Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 06, 1906, Image 4
I !>■»»« M—«» ■»»««»*»■»■ I ■Hie NUon" || Butler's Newest $ AND : Best Hotel. | I Beautifully appointed in every | * detail. Equipped with every * % known modern convenience. 123 § i rooms—single or ensuite, with X I or without bath. Cuisine and * service of the highest standard, j | Private dining rooms. Evening % I Dinner, Orchestra and Roof $ § Garden. Location very centre i of business district. Rates $2. fx' * * to S3.TiO per day, American plan % I Luncheon, 50 cents - E\ening Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Dnig Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy A G. PUB vis, PH. G Both Phones. 318 S Main St Butler Pa. Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, He Botlcr Dye Worts ■— 9 mm bwhiiohi W. Main>treet. Butler, Pa. -—i ____ __ _ DR. E. GREWER, 80. 339 1-2 SOUTH MAIN ST 9EXT DOOS TO GUARAVTY SAVE DEPOSIT * TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AMD 8. Dr. S. Grewer is a graduate of tbe University of Pennsylvania, la now per manently located at tbe aboveaddresa Wbere b« treats all chronic diaeaaea of mm, woman and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, tbe symptoms of which are dizziness, lack ei confidence, sexnal weakneas in men ■ttd women, ball rising In tbe throat, spot* floating before the eyes, loaa of memory aaable to ooooentrate the mind on one ■•bject. easily startled wben suddenly I OP**" to, and doll distressed mind Whioh unfits them for performing the dattaa of life, making hsppiness impos ribie,dlst i seeing tbe action of tbe heart, depreedon of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, tsar, a reams, melan ohoiy, tire easy of company, feeling as Mwd to the morning as wben retiring, tock of energy, neryousness, trembling, oonfusion dl tbe mind, depression, con- IjHpation, weakness of tie limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect wealth. Lost Manhood Restored WuknMS of Young Man Cured and ad private diseases. Dr. E Grower's varicocele Ring cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cored without pain and no detention from business. He sores tbe Worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old bores, Blood Poison, and all Di ■6M«s of tbe Skin Ear, Nose, Throat. Heart, Longs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, In mors. Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OB EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that » hs cannot core Consultation* free and strictly confl dsotiaL Write if you cannot call. Office hours-From 9 a. m. to 8 80 p. 18. On Snnday from Itoß p. m. only T *»~. 'l—. »"H|| * Ji Paint Education in Three Minutes. I Oil is the life of paint. Dead oil, 1 dead paint; it peels off, washes off. falls off. You have to paint again. You've been there. Well, you have been getting paint with dead oil in it Here's reason: Don't get paint almost sure to | *■' be dead oil^be »rices for canned oil. Get the best linseed oil and mix it with Hammar Condensed Paint yourself. Then yon know you've got fresh paint. Paint that will stick right, look right, wear Tight and at the right price. Men of experience always do this. It saves money and saves work, too. Well explain paint points at length if you will drop in on us some day—be fore you paint this season. We are sole agents for the paint you get without oil—and mix. It is famous Hammar Condensed Gallon of paint, gallon of oil. Simple enough. Absolutely fresh ana new. Guaranteed for five years. We can show you in two minutes how Hammar Condensed Paint will saw you money, at least 25 per cent in cost and 100 pet cent in wearing qualities. Also dealer in Lamps and Chimneys, Roofing and Spouting, Washing Ma chines, Cream Separators, Gas Mantles Burners and Globe, Stoves, Gas Ranges, Hardware, Cutlery, Sewing Machines and Supplies. All kings of sewing ma chines repaired. , Henry Biehl, People's Phone 464, 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Cambridge Springs, Pa. HOTEL KELLY, Cambridge Springs, Pa., delightfully located. 5 minutes from city,. Alt out side rooms. Farm supplies produced from own garden. Gneata have free use of private springs. CarnagM to and from city at any time. Rates |9 to sl4 per week. A- A- KELLY, Prop. Gibson's Livery First-class horses and rigs Excellent boarding accom modations. Good clean waiting room, and Open day and night. DOYOURCHILDREN ASK QUESTIONS Of course they do. It is their way of learning and it is your duty to answer. You may need a dictionary to aid you. It won't answer every question, but there are thousands to which it will give you true, clear and AjkniUuuwcril, not about word# * only, but akoOt things, the sun, men, machinery, places, stories and the like. Then, too, the children can find their own answers. Some of our greatest men have ascribed their I power to study of the dictionary. Of counts you want the best dic tionary. The most critical prefer the New and Enlarged KAltion of WEBSTER'S DLCTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE (HIGHEST I, AWARD ; for which wan given at the n World's Fair, St. Louis. I />V\ Jf you hart any quentitiUH ■ f \ "bout it write UM. fl wmTzrs I L I jsrnunwJ G. & C. MERRI AM CO., I IW pvsciSHtas, 1 *r*wr I*lp, M**o. 1 TMIUIII, Heams, Column!, FIJI*. Plate*, Hlfiwera Corrugated Sheet*. Oa*h raid for Strap Iron an* Htltk. HOMER BOWES, Blrtr AVIUM Afltgtumr, Pa. ' Ph/.n* 721 North. Ma FeuUlmi, Bar Fixture*, Billiard Tablet, lafe*. Cub KaiMun, Coon Uri, Talde*, Show <-.***« rtll mml liter tjr, P liuh*r(h. Hair Palling Oat I Well call at 4» Arthoi «r**t and have It cleaned. If refractory, u»e ' none Br namta au4 *oc per box. For tale by Mm Llzxb t«. Calhnt'. t$ Alitor Street, PltUburgb. I'a. Chaaf* your diet ao<l try aaUug Chop Sney an< Toekoma; the beat Chlneae re*Uor»ni In the »Uy IM NAM um, 447 Third Avenue. PHtaburg. f» tor. Grant. The w*t kind of Lee Hung Chun| 1 m wrved e bowl; (be only restaurant In the clq tSBdJIBf tbl> braod. ..... WHEELERi PAINTS AND VARNISHES, 11® W. OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY, PA, WTTSBURB COLLEGE OF THE HOLY GHOSI PITTSBURG, PA. * n , d d,T student* received, r ouraee Vn nil . thorough; Omimer *i"i te; h " lenl| B': and engineering, de -or?,m"'» r. pr'*re».lve. Mx modrrn lan guage*. Voral awl l .utrumental music. Oratory Elocution, (iymnaatlc*, Field Sport*. Vtry Re*. M. A. H.hlr, C. 8. Bp., President. Kezeina -Twentieth Century Cure When other rcn,e<lic» and pl.yi»lclan» have 'ailed to cure, Rive I*, a trial ana be convlnc id of It* merits. A cure for Ecaema, Itch. Hlvp* Hurn«. Nettle Rash, Crusting of Hcalp. Acme. Prickle, Heat. Calling. Haby Hashes, rail Kheutn ami all other diseases of the . r "' n '-'ly liaa no ujual In tlilN i ountry and no superior In the world. Hend tor ■worn testimonials. It* mail 2.1 and M iMii tti "•ad P. O. order. WM. liONHIIIICR, "*ry atreet. Knuth Sid.-, Pittsburg. I'H. JiJ'W y°" r diet and try eatloft Chop Huey f . W'komnj thw best (thlncHo n'stuiirimi " A " L 0W ' 447 Third Av" tt " rJ "- V r " ~t - Theut kind of tiIiSSS *'; rv "d l «"' a liowl; the only restaurant In the r|ty handling this brand. • Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stabla Rear of Wick Houae Butler ''•nn'a The best of horses and Brat nlwi. rigs »> ware on baud and for hire. ln *"»■» 'or pern,a nent boarding and traneleot al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 05 Horaes AgiKid c aaa of horaes. both drivers nmi draft horaea alwaya „n hand *n.l for " bf" ho, " n " PEARSON B. NACE. I'nnna* * O XI Wm. WALKER. <;HAS. A. McEI.VAIN WALKER & McELVAIN, B*)7 Bntler County Natiouul liank HIII'K KKAL KSTATE. INSURANCE. O|L PROPEftTIEf, I.OANH BOTH PHONE* ——— -*1 | Spread the World's Table I tfj along every line of longitude from ji I North to South; every parallel of I W latitude from East to West; pile ft thereon the foods of every clime and M I Uneeda 1 I Biscuit I jjy\ will surpass them all in the elements II which make a perfect world-food. 1 Yff Ektff a d ust tight. jw moisture proof package. M Ij NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY f Duffy's Store 1 I Not one bit too early to think of that new Carpet, orK I perhaps you would rather have a pretty Rug—carpet ■ ■ size. Well, in either case, we can suit you as our Car-H ■ pet stock is one of the largest and best assorted in But-B | ler county. Among which will be found the following: I EXTRA SUPER ALL WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, K ■ Heavy two and three ply 65c per yd and np ■ I HALF WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, jl ■ Best cotton chain 50c per yd and np ■ I BODY BRUSSELS, _ B H Simply no wear out to these $1.35 yd B ■ TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, §| ■ Light made, bnt very Good fioc per yd up ■ I STAIR CARPETS ffl H Body and Tapestry Brnsself", Half and All Wool Ingrains. % ■ HARTFORD AXMINSTERS, ■ ■ Prettiest Carpet made, as durable too * I RAG CARPETS, Genuine old-fasbioned weave. S ■ MATTING, Hemp and Straw. g| ■ RUGS-CARPET SIZES ■ I Axminster Bugs, Beauties too each and up H H Brussels Rugs, Tapestry and Body *1- each and npH ■ Ingrain Druggets, All and Half Wool s•' each and np^B ■ Linoleums, Inlaid and Common, all widths and grade*?. B ■ Oil Cloths, Floor, Table. Shelf and Stair. ■ ■ Lace Curtains, Portiers, Window Shades, Curtain Poles; Small Hearth M H Rags, all styles and sizes. D I Duffy's Stone. I | MAIN STREET, BUTLER. B "NOTHING LIKE IT" PITTSBURG EXPOSITION —.JSr*" AUGUST 29 GREATEST MUSICAL PROGRAMME EVER PRESENTED I CREATORE HERBERT August 29 to September 8 September 24. to 29 + THEODORE THOMAS ELLERY'B BAND ORCHESTRA octob#P 1 6 September 10 to IS t , BOUBA OAMBOSCH September 17 to 22 October 8 to 20 inniuSu THE ROMAN HIPPODROME W ealt br man and animal I KNABENSHUE AND HIS WONDERFUL AIRSHIP "Destruction ot San Francisco"—United State* Government Display—Alagnltlcent Exhibit of the Resources ot the South—' Around New York"—Vlto graph Moving Pictures-Enormoui Ferris Wheel j One Fere for Round Trip on All Reilroede ADMISSION r r ? " 25 CENTS WHY You can save money by purchasing your piano «r W. R. NEWTON, "The Piano Man." The expense of running a Music Store is as follows: Rent, per annum $780.00 OlerK ppr anpum $312.00 Lights, Heat and TOtol 9l»*M - •***» UiA ifW *ay/w- yO4 titty expense when von bny of me. I have *- ** I take f.janos or organs In I Hell piano* for ca»» ... worth U <!V ' ftp* faltroafent exchange and allow yon what tney All pianos fnlly warranted an represented. MY PATRONS ARE MY REFERENCE. A few of the people I have sold pianos in Uutlcr. Ask them. y Dr. McCnrity Bricker Dr. W. P. McElroy Fred Porter Sterltng Clnb Fraternal Order Eagles D F. Iteed Epworth League Woodmen of the World E. W. Bingham H. A. McPherson (Jeo. D. High Miss Anna McCandlenH W J. Mates E A. Black J. 8 Thompson Samuel Woods* Joseph Woods Oliver Thompson 8. M. licKee .John Johnson A. W Knot It. A. I<OIIKWH]| Miss Eleanor iturton J. IlillKiinl Mrs. Mary L. Strou p J E. Mowers W. C Carry C. F. Htepp F. J. Hawk W. J. Armstrong Miss Emma Hughes Miles Milliard A. W. Mates Mrs. 8. J. Oreen W. R. Williams J, R Donthett Mrs. R. O. Ruinhangh E. K Riohey Chas. E. Herr L S. Yonch PEOPLE'S PHONE 426 t ' Acme Washers | Hetter Work, & | With Less Work |t $ I Tfian an * otfier Washer# |j on the market. jjl ll it f J. G. <sc W. CAMPBELL, j| BUI LER, PA. # SUMMER FALCOW. Intrnalve Firmlii( Una Forced II Of llir r.itnlcrn Programme. Ibe summer fallow has l>eeu soaie wliat of a fad lu this country at va rious times, ami many men have be lieved lu the practice who have never felt that they could afford it, says a writer in Country Gentleman. Careful observation and experiment, however, are demonstrating that till* practice, borrowed from the best Eng lish agriculturists, Is not an advanta geous one to introduce in any consid erable portion of our country. The greater heat and dryness of our sum mers render the condition of fallowed land wholly different from that which results from similar treatment in the cool and moist climate of Great Brit ain. There the conditions favor an Improvement of texture and an in crease of available fertility with ev ery stirring of the soil, while with us the period of extreme heat and drought tends to burn out the humus without developing anything of equal value to take Its place. Shade nml Mulch. I have always wondered whether there really was any advantage in fal lowing as compared with the working which the land gets when a well cul tivated crop of corn is raised. I have also noticed that thick and heavy growths of corn seem to exhaust the land less rapidly than thin and poor crops. Of late years we have heard so much of the dust mulch that other va riations of the mulching practice or Idea have been partially forgotten. I suspect that we are Approaching the time when the great value of the cow pea and similar quick growing, hot weather plants will be recognized to be almost as much In the shading <>f the soil and the physical effect of their root development as lu the chem ical value of the root nodules. Intensive farming In the east has forced the fallow year off the pro gramme on most practical establish incuts. llor*<- nalalns on the Farm. Horses are and have for some linn past been selling for go.xl prices, and the indications are that all the horses that our farmers can raise will lie re quired lit prices that will puy then well provided they raise the right kind The heavy draft horse Is the most likt-h to prove profitable for the averagi farmer to raise. There are severa reasons why I make this statement. 1. The heavy mare is most sultab!< for the average work on the farm. 2. The heavy colt can be broken int< work and will earn his keep at a young er age. 3. The work on the farm Is well suit ed to tit a heavy horse for future us<- fulness when sold to go into our largi towns anil cities for dray purposes. 4. There are few farmers who havi time and experience to raise more thai one out of ten light horses that i. really first class, and even then they an not likely to get what It is worth; bu some dealer Is likely to reap much th greater profit.—J. Osrdhouse. Cir<*eii Crop* For Autumn, Ono of the desires evermore spring lug up In the heart of the live stocl owuer Is for green feed In the late au turnn and early spring. In the search for such a feed let th< question be raised as to the avallablli ty of rye, that most excellent smiil grain which has almost been "damne< by faint praise" or by being Ignoretl It has deserved no such fate, and th farmer who thrives by the practice o economical methods will give It a r< newed thought. If rye is sown In An gust and September It usually afford most excellent pasturage by Octobei and In the milder climates stock ma, run upon It during any part of th winter when sr.ow does not cover i ovei*. In the sprliig, Htxnit the tlm when the cows are becoming "fresh, it is always available for use. whlcl Is true of no other grain except when at this early season Four or flv acres will koep us many c«.ws if a lit tie grain Is given besides. America) Sheep Breeder. SliloplnK l.lmn Hraoa. Many lima ocans cannot be sliippa In bulk, Itec-ause they heat the easles of all vegetables, and heating result In souring, sprouting, mildew, spottini and decay. Although itself green an. full of water, the lima bean must l« absolutely (iM from outside molstun 1 when prfrked for shipment, advlsn m exchange. Xor must tin- package li any way get wet or a total loss wll rest) lt Inside of twelve hours. Poultry Hummrn el Coarr«lr. Poultry houses built of concrete ar< strong, warm, frostproof, fireproof cheap and everlasting They are prac tlcally free from mites and lice and cai be quickly renovated and cleaned. A least these are some of the clalini injtd J 'jy their advocates, i 17n> picture from American Agrlcnl turlst shows an Incubator room of Con r'OXCBSTB MCtJOAJOB liors*. ! crete bum by au eiiU.srJsln'J MUwoui | yvultryman, In which, be says, lie rm - yf Incubators right aloni „ _ - l\ during the very keeps his concrete poultry houses inu ly whitewashed Inside and out and nays the coet of these houses was lest than If they had !>een built of lumber. A Terrible I'ualihmanl. Ilerr 1 lager, a wealthy and absent, minded banker who lived In Berlin many years ago, frequently had watch cs picked from his pocket. At first.bi had recourse to ail kinds of safotj chains; then one flue morning ho toqjf no precaution whatever and quleily aV lowed himself to Is; robbed. At niglit, on returning from business, he took up the evening paper, when he uttered an exclamation of delight. A watch liad exploded In n man's bunds. The hand* of the victim were shattered and tho left eye gone. Tho crafty banker had filled tho watch case with dynamite; which exploded during the operation of winding. Snlt nml Epllrpa^. "Whenever we get u call to'attend a case of epilepsy," said an ambulance ■urgeon at Bellevue, "we always find the patient's ne<-k and fa«» covered with salt. The efficiency of salt as a cure for epilepsy Is evidently a relic of some old country superstition, though Just what It Is wofve never been able ti> Hint out "—New i York Sun. Mtnrl ii M.I Flnlah. "All men are created free," declare*! the flamboyant citizen. "That's right,"' assented the sour/clt- Izeji. Marriage ain't forced on tolno body. When a feller gets spllcecWlie does It on his own responsibility#' nttsburg Post. V niah to llrr. "I»ld you notice the faux pas I made *t tho Gottawadds last niglit?" naked Mrs. Oldcastle. "No," replied her hostess. "I seen you workln' over>tho chaflu' dish, but I thought you "was maklu' a Welsh rabbit." Chicngo'iltec ord Hern Id. t The Farmer's Wife I* very careful about hor churn. She : scalds It thoroughly aft«-r using, ami Bives it a sun bath to sweeten it. She know* that if h»*r chum Is sour it will taint the | butter that is made in it. Th>' stomach is a churn. In the stomach and dlftestive and nutritive tracts are performed pro- I cesses which are exactly akin to the | churning of butter. Is it not apparent ' then that if this stomach churn is foul it . makes foul all which is put Into It? i The evil of a foul »tomach is not alone ! the bad tast« In the mouth and the foul breath caused by It, but the corruption of the pure current of blood and the dissem ination of disease throughout the body. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomach sweet. It does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do for the churn—absolutely ; removes every tainting or corrupting cle | ment. In this way it cures blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings. ! >ores, or open eating ulcers and all humors or diseases arising from bad blood. If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste in j your inouth, coated tongue, foul breath. : are weak and easily tired, feel depressed , and despondent, have frequent headaches, dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress in stom ach. constipated or irregular bowels, sour ! or bitter risings after eating and (nxir : appetite, these symptoms, or any consider j able number of them, indicate that you are j suffering from biliousness, torpid, or lazy ] liver with the usual accompanying indi ' gestlon, or dyspepsia and their attendant • derangements. The be«t agents known to medical sci . ence for the cure of the above symptoms and conditions, as attested by the writings of leading teachers and practitioners of all the several schools of nu-dical practice, have been skillfully and harmonlously combined in Dr. Pierce's lioiden Medical Discovery. That this is absolutely tru« will be readily proven to your satisfaction if you will but mail a postal card request to Dr. li. V. Pierce* Buffalo. N. Y.. for a free copy of his booklet of extracts from tlie standard medical authorities, giving the names of all the ingredients entering into his world-famed medicines and show ing what the most eminent medical men of the age say of them. HUMPHREYS I Specifics cure by acting directly on th ' sick purls without disturbing the rest o . the ay stem. No. 1 for Fevere. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Teething. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headaches. No. 10 '• Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Suppressed Periods. No. I*2 " Whites. No. 13 " Croup. No. 14 44 The Skin. No. 1.1 " Rheumatism. No. 1G " Malaria, i No. 19 " CaUreli. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 " The Kidneys. No. 30 " The Uladder. No. 77 " La Grippe. In small bottles of pellets that fit the vv poeket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. en> 1 jr#" Medical Guide mailed fric. Humphrrjra'Mwl. Co., Cor. WUlliun Jt J«hu tw( New York. Nasal CATARRH J|«j o!a«nsc«, Sfiotliefl an<l heals I the diseased membrane. It curt*c»t*rrh uud drives M »wsy a cold In the bead quickly. ( rciiin HNIIII it into the n«»str .i-%iprea<3 ovof ihc ui€ait<riUMi ftnil in i!nw»ri>f>l. Hel.ff l« In me<!iat<' i*n«l a cure follows. It • - i-'>t «IrTii'^ — not produce sm-eziiiK- ccnlj at I>rtij gists or by mail; Trial Si*«, 10 cent*. ELY BUOTIIEKS. W Warren New Yorl PAROID Ready OOFING. I >aKOII). The Roofing with N< TAR. Won't dry out. Won grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tin: Nails and Cement in core c each roll. I> EI'RESENTS the results c years of Experience and Ex perimcnting. / \NLY requires painting <-ver fcwyears Not when firs laid. I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slat o f Shingles. I \I.MA.ND for PAROIIJ is worl< 1 ' w jde MADE IN 1, ? AND 3 PL > Other and Prices ar yonrs If ron will ask ua. L C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. L. C. WICK, >**!.«■ im LUHBER. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA Eye§ Examined Free of Cliarya R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ootician Neit Door to Court House, llutler, Pa ATTENTION. W*nt»l—Mnn V> loarii l.irlH-r trxlo In (IX w«* k«i will make you » fir *t-< Imn mester l#»rti«r. tlicn y«»u will I* lnd«tM*n(lciit as your town nalghtwrs wb® htvn leniriMl tlio lartwr nl(l' itli'ri it our »rhool. Wo r..in MIKI you Hat of testimonials, ami while '•earning th" tra<le you ran mak* your boaiU. Tool# frew to our scholar*. Latent methods. VV<• t«*arh lvll<*i halr-<lrtt«*lnf. maiilrarltif eU*., '>? kwly Inn true tor*. Catalogue froe to all. No«M»koff,f Harlmr Hetiool, 1405 I'enn Aw rittsburgb, fa. h . li. '1 LU Is Uio Lett lime to begin. Zuver Studio Has added a full line of amateur Photo Supplies, Cam eras, Films, Dry Plates, De velopers, Printing out and de veloping papers. Anti-Trust Goods At aboutjone half what you have been paying. Quality Guaranteed As good If not better than the Trust goods. ZUVER STUDIO Main St Butler' R-R-TIME-T ABLES' Pennsylvania RAIbROAD WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION Schedule in efleet May -7, IIHMI Traias leave BUTLER u follows: Far All* ttheny and wiv lUtloo*. €ls an J 10. Jft * a, an-1 4.2U p. in. wwk da**: 7JP a. m an.l iOi p. m. Son'iai. Fur Pittet>urg and vraj «utk»m Sfc a. m an i !.i* p. a». we«k day*. For ii!aimril!e* fnier-ettt -n. Alt* na, ur<. FbilaM|ihia <uid (he bit.O 1J and ltV33 a in. aa*l 2-i."» j.. in. ar* k «larr, T.s&* a. m. Sjlfcy-. BUTTALO AICD ALIIGKEITT VALLET DIVISION. Trains leive VIA KISKiMDnttAS JCHCTIO3I as follows: For Buffalo 8.40 a.ca. »»efc 'lav*, 7.2U a. a. >OD daj*. Ft Ked Bank and «»il « ify. €.15, i.K>, 10 35 a. m and 1.3) p. u »r«k 'Uw 7 A'a.m. and 5.U& p. n». Sr.uda^ F<>r kittanuing and *»v »tati« n«,&lsaud 10J& ■*. m. and 4.90 p. n>. week <bj*. 7.5> a. HI. at.<l >.06 p. bi. Suu.iay*. For detailed informative, apply to ticket cr iddreeM Thoa. E. Watt, l*aM. Agt. Western iXatrict, .KjOFlftk Avanoe. Pfttebnrg, Pa. W. W. ATTKUHt UV, J. R WOoD lien I Manager. t'aa.'r Trafir Manager. GEO W. BOYl>. G.-neral Paax-Diccr Winiield It It Co Time Table In effect May 89th, 1903. WEMTWARD. STATION'S. AM P M iMWI TltMlll T» >« " H . 7 «a J on " Iron Bridge 7 Sf> 310 " Wiafleld JUDLUUU . * 1° J '^s 44 Lane »9» $ A M Butler Juneti* n Itf 340 Arrive Bntler ... 10 St 305 Arrive Allegheny SOW Arrive Pittsburg. 10 25 pm Arrive Blairsville. ... 1 06 5 42 STATIONS. A M P M Leave Pittsburg 3 Oft | Leave B'airaville 750 *ls ** Allegheny..... 8 !30 N Butler S4O 230 44 Butler JunctSoff 10 00 410 ; ■ U«a 10 OB 4 a t M WfatsM Jt:«. t»i*a 10 15 456 M Iron Bridge. 10 *5 506 " Boggnville Arrive Weet Win field 'lO 50| 5 » Trains st-p at Lane an<l Iron Bridge only on Flag to take on or leave •»€ paawmgw. Trains Conaactat Butler Junction with: Trains Eastward for Freepirt, Vacdergnft ani Blairrville Interaction. Trains Weet ward for Natrona, Tarec turn Allegheny and Pittabtxrg. Trains N »rxhward tor sJaaonburg. Marwood and But ler. B. G. BIALOB, n-neral Manager. star m it Time table in effect May 27. 190*5. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Bntler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7.30 a. in., mixed for Pnnxsntawney. Da Bois and intermediate stations. 10: Xt a. m. daily, vestibnled day ex press for Bnffalo and Rochester. 5:50 p. m. local for Pnnx'y. Dn Bote, t Clearfield and intermediate stations. 11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE PROM NORTH. <5:10 a. in. dailv, nirfht express from Bnffalo and Rochester. 0:30 a.m. week days, accomodation I from Daßois. ' 4:50 p. m. daily, vestibnled day express from Bnffalo and Rochester. 8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train from Dn Bois and Pnnxsntawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station. Pittsbnrj?, for Bnffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 10.00 p m.. and for local points as far as Daßois daily at 4 30 p. " m. week davs. ' BESSEMER k LAKE ERIE RAILROAO COMPANY. TIME I ABLE IN EFFECT MAY 28. 190S EASTERN STANDARD TIME NORTHWARD SdWTHWAM Read up i Dal!» Escept Sunday Raaddoam) 1« i l-' » II l»-l» p iii pmp in BTAIH >»- a HI. a. m|> m 10 ir> I U» :t lOßlllTs'.oi rta'uS.U. t 3 4fclo l»" 1 W) i> m. |>. iu. a. in. am p m p. n>, 1 7 .'M I I- • I" F'i* - 7 |» 1 »' » on J « i:) ila» i: <.ii»n : iii * a t ."•i id '■» .'><Arj <«amitX* : 5)• in i • iu T ror.t- >' inne»nl_Ar 9 "•'> 7 OB « :. !.• ...• * .. .... .AlhMKk.... ; i •• m 16 I.J fl 41 -ba>t rhHMI f«u< tt on ' •in ii a» *as .«pfinrfb<>i.> ....i »if 2 <»• s » • dIMI2 3S H :t'. .('niinMOlTltjr *l"'l>* *|7 7 ill'./ •/ o+\t if rai»*Ote't» T I * *» 4 -fi; , •; W.L» M•-».:> ill. A» »-f a ».» J M 7 0»li tT» 'J <»' * < on'l Ijike LT » '» 1 l» 4 "4 1 .v-il 5i 7 _•».!, r.i r.n c lake Ar 9 l** t 4r. 7'4 5 I IMAI Line*vlll* I t s • 13 2¥' Li l.lne*vill« Ar S JT» .. MMJ I « ib.KipaMMl Park * 46i i*» « « 5Hi 7>• .. . IMHIMI »i! - '* 7 » t 4v.iiaa 7l* niww vins. » s»» aw 7 a 4 'All 22 71 • Micnanco . '»» J I'» 7 » 1 -10 .« fi Mer< ii >»■ ll* •10 • r:o s* llonatori Jet I" I 1 »I* 2 6fi id :r.' ' ...fir>T« < i«y ... 1» »» 4 to a 33 3 :c io i nran<'htoi> 10 r- 4 * ' .'A J I \r Hilllar-I Lv »37 I » l 9 .17 Lv llilliarl Aril 3r» S K a tilO IO ir.-i-ier IS k» 4 MM » S» 11 <k'. »r.". Kajloe I.» a3» 7 3>p m t.r. Kajlnr \r a W. ...... i '-•> » I .r. Biil»r . II j' im rt M K»t» I* Home IS *<p. m. X •«> an I'..ark'« Hun. . ■ 3rf . I 7 a' a I.F.f. Ilttaklirs Af T M. "I IS • I [.» A!!' •••• tir I > ' -• p. in a ni. p m l>. 0> p m p ». Train »•> 1 bainlirrtiirllll tfil m . Sh«- naiiK" t . M rct r ; lli»i» ' iiy : ». *•-*»- Wr » I'- 11-itU r »i«i Mil«»« Alfcv' • a :• ■% m m.; KSAI fiitafainr II l'> * ro rnoim-ilß* at Kranrliton Ui oiwl from ll;l!iar>l. an.l •( Junction to an-l fri»m Kaylff No Iwn 3nn p m Xaa' I lU trtirif 'J ». l!'i''"T I I". k» -or . - r, \|crr< rf. _i> Sli- • 'i'frif '■ ■■ ' m> p rn.. r-iiirvrrtlnv at Qii**m Jnrtlea f<»e ka> lor. ■ml at Rranehlr.n for Milliard No. I»» Rutler 7(W a m . Kei«ler 7 4S: fjfore < lt» »I*. Merr.-r • W: Kh»r>aii»o 9K; (.ri . , II > '• 117 a. in arriv*-. I t - 1 llirk » .'/> a ;n . irmn< ■ tiut tnc Mea>lr»llt A'Mitlnoat train l si fa. t ».<e |. in arriving " U p. »• E. H. I'TI KV y u antoftx**. '«!!• ra! M*i ag r Lrt' l Faae AgetU I madam Dean's I A aafi*. rrrUln rrln ./ h.j pr-aaMl I Mrnxtruatirm. >»**•<•,- k>...«n (•> Tall. Mmf-' ■ Hurr! ypr"l/' Hallafiartion (inarantrMi ■ or monrr l>fiinil~l H> nt pr> p«M k>r B 11.00 p«r MIS. Will wn<l U»KI on trlaJ LO I be paid for w liati rrllrtnl. Ham pica KIM. I ssshJ Sold in BaMcr at the Centre ARE l'har..ac7 |C. F. T. Pape,| ISJEWELER S J S 121 E. lellerson Street. / Wlere la Dine ¥ha in Pittslmrg rrrrH AVBVUE or> o«Bd <Vr» b«m^ Rath on aarh flnor fraa b> fwwta. Abanlntaly >ra triMif. strain l.aai and Uu-j houa In wary ruuai uri-i»»n plan. Hate >I .IKI *nd upward. COMMERCIAL HOTEL HOTEL YODER for Mea Only. • At-aolulalr Siapr^.f. K.amit sad fi*ivciilanr»« ai pnxl aa hlgli priial hotel* -V. |i.r iit||l fl 7S p«-r wwk » C'.ima aarly and Uka y—tr choir*. Mo. 111-4 PirhMlH., Pltutiar a , Fa. inat I'kraa a<i>.aroa from Owl ll«wna fITTABUMeIH'S UAOCM RKSTAUMANT ~ THE AMERICAN ft. M. Mil.li!R.. Propriat.»r. 4. > A *an«a. ritivtHirg, Pa. «<f»tknatta VwU»Mr* * Ag?y r«»-ivenl.-nt; a««rything astl up t«/*4au, 114 eervlra; Ruderitn prleaa Miller's Restaurant atraat. riiubwf. ♦ HTRE 10 DIMF WHEN IN AUEGHM* Sauers Tavern ncit Ft WltM liept, Al..*hrnjr. fv Indira Ulalai Raaia mm Mmmmd float - - e DEPOSIT BY MAIL. We've solved the banking problem for those who find difficulty in visiting the bank within banking hours. You can either deposit or withdraw money by mail as easily as if you attended to the matter in person. Send your deposits to us by register ed mail. Post Office or Express orders. For further particulars write us. We pay 3 per cent, interest on savings accounts. THE Butler Savings & Trust Co. 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET. LVHGm AM) STItONCiUST 111 THE COUNTY. j | THE | I Butler County National Bank, i . A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLF of Butler County to do business with. Capital $ 300,000.00 I Strength Surplus 400,000.00 * Assets 3,000,000.00 ' We invite YOUR business—assuring yeu PROMPT. COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. "The big Bank by the Court House" ! ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLEK, PA. CAPITAL 5100.000.00 SURPLUS AN") PROFITS earned - 547.000.00 DIVIDENDS P.*ID 56.000 00 None Stronger in the Courjtv ! ROBT. LEWIN CO., i , Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors, • Bell 14 SutTHFiELD STREET, P & A. 1 Phone 2179. PSTTSBURG, P*. Phcne 1458. We are Headquarters in Pittsburg, Pa., for the finest wines and liquors. We sell direct to the con sumer. We prepay express charges on ail orders of $5.00 or over, and guarantee prompt shipment. Your choice of the following brands of Whiskey guararv , anteed 6 years old ; 6-year-old Finch 6 year-old Bridgeport 6-year-old Guckenheimer 6-year-old Diilinger 6 year old Gibson 6 year-old Overholt 6-year-old Large 6-year-old Thompson 6-year-old Ant»er Club *I.OO per Fill Ctaart, 6 Quirts *5.00, Expressage Prepaid. For a smooth, palatable social drink or family use. GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE at $2.00 per gallon—guaranteed3years old —wii! suit you. Special Attention to Family I rade. Mail orders promptly filled, carefully packed and satisfac tion guaranteed. We would be pleased to fill a trial order for you (§X§X§Xfi)®®®®®®®®®®®®® I ®®® I ®®®®®® 0 Send Your Orders by Mail for Yocr f 1 WHISKES I I winf;s | I and LIQUORsi |MAX KLEIN SONSf @ 1318 20 Peon Ave., PITTSBURG, PA. (| EVERYTHING IN LIQUORS. ® I>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPO<JC Try A. Gallon of X Our 4"year old fil X per GaUoq. HUGH L. CONNKLLV | j Sl'ltlHHOK TO JOHN LIMEOBOVER, JK } 107 West Ohio Street. (Opposite Post Office.) i i BOTH PHONES ALLEGHENY. PA. J | * ' w s. & E. WICK, IMA !. K Kl» IP K ma i I ambmr at «Jt IfcwJi »*«• wJ V nc« Oil W»l I Ria* • k|w«— (>«.-• u4 V««4 K 'JuttukunMil Ai.KV?«-ir.«u< afnti «M a« M« «a mi tka mOtlm rt*l> puaa. n»i ar » rmm ■mMmautf «*Vr«V HH pr«r.a««r Hnwa, ra. V,k* aw Kiiiiiif BM a»u.« yu am*. >» «alt tray l if* i»» m ife ■ IMI »>,.•« M tn ax! riwaMgnp* u .** r«n »«•><» r»i.ai»g. r« l.«» 4 Wamait (V« lk» •'uavnr* tear rHt) I I.I.KIKUI ltt.«r. ■ r>*r»l •!<•♦«. ••■ I■ 4 n.»r *tb (iMajr, r*. WWW*. r».. l» - U«*~. • Wiwhuaaiiw * mmi . fea "W«IC <3 Mwn, fw«i anaiaaa 'mhi a,. 'I, mr> . ' ■ M»m»i pata »y !» M« K-- 4a. 7m Utart. aar tt«a* at- rtW| ItM a»«aa» . 4