THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4,1906. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertiser* Intending to make change* la tbelr ads. should i.otXtj us of tbelr intention to do so not later than Mon day morniac. Mrs Young's Millinery Op-nine. Kirkpatrick s Jewelry Batler Business College. Campbell'* Furniture. A ju:ni*n«»>RS and Executor* of estates cia ibeir receipt bo i* at tfoe CITI/CJf o«c«. LOCAL AND GENEsUL. TERMS: fl-5® Per Year If paid in advance.. 100 " Each subscriber, by consul tin* the little tab on hie paper, can teli the date to which his subscription is paid. —"Gotyerpreacberyet." —Milk is now 8 cents a quart. —" Didvouhearofany morefigats?" —Mars has several cise" of typhoid. —Butler drug stores now close at & p.m. —Saturday is the last day for paying taxes in order to get a vote. —The assessment valaati- ns. this year, will be startling— BO 'tis >-aid. —Tbe East Batler Improvement Co. will build a hundred houses this Fall. —Two hundred people attended the Samdel Badger reunion in Coo xwd twp. Tuesday. -At the Majestic, last Frid ly even ing the amateurs sired up wit : the pro fessionals. —Butter continues to boom, an air brake factory and an automol le facto ry are projected. - Some of the theatrical pc pie, here last week, took rick, and the tronpe are in Bntler, this week, taking a r est - The Concord Township Hi -:h School at Middletown will be dedi ated to morrow, the sth. Miss Mary Marshall will be principal. —A reunion will be held at tae home of Henry Beighey in Lancas er twp.. Wednesday. October 10th. in honor of bis 80th birthday. —A hundred Bntler firemei sre at Gettyabnrg. today, and some of them will probably take in the York Co. Fair and Harrisburg dedication, U morrow. - A social will be held on Friday evening, October 5, at 7:80, in the Simpson school honse. An excellent program has been arranged. All are invited. —Qaite a number of our building con tractors are bidding on the 30 houses thfw blocks of ten each —that the East Batler Land Co. intends erecting imme dfctely, and for which the contracts are to be awarded tonight. —E. H Kerner. a tobacconist of Evans City, harvested abor.t {*ooo pounds of leaf tobacco, this ye?r, from his farm in that vicinity, and s iys that the plant can be made to earn from pii to $125 an acre, in this county. —The new csr-wheel foundry and tb» bolt and nut works on the groinds ol the-Steel Car Co. will be ready for ope ration in abont a month, but the pro posed passenger-coach plant ma * not be bnilt here on account of the leek a room. —J. C. Kuntz, a farmer of neir Clar } lon. got drank in tbnt fown Inft Wed nssdsy evening and was arrested. H» # was flced next morning and wsi t home ■nd on Friday morning blew his brains out, leaving a family of ten children, tbe oldest of whom is 18 years. -At Pittsbnrg, Monday, a drunken toon threw bis boy over the railing of a bridge into the Monongabala river and then followed tbe boy over tbe railing into tbe water. The boy drown«d, and th't father was fished out alive, bit next morning knew nothing about it. —Walter Hollefreund bad a potato patch on a piece of ground a sh« rt dis tance south of Cottage Hill. Sn turday lie lifted the crop and piled np 43 bush sis of potatoes to haul in Monday. San day morning be went out to 1 10k at them and found that some needy neigh bor bad taken possession of the n dur ing tbe night. A few bushels t hat tbe thieves could not hanlaway wer : found biddsn in tbe McCandlesr wood —Since tbe corn has been tit the fields appear yellow with pn lpkins. fh# country is fall of them—ar d there «m a few of then) in tqwn, too. uqd big outsat that. A big one on a lot on W. Pearl Rt. may lead to some legal com plications, as tbe foots of tbe vine are on one man's lot and the pnrni kin on another man's. The two men wll have no trouble dividing tbe monstei itself, bat both men claim the glory of raising it. Of oonrse, so long as tbe p impkin continued tts real estate with tb.j roots attached to lot of No. 1 be clait ted tbe wbols glory of its production. but tbe owner of lot No. 2 slipped ov it and palled up tbe roots, wbicb turn* 1 it by "equitable conversion" or ot iorwise into petsonalty. and gave No. 2 be best of tbe argumeot. If any Limb of the Law in Bntler knows of any feaprem* £|purt decision on the Division of tilory be kbould let It be known at once liaino I^UWH. The open season for killing k* me is as follows: Woo Si cock, October 1 to December 1. Docks of all kinds, September 1 to January 1 and the first fifteen (-ays of April. Pheasants, October 15 to Dec* aber 1. Rabbit, November only, November only. Squirrel. October I to r 1. The number of each kind wlii' i maf be ViHed by one person are as follows: pheasants. 5 In oue day, 20 in one and M 0 in one season." Rabbit, unlimited Cjiail, 10 in one day, 4*' In on* week, 75 in one season. Ducks, 10 in oue day. (00 In one sea son. Woodcock, 10 in one day. 20 in one week. 50 in one season. Squirrel, 0 In one day. No woodcock, qnail or pheasant kill- 1 ed within the Commonwealth can be b .nght or sold at any time. Letter to Mlwt Dora Lyon*, fjntler, I'u. wear ii^dam. The cheekiest frau4 in i)U pnlnt ls paste paint, Here's one Arley li Magee. Dov< r. Del, painted his house foqr years a f ;o with paste paint at a cost of s4l for paint ftnd sftl for lalior: total $lO5. The house got *habljy in tw< yi:ars, then b' uaint sd tJevoe at very different cost; SIM for paint and s.'lo for labor; total s■!' f [Paste paint $105; Devon S4H. | It ia like fattin« ho«s on milk water. Paste paint is 1 whitewash Yonrs trnly 17 F W DEVOE & CO P. S The Butler Decorating Co. sells par pol»t PERSONAL : Gnfely came back to grieve. Harry Faubel and wife art visiting • j friends in Bntler. I Miss Mary Lardin of Lardin s Mills is visiting her nncle. Daniel Lardin. W. J. L. Rolshouse of Middlesex twp. was in town on bnsine«9, yesterday. 1 Don Findley of New York is the gne«t | of his parents. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Find ; ley Jas. McMahan and A. D. Groom of j Parker twp. were in town on bosinecs, i Friday. | Harry L. Graham, Esq., has returned , from a visit with W. C. Graham at I Grafton. J. V. Rittt* and wife attended the ■ funeral of his sister. Mr.-. Bright, at Norriatown. Pa. J. B. Mechling and wife have movtd into the old McQnistion homestead,near their former tome. Miss Eva McMillan of Philadelphia j is visiting her sister. Mrs. Clarence J. | Reiber of E. Clay St Stenslat-d was a rapid pacer He ar-, rived in Chicago at 9 a.m., and at the • pen. at 3 p.m. of same day. Miss Mabel Goddard of Kane. Pa., is the guest of Miss Millie Parrish and her aunt. Mrs. -1 o.seph Colestock. Abe Flick has moved to Butler and is remodeling his building on E Wayne St, That last gnsher makes Abe a mil lionare. Grace Roxberry of Butler, was lately married in Erie, giving her address m Boulder, Colo Her father says she is ander age. Hon. John B. Greer and family and Attorney Thoma-s D. Greer have return ed to Kansas City, Kan., after visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Greer of Sarversville. CI I UIICII XOTtC. There will be English Communion services at St. Mark's German Luther an church next Sunday morning, and preparatory serviceg, Saturday at 10:30. Rev. H. K. Shanor preached his last sermon at Middle Lancaster. I?-=t Sun day, and left for Y'onngwood Pa. next day. His successor has not yet been chosen. Rev. C. L. E. Cartwrightof Braddock, who is attending the M. E. Conference, will preach in the Middlesex Presbyter ian church, Snndav. Rev. McMillitL has secured Rev. Cartright to deliver three lectures in that neighborhood, un der the auspices of the Tenth District Sunday School, on Nov. 7, & and 9. (Published by request j "Trust in God, Turn to God and He will save you; just as I am, I will not wait; I will not longer risk my soul out side the Heavenly Shepherd's gate or I will miss the blessed goal, or turn to seek the fold too late. Ye must repent and have your sins forgiven or you can not ste inside of heaven. God bless you, will yon come today." M A .JEHTIC TIIE AT It E. The-Man on th<> Box Oct. 6tl». •*- , *"j ' Henry E -Dixey, supported by the greatest acting company assembled since the days of Augustin Daly's Stock Compay, comes to the Majestic Theater. Saturday, Oct fltb. Mr. Dixey's play is a dramatization of Harold MacGrath'i celebrated novel "The Man on the Box," and lias been mounted by the producer, Mr. Walter N. Lawrence, with the same artistic, refined and rich taste which have made him one of the foremost pro ducing managers. A Good Fellow—October Htli. With what is claimed to be an un usually ludicrous play, entitled "A Good Fellow", Eva Tanguay will bold forth at the Majestic Theater, Monday, October *th. The theatre going public are familiar with the work of Miss Tanguay. She has appeared through out the United States at the bead of several big productions, notably among which waa that of last season, "The Sambo Girl'', in which she won for her self unanimous praise. Manager Joseph M. Galtes has furnhhed for his star a company and production which are said to be complete in every particular. A lluirtfeil Hero—October (Hit. Theatregoers who enjoy melodrama in its highest form and appreciate good acting have in store fur them a treat when the great melodramatic success of New York call "A Ragged Hero" is presented at the Majestic Theater, on Tuesday. (Jet. 9th. for the first The full New York company with the complete scenic equipment, will make this performance notable local theatri cals. Grip, liilliien/.u. Influenza, Cold in the Head. Watery Eyes and Running Nose, with fever and hot llnshes, chilly, creepy feeling, are cored by Humphreys' "Seventy seven." A Hard Cold, the stubborn kind that "hanga on" ftpi} ly lively tci rjn Catarrh. Bronchitis, Grip or even Pneu monia is "broken up" by the use of "Seventy-seven." "Seventy-seven" consist! of a small vial of pleasant pellets that fits the vest pocket, handy to carry. At Druggists, 25 cents or mailed. I Doctor's Hook mailed free. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine <>J., Cor. William and John Streets, New York. Change of Schedule on the Ih'HHeiuer KOIMI. On Sunday, Sept. lUth, th'j winter time table on the Bessemer Road will go into effect Trains will discontinue running into Exposition Park and con nations between main line and branch trains will lie JViado »{ Meadville Jutic I tion, Train Kl from butler will run- I only to Greenville, and Bntler train 15 [ will leave Greenville after arrival of No. lit from Erie. ! Money to loan on first mortgage, E. H. NEGLEY, Diamond. I. KG VL NEWS. NEW SCTTS. B. & O. R. R. Co., appellant, vs Grace Foster, appellee, certiorari on John F. Shannon. J. P of Callery on a judg -1 ment rendered in favor of" Mrs. Foster. C. L. Dindinger, Chas. S. Passavaot. Rev. Hugh Lcith. Rev. E S. Littell and N. R. Dindinger, stockholders in the Manon Coal and Coke Co. have commenced equity proceedings to have a receiver appointed for the company. They all-ge that the company has baen mismanaged, that the property and mines, near Boy era station, have been lying idle for a year past, and is de ] precating in valne. The debts are said to amount to 112.000. The company was organized in June. 1904. with a capital stock of SOO,OOO, divided into i 1200 shares of *-">') each. There has j been friction in the company for some time past. I Harlan Book vs C. A. Brediu, tres l pass for SSOO damages. A short time | ago Mr. Book's horse freightened at the Idefts. automobile and Mr. Book WHS ' thrown oat and injured. AOTKS. Mr. and Mrs George B. Lambert j ! were granted leave to adopt an iufart i ! girl left on their door step a few weeks ■ a *o. The will of William Forqner. deed , of Oakland twp has been probated .1. Li. Reed, execntor. The estate is lelt to his wife for life and at her diath to be divided among his brother, sister and the children of a deceased brother. Martha Gott a sixteen year old Italian girl of Ellwood who eloped and was married and living with her husb and on Coal street, was arrested" ls»st week on a charge of larceny made j against her by her father. District Attorney Walker went to Pittsburg last Thursday and entered the bond of Contractor Henry P. Entz, given when" he gave bail for Samu'-l Shamberfrer. Ok petition of citizeos of Wiofield twp. a rnle was granted on the School B'jard of the township to ahow <v»n« why they should not repair the Wes-.t Wmfield school house. J. Harvey Bell. J. F Harper. W. E Mahood. Robert Hays, Charles Norris, George W. Meals and Rainey Camp bell were appointed viewers on petition of George W. Cranmer to have damage? asjsessed against the Allegheny and Western railroad for entering npon his property in Clay twp. A charge of agg a&b has been made against Elliott E Hays of Chicora. by his wife who alleges he tried to carve her np with a big knife. George C. Stewart, guardian of May Barrickman, aged sixteen years, pe titioned for a writ of habeas corpus on J. W. Barrickman of Cranberry tvrp., brother of the girl, whom be allege* in l>eeping her at bis home against her will. The case was made returnable Tuesday and the girl was produced at the hearing. The Argentine and Eau Clair# rail road has petitioned for approval of a number of grade crossings in Wadiing twp. Joseph Wellner, aged twelve years, was called in Court, Monday, for sen tence, but after consultation with District Attorney Walker sentence was suspended until Oct. 19th. Walter Hazeltine has been appointed guardian of Minerva and James Hazel tine, minor children of Mrs. Katie Hazeltine dec'd , of Bntler, and grant ed leave to make sale of real estate to E. H. Negley. Sale by Receiver Johu N. Wilson of the National Coal Co's. property at North Butler to W. A. Mains, one of company, for $1475, was confirmed, Monday. A new trial was refused in the c.'iae of Commonwealth v» Samuel Tyr.auor, convicted of selling liquor without license. Charles Angert, of the island, was placed in jail, Monday, on a charge of larceny. The case of James Ephnam Kelty vs Mrs Eddie Kelly, executrix of the will ot nus band, Abner Kelly, deceased, was heard last Friday. Nineteen years ago Abner Kelly of Parker twp. died leaving a will in which be directed that a gray mare, saddle and bridle ami 00 be given to "Mary Jane Wykes' ill'-gi'i mate son, whom ehe laid to me by oath." The mother of the boy after ward married a man named Wilson and moved to Bradford, and the boy was known by the names of Ke)ly, Wjke and Wilson. When fourteen yenrs of age abuse by his step-father caused him to leave home. Thirteen yearn he re turned to Parker twp. and was rocog nized and learned of his legacy, lie disappeared again without making any effort to collect it, and has since mar ried and been living in Ohio. The gray mare, etc. was avid for about $125 and Kellv entered suit for this amount atid the f!500 and interest for nineteen years. It is understood the case could have been settled for the face of the claim, but this was rofu»ed and it is now in Judge Oalbreath's hands for decision. ' Sheriff C. It. Bovwnan of Clari in county was in Butler last week col lecting S2O and mileage allowed by an old law for the capture of Jerry Hs.ll after stealing the Slater horse in Doua gal twp. After the late escape of Hall and Campbell, SnerifT Bowman follow ed them from Claiion county across northern part of Bntler county as far ag Clintonvifle where trace was lost. He believes Hall has a hiding place in a great plnewoods near Clintonville. Daniel McGinley, aged about sixty years, Monday took in so much bad whiskey that he did not know what he was doiug and when picked up "by the police was standing at the entrance to the Butler Busineus College insulting the girl stndents Burgesu Bell fined him $25 and sent hitn to jail for 80 days. Within nine days of the eighth anni versary of her crime, Bertha Beilstein, the voung Allegheny woman wlio murdered her mother in October. 1891 and attempted to take ber own life, and whose act prompted two suicides, ts j caped from the Western Pennsylvania! Asylum for the Insane, at Dixmont where she spent seven and one hat? years, last week and has not yet been apprehended B« rtha Beilstein was years old August *'Ji Jaijt, and wm SI years old when she shot and killed her mother and shot herself October '4, IHOT, at the family homestead. Allegheny The crime was one of the sensations of this vicinity and followed, or was the forerunner of a series of strange fatal ities in the Beilstein household Mary M. Smith has l>een appointed guardian of Jennie Swain, minor child of Rececca Swain, dec'd. At a hearing before Esq. Sutton, yesterday, Dr. Kenneth M':Al{i..c wu, held for trial ytj purges of detection and non-snpport made against him by his wife. Dr. McAlpine gave bail. He has filed an answer to his wife's libel in divorce in which he avers that she left bis home against his protest and with out just cause and that he should cot be made lif'.bb Joy alimony and ex pense?. William Steinmetz, a Plank Road 11 junk dealer, and Charles Angert, aged I ■ 19 years, have been held for trial on ! : charges of larceny of HO poundi ofi in'asu fittings froiij the Standard Steel j j Car works. Warrants were also issued ! j far William Angert and Anthony j) Simmers of Water street. It is alleged i j the Angerts and Simmers climbed over j the big fence, stole the brass and sold i i it to Steinmetz, who In tnrn sold it to j' the Evans Mfg Co. Charges of recelv- ij ing stolen goods and buying junk from j ■ minors uve also been .uade against. j j Steinmetz. j Boiler county's turn before the Su- < prenls Court of the state comes week : after next Oct, 15th. Two important | "wilt cases" the Forquer of butler [ and the Painter of Buffalo twp.—will then be beard. In the Forquer case the local court decided in favor oj; the ] vyUlov of Wm Forquer and against the j brother. F J. Forquer; and in the | Painter case for the widow's brother i and sister, named Buckley, and Dr I Halstead, a son in law, and agali st ; (ieo. W. Painter's brothers and sisters. ; Interesting questions are involved in j both cases. ! On the petition of citizens of Clear , Held township for the building of the j [Burgoyne und Milligau bridges, the' oonrt has appointed J. C. Heydrick surveyor, and J. A. Gilleland and W. S. Stevenson, viewers to view tb« premises and make report. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. M R Lane to Elizabeth M McCool. loi in Lvndora for sftMi»o. A Eppinger to W T MeCormick. loi in Harmony for f3»»0. C Lifziager to Jas R McMillan acre? in Donegal for $1 500. Andrew Watson to Thomas Watson int in 14 acres in Connr<inener-»injj twp for fIOWO. F B Pfaff to Chicora Bri'-k & Ti'e Co 4 acres in Donegal for #l. Levi Slater to C H Cries, lot at Me ■ Kean St and Centre Ave. for SSOOO. Mary Harbison to Eliza E Harbison. 1 property in Middlesex for #l. Alpben.- Sitler to Harold E Dean lo; J in Zelienople for sl. Geo. S'nselein to V Krainbncber, lot in Lvndora for SI9OO. V Krainbncker to Samuel Blank, lot in Lvndora for floOO. Wilt t Hazeltine. guardian, to E 11 I Negley lot oa West St. for $470. . Thos P Page to H A Blyroiller, lot in , Karns Citv for SI3OO. ; H A Blymiller to F R M Thompson. 1 lor in Earns City for SISOO. •Taae R Pahvant to Wni. Kloffen ! stein lot in Haraaony for S6OO. LSDontttoJG Croft, lot on Mc- Cool Ave. for $450 Jane R Passavatt to Wm. H Pattison lo' ir Zjliencple for S6OO. J H Piecr to E H Neeley, 5 acres in Concord for . E H Neglev to Alberta Pisor. same for fi. T P Shira to Maria Wersh, lot in Kf.rr.3 Citv fr-r SSO >. Lewi? Wallace to Maria Wersh, lot in Karns City for *SOO. S O Sterrett to John Hoffman lot in Valencia for *l. A F We gandto Int S 6c T Co., let in Butler for fl&50. Int S & T Co. to Margaret Weigand. same for SIBSO. .las, Patterson h*-irs to W H Bennett, lot in Zelienople for $ 1300. Gns O Hammer to Albert H Mosier. tot ir. Bitxtnborg for $a<KX) Eli'ier Crawford to John A Barrick man, 14 acres in Ctanberry for $llOO. <V J O'Brien to Frank J Ktmper. lot in Bntier f >r $550. Ali'-e Q Ferrr to Jaa. m Taylor, lot on Walnnt Sf. for S3OOO. Margaret and Wm. Pfaff to Dr. C L DeWWIf. lot iu Cnicora for fciso. Henry Wagner. Jr, to Lizette Breui mett, Wagner lot on North St. for SBOSO Lizette Brummett to J C Atwell. same for ft>3oo. ("has. Sitaon to Jacob Kline, lot in Harmony for s*so. Frank X Kohler to Frank Pajtas. lot in Lyndora for *OOO. G W Amy & Co. to Robt. A Marshall leases and wells in Adams for f24*52.50. Sadie E Ganter to Ann Kamerer, lot on Washington St. for SSOOO Jos B Bredin to Mitro Janiky. lot in Bredinville for S3OO AC Kepler to Nicholas Wally, 100 acres in Allegheny for S7OOO. •» J II Walley to E A Terwilliger, 100 acres in Allegheny for S2OOO. Robt. J Thompson to Jas B Mates, trustee, lot on N. Main St. for S7OOO. M M and H G Allen to Lewis Hoffner, lot on W. Penn St.. for $2700. Thoa. F Lyford to Abraham Fiskee, 1 ai re in Adams for $1675. Paul E Cerutti to Emily M Cerutti, lot in Evans City for sl. Marriage .Licenses. Harry W. Dodds Franklin twp. F. Pe:irl Wigton " Alfred J. Jessie M. Wigton Franklin twp. Nathan Henry Sturdy.. .Buffalo, N. Y. Maiy Edith Douthett Slipperyrock Sauunel Williams Butler Maggie Broomfield " Charley Michel Butler Taminy Michel " Joe Kntch Butler Katie Strippa Albert J Kradel Butler twp Mary A. Troutman Concord twp John Mittiron West Winfield Anna A. Thompson.. Butler At Allegheny— Dr. Wm. C. McCord of Mar* and Cln.ra Numan o f Allegheny. FITTSBVItO EXPOSITION. The only huc-.-essful annual exposition in the United States is open August 20th, to October 20th, IWMS. Low rate ex cursions via the Bessemer & Lake Erie R. R every Thursday from Sept. 6th to October lHth inclusive. For rJites and time of trains inquire of Agents, or ad dress E. D. Corustock, (J. P. A•. Pitts burg. —Why is NewtoD "The Piano Man'i adv. Great Hale «»f CoyleHville. Abe Flick will have a ureat sale of horses, colts, fettle, pigs, wagona, hirtec.h, grriin etc, at Point Breeze stock farm ne&r Coylesville, on Tues d;iy, Octobei !«Lh, beginning at 10 A M bills poate3. —Why is Newton "The Piano Man if See adv. FOlt SALE. Four-roomed house and lot 10x120 feet at corner of South Bt. and ,Spring Hill Aye. Inquire on premises, 21m Sonth H> - [si: -4 . m 'V '* e V Yon ':au find in our stock jewelry suitable for all occasions. At preMnt wm are showing an elegant, ijnp oj bracelets in all the latent slyles at pupnlar prices. Diamonds and watches are our leaders We made large pur chases! before the reoont advance and selling at le»* than present market. .We also sell- Piano*. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Wujshburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical Roods. Field and f'.pv R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Neat to (!onrt Houjo I "'The Nixon" j if Butler's Newest j AND I Best Hotel. I Beautifully appointed in every $ detail. Equipped with every J known modern convenient, ia-i ? rooms -uiaglp or eusuite, with X or without bath. Cnisine and x *• service of the highest standard. 1 t Private dining rooms. Evening * J 1 (inner, Orchestra and K'>of * Harden. Location very centre f J of business district. Kates $2.00 I x to $1.50 per day, American plan 4 j Luncheon, 60 cents; Evening J I Dinner, ~"t centa. , Oil and Cas Notes. The Market—Both agencies are pay : ing f1.68. Bntler tap—The Spotty Mcßride well is again down to 30 bbla. a day. The Southern Oil Co s. well on the Waldron was shot, last week, and filled op with oil. Venango Co.—The flowing oil well on th»' Wirherup farm near Scrnl is going steadily at the rare of tiv— birr~!> au honr A three-inch pipe has laid from the weli to the tanks la the same field Laurel & Seep will finish their No. lfi on the James 1* Withernp : next week. Mr. Critchlow is a rig near the gasher. Spectator McKean Co. —The biggest gasser that ever happened was struck near Kane. : last Saturday week. The pressure of raised the stem and bit. weiehin# 1 -'4OO pounds, out of the hole and laid them on the floor of the derrick. All! efforts to shut it in proved futile, and j the roar of the tras could be heard for miles. The daily lossof lis) 000,000 feet 1 of gas amounts to between fc',.ooo and *7,000, the gas being worth *? or T cents ' per thousand feet at the well. John ! Markham. prominently identified with I the Barnsdall interests, said of the well: i "In my 27 years' experience in the oil i and gas business I have never seen a | well produce as much gas as this one is ' now doing." BLTLKK MARKETS. Our grocers are paying for— Apples 30-40 Fresh eggs 22 Butter 22 Potatoes 50 Chickens, dressed .• 16 IS Navy beans, bn II 65 String beans, bu 50 Tomatoes 40 Onions, bu 75 Honey per lb 10 Dried Apples « Turnips, per bo 40 Parsnips, per bu 75 Beets per bu 50 Corn, per doz 10 Mangoes, per doz 10 Cabbage, per lb 1 F'jr Sale. Several desirable dwelling projMjrties, $1220 to $4500 in price. E. H. NEOLEY, S. W. Diamond. Butler. I have moved my dental parlors lrom the Miller building to the second floor of the new Odd Fellows' Temple, where my patrons and friends will be welcome. FOOD H HAYS, Doctor of Dentistry. PITTSBURG EXI'OSITION. Reduced Kates via Pennsylvania Railroad. On account of the Exposition at Pittsburg, the Pennsylvania Kail mad Company will sell special excursion tickets to Pittsburg, including admission to the Exposition, on Thursdays. October 4, 11 and lx, good going only on trains ieav ingon or before noon of the day of issue, arid good to return until the following day, inclusive, at reduced rates, from station* on the Pittsburg and Monongahela Divisions; from stations on the Indiana Branch of the West Penn. Division, and to Allegheny or Pittsburg from other stations on the West Penn. Divison (minimum rate, *5 cents). Pittsburg Exposition Excursions. Via the B <fc L E. R. K. every 1 burs day, Sept. 6th to Oct. 18th inclusive. One fare for round trip plus twenty-five cents admiMion. Inquire of agents for full information. !j<lso to Pittsburg and Return. via Baltimore Ac Ohio Railroad. Tickets on sale for all trains leaving Sutler, Wednesdays, September sth to October 17th, inclusive, Good return ing 4 days including date of sale. Jury List for October Term. List of names drawn from thy proper jury wheel this Bth day of September, 1906. to serve as traverse jurors at a special term of court commencing on the fourth Monday of October. IWMj. the tame being the 22d day of said month Aber William. Middlesex twp, farmer." Beljis J 0, Lancaster twp. farmer Cashdollar Win, Jr., Adams tp, farmer Cooper Stephen, Marion twp, farmer. I>eiter Wm, Millerafcown boro, tailor. Dresser Michael, Butler 2d wd,carpenter, Emery Plummer, Washington twp, rig builder. Fisher Wm A, Butler 4th wd, grocer. Frederick Geo F, Summit twp. farmer. I (iilmore Perry, Mercer twp, farmer (iraham Frank Middlesex tp, carpenter. Hack David, Butler sth wd, carpenter. Harbison R, Penn twp, farmer. Hartman Frederick, Jackson tp, laborer. Humphrey Milton, Slipperyrock twp, fanner. Kaylor John. Millerstown boro. painter. Kaltenbaugh Wm, Penn twp, farmer. Kearns J J, Butler twp, farmer Kelley John C, Valencia l*>rc. driller. La very Frank, Pet;n twp, farmer, McAboy Archie. Butler 2d wd, painter. McCoy Robert, Slipperyrock tp, farmer. McCandless O G, Centre twp, farmer. McCollongh Geo, Franklin twp, farmer. McCnrdy Walter. Clearfield tp, farmer. McGinley Jno F P,"Oakland tp, farmer. McNees J M. Brady twp, farmer McMillen John, Clearfield twp, farmer. Meeder George, Cranberry twp. farmer. Milford Rollin, Allegheny twp faruier. Parks Howard. Allegheny twp, farmer. Rankin Jawa. Penn twp farmer. Kichey Edward, Butler 2d Rider Frank. Crauberry twp, farcer. Hobb A C, Concord twp, farmer. Ross S B, Butler boro sth wd, agent. Sbira D H, Washington twp, farmer Smith N C. Butler 4th wd, pumper. Smith H J, Bntler borough, 4th ward, restaurant keeper Smith J C, WinfMd twp, farmer. Snyder Andrew, Donegal twp, driller. Btepheny Arthur, Clay twp, laborer Stitt George, Cherry twp, farmer. Htoner W J. Clay twp, farmer, Thompson W R.Mnddycreek tp,farmer. Trontman Adam, Butler 3d wu, retired. Williamson J M, Harrisville, retired. Wolford Lewis, Cherry twp, farmer Drop us u (Postal Card J 1 if jon cannot call and w<i J I I will mail you \ ' Free of Charge > C a sample package of \ I Miller's Kidney Pills / \ We want everyone who has i C backackp and lidney trouble to X 3 try these pills, they speak for f J themselves. \ j Regular size 50c sent to any / f address upon receipt of price. p ißedick & Grohman / PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS ] < 109 North Main St., S ButJer, Pa. \ Notice to Building Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by the School Board of the School District of the borough of Bntler, Pa. until 7 P M , October 10, lIXMS, for t«e furnishing of all labor u;iu materials neceasary to ere< t a three itory High School fiuilding I and to complete the first and second stories thereof, with the exception of heating and plumbing. Each bidder must enclose with his bid a certified check in the amount of •WQ.OQ payable to the Treasurer of the Bntler School Board The successful bidder will be requir ed to give a Surety Company Bond In the amount of one half of his contract to complete the building according to pians and specifications on or lielore January 1, 1008. Tlie reserves the light t'» ae ccpt any or reject any or all bids. I'lans and specifications can of, , tained from Architect W G Eckles, at | New <Castle, Pa , and plans an 1 specitt cations may also l>e seen at th* om<-« of ! the School lioard at Uutler, Pa A W. McCOLLOUUH, Pres t L. GRAHAM, Secy. if " 1 • { Rubber Gloves j : For / Dainty Hands. ) \ f Some ladies think that as * / soon as they get married, anil j . € start in housekeeping, they X have to give up trying to be \ 1 C sweet and pretty and just as j / charming as possible. \ t Don't do it! You're mak S \ ing a serious mistake. Yon \ j \ can have just as dainty ar.d j \ pretty hnnds and nails as of \ V yore, if you will wear Rubber S I Gloves when doing the work \ / which soils the hands. S f All sizes, per pair, "sc. \ 1 C. N. BOYD. | \ DUGGIST. \ ? BUTLER, PA. \ I Notice to Bridge Builders ' The Commissioners at their office ia Bnller. Pa., will until noou September 2 s th. IW6. received :-e<t!ed bids thr 1 following bridee work No. 10. Perry bridge in Adams twp.. steel superstructure, plank floor and concrete substructure Xo. 11 Flick bridpe in Clinton twp., steel superstructure with concrete road way. Bids must lje acconipained with certi fied check to the amount of 10 per cent, of the same. The successful bidder must enter into bond to the full amount of contract to guarantee proper con struction Hids will lie opened at 1 :ito p. M. *-'" WILLIAM SIEHKRT. N* s. GUOSSMAN. G F. EASLEY. Attest: Commissioners ROBT K. GROSSMAN. Clerk. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the view era appointed by the Court, at M'a D. No. 7, to assess the damages and bene fits of the improvementol Franklin St , Bntler, Pa., from the north side of North street to the north side of Jeffer son street; have performed their said of fice.and a schedule showing the l>enefits, &c., as assessed is now on file at the of fice of T. James Dodds, in the Younkins building, and that, they fix Wednesday the third day of October. 100fi, at 10 o clock A. M . <«t the Court Houne in the Arbitration Room, to exhibit said schednle and hear such matters as shall relate to the same. Witness our hawb. and Reals this 20th day of September, lfttsi, T J. DODDS, I OEOKQE MCJUNKIN, - Yiewers. HAHVEYH BOYD, J Nulii*. ■■■ Notice is hereby given that the view ers appointed by the Court at M 's. D., No. 6, to assess the damages and bene fits of the improvement of Franklin St., Bntler, Pa., from the north side of Clay strfet to the north side of North street have performed their said office and a scednlo showing the l»enefits, <Sfct\, as assessed is n<*v on file at the office of T. James Dodds. in th<-Youukins building and that, they fix Wednesday, the third day olf October, 1908, at lOo'clock A.M., at the Court House in the Arbitration Room, to exhibit said schedule and hear such matters as shall relate to the same. Witness our hands and seals this 20th day of September, l!« Mi. T. J. DODDS. i GEORGE MC JON KIN, Viewer*. HARVEY H. BOYD, J FOR I to decide how you'll appear to others. We're bound to tell yon though, that BEING WELL DRESSED certainly helps yon in your business We always impress this on our customers and help them select goods that are becoming Onr new stock of fall and winter suitings are the finest and cheapest we've ever hail. Stock's ready for in spection and you've our invitation to inspect same. Come in and #i>e its your measure l>etfore the rush WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR. Cor. Diamond. Butler. Pa America's Greatest Weekly THE TOLEDO BLADE TOLEDO. OHIO. The Best Known Newspaper in the United States CIRCULATION 185.000 Popular in Every SMKe. In many respects the Toledo Blade is the most remarkable weekly newspa|>«r published iu the United States It is the only newspaper especially edited for National circulation. It has had the largest circulation for more y< trs than any newspaper printed in America. Furthermore, it is the cheapest n •ws paper in the world, as will l»e explained to any person who will wiite n. for terms. The News of the World so ar ranged that busy people c an more easily comprehend, than by reading cmulwr soine columns of dailies. All current topicn luudu plain in each Usue by special editors I matter written from in ception down to date The only |ui|»>r published especially for (»• p|e who do or do not read daily newspapers and yet thirst for plain facts. That this kind of a newspaper Is popular, is proven bv the fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 1*5,000 yearly sub s 'ri!>ers. and is circulated in all parts of the U S. In addition to the news, the Blade publishes short and serial stories,and many departments of matter united to every member of the family. < >nly one dollar a year Write for free specimen copy Addresx THE BLADE, Toledo Ohio Hi t ' ' 3 Km I'.l jimt I'HAi ir- its. i .1 HwV Nrur York, 11r.,,.<1« af. (Iil«|», 214 Mot* HI. tfl L f-.r.m. ill \'.L *Ja |f ♦ j i LEADING ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS 1 Y° ur boys can play like ji make of clothing in the market jjjj ed sults - par?s ,ined thr °ugh- J OUt an( j frjpie sewed wtth w Knickerbocker trousers or x F Suits at 52 00 an * * 22s 1 \ Every new conception that fj) ■»0li! I ® ft* A ' luislte novel- 2 ® fr " |%' WZ*' . jif' low and® X ]yu fi ifMy attractive prices Nortoiks w © >Ji made in a mone 5 ' varied ?nd pleasing manner. on 1 over ' oo * otlT Gents p Ideal Clothing and Hat Parlors! HORTON & LEVY, PROPR'S. I 228 South Main Street. I PS. —All clothing sold by us pressed and repaired free. Fall Millinery Opening JPj | Friday and Saturday, s \ October sth and 6th. 4~ ■J TTTTv*. t\ .. ««win" ... ' -««•• r inn «»t * \ Pattern Kata, Bnnr., , ~n«I all lines in Kali nd U int»-r # j [ Mrs- L. M. Young, | | | | 127 S. Main St., \ f | BLUER. ... PA. j PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, OR L. R HAZLETT. MMS W. Diamond St.. liutler North side of Court House Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat work, a specialty. .JAy\ES C. 50ybE, t V\. D. PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Office Boras—9 to to a. bl. i t«> p. m., 7 to» p. m. Snnday by appoint rnent. 1-1 E. Cunningham Street, Pa Both phones. OSTEOPATHY. IvR. (1 F. PURVIS. If (>ffW)PATH. ('hronic disease® a upwiilty <'nnniiltation and examination free. Office hours Itto 13. !.•#> to 5. Rooms '2o* », Odd Fellows Temple Pennies Ph>n° 500 |lit. JULIA E. FOSTER, 1/R J. (' FOSTER. 08THOPATHS Consultation and examination fre»- Office honrs i» to 12 A. M.. 2to • I* M., daily except Humlay. Evening by appointii.ent. Office Stein Block. Rooum 9-10. Hntler. Pa. People's Phone 47* DENTISTS. | jit S. A JOHNSTON, 1/ Phomthetk Dkvtisi. Teeth extracted absolutely painl- Take Vitalized Air or Nitrous Oxide All work satisfactory. I |»i S Main St.. BUTLEK. PA IvR. FORD H. HAYES. 1 ' * DENTIST. Oraduate of Dental Department, University of Pennsylvania. Office- Room 'JO# Odd Fellows Bid* IVR J. WILBBRT McKKK, I / SUKCKON DaNTI.IT. «»flioe over Leiffhner s Jewelry st»re. liutler, Pa Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, ((old crown and bridge work. DR. H. A McCANDI.RSS, Dknti .T. Ofßce In Bntler County National Rank j ttuilding. 2nd floor., IvK. M. D KOTTRABA, |l Successor to Dr. Johnston. DfcrrriST Office st No 114 S. Jd«MB SL, ov« G. W. Millet's grocer* P. L. Mcyl IbTION, V. CIVII. KkiUNHKR AND SCBVKVO* i Office with Cyulter A: Baker. Odd | Fellows Dnildlng ATTORNEYS. I pOtTLTB* A BAKKR. | V ATTOBWKYS AT LAW. ()Rir« in n»w Oill Ffllow* bniidin* Hfl. GOI'CHHR. . ATToawav AT LAW Office <>n Main St, over R»e«l *. I D. McjrNKIN. •I. ATToa.vnYAT-LAW. Office in Rether boiMinn cornel Maia am! K. Cunningham St a. Entrance on Main atreet. I B. BKKDIM, 0 • Anoaxr.v AT UW. Office on Main St. near Coart Ho»a« WILLIAM M< DOWEI.L ATTORNEY AT LAW. Month I>iani(in«l. F». fl P SCOTT H. ATToat *Y-AT-LAW, Office in Botler CV.nnty National Bank buiMina. AT. scon. • Arroa.SKY AT LAW. Office at No. rt, Weat Inatnr.r.l St. Bnt ler. Pa \l* < FINDLCT, FL , ATTOHNr.Y AT t.AW. AMD >!* ATT'»KJ(EY. < >ffi. ON Sonth aide of fNamoact. Bntl*r. Pa JOHN W. COCLTKR, R 1 ATTOHMKY AT-LAW. Office on Diatnoad. Bntler. Pa. Special attention |Fl*in to collection* and biiaincaa mattera. 1 P. WALKKR, 11. NOTARY Piwc, Bcnu, OFLL<-e with Brrkimer the I'adertaher See ine Mfa dtreitlr i>ppi»ilc Ihe Old Poilaffke Tiiaodore M Keal TLUM and BJJB lanorame 4|c» » L*J l» S. Ha a SI 13 Halter, Pa. 1 SM "J Imkil. "i ll r r«ni 1 J mil run writ• or AM uix ae ma. BJi List Mailed Upon Application WANTED I i n ncrva wl». i i» fitt.i.iM tn i fttl »nd in* our Ni W I ISI9H 111 HMi K < <||.l.\U.» fur Urn watl !►>*" LIRI», T».«- lurutAOrr. IHMHMMI MR*A« tml Ml I'lfth Atrour. Plttatourf, Pa. W/W. fc. ISKKKEK, Livery. Feed and Sale Stable Ma:n Ht . rear Bi< kela Shoe St"** Untie- PA Pirat <laae horae* and riifa. Spwial Rttcntkm transient trade Ladiea' waiting ruun .Maud in 10 • «Xa i'wtl i'i i i-iih Bell Phone RR Pdifki Phone l<T*?l Give na a call B. & B. dress jjoods Beautiful new thin dressy materials. aJi silk. ai? wool, and silk and wool—excellent lines of colors In ail. Very smart and practical Tailorings and Suitings—neat mixtures, checks, stripes and indistinct Plaids, decldetfly swell In character— very quiet colorings, but rich in the ex treme. These, together with a big range of staple Greys, Brown. Blue and Green mix fabrics, and far more of each and aR than this slight hint may tndl cate, making a showing of ma tenals for all sorts of fashionable gowns and every day dresses that every woman o#es It to herself to see Extraordinary color showing of He-rlettas and Cashmeres in various grades, from 50c to $ 1 50 a yard. Moved the Plaids to a sec tlon by themselves, where the unexampled assortments. I2ic to *3 00 a yard *lll w tn much success this great Plaid season The superb quiet toned Suit ing Plaids. * I 00. Si 25. f!. 50. SI 75. 52.00, are alone worthy a visit of inspection by every woman who appreciates refined elegance In dress stuffs. Hoggs & Buhl ALLMIUUY, PA. (VI. Shan^r, Fire and Life Insurance —ALSO— IVKAI. KSTATE. K < % Butler « maty Natio«al Baak BaildtM. Batlar Pi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers