Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 13, 1906, Image 1

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I——— f
New Fall Goods Now Here.
Some Interesting Prices, Especially on Silks.
ij New washable Shirt Waists, SI.OO to *3.00.
I New silk Waists $2.50 to $6.00.
New Skirts, pretty plaids among these at $5. s6and $7 50.
Butler 36-in. Black Taffeta Silk, 90c.
New plaid silk for Shirt Waists, 50c, 75c and SI.OO yd.
New dress goods, all the new weaves and colorings.
First Call on Fall Millinery.
New street hats, all the very latest shapes.
Our trimmers are now here and can make up any- I
thing you may wish for early wear. ,
Ladies' Home Journal Patterns.
rS" f LI Samples sent on request.
Showing: the New Furs.
By having our Furs made up during the early sum
mer when manufacturers were not rushed we got a better
selection of skins and more careful work in the making.
We are now ready to show you hundreds of new and
nobby neck-pieces in Grey Squirrel, Sable Squirrel,
French Mink, Blended Mink, Nutria, Beaver, Otter and
Muffs to match the neck-pieces.
The shapes are new, quality the best and prices the
Choice of many desirable styles at $5.00.
Finer neck-pieces at SB.OO to $lO, sl2 and 515.00.
Plaid silks hold first place for dressy waists. We
are showing a large assortment of very rich and handsome
plaid silks.
Individual waist patterns —no two alike —your's will
be exclusive.
Waist patterns at $2.48, $2.98 and up.
Come and look at the new fall Dress Goods we are
L. Stein & Son,
Special in Apparel for Ladies, Misses and Children
$14,98, SBO, $35 for ifray over-ptaid and cheviot suits, seini-fitted. Prince Chap
bo* coat*, skirts, box-pleated or Iniaid, panel effect*, broadcloth and Panama* -
op to S3O.
Norel pleated style* In new gray, over-plaid and plain Panama cloth and
Cheviot, novelty weaves—.pecial at $8.98, $4.98 up to $25.00.
Prince Chap, tourist and bo* coat*, in «ray«, ombre, plaid* and novelty
weaves-special at $5.98. $8.98, $9.98, np to S2O.
New style black taffeta waist*, $2.98 —value s4.Of); finer waitt* specially
priced at $4 98, $5.08, np to $20.00.
New Fall Millinery—l>reH* an<l Ready-to-wear lluts.
Ready-to-wear, $1.50, np to $7 CT. fineoial values fit npecjaj prjees.
Fall and Winter Millinery- 1
§ Everything in the line of Millinery can be found, -|:
the right thing at the right time at the right price at T
;if $
Phone 656. 148 Mat jjj
I Great Cut Price Sale I
I Qf all Odd Lots in Summer ■
I Shoes and Oxfords. I
I Saturday at 9 a. m.. July 14th. I
I There will be great bargains to be had E
■ all through this immense stock. Don ! t fail B
I to get some of these great bargains. I
I Remember the date, July 14th. ■
I B. C. Huselton, I
I Opp. Hotel Lowry. 102 N. Main Street H
ar MEN
tfr&S] ■ lj Won't bny clothing for the pnrpc— >f
Aii' II spending money They desire to get tin
irt il// I be< possible results of the money expended
jy !jX/ \ Rrjjr- \ J Those who bny custom clothing have a
- /1 rTT right to demand a fit. to have their clothes
XLr.l CCy ycorre-t in style and to demand of the
/1 / T seller to guarantee everything. Com to
jf" S,• k ij; x Jji>. V i us and there will be n:>thins» lacking. 1
ilUfcjt "11 5 have jast received a stock of I-ALL
11 and WINTER snitinics in the latest style- 1
p* \ \ || j -hades and colors.
rfflrl J G - F - heck,
\>j]i i'V (MERCHANT TAIfeOR,
\Jb&J 3. / 142 N. Main St., Rutl?r, Pa
) Good Enough Fall Styles \
i / is not good enough these now in, and they are per- ?
/ days Ready-to-wear feet. We want your busi- f
/ clothes have got to be ness, that is why we are
/ better than that. They the early bird. Anything
S must bear the severest in style and pattern your
\ tests. They must retain heart may desire. Ham- /
n their shape and must be burger, Clothcraft and e
I perfect in style, fit and Horseshoe Clothes ready C
workmanship. for you at-
I Douthett & Graham. *
The 30 Day Clearance Sale of
Clothing, Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Trunks, etc.,
Which is now Going on at
Schaul Sc Levy*
137 South Main St., Butler.
Priqca have never Deen so low as they are at
this General Clearance Sale of all ooods in the
Uon't Miss it. It Will Pay You.
11(7 South Main Btreet. Batlet. fo
1 ■ 11,1 " 1 1 1 -v 1 —r Ni ; vox.■ -—■ ■■
vs) @
?§\ Because onr stock is full and complete rich in furniture of beauty/Q\
acand excellence—yon must not think our prices must l>e high, on the con Sf
Wtrary our prices are at low water mark.
® CAKI'KTS. 'VabU-x and Cjinirn. (cj)
(5) ALI< Ul'AUi'K I'UIKIK room table, iiuely tynljlibU, ffl
/TKL '• luifa wood, from <ii 'ft qii. X
12) AiM|N#TKi> I>|nlfij; mum <; hairs, ail klmls. lOj
3J& TA I'BBTItY Itltl SHK. I.h, tr'nn the mo lld .i-.0, Intx sent, t.»
WJ CllO w N HIM -1 I. the leather teat. (M
/js in'l IN<;UANK. I'rlre* from *<>.oo |wr net up. 2K
A KL'(iS. .Sideboards, ItiiUctH and X
Jjj? Of nil kinds, from the small floor Chllin HowlH. {9
(OJ Hl/.e to the room hlze<l ruits. All klfi<! n shown here any fcUe, (eft
X I'rli-e*of room »l/eil run* liny Hlyle, :ny Unnh y>,u may .f. V
\OJ from *IO.OO up. Hire. I'rV'f . Cre,m £.'o oy up. |0)
I Patterson Bros. §
to IQ£ M It/loin Cor. Main and®
XBrown & Co. lOD IN* lYlain Mifflin St.#
bickers Footwear!
4 ~ , ►
m A Grand Display of Fine >
►1 Footwear in all the <
M Latest Styles.
MA Br jH We are showing many <
{ styles In Ladies' Fine Shoes J
< x^orc^s at p^ ces sure J
Large stock of Men's and A
L Boys' Fine Shoes and Ox- J
\ jr 4 ''- " in the, styles. J
i Big bargains in Men's ►
► ®°y s working shoes. {
\ —— Repairing promptly done.
4 128 S Main St., BUTLER, PA. O
8 Copyright, ISos, by Kuby Douglas |
Even a careless glance uronnil the
room showed that it was the last. The
throng of dancers was thinning out,
flowers were drooping, scraps of con
fetti strewed the lloor. frills and
flounces were looking a bit bedraggled,
and a subtle somnolence marked the
languid movements of the dancers, who
were now circling the floor to the throb
bing strains of the old but ever loved
"Blue I>anube."
In one corner of the room stood a girl
with pink cheeks and hazel eyes.
Around her were four young men all
claiming the same dance. Laughingly
she held up her card, which showed a
blank line opposite that number.
"Yes, I know," said one in reply to
this, "you wouldn't let me write my
name, but you promised just the same."
"Exactly," said another.
"Same here," ejaculated the fourth.
"Well, I'll tell you," said the girl in a
confidential manner that made each
man think she meant him especially.
"Yes?" they asked In concert.
"Let's all sit It out together."
"No," argued the man who thought
he had the inside track; "let's take
turns. I'll begin." And he started to
suit the action to his word.
"N'o, you don't." objected the others,
holding him forcibly. "We'd never see
her again."
".My private opinion is that she gave
It to somebody who hasn't shown up
and she's really waiting for him,"
laughed one.
Home of the color left the pink cheeks.
Could they have guessed liow near the
truth his Jesting remark came? Why
had she not slipped away before this
last waltz, which she had purposely
withheld all the evening? As a matter
of fact, she had promised It two weeks
ago. hut much h n d happened In those
two weeks, and now—well, no ono
should laugh at her or say she was
breaking her heart for a man who
didn't care for her. If she only could
get through this waltz safely she
thought she would have courage enough
for anything else.
"The Idea!" she exclaimed with a lit
tle laugh, shifting her big bunch of pink
roses to her left arm; ' I'll dance It with
all of yon. I love the Ttluo Itauube'
and I never miss it."
She stood ready and the first of the
four was Just about to swing her off
Into the throng when a tall young man
with a dean . ut jaw and steady blue
eves somehow stepped out of the
T(I1S |S HY liANt ft."
crowtj, dbwngageil bis anil i'li a quiet
"This Is my dunce," and swept the girl
away before any of tbe rest of them
could say a word
"llow could you?" she protested. "I
didn't want to dance."
"You looked ready to start," h<> re
torted. "Besides, i|i<tn'» .»ou promise
me t\v« nt i k» ago'/ '
"Yes, but"
"Then don't spoil It now. It's the same
old tune. Ma flan, that we've danced to
so often. The same old throb and the
same old thrill, and I suppose It will
always bring the same old ache. It will
fihvays tnakff me think of you." lie
held her hand elosi i
She flushed painfully, "l'lease don't,"
she whlH|H-red. "It Isn't fair, I'i.d, and
you know you don't mean ft."
"I>«H'( lui'jin It? ou ought to know
that | have meant every word I have
ever salil to you."
She gave a bitter little In ugh and
looked over Ills shoulder with unseeing
eyes. "I wonder then If you could ex
plain to me Just what you meniit that
bight, two weeks ago, when you too
made a promise, a promise that seriued
to me a little more Important than it
waltz. Nut only a promise, l,ut mi of
ji-i that Hceined to me then very sincere
slid beautiful, and which I accepted,
hut I haven't seen you since mid I
heard yesterday tlnit you were going
away. Why did you coiue for tills
dance In this way tonight? IMd you
want to tiiuke a spe< t;o'lw oi trie before
them nil?"
tookod nt her In amiizemeut and
Mtrnoxt run Into another couple. "Hut
I went to nne you tint next ilny find you
were not ni home, nor the next, rior the
next, uud you did riot nnnviT my note.
What wan I to think? Only thut It wm
n filwunnt evening* tilrtatlon for you.
Then I had till* oppor
tunlty to n<t weat to work wtth uiy
undo and It WIIM too KO*"! reftiMC,
eapeclally when there mn nothing to
keep m« here. Wo I have bought my
ticket mid Mm KOIIIK tomorrow. I did
not menu to come to ilil" ll ff;ilr tonight,
but when I thought of tills unit-/. I wi-.k
determined to have It v 1 .iino to Hiiy
goodb}' "
"Oh, It in < ruel to till IIH; t IIIH now,"
*he exclaimed. "I MII w you go drlvlnic
pllMt our LLOUMO with MOIIH* Kill I didn't
know, MO niituriilly I went out niyaelf
for tin- afternoon."
"It WIIM n friend or HUter Clara'a X
WBM takliiK to the Mtutlon," In? Inter■
"Then the next two day* I had to go
Hee Aunt .lulla, who waa 111. Nohody
told me tluit you rnine; t winn't *"lnn
to aak, and I never any note."
put it in the box on the tilx elm lu
your front yard inyaelf."
"We haven't uned tlint box In yeara,"
idie auMwered. "You couldn't very
well expect me to write and iihk you
If you hud written to me, could you?"
"Well, could you expect me to writo
HKIIIII to you mid aMk you If you wur*»
going to write to me?" hu retorted.
"Wbut w«n lu lie goto?" Mhe UMkod,
«vuy of reply.
ne looked down on the wavy brown
hair, caught >t glimpse of the pink
cheeks and (lie white ue<k rising from
a soft pink gown.
"The same thing I told yon before.
Marian, the -ame thing this nm- '•
tells you, the same thing your own
heart tells you- I love you."
The whole room -eemed to sway
with the rhythm of the music then,
the odor of her crushed roses filled the
air, the painful tension of the past two
weeks was gone, a delicious sweetness
seemed to settle on her heart, sin
felt his eyes upon her, though she had
not raised hers.
"Look up. dear." he said; "look tip
if you love me."
The hazel eyes were raised to his.
"Sweetheart," she whispered tlirons-'h
her quivering lips.
And the waltz was over.
• *•••••
They walked home slowly under a
full moon. One of her pink roses had
found Its way to his coat and her hand
was clasped in his.
I'nder the shadow of the big trees
of her yard she paused.
"Altotit going west" — she betran ten
"I must, right away," he answered,
"but I'm coming to see you first. Mind
you're at home tomorrow."
"But your ticket?"
"I'll change it for next week If
you'll go with me."
She hesitated. "Make it two weeks
and I will," she replied.
"IHiue!" And he kissed her to seal
the promise.
"Dear," she whispered, "wasn't It a
lovely waltz?"
M«*n nn«l Womon.
"Men," she said, "are continually
asking in the newspapers the ques
"'Why does a woman always want
to know if her hat is on straight?*
" 'Why (lot-s she sharpen pencils with
her husband's razor?'
" 'Why will she ruin a fifty dollar
gown In a struggle to save '1 cents at a
bargain counter?'
"I think it is about time we women
should retaliate on the men with some
questions like these:
" 'Why c'oes a man when he finishes
with a newspaper always throw It In
a heap on the floor instead of folding
it up neatly?'
" 'Why when sent to look for some
thing in bureau or closet does he nl
ways return and say it Isn't there?"
" 'Why is his Sunday morning head
ache always due to what he ate, not to
what lie drank, on Saturday nichtV
"'Why as he laughs at women does
he fall to perceive that women find
much of the ludicrous in hint?'"—Min
neapolis Journal.
UlaroiiriißltiK U«ie«l For Capital.
One of Pittsburg's Imnk presidents Is
a friend and most unassuming benefac
tor of ambitious young men. Fie Is
sympathetic when llsteniuK t<» cases
which lla l^ 1 -,illl:l )[ '.III«Tlt htlt Mil
niirable abruptness.
A youth on one occasion entered the
banker's office and jovially annctuiiee<i
that he Intended going lo collogo. He
Intimated that u little assistance lu the
i..inter oi obtaining a srtudurship would
be a most convenient asset with which
to start on tils career.
"And to what profession do you as
plre?" questioned the president era
"I won't nivc njjv" the young
111:111 ••until I utii privileged to
after my name the letters L>. I»,
IX. I»."
The banker turned In his chair uud
iuttiiiu t«MI that the Interview was nt
«n eu<J l»y saying tersely:
"A capital Idea, sir. Imt one entirely
beyond the resources of thin batik."—
ll:ir|NT'H Weekly.
Why llr Did >of llfdlftn.
Sir William Wightinan held olllco In
the «»!«I t'ourt of Queen's liem-h far I**-
yond the pruKTlbnl time, and at lint,
on the i'\* or the "long vueatlon" ho
look a sort of farewell of his brother
fudges. However, when "the inorrow
uf All Boul»'" eaine around he turned
up smiling at Westminster hall. "Why,
Brother Wlghtman," said Sir Alexan
iler Cockburn, "you told us that you
Intended to send In your resignation
:o the lord chancellor Is-fore the iml
if August." "So I did." Raid «!r Wll
'lam, "but when I n'«ut home mid told
wlfo t>ho wild. 'Why, William, what
,•11 earth do you think that we can do
with you mcsslm; about the houau all
day?' Ho, you see, I wan obliged to
cotne down to court again." Dtindeo
Itorlra of l.i« I nullonl. Kurtn? I l««if» r
LOIM «l(inln.
It has been asserted that the grund|
Imllet died when tlie famous Tagllonl
l»>tlrisl tn IHJ.V At any rat", the balletj
today Is diMy a hpectadc of dress,
and colored limelight. Except for a
very few performers, dancing an a
high art has vanished.
There Is no one now to set liejiide
La Tngllohl, who was the qtictn of tlie (
stage. Da lea e Intnulucvd ls-r Into, MM
novels. ICveti Tbaek'-ray condesi-ended
to uoflco her and <li < liirisl
tlcally In "The Newromes" that the
"young uien of the day will never nee
anything so graceful ns Tagllonl in
'La Hylphlde.' " At that time she waa
the rage Htagecoaches and (Treat [
coats were named after her
l.a Tagllotd owed tier charm to a
woudei ful lightness and grac< Her,
stylo was rather Ideal than reallstto
and voluptuous, as was tlieu the vogue
The hideous ballet skirt of today she.
never wore, hut a skirt that r«-ai hc<l(
nearly to her ankle', it was one of,
the principles «if tier father, wh-> taught
her all sb© learned of the art, that the
duncer should Is modest In dress. In
movement and lu expression
Another famous master, who called
himself *'l A- I Men de la I»anse," always
told Ids |iii|<lls to tis« nil lh coquetry
they could
V«*strls, who founded lite fainoua,
Vestrls family, was an eighteenth cen
tury celebrity and unite reii Biksbly.
cmwltisl even for a dancer "There
are hut three tfn-at men alive," be us« d (
to say, "myself, the Prussian J "red
erlck and Voltaire" (It I* interesting
to compare Mouttiey'g remark that a
male dancer deserves to Is* hapi,
strung 1 'l"hot profession of which he
was so proud Is Indeed an arduous >iv>
Vestrls used to practice for nbou , six
hour* a day. A dancer must lie ex
tremely strong aud supple.
A curious story Is told about Fanny
Ussier. a lierixjnn dancer with ci»ol
black hair, which Illustrates the ex
trunic muscular strength a daii' * r~
quires. Hhe was crossing l'» America
when she entered her cabin one day %
and discover!si a thief ulmtruetlng the
jewel ease which she kepi hlUluu tui
der her pillow. Itefore he < i>uld attack
her stf planted tier foot full lu his
chc- 1 and killed 111111 on the *pot.
It Is curious that no Kugllahwnmnii
has ever achieved supreme auccaaa as
a dancer It Is pusalhle. as foreigners
assert, tim t tUcy > Iqcfc _Ui* .dra uiajlo.irtft
It is . eMail til-It a hfei-.i.. devot; >n
and arduous apprenticeship are essen
tial to r.uy expression through tlie uie
rtiuii oi dancim;. Tue rats." the i«-
giunoi-H at Hi- Parts Opera. ..re arti
cled for Ave years, and then, unless
they have danced from their cradle,
they i.,uno; hip* to attain the first
Another quality .-sential to tie; great
dancer Is infinite patience. The only,
English dancer who ever gave promise
of attaining the front rank failed In
this respect. Lola Montez was the
somewhat foreign name -he had taken.
She lost her one day with the
manager at rehearsal and expressed
her feelings dramatically as to
break an umbrella over his hend. Mnn
, agers will endure much for art's sake,
but this was too much.
Oirlotta Orisi Is another famous
name of the old opera. It was.she]
who first introduced the i>olka Into
England a Bohemian dance that came
to stay. It was for her, too. that
Heine. Uautter and Adolphe Adam'
collalxcated In writing "Olselle."
There v, ere a score mm* famous
names that were familiar words in
tho e days, of the twelve leading
dancers engaged at the King's theater
In for a two months' *eason five
were a sufficient attraction to receive
more than £I,OOO each.- London Mail.
Their Verdict Unanimous That
Pittsburg Exposition Has
AH Records Beaten.
Bsautlful and Instructive Ex-, bits In
terspersed With Amusement Fea
tures of Latest Invention and Thrill
ing Character—2o,ooo at Opening.
The Old Point rang with the cheer*
of nearly 20,<{00 on Wednesday even
Ing. August 29, the owning of
eighteenth season of the popular Ex
position In Pittsburg. The steel and
glass buildings have become one of
the favorite amusement resorts of the
Oreator Pittsburg district, each suc
ceeding year increasing Its popularity
and patronage until now It is air* ost
impossible to accmmiefflate
croffds which attempt to p :sh and
edge their way into Mu*. Hall.
Slgnor Creators, one of the renowned
band leaders of the country—a musi
cian who gained his renown in an
evening and has retained it, adding
laurels each year, had the Uonor of
opening the Exposition ft«a=-ou this
year He reigns supremo In the mi
slcal circles of Pittsburg for 10 daya,
bringing his engagement to a elr.se
on Saturday —_ «
tut ' itik »aich neeii
oq introduction m Pimbnrger* or to
mu*lc-lover« In any parr of the coun
try Following the Thomas orchestra
comes §ousa. then Ellery. then two
w«oks of Domir iJ h ti.imrwu h jrlH
bring the setioa to a close on the
evening o? October 20 Before that
time ft 1.-i confidently expe~ted that
more than half a million p» ople will
have paid admission to the Exposi
tion to fcear the muaic and take In the
now feature* of the point show, wilc!i
seams to c.hauge entirely »ach year.
Nothing But Words of Praise.
The crowds which have visited the
Exposition in Its oprniug days have
had nothing but words of praise for
everything coone.-te.j wttfi the show
On every hand aoiaethlng new hobs
up to striku the eye of the visitor.
The thousands who have vlnifeg the
Expo thus far *»ro, particularly struck
with the Hipp >dr»»ine. wfetch occupies
the space In the Machinery liall for
marly 6ccupl»d by the "rfghtiag
the Flamee" show The Hippodrome
Is a combination of a big circus an I
vaudeville show Then I* a change
tvery minuto -one »• t an animal act;
th» next, trained. nsiie acrobats;
horsea as wis* as men, In fact every
thing that could be f > iud ID tha cir
cus arepa or on the .atidcvlU* stage
Aootber exhibition whlrri has struck
the fancy of the Plttabnrgara and
out of town vlnliurs • specially tfte
nirallt«s. U th» displav of southern
products at the main err ranee of tht>
Exposition the South»rn Hallway Ex
hlblt. There Is shown what can ,bc
raised oft the fertile soli In thu
em stat«»— tha exhi It KhowA av<ffy
thing that I* worth rafsina frond a
paannt to a halo of alfalfa
The f'lty of Tacotna one of tbo
most wide awako and pro*reiM|»e of
the western cities, is equally n* anx
ious to a|**rtlec lta,fctat« an I lu In
ducements to on»j ola th'ajdftii of
migrating wvsr Thla rlty i.aTk'oi
tensive **&tbt! a* KspoWlop
showing satnplen of its >iat'iral praj
uet«—«pectmau» of Its milling and
mining prod'j ,ts~ In imt a lltye eg
everything, with f>io»ll»at pleurae of
tha principal bulldtmc*. <<t*!>t« »tc.
In Ttwoik.
Excursion Rate* on Rellroada
The variola railroads havq ifiade
pmparafl»n» to ear y the tjtoual&a*
who are (repatltip to take In tie fin
the popular days for Q\,\Ot
town Visitor*. wtr n sp<« la' AgetifviA
rslej nr» gra/*'»d TTi« efcrurstos
tickets also Include r?|„ price of a«J
mlialon Th" fif t'lesf- Mg ogcur
slons will be on
#. then every Tburieiay (111 the do**
flatinlaj «getirsloaa *.lll a!«o ha rllh I
John U r>lr| »H I !!•■■<• \at«l>.
iii ii tx»>K I . • f .tiii ii
nlory nl«>ut .l"l»i< ' • ) i N-t<l»
liiml toM M'.«.l»>y 11 il I ' |.r. . i.la» 111
the xtreet «>ia ti-.t < lj < >i«rnry to law,
luit it "frtgl»l»iieit I- 'pi. out of their
"Sir." HNi«l \t«-«ny. 'ii'l jrmt >.-r
li«iir me jrr«*.i.di?"
•'So," e.• i<l tlx in i 't<-r <>f ii'mnuDlM
"Hint Hi* ii < iii ><»!» Jo-Ik.' 'T wlml
you n«'Vi*r beu r»l f
"My common n-|»»rt," "«hl Ni«k
ntoiit ly.
"I ' >tllll.'4l I• ; lit II « thiiwfll til^'
rut- l«'i»ve, -T. to .Ii not your «ijr»o
Nnshy /
".My Mini' I* y*«li *
"Hlr," mil'l IV' l«>s I'lljtr in/ Judge
of jou l>) •••rtiiU. rrpjlfl *
I »M<la tin I nth, \ ami Ist.
I'wiilix , |" i link" 1 'rf ;itm, fnls,
-nii-l kiii !i i»« |.ii'lili t |il<-h and
enke :tle, lie<T,
water, when token wi|), iio uhi, all
colidoo** to tilH-Hlly IS'A In llt* 11 nf llie
f'M» v-lnif tl«"»li |*i - "liu, ~ uiay aal
Irtfy liungi'i witli i 11. a mount
of linn mi-nts, |»oiil A * j ii*li. ii itli fruilt
lev llllliKllKH.il /. . 0n | l:i;■I II In I
wllli vifUliM, aii<lif.i« ",iii;o li. airing
Ik-UIK, I'KKI'I'III / c.-li'ly, «!■ I
woiilfl r«-< "ip /i...ml (n i licit thorn*
uvcrfat from «n (.«i i ~t, I too geuer
»iih dl< I a' tnin ft if m ii in|iild nt
fnenla. lit / tliilt till \il ii.i ■ i|>loll*ly of
ivater tl/lw II Nil-11l fflo ||||"l| tlielr oya
lema. ( "Water. Ic It rjtin nila red, la an
• v /i-nt i<ui'U-itivi -*' i Elliot I lint tu
Emery Campaign Orator Guaran
tees Defeat of Republican
Gubernatorial Contest a Side Itsuc
to Elect Member* of Centres* to
Support Bryanite Program.
[Special Correspondence.)
Philadelphia. Sept»n»ber i.
Man-ifartnreri a&.l katam men of
this city hare been sitting op and
taking notice since that tlemon**ra
tion in New York over the bomec-:ta
in* of William Ji nnings Bryan.
Th.nt pledge to Bryan that Pennsyl
vania will show a gain of at
eight Democratic congressmen In t?ie
returns of tae November elect-oa.
made by on* of the campaign orators
in the Emery gubernatorial outflt, has
opened the eyes of Pennsylvania R<*-
pubttcaaa u> the dangers that lark in
the fusion movement in this state.
The loss of one Republican congress
man in the Keystone state, the Gibral
tar of Re publicanism, with the oncer
tamty that exists in so many congres
sional districts in doubtful or debata
ble states, means much mora in tho
total result tuan is generally under
stood. One vote may decide the elec
tion of the speaker of the neat na
tional house of. representatives, and
the Democrats may get that vota from
Pennsylvania through the game that
is being worked is the deal between
the Democrat* and the Llncointtea.
President Roosevelt, in his recent
utterances in letters to members of
congress anil others, has sounded tho
alarm, and has warned Republicans
everywhere lo be on their guard in
every congressional district so as fei
insure the tl« cMoa of members ot con
gress. who will co-operate with his ad
ministration in > arrylng out the great
policies which he has inaugurated
the building of the transcontinea.al
canal, the <oatrol of the trust*, aho.t
tion of freight discriminations, nit.lo
tion of immigration and the other
gn at problems which he has under
taken to solve with the aid of a
friendly congress.
Aim of the Bryamtea.
When aevt rai buudml i'tobjlT*-
nia Democrats journeyed to New Turk
la*t week to grewt llryao Utcy had tut
one thought uppi rmut in their mind*.
It was the ■ If i tlon of Hryan to the
pmidmr} to succeed RwHwdt Ee
„rv. .ohr m rmr >•*« •<* ioru b-
UO'U utw uD't th«» next Ul
t will be directed t->wanl last
end. Their activity ia the stabs taa*
puicri in P* anaylvaaia this year U but
part of a g- u- rat acheiue, with tts
election of the next president u its
ultimate object.
Carried away with the • nth us lasts
with which thdr (surroundings filled
them, the l'< niu) I van. a Democratic
i ontingent at the ftryaa reception in
discreetly revealed Uts cloven loot la
the fusion campaign for Eatery for
John 31. (iaraaa, a former chmrmaa
of the Democratic. state c< bblUm of
Pennsylvania, who ta boakfd to atump
the state for Koiory aod fusion from
now until dd'tlua day ia th< - Victoria
hotel. New York, away from the •»
vlnmmcnt of bis Liner* Un« oialtr fel
low < .impaiKiK r*. threw oS the cloak
of the fusion <x>n*plrary and revealed
to tlryaa and to th« world, unwitting
1». the fact that tho real aim of the
Democracy in Pennsylvania this fa I
Is th< el>-etlon of Democratic members
of congress.
Carman wag'spokesman for the gei<-
gatlon of Prnr.sy Iranian* who present
ed Hryan with a solid silver shield,
suitably inscribed and mounted upes
a heavy oldoak twcat< heoa. and gaily
d«rorai« d with flowers.
A Significant Testimonial.
Knscravisi in large *• rlpt |etters*wa«
the following Inscription:
"The more than half a million lieawe
era's of Pennsylvania Join with
prlda In the national greeting
"The most «mlnent private citizen *f
Amerb a, np*»n hla retnrn from a
togr <i( foreign leads
"As an Indication of the attitude of
the organized Drancm y of lb« Key
itnn« state upon this !»»•». llwj point
with * rat titration to Ibe unanlmoo*
adoptl< n by the Itrmorratle state con
vsßtloa, helii in Hnrrlsburg Jnne 17.
I><«. of n platform the most ame
worthy plank of which read* as fut
"Wf conamtulato Ihe «oustry op<»a
the tut' tl«a» the onlv prominence
which the pwssnt Hepubllcaa national
administration baa attained has heea
achieved by feeble and prctendeel ap
plli si lon of 'he principles ewadlM
by the
The fltpat Ih mrtrratlc (Ut-nm ner
"Who is "now regaflfsg aa the tertsls
su' i c (isor of Theodore ll<*»«- vtlt t •
the pi Wild* Hi f."
'I ii i/*«ln'Ve repmdnctioa from the
plat'.nrt adopted by Ihe D>mo«rafle
conpetff lon which wmltialol Emery
fop* Ktfvi riyir should In Itself be sn
r/l munition to RepuWkcaaa of Ihe Kejr
>ton»% *l*l. of fl»e (treat danger to the
ftittirV sneers* of He p*ibHcaj> lam In
na'J' ti that would follow a d«f«a'
i'f »t» Hepubllenn ticket In this stat*
thi i ftntl Thejr should recall how. af
fer 15 ie two l»etne»rraMc »|c»oriea ta
F'it»f nsiorial «ampal*ns In thla stale
111 tfw la * t 2<> years the f»emocra«y
trtgpiiphed In the nation with the clre
Hot® "f flrovcr Cleveland to Ihe pre«l
C'-Uf y ni-'ti <a' hoe« salon.
Pledge to Their Leader.
Tint, add d to the warning that
ahould In- contained In that plank from
tin *tate platform, inm> i a ape« «b b?
iisrman In presenting thla token of
•mli i in to Mryan
Said Carman to the Nebraskaa
"We lirlnx greetings from a unli i
Democracy, who rwn*Blz» In the di m
on*lrat lon of fnipular r<*> d will toward
you an Inspiration for every liemo
trrat to liuh with cooßdMt* to the fu
"We at the same time are not un
mltidlul of the Importance of the elee
tlon of Democrats to eongrena. and
there Is every n auwm to believe that
wi shall Knln from six to eight pepre-
Setitallvei in the lower bouse, who
will eo-op< ra'e with their fellow Deto
e< rain of other slates to advgaco tho
policies Which you bavp «o LUAaUt.
No. 35. /
•MS* anil aMy ' hamptaaaed.""
There to »ji H«ir» aa* there ha*
V'ti an awaker.mg among ftepubiimaa
'hrmigh ut the rrmonweastl tr» 'ha
lart that nothing m »*• be toft tadoue
to thwart the i <-sftr»-r»rs ami thatr Lim
t>W?» aft Irs la 'he **at# impm
•wl«»a»e»-» mmt r«k> tW W««*i
Llk» ■ «IM r.»w» rwir I '■*>
Wkrn ( ka«rj kf Ik* *. r* y W -.11
TV grear earlhwu henis of »■
foundfcind ml male «••». annually ind
no o*»e »>nt aa actual witaeas ot these
migration* <*aa form aa i«le»|aaie e*a
ceptlon of the «uarv#t»»w aaalav of
deer which the Man 4 .-ootalao
It to estimated that the Etamher which
cro««»-l the Px;.i< '•« ftver at «s» pmtat
during ten «toy« in the aistmnM «•* toot
year e*.wJle«t !.«*> Thto ■•rwailag
ground to only *nr af m urw ot stmilar
Semew lien* auuW thr .uuWk of *e-.
tern*"er the u#igrat»»ry rule seta south
wart, the hlada. with favrun, forauac
k the anguard of Uto to«« procssawm
The lazy s«ax* baa* la the rear audi
pome storm -wore than x-l!t*ary
gHe» ]nvmmi<rfvk.i''k- earasa* sf the
approach of writer
Then all alike hurry toward «ke shet
•ered district* la the —uth. tak.ag a
straight course over hanaNtar strawu
mountain height* tangled and
abator.) te ma*** ,>f ttator. actwaa
mountain terrenes ami imatae tohea.
Imriß).' wfnter* «f uoanaal «rt»r.i]r
the n trthatto ofim .tr*w <iaMe aear tm
the settlements tm rhe «nrti ■•mmt.
whereapu* the ettkmi armed with
f. nr*ome rtrearme. smrh aa seutora tawd
««e Bfty year* *g» -.rratohrway pro
re»*§ to ■!••• ite rhe to-rdu with vol
leys «f huekshot. The prtew ot •■aribrti
rentoou at sueh time* in the eltjr ag ®k
Johu's has »>e-a kwva *» «tr»v «a 3
■ entsa poun t
The fees ot the .-anfcasi .»lher 'haa
uutn are n«# niti#rr>'!s viftinagh As
big gray «»tf la «tlll mwcteil la lit
■ trthern ;»taiaa to r u miitaMa vmmr
l*r<, K to now «eUwni «*..«awd m
thv interior Ilavteg f irasevty exta*s4
n lame psHks. « h * «•« •
iui«m* hi maat bar* n sai'Tsal artaao
the winter toe lh>ea *4 the ®rtto We
strait to the cnaat «f I .»t»ra»W
Crra «k*6 a rrtosMsbh hewst rf
prey a a the gray «d» ••wmH ml m* t mm
atake *4 a «*-■' arfal ft way ■>-
•o an animal wltt such great
*pe««l and endurance a* a w*o grwara
••artlMNi. A tns»tw«wthy aH Xesfjss*
land trapper says that he «wre wtrowsa
.«t an eaeittn* rhaae by wdws sg •
.- tuple «f pr*. ke*a. «r t«r> tenrsfcl rar
t»jU stags
Both stale* douMtoas w«e »»tng a»
'hetr atmuat pac*. Be »«aaassH thw
t «.f Ik mm* t-mm+ •'
-abt- "u feet, while the a->tvan mtf
etoare.l fj«rtaea fsat. a» f*»t Ite -
b<wt easily gained -m He* whan ctaan
preened. _
mm h ahead ware the carthaa at
time* that thejr failed aear aa flMtr
backs In the «n.»w la eaal Mr faafiw
irat tea * «wrw»daa aa* us—dl «a gash--
er new aad n»frF*ha*at from
the art
Another enemy of the -«lha fawna
haa of lata yeara iiletly » plaeed tha
wolf, the stealthy tad Mwdhlay
Lyna eanadenato. rhe latoad at tht>
date swarma wttli these §mt» rata.
Antlers are •-••utaaaa Is M aw of
t!w .arltwai There are rate »m i mM«I
stags with shnrt toga sad 'xnpart had
I** whhh never carry lattora aad
Kb»w an relicx r.tary growth, aad thaw
aim stw »>aje f«*sr dne* <!■ odd sf hrtto.
A -Ni a fiwdtoad guide lefla at usetag
a Aam matare raritaa la eaMgaap.
ami .mly «oe. a nearly wh«a stag, rar
rtnl antler*.
The earileHt »• a strwaa aad asilaf
iwlr -v.er 1.-th Risk to kha a paAII%
thr- rtt«nle>l h"»d *[*• wsrlag to tha
l.hMl» In the saw the fr»a| a# thsaa
rsnrmoas hmf* twrnaaia
ahtort'ed. m* ihat Ita «tiape grwwa c*
ra*c. whi.o very "ftarii. shettHhe edge*
grow well «ait oa the -..srgtaa. smlK
lug the animal tnma aarty la rtm+m
rn«m lake* aad ir»«a« Ihe •Mr <Mm
ut 4ipt>ery r-»k prmlplrwa.
li to an inter>-«t»a« *l«ht ta wald tha
to-r«i* taking water with aa mart aa
rnaeent as wild lawto. The «Mewss
t|>]> krw*s of tbelr denae eaata of hair
.to*>MleM helpa to flsat Itodr isaltoa
htah tiatt Ihe «arf»e. glrtaa a » any
amy alm-Ht e.|aal la that d a rsrt
VTblto sw imaiiag they real their U»-
>i>-r]a ws oa the water, with uaatflto
•lightly elevated, aad carry thatr white
seats rfwi Kb.«»ld they .addenly eateh
a wbiir of wind fMea tto" banter they
give evtdeare of their nrtleant hjy
fmundlng I a Ira or thrVe ■ I most eB
tirely clear «f lha araler. raastag a tne
men.two* rommottoa.
In tlieir miaratlon Ihey arw aaaally
to travel on the leads l*sf paths!
In single Bh-. the staga. aa a rale, bring
luc up the rear The most forward and
»l«Tt writlnHe of Ihe herds are the bar
rrn doea Neat erase tha d«*a with
'awas. always prepared lo give warn
ing to their Indolent ««*i*nrta An the
savannas of the Intrrtor of >"wf»uad
laml are scored by well defined leads,
which the h*rd* Invariably make far
and follow Empire Her lew
Katlaa real*.
We have always maintained, saya
Health. Ihat a mixed diet to the ooe
I vest suited to man nrtder ctletlng eoa
illttaxis, and II tbendbre n.»forally fofc
lows that we cannot Indorse the fruta
rtsn Idea. A diet <■onatstlng solaly of
frnlls would «osts!n life for only a
Knitted period Frulta sro emtreately
rslnst.to In the dietary, mainly for the
Mlowlng reasons They furnish a lib
eral proportion of tha organic salts
needed hy tha i»>dy. they supply a large
amount of aster la Ita par est form,
they aid <1 laestloa, sad tha majority
ot them hare a laiatlra atfart When
penolr r..inplain ihat frnft dtoagree*
with ttiatn It to pr»«.|tnptlva proof that
they have eaten It Improperly. Fruits
should never he ea'ao at tha beginning
»# a -—I ..4 m » Ita 4ms
.les lousy to like sotne other things -
the ltd sliould lie kefit '<o It
When you say no. say It la s manner
that will lea re no doubt of your aeta
When gtvlag advice to othera beta to
a small slice lo serve yourself: Keep
atlll more.
I low little the best doctor know*!
And how he!J, 1.-4 he to la the preaeaee
of serious Illness!
It Is said that disappointment to hard
to liear. l«ut we all «tand It pretty well
wbc« we look In the glaaa.
A man Jnst slsrtlna Into a tow salt
has more fnith In courts than his at
torney e\ i-r claims to have
'lbi-re sre too many voung inea who
start out to make their mark In tha
wurtal ami stop at a *sla MnU# Uf
hammock ou the way Atchlsoo lilobf.