Do You Buy Medicines? i j Certainly You Do. r - -m.| 5 Silf I ' Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. | Purvis' Pharmacy! 8. Q. PURVIS, PH. G Both Phones. 218 8 Main 8t Butler Pa. ~ ! " BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. Popular Excursions to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, ocean City, N. «J., Ocean City, McL, Rehoboth It each, Del. and Return THURSDAYS, log. 9 and 23, Sept. 6 ROUND CFFT FROM „ TRIP #LW BUTLER Tickets good returning 16 Days Including date of Sale Ticket permitting privilege of purchasing Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Car accommoda tion may be obtained upon pay ment of |2.00 additional. For pamphlet giving full in - formation, call on W. R. Turner, Ticket Agent, Butler. Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, ■exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, The Batter Dye Worts ?. H. secHteß. 212 N. Main'street, Butler, Pa. *— DR. E. GREWER, Ho. 229 1 2 SOUTH MAIN ST) NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTTER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grower is a graduate of the Unireriity of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddresa where he treats all chrontc diseases of men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System,' the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of oonfidenoe, sexual weakness in men and women,ball rising in the throat, spots floating before the eyea, loss of memory enable to concentrate the mind on one •abject, easily startled when snddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible,distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, rear, areams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as I tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of tLe limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect ■ ealth. Lost Manhood Restored Weakness of Young Men Cured and ail private diseases. Dr. E. Grower's varicocele K!SK cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cared without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat. Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OB EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot care Consultation' free and strictly confi dential. Write if you cannot calL Office hoars—From 9 a. m. to 8:80 p. m. On Sunday from Itoß p. m. only Old Dr.THEEL,S27 North Sirifi St. 2X 1 4t year* srs#tler>. He efcalk-»R*a the world la ear. llssra, 8»etU««, CMeera, ■ela.ehotta, f Jft TiHsswb. Ilydreerlr, Blotch**, Lost Saahood.K*- ▼%*r. ▼!», 1««U A Wrtsftli Ujsaw & U fsjsr Uf*. TW aaly GKRIAH By stalls t la Aaala, Hslliaf yarantlrt. Head far iwors t+%- tSm> aUla & Rook Trelk eapaees every 11 tv & Caaatry mUl eal A HeNrtea! fnukk. Hears, t-4, evf*. Baa. §.£ flail twifeet ivsM ekeay tnatant, as lereary, PvtaaM'ab+b* flMeCsastta. Haadlewoad OU, I*, oaly »sfpwmn ralas, kills I A Paint Education in Three Minutes. Oil is the life of paint. Djftd oil, dead paint; it peels off, crashes off. falls off. You have to paint again. You've been there. Well, you have been getting paint with dead oil in it. •rices for canned oil. G et the best linseed oil and mix it with Hammar Condensed Paint yourself. Then you know you've got fresh paint, Paint that will stick right, look right, wear right and at the right price Men of experience always do this, it saves money and saves work, too. We'll explain paint points at length ll you will drop in on us some day—be fore you paint this season. . We are sole agents for the paint you iret without oil—and mix. It is the famous Hammar Condensed Paint. Gallon of paint, gallon of oil. Simple enough. Absolutely fresh and new. Guaranteed for five years. We can show you in two minutes how Hammar Condensed Paint will sa« you mone£ at least 25 per cent in cost and 100 per cent in wearing qualities Also dealer in Lamps and Chimneys, Roofing and Spouting, Washing Ma chines, Cream Separators, Gas Mantles Burners and Globe, Stoves, Gas Ranges, Hardware, Cutlery, Sewina; Machines and Supplies. All kings of sewing ma chines repaired. Henry Biehl, People's Phone 464, 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Cambridge Springs, Pa. HOTEL KELLY, Cambridge Springs, P«.. deUKhtfally located, 5 minutes from city,. All out side rooms. Farm supplies produced from own garden. Guests have free use of private springs. Carriages to and from city at any time. Rates fJ to sl4 per week. A. A. KELLY, Prop. Gibson's Livery First-class horses and rigs Excellent boarding accom modations. Good clean waiting room, and Open day and night. The Publisher's Claims Sustained UNITED STATES COURT OF CLAIMS The Publishers of Webster's International Dictionary allege that it" is, in fact.the popu lar Unabridged thoroughly re-edited in every detail, and vastly enriched In every part, with the purpose of adapting it to meet the larger »nd severer requirements of another genora "\vo are ot the opinion that tkto """"■J""" most clearly and accurately describes the work that nas been accomplished and the result that has been reached. The Dictionary, as It now stands, has been thoroughly re- Kilted in every detail, has been corrected in every part, and is admirably adapted to meet the larger and severer requirements of a generation which demands more of popular philological knowledge than any generation that the world has ever contained. It is perhaps needless to add that we refer to the dictionary in our Judicial work as of the highest authority in accuracy of defla tion: and that in the future as in the past it will be the source of constant reference. CHARLES C. KOTT, Chief J wtios. LAWRENCE WELDON, JOHN DAVIS, STANTON J. PEELLF, CHARLES a HOWKY,^ The above rtfert to WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE (the highest nward) was given to the Interna tional at the World's Fair, St. Louis. GET THE LATEST AND BEST You will be interested in our />SL\ specimen pages, sent free. / \ I WEBSTER'S I G. & C. MERRIAM CO., PUBLISHERS. SPRINGFIELD, MAM. ! PITTSBURG COLLEGE OF THE HOLY GHOSI PITTSBURG, PA. Residents and day students received. Courses lot All the professions. Classics, thorough; Commer clilf up-to-date; Scleutlflc and engineering, de tailed; Grammar, progressive. Six modern lan« ruages. Vocal and instrumental music. Oratory Klocution, Gymnastics, Field Sports. Very Rev. M. A. Hehlr, C. S. Sp., Presfdent. AGENTS—We want afsnts out of town to work >n the medicine club plan; men or women can make Is.oo. Send stamp. GYPSY REMEDY, 1406 Webster avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wamtsdr-Several live hustling men, Uvlng out ot town, to tell grapbopbonea on the Installment plan In their neighborhood; answer at once and give references. Installment Department Columbia Phonograph Co., s» Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Yoang Men Wanted from the country to act at saleemen. Cigars. Grocery, teo month. Ha- Snners preferred. TRAVKLLEUS BUREAU, 55 Federal Street, (Second Floor) Alle gheny, Fa. Ilot Machine* of all description* bought, sold repaired or exchanged. FISHER, 434 Sec and Ave, Pittsburgh, Ps. It lieu want to Buy or Sell any kind of property in an j part of the United States, see M. O. TOOLE, 503 Penn Building, Pittsburg, Pa. ALL STRANOBRS looking for woik go U Wnchler'e, 411 Seventh Ave. Plttibari;, Ps F you want to lkgy or sell any kind of business se< lAVANAGH h CO.. 431 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg. P „ MACHINERY—RAILS—BEAMS Concrete Mixers, Boilers, Engines, Machine Tools ree Ralls, Beams, Columns, Pipe, Plates, Blowers Corrugated Sheets. Oash paid for Scrap Iron and Metals. HOMER BOWES, River Avensie Allegheny, P». ' Phone 721 North. Soda Foantalna. Bar Fixtures, Billiard Tables, lafea. Cash Registers, Counters. Tables, Showcases Pelp'e, Fonrth aal Liberty, Plttebmrgh, Hair Falling Oat 1 Well eall at 4» Arthui itreet and have It cleaned. If refractory, use Oione By mall Itc and 60c per box. For sale by Mrs. Llxilt it. Collins. 49 Arthur Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Change your diet and try eating Chop Buey anc fockoma: the best Chinese restaurant fa the rlty BEN NAN LOW. 447 Third Avenue. PltUbun. Pa :or. Grant, The best kind of Hung Chung Tea tarred 10c a u»wl; the only restaurant in the cltj handling this braad. Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Rear of Wick Houae Butler °enn'a The best of horses and Bret claim njrs »i wava on hand and for hire. Rest accommodation* in town lor veruia nent boarding and transient .rude. Hpert al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horse* A good c.uc uf burses, both dritfor.s Kurt draft horses ulwsys un hand and tpi sale P'-dor a full guarantee; *ad horses bo igb □oo proper not 1 float lou by PEARSON 8. NACE. 11 WM. WALKER. CHAS. A. MCELVAIN WALKER & McELVAIN, 807 Bntler County National Bank Bld'g REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. OIL PROPEkTIEB. LOANH. BOTH PHONES I There is 0n& Soda Cracker ») ffi and [ Only j One. j® l You do not know that Soda H 1 Cracker until you know ® I Uneeda Biscuit j H To taste Uneeda Biscuit is to 1 » fall in love with them. You I I never forget that first taste, and H jftj you renew it every time you eat M m Uneeda Biscuit — jl H mit In a dust tight, AS moisture proof package. ® Ml NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY H Duffy's Store j Not one bit too early to think of that new Carpet, or I perhaps you would rather have a pretiy Rug — carpet ■ size. Well, in either case, we can suit you as our Car-B pet stock is one of the largest and best assorted in But-B ler county. Among which will be found the following: £ EXTRA - SUPER ALL WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, I Heav>*two and three ply ® sc P er and "Pi HALF WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, I Best cotton chain 50c per yd and up ■ BODY BRUSSELS, - ■ Simply no wear out to these *' "«> J a H TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, | Light made, but very Good 65° P er > d tip ■ STAIR CARPETS , T M H Body and Tapestry Brhssels, Half and All Wool Intn'flins. « ■ HARTFORD AXMINSTERS. ■ ■ Prettiest Carpet made, as durable too *IOO H ■ HAQ CARPETS, Genuine old-fasbioned weave. ™ I MATTING, Hemp and Straw. # ■ RUGS-CARPET SIZES. ■ H Axminster Rugs, Beauties too |22 each and up ■ ■ Brussels Rugs, Tapestry and Body eac h an <J I Ingrain Druggets. All and Half Wool. I 5 each and n P H ■ Linoleums, Inlaid and Common, all widths and grades. 9f ■ Oil Cloths, Floor, Table, Shelf and Stair. H ■ Lace Curtains, Portiere, Window Shades, Curtain Poles; Small Hearth H H Rugs, all styles and sizes. Bi I Duffy's Store. I 1 MAIN STREET, BUTLER. S "NOTHING LIKE IT" PITTSBURG EXPOSITION august 29 GREATEST MUSICAL PROGRAMME EVER PRESENTED * CREATORE HERBERT August 29 to September 8 September 24- to 29 THEODORE THOMAS ELLERY'S BAND ORCHESTRA OCTOBER , T0 6 September 10 to 15 SOUBA DAMROSCH September 17 to 22 October 8 to 20 .. KSSo THE ROMAN HIPPUDROME KNABENSHUE AND HIS WONDERFUL AIRSHIP "Destruction of San Francisco"— United States Government Display—Magnificent Exhibit of the Resources ef the South—"Around New York"—Vlto graph Moving Pictures-Enormous Ferris Wheel One Fare for Round Trip on All Railroads [ ADMISSION 25 CENTS WHY • You can save money by purchasing your piano of W. R. NEWTON, "The Piano Man." , The expense of running a Music Store Is as follows: I Rent, per annum $780.00 Clerk per annum $312.00 Lights, Heat and Incidentals . . . $194.00 Total "... $1286.00 I have no store and can save you this expense when yon buy of me. | I sell pianos for cash or easy monthly payments I tnke pianos or organs in ' exchange and allow yon what they are worth to apply on the new instrument All nianos fully warranted as represented. MY PATRONS ARE MY REFERENCE. A few of the people I have sold pianos in Butler. Ask them. ' Dr. McCurdy Bricker Dr..W. P. McElroy 1 Fred Porter Sterling Club Fraternal Order Eagles D. F. Reed Epworth League Woodmen of the World E. W. Bingham H. A. McPherson Geo. D. High Miss Anna McCandlese W. J. Mates E. A. Black J, S. Thompson Samuel Woods j Joseph Woods Oliver Thompson S. M. McKee John Johnson A. W. Root K. A. Lontjwell Migs Eleanor Burton J. Hillgard Mrs. Mary L. Stroup J E. Howers. W. C Curry C. F. Stepp | F. J. Hauck W. J. Armstrong Miss Emma Hughes Miles Hilliard A. W. Mates Mrs S. J. Green W. R. Williams J. R Douthett Mrs. R. O. Rumbaugh E. K. Richey Chas. E. Herr L S. Yonch PEOPLE'S PHONE 426- 2 § I Acme Washers | i ?!? Do More Work, , $ Better Work, ' I wuh Less wo!k I jg I Than any other Washer# - g on the market. ft | J. Q. & W. CAMPBELL, f | BUTLER, PA. A FARM CONVENIENCE. Substantial Bushel Crate Iseful In VarlooN Wnjn. 11l potato digging, apple and root harve9ts and various other farm op erations It is not only desirable, but economical, to be provided with crates to conveniently aud easily care for tliis work. The illustration shows a sub stantial crate that may be made at very little expense and which, once well put together and properly eared for, will last for a very considerable length of time, says fi writer In lowa Homestead. The side and end slats, if au especially substantial and lasting crate Is desired, may be made of half inch stuff, preferably of some light wood. The bottom may l>e made of A BUSHEL CRATE. half or three-quarter inch stuff, the latter being preferable. The corner 1 posts should be made of good, clear j material IVj by 2 Inches. The crate is nailed together with the corner pieces on the outside to prevent the bruising of fruits and vegetables. To contain a full bushel flat the inside of the crate should measure nineteen inches long, ten aud three quarter inches wide and nine inches deep. The lumber can be got out by any ordinary sawmill, but you will find It best to have the work done where all pieces may bo planed 011 four sides, so that they piay be the more con veniently painted. I always paint my crates, and this generally I do before nailing together, using a paint with an excess of linseed oil that tho pores may be thoroughly filled and so pre served against the weather. By making a "form" on the work bench in which to lay the end pieces when beginning to lay on the slats more than twice as many crates can be put together In a day than where the "'form" Is not used. Nails should be used long enough to clinch —on the end slats at least. The Manure Spreader. Many farmers consider their manure spreaders the most profitable machine upon the farm. This may be putting it a little strong, but there is no ques tion about their efficiency. On the dairy farm manure is accumulating twelve months In the year. The cows usually spend a portion of the time in the barn every day. For this reason the dairyman has more stuff to spread on the farm than the "wagon box" farmer. This manure should bo spread as fast OS It Is produced. There are some seasons when It can be spread by hand only on the pasture. Frequent ly the pasture needs it less than any other field. With a spreader he can put a fine coat of manure on the other fields. Manure spread by hand on the meadow rakes up or clogs tho hay loader with the succeeding crop. Ma nure put on the meadow with a spread er goes down to the plant roots and never causes trouble.—Kimball's Dairy Farmer. Mrufeamlcnl skill Nveiled. The full benefits of farm machinery are not realized because the average farmer has not the mechanical train ing or the requisite skill to get the best results out of these complex tools. This has been brought homo to us in our studies of pumping machinery used in lifting water for irrigation. Two years ago I gathered tho results of eighteen gasoline pumps installed in a valley In the southwest. Thirteen of these had been abandoned not because irrigation by pumping did not pay, but because the men who bought this ma chinery were uot equal to keeping it in order. They had never before tried to run anything more complicated than a mule, and the change to a gas en gine wa3 too violent.—Elwood Mead. Tomato Rot. In regard to tomato rot, Professor Gulley of Connecticut says in an ex change; "It Is a disease that attacks the fruit from half grown till nearly ripe. Usually It is bad on the very early kinds, as the conditions are best at that season of growth—that Is, hot, combined with damp weather. The remedies are mostly preventive. First, get the vines up off the ground where they can get plenty of dry air. This alone will often do much to control the trouble. Several sprayings at intervals of ten days about midsummer with bordeaux of usual strength will keep the vines free from blight and strong to resist this disease. There Is also some evidence that It helps to prevent rot." UriiKo Cared In Wind and 9hade. Let us not forget that wind does as much to cure the hay as does tho sun. says Rural New Yorker. We do not want sun burnt hay, but we like tc have as close to the color of the grass as possible with the moisture blowr out of It. The housewife knows how the clothes dry 00 a bright day wher the wind Is blowing. Hie best hay Is cured in thq windrow or cock tossed ui to the wind and yet kept as much as possible In the shade. That ia why th< hay todrter and the side delivery rak< aro so useful. COMPARISONS, As Soon a r. W'e Benin to Make Them We Begin to Suffer. We would not have to strive so foi courage If what we vaguely call "tliliiKs" were more evenly distributed among us, for no one's lot would then j seem to him an evil one. If we were all humpbacked or lame or blind; ! if every husband were unfaithful and every child a cross; if we were all poor and no man had any more than anotb cr; If nobody's son died in his e&rlj strength and nobody was loved whllt we sat neglected, then who of us would know what sorrows and affile tions were? We would take each o| them for granted, as a Chinaman takes his yellow skin and an Indian hla red one. It is because we see our estate differ lng from that of our fellows that we are tempted to comparisons, aud it Is in the making of these comparison? i that a sense of our sorrows, like the | knowledge of our afflictions, is firsl born. llow would we have known thai j jr« were poor unless we had seen some j one els<; who was richer or that oui 1 son was unsuccessful unless the son oi ! somebody else were making a greai i mark In the world? Would our little j children be unhappy with pnly one j dress had they not seen other chii dren with two} It comes to tills, then: When ws Iw gin to make comparisons, we begin tc suffer. This may seem to bo a hard | saying, but It is a true one. —Lllllc j Hamilton French hi Harper's Razar. There Are No Certain Ones. j i'l+fe only objection I have to this . story," said ilie cynical bachelor, "is ! the frequent use of the phrase 'a cen ! tain girl.' The phrase is grossly inac ' curate, as everybody well knows that • au gills are exceedingly uncertain."— Chicago News Do You O|K-n Your Month Like a young bird and gulp down what ever food or medicine may be offered you ? Or, do yon want to know something of the composition and character of that which yon take into your «tomach whether as food or medicine? Most Intelligent and sensible peoplo now-a-davs insist on knowing what they employ whether as food or as medicine, flr. Pierce believes they have a perfect right to insist upon such knowledge. So he publishes, broadcast and on each bottle wrapper. what lite medicines are made of and verifies it under oath. This he feels he can well afford to do because the more the ingredients of which his medicines are made are studied and understood the more will their superior curative virtues be appreciated. For the cure of woman's peculiar weak nesses. irregularities and derangements, giving rise to frequent headaches, back ache, dragging-down pain or distress in lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, ofttimes, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness, Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is a most efficient remedy. It is equally effective in curing painful periods, in giving strength to nursing mothers and In preparing the system of the expectant mother for baby s coming, thus rend«iring childbirth safe and com paratively painless. The avorite I re scription" Is a most potent, strengthening tonic to the general system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. It is also a soothing and invigorating nervine and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vitus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and organic dis ea*>s of the distinctly feminine organs. A ho-t of medical authorities of all the several schools of practice, recommend each of the several ingredients of which "Favorite Prescription" Is made for the cure of the diseases for which it is claimed to be a cure. You may read what they say for yournelf by sending a postal card request tor a fftc booklet of extracts from the leading authorities, to Doctor R. \ . Pierce. Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In stitute, Buffalo, N. V., and it will come to you by roturn post. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL :::::: FOR PILES, OISE APPLICATION BRINGS RELIEF. SAMPLE MAILED FREE. ▲t Dnurffists. 25 cent*, or mailed. Humphreys' Medicine (Jo., Cor. William and John Streets, New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, Sold by Druggists, or seat prepaid on receipt of prtcft Humphreys' Med. Co.. William & John Stj., N. Y« Drying preparations simply <!• t • op dry catarrh; they dry up the secn-l .• which adhere to the membrane and dc< pose, causing a far more serious tror.L the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid - ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and and use that which cleanses, sooll >; heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a ri.-ii:< dy and will cure catarrh or cold in the easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 00c. size. Ely Brothers 50 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads it-elf over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. PAROID READY OOFING. THYROID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core ol each roll. |_> EPKESENTS the results o " years oi" Experience and Ex perimenting. requires painting every fewyears. Not when first laid. T S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. I \ EM AND for PAKOID is world wide MADE IN 1. 2 AND 3 PLY Other FacwS, Samples and Prices are yours if von will aak as. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. L. C. WICK, DEALER 111 LUHBER. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA Eyes Examined Free of Charga R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ontician Next Door to Court House. Untler, Pt « CHICK ESTER'S ENGLISH fENNYROyALPHLLB ' ,( i "■ I < iiii 'ii.-. ;;K\S F.NGLISII ,Ij UKI> an I <.i,1.l m.tmlllo tmlM KIM ' », '->1 : hie ril'hoii. TmU« mo ether. Krfnie , l' ut I una and Iralla / (7 ll'in*. Rut of jour I>rujtci«t. or «end 4e. la • C '■? r..r I'nrtlrulnr..>!> V "C? ' fc 1 for l.utl tea,** in letter, by ' turn Hall. 1 0.000 r. •Umooiala. SoM by ■ *: »rutt4 hlrh«atrr ( hrailral -• .. JA adlauu Kuuarc, I'HILA.. PA* luver Studio Has added a full line ol amateur Photo Supplies, Cam eras, Films, Dry Plates, De velopers, Printing out and de veloping papers. Anti-Trust Goods At aboutjjone half wha' you have been paying. Quality Guaranteed As good if not better thar the Trust goods. ZUVER STUDIO 2)5 S. Main St fc^tlei IR-R-TIME-TABLES Pennsylvania KALFEROAO WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Schedule in pft'ect May -7, IIHIO Trains leave BUTLER u follows: K r Alltxkeny anil »>> .tali n«, C 13 aa.l 10.35 • m,ui'l 4.2 Dp. in. wrfW 7.30 m. •i»*i 3.**5 ; m. v un<la% . \ Pitta uvlvmyet tina 8. *0 m. «wl 2*5 p. ai w«. k. • la>-. J r IVAiriTill- In' r-»<t. •[ . Alt»> n*. Harr»- •* ~. PkflwMpki* and UM BMI.IB Mi M • M,T ' l liS I'. *u. * • k dnya: 7.*' •«.. in. " ;o U>» BUFFALO AND ALLEGHENY VALLEY DIVISION. Trains leaye via KISKIMDTETAS JUNCTION as follows: K r I:-,- i ■ .i. in. *• W ?.'j> a, tn. >un KM rr l: l P.tuk and «»il «nj 6.15, 8.40. 10.85 ». ru en<l 4.20 p. in. week (lave; 7.20 •%. m. and S.US p. in. Y'j kitta: .g and *»\ -r «ti« i.>, 615 an 1 10.35 » in. .lift 4.30 p. ii - k - T. 30 a. a. »:.-i »*».»«•'• p. m. Sunday*. For detailed informative, apply to ticket agent or <ddreas Tboa. K. Watt, I'ass. Agt. Waiter® district, :»fiu Fifth Avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. W. W. ATTKRBL EY, J. R. WOOD. G«*u'l M»iiunf»T. paa/r Traffic Manager. GEO W HoYl>. General IWnger Al^it Win field it It Co Time Table In effect Mav 29th, 1903. "WESTWARD. STATIONS. AM P M Leaves West Win field. 7 30 2 46 " Boggsville 14b 300 •• Iron Bridge 756 310 ' Winfield Junction 8 10 336 " 8 20 3 35 " Butler Junction 825 340 Arrive Butler 10 33 5 05 Arrive Allegheny 5 0" 1 Arrive pa Arrive Blairsville 1 05 5 42 . lAgr | rA£^ * STATIONS. AM PM l.**ave Pittaburg 3 0? Leave Blairsville •• 7 50 2 li •• Allegheny 8 25 230 •« Butler . 8 40 2 3C u fiutler Junction 10 00 44C " Lane 10 03 443 ** Winfield Juuction 10 15 455 •• Iron Bridge 10 25 5 Ofi " Bogg*ville .10 35 5 lfl Arrive West WlrtaM 110 50 I > ~~Train«§top at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag tc take on <»r leave off paesenger*. Trains Connect at Butler Junction with: Trains Eastward for Freepcrt, Vaudergrift and Blainrville Intersection. Traina Westward for Natrona, Tarentum All*ghenj •nd FHlsliilL Trains Northward tor Saxonburg, Marwood and Bat lsr. B. O. BKALOR, General Mana^xr. B it &, P it it Tirue table in effect May 27, 190<>. Passenger trains leave anil arrive at Bntler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. m., mixed for Punxantawney, Da Bois and intermediate ata'ione. 10:33 a. m. daily, vestibnled day ex press for Buffalo and Rochester. 5:50 p. m. local for Punx'y, Du Bois, Clearfield and intermediate stations. 11:31 p. m. night express for Bnffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:10 a, m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:30 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußoia. 4:50 p.m. daily, vestibuled day expreat from Buffalo and Rochester. 8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train from Du Bois and Punxsutawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, Pittsburg, for Bnffalo and Rochestei at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local points as far as Dußois daily at 4:20 p. m. week davs. BESSEMER V LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. ' TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 28, 1906. EASTERN STANDARD TIME. NORTHWARD S D UT !?!!' A " 1 ? (Read up) Dally Except Sunday (Readdowa) ~io n | 121 rr , u | H t^ 5 pinpm. p. m STATIONS. „ ]n . a. m. p. m. 10 0B I ooi 3 oQßngalo(mU.m.)l 3 45.10 00. 2 00 p. in. p.m.a. M.i a. in. p. m. p. m. 7 Jul I 42j 9 4p Krie 1 00 1 00 6 00 r, <3 1 id 9 II Giraril .1 7 83 1 81 6 S3 ~T iai l :>:!! 955 Ar..(Jonneaut..l<vj 7 0012 01 810 5 1012 Oil 700 Lv. Connciiut -Ari a r<o. 7<w U 2512 ia »55 ....Albron—.-, f6 13 ,fS 41 SUail eland f8 C'J ft 0. 6 1012 38 838 Spring boro j813200 610 6 0112 3» 8:« Cnnlieantvllle... 818205 617 ;t,i ' vj. IJ >Ar AjTcadville-.Lv 7 sc l l 40 J 28 4 28 11 2? 6 M|Lv..Mead ville..Ar 9 Mj 3 13 7 M 7 0412 2.-J 9 00 A..1 on't Lake. Lv 8 28. 2 10 4 5J 4 11 51 7 26iLv.Con't 5 351 1 55 8 OaAr..Linesville. I.v 8 6 13 2 40- 'l.v. Linesville. Ar | 6 35. .. _ 5 40,12 10 8 Odi.Exjiositlon l'ark.; 8 451 2 SO t< Ij R oi -~7 2A Osgood 9 21 2 5K 7 20 4 651 l"i» 7 20. Greenville |9SO3 08 7 4 SOU 22 715 Shenango .... J 1;) ' 4 1810 53a. m Mercer 10 Ot. 3 4t. 8 10 HO 48 Houston Jet... 10 10 J8 18 3 5510 :t2 Grove City 10 30 4 io| 83J 3 3710 15 Hrancbton 10 49 4268 56 . . 1120 |Ar Billiard... Lv 9372 20 220 937 Lv Hilliard—Aril 20 1 810 ... • 3 3-| 10 10 4 Keister.. 110 63j 4 30| HoO ju «a lAr. _k*y»or -Xv Js » 7 20 p. m. Lv.—Kaylor —Ar « 20 .™j -2 55j 9!H4 82 HutleF 11l 30 B1« »43 [8 03 f3 18 Home | '6 ' I8oo:» 15 ... Black's Run....; 63M - ' 7 a;. 2 BO L v.K. Pittsburg Ar 7 001........ 1 If. »lo . Lv.Alk'gUen.v.Ar lUO 6 :i# p.m.«. ra.p.m.! p.m. p.m.p.m. Train No 1 llilW (IfHWrlllt K 45 a. m.: Slie nanco 6:B5; Mercer 7:28: Grovei City 7:50: keis ter 8 lfi: Butler9:oo, arrives Allegheny 10:-. a. in • East I'ittsUirg 11 15 a. m., coiineetlng at Branchton to and from Ililliard, and at Queen Junction to and from Kaylor. No 2 le»ves Allegheny 3:00 p m.; East Pitts burg 2 B0; Butler 4:45; Keister Grove Oty 6 57- Mercer 6:20: Shenango 6:56; Greenville ,:00 p. in.: connecting at Queen Junction for Laylor, and at Branchton for Hllliard. . .. No. 16 leaves Butler 7.00 a. m.: Keister ..40, Grove City 8 05; Mercer 8.28; Shenango 9.02; Greenville 907 a. m.. arrives hxposition I arM 9.55 a m . connecting for Meadylllc. Additional train leaves Exposition Park B.o° p iu., arriving Greenville 8.43 p. m. , E. H. t'TI E* E. D COMSTOCR. General Manager. Gen'l Pass Agent inaflarnDean's I A safe, certain relU M Suppressed ■ Menstruation. Never kbuwn to f%JI. Hafe! ■ SureJ f-'peedy! Satisfaction (iunranteed ■ or money Refunded. H<>n'. prepaid for ■ 81.00 per box. Will send them on to ■ be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. B UWITf P moioico.. »o» T4, U«M»TH. B Sold in Bntler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy SC. F. T. Pape, ) tmtm saams&c j ) pJEWELER i I / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / Wkre to Dine ffb in Pittstsrt FIFTH AVENUE opp. Grand Opera HOMO, Bath on each floor free to gnestc. Absolutely fin proof. Steam heat and telephone In every room European plan. Hates f 1.00 and upward. COMMERCIAL HOTEL HOTEL YODER Por Meg Only. AtHotutoly OrepMof. Hooms au<l toil Veil lence# as good as lilgli priced hotels 2ir. pal night 11 73 per week. Cuine early and takeyoul choice. No. 111)1 PorbM St., PMtabwrg, I's. Just Three Squares fruiu Court lli.uie. PITTSBLIROH'S LEADINQ RESTAURANT "" TJHLE AMERICAN It. H. MILLER.. Proprietor, 410 Third Avenue, Pittsburg, Ta., . pposlte l'ostofflce. Central am] convenient; everything new and up-to-date; first class serrlr»; miiderste prices Miller's Restaurant "™l m ""ubur,. I'>. WHERE TO DINE WHEN IK ALLEGHENY Sauers Tavern Allegheny. Pa. Ijsdlra Dlatng ltoom on ICH>B<I fleo? ' - I 111 H mi. ..v i| | DEPOSIT BY MAIL. 1 I A LM We've solved the banking problem for those who find difficulty in visiting the j I bank within banking hours. You can ! I ' I either deposit or withdraw money by 1 J j mail as easily as if you attended to the I Hp r matter in person. i I I Send your deposits to us by register- j J ed mail. Post Office or Express orders, j I i [,■ For further particulars write us. We 5 . ■ ! (jh pay 3 per ce"t. interest on savings Butler Savings & Trust Co. 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET. LARGEST AM> STRONGEST IN TIIE COUNTY. j I THE I | Butler County National Bank, i I A good, STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLF of | Butler County to do business witti. % Capital # 300,000.00 1 I Strength surplus 400,000.00 * i S Aais 3,000,000.00 * We invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. I "The big Bank by the Court House" j * ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLEK, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,00000 None Stronger in the Couqty. p ROBI. LEWIN « CO., Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Bell 14 SMITHFIELD STREET, P. & A. Phone 2179. PITTSBURG, PA. Phone 1458. We are Headquarters in Pittsburg, Pa., for the finest wines and liquors. We sell direct to the con sumer. We prepay express charges on all orders of $5.00 or over, and guarantee prompt shipment. Your choice of the following brands of Whiskey guaran anteed 6 years old. 6-year-old Finch 6-year-old Bridgeport 6-year-old Guckenheimer 6-year-old Dillinger 6-year-old Gibson 6-year-old OveTfiolt 6-year-old Large 6-year-old Thompson 6-year-old Antler Club SI.OO per Full duart, 6 Quarts $3.00. Expressage Prepaid. For a smooth, palatable social drink or family use, GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE at $2.00 per gallon—guaranteed 3 years old —will suit you. Special Attention to Family Trade. Mail orders promptly filled, carefully packed and satislac tion guaranteed. We would be pleased to fill a trial order for you. (§)(§)(§)(§)(§)(§)(§)@©(§X§)(§X§)@@@@®®®@@®®®@ || Send Your Orders by Mail for Your i WHISKES i i WINES I I and LIQUORS§ H T° © « IMAX KLEIN & SONSI ' 1318-20 Penn Ave., PITTSBURG, PA. || ® EVERYTHING IN LIQUORS. | Iiioooooooooooooooooopoowi; Try A Gallon of | \ Our 4"year old at J | $3.00 per Gallon.- ] | HUGH L. CONNELLY j ; SUCCESSOR TO JOHN LIMEGROVER, JR. { f 107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Office.) < > BOTH PHONES ALLEGHENY, PA. J | >ooooooooooo<>oc>oooooooooo W S. &E. WICK, j bKALEHJIN I I KoukU an'J Worked lamlxr of all Kind# , Doors, Ha.<h and Mouldlnß* Oil Well Klkh a Bu«clalty. Offlee and Yard K. Ounolpffham and Monroe 9ti "" We,,P SWr A ATTENTION. ' Wanted—Men to I nam barber trade In tlx weetat will make you a Brit-clau inciter barber, then you will t» Independent as jour town neighbor wl»o hare aecurnd ttie barber education at our acboot We ran send you Hat of teiUmooUb, and wtaU* •arulog Ue tnuie you can make your tx>anj. TwHl j free to our Kholari. I.atoit method!. ' VTeleacb ladles balr-dreulnK. ui in [curing etc. .Vr] I lady Instructors. Catalogue free to all. I Hartier School, 1403 Penu Ave. Plttibuigb, P». K. 11. itili la Uie beit Uuie to begin. WHEELER'S j PAINTS AND VARNISHES, 110 W. OHIO ST., ALLEOHEJir, PA. MATERNITY HOME StrteUy prlrate with real .ionic comfort; ir.l.- n- Venlenree. Adoption* proYlded. For j»>ti' ti« kldixt) Padefflic Box 814 A 11. gtiruj-, Pa
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