THE BUTLER CITIZEN. WILLIAM C. NEC. LEY. - Publisher THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1906 ; SI M per rear la Ao ysars. A deal, startling to tbe steel interests of tbe country, ia said to have been agreed to last week in Philadelphia by which the United States Steel Corpora tion will relieve the Pennsylvania Rail road Company of all of its interests in the Cambria Steel Company, at a price that will involve millions of dollars and bring to the Pennsylvania railroad more ready cash for the completion of its huge undertaking in New York The interstate commerce commission's rec ent investigation may also be respons ible for tb* deal. It is also intimated that tbe steel corporation will likely take over the same railroad company's holdings in the Pennsylvania Ste* 1 Com pany. bnt this report is more indefinite. It is said tbe amount involved is more than 130,000,000. Reunion of the Brown Family. Thursday, reunion of tlie Brown family was held on the Brown farm in Mercer twp., about 21 miles southwest of Jfarrisville. Over 125 of the family and connections were present,besides a number of neigh bor* who dropped in to meet and wel come them. Tbe day was delightful; a fine repast was served on tables set in the orchard and after all had partaken of the good things provided tne meeting was uallod to order by the President, fi. J. Brown, who briefly stated the business Brief remarks were made by a number, after which the following officers for the year were elected: Miss Marv J. Brown of Harrisville. President,and J. W. Brown or Butler. Secretary The farm on which the meeting was held was settled in 1793 by the Browns, and the greater part of the original tract is still owned and occupied by the descendants of the settlers. A most enjoyable time was had by all present, talking oyer ojd ti/Jies and get ting acquainted with tbe yo«n£ and rising generation of Browns ' After which the meeting adjonrned jto meet on the first Thnrsday of August, IVO7, on same farm. Cutting Affairs. A, M. McCutcheon was attacked aud cnt, on the head, in the Arlington House alley, last Friday night. It took 12 stitches to sew up tb* wound. During a riot in Lyndora last Uaip? day night a man named Tatlovitch was en.: In the face and back, and Father Bevwifc of St. John's church, who was Cassing, wa» cjit across tbe face and ack. Tatlovitch is said to k.W l >een as saulted for paving r "i/atn, and the Priest bv mistake. The East End. Pittsburg, waa tbe Bcene of a sensational stabbing affair last Sunday afternoon. Justice of tbe Peace McMillen of Carnegie surprised Rep. L. B. Cook, called the father of the Greater I'ittsburg bill, in a room in an assignation house wiUi Mrs McMillen, and attacked kiiu with a knife, stabbing him as he ran. Cook saved himself by darting into un open door which was closed to McMil len; McMillen (led to her home, J lacked her trunk and left; and McMil en was arrested and locked up. and re fused bail, pending •«cnlts. Cook was taken to Mercy hospital foul next day was reported in a serious condition. IJe is again the Republican nominee ror the Legislature in tbe Fourth district, and should he die or withdraw his place will be filled by the County Committee Yesterday Cook was said to be out of danger, and Esq. McMillen was releas ed on bail. ACCIDENTS. • H. W. McKee of Marwood, an aged gentleman, fell on the sidewalk of But ler, near the corner of McKean and Cunningham St-* . last Thursday and : broke an arm. He had been visiting I his cousin. J. W. McKee of Biady St Nineteen freight cars were wrecked by the breaking of an axle near Zelieno ' pie. last Friday morning. Frank Er linger was the only man hurt and he not very badly. Both tracks were | blocked for some hours. Harry Sarver of Buffalo twp. lately had a hand crippled by the fall of Fleming's thresher through a bridge. Win. Manny of Butler twp. split his knee-cap with an axe, last Saturday, while engaged at a sawmill. Fred Sleppy. a B. & 0 brakeman. whose home is-in Millvale, and Edward Texter, a freight conductor whose home is in Clarion Co. were seriously injured by a collision near the station at Chico ra, last Saturday night. An engine crashed into a caboose, telescoping it and injuring Sleppy internally, and crushing Tester's face. ' Both men were brought to Butler and taken to the hos pital The child of Henry Schreiber who swallowed some lye, the other day, is expected to recover. Frank Bickel was thrown from the bnggv he was driving down Mifflin St., Monday evening, and had an arm brok en. Mike Surena of Marion twp. was knocked off a Bessie trestle IU Butler, Monday evening, and lay for quite a while before being discovered, when lie was taken to the Hospital. He was cut and bruised but not seriously. Albert Thomas of fell from the frame work of the bolt and nut factory, Tuesday, and was taken to the Hospital. He lit on a pile of steel and is supposed to nave fractured his sknll. hcliool .Notes. At Friday evening's meeting of the School Board the salary of Principal Loyal F. Hall was raised from $l3O to $l5O per month, and that of Mrs. Madge McMichael.of the Institute Hill schools, from $62.50 to $75. Supt. Gibson re ported that the enrolled attendance the first week was 2460. and increase of 40 over the largest enrollment last year. The total will probably be increased to 2500, which with 523 in the Catholic schools make over 3000 school children in Butler. Repairs amounting to several thousand dollars were reported as com pleted on the various buildings. This particular school-boy don't live in Butler alone, he lives everywhere. His father had been trying to teach him to say the Lord's Prayer, but he was extremely dilatory. One evening his father broke off sud denly from his serious talk and said: "Now, listen, here's another thing— ' Wiggle and Waggle and Bubble and Squeak gave each other's nose a tweak, then Wiggle and Waggle and Bubble and Squeak all pilfcd up in one big heap. " This tickled the boy nearly to pieces. He laughed and began repeat ing it, with the result that in about five minutes he could run over the rhyme as accurately as his father. "Now, my young man," said the father, "I see that you can learn, and if you don't get the Lord's Prayer down fine in a very short time I'll give vou a trimming you'll re member for a month " He can now re peat the prayer as well as he can "Wiggle and Waggle and BnbWe and Squeak." Wedding Anniversary. On Saturday, Sept. Ist. occured the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Campbell of Speech ley, Pa. Many friends from all parts of the surrounding country were pres ent. Mr. and Mrs Campbell were the recipients of some beautiful gifts. After partaking of a sumptions repast, an organization was effected, Mr. Wm. 11. Campbell being chosen chairman. Bev Sloan and wife pleased the audience very much by singing "Afar from Home," "Oh, that will be Glory," "Count your Blessing*," and other selections Miss Myrtle Follett. a graduate of the National School of Oratory of Phila delphia, gave a entitled "Con fidence." She was applauded so hearti ly that she returned and gave the "Bootblacks" and later on "Mr. and Mra. Mann going on a journey." "Johnny Stbmoker" was rendered in a yery pleasing wanner by Messrs. Upward Campbell, Reddjck Campbell and Nelson Russell. Addresses were made by Rev. Me Qaistion and Rev. Sloan. They spoke of the Campbells being among the pioneer settlers of Butler county, hav ing come here over a century ago. Many of them settled in and about Con cord twp.. where there are now found many of that name. A motion was made and carried that a committee be appointed to arrange for a Campbell reunion to be held in 1007. Messrs. Cyrus Campbell and Perry Campbell and Miss Beruice Cam'pbel/ were appointed on said com mittee. to finio arjd place of meet ing, further notice of ibis reunion to be given through the county papers After singing "God be with you till we meet again," the friends departed, wishing Mr aud Mrs. Campbell many more happy years together. C. lteunioim. At the late reunion of the Black family at Unity phurch, several hun dred were present, and addresses were made by H. M. Black, Rev. Imbrie, John BJack and others. Alameda Park, Butler, wijl bfl the next meeting place. At the late reunion of the Vincent family at the old Vincent homestead in Marion township about 150 inembeis of the connection which includes the Barnes, Porter. Gilmore and Scott families were present Vincent Porter, of Clintonville, was chairman of the njeeting. Rev. W. 11. Vincent, of Alle giiony, jead a history of the family and brief aadrsM*3 were made by Rev. C 8. Manor, or Haiiic yjlle; Morgan Barnes, lomierly ot Westmin»tcr col lege; Rev. George P. Atwell of Crafton, and others The officers elected are: President, W. H. Vincent, D. D , Alle gheny, vice president, W. L. Vincent. Slippery Rock, aucrptary, Mrs. W. J. Vincent, Harrisvilje. The desceudeuts of John tteddick, dee d ,met on the old homestead in Con ford twp , near Hooker, yesterday, had a good dinner, a sociable time and en joyed the day Mrs. Iteddick. Johns widow, now in her KOtta year, and her daughter. Melinda, occnpy one house on the old place, and James, a .son. and family another. John, a son. lives at Renfrew, Richard at Blipperyrock and Lloyd at Greece City. Mrs. Reildick w.i's a Wick, and some of the Wicks ah'd Butler were present. Sev eral hdAdfcd i/eouio attended, and Mr. Fisher ox Burfer took .1 pi-'t.u'o of the crowd. Executor's Saltt, By virtue of an order anil decree of tho Orphan's Court of Butler county. Ha., at No» 6T>, Dec. Term, lflOfl, the undesigned, execu trix of the estate of Sarah O. Tlmblln, late of £ r 'uy township, Butler county, Pa., deceased, wlii otie>- M;. at public outcry on the premises <»h Tuesday. October 9th> ISUb. | at 10o'clock A. M., the following real estate, lute of said decedent situate In the village ot Kuclld, lilay township. Butler county, Pa., lielng bounded and described as follows, to wn.. beginning at the northeast corner anil jutaulAjr yOutll l.Ki feet to an alley; thence west M fflett Iriort.h iso feet to ltall road street: tbtyoCc east Sfl feet to place of beginning; and ,n i ij.'.a l ! frame dwelling house. TFKMS OK HALF. Cash, when «e thereof. Whereas, the intersection of street between Ra< § e street and West Cunning ham street, in Butler borough, Pa., is a public street and thoron«hfare within the limits of said borough, regularly laid out, Kilopfei}, opened and nsed us each, And whereas, the »ajd intersection of street between Knee street and \V' - st Cnuiiiimham street is 1««M than Ave hundred feet in length and connect* two payed streets, Therefore, BkctioW 1. Th" Burgess and Town Council of Bntler borongh, do ordain atid it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of tli* same: That the in tersertlon of street between Race street and West Cunningham street, in Bntler borough, Pa., shall be graded, curbed anil raved The paving to be done with bric>! or otl.oi m;ifcab!e material, and the Cnrbing'to bo of uintf s»,on jo. otlit suitable material Section 'I The cost anil expense of grafting, c«;rbipg and paving the said intersection of sirei-t ih» M&stjed upon collected from ami paid by liw< ties fronting and abutting O.J said street between Race street and West Cunning ham street, or the owners then of, and Butler borough, as provided by law. i rda'nnd and enacted in Council this day 5t.,.. .. . • C" ■ President of Town Council, Attest: u « eretary Town Council Now I'tfX), the the hlm)vc and foregoing ordinance is hereby approved of by me. Burgess. L. S. McJONKIN " li(A Mi'.ftfNKlN OF.O. A. fylTOllf'Ll b S /VIcJUNKIN * CO , Insurance & Real Estate I I 117 E- Jefferson St 60TbER, - - - l?A I CHt'Rl'll NOTES. The Centennial celebration of the Plains church iu Cranberry twp will begin next Sunday. Dr. McConkey lec tures on Men lay. and the Butler Pres bytery meets there. Tuesday: when Dr. Jloffat of Wa.-hiiiKton and Rev. Cor bett of Chefoo, China, will make ad dresses. U. P First Synod of the West will meet in Beaver, Sept. 24th The annual Conference of the Free Methodists will be held in Sharon, Sept. 26-au Pittsburg M. E. Conference meets in Butler, Oct. 3-8 Rev. Dr Schwartz of Worthington will deliver an address on Palestine in the Grace Lutheran church, Thursday evening. Sept 20 At the late M. E. Conference the fol lowing appointments were made for this county—Harrisville, Rev. J. W. Ferrill: Slipperyrock. Rev. .T. E. Bil liards: Volant, Rev Joel Smith: 'Jhico ra. Rev. E. M. Fradenburg: Clinton ville Rey. C. E McKinley; Eau Claire, Rev. B. B. Davis; Eiulenton. Rev. C. H. Frampton; Karns City. Rev. A. .T. Rinker: Kaylor, Rev. Thomas Pollard; Parkers Landing, Rev. C. H. Quick; Petrolia and Bruin, Rev. J. A. Hovis. In a recent sermon the Rev Peters of New York satirize! the pecuniary mor ality of the day in the following epi gram: "steal a dollar and the world will kick you: steal a million and the world will feel honored by being kicked bv you " The Chicago Record-Herald objects to this statement; rind offers as proof to the contrary the cases of Stens land of Chicago and Hippie of Phila delphia, one of whom has been arrested in Morocco and the other of whom kill ed himself after the stolen funds had been lost. Neighborhood Notes Allison Park. Allegheny county, along the B. & O. was delnged try a cloud burst, Tuesday evening. Part of the plank road and some houses were mov ed, and one family had to swim When the flood down the creek reached Etna, the iron-works had to shut-down. Pittsburg banks have nearly two hundred millions on deposit, and the banks in turn have nearly 81.10,000,000 loaned out Miss Ljdia Nycum. who was to have been consecrated as Deaconess of the M E. Home in Pittsburg, at the conference to be held in Butler, next month: and Rev. G. Thomas Coombs, a man with a large family and pastor of the Lemirig ton Ave. church eloped last week, and were caught, at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Esq. A. D. Groom of Parker twp was cut and bruised bv being thrown from his buggy, near Annisville. last Friday. S FOR you to decide how you 11 appear to others. We're bound to tell you though, that BEING WELL DRESSED certainly helps you in your business. We always impress this on our customers and help them select goods that are becoming. Our new stock of fall and winter suitings are the finest and cheapest we've ever hud. Stock's ready for in spection and you've our invitation to inspect same. Come in and give u:i yonr measnre before the rush, WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond. Butler. Pa tc, F. T. Pape,| J 121 E, Jefferson Street. / Spring Opening Tilt; first opening this spring of a bottlo of our own umk<> Beef, Iron and Wine will bring cheer to many families. CLOSED IN THE MOUSE ■ all winter you become listless and tired and have not the . ambition for extra spring won. i Our Beef, Iron and Wine I is the "Spring Tonic" that brings back red cheek's, red lips, new blood, new life. •'Remember" we make our own, ijl i:: not shipped in. , Every bottle guaranteed, your money ba,ck if it fails. Pj-ice 50c Pint. THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. f„, BOTH PHONES. 108 N. Main St., Butler. Pa. EXECUTOR S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of I'jli Pq.tU.TUoi). Oer'd. late of Clay twp., fiutler Co,, Pa . ixiviiig buen Ki'siit. Ed the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against Baid estate will present them duly authenti '••;led for settlement to 7. P." Ex'v , ' I|. Jj.'.tji*. r— jslnciul. f ii. h Qkall/w. Atty. O-SI-Oti Th€ 50TIS6R GTI36N. #I.OO per year If paid In advance. otlicrwU* II.SO will bo ennrged. ADVKUTISIMO iIATBS One Inch, one tlmr Jl, en-li Kulme<|a»nt Insertion .'•« cents eiu li A inlVf. No*. 1. and 2. iKvi-mlx-r Term. I ««. Mentation. \VH«on. and McDowell. Attorneys. All the right. title. Interest ;ind claim of Peter 1. McC'ool. of. In and to all that certain piece or lot of land situated In Kutlei borough. Butler county, l'a.. hounded as fol lows. to-wit: 1)11 the north t.y Pearl street, east by Main street, south by lot of 11. Troutman. and west by an alley, having erected thereon a two story frame dwelling house, fronting BO feet on Main street, and extending back an e, Page 90S. WESLEY C. HOOVER, Respondent: The subpoena and alias subpoena in the above case having been returned "non est inventus" you the said Wesley C. Hoover, above named defendant are hereby required to appear In said Court of Common I'leas to be held at Hutler. Penn'%.. ou Monday, uw M.h day of October. IllOti, being the Urst day of next term of said court to answer the said complaint and show cause If any you have why an Absolute divorce from the Umds of matrimony should not be granted to said Maggie C. Hoover. V..U >U%< niso hereby notified that an ex part hearing thereof will be had and de termined In the Common I'leas Cmirt of the Isald county before the Judge thereof, at the Court House, in Htitler, IVnn'a., on Monday. December Sltli. itXKI, at !i o'clock A.M. of said day. at which lime and place you are noti fied to attend. ALEX McCUNF. CAMI'BF.LL. Jons 11. WIMOH. Sheriff. Attorney for I.llM-llant. Notice in Divorce. Etta It. Stovi r. i In the Court of Common I I'leas of Itutler county, vs. . Pennsylvania, A. 11. No. :fl. June rerm. Term, l!»"i, Willis P. Stover, I Hook ill, I'ago 271. P. STOVKII, Respondent: The subpoena anil alias supoena in the above caso having been returned "non est Inventus" yon the said Willis P. stover, above named defendant, are hereby reiiulred to appear In said Court of Common Pleas, to be held at liutlcr, IVnn'a., on Monday, the sth iiay of October, I'.MI, being tiio first, day of next term of said court to answer the said complaint, anil show cause If any you have why an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony should not IM> granted to said Etta 11. Stover. Volt are also hereby notified that an ex part hearing thereof will be bad and de terminud In the Common I'leas Court of the said county, before the Judge thereof, at fhe Court House. In Butler. Penn'a. on Monday. December Jtth, at !l o'clock A.M. of said day. at which time and place you are noti fied to attend. ALEX M< CIJNE <'AMI BELL, JOHN 11. Wn,»o.v, Sheriff. Attorney for Llbeilant. Notice in Divorce. Margaret Simpson, in tlie Court of Com- I mon Pleas of Rutler v«*, )• county, Penn'a.. A. I>. No. 1.<5, June Term. William C. Simpson, J lymi, Hook ai, l*uge27S a W11.1.1 AM C. SIMI'SON. Henpondent: The subpoer.a and alias bubpoena In the above case having Ijeen returned ' non ent Inventus" you tho said William U. Simpson, above named defendant, are hereby r«s|ulred to appear In said Court of Common Pleas to be held at Itutler. Penn'a., on Monday. 4he Bth day of October. 1900, being the lirst day of next term of said court to answer the said complaint and show cause if any you hart why in ii)»soiiito divorce from the bonds of matnm my should not IMI nruotcd to said ' SlmpAou. You arc also notified thai an ex-part hearing thereof willbenad and deterinined In the Couimou Pleas t'ourt. of said county, before the Judge thereof, at the Court House, In Butler, Penn'a, on Monday. l»e --cember 24th. iwHi. at U o'clock A. M. of said day at which time and place you are notified to attend. ALEX McCt'NE COMPBELL, W. 11. LUSK. Sheriff. Attorney for Petitioner. America's Greatest Weekly THE TOLEDO BLADE TOLEDO. OHIO. The Best Known Newspaper in the United States CIRCULATION 185,000 Popular In Every State. Iu uiuriy reHpeela the Toledo Blade in the most remarkable weekly newspaper pnbliHheil in the United HtnteH. It ix the only newspaper especially edited for Rational cir. i-.iation. (t hnti had the large t circnltttloh for more yearn than any newspaper printed in America. Furthermore, it in the cbeapent mwii ~nper in as will bo explained t'> any person who will write na for terms. The News of the World uo ar ranged that busy people eau more easily comprehend, than by reading cnmlier- Borrio colnmuH of dailies. All enrrent topics made plain in each issue by special editoml matter written from in k Jew:) to :'at- Tbe onlv pa|M*r ptiblltJled esyoejaily for puopio v.'i.o uc or Jo ni£ read daily neWsjiape'm. and yet thirst for fac)4i That thi tiU'l ( > fp nopnjar, jn • •>« it.* liui ifcii \V< »KIV proven ' -> Ulade now has over yeariy BUU ajribers, and is circulated in all parts of the U .S. In addition to the news, the Ulade publishes short and serial stories.and many departments of matter suited to every member of the family Only one dollar a year. Write for free spucimeu copy. Add re-,-. THE BLADE. Toledo Ohio CI'UK KATKM. We can club the CITI/.KN with the ; I Pittsburg Gs/atte Tunes at SB.OO per ' year for the two; t'lTl/.EN ami I'itts- i burg Post for $i.25. (.'ash in advance I j II Fall Hats ] e t In as many styles as there i s S are type? ol faces. I, [ i Sole agent for the '' 4 ; I KNOX, IMFERIAL, \ • \ ROXFORD, I e i BEASON. CHARTRAN. i * # The>'re good hats. g . J They'll wear hard. i r " 5 They'll last. * # They'll hold their shape. \ 5 FALL NECKWEAR. J # New patterns every Friday. < I S | i|jno.S.Wickj i i < l j i \ i HATTER AND j 4 \ < I | 341 S. Main St., j (J. Stein Building.) ? Two Doors North of Willard Hotel. | ejr _ & \H. B. .i room rugs a Today we present a ne\ y ;laim for the consideration c lt every one interested in roor « size Brussels or Wilton Rug I —an unusually large assort ment of entirely new pattern and colors. - Wilton Rugs. 26 styles, 8.3 by 10.6. " 60 styles. 9by 12 feet, i; 2 styles, 9 by 14 feet. 5 styles, 9 by 15 feet. I 10 styles, 10.6 by 12. 4 styles, 10.6 by 13.6. ° 10 styles, 113 by 15. \ 10 styles, lO.otjy tt. Price for 9 by 12 Wiltons 1 $32.50 up. I Brussels Rugs. • i 18 styles, 8.3 by 10.6. 1 style, 8.3 by 13.6. 1 style, 8.3 by 15. 50 styles, 9 by 12 feet. 4 styles, 9 by 14 feet. . 3 styles, 9 by 15 feet. 16 styles, 10.6 by 12, 10 styles, 10.6 by 13.6. 3 styles, 10.6 by 14. 5 styles, 11.3 by 15. | Price for 9 by 12 Bod » Brussels Rugs, $25.00 up. ; Roxbury Brussels. 10 styles, 7 by 9 feet. 8 styles, 8.3 by 10.6. 19 styles, 9 by 12 feet. Price for 9by 12 Tapestr; Brussels Rugs, £14.50 up. Boggs& Bull] ALLKGIIXNY. PA. 6 Paint Education in Three Minutes. 011 is the life of paint. Dead oil, dead paint; it peels oil, uaahes off. falU off. You Lave to paint again. You've b' en there. Well, vou nave been\'Ktibg paint with uead oil in it firlccs for canned oil. Get *th« P bssi indeed oil and mix It with Himmir Condensed Paint youmlf. Then you know you've got lre»h paint. Taint that will stick right, look right, wear right and at th'o right price. Men of experience always do this. It eaves money ami eaves work, too. We'll explain paint point.* at length if you will drop "in on u* eotne aay—»♦ fore yon paint this season. We nre sole agents for the paint you L,ot without oil—and mix. It is tht ii.noas Mammae Condensed Paint. (Jallon of paint, mllon of oil. Simple enough. 'Absolutely frenh and new. Guaranteed for five years. We can ehow you in two minutes how llammar CondenxM Paint will ■«?» yon money, at least 2.» per cent in eoet and 100 per cent in wearing qualities. Also dealer in Lamps und Chimneys. Hoofing nnd Spontintr, Wanning Mn '('lie# C'reaiu Heparator*. Uaj Mantle-* MMH 2 *** *l Hange. Hardware, Cutlery. Sewiwt Machines and Supplies. All king" <)f wwiuif chines repaired Henry Biehl. People's Phone -Mil. )3f N. Maiplt pntler. Pa. 1 have moved uiy dental parlor* Irow Ihe Miller bnildinK to the w'cond fl«xir r»f the new (Kid Fellows' Temple, where my j,ati >lll and friends will welcome FORI> II HAYS, DocU »r of Dentistry Jk NEW FALL I pi CARPETS, i IS \A Brl * h t, ujHo-date patterns thatH» Wi are r, * h * ,n *"■*** and price. Theg *H v;) assortment is at Its best rMsS Jgj month. jjgj Good Mattings Printed Linoleums jjj Cool ami clean. look. better in Clean an.! *an •t- f. r • aa!»t] r - ::i r ! „• room than K.tohc*. MTH HMMM ma.: ££ low carpet Special vain., look* letter than -art-? Cmee K* » a . V* \ of pattern- in two aad four yard width* I fg| A ' •. >v the roll . - per «|oare T ar-i <**r k and down to Mr. -36 !fg Axminster Rafts Brussels Rrts £ >eß Extra quality and l>eantifnl pat ~ . J SSI tarns A rug that will last for . \ "'■"" i m •&**** *» 22 I venr* at : , fig* | «=v/ S and ■■ltaltlwii for M I parlor ud trrtec room prk*fß.H ! JH Wool Carpets Brussels Carpet I quality of extra mper all 8~-t car ( *t ralne «r- bar- ? Ifif * wool ingrains in ■ r yon in a niiwMi —dfc—l^B J |M «f patterwi Price ««ke a yard. priced carpet. Prtre ft !« * s iS3& i i Alfred A. Gampbelli ; awftWHawwßiaßHwiinnii i > , BUTLER . i ' V - / /P j 'f I Th. op. nlns .>f arbool at the Bnt!.-r llustaeai College om hfHakn >r. MR Spring term. Brst Monday la April. P We in vit. l every y.. Jed In a business coarse of any kind, to correspond with os and to call at UM i., ' take a look" and to Inspect tin* work of oar student*. Catalogue and circulars fr«*e A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butkr. Pa. £ Drop us a Postal Card £ r j if yon ran not cull ami we J '' / will mail yon \ 1 ? I 5 \ Free of Charge V V a sample package of \ \ Miller's Kidney Pills > 1 We want everyone who has / Q liackacke and kidney trouble to V J try thes* pills they spwdc for J # themselves. \ j Regular size GOc sent to any / f address upon receipt of price. p | Redick & Grohmao? / FKfcSCRiFTIOM DRUGGISTS > • ? 109 North St., > C Botler, Pa. \ See toe Mga directly apposite the *2CJLE<&* Old Postofflce Tb3odor9 Vogdey, M Real Estate and ljj4 tnsaraare Ageao 152 IM S. Mala Si 13 Butler. Pa. ' fjjj If jrnu have property j*S3 to sell, trade, or rvnt JSf or. want to buy or r*nt caii. »rtt» or mf oh> ne me. List Mailftd Uoon ADDftfation WANTED Evorjr prr-*>n win - in IMt*bur* to call and «ee our NEW LINKN HI KB Fit COIJ.AKO f>r M.n :*n.l Boy*. HI I>. The Furulafeer. .13 iHaiuotnl an all t persons knowing themselves indebted ' to said estate to make immediate pay meat and those having claims against the same to present them ilnly anthen ticated for settlement to Hoi'UIA M Pt AbE. Administrctru IsaAoubcrg. R. F. D. At. Jas B. MCJCNKIN. Att'y, <*-vpt M RP. SCOTT • ATTO«n*V-at-LAW, Office in Butler County National Bank building * T. STfvrr AT La# Office at No. 8. West* St fit ter. Pa | D C riNDLKI " • ATTORNEY AT UAW. A>t> l'KNstoM ATm«fflce on Diamond. Butter Ps Special attention given to collections and mailer*. I P. WAUKK, NOTABV Pskk. Rnrua. < >fflc* with Herkimer the l'ndertak»r EH. NF.tTI.KY • ATTOKN K\ *T LAW. Office In the Negtev Bnitdinv, W'eji Uisii'aiiw r> " * EARS* r.XPERICMG( ® /il I j . I 1 ■ m k ■ r*J CoPvn*NT»4e Any**®# a til met *' r T ' mmf ttnU k}f m rarta»n rm i opinio* ftm* whmmm m iTi-. enii- -n »• t*" ■»»«!. i» MlfulaMa. rmamax tionnMrlrtlv rv«n*9tww>a« » •rnt fw tnmm f»*r MtPtita, l«k#n fhr ti«lt Mann ft I r«Mff f|V +im*ttt % wttS.. it ■ > "*rm«lT I <*. mlMlon •» «t crmi-Kk- limrnai It a fmu r .iir f»..n>kis«t...» ia< «»jr •>%■> iw, r » ..,J l» M • at, aa-I «.*t p m. •-»* A» . T» a at »..! i ■ J i> m. K»k) r. r »ittat-. -.- a4n; «>>hx ««•*.* earfSaa*. 19 «*«»k 'taqpg* F«r UiirnfiU# Im.hw u.»w. t; (..**■ Bnr>Mi«iit 4 lUhMfMi uJ *. KM*.4 Owl t»Jt m m. mm* ? XT. p *1 w. -ll .»▼*. Ta>*. a* " BVfTAIO An UUcmT TiIXIT omuoa. Irtlii leave via KISKIWinTAS toWCTIaS as fellow i: F-r SnflUe & ¥ *. w. «.«t *e 7 I r that HI i ,r» a.|;., a <» t» SI a ta> en-l IJ"|. b. wot t*T* !JI • la. sn.l \-A r . ». Mil, t\ - »ur k manning and m itmmw (U MI 1* -Xt a. a »o.t t.j» p. « «~»k t»r- :J) % ». «i»i >uA p. > -IMb Hail >. «M» W *,i|» C wni Ptaaeaaae At M K A l> K It j Time Labi* in vttert Mot *7. tw* Pwwwr train* tear* *n.t trriro at Batler an follow® Leave FOR 5« •Km. 730 a. m.. rnixad for PiuuMiitan-n. >, Dt» Boih and intermediate tta'ton* l®:St a. ni. daily. vesturn led .b»- ex ?r+m for Buffalo and Ri*di»«t»*r MO p. in. local for Ptnx'r Dn B. • Clearfield and intermediate atafx .pa. ll:3t p. m. cTpr-*rf for R'.iiT ihj and K«ch*«tar Arrive rttoif • lOa. nt. < tally, a^r—• fmm Bnif.ik» and Ro< heater | i ■*> xm. *wl day*. tnraiul • I fpr.m DnfJoi*. | 4:50 p. tit. (tail? rMiibaM day axpeva | from Bnffal > ami B»> h«it*r j S:©7 p. m week w «onthw*>O "In lT I.' ~~ . . » tits- \ »mp. mp m TlTlnW aa a •-1> «ivn»K : » ; i » ~V u.» i X 4 > *• >r > uoaeaut. Lt : All M s «» a MRS #!• I «»t» • .«nneMi(.4r< » -> Z «• .1 -r.t-i : ■ s. \'-um t It ■ a> . ■*» M : t It sr -Uwl •' iaiht I»<» "<• 'T a imc «ta * i» z ■ J " . J i : uat: av » ...i ■ ,«■« Lake i,. ■> jb : » • • 4 (htil it T .Kl.r > .al Laa- T 1 13 ISB • Hfc V Ui.. . vtR i.l I V * t «• t~ Liua»rii» n a„ • »u* i«> •i» Kxpt«ro»a Pwt i «• s« ■ a ua t * UMient » • « Sftlt .*7# i-teaaTtlle *» J<• 4 « I*ll tt T 15 -senawe" i » »l> » » ajailtaa X«r««e !»«»•*« • CM* at SOWM Jrt I* »' • ) 3 v *i: !.» JH'S Lr MHMarl *r»f »•» J Ji'» l« ) Kimt •• MTV « a . ti « *i" S. s 4| ; #•!> tkkln \ . I lan. < rvanrt ••«a. rn «-.» »iwHf" • fc"-. M lew : Jit Hue Oty r * Eete- , t*r *|« Iham** arrHl% til, aaeniy m~.!5 a. a*.. Rant r i tl»liarf 11 ti » at aa Krati.-ntou luari-t ■w* tf anl. tiul at >jtM»a J iarttnn In a»i Imm Ka la* *•» I laacw 411»rt»*»>v I•• p m Mm* VW* hut« £9*' Itntlwr i to. \.n*trr .a* '-Maw ' t>r & '•" SSerevr a "M, ati.'<; t* V " r>wn«-i- iNc ««•naau>i«M* ■+.*..» *reivva *.«bh»Mh» •»«•% a .it iWaia. tlt-4 fnr *aale»tV KMMaal ft tit )aa»i n VsMHat rwt « «. (. ■«•. ntw taa«« wTli.irUl K K « » I imc TatHe tn "ffrrt Mar .*9(11. ItflS. *r«nmr. —WE am P M taaM* 7» 75 " 1%, »» m It*Mn Brt4m» ..... )|p »*» ■* *!•*••»< / » t a .... # Ufi* . • I»l2 ** Mhr .Ntilfc n 4 n , Arrt*« NfW tO » 1 3 *rrt»a ItVatwuy i m An.** « A<"»» iNiEH l«» 1 t* ♦ 1 IA 4 tV«IP. ***** » i lit | Um«* r»'■«*•'C I n te—w* t' urt'r'- * tpi § ' H - JtffcghNf ilfi ; ifr. I 9*«j« • *"■*" , . - IfW . M> ■ , . i - »*a"«u» H«ls » *n«ee »—• W»tw»»** I* V \ ' ▼<-*».'.» r»• tt«» »■! m* -•, aA* aa ee tww -• a erf tni- * Kw*war* a*c * ■» T»r w# - «. i MNnilir I it— i»a Tcatae taWal *•' takaaa Team • » , t >a4 *W' Aa»a. 1 >alaa lalkaal a«e flaar.aM«9.M— * i«"**' he