THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 05,1906. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers intending to make changes In their ads. ibouid notify us or their intention to do so not later than Mon day morn'nff. Charter notice. Election Proclamation. Jury List for Nov. Term. Patterson Bros, famitnre. Stein's dress Roods. Scbaul & Levy's suits. Modern Store's nnderwear. Campbell's fnrnitnre. Kirkpitrlok's glasses. and Executors of estates •in secure their receipt books at the CITI/ES offlce. LOCAL AND GENERAL. TERMS: Year If paid in advance.. 1.00 Each subscriber, by consulting the little tab on his paper, can tell the date to which his subscription is paid. October is the month that tells the tale Of how Dame Nature dealt the sea son's yield The month when erstwhile green doth turn to pale, And crackling, rustling stubble studs the field. But, just behind this ripening of the We've" stored the richest gifts neath God's great dome The bending loft-the bursting bin-the golden ear. Invites this sacred thought of Har vest Home." —E- D. K.. —ltalian Summer. —Big fantastic parade Hallowe'en. —Next Wednesday evening is Hallow e'en. —Altoona had a million dollar fire last Thursday. —Butler ia to have a |T,OOO automo bile hose-carriage, - Thursday, November 29th. will be Thanksgiving Day. —Lest yon forget—next Tuesday a week is Election Day. —A. E. Myers sold his grocery store to A. A. Marshall, Monday. Some of our merchants are already baying their holiday goods. Tbe relief-work on the walls of the pew fruit store is immense. —' Another sensation in the McCool case"— they come daily now. —Nearly every farmer yon talk to complains of the scarcity of help. —The North Pittsburg Realty Co. is purchasing property in this county. -Care OD the P & B. will be running Nov. 15th—that is latest about them. —'lhe HannaCo. is using tbe Spring field roller on the road north of town. —Excursion rate to Mars, tomorrow, feO cents each, for a party of ten or over. If yon have a stomach ache Eat a piece of burnt cake. —After next Thursday the rate on the Bessie will be 21 cents a mile. See notice. -Sheriff Campbell, on Tuesday, sold his restaurant to J. M. McCall and H. J. Martin. —Several hundred new houses will be wnder roof in BnMer and vicinity, before Christmas. —Our lumber yards are full of rabbits. Get your guns out next Thursday. —Some tough-looking characters have lately be».-u u*. din the gr'wirbe of the town. —The trustees of St. Paul's Orphans Home examined some sites, about But ter, yesterday. thousand, even money, wai wagered on the ejection, in Pittsbprg, a few days Bgo. —Geo. Spang persists in offering to furnish the boro with those cutb-corner iron bands at $4 each. —A year ago Butler voters were dis cussing the proposition of v oting Butler into a third class city. —Five dollars fine for hunting on a man's land without his- peimission, or |lO |f he has signs np The tooth artists and doctors of the oounty, held an interesting meeting at the Nixon, last Saturday. Sneeze before seven Hare company before eleven. —ln the yard of J. W. Miller of Mer cer St ie a curiosity for this time of year— AD apple tree with new leaves and oloca^ma. —Slippery Rock won a toot bail gaxjip from New Castle, Monday. 22 to 0; aid (be Pirates a base ball game from Brain 8 to 0, —X Missouri mob started to lynch a fann hand, but when somebody remark ed about the scarcity of farm hands, they let him go. —Under the new rules football is not M deadly as a railroad collision, rank ing more nearly with a premature ex plosion of dynamite. —The polling place of the Ist precinct, fifth Ward, has been changed from the Wiclf House to the Kirkpatrick store room, two doors below. ~The open season for game birds be gan last week. It Is said that pheas ants and <juail are more numerous this year than for some years past —The Butler Merchants Mutual Fire Insurance Co. paid Joseph B. Mechling of Butler twp., his insurance in full, within thirty days after the fire. —Our farmers are putting in long hours these days in their fall work, the inability to secure help at any price obliging every minute to bo counted. When you have finished reading the CITI/.KN. including the advertisements, kindly give it to some friend who is not » subscriber You will do them a favor • A hot stove and some loose papers made a fire in the "Times" office, early Monday morning, but it was discovered covered in time to prevent serious damage, i Htiow storuis and high winds pre vailed in the Rockies, last Sunday. Telegraph wires were down, and a packing house in Salt Lake City was destroyed. —The New Castle road on both sides of the valley at Cranmer's Mill is in very bad shape for this season of the year There seems to be no gutters and the water runs down the middle of the road. —"llealth Officer Wright of Erie has returned from a visit to the health au thorities in Harrisbnrg with the news tl at the state's compulsory vaccination la v is temporarily suspended so far as the school childrpn are concerned. Un vaccinated children may now be admit ted to the schools till contrary order p *re received from Harrisbnrg."—E*. PERSONAL Charles R. Thompson ia now with Schaul & Levy. J. C. Breaden of New Castle is visit ing at West Sunbury. B S. Rankin of Fairview twp. visited friends in Butler, Saturday. Henry Kemper of Mack;-bnrg. W. Va. is visiting friends in Butier. James Blake and wife of Franklin twp. did some shopping in Butler. Monday. J. Munson McNeese and Walter M<-- Curdy of Brady are serving on the jury, this week. A. W McCollough of Butler has been drawn for a juror at next U. 8. Court in Pittsburg. Mr. and Mrs Loyal Lardin are both seriously ill with typhoid fever at their home in Clinton twp William Cratty of Crafton. a sou of John Cratty. was the guest of las brother, Milo, in Butler, last week. Peter Oesterlinsr, Sr. of Summit twp ) intends removing to Butler, and will live with his, W. W. Milter. Miss Margaret Horton and Orris V . Fisher were married, yesterday, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Horton on \V Jefferson St. Quinn Redic, who lately visited the Soldiers Home at Dayton describes that place as a paradise on Earth,but refuses to lend his G. A. R. button to a fellow who wants to go there. Mr. and Mrs W W. Christy of Hilliard were visitors in Butler. Tues day. Mr. Christy has dispose! of his poultry tnslnessto the Randall brothers and is making preparations to become a resident of Central City, Nebraska. Major McDowell is funnv. But don't blame him. h« can't help it. At Franklin a few nights ago he said "Fifty years ago in Franklin I knew every man. woman and child, every horse, every cow, every dog. My an cestors lie in your cemetery, and their defendants lie in the street " Mies Florence E. Norris. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Norris of Carbon Black, and D. P. Bnrtner, son of J. P Burtner of Jefferson twp. were married Tuesday at the bride's hom'. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bnrtner held a reception for their son and his bride at their home The young couple will reside at Corsicana, Texas. where D. P. is employed by an oil well supply com pany. John B. Caldwell and wife, m-e Nancy J. Robinson, will today celebrate the 40th anniversary of their marriage, at their home in Jefferson twp. All tbe'.r living children —Dr. Clarence of Bakers town, Dr. Ellery of W. Suffield. Conn., Mrs. Sadie Ziegler of Allegheny, Leverne of Allegheny and Onn, at home, are present, as are alio their nine grand children, who with their friends and neighbors, will make them pass a happy day. "Crow on the fence Rain will go hence: Crow on the ground Rain will come down.'' —Counterfeit silver dollars —While Wm. Dambangh of Jackson twp. was away from home, yesterday afternoon, hie house was destroyed by fire. —About two doieen babe ball players and spectators were killed and wounded in the game during the season just past, and the foot ball people propose doub ling this during their short season. —A teacher in a neighboring school gave a list of questions to her geography class, among them the following:— •'What are the two forms of govern ments" One of tbe pupils wrote his answer thus: "Penny packer anu Roose velt." —"Yes, sir, I can say that 1 am a self made man." "Heavens! how yon must sufier from remorse." —Ex. Borough Mutters At the special meeting of the Council last Thursday evening the contract for paving Pierce avepue waa awarded to Burns Bros. :it $14,0-><t; and the' itersec tion of Race and W. Cunningham Sts. to John Shaffner at $i»,508. The contractor for First St. vas paid the balance dne him, $9,809.03. Reunion of the? 105t!i. One hundred and sixteen members of the 105 th P. V. answered roll-call st Reynoldsville, last Thursday, and among them were Col. Redic and J. M. Swartz of Butler, and .las. Bailey of Mercer twp Ibey had a good time and enjoyed the best banquet —well, one of the best that ever happet,*d. MAJESTIC BIK City Minstrel*— I TO-nlglit. One of the many features to l>o pre sented by John W. Vogel's Big City Minstrels, which will appear at the Mnjestic Theatre, Thursday, Oct. 25th, is a beautiful and up-to-date dancing number, entitled "The Great Event." r Undo Jose Spruceby—Saturday,' Oct. 12? Hi, Matinee ami > ij;lit. The theatre-going publics wi'l bail with delight the good news that our old friend. Uncle Josh Spruceby" is to visit us soon. This company, which has made an exceptionally strong impres plon wherever it. has appeared, has many friends here who will await their com ing with interest. The organization this year is better than ever, all the old favorites being retained and capable new ones added, and now takes rank with the best dramatic companies tour ing the country. The play is one of those homely New England dramas with a beautiful story running through it. Undoubtedly a big crowd will at tend to welcome 'Sally", "Dutchy", "Out O' Sight", the Hayseed Baad and "Uncle .Tosh" himself. Prices—night 25c, !!sc, 50c, matinee, children 10c. adults 350. At Yale,—Oct. 111. The college songs that arc announced to be sung in the new college play "At Yale" will be enough to ibsure its success if there were nothing more ex citing and stirring in the play. Eight picked voices have been rehearsing these songs all summer. The songs were chosen by Mr. Gilmore while at Yale, and picture the student life more clearly and more strikingly than any other feature could possibly do. HLTLF.It MARKETS. Our dealers are paying for Apples JlO-40 Fresh eggs g{, Butter 22-25 Potatoes 50 Chickens, dressed 10-18 Navy beans, bn II 05 String beans, bn 50 Tomatoes 00 Onions, bu 75 Honey per lb 10 Dried Apples H Turnips, per bu 40 Parpnips, per bu 75 Beets per bn 50 Mangoes, per do* 10 Cabbage, per lb 1 Chestnuts, per lb 10 Hickorynnts, per bu $1.50 Walnuts, per bn... 75c: Buckwheat tlonr 24 Oats ;i!t Corn ~ .50 Wheat red TO, white 08 Reduced Kates. Beginning November Ist, 1800, the Bessemer & Lake Erie It. R. Co. will sell single trip tickets good over its main line and branches also operated lines, on the basis of two and one half cents per mile, using short line instances I wh?n necessary to meet the con petition I of other lines. I Effective same date mileage l - oks of this Company's issue will be HI 1-1 good . "Tor bearer", and will be lion red for parties of two or more traveling to gether. Conductors will accept same for entire party if requested to uo 80. LEGAL NEWS. NEW SUITo. M Zeef vs Mary Kutock. replevin for , household goods, valued at SIOO. and , | claimed by the plaintiff. C. J. Myers va S. C Milliard. replevin for a sawmill, machinervand tools, val- . ned at s3oo, with which the parties have j been working in the western part of the , county. Margaret Maizland vs Charles H. 1 Mainland. libel in divorce, cruelty al-, leged The plaintiff claims she was. driven out of the house and had a re-, volver pointed at her. Margaret E Postelwaite vs David W. 1 Postelwate. libel in divorce for deser tion Agues T. McAJpine vs Lavina McAl pine, Archie McAlpine, Dr. Jasmine i McAlpine and Miss Carrie Browu. trespass for damages for conspiracy to alginate from the plaintiff the affections | of her husband," Kenneth McAlpine. | The first three defendants are the mother, brother and sister of Kenneth McAlpine, and Miss Brown is the friend of the McAlpine family whom the plaintiff alleges nursed Kenneth Mc - Alpine while he was ill with appendici tis last summer. Four other suits pre ceed this action. Lizzie Elliott, by her father and next friend, Charlie McQuistion, vs Neisou J Elliott, libel in divorce, cruelty al leged. Sadie Norrn vs William M. Norris, libel in divorce. They were married in 1890 and Mrs. Norris alleges her husband deserted het in 1903. TRIAL LIST. The case of Miles Coovert heirs vs Thos. M. Marshall was continued on account of the sickness of a witness for the plffs. The case of Etna Mfg. Co. vs W. B. Enos. was continued on account of the absence of a witness. The two cases of Lochrie Bros, vs 11. K. Wick, and Lochrie Bros, vs Hamil ton Bros, were settled Tuesday after going to trial by the Lochrie Bros, with drawing their petitions for latteral rail roads through the lands of Wick, and Hamilton Bros and making agreements by which Lochrie Bros, hereafter use the railroad of the defts. to reach their mine, paying each of the defts. $-000 for this right. The case of Emma J. Donaldson vs A. S. Hindman resnlte<l in a verdict for tbe plaintiff for the property claimed by her, value iat s4*o. "iO. The plaintiff's husband, Monroe Donaldson, formerly of Washington township, borrowed money from Hindrnan on note. Hind man entered the note at the time,others whom Donaldson had borrowed from in his neighborhood closed on him. and had execution issued and personal prop erty on the farm levied on by the Sheriff. Mrs. Donaldson then filed an inter pleader and claimed the goods. The case of Jane R Brown vs Elisha Stoughton for use of J. Berg & Co. re sulted in a verdict by which the jury awarded $256.50 worth of goods belong ed to Mrs. Brown and $330.50 to the deft. A note oi James Brown, the plaintiff's husband was entered and levy made on goods in Franklin twp. on which Mrs. Brown claimed title, .NOTES. On petition for a new bridge over North Bear creek, Parker twp. at Hir per s mill, F. B. Aistey, John K. Hoi lard an I S. W. Lewis were appointed viewers. The will of the late Levi Slater of Butler has been probated, David SUtor and Joseph Criswell, executors. Eis widow receives SIOOO. the children of his son John receive 70 acres in For ward twp., his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Braun, SSOO. and his son David 05 acres in Connoquenessing twp. and the re mainder of the personal property. There are four other children, Clarence and Mrs. Jacob L. Winter. Clarence and Levi Slater, Mrs. Jacob Winter and Mrs Mamie Mames. who are not mentioned. They claim thtir father was mentally incompetent ".vliuu he made the will last August, goi <g to Lyndoro for that purpose, and are pie paring an appeal from the probate. Another will which divided the prop erty among all the children was made about one year ago. Letters of administration on the es tate of D. M. Morrison have been i<-aDt ed to Jane Morrison. JOB. Earhart has petitioned for «atis faetion of a mortgage given by N-mcy Sommerville and others in 1890. In the case of the State of W Virgin ia for nee of the Fisher Oil Co. vs V oke, Steelamlth and Hosford, an opinion wis filed refusing to enter judgment tor want of a sufficient affidavit of defense. In the cane of Christopher Fredley, ad in r. of the estate of Melissa Fredley vs Robert Buxton to recover a legacy charged on defendants land by Friend Buxton, stated for the opinion of the court, an order was made directing the deft, to pay the legacy amounting to SSOO. Win. A. Kelly was appointed consta ble of Bruin boro vice Geo Snow, dee d The polling place of the Fifth ward,) Ist precinct, has been changed from the Wick House to the Kirkpatrick build ing. On petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Pratt " citation has been issued on Samuel Beam to show cause why he shonld not file an account as administrator of tin estate of the late George Beam. The parties are a daughter and a son of Qeo. Beam and the petition eta teg thai, letters were granted to Samuel Beam and that money of the estate is believed to be in his possession. Judge E. S. Holt of Beaver on Satur day refused to grant new trials to Dr. J. F.'Minteer of Lynilora, who was 0011- victed on two charges of selling liquor without license, but sentence was sus pended on the payment of SSOO and costs by Minteer. Samuel Tynauer, who was convicted of selling liquor without license, WHS on Friday sentenced to pay the coats and a fine of SSOO, and undergo imprisonin<'nt in jail for three months, by uuge Gal brent h Joseph Pol Ink, guilty of selling li'jnor without license, was sentenced three months and fined SSOO and costs by ] Judge Galbreath. In the case of E A Black and other ( property holders on West St. vs the Pittsburg and Butler Street Ry Co., 1 Judge Galbreath on Friday renders 1 i.n opinion deciding that the rights of the property holders in the alley running east and west between West St. and Sullivan Ave. could not be divest(«l l.j the action of the Towri Council in va cating the alley for the benefit of the street car company, and that the com pany could not close the alley and build their buildings across it, und a pe.-iu i nent injunction to preveut them iroiii doing so was granted Exceptions vve.t filed by the company In tau uitpeal of M. L. Ralston, a transient dealer, from the sentence of Burgess Bell to pay a license of $lO », re quired by a borough ordinance. Judgo Galbreath decided that the ordinance was illegal and \v, restraint of trade,and reverse* the sentence of the Burgess. In the case of James E. Kelly vs Mrs. Eddie Kelly, ailm'x of her deceased hus band, Abner Kelly of Parker t\y;,. «,o collect a legacv amounting to SOOO, and interest, left to the plaintiff by Abner Kelly, who recognized the plaiuti.f in his illegitimate son, a decision* was made rnling that James Kelly had lost his right to enforce collection of the legacy through not presenting it within the statute limitations The plaintiff's motion fo* a new trial in the case of Itobcrt St roup of Jeffer aon twp. vs the South Perm Oil Co was refused In the matter of partition of the es tate of Peter Feil, aee'd. of Mars, on pe- j , tition of the heirs, W. 11. Walker, Jos. I Gilkey and Detmore Douthett were ap . X'ointed commissioners to divide the I land The trustee's sale of the Wells Wat ters property in Evans City was ad journed till the 80th. f Saturday, November 3rd. is the last 1 day for filing accounts to the December r | term. B I Harry L. Graham has been appointed i auditor to make distribution of |303 re- j covered from George Grifely, the ; i Italian interpreter, amoDK the victims !of George Grifely the interpreter The I money was recovered from Grifely | when he was arrest'd. The will of the Inte William Dick of I Prospect has been probated. It provides i that his widow shall have the use of the I f«rm nntil she consents to its sale, and '■ the legacies are left to the children as , ! follows: John 3, and B. L. Dick and j Mrs. Ellen Dodda. *1 each, with the ' statf ment thfit they have received sums , during the decedent s lifetime: George j Di«-k $600: H. II Dick. $300; Susau A i La-fcm. |a00; Maggie A. Ralston. |300; ; Abbie M. Warren. *300; Carrie B. Dick, , $600: William N. Dick, $400; and Cnrtis Dick, a grandson. SIOO. The Superior Conrt reversed itself ou the Follet case from Brnin, and the case will now go to tbe Supreme Conrt. 1 The will of Chas Peffer, dee d., late of Lancaster twp. was probated Mon | day. He leaves hie entire estate to his l wife, Rachel Peffer. and at her death i: is to pass principally to a son, Frank B Peffer. Small legacies are to be paid to other children and he is to receive the balance after the death of his mother. lh>- cases of W. P. Martin and John F. d;llervsO. H T->bay, assumpsit to recover royalties cl; lined to be due an der leases for oil and gas, is on trial. B. Bredin has been appointed auditor in the estate of Cieorge Renno, dee'd of Butler. * Elias Whitley, colored, plead guilty to a&b, yeeterday. f.tid was fined $lO sent to jail for ten days. A pumper named Thompson on the Scbaffner lease sonth of town shot a dog belonging to Louis Y">st and John and Joseph Zahradneck of the Plank Road, who were hunting around his place, ana also made them give him ?0. and the bnnters have retained counsel to prosecute Thompson criminally. Fred Sahli of Lancaster twp. is in jail on a charge of a&b on a commit inent issued by Squire A. B. Met/.. PROPERTY TRANSFERS Thos S Fletcher and others to Peter L Maher lot in Butler for $855. Jas, Bredin to A 1 Raff lot in Bntler for SSOO. Anualena Hawkes to Naouu Adams ant 1 . Leone W Kelly q cto It) acres in Brnin for sl. Naomi J Adams to Annalena Hawkes and Liilie M Irwin q c to 10 acres in Bruin for ft. John W Everett to Maud L Piper •>•{ acre? in Parker for $725. Daniel Weitzel to W S Wick lot in Bntler for S3OOO. Jas Thompson to Ida Brendt 6 acres in Adams for $1250. Lillian B Emery to Sarah J Crow lot ill Mars for SISOO. S O Sterrett to Chas W Crawford 4 lots in Valencia for $3lO. F W Keiner to Elizabeth Feucht 1 acre in Buffalo fo' sittoo. Jas M Pearoe to ihn A Slater 30 acres in Allegheny for SISOO. John Cashdollar to W C Cashdollar . acres in Adsm° for si. J Ralph Park to A 1 Ruff lot on Peail St for S2OOO. Jos Earhart to Saml Slierwin 15 acres in Fairview for S7OOO. Tbeo Young to Ja~ Smith properly in Claj for SSOO. .T S Stone to R E Stone property for SB3B Annie Rommell to L> M Deets 25 acres in Don 3gal for {6OO. Jehu H Brenner to Ed A Horigan 120 acre= in Lancaster for $4200. J ? Elliott to J E Patton 25 acres in Centre for $-">00 S P Shryock to h li Brown S}o acres in Parker fi-r S7OO. Christopher Fredky adm'r. to R W B ix'/Od release ou property in Middle sex i or ssiio. G Lewis Dufford to S G Guinn lot in W Suubury "or $2150 Gottlieb Pfeil to Laura Hemphill 68 acres i.i Clinton for 'y, .'OO. L P Hazlett to D B Douthett lot on W Pen n st for SI2OO. Tlieo Vogeley to Johu Schenck lot on Cleveland tt for $750. S<) sterrett to W J McMarlin 2 lots in Vahuc.a for $1«0. W W McCoraell to Tas S Bortz lot in H arrisville for SIOOO. Jaj S Bort/to W W KcConnell lot iu Harrieville fur S2IOO J Thto Frederick to Walter Wohland 170 ;:cr s in Jettersu. iur S9OOO. ° v" I'arneu to L E Morgan lot ou vv I Pen', st. fcr J U 50. • I Tg> bella Gillespie t<Wm V Powell lot ' Millerscown for fiiOO. L I Coovi-rt to Lewis Whitmire 3 acres in Adaois for slcT>o. M.-.rk G Hiblu t.> North Pgh Realty Co, tha Porter property, :<0 acres in Jf.cksofi tor sss')o. E!i May to same 3 acres iit Fovwayd for *271. W S Waldron to same 11 acres in Forward for ♦1C62.20. A J Purr to same 80 acres in Forward for if 1900. Jos Ash to same 65 acres in forward for iflooo. The Edward Dambach Go to &ame lot in Kvaps City for $450. Marriage licenses. Andrew Bnrkhard Bntler Eva 7. Moon" George S. BolU Carbon Black Clara L Green .... .. .Saryers Station Win. J. Neely Hutlur Myrtle WylautJ,... .. Frank Toth Ferris Barbara Sotko " Orris V Fisher Butler Margaret Hortou " Paul F< rfors, Jr Butler Irene Oesterling " J. D. White Bntler Pearl Slav Weß'el Harmony D P. Burtner. Corsicana, Tex Florence L. Norris Carbon Black Albert J. Bhonp Bntler Elva B. Holliday.... " John F. M'.lli r Herman Nora E. Bauer Summit twp Clande C. Hoffman Oil City C'ortie B. Sproull Boyer B. Munz Bntler Beckie Belkirj..,, " William Montgomery Cherry twp Myra B. Webb Clay twp At Franklin C. J, Bean of Mead ville and Zella Sloan of Eau Clairo. At Franklin, A. < • r ockhard of Free port and Ohriatina Ghost ot Clinton twp. also Win, B. Hovis and Sadie Mc- Clelland of Evans City At Yonngstowu, Mi'ton George Wood of Butler and Emma Jiess. At Cleveland, Oklahoma—Charles Mechllug formerly of Butler and Mab«d Duncan. Lost Tcctli. While J. M. Hogne of Parker twp., Mir Brain, was- flailing buckwheat, in a U.rn Tuesday, he found a set of t< elli .v'uioh the owner can have Uy ~nl'ing uj o:i him. —Wl.y i J Newton ' The Piano Mm? See i'dv. WANTED— Mortgabbmoney. Crafton Realty Co , Crafton, i'a. Blacksmith Wuntwl. Good location, goo.] shop, good house, and «ood oil-country trade, and every thing «.>HUy for work. The man that h is jn.-r left was tuT'; eleven years and left a good tiade behind him. The man wan ed must be steady and an all around workman. A uiariiee man is preferred. JAM I •; MCCLKARY, R F. D. 77. Chicora. (Troutman.) CL.IIIt KATES. We can club the CITIZEN with the Pittsburg Ga/atte Times at $.1.00 per year for the two; CITIZEN and Pitts burg Post for stf.2s and Toledo Blade $1.50. CITIZEN and Country Gent $2.25 per year. Cash in advance Money to loan on first mortgage, E. H. NEULEY, Diamond. roic s * el:. 1 Tour-roomed bous and lot 40x120 | f< < t at corner of Sot'. Ii Ht. and Spring I | Dill Aye. inquire on premises, 21H Souii- Sr II —Why is Newton "The Piano Man? - See adv. ACCIDEXTS. Dr A. M Neyman tripped and fell in bis bath room. Monday, and broke ! the bones of his left wrist, bnt is doing well. Robert Gahagan of Freeport. aged abont 27 years, was almost instantly killed. Tuesday evening, bytheacciden i tal discharge of an old pistol that he I and his brother. Dee. had been looking at. Oil ami Gas Notes. The Market—Both agencies are pay ing $1.58. Butler twp. —E. E Kelly & Co s well on the Frazier farm, just west of But ler, reached the third sand. Monday, and gladdened the hearts of its owners by filling up with oil. Yesterday morning the well was "shot, ' and threw oil over the derrickj John Lillie has brought in a l<»-biirrel producer on his farm two miles east of Chicora. Thirty years ago James Mc- Michael located a well in the exact spot where the present well now stands, but his friends persuaded »hiin to save his tnonej', as the location was in an entire ly dry strip. The largest well in Venango county for 20 years was brought in last Satur day on the Witherup farm. in Bullion hollow, near Scrubgraaa. It is owned by Andrew Rabb and made 100 barrels in 40 minutes, when it was shut in on account of inadequate tankage, Ex perts estimate the well will produce over 1,000 barrels a day. It is located in the Kennerdell district. Jury List for Nov. Term. List of names drawn from thy proper jury wheel this Bth day of September, 190*>. to serve as traverse jurors at a special term of court commencing on the second Mouday of Nov., 1906, the same being the 12th day of said month- Baker Elmer, Penn twp, farmer. Barnhart Wra, Bntler twp, carpenter. Black O F, Donegal twp, farmer. Bowers Otto, Buffalo twp, farmer Boyer ERR, Harmony boro, farmer. Brown J G, Forward twp, pumper. Caldwell David, Oakland twp, farmer. Caldwell D H, Butler 2d wd, machinist Chambers John M, Clay twp, farmer. Clouse Frank, Oakland twp, farmer. Cronenwett Ernest, Butler sth wd,clerk Douthett J B, Penn twp, farmer. Gallagher R, Muddy Creek tp, farmer. Green Thomas, Clearfield twp, farmer. Harbison J D. Clinton twp, farmer. Harvey Eldridge, Clinton twp, farmer. Harnish D N. Butler Ist wd, clergyman. Heck Pressly, Centre twp. farmer. Helfrick J W, Bruin boro, pumper. Heighenbotham William, Saxonburg boro, laborer Hutchison John. Marion twp. farmer. Humphery Edward, Portersville boro, merchant. Jackson R F, Oakland twp, farmer. Jordan W C, Bruin boro. producer, Kaltenbaugh John, Connoquenessing twp. farmer. Kissick W G, Slippery Rock borough, merchant. Knox Bert, Harmony boro, laborer. Laird Harvey, Butler Ist wd, laborer. Midberry James A, Marion tp, farmer. Miller John, Middlesex, twp, tarmer. Miller Adam, Butfer Ist wd, engineer NMcklas James, Butler Ist wd, laborer. Kader Lewis, Forward twp, farmer. Kambaugh Jacob, Harrisville borough, retired. Riddle J C, Clinton twp. farmer. Rider Orestes, Centre twp, farmer. Sarver Abraharj, Bqtler twp, retired. Sedwig T B, Allegheny twp. farmer. Spithaler Jacob, Forward twp, farmer. Shafer Anthony.Harmony boro, laborer. Shantz A B, Jackson twp. farmer. Shakley John, Evans City boro,pumper. Shnll John, Marion twp, farmer. Starnm E li, Franklin twp, farmer. Thompson H D, Centre twp, farmer. Walters H A, Clinton twp, farmer. Waxmnthe Arnold, Butler 2d wd, clerk Zeigler Henry, Zelieno.Ole boro, retired. Your Child's Eyes many be defective: if so she will not be able to keep up with her classmates in school. Bring her to us and have them tested. No ch;\rg<p foi. examination. \VK also sell- Pianoe. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins ai>d Guitars. Optical goodg. Fiold and Spy Ulaaaw, L KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House. Glass) S ANY ) < \ CUT I e TO >()RDFyR.j \ Redick &Grohman > / PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS j C 109 NorthJ- Main St., S c Butler, Pa. \ IT'S FOK yOU to decide how you'll appear to others. We're tjouml to tell you though, that BEING WELL DRESHED rertainly helps yon in yonr basiness. We always impress thiß 011 cur • ustoiners and help them select Rood" that are becoming Our new stock of fall ami winter suitings are the lineHt and cheapest we've ever had. Stock's ready for iu apection and you've our invitation to inspect same. Come in and give us your measure before the rush. WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond. Butler. Pa \ Rubber Gloves i 1 For \ / Dainty Hands. S f Some ladies think that as f / soon as they get married, and i ? start in housekeeping, they \ x have to give up trying to be \ C sweet and pretty and just as S / charming as possible. \ j Don't do it! You're mak- S \ ing a serious mistake. Yon \ C can have just as dainty and S V pretty hands and nails as of \ v yore, if yon will wear Rubber S % Gloves when doing the work \ f which soils the hands, S / All sizes, per pair, ~sc. \ < C. N. BOYD, \ \ DUGGIST, 5 | BUTLER, PA. | Guaranteed Cold Cure. Call or write for a free sample ol our "Guaranteed Cold Cure This cold cure is different from any you have ever taken and we positively guarantee it to cure a cold. If it fails we return your money. ' Guaranteed Cold Cure" Price 25c. For sale only at THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Fh. G., BOTH PHONES, ICS N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Farm for Sale. About 85 acres of land, with frame bouse and frame bank barn, with slate roof, and other outbuildings; farm ; ,s *"11 adapted to rrnln nnd xr-.Br rf HTW lug and is in a «coti staie of cultivation. P.irt of land is splendid for raisin# :*ries and small frnits; never failing supply of water which can be had on any part of farm On Sandy Lake Grove City road: lino of »a« - ui within five minr,tej wall; of borough line; with telephone line passing farm. A good investment at the price, s<.">.oo per acre. Address D. C. EMERY, l.Ov» iJO* kirove Citv, Pa. 13. 3. cashmere twill* - Practically a cotton French Flannel —printings as pretty and fabric as fine as a French Flannel, the only difference be ing they are cotton in place of wool. New selection from 25,000 yards superfine double fold Cashmere Twills beautiful Japanese, Persian, Convention al and staple patterns for Kimonas, Dressing Sacques, Waists and Children's Dresses, 121 and 15c a yard. Immense assortments choice Flannelettes, neat patterns — Stripes, Checks and Plaids for night robes "and pajamas, 61, B', 10 and 121 c a yard. Special lot yard wide Flan nelettes extra width and quality that will bring people to this section in crowds, B'c a yard. Choice lot Fleeced Wrapper goods—neat dressy, styles, B'c a yard. Lot of double fold fleeced Jacquards—White Polka Dot printings on Red, Pink, Creen and Brown grounds, 15c goods, 8 1 3c a yard. Women: special genuine Kid Gloves—new shades of Tan —# 1.00. Large assortments women's Gloves SI.OO to $2.00. Boggs & Buhl ALLEGHENY. I'A. L. C. WICK, • I'XAUtB IB LUHBER. FAHMS A SPECIALTY I.Ht your for *r • J»;v. 1» Kurt ft hMb&OBfll, HI Ki'Ul til . I' '• ' • 1 * _ Twin"City Tiling Co. lUnlwo-l MmileU, TIIIIIK »»<l «'l'«n '• '•' » * u llulMlng. Nortli AVENUF. Alkni.n.jr, l» Bell rtouue. Uii j tea..r. W.IM I«r | THE INIXON HOTEL \ RESTAURANT I < In Basement of Old Building is > NOW OPEN. < The Best 25=cent Meal in Butler. I 11.30 to 2.30. | | Friday and Saturday, | j October sth and 6th. I # All have a -pocial invitation tocoinr and -« t our luuid->in. lii •» ' J c Pttten Hate, Bonnete and all lilK- in Fall and Wint. r u.-«i-. / [MrsJL M. YounS, \ 127 S. Main St., \ I \it * Paint Sortsfi its Three Sfaius. Oil is the life of paint. Dead oil. dead paint; it peels oil, v.aahn oil. fall* oiT. You hare to paint again, j You've there. Well, you have Svcii getting paint with dead oil in it. ririces for canned oil. <" inseed oil and mix it with Hamn<ar Condensed Paint yourself. Then > u know you've got fresh paint. i'.iint that will stick right, look right, \w;«r right and at the right price. Men of experience always do tliie. It n-tve* money and saves work, too. We'll explain paint pointi at lenjrth if you will drop in on us some day—be fore you paint this season. We are sole agents for the paint you ■at without oil—and i:'K. 1- i th famous Hammar Condensed Paint. Gallou of paint, gallon of oil. Sitnf'. e uiough. Absolutely fresh \ new. Guaranteed for flv<» y . ear3 . We "an ♦how you in minute* how Ilammur "wised Paint will save you money, nt least 2.> per rent in cost and 100 per cent in wearing qualities. Also dealer in Lamps and Chimneys, Roofing and Hponting. Washing Ma chines, Cresm Separators, Oas Manths Burners and (ilobe. Stoves. Gas Ranges, Hardware, Cutlery, Sewing Machines and Supplies. All kings of sewing ma chines repaired. Henry Biehl, People's Phone -MM, 122 N. Main St.. Butler, Pa. ******** **** .♦*■****•*** «-**» I "The Nixon" | x •» I- ■ 1 I Butler's Newest ij AND | Best Hotel. | t Beautifully appointed in every j § detail. E<inipped with every f x known modern convenience. 1 #j Z rooms singb - or ensnite, with X | 0 r without bath. Cuisine and f $ service of the highest standard | J Privnte dining rooms Evening jj * Dinner, Orchestra and Roof f I Garden. Location very centre | §. of business district. Rates s2.')o I | to f!,V) jK-r day, American plan. J * Luncheon, 50 cents, Evening * I Dinner, 7"» cents. X * £*** *;**-# ****** ** * * *** * ***• RAILROAD STORAOK 3A or FINE N t-\\ n'!"■' ' t 11 lIKi IIAKOAIS SUENtJll*ELE.\rtl!'.H HV IT' I-AICI-OB I I rf, WKItl. *I - \ ' I' : (MI. 4 UANI»SOMF. OAK AMI iiri> BOOM si'iTF.-. i**' i ' OINII i 111 . i I II TO MA It'll, u : i: •- IM, gOMESWrXI. WW AT ♦I'V ASH AM. Bi:A-« BF.Im 1 ; ~vM»I * i j'.n. <;o F"i: u • MIKBOK ol»I» \ '"-I' ' *:t <rniEi:S AI #IS Nl» '! « MAIIOOANY FIIIRTONIFI UNA. - FOR 17 &A OAK < HIRR OIIK . #*?■. * *M> #1- WITH : L«» MIKI:<' . I.A I ■tooM itr«.s in noYAi. wit t"N i \ r, write fti, cio roit |WI im.wonm »•>! #l.l. BKOSBELS Bt'fc', SIZE » |lO ANI> tit MLNFIT I ABI'I I- I'lAI W II.L FIR I.AKOE ROOMF. I'• FINE W I TI-N j VELVET, WEKE |M, NOW ♦.-» <•> "-.urits ' ANIIFLS/U SuMi; BED BOOM < Altl'Fl V \ NI>«IO, oir> ll not HI I I Tit Ii I T"CI1CII AM I WfkNNAVHIIT Ft. 11. TWO UUOIb FBoVI PICK . I.OOK fOB 810 < N WINI> W i I, V.OLD9MITH. IfATFMI'.m Cold Weather Clothing We are Showing the Largest Line in Butler. We here mention only a few of the many bargains that we have for you. Men's Corduroy Pants, all lined 5i.25 worth $2.00 Boys' Corduroy t Long Pants, ali lined. . 125 worth t.75 Men's Jean Pants, all lined.. 65 worth 85 Men & Jmh Pnntr;. ait lined """ i.uu «vi(U> k-^j Men's Blue Flannel Shirts _ 50 worth 75 Men's Heavy fleeced lined Underwear— 44 worth 50 Men's and Boys' Heavy Sweaters 48 worth 73 Men's and Boys' Heavy Wording Shirts ... 39 worth 50 Men's and Boys' Working Shirts. 25 worth 35 Men's and Boys' Winter Caps 25 worth 38 SCHAUL&LEVY 137 Sooth Main Street. Batler P» @(o)(o)(o)(o)(§)(§)©(o)©®(oX§ygys)(®)(2)®©(§)@X§)@(8)© ® I ARE YOU IN NEED I @ ' -s of any piece of furniture on Zl © ©I .•. f* ' - «e JS* : ' IPS tne ' ar K e sc e are V s, s ' beat.® X wfr - qual A 1 ■ a ' e always welcome ataß 0 SfilL The Store that Saves P 1 Patterson Bros. § | @ FURNITURE OF QUALITY. §; to IQC IU (I/loin or - a » n aild ®i XBrown & Co. lOU N IViain Mifflin St | 00@0(o)(S)(o)(o)@|§)(S)(§)(o)(o)(3)(S)(o)(8)(S)0@@@(§)@^ I Campbeirs| i Good Furniture. * ONFURjIITURt^ 2H ?, v Sf-9 The worthy kind that wtfl last for* ! years Never before have we shown I ]o| 'fa \ so many choice pieces It is the iIM J V most complete stock we have ever MB | fS I shown. kg* YS) ■ PBS S S sgj Parlor Table %TMO Rocking GJwfr Pattern top. fanry »um»>l W ■« ' l»>t< .* of K' ■•!*" ■•k « r n *^' Jfet ' E Jfc£t ««• n'"'s2 fjjf| conntrnctioo j *•>') || Odd Divan $16.75 VH©nr Coucb 916.75 g >. ~t ii[ .■ i-r.-r lin -r— t. Bj ga ~|u.-h Wuori Uni«t- r ]» I■, • 'if WWiIW 'PMBBI n *' t ]0( 9| nicely iH.liKh-l. I» « f.itt - »i»l w-ll m*.!.- H Oak Dresser $15.00 Iron Bed fll.oo f Pattern » *w«»ll t»p «lr»w» - - '»' • ntlßn BK fcrf N-v♦•if I i :rr r ;•••-' ' ''* m*i •* I :i SSU Str. !.. ami ilornMf < <r..- ..f ti. wr nr. »:i j M 101 Drw fall pattern* I-% bwl that will la*t a hfetiw M 1 Alfred A. Campbell!
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