Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 02, 1906, Image 1

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Remnant Week.
This week we are going to sell out all remnants and odds and ends of
all only a fraction of their former prices I will pay you to
e ° m Remtm ffSC tSS Wash Good,
SSTmSs. Calicoes. Ribbons, Embroideries.
lots of Hosiery. Underwear. Neckwear. Skirts. Shirt Waist,.
Bags, Jewelry, Parasols, Lace Curtains, etc.
Colored Paraaojs + off.
White Linen Parasols } off.
Children's Parasols i off.
i off on all White and Colored Bhirt Waist Suits,
i off on all White Washable Skirts. ,
JSig reductions on all White Lawn and Silk Shirt Waists.
Cliotoe r. f anv Hat in stock this week for fI.OO.
tw>iis rfJoPLi's ' , CmL>\ Samples sent on request. fe
POSTOFFICE iOa. ! r ~T . „ T , D ~,
I Great Cut Price Sale
I Of all Odd Lots in Summer
I Shoes and Oxfords.
I Saturday at 9a. m., July 14th.
■ There will be great bargains to be had
I all through this immense stock. Don't fail * |
I to get some of these great barqains.
8 Hemember the date. July 14th.
I B. C. Huselton, 1
I Opp. Hotel Lowry. 102 N. Main Street. i|
Where some of our recent graduates are loeated:
Sara Beatty, stenographer, Bessemer It. R. Co., Butler.
Robert Seaton, stenographer, American Bridge Co.. Pittsburg.
Jean Welgel, stenographer, Butler Eagle. Butler.
May Thompson, stenographer. The Lloyd Co.. Butler.
W. V. Starr, clerk, St andard Steel Car C 0.. Butler.
Charles McClymonds, with the B. & O. U. H Co., Butler.
Marion Nicholas, stenograbhor, Standard Steel Car Co., Butler.
Lutltla Rtne, Stenographer, The Hostetter Co., Pittsburg.
M. L. McMillen, lteglstrv Clerk, Pittsburg PostofHce, Pittsburg.
I'ressley Mowrey, with Pittsburg Mows Co., Pittsburg.
Jlillei Wheeler, stenoiraphcr and bpokkeepev, \y. H. Daugi.erty ,v Son, l'i troli;i, I':..
trUißi wltu'the Westlnghousa Electrical Mfg. Co., Pittsburg.
'icr'tlia Coulter, stenographer, Pittsburg firm, r
tlli, er Cashdollur. cashier and asst. manuger, Now \ ork Lease & Tryst Co., 1 Ittsb >
Elizabeth Dlebold. stenographer. 'J'he H run street Co., Pittsburg.
Wjnlfred Shkfler, stenographer, A. W. McCJloy & Co., Pittsburg.
Mbrenee Norrls, stenographer, Kenibie & Mills, Attys.. Pittsburg.
Tlolia Crltchlow. public stenograyiher, Bessemer Bldg. Pittsburg.
Hurry K. Painter, lx>okkeepfcr. Monks At'OO.. Allogheny, Pa
Ijiillan l'orelit, stenographer, Hangoods. 'l'ark KMg., Pitulmrg.
VaJetta Nlggdl, stenographer. Roflger. Flanagan & Co., Pittsburg.
Ethel Ureenawalt, stenographe|.. Westing-house Electrical Mto. Co.. l:ittsbu(,ij.
flargHret ti,.
Ibtry EberTiart; rtith the'Per.na. ii- X{ i-io., Butler,
Oliver McOrady, Punna. R. H. Co., Butlor.
Ralph Miller, Penna, R. R. Co.. Butler.
Lev Schenck, with the T. W. Phillips Gas & Oil Co . Butler.
Nellie Nicholas, stenographer, Win. Kaufman, Penn Bldg.. Pittsburg.
Gertrude Graham, stenographer, L. G. Martin, Pittsburg, Pa.
J. H. Alexander. tKjokkeeper, Wabash R. R. Co., Pittsburg.
Kay Thompson, stenographer, U. S. Developement Co., Pittsburg.
Emma Burr, stenographer, Pittsburg Reduction Co., New Kensington, Pa.
Pearl Snyder, stenographer, The Bradstreet Co., Pittsburg.
R. P. Frederick, stenographer, Wabash It. It. Co., Pittsbure.
Rosenna McLaughlin, stenographer. Baird Machinery Co., Pittsburg.
Anna Bundy, stenographer, Salvage Security Co.. Pittsburg.
Winifred Shaffer, stenographer, Gormanla Bank Bldg., Plttsbuir.
Bpnba McClelland, steno. _api.ei, A. E. Itoifcor, Butler. •
JV 1). V Ick, 9ti.n.:ard SUel Car Co., Buvkr., ;
4fyr.i SieiiOgraplier, B. C. Weinnaus Co., i Ittsburg.
. .7. M.. Wilson. B A.O. R. R. Co.. Butler. Pa.
I.ester Bell, bookkeeper, Geo. Walter it Sons. Ilutler Roller Mills
>. A. Heist, stenographer and clerk. Pickerings, Pittsburg;
•Tohn Foster, C. D. & P. Telegraph Co., Pittsburg.
Ada C. Matteson, stenographer, Guarantee Clearing Co., Pittsburg.
Grace Reznor, stenographer, B. 3i L. E. R. R. Co.. C-toen llle
_ idelalde Granc bookkeeptr, Btltler Pnr(. Milk Co
J. Bl\hi(P, b<i'okl;eeper, Biiffaio, N. y.
UdrbertE- ltankln, Butler Post Oftlce,
Carl Dlehl, bookkeeper, J. Oram, Lyndora, Pu.
Sadie McCollougb, stenographer, Wood Fiber Plaster Co.. Butler.
Percy Lester, with Leedom & Worrall Co., Butler.
The largest, best equipped, most up-to-date, most thorough and painstaking business
jollege in Western Pennsylvania. It recognizes no superior In point of efficiency. Its
graduates succeed admirably where those of other schools fail.
May enter ANY TIME. Many are already enrolling for the fall term. Expect the
argest attendance the coming year that we have ever had. Visitors always welcome.
When in Butler pay us a visit. If you can not do so sooner, call on us when In Jlutler ro
be Fair. Send for catalogue. Corresnnndenoe solicited,
£. £•. REUAL, principal, Butler, H,a.
Duffy's Store 1
Not one bit too early to think of that new Carpet, orP
perhaps you would rather have a pretty Rug—carpet®
size. Well, in either case, we can suit you as our Car-§|
pet stock it; one of tf iff largest anefbest assorted in But-raj
ier county. Among Which will be found the following:
Heavy two and three ply 05c jier yd and up K
Beat cotton chain 50c per yd and up H
Simply no wear ont to these $1.:35 yd H
t Light made, bnt very Ootxl .. fsc per yd up I
Body adA Tape airy Lrnsseis, Halt and Al! Wool ingrains.
Prettiest Carpet made, as durable top . .#1.35 H
RAG CARPETS, Genuine weave.
MATTING, Heuif) r.nd £)trar/. p
Axminster ituga, Beauties too each and npg
Brassela Rugs, Tapestry and Body sl2 each and up H
k Ingrain Druggets, All and Half Wool $5 each and npl
'■'wiUnm. Inlaid and Couuaon, a)l widths and grades.
oif Cloths, Floor, Table, Shelf and Stair. , ■
Lace Curtains. Portiers, Window Shades, Curtain Poles; Small Hearth Mt
Rugs, all styles and sizes. *
Duffy's Store, p
Because onr stock is fnil and complete—rich in furniture of beant\@
S'aud excellence-yon must not think our pnees mn*t l« >igh on the >
&) CARPETS. Tables ami Chairs. ®
(S\ VII r.UAIiK- Dining room table, flnely finished. (2)
>✓ * " ' hard wood, from r>.25 up.
{M A VMTXQTFR Dining room chairs, all kinri*.
X ' TAPESTRY HTtrsSEI.S. from the solid seat, box seal, to X
fOl CROWN the leal lier seat. si/
* and IN«.;uAN.'. Prices fr. .m ?> .") per set up. X
■,—!■ IIIIIWII " " ""j^i
itl'dS Sideboards, Bullets and o.
(3) ' , . China Closets. 0^
X Of mil kinds, from the small
(O) >ize to the room sized rugs. Ml kind-, sh >'»" i ' n a. ...
5? Pri- csofr.xmi sized rugs any sty.. . any Hrnsh ym l 1!' 1 * ' /gi
@ from #IO.OO up. sire. Prices from ea>.o" up. yC;
I Patterson Bros. 1
fewnTcJ 0 136 N. Main Cor :™tV\7|
The 30 Day Clearance Sale ot
Clothing, Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Irunks. etc.,
Which is now Going on at
Schaul 6c Levy,
13? South Main St., Butler
Prices have never been so low as they are at
this general Clearance Sale of all goods in the
Don't Miss it. It Will Pay You.
laf South Mam - - . pntler- I'a.
*C.:r Doiiar Saving Sale is On.j
S Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits will be Sold at tKc
( Following Discounts (
J lion's *uit*, ail styles and colors, (no old stock)/
X urent purse feeders at 20 per cent.. 2"> per cent, ' and i
f oil'the regular price. >
\ Young moil's long suits, this soasonn
# purchase at 2u pep cent., 25 per cent., ■ and :> oft" j
? regular price. J
/ Knee pant suits, all sizes at 1. .', oil' regular price. (
\ Now is your chance. come en'rlv nim 1 profit hy t his v
C great reduction s:dr. /
| Douthett & Graham, 5
✓ \
h Bickers Footwear 8
M A Grand Display of Hue kj
►1 _ Footwear in all the
' Latest Styles. pj
1 styles in Ladies' Fine Shoes
W fords in the latest styles. ki
F«| Big bargains in Men's tejj
anc * B °y s ' w °rking shoe". r«
— I Repairing promptly done.
4 128 S Main St., BUTLER, PA. M
' i ■ ■ ■
Won't buy clothing lor the purpose oi' A, 1 Jw" I '[r&Q j! I ill
spending money. They desire to got the J [l' ' . f/f' '< |! rv r ; ! ji
best possible repults of the money expended. "irf 1 ! ' : . '|
Those who buy cnstoin clothing have a V I . ';&/ 1 \s//*' IJ /
right to demand a fit, to have their clothes ' I||j. I 1. f / yj
correct in style and to demand of the -C» '/ Ai,: -•
seller to guarantee everything. Come to /W\ <&&'/& »' '
us and there will be njthim? lacking. I •'-•s ss'. ''
have just received a large stock of Spring ' 'i "
and Summer suitings in the latest stylen. "A s\' ' .ii »
G. F. KECK, 1 WA J
142 N. Alain St., Pa £?, f / /r
By Constant* uVrcy Mackay
Copyright, 1006, by I*. C. Eastment
When Larry Donovan was promoted
from footman to coachman aud moved
from a room over the stables to a trim
cottage with a fine view of the Hem.
stead's lawn he felt as if the summit
ot his ambition had been reached. If
r enins is a capacity for hard work Lar
ry could well lay claim to It, for he
toiled early and late with a pertinacity
which s«-t him high in the estimation of
his employer and enabled him to put
by a snug sum by the time he had
been In America three years.
There was only one tiling wanting
to make Larry's happiness complete,
and that, was the presence „f Elieti
G'Meara. wlnj v«<t> already on her way
from the old country. - A mouth ago
Larry had sent the money for her
Ellen was the belle of Ballvmoran,
and his winning her was to be viewed
in the light of a great triumph. *«t'
awhile U had been ntp and tuck as to
whether she M ould marry him or Tim
Kearny. But Ellen had chosen Larry,'
anil in the letter* -ibo v rote him froin
time to time there was no mention of
Tim Kearny.
"Bhhr", Iter heart's all mine," said
Larry to himself, and as the day of
Ellen's landing approached his Joy be
came more and more apparent.
Indeed, the whole Hemstead house
hold took an interest in Ellen's yv»utfj
coming. The s. rvnnt* know tier ago to
a dot, that her eyes were as blue as the
lakes of Killarney and her hair like
burnished copper.
The morning of his wedding dawned
clearly and Larry was in Jubilant spn
its as !'.i: took the Long Island train for
New York. How Elle'll would delight
in their little cottage and exult in the
surprise that her was a
groom', but i( fulj fledged coachman,
Larry boarded the immigrant ferry
boat, and it was not tin lie had reached
the immigration building ou Ellis is
land that he found that the Cedrie, the
steamer 011 which Ellen was coming,
was a day late,
A whole iwent> tour hours to spenq
without Ellen! I.arry wandered dis
consolately through the long bare halls
of the building, stopping to look t\t tut;
newly landed immigrants in their cage
like compartments and thinking of tho
time when he had been like them. Jn
one of tho halls a gir-1 was talking to a
bluo coated official and biting her lips
to keep from crying. She was young
and slender, with deep gray eyes.
"I'm sorry," th« nilieinl was saying
kindly, "but we haven't beett j to
get any word e; ' v h<. tintu who was tti
meet you, hr.il you'ro too young a girl
to work alone in the city. It's against
tlie law. If your aunt doesn't come for
you, you'll have to go back to Ireland
to your own people."
"But thtj " 1 '" "H "lend." sußi the jrlrl.
iiiure, "there's no one belonging to mo
at all except this aunt in New York
whom I've niver seen. An' it slits
doesn't come for me" — The girl broke
off with a sadden sob, so childish, sa
piteous, that Larry, in spite of hla Itine
piness, felt his heart aehu for her,
"It's a shame, it is,'' lie said to him
self. "A poor young bit or a thing like
that! Faith, If my Ellen was only here
we might think of something to do for
the girl." And 011 his way back to New
York Larry determined te '-.-•eak to Li
len about ♦uatter- Women's wits
were much better than men's in such
Next morning he was early at the
island and Instead of waiting iiie
immigration building tramped up and
down outside that lie might catch the
first glimpse of lit-• boat that waa
bringing Ellen to him. Presently
descried li, am', his blood raced at tho
lie stooil as near as lie could to the
gangplank and anxiously scanned the
faces of the Immigrants crowded on tho
deck, but Eilen's was not among them.
Larry was filled wiili an anguish of
apprehension. Then his heart leaned
lie had seen the glint l'lian-s 'red
gold hair <>n mutant she faced
him, their eyes met, and then she turn
ed and spoke to a man beside her. lie
laughed and pushed buck his cap. As
lie did so Larry recogui;-.t.u mm. it
was Tim Kearny. Thej were coming
down tho gangplank now, and Ellen,
to steady herself, put a bare red hand
on the railing. On bur fourth finger
gleamed a pla'U sold wedding ring.
Larry was too stunned to speak.
Dazed, he turned toward the immigra
tion building. He knew not what to
do or where to go. The mockery of it
all swept over him—the fruitless years
of planning and working, tbe lituo
house that he ''f.d to ue so hap
»n. Worse'than all, the shame of
returning alone smote him to the
quick. But as he stumbled on thero
flashed through his mind tho memory
of the gray eyed girl he had seen the
day before. She had been so helpless,
yet so lovely in her grief. Somehow
the recollection of her loneliness seem
ed to draw him toward her as If by au
invisible bond.
"Shure, misery loves company," he
said to himself, "and If the girl could
only learn to care for me 'tis Joy and
not sorrow might be in store for us."
He quickened his steps, fumbling in
his pocket for the letters m tui which
Mr. Homiteau had invested him in
ease he had trouble in proving hi*
right to Ellen. They certified as to
Larry's character and errafid beyond u
doubt and satisfied the middle aged of
ficial who ran his eye across them.
"Well?" he said.
The situation was a difficult one, and
it took Larry some moments to ex
Finally the official threw back his
head and laughed. "We've had a good
many romances on the island," ho
cried, "but this beats I l ,' ih, as tar
as 1 can see, there's nothing against
your marrying the girl if she consents.
At i>resent she's expecting to be de
ported, for we've found that her aunt
died some days after the girl sailed."
So Nora MaeManus was culled front
the women's detention room and came
with a look of wonder, a wonder which
deepened as she saw Larry.
"They're telling me you're from the
owld sod," said he, "and that your
name's Nora MaeManus. Is it of the
Innishowan MacManuses ye are?"
"Yes," said Nora. Her voice was as
soft as the run of a river.
"I was at Innishowan once myself,"
said Larry, and he went >ji» to speak
ff tie- oM people .aid the old times.
"•Faith, they're a great bond whin peo
ple are in a strange land," he said.
Then I.arry took both of Nora's hands
fit the same time.
"NOT.' glil,' ho said, "listen to me."
While iie was speaking she kept her
gray eyes fixed 011 his honest blue ones.
He did not pause until lie had told her
the wliolo storj'. "I've lost faith in
one vromau." he declare 1. "but not in
nil. And the little house back there is
lonely anil empty, and my heart—share,
it's lonely anil empty too. Will ye come
and lill it, Nora, plana? Will ye trust
me whin I tell ye that the longer I
stand here speakln' with ye the more
I love ye?"
"It gives me a feelin' o' home to know
they have the Blarney stone in Ameri
ca," said Nora, a gleam of lnimor ap
pearing in her eye.
"I'm 110 worse than an aunt ye niver
hail seen." pleaded I.arry, "and I may
be some better. And tlie people where
we're going—sliure, they'll nlver know
but what you're the girl I came here to
marry. There's such a thing as love
at first sight. Nora, darllnt, and that's
what's the matter with me this min
ute. Ah, say yc'll marry me, though 1
know ye've nlver set eyes on me be
"Oh. but I have!" cried Nora. "Yes
terday in the hall"— She stopped with
a quick blush.
"Ah," cried the tiulignted Larry,
"then ye did notice me, my angel!
"Pwas hardly ft wink I got last night,
for your face kept hauntln' inc. t
thought of what I'd heard ye say and
how lonely and hard it was for ye, a
girl in a strange laud."
"Did ye, now?" said Nerr,. "There's
few would bi'.vc. thought -o' that!" A
wonderful change passed over her face.
Iler eyes softened. "If ye think—lf
you're still slmre'V- oiie faltered, grop
ing for « word.
"Ah, Nora, is it 'Yes' ye mean?" cried
the ecstatic I.arry _ '
And Nota lioikted.
So Lflrry and Ellen were married,
and the kindly otficial and the matron
of the detention room were witnesses
of the simple ceremony. \>>d -.i chanc
ed that as lie his urjde stood on the
deck ei the jm migrant ferry they came
face to face with Mr. and Mrs. Tim
Kearny, also bound for New York.
"Nora, my dear," said Larry, "tl'.u »»
Mrs. Kearny. Mrs Ktfuiij. I'd loike
to make ;ou acquainted with my wife.
Mrs. Lawrence Donovan." lie shot a
sharp look at Tim. "Is it on your wed
din' thrip ye are?" he questioned and
without waiting iV>r >u> answer drew
Nora toward the bow of the boat, so
that in going down the gangplank they
tool; precedence of Mr. and Mrs. Tim
KUtirny, who followed sullenly behind
and were just In time to see Larry call
a cab, hand Nora into it and. iumplng
in after her, close the door with a vic
torious slam.
" "There are times," said Larry, "whin
it pays to be extliravagaut," and, lean
ing over, lie squeezed Nora's hand.
IrOiidnn'N Comic Pnper,
London Punch was concocted in the
back parlor of a public house behind
Drury Lane theater. The tirst editor
of Punch was the landlord of that tav
ern, ami tn that room assembled al
most every night som« most
lively wi ■ r i'... lUj more noted, as
I>ion Hoticicault tells, for wit than
money. The landlord made punch, and
nrornd the bowl those men would sit
drinking, smoking and cracking iokyi.
The landlord pronos&d u.ui their
jokes sh<e;!d i.ot Do wasted, that their
wit should 'start a comic paper.. A
good idea but wh"t iia-ue to give.-
What name? The child should have
Its father's name. And the landlord
1 ointed to the bowl of punch. And
the paper was started. struggled on
for about a yeai and then \\m Bold
for £lOt> to itra.ii HU'i & Evans, the
linn ttr'.t printed it. The best writers
in England hastened to their-standard.
It has the notoriety of being expelled
from several kingdoms 011 the
lient of Europe,—Sui.-Uy Alagazine.
The Sail N'ot Rnrnctl Out.
It has stated by such authorities
a ; Kelvin, Newcomb and l'.ali that 'the
future of the smV'i uctn tty will bp
compaiiilively short—not more than 10,-
000,000 years and some have even sug
gested that the sun's activity already
shows signs t.-f waning. So far Is this
from being the case that only one
fourth of our supply of energy has been
expended, aud three-fourths are yet in
store fur the future life of the planeta
ry system. This opens up to our con
templation a decidedly refreshing view
of the future and will give renewed
hope to all who believe 'l'At ine end of
mundane is not yet in sight.
Not only should the future possibilities
of scientific progress be vastly extend
ed, but there will in all probability be
the most ample time for the further de
velopment of me races of beings in
habiting this planet. According to this
view, the evolution of our earth is still
in its infancy, with the zenith of its
splendor fn( in the future.—T. J. J, See
in Atlantic.
Artificial Blrils.
In very early times men began to
experiment with a view to making
artificial birds and animals that wculd
imitate the motions of Mvii.gr creatures,
and if we aro to believe the records,
some of the artists in that line were
remarkably successful.
Archytas of Tarentum, who lived
in the year 400 B. C., constructed an
artificial pigeon that could fly, but
which was not able to resume its flight
after once alighting.
John Muller, a German of great me
chanical skill, constructed an artificial
eagle, which 011 the entry of Emperor
Maximilian into Nuremberg flew out
to meet him, and, returning, alighted
on the city gate to await his approach.
A Parson'* Swearing
"Parson" Biodgctt, a former local
preacher residing iu Linden, had in
front of his house a watering trough
freely patronized by people riding by.
One evening a man hurriedly drove
up to water his horse,"and the wheel
of his wagon struck the trough
lently. The "parson" came out htir-*
riedly and cried: "Hog rabbited to
hemp seed tobacco! Can't you drive
"Go in and shut the door," replied
tho driver, "and next time you want
to swear, parson, do it like other men."
—Boston Herald
A Fonny Slamcae C'a*toni.
They have a very funny fashion In
Slam. When an inferior comes into
tho presence of a superior 110 throws
himself upon the ground. Then the
superior sends one of his attendants
forward to see whether the prostrate
man has been eating anything or has
any offensive odor about him. If he
be blameless in this respect the at
tendant raises him from the ground,
but If he be guilty the attendant
straightway kicks him out.
Li'iuor In Candles.
"Practically every luinor, as
well as whisky and brandy, is made
up Into candy in one form or an
other," says a Chicago confectioner.
"You can get In bonbons of various
kinds creme do mentbe, cognac, kurn
mel. Chartreuse, cherry brandy or ben
An Old One In a New Way.
Little Willie —Say. pa, what was the
first talking machine made out of? Fa
ther—Well, my boy, the lirst one was
made out of a rib.—New Yorlt Tiin?s.
Wlicro the Mntorffll For Onr Green
liurkN In
The national flag flies over the "gov
ernment mill." owned by the Crane
family at Dalton. Mass., because all
the paper for the United States green
backs Is made there. It is one of a
group of mills in which the Cranes
have made paper for more than a cen
tury. The founder was 7,enas Crane.
Before he could get the first mill start
ed he had to have a large quantity of
rags. But rags were scarcer in those
days than now. The Italian had not
then arrived, the junk shop was un
■ known, and. although the rag buyer
passed through the streets of Boston
once a week, he had not yet appeared
in the. western part of the state. This
resulted in an appeal to the people,
based on high economic and patriotic
grounds. Handbills appeared with the
headlines; in large type: "Americans,
encourage your own manufactures,
and they will improve! ladles, save
your rags!"
Thev ',*.«•»<« carried to all the liom.-i
and shops in Berkshire and adjoining
counties, urging "every woman who
has the good of her country aud the
Intuests of her family at heart'' to
save her rags, and send them to the
new factory c<i to the nearest store
keeper, "and a generous price will l>e
paid." When the mill was ready the
rags were Iheru iu abundance, and op
erations at Once commenced. The
working force consisted bf four men,
two girls and a Small boy. with Senas
Crane as superintendent aud chief pro
prietor. The pttp&t was made in hand
molds, ai>d ihu output was luo pouuds
a day. Today tho output is many
ions of the finest bauk note paper.—
.World's Work.
ttoor It la Constructed In Japnn, It*
Original Home.
The wind bell, as its name implies,
is made to ring by the action of the
wind—in fact, the wind bell Is not a
bell atfall, strictly speaking, but a con
trivance composed of a number of
pendants suspended in a circle from a
ring and hung close together so that
they will come into contact and pro
duce sounds when v.\\ayed by the
some wind bells produce sounds that
are pleasing and musical. Some are
made with glass poadants, some With
pendant* of metal; some arc very
small and simple in construction, oth
ers are large and massive and elabo
The original home of the wind bell is
Japan. In Its simplest form It is com
posed of a number of narrow strips of
glaHs, perhaps six laches Jo ieugth,
suspended lengthv*i-»c from a wire
ring ■ly.ut two Inches In diameter.
Within the circle formed by the strips
thus suspended is hung by ono corner
a little square plot' e" of glass halfway
down the length of the long ttiips, the
strips and the Mjua,ro piece ornament
ed yiim various Japanese characters
and designs. This wind bell may be
hung up wherever a breeze will strike
it aud blow tlK> strips into contact with
olio itvuthcr and with the square tu;*-
peuded among them.—Detroit News-
Tribune. __
Well Known to tlic Efsypttsna llefore
the Jewish Kxodai,
Bells were well known t<> the Egyp
tians before the tluin or the Jewish ex
odus in the description of Aaron's
1 sacerdotal robe mention Is made of the
fact that upon the hem of the garment
there were bells of gold alternating
with pomegranates of blue, of purple
and of scarier. "A golden bell and a
I pomegranate, a golden bell and a pctuo
j granate upon the hem of the robe
round about. And it shall lie upon
Aaron to minister, and his sound shall
be heard when he goeth Into the ho!y
place before the Lord aud when he
I eometh out, that he die not."
Hand bells were in common use all
over the ancient world. Tho earliest
uso of bells in churches was for the
purpose of frightening nwuy the evil
spirits whiei, wore believed to infest
eaiilt «ind air, and tho earliest curfew
' was rung at nightfall to rid tho neigh
borhood of tho village or tow- and
church of demons. Mest oM churches
of Europe u small door on the
noitu side, and at certain points In tIH»
service this door was opened and a
bell was rung to give notice to tho dev
il, if lie chanced to be present, that be
might make his exit before the eleva
tion. By tho command of Pope John
IX. church bells were rung as a protec
tion against thunder and lightning.
The monument of I'orsena, the Etru
rian king, was decorated with pinna
cles, each surmounted with a bell,
| which tlnkted in the breeze. The army
or t'lothalre raised the siege of Sens
on ueeount of a panic occasioned among
the men by a sudden chime from the
bells of St. Stephen's church.
Xo Tinte For Swritery,
The average woman thinks the sun
aud stars would cease to shine sooner
than that she could Interfere with the
regular routine of household duties. A
Sabetha woman was recently informed
by her physician that she would liavo
to have an operation performed. She
said she didn't see how slio could;
that Monday was washing day, Tues
day ironing day, Wednesday the mis
sionary society met, Thursday was the
day to clean up. Friday to bake, Sat
urday to give the children their baths
and mend. If !'•> c«uld get it in Sun
day after dinner and before evening
sen ices perhaps she would try it. —
Kansas City Journal.
Tin* Sardinian*.
Sardinia was a wild place in the mid
dle of the hist century. A traveler
says: "The men are clothed in goat
skins, one before and another behind,
without breeches, shoes or stockings,
and a woolen or skin cap on the head.
Tho women have 110 other habiliments
than a long woolen gown and a woolen
cap. The peasants always go armed
to defend themselves from ono another,
so that traveling Iu the interior is ex
tremely unsafe without an escort, and
it Is even dangerous for ships to send
their people 011 shore for water unless
they are well armed. In short, the
Sardes are the Malays of the Mediter
XatnreVt Methods.
When one is sick there is usually
something in the stomach that nature
wants to throw up. When one has diar
rhea nature is striving to remove of
fending material from the system.
When one perspires profusely nature is
getting rid of blood poisons through tho
skin. One should never attempt to
check any such effort without being
sure that its arrest will be beneficial.
Tin* Alexamlrlun Krn.
The Alexandrian era is bv some au
tborities begun with the death and by
others with the birth of Alexander the
Great. For a long time after the death
of Alexander this era was in common
use iu Egypt and many of the coun
tries which had been under his rul*
1 It lu&LU Nov. 12» 824 B. C.
The Miracle
Copyright, 1804, bjr Homer Sprague
Esther Blake felt certain that there
Mere positions In life that she would
have found less trying than that of
only child of a popular minister. She
loved the dear old rectory, with Its
shabby furniture; she had grown up
feeling that the beautiful *gray stone
church with the stained glass windows
was part of the family possessions;
but while these things helped make
the condition pleasantcr, they did not
keep her from wanting the things that
other girls had and to do the things
that other girls did.
Christmas after Christmas her lips
had quivered when she had received
from one to a dozen handsome Bibles
from the friends In her father's con
gregation. Her mother had a sense of
humor, and when Esther on her twen
tieth birthday received Bible No. 37
she laughed and told her daughter that
for Christmas she would buy her an
adjustable extension bookcase. There
seemed nothing else that she ueeded
oyito so much.
The girl's face 6eemed half divided
between a desire to laugh anil to cry.
"I don't see why they think I don't
want a trinket occasionally—a fan, a
bracelet or something a little bit friv
olous, mamma," she said. "I have
nineteen Madonnas hanging in my
room, and I have received at various
times a copy of almost every religious
picture ever printed. Of course I like
them, but I wish I could be considered
as a mere girl some time and not a part
of St. John's church."
She had as a little gill cheerfully
given up the dancing lessons that she
wanted. She was never invited to card
parties because each and every hostess
felt a tiny bit doubtful as to whether
it would be suitable to extend such In
vitation to her.
Even the dinner parties and Ice
cream festivals had failed to be partic
ularly interesting to her—for if there
were a curate or a theological student
among the guests she was sure to have
him assigned to her. As a schoolgirl
she had stolen furtive glances at the
college boys who wore their hair long
and played football— there was some
thing fascinating In the jolly way they
laughed— and she had wished that her
hostess« would understand that she
would like occasionally the girlish fri
volity of catiug a philopena with a foot
ball youth. But they never did under
stand, and she continued to discuss
with curates tho last Sunday's sermon
or a uew plan for decorating the
church next Easter.
There had, however, been one glori
ous period of freedom—she had spent
two years at a boarding school, had
played basketbull as hilariously as any,
girl on the team, had eaten welsh rare
bits, cooked at midnight behind cov
ered transoms and chinked doors, with
the same temerity shown by the girls
who had lawyers or doctors for fa
And, bf all, she had become ac
quainted with vivacious Elise Bour
land, whoso mother was French and
whose father considered life worth liv
ing and the world a Jolly place to live
Contrary to tho idea that like seeks
like, the two girls, so different, had
formed a fast friendship.
When Dick Bourland, who practiced
law in a city neighboring the school,
paid his weekly visits to his sister, he
pronounced demure little Esther Blake
altogether charming. At the close of
school he told her so, and, finding that
she admitted having exactly the same
of him, he had taken the long
journey to reach the little South Caro
lina town and state the case to the
Dick's mother hud, upon the an
nouncement of the engagement, writ
ten a nice littlo note and invited the
girl to come for a visit that she might
got acquainted with her future rela
The girl stood in the library by the
window watching the rain that had
been steadily pouring all the forenoon,
puckering her forehead In anxious plan
nlngs of the possibilities of the case.
"I really don't see how I can go,
mamma," she said finally. "It is im
possible for papa to afford It now."
Her mother tapped her pen medita
tlwiy against the inkstand and tried
to help her plan.
"You get your railway fare at half
rate, you know, my dear—that helps
some—and you could alter my new gray
crape and make It look youthful enough
for a calling dress. Then you have
vour white commencement dress.
There's a small foundation, you see, to
begin with."
Esther came over and sat on a stool
by her mother's knee.
"I can't help wanting his people to
think I'm nice—and for him to be proud
of me. You understand, don't you,
motherkins V"
Mrs. Bioko patted her on the back
and her eyes grew misty.
"Yes, yes, dearie, I understand per
fectly—but I also remember that Dick
loved my girl for herself—when she
didn't have half the pretty clothes the
other girls were able to afford. That's
the thing to keep in mind, little daugh
Esther kissed her impulsively. "You
are the best kind of a comforter,
mother mine. Come, let's look over the
remnants of our wardrobes and see if
wo can't accomplish some of those won
derful things one reads about on the
woman's page—'How to make a hand
some evening dress out of an old lace
curtain,' or 'a dressing sack out of
a silk handkerchief trimmed with your
father's old MCkties plaited into tiny
Mrs. Blake laughed and followed her
upstairs. They soon had the girl's bed
covered with odds and ends ransacked
from both wardrobes.
Esther finally sat down, an old fash- (
toned lavender and white delaine dress
that had belonged to her mother's more
youthlul days lying In her lap.
"I really can make up a lovely little
evening dress out of this," she exulted.
"I wonder it's not been made over long
Mrs. Blake did not tell her she had
kept It packed away In lavender and
tender memories because it was the
dress sin- had worn as a bride the first
Sunday at St. John's when she came to
the then strange town.
"I can manage with the dresses, but
1 don't see how anything less than a
miracle could produce the shoes and
gloves that ought to go with them.
One could perhaps find a recipe for u
pair of long white gloves to go with
the short elbow sleeves 1 Intend mak
lng fol- my little lavender dress if there
only were time to read enough wom
an's pages. They might say, "Take the
ol(l silk stockings of your Aunt Eliza
and crouhet a proper finish, fastening
No. 29.
with the |»oarl buttons taken from your
grandfather's white moire vest.' but
I'm sure It would take more intellect
than I can command to put them to
gether properly and evolve a pair of
long white gloves."
Mrs. Blake suddenly sparkled with
"Why. Esther Blake, s[veukiug of mir
acles, I've had a pair of white glove*,
the kind you want, lying in the bottom
of my trunk lor live years. They may
be a little yellow, but we eau have
them cleaned, and there's plenty of
time for the odor of gasoline to wear
off them."
She didn't tell the girl the history of
those gloves.
I'ive years before, when the rector
was having more financial difficulties
than it soeiued right for one man to
have, lie had read the marriage service
for one of the wealthiest young men In
the town. It was a <juiet home wed
ding. and the bridegroom had laugh
ingly presented him with the bride's
gloves as a souvenir.
The rector always had been In tho
habit of giving all weddiug fees to his
wife for her own personal use.
When he upon his return home gave
her the gloves she had tossed them in
to her trunk, wondering In the depth
of her heart what earthly use the
bridegroom thought those gloves would
do her financially distressed husband.
She now found them In the very bot
tom of her trunk and tossed them into
Esther's lap.
"After all these years, my dear, may
be they will lie of service. They be
longed to one bride. Perhaps they will
prove a talisman to bring happiness to
a girl who is just engaged."
Esther unwrapped one glove from
the other and commenced smoothing
them out. They were long and soft,
of the finest suede.
She slipped one of them on to
straighten the fingers, then turned them
in astonishment.
"Mamma Blake," she exclaimed, her
face crimson with excitement, "there
Is a piece of paper money folded In
every blessed finger of this blessed
Mrs. Blake turned pale and picked
up the mate that had fallen unheeded
to the floor.
"Call your father, dearie," she said
in an awed whisper. "There's a ten
dollar note In each of these fingers. AM
badly as we've needed money at times,
I've had a hundred dollars lying in my
trunk for five years.''
When Dr. Blake came he sat down
on the edge of the bed, and the three
stared helplessly at the long white
"I'll go this very afternoon snd thank
Mr. Carter," he said, looking slightly
dazed. "Perhaps he will overlook tho
thanks being several years delayed
when I tell him my little girl 1s going
to wear these gloves at her own wed
ding." •
Date nnd Rice Experts.
"There are date experts In the Sa
hara," said a sailor, "men that can dis
tinguish varieties of the date as easily
and accurately as you or I can distin
guish the various vegetables. As I
went from Biskra to Toaggourt last
Winter I learned a lot about dates. I'd
thought, the same as you, that there
was only oue kind. I found there were
seventy-nine kinds. And the Arab
expert, the date merchant, could tell
those seventy-nine kinds apart with
ease. All the world's dates come from
the Sahara. They grow In the oases.
The date palms need Just a little wa
ter along with the hottest kind of a
hot sun— a desert sun. The variety Of
the date is amazing. I know myself
now nine kinds. It's the same with
rice In Burma. The best rice comes
from there, and there are 102 kinds of
it, which the Burmese rice grower has
no difficulty in differentiating."—New
York I'cess.
Tig»r and Lira.
"One time, in order to test the cour
age of a Bengal tiger and a Hon," said
a well known showman, "we placed
Chinese crackers in the respective
cages and fired the fuses. As Soon as
the fuses began to burn they attracted
the attention of both animals, but in
widely different manner. The lion
drew into a corner and watched the
proceedings with a distrustful and un
easy eye. The tiger, on the contrary,
advanced to the burning fuse with a
firm step and unflinching gaze. On
reaching the cracker he began to roll
it over the floor with his paw, and
when it exploded beneath his nose he
did not flinch, but continued his exam
ination until perfectly satisfied. Ihe
lion betrayed great fear when he heard
the report of the explosion and for
quite a time could not be coaxed out of
! his den."—London Tlt-Blts.
Tobacco destroys the taste, smell and
Tobacco kills mental, moral and
physical vigor.
Tobacco paralyzes the mucous mem
branes and glands.
Tobacco's most dangerous poison,
nicotine, is without antidote.
Tobacco contains prusslc acid, am
monia, carbonic oxide and nicotine.
Tobacco contclns stronger poisons
than opium, alcohol, absinth or chloral.
A single lenf of tobacco or a single
cigar contains enough of this poison to
kill a man if applied properly.
Nicotine is the most deadly poison
known to the pharmacopoea. A single
drop or a grain will kill a large animal.
Nicotine resembles prusslc acid in ap
pearance, effects and activity. Nico
tine's victims die in violent convul
sions.—New-York American.
No Answer Hand?.
This Is only worth the telling, writes
a correspondent, because it contains a
retort which, though a triumph of In
consequence, seems to me quite unan
swerable. I happened to be reading
some obvious newspaper proofs in a
train when the good n&tured man next
to me, with tho Intention no doubt of
making himself agreeable, asked, "Ah,
are you connected with the press?" I
intimated briefly nnd perhaps not over
courteously that It was none of his
business. lie persisted that it was a
quite civil inquiry, which I met with
the remark that I had not asked him
whether he was a clerk or a shop as
sistant. As he was obviously neither,
this nettled him. "If I knew," he said,
"what newspaper you belong to I
would never buy it again."—London
Buffalo Cairo.
Buffalo calves, as a rule, are bora
in April and May. 'l'hcy are active,
vigorous little croatures, mild eyed as
domestic calves, but possessing much
greater strength and endurance. In a
few seconds after birth they can get
on their feet, and In twenty minutes
they ure fit to fight for their lives.
Usually it is unnecessary for them to
defend themselves at this tender age,
as a buffalo cow Is quite capable of at
tending to any business which may
aflse in connection with the defense <ft
her prsdoua baby—Washington Star.