _
state; ot,cultivation, rthe remainder - is well
Timbered. The im proirements' ire a
. .
.__ _.
Wagon , - Shed, Corn Crib, tkc'., a Well of a
never failing stream of Water at the doer:,
Besides there - are severalSpringS on the pre
mises, one of a very superior quality. There
is also aloung bearing AP,pi_.k: 012CrIARD
_of_about.-1 ft(l-grafted4reesi-t-14esitles-a-variety
of at •••r„froitL MI • , : ,.—T-liis Farrn-is.adyan 7
tageously situat.-! , " •• la market, lying mid
way,- betwe,en i .t‘l.) a and Shippensbulz,
~ s,.milesTrotricti• . •_. -:tfifrom Philadelphia,
/5. from Baltimore, 'and . one-half mile from
the C'umbe'rland Valley .Rail42oad. •
One-half of the crop in the ground. will
;he_sold - on - die same day. *. • • c.
Also,— fJ3 Acres: Wood Land,
situate in Mifflin township, near the Three
Square, Hollow,• - • djoining lands of . David.
Sterrett and otlie a, and five mild's from the
above farm., A SO,
10 ACRES ,
' Wood land, situate in Mifflin township,. in
,11obliii Gap, near the SUiphur "Springs, and
about? miles from Newville, adjoining lands
of James Woodbbi`n's.•heirs, John Harper,
Esq., and others. The terms'of sale will be
$258..0f the porch:l4e
_money_to be _paid-at
the-- confirraatiOn• of the gale, and one
half of the. residue, on the Ist day of April;
1838, when-possession 'will be given. and the
other. half, on'? the Ist day - of -A pril, - 1839,•
without-interest,-to be sec ed - - v - mg. s
oil the interest — deducted- ash, as it ay
best suit purchasers.
Assignee of Wm. H. Woodburn.
Newviile, 'August 11, 4887. • '
• • •
.31 -- T I et, • •
A Camp_Mceting,utuler
. the direction of the.
coloured - Wesleyan - Clergyrrian - ofthis - circuit - w in
be held 'on the farm sof Nathaniel Weakley, in
South :Middleton township, commencing on Fri,
clay the 1511 i (Ivor Septembers next. No liquors .
of any kind can be sold 'within - three miles of the
camp ground. • •• • *-
* • •
' •
'August 28, 1837.-3 mi."
ItslaliktliEktS 'WANTED.
VEIU teachers al;p4anted iu Frankford
Township, .Wlio can teach'reading, Writing arith.
rrieoc, andquch ot4er branches as are generally
tonght in cauntry.schools.„ Good recominencia!
thins Will, be.. required—applicatioa •• should . bp
in Septernlicr:
)1/• 11 . 011 T. LAIRD.'
. .
• ••• Secrelar e y to baardlf birectorBi
August 28, 1837.' 1 ' • . 7- • .
„. -
Priiiieit, and*l"ab (ished Ireeki# by' -Geo _Phillips reer'ey -in 'Carlisle ',Cumberland C' urjj- Pa.'
Superior Varm
7 1 .
Containing about 475• •IlttV.s. St. Clair township,.
..... ..
. .* „ • .allegheny . Cozintg, Pa.• • • .
This Farm is betutifully, situated on the
waters of Chartie:r's Creek, FIVF. Mills from
tin the city of . r Pittsburg.. Tbo Washington
turnpike runs withi few- . rods-cf the line
on:the one side, an - '.the Steubenville :Winn
pike within two miles on tlie • other ; ti -
State - road from Virginia to . PittSbarg passe .
throngh• it ; also, a Cduntv road connecting
the State ~roilfrind the WaShingion_Turn
pike, - passes the door.' About 300 acres ate
cleared, and in a:got:4,state of•cnitbiation.:--
'There are near
.._; 1 -• - • • : '
Bottom Land, *hiCh for richness and fertili
ty.Miiribrife-514-phlTedlnrthe state, a large
portion of this is .in meadow, and enough made to produce 200 tons'of hay
annually ; there is a great abundance of buil
ding stollen& lime stone, and 30 . 0 acres of the
Itegt pitioninotes . Coal;
Which can all •be -get -•outconveniently.
The timber -is abundant and gOcid. The
.buildings consist of a large first rate •
A spring and stone Milk hotise,; two of
the best bank Barns in the'country,.7o by 38
feet and 60 by 30, With—stablingander. the
yvhOle,' a large frstme.Stabli, •
- Pour TeriAnt - Mouses,
with stablin g attached ; a frame 'Meeting
House and—Parsonag e —housevith,,various
other out buildings,,sua as Carriage houses
COw house, Corn house.; Schoolhouse, $: 'T are alroir a better order'
than usually -found on Farms in Western
Pennsylvania. The whole farm is ablitidatilt
ly and beautifully
_watered. . . .
Bearing. all kinits Frnit,!adjoins the"
ston House..
In'regartl - to fertilitynimd quantitynf land;
'quality of -improvements' and nearness to
market, (being-only 5 miles from Pittsburg,)
. this farm is - not-equall d-in Western Penn
sylvania. It will eso 'on liberal, terms,
andlmmetliate possession given. • Inquire of
• COL; JOHN It SS, on-thelnetniscS,
. ACE X AND glt,
No. 209, Markot street Phil'a.
August 7,
Iltagy 4•:Xaaal»•oveel Patent
. MACHIN ES 6 • .
AND HORSE rovw E If.'
.-.The)subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally; that he
continnes to construct at his manufactory in
~the, Borough of New ville; - Threshing and
Clover Machines, and Horse - Power, - upon a
new and improve 4. plan. . '
. The above - Machines are constructed of the,
best materials the country can offord, awl
by the most experienced workmen.. The
subscriberhaving taken greatpaias in making
Many • .. ' (~ ,t
. .
- Valuable letipli.Oventents
. .
in h .. machines, and in selecting the.mate
rials •om which they are constructed ; he
flat e. s himself.thatle shall be able to ren
der amplersitiSfaCtimi to all who favor him
with a call;, that for expeditious work -and
durability they .equal; if not c purpass, any
thing. of the kind.that Ifes yet been offered`to
ihe.public., 'As he ltas\costantly a large
assortment n land, persons wishing to pur r
_clulse,a ..
,ye ctfullyinvited to call and ex.
amine Gems, .
' ----. * . " . W.
NeW 0 l'e juhr.:to • • 18.1.
Having'purchased and tried one of . the
Threshing • Mnchines and Horse ToWer,
thamtfreffifed — B — Milrig — iii,..l can
safely_ say_ th ati fully.: realized_m y _c.ipecta.
tions. It runs at least,one horse-lighteri and
the horses walk about fourth slower, and
threshes mige . grain in the same .lime than
any one I have yet seen.
. • 1
NeWtOß;ltilir 8,1837. • . -
W. _willingly. certify to the
.utility of the alitivc: machines, yours being the
third Threshing Machine which I ItaV - e - liad
put up in my barn, besides having seen eight
different ones in operation, and I can .safely
say, that in my opinion, yours surpasses any
thing I yet have-seen for light and slow run
ning and for expeditous, work.
West T'ennsboro', July 17, 1837. •
• - - I have threshed upon - tlye machines manu
factored in'earlisle, and on most if not all the
different kinds of, machines in the countyy
and can say Without hesitation that. those
manfacturetLby_W. 8.. Milligaii--ruti—much
tighter, the horses w ir tik'' much slower, and
,threshes more grain • the same time than
any I have yet tried.
- -• • - ' SAMUEL G.A . LI3ItAITII.
..,Neiv_villeilnly_l2,lB2.7_.-- ---- --- .
• .L.Mr.=Milligan--Itaving - formy‘own-satisfac,
tlon tried One of your CI, vet' Machines last
winter, I. took .one IMi of my . -chaff to the
clover mill, wy , ich tura d nut-ten bushels, of
which I gave • ne ,basilel for toll, the other
- half - I - slielletlApon - :your-machinc-iene-clay-,
at tiome, and had twePte litashels.,.an& one
fourth of cleaOcedy,,,,. : ..-•-- , e , . *.7
-- : ~ --:
..'.--- ...larttlAN WooD .
West Peittiiimarogh 'ltilY Tr 1837. - •
._ .
_-- - - - ~
• ,The,subscObet' would also Inforiti the-pub
-lia thatshe„ltis.:ottromeimed. the " •
itt:tin: its 4raridles'plottd iS, prepared tu exe
cute ,'any -ordeirj.ln - AtliatAtne, either in C9ll
- flarottcheS' a Gigs, Sulkies r peak- 7
Boras, &c. or itoreptiiring the same; dope nt•
the shortest notice - and-on the angst reasona
ble terms : r TheixiUlic -arclin'ited to call
and examine for the - nageOes a's he intends
ieeping a constant snpi!ly. • " •
•W. 11, ArIiJ.,LIG AN. : .
New.ville s' July .:?5-18'7 • '
- •
• - -
TUE ! SD•III 4 I SEP•7I'.E•4I-51-.E.11_
CE Ern
_Valuable Real Estate at
111 HE subscriber being desirous of remov-; •
-Ing-to the west, will:sell at:Private Sale
the following valu able- propertyi• viz :
No. 1. An_excellent Farm, situate in the_
township of Newton, 'and county of 'Cum*
berland, four miles west of - the borough of
Newville, arthe- head of the - Green SPring;
and one- mile from. the'gumberland Valley
Rail Road.. . "7,
Or firstrate - Limestone. LaUd,
° About - 100' acres of which is cleared, and in
iegood state of cultivation, the residue is
overed with GOOD TIMBER. The im
provements are a Double .Log House, Log
Barn, Tenant House, Spring House-, and
other-out buildings; ._This'land iswelC way
tered by the Green .Sprillg;.. •
No. 2. The, one-half-of a Fullidg Mill,
and a tract of Land, adjoining the. above.
The improvements are a large
• •
Smith Snop, F.raym..Uttilt, and otheilMild
No. 3. A tract-of Mountain land in Mifflin
township, containing 10 Acres, covered with
first rate Chestnut and Chestnut Oak Tim.
be'r. ,
• _ _. • . ,
• No. 4. One other - tract of Mountain land,:
situate - it'llopewell township, containing..
12:Acres; covered with the best of_Chestnut
and Chestnut Oak' Timber.' .
_Tife above
praperties_w ill -eithC'r-be-sold- separately- , or
together, as may Liest suit ptirehasers. Any
person desirotis of .purchasing, -- will =call on
the subscriber . residing on the premises:
- 7; - A - ugust - 23 - ,.1837. - 2-
"opposition is th,e lAte at Au.
- siness.”' ". •
• Talt2a3 . •
'AND C-0 Al, YARD.:
ro HE 'kilOriber iakes this method of .inforrn
,ll Ing the public, that lre has 'rills .Syring_atid
•Sulinner, pur_chaAal., : an-extensive litisp . rttnent of
Joice, Rafters
Assorted lengths and sizes and qualities; pherty,
Birds-::ye and Coyle Maple,
AsMand. Poplar . Lumber, • •
Lting and Short Shlngics, Hogshead and Batrel
Staves, -
or Ilard'GOAl, of the first qualitY, for Stoves,
Grates, Furnaces. &c. Also, the ItituminoviS or
fine_Coal,.from Karthaus, Iteeds and, Dr. -Hoyt's
celebrated Janlis in Clearlield_county. To prove
the fact •
CJLL .11.1 1 D ,SEE.
Lumber sawed to order, on the most moderate
terms. Bills for lumber will' be sawed at any
time, with •speed and correctness.. The subscri
ber returns his thanki to' his customers for the
'liberal patronage thus. far bestowed upon him,
and solicits their future patronage. The public
may rest assured that no pains shall be spared . on
my part, to'accomniodate at the lowest prices,
any article in the Lumber or Coal line.. ,•. .. -
, ..
- Wmarloysburr„ A tig. 21, 1337.. ' • - ,
-Bzza sAza.
I will sell at public sale in the 'town of Lislimn,
Cumberland county, on Thursday the sth day of
October next, at 10 o'clock,. A. M. Tlie firm
adjoining that town, belungin te estate of
Andrew Carothers, Esq.,Aec' , co ttaining
I 24 - dri esof Excellent Land,
which , is iteadaw,lipott4he-Y44.-
. , :10k. lihe improvemcpWare a
• •
. .D.wrelling•Bouse •
a LOG BARN, and a sinallOrchara. There will
be sold at the same time; a tract of about 15 acres
of Chestnut Timber •Land, - which lies about two
miles rrom the farm. '—
kLSO„op Satyrday.l bolltli r floy_of October next,
the Court•House - ia Carhisk , a ..
- Brick Ho - usei.
and'a lot or gibunl, situate in the south side, of
High Street, a few doors west of the Court house,
in which Andrew., Carothers, Esq. resided.-
There is excellent STABLING upon the lot, and
a well of water in the yard. The situation of this
property is One Of the mOst, desirable, either.for a
private_reshlence or public buSiness: • The terms
of sale of the above propertieq will. be madcttay.
Frederick . Mratii, — E.T . r.
_ .
• of Andrew Carothers. Esq. deed.
August 28, 1537._ _
14. 4 .
Estate o Sdain Manesmithi
LE of laliniiiiSTridinn upon th?o...state- of
Adam Slanesmith. late of Allen towiilni), CUM
berlaiid countyy deoseased, have issued—in- due
form of law,loi:the,ifihseribet r ,fresiding in said
An perpo*,htlyiog
Saul - estate - will pkesentliMiratid tligtte f ;ritleb ed
will make 'payment ° ai
August . • , S 9
.10TO 'Tlr CIEi
iN tile Court.ocComMon of:Cumberland
inty;_:26t It April, 1837, 'by ce`irisetit, the money
arising ontlierile - or the •real cslateof GEQIICC
• sy.' 1,V001)13 01101, being considered in Celia',
Rule for its appropriation at the_riext argument
court. ~.said cutirkwill commence on Triesday
tlic 12th klefilornli'er,'lB37...x . ,
. • CCO, , Y 1
Prothonotary's Office,
Carlisle, August 14,
- • '
.Just Beech-c . d.,
. A few lars of French' 11inst:Zr!1-=:;rapeA.Shei r
and .Suft'Sbell 13oradau Almonds.
, . .
, .
. . ,
' - IN pursuance of thelast will-and testament of
Mathew Wilson, Idte__of Frankford 'township,
Cumberland county, dec'd, 'will be sold at pub
lic,s4le 'on the .prernises,.on- Saturday the 23d day
of geptember. next, -at 2 o'clock, P. M. of :said
day, the, following describeklyeal estate, hate the
property of.said testator, to wit:--a plantation or:
0 • -se / -
situate in Frankford township, C um berland coun
ty, bottuded by lands or James Waillsee; - . lsatie
-Lefever, . Sowders and' others, containing 155
Acres, and allowance of
. per 'cent; Having
thereon erected a : ' •- •
... , ;_:_ n _ a r i n... s . E .
. . ..
c.,...,: . Two StoirStone
• .
, ,17:,rzli ei I I • • 4 , . .. '
mt ,•,,,_•4.• 11 , I ',.
••••:;•:.••••••, A .m...
. . ,
A Double big Barn; wagon Shed, and corn crily . ,
• adjoining, also a -spring bf water convenient . to
the house.- 7 There is about -- .... - -j ). •
L- 21 129 edicres._ileared:Land;- • '
in - I good state Of cultivatiori, — ot which 10 or 12
acres are Good Meadow. The residue is excel•
lent Wood Land. -- - - An:eight day •Clock. Will be
'sold on , said day. • •
The' above described . tract of land is. Slate of
an excellent — ifality. „The lalid is Patented * and .
the title indisptiLible. Theoterms will be made .
known on the day of sale by -... . . _
.. - John .-Diller f
,S'tirv . ii,in g Eer of :Mathew Wilson, doE'it..
August 28, 1937; ..,
• The Perry Forester will insert the above to the.
amount of $2„00, and. charge: this dike.. ..
•• • -
--BY-virtue of — a writ Plum's order of_sale,te• -
_ _ - .
me directed,,,issued out of_tlie Court of Co&mon
Pleas of Cumberland county, will be exposed to
pOblic. sale onSie`preiniseti, ob - Saturdav the 3091_
-day - of - Septembel - nc:it, -- aTlO — o'Clo - ck, A. M., the"
',follow/mg property,_e== - A tract, of.
land; bounded_by lands of th e heirs of James:Gif
fin, deed', Jacob 'Weibley, John D. Wonderlich,
Jolin - Sanderson, the heirs of James -L a mberton,
Estf. dec'd,_andJOhn Fierovid; containi,q ,
neat - or- strict- measure, - or thereahouts„ having.
Alteretia ereeted story LOG - frOUS It, and .
Large. Log Barn,.
. .
there. is :an excellent, stream of water rimming
through said farm, and the land - Well Timbered.
The conditions of sale! Will be one third.W ° Uie
purchase- money -to be paid on-the con fi rmatio n .
of-the sale, and the, esiduein tiro equal annual
instalments, without 4rest, tp be securetlio the
satisliietion of the' court. ,To be sold aS the ProT
perty ef-John - A - Sanderson - and - others
MIGHAEL 110LCOMV Sheriff..
Sheriff'S Office, Carlisle, 2 -
'August :24, 1837. 5
' Sheriff's Sale. .
... ...
.• BY virtue of sundry writs f venditioni entonas
to me directed; issued out p 'the court or 'om
mon Pleas'of Cuinberlan county, will be e pos
ed to public sale .t dt court house in - the bor-
ough of Carlisle, tin Wednesday the 4th day of
October next, at 10 o'clock ? A. Al., the follow
_ing_describeiLreaLestate, to : Atitr . .
House and lA . of Ground,.
situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing 60,
feet in breadth, and 240 feet. in &PIK more or.
less, - adjoining a lot of Peter Cutshall on the rant,
an-Alley-on the North, .and Pomfret 'street on
south, having thereon erected a :Two Story Log
House, plastered. Seized and taken -Owen tion
as the property of John Main. And to be sold
by me: :
Sheriff's . Offire, Carlisle,l
August 28, 1.13:i.7. f)
Quniberian4 %Talley
OW ,
'•-, ,
An election for President, Treasurer, Secretary
and four Managers for_theLthinherland_Valley-
RA Road- Company will be held at the louse
of -tieorge - Aughintutughrin.Carhsle,'on - Monday
--the-241 1 day-of-Octiber-next.-between-the-1 ours
of lg o'clock A. M.: aii4-d o'clock p. m. By
the act creating said Company. it. is "provided
that no person shall be permittedio vote at sucl
- election unless he or she shall have fully paid" al
the instalments on the shares of steak by
hei subscribed."
„.T, W. EBY N ' : S'ec;ita;y.
Carlisle:, ATitigiist 28, 1837,! •
irj•The. Pennsylvania Reporter, and. Un:ted
_Slates Gazette will insert the above once a week
.until Lbsslection,i4n4 charge,Gornpany.
• Anothere,lididate for - ph9rig.
Do tiliylectors . of Cumberland County:
Fellow Citizenst—l offer myself to your
c4sideration as a candidate for-The office Of
SH-EI2IFF, at the en_stdng — eieneral Election,.
and 'respectfully solicit your IniTes. • Should I
,' be so-fortunate' as to be elected, you may rest
_assuredAhat,nuthingshall,he_yranting-tin -my
part - US give general satisfaction. • .
Silver Spring township, Aug. 14, 1837.
•--.- - •
ALL persons inbCbted t thelestate'of IlEgity
WOLF, late of South Middleton towliship,
-berland county, xlec'd,. are reipiesled to .-make
payment to the sttbscriber,:'zresiding,in the.bor.
.ough of Cat•lisles and these If:oh* clairhs against
said estate will present them.pOperly authentic:L.
ted for sectierpent., •. ~'•,-„,.,.., ~ • ' —. .
.. ' WM: C.A.149,9q RR,' Aaniir. -
"August - 28,-_lB7. - •;T:',. - LYc„: , :' '- '
.. _
~,,.. ..;.... ,
~.. _...
„ .
TEafflcilithtS" . Ft - 101'2Mb . •
-Setcr,ol•good teachers tirexanted by the School
birectors'oc.:Botith Middleton township : ltninc
cllate application sltti.ulthblttni:td . b. Apply to the
Hop. John Stewart, - 61.. . • -
T 1101144 8,
'; l AtiG•ti4':2B, 1837.
EAVI *.livArt
S e veral' teachers arckyat led in East,Petuislioro'
: 1 0W nOite,; - , who'can teach 'reading, •W ri ti ng, A r.
and . such -other
branOes:iiiike genOralli, taught in ourschools. , —
GooditeopiinAtulatiati :will Lir required.. 4PPIY.
tkp..,§UtiiFribet ceittting`h ea r,•,lt echanicsburg•
TERj3 A It NI-Eilt
'Sept, 11, 16 - 377z;:afv5.;,..v -• • -
Oideror Court Sale.
ATOTie i.
4)it.. -. W.:-E.*BN'S''l
A-S-the-.enjoyment of-health,depends pre-'
. ...911k, serving the .complicated functions. "or the
in a heidtby and vigorous. , state,. through .the ope
rations of which the baditireitewciits growth, its
nutrition, and Its support: At tan,nMfonger be
astonishing:thitt-wben these viscera:are deranged.
and cannot, perform their, proper ffinctionsi - the
whole system should suffer and become:disorder
bloodis made from the contents - ef s the
stomach ; lids its red color and - Vitality_ given to it
by the action . of the lungs and as it perform.sits
duty in circulationg through the veins_ and arte:
es„hasitalsllow e -Or.
fliSy.-Srartnerits - Te tne. Or wuen out sediment,
-collected- andAiicharged , bythe liver.—These
- -viscera, then,bre.,theantimonial mechanisM or ap..
paratus by whith the blood is manufacturedand
preserved ; ;and •it is - therefore obvious- that the
State. of . these shpuldlic the first consideratiOM of
tie physician. Now there are'varioueiCauSes thai
will affect and derange these organslvith - Which
. the blood-has nothing whatever to do. ' 'Thus the
stomach may be utterly debilitated in one' mo.
inent, - by affright, grief, disappointment, heat of
the weather, or any s other neryous action, and be,
wholly unable to digest . its-food. Is the bloodlo'
blame - flir . this? - ,:-A NERVOUS ACTION - of long.
continuance, will - produce Settled DYSPEPSIA,
with head-ache, bile, mental . and physical dehili.
ty, and, - funeral 'retinue "Of other evils. .Is the
blood to blame - for this? 'lntemperance, by ii .
flaming the. mvts of the stofinach, and leaving it
in Placid, - prostrate . NyealinesS - and an undue
quantity and continuance of purgativenfedicines t
by producilig the sameeffects, will put this organ
almost out of use for digesting wholesome solid
food; and thus impoverish •the blood and the
whole Systerfn. Is tile- blood to blame for this?—
Again,. with regard to the Latp,, , i•H, jtis well known,
that a slight Cold, occasioned by damp , feet or hy
a corrent of air, will- inflame the` bronchia,..all
down "through. the by:inching' air tubes of the
--andcreate-eithert eM
icessiv-tieuiimi3, iiry
that dreadful insidious disease ) Consumption, with
pustules _and_suppuration_of the lobes,
though timely remedies may prevent, no earthly
skill can-cure.
.1s the blood of the fair and bloom •
ing victim to blame - for this? So the liver, when,
climate, sedentary habits, , intemr,ierance, or-other
prostrating causes Bye withered - away or paraly
zed. it with-distention, becomes tinable4 p carry_ oil
the hile from the circulation - rail - it 'instead of dis
charging It through, the gall idadderl,_lcaves it to
come •ffirough.rthe skin in jaundiced and sallow
fluids, 'nnd to rush uptin the,stomach ikirregular
and - excessive • quantities. Is the unfortunate'
blood to blame for this? Nol these vital organs
are never affected'by the blood, until after the.
blood-has beemlincted - by them ;'they 00 the
mak6l.s and mastet.S7, -- tiffiritTs merely their worik
and - their passive agent, •
.Knowiig. - tlns to he. a sounffiand deMpnat rated :
!am •in science and experience,. Dr... EVANS!:
- system of practice-is in Paiffilid accordpnce with it.
Ile alias to keep the Stompch, the Lungs, and the
Liver in vigorous and regular action, as the three
great fountains of health and life.. For this purr
nose he prescid es hl beautifully efficacious AP
ERIENT • '?acknowledged by medical men
+who have analy ed aml recommended them, to be.
equal to any. ! the worldlin cases which require
the cleansin of the stomach and bowels t and his
celebrated 'AMONIILE. or TONIC PILLS, in
cases of nervous irritability,. stomachic weakness,
oLgeiteral-debility. A r m_uhajttrity ()Littman,
diseases-raving tlieir origin in th . gerieNif
thy of the principal viscera with the nervous
tern ; he thus seeks disease iiLthe most • inibtile
lil'res of its roots, instead or:vainly hoping to ex
tire - ate it by plucking oil - its Icaves awl more dis•
tent branches. His APEIRIENT - PILLSwiII dO
all that any' Purgative medicine can do, that is
thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bon'els.; and
his CAMOMILE or TONIC PILLS, combining as
they also dii; — the most delightful ANODYNE
known in medicine, will do, have thine,' and are
continually doing more to strengthen, restore and
'sustain the Imman constitution than' any other
medicine that has yet beeii discovered. Of this
he has-innumerable proofs, and this no man-can
deny without fidselrood.
Dr. WM. EVAIS' medical preparations arefo
all Stomach and Nervous Diseases.. In Indiges.
tion,'Dyspepsia ARctions or Liver Coal' plaints,
plaints, heartburn or Acidity in the, Storhach,.
Tightn sat the Chest, Loss of Appetite, Pain in
the siiJ s Flatulency, Dypochondriacism, Low
Spirits, . pitations of the Ileart„Nervous
r-F .
.bility; -- NervonsT:Weaknebsluor-Albus,Sen
-nal Weakness, - Indigestions, General Debility,
Bodily Weakness,-Colorosis or Green Sickness,
Flatuleiit or 11)steral VaintingS, Ilysterics,llead
acill', IliccAtp;Sext_,Sickness,icigh_t_Mar4—,Gottt
Rheumatism, Asthma, , Tic Dulcrettx,--Cramp,
Spasmodic' Affections,,NotOlCA;Vnuiting, Pains
italic.S id . e; - : LiMbsi head, • S toma c h-ordlac ky,Difll•
ness . or - Confusion of Sight, Moises in the InSicle,
alternate irlushings of. ['eat and Witless, Tu
mors, Watchings, , Anxiety, Sparans, Dad Dreams,
Agitations, will in every case be relieved by an,
occasional•drisd of Blame Camomile Pills.
,Ladies, dining the time of pregnacy, are often
rciubled with_Sickuess; Vomiting, Heartburn.
lead-ache, Tooth-ache, Hysterics, and (Ale'
roubtesome symptoms efeetyully ):efieve(l by these
1... 1 4W1N
lir. li;lii. EVANS4IBEI_CA - E, No
ARCADE, Chesnut street., l'hilade)pina.
Few. , sale at the lterag and 2v
positpr O e ffie e. ,
,;':: -,.4-
June 5, 1837.
o triv *® BTSE
, '•“b, ,
- 24:0 ; :Vott
• .
The,Subscribers—thankful for past--favors,, an-,
flounces to the - pribli*that is' now _prepare d to
accommodate Visitors =till others who mayzive
' lia alig tied \A
large oumbei af,boarders and' visitors last .Stim'
met.; he has-the pleasitreof informing• them that'
he is-providectwith.-amadditionathouse,Autving a
number of chambers comfortably furnildied, and
a cool parlor well calculated for the comfort and
amusement df Gentlemen; .•
The "Mountain - !louse iS,sittetted on the top
of -- the -- Nolililteuritaini'Seren miles from Carlisle,
between the • celebrated entitle - . Springs and the
Perry Springs. - From the observatory the Cum
berland Talley can he seen by . the, 'aid of a..104"
in every direction for several miles, - and.pfesents
lo the eye a Acene:beautillil beyond imagination..
'The surrounding Mountains abound with gamei.
other iources . aritn - Seinegt• are provided fol.
those 01* . tere notspertiMen., end. the table and
thediar are supplied in the best Manner. ••There
is every isidiicement to those fond of pleaSnre to•
pay-the, , subseriber ri..visit, for will the, invalid
his dliadianiage to s'p'end a few days at .
the !'lito House.' • -•
July 17%, 18;i",
7 __. 1 had wheii rcqul red:
; ,6w, .\. - - . : :: ~,
. . ..
• ' '
. ..
AEU . MiniES; VIM?
Shbrilt 7 g - iSaleir - .". • . 7 7 7
By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Eiponastilo'
ine directed,will - be.,espoSed to piablio vendUe at '
thd Court House,. in Carlisle, on, Friday. the 22d.: •
day of .Septemher next. at.lo 'o'claelF..A..M., the
following described 1161 l!lstale, to•win:"....„•. -4 . -
A -- tractll.-Woodland, - -in "Diekin son towns hip,
waiTantedin 'the •of George Ege,"botinded
by lands of Watts and Buchanan, nowPeter-Ege,
land formerly orianes" --- ItuarWilliam Smith, hoh• •
liOrnaslitack,•snd.other tract of Dr. - .Chaulhexs p .. - ,
warranted "in
„I..he".hame of' Tho Mas Thornburg..
atiktf.)Y an other tract of Dr. ChainberSoNdritantedi
in the mania, of Michael Ege, - containing 405 acres , "i
and 143' perches aallowance.—Also on ono
. .land i lOrrauteikk t kum9o9. 7 ,_.-•
first deScribed tract,. West- by Miller - and-Cocip_er.r
North iby an other - liaet. of Dr. Chambers, and•
East by a tract warranted in-the:name of Michael'
Ege; 'containing 411. acres,'2B perches, nod alz
lowance.Also, one:other tract.. of 'Wood-104 • •
warranted 4 hr the name of -Joseph Thornbiiit•
,South by the latt.cleatribed.fratt, West
.by _Mid& and Cooper,"Norlh by a tract warranted
in the !lathe of .Samuel Postlethwaii, and East-by •
a tract in the name of Michael Ege, deceased,
containing 408-.acresi 106 perches, .and allow
ohe'other tract of wood-land, in '
name Of Samuel Postlethwait; bounded south by
the last described tract, wist"l33 7 Miller & Coopea,
north by the Cumberland 'Mill tract and other#,
eontaining;4ol„aerea and 9r perchesand a110w....
ance.-41.150,, one other 'tract of,
'ranted- in the name of Michael Ege,- ,- tionualeit
south by Watts -and.l„.lucharran ) west by all tbe •
above-described , tyatTtp; northl by Adam Houk's. - • .-,.lthilip • Spangler and. - George Beetem, and . George Ege„.containing 430 acres and.• .
55 perches a n d alloytanee.Alscio, the life estate •
of the said Dr,'William C. Chambers in a certaiU . -
tract of land, situate in'Dickinson township, Waist • •
Totted in the naind'ofPatrick - Bobinson, bounaeQ
by the tract larranted idtlie name of Samitel •
Postletliwait, by Miller and 'Cooper, by--the Yeb
.low_Breeches_C eek,-IY-m.-MoorearheirsGeorge---
McCormick, I be,rt .Donaklson and others; cots- •
tabling 4 "- res and allowance, about seventy. -
acres' of which ere cleared - and- cultivation,
kraliing there on erected
,a large-; Merchant T hri .
with four runs of stones.--Also, a Tenant House
and..larg& Log Barn ,and a Blacksmith 'Shop.—°
Also, a tract of wood-land in Dickinson.lOWnshipl .
Warranted in - the name of .Dr. William C. Mat:
bet's, bounded by lands of John Harper, Michael
Ege'S" heirs; Peter Ege-and others,--containing --
166_acres; 38 4yei 7 CliOS. - -Also, one ether tract of
wood•land, warranted'in the name ofAilin Arthur,
in South Middleton township, bOunded by lands
of Peter lige and -George:Bge,,
.containing 233 --
ileres and allowance.—Also, part-of-one °Met --
tract of first rate' woodlandin Dickinson town , .
ship, warranted in the name' of William Lusk, _ •
bounded by- all the first six described tracts,,,Com'
tahtint_77-77acres:Alsoi-:aiot - of Ground-1n
-borough Orcarlisle, bounded by_theMalnut Bob
loan Itottthon.the _nerd), I. R. Parker, - Esq. on
the east, James Noble's, heirs - on the south, and-
Jael.b Cart on the West, containing acres
70 perches.--Also, levied the tertn-of the,Lease •
of Mary Aim and Augusta Furnaces„situale in •
Southampton township, and all the/lands and
estate thereto attached . and embracQ within the
terms of the said lease from 114 Carlisle Bank
and Jacob M.• Haldeman to Dr. Wm C. Cham
bers dted the day of . A. 0.1836, -
and' t Riess terminates on the Ist of November, • •
18.39.—A15e1, levied ono tint ofiand_silnate-anal
being partly ity the. borough of Carlisle 'and partly
-in North Middleton township, and situate !mine- •
diately upon the Hatrisburg and- Carlisle ..nt. a. • .
Bike Road, containing forty-three' acres of f , st
rate-Lime-stone land - trponiwhielviszerected-a-firrt, --T
-rate- stone Merchant Mill, with four pair of
Stones ' three of which are -French Burrs, pro- -
pellcd by the waters of the Letart Spring, which
never fails and never freezeo l lthereis also ere.l-•
ed 'on the said land a Milller's HOuse and viler
improvements—this is. one of the best Mill,'
the - Slate - of Pennsylvania, and' almost new.
Also, on a• tract of. Limestone land of the hest -
quality, situate in the township of North Mid
dleton) bounded by George Sponsler,.. James .
Noble's. heit,:s; Jane Caufiman and the LVlalt - :
Spring. ann lying on both -sides of the -Carlisle
jlarrsburg Turnpike Road, _ _ -
two acres, all . or which_ is elevecl except .about
three acres, and under gootPteiree and a high"
state cultivation, having a good tenant House
and Itarit thereon erceled,...there is also a small
orchard °lithe fiWria.--Seized'and taken in ex( co- __-
tion as the property of Dr. William C. Chamb, r5".77 - •
,---- ::II 3 .ILittLIC SALE . .
Wi - porsininte-orah-order of - tirfillans' , Dout roc- -
of Corriberland county', there will be expos::
cif to public sale on the premises, on Friday the
siti l 34tll day of - er nextii,aTractof".• •
21;\40.1C .6:-'I'ZZAITI)„,
in Silver Spring township; liet*iii - .Varlis - la-aoil
Ilarrisinirg, near the Turnpike road, adjoining.
lands of Trimble's - heirs, Johnyogleitong, John
Darman, Jacob Deemy, the Conodognitmet.
.creek, containing :
-• 223 AtIRES •
more or_ less,. about Acme hundred - -and seventy
acres clear, and under good fence, and the rtsi- '
due in good timber. The improvements - are - a bile
. „
- -TWO Story Wick
a - gnod,tenant house, with a,atable annexed to it.
Thiele is an ext - ellent A P i'LE ORCHARD on the
flan; and fruit of all kinds. Thereis plenty of
%Valet. Of_ a
• TEAMS,. Five- hundred dollars to be paid'.
when the sale shall be confirmed, the residue
one•half of the - purchase itioney, on Abell day •
- of - April,,.B3B;,and the balance in three - annual
payme9OVitliout biterest. . • A..,
. . . • .
, y,Aoll' , ECKEter, ,, •
laiiii*atorcolJaeoblilitts - 66
August 2E4'183'7. • •.
(07The__Penttsxlvintia, Tilegraph'• and ' -
ter lleiald will' insert the. litiniviii — lialeOtark - - - .
and-cliarge 'hit ' • • : "
POWDER.- •' • -•-
. • .
FP..FFF.:POwder for sate 'at either.whole*—
sale. or retail, at the 'Shire •of the subscriberin
Muth . I4anover street.
, .
•-. • .
IS Ilereby_gived that I am ready to redeem all
.thq- tickets put 'but by tne, as I find 'there is' ,a :
suffleimmy of. small:change in circulation:at-Ines& ~
. t!he want of wbich
' b: — W:7l - 1 - lIIES. • •
Slnppeusburg, ;August 22, 1E37, , . • •
Re; lisc.
Sheriff 's Office Carlisle, -She/'ijA.
jAuegiist 26, 1837. 5