Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 25, 1906, Image 1

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■■■ .
Underwear for Women, Children and Wen j
Nowhere rf* in Bntl r can you find as many styles or as good valuer I
in underwear as at this s. r>re. Our garments are rightly proportion 4 -'. I]
and we guarantee will gi>e and comfort to the wearer. i
Ladies' fleece-lined Tt AM and drawers, regular and extra sizes, an J
extra eood garment, 25c ench. _ H
Ladies' heavy fleece-lined .*esta and pants, ppeciai at this price. 31k: each. 9
Ladies' fine Egyption fl eoe-lined vests and pants, in three different B
weights, light, med am and extra heavy. 50c each.
Ladies fine wool vests an< pants, medium and heavy weight?, white or g
natural grey, 75c, $..00. and $1.25 each.
Ladies' silk and wool vest and pants. $1.50 each. 9
Ladies - fleeced lined Union Suits, tegular and extra sizes, 50c, Tse, and 9
SI.OO suit. I
Ladies wool Union Suits, white, natural grey, or black. $1 50, and *3 suit. |
Ladies' silk and wool Unirn Suits, $2.75 suit
Ladies' long sleeve corset "overs. 25c, 50c and $1 00.
Lad ice' black equestrian t.ghta. 50c, SI.OO and $1.50 each g
Children's fleece-lined ribbed underwear, white or grey, according to size, a
10c to 25c each _ ffl
Boys' extra heavy fleece-lined shirts and drawers, all sizes, 24 to - J A, ~oc m
Misses heavy fleece-lined .eats and pants, 18c, to 40c, according to size. jl
Girls' and yoang ladies' white fleece-lined vests and p'ants, "sizes 2 to 15 a
years, 25c each.
Children's natural wool u» lerwear, according to size. 80c to 75c each.
Children's fleece-lined uni n suits 25c and 50c Gait.
Children's wool union suiK white, grey or black, 11.00 suit.
Giria' black tights, all aizr* 50c each.
Sleeping garments 25c. 5»-. 75c suit.
Men's underwear, five different styles medium and heavy fleece lined. 50c ,
each. I
•' Extra good values (about 6 different styles) lambs wool fleeced, natural,
tan, and scarlet, all wool, medium and heavy weights, SI.OO each.
Extra heavy all wool shirt -s and drawers, $1 50.
Men's union suits We nuke a specialty of men's union suits and be
t iieve them to be the moat comfortable and satisfactory underwear
that you can put on once worn, you will have no others.
Men's fleece-lined union si; its, either white, grey, or blue, SI.OO suit.
Men's wool union suits, $1.50, $3.00 and $3 00 suit.
< Men's silk and wool union suits a beautiful garment, $3.50.
made it necessary to increase our force. We are leading the trade in the
newest shapes in ladies' and children's hats at moderate prices. That's
why the business is coming our way.
j fct I Samples sent on request.
1 - OUTLER &
Now Positions and Changes iteporteri Sine© Sept. Ist.
J. H. Alexander, bookkeeper, wholesale grocery company, Pittsbury; H. G.
Freehllng. bookkeeper, Pressed Steel Car Co., McKees Rocks. Pa.; Wm. Foster,
atenogrspher, American Bridge Co., Pittsburg; Lowry Watters. bookkeeper.
White Furniture Co., Allegheny; Lutitia Bine, stenographer, W. S. Arnold &
Co., Baal Eatate, Pittsburg; Bertha Murtland, bookkeeper, Blair County Hospital.
Bollidaysburg. Pa., Jean Graham, Stenographer, with Geo. Walter & Sons, Bnt
lt»r; Sadie McCollough, stenographer, Butler Street Passenger Railway Co., But
ler; Carrie Gerner, stenographer. Butler Wood Fibre Plaster Co.. Butler.
Yoang people, it PAYS to attend a school that gets RESULTS. May enter
ANY time. Best dates, Mondays, the first of each month, Jan. 2d and first Mon
day in April. Catalog free. Correspondence solicited.
A. F, REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa.
B Not one bit too early to think of that new Carpet, orl
■ perhaps you would rather have a pretty Rug—carpet W
B size. Well, in either case, we can suit you as our Car-B
B pet stock is one of the largest and best assorted in But-IB
B ler county. Among which will be found the following: p
M Heavy two and three ply 65c per yd and up B
8 Best cotton chain 50c per yd and up ■
B Simply no wear out to these $1.35 yd H
E9 Light made, but very Good fisc per yd up K
H Body and Tapestry Brussels, Half and All Wool Ingrains. H
■ Prettiest Carpet ma>.e, as durable too $1.35 B
fl RAG CARPETS. Genuine old-fashioned weave. Hj
I MATTING. Hemp and .Straw. ■
Axminster Ruga, Beauties too $22 each and up
H Brussels Rugs, Tapestry awl Body sl2 each and upH
■ Ingrain Druggets. All and Half Wool- $5 each and np
Linoleums, Inlaid and Common, all widths and grades. H
H Oil Cloths, Floor, Table, Siialf and Stair. H
Lape Curtains, Portierg, Window Shades, Curtain Poles; Small Hearth
M Rcga. all stales and si;es. H
, I Duffy's Store. I
■ ■ ■
I | v These cool nights and chilly B
9 mornings make yon think of I
3 putting camphor balls in yonrß
B ./x vgCk summer oxfords and getting B
B \ your feet into warmer cover-1
■ iDg ' ■
9 We've got all our winter boots and shoes in for I
fl Men and Women as well as the children. Every de- B
n sirable shape and leather and at a range of prices that B
|L will meet the purse exigencies of every one, as usual B
B we Cannot be undersold and as usual we are doing the B
fl shoe business of this town. COME IN. 11
I B. C. Huselton, I
fl Opp. Hotel Lowry. 102 N. Main Street. g
Subscribe for the CITIZEN
H Bickers Fall Footwear. U
M feargest Stock and flost Hdiidsomc St\?'cs W
W of Fine Footwear \vc have Shown.
M Sorosls Shoes— Twenty fall styles. Dongola, M
Patent-kid and fine calf shoes —made in the latest
M up-to-date styles for fall. Pj
ri Men's Shoes— Snowing all the latest styles in
T4 Men's fine shoes. All leathers, f2.00 to 56.00. Wl
•1 Complete stock of Boys', You .hs and LT
T# Little Cents' Fine Shoes. WJ
f Bargains in School Shoes—High-cut copper toe k*
L< shoes for boys, and gcod waterproof school shoes 7 A
w for girls. k®
Large stock of Women's Heavy Shoes in WA
w Kangaroo-calf and oil-grain for country wear Lw
u Rubber and Felt Goods- Our stock of Rubber pj
m and Felt Goods is extremely large and owing to the k w
r large orders which ve placed we were able to get yl
w very close prices and are in a position to otier you
the lowest prices for best grades of Felts and Rubber Pi
> Goods. W
An immense business enables us to name the 71
* very lowest prices for reliable footwear.
< When in need of any thing in our line give us a call. W1
\ 128 S Main St., BUTL E R^P
Extraordinary Offering of Women's
Suits, Coats, Waists and Skirts.
SIO.OO for Plaid Suits worth $15.00
$12.50 for Cheviot Suits, all colors, worth $20.0 a
$15.00 for gray Worsted and Plaid Suits worth $20.00.
S2O 00 for gray Worsted, plain broadcloth and plaids, worth
$25.00 for broadcloth, serges, plaids and mixtures worth
ladies', iWiss?s' and Children's Coats.
Tourint coats for ladies and misses in plaids, mixtures, broadcloths. Kersey,
black and Castor, prices $3 98, $4.98, $5.98, $7.98, SIO.OO, up to $40.00.
Separate and Waists.
Skirts in Panama. Serges, Broadcloths, Plaids and Mixtures. Prices $2.98,
$8.98, $l9B, $5.98, $6.98, $7.98, up to $25.00. .
Waists in Flannelettes, Madras Sateens, Silks. Plaids, Flanneiette Waists
50c. Mercerised waists at 98c, $1.25, $1.50. White Madras waists 98c, *1.43,
$1 98. up to $5.00, Silk waists $2 9f, $3 93. $4.93, up to S2O 00.
Underwear and Hosiery
The famouc Mentor underwear for ladies, misses and children. Prices-
Ladies'heavy fleeced lined vesta and pants, 25c, worth 35c. I"T' 8
50c. vests and pants. Cninn Suits *I.OO. Kannents from 10c up.
Hosiery tor ladies, luissea aij... en i"" t° •
Cotton Blankets 4ac, ti9c, 7oc, 98c.
Woo! Blankets $2.98, $3.98. $4.98 up to SIO.OO.
We are showing everything that is newes-t in millinery. Hats all shapes and
styles. Prices $2.98, $3.93. $4.98, up to $2-">.GO. Visit this department before buy
ing your hat. We will save you money.
Hi Our distinctive display of Millinery for Fall, embody- |E
ing all the newest designs and ideas in Pattern Hats, *£
jg with a full line of all the best selling Millinery Goods of
j|* the season is complete and" is exhibited at our
Phone 656.
rti pv®!,! || Won't buy clothing for the purpose of
All ' P t at' 1 f spending raoney. They desire to get the
1 >r if/ / < t»est possible results of the money expended.
j. j jA./ \ , j Those who buy custom clothing have a
ll LT 1 to demand a fit, to have their clothes
JU LI ujf-X'l 11 correct in style and to demand of the
X; t } £m.\ I 6eller to gnarar.tee everything. Come to
, :! us uid tnere will be nothing lacking. 1
FJ* WK ? have just rectivetl a large stock of FALL
14 WINTER suitings in the latest styles,
\ Vll I ; "hades and colors.
TffA j G. F. KECK.
if 11 iirV MERCHANT TAibOR,
IW £r.'*/ 142 N. Main St., Pa
| Isaac Hamburger 8 Sons Clothing
1 We think mighty well of the Hamburger Clothes /
5 because we have less difficulty in selling them and b
C less after they are sold than any other line. \
/ That means they satisfy the wearers; many a /
j testimonial we get from our customers about the
\ tailor-made characteristics of the Hamburger
1 Clothing. j
S It's a mighty pleasant feeling— this having con- ✓
/ fidence in the thing you buy and sell to your 7
J customers. S
S From SIB.OO to $35.00. )
j See Them in the Window. Once Worn Always Worn /
j Douthett & Graham.
z, o
For a Slender
Silver Ring
...-8y ...
0 O
*• "I never will marry a man who does
not think enough of me to give me
anything less than a diamond ring.'
Those are the very words I used," said
Amelia Jones as she flashed a diamond
before Mrs. Hartley's astonished eyes.
"And Bob?"
"Oh, he f.rst looked surprised, then
angry; muttered something al>out the
ring being set with my birthday stone
and that it was tlio best he could af
ford. Then be walked off without an
other word."
"Of course he came back or you
would not l>e wearing the riag."
"I must confess that I was a little
bit frightened, for I do think a heap of
Boi>, and you never know what a man
will do, but he came back the very
next day and brought me this beautiful
diamond ring. You see, be really cares
for me," said Amelia.
"Well," said Mrs. Berkley, "I 4on°t
6ee how he could afford it, for he la not
as well off as Joe was before we were
A sudden thought struck her, for she
slyly concealed her left hand, bnt not
before Amelia had floticed the action.
"Oh, Mrs. Berkley," she said impul
sively, "do let me Bee your wedding
ring. I do not remember noticing It.
1 knnw it must be something fine, for
they do say that Joe Berkley was
heels over head in love with you before
you were married."
A flush spread over Mrs. Berkley's
"It is not a diamond," she faltered.
"I am sure, then, it Is something
equally nice. Now. Mrs. Berkley, please
don't be so modest," said Amelia as
she wickedly pulled the baud from its
hiding place, revealing a very slender
baud of sliver.
"Ohl" Perhaps Amelia put more
meaning into this exclamation than she
intended, but there certainty was scorn.
"Is this the kind of a ring Mr. Berkley
gave you? He should be ashamed of
himself, and he could have afforded to
give you a diamond ring better than
Bob couid afford to give me one. Of
course he cared for you, but men have
strange ways of showing Uiuir love
The flush on Mrs. Berkley's face
grew deeper as she pulled her hand
"It was made out of a dime." There
was no further explanation. W left
somo beans in tho oven and must go,"
said she and left.
When she reached her home she tfent
up to her room aud snatched the ring
from her linger as if it burned aud
threw it Into a bureau drawer out of
"1 never will wear it again—pover!"
She stamped her foot angrily on the
carpet. "He didn't care for me or he
never would have given me a ring that
would hold me up to scorn. Oh, yes;
»<<> has been good to me. but then he is
good to his clerks, his dog aud every
thing else." Her pride had been wound-'
v»»1 noroly.
She hoped her husband would miss
the ring and thus give her a chance to
say something, but if he did not miss
the ring ho missed something else—her
usual cheery chat.
"Are you ill, Frances?" ho asked, with
real concern in his voice.
"N'o," she answered curtly.
"Has anything happened, then?"
"Oh, enough has happened," she said
Iter tuUtts caused turn apprehension.
"Amelia Jones aud Bob IJalesford are
engaged," she said finally, not knowing
just bow to begin.
"Is that all?" he laughed.
Mrs. Berkley did not smile.
"Bob gave Amelia a beautiful dia
mond ring, which showed that he cared
something for her."
Something in her made him look
down qt the finger that should have
worn tiw wording ping.
She noticed his giuuif and answered
It. "I never will wear it again, for you
did not care anything for me when you
gave me such a ring as that- a paltry
ten cent ring, a target for ridicule!
Von could have aff<>r'!».| ,o have given
mo a diamond rin-Jr l>ctUT than Bob
Dalesford could afford to give Amelia
one, yet you did not even give me a
gold one—and—and—and you pretended
to love me! I was h fool. I know bet
ter now."
Mr. Berkley winced as if he had
l>eeu struck. He roso and left the
room, and Mrs. Berkley noticed with a
pang at her heart that his usually
straight shoulders were bent as from
age, yet she did not call him back.
Nothing more was said about the
ring, and things went uiacu as
usual, uiily instead o'f cheer, sunshine
and a sympathy there were silence,
gloom and misunderstanding. Mrs.
Berkley could not help noticing the
haggard look that had settled down oq
her husband's face, aud when sli«
looked into the site knew that her
own race was gettlug pale.
Several days had passed thus when
another diamond was flashed before
Mrs. Berkley's eyes; this time the ring
jvas in the hand of her husband.
"I have brought you ft Jt&uioud to
sfcovf that $ cat*: for you—yes, I car«
very much Indeed," he said earnestly.
"Give me your hand, and we will see
bow it will fit." He tried to speak
"I don't want the diamond. How
can I wear two w<Mdlng rings?"-
Xntn he noticed the Blender sliver
band on her finger. A happy light lit
up bis face.
"I want you to wea? the diamond
ring anyway. Give me the silver ring,
and I will mwr it next my heart out
of sight."
"I am going to wear the silver ring
always!" said Mrs. Berkley determin
edly. Then, suddenly and severely,
"Joe Berkley, how much did you pay
for that diamond?"
"Three hundred dollars."
"Where did you get the money? You
told me when you bought that last lot
of goods that you only had left in
the bank." A frightened look came in
to her face. "You didn't" —
"No, I did not Iwrrow or steal it. I
sold the store, and tomorrow I take my
old place as clerk in it. Just where I
was when we were married."
"Joe Berkley, I had Just come to the
conclusion that I was a fool, but I
never dreamed you were one too!"
"I thought a diamond was necessary
to show that I loved you."
"Well, If you care for me now you
will take that ring back to the jewel
ers, and then you will march right
down the street and buy back the
store. Make whatever explanations
you wish, but buy back the store."
The very next day Mrs. Berkley weut
to call on Amelia Jones.
"Ob, Mrs. Berkley, how glad I am to
see yon. I used you so horrid the oth
er day. C»u you ever forgive me?" ex-
Claimed Amelia as she drew her Into
the room.
"Certainly. There was a little bit of
romance in connection with the ring
made out of a dime that I th>us:ht yoa
would be interested in." Mrs.
Berkley without any preliminaries as
«oon as she was seated. *1 first met
Mr. Berkley oa a street car. I pulled
->ut a dime to pay the conductor when
it slipfwM from my finsrers and fell to
!he floor. Joe Berkley, who was sitting
:;ear. sprang up to search for it. but
just I hen the car »to;.ped at my desti
nat.on, and I had no time to wait for
:!'e lo«t coin. Mr. B-kley >l;pi>ed a
i.i -S"! into my hand, savins he would
pay ray fare and keep the dime when
h? found ft. I thanked him and left
ih" car. The next day we met on the
i-ar again, and of course it was natural
that I sli >uld ask liim if be had fouud
the dime He bad, aud this opened the
v.-ay for further conversation. We met
often after this, aud—well, you know
the rest. Mr. Berlrfey had the dime
made Into a ring, and he asked me to
wear it always.
"You see why I prize it above any
diamond he could give me." Her
voice was full of feeling as she fin
"How fineT' Amelia's eyes were shin
ing with a new light. "No. the kind of
a ring does not matter, after all," she
added softiy a» If ta herself. "I be
lieve I will !eli Bob that I prefer the
ring Pet wilh my birthday stone; he
really could not afford the diamond
uny way."
We WiinM All T.lke It.
A !*7,1.0n<) automobile rolled through
the S»XW>OQ bronze gates and up the
S3S.UO»> winding avenue to the WiuiOO
marble stei>s. Pcsceufllrg from the
machine, the billionaire paused a mo
ment to view the smiling ?.ViO.ooo land
scape. Across the SSK),OOO lawn a
$12."),000 silver lake lay sleeping In the
shades of early summer evening, and
lieyond it rose a lordly >Ho.<*)o hill,
whose crest, cloaked wilh forest at an
expense of "0.000. glowed in the last
golden rays of the setting sun. The
billionaire sank luxuriously into a
$2,000 Ivory porch chair and rested his
feet on the rosewood railing of the
$!0O,0O0 veranda. "It is pleasant," he
observed, "to get back to nature once
In awhile. After the cares and the
Worries of the business day I certainly
love to run out to »his quiet little s<so,-
ooo.o<>o country club of ours aud taste
a bit of simple life. It is good to keep
In touch with the soil, for what is man
but dust after all?" reeling restored,
he passed in through the S4OO,CHiO door
way to his $1,500 dinner. Newark
Many a reader of the fictitious ad
ventures of the famous hero of the
"Munchausenahl" (which was first pub
lished in English at Oxford during the
lifetime of this prince of all liars) lias
no conception that the hero was a real
person. Baron Hierouymus Karl Freid
rich von Munchausen was a Han
overian nobleman, a subject of the first
three Georges. He was born in 1720
aud died in 17! i". He took service in a
Russian cavalry regiment, but retired
in old age to his ancestral estate at
Bodenwerder. In Hanover ■«-»>»» *•-
became notorious tu uiu uiaguiUceiil
lies a'oqut his military adventures with
which he nsed io entertain his neigh
bors at 1:1s hospitable board. A col
lection of these stories, entitled "Vade
mecum fur lustlge Leute," was pub
lished at Berlin In 1781 without the
baron's permission. The English work,
"Baron Munchausen's Narrative of His
Marvelous Travels and Campaigns In
Russia," was an expansion and Im
provement of the Berlin collection.
AllcnJiaK io the Earn.
It is specially needful to daily re
move the wax at the entrance of the
ear. or it will harden and become most
unsightly. This wax must never l>c re
moved by a sharp {nsti-ument, or the
delicate membrane inside the ears will
be injured, and inflammation may en
sue. which might eventually cau.-w
deafness. If the tiara Irritate, gently
rub them wHh the lingers. Do not al
low anything else to be used. Warm
water Is better to use to wash them
with than cold, and unscented soap is
preferable to scented. If the wax be
comes very hard, it can !>e easily sof
tened by pouring in a to® drops of
tepid olive cJJ at night. Then plug the
ear with cotton wool and sleep with
that ear upi>ermost. In the morning
gently syringe it out wi't, soap and
warm water, usmg au ear syringe for
the purpose. If jou cannot get pure
olive oil. warmed glycerin will aaswer
the purpose equally well.
The Reftnlt of Bad Lh Inff. Bad Thtnlf-
Ingr and of *»iuninfc.
A large part of the poverty of the
world is a disease, the result ,ii cen
turies of bad Uwug. bad thinking nnd
or sinning. We know that poverty Is
au abnormal condition because it does
not fit any human being's constitution.
It contradicts the prorc ls-j aud the.
prophecy of the divine in man. Ther*»
are plenty of evidences abun
dance of oil that Is good was man's
Inherltauce, that if he Claims it stout
ly and struggles persistently toward It
i»c will gain it.
The fact Is that a large p<;rt o.f the
poverty of the world U» due to down
right laziness, siilfthiesness. au un
willingness to make the effort, to fight
for a competence. It does not matter
how much ability one may have. If .he
does not have the Inclination and the
energy to use it it will atrophy Lazi
ness will ruin the greaiest genius. It
would kill the ambition of an Alexan
der or a Napoleon. No gift or talent is
great enough to withstand it. The
.love of ease has wrecked more careers
thau anything else except dls«ipi.tioa,
and laxiness and vice usually go t-v
gethiy. Tney are twins.
There a*-e certnin traits of a strong
character which are Incompatible with
preventable poverty. Swf reliance and
a manly Independence are foundation
stones In strong characters. We often
find them largely developed i.i tho
man who Is poor lu spite of ali tits ef
forts to get away from his poverty,
who Is the victim of misfortune and
disasters which he cjuld not control.
But the man who Is poor because he
has lost his courage, his falth-ln him
self. or because he is too lazy to pay
the price for a competence lacks these
qualities and Is so much less a man.
He is a weak character compared with
th<» man who has developed powerful
mental and moral :nuscle in his euer
getic, "persistent efforts t • g n a com
petence and to trakfe the most of him
When you make vi> your mind that
you are done with poverty f >rever, that
you will have nothing more to do with
It, that you are goli - to erf • every
trace of It from your dr»>. your talk,
your actions, ycur h .iii . that you are
going to show the world your real
mettle, that you are no longer r »'.ng to
pass for a failure, that you ! -e set
your face persistent . toward better
things, a competence, an lndej>endence,
and that notion* on earth can turn you
from yojr VO ' J wltl **
amazed to sev «'j * n re '-3 for*l ri?
power will cofhe t > r i fr m this l»-
iconfi.hrv-e an-! self r- -«pp- *.
Tbc EO"t itaiiprnus tt ag atwit [ov
erty is that It* vicfiic* often lnwome
reconciled to It and take it f >r granted
that It is their fate TV an-- they
F ataiot keev t:p a;;;* -..•••• ai >1 live ID
the same style as tbe-.r eior •
neighbors, poor p«i|)!o often t'roii!?
liiMwagcii awl tl o not try to make
the best of what they have. They do
not "put their l«est foot fwwart" and
endeavor with all tli. r :;.iicht to throw
off the eriden «-* of i«ertjr. If t lie re
Is anything that paralyze* power it I*
the effort to recon< :1c onrselvea to onr
unfortunate envirotu • t in&tead of re
garding It a* a!>: >r:. ' .:i»l trying to
get nway from It. Snrccss.
Hrkrrit P»elr> la Ijircrtt.
Hebrew j»oetry l~i - f " v er over our
rowings Iks .ii*- I •• .ilway# in dead
earnest. There Is no filay n-ting here
When one sees or roxita "Hamlet" or
"Macbeth" or "Kins I.enr" one is ab
sorbed In the distress and suffering, but
behind the absorption is the ■«— of
d rial affairs l"a».on
sclously TT.- feel that "v.- can afford to
take part b; atni.iglna! • a • i *' e suffer
ing because, after all. ii Is tot real.
To understand and appreciate the
I>oetry of tt(e tjUl T>i. <r.is n.ust
linHt I- ;■ t r« i ! The
suffering* or* the Joy or t' ••* faith 1*
the experiuce of real men uttering
forth the depths of lb r soul. The
poetry had always the direct and prac
tical purpose o? unburdening real feel
ing. "Aere Is no make 1-elicve hpre.
Even In Job the ajipcrent form of a
drama Is the thinnest of ma«ks for the
deep aud real feelings which lie under
neath. The hook is uot aii «*T >rt of the
author to Imagine how xtieh a man as
Job, suffering such trials, would hare
felt, but rather the expression of actual
distress over the bopcles. plight of his
I>eople. The mental tortures under
which Job writhes are therefore those
of real people In real and harrowing
perplexity and the overwhelming pow
er of the answer of the Ahnlghty, the
direct witness of a faith which could
not be daunted by the most grievous
trials.—J. 11. Gardiner in Atlantic.
Basilisk* nnil Draicona.
One of the peculiaritie-- of the an
cient writers on natural history sub
jects was the implicit faith which they
placed In the genuineness of the vari
ous basilisk and dragon stories which
were told to them. Brunetto, for an
instance to the j>oiiit, relates with all
Goberues*i that "the basilisk U the king
of serpent!?. lie wears a white crest
upon his bead, and such Is the abun
(lance of his venom that the air 1?
poisoned wherever this dire reptile
passes. Trees in which hi? makes Ills
home exhale such a poisonous odor
that birds In flying over are so over
come with It that they fall to the
ground dead.
"The dragon," says the same au
thor, "is the very largest of serpents
and inhabits especially India and Ethi
opia. When he flies out <>f the caverns
In which he makes his home he fur
rows the air with -uch violence as te
make It gleam with fire. His mouth la
* •* * ban Uv power to In-
Jllct deadly wouuds with his teeth.
In his tail, however, hi.» power lies,
uud with it he can instantly strangle
the largest elep-j:*t."
Why the Much Married V«« Got to
tlie Mo»<iae t'lral.
Some year* ago, when General Tew
Ilk HuH->ein was the Turkish minister
at Washington, he objected to the cu
rious questions the new-paper inter
viewers asked him about the harem.
One interviewer, however, told the
representative of the sublime is-rtc a
funny story about Rrighato Voiing and
his many wives, and it induced the
minister to reciprocate.
"There is a Turkish legend," he said,
"to the effect that if a uian prays sev
en consecutive mornings aione in the
mosque for good luck it will come.
Near St. Sophia mosque. Constantino
ple, a poor man lived who tried to car
ry out the injunction; but. when ho
kneeled, to his chagrin lie al.tays saw
another man who had nr.lved first.
Tlie m«*ni:ig he eaaid nstraift
uimself no longc* and cried out: 'What
is the secret of your getting «° the
mosque flrst? I get up early and lose
no time.' Th« other man asked, Tloiv
many wives have you?" When he an
swered 'One,' the fortunate man said:
'You can never get to the mosque ear
lier than I. for I have four wives.
When I wake up oue brings me my
clothes, another sets my shcea, a third
prepares my bath, and the fourth
cooks breakfast. The result U I lose
no time. Now, my friend, go at once
and marry thrco other wives, and you
will know the secret of my arriving
rtrst at the mosque.'
"The poor Turk followed the advice,
and very soon be knew why tho man
with fonr wives got to the mosque
flrst-ho stayed there m preference to
staving at home."-Leslie's Weekly.
One Orraiion When the Pr«|»rlfi»r
Wanted It Stopped.
The Introduction of Sir Francis
Burnaud to the staff of Punch led t;>
au unusual Incident. The Book boy er
tells the stury. Mr. BumauU had _-: v
en up his profession of law and was
devoting himself to writing. It oc
curred to him that a burlesque on the
sensational novel of the day and print
ed alter the manner of the Loudon
Journal might make a popular hit. He
proposed his plan to the editor of
Punch, who at once accented the idea.
The flrst instaUment came out. illus
trated by Gilbert. l»u Maurier and
Keene and reproduced in Journal t.i-di
ion. It "tock" at once and tenuo* the
talk of the town.
The day c-f tDe flrst Issue the senior
proprietor of Poach was ill in bed.
The number reached him with the
Journal bnrie»que folded oa the out
side. At 9rst he thought a Journal
had beta sent him by mistake, but
when he discovered that the page
formed a portion of Punch he did not
stop to reed it, but sprau* out of l>ed
at once, dressed and hurried to tho
•'Stop I'uncb!" he cried, bursting into
the room. "Stop Punch! You've got
a of the Journal in the f>»rm:"
It took considerable explanation to
satisfy him tlu.t souie dreadful mis
take h id not lte* n made.
This was Mr. Burnand's flrst appear
ance on the Punch staff. The next
night Thackeray took him t<» the week
ly dinner and Intnxlneed him:
"<»ent!eme:i •?'»• new Iwy "
Thoir Tosrlit*.
M. Perricbon (visiting Switzerland
—Well. Mary, we'll take another view
of this lake and then we ran return to
Paris. Mme. P.—Why not «ee some of
{I,.- " OTt M P Well. I don't see
the necessity. It seem* to me that
>ne lake must 1» very mm b like an-
Ither. - Hon Vl*»nt
He i) not only idle who docs nothing,
out he Is idle who might be better eo
GOLF and
'By Margaret Almzzty
i) •<>
Pbilp I Yen lis* was Soaking far *
l itre where be could spend his two
w«ki' rmtioa plav.ng coif As be j
ste;.-^#l ou tbe train he tried to recall
exactly what j retty Saliie Norton bad
twiil hito at a dance tbe night before.
Sbe said there were KTtnl attrartfre
resorts along tbe rirer and one where
a lot of r^f** 1 onal men and women
went every summer. Unfortunately
the twostep bad struck op at that mo
ment. and she bad omitted to mer.Uon
its name,
"Golf links here?" Philip asked tbe
conductor as the train slowed down at
a little station.
"Yes. sir; finest In tbe country. Rock
dale, Rockdale! I*on't forget your
An unfortunate computer who ban
died off at the same time told Philip
that the pretty little borne he saw on
tbe hill was the Kockdale Golf club, so
be made his way across the fields to
inspect it. The fresh t.reexe fanned
his cheek, tbe blue river looked cool
and refreshing in tbe distance, and be
hoped this was tbe place Saliie bad re
ferred to. If, with its natural charm.
It combined the advantage of making
acquaintances desirable for a young
man eatrer to advance in the le/al pro
fession nothing was left to he wished
for. He felt inclined to Join tie com
muter and ask a few more questions,
only could not. in decency, without of
fering to carry some of his bundles and
hated to make a first appearance in a
new place bearing a bright bloe bo*
of laundered shirts or a large gilt bird
He Interviewed tbe club Instructor,
who was leaning dejectedly against a
pillar of tbe plaxza. After Inquiring
the requisite* for eligibility Philip said:
"You give lessons. I suppose?"
"I can't collect anything. Amounts to
glvln' 'em. don't It?"'
"How many members?" Philip asked.
"Half an almshouse, a third of an old
ladies' home, a quarter of a state hoa
r-Hal—there's that many and that kind
6f folks."
Tbe man had been drinking. Philip
tjtought, as be strolled down tbe bill to
vfflrd a hoarding house not far away in
search of luncheon.
Philip was seated at a small table op
posite a grumpy old man dressed in a
dirty flannel shirt. Among tbe other
"guests" was au elderly woman wear
ing a very short skirt and spectacles,
who hurried into the room followed by
• fat man. who was muttering Impreca
tions on things in general and golf In
Philip's table companion chuckled
"Mart be pleasant. f-r - c and his
; "wT7f>""- '. ,-tm by ten room all
summer and not be on speaking terms.
She won a cup because her handicap
was b'gger than his. and he won't for
give her."
"The whole atmosphere appears sul
phuric, ** Philip remarked.
"Are you a golfer?" asked tbe old
"Trying to be," said Philip.
"It Is a gr<*9t game for the single
blessed, hot every family should be
without It. There Is no blood or mar
ltal relationship that can mitigate Its
concentrated bitterness. A woman
went away from here yester lay to get
a divorce because her husband accused
her of moving her ball. It Is an awful
temptation. We are all human."
After luncheon the okl man asked
Philip to play around tbe course. Philip
borrowed sotno flubs of the instructor
and they started off. The old duffer,
as Philip mentally stigmatized him.
sent his ball twenty five yards. Philip
sent his seven tiroes as many, then he
and the eaddr—they had one hpfweett
them—ran ahead and waited.
The old man raised bis ball and a
clod of earth at the same time.
"He's diggin' for bolt,** said the ■■ad
dy. grinning.
The duffer found his ball behind a
small mound of sod. which he pounded
flat with a brassy, batted the ball to
the near side of the bunker, then paus
ed to consider.
"Stamp on It; n.asii itf* cried Philip.
"Why let a barrier raised by man In
terfere when you can smooth out na
ture as you did'*'*
Three times the duffer struck hi*
ball, and each time it leaped up In ttw
air aixl fell on the ground just behind
"I say. old man. go twrk to the farm
and play tiddlywiaks." gasped Philip.
"But I don't need any more practice.
I'm learning from observation."
He sent his ball, however, to the edge
of the preen.
The nest time the duffer's ball land
ed jwt .»ff the course in a rot. Philip
Ifghted a ciirarette. keeping one eye on
his opi»>r.»- it. and as he held the Maz
ing match before his fa»'e the okl aula
•Luffied his toll with his foot to aa
easy He.
"Hold oa there: What are you do
Inst-" Philip cried.
"Nothing—nothing. r*—
"Yoa moved your bail I saw yon.
Didn't yoa?* to th» caddy.
-Ain't be the Foxy Grandpa?*
the boy.
• He ts a dishonest, d sgnatlng. dis
re put able person. A man who w>aJd
do that would rob widows and or
pfeans." And Philip marched off la a
rage, leaving the duffer >taro| In
amazement after him.
Pltillp returned the clubs to the dis
mal instructor a&1 wrong hi* hand at
"I did yoa an injustice." he sa.d.
"Knowlng. as I do now. what yoar life
iu this pla>-e must be, nsy heart Wee»l>
for yoa."
faille had jone away when he re
turned to town, so Pfaiiip coo id not teH
her the result of his first venture into
the workl of sport, bat he soon made
another ami that time scraped the ac
quaintance of a youth on the train who
gave him some Information worth hav
"If yoa are looking f<* golf come to
Sunnyqi.le- going there myself. The
link* are good, and yoa will find a lot
of nice people."
"I spent an afternoon at Rockdale
recently." said Philip, "and found the
o»li!»-*t collection of < rants and fann
ers imaginable."
"»"r»nli perhaps, bat not firmer*."
sabl tlw youth, laughing. "The most
distinguished doa-tors. lawyers, poli
ticians an 4 scientists tn At state f>
th« n aud all the literary and progress
ive lu-Uts in r-etticoats."
■ flood heavens! All my tlscr;mlna
ti . moat Uave wcsped." Philip ex
Iu the aatnmn Sallie was vis
iting their common friend at whose
No. 40.
hodfc fhdtp Irvt Met ter. They fell
deeply !n tote with eart other. Phsf:*
• *«.—l 8.i...e to marry Mm. and »he
went knw to teS her fitter above it.
Bone afterward ffelip was toritinl to
dixie at Judge Norton'# kosM la Or
Tbe loeer* bad a few minutes' talk
before dinner
"Father aays yon won't be abie to
support a wife for y-ar*." said SaEie
"We as* young eno*igh to waff—
i "But be says la New Tort withoTt a
•pnir a yonng man Isn't likely to suc
ceed erer"
"Hnesn't be want a yavag partner to
relieve him of the perry details?"
"Wen. yon see. there's r*y br-'h-r*
Sam-he's a sophomore and wiU Irm
graduated In fonr years, if he's drop
ped only twice core "
They found the judge aad bis son
waiting for them in tbe dtninr
After greeting Philip cordiaiiy Sam in
troduced I.lm to bis father, aad. to iis*
blank d.sTuay. Fhii.p fund h.£_«eJf
•baking hands with the duff r'
Thore was not. h »wever. the faii.*»st
gleam of roevcuttios iu the fudge'* eye.
I'L.ilp tta;»«.e-l he .W (to a a
Vandyke heard slnur "_etr last r-st
ing. At the end of the tuner Sum »ad
left Pklliy to speak his piece to
their father.
"Jadge Norton. I » it to riarry
daughter."" be aa;d.
' How do yon jr. pjs« to support a
wife?* Inquired tbe J->lge.
"I shall work S ,r her"—
"To all ap;s>aratice.~ -.tempted the
Judge, "yon are without iaffnenc® for
tune or the sembiai.ee nf a cltentoto.
No. young man. t»o back to the farm
and play tiddlrwinks.' **
So tbe obi duffer had known him
after all.
"Br the bye." said I Tulip, after an in
stant's hesitation. I was telling Sam
about our game of golf "
"Tou held me np to rMtmie l<efors
my sou"'
"It was your moving the ball that Im
pressed hi in. He said be would despise
a man who did that, even If It were
his own father."
"You took a mean advantage of me
ns if a man Is ever expected to play
fair when he Is off for relaxation In tho
summer!" Tbe judge was greatly agi
tated. "I would have given anything
to prevent having Sam told that.** he
continued. "The effort of my life has
been to lns;.:re htm with absolute con
"But. don't you see, I couldn't tell
Sam the man's name? I didn't know It
myself till tonight."
"T'pon my word, I forgot that!** ex
claimed the Judge. Immensely relieved.
"How about my marrying SalUe?
You said you would give anything to
prevent Sam knowing you cheated at
The judge winced.
"We're all human, remember. I
might he tempted to tell him the man's
name yet"
"No, no—not on any account! PU
gladly give you Saliie**—
- To l-ave and to hold'—my tongue—
•from tb..> Uay turwiud.' ** l-'errnptad
Tk« IHingrr of W kilr LmmJL
Probably lead working and particu
larly the manufacture of white lend Is
the moat dangerous calling. In this
Industry it is inevitable that sooner or
later the workers must anccvnf to
lead poisoning, und there would ap
pear to be no part of tbe body that ho
poisonous fumes and floating parties
wbi« h permeate the atmosphere of the
workshops do not affect. The com
plexion takes on a ghastly corpse-Lh*
pallor, tbe gums turn blue, the teeth
decay rapidly aad fall out, tho eye
lids are hideously mtlamed. A scratch
or an a bra- an of the skin becomes an
tmhenlable sore. Later on. wUen
nerves and muscles !.ecome affected
by the poison in the blood, the eye
balls are drawn into oblique position
and take on a C.ui and t; eared app- ar
ance. The J«>ints. "-specially the knee
and the wrist, become -em.paralysed,
and the whole form is gradually bent
aad contorted.
First Lieutenant S o-tmrratuiato
you. ok! chap T ->u ta c£u.ra>-
Second Lieutenant- Rather I have
already begun a course of pistol prae-
Ore.—Meggendorfer B.after
A «
Wife—l want a htr.ilwl dol'ars tar •
Mr* dross Ha.<band— And I want fif
ty for a new su.t of c'othes. It's up to
as to com promise and wear what
we've got.- Bohemlan.
t Sea Vryrsl MrailM.
S»rm> forty years ag ► when out with
a boating party *.>r ~ shuorhus. I
espieil a m n- *r &»li bsi-iking on the
surface of tte- water, with Its he»d w«dl
up lu the »t Th»* • n atnro aUowed on
to g~t within thirty yanl*. wben I sent
two rharges of shot :nr<» its head. »!th
the result that It r»>Ue«l -»ver on its
back, and oor hoot *>n . atne ap to ft-
It provod to be a larsv :aaei shark. I
th 'iitcht I wott.'d make ;iute sure it
was dead anil «ent two nuare charars
into Its nplnriMnJ l—iiv 1 c ast havev
unfortunate i - air Madder, for
it began sio-niy to suik. Had I 3ot
killed it at first, and had it reared its
head and Sapped its wmgs. wo she.
probably have »lleil one more story
to the long !W of mm serpent fahrtoa
tlons. - Man* he*ter •"•orVr
V»jr fn.ut d - 'ir 0 anlnrked. atrr*
sh»Mitetl the ptftiiveman i Ueti he t -in*!
tLat Mr Uoasetuiiier Lad
gotte lo Lett wit..->ut to lia
"It's all t.,-lr. rt-pi.ed the tsrshr
from the bedrooe. w n>low a auncte
| inter; "my son w lock It whes» he
cotae* hone Ii«-r» a sh i'iag for
"An ea* y earnetl h>- " rto-kM the
policeman aa he away.
"A narrow s>|Hßk.** sa.d the bvgtor.
with a sheet round h-s
~Y.-ry,~ his a»;im—flite.whoa*
hau-Ls tightly ei.i-fv*i utT je**
Mr «"ar»-le<s llo«t.'«eli'>l»le*'a Bamwrh.—
Lomltwt Eapreos
««r» aa4
"Skirt r- etyaa- • realty the same
w<ml as "siiirt." tboogb »t haa fane
mt a wither liagmastic nete and prop
erty nieaas a sboer praeaL In fact,
•sfe.rt." "sfeirt. short. shear." "hir
~W and "enrt" are la all probability
near relatkma. Bat "skirt"* haa m< It
self specialised to a i *er garment,
with special reference to the lower
edge thereof, the l<o>indary where the
garment Is cut short, whence the *erh
"to skirt."
C— ■ ■ < n 4.
Wife i lor rue tbe t T—l hare suffer
ed every calamity that can befall a
woman. Husba 4 alsal!y>-Oh, 80.
yoa haven't, my dear Ton havo ne-er
been a widow. Wife—Yon evidently
«!• -a t me I mid "caigs