THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2,1906. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE— AII advertisers Intending to make changes in their ads. should notify us or their intention to do so not later than Mon day morning. Sheriff's Sales for Aug. 31. Notice to Bridge Contractors. Modern Store s Remnant Sale. Zimmerman's Advance Styles. Campbell's Fnrnitnre. Wick's Hats. Kirkpatrick's Jewelry. Excursions. Admlnlmiators and Executors of estates ctn secure tbelr receipt books at the CITIZEN office. LOCAL AND GENERAL. TERMS: H-50 Per Year If paid in advance.. 1.00 " Each subscriber, by consulting the 'little tab on his paper, can tell the date to which hia subscription is paid. —Big crop of blackberries. • —Elderberries will be plenty —The days are getting shorter. —Good show at the Park, this week. —See the Baby Show at the Park, to day. -Thß triennal assessment comes this year. —The preachers' vacation season has come. —There is too much broken glafs on our streets. —Take pride in your town, and never run it down. —Some of our back streets and alleys need mowing. —This is the season for camping and picnic parties. —The wind will soon be blowing over the oats stubble. Tomatoes stinulate the healthy ac tion of the liver. —Do not allow weeds to go to seed on or about your premises. —Even the dentists are sometimes ac cused of being naughty. —Some home-grown corn and toma toes are coming to market. —The Penn'a R. R. Co. has taken pos session ot part of Kittanning St. A. big crowd took in the Lutheran Reunion at Rock Point, yesterday. The peaches now in market here are coming from northern Georgia. —Lawn fete at J. C. Brandon s in Concoquenessing twp., Friday evening. The new railroad from Hilliards to to Eau Claire will open a large acreage of coal lauds. The people of Zelienople and other valley towns picnic at Cascade park, next Thursday. —More picnics in the woods -and don't forget your bottle of "cold tea' for snake bites. —Contracts for the grading of the Butler, Harmony and Pittsburg trolley line are being let. —The Kittauning lawyers will be here for dinner and general sight-see ing, next Tuesday. _ —'A band of pypsies struck Chlcora a few days ago and made things interest ing for some people there. —Some Butler men haye purchased the old Stone-houge property in Brady twp. for a game preserve. —A*teel baggagecar, next to the en gine, prevented a general smash up on the Erie R. R. a few days ago. —"Mrs. Wiggs and her Cabbage Patch" will be the opening attraction at the Majestic —Monday, Aug. 80. —The "final clash" in the Hart je trial is to come this week. The estimated cost to date is a quarter of a million. —The Eisler & Mardorf dry goods store and the Bell Telephone ware rooms in Butler were lately burglariz ed. —The tunnel-under-Butler project is again being talked of. The P. R. R. . Co. wants a switch into the Car W6rk's grounds -'4,' he Wuller neas property on S. Main St., 20 feet front, changed hands last week for |15,500. A. Rrut, ..orlst, is the purchaser. —The Street Fair advertised for But ler for this week failed to put in an ap pearance. for the season that it was "at tached" for wages at Oil City, last week, Tip ror.d r,innjng wej,t ttou} Kw taaton bridge, and which nearly paral lels the line between the counties, is be ing improved by the Cantr&ctQV Jfanna'ifl floing'the work, —The report that wild pigeons had again made their appearance in this state proves to be incorrect. The al leged wild pigeons are doves. The mys tery of the disappearance o* j»igoon» uno« w*re s3 numerous that flying flocks darkened the sky j» ks deep as 4ver.—Ex. —The Penn'a R. R. Co alter fts meeting of Ho in Philadelphia, Tuesday, announced that it would issue a S2O mileage book, good in the hands of any one or number of persons, to be followed later by a new tariff reducing the maximum one-way fares from 8} and 3 cents to 2) cents a mile to any point on its line east of Pittsburg and Erie. —The destruction of so many barns by lightning during late electrical storms will, probably, increase the in terest in what we call "lightning rods." A "lightning rod" is undoubtedly a goo 4 if it doe o the work—that is turns the fluid-fire from the barn to the ground. The Objections to them are that they are too small, are fixed too close to the buildings and coat too much. A string or two of old oil-well tubing, two or three feet above the combing of the roof, held in place by wooden up rights and connected to the ground, would, probably, do as good work, and won Id cost less. —Electrical storms are among the strangest phenomena of nature that a hnyu»n being becomes accustomed to. How the clouds originate ia known tc almost everybody, but how the tremen dons amounts of electricity in them is generated is known to nobody. Storms have always been credited with some strange attributes, among which is the soaring of milk, but they have anothei not generally known— breaking oi watch springs, - On Saturday last (aftei the electrical storm of the night before: one of our Jewelers put in eight new watch springs though he had had norn to put in for three months before, ant he says he has known to snap dur ing an electrical storm, loose ii his desk. —Why is Newton "The Piano Mau See adv. PERSON AJJ Mrs. Ed. Guthrie is visiting friends in Clarion. - M. A, Lowman of MeauvJle \iaitjd friends in Butler, last week. > Sec y Root is attending the Pan-Auier ' ican congress at Rio de Janeiro. Carl Cronenwett of W. Pearl St. had new corn from his own garden, last week. C. N. Boyd and Rev. Oiler are taking some "Solid Comfort" in the wilds of Canada. C. I. Boak of New Castle is the guest of his annt, Mrs. P. H. Secbler of N. McKean St. W. C. Negley of Allegheny is the gnest of his father, F. H. Negley of Butler twp. Miss Mae Leidecker of Butler will take a trip to Europe, with some Alle gheny friends. Win. Millar and A. B. Hnghes have sold their hotel in Sharon, and will re turn to Butler. Win. N. Mahaffey of Brackenriilge. formerly of Clinton twp.. was a visitor in Butler, Monday. John Leisey and wife of Muddycreek were the guests of Frank Sherman and wife of Butler twp. over Sunday. Benj. Stepp of Middlesex twp. was in town, yesterday, ami says the storm did no great damage in that township. Mrs. J. W. Thompson of North Wash ington, who was operated npon at the Hospital nearly six weeks ago, is there yet, but is slowly improving. Benj. Sarver of Buffalo twp. and his son-in-law, F. G. Sheeter Oi Pittsburg, visited his daughter, Mrs. B. L. Gard ner of Institute Hi'!, last week. Quinn liedic of Allegheny twp. is snf fering from rheumatism and intend* go ing to Dayton Soldiers Home for treat ment. He and Philip Deal were in town, yesterday. General Kuropatkin is said to be busy in his retirment elaborating his defense against the charge that the Russian officers and men were responsible for the Russian defeats. John Cole of the Wliitehill plumbing office attended the funeral ot Marion Watson at Slipperyrock, Monday John took in the Elks excursion to Denver, and also visited Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs. Edward Westennan, are. today, celebrating both their birth days, and. in honor of the event their children, grandchildren, relatives and friends are gathered at their home near Ivy wood station. Miss Alice Adams of Kansas City, Mo. who has been visiting her father, Robert Adams of Concord twp. for the past few months returned to Kansas City, Monday. She is stenographer there for the Board of Trade. Mr. Adams is % visiting a married daughter in Swiss vale, this week. Gen. Archibald Blakeley of Pittsburg celebrated his 79th birthday, on Tues day of last week. Col. Blakeley was born and raised in Butler county and this may account for his reaching a good old age, within one year of being an octogenarian. His old friends here congratulate him on bia continued good health and streugth. John Keck of Sl'pperyrock, formerly of Summit twp., Butler and Worth twp. attempted to commit suicide, last Monday evening, by slashing his throat with a penknife, but he did not cut the jugular vein, his wound was sewed up and he will get well. Mental weakness caused by over-work is assigned as the cause of the act. A commission in lu nacy has been appointed on his case. A. A. Marshall and wife have return ed from a trip through Kansas and Ok lahoma, where they met several Butler county people, all of whom are well and doing well. The oil fields there prom ise to extend to the Gnlf, and be the greatest ever; and all through th*t country a strata of rock, .resembling limestone, is fonDd from which the beat cement in the world is being made. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall enjoyed their trip. Jno. D Rockefeller returned to this country on the steamer 'Amerika and landed at New York, last Saturday. He comes in time to face two distinct prosecutions directed; against the Standard Oil Company and the Lake Shore Railroad Company on the charge that rebates on shipments of petroleum were granted by the railroad to the oil trust. One of these is being conducted fa the courts at Toledo under the Ohio statnte known as the Valentine law. It is in pursuance of this that a warrant has been issued for Mr. Rockefeller's arrest, making it necessary for the oil king's attorneys to enter surety for his appearance. —Our military company returned to Butler, last Saturday, from Gettys burg, where they fought over the great battle. The only sensation of the en campment was the discovery adul terated udlk wormy meat, etc. among |jie supplies, by State Food Commis sioner Warren, who made the following statement: "Milk purchased from the fallowing general, division and regi mental headquarters was found to be heavily dosed with formaldehyde: Third Brigade, Brigadier General headquar ters, Tenth Regiment headquarters, Thirteenth Regiment Twelfth Regiment headquarters, Fourth ueymeutj' "Col. O'Neil'a head quarters; Fourth Regiment headquar ters, Eighth Regiment headquarters. Jn addition >o the above three samples were taken from companies' mess head quarters. Iu addition six samples were taken from a large comgany which is said to furnish much of the milk to the soldiers, and will result in propecnti.caj at an earlv date." CyjnfflUaioßer War yen said that he will not anv eir . acce pt fi nes j n these cases, bat will have them sent to court at the next term. The officers v,'b,o furnished milk to the ?ood bureau agents on the camp grounds will be subpoenaed as witnesses to give testimony. addition to the agents and chemists of the food bureau, will make a formidable array of witnesses at the x trials. The prosecutions will be brought in Adams county. City League Baseball At a meeting in Y. M. C. A. hall, Thursday evening, the City base ball league appointed three new umpires- John Ayers, E. L. McCandless and Mark McLafferty. The protest of the Merchants club against Umpire Redd's decision was re ferred to a committee. SCORES. Typos 9, General Office 7. Lawyers 9, Auditors 8. An 11 inning game Auditors 8, General Office 7. Merchants 1, Independents 0. At Kaylor—Butler Independents 2, Kay lor 1. SCHKDULE. Aug. 2, Lawyers vs Merchants. Aug. 4, General Office vs Auditors. Aug. 0, Bankers vs Typos. Aug. 8, Office vs Bankers. Aug. 11, Bankers vs Lawyers. There will be two games on Labor Day, Sept. 3, probably between the four leading teams. The proceeds will go as a benefit for the Y. M. C. A. BUYING WOOL. We are paying the highest price, in cash, for wool. Call at or address, KRUG'S MEAT MARKET, 107 South Main Street. Butler. Pa. Conncaut Lake Week-end "Ex cursions. Special train leaves Butler every Sat i urday at U:2O p. m., returning leaves ! Exposition Park every Sunday to Sept -1 ember Uth inclusive at 7 p. in., arriving ;at Butler 9:15. Fare for round trip al 1 . I trains Saturday returning Sunday or i Monday $2.00. Connection made via i Meadville with trolley line to and from and Cambridge Springs. LEGAL NEWS. NEW SUITS. Carrie E. Hundley for use of Jacob J. : Fellman vs Antoni anil Albert Piertzak. j si fa on a mortgage of $9209. James Pappas va Mike Vine, del t. | and the Standard Steel Car Co gar ' nisliee, certiorari on .To?. Criswell, J. P. on judgment rendered in favor of de fendant. Jane Eliza Orr, l>y her father and njxt friend. Benj. Donthett, va Geo. W. Orr, libel in divorce. Agnes T. McAlpine vs Kenneth N. McAlpine, libel in divorce. The plain tiff states they married in July, 1899, at Wrangle, Alaska, and that since April 1000, she was subject to such cruel and barta-ous treatment that la*t Saturday. July 28, she was compelled to leave the residence of Lavinia McAlpine, the defendant's mother, where they made their home, taking her two children. She asks for divorce from bed and board and alimony. Agnes T. McAlpine vs Carrie Brown, : summons in trespass for SIO,OOO dam ages. The plaintiff avers that the de fendant by words, actions, falsehood-, correspondence, sign.-;, insinuations and improper relations with Kenneth N. McAlpine, husband of the plaintiff, poi soned his mind against the plaintiff,and aleinated from her his affections. Agnes T. McAlpine vs Lavina McAl pine, mother of Kenneth N. McAlpine, trespass for SIO,OOO damages. No state ment is filed in this case. The olaintiff in these suits is a native of Alaska, is said to be of wealthy parentage and educated in a convent. Her maiden name was White. Kenneth McAlpine met her while on a trip to Alaska in 1899. they were married and catne to Bntler in April 1900. Subse quently Mrs. McAlpine returned to Alaska leaving their first born child in Bntler and during her absence the child died. She claims she was not notified of its death and on her return to Batler found her husband had made the acquaintance of Miss Brown, of Birds Hill, Ohio. Claims a conspiracy exists between Miss Brown and Dr. McAlpine's mother to get rid of her. Heirs of Miles Coovert, deed, vs Thomas M. Marshall, ejectment for six acres of land in Adams twp. which th»> plaintiffs claim was owned by Miles Coovert at his death. JN OTES. J. H. Williams, a negro wanted for two years past on a charge of stealing brass from the B. & O. was arrested. Saturday, by officer Schultz and lodged in jail. Frank Perry of Slipperyrock was tak en to Dixmont, last week J. M. Osborne was arrested, Monday, for attempting to defraud his boarding honse keeper, but the case was settled. Toyen Traduski is in jail on a charge of perjary. On petition of Wm Trimbnr of Slipperyrock twp. a commission in lunacy consisting of W. B. Purvis, Dr. W. M. Barbour and G. C. Vorous was appointed on his brother-in-law, John Keck. On petition of Hugo F. Miller of Cranberry twp , C. L McQnistion, Dr. Elder Crawford and James Borland were appointed a commission in lunacy on his father. Hngo F. MUler, Sr. Alex. Sadouskv is in jail on a charge of selling liquor without license. Henrietta E, Gilbert has petitioned for partition of the estate of her father, Peter Feil. deceased, of Mars. A decision, believed to be the first of its kind, has just bten made by a judge in Yonkers.N. Y. An automobile occupi ed by G. W. Bryant and his chauffeur, while raciug with another, collided with a carriage and severely injured a woman occupant. The court sentenced the chaffenr to two months imprison ment, and has just sentenced the own er, Bryant, to a similar t""- ; p ' ±>en "■ •" iuc •ung' 1 r ~-1.- j— ' 'ii tne owner,present or absent,commands, incites, encourages or permits an em ploye to violate the law in the manage ment of the owner's property he is sub ject to the penalties and may be pro ceeded against as principal.'' PItOPERTY TRANSFERS. Wuller heirs to Anton Krut lot on S. Main St for $15,500. Clerk of Courts to Mary J Aggers 20 acres in Forward for S9O?. M Maloney & Co to Peter Zitnmel, Jr 10-acre lease in Donegal for $758. Mary J Gibson to Carl M Levis lot at Annisville for sls. J S Kiester to Mary E Davia Slipperyrock for fllfj. S O (fe D A Wright to Stephen ijOfk wood lot in Zelienonle for fcl.K"' Hobt W ' " w „ c ■ co W E Succop 1.5 a in Middlesex for $20,000. Sara and W Kauffman to Isaac Kauf man lot in Zelienople for $2400. C D Weitzel to Emma schroth lot in Jefferson for S9O. Celia >4 Consult, to J H Long lease and wells in Jefferson for S3OO. Robt Kennedy to John N Stewart ISfS acres in Buffalo for ShTOO. Albert Singerly to Jos N Steighner lot in Butler twp for S2OO. H W Walters to J V Walters 2 lots in Mars for SISOO each. Peter Feil heirs to J V Walters lot in Mars for SIOO. Mary E Link to J V Walters lot in Mars for SISOO. T H L George to J M Painter and Robt. J W Whitinive, *O2 acres in Jefferson tor s:< GOO. Hannah E Green to J O Harbison, 100 acres in Penn for $2500. Elizabeth and W B Patterson to Archie L Schenck, lot on West D St for SISOO. Jos. H Coulter to Paul E Cronenwett, lot oa W. Fulton St. for S2IOO. Bess L Starr to A 1 Ruff, lot on North McKean St. for $44,00, , Amy A Redic, Vvat»h'.iigton twp. for S2OO, . rVN 7 and Q A Redic to Philip Deal, ll ? Washington twp. for £SOO. \TSo. Oesterling to Albert Singly, lot in West End for s*soo. Mnriiajje licenses. Elmer Duffy Boyer Margaret Shearon Murrinsville Harry Scbomberger Butler twp Malvin Samovitz R. J. Sims Venango twp Frances Fithian Washington twp Robert O. McClintock Mercer twp Nellie A Bingham Harrisville Charles Hofmeister Allegheny Stella Ehrhardt " Daniel H. Graham Butler Inez L. Emery " L. R. Houston Wilkiusburg Jane Scannell Bntler At Pittsburg, Samuel N Markle and Eva Ilindman of Bntler A marriage license was issued in Youugstown, last Saturday, to Lee Hong, a Chinaman of Pittsburg, and Bessie Kessler of Dubois. The groom is said to be the proprietor of a restau rant at No. 1430 Fifth Ave.. Pittsburg. THREE WEEKS MORE. Judging from the amount of entries and enquiries that are coming into the office of the Butler Fair Association, the indications are favorable for the largest exhibition this year in the history of the association. Everyone who has ever been on the grounds pro nounce them perfect. Plenty of shade and good water, and the Directors realizing the large crowd that will be there are improving the grounds and getting everything in good order for comfort and convenience of patrons of the Fair. It is a foregone conclusion that everybody will be at the Fair be cause it is the'only meeting of the year when information, amusement and companionship have no limit. Just three weeks more, Aug. 21-21. Great Annual Reunion and Pic nic of tlic Buckwheat Club. On account of the 9th Annual Re union and Picnic of the Smicksburg and West Mahoning Buckwheat Club at Coleman's Park. GoodvilK Pa., Thursday, August 9th, the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. will run the usual low rate excursions to Goodville on that da}'. Excursion tickets will be sold from Butler for train leaving 7:30 a. m. at ronnd trip fare of $1.25. Do not miss this opportunity for having a royal good time among the thousands of people who always attend the "Buck wheat Reunion." Oil and tJas Note.-?. I The Market.—On Saturday last a :J --' cent cnt wns tnnde. making the price | Pel) 11 twp—The Phillips <_'o. struck good ski-sander on the Campbell heir last Saturday, which started off at l-> bbls. the hour and was doing 13 bbl next day. Oakland - The Geibel Co's So. 3 on the Kirk reached the pa\* laat Thursday, and started off at 40 bbls . a shot made her flow, and next day she was doing about V) bbls. Xos. 1 and 2 are doing about ten bbls each. CoylesviKe Hiccllberger No. 1 on the Steighher was shot, Tuesday, and flowed over the derrick. Clearfield twp.— Humes A: Co s. well on the Thomas Hume? is doing ten Mils per day. Smith <Sr Leithold are drilling on the Jos. Shnler. adjoining the H nines. Th'tt Thornhill J. I'. discharged Ih. five Butler county pumpers, arrested working on Sunday as they showed him that it was necessary to pump the wc-lls 011 Sunday to keep down the salt-water. Carver House Changes Hands. The Carver House, one of the oldest hotels in Sharon, which was leaded from C. Q. Carver by William H. Miller and Andrew 15. Hughes, of Bntler. Inst October for a term of five vears, chang ed hands 011 Tuesday, when the firm disposed of their interests to John IT. Fitzgerald, of Dnnkirk, and James A. Hughes, of Jamestown, X. Y. The con sideration was 5,000 and the new pro prietors will take possession after the licensa is transferred, August (>. Mr. Fitzgerald will be kindly rememb'jri i bv a host of frieiuls iu Sharon, where he conducted Gable's Tavern for several vears, and his partner is also a practical hotel man of the samt genial personali ty. It is confidently expected that the hotel will retain its wide popularity with the traveling public and our own citizens under the new management. Messrs. Miller and Hughes will return to Bntler, the former to re-engage in the real estate business and the latter will probably again associate himself with the Hamilton glass company. They will take with them the best wishes of the community for their con tinued welfare and prosperity—Sharon Herald. Improvements Mis. Sloan is remodelling her S. Main St. building at a cost of s'3ooo. First St . on Institute Hill is being paved. Contractor Sclienek of Butler secured the contract for the Power house and car barns to be built at Eidenau, at a cost of about $17,000. Wise Family Reunion. All persons knowing themselves to te connected with the Wise family, by marriace or otherwise, are cordially invited to the first annual re union to be held on the farm of Clyde Kennedy, Thorn Creek, Butler county. Briug baskets. August 10, 1006. Picnics ami Reunions. Aug. 1. Odd Fellows outing at Cas cade Park. Aug. 7. P. 11. C. at Alamada Park. Aug. 8, Maccabees at Waldamere. Aug. 0, Harmony and Zelienople peo ple to Cascade Park. Aug. 14, 15 and lfi, annual reunion ol the Mercer Soldiers Orphans School, at Hotel Humes. Mercer. Aug. 15—Masons at Oonneant Lake Aug. 15, First Annual Picnic of the Street Car Employees at Alameda Park. Dancing, sports of all kinds. Supper from 5 to 9 p.m. Auk- I'*", nil 'Mini ri'iiuiyu o£ Aug. 16, Knights of Pliyth'as, dedi cation of new Horn? at IJar^nony September (sth—The Stevenson re union will be held at the home of Sam'l L. Stevenson in Clay township, Sept. Cuh. 1900. Everybody invited, come and bring your baskets. ALAMEDA PARK. Slimmer Theatre. The show at the Summer Theatre this week is pleasing everybody. If you haven't seen it yet, you had betfov go OUt; Next W;t : I *** * * I- ..cek'sshow will be something entirely new—Farce Comedy, and Manager Walters says a capable compa ny. BITLBK M AIIKKTS. Oar grocers are paying, for— Apples .-,0 Fresh eggs 2t Butter 2(1 Potatoes . 71 Chickens, dressed . .1(5 IS Navy beans, bu $1 M String beans, bu 5(1 Tomatoes $1.50 Onions, bu 90 Honey per lb ]fi Dried Apples - Turnips, per bu li Parsnips, per bu 71 Beets per doz bunches 20 Blackberries 7 Corn, per doz 2(1 K. O. T. M. Outing Bntler Tent Kuights of Maccabees extend an invitation to all Maccabees and their friends to join in the K. O. T. M. outing to Erie, Aug. *. Fare for the round trip $1.50. The Bees are making preparation for a big turnout and leave nothing undone to make it the most successful picnic of the season. A trip over the big Bessemer railroad and a day spent in Erie city seeing its ;uany interesting places is worth several times the fare for this trip iSuckwheat Reunion at t;ood ville, Thursday, Any. J>tli. For the Buckwheat Reunion at Good ville, Thursday, August 9th. the Buf falo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. will sell excursion tickets to Goodville and return for train leaving Butler 7:00 a. in. at the low fare of $1.25 for the round trip. The Conneaut JLakc United Presbyterian Reunion. The ninth annual United Presbyterian Reunion will be held at Conneaut Lake, on Thursday, August 0, 1000. No other denomination or order in the L T nited States brings together such a vast assemblage of people as does this re union. One hundred and twenty-six thousand persons have attended the re union in the past. The special train service covers all of Western Pennsyl vania, where the denomination is the strongest. Twenty-four trains, regular and special, will be used to transport the excursionists to the park. The de mand for the reunion this year is greater than ever before, and present indications point to a very large attend ance. When one considers the natural beauty of Conneaut Lake, the many facilities afforded at the park foi amusement and entertainment, tht excellent order which is maintained, and the very low rates which are secur ed, it is no wonder that so many thousands of the United Presbyterian? and their friends make the annual pil grimage to Conneaut Lake. Painting and Paper-hanging. W. B. Scott, painter and paper-hanger, can be found at 120 East Quarry street, Tuesday Excursions to Niagam Falls and Toronto. Every Tuesday, to and including September 25th, the Buffalo, Rocbestei & Pittsburg Ry. will sell excursior tickets from Bntler to Niagara Fall: and Toronto, good for return passai," any time within 15 days from date ol sale, at fare of $7.45 to Niagara Fall: and $8.90 to Toronto. For full informa tion consult agents of the company. —Money to loan on first mortgage, E. H. Negley, Diamond. CIIUKCII NOTES. The Centennial of the Plains chnrch in Cranberry township, will he helrl on September I s . many good speakers havt been obtained aud the day will l>e one of profit as well as pleasure. A very large crowd is expected and will l>e en tertained bj- the members of the church. Rev. A K Robinson of the United Presbyterian chnrch left on his annual vacation this week His brother. Rev. C. S. Robinson of Wheeling will preach in the Butler church next Sunday. On ; Sunday, August 10. the pulpit will be occnpi'ed by the president of the Penn 1 sylvnnia College for Women. Reported Murder, The headless body of H man was : found in a thicket near Leavittsbnrg, ! Ohio, last Thursday and the clothii - • was identified as being that of Alberrj Kennedy of Ellis. M<>., and a former i resident of Penn twp.. this county, who 1 left his home i*; Missouri with consider able money on his person and started : for Kansas to l<uy a farm there. How : or why he got to eastern Ohio is not i known A dispatch from Warren. < >hio. dated Sunday, said: "B. J. Kennedy. Joseph Kennedy and James Kennedy of Untler, Pa , and Richard Kennedy of Pittsburg, brothers of Albert Kennedy. who;-e headless body was found near here Thursday, arrived in this city today, and are investigating the case They are awaiting the arrival of David Ken nedy of Ellis, Kan., before taking any action." Conneaat Lake U. p. Reunion. For the ninth annual U. P. Reunion to be held at Conneant Lake. Thursday. August 9th, special train will leave But ler at 0:00 A. M.. running to the Park without stops; fare for round trip SI.OO. RIG HUTU-MI I'AIR, August 21, 22, 2:J and 24, 1 it O ft. NOTICE. Whereas. iuy wife. Mary A. Timblin, ha- left my home without any canse whatever. 1 do hereby notify all per sons not io furnish her any boarding or any goods, clothing or credit on my ac count, as I will pay no bills contracted by her. ELMER J. TIMBLIN*, Karns City, June 22, 1906. For Sale. Several desirable dwelling properties, 81220 to £ISOO iu price E. H. NEGLEY, S. W. Diamond. Butler. Masonic I'iciiic The annual outing and Masonic pic nic will be held at Conneant Lake, Wednesday, August 15th Special train will leave Butler £:00 a. m., Kaylor 7:20, Grove City 9:05. Fare for round trip front Butler and Kaylor. .<X», Grove City 75c, Mercer ftOc. CLUB RAT KS. We can club the CITIZEN with the Pittsburg Gazette-Times at £>.oo per year for the two; CiTISEN and Pitts burg Post for $8.25. Cash in advance. $2.00 Conneant Lake ami lie turn $2.00, Going Saturdays leaves Butler 7 aud 9:3fi a m. or 3:30 p. m.. returning leaves Exposition Park. Sunday 7 p. m. or reg ular trains Monday Masonic Outing The annual Masonic outing will be held at Exposition Park, Conneant Lake. Wednesday, August 15th Fnre for the round tri]> from Untler ivayior SI.OO, Grove City 75c, Mercer 60c. FARM FOR SALE. In Jefferson township, known as the Thomas Mecliling farm, and located :J. miles north of Saxonburg; S3 acres. No 1, buildings, splendid house, the best spring in the county, good ground and good orchard, sixty-ton silo, and one producing oil well. j. A. GREGG, R. F. D 7, Butler, Pa. —Why i? Newton "The Piano Man": See adv. N 1 have moyed mv * the Mill—' . cental parlors lrom . sanding to the second floor or the new Odd Fellows' Temple, where my pations and friends will be welcome. FORD II HAYS, Doctor of Dentistry. Reduced Rates to C'oimelsville. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, account Cen tennial Cok<s Exposition. August 14 to 17 Excursion tickets on Mle Angnft 18. M and i.*>. good returning until Anfiiit 90, Inclusive, from Faircbance, Ache Junction, West Brownsville, Pittsburg, Butler, Kittanninff, beoj nace. Kaylor, >yberton, Windber. hunlo ami intermediate stations. Consult Ticket Agents. -TP I JLa'©&6& Time and Tide Wait for no one. If your watch is untruth ful and does not tell you the correct time bring it to us, no difference what make it is and we will make a correct time keeper of it, or if not worth fixing truthfully tell you so. Our charges are reasonable. Call and give na a trial. We also sell- Pianos. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. . R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate". Optician Nest to Court House. ****** j "The Nixon" I i | Butler's Newest j ANI) Best Hotel, j Beautifully appointed iu every $ detail. Equipped with every known modern convenience. 133 * H rooms—single or ensuite, with * or without bath. Cuisine and $ * service of the highest standard. $ % Private dining rooms. Evening * § Dinner, Orchestra and Roof $ % Garden. Location very centre § * of business district. Kates £-2.00 j* §to $3.50 per day, American plan. |c Luncheon. 50 cents; Evening * ! Dinner, 75 cents. § * x * * ***** "IVhy Be Bald? When von can buy ;i bottle of ■Raid Head Remedy" for 7cents which is ! guaranteed to kill microbe, cure eczema, ol i :ulkinds and dandruff in 10 days and grow I hair on 'J per cent of Raid Heads or money I 1 refunded. It is also an excellent hair tonic and vigorator. aud Is absolutely hujjuless. l all or address 534 Washington avouue Allegheny, Pa. \ —N > Rubber Gloves > ! \ For < ? Dainty Hands.} f Some ladies think that a3 1 / soon as they get married, and f j r J N x have to give np trying to l>e \ ' ' C sweet and pretty and just as S i j / charming as possible. \ ; : W Dou't do it! You're mak- S | \ ing a serious mistake. Yoa \ j C can have just as dainty and S [ V pretty hands and nails as of \ V yore, if yon will wear Rubber S % Gloves when doing the work \ j / which soils the hands. S j / All sizes, per pair. ~">c. S | < C. N. BOYD. | { DUGGIST, 5 ( > BUTLER, PA. } WvwwwwnJ "f B.UTIW £ OHIO 11. [!. I i I'opular IXcur-ioiis to Atlantic City, Cape Slay, Sea Isle City, ocean City, N. Ocean City, 31(1., Itchohotli ISeaeli, Del. am' Ifetmn THURSDAYS, Ju'y 26, Aug. i)aad 23, Sept. 6 [ MOUND «£ j A FROM TRIP «|»IVJ BUTLER Tickets good returning 1(5 Days Including' <late of Sale Ticket permitting privilege j of purchasing Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Car accommoda tion may lie obtained upon pay ment of $"-'.OO additional. For pamphlet giving full in formation, call on W. R. Turner, Ticket Agent, Butler. SHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of sr.udry writs of Ven. Ex.. I I. Fa.. Lev. Fa.. &.C., issued outof tlie Court of Common Pleas of liutlcrCo., Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at t he Court ilouse in the borough if Butler. Pa., on Friday, 3is» d t, 1908. at "no ov. !"■ M tie. *•" ...iuu described properly, itr-wit' r. t>. No. 2.%. :.'7liud .\N. Sept. Term. 1906. F. J. l-'orquer. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Mrs. Ida Dittmer, of, in and to all that cer tain piece or lotof land situated In sth Ward. Butler borough. Butler county. Pa., bound od as follows, to-wit: On the north by Lin coln Way, east by lands of Wlllian) Haziett. south by lot owned by A . M. Ohrlstley, and divided therefrom by a board fence, and on the west by c ot of Miss liattie Gold, said lot having a frontage of forty-tive [4."> l feet, more or less, on said Lincoln Way. and ex tending back in a southerly director, pre serving the same width. ■ istity in" 1 more pr less to said Chiist'"- . .vet. thereo.. erected » ..j tot. having dwciliutf " ooven roomed frame ' - Ust' . . uized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Mrs. Ida liittmer. at the suit of Join: Berg, Henry A. Berg. partners as John Ber.: &. Co., Mary O'Neal, F. J Korquer. F, I>. No. :i7, Sept. Term, 1000. I'. J. Forcjuer, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of M. T. McLean, of, in and to all that certain piece or lot of land situated in Marion twp.. Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of William May boldcn. east by lands of same, south by public road, and on the west by lands of >l. T. McLean being thirty-five (331 feet front on said public road an(l extending back one hundred and twenty 11201 feet, having there on erected a two story frame dwelling house and stable, the same containing of an acn of land, more or less, recorded i.i Deed 8001. Ist;, page 4G»> Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of M. T. McLean, at the suit of L. .1. Sisiiey. E. I'. No. 2, SI. 24 and 2:>. Sept. Term. 1!W. A. T. Scott. 11. 11. Goucher and N. C. Mc- Collough, Attorneys. All the right, title, interest and claim of James M. Maxwell, of, in and to all t bat cer tain piece or lot of land situated in Butler borough, Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lot belonging to heirs of Adam Kamer. dee'd., east by Second street, south by lot belonging to Edward Liebert. and on the west by an alley, said lot fronting on Second street eighty ISOI fee: and extending back to said alley [lOOl feet and being part of original lots No. 0 and 21 and all of lot No. 1"> in block No. 23 in tlie borough of Butler, Pa., in plan of C. Mc ('andless, et al, recorded in Deed Book page .">OO and being part of original block of lots conveyed to George C. Biehl. the present granter by the Butler Savings Bank, et al. by deed dated Nov, Isth. ISM!>, and recorded in Deed Book 151, page 377 in the Register and Recorder's office of Butler county. Pa.. and having thereon erected one two story frame dwelling house. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erly of James M. Maxwell, at the suit of L. P. liazlett. Trustee for use United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co., W. S. liamsey. The Commonwealth of Penn'a.. at the sug gestion. etc.. for use of I'niled States Fideli ty & Guaranty Co. E. D. No. 43. Sept. Term, 1006. A. T. Scott. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of George W.Cooper, of, in and to all that cer tain piece or lot of land situated in Centre vllle Dordugh. Butler «'o.. l*a.. bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post on the sout h. and running north on the Turnpike road thirty 1.301 feet to a post: thence by lot of Jonathan Mayberry. one hundred and sixty lltsol feet to a post; thence east thirty | sol feet by an alley to a post; thence west uy lot of .-amuel Coulter, one hundred and sixty I tool feet to the place of beginning, on which is erected a two story frame dwelling house and outbuildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of George W. Cooper, at the suit of W. B. Cochran. F-. D. No. 0. September Term. I'.Oti. W. D. Brandon, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of W. w. Watters. of. in and to all that certain piece or lot of land situated in Evansburg Itorough. Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol lows. to-wit: On the north oy lot No. 110. one hundred and eighty llsOl feet, east by Centre alley forty-eight and -y-100 I feet, south by Sarah alley one hundred and eighty LISOI feet, and on the west by Wash ington street, forty-eight and 33-100 145.331 feet and being lot No. 120 In Martin Wahl plan or addition to the borough of Evans burg and being the same property conveyed to \V. W. Watters. by Martin Wahl. et ux, by deed dated March otli, lsoo. and recorded in Herd I!'>ok I>'.2. pane iSi,of the rec.irds of But ler county. Penn'a.. having thereon erected a frame cottage house and outbuildings. Sized and taken in execution at the prop erty of W. W, Watters at the suit of Alary M. Dodds. TERMS OF SALE—The following must be st i let ly complied with when property is stricken down. 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the wr it must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold togither with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until one o'clock, P. M., of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. •see l'urdon's Digest, 9th edition, page 416. an I Smith's Forms, page 354. ALEX. McOI'NE CAMPBELL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa. Aug. 2, 11*30. I." £MO JUNK IN. lUA McJUNKIN GEO. A. MITCHELL. h S iWcJUNKIN CO., Insurance «Sr Heal Estate 117 E Jefferson St. frUTbER, - - - - PA <Jas an<l liasollne Engines All sizes and Wood Working Machinery, New and Second Hand. BIUGGS MACHINERY COMPANY. 23s Second Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. [ Muslin Underwear SaleatT j MRS. L. M. YOUNG'S S Thursday, July 26th and lasting until Wednesday, August Ist. < V We carry a full line of the -CHIC" MUSLIN" UNDERWEAR. Every J c garment speaks for itself. /i' y I> >n >t mi—ihi< S.\ U; it will pay you to buy for futuiv use. Remember the \ f Thursday mnniin-. July 2<Uh to Wednesday, August Ist. We will also eon- v \ tiiuu'iMir < liLA RAN< I*. S\ LL until August Ist. of muslins, calicoes, ginghams, X ( lawns, table linens, toweling-, dress goods, &c., Ac. J : MRS. L. M. YOUNG. ) Opposite the "Bickel Building," 127 Main St. / . _________________ .. ————* I (§5 —a ■■■■■■inii■■in ——^K» <g> i ii The Bottom Knocked © © c Out of PfiC6Sa @ D-* *tl 4l» To have values and not to 2s rv exploit them would be unjust ■ft (*%&. , ' to you and to us. So we want £ — to inform you of another big ft ft - ' \*jf /"j 1 I t In looking over our stock £ ft Tf! S A » / i a^or our big sale we find that ft '-a ' r ly hwe haw a -•<»od number of ft ® broken lots and odd sizes in g ft If > / L • ' * i f CLsjamen's summer suits. ft ® >■- ii • I"'; Vtaft 1° ' Beginning tomorrow morn- ft © i : ing every one of these lots ft © y, "i® v f* T.' will be on sale from ft © {T^H : 4 I per cent * to P er can^@ © | j J ! j IfflS less than the original price. © © I | ;s " • Late buyers will find this a @ ® | , ■f- ■'« .7 ? r fbig snap to dress at a cost ® ® I |f : *7W ■ I i , / • j I lower in a good many in- ® ® E 1 •«• '/I 7 ...sq* |M| Istanc-'s than I'.te wholesale ® © IS »>■ A? It t-.*- ! 1.1'■•«•-. Ml Odd lots® (&> f f r •:. ,/ ,I: : l UI out on separate tables ® fe> f M !.■■■<: | 7 ;|. »!¥ I with the original price mark ® ® M£ : M \:h| // m*%jg /attached. We being ® ® f:- fij m&W | one price house it will be an ® @ easy matter for anyone to ® ® hof 7 fvMi | make their own deductions. ® j MK. JEsf / U® Don't delay. As the size ® § j you want tomorrow may be g 1 Ideal Clothing and Hat Parlors I I CHARLES R. THOMPSON, PROP R. | 1 228 South Main Street. © p. s—All clothing sold by us pressed and repaired free. I®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® ■■ ii "" ■- = _- i—^— B. & B.; dressing sacques Shelf emptying of these cool, comfortable garments at prices that prove our determination to do as we say—empty every shelf and box—and that in the shortest possible time. Colored Lawn Dressing Sacques and Kimorios—also White ones. 50c ones, 35c. 75c ones, 50c. SI.OO ones. 65c. ones, SI.OO. $2.00 ones, $1.25. $3.50 ones, $2.50. $5.00 ones, $3.50. ones, $4.50 —on up to $lB ones, $13.50. r Lot printed Lawn Dressing I i Sacques at 15c. t 802,'2,'5& Buhl L O t 1 ALLEGHENY, PA. /VI. K- shan<?r, t > Fire and Life Insurance ALSO Li REAL ESTATE. V , Room .50S, Butler County National Bank Building, Butler, Pa. jl)o You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do, Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto, i Come and see us when in need of . anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy S. Q. PURVIS, PH. G Both Phones. 213 S Main St. Butler Pa. % ? Drop us a Postal Card c S if you cannot call and we J I will mail you \ v Free of Charge 7 | t a sample package of \ £ Miller's Kidney Pills / I S We want everyone who has i I f backacke and kidney trouble to V ! 1 ty these pills, they speak for J I f themselves. \ I \ Regular size 50c sent to any / | f address upon receipt of price. J | Redick & Grohman^ / PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS S < iO9 North Main St:, S BuUer, Pa. \ AwvwvwvwA TH6 50TIS6R GTIZGN. JI.OO ixt year If paid tn advance, otherwise |1.."J0 will be cnarced. Auvkktisino Ratm— One Inch, one time |1; fiicli subsequent Insertion SO cents eiirh Auditors' and divorce notices H each; oxec ut"rs'aud administrators' notices <3 each os' r;iy and dissolution notices |2 each, ltead in • notices 10cents a line for first and Scents f, >r e. h subsequent insertion. Notices :it .onploi-al news Items 15 cents a line for t n bln sertlon. Obituaries, cards of thanks n solutions of respect, notices of festivals ;iml fairs, etc.. Inserted at the rate of 5 cents ; line, money to accompany the order, .'evfn ,v ids of prose make a line. Kates for standing cards and Job work on j application. All advertising Is due after first Insertion. I and all transient advertising must be paid ; fo- in advance. A.: rommunlcatlonsintended for publlca ! tl; nln this paper must be accompanied bj i tl n-al name of the writer, not for publica tion bu-a guarantee of good faith, and should reach us not later than Tuesday evening. Death notices must be accompanied w th responsible name I Spring Opening The first opening this spring of a bottle of our own make Beef, Iron and Wine will bring cheer to many families. C LOSED IN THE HOUSE all winter you become listless and tired and have not the ambition for extra spring work. Our Beef, Iron and Wine is the "Spring Tonic" that brings back red cheeks, red lips, new blood, new life. "Remember" we make our own, it is not shipped in. Every bottle guaranteed, your money back if it fails. Price 50c Pint. THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G., BOTH PHONES, 106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. The Style of Today is all-important for the -w«ll-<!lre»e<l man. Let us make you a suit to meas nre, at a price but little more than the realy-made But, oh, what a differ ence in the fit, style and general ap pearance! Trousers to Order at 96. | Come and *ee our new stock of ma | terials—the choicest to be found. A : million dollars and a bale of hay may ' be equally worthies'? at doomsday, but cur Made to Measure Suits are living epistles—good as gold. WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, iCor. Diamond, Butler* Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers