Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 23, 1906, Image 4
-- Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy 8. G. PURVIS, PH. <i Both Phones. 913 8 M*in St. Bntler Pa. ' BALTIMORE t OHIO (!. It. " Popular Excursions to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, ocean City, S. J.» Ocean City, Md., Kelioboth Ueacli, Del. au<! Return THURSDAYS, Aug. 9 and 23, Sept. 6 R ? R U £ D $lO BUT°LER Tickets good returning 1« Days Including date of Sale Ticket permitting privilege of purchasing Pullman Parlor And Sleeping Car accommoda tion may be obtained upon pay ment of |3.00 additional. tfor pamphlet giving full in formation, call on W. R. Turner, Ticket Agent, Butler. Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine 'permanent Bromide en largement, fully guaranteed. KR, The Outdoor Artist, Tic "Butler Dye Works MARBLE/otO:?A v )T£ gas JfoMTS.# 1 F. H. SeCHfceß, fclfc N. Mftin'fltreet, Batler, Pa. DR. E. GREWER, Ho. 229 1-2 SOUTH MAIN STj NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOUS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddress where he treats all chronic diseases o! men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women,ball rising in the throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory unable to concentrate the mind on one subject easily startled when snddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible, distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, tear, a reams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of the liuitie, etc Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect ealth. Lost Manhood Restored Weakness of Young Men Cured and ail private disease*. Dr. E. Grower's varicocele Ring cnrea Varicocele, Hydrocele and Raptnre promptly cared without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous i Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out catting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that be cannot cure ! Consultation -free and strictly confi-! dentiaL Write if you cannot call. Office hours—From 9 a. in. to 8:30 p. j in. On Sunday from Ito3 p. m. only j a " \ Mi uiss'ii TkKAtaKKT I. tk» I Old Dr.THEEL,S27 North Siith St. L k ,'X , Qllt J«lrt prxiW . He rhallrntcr* the world la nr. I l«C Hperifle BUod Debililr, I*- of • ■»"orj llfm, HwcllUrv i MelaarliolU, TuWk ll;4roerle. RUieb*-. U»t XaaboMt.K*. •tare* Ylfar, Via, Baerfj A Ktrvafth la yonrg A: old la eajor life. TIM» aaly (Jrsdaated UKRSiX Bm alalia tla Aaerlra. Helluag garaatlrt. Head for iwora lea- j wwtfcb &• Bask Tratb, rip—f every City to Cuaalry aied!- eaJ St alaefrleal frau4«. Haar>. f-4, evf«. «•£, Hum. 0-2. Ball J IraaliiaU Avoid ebnp treatuieat, as Herrary, l'ota<.», (HI. *«., «l T .., P I B. t\ B. school suits Time the girls had their Suits for school. Time by the calendar and time from a money saving stand point. For Suits at a genuine sav ing the assortment Summer Suits and the prices they are marked at, beat anything the store ever attempted in pricing ; a large selection Misses Suits to sell. The Suits are high class in every respect and will give four times the service and look better from the very beginning than Suits usually sold at the prices. The selection includes: Lot Misses and Junior Misses $20.00 and £25.00 Suits —Grey Mixtures and Panamas, SBSO. Misses SIO.OO 3-4 length Tourist Coats, $5.00 —$15.00 ones, $7.5 U. Misses SIO.OO Covert Jackets, |5.00. Splendid showing Misses ad vance Fall style Suits, $15.00 to $30.00. Boggs & Buhl ALLEGHENY. PA. j A Written Guarantee Columbia Oraphojjhone Wit* tMs guarantee you don't «ue»a, yoa AMrw whfch la best. Pnwtireordu In the wonUtnsi on the wafer| atttx —shore| snywhersl TM Of , aaAWIOetIOWt tn the TCT was. swttT ANa r« atxetaw^ *3 Set our Free Trial aad Easy Payment Offer TMs. la yoor chance to secure M BttT We Accept OM Machines Of Any Make la Part Payment flraMd Prix, Paris, ISOO BouMe Or and Prize, St. Louis, ISO* Highest Award, Portland, l»*s i 636 Penn Are. 4i PimfcurQ, Send me fall 1' tails ol your Stay MHHK i ayment and Exchange Plan. y— —*—■ DOYOURCHILDREN ASK QUESTIONS Of course they do. It is their way of learning and it is your duty to answer. You may need a dictionary to aid you. It won't answer every question, bili, there arc thousands to which it will give you true, clear and definite answers, not about words only, but about things, the sun, men, machinery, places, stories and the like. Then, too, the children can find their own answers. Some of our greatest men have ascribed their | power to study of the dictionary. Of course you want the best dic tionary. The most critical prefer the New and Enlarged Edition of WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE (HIGHEST AWARD) for which was given at the : World's Fair, St. Louis. If you have any grut«tion.M / \ about it write vs. [ WEBSTER'S I L 1 \iKTBKNAT**iu.) G. & C. MERRIAM CO., I *DIcnoMRY/ PUBLISHERS. ' WMMHHMaaaMBHaiinaMMj ' „ MACHINERY-RAILS-BEAMS , Concrete Mixers, Hollers, Engines, Mai hltn- Tools tie Kallt, Beams, Columns, l'l|>e, Plates, lllowera t.'orrug»ta<l Sheets. Cash palil for Scrap Iron am! Iletals. lIOMKR BOWES, IClvrr Avrnue Allegheny, Pa, 'l'hona "H North. Soil* Fountains, Hi) fixtures, Billiard Tables, Jaf,:s, Cash iCoglstern, (,'uun ion. Tables. Showcases Oelp'a, Fourth antLlbci ty, 1* It U'xiruli Hair Fall Inn Out! Well call at 43 Attiin. itreet and have It cleaned. If refractory, uMOzoue Hy mall 25c and 50c per box. For sale by Mis Limb M. Collins. 49 Arthur Street, l'lttsliurgb. I'a. Change your diet and try eating Chop Bury ant Vockoma; tbebest «*hln«s» restaurant tn thcctty SEN NAN LOW. 447 Third Atenue, Plttiburo, Pi :or. Grant. The best kind ot I.ee Hung Chung Te» terred 10c a bowl; the only restaurant In tlie «H) handling this brand. MATERNITY HOME Strictly prtvat* with real nome comforts and con renlcoee*. Adoptlooa prorlded. For particulars address Postofflc* Bos Hit Allegheny, Pa. *lot Machine* of all de j "-H . sold re loi exchanged. FISHER, 4Si A*c , Pittsburgh. Pa. f you want to Buy or Sell any kind of property In any |>a< t of the I nlted states, s«?e M. •). TOOLE, 003 Pi-un lIall(lti>K, PltfNl.nri;, Fa. ALL STKANOPRS ta.Wlmr f„r wo.U go t« Huchbr'l, 411 j Ay. rittnLwrg. P. F rou want to buy or sell any kind of nuiinetf IAYANAGH I CO.. 431 Fourth Ave., Pitts|iurg, f. MOMOHOPATHIC REMaUIUS, Jfaonly Meli. ine i uses ainl llooks. Wrlto for ('ataloguo. rillsburg Homoeopathic l'barmacy, CJT bulthfleld Ktreat, , J'lttsiMirg. l'». , Corns, bun kill*. Ingrown nails, warts, cured 1 without pain by Or. MJ-KOIIZIO, 706 Liberty aTenue cor. Wood St., Pltteburg F». qnder <'ugmopolltao Hank. Both feet (1.00. i>peu day tuu) e»euluc. i VM. VVALKKR. CUAS. A. McEF.VAIN } 1 WALKER & McELVAIN. i ! 307 Bntler County National Bank i | REAL F.STATE. INSUKANCE. OIL PROPERTIES. LOANS BOTH PHONEB 11 Eat More 1 w of the most nutritious of flour vK ■ foods —Uneeda Biscuit —the | I only perfect soda cracker. Then I R you will be able to 1 Earn More | H because a well-nourished body ft M has greater productive capacity, | Thus you will also be able to | I Save More 1 jw because for value received there |i I Is no food so economical as I ft Uneeda Bisoult H| W In a dust tight, moisture proof package. '1 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY . Ij P Duffy's Store I | Not one bit too early to think of that new Carpet, or I perhaps you would rather have a pretiy Rug—carpet I size. Well, in either case, we can suit you as olir Car- I pet stock is one of the largest and best assorted in But- I ler county. Among which will be found the following: I EXTRA SUPER ALL WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, | K Heavy two and three ply. 65c per yd and up ■ HALF WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, ■ Best cotton chain • 50e per yd and np I BODY BRUSSELS. ■ Simply no wear ont to these $1.35 yd ■ TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, ■ Light made, bnt very Good 65c per yd up ■ STAIR CARPETS Body and Tapestry Brussels, Half and All Wool Inerains. . ■ HARTFORD AXMINSTERS, B Prettiest Carpet made, as dnruhle too $1.35 B| ■ RAG CARPETS, Genuine old-fashioned weav. ■ MATTING, Hemp and Straw. I RUGS-CARPET SIZES p M Axminater Rugs, Beauties too $23 each and up H H Brussels Rugs, Tapestry and Body $1- each and up ra Ingrain Druggets, All and Half Wool $5 each auil np ■ Linoleums, Inlaid and Common, all widths and grades £ ? Oil Cloths, Floor, Table, Shelf and Stair. |p; ■ Lace Curtains, Portiers, Window Shndes, Cnrtain Poles; Small Health E9 B Rugs, all styles and sizes. I Duffy's Store. I I MAIN STREET, BUTLER. | Spring and Summer Millinery | '*• Everything in the line of Millinery can be found, jg the right thing at the right time at the right price at 1 ROCKENSTEIN'S | * r £ Phone 656. !48 S. Main St. •J; *j* WH V You can save money by purchasing your piano of W. R. NEWTON, ' The Piano Man." The expense of running a Music Store is as follows: Rent, per annum $780.00 Clerk per awium $312.00 Lights, Heat and incidentals . . $194.00 Total 4)1286.00 I have no store and can save yon this expense when you buy of me. I sell pianos for cash or easy monthly payments. 1 take pianos or organ* in exchange aud allow you what they are worth to apply on the new instrument All pianos fully warranted as represented. MY PATRONS ARE MY REFERENCE. A few of the people I have sold pianos in Bntler. Ask them. ' Dr. McCardy Bricker \ Dr. W. P. McElroy Fred Porter j Sterling Club Fraternal Order Eagles i D F. Reed Epworth League Woodmen of the World E. W. Bingham R. A. MePherson Geo. D. High Miss Anna ]yicCandless W. J. Mates E. A. Black J. S. Thompson Samuel Woods Joseph Woods Oliver Thompson S. M. McKee John Johnson A. W. Root R. A. Longwell Miss Eleanor Burton J. Hillgard Mrs. Mary L. Stroup J. E. Bowers W. C Curry C. F. Stepp F. .T. Hauck W. J. Armstrong Miss Emma Hughes Miles Hilliard A. W. Mates Mrs. S. J. Green W. R. Williams i J. R Douthett Mrs. R. O. Rmnbaugh • E. K Richev Chas. E. Herr L S. Youch' PEOPLE'S PHONE 426 ' ■ ■ 1 —— iii % v J, a. & W. CAMPBELL, * H:: :: builer, PA. || Pears«ri Mace's i ive'v. r e*<S vr.C ss'- >A/lck House Sutler "'enr'j T»»e of horse*and first t.k- « wjtvs on for hire. BestaccomD('(ia«iuJß tow» for nr.ru ■< i nent hoarding and tranHif-.t r-t' 1 * J ' al ctrc' Stable Rcom For 65 How A & of horses, hoth driv.-r- i draft horses aiv H «Jn liaud tr -' f or n.*. r o- lcr a full tfuar;iD!<•/*{ .•in'l horn«> ti.r* 'troDer notlflratk»u ht PEARSON B. NACF l'noce No. 21 WHEELERS PAINTS AND VARNISHES, fl» \V. OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. ACiEXTS-—Wowant agents out of town to wont ■>ll the medicine club plan; men or women ran make ).<>«>. Send stamp. GVPSV REMEDY, Ml] Webster avenue, i'lttsburgh, l*a. Several lire hustling men, living out ol town, to sell ijrapllonhows 011 the installment plan in their neighborhood; auower at once and give refcrenrcH. Installment Department Columbia Phonograph Co., f»3G Pcnn avenue. I'lttsburg, J'.. V«»nug Men Wanted from the country to acl »i salueiucn. Cigar*. (iroccrv. ffio month. It. - f Innera preferred. 'l'll \ VULLKKS ill W5 Eederul M»ect) (St iuiui l'Muov; A lie* gh.uyF». ROCKY FORD CANTALOUPES, j A Rnsl Resistant Slrnia DMi'lojied by Selection. In a recent bulletin of the Colorado ftaUou P. K. Kliun reports the tliseor- i cry by .1 local grower of :i rust resist ing cantaloupe which promises to lie of | immense value t > the Iloeky Foril can talop'e industry. Vi this i-.is.- seed of ' the Rooky Ford variety v,.?s purchased from live different seedsmen. They were planted and cultivated under similar conditions. When rust attack- . ed the field just before the melons be- j IDEAL. ItUST ItISISTANT CANTAI/OUPE. gan to ripen, it »leveloi>ed rapidly and | soon destroyed all tlie vines except : those grown from the seed of one i seedsman. Many of the hills fr >m this strain of Rocky Ford seed remained green throughout the season and pro duced a good crop of melons. Further observations in the inuskmelon fields of that neighborhood also showed that wherever this strain of Rocky Ford seed had been used many hills were unaf fected with rust, while with other strains of seeii of the same variety the vines were all dead. Mr. Blinn selected a quantity of seed from the rust resistant hills and plant ed them in comparison with ordinary seed. "On the rust resisting hills the melons were hidden under a healthy growth of vines and were large, solid- j ly netted, with thick, firm flesh, small seed cavity completely filled with seed. On the rusted hills the plants were al most devoid of leaves and the small j melons were prematurely ripe, with | thin, watery flesh, large, open seed | cavity and practically of 110 market | value." (Figs. 1 and ~.) In tracing liack the history of this , strain of se;-d it was found that some years before a seedsman had saved j the first lot from a single healthy ! melon taken from a field of rusted vines. It had therefore been developed by the simple process of saving seed from the best melons produced by plants which withstood attacks of rust when surrounding plants were destroy ed by this disease. What was thus ac complished by one farmer with one crop can probably l>e accomplished by other farmers with the same or with other crops if they will be alert while the crops are growing to select and mark individual plants which show exceptional merit along the lines of prolific yield, early maturity, resist ance to disease or other desirable qual ity and save seed separately from the i plant showing such qualities. Marked ! variations which may l>e profitably j utilized In this way are constantly 00- , curring and are plainly evident on all farms. The point to be emphasized is lhat 1 Improvements In farm crop varieties , nearly always trace ba. 't to individual plants. No one Is In bo.ver position to SECTIONS OF CANTALOUPES. [Showlnpr pood and poor internal nual ities.l notice these exceptional plants than the farmer. lie is in his fields, garden or orchard every day, where these ex ceptional plants are produced. If one plant in a rust infected wheatfield stands' up green and free from the disease, that is a plant to save seed from as a basis of a rust resistant strain. If one hill of potatoes in a blighted field remains unaffected by disease, seed from that hill may pro duce a blight resistant variety. If a squash plant Is found that Is distaste : ful to the squash bug, seed from that hill may produce squash vines which i the bugs will not molest. Mititure In Summer. ' One of the many seasonable prob I lems that are presented to the farmer Is how to dispose of the stable manure which accumulates during the summer I season. Last year I applied what ma j nure I could get from the stables to a piece of buckwheat sown on a wheat 1 stubble turned under. The buckwheat : and grass were sowed July 3i, or about . that date. I got a pretty good crop of buckwheat, much better buckwheat where the manure was applied than where It was not. and the manure shows plainly on tlie grass this season. There will be at least one-third heavier grass where the manure was applied, says an Ohio Farmer correspondent. DiMcnHc IteHltttant Potatoe*. Professor Jones of Vermont calls at j tention to the fact that several new j sorts of potatoes of reputed disease I resistance have recently IHJCU placed on the market—Snowball, lonia Seed ling, Vermont Gold Coin and Norcross, Star of the East and Babbitt—and rec ommends thoso who have opportunity to carefully observe the relative dis ease resistance of these and also of i other new varieties. . Divers, » . 1." la profession :» ;''!•* highest dive .; 1 feet 1 dive from 11 l.rhUo. Donovan also I >.:) Xi:i r -ira bridge, a . t. There are no other div : ii tli. rued: s with Larry. Jack 1.:.-. « 1.1 a dive of Ifeet from tli • top:i:ust yarn riu of the Three i :'u! 1 r.s. the lar . ■'« ; liling ship of its time, and Jim O'Uourkc and Julius (laiititT have done some good diving, too 100 feet. 12."< feet, and so on—but it is doubtful if Donovan's record wilJ pvei lit, broken..' Tlx* ( ran llwh'H Tall. The tall of a crawfish serves that an imal as an oar. By a peculiar jerk of the tail the animal can retire from a dangerous object with almost incredi ble Swiftness. The tail is much more effective in moving the animal back ward than forward, a singular instance of adaptation to its situation, for by means of Its tail it can withdraw Into its hole with such swiftness as in an Instant to place It out of danger. Exelted \<> Comment. Tcss Of Co nr.-, 1 knew that May mil Be: s were bitter enemies, but do ] von : lean to tc'l me they actually en ilj a list Jl jit ,ti-S3— Yes. Tf.S3 ' what a scandal! I declare I— •To. i Us, noiody noticed it. They went to a bargain store to do It.— , Philadelphia Pres.-i. j The Opinion She Sought. "Well, what do yiu think of my new ' hat'!" she asked. "Do you want a candid opinion?" ho questioned. "Heavens, no.' replied. ''Say romething nice."— Now iort I'res?, , !" ' J What Aite You? j Do you f<-d weak, tired, despondent, j ! have frequent headaches, coated tongue, ( | t,itte,r or bad taste in morning, -heart- . ) burn," belching of gas. acid riMnss in > throat after eating, stomach gnaw or | I burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or j variable appetite, nausea at times and | kindred symptoms? If you have any considerable number of the above symptoms you are suffering from biliousness, torpid liver with indi gestion or dyspepsia. Dr. Pierce s Golden i Medical Discovery is made up of the most ! valuable medicinal principles known to 1 medical science for the permanent cure of j such abnormal conditions. It is a most ; efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, ; bowel regulator and nerve strengthener. The "Golden Medical Discovery "Is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum. ;v full list of it.- ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under j oath. A glance at its formula will show I thnt it contains no alcohol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of the following native American forest plants, viz., Golden Seal root. Stone root. Black Clierrybark. Queen's root. Bloodroot, and ; Mandrake root. The following leading medical authorities, am.>ni! a ln»-t of othnrs. extol tin* n»it> for the cure of Just such ailments as the above symptoms Indicate: Prof. K. Bartholow. M I>. of Jefferson Mod. College, l'liila.: Prof. II (' Wood. M. 1>..0f t'nlvjtof Pa.: Prof. Edwin M Hale. M. !>.. of Hahnemann Med. College. Chicago: Prof. John King. M. !>.. Author of American Dispensatory; I'rof. Jno. M. S.-ud der, M. I>.. Author of Si>ecific Medicines: I'rof. Laurence Johnson, M I>.. Med. iH-pt. I niv.of N. V.: I'rof. Ftnley EHintrwood. M. D.. Author • of Materia Medict* and Prof. In Bennett Medi ical College. Chicago. Send name and ad i dress on Postal Card to I>r. R. V. Pierce. I Buffalo, N. V.. and receive fret booklet tflclnjr i extracts from writings of all th«* above inedi • cal authors and many others endorsing:, in the 1 strongest possible terms, each and every ln { ffredient of which r Golden Medical Ois ! covery " is composed. Hr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and l>owels They may 1h» used in exjunction with "Golden Medical Discovery" if towels are much con stipated. They're tiny and sugar-coated. HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifies enre diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Ilogs and Poultry by acting directly on the SICK PAKTS without loss of time. A. A. > FEVERS. Congestion*. Inflamina* CUBES ) tiouH, Lung Fever, Milk Fever. B. BJSPR\I\S, Lameness, Injuries, CURES i Rhi'umatiMni. C.C.{M)RE THROAT, Quinsy, Epizootic, CURES ) Distemper. ci'ftES I WORMS, Dot,. G rub,. B. KJCOIOH 6 !. fold*. Influenza, Inflamed cures) Lunct), IMeuro-Pneuinonia. P. F.iCOLir, Bellynrhe. Wind-Blowr "CRESJ Diarrhea, Ibsrulery. G.G. Prevents .MISCARRIAGE. I ! 1.1 >KKI* DISEASES. Mange l> up lions. CCEESX Ulcers, Grease, Fnrcv I J. K. > BAD CONDITION". S|»rina t'oiK, , cl'Rfca i tiidieeHliou. Stomach .-MasKcri. COc each ; Stable Case, Ten Specifics. Book, etc... $7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of prleo. Humphreys' HcUiclne Co.. Cor. William and Jo;.a St. ''aw York cr" DOOR M «ILEO FREE. Wasal CATARRH Ei,Vc;;;iain.r n W c'.sansea, soothesand heals ft the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives M- away a cold in the head quickly. ( remit Hnbn is placed into tlie n->tr ls,ppreat.3 over the niembxatn: and is in J. Rel'.cf is im- Hlfllntfl and a cure follows. 11 is not drying—does ii«.t produce • ■ • • I nni'4- gistc or l»y mail; Trial s:/.e, 10 cents. ELY PItOTIir.KS. r,G Warren Stn- ' New York PAKOiD READY OOFING. T3AKOID. The with NO TAR Won't dry out. Won't brittle. ANYONE can ripply it. Tins, Nails antl Cement in core 01 each roll. I> EFRKSENTS the results o i y . ars ot nce and Ex- • perimenting. jNLY requires painting every f:\vy ears Not when first laid j S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate o r Shingles j \EMAND for PAKOID is world J wide MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other i'iu Samples aad Prices are yours if you will ask ns. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. L. C. WICK. 'TtALJC? /!• LUfIBER. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. MAIN ST.. BUTLER, PA Eyes Examined Free of Chargo R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ootician Ne*t Door to Court House, l 'utler, Pa CHIC»!LST£fi'3 iMGLI'..! P3LLS \4 t)rl|>ii■ ««T . •• t «»nlr <icn nine. 7-f Vi 1., v • l.adlr-. » v .. > . liirs RNGJUSU l!l"l> ■ «;«>l<l u.rt»mc bo«e». sealed —V, " 1 ri < . lake no other, llcfm ''-*j * s - v sS ••iritft'r.iim utiotm untl lmltu | I {/v (i.um. Huy of joar Drui;gi»t, or cenJ 4e. In : W , , »* IR>|W f r I'urt letllur«. moni«l« i V • •'"* "Belfef for letter, by re- L' uruMwl!. I 0.000 Tentlßoalale. Sold by ' < hlchealcr <*hritil«*a»l Co., UiadUon Ncuarc. i'lilLA.. |»A. luver Studio S?2l?Ha s added a full line of amateur Photo Supplies, Cam eras, Films, Dry Plates, De velopers, Printing out and de veloping papers. Anti-Trust Goods At about one half what you have been paying. Quality Guaranteed i As good if not better than » the Trust goods. f 1 ZUVER STUDIO 215 S M?in St Butler \ R-R-TIME-TABLES iPennsylvania RAIbROAD WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION j Schedule m effect Maj -7. IINMI i Tralcs leave EUTLEK as (Ollowi: | 1 'All .linn HIK) »»V FC 15 AND 10.X". * j m, an«l 4.J&) pm. VMk <!ay*; 7SO a. m. ai»l 5.15 J ] m. >au'Ux . ForPlttrtmrgan v* MO a. m.atfiSJi* 1 rjj. we**k -Uys. For Ittairsviiie Int«-r-<-<ii »u, Alt u«, 1 Philadelphia an<l the Ea*t, 6.15 aiui 10.35 • m. and! ?.. - * 7.. .. >.»»: I BUFFALO AND ALLEGHEBT VALLET | Division. Trains leave via KISKIMIHETAS TCHCTIOH I as follows: Kr n - . ... .x 7.'- ». m • i j lay-. K- r lied Bank and <>ll 6.1\ 8.40. li> 3."> •. n« 1 and 4J30 p. m, week days; 7.2U a. m. and 5.05 p. m. I Swn<litvs. 1 kittauuing and waj . IB i IMS •« m.and 1.4)}. m weak njn; a. m. awl fcfli j. n». Fun-lay-. • For detailed informati< r, aj ] l> |.» ti -krt nireuf or address TiMM. V. VI *tt, Pass. 4 -.t. VaiMn D MM Kifli* Pltttbui g, P* W. W. ATTKRiU iiY, J. 11. WtH.P Gen'l Manager. I'an /r Trat 'SKO W Ik»Vl>. General I'-i.- ] -»» • m AYiuflehl It 11 Co rime Table lu effect May 29th, 1903 WESTWABP. STATIONS. AM P M Leavra W M I WtafleM. " »• 2 45 " BugrrrUle 745 300 " Irou BrMgr 7» 310 Winfitld Junction S 10 3 25 " U»e : , 44 Hutk-r Junction.... •* SB !i 4«» An IN•• Batter 033 566 Arrive Allegheny... . 6 0e Arrive Plttdmi lo ■ pro Arrive Rlairsville 1 06 5 42 K AKTW * Lil). STATIONS AMP M 3 05 Leave B!ain»vilie 7 50 2 L 5 44 Allegheny ... 825 220 u Butler 840 290 " Hutler JiiQctioc 10 00 440 " Laue 10 09! 443 " Winfield Junction 10 15| 455 • 4 Iron Bridge 10 2T»! 506 «« lo 35} 5 15 Arrive West WinfieM 10 50| 5 :#> Trains stop at Lane and Iron lirnlge only on Flag to lake on or leave off paa***ag«T*. Traine Connect at Butler Junction with. Trains Eastward for Freeport, Vandergrift and Blair-*ville Intersection. Trains Westward for Xatrona,Tareutum Allegheny tnd Pitt.-borg. Traiua Northward for Saxonburg, Maraood and But ler. B. G. BKALOR, General Manager. li u * P k B Time table in effect M»v 27, 190 C. Passenger trains leave anrl arrive at Bntler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a m., mixed for Pnnxsutawney, Dn Bois and intermediate stations. 10:3:5 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo and Rochester 5:50 p. in. local for Pnnx'y, Dn Bois, Clearfield and intermediate-stations , 11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. (5:10 a, m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 0:30 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 4:50 p.m. daily, veetibnled day express from Buffalo and Rochester. S:O7 p.m. week days, mixed train from Da Bois and Punxsntawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station. Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a. m. and 10:00 p m.. and for local points as far as Dußois daily at 4:20 p. m. week <lavs. BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD 3 COMPANY. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 28. 1906 tASTERN STANDARD TIME NORTHWARD SOUTHWARD (Read up) Daily Except Sunday "id 114 j 12 | BTAT7riV q J I 11 l^"15 p.m.'p.m.tp.xn.' ,a.ui.a. ni. p m. 1 . I (Hi :I uoßuffalo.tUli.HA; «•"'!" "• ■' W p. iiLp. m. a. M.i " * , J 12tl( 1 I-, SlB kritt 7001COtt £? i 6 47| 1 121 9 1" J .ulnnl ..I 7881 s: i 1 lr..contii • i ■ 700 till - A' !• G o2 .-5 ;K> .Albiuii 7 -u 1 48 5 M £6 13 18 41 Shall elaud IS t!' ■ '« 07 C 1012 3S 8 35...-Springboro 8 13 2 00 (! 10 6 0412 33; 8 33-Coniieautville... 8182»' t: 17 x, 12 M a 2s Ar .Mead ville. Lv 7 68 1 w 1 28 4 28 11 21 0 56 Lv..Mend villo. Ar 9 -s 3 la • Jo 7 04 12 25 11 OOA. Con't Lake.-Lv 8 2» 2 10 4 ;« 4 r>s|l 5] 7 26Lv.Con"t Ijike.Ar 9 00 2 4." 7 04 5 :i"i 1"i 5 8 05jAr..Liluesville..Lv 8 1"'.... 615 2 4(i I.v..LiiK'svillc. Ar & a 1 5 4" 12 l" 8 OSl.Erpoaitloii Park, s i" 2 30 6 i • 5"3 7 Osgood ... :/ _'i 1 5511 28 7 2ii Greenville j980308 ,28 4 50 II 22 7 15 Shemingu aBB 3 15 7 38 4 1810 SSa.in. Morccr 10 »! 3 41 8 10 ...*...£10 48 Houston .let... 10 1" 8 15 3 5510 32 1 drove <'ity 10 3<> 4 lOi 853 3 37 10 15 Branehtou ; 1 \; .Hilliard...laV 37 220 ,i 37 I,v llllllanl . Aril 20 «16 ... . 3 „• ■„ io Keister 10 i '. T.. u M Ar Kaylor Li 2« 7 -.'iip. in. Lv... Knylor Ai •• •• 2 55| 936 4 32| Butler ill 3o 6 10] 9 4:i i 8 00 3 15 ... Black's Ruu.... 6 - 2 60 Lv. E. PlttsbunfAr 7 001 'l i: - : Lv.Alk-gtieiiy.Ar l p. m. ». in. p.l IP.!• l - ,n Train No. 1 leaves (Iroenville 0:15 a. m.; Slu naiiKO C:s:>: Mercer 7:28; Urove City 7:50: Keis terßlo: Butler 0:00, arrives Allegheny 1(1:25 n. m.; Enst I'itLsburg 11.15 a. ra., coimectliiß at Branehton to and from Hiiliard, and at Queen Junction to and from Kaylor. No. 2 leave* Ailesrlicny :::00 p m ; Kaet Pltf-- burg 2 50: Butler 4:45: Keisters:2B; drove Ci(V 6.67; Mercer6:2o; Slienango 6 NS; Ureenvllle 7 OC p. iu.: conucctiug at (Jueen Junctiouior ]»>r, and at Brauchton for Hiiliard. No. 16 leaves Butler 7.00 a. in.: Kebtcr 7.t(J: Grove city 8.05; Mercer *.28; Sbenango 9.02; Greenville 9.07 a. in., arrives Exposition Park 9.55 a. in , connecting for Mcadvilte Additional train leaves Exposition Park 8.00 p in., arriving Greenville 8.43 p. m. _ _ E. H. IJTLEY. K. I). COMSTOCK. General Manager. Gen'l Pass Agent. Dean's I I A Fiife, rflu .»r I ■ Menstruation. N» v i k».«»wn to fa'l. Srifo! ■ ■ Hun 4 ! Bpwdy! Satisfartlon i iiinn»ntt od ■ lor inonov Kcfbndoil. Sent prepaid for ■ ■ il.oo per box. Will send them on trbJ to ■ ■ be puid for when relieved, bam pies F'ree. ■ B UWITf D MCDICAL CO.. Box 74. lAWCAITtw, W*. J Sold in Bntler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy F. T. Papej i iJEWELER.f: S 121 E. Jefferson Street. Where lo Dine fftsn in Pittslmri FIFTH AVENUE Op?. Grand Owra Fp^ie, Uaili on each floor free to guests. Absolutely flr%! proof. bteaiu he:i« ainl telepbooe In utery ruou. Kurupean plan. • l!*tes (1 .00 and upward. COMMERCIAL HOTEL "HOTEL YODER, h'or Men Only. * Absolutely flrepr -of. Kooms and conveniences as good as l»fj?h prlctMl hotels 24c |»f*r choice.« No. 1113 Pnrl»m St., I'll (aha l*a. i jst Three Bqnan»" frum t*<»urt lloune. 7 LEAOINQ RESTAURANT AMERICAN »1. M. MII.LLR., Proprictoi-, 4t<) I iiiij Aveuuo, VHtsburg, ra , « pftaaita PostoOicH. Central tsonvenlent; everytblng now au l up-tu-d*t«; flr»ti CU«S servw-t); prlctw Miller's Restaurant !'•>. WHERE TO PINE WHEW 111 ALLEGHENY Sauers Tavern Allegheny. Pa. Ludlm l>lulu«( ltoom ou Voud Floor. - tjJ We've solved the banking problem for j*pl those who find difficulty In visiting the bank within banking hours. You can Jj either deposit or withdraw money by mail as easily as if you attended to the r Sp matter in person. |B 'pi Send your deposits to us by register fm j 1 ed mail. Post Office or Express orders. Jjfl. For further particulars write us. We ■M. "' pay 3 per cent, interest on savings accounts. THE Butler Savings & Trust Co. 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET. LAHGEBT AM) STKOXUKST IX TIIK « OI NTI. 1 ™ E j | Butler County National Bank. 1 1 i | A good. STRUNG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLF of |. Butler County to do business with. t Capital # 300,000.00 | i Strength Surplus 400,000.00 I | Assets 3,000,000.00 j We invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, f COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. "The big Bank by the Court House" ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL StOO.OOOOO SURPLUS AND PROFITS earned $47,000 OC DIVIDENDS PAID - - - - 56.000 00 None iStrt»n<Jei in flie CoL»r\tv ROBT. LEWIN fi CO., Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Bell 14 SmiThfiei D Srs»eE>, P. k A. Phone 2179. PITTSBURG, PA. Phone !45*J We are Headquarters in Pittsburg, Pa., for the finest wines and liquors. We sell direct to the con sumer. We prepay express charges on all orders of $5.00 or over, and guarantee prompt shipment. Your choice of the following brands of Whiskey guaran anteed 6 years old. ...vV 6-year-old Finch p BrtfgJpoTl 6-year-old Guckenheimer 6-year-old Pilltnger 6-year-old Gibson 6-year-old Overholt 6-year-old Large 6-year-old Thompson 6-year-old Antler Club SI.OO per Full Quart, 6 Quarts 15.00. Expressage Prepaid. For a smooth, palatable social drink or family use. GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE at $2.00 per gallon —guaranteed 3 years old —will suit you. Special Attention to Family Trade. Mail orders promptly filled, carefully packed and satlsfsc tion guaranteed. We would be pleased to fill a trial order for you. @(S)(s)(§K§Xo)®®(§XsXsX2)(§)(§)@(BXsX2)@@@®(S)©@(§) @ Send Your Orders by Mail for Your 1 W.HISKKS I I WIN KS I I and LIQUORS! JMAX KLEIN SONsI H 1318 20Penn Ave., PITTSBURG, PA. || ® EVERYTHING IN LIOUORS x >oooooooo<x Fry >\ (thl lon <>l 1 r Our 4"year oJcl at $3.(-X) per Grallor|_. \ HUGH 11. CONNKhLV I ! r SUCCESSOR TO JOHN LIMEOHOVEK, JU. I, (C 107 West Ohio Street. (Opposite Post Office.) <|> ( r BOTH PHONES ALLEGHENY. PA. ||J W 5 & EWICK, UKALKKSI> Koairli anU Worded luuilw ' •• "in.!. | (lonrfl. and •>»>!* o" Well Kip* A Mpectalty und Yard K ranrjlDtfliiUD c l» , nemr w**t Rf»r.« il'Tf IH »A | I' ATTENTION Wint-l—X«n :■ i«mh i wtK-f tr*le in SIX wwh wll 1 wako »•*» •» Uru-ciau nwrin bartw. tkmi y<«« will:* iiiii*prß<lviti v ifHjr (<>*□ BMfbbun »ho h»»<- •rrurnl lua barter mlu<-atk<n at «k»i wb»>t W» am 4 y.mlutof tfiirmnlafc, ai»t white «amliij( UM tra.tr fom ran nut' J is board. Tuott trew tu iur »rh.>iar*. I.aw*t uu thortl. Wh ljultra halr->tn-»U>(. a.*i.trwtii(Mr. .by aUy luttriM tim. < atalmcu* frmtuall ' l!«ber Sclmwl, iViiii Ait. FlliituiA, * hU. I'Aia la IHO Let. i tin a «... u^ui. ; HTTSBUKG COLLEGE OF THE HOLY GNOSI pi-m»i ; R«, pa. lU*Mri ts and day «l„trnT» rar*tr-4. rwwM •11 the |>ru(M*l>-i.a. Clwki, ttwr ueh; « • mawr- I clal, up-t<.-J»u. SrUmtlßc ami rncinmrta*. #»» tallwl: tirammar. >rn(m<l'r. Sit m«.Vru lan. < ''(«. iVural »ml lititruatnntaJ made. Oratory lUucuUoß, l>/aw.ullr>. fi«W <i«u. Very Rev. M. A. Htfcir, C S. U-. rrtUm*.