THE BUTLER CITIZEN. I , i THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1906. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make chances In their ads. should noUfy us or their intention to do so not later than Mon day inornlnc- Commissioners Sale of Real Estate. Young's Muslin Underwear Sale. D. & G's Dollar Savings Sale. Modern Store's Bargains. Campbell's Furniture. Bntler Savings and Trust Co. Cooper's Snits. Excursions. Admlnlsn auirs and Kxeoutors of estates rui secure their receipt books at the CITIZEJi office. LOCAL AND GENERAL. TERMS: $1.50 Per Year If paid in advance.. 1.00 " " Each subscriber, by consulting the little tab on liis paper, can tell the date to which his subscription is paid. • Its mighty cool in Greenland, and there we'd rather land Than roam by Afric's fountains—or In dia's coral strand; Its mighty cool in Greenland, and fine indeed 'twould be To play leapfrog o'er icebergs and churn the Polar Sea." —No more Court till September. —Cleveland street is being graded. —Spendid harvest weather this week. Bntler has no inspector of weights and measures —The "smoke nuisance" is no longer a j >ke iu Butler. —Board of trade picnic, next Thuis day. All stores closed. —Aug 28th is the last day for the 5 psr cent off on Butler taxes. —The dissolution of the Donma means the doom of the Czar. —This is bargain-sale month, and you should read the ad's, closely. —The clay from E. Pearl Bt. is going to the lots fronting Chestnut St. —The furniture stores now close at 5 o'clock, except Saturday evenings. —The Orphan Home lots are being re plotted. The first plot didn't suit. —East Penn St. people will go to the Supreme Court on the trolly question. —Butler needs a £3OOO steam-calliope to counteract these ceaseless phono graphs. —You're not in it now if soma of your family connections can't muster up a reunion. —Don't let your subscription get so far behind. It is much .easier to pay in advance. —Tarentum Camp Meeting begins today and lasts till next Sunday a week, Aug. sth. —The steam-roller business was unanimously tabled by Council, Tues day night. —The first Monday in September will be Labor Day, the next legal holiday on t|ie calendar —The cbewgnm trust made a million dollars during the last flscal and g«m chewiog year —The dining-yoom of the Nixon is crowded every Sunday noon for their ~ BBferh^iinners f— The Bntler Plate Glass works is now going night and day, making glass for San Francisco. —Two of the Butler guards at Gettys burg are seriously ill from "sleeping to close to the ground." Persons of a skeptical turn of mind find it difficult to remain calm while reading snake stories —Oon wonders hoy Hardy can "nurge a cold" and walk that wire at the gamp time—but he does. —A quart of sweet cider added to the water in which ham is boiled, impart? a delicious flavor to the meat. —Everything is being "forged" these days—liquor prescriptions, J. P. war rants. checks, love letters, etc. —The number of cigarettes manufac tured in the United States during the last fiscal year was 10,814,000.000. —The Ellis-blub Coal Co. sold their plan? and leases in Washington, Igst wtjik to A. G Tim fpf SI7,Q({Q. —The C. E. Society of Unionville will bold a social at the home of J. A. Mc- Candless, July 27, 1906. All are Invit ed. An automobile "out of kilter" ia a very nice thing to set and think in— Larkiu of Bntler and Hoch of Chicora both say so. —Two of sbe Batle; clerfco Lavehad their salaries ralapd—qne from five to six hundred and the other from ■iK to seven hundred. f .-Automobile intoxication, according to a Chicago doctor, produces "intersti tial gingiritis." the treatment of which Is very expensive. ' —ln the Hartje case, still on in Pitts burg Court, they have discarded micro scopes and taken to prisms. You see things double through a prism wuoeis are in demand at Buttercup Somebody ran * Isaac Dyke's wagon out of its shed, Tuesday mght, and atole the four wheels. —At the battle of Culp's Hill, Gettys burg, Monday, the bridle of one of the officer 'a horses broke, and the horse charged the line, injuring three men. —The steam-roller used by the Han - Construction Co. on the state road southwest of town passed through town the other day and smashed things. f —Co. L got to Camp Henderson, Get tysburg, last Saturday morning, after a 15-hour ride from Butler; and the ad ,• vance detail bad breakfast ;eady tor them. —The power-house of the Pittsburg, New Castle and Butler trolly will be lo cated at Eidenau. It will be a brick building :«. r nl2o feet, have four en gines and a whole lot of dynamos. —A story of how u man in East Brady played a joke on his wife, was told the Review man The man in question | bought a padlock that was needed about ' the household to keep curtain of their belongings under lock and key. The dealer who sold the lock famished two keys for it, and the man took them home, put the lock in place, and then ' • th«n throwing his wife the two keys, r told her that one was to be used in opening the lock and the other to close IL. It. For a week the wife had trouble* of her own in remem)<ering which key was which, until *he finally hit upon j y' the expedient of numbering them b«j that no iniftake conld be tnade. Thing* W ran along for some time when it flnalh dawned upon her that one key would | serve both purposes, and then she wtu r so mad «he wouldn't «j»eak to her hus L hand for a week. J —A Chicago newspaper asserts that j Pittsburg "ie noted principally for its I suioke and scandals," and is "in need of I a disinfectant." Only fonr weeks and the Fair. —The smoke from the Car Works stack sometimes beclouds the town. They pnt too much coal in the furnaces there at the same time, and have no smoke consumers. —Our policemen hare been supplied with new, double-acting, side-ejecting, hammerless, long-grip, :-i--ealibre, latest police fattern Colts, and all warranted to kill a dog at a hundred yards. —A dead man was found in a hollow 1 tree, in the woods of Beaver county a . few days ago. In the clothing was j found a paper indicating that the man s , name was John Whitraer. —Fishermen should remember that j in Pennsylvania it is unlawful to catch , more than 10 bass in one day, or to take j rock, calico or stripped bass less than j five inches in length, or black or yellow j bass less than nine inches. All ready for the Fair—Aug. 21-24. —The Pittsburg, Harmony, Butler anl New Castle Trolly Co. will use the best of even-thing. They intend build ing a solid road-bed, using "panta graph" poles, having electric block sig nals, and running their cars at high speed. —An Oklahoma newspaper tells of a citizen of that new state who by mis take fed his horse a quantity of poultry food thinking the same to be condition powder for the animal. The mistake was not noticed until the horse had scratched up half the garden and show ed signs of wanting to set. Everybody is getting ready for the Fair, Aug. 21-24. —This is Pipe Line day at Conneaut, and as usual the entire oil country is there. It required two special trains to take the crowd from Butler. The oil purchasing agencies in Butler are clos ed, a fact that causes us great inconven ience, as we forgot to sell our oil, yes terday, and need the money. —A young ladywas being criticized for marrying a man well up in middle age instead of a youth. "My observa tion has been," said the young woman, "that it is better to be hitched up with an old horse that knows how to pull the load rather than a fool colt that can't do anything but prance and kick and try to run away." The Butler Fair will be better and crowd larger than ever before. Re member Aug. 21-24 —Henry Zteg of Clearfield twp. went to his barn to feed his stock early last Thursday mornicg, and as he was bending over a bin was attacked from behind by a man who bad concealed himself in a stall. The blow he receiv ed made him up conscious for a time, and when he recovered from it, his watch was gone, and also the robber. And we'll all go to the Fair. —What a ' wild and wooly" business the making of automobiles hag become. Detroiters have gone daft on it A De troit man lately invented a four-cylinder gear whjch he says h<j can put together with a two seated body over it and sell for SSOO each, and ho organised a com pany with a large capital fo build t'a thousand of them. A Butler man who took some stock in it lately, doubled his money by selling out—and not a single I machine yet ready for the market. Everybody goes to the Fair. —The Fourteenth Annual Reunion of Lutherans at Rock Point on Wednes day, Aug. 1, promises to be the largest gathering of this denom'uation ever held In Western Pennsylvania Three Itates will be represented at this reun ton, West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsyl vania. Seven special trains have been arranged for to accommodate the 4H congregations embraced in this territo ry For Butler county Lutherans and their friends, the B. & O will start a special at Chicora at 7:25 a.m., stopping at Carbon Centre at 7:45 and leave But ler at 8.00. Fare #l, children 50 c. This train will also stop at Reufew at 8:14 and Ribold at 8:19, the fare being 85 c. from each place, children 50 c. The speakers for the occasion will be Dr. L. H. Schuh, President of Capitoj l. niver sity of Columbus, Ohio, and Prof. K Ilemmin«hoube Director of the Teach-| er's Beminary, Woodville, Ohio. ' City League Merchant* 0, t> -'-' ,—crs 7. . ..uiers 7, General O'fice 2. General Office 4, Merchants 3. The Printers won a game, Monday evening, and everybody threw up their hats for them. They hayo been play ing in har<} luclf—but it it> a long lane (hat has DO turns. When Eddy Donnel goes to bat The rooters swim in bliss: They know he'll tap a buntlet that Will make the Car Works hiss. SCHEDULE. Friday, 27, Typos vs Auditors. Saturday, 28, Bankers vs Lawyers. Monday, 80, General Officera vs Aud itors. Tuesday, 31, Bankers vs Typos. Friday, Aug. Merchants vs Law yers. W#d*e«day, Aug. 8, < General Office v* Bankers. Ptcnlc s aii'l Reunion#. Tuesday, July 81—First English Lutheran S. S. picnic, at Alameda. August I—The1 —The Fourteenth Annual Reunion of the Lutherans of Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio will be held at Rock Point on Wednesday, August The Committee in charge cJ this reunion has arranged for six special trains, including one to start from Chicora to accommodate the con gregation of Rev. Brecht and their friends. Aug. 2, Board of Trade Outing at A 1 ameda. Aug. 2nd—U. P. day at Rock Point. B. & O. train leaves Butler at 8:30 a m and runs through without change. Aug. 7. P. 11. C. at Alamada Park. Aug. 8, Maccabees at Waldamere. Apg. 14, 15 and 10, annual reunion of the Mercer IJoldiers Orphans School, at Hotel Humes. Mercer. AUK. 15 —Masons at Conneaut Lake Aug. 15, First Annual Picnic of the Street Car Employees at Alameda Park. Dancing, sports of all kinds Supper from 5 to 'J p.m. ALAMEDA PAItK. Slimmer Theatre. hardy, the High Wire King, wh< created such a favorable impression last week, has been retained for this, and it drawing large crowds. The Summer Theatre was crowded Monday evening, and the show gave en tire satisfaction. A number of old fa vorites are on the bill. NEXT WEAK. The Be-Anos, Comedy Acrobats. ' Cardownie Sisters. Europe's Premier international Danceri Geo. W. Hussey, Ventriloquist. Herbert Bert Lennon, Impersonator. I PERSOXAX C. C. Shira and family are at Atlantic City. C. G. Christie and P. W. Lowry gone to Canada. C. R. Miller and family are camping at New Galilee, j Mrs Jndge Bredin and Mrs T. B. ; ' Bredin are at Chantanqua Ralph Babcock of Bntler is a conduc tor in the Panama railroad T P. Lardin of Bolivar visited his ! brother Dan. in Bntler, last week. Miss Hnnter of Pittsburg is the guest ! of Mrs. Maggie Miller of Mercer St. A. L. Brown will take the road, next | week, for a large mercantile house. i W. J. Thompson of West Sunbury j was in town on business, yesterday. j Miss Katie Yoang of Winfield twp did some shopping in Bntler, yesterday. John J. Martin and wife of Dayton. Pa. visited friends in Butler. Monday. Jos. Weist was accepted as a marine, and went on to Washington, last week. Miss L. A. Brown and Mrs. Chas Truver visited friends in Butler, Wed nesday. Jas. S. Wilson and daughter of Slip peryrock visited friends in Butler, Monday. Mrs. A. M. Christley is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. J. O, Roe and Mrs. B. F. Williams. Jos. Elliott and wife celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding day, last Tuesday. Dr. Fred Hartung of Harmony has been appointed assistant surgeon of the 18th regiment. Ralph Gregg and wife returned to Butler, this week, from a trip to Den ver and the Rockies. Henry D. Wallet ha? been appointed g>stmister at Great Belt, vice Louis artenstein, resigned. J. G. Jennings and family are taking a trip in their automobile to Cleveland, Buffalo and other points. Gen. Stroessel of Russia has baen con demned to death by a military court for surrendering Port Arthur. Ex-Congressman Showalter and family are at the Hotel Atlieneum, Chautauqua, for the summer. Miss Tenie Frestoe of Colnmbus, O , wouldn't tell her age, and the Court sent her to jail for "contempt." Mrs. Chas. Maizland of Middlesex twp. and Miss Kate Walker of Clinton twp. visited friends in Butler, Monday. M. F. Leslie lately drove his auto from Conneaut Lake to Butler it 3:15, and J. V. Ritts his from Butler to Chautauqua in 8:00. Lew Emery says he doesn't own any brewery stock, don't serve wine to his guests, and don't care whether the pro hibs endorse him or not. Joseph Powell and wife, nee Moyer. celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day, at their home in Lancaster twp , on the 10th. A. B. Ekas of Buffalo twp. returned from a trip to Denver and Colorado Springs, last week. The crops of the western states are splendid. M. N. Greer, Esq., of Washington, D. C. and Buffalo twp. was in town,this week,looking young and spry. Living in Washington agrees with M. N. Harvey Cruikshank, lately of W Sunbury but a native of Winßeld twp., was stricken with apoplexy at the Hotel Waverly, last Thursday, and vra& taken to the Hospital. Miss Sara Morris, of Mrs. Young's millinery store, left for her home tu Lisbon, Ohio, yesterday. She was ac companied by Miss Blanche Eichorn n* Stein's drv - -*-"5 who will i/v <<r« —US. Rev. J. C- Nicholas .aiuily are visiting their folks in the eastern part of the state. He ia on his annual vaca tion and will be gone for three weeks, during which time there will be no preaching services in Grace Lutheran church. Sunday School, Christian En deavor and Prayer Meeting as nsnal. N. M. Randall of Cherry twp. will be 87 years of age on the last day of shis month, and is arranging for a family reunion at his home near Branchton on that day. He was married twice and was the father of twenty children, fourteen of whom are living, and some jof whom have grand-ch'ldren. He wag born on the site of the present city of Rochester, N Y. 'in the woods among the Indians, he says'i is of old Puritan Stock, aud came to this county und located in Cherry twp. many year sago. Oil ami (<UH Notes. The Market. —Remains at $1.04 Coylesville—The Showalter well on Green is reported doing 60 bbls a day. Snuday Observance—Some Butler County people are being grtosecnVed in •Allegheny county For pumping tbeir wells on Sunday. The case is being heard by a ThornhiU J. P. today. DIG lIUTV,BI| F4IM: Qnjy foqr wee#* itturv " fair will A *'- ,ue Bntler . business with the largest crowd ever together in Butler. Will it be larger than last year you ask? Certainly it will, there will be thous ands more people here than last year, if the weather is favorable, the exhibit will be more, the stock finer, and races faster, while the special attraction will be the best ever. Anyone who has never been at the Big Butler Fair can not understand what we are talking about, and those who have been there wonder how it can be larger and better, but come and see, and by the way, hadn't you better get a premium list and look it over to see what you have to place on competition at the fair. Premium list mailed on application. Remember the date, August 21 24. I. J. MCBride, 114* West Jefferson St. Butler, Pa. It LT LICK MA.ItK.I2TH. Our grocers are paying .for — Apples 75 Fresh eggs 18 Butter IK Potatoes 75 Chickens, dressed 1018 Navy beans, bn. tl 85 Onions, bu 90 Honey per lb 16 Dried Apples 8 Turnips, per bu 40 Parsnips, per bu 7. r > Beets per doz bunches .30 Blackberries 7 K. O. T. M. Outing Butler Tent Knights of Maccabees extend an invitation to all Maccabees and their friends to join in the K. O. T. »I. outing to Erie, Ang. 8. Fare for the round trip $1.50. The Bees are making preparation for a big turnout and leave nothing undone to make it the most successful picnic of the season A trip over the big Bessemer railroad and a day spent in Erie city seeing its many interesting places is worth several times the fare for this trip Tlic Conneaut Lake United I'restiyteriiui Iteunlon. The ninth annual United Presbyterian Rennion will be held at Conneaut Lake, on Thursday, August'J, 1U0(J. No other denomination or order in the United States brings together such a vast assemblage of people as does this re union. One hundred and twenty-six thousand persons have attended the re union in tiio past. The special train service covers all of Western Pennsyl vania, where the denomination is the Ytrongest. Twenty-four trains, regular nnd special, will be nsed to transport the excursionists to the park. The de mand for the reunion this year is greater than ever before, and present indications point to a very large attend auce. When one considers the natural ■ beauty of Conneaut Lake, the many 1 facilities afforded at the park for 1 amusement anil entertainment, th« ' excellent order which is maintained, ; aud the very low rates which are secur ed, it is no wonder that so many thousands of the United Presbyterians aud tbeir friends make the aunuai pil grimage to Conneaut Lake. I/EGAT-. NEWS. NEW SUITS. j State of West Virginia for use of the ' Fisher Oil Co, v- A. I Yohe. Amos ' Steelsinith and C. F. Hosford, assuinp : sit to recover on bonds amounting to : *1.700 given by the (lefts, in Y/est J Virginia. The Fisher Co. and \ohe I and Steelrmith own adjoining leases, a I dispute arose abont the lines and \ ohe 1 and Steelsmith =ecured a preliminary : injunction stopping the Fisher Co. . from drilllnc This injunction required the bonds and as the suit was decided ; against Yolie and Steelsmith the bond | was forfeited. Mr. Hosford was their ' surety. i Martha Caldwell vs C. A. Caldwell, j of Butler, petition for divorce, alleging j cruel and barbarous treatment. | Geo. W. Crowe vs Penu twp.. O. P. ; Child, J. M Douthett aud F. B. Dodd-. | Supervisors, tresspass for $125 damages Csowe's horse had a leg broken on a bad . piece of road between Renfrew and | Brownsdale, and had to be killed. Th ■ j value of the horse was agreed upon 1: tween Crowe and the supervisors. ai..l an action entered in order to have :t verdict of record madefy the Court. .NOTES. Wm. Verne of Lvndora has been held for Court on a charge of illegal liquor selling, made against him bv Jas. Pappas. John Huba, a Lvndora Hunky, paid S3O aud costs to settle a case brought against him because his dog bit a woman; and John Huche sls and costs because his dog bit a boy. Lvndora has as many dogs ag people. A. G Gibson has been appointed tax collector of Fairview borough. J. F. Stoops, petitioned for t citation on Dr H. D Hockenberry to file an ac count as executor of the will of W. L. Stoop*, de'd In the cases of John F. McCoy, David J. Kyle and others against Wm. S. Has sel, in which the plffs. sought to have contracts made in I*<>: 3 for the sale of coal under lands which they now own in Cherry twp. set aside, Judge Galbreath'made an order on the deft, to surrender up the contracts,be forever enjoined froui -claiming lights under them, and to pay the costs in the cases. lu the case of tlie National Casls Register Co. vs W H. Kirkpatrick re plevin to recover a cash register which Kirkpatrick had seized for rent, a de cision was made in favor of the de fendant. James A. McMarlin and Geo. Ket terer. Jr., were appointed appraisers in the case of L. P. Hazlett. et al vs J. M. Maxwell. In the case of James T. Hamilton vs W. S. Wick, brought to compel the opening of a private aliey leading to the Hamilton bottleworks, exceptions filed by the deft, were dismissed A new trial was granted in the case of Black & Baird vs Erie Coal and Coke Co. In the case of M. L. Gibson vs F. R. Johnston, Seigel. Buchanan and Co., the (lefts, petitioned to have the writ of estrepment in the case dissolved. This was done, bond in $2500 being required of the defts. On a judgment for rent entered by John Younkins vs Mrs. M. J. Bickel,the Court made an order opening judgment aud admitting the defendant to a de fense. In the case of J W Hutchison, trus tee,vs Robt Buchanan, et al, rule on defts. to briug action of ejectment within six months or be stopped, the Court dismissed the plaintiff's petition because it did not show that the plain tiff was in possession of the land W. S. Gray was appointed gnardian of five minor children of Mary Shirley, dec'd., of Forward twp. H. button, ex'r of Elizabeth Shannon, dec'd., was granted leave to make public sale of property on Bluff street. Charges of forgery have been made agaist S. Oram, Mike Kritzki, Nioola Huran and Sam Bridge by Sam Paul iski, who alleges that the defendants, three last named defendants took his bank book from the trunk where he kept it, made out a check in fa»or of Oram for £77 for a grocery bill, and that Oram had identified the drawer of the check as Pauliski at the Butler County National Bank, in order to get the money. Saturdav Judge Galbreath rendered an opinion deciding in favor of the Butler Passenger Railway Co., on the appeal of W. A. Fisher and other resi dents of E. Penu St. from the ordinance passed by the Town Council granting the street car company right to lay their tracks on that street. In the case of Lochrie Bros, vsllamil ton Bros, and 11. K. Wick, the Court made order requiring the plff. to file a statement within ten days avering the necessity of the latteral railroad they are trying to secure to their mines, near Argentine, and the- defendants within the same time to file denial of the necessity of the latteral road. The case is then to go at the hea<l of Jliij uuxt trial liot * _ J r> Sherman, J. <). Campbell. B. Kemper, Samuel Woods and Jos. Rock enstein were appointed viewers to as sess damage done to property of Michael Bresnahan, at the corner of New Castle and Dunbar street, by grading and paving. After a short deliberation, the jury in the case of Isabella Williamson who was tried in Pittsburg court, Monday, fur the murder of Robert Winters, February 2, 1901, returned a verdict of not guilty by reason in insanity at the time of the alleged murder. She was remanded to jail to await the report of a commission to be appointed by the court, on her present mental condition. Miss Williamson was a dressmaker and was placed on trial in Criminal court before Judge F. H Collier for the al leged shooting of Winters at her home in Grant avenue, Allegheny. Winters was a well known contractor and Miss Williamson was immediately arrested and has since been confined in the in tiane department of the Allegheny City home. Theodore Keck, Dr. W. D. McCunt aud Josiah Adams were appointed a commission in luuacy on Frank Perry of Slipperyrock twp. on petition of J W. Osborne of Wick. A charge of seduction, etc.. has been made against Harry Young by Henlah A. Kauffman. Saturday, Aug. 4 is the last day for filing accounts to Sept. Term with Register Wilson. (joy. Pennypacker has refused to in tcrfere in the case of Frank Johnson of New Castle, convicted of murder in the first degree, but ou the other hand has fixed the day of execution as Tuesday, Sept. 11. PBOPKKTY TUANSKJSiIS. (Jhas Duffy to Anton Kreitzer lot on Plank Road for $4~>U, duplicate, the original deed haying been lost in fire Anna M Petsinger to Ora Connell lot on Elm St. for SIBOO. W S Adams to Rose E Adams lease and well in Adams twp. for SSOO. Geo G II Krug to W A Steadman lot on N McKean st. for $5250. Barbara Geibel to Geo G II Krug same for SBSOO. W E Holmes to A L Findley lot at Mcßride for SBSO. John O Christley to Flossie Cooper lot in Slipperyrock for S3OO, Jos J Spohn to Peter Snyder 7H acres in Summit for $1750. International Sgs. & Trust (Jo. to J. H. Poppenhouse lot ou W Wayne St. for SOSO. St. Paul's Orphan's Home to J C Say and others property in Butler for $71,000. Ellis Blum Co. to A G Tim li."» acres in Washington twp. for $n0!)» 20. C A Schoenfield to J G Ilelfrich 'J acres in Parker twp for sl. Jas E Marshall to G L Schroth lot ou Race St for $2700. J C Say to J E Meyer lot on E. Clay St. for SIOOO. Hugh J Fredley to Daniel II Ader hold 30 acres iu VVinlield for SISOO. Hi nry Wolf to Nettie Weaver prop erty iu Jackson twp. for .'I. Helen A aud Eli Conn aud Alex Mitchell, trustee, to P. B. & L E. 11. R. Co. lot in Center twp. for $l5O. Horse Stolen. Yesterday a man hired a horse and bnggy from Graham & Berkimer's liverv.drove'to Kittanning and sold it at the Montgomery livery He was given a check in payment and after he left tbe Darn payment on the check was stopped, while Montgomery telephoned to Bnt ler. After learning the horse was hire;! Montgomery had the man arrested while he was trying to cash the check in a Kittanning bank, and last night he was brought to Bntler by Conuty De tective Hoon and Robt. Graham. He gave the name of P. D. Rnttinger when he hired the horse and J. D. Mil ler when arrested. I mprovemeiits The Peoples' Telephone service in Bntler is to be improved $30,000 worth. Plans are being made for the Geis hotel bnilding and also the McNa?nee block on Centre Ave., by Architect Foster. * The Eskovifz block in Lyndora. con j tracted for last week, will contain a bank and a store on the first floor and have three floors for living rooms. Marriage Licenses. Michael Logne Clearfield twp Sarah Slater Donegal twp Fred DaSando Bntler Mary Bicker " Samnel M. L. Bevin -..Allegheny Rnth Frazier Wilson Slipperyrock John M. McClymonds Slipperyrock Clara Alice Wilson '• Harry F. Benson Clyde O Helen Boggs Evans City E. D. Hough Bntler Catherine McClnre Kittanning At New Castle -L®wis L. Dangherty of West Sanbnry and Wilda Bonzo of New Castle At Kittanning—Wm. E. Davis of Batier and Bessie Bowser of Worthing ton. • Carils are out announcing the mar riage of Miss Helen McNair Boggs of Evans City to Harry Farmer Benson at the Boggs home Tuesday, July 24. Mr. and Mrs Benson sail for Tokyo, Japan, August 20, where they take np work iu the mission field BIG BUTLER fc'Allt, August SI, SS, S.'t ami S^, 1 O <> ft. NOTICE. Whereas, my wife, Mary A. Timblin, has left my home withotit any cause whatever. Ido hereby notify all per sona not to furnish her any boarding or any goods, clothing or credit on my ac count, as I will pay no bills contracted by her. ELMEK J. TIMBLIN, Karns City, June 22, 1000. For Sale. Several desirable dwelling properties, $1220 to |4500 in price. E. H. NEGLEY, S. W. Diamond, Butler. Masonic Picnic The annual outing and Masonic pic nic will be held at Conneaut Lake. Wednesday, Augnut loth. Special train will leave Butler 8:00 a. m . Kaylor 7:20, Grove City 9:05. Fare for round trip from Butler and ' Kaylor, $1 00, Grove City 75c, Mercer 80c. ULUU RATES. We can dub the CITIZEN with the Pittsburg Ga/atte-Times at ft.oo per year for the two; CLTHSEN ami Pitts burg Post for £3.23. Cash In advance. *'».oo t'onneaiit bake ami Ue turn *2 00. Going Saturdays leaves Butler 7 and ):36 a m. or 3:20 p. m., returning leaves Exposition Park, Sunday 7 p. m. or reg ular trains Monday. Masonic Outing: The annual Masonic outiug will be held at Exposition Park, Conneaut Lake, Wednesday, August 15th. Fare for the round trip from Bntler and Kaylor #I.OO, Grove City 75c, Mercer 00c. FARM FOR SALE. In Jefferson township, known as the Thomas Mechling farm, and 8 miles north of Saxonburg; 83 acres, No h buildings, splendid house, the best spring in the county, good ground and good orchard, sixty-ton silo, and one producing oil well. J. A. GREGG, R. F. D. 7, Butler, Pa. Closing, Notl«-e. beginning Monday, July 23rd, until September 15th, we will clone otir store* at 5 o'clock every evening except H»*—• days, am} excepunv " •—»' DuffV'f week. ij. Stein & Son. MH. J. E. Zimmerman. Eisler, Mflrdorf Co. Doutt Bros. Mrs L. M. Young. Alf. M. Reiber & Br<s. A. Troutman's Sons. Painting ami Paper-hanging. W B. Scott, painter and paper hanger, can be found at 120 East Quarry street. The Grove City Bible Conference The Grove City Bible Conference be ginning Thursday evening, August 2nd, and closing Sunday evening, August the 12th, will be the finest Bible Confer ence ever held at Grove City. The pro gram is composed of some of the most distinguished Bible teachers and Chris tiun workers on both sides of the At lantic. Rev. William J Dawson, D. D., of London, England, will conduct a lectureship on Evangelism; the Rev. W. L. Watkinson, D. D., of Loudon. England, will preach daily during the Conference. For all information ad dress the president, Isaac C. Ketler, Grove City, Pa. Tuesday ExcurHlonN to Niagara Fail* ami Toronto. Every Tuesday, to and including September 25th, the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. will sell excursion from Ilutler to Niagara Falls and Toronto, good for return passage any time within 15 days frofti date of sale, at fare of $7.45 to Niagara Falls ami $8.90 to Toronto. For full informa tiun consult agents of the company. * BUYING WOOL. We are paying the highest price, in cash, for wool. Call at or address, KBUG'S MEAT MARKET, 107 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. G'oiuieaut Lalie Week-eml In cursion*. •Special train leaves Butler every Sat urday at 3:20 p. in., returning leaves Exposition Park every Sunday to Sept ember 9th inclusive at 7 p. m., arriving at Bntler 9:15. Fare for round trip all ' trains Saturday returning Sunday or Monday $2.00. Connection made via Meadville with trolley line to and from Saegertown and Cambridge Springs. I have moved my dental parlors lrom the Miller building to the second floor of the new Odd Fellows' Temple, where my pations and friends will be welcome. FOBD H HAYS, Doctor of Dentistry. Money to loan on first mortgage, E. H. NE JEEY, Diamond. Why is Newton "The Piano Man? See adv. —Why is Newton ''The Piano Mi nt See adv. L. H. McJONKIN. IKA McJUNKIN GEO. A. MITCHELL. Is. S MCJUNKIN & CO , Insurance Keal Estate 117 E Jefferson St.. SUTfcER, --- PA \Rubber Gloves I For /Dainty Hands. > f Some ladies think that as I / soon as they get married, anil € ? start in housekeeping, they \ j \ have to give np trying to be \ j C sweet and pretty and .inst as N / charming as possible. V € Don't do it! Yon're mak- S ' \ i iifr asi riout mistake . Yon \ C can have just as dainty and S ; V pretty hands and nails as of \ C yore, if you will wear Rubber S % Gloves when doing the work \ § which soils the hands. S / All size. 3 , per pair, ?5c \ j I C. N. BOYD. 1 } DUGGIST, J | BUTLER, PA. | i BALTIMOHUIO ll.liT! I'opulsr Excursions to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, ocean City, Ji. .J., Ocean City, Mil., Itehoboth j Beacli, J>el. am! Ketiirn THURSDAYS, July 26, Jug, 9 and 23, Sept. 6 ROUMD CfA FROM TRIP BUTLER Tickets returning US Days Including date of Sale Ticket permitting privilege of purchasing Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Car accommoda tion may fee v/otained upon pay ment of $2.00 additional. For pamphlet giving fall in- I formation, call on W. R. Turner, j Ticket Agent, Butler I |||| mt hat sheds Br but the jfvvjjjL Imperial sheds 1 ■wear too. It 1 lasts s3'& worth. 1 i I I 1 ■ 1 ' s Thi« is the home \ rtßit to**" .... .. . A p hats. No other \ j store iu Butler Co. has them 4 { J a Summer Shirts with separate $ # and attached cuffs, and with J collars and culls attached. p Two hundred dozen Man- F hattan and Empire State J Shirts to select from. 4 4 Straw hats iu all shapes in 4 W split and seuuit brands. Lno. S.Wick, | ? HATTEII AND FUKNI9HEH, 1 341 S. Main St., 2 (J. Stein Building.) J Two Doors North of Willard Hotel. J Brake be Gosh. 1 Well, I will just take] em to Kirk patrick and it will not break me to have em repaired. Had 'em lived there once , before about ten years ago and its my r own darned carelessness that they are B broke now. We alsu sell- I'ianos. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. •l Field and Spy Glasses. •' R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler end Gredueto. Outidin s Next to Court House. l-'Olt KAT.K ! hot 111, I 1 ■ 1 1 . , hum PHUbtMrgk. In • ;; «d ' p ' : i ot-teu <>r 1 ouß. . ~ « u.. fi .oiotiulMlHK -• '■ ; ; , „ | bMUMtrjr, t«" I'l'li !>-•. z • in,.iin. ■■ int. I A. M north j <iu( . IMHulmrKh, »»*. . - I'"OU - lannjiih.i .• 1. «Lr » • « . j €"i;y Writ* Mtirplfty A- NicI»ol», «»li i •»., [ fi .trtifuUi I Muslin Underwear Sale at MRS. L. M. YOUNG'S S S Thursday, July 26th and lasting until Wednesday, August Ist. 1 1 { We carry a full lini of the 'CHIC" MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Everv / , c garment speaks for itself. * C | / Do not miss this SALT>. it will pay you to buv for future use. Remember the v ? dates, Ihursday morning. July 26th to Wednesday, August Ist. We will also con- C x tinue our < LEARAN< K SALE until August Ist. ot muslins, calicoes, ginghams, / \ lawns, table linens, towe.lings, silk dress goods, itc., etc. \ MRS. L. M. YOUNG. Opposite the "Bickel Building," 127 Main St. J @®@ (2X2^®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® © i'" _ 1 1 I MM— IW.'iJl' I j /■ 11 The Bottom Knocked © i 8 out or mc«. © I Tl' 4, IJ To have values and not to § exploit them would be unjust W @ i to 011 and to üßi we wa ? t ® @ I t V J money saving opportunity.' fe) I ''\i 7 ij In looking over our stock 0 1 fi 1z IS* after our big sale we find that X" @ (V x i | we ' lilve a g°o<l number of 2k ® X ,otsand °. ,1(I sizes in © (6) W* A ,J " l| r N Vyf men s summer suits. @ - X © I 4 fi ijing every one of these lots ® ~ | v 11 20 per cent, to 33 per cwt j|) © I jfri-r- 11 ' ij ■' \ lower ill a uoixl man,. * ii ... .y f :4A r y j &MmKm 'stances than the wholesale® © | // ; V / tyjwjjg jprices. All these odd lots ® @ I '7- 1 jJ. 1 I ; l'i -f jy are laid out on separate tables ® @ 8 I M r f - .**?'§ j /#: \sm "with the original price mark © ® I MMfv mm I £* : WW -attached. We being strictly a © O 1 L Iff 'i / i fߧ-m MWril one price house it will be an ® * I If Iflf 'inake their own deductions. © « I Wjjl jW-f I fLMrn sm. Don! de,ay ' As lhe B,ze /*! x 1 iaa 1 flnTfflMn y° u want tomorrow may be s< ® J 9 ° ne toda y* j Ideal Clothing and Hat Parlors j CHARLES R. THOMPSON, PROP'R. | % 228 South Main Street. f> ® P. S. —All clothing sold by us pressed and repaired free. ® <§X§)®®®®<B)®®®®<§)®<§)<§)<§><B)<§)®<§><§^^ 3. K. dressing sacques « Shelf emptying of these cool, . comfortable garments at prices that prove our determination to do as we say—empty every shelf and box—and that in the shortest possible time. Colored Lawn Dressing I | Sacques and Kimonos—also ! White ones. i 50c ones, 35c. 75c ones, 50c. SI.OO ones, 65c. >1.50 ones, SI.OO. $2.00 ones, $1.25. $3.50 ones, $2.50. $5.00 ones, $3.50. *6.00 ones, $4.50— 0n up to $lB ones, $13.50. Lot printed Lawn Dressing 1 Sacques at 15c. Hoggs & Buhl A I;LEG IIKNY, l'A. - /VI. Shan<?r, Fire and Life Insurance ALSO i l! i RKAI. ESTATE. Room •><>», Butler County National Bunk Building, Butler, Pa. Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and wc are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy 8. G. PURVIS, PH. Q Both Phones. 213 S Main St. Bntler Pa. £ Drop us a Postal Cards if you cannot call and we S i I will mail yon \ \ Free of Charge > C a sample package of \ $ Miller's Kidney Pills / \ We want everyone who has 3 C backacke and kidney trouble to V J try these pills, they speak for / f themselves. j l Regular size 50c sent to any / I n<ldress upon receipt of price. 3 | Redick &Grohman > / PRESCRIPTIOH DRUGGISTS J C 109 Morth Main St:, S Batler, Pa. \ Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed end Sele Steble Rear of Wick Houee. Butler Penn'e The bent of boraea and Drat claaa rlg» ai w.iys on hand aud for hire. Ili-ht iwiutwiucdatlona In towa for perm* limit bourdltiK and transient '.rude. Byecl al cure KUarantaed. Steble Room For 65 Horaee A ai>ix] C KM of boraea. both drlvera aud dniri biirana alwuya on hand and for Hale D> dor a full Kuarnutna; and horaaa buigb Uuu proper notification b» PEARSON B. NACE. I'no ne No. tl is While Uthora Bent and Foar Kaoater* j »K).ou. #■>.(*) per hundred, Leghorn* and Whit* WyaadftttM. nrls* winning ftoek. « HAD. J. SAMVEL6OX BwUvali. IV Spring Opening The first opening this spring of u bottle of our own make Beef, Iron and Wine will bring eheer to many families. CLOSED IN THE HOTJSE all winter you become listless and tired and have not the ambition for extra spring work. Our Beef, Iron and Wine Is the "Spring Tonic" that brings back red cheeks, red lips, new blood, new life. ''Remember" we make our own, it is not shipped in. Every bottle guaranteed, your money back if it fails. Price 50c Pint. THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G„ BOTH PHONES, 106 N. Main St., Butler. Pa. PB !v;/ The Style of Teday is ail important for the wvll-4IMMd IIIHU. Let us make yon a auit to maes are. tit a price but litUe more than the rea ly-made But, oh, what e differ ence in the tit, style and general ap pearance! Trousers to Order at $6- Come aud see onr new stock 01 H" 1 terials—the choicest to be found, million dollars and a bale of bay ina> lie equally worthies* at doomaday. but cur Made to Measure Suits are llTim; epistles --*oo<l as gold. m. COOPER. LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond. Butler, Pa
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