VOL. XXXXIII. J HUSELTON'S I I Great Cut Price Sale | 9 Of all Odd Lots in Summer I Shoes and Oxfords. 1 I WILL OPEN I I Saturday at 9 a.m., July 14th | I There will be great bargains to be had B I all through this immense stock Don't fail E to get some of these great bargains. t B Remember the date. July 14-th f| 8 B. C. Huselton, I I Opp. Hotel Lowry. 102 N. Main Street. g| II II —l—» THE MODERN STORE- , Big July Clearance Sale ! Now Going on All Week To Saturday Evening, July 14th. , "Grand bargains in all departments, including , ' White and Colored Wash Goods, Silks, Dress Goods, Muslins, Bed Spreads, Lace Curtains, t Millinery, Underwear, Hosiery, Table Linens, i Napkins, Towels. Towellings, Calicoes, i Ginghams, etc. ' All Summer Goods Must be Closed Out. EISLEK-MARDORF COrtPANY, SOUTH MAIS STSEET f AQf postoct/ctbox" I Samples sent en request. 1 1 OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. • BUTLER. PA £ , RESULTS TALK. Wliere some of our recent graduates are loeated: I Sara Beatty, stenographer, Bessemer R. R. Co., Butler. Robert Seaton, stenographer, American Bridge Co.. Pittsburg. Jean Welgel, stenographer, Butler Eagle. Sutler. May Thompson, stenographer, The Llovd Co., Butler. W. P. Starr, clerk. Standard Steel Car Co.. Butler. Charles McClymonds, with the B. & O. R. R Co., Butler. Marlon Nicholas, stenograbher, Standard Steel Car Co., Butler. Lutltla Bine, Stenographer. The Hostetter Co.. Pittsburg. M. L. McMiilen, Registry Clerk, Pittsburg Postofflce. Pittsburg. Prcsslev Mowrey.'wlth Pittsburg News Co., Pittsburg. Juliet wheeler, stenographer and bookkeeper, W. H. Daugherty ,t Son, Petrolla. Pa. Arthur Oesterling. with the Westlnghouse Electrical Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, ilertha Coulter, stenographer, Pittsburg tirm. Ollj-QrOrthdollar. cashier and asst. mannger, New York Leas< i: Trust Co , Plttabur;;. Bluabeth Diebold. The Bradstreet Co., Mttsbut'g. ' ' ' Wjnifred Shaffer, stenogrupner, A. W". McCloy & Co., Pittsburg. Florence Norrls, stenographer. Kemble A Mills, Attys., Pittsburg. Pella Crltchlow. public, stenogranlier, Bessemer Bldg.. Pittsburg. liiariy E. l'uinter, lxx)kkeepcr, Monks A Co., Allegheny, Pa I.lllian Forcht, Hapgoods, l'ark Bldg., Pittsburg. Va)etta Nigge), steimgral •, Roilger. Flanagan A Co., Pittsburg. Ethel Qpeeniwalt, stenogtupher, Westlnghouse Electrical Mfg. Co., PJttsbutg. Margaret Graham, stenographer, Pittsburg Gage & Supply Co,. Pittsburg. .(erry Eberuart, with the Petina. K. li Co., Butler Oliver McGrady, Penna. R. R. Co., Butler. Ralph Miller, Penna, R. R. Co.. Butler. Lev Schcnck, with the T, W. Phillips Gas A Oil Co , Butler. Nellie Nicholas, stenographer, Wm. Kaufman, Pt-nn Bldg.. Pittsburg tiert'rudo Gjrahaiu. stenographer. L. G. Martin, Pittsburg, Pa. J. H. Alojander bookkeeper, Wabash R R Co., l'ittsbur;: Fay Thompson, stenographer, 11. S. X.evolqpori,cht Co.' PftvSbun, Emma Burr, stenographer, Plttsbutg Roduction Go., Now Ivei.slngK.n, l>a. Pearl Snyder, stenographer. The Bradstreet Co., Pittsburg. R. P. Frederick, stenographer, Wabash R. R. Co., Pittsburg. I Rosenna McLaughlin, stenographer. Buird Machinery Co., Pittsburg. Anna Bundy, stenographer. Salvage Security Co.. Pittsburg. Winifred Shaffer, stenographer, Germauia Bank Bldg.. Pittsburg. l Bertha McClelland, stenographer, A. E. Reiber, Butler. O. E Wick, Standard Steel Car Co., Butler, ■ Myra 4sh, Stenographer, S. & B. C. Welnhaus Co., Pittsburg. K J. M. Wilson, B iO. R. ii.Co.. Butler, Pa. ■ Lester Bell, bookkeeper, Goo. Walter A Sons, Butler Roller Mills ■ A. A. HcUt, stenographer and clerk. Pickerings, Pittsbure. John Foster, C. D. & P. Telegraph Co., Pittsburg. Ada C. Matteson, stenographer. Guarantee Clearing Co., Pittsbure. Grace Reznor, stenographer, B. & L. E. R. R. Co.. Greenville. Adelaide Grane bookkeeper, Butler Pnro Milk Co. - - A. J. Bishop, bookkeeper, BuiTaio, N. Y. Herbert'E. Rankin, Butler Post. Ofijce,^ > Carl XHeKI. bookkeetier. J. Oram, Lvndora, Pa. •fenographer. Wood Fiber Co.. Butiur. Percy Letter, with Lecdom i. Worrell Co., Bitter • nntlßl'o ;Jj' 3^, e, l ui PP e Uf(-to-dato, rriOst thorough i;nd painstaking biismess i- an i a ' recognizes no superior In point of oHjciency.' its graduates succeed admirably where those of other schools fall, SEPTEMBEK 3, 190«, FALL TEUM largest'Man,r ur> ', already enrolling for the fall ienu. Expect ttit. iif y. ear tllat wo have ever had. Visitors always welcome. the Fair. Selfd Kr catalogue.' ' CUU °" WhC " A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa. 1 Duffy's Store 1 ■ ~^ ot i QO early to think of that new Carpet, orß ■ perhaps you would rather have a pretty Rug—carpetß H ze - Well, in either case, we can suit you as our Car-H ■ pet stock Is one of the largest and best assorted in But-K ■ ler county. Among which will be found the following: K I EXT^ A SUPER ALL WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, P ■ Heavy two and three ply 65c per yd ar.d un E ■ HALF WOOL INGRAIN OARPF.TS W M Beet cotton ohafn iOc t )er yd and np B M BOD* BRUSSELS, P ■ Simply po wear ont to thesa ■ TAPESTRY BRUSSELS 35 yd ß H yght made, Imt very ■ STAIR - 6r>c P er J* d »P m ® ...i-cTS e I. Body and Tapestry Brussels, Half and All Wool Tn-rains F I HARTFORD AXMINSTERS, f I Prettiest Carpet made, as durable too I RAG CARPETS, Gennine old-fasbfoned weave. B I MATTING, Hemp and Straw. I§ ! j RUGS-CARPET SIZES. E ■ Axminster Rngs, Beanties too > each and up | I Brussels Rugs, Tapestry and Body sl2 each and upl ' nSniln Drn P, et X Al i a ? d Half Woo] «ach and npH *■ P 8 ' a a Common, all widths and grades. fer •Mu OilCloths, Floot, Table, Shelf and Stair. I H Lace Curtains, Portiers, Window Shades, Curtain Poles; Small Hearth K J 1 H Rugs, all slyles and sizes. |. s I Duffy's Store-. 1 H MAIN STREET, BUTLER. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. S We Want to Say \ S Something to You. y ) It's About the Hot Weather! ) r How, What and Where to buy! Two=Piec 00 to s(>.so. J / And don't forget the Window Display > \ Douthett & Graham, j ' INCORPORATED. f a Bickers Footwear j Fi 'Q A Grand Display of Fine £ Ij Footwear in all the M /jlflk Latest Styles. J BJ fejSK jr|« We are showing many M styles in Ladies' Fine Shoes A W anc * x^orc ' s at P r ' ces sure n ij M Large stock of Men's and Li £ Boys' Fine Shoes and Ox- i P J fords in the latest styles. ri II * J&- I Big bargains in Men'q m W wor^'n 2 shoes. WA — n||§Nl!^ Repairing promptly done. |]JOHN BICKELf W 128 S Main St., BUTLER, PA. men "^iflu^r Won't bny clothing for the purpose of fi, | | ir*wf! |l spending money. They desire to get the iv \ H j best possible results of the money expended. Vfi I \\// ( f Those who buy custom clothing have a VJ JiLt> \i, . | I right to demand a fit, to have their clothes 7 I 12.' ! correct in style and to demand of the A j-l vi* M\ ! seller to guarantee everything. Come to /• r l§jjjijjf£-A Km us and there will be nothing lacking. I ' have just received a large stock of Spring i and Summer suitings in the latest styles, iA 1 1 , shades and colors. K "" \ i /j G. F. KECK, Wi j MERCHANT TAIfcOR, f| Q\k 142 N. Main St., Sutler, Pa 3 1 Spring and Summer Millinery. I W • Everything in the line of Millinery can be found, !j£ the right thing at the right time at the right price at •*? | ROCKENSTEIN'S I i i g Phone 656. 148 S. Main St. *g • raw * rawf *i I J. U, & W. CAMPBELL | j}4 BUTLER, PA. ffj PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SIXTEEN DAY EXCURSIONS TO Atlantic? May Wildwood, Holly Beach j Ocean City. i3ea Isle City, Avnlon NEW JERSEY Rehoboth, Del. Ocean City, Mcl July 19, August 2, 1(» and 30, 190 H. ' Train leaves Butler at Ci:lv» A. M., connectiug with SPECIAL TRAIN OF PAItLOK CABS ANI) COACHES i LEAVING PITTSBURG AT 8:55 A. M. •1510 l£oimv Special Train for meals or dining car service will l>e provided. For stop-over privileges and full Information consult nearest Ticket Agent. ' \Y. W. ATTERBURY .1. R. WOOD GEO. W BUYD General Manager Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent r BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY. JULY 12. 1906 \ With CldoididL's ( c Assistance By INA WRIGHT HANSON / Copyright, lani. by 11. C. From the doorway Fitzgerald looked moodily at me from in front of the dresser. 1 looked moodily at Fitzger ald. "She refused me," he said. "I've got to go to Mrs. Whiting's din ner," I answered. Fitz nodded and threw himself heav ily into a chair. "I wouldn't go, you know, after Mrs. Whiting's niece refused me, so she had to rustle up you." I glared at him, then jerl-.ed open the top drawer. "Seems to ine. in the Interest of hu manity, you might have staved off your old proposal till after the dinner. I've got to lake Miss Whiting In. What shall I say to her? I'm no society man." "You might talk about me. It's darned strange she refuses me," Fitz responded modestly. "Of course I'm fat, but what of that? I.ook at my money?" I turned from my hair brushing and regarded Fitz with surprise. "She's different from other girls," he went on mournfully. "You never'know what she is going to do or say next. She said if she ever found the man she wanted to marry and he didn't ask her she would propose to him. You say a word for me, old man, and maybe she will change her mind about it." "All right," I said and started for the infernal dinner. If I had been left in peace I could have translated a few more pages of that Latin work I was on. Why I should have (figuratively of course) fallen on my face and wor shiped Claudia Whiting the moment I saw her I don't know. That any man could help adoring her after ho came to know her is incredible, but I think I began before ever she said a word to me. It couldn't be because her eyes were the bluest I ever saw or her hair crinkled sunshine—l suppose a poet would describe it better—or her lips red as the roses she wore in her belt. One day since that dinner she told me something about affinities. It may be that mysterious word holds the reason. M'hat we talked of is vaguely remem bered. I know that I walked home ward carrying lyitli mo a vision of sweetest seriousness, for that describes Claudia as she appeared that day. When I turned the corner, beyond which were my lodgings. I saw Fitz gerald at my gate, his broad back to ward me. I remembered my forgotten promise and fled Incontinently. 1 couldn't face hliu. Later \ stole into my room in a .hlef in the niglu. Next day I wont to call on her and to make my peace with Fitz, who ':ud In terviewed me that morning. She was in the garden, and I stated the object of my call at once. "If you knew him better you would appreciate him more,'.' I said and launched forth at some length into hi;, peculiar graces am' virtues. Claudia listened, an'uth in? is w.-'htiMsr {flu in- ii,p t«,- livcl) My faee grew liot, for all at once I realized there was a want—a void—to be filled. That if I went back to my cabin now it would be as lacking as the body wli books, 11 ui my published ones mose in contemplation—dry old tomes—why should I have supposed that they would interest a young crea ture like her? Rut I rambled on, lost in her sweet companionship, till the sun suddenly dropped out of sight, and I saw her shiver in the breeze that stirred the poplars. Then I remembered Fitz. "Do give him another chance," X said perfunctorily as I rose to go. She look ed at me seriously, but made no an swer. For the greater part of a month Fitx was away from town, and I saw Clau dia nearly every day. Before going he asked my promise to say a word in his favor every time I saw her. There are limits to the duties of friendship, but I promised because I felt that he would make her a good husband. He was an honorable man and had more money than he knew what to do with. She was such a bewildering little creature, was Claudia. At the first meeting she was so sweetly serious. She had told me since that she was frightened t» death of me because I knew so much. Fancy it! The day she told me, though, she was bubbling over with laughter, and I suspect she was poking fun at me in her irrepressible way. Then there was the mornln~ when we walked together to church cud she talked so quietly of holy things, and there was that last after noon in the garden before -l'itz came home. That day it was the hardest of all to forget myself and remember Fitz. Sometimes when the tenderness of my heart would creep' into my words little spots of color would come and go in her girlish face. I scarcely saw her eyes that day, the white lids drooped so insistently over their blue beauty. At last I pulled myself together with the thought that he could do so much more for her than I, even if she could bring herself to think of me at all, and made my last earnest speech for him. She frowned a little, then she smiled and looked thoughtful. "I think I shall have to teach you to read poetry," she said. "Will you'/" I asked eagerly. "Begin on 'The Courtship of Miles Standish,' then," she answered and j. mugning. up the walk. "I did the l«>sr I could for you. Fitz." I told him when he returned that even ing. And I rehearsed the last speech in full. "What did she say?" he demanded. "Why—she didn't say anything to that. She told me—or hinted—that my education was deficient because I had little knowledge of poetry, and she told me to begin on The Courtship of Miles Stamlish.'" Fitz looked at me mournfully. "That's my finish then. Have you read It?" "I was Just beginning." Fitz walked heavily from the room, and I took up my new Longfellow. Short of stature he was, but strongly built and athletic; Brown as a nut was his fare, but his russet beard was already Flaked with patches of snow. Pretty good description of myself, I thought. Not exactly patches, but there were certainly threads of gray. I read on till the speech was finished, the i egotistical words of Miles Standlsh; then I bowed my head in shame and auger. I had talked steadily of myself and my work, but she had led me on. She had no right to call me down so. Tomorrow I would go back to my cabin and forget, but yet I knew I should always remember. I was still brooding when Fitz came back. "I don't blame you. old man," he be gan. "Probably you'll make her hap pier; but. Lord, look at my money'." I blinked at him as he settled down. "Neat way she had of bringing mat ; ters to a focus." lie went on, picking up my book which lay face downward on the table. "Why, darned if I be lieve you've read it all!" "I've read enough," I said resentful ly. "1 read what she thinks of me." One moment that blessed l'itz gazed at me, then in words of one syllable ho gave me the gist of that poem—made me to understand that my Claudia was impersonating the Puritan maiden in her immortal speech. "Why don't you speak for yourself. John?" And to think I ever had deemed Fitzgerald stupid! I found my blessed glr! In the gar den, but she did not hear my approach. She was ou tiptoe, trying to reach a .rose which swung above her head. "I have come to speak for myself, Claudia." I said. The dear hands ceased from their quest to hide the blushes of her sweet face. Ilcr girlish form trembled. "Yon think me bold!" she cried ap prehensively. It was such a glorious nffair to provo to her just what I did think of her, and it took a long time„ And then she ex plained to me about affinities. Some Fnnny Speeches. An Irishman who was very ill, when the physician told him that he must prescribe an emetic for him. said, "In deed, doctor, an emetic will never do me any good, for J have taken several and could never keep one of them unon my stomach." An Irishman at cards, on Inspecting tho pool and finding it deficient, exclaimed: "Here is a shilling short. Who put it in?" A poor Irish servant maid who was left handed placed the knives and forks upon the dinner table in the same awkward fashion. Iler master remarked to her that she had placed them all left hand ed. "Ah, true, indeed Sis," »he said, "? ; n£ Su 1 nave! Would you be pleased W licli) me to turn tho table?*' Ooyle and Yelverton. two eminent members of the Irish bar, quarreled one day so violently that from hard words they came to hard blows. F>e>yle, a power ful man v.itii the fists, knocked down Yelverton twice, exclaiming, "You scoundrel, I'll make you behave your self like a gentleman!" To which Yel verton, rising, replied, with equal indig nation; "No, sir; never! I defy you! You could not do it!"— T specta tor. The Qnfer nnrnians. One who has lived among theiu says: "The Burmans are a primitive people. Tfliey are a very young people. There are certain marks and signs by which physiologists can determine the relative youth or age of a race. One of these is the physical differentiation between boys and girls. In early races it is slight. As the race grows old It de velops. If you dressed a lturman boy of eighteen in a girl'a dress or a ltur mfcsu gir( of the same age In a boy's itr-eny you could not distinguish quickly true from false. Faca and figure and voice are very similar. In as old people such as the French or the Brahmans in India a boy begins to differ f.uu» a girl* very early indetu, -tnetr faces seem al different types. Their figures even at twelve could not be disguised by any clothing. Their voices are ut terly different." RQMAN MILLIONAIRES. The Phenomenon of Mammoth For tuned Xot a Now 'fhinafi While it is not u very tuugitila solatiou w Ow - " ua wUo betongto less favored class commercially, there is at least a sort of historic com fort in knowing that the phenomenon of mammoth fortunes is not a r.ew thing. A magazine writer goes back to an cient Rome, when there were no rail roads or trusts or corporations, and gives some figures on the individual fortunes of that day which might look attractive even to some of our modern plutocrats. Seneca, the philosopher and author, was worth $17,500,000; Lentulus, the augur, $10,600,000; Crassus, the poli tician who formed with Caesar and Fompey the first triumvirate, had a landed estate of more than $S,000,000; the emperor Tiberius left a fortune of $118,000,000, which the depraved Calig ula got rid of in less than a year. A dozen others had possessions that ran into the millions. It is true that these Romans did not "make" these fortunes in what we would call regular commercial opera tions. But they got the money, and they held on to it, which is about all that can safely be said of possessions that run into seven figures in any age or country. And, speaking of campaign contribu tions and so forth, Julius Caesar once presented the consul Paulus with $290,- 000 merely as a token of esteem and coupled with the hope that Paulus would do the right thing iu a certain political matter that was pending. The argument was effective with Paulus, and neither he nor Caesar suffered any in popularity. There are many things under the sun that are not new.—Omaha World- ITounl'J Tlte Sea Otter. The sea otter combines the habits of a seal with the intelligence and amus ing character of tire otter. When met in herds far out ut sea, which is but seldom now, they are commonly seen swimming on their backs. They even eat their food lying in this position on the water and nurse their young ones on their chests between their paws, ex actly as a south sea island mother swims \\ Ith her baby in the water. When swimming in this attitude they even shade their eyes with their paws i when the sun dazzles them. WILD MEN'S WEAPONS THE PUZZLE OF THE ORIGIN OF THE BOOMERANG. It* Cl<*vcrne*H of Dcmlku Is One of ♦ hi' Womler* of Thi* IJai-fr Wenpon. Tho Mexican** I ke of the I.a**o—The UoNt "Xy nature than himself, the way in which some were suggested to him by the objects which he saw around him is obvious enough, but of others we are amazed by his ingenuity in their design and his skill in their use. The most striking Instance of both this skill In use and cleverness in de sign is perhaps tho boomerang. The perfection of balance, curve and weight in all its parts is so exact that modern dynamics have been quite unable to find a formula according to which a workable boomerang can be turned out by a carpenter, and the skill needed for the use of even the most perfect weapon U such-that the usuutoreJ ef forts of the most stalwart thrower of a cricket ball are ridiculously futile when he begins to make trial of it. It is scarcely too much to say that in spite of years of practice no white man has ever succeeded in becoming effective with it. We are told that there is in Australia a tree whose seed pod Is so formed that when detached by the process of natural growth from the branch it whirls through the air with a curve analogous to that of the boonieraug— we see a faint suggestion of a similar movement in the gyrations of the seed pods of our 'own ash and it has been conjectured that the observant "black fellow" may have received from this the first hint of the weapon which he eventually fashioned into the wonder ful boomerang. It is a conjecture which will ever remain conjectural. Others of man's early weapons—the club, the spear, the hatchet (originally, we may suppose, a stone cleft by acci dent to a cutting edge)—are easy to uudeistaad. Nature gave them almost ready made into his hand. The almost universal use of the bow, a weapon of much more elaboration, does not sug gest a puzzle nearly so baffling as the boomerang. The force of elasticity in tho sapling would bo apt almost liter ally to "jump to the eyes" of the sav age as he made his way through the bush and his friend In front released a bough from its tension to fly back and .whip him across the face. To cut such a sapling, to fasten to either end of it a sinew or a stretch of a tough creeping plant, to fit an arrow on the string and discharge it by the relaxed ten»ion of the released string are no doubt a series of operations de manding much ingenuity and pmbab'r much timo for their development, but we can imagine tho steps. We are not left wondering. Even the throwing stick—that very effective application of the principle of the lever by which tho wild man added so very greatly to the force and distance of his throw of his missile spear—may be supposed to have been discovered by accidental means which we can reconstruct The 'boomerang still remains the biggest puzzle. There is another adaptation of a very simple Instrument which we do not know to have such antiquity as some of these, yet must always seem very marvelous when we first witness the variety of uses and the perfection to which it has been brought— that use of a bit of rrjA. which we call lassoing. Thw value of the noose we can easily imagine to have been brought very early to the notice of man in h's more or less natural stat<». its efficacy in arresting his progress through a forest thickly hung with lianas uiu»t soon have struck him a« one of the incon veniences of his existence, but we do not seem to find record at a very early stage of any practical use to which he might have put the hlut 60 glvth hhn. The greatest wonder in the history of tho noose (second only to the marvel ous skill exhibited by the experts in its use) is that certain nations should have acquired the skill that they did acquire in it with so few generations of practice. We may probably tane :t rur granted that the Au»wr»cau red Indian did not bugtn to use it until after the Spaniards had made their way to America. The origin of the word is Latin, "laqueua." There is Portuguese "laca" We "las so" or "lace" »uv boats every morning, presuming that we do not spend tho day in slippers. But apart from tnat It is not easy to see that the lasso coujjj have had value without the hofSe. It is the instrument bf vlaers on horse back- *here were ho horses in Amer ica, according to all who claim to spenk with authority, uutll tho Span lards arrived here. The apparition of their cavalry was so strange as to strike terror iuto the hearts of the na tives, who deemed horse and man some fearful composite animal, The most skillful artist tn the world with the lasso Is that compound—who shall say what is the exact mixture of the ingredients?—of Spaniard and In dian that Is known as Mexican, espe cially the Mexican of the southwest ern states of the Union. But we read of various tribes of tho red Indians, probably quite free from any Infu sion of European blood, to whom tho lasso had become so familiar a weap on, so trusted in cases of emergency, that they not only used It on the gal loping bison and overthrew him on the prairie, but actually lassoed the fun nels of the steam engines when the trains began to invade their land. It Is possible that the result may have been to give a little shake to their con fidence. but their skill in the use of the noose has abundant witness. teen to be believed. At full gallop he will send the loop to encircle at his will the neck, the horn, the leg of the steer blundering along beside him. Ills little horse knows the game as per fectly as he does, throwing himself back on his haunches into the best possible position to stand the shock and tho strain which he knows will arrive when the rope is drawn tight, of which one end is about the steer and the other is fastened to the horn of the big Spanish saddle. The horse stands Arm and tho steer tumbles. Sometimes tho Mexicans will ride' down and lasso the coyote or the wild turkey, for the turkey likes his legs better than his wings as means of loco motion. and will seldom fly again after he has been flushed and marked down. The actual evolution of the lasso may be Imagined easily—at first a big loop of rope thrown about the head of an animal beside which the rider galloped, then the free running noose at the end of a single rope. But the accuracy of aim with the loop is the wonder. After all, It cannot be nearly so subtle an affair as the boomerang throw, for though perhaps the Mexican excels, the white cowboy is nearly if not quite his match. But the things that a Mex ican can do with a rope or bit of raw- marvelous. He wjli litji fresh : rawhide "rlata" round the nut of a screw that has stuck, and unscrew it i when the hide ha 9 hardened, though the white mechanic, with his specially made wrench, has failed. You may be told this tale—and It Is a credible one— by many who have worked on the rail ways In the Mexican republic. The best Boose story is a British one. I.lke many of the best stories, it is a bus driver's story, and. like all of the best stories, it is au old story. Bus A and Bus B were together in a block. The driver of Bus A had the end of lils whip hitched up Into a little noose and kept playing with it. putting his finger through It and dragging It tight, then loosening It again. He also "kept saying nothing" and looking nowhere In particular; nevertheless the driver of Bus B began glaring at him, and his face grew more and more crimson, until finally the winged words broke forth Homerically. and he cursed the player with the noose as only one bus driver can curse another. Still the driver of Bns A kept saying nothing, and as Innocently ns ever playing with the noose. Then the "fare" who sat beside the driver of Bus A leaned for ward and asked him, "What's the mat ter with that man?" indicating the driver of Bus B. "What's he so angry with you about? You're not doing him any harm." "Matter with Mm?" said the noose player scornfully. "Why, 'e ain't got no sense o' humor; that's what's the matter with 'im. 'ls fa the.- was 'ung." —Westminster Gazette. Common Sense In Eitrclaf. Exercise in itself is no doubt excel lent, but is It well for a sane man to make it a fetish? Does it do a busi ness man any good to swell the mus cles of his back by wrestling with a rowing machine or to make his legs as hard as railroad ties by galloping about a canvas track? Is there any advan tage, after all, in developing the sinews abnormally? Does a man who works with his brain gain anything by try ing to Imitate a hodcarrler? The no tion that the average business man will be benefited by developing the muscles of a stevedore is based on nothing/more tangible than wild theor izing. In favor of it is the allegation that physical or brute strength spells health. Against it is the obvious and undoubted fact that millions of men who take no more exercise than their ordinary avocations require live to hale and hearty old age. and the further fact that the average athlete, for all his sinew and vigor, is seldom more healthy than the average desk slave or soft muscled man.—Baltimore Herald. Pari* on Rations, 1704. Paris is on ration, like a besieged city. Each person receives from his section a baker's card and Is thereby entitled to receive from the baker at the maximum price as much br*»aU <*•- ♦'><« 'municipals lu«~ iiutl his family. weekly. The baker is bound to calcu late from the uuud'er of mouths he the quantity of corn he will need to buy from the municipals, who dis tribute It weekly. We, who are not obliged to falre queue at the bakers' doors—thanks to my employ, I am ex empt from this, and a bare sufficiency of bread is dollvered. together with meat and vegetable*. —— ' * dally—have very little conception of the sufferings of those who are. The queues are somewhat differently reg ulated In different sections, but my host's daughters, who take It in turn to go, are often waiting from 4 o'clock until 8 or 9 fn the morning.—"Journal of a Spy.*' Japaavse KnglUh. The following English is of the "world language" order. It Is from the Japan Mall: "Zlnsika" Musk Soap is comprehend the most useful lohtbyoluni for the skin therefore it has a great effectual point for the scene, freckles on the face, and the sfctn-dlsease. This soap i» specially made with the good trial for the materials and it will be used long tune because It Is very hard. you once used it, It has the peculiarity of Imparting Its deslrable,VlO)et'and noblest odor of Musk tj> t>tber objects, and at least foj the ftve days, it may »>« used to scent clothing, gloves, towel, handkerchief, summer—garment, and bed. Also, if you always used, it has a great ecoaomic, effectual point, not to be used perfumes, artificial musks, wa ters, etc. It's style is uo adornment and the materials are made with great attention, therefore It Is far superior than foreign macle and its price is When Spencer Traveled. When Herbert Spcueer went on a long railway Journey It was his prac tice to havo reserved for him a first class compartment. Across the car riage he used to havo a hammock swung, iu which he traveled to avoid the vibration and concussion. There was something funny in the spectacle of the staid philosopher traveling in this fashion, and so It appeared to the people who witnessed the preparations for his departure. The inquisltives were soon disappointed, for as soon as Spencer recognized that he was being made the object of unsolicited atten tion he would shout out in stentorian tones to the porters—ho used to have four to look after him—"Draw down those blinds!" . Orlgln of Ox Tail Sonp. During the reign of terror In Paris iu 1703 many of tho nobility were re duced to starvation and beggary. The abattoirs sent their hides fresh to the tanneries without removing the tails, and In cleaning them the tails were thrown away. One of the noble beg gars asked for a tall, and It was will ingly given to b!m. no took it to his lodging and made (what is now fa mous) the first dish of ox tall soup. Ho told others of his good luck, and they annoyed the tanners so much that a price was put upon them. Ambition. Ambition becomes displeasing when it Is once satiated. There is a reaction, and as our spirit till our last sigh is al ways aiming toward some object It falls back on itself, having nothing else on which to rest and having reached the summit it longs to descend.—Cor nellle. ra»r Work. First Transient—Jf you had got to go into business, what line yould you choose? Second Ditto—l'd open an em ployment agency. It would be so nice to be getting other people to work without having any temptation to do any yourself. Still Time. Burroughs-Say, old man, there was a time when you promised to share your last dollar with me. Kiehley— That's all right. I haven't got down to It yet. Though the sun scorches us some times and gives us the headache, we do not refuse to acknowledge that we stand In need of his warmth.—De Mor nay. . —a No. 2G. BACK TO MUTTON. Present Phase of the Sheep lidiitry ob the Para. There is no animal on the farm to day that Will give us more clear meat for the amount of food consumed and the work required to take care of it than the sheep. 1 do not see why each and every one of our fanners does not keep a few sheep to eat up the waste both in the summer and winter. Sheep are not expensive. If you have some roots for them, silage, corn or some thing like that they get along very well. I-have seen sheep fed by the thousand on nothing but clear roots. Of course we could not feed sheep alone on that In this country. The Highly Finished Product. There certaiuly Is a demand for that class of meat fitted up Iu the highest possible shape. If I were to tell you the price that some of It has sold for you would hardly l>elleve me. I know one man who sold to a clubhouse in Boston and a hotel In New York fifty yearling wethers at au average price of 20 cents n pound, dressed weight. If we can keep any other animal on our farm today that will net us as much profit as this 1 would like to know what it is. I would like to have some of them. When They Do Sot Par. There are too many of our farmers who have few sheep, and these can't pay under the circumstances In the way they are kept. I know a farmer who lived near me who kept probably twenty or thirty sheep. He put them in the far end of the field and once or twice during the summer looked at them. We cannot expect to make money out of an animal In that way. In the winter take them up and let them run around the straw stack. For the pure bred flock we must keep them growing from the time they are born until the time we turn them off. You take a lot of lambs and feed them with clover hay and corn and they will de velop In a way that will do very well for the market.—J. C. D., Pennsylva nia. DENATURED ALCOHOL. Dr. Wiley's Idea of the Farmer's Po sition In It* Manufacture. In discussing the iioeslbilities of de natured alcohol Dr. H. Wiley, chemist of the department of agriculture, says in Rural New Yorker that practically all of the alcohol made in the- United States at the present time is made from Indiau corn. The most abundant source of alcohol after Indian corn Is probably the potato, either the ordl-« nary white, the sweet or the yam. This Is a crop grown in great abun dance In almost all parts of the United States, while in some localities espe cially .favorable conditions are obtain ed for the growth of the potato—for "Instance, in the northern part of -Maine, iu Colorado and many other Tuaces. i iDptrioc'ti is4v#2z n or bruised potatoes can be very profitably used for alcohol making where the sound a«d well formed potatoes would bring mere money by, direct sale. For denaturing alcohol—that la, mak ing it unfit for drinking— the addition of from 3 to 8 per cent of crude wood alcohol Is very efficient. This pro duces a spirit known as methylated spirit. To make the concoction still more bitter there is often added a chemical compound known aa pyridine, which dissolves readily in alcohol and imparts to it an intensely bitter and unpulatable taste. Dr. Wiley strongly advises the farm ers of this country not to undertake the manufacture of alcohol. To do this successfully requires A thorough knowledge ,of the chemlstty jDf -4he process and a high" degree of.taehltfCfll skill. The suecessful practice of "the future, he thinks, will consist In the establishment of central distilleries ,ln' a good locality accessible to the farm-, ers who will furnish the raw material for manufacture. i Know What They An After. A feature of European stock breed ing operation which has been of untold value to her people is the well defined aim or purpose which every successful breeder has In mind at all times. These men are not breeding at random with the hope of getting an occasional good animal. Each successful man has a very clear Idea of the type of animal which he wishes to produce, and he never stops short of getting the same. Even when lie has reached tt# drlgin&l r Ideal he is not satisfied, but seeks to do even better work in the future.. By a large and successful breeder oft live < stock the European people do not mean a man who owns a large number of animals, but the man who succeeds in annually producing a high percentage of meritorious animals.—W. J. Ken nedy. NEWS AND NOTES A milking machine now, In operation at the Kansas Stato Agricultural col lege is said to be giving good remits. Agricultural education is one of the things to which the south la giving in creased attention. There Is "no speculation in wool," according to National Stockman. Buy ers are not in any hurry, but art "stay ing out of the market la the hope Of se curing better terms. Michigan now has state inspection and state supervision of the dairy in dustry. "Dry feeding" of chickens seems to be growing In favor. Many growers consider the feeding of cooked mashes a serious mistake. The farmers' national congress la to meet at Itock Island, 111., Oct. 0. As a remedy for blight, which at tacks alfalfa fields In spots, cutting aa soon as It appears Is, recommended'by the New Jersey experiment station. One of Ills Inferiors. "lie says he always tries to be polite to his inferiors and— Hey, where are you going?' "Going to find him and give him a Icklug." "What for?" "I met lilm this morning, and he ww as pqltfe as a dancing master."—Hous ton Post. The Other Way. The teacher had been talking about a hen sitting on eggs, says English Country I.ife" and, with" the incubator hi fcnind, asked If eggs could be hatch ed in any other way. "Yes, sir," said an experienced-per son at nine. "Put 'em under a duck."- The ltemcdy. "Ton're not in love, Robbie. Yon only think you ure." "Well,'how the dickens am I to find cut my mistake if I am mistaken?" "Oh, marry thu woman by all means.** —Home Notes. A Distinction. Mistress—Have you had any experi ence with children? Bridget—Nope, but they have had some wld me.