Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 16, 1906, Image 3

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NOTE—AII advertisers Intending to mtwe
rliAniie-i In their ads. should notify us of
tbelrlntentlon to do so not later than Mon
day morning.
Legal Notice.
Sheriff's Sales for Sept. 7.
Jnry List for Sept. Term.
Dontt's Annual Sale.
Zimmerman's Fall Goods.
Biehl's Paint.
Modern Store's Sale.
Campbell's Furnitnre.
Kirkpatrick's Glasses.
Adininlsuators and Kxecntors of estates
cm secure their receipt lK>>ks at the t
■ ITI/RN offlce.
TERMS: $1.50 Per Year
If paid in advance.. 1.00 "
Each subscriber, by consulting the
little tab on bis paper, can tell the date
to which his subscription is paid
- Back to school.
- Fair next week
—This in mnsbroon season.
Everybody goes to the Fair.
-Eat home-made candy, or none.
Everything ready now for the Fair.
The Butler Fair is the People s Fair.
—Fair and foot ball talk come togeth
—P. H. C. postponed picnic next Mon
—The cbildrens vacation is almost
—They arc "boiling the water' in
—Zelienople is to have another bnsi
nerH block.
-The Pore Food man is after the
-This is G. A. K. encampment week
in Minneapolis.
—The Merchants Parade at the Fair
will be immense
"John Sconoskv. his thnmb mark,
will be the next wrinkle
- The Kittanning people are having a
good week for their Fair.
—Cbicora is said to have snakes—big
one* that escaped from a show.
—Some people talk all the time—just
like that machine over the way.
—The white watermellons now in
market come from southern Indiana.
—Connellsville is celebrating her cen
tennial this weak. She's a youngster.
We all meet at the Fair
—S. 8. Reesmau, formerly of Butler,
is interested in a big gas field in Cana
- Forty Pennsylvania widows lost
t heir pensions, last yeas, by marrying
—Tramps set fire to the big barn of
J. H. Stone at Gallery, last Friday
—A coaT and coke arch over Main St.
is a feature of the Connellsville Cen
* ; eniiial.
—|f all the roads are given appropri
ate names we'll tytveto keep a directory
df them.
—The boase of Win. Gardner of Fair
r -slew twp. wan lately bnrned with all its
—'(ha Hnnkiea drink their beer in
Lyudora now, bnt few appeared on our
streets, last Saturday
—A gasoline street car is the latest,
and if it is a s'ncceas the trolley will be
come a thing of the past.
- -A. C. Ruby's car-load of European
stallions arrived in Butler last Sunday.
They will be at the Fair.
—The lawyers of Butler have some
new stories to tell. This is the silly
season and everything goes.
—Mr Eisler killed the soldier-worms
in Diamond Park by putting Halt along
ft* edges of the s|,omJ walks.
- The dry spell after a wet, this time,
was a great boon to onr farmers. They
are drying their oath this weelj.
—The Arcade bnsinesi is not a success
In Butler. The owners of the real es
tate took it last week for $125 rent.
—The R. F. D. men can now deliver
medicines—the receiver to pay the
charges. A quart bottle is the limit.
There Is ouly one place of amusement
and recreation no one cau afford to
miss and that is the Butler Fair
—H 8. Soott of Penn twp. was held
np by three men and robbed by them
near Thorn Cteek, last Wednesday
—The barn of Chas. McCracken in
Brady twp. was bnrned, last Saturday,
with all this year's crops and some farm
—lf that wet spell bad continued
much longer we would have all turned
sonr like the left-over hay, or sprouted
like the oats.
—Five men are said to have entered a
honse at Jamisonville the other day,
beaten the woman in it, and then rob
bed the house.
—The game of ball lietween the prin
ters and lawyers, this evening, will win'l
tip th" seanou In Butler, excepting- the
jf<al<or Day itamen * '
• West Waykit. people ttfe jet
kicking on the soft brick. Why can I
people have what they want, and are
willing to pay for.
—The young men who will be candi
dates for District Attorney next sprint
will be Interested to know \Uftt tb»
ry will net tb(Ui sl2r-o
—Of the 15,000 United Presbyterlam
at Conneaut Lake, last Thursday. 55<
were from Butler. It took 21 trains t<
hlnl them all to the Park.
I. ,
j>'o i«lss t'pe L}otier fcalr njlss
|ug the beit part of ones )ife.
—The Brady's- Band and Butler
Street Railway Co. proposes building a
line immediately from East Brady tn
Chicora. See notice in another column
for particulars.
A mixture of water mellon and en
cumber caused the death of a younx
married woman in Allegheny oonnty
last Sunday. Hhe ate freely of both at
dinner, had convulsions, and died that
Tbii treuiendons downpour of last
Friday night came near being the death
of one of our prominent citizens. He
was flooded off the street and Into a
deep hole, and if he hadn't floated across
something would have happened.
The Hunkies of Lyndora are com
{laininu of the way they are beinu
reated by the local officials. Unneces
aary violence by the local police, and
extortion in fines and the settlement ol
cases is the burden of their complaint
Nobody misses the Butler Fair.
The Butler Fair next week.
—The Lyndora riot wan "all a mis
take. "
—The Theatre season begins nex
—A "hold-up 'is reported from Cal
lery -the place all the trains stop.
I —Everybody interested in the Pythian
Home went to Harmony, this morning.
—Several thousand Bntler county
people spent last Thursday at Cascade
—The rig of the Walker McCandless
well near Connoquene-*ing was burned,
by an unexpected flow of oil. Tuesday
—Oscar A. Niggel of the Fulton fish
market has already arranged for his
supply ef Oysters, beginning September
Ist. Salt-water dsh every Thursday
| evening.
—Punk parties are becoming fashion
able at parks and summer resorts. Punk
is an "apparent" remedy for mosqui
toes. and makes enough light for you to
see who you are talking to.
—The monuments of the 3d, 4th. Tth
I and Bth regiments, at Antietam. will b
dedicated, Sept. 17th, and free transpor
tation will be given thos« who were on
the rolls Sept. 17, 1*152. Inquire of Pro.
—Chas. M. Duff of New Castle offers
a reward of SSOO for the arrest of the
murderer of his brother. Win. Duff, on
his farm near Hillsville, Lawrence
county, Monday. Mr. Duff was shot bv
some hunters
—The concert in the Park last Sun
<lay afternoon was largely attended,and
it was very enjoyable: but the ground
was damp and the people had no place
to sit. A few hundred more benches
are called for there.
—Everybody intending going to Can
ada this summer, or any other time,
should call at the banks, secure a lot of
Canadian quarters and halves take
them to that country, and leave them
there, as they have become a nuisance
—The Pittsburg loop in Hutler will
be bounded by Chestnut. W. Jefferson,
Main and W. Cnnningham Sts. A
couple of curves like those now going
in to connect the Cnnningham St line
with the Main St line cost from two to
three thousand dollars
Eveiything is in readiness for Butler
County's big Reunion and Picnic next
week—Aug. 21-24. and there is no more
pleasant or suitable place for holding
it than on the spacious grounds of the
Butler Driving Park and Fair Associa
tion, on the hill west of town and as
harvest is now over, and crops were
good, with a ready market at good
prices, everybody will take a day or
two off and meet old friends and neigh
bors at the big Bntler Fair.
The grounds are ample, with an
abundance of good water and a fine
grove with lots of shade; come and
bring your dinner with yon, or if you
do not want to bother with baskets you
can obtain refreshments on the grounds
at reasonable rates.
The grandstand has been rearranged
and made more comfortable: Barney
Demarest's Equestrian and Wild West
Show has been secured, as hi s also the
Drummer Boy of Shenandoah, the cele
brated 16th Regiment Band; the Green
ville Juvenile Band—l!'! boys, the Jubi
lee Singers and numerous other free
The entries in the horse and cattle ex
hibit* have closed *r»l nro by f.irtiie larg
est in the association's history In addi
tion to the regular exhibits ".here will
be 20 bead of imported French, Eng
lish and Belgium draft stallions.
The quality of the horse and cattle
exhibit will be far supt-Tior to that of
any ever offered in this part of the
country; while that in the sheep, swine,
poultry, etc. departments is equally
There is something to instruct and
entertain everybody, old and young, all
four days at the Fair, and the admission
is only 15 and 25 cents.
The speed program is as follows;
Tuesday, 2:2-1 pace or 2.20 trot, purse
$400; Gentlemen's Road Race, pace,
purse SSO.
Wednesday. 2:10 trot. $300; 2:10 pace
or 2:14 trot. $300; 2:2:*. trot, $!J00.
Thursday, 3:35 pace, $800; Free for
all, trot or pace, $300; 2:20 pace, $;M)0;
Gentlemen's Road Race, trot, SSO,
Friday. Free-for-all Road Race (Hotel
Purse) £100; 2:40 trot, $300; Consolation
Race, S2OO.
Itlac-k Family Keuiuoi».
The fourth annual reunion and basket
pi:;nic of the Black family will l>e held
at Unity church in Marion township on
Thursday, August itOtb, 1000. Every
body invited COMMITTER
MA .1 KfST I C 'I"11K AT RK.
Powers & -M urriiy--A II NE*L
The Murray & Mackey organization,
including En/ene Powers and Flojence
J. Murray will open a weeks en guv
ment at the Maiestic, iti this city ~" t t
Monday evening, presenting an the
opening play "Under A Shadow", tith
all the special scenery and effects re
quired to make it a finished perform
ance. In addition to the play an aid
less chain of bright and pleasing speial
ties will be presented.
Thursday, August 30, "Mrs. Wggs
of the Cabbage Batch a great play
Slimmer Theatre.
At the Summer Theatre. Morfay
evening, there was standing room ody
and judging by the amount of apnlmse
they received there will be good hoUes
all week. There is a number of pod
turns on the W1 1
• NfcxT Week.
tor next week- Fair Week—Wf'y
Johnston's Celebrated Creole Belles rill
be the attraction, in high '-lass, refill
vandevijle. . . /
While in for the Fair don't fail to the
in the show at the Pari; Danotfg
every night
A >|*!i00,000 Diamond Koi>l>eh.
The Pittsburg Dispatch of Huuda.
Anr" l -'
.. ..i contain tne most tlirh
ling detective story ever wrUten, er
titled "A $200,000 Diamond Itobbery
One sensation follows another with sikH
rapidity that the reader is lifted off hit
feet If yon like mystery, action ant
sensational situations don't miss this re
uiarkable story
I'ivc I>av Trip to ItuNalo mil
Niagara Falls.
On Saturday, August 25th, the Buf
falo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. wiJl
sell excursion tickets to Niagara Fall"
and return for trains leaving Butler
10:33 a. in and 11:31 p. m at the low
fare of $4.00 for the round trip. Tickets
will be good retnrinng from Niagara
Falls fir Buffalo on all regular trains up
to and including train No. 7, leaving
Buffalo 10 10 p. in. Wednesday, August
2!tth. This will be the last five dav ex
enrsion of the season.
Attend the State Normal School at
Slippery Rock, Butler connty, Pa Ad
vantages first class, rates low; tuition
free to teachers and to those who intend
to teach. Fall term liegins September
4, 1900. Kend for a catalogue. Address
Aliiekt E Mai/iuy, Principal
Butler Fair Kxciirslons
Agents of the Be-iseiuer road will seli
, low rate excursion tickets to Butler on
account of the Fair, Augu«t 21 to it,
inclusive, return limit August 2.1.
Money to loan on first mortgage,
E. H. Neqmsy,
C. L. Brown leaves, tomorrow, for
J. M Abern of Parker twp. has mov
ed to Oil City,
j Nellie came near getting ' stoled"
Sunday night.
| Miss Nellie Armstrong is heir to £«.-
I 000 in England.
i .Mr?. \V. A. Lowrv and daughter are
at Atlantic City.
I C. X. Boyd and Rev. Oiler have re
turned from Canada.
John L. Sullivan the ex-prize-fighter
is said to be in Batler.
W. J. Pacoe of Middlesex twp. was
town on business, Friday.
M. L. Smyers of Batler twp was in
town on business, Monday.
D. C. Burton of < iinton twp. visited
friends in Batler. Monday.
Geo. Burkhalter and family Lave re
corned from St. Clair Flats. ilich.
Andy Ekas of Buffalo has lately re
turned from an extended Western trip.
Witherap, the base ball pitcher, has
been sold or loaned by Boston to Union
J. W. Groom and Floyd Reed of
Penn twp. were in town on busine?.--
Dr. Kottraba, the dentist, has return
ed from a visit with friends in Law
rence county.
Dr. S. A. Johnston, denti.it, has re
moved his office to the Rnff building
116 S. Main St.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton of Danville,
N. Y., are the guests of their son.W. R.
Xewton, the piano man.
"Billy" Mitchell, ' Daddy" Gregg and
Joseph Gray are the only three canal
boatmen left in Batler
Win. Snyder of Fayette county, just
released from the peuitectiarv, is look
for his wife, in this county.
Mrs. Mary Brady, nee McCarthy of
Pittsburg was the gnest of her anut
Mrs. McShane, over Sunday.
Attorney Jaines S. Campbell of Pitts
burg wa< the guest of his con-in. Wm.
Campbell of S. Main St.. over Sunday.
James H. Gribben, ex-County Com
missioner. was in Butler last week.
We've forgotten where to place Jim,
bnt he is still on top and in good health
Mrs. Abraham McCandless- and
daughters of Allegheny are visiting her
daughters, Mrs Keunedy Matbe and
Mrs Edward Walker of the Plank
Mrs. C. L Bo' h and daughters. Hazel
and Edna, who were visiting Mrs
Henry Biehl, for the past three week-",
left for their home iu-Greenaburg, yes
terday; also E. S. Xaly, of same pla<v.
Jesse Heydrick, the Civil Engineer,
shipped a lot of his seedling gladiolas to
his brother, Heydrick of Frank
lin, Tuesday. Mr. Heydrick has Rome
novelties in tfUdiolas this year—pure
white and also bine ones.
T. K. Speer and wife of Marion twp
will celebrate the 50th anniversary of
their wedding day on next Wednesday,
the 22d. Mrs. Speer s maiden name
was Boggs, of the southern part of the
county. Everybody invited.
W. C Glenu aud daughter of We*t
Sunbnry went to Uniontown. last week,
to see his son Charley, who has been on
the sick list for some time. Mr. Glenn
returned home, Thursday, but Miss
Ada remained in Uniontown.
Mrs. John J. Reiber of W. Xorth St.
and her sou, Stanley, of the B. & O.
freight office, left on a trip to Cleveland,
Detroit and Kalamazoo. Mich., Monday.
In the latter place Mrs. Reiber will vis
it her sister, Mrs. A. L. Boggtt
'•T<»rn' Madine of Hartje divorce
fame was recognized on the boardwalk
at Atlantic Oity, last Saturday He
registered under tlje name of Smith, bnt
was recognized bv man v When
hib uoc-iiujo Jfii"- . initi U«m
ble in dodging cameras. Snch is fame.
Thomas W. Phillips, the millionaire
oil and uas man, who represented the
Twenty-fourth Congressional district,
has announced his refusal to be an in
dependent candidate for Congress from
the Lawrence Beaver-Washington dis
trict. The Democrats have so far failed
to secure a fusion candidate to oppose
Congressman Achesoii.
Dr. B. F. Hamilton of Emlenton. who
died lately, is fpoken of as one of na
ture's noblemen, and a man who will
be sadly missed in that town and vicini
ty. He practiced medicine for two
years at Xorth Washington, this conn
ty, and for about 30 years In Emfonton
his clientage covering parts of four
counties. He was the father of Mrs.
Rev. Williams of Brain.
Ben. L. Pollock of Denver, Colo, hit
Butler in a general tour around the
world, last Friday, and revived his ac
quaintance with some of his old friends
here. Ben has been located in Denver
for 25 years and has evolnled into a gold
mine millionare with money to lend.
Hf' sends his wife to the Pacific sea
shore every summer and then titkes a
little .jaunt on his own hook While
here he domiciled with his brother-in
law, A. A. Irvine.
Mrs. Eliza J. Ifft, formerly of Pearl
St.. is visiting her brothers, Cyprian
and Lorenzo Snyder, ami sister, Mrs.
W. J. Carrie, of the Maddycreek valley,
and nieces Mrs. Bert Boozel of (.'lay
twp.. and Mrs. Verda English of Pros
pect Mrs Ifft since leaving Bntler has
been making her home with her son,
George N Ifft, editor of the Pocatello,
Idaho, News. George has recently been
transferred from the United States Con
sulship at Chatham, Canada, to a bet
ter position in Germany
W H. Pape, who superintended the
building of the Butler street car lines
has returned from Havana where he
was in the interest of the Galena Signal
Oil Co. The Havana Post says that "he
is the inventor of a—something or
other—which oils the journals of car
wheels without intervention of man
kind—so he also may not resent being
called a journalist. He has been mak
a series of experiments 0D Havana aud
suburban cars- perhaps that' is why
they go so much faster although that
point may be debatable.
Onr grocers are paying.for
Apples .. 40
Fresh eggs 1H
Butter 20
Potatoes tfO
Chickens, dreased ■•. • • ■ . . .10 IK
Navy beams, bu , SI (ft
String bei.r.s, bu ,W
fomiitot-i. ~ . •<
Onions,bu •••»*•„.
Honey jwr lb
Turnips, per bu ;
Parsnips, per bu • • •'
Beets per dos bunches -'J
Blackberries •'
Corn, per doz
Mangoes, per doz 111
i,HHt Five l>»y Excursion to
Nlajfarii I'allK HuHulu.
Saturday, August SSAth, will be the
last opportunity offered this season b>
the Buffalo, Rochester Pittsburg Ry
for a five day trip to Buffalo an<
Niagara Falls at cheap excursion rates
Tickets will be sold for trains leaving
Butler lO.iCS a. m and II 31 p.. in ai
fare of $4 00 for fl " round trip and wil
be good returning from Niagara Fall
or Buffalo on all regular trains up t<
and including train No. 7, leaving But
falo 10:40 p. m. Wednesday, August 21>
*».00 <'oiiuciiut i.alu- uii'l l.v
(urn *U.OO.
Going Saturdays leaves Bntler 7 an
ii lili a. m. or 8:20 p. in.. returning leave
Exposition I'irk, Sunday 7 p m or re«
ular trains Monday.
I In Jefferson township, known as th
Thomas Mechling farm, and located
j miles north of Saxonbnrg; *•'( acres, Nn
. 1, buildiiiKs. splendid home, the lx"
spring in the county, good ground an
good orchard, ni .ty ton silo, and on
l producing oil well
J. A GaE'iO,
R. F. D. 7, Butler, Pa.
—Why Is Newton "The Piano Man
See adv.
Clara Faalk vs Kalfh Faulk, lil>el in
divorce, desertion alleged.
Emilia Cunningham vs LeviCunning
ham, liDel in divorce, cruel and barbar
ous treatment, forcing her to leave his
house is alleged.
A. M., L. E.. Maude. Blanche and S.
J. Christley, Clara McCoy and Emma
Spronll vs Industrial Coal Co.. assump
sit for SfitK 85. claimed to be due on a
contract for coal under property in
Cherry twp
Chas. Schoenfeldt vs A. W. Kelly,
trespass for SIOOO damages The plait
tiff claims he is damaged by Kelly turn
ing from his own lot onto Schoen
feldt's so that it runs into the latter's
Cornelias Lumber Co. vs W. L Cub
bison, contractor, and Steve Kost. sci
fa. on a mechanic's lien of $270 for
lumber furnished.
The will of Charles Reilly, dee d , i f
Clearfield twp. has been probated, with
Jos. T. and John T. Reilly and D. .1
O'Neil as executors. 70 acres in Clear
field twp are left to Jos. T. Reilly, anil
the balance of the real estate is left to
decedent's other sons. John, William,
Stephen and Richard Reilly. providing
they occupy it as their homes. They
also receive the money of the estate
The sale of the Stevens in property
was adjourned till Oct. 31.
A petition for au amendment to the
charter of the St. Paul's Orphan Home
so as to allow the trustees to locate it
any other place in the Pittsburg Synod
instead of in the St. Paul " Classic ii-
Butler county. This enables them to
move the Home from Butler if they
wish. A O. Eberhart was the only
trustee who voted against the amend
Harry Johnston, colored, plead guilty
to a&b on Joseph Eskovitz and was
fined $1 and costs, and sent to jail for 5
days, yesterday.
Samuel Shatnberger. who has been ly
ing in jail since his conviction at June
Court for burning his jewelry store,
was released. Tuesday, on SSOOO bail
furnished by Henry P. But/; of Pitts
burg. Bntz made oath that he was
worth $!»o,000 in real estate. Sham
berger is seekiug a new trial.
A charge of perjury has l>een made
against Fred Poyeu of Lyndora by S.
Orar::. Poyen was released on SSOO
Yesterday afternoon the County Com
missioners made public sale of several
properties which they had been forced
to buy at Treasurer's sale fur tax>--<
Lot of Michael Kerr heirs in Clear
field twp. to F. W. McKee for $12.36.
House and lot of T. D Mellon ic
Jackson twp. to (iellert Goehring for
75 acres of J. H. F Campbell in
Washington twp. was redeemed by
Sale of other pieces was adjourned
until Monday, Sept. 3d.
P D Sherwin to F A Misener - acrts
in Clay for $111.25.
W Ii Goehring to Geo Kummerlot on
Cliff st for $3500.
Clara B Ailing to Stephen Lockwood
lot in Zelienople for sl.
C W Smyers to Adaline Smycrs lot in
Saxonburg for $5.
Robt A Leibert to Florence Leibert
lot in Butler for sl.
Ada Turner, adm'r to Ella Galbraith
lot in Harrisville for $525.
W B Dodds to J M Marshall 53 acres
in Muddycreek for sl.
Milton Henry, by Sheriff, to Geo W
Cooper 200 acres in Slipperyrock for
Hll B<jyd to Cath Greenert lot on
■south Side for S'JSO.
Davis Smith to Cora Staeger lot on
South Hide for $l5O.
„ji .»enerson twj . for $75.
Geo W Cranmer to O B McCandless,
11 acres in Franklin for S3OOO.
Jacob Faller to Mary Bell Snyder lot
on Lyon ave for S3OO.
H J Ilillwig to David Kavlor lnt in
acres in Fairview for S2OO.
Mercer Miuing Co to Ueo Jenkins lnt
in 190 acres in Mercer twp for SIOO.
Christy Ann and Abner Snow to Rick
enbrode, Bellis and Brown 10 acres in
Parker for $350.
Franklin, Hoon & Dietrick to Geo W
Clint leases and wells on the Goldstrom
farm in Jefferson twp for $750.
S M Wright to G W Cline lease and
wells on the Wright farm in Jefferson
twp for $!I50.
Marriage Licenses.
Joseph D. Sherman Bntler
Ora A. Kennedy Mars
Robert E. Book Slipperyrock
Margaret Wilson Prospect
S. E Osborue New Castle
Mrs. Carrie Moyer '* "
Delbert Pitts. Taylor Co., W. V'a
[delia Bish OmnoqneneHsing
Jacob Farom Kayl <> r
Marie Heren
For Halo.
Several desirable dwelling properties,
$1220 to SISOO in price.
S. W. Diamond. Bntler.
>V« can club the CITIZEN with the
Pittsburg Ga/jtte Times at. $3.00 per
year for the two; CITIZEN and Pitts
burg Post for $3.25.
Cash in advance.
Tuesday Kxciirslon.s to Niagara
rails and Toronto.
Every Tnegday. to and including
September 25th. the Buffalo, Rochester
<fe Pittsburg Ity will sell excursion
tickets from Butler to Niagara Falls
and Toronto, good for return passage
any time within 15 days from date of
sale, at fare of $7.45 to Niagara Falls
and SH.!IO to Toronto. For full informa
tion consult agents of the company.
C'ltv League uatei.aH
There will two games on Labo
Day, Sept. 3, probably between the four
leading teams. The proceeds will go as
a benefit for the Y. M. C. A
l air I talc*.
The following in a partial list for the
fairs HcheUiilcd for this year for West
ern Pennsylvania
Armstrong County Fair, Kittanning,
Aug. 14-17.
Bntler Fair Association, Bntler, Aug
f'entral Ora-./ ri. Agricultural Socie
ty, Cambridge Springs, Aug. 21 21.
Moron Central Agricultural Society,
Mercer, Sept. t 0.
Indiana Agricultural Society, India
na, Sept. 4-7.
Pnlaska Fair Association, Pnlaska,
Sent. 18-20
Mercer Cotjnty Agricultural Asaoeia
tion, Stoneboro, Sept. J5-27.
Comieaiit Lake \Veelt-pn«l F,\-
Special train leaves Bntler every Sat
urday at 3:20 p. m., returning leaves
Exposition Park every Sr.nda t<> Se .t
--einber'Jth iui.lusive ai i p. m , arriving
at Butler 01" Fare for round trip all
trains Saturday returning Sunday or
Monday $2.00 Connection made via
Mendville with trolley line to and from
Saegertown and Cambridge Springs
islyinc; vyoui,.
We are paying the highest price, in
cash, for wool. Cull at or address,
107 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
I'aintiliK and I'aper-lianglng.
W B. Scott, painter and paper hanger,
can be found at 120 East Quarry street.
1 have moved my dental parlors lion,
the Miller buildlptr to the second flooi
of the new odd Fellows Temple, where
my patrons and friends will be welcome.
I Fdltl) II II A V -i.
Doctor of Dentistry
,' Why ly Newton "The Piano Man'
[ See adv.
Hint ill l.vmlora
The clubbing of a drunken foreigner
by a Car Works policeman. Monday
night, was the cause of a riot in that
The man had l>een refused liquor and
after becoming abusive, had been put
out of the bar room then the policeman
attempted to arre.-t him. and when he
resisted, clubbed him—un necessarily,
as his countrymen thought, and thev
gave the policeman a 1•• -ntinu tint -• nt
him home.
Then they attacked the bar tenders,
and threw a bottle through -i window
Esij. Cri«well was having- a hearing
at the time and Deputy Sheriff
Vorous. Detective Hoon. and Constable
Merwin were present in his office.
Th»y heanl of the fus*. went down to
the corner and attempted tosrrest some
of the loudest of the crowd, who at
tacked theni with stones. C'riswell was
thrown into the gutter and kicked
Hoon wa? felled by a stone and kicked
in the stomach, from which he was sick
next dav VOTOUS received a tremendous
blow on the head and was bruised all |
over the body, and Merwin was beaten !
to insensibility.
The whole i.olice force of the town
was called fo", and eight men were ar
rested and put in jail. Information.- j
and arrests have been in order since the
Sensational Shooting.
What was perhaps an attempt to as
sassinate some member of the Sterling
Club occurred about eleven o'clock last
evening when five shots were fired in
rapid succession either from the roof or
an attic window of the Hotel Arlington
two of which crashed through a window
jf the Sterling Club, in the Campbell
building, just across the alley, Club
members who were in the rooms at the
time had no knowledge of where the
-hots were coming from or who fired
Kxenrsions to But lor
On account of the Fair, agent* of the
B. & L E. road will sell excursion
tickets to Butler. August -I to 24, in
lusive, return limit August 25.
WANTED—Mortgage money. Craf
t ->n Realty Co., Crafton. Pa.
BIG IH/TL.KU t-'Atlt,
Angiht 21, 22, 2:J and 24,
1 1M) <».
Old Eyes Can Be Made Young.
By the use of properly fitted glasses
we restore your vision to that of youth.
Headache is frequently caused by de
fective eye-sight. Call and have your
eyes tested by the latest electric shadow
test free of charge. If you do not need
them we will furnish them in all the
new styles at a reasonable price.
We also sell-
Edison and Victor Phonographs.
Eastman and Poco Cameras.
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and < iuttars.
< optical goods.
Field and Sjjy Glasses.
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
Nost to Court House.
**** **** * !
j "The Nixon"!
| 1
I Butler's Newest j
I Best Hotel. 1
X Beautifully appointed in every J
I detail. Equipped with every $
* known modern convenience. 125 *
I rooms -single or ensuite, with X
I or without bath. Cuisine and J
* service of tho highest standard *
% Private dining rooms Evening 1
$ Dinner, Orchestra and Roof x
* Garden Location very centre #
* w
* of business district. Rates $2.00 m
I to s:i.so per day, American plan, x
*• Luncheon, 50 cents; Evening *
j| Dinner, 75 cents
**■H »if.Writ**.***** W'MXV.
B. & B.
school suits
Time the girls had their
Suits for school.
Time by the calendar and
time from, money saving
utand point.
For Suits at a genuine sav
ing the assortment Summer
Suits and the prices they are
marked at, heat anything the
store ever attempted in pricing
a large selection Misses Suits
to sell,
The Suits are high class in
every respect «tnd will give
four tirnes the service and look
better from the very beginning
than Suits usually sold at the
The selection includes
Lot Mi3ses and Junior
Misses $20.00 and *25.00 Suits
—Grey Mixtures and Panamas,
S8 50.
j Misses $ 10.00 ,-4 ivngth
Tourist Coats. $5.00 $15.00
ones, 57.5 U.
Misses SIO.OO Covert
Jackets, $5.00
Splendid showing Misses ad
vance Fall style Suits, $15.00
to $30.00.
a r.M <;in:>'Y. i»a.
< M«» •>»<) »«>k \Vrll<i lor nitilMirn
ll'.iii.N rimrm*"')', "-7 Hiitilfl*sl*l Street,
I'lminirn. I't
Corns, liuiilona, ltt|rnWli italli, wart*. fur**.,
without palii by l»r. MuKentH, 7u« I.lb«rty
cor Worel »t., HtUbMf r»., undor <
UMlk. IXHIi fool H.QO. Ojwu o*jf uid
\Rubber Gloves S
< For <
/ Dainty Hands. '
Some ladies think that ft.* /
/ soon as they get married. an! i
w start IU honsekeejiiDc they \
V have to give up trying to l>e \
C sweet ami pretty ami jn»t as \
/ charming as possible. \
€ Don't do it' You're iaak S
\ ing a serious mistake Yon \ 1
V < - .au have jnst as dainty and S \
\ pretty hands and nails as of \ \
V yore, if yon will wear Rnbl>er S '
/ Gloves when doing the work \
/ which soils the iiands. S '
f All sizes, per pair, ~.V \ |
I C. N. BOYD, [
By virtue of sundry writs of Vrn. Ex., 11
la . I,ev. !• a.. Ace., issued out of the « .«urt <-f
oinmon I'Jeas of ISut tor Cu.. I'a.. and t«' m
directed. I here will be exposed to public sale
at the Court liiiasc In the borough of Itutler.
Pa., on
Friday, 31st day of August, 1906, J
iit one o clock. I'. M.. the following described
property, to wit:
(•.. I) No. 2j. J7 and >. Sept. Term. ISOi r. I
l oniuer. Attorney.
All ihe right. title. Interest' and claim of
urs. Ida Dittm.T. of. In and to all that i-er
taiii pi.s-e or lot of land situated In :>t (i Ward,
liutler borough. Rutler county. i'a.. hound-
M M follows, to-wit: OB the north by Lin
coln Way east by lands of William lla/.leit.
south by lot owned by A M. ( hrlstl. y, and
dlvldt d therefrom by a tioarl f. ,nd o-.
the west by lot of Mfss II it tie <;„l,|, said ! i
having a frontage of forty-live [til feet
more or less, on said Lincoln W ay. and ex
tending back in a southerly direction pre
serving the same width, eighty ISOI feet,
more or less, to said C'hrlstiey lot. having
thereon erected a seven roomed frame
dwelling house.
seized and taken in execution as the prop
yrty of Mrs. Ida Dlttmer. at the unit of John
Iterg, Henry A. Berg, part tiers as John Her:;
.t Co.. Mary O Neal. I . J Korquer.
E. D. No. 2. 23. 21 and at. Sept. Term. !>>••.. A.
I. Scott. ||. 11. tioueher and N. <Mc-
Collough, Attorneys.
AH the right, title. Interest and claim of
James M. Maxwell, of. In and to all that cer
tain piece or lot of land situated in Butler
liorough, Butler Co., i'a., bounded as follows
to-wlt: On the north by lot belonging to
heirs of Adam Kamer. tie. 'd., east by Second
street, south by lot belonging to Edward
l.ieliert. and on the west by an alley. >ald
lot fronting on s' reet eighty twil feet
and extending back to said alley 11 Mil feet
and being part of original lots No. !i and 21
and all of lot No. 15 iu I,'ock No. Si In the
liorough of Butler, i'a.. In plan of «' M-.
Candles*. et al, recorded In Deed Book >2
page and being part of origin al block of
lots conveyed to George C. Blelil. the present
granter liy the Butler Savlegs Bank, et al.
by deed dated Nov. IMb, IsNt', and recorded
In Deed Itook 151. page :;TT In the Register
and Recorder s office of liutler county. I'a..
and having thereon erected one two storv
ft line dwelling house.
Seized and taken In execution as the pro.i-
V'. rt ¥. of James 11. Maxwell, at the suit of .
r. Ilazlett. Trustee for us. t ntteit -i n- .
1 . ■ ■ ■ . . ..v i \V. s. Rat ~1 , r
1 ne Commonwealth . r I'enn'a.. at the in
gestion, etc., for use of lulled states F' 'd
ty & Guaranty Co.
E. I'. No. ti, September Term, lUOi. \V. 1).
Brandon, Attorney.
„, A ]l the right, title, Interest and claim or
\\. W. Watti rs, of, In and to all that certain
niece or lot of land situated in hvaushurg
liorough. Butler county, l'a„ bounded as fol
lows, to-wit: <Ji» the north uy lot No. II!'
one hundred and eighty ! W>| feet, east by
Centre alley forty-eight and i-ino (Is ;i
feel, south by Sarah alley one hundred and
eighty [ISO] feet, and on the West by Wash
l llgton street, forty eight and :U-|i«> |4s 331
feet and Iteing lot No, l;„ |„ Martin Wall Is
tilan or addition to the borough of L.ans
liurg and being tin same nr. ni ,-iv eonveveil
'V w jy '■/, V'"''Vai,l. Ot uxfby
deed dated y.a.ebutii, !«»,. and recorded |f,
Heed Book KB, page of the records of liut
ler county, I'enn'a.. having thereon erected
"rat ottage house and outbuildings.
Seized and taken In execution al the .run
ertyof W. W. Walters at the -v.Jt ol Mar*
M. Podils. '
E. I>. No 2». Sjtpt. Term. IlKkl. Bowset
Hros, and I. I orr|Ucr t Attorneys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
1 I . i ouiig. of, in and t > all tint! certain
piece or parcel of land *1 timed in Summit
township, Butler my. l a . hounded as
follows to-'.vll. On tl.. north by creek and
lands of Uoberl Hartley, east by l.,uiis of
f loreni t Stephenson and public roaii, .outli
by laudsof Eewls and liettlg. and on
the west by lauds of jolltl spineweaver anil
Sheaner: con mining one hundred and
t weutV-flve aerus, more <ir less, and having
thereon erected a two story brick dwelling
house, frame barn and other outbuildings.
Al,so Of. In and to all that certain pi
or parrel ..f land sltuat«'f| In twn
itutler rounty. I'a., lH)ui)d«*d as r<*l lr>v to-'
r!'J,. "ilf!? "°" h V y Atium"and
{-■wis Ret tig east l.y i-.„.., I>f formerly
isl er. now Mrs. NelUe llambaeh. south l.y
lands of lli n;y tveeu, and ..i. the west by
lands of inilmw Yost and publl<- roa<l con -
taining twenty six ISn| acres, more .i less
and same Iwing timber laml.
A I,SO of. In and to all that e. rtain plec.
or lot or land Situated in Butler liorough.
Butler county, Ia . bounded a-, follow-, to
wit: on the north by lot or K i;. Worrell
east by I alrvlew ave., south by an alley
and on the west by an alley; being forty I Hil
feet front on snid I alrvlew av. . and ext. ud
lng back the Kami! width a distance of one
hundred and twenty-live !l.\.| reet to an
A«l6jr AHQ biivlnff erected thereon a two
story frame dwelling.
Seized and taken 111 execution as the prop
ertyof K.r. Voung at the siiii of t lie liutler
County National Hank, lohn Iterg and
llenry A. Ilerg, partners as John 11' ri; io.
< hrlst t/elbacli. tor use or Jan;e. M Niati s.
E.I). No. 'id. Seplemb' i Tern., 1>» W It
Hrandijt. Attorney.
All the ; iglit title, Inttwsl and claim of
Josep! Ilatulitou, of, lu mid to all that er
tain pleee Ol pau< I of land siiuati d in
t hcrrv townsi.lp, liutler county. I'a.. IHIIIIIII
ed IIS ...bows, to-wll On the north l.y lands
OI.MIIIII Irvin. and J IIIUOI ('rosiinian, <*ast L»v
lands of A W. Mellon, south l.y lands of
Sarali I'lner, and on the west by lands of
James (irossmiiu; contabilng seventy I7e
acres, more or less together will, a'' ami I
singular I lie buildings. nli uts
wooilii, ways, rlrhts i„ rt I. -. privileges,
heredltane t>; rji Mipurlejauces to i...
sa» '
and takeu In execution as tin- prop
ortyof MNieph Hamilton, n the ill "i Mary
A. llainllt'in for of Airnes It < fifty now
f<ir of 11. « . \v. 1,1.
E. I». N«». :..i, ,si«pUiruber Term, I'.'Ott. *■. 1
l»ro., Attorneys.
till". Inters «nU . mln. of
"• w . •» att«*rs. of. In •: i 10 a l that • • rtaln
fileci! or lot of IJVMI .sii uat« d In KvanNhttr?
liutler eoimy. I'a hounded .IH foi'.ovt, to
wit On iLv north by lot. No. U'». .Nt hund
red and eighty ||ho| feet. «»jvsV ty uj
l. y forty-elKlit and KKI fe%-t. • - i.in f.y
Hai ah alh-y t yui' bufidn*'' ami • itrlity 11 - ' i
f« « t and on Ihe west »>y WasliltiKlon r« « t
forty right and XI Urn fi-rt, aud h< lng lot N -
l'2e In Martin Wahl plans or addltlonn to iht
tKirough of Kvansburg, and Iwlnir tin s ifm
oropi rty ronveyi d to W. W. Watter. by
Martin \Vhal. et ux, bv do d dittcd sian*h '»
IHtW, atid re<*orflCMl In I»••«■«! |t<»oK P " • . .
of Mil- recvirds «»f liutler t >, i, in, tfj«*reon
ereeled • fr: • < . ht•«• -e 4 f».| ,
I'u'ldliiK t4» with all anti •.UiiiulHi .
irnprovemenu. ways
rights, Übertlen, ■. lie. edltarn«*nts
and toihOHarne b'donirlnu: or
tn auy-wltte app* rt alnltig, ete
Sel/ed and taken In e vrul|ori as tie prop
erty of W. w. '• •' U » Ml Hi lull if S M
| < tooper.
1.. 11. No I . and 1. Hcpt. Term. |»" V, .
I), liraiidon, H. I llowHer A I' t
For«|uer, A Mot v-cy
All the r h: tnu-i'Ul and on ; ..f.J,
i- r , • «'»» lii and loull tl*u« • rtaln
pU"''v■'•'•r par- el «.f land illnatnl « int«>i
township, Batlei county I'a Itoundwi •
follow s, to - wit On ih< fi«,rth -y lamU o!
J amen and Elizabeth Wateon i• .» v - ■,
•>r ii < « ith by landlof M. *
Nancy J Bl i«. and on the weal by j Il*
road; eon tain Ing ten (lo| .•« »• , . k . ,
ai d having tie . , ~ lafge frame
liu!l<l!:i , n iid t tuef putWmlillngK known aud
j ,e(|lie n hflcK Works or plain, will) ~i Me
connections tlx|ures „.i,| uniiln
tninls complete luduiiainu tnurt'to and lu
use therewith ttitfothel with the appurti
sel/ed and taken lu execution as the prop
erty of J. (ieorgi Hlamin. altln nit ~r but
ler Savings A: Trust t 0., Itllll.-1 -avlng ,
Trust t'o Marg.'iri I J Sl.unii lohn Ho
and llenry A. Iterg. partin is is .loir !. ...
t 'o.
I ritluy, HicTthuay «»i He|i(i k inbrr v
A- I' atone o'rlo«:k. I' M., the followin
de»« rllwd property, to-wit:
I I» v ■ iVrn 11 II
<io*4« her. Attorney
Aii the right title. Interest and lnj|
l\ I Drove, owner >n reputed -i f r «ml
i'ont rin'tor. of. In and to ~11 that iv rtain
pli • • "a lot "f land iUuated in •-
ship/ Hut lev eon nt y. ra . IHlUtided as follows,
to wit: On the north I#v an all<*y, east by
lot No. nouth by I'olonlal -t r< • i and
Iw est by lot No. 5.H, having thereon « ret tei| a
two Mtory frauie dwelling house altuateil on
lot No. ji.,. of the Marshall plan of |oti in
j Uutlertwp., Sutler Co . I'a , fronting thirty
(*>) feet on Colnu»ai itr«et and exU)odlng
I j
1 Final Clearance [■ L A. j;ry I] i
I of all I I
1 Summer Weight X
I Clothing. ftity 1 SJT I
w We dot Jj n
0 V k»"*" r r ! S
O 4:1 ~~j Q
means a tremendous sacf a I w S
@in high grade clothing in orde J j
©to make qui *J jT jj j J ft
® -;na! clearing. / r / .W | I 1 J X
0 Come at once and join us in I j $ j | Z
§ this mammoth bargain • jj! if J&t |)
@t ; :■ ill pay you even if you • % N ijl |M/ |! j @
® not need the garments now. to K |yw v // J L | ®
0 lay them away for next season's G 5
1 Ideal Clothing and Hat Parlors 1
g 228 South Main Street. §
p. S. —All^ clothing sold by us pressed and repaired free. *
| Muslin Underwear Sale at |
| MRS. L. M. YOUNG'S 4
) Thursday, July 26th and lasting until Wednesday, August Ist. c
{ W, carry a full line of'the "CHIC' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Every #
C garment stieaks for itseli. #
/ Do not miss this SALE, it will pay you to buy for future is-.-. Kt-meinber the i
} (Utee, Thursday morning. Julv 2t»tli to Wednesday. Augu>t Nt. We will also ton- C
V Hnueour CLEARANCE SALE until August Ist. of mu-lin-. (.-alio*-*, gingham*. #
c lawns, table lineiiv towelings. <ilk goods, Jfcc.. ifce. j
| MRS. L. M. YOUNG. |
/ Opposite tlio "Biekel Building, Main St. /
iihout 110 feet *o an alley, said stru ;
lure helm; a frame dwcIUSK with ••• liar ami
itoi iv Ail I hereunder mid containing
rooms, Imhiding hath ruom,etr.
AIX > i >f. ir» and t-> all thai
>1 land si»uat« -I In llut r 1 »i
Hit tier county Pa., bosnoed »w* t«.
wit on the north by an alley. «;i >t l>v l"t
V :i. St>uth l»y Colonial at reel. w# st by ,
. . h« . ing tin non erected • tw
■>t. .v frame dwelling hniise -dtuati • t No
*»!>. of the Marshall plan «»f l"t» in liutler
twp.. liutler Co.. I'a.. fronting thirty ( ■ feet
on Coilonlal street and hrck 10*
f• ■et tn an alley, said st ruclure being a frame
dwelling with eellai »' •! stone wall then
ii tide i and on tain It ' nmi . '
bath room, etc.
M .-o < »f. in and Mi ail t i • •
oi lot ..r land fritnau -l In llut • r town th ••
i county, l*a bounded at ft •»*
•mi Ihe noi• U »>y an al • y • ant l»y •'
N- .on*h by < olonlal street, went by
having I hereon en 1 « Iwo
st4.rv frame dwelling hou«Mi, nliuate on lot
No. :. .l, of the Marshal! plan of lot * In Hut
ier twp., liutler Co., Pa. fronting thirty t J
I n Colon dre« t »nd < tending
lifi ff»«-i, more or le*-.. t-o said alley. *>.ii«l |
-,i i lure Ijelnpc a frai i dwi ni houw
it and st•»!.'. wall t b«minde r mil • ,
• . ii ni • i v rooias Including hatn » •••» .
red and ta\ nln « • 1 11 nis tl pr i» •
of p i 1 • or n
itra< tor. at t 1 " '
for use of r « . Hhlra.
I I» N« ' • t . . Tern.. I• • P '
liroH.. Attorney#.
Ab tr»» right, tltb lnter« st and clatni >»f i
n W. Ilaeker. "f. In and v> all that • • rt .in ,
lot of I Mid bUq »• -i In I fani <
ihtrough. Hut ler county, I'a.. tnninded .S
r», to « ! On thi rt I
Ip« . i>t >y la Icfton klreet south •»v Park
, . n:ie i iid mm t ; .» v»i st i»y lot No. !•*»,
lot# Noji bit ad !•'«.>. and fronting ninety
Patlk avenue, said tract of
rt of large traet
iiv Martin Wahl to Jouu A. Irwtn t»y • i
on r'-'ord In K» .rder'n oMt* • of Butler c«»
I, p * nw i o4L» iii # «
proi • ,ty U» a two #tory frame dwelling lion
1 .*nd other buildings
/.ed and taken • i it • the |
erty -«f 1; \V. M u lier at the suit of John A. »
Irwin for u»e uf Or/llhi I Sbav« i
1.. i • ft nd * • ' > • i■ w. f
Marshall Pros. Attorney*
In i lifht. t.l b .lit. ft in
I K-th(il d Hid \V I »
and to all that • ertaln pee. ; lut ..f land
nit* aU -I In licirou I f'■ .r* Butlei ml •»
Pa., lioitttdoil follow*, to-wit Un Ini
II- ilh »•/ vacant lot* of OH I Hand. on. hurel
red ud fifty «I •»»» feet » a-.t »«v fifty f« • t
1 by an alley yiutli bv lot of i n »rl« lluotlrn'
bundn d nd llfty <1 feet
flfiy f-et by I lay averiue. .m<l ha* o.ir t
.il b« reiMi a two wtorV hrb U *en« <r« i hou ••
* and outLuildin's.
rt l/' d and taken MI • 11-»n *.•* ♦ »>, |i«.>,
. r I y "f I'.h/ !»-• t Ii « • 1
M \ey b'nrtma
ITUMI 4»A I.fr' r»e following fllUst h»
tri- i\y complied with when property i>
#Vrb Wen down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien * r» dp r
b. • omee the pureha#er, the «*o#t# on the writ
, inM .t lie paid, and a lUt of the Hen#. In .<»
, Ing mortgage *ear.-1.. *on the nroptr* y .«• <• i
tog. t her With #u»'h lien credc *».» » ipl*
for t e amount of the pi , i
, sw b port l"M * lift r i f .4 , y
i f : im j v bt' Mh riH.
u. HU Lids mulh' nabl in full
ii. All #alei not nettled lmmtKlli»*„, \y will m
conllnueu until OM o <:h"p It "ft».«
I »;• V day wnh*h time :iil pr p* rty »• d
M)ttlV(l f'T will aguin be put up md s-• d
the expeu»e and ri#k of the p«-r»on to wle>m
Bl : KOld.
I'urdon'tt l>lge*t. tail edition, paife IV»
an I Hmlth'* Form*, page .t«l
111 rr# < >IHc« Uutlei Pa \ ' "
K- Shcinvr,
, j Fire and Life Insurance
ilj AUHO
" !
lh' '
<• It »ouj dw. Butler Coaotjr N»tlon*l
\ Hunk ltuildliitf, lintl»*r, I'n
< Drop us a Postal Card ?
5 if yon cannot r*ll anil w J
f will mail yon \
\ Free of Charge j
( | l - «t \
<[ Miller's Kidney Pills /
> \W wnrt who h*» 3
I bw k»< k-- .in ! N
1 try thewe i>ill« »h.-y for f
# theni-wiTDK.
1 v N
J n-,»>n w»*ipt of pri<J
>Redick & Grohman^
< 109 Norm Vain St., S
Bailer, Pi.
Mosgrove-On The Allegheny.
An Ideal Summer Resort
for rest or pleasure.
Situated on a beautiful slope
at the intersection of the B. R.
6 P. and P. R Rs.
A modem hotel, running
water all through the house,
good boating and fishing. Elec
trie Launches for pleasure
Most beautiful scenery, table
very best, home cooking.
Terms reasonable
H. B. McKINNEY. Prop.
I, X. Mi .11 NhIN HA McJtTHKIN
lusiirnnc<r He Kcul Entcite
117 E Jeffarson St.
IJUTLER, - - - - PA
Spring Opening
The tirst «'|H'iui»g t hi* spring
of a l»oltle of our own make
; lieef. Iron and VVtne will
bring fint»r to manv famili^.
{all winter you Ufoim* list less
ami tired ami have not t!•••
ambition for »'.\tra spring
Our Beef, Iron and Wine
h tb«* ' Spring Ti>nie" that
brings bai k rol rhe*»k« f
LIi|w. new bl«»o»l. new lif**.
Ke?i»t nil**r wt make our
[own, it i- not s|»!|»|i«hl in.
i Even* bottk* guansteiil, your
j money back if it fails.
Price "><N- I'int.
Crystal Pharmacy
R. M. LOGAI*. Ph. G..
106 N. Main St., Butler. Pa.
- JL^.
The Style of Todjy
i. ill importwl t"t tin. wfll Jf*"'
iimn. u« utakr y<« a •ail If mmm
llrr »t • prk* bnt littfc mm* tbM U*
ml; ntatlr llot. «•!». what ■
mmeti m the 111. »tyk »od E«n«rml op
Trousers to Order at f6.
• I Couie mvl i**> our ufw »tock of ma
IrruU tbr cboicmt U» I* fooad A
million <lolUm fcml a !«!•• of hay may
l»e wiually wt.rthl«*' al <loo«a*laT. hot
cof Mad» > to Urunrr Snito are Una*
, ! apiaUta good aa gotA.
Cor. Diamond. Butler, Pa