Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 09, 1906, Image 3

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NOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make
chances la tlielr ads. should notify us or
their intention to do so not later than Mon
day morning.
Sheriff's sales for Aug. il-
Register's notices.
Road and Bridge reports.
Widows' appraisments.
Ideal's clothing.
Slipperyrock Normal.
Campbell's furniture.
Modern Store's sal".
Bricker's Livery.
Excursions. •
Ailinlnistioiors and Kxecutors of estates
rin »ffure their receipt books at the
OITI/RN oCi- fl.
TERMS: $1.50 Per Year
If paid iu advance.. 1.00 "
Each subscriber, by consulting the
little tab on bis paper, can tell the dat»>
to which his subscription is paid.
—Bntler schools open Sept. 4th.
—Get the kills vaccinated in time for
Two and a half cents is the latest
railroad rate.
—To the pare all things are pore, ex
cept canned goods.
—lt is a New York clergyman who
proposes church roof gardens.
Fifty Bntler people bought tickets
for Atlantic City, last Thursday.
—The K. O. T. M excursion took :!«fl
Bntlerites to Eric, yesterday morning.
—None of the Kittanning lawyers got
a taste of "bad water'' in Bntler, Tues
—la some countries criminal prosecu
tions always follow faUl railroad acci
—The alleged horn-swoggling pho
tographer wasn't such a bad fellow, af
tor all.
—Wet paint as a test of human enri
osity has a rival in the broken chewing
gum ►lot.
—At a late tin-wedding near Chicorr
the table was left ' piled high with all
sorts of tinware. "
—Some more up-country boys are ii
trouble from trying to wreck trains In
placing stones on the track.
—Twenty men working on the
cofferdam at Aspinwall, were made nn
conscions by a bolt of lightninz, Tues
The pretty boqnet in the CLTL7.E>
office, this week, is made np of Hey
drick's gladiolas—some of them seed
Aland's tailoring room, the Jeffer
son street fruit market, residence of L.
M. Wise, have lately been entered at
of typhoid-fever is
annoying the people of Pittsburg. The
lecord for the first half of this year is
2,491 cases
—The mercery stood near 100 in the
shade on Main street, last Sunday after
noon. and the day was considered tin
hottest we have had.
—The Common Council of New Cas
tle held up the franchise for the Pitts
burg, New Castle and Butler franchise
for a time and then granted it.
—The Increase in postal receipts
moves an editor to remark that a na
tion's happiness and prosperity can be
measured by the letters it writes.
—About twenty teams were at work
#t Ea»>t Butler lust week grading for
the buildings of the bed-stead works
and the Valvoline or Wolvorine reflne
- ry.
—The dates and places selected for
the next Farmers' Institutes in this
county are Connoquenessing, Jan. 7-8;
Srfr versville, 9-10, and Eau Claire, 11-
—lt costs only a hundred thousand a
year to keep the Pittsburg Court House
plean If it cost haif a million the tax
payers would, probably, kick, but Pitts
burg is such a dirty town,
—ln almost every large town in the
country people have been killed and
prostrated by the heat, this week. But
has been hot enough but nobody has.
as yet, snccumbed to the heat.
—There are aotue pike left in the
Slipperyrock. Oliver Brown has caught
nine this summer, one of which weighed
*1 pounds, Jonathan Morrow has uad 6
or 7, Martin Eyth 8, and A. Cooper 3or
4. The favorite fishing place is called
•'Elliott's Hole."
—The stillness of last Sunday morn
ing was broken into by the fire alarm.
Some straw in an annex of the corrod
ing house was burning and made
a great flame, and firemen played three
streams on it for sometime before it
—The body of John Bell, the old man
who died at the County Home, was
claimed by relatives and buried at West
Mnnbury. The requirement of the law
in such cases is that the body be claim
ed by relatives. Two Butler men who
offered to bury him were refused per
mission to do so.
—The Pittsburg Butler trolley people
say they will have their cars running
by October Ist. The stations along the
thirty seven miles of line from Butler
will be Renfrew, Mars, Valencia.
Bakerstown, Allison Park, Glenshuv.-
r,ud Etna, landing i.asaingert, at Liberty
and Market Hreets.
—During the late electric storms
lightning struck the electric wires of a
building and passed from one of them
to the water-pipe making a halt-inch
hole in the water pipe through which
the water poured. The wires were
properly insulated but were placed too
close to the water pipe. If it had been
a gas pipe the bolt would have fired the
4 l»:iy reader gives us the following
yecpipt for preserving sweet corn.which
produces an article superior to both the
canned and dried product; Boil corn
ou ear till milk sets, cut from cob and
mix thoroughly with salt at the rate of
one pint of salt to four of corn; pack in
jar and cover with cloth and plate. Salt
should be soaked out l»fore cooking.
Corn preserved in this way keeps its
liavor remarkably well and is also ten
—A lady who understands avert iaing
says "No lady wishes to be looked uj on
shopping fiend, she does not care to
go into a store and have a merchant
show all his stock iu order to find out
whether the article is sold at the price
she can afford. It is much easier and
pleassnter to look through the adver
tiseinents of a paper than it is to bore
the clerks and waste her own time.
Next to the local news items; the ad*er
tisements in a paper stating articles foi
with prices, will keep much of th<
money that goes to the larger cities al
Frank Murphy, Esq. anil wife are :<t
J. H. Heiner anil daughter are at
f.'Al Heck at Wilkinsburg is visiting
friends iu Butler.
Will Rockenstein and Joseph Stehle
j are doing the lakes
S. C. William 3 of Marion twp was in
town on busine??, Friday.
W. R. Bortmas of Centre twp visited
friends in Butler, Saturday.
Miss Dandro will make hair grow on
any bald head, fee her at the drug
W. B. McGeary is a member of Town
Council, and fainted at the meeting,
Tuesday evening.
Prof. W. W. Irwin of the Dravosburg
schools was the guest of Clerk of Courts
L. E. Christley. Monday.
' Dr. Davis and wife of Minnesota are
the gnests of her father, Hon. W. P.
Braham of Harrisville.
Jos. Brnff of Beaver, and with the
Oil Well Supply Co. in Pittsburg, visit
ed friends in Butler, yesterday.
Miss Elvie Thompson of Allegheny is
the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Thomas Parks of Middlesex twp.
Major Crawford of Warren, Pa., is
reported killed by native? on the north
ern part of Luzon island. Philippines,
Prof. Hall and wife nre home from a
visit with relatives in Kansas City. Mo.,
which has become a very, fine and well
governed city.
Jas. Bollander and wife of St. Jose.
Caiu.. formerly of Evans City, were the
guests of their neice, Mrs Detmei
Pfeifer, last week.
Prof. H. E. Winner, principal of the
Sixteenth Ward Schools, Pittsburg, with
his family, visited Mrs. Winners pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Stoner of
the West End, this week.
Win. McDowell, Esq. aud Gordon
Ross of W. Cunningham Sr. were the
only two Scotchmen from Butler that
attended the Scotch reunion at Kenny
wood Park, Pittsburg, last Friday—and
hoot won! but they did have a good
Rolla H McQuistion has resigned as
principal of the Institute Hill schools
and will enter the Harvard Law School,
this fall. A special meeting of the
School Board is to be held Friday even
ing to elect his successor. Mrs. Madge
McMtchael of the Institute Hill schools
is an applicant, while there is a possi
bility of the principalship of the Hill
schools and the Springdale schools being
combined under Prof. L F. Hall.
—•'Noah's Ark "got a coat of fresh
paint, this week.
—Another man hurt at the Car
Works, early this morning, and taken
to the Hospital.
The parting of a long freight-train,
near Bntler, last week, followed by
som? "snpn<-:ng" and "presuming,"
L-ost three men their lives.
—The P. IT. h id a bid day for its
picnic —Tuesday yet during the after
noon and evening quite a number went
:>ut to the park and enjoyed themselves.
—A hail storm that passed over Win
3ell township, Monday evening, did
lome damage. Some trees were up
rooted, and some of the hail stones are
reported as being an inch in diameter.
—The Labor Day parade will form on
E. Cunningham and McKean Sts., and
narch from Cunningham on Main to
SVayne. to Centre Ave, Lookout Ave.
Jefferson, McKean, Fulton to Main and
lisband on Cunningham.
—Experts on property values are be.
ng talked of Tf er.-ry m.u were a 1
owed to assess his own property, what
i time we would have: but if the law
orced a sale to town, county or state at
lis own valuation, well—that would be
—The Ideal Clothing Parlors have re
uodeled their room, and have put in a
nil line of up-to-date yunt.i furnishings,
lereafter they will keep the best of
everything in that line, and have it well
lisplayed. Try them for quality, style
ind prices.
—One Italian undertook to carve an
>ther with a razor down at the West
Penn station, the other evening, an<l
when the carvee ran into his store, can
id the horse and then ran away. The
Italian hand i.- not as black as the ne-
hand, but this looks lik" black-hand
—Clinton B. Wray, charged witl
dealing $125.w0 from the Union Trust
Company of Pittsburg, while employee'
there as a teller, was itrrested ii
Toronto, Canada. With him at th<
time was Grace Loughrey, member of i
well known family of Kittanninrr, witl
whom he became acquainted two yean
ngo. It was through Miss Loughrej
that Wray was traced by Perkins de
tectives after ho left FitUburg aboul
three weeks Rgo. lie was taken back t<
Pittsburg and committed to jail, where
Clifford S. Hixon, the individual book
keeper of the trust company, who con
fessed that he and Wray stole $125,000
is confined in default of s2i),oou baii.
City League lia.sehall
Independents 7, Merchants 1.
This game was played on picnic day,
aud wa.-; interspersed with showers ami
dog lights, but it was a warm number
Merchants 0, Lawyers 4.
Typos 13, Bankers 7.
Aug. 11, Bankers vs Lawyers.
There will be two games on Laboi
Day, Sept probably l)Otween the foni
leading teams. The proceeds will go at
a benefit for the Y". M. C. A.
Summer Theatre.
The show at the Summer Theatre
this week, is out oi the usual run o!
shows there- a musical farce comedy -
aud is a hummor, with a number ol
good turns, and is drawing excellent
Next week's bill is said to bo a partic
ularly strong one
Fair Dates.
The following is a partial list for tin
fairs scheduled for this year for West
ern Pennsylvania:
Armstrong County Fair, Kittann;ng
Aug. 1-1-17.
Bntler Fair Association, Butler, Au b
21 -24.
Central Crawford Agricultural Mocie
ty, Cambridge Springs, Aug. 21-24.
Mercer Central Agricultural Society
Mercer, Sept. 4-0.
Indiana Agricultural Society, India
na, Sept. 4-7.
Pnleska Fair Association, Pulaska,
Sept. 18-20.
Mercer County Agricultural Associa
' tion, Stoneboro, Sept. "5-27.
Connouut Luke Week-end liiv
Special train leaves Butler every Sat
urday at 8:20 p. m , returning leave
Exposition Park every Sunday to Sept
ember !>th inclusive at 7p. in., arrivim
at Butler 9:15 Fare for round trip al
trains Saturday returning Sunday o
Monday Connection made vi
Meadville with trolley lino to and froi.
1 Saegertown and Caiubriuge Springs.
I We are paying the highest price, ii
cash, for wool. Call at or address,
107 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
•Sarah D. Cooper vs S. H.. S. N.. P. H.
Newton and Edward Bailey and Mrs
Lizzie Sherman, sci. fa. sur mortgage
Fred J. Hamilton for Standard Coal
Mining Co. vs Argentine & Kan Claire
K. K. Co., bond of deft, in s.">oo filed for
entering npon plaintiffs' land in Wash
ington twp
A. E. Iteiber. Dr. Briekts and J. F.
Hutzler were appointed a commission
in lunacy on Maggie Cnpples, formerly
of Allegheny twp., who became violent
ly insane at the Poor Farm and was re
moved to jail
Chas File of Mars was fined by Jns
tice Maxwell for hitting his annt.
The taking of evidence in the Hartje
divorce case, begun June 25th and end
ed on Thursday of last week
The arguments were made on Mon
day and Tuesday of this week, and
soni" of them were tcarm numbers.
Tbf Judge took the papers in the case
and took to the woods. What will the
harvest bf-ir
The Commissioners of Mercer county
have decided to employ expert real es
tate men to assist the assessors of the
boroughs in making the triennial valu
ation. A convention of all the assess
ors of Mercer connty will be called soon
by the Commissioners to talk over the
matter of placing the valuations in the
Judge Hawkins of Pittsbnrg was
sandbr«gged and robbed at the corner of
Craig and Bayards Sts, a few nitrhts
The negro, Elint-r Dempster, now in
the Washington county jail, was offici
ally charged with the murder of three
members of the Samuel Pearce family
in Cecil twp. A coroner's jury last Frl
day heard testimony regarding the trip
le homicide and returned the following
"We find that Mary E Pearce came
to her death at her home in Cecil town
shi jon Sunday, July -29, from hemor
rhages caused by a bullet wound in the
breast from a revolver in the hands of
Elmer Dempster; and further, we re
commend as speedy a trial as possible to
comply with the law be given to the
prisoner, so that the fiend may meet his
just dues.''
Similar verdicts were returned in the
cases of the two children.
Sheriff Ayers and other county offici
als of Lawrence connty are at sea re
garding the whereabouts of Tom
O'Toole, the convicted murderer who
broke jail at New Castle last Thursday
A strict investigation will be made of
the manner in which the jail is conduct
The description of O'Toole is as fol
lows: Height 5 feet 10 inches, weight
150 pounds, chestnut brown hair, curly
and rather long, smooth face, prominent
cheek bone 3, lips thin at corners of
mouth and thick in centre, nose narrow
between the eyes, two scars on one of
his legs below the knee where a hot
iron passed throngh, leaving scars at>ont
the size of a quarter on both sides of the
leg; when he left he wore black trous
ew, light coat, between a gray and
brown with a stripe, soft black hat and
low cnt patent leather shoes.
Anna M Green to Mae L Broman lot
on Miller st for S4OO.
Moses H Johnston to R W Buxton lot
in Mars for $5200.
Melvina J Sellers to Chas A Sellers lot
on Valley View ave for S2OOO.
Carrie A Sellers to Melvina .T Sellers
lot on Valley View ave for $:}00.
J D Marshall to Jas K Marshall lot in
Stehle Place for $->OO.
Minta McKissick to E L Stou?hton
int in 58 acres in Clay for SIBO.
Elmer E Davis to Eva L Cross lot in
Brnin for $2500.
Chas B Lnton to H C Milleman lot in
Harmony for $l5O.
C K Lapham to Sophia A Lapham lot
m Rrrttrr for f-1100.
E P Peffer to Jennie B Sterr lot on
Howard and Elm sts for S27OC.
E R Worrel to Ida M Dale lot on
Fairview ave for tSPOO.
Jos Newberryto John G Dunn lot on
W Wayne at for $1
Harry Berringer to Wilda Feil lot in
Adams for $l5O.
Davis Smith to Kennedy Mathey, let
on Plank Road for SIOO.
R M Bowser to WW McClang, lot in
Penn twp for $550.
W W McClang to Geo W Kepler, lot
in Penn twp. for $650,
John Rauschenber to John M Vogeley
lot in Summit twp. for $730.
A M Neyman to John C Graham, lot
on Main St. for $25,000.
Peter Hesidence to Margaretta Kreps,
50 acres in Summit for sl.
Marriage -Llcciskoo.
Earl F High Butler
Grace L- Murphy "
E. W Edson .. (Pittsburg
Lula W. Smitit Chicora
Geo. Clyde Taylor Worth twp
Sarah E Mayer "
Harry Atkinson Claytonia
Mary Webb Clay twp
Grover Hindman Butler
Mary E Herman "
Thomas Becfco W Snnunry
Mro. Isabella Fiti-.patrick. ...Euilenton
David Douthett Zelienople
Ella Miller Renfrew
Orvill Hurd. .Allegheny
Ella M Robinson Mars
At FraDklin—A S. Walters of Irwin
twp and Annie McFaddefl of Marion
also Alonzo Lamberson of Franklin and
Miss Julia A. Bruner of Bakerstown.
who were married in the register ar,d
recorder's office by '.cgal aoknowledg
ir.snt, dmy signed and attested.
Michael Delugi's excuse for hitting
Emma GOSH on the nose was that sht
had proposed marriage to him 400 times.
• Every night after work she
me and insists on v/alUing Jiomji with
me. Then she keeps on proposing to
He showed a box of letters, one o|
which l>egau: "My very sweetheart,
my heart is burning for you " His
honor imposed a fine of $lO.
Our grocers are" paying .for—
Apples 5C
Fresh eggs lc
Butter ! 21,
Potatoes 6C
Chickens, dressed .10 I*-
Navy beans, bu 91 (W
String beans, btj 51
Tomatoes $1.2,';
Onions, bu * "■
Honey per lb it
Dried Apples >■.
TurnijiS, per bu 4(.
Parsnips, perbu 7?
Beets per doz bunches 21
Blackberries i
Corn, per doz 15
Mangoes, per doz ;<
For Hale.
Several desirable dwelling properties
$1220 to f4500 in price.
E- H. NEi;rEy.
S. W Diamond, Bntler.
The annual outing and Masouir pic
nic will be held at Conneant Lake
Wednesday, August 15th.
Special train will leave Butler 8:00 a
m., Kaylor 7:20, Grove City 9:05.
Fare for ronnd trip from Butler anr
Kaylor, SI.OO, Grove City 75c, Mercei
We can club the CITIZEN with th(
Pittsburg Gasratte Timeu at, $.1.00 pe:
year for the two: CITIZEN and Pitts
burg Post for $1.25.
Cash in advance.
Tuesday Excursions to N'lagari
Falls and Toronto.
Ever- Tne_r,ay, to and lnclndinj
•September 25th, the Buffalo, Rocheste
& Pittsburg Ry. will sell excnrsioi
tickets from Butler to Niagara Fall
and Toronto, good for return passag
J any time within 15 days from date <>
sale, at fare of $7.45 to Niagara Full
' and $3.90 to Toronto. For full iaforma
tion consult amenta of the oompany.
Till-: !tl<; niTTLKK FAIK.
<H \\ li<>lll the Butler Fuir is
Composed-- Physical Condi
tion of the t'oiinlv—W on
derfnl Growth in Popula
tion—Why Wo Should At
tend thr Fair.
The Bntler Fair is a corporation,
chartered under the laws of Pennsylva
nia. with capital stock of $"25,000. which
stock is owned by more than 300 repre
sentative citizens of Bntler county, who
are engaged in almost every line of bus
iness. The board of managers or direc
tors number 15 men, who are chosen b>
the stockholders every year to manage
the business of the association. \ou
will realize by this that the Great But
ler Fair is not the possession of a few
people, but that there is scarcely a fam
lly in the county tbat is not in some
way represented as part owners, exhib
itors or helpers.
It would possibly seem that it wonlu
take but a short time to arrange and as
scinble a Fair even of this magnitude,
but snch is not the case, as there is
scarcely a week iD the entire year that
the managers do not devote part of
their time in securing attractions or ex
hibits for this great affair. 'ion will
therefore not be surprised when you see
the Fair this year and realize the great
improvement in every line over last
Every citizen of the county will real
ize and appreciate that we have passed
through a period of great prosperity
during this past year—the crops have
been good and commanded the highest
price, with a ready market, which has
helped to place the farmer, business
man and mechanic in a very prosperous
condition, and now since harvest is over
and before we begin to prepare for an
other winter it would seem like a great
pleasure to join with all our neighbors
and friends at the great home-coming
jubilee to be held on the Butler Fair
Grounds, when we can not only meet
our neighbors but many friends in this
and adjoining connties that we have
not seen for a whole year. Combined
with the above pleasure we will also en
joy the privilege of seeing the best pro
ducts of our county—composed of agri
cultural products, machinery and
stock whieli enables us to increase onr
efforts for an eveu more prosperous year
for 1907.
All the railroads are co-operating with
the association by furnishing cheap ex
cursions and special trains, with extra
equipment for this great affair which
they realize will eclipse any former
gathering in the history of the county.
While Thursday, 33rd, will l»e the
banner day in attendence yet the ex
hibitions, free attra-tions, racing, etc.,
will be equally as good on every other
day and in order to realize the enormity
this year it will be entertaining as well
us educational to arrange your affairs
to attend every day, as the admission is
so small that it is only a tritie compared
with any other outing at which vou
would receive much less benefit.
The entries in speed department are
coming in earlier and more of them
than at any former Fair and the same
is true of the stock, for exhibitions and
every other department.
The grounds are finer and accomoda
tions more complete than they have
ever been The Street Car Co. has pro
vided new cars-the Association many
more free attractions and the whole af
fair is in readiness to show to the
patrons of the Fair, composed of people
all over Western Pennsylvania what a
wotinderful county we live in.
It is scarcely necessary to enumerate
the many attractions and amusements
as the managers have guaranteed us
that the Big Butler Fair will stand in a
class by itself at the head of the list
compared with other fairs in this sec
tion of the country,
In addition to all the above mention
ed facts the merchants of the county
are co-operating in forming a great in
dustrial perade for Thursday forenoon
that will promenade the grounds in
connection with the brass band and ex
hibit their wares and merchandise on
loaded wagons which in itself is fully
worth more than the small admission
charged at the gate
Do not forget to hour the ICth Regi
ment Band and the juver.ile band of
Greenville composed of 30 boys in uni
form. All get ready and we will meel
you at the Bie Butler Fair, August 91
124, and see the Great Wild West Show,
Chariot Drummer Boy oi
Shenandoah, Colored Jubilee Singers of
Petts., etc. First class dining haU or
the grounds or bring your dinner wit!
you and eat it in the beautiful grove.
Admission 'Joe. Children 15c.
.Lightning- Pranks.
The residence of Miss Bell of W. Sun
bury, was struck, Monday, but nol
greatly damaged.
W. P. Brahatu's Lam, ueav Harris
vi',le wao struct and burned, Tuesday—
wc. do not have the particulars.
A large bain near Murrinsville wai
struck and burned, Tuesday.
Direct From Europe.
A. C. Ruby, a former Butler countj
boy intends having a fine string of im
ported horses at the coming Butlei
Fair He was in Butler, on hi.3 way tc
linrorie, lust Jung, parohased quite f
numtiei' of them * n Ihe different coun
tries there, and, if everything goei
right, will land in New York with
them, to-morrow or Saturday.
He writes us as follows:
DEAR SIR:— I will drop you a sev
lines aud giye you a ?Uffh» ske.bh oi
my Eurorean iarip. i left Butler or
.he jWth or .tune, sailed from New York
ou the following day on the Steam Shi{
Etrurla, landed iu Liverpool, England
on the oth of July. From there I went
out into the horse breeding district
where I purchased five English £lhir«
stallions From there I went up intc
Northern Germany where I purchased
four German coachers. From there 1
went to Belgium where J purchased
seven Belgians, and from thero I came
to Nogent. France, which place is said
to be the best horse raising country it
the world, and I purchased twenty-foui
percheron stallions; most all of them art
two year olds.
These colta are now being inspected
by the Government Inspector* whicL
has to be done before they can be ship
ped :at« the U. S. They will all bi
shipped by rail from the different coun
tries, so that they will land in Antwerp,
Belgium, on the 27th of this month, and
loaded on the uteamship St. Andrewt
which should land in New York about
the 10th or 11th of August. Owing tc
the good selection that I Have been ablf
to got of the different breeds. I have de
elded to stop at Butler with about 2C
head of them and take in the Fair,
where I hope to meet many of my old
time friends, and if any of you should
need a good high class stallion ,oui
neighborhood, I wi',l uoil you one at a
price '.hr.t jon oun afford to pay. I had
a very pleasant voyage also a pleasant
trip through the different countries
Will let you hear from me later in re
gard to my return trip.
Very truly yours.
Where Tourists will Find
Humphreys' Specifics.
PARIS, 51, rue des Petits-Champs.
L< >NDON, <lO Haymarket.
VIENNA. Stephansplatz, W.
BRUSSELS, 05, Boulevard Waterloo.
LISBON, liua do Arsenal. 14H & 152.
BARCELONA, Ronda S. Pedro, 30.
MADRID, Celle Tetuan, 3.
ALEXANDRIA, rue Cheri' PflcU
MANILA. lO 1 ? Esvolte '*
DU JANEIRO, V-i. Rua de S. Pedro
BUENOS AYKES, 440, Calle Florida
MEXICO CITY. del Coliseo, H.
At all Drug Htores In Canada, Cuba
Central America, Honolulu, Porto Rico
the West Indies, and in every City
Town and Hamlet in the United Statei
of America. Humphreys' Homeopathic
Medicine Co.. N. W. Cor. William $
John Sts., New York
Reduced rates, via Pennsylvania
Kor the Fair to ho held at K manning. An
list 14 to 17. tlie Pennsylvania Railroad wll
\ sell excursion tickets from l'lttsbiirrl , Ci,
lenton, Urook ville. Sllfco, llutlec- Ti,rCntum
Indlai a, l.lai\-svlU« Intersection and Inter
niedlatu points to IvtituunliiK und return
Auau.t It to 17, (food to return until Augusi
l». inclusive, at reduced rates, (Mlulmuti
rate » cents.) Consult Ticket Atfeuts.
Council Mtftiuj.'
At the regular meeting of the Town
Council, Tuesday evening, an or
dinance was introduced calling for the
issue of 130,000, four per cent bonds, to
raise money to pay the borough's share
of the street paving being done this
year. Bids on the bonds are to be ad
"vertised for and the ordinance will
probably be adopted in the usual course.
The ordinance by which thePittabnrg
and Butler Railwav Co. sought to have
the extension of Sullivan Ave. from
West St. to Shore St. returned t-> th-m
was laid on the table indefinitely in i
an ordinance was introduced for tlit
condemnation of enough of Pollard ami
Biehl properties along the east side of
the extension to increase its width to "0
feet. The purpose is to enable the '
Street Car Co. to use Sullivan Ave. for
switching purposes instead of West St
or Shore St. The ordinance is to be
acted upon at the next regular meeting.
Improt emeiit.s
. All Butler is improving, but Lyndora
seems to have the call
The grading for the paving of First
street. Institute Hill, is completed. The
street is to be paved with asphalt
Jfow J. V.
John H. Sutton has been appointed a
Justice of tbe Peace, vice H. \v. Chris
tie, resigned, and has opened an oflice
in the second floor of the Eagle building.
Attend the State Normal School at
Slippery Rojk, Butler county, Pa. Ad
vantages first-class, rates low: tuition
free to teachers and to those who intend
to teach. Fall term begins September
1, I'.HMS. Send for a catalogue. Address
Butler Fair Excursions
Agents of the Bessemer road will sell
low rate excursion tickets to Butler on
iccount of the Fair, August 21 to :J4,
inclusive, return limit August 25.
$2.00 t'onneaut Lake unci lie
torn #2.00.
doing Saturdays leaves Butler 7 and
a. in. or 8:20 p. m., returning leaves
Exposition Park, Sunday 7 p. m. or reg
ular trains Monday.
Masonic Outing
The annual Masonic outing will be
held at Exposition Park, Conneaut
Lake, Wednesday. August 15th.
Fare for the round trip from Butler
»nd Kaylor SI.OO, Grove City 75c,
Mercer 60c.
Excursion* to Butler
On account of the Fair, agents of the
B. & L. E. road will sell excursion
tickets to Butler, August 21 to 24, in
clusive, return limit August 25.
WANTED—Mortgage money. Craf
ton Realty Co., Crafton, Pa.
August 21, 22, 23 ami 24,
1 O O G.
—Why is Newton "The Piano Man':
See adv.
—Why is Newton "The Piano Man?
See adv.
Painting and Paper-lianging.
W. B. Scott, painter and paper hanger,
can be found at 120 East Quarry street.
In Jefferson township, known as the
Thomas Mechling farm, and located i
miles north of Saxonburg; f!3 acres
1, buildings, splendid the bes
B l'^j ) K in {he County, good ground an<
orchard, sixty-ton silo, and on«
producing oil well.
R. F. I>. 7, Butler, Pa.
I have moved my dental parlors iron
the Miller building to the second flooi
of the new Odd Fellows' Temple, wher<
my patrons and friends will be welcome
Doctor of Dentistry
ItednceU Hates to Counelsville.
Via Pennsylvania Railroad, account yen
tcnnial Coke Exposition, August 14 10 17
Excursion tickets on sale August 13. 14 and
15. good returning until August an, Inclusive
from Falrchance. Ache Junction. West
Brownsville. Pittsburg. Butler. Kittanning.
Allegheny City. Indiana, Bennington Fur
nace. Kaylor, Syberton. Windber, Ounlo and
Intermediate stations. Consult Ticket
Time and Tide Wait
for no one. If your watch i» untruth
ful and does not tell you tbe correct
time bring it tq u«, no difference what
make it \s s,nd we will wako a correct
iteeyter of it, or if not worth fixing
truthfully tell you so. Our charges are
reasonable. Call and give us a trial.
We also sell-
Edison and Victor pkonogvaphs.
Eastman and Poeo Cameras. .
Photo Supplies.
Washburn Mandolins and Guitars.
Optical goods,
Field and Spy Olasge*.
Jeweler end Graduate* Optician
, Noxt to Court House
-t Tlie Nixon" j
I Butler's Newest j
Best Hotel.
I Beautifully appointed in every I
J detail. Equipped with every jf
jfc known modern convenience. Vi'i *
i rooms—single or ensuite, with %
5 or without bath. Cuisine and i
* service of the highest standard. #
$ Private dining rooms. Evening £
j Dinner, Orchestra and Roof J
* Garden. Location very centre *
S *
* of business district. Rates $2.00 *
T to $3.00 per day, American plan. 0
* Luncheon, 50 cents; Evening *
j| Dinner, 7"i cents.
mHK JK )|(
807 Butler County National Bank Bld'j
h S. McJUNKIN &r CO.,
Insurance & H«ai Estate
117 E- Jefferson St.
SUTbER, - ?h
rr I
) Rubber Gloves J
< For <
Dainty Hands. j
C Some ladies think that as /
/ soon aa they get married, anil €
t start in honsekeeping. they \
\ have to give up trying to be \
0 sweet and pretty and jnst as N
/ charming as possible. \
€ Don't do it! You're mak\ S i
\ ing a serionw mistake Yon \
C can have jnst as dainty and S i
V pretty hands and nails as of \ j
V yore, if yon will wear Rubber S
f Gloves when doing the work \ ■
/ which soils the hands. S I
/ All sizes, per pair, "sc. \ i
| C. N. BOYD, ||
| BUTLER, PA. j ,
By virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Ex.. l i
?a.. Lev. Fa.. &c., issued out of the Court of
jommon Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa., and to n»
ilrected, there will be exposed to public sal**
it the Court House in the borouph of Butler,
Pa., on
Friday, 31st day of August, 1906,
it one o'eloek. P. M., the following described
property, to-wit:
K. I). N»>. :.*? and Sept. Term, mv». r. J.
Korquer, Attorney.
All the riffht. title, interest and claim of
Mrs. Ida Dittmpr. of, in and to all that cer
ium piece or lot of land situated in :>i h Ward.
Butler borough. Butler county. I»a.. Imund
-3d as follows, to-wit: On the north by Lin
coln Way, east by lands of William Hazlett.
iouth by lot owned by A M. ChrUtley. and
[Jivided therefrom by a board fence, and on
[lie west by lot of Miss llattie (Jold, said lot
tiaving a frontage of forty-five [4o] feet,
more or less, on said Lincolu Way. and ex
tending back in a southerly direction pre
»ervinK the same width. eighty feet,
inore or less, to said Chrlstley Tot. having
thereon erected a seven roomed frame
Iwelllnp house.
>elzeil and taken in execution as the prop
•rty of slr>. Ida Dittmer. at the suit of Jol.n
1 '' ellr y A "erj. partners as John Berg
fc Co., Mary O Neat. F. J funnier.
R. D. No. 2. SI. 21 and 21), Sept. Term. lflOO. A.
1- Scott. It. H. Ooucher and N. Ml■-
Collough, Attorneys.
All the right, title, inter..st and claim of
tames M. Maxwell. of. in and to all that cer
tain piece or lot of land situated In Butler
borough, Butler Co., Pa., hounded as follows,
10-wlt: On the north Uy lot belonging to
heirs of Adam Kamer. decM., east by Second
street, south by lot belonging to Edward
I.iebert. and on the west by an alley, said
lot fronting on Second street eighty tsOl feet
and extending back to said alley [ltioj feet
and being part of original lots No. 'J and :.'l
and all of lot No. 15 block No. lu t
borough of Butler. Pa., in plan „
l andless, et. ul, recorded
page 500 and belnit »- , , •. M CM { J l .' f
lots convow'"* ' , .*" irt f !!r'f' na J block of
» -• <.oGeorge c. Blehl. the present
...ler by the Butler Savings Bank, et al.
by deed dated Nov. 18th, l.sv.i. and recorded
in Deed Book 151. page :i~ in the Register
and Recorder's offic eof Butler county. Pa.,
and having thereon erected one two story
frame dwelling house.
Seized and taken In execution as the prop
erty of James M. .Maxwell, at the tult of L,
P. llmUtl. Trustee for use United States
•'n f t Guaranty Co.. W. S.
T he Commonwealth of Penn a., at tin- sug
gestion. etc., for use of Pnit«'d states Fideli
ty & Guaranty Co.
E. I). No. 4:i, Sept. Term. !!*».;. A. T. Scott.
All the right, title, interest, and claim of
George W. Cooper, of, in and to all that cer
tain piece or lot of land situated In Centre
vlllti borough, Butler Co.. l'a., bounded as
follows, to-wtt: Beginning at a post on the
south, and runnlug north on the Turnpike
road thirty L-JOl feet to a post: thence by Cot
of Jonathan Mayberry. one hundred and
sixty [l6Ol feet to a post; thence east thirty
1:10] feet by an alley to :■ post; them e west
by lot of Samuel Coulter, one hundred and
sixty llOOj feet to the phice of beginning. 011
which Is erected a two story frame dwelling
house and outbuildings.
Seized and taken lu execution as the prop
erty of George W. Cooper, at the suit of W.
B. Cochran.
E. t). No. ti, September Term, lfOti. W. I».
Brandon, Attorney.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
W. W. Watters, of. in and to all that certain
piece or lot of land situated In Evansburg
borough. Butler county. Pa„ bounded as fol
lows, to-wtt: On the north oy lot No. 119.
one hundred and eighty liso] feet, east by
Centre alley forty-eight and .tl-litn lls.:«|
feet, south by Sarah alley one hundred and
eighty LISOI feet, and on tho west by Wash
Ington street. Tortv eight and :£!-liio
feet and being lot No, 120 in Martin Wahls
plan or addition to the borough of Evans
burg and lielng the same property conveyed
to \V. W. Watters, by Martin Walil. et ux, by
deed dated March 6th, lw*l. and recorded in
liei'd Book ItSS, page fti, of the records of But
ler county, Penn'a.. having thereon erected
a frame cottage house and outbuildings.
Seized and taken in execution at tin- prop
erty of W. W. Watters at t hi' suit of Mary
M. Oodds.
E. I). No, 20, 21, 23 .it Sept. Term, I'M). Bowser
Bros, and 1-'. .1. Fiaxjuer, Attorneys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
E. K. \ oung, of, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land situated In Summit
township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as
follows, to-wlt! On the north by creek and
lands of Robert Hartley, east by lands of
Florence Stephenson and public road, south
by lands of Lewis and Adam Kettlg. and on
the west by lands of John Splneweaver and
Sheaner; containing one hundred and
twentv-llve acres, more or less, and having
thereon erected a two story brick dwelling
house, frame barn aud other outbuildings.
Al>!iO Of, in and to all that Certain piece
or i>arccl of land situated lu Cummlt twp.,
Butler county, Pa., liounded as follows, to
wlt: (intliu north by lands of Adam and
I.ewls Kettlg, east by lands of formerly
Fisher, now Mrs. Nellie Dambach. south by
lands of Henry Keck, and on the west by
lands of Andrew Yost ami public road; con
taining twenty six 1301 acres, more or less,
and saige being timber laud.
ALSO—Of, In and to all that certain piece
or lot of land situated In Butler Inirough.
Butler county. Pa., bouudcJ: as follows, to
wlt: On the north Ivy lot of E. K. Worrell,
east by Falrvlow live., south by an alley,
and or. tl»o west by an alley; being forty {4n)
{eel fronton said Fairview ave„ and extend
ing back the same width a distance of one
hundred and twenty-live ll:i'>| feet to an
alley and having erected thereon a two
story frame dwelling.
Seized aud taken In execution as the prop
erty of E. E. Young at the suit of the Butler
County National Bank, John Berg and
Henry A. Berg, partners as John Berg i Co..
Christ Gelbach. for use of James M. Mates.
E. I). No. iO, September Term, 1000. W. B.
Brandon. Attorney.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Joseph Hamilton, of. In and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of land situated in
Cherry township. Butler county. Pa., Ixmnd
ed as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands
of John lrvln. aud James Grossman, east by
binds <*f A. \V. Mellon, south by lands of
Sarah Piper, and on the west by lands of
■tames Grossman; containing seventy 1701
acres, more or less, together with all and
singular the buildings, improvements,
woods, ways, rights, liberties, prlvllo«i-.
hereditaments and appurtcuauccs '.O the
Seized and taken lu execution as the prcp
erly of Joseph Hamilton, at the suit of Mary
A. Hamilton fo' us* of Agues It. 1 rally, now
for use of H. C. Welch.
K. I*. No. .Yi, September Term, 1900. S. f
Bowser &. Urn.. Attorneys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim or
W. W. Walters, of. In and to all that certain
piece or lot of land situated In Evansburg.
Butler county. Pa., tjouuded as follow, to
wlt: On the north by lot No. 110, one hund
red and eighty I ISO) feet, east by Ceiitfi al
ley forty-eight and ill 100 feet, south by
Sarah alley one hundred aud eighty [lsti]
feet, and on the west by Washington street
forty eight and .i.l 100 fevt, and being lie No.
120 in Martin Wahl plans or additions to the
borougU ol Evansburg, and being the same
property conveyed to W. W. Walters by
Martin Whal. et ux, by deed dated .March v.
Is;*;, anil recorded In Deed Book page ii.i,
of ihe records of Butler Co., ha\ ing thereon
elected a frame cottage house anil out
buildings together with all and singular the
buildings, Improvements. woods, ways,
rights, liberties, prlvlledges. hi-i-edltaiiictit
and appurtenance to the same bvlomrie -a
lu any-wise appertaining, etc
Seized and taken in e\ecut |i.,. rt s the prop
erty of W. W. Walters, at suit of S. M,
E. IJ. No .ft, *». h aud 17 Sept. Term, hi». W.
4'. Bniudon, S. F. Bowser Si iitu . K. J.
Koriiuer, Attoriiey.
All the right, t'.tlo, Interest aud claim of .1.
George Stamin, of. In and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land situated in Clinton
township, Butler county. Pa., ifounded as
follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands .1
James and Elisabeth Watson, east by . .mis
of 11. C. Cooper, south by lands of \i. C. and
Nancy J. Eka». and on the west by public
road; containing ten (to'i acres, mora or less,
and having tln-reurt erected a large frame
bulldlu ; auu other outbuildings. kBOWtI ami
a» a brick works or plant, with all tin
machinery connections, fixtures and equip
ments complete belonging thereto and in
use therewith together with ll\it .ppurte
Seized and taken iu execution as the prop
erty of J. George Starnui. al the suit of But
ler Savings & Trust Co., Butler Savings A;
Trust Co.. Margaret J. Stiyjitii, Johu Tiers
aud Uonry A. Her,', partitfrs a> John berg
J; Co.
I vlem> I
I Final Clearance li j ~p-—ii |
I .fall ff I
II Summer Weight I
J Clothing. / I
@ We don't want to carry over ' - i * _l ©
I@,, [ v ®
;jj| a single garment if we can pos- rQ
§The word has been passed jJ° ' g
to us to move them. That l* * ■ fl • - \ §
t' means a tremendous sacrifce ; kj . j S
in high grade clothing in order p // j> J @
g to make quick selling for a jjj jj i ©
0 this mammoth bargain event' 1 f ft • : | * q
© not need the garments now, to j|ljp b i
Q lay them away for next season's j®|/, .Jfljpf /
g wearing.
1 Ideal Clothing and Hat Parlors 1
L 228 South Main Street. @
P. S. —All clothing sold by us pressed and repaired free. ®
{ jVluslin Underwear Saleatl
Thursday, July 26th and lasting until Wednesday, August Ist.*
C We carry a full line of the "OHIO" MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Every ?
j ~ ,U ''n'onot *JS>£*ALE. it will pay you to buy for future use. Remember the (
? dates, Thursday morning July 2<>tli to Wednesday, August Ist. \\ <• will also con- C
\ tinueour CLEARANCE SALE until August Ist, of niu>hiis. calicoes, gingham , /
C lawns, table linens, toweling*, silk dress goods, etc., etc. /
| MRS. L. M. YOUNG, j
Opposite the "Bickel Building," 127 Main St. J
TKIIMS OK PALK-Tho followlnK must he 1
gtrli'tly compiled with when property is
striiikeu down. , , ...
1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor
becomos »he purchaser, the costs on the writ |
must i>o paid, and a list of the hens, .uClud- j
lnir mortgage searches on the property solo
toiM titer with such lien creditor s receipt ;
for the amouni of the proceeds of t he sale or ,
sui'li portion thereof as he may claim, must
be furnished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
i. All sales not settled Immediately will be
confiuuwtl until one o'clock, I*. M., of the
nevt day at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of the person to whom
H V-Ve°l'urdon's IliKest, »th edition, page
an \ Smith's forms, page »**•
Bin riff's Office. Butler. I'a. Aug.'.'. l'Jo«>.
13. &H.
wash goods and
black goods.
Lots at prices that save
money for every woman who
buys them.
Large assortment l2sc
r Batistes and Dimities —assort-,
i ment not only large in number'
• of pieces, but in number of
styles, patterns and colorings,
7 12c
Silk warp printed Mousse
lines—choice goods of which
' we sold thousands of yards
: earlier in the season at 35c
; and 40c, to-day 25c.
' Wash Goods of every de
scpiption to the choicest and
bent priced decidedly to your
Fifty-five inch, all Wool
Black Granite Suitings, 50c
Fifty-six inch Black Vene
tians, 85c.
Fine imported Black French
, Voiles, 65c
j Fifty - four inch imported
j Black Brilliantines, 65e.
Fifty-four inch Black Mo
i hairs, 50c.
£ VX.
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do,
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto.
Come and see us when in need of
anything in the Drug Line and
we are sure you will call again.
We car*y a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc.
Purvis Pharmacy
Both Phones.
213 S Main St. Butler Pa.
S if yon cannot call and we s
S will mail you \
Free of Gharge $
f a sample package of \
Miller's Kidney Pills ?
K We want everyone who has 3
C backacke and kidnev trouble to X
try these pills, they speak for X
X themselves. J
\ Regular size 00c sent to any #
J address r.pon receipt of price. J
| Redick & Grohman
C iO9 Horth Main St:; S
Butler, Pa. \
F(. Shan<?r,
Fire and Life Insurance
ri:al estate.
R>om .>os, Butler Connty Nation®l
Bank Building, Bntler, Pa
Spring Opening
The first opening this spring
of a bottle of our own make
Beef, Iron unci Wine will
bring cheer to many families.
all winter you become listless
and tired and have not the
ambition for extra spring
Our Beef, Iron and Wine
is the "Spring Tonic" that
brings back red cheeks, red
lips, new blood, new life.
"Remember" we make our
own, it is not shipped in.
Every bottle guaranteed, your
money back if it fails.
Price 50c Pint.
Crystal Pharmacy
R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G.,
106 N. Main St., Butler. Pa.
The Style of Today
is all-important for the well-dressed
man. Let uh make you a suit to meas
ure, at a price but little more than the
reaiy-'nade Hut. oh, what a differ
ence in the fit, style and general ap
Trousers to Order at $6-
Come ami t-ee our new stock of ma
terials—the choicest to be found. A
million dollars and a bale of hay may
be equally worthless at doomiday, but
cur Made to Measure Suits are living
epistles—good as gold.
Cor. Diamond. Butler, Pa.