Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 20, 1906, Image 2

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WILLIAM C. NEGLEY. - Publisher
H M ptr T«*r la Advaace, Otherwise $1 JO
EdwinS. Stuart.
Robert S. Murphy.
I Robert K. Young.
Henry Houck.
CoL G. F. Huff.
J. M. Dight,
Ira McJnnkin.
A. Dale Thome.
Butler has been the scene of two
political meetings this week.
On Tuesday evening Homer Castle,
Prohib. candidate for Governor, with
Mr. Kerr and Mr. Hoffman, spoke in
the Court House; and Mr. Castle ac
cused Mr. Emery of the same practices,
for which he is denouncing the Standard
Oil Co. and rang all the changes he pos
sibly could on the alleged remark of
Mr. Emery, in which he is said to have
referred to schools, churches, hospitals
and breweries in the same sentence.
Yesterday evening, Mr. Emery, Mr
« Black. Mr. Kline and Mr. Gilkieon
appeared on the stage of the opera
house; and spoke to the large crowd that
' assembled in it
The greater part of the talk was cf
political history that has been gone over
time and again; and Mr. Emery told of
his opposition to the methods of the
ring or machine politicians when he
was a member of the State Senate
many years ago, and also of his oppos-
j D g the methods of the Standard Oil
Co. in business—promising, with a
friendly legislature, to better
if elected.
Candidate Stuart and party are due
in Butler on Friday evening, October
'"I am ready for the battle," said
Candidate Stuart, in bis speech at Phil
adelphia, last week. "I have made no
or promises. Nor has any man or
set of men the right to make deals for
me. If lam elected governor the only
master I will recognize will be the
people of Pennsylvania. If there are
those who otherwise, I now give
them warning and they can throw their
support elsewhere." Stuart took up the
piMih of the platform adopted in the
Harrisburg convention. "I am the can
didate of the Republican party," said
ha, "and I stand unreservedly on the
platform. I pledge my word to see that
the provisions of its planks are enacted
into laws. "
A« amusing feature of the local cam
paign in Philadelphia, last week, was
the declination by John C. Bell of the
nomination for District Attorney, and
the urging by Senators Penrose and Mc-
Nichol of P. F. Rothermel, who
prosecuted Quay, to take the nomina
tion Bell had declined.
-—. Saturday, Oct 8, is the last day on
which those who desire to vote at the
coining election can pay taxee. All
those who have not paid a state or coun
ty tax within two years should do so
before that date.
At Philadelphia, Tuesday, Francis L.
Robbins of Pittsburg was unanimously
elected chairman of the Republican
riampalffw Advisory Committee, which
ooasists of 17 members selected by the
candidates on the State ticket. While
flii« committee will give all poesihle as
sistance to Chairman Andrews and the
State and county committees it will
give especial attention to conteets in
dose Congressional districts.
$8,000,000.00 More.
Chester D. Potter, in his Philadelphia
letter to the Dispatch, Tuesday, says:
''Republican leaders here, friends of
Stuart and Murphy, heard today with
amazement and indignation unconceal
ed that the State Committee on Public
Grounds and Buildings has expended
|8,000,000 approximately in furnishing
the new State Capitol, which was erect
ed at a coat of $4,000,000. The commit
tee la oomposed of Governor Samuel W.
Pennypacker, Auditor General William
P. Snyder and former State Treasurer
William L Mathues, tho latter's term
having expired May 1 of the present
year. James P. Shoomaker of Cambria
county ia superintendent of Pnblic
Grounds and Buildings.
It can be stated upon authority that
. if one-half or one-fourth of $8,000,000
has been expended for this purpose the
Investment will be vigorously denounc
ed by the canidates on the Republican
State ticket and by the organization
Here it is told that th 6 interior of the
new Capitol surpasses in gorgeous
equipment any building in the world
and that it would give Aladdin a night
mare. The item of metallic file cases,
colored to represent mahogany, alone,
it is said, amounts to $2,000,000. Gobelin
tapestries and rugs made in some place
as inaccessible as Thibet, bronze desks
and tables in the Treasurer's office, also
mahoganyized; interlocking oaken floors
in parqnettry, which Mr. Berry says
cost $400,000; carpets, chairs, divans,
chandeliers, the costliest made, are said
to represent an outlay unparalleled in
public or private expenditure.
This is the unanthenticated story now
current It may not be true. lam told
that Auditor General Snyder is prepar
ing an itemized account of the money
spent by the Committee on Public
* Grounds and Buildings; that it will be
made public as soon as be can finish it.
Friends of Pennypacker and Snyder say
they cannot believe that they have
sanctioned any such extravagence as ia
alleged ; that their enemies are circulat
ing the story in hope that it will have
an effect upon the present campaign.
If this be the purpose, it mast fail.
Responsibility will bt> placed where it
belongs, and neither Stnart Murpby,
Young or Houck will condone or con
seqt to accept an official inheritance of
this character."
THE Washington (Pa.) Observer
touches upon an important subject for
reform in advocating the enactment of
a law making justices of the peace and
constables salaried officers. These of
ficials constitute the courts of first in
stance, and in many cases, too, those of
last resort for the poorer class of people
who believe their rights to be infringed
The fee system in these
scandal notorious
on its details. The ab
law woold not only do • »»
padding of fee bills, but /
reform those incongruitk /
which decisions are swayt /
sideration as to how the ft
likely to be realized.
"Escape or Hall and Campbell.
The two horse thieves who escaped
jail last Friday afternoon have good
family names—Jeremiah Hall and
Lawrence Campbell.
Hall was a son of Joeeph Hall, a local
preacher, formerly of- Allegheny twp.
and has relatives in and is well
acquainted with that section; Campbell
is a son of Wm. Campbell who for
years had the store at Qlade Mills
The two men are old criminals, have
served time and are desperate.
Sheriff Campbell has offered a reward
of 1200 for their apprehension, and the
man who gets close to them had better
cover them with a gnn a? they are paid
to have made threats.
Hall is about 50 years of age, six feet
tall, 190 pounds, sandy mustache, hair
partly gray and has one iDjared eye.
At the time of his escape he wore a
dark suit, and he lost his hat near the
Campbell is about 45 years, five feet
ten inches, about 175 pounds, front
teeth filled with gold, wore a gray suit
and soft hat.
The circumstances of their escape are
about as follows:
A witness in one oC the Lyndora
liquor cases (Dr. Mmteer's) and who
had himself been in jail on the charge
of selling liquor without license,
wanted or pretended that he wanted,
to talk with a man named Bliweiss re
garding some information in the case.
His name is Leisering, he is a phar
macist and he had been in charge of the
Minteer drug store in Lyndora. He
met Deputy Sheriff Vorous immediately
after dinner, and secured his permission
to see Bliweiss, through the bars of the
cage in which works the dummy
elevator, used to feed the prisoners
The girl left him through the iron
door, leading to the cage and closed and
locked it and was to have left him out
when he knocked. Leisering called for
Bliweiss and had a talk with him, then
called for Hall and Campbell, with
whom he had a jail acquaintance, and
had a talk with them. Campbell and
Hall then went to the second story,
where the door was, in some manner,
opened for them, crawled down the
dummy waiter to where Leisering was
and concealed themselves on either side
of the door. Leisering knocked, the
girl unlocked the door and the two
desperate criminals bnrst out, knocking
her over. Leisering came last and she
grabbed him, but seeing she had the
wrong man left him go, locked the door
and went to the sheriff's office with him
to announce the escape. The prisoners
ran down the alleys north of the jail to
Bluff St. and then up Bluff to the
woods north of town. They were
promptly pursued, but without success,
and they are supposed to have headed
for the Allegheny river at some point
between Bradys Bend and Foxburg.
All the bridges have been watched
since the escape. Hall is an old lumber
man and is well acquainted with the
woods of the northeastern part of this
county and also of Clarion and Forest
Deputy Sheriff Vorous immediately
upon his return from the woods
made information against Leisering for
aiding and abetting prisoners to escape,
and arrested him and put him in jail;
and he has since had a hearing and has
been held for Court.
Nothing reliable has as yet been
heard of the escaped prisoners.
Mrs. and Mrs. M. N. Greer.
Six hundred people gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew N.
Greer, sooth of Sarvereville. Tuesday,
to help them celebrate the 50th an
niversary of their marriage- The
people assembled in the orchard op a
fen tie sloping hill-side back of the
ouss, where a hollow square of long
tables had been constructed. The
masters of ceremonies were George W.
Cramer and Postmaster John W.
Powell of Sarvereville, whom soroeope
said were the two noisiest men in
Buffalo township. Before assembling
at the tables order was called and Rev,
J. A. Beighey of Sarvereville announced
that on September 18, 18-56 in St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran church, Buffalo
twp., had occurred the wedding of
Matthew N. Greer and Grizella McC.
Walker, the Rev. L. M. Kountz, officiat
ing. Rev. Beighev congratulated them
and prayer was offered by Rev. William
Townsend of Emery Chapel. Of those
present at the wedding fifty years ago
nine were present Tuesday, and these
sat with Mr. and Mrs, Greer at a table
in the centre of the square. They were
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Gal breath, Mrs.
John Norris, John Harvey, Henry
Sarrer, John Barker, Mrs. James Mc-
Cafferty BcriJb, Mrs. Harper Maban of
Kanaas, and lire. Sarah Ann Love
After all had all the pie and
cake they wanted, Squire Craipsr acted
as toast-master, and responses w,ere
made by John M. Greer, Lev. McQuis- 1
tion, Rev. Townsend, ex-Sheriff Wm.
B. Dodds, who came from Crawford
county for the occasion, John E- Mader,
Squire George F. Easley. John W.
Powell, W. C. Findley, E. H. Negley
and M. N. Greer. John Muder then
anctioned off the tiupnps as souvenirs.
After the benediction by Rev. Beighey
the crowd gradually dispersed after
congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Greer and
wishing them many years of re
membrance of the most happy and
pleasant occasion.
Mrs. Jonathan Flick.
The golden wpdfiipg of Mr. and Mrs.
Jonathan Flick was ,ce/ebr#t»d Tuesday
at their home in Clinton township. Ft? a
hundred people were present.
Mr. and Mrs. George Diudiuger.
At their home in Lancaster township,
Tuesday, was celebrated the golden an
niversary of the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. George Dindinger. Mr. Dindinger
is a brother of Hon. John Dindinger.
September 22—Robert Thompson and
*rite. pee Gillespie, will celebrate tbeir
silver wedding, at their home in Mid
dlesex, ne*t Saturday,
October 11—At ZetienopJLe,
tion of the fortieth anniversary of tnp
pastorate of Rev. J. Q. But'z of the
Zelienople German Lutheran <sbnrch
October 13—Silver wedding anniver
sary of Mr. and Mrs. David Hessel
gesser at their home in Winfield town
Oil an<l Notes.
The Market—Both agencies pay
ing $1.58. I
Jefferson --Frazter & Co's well on the'
U Crawford, was pumping 9 barrels an
hour, Saturday.
Butler twp.—The 014 "Spotty Mc-
Bride" well was cleaned out and drdjed
deeper, and is said to have flowed 58
bbls., last Friday. *
At the well drilled by Frank Koch &
Sons on Mile Run, south of town about
a mile, oil has been obtained, jn th».
boulder, and the well produces three
barrels per day. This is regarded import
ant as snowing oil exists in that vicinity.
Oonnoquanessing—The Saylor well on
the Purviance reached the sand, last
Friday, and began flowing a 20-bbl.
the hour rate, and on Monday was d°
ing abont 200 a day. Walker Sc Mc-
Candless well on the R Barn hart lot,
.jyas shot, and is doing about 50 bbls. a ,
tf'W* >
Co.—Two 25-bbl. wells
& a** 4 * % struck in the western edge of
o ? p % Hillsville, lately, and
■ fifteen wells drilled
3. a edge, are
$ > of that connty
PresideinV**™ 1 ' has virtually ap
pointed himselK^ ltrator ln Caban
insurrection. LSS* Friday there was
given out at Bay where a
council of war was * f rom
the President to the Oflbau Minister at
Washington, in whiA Mr Booses
said that unless anarchy and ®^ fe
ceases in the island Repul^^f* l ! 9 Go% "
ernment must intervene under the pro
visions of the Piatt amendment.
In addition Secretary of War Taft
and Assistant Secretary of State Bacon
started Sunday for Cuba to carry out
the President's wishes,going via Florida.
Meanwhile a force of eight American
warships is drawing a line about the
island, all carrying a good complement
of marines, rapid-fire and machine guns
and ammunition. A force of 2.000
marines is being concentrated to be sent
to the island in the naval vessels which
are sailing from United States ports.
The Cuban Congress authorized Presi
dent Palma to put the republic on a war
footing, which means the increase o
the rural guards to 10,000 men ami the
artillery to 2,000.
Henrv Langharst of Prospect was
thrown from a wagon near Cranmers
mill, lately, and had an arm broken
John Lefevre of Zelienople. who was
injured in a freight wreck at Lodi. u.,
has been brought home.
Jos. Robinson of Zelienople had a leg
broken at a saw-mill in New Castle, and
is in the Hospital there.
A coal miner named Kidner had
his back broken by a fall of slate in a
mine at Kay lor, lastweek and was
taken to Mercer Hospital. He was par
Frank Gold, a Butler twp. boy. h» d
an arm broken by a fall from a nut-tree.
J S Boyer had a thumb smashed at
the Wick Planing mill, Monday.
A point in Oklahoma was the scene
of a remarkable railroad accident
Tuesday, by which eight persons were
killed, about twenty injured and as
many more are missing in the high
water and quicksands. The engine
tender, baggage and mail cars, smoking
car and day coach of passenger train
No 12, northbound, left the high bridge
that spans the Cimarron river and
plunged into the stream which is
flanked by treacherous quicksand.
The locomotive disappeared almost im
mediately. The mail and baggage
clerks escaped from their care and
swam to the shore. The accident was
due to driftwood, which piled against
bridge and swerved it out of line
Sixty automobiles left Pittsburg, last
Saturday morning, about i o clock, for
Cambridge Springs, and only thirty of
them got there. Some reached their
destination in time for dinner,some dur
ing the day, and the rest met with mis
haps and had to return to the city. The
machines of Charles Stoehr and Peter
Hermes were wrecked, and their occu
pants injured; both accidents occunng
on the Evergreen road. Geo. Eber
hart's machine was ditched near Mer
cer, and a wheel twisted off.
Nel gliborhood Notes.
In New Castle it is now an offense,
punishable by a fine of not less than $5,
nor more than $lO, and 10 days in jail,
for any motorman, conductor or other
person to run or operate in the city, a
street car not equipped with safety
fenders. The ordinance to this effect
was signed by Mayor Hainer, and is
now one of the many municipal laws
About one year ago a barn in Jeffer
son county, was totally destroyed by
fire, and a sad feature was th.it a
daughter of the owner, Eli Dinger, was
burned to death in the building. Ever
aince Mr. Dinger has kept up a quiet
but persistent investigation, and last
Friday caused the arrest of a young
man, whom he charged with the crime.
The young man is now in the Brookville
A Difference of Opfttion.
"McMillen should have shaken hands
with Cook and then blown out his wife's
"McMillen did perfectly right in cut
ing Cook.'
With this as the basis of their con
tention, Martin Cook, but no relative of
the legislator, and James Cayanaugh
stopped the wagon on which they were
street in front of the house in Lawn
riding where the cutting occurred last
Sunday. They alighted and were fight
ing vicionsly when arrested. When
locked up in the Oakland police station
they continued the argument from
separate cells. —Gazette-Times.
Charlie Grant and his sister Birdie of I
Cooperstown are visiting their grand
parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Weigle.
and wijl likejy go to Mile Run college
this winter
Frank Qchermap of Sajeij), fJhio, (
visited his cousins, T H Boehin andj
family lately.
Assessor A. W. Shannon of Franklin
twp. was in town Saturday evening,
and hardly knows "where he is at"
sjnce he attended the Assessors' Cou
ven tiou, gnt.ler.
Doris Pilugh, of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Piingh, and Violit Ken
nedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman
Keflpedy, died la®' week
Augustus Hooh apd family of Chicora
came to our town in their "auto", a
recent Saturday. The pleasure of their
visit was somewhat marred by the mis
hap to th»ir machine.
While going to Butler. Saturday,
Henry Langharst was thrown from the
wagon seat at the watering trough,
near Cranuier's mills, and sustained a
fractured arm and bruised head.
John C Roxberry and wife recently
returned from a trip to Atlantic City
and a ylfit to Delaware relatives.
famiiy of jc run- l£ye r s are having
a siege cf typhoid fsyeiV ' One is
Aoayftlescent, Mrs. Myers is down with
fever, and FfS-Ok is threatened with it.
"Aunt Margaret Hieyl celebrated her
nlnety-lirat birthday, Satur4ay. and
many of her relatives and friends were
present to help make the day >j. joyous
Mrs. Forsythe aud daughter, Mrs.
Newtown Riddle of Butler, were the
gnests of Mrs. W. R. Riddle, l«st week.
The hubbub over the assessing busi-
agents to be for one purpose—to
equatfze vaJiiatiftijSi and is all right.
The house" and ccw a.ud £or u e of the
poor man are
fair value, but the palace and bl<x»ded
horse of life ri c b umD > n t ' )e c ' tv ttre
generally sssesjaed 4t .9bout one fourth
their valtnf,
Philip Sechler of Butler wa. in town
Sunday with his "auto". Philip i» quite
a chaffonr now, and gave some of the
boys a fine ride. •
Pfanphe Forrseter is attending college
at New Onio, aud is a youug
lady of literary proni**f
STATK Treasurer Berry, in his speet h
at Reading, Monday night, made the
a*topf*hi n K statement that the new
state capitoi si JJarrisbui g. cost $12,000,
000. instead of ft,ooo,Ot*
Jj] t; Chicago woman who told the
police, that Steosland had gone to
Tangier; is said to haws
$357,000 that the banker gave her.
A COMPETENT authority on the Far
East declares that the Chinese have
progress during the last five
years than an tf alien rn earth,
not excepting Japap. He admits tjLat
China ha« not mad* such advance
iron and coal production ag has the
United States, but he contends tb£t
i China has made a wider and more pro
found change in her whole attitude to
ward Western civilizaticn than has any
, other nation.
PFLUGH—September 12, liWfi. infant '
daughter of Chas. Pflugh of Franklin
JOYCE—At her home in Butler. Sept.
14. 1906, Mrs. Cecilia Joyce, widow of
Michael Joyce, aged 62 years.
GALLAGHER—At Yandergrift. Sept
5. 1906. H. Gallagher, formerly of
Glade Rnn. aged years.
STEELE -At her home in Mt. Pleasant,
Pa . Sept. 11, 1906, Mrs. Lyman Steele, j
nee Bvers, aged 50 years.
BONNEY—At her home in Worthing
toi. Sept. 11, 1906, Miss Liida M.,
daJghter of W. W Bonaey. in her
32d year.
Miss BOQPey was a gradpfttfe D f Slip
pery Rock Novrnar, and was a success
ful teacher.
BANCROFt-September 15. 1906, Al
fred, infant son of Earl Bancroft, of
Clearfield township.
SCHMIDT —At Saxonburg, September
14. 1906, Robert E., son of Philip
Schmidt of Allegheny, aged 5 years.
BlßCH—Septembei 16. 1906. Mary,
infant daughter of David Birch of
Centre twp.
SCOTT—At Green Springs, Ohio, Sept.
lfct, 1906, George Scott of Hilliards
PISOR—At her home in Worth twp.,
September 16, 1906, Mrs. Elizabeth,
widow of James Pisor. aged about 76
Her husband died about 9 months
ago. and she is survived by two sons,
Orin and Albert.
Daniel O'Day, said to be Rockefeller's
right-hand man in the management of
Standard Oil Co.. died suddenly in
Rouen, France, from the rupture of an
artery in his stomach, last Thursday.
He had been travelling in Europe, for
his health. He is said to have origi
nated the pipe-line system.
Gen. Dmitri Trepoff. called "the iron
man' - and the "dictator of Russia" died
at St. Petersburg, last Saturday, aged
51 years. He escaped several attempts
at his assassination, but the constant
strain shattered his nerves.
Edward Worthington, a celebrated
mining expert, died at his home in
Pittsburg, Tuesday, aged 92 years. He
was a former resident of Brady's Bend,
and was buried there.
Mis Groom, mother of Harry Groo.ii
of Mars, died at Imperial, Sunday.
SINCE the death of Trepoff. the Rus
sian Grand Dukes have been leaving
that country—like rats leaving a sink
ing ship.
HONG KONG, the English port on the
coast of China was wrecked by a
storm, Tuesday morning. Three hun
dred people were reported killed, and a
million dollars damage done to shipping
and buildings.
THE steamship Manchuria, on which
some Butler Co. people were passengers
and which struck a reef of the Haw
aiian islands, has been floated; but her
sister ship, the Mongolia, also a mail
ship, struck a reef nearbv, last week.
Something seems to be the matter with
the compafw-needles in that part of the
A WELL authenticated story comes
from the far North to the effect that an
island has very recently been created in
the Bering Sea, This new island has
evidently been thrown up by a sub
marine eruption. Advices have been
received from Seward, Alaska, which
state that the new land is located not
far froiu the island of Boroslow, which
was upheaved in the same manner
about a century ago.
NEW ZEALAND'S opposition to great
landed estates has produced new meas
ures, whose radical character warrants
more than one deduction. The measure
proposed by the Government prohibits
owners of more than 1,000 acres of first
class land, or 5,000 acres of second class,
to increase their landed estates, by
either purchase or lease. Further, pro
prietors of land exceeding $250,000 of
unimproved valae are required to sell
the excess within ten years
Cost of Paint
The difference between
the cost of good paint and
inferior paint is very little
in comparison with the
total outlay for painting a
The time and labor is
the big item. Seems very
foolish tQ spend a great
deal of time and money
putting on paint which will
not last. It is much wiser
to use old-fashioned "white
lead and linseed oil."
is the standard white lead;
is perfectly pure, and is
made by the best method—
the Old Dutch Process.
Paint pointers of value to the house
owner are found in our booklet. Send for it.
" Stionu National bank. »Idg , Pittsburgh, Pa.
For sale by all first-class dealers.
Letter* testamentary op the estate of
Angust Slice, dee'd., late of Clinton
township, Butler county. Pa, hav
ing been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims
against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
JOUi* -i*. p-JfTN-NrHAM, 1 '
: • Pa.
We I*u f4ab with the
Pittsbnrg at |3.00 per
year tor tba two; ai|d Pitts
burg Post for ifa.'-JY
Cash in advance.
Th 6 50TIseR Otizgn.
SI.OO por y.l iJ an ce. otherwl*
$1.50 will be ciiarjpOU.
ADVEKTISINO RATBS—Oiie iuPti. *.i.e t.j.e
$1; ©a<*h subsequent Insertion 50 cents eacn
Auditors' and aivorce noticess4 each; exec
utors' and administrators' notices $3 each
estray and dissolution notices f2 eacn. Head
ing uef'-ns 10 cents a line for first and 5 cents
for ea»ni
amonirlocal i*ews ittHcus a line for
eicti In sertlOn. Obituaries,CJirJs oi
resolutions (ft respect, noticed of Test4**Us
and fairs, etc., Inserted at the rate of 5 cents
a Hoe, money to accompany the order, ieven
words of a line.
Rates for standing u,ui* on
a^Uad t vertlslnjf Is due after first Insertion,
and all transient advertising must be paid
for In advance. , . ...
All communications Intended for publica
tion in this paper must be acconipauled b>
the real name of the writer, not for publica
tion bUfc -p ?,;, r:»ntee of good faith,and should
reach Tuesday evening.
Death mutf. w th
resuonslble "* - •• • •
litiar.u*. your diet and try eating Chop Suey
und YolloiJi.. Uip test' Chinese restaurant
In the city{ JMrd Ave
littsburg. I'a., COP. ii rant. J?&t; bJiSf Ujnd of
Oolong iva served 10c a bowli Itit; only
restaurant In the city handling this brand.
Granting the Butler Passenger Railway ,
Company the right to enter upon and
constract, maintain, repair and oper- '
ate single track street railway with
the necessary switches or turnouts
upon the following street and high- 1
way. or part thereof, in Butler
borough. viz: Second street from ;
Sprnce street to line of the Orphan's
Home property.
SECTION 1. Be it ordained l>y the
Burgess and Town Council of Butler
borongh, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by authority of the same. The
eonserrf oi ttat-Authorities of the borough
of Butler is hereby granted to the But
ler Passenger Railway Company to
enter upon and construct, maintain, re
pair and operate a single track passeng
er railway with necessary switches or
turnouts for the purpose of allowing
cars to pass each other. The number
of switches of turnouts, the length and
location of the same to be subject to
the approval of said Council or their
duly authorized committee
The route hereby granted is described
as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of
Spruce and Second streets, thence north
along Second street crossing Brady
street to the 11-.e of the Orphan's Home
This right is granted subject to such
rules and regulations of the borough re
specting such streets and highways as
the authorities of said borough may
from time to time enact.
SFXTION '2. The rights hereiu grant
ed are on the same terms and conditions
as set forth in an ordinance passed and
approved the 3rd day of October,
granting the original franchise to the
Butler Passenger Railway Company, in
said borough, except that no additional
compensation from the said company to
the said borough shall lie required and
the right of way herein granted shall be
for the term of thirty (30) years from
the date of the passnge of tlrisordinance
and the right of way as to said street
aforesaid is not an exclusive right. The
borough reserves to itself the right, of
allowing competing street railway com
panies to run over said street or high
way on parallel tracks to be laid by any
competing company.
Ordained and enacted in Council this
11th day of September. 1906.
President to Town Council.
Secretary of Town Council.
Now, September 10th. 1906, the above
and foregoing ordinance is hereby ap
proved by me.
An ordinance providing for the grading,
curbing and paving of the intersec
tion of street between Race street and
West Cunningham street, in Butler
borough. Pa., aud determining the
manner of payment of the cost and
expense thereof.
Whereas, the intersection of street
between Race street and West Cunning
ham street, in Bntler borough, Pa., is a
public street and thoroughfare within
the limits of said borough, regularly
laid out, adopted, opened and used as
And whereas, the said intersection of
street between Race street and West
Cunningham street is less than five
hundred feet in length and connects
two paved streets, Therefore,
SECTION 1. The Bnrgess and Town
Couneil of Butler borough, do ordain
and it is hereby ordained and enacted
by authority of the same: That the in
tersection of street between Race street
and West Cunningham street, in Bntler
borough, Pa., shall be graded, curbed
and paved. The paving to be done with
brick or other suitable material, and
the curbing to be of sand stone or other
suitable material.
SECTION 2. The cost and expense of
grading, curbing and paving the said
intersection of street be Assessed upon,
collected from and paid by the proper-
Ities fronting and on said street
between Race street and West Cunning
ham street, or the owners thereof, and
Butler borough, as jirovideil by l»w.
Ordained and enacted in Council this
day of 190 C.
President of Town Council.
Secretary Town Council.
Now, liKXi, the
the above and foregoing ordinance is
hernbj' approved of by me.
(Read up) Daily Except Sunday (Readdown)
10 !1 14 12 I BTATIOVS I »in iims
p. m. p. m. p. in. OIAUW3. a. m. a. m. p.m.
10 05 4 0u! :s 00BufTalo(Ti»L.s.H.S.) ;; 45 10 00| 2 00
p. in. p. in. ii. m. a. in. p. in. p. m.
J »|) 1 4a • 48 Erie. j 7 10 1 00 : S 00
6 47( 1 111 9 17 Glrard I 7 43 1 31 5 38
7 03 1 3;j a As[Ar..Couueaut..Lv| 7 15 la W 5" 10
6 lOjl2_OJj 7 15)Lv..Coiineant_Ar) 9 55 7 03
U -"i 12 m~H 5S A 1 M»m 1 60 6 54
fO 1302 3518 41l Sliadelan<l...,Jfß Idf2 00f6 07
0 1012 32! 838 Spring boro |823 2 0:t 610
« 0312 261 8 H2..oonnearitville...| 8 28: 2 OK: it 17
7 18(12 48| 9 28 Ar..JfeSdvTHei.Lv| 7 10 1 40 V 33
4 3^ll HI; 7 16 Lv..Mead ville.Ar 92M3 08 7 18
6 .no 12 20 9 00 A..< 'on't I.ake. Lv 7 4ffl 2 10: 5 15
5 16U1 51 7 46Xv.Con - t Lake.Ar 1 900 2 40| 650
8 lOAr. Linesvllle.l.v 1 8 35 , 6 25
2 40 8 35 l.v.Xlneavllle.Ai 5 43)
5 43T2 10 8 13...MeadvilIe Jet.... 8 52, a 30 a 40
5 o<t 11 38 7 31; O*KOO<I 9 21! 2 68j 7 08
4 SSII 30 72K Green vllle-Lv 9303<* 728
4 5011 217 20 Slieuaiigo 1938315 738
4 1810 s»ain>. Mercer ,10 06 3 4C 8 10
10 50 Houston Jcp.. !l0 J" 8 15
36510 35 .....Grove City lid iO 4108 33
3 3710 17; ..—Branchton.: ...|lo i'j i 28 8 55
6 2611 20, .'Ar.„.Hilllar(T7..tri 0 »7| aad .7
2 20! 937 I? . lliliianl.- Ar ll 20i 620 .
3 :;a|lO" lif | "Kcirtter.......-jlB 531 03 8
7_211 p^m.,Lv Kaylor —Arj....—.: 620
2 5.5) 9 35 4 26 Butler ill 30i 5 101 9 43
.....J 7 30l 250 Lv.E.Pittsburg Ari... Jj6 65U
1 is is 151 1 OOj 6 36 ...
p. m. a. m. p.m.| p.m. p. ni. p. m.
Train No. 1 leaves Greenville 6:15 a. m.; Blie
naiigo 6:55; Marcer 7:28; Grove City 7:50; Keis
tert>:lG; Butler 9:00, arrives Allegheny 10:25 a.
111.; East Pittsburg 11.15 a. m., connecting at
Brnncliton to and from Milliard, and at Queen
Junction to and from Kaylor.
No 2 leaves Alleyheiiv 3:00 p. ID; East Pitts
burg 2.50; Hutler 4:45: Keister 5:28, (trove ciiy
5 57; Mercer 6:20; MU'IIIUIMU Greiyi.viile 7:00
p. in.: connecting at Queen Junction for Kavlor,
and al Branchton for HllllWjJ-
No. 16 leaves Butler 7.0b a ID.; Keister 7.40;
Grove City 8.05: Mercer 8.28; Shenango 9.02;
arrived Greenville 9 Or a. ii).
General Manager. Gen l l'ass. Agent.
Letters testamentary on the estate or'
Eli Patterson, dee'd, late of Clay twp.,
Bntler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed the nndersigned, all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will p'ease make immediate payment,
and any Living claims against said
estate will present them duly • authenti
cated for settlement'£o'- " '
R. F. D. Euclid, Pa.
HARRY J : GGAH.VY. A|;t'y. Ji-21-0(5
>««»•< 114 A SP MAHOGANY
?60, GO FOR 13.50, (22.00 AND $27.50, SIX BIG
$22.50. OTItKIIS AT 1 sl2 AND fl>>. * 3WFI.L
JTQ£ 17 U.J. o\K CliirirONlXßS, jtf.fi I
A*D sl2 50, H'ITJI B lfi SJIRROR&, LAR' E
WERE $45, GO FOR $18.50. $35 ONES FOR
VELVET, WERE $54, NOW $22.50 OTHERS sl2
i.vp «15 SOME BED ROOM CARPETS $7.50
In the District Court of the
United States for the Western
District of Pennsylvania.
In tho matter of )
Louis 11 ahtenstein. -No. JiJli ill Rank- I
Bankrupt. ! ruptoy.
To the creditors of Loui> Hartenstelo of I
Groat Belt, tn the countv of Butler and I
district aforesaid, a bankrupt.
Notice is hereby Klven that on the lt'tli day .
of Sept.. A. 1). ISM). the said Louis liarten- I
stein was duly adjudicated bankrupt: and!
that the tirst meeting of his creditors will be j
helil at iny office No. 114 N. W. Diamond.
Butler. I'a., on the Ist day of October. 1906. at |
lOo'eio -k in the forenoon at which time the i
said creditors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank
rupt anil transact such other business as
may properly come before said meeting.
September 17th. 1906.
Kefcree in Bankruptcy.
Trustee's Sale of Valuable
Real Estate
At the Court House, at Butler. Pa . on
Tuesday, October 16th, 1906,
At 1 P. M.
By virtue of an order of J. W. Hutchison.
Esq., Referee in Bankruptcy, made the 12th
day of September. 1900. and directed to the
undersigned Trustee of the bankrupt estate
of William Wells Watters of Evans City. I'a..
the said Trustee will ofTer for sale, at public
vendue, and sell to the highest ana best
bidder, free and divested of all liens, the
following real estate, situate in the borough
of Evansnurg. Butler county. Pa., bounded
and described, as follows:
FIRST. All that certain town lot or parcel
[ of land, bounded on the north by lot number
119, one hundred eighty-feet: on the east by
Centre alley. 4.S .'fi-100 feet; on the south by
Sarah alley. 180 feet; and on the west by
Washington street. 4S 33-100 feet, and being
lot number 120 of the Martin Wahl plan of
lots in the borough of Evansburg. and hav
ing thereon erected a frame cottage dwelling
house and outbuildings.
SECOND. All that certain town lot or
parcel of land, bounded on the north by a
run or part of lot number si; on the east by
Porter alley, and on the south and west by
Water street, and being part of lot number
,Sl in the general plan of the borough of
Evansburg. and having thereon erected a
two story frame dwelling house and out
TEBMa OK SALE-Ten percent of bid cash
when property Is bid off, balance cash when
sale is confirmed by the Court.
L. N. BI'RUV. Trustee.
Evans City. I'a.
Attorney for Trustee.
By virtue of a writs of Fi. Fa„ issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co..
I'a., and to me directed, there will be ex
posed to-public sale, at the Court House, in
the borough of Butler, I'a., on
Friday, 12th day of October, 1906
at one o'clock. P. M.. the following described
property, to-wlt:
E. D. Nos. 1, and '.2, December Term. li«*i
Mcynistion. Wilson, and McDowell,
All tiie right, title, interest and claim of
Peter F. McCool. of, in and to all that certain
piece or lot of land situated In Butiei
borough. Butler county, I'a.. hounded as fol
lows, to-wit: On the north by Pearl street,
east by Main street, south by lot of J. 11.
Troutman, and west by an alley, having
erected thereon a two story frame dwelling
house, fronting HO feet on Main street, and
extending back an equal width 202 feet, more
or less, to an alley.
ALSO-Of, in and to all that certain piece
or lot'of land situated In Lyndora. Butler
twp.. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows,
to wit:. On the north by an alley, east by
lot of J. Friedman, south by l'owder Mill
Run road, and west by street, front
ing 30 feet on l'owder Mill Run road and ex
tending back an equal width 110 feet to an
alley and having thereon erected a one storv
brick building.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Peter F. McCool. at the suite of A. ft.
McDowell, W. A. Maines.
TERMS OF SALE—The following must be
strictly complied with when property 1s
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ
must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold
togtther with such lien creditor s receipt*
for thq amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. Ail bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not fettled Immediately will be
continued until ope o'clock, P. M., qf the
next day at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of the person to whom
Brst sold.
•See Purdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 446.
an I Smith's Forms, page 3M.
Sheriff's Office. Butler. I'a. Sept. 12. UK*;.
Executor's Sale.
By virtue of an order and decree of the
Orphan's Court of Butler county, Pa., at No.
53, Dec. Term, iw >, tUu m
trix of the estate of Saf;ah C. Timblln, late of
Uiwnship. Butler county, I'a.. deceased,
will offer for s!i.le at public outcry on the
premises on
I uesday. October Bth. 1906.
I iit 10 o'clock A. M., the following real estate,
late of Slid decedent situate in the village
of Euclid, Clay townshiu. Butler county, IV,
being bounded and described as follows, to
wtt: Beginning at the northeast corner and
running south 130 feet to an alley; thence
west 50 feet; thence .north 150 feet to Kail
road street; thence east 50 feet to place of
beginning; and having thereon a small frame
dwelling house.
TEEMS OF SALE—Cash, when sale is con
firmed by Court.
JACOB M. P.VINTF.II. Euclid, Pa.
Notjce in Divorce.
Maggie C. Houvur,"| IJJ the Common
Pleas of B'ntler county,
vs. A. I>. No.
! 15, March Term, l!)0tS,
Wesley C. Hoover, J Book 20, Page "Mi.
WESLEY C. lloovzn, Respondent:
The subpoena and alias subpoena In the
above case having been returned "non est
inventus" you the said Wesley C. Hoove.-,
above named defendant are hereby required
to appear in said Court of Common Pleas to
bo held at Butler, Penn'a.. on Monday, the
-th day of October. 190(1, being the lirst day of
next term of said court to answer the said
complaint and show cause if any you have
why an absolute divorce from tne bonds of
matrimony should not be granted to said
Majrgle C. Hoover.
iou are also hereby notified that an ex
part bearing thereof will be had and de
termined in the Common Pleas C«urt of the
said county before the Judge thereof, at the
Court House, in Butler, 1 Per,n'a., or Monday,
December 21th. 1900, at U o'dlock A. M. of said
day. at which time and place you are noti
fied to attend.
JOHN H. WILSON, Sheriff.
Attorney for Llbellant.
Notice in Divorce.
Etta It. Stover. 1 In the Court of Common
I Pleas of Butler county,
vs. ;• Pennsylvania,A. I). No. 31.
June Term, Term l'JOfi.
Willis P. Jtover,) Book 26, Page 271.
WILI.IS P. Respondent;
The subpoe.fia and alias supoena in the
above ca*t>, haying bepn returned "non est
inventus" Von t|»e said Willis" p. Stover,
above named defendant, are hereby required
to appear in said Court of Common Pleas, to
be held at Butler, l'enn'a., on Monday, the
tlth day of October, lUO6, being the tirst day of
next term of said court to answer the said
complaint, and show cause if any you have
why an absolute divorce from the bonds of
matrimony should not be granted to said
Etta It. Stover.
You are also hereby notified that an ex
part hearing thereof will be had and dc
tennlned in the Common Pleas Court of the
said county, before t he Judge thereof, at fhe
Court House, in Butler. Penn'a. on Monday,
December 24th, 15)00, at 9 o'clock A. M. of said
day. at which time and place yon are noti
fied to attend.
JOH': H'. ... Sheriff.
Attof.iev'f'-r {.ibellant.
Notice in Divorce,
Margaret C. Simpson, ] In the Court of Com-
I mon Pleas of Butler
vs. !• county. Penn'a., A. 11.
No. 115. June Term.
William C. Simpson, J1906, Book 20, Page 2T5
The subpoena and alias subpoena In the
above case having been returned "non est
Inventus" you the said William C. Simpson,
aliove named defendant, are hereby required
to appear in said Court of Common Pleas to
be held at Butler. Penn'a.. on Monday, the
iJtli day of October. 1906, being the first day
pi next t. nu of said court to answer the said
CtfuiiUalilA and show cause if any you have
Why.an absolute au/OBcf) front .the bonds of
matrlmCtay should not be granted to said
Marjrtirtft C. Simpson.
Voi) ' are also ndfified thai an ex-part
hearing thereof will bp had and determined
In the Common Pleas Court of said county,
oefdtp t|,, ludge thereof, at the Court
House, in Biitliiv, Penp'a, b,i Monday, De
cember 34th. IHOO. at» o'clock A. M. of said
day at which time and place you are notified
to attcud.
\V, H. LUSK, Sheriff.
Attorney for Petitioner.
|c.F, T. Papt.j
J F. Jefferson Street. S
| Fall Hats j
J In as many styles as there t
£ are types ot faces. S
? Sole agent for the 5
£ They're good hats. #
* They'll wear hard. f
i They'll last. £
S They'll hold their shape. £
5 New patterns every Friday. 2
jjno. S.Wick, |
? 341 S. Main St., \
J (J. Stein Building.) J
? Two Doors north of Willard Hotel. 5
B. KB.
room rugs
Today we present a new
;laim for the consideration of
every one interested in room
size Brussels or Wilton Rugs
—an unusually large assort
ment of entirely new patterns
and colors.
Wilton Rugs.
26 styles, 8.3 by 10.6.
60 styles, 9 by 12 feet.
2 styles, 9 by 14 feet.
5 styles, 9 by 15 feet.
10 styles, 10.6 by 12.
4 styles, 10.6 by 13.6.
i o 11.3 by 15.
10 styßs7TTTs~lsy 14.
Frice for 9 by 12 Wiltons,
$32.50 up.
Brussels Rugs.
18 styles, 8.3 by 10.6.
1 style, 8.3 by 13.6.
1 style, 8.3 by 15.
50 styles, 9 by 12 feet.
4 styles, 9 by 14 feet.
3 styles, 9 by 15 feet.
16 styles, 10.6 by 12.
10 styles, 10.6 by 13.6.
3 styles, 10.6 by 14.
'5 styles, 1 }.3 by 15.
Price for 9 by 12 Body
Brussels Rugs, $25.00 up.
Roxbury Brussels.
10 styles, 7 by 9 feet.
8 styles, 8.3 by 10.6.
19 styles, 9 by 12 feet.
Price for 9by 12 Tapestry
Brussels Rugs, $14.50 up.
Boggs & Buhl
A Paint Education
in Three Minutes.
Oil is the life of paint. l)cad oil,
dead paint ; it peeb' off, washes Cff,
falls off. you liave io paint agaiq.
You've been there. Well, you havti
Keen getting paint with dead oil in it,
•rices for canned oil. Get'the best
linseed oil and mix it with Htmnuir
Condensed Paint yourself. Then you
know you've got fresh paint. Paint
that will stick right, look right, wear
right and at the right price.
Men of experience always do this. It
saves money and saves work, too.
We'll explaia paint points at length if
you will drop in on us some day—he
l-ye y©«j pajjifc this season ~.
• - We arc- solo agents for the paint vou
get Without oil—and mix. It is the
famous Hantmar Condensed Paint.
Gallon of paint, gallon of oil. Simple
pfwugh. Absolutely fresh and
Guaranteed for five ycava, •*«,
show you In two minutes how Hammir
Condensed Paint will satas you money,
at least 25 per cent in cost and 100 per
cent in wearing qualities.
Also dealer in Lamps and Chimneys,
aa '- S"outing, Washing Ma
chines, Cresrn Separators Ga mantles
Burners and Globe, Stoves, G«i< FtaDge<\
Hardware, Cutlery, Sewinij Machinen
and Supplies. AU Kings oi sewing rna
cbfnps rt:.airo4
Henry Biehl,
People's Phone 40-1,
122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
I have moved uiy dental parlors lrom
the Miller bni! Jin« to the second floor
U t'ac QiU Fellows Ten pie where
nly (jattott-. sfca irienti*w»il W> WM«OM«£.
' Foßi> II RAY»!; «•'
Doctor of Dentistry-
§IS2S£S2Hira SfEHHMSaie
I New ouse I
1 fMI Furnishinqs! |
s§i dfo- i -6j£> Just a few of the new things that gp
Hi arrived last week. g
gj Each day this stock trows latter m
HI v >/ and our new fall showing will sir-K
J pass any previous one, . B
*gj China Dinner Sets $25.00
jsii Our own importation of fine china in 100-piece®
jQ| sets or open stock if you prefer it. Pretty pink border
Jgj decoration with gold lines and traced handles. DinnerS
plate 25c. Cup and saucer 25c. Fruit saucer 15c «
One of the neatest decorations we have ever shown in
£&# popular priced china. Q
*8- Side Board $30.00.
A fine quality of side board, 48 inches wide withsS
jgll shaped top, swell top drawers, pattern mirror and longjes
Sgj linen drawer with double doors below.
g Extension Table $22.00 '%
Highly polished quarter sawed oak, 48-inch square top. tg(
shaped rim with round corners. Five large turned legs.
1 Alfred A. Campbell!
/ Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
) $42.50 )
/ San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, )
/ and other Pacific Coast Points. 1
J Proportionately low rates to interme<liat<* point*. )
? Sale Daily Until October 31st. /
/ Call Oil W. B. TURN Kit, Tieket Agent. Butler, ?
J For Further Information. r
The opening of school at the Kutler lia»ine-.s College <>a J'epU-nih.'r lr<l and »th. was
the best the Institution has erer had. Many n;w wd may be ~_-e» In nrt)
department. New studeute are being enrolled each day, >ew pihjiit will he nnltnl »n»
day In the year while school Is In session. Best day* for enrollment are ea.-li Monday, tho
first of each month, and at the beginning of each tern. Winter term opens no Wednewlaf
January 3,1907. Spring term, first Monday In April. #
We ioTlte every young man and woman who read* thi* .id*erilsement. who U latere*,
ed In a business course of any kind, to correspond with us and to call at the i-olle*e to
' take a look" and to inspect the work of our students.
Catalogue and circulars free.
A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa.
< Drop us a Postal tardy
S if yon cannot call and we S
I will mail yoa \
\ Free of Charge
C a sample package of \
$ Miller's Kidney Pills /
\ We want everyone who ha* J
C back&cke and kidney tronble to V
I try these pills, they speak for /
/ "themselves.
N Regular si*e Mc sent to any /
I address cpoto receipt of price. J
\ Redick & Grohman?
< 109 Horth Main St, S
Botler, Pa.
See toe fclfn directly i. L i '
opposite the
Old Pootejflce " * * Vi
Theodore ' Vogeley, M
Real Estate and ■jjf
Insurance Afency W
238 S. Main St 13
Batter, Pa. I fl|
(f you have properly I mag
to wll, trade, or rent
or, want to bay or
rent cmii. write or AM
übcne me. |Ui
List Mailed Uoon Application
_____ ________ I
WASTE© Every person when in Pittsburg
iocaff and »ee our NEW I.INEN HNJSIt
BI'KBF.U COLLABB fur .Mun ami Hoyv
BL'II. The Kurnl*ner. '.'4 l Ittauiond Street
and 513 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. Pa.
Livery. Feed and Sale Stable j
Main St., rear Lfcrkel's Shoe Store.
Bntler. Pa.
Firstolass horses ami rigs. Special
attention to transient trade. Ladies'
waiting room Stand iu 10 cents Feed 1
23 cents. Bell Phone 908 People's
Phone 1024 Giye ns a cajl
Estate of Charles Pfabe, deed., late J
of Clinton twp., Bntler county. Pa
Letters of administration having been *
granted to the undersigned on the above
estate, notice is hereby given to all
persona knowing themselves indebted -
to paid estate to make immediate pay t
ment and those having claims against
the same to present them dnly anthen
ticated for settlement to
Sophia M. Pfauk.
Hh voJt>urg. K. A
Jas. B McJfNKJN. Att>. -
ArroßNßf-AT-LAW. ! B
Office in bntler Uonnty fiaworat
Bank bnilding. "
• • Attorney at Law.
Office at No. 8. Went Diamond St. Bat-1
ler. Pa. | j
. , gunfnn iTHMiIY.. . -
Office on South aid* of t». ruo_>l,
Butler. Pa. - * L
Olkce with tjoulver * Bauer. k*i4
Fellows Building.
Office on Diamond, Bntler. Pa.
Special attention given to collection* r
anil business matters.
Jj, Notary Pubuc,
Ojjice with Berktmer the Undertaker
Pennsylvania ~
H<'h«liile in effect Mmy 'J7, I1M»«
Trail* leave BUT LIB m (Ntowc
r..T All._S»nv wl VST ••ati.m*. « 13 wl •
n, >»l 4JB p *. wr»k 4»y. 73# a■». wl i >4
!>. at, .<iiu»la).
Fwrftttatmrx aad maj l.ti- ■ • IMi m. ami 1.25 p.
m. »»k darn.
For IP4lmillr lat»rwlM, Altera*. E»riwfcw* e
H,U»H|*U «n.l tU« Kmt.H Uaarf MJt • a. •>]
1K p. nt. w»k Hmjwt TBI a.
omsioy. ! -
leave via YISKIftuUTAS JOBCTMt
Fur BufWu *.m v». wsaA 7.*J a. m. ;u>j
"r'r R«4 l»k sud IHI l-ltf. CIS, *#» M » a. ».
•mi t.Jj p. ». wok J-fK 1»' a. m. Mri US p. »
F-r hitta":tiu* »u4 »»y Mii u *IS «u.i M.*S *
at. *ivl 4.30 p. Uf «wk .Invar T.Jtt a. a. sail iJ»S
p. m. (urolayt
fM Mailaal ta»ir—t>i ». *pply to HckM *
«M«n» K. Watt, laaa. Art. V<l MMrtr«,
rm> a».oh. niM«ri. rw
w. w. attkml rv. j a wt*-i»
MXtw. Pta. tTra*r
GEO w Ctml
Time table in effect May 37. 19» «*
Passenger train* leave and arrive at
i Bntier as follows
LE,\V~ ros NaßT|i.
( 730 a. ni." ritied for Pnnx.*atawa#«.
1 Chi Bois and intermediate sta'iooa
10:.Ti a. m. daily, vestibaled day n
press for Buffalo and Rochester
S:.jO p. m. local for Pom y, Da Bo»».
' Clearfield and intermediate station*
11:31 p. m. night express for 3off»U>
and Rochester.
6:10 a. m. daily, night express fn-ru
Buffalo and Roch«"ter.
9:»oa.m. week days, accomodati-u
from Dnßoii.
iWp.ni. dailj. vestibaled tfaye.»pi*"^
from Buffalo aad Rochester
4:*)7jp.m week day*. mixed ir«>*
from Do Bois and Pnns*u>awc»y
fraios laave the B. ft Ol Statu.r.
Pittsburg for Baffalo and Rorhr»f. r
at 9:00 a. m and 10 00 p m . and for le« > I
points as far an Dnßois ifauly at 4 t>
m. week davs.
WintieUl K It C«» TIM* TmMa
in effect May -itftb. 190 ft.
Vn( WiaS.i-1 ... 7 » T~-
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" In* Brtota I3A SIS
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Officr In the Nrjjley RniMiog. W'cul
j* !>. MrJ« tttA
- oialA arroiffii *
|J S CO-,
Insurance tV Real Estate
117 E Jefferson St.
- - - - 9A
|i« ohio a*., iuwunav, r*.