Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 28, 1906, Image 3
THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THURSDAY, JUNE 2S, 1906. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VOTE—AII ndrertiserH Intending to make ; changes la their ad*. »hooid notify o» of tbelr intention to do so not later than Mon day morning. Executor's notice. estate of Angnit Stice. Notice to Bridge Contractor? Notice. . _ .. Butler County National Banks stat ment. Notice to Teachers. Zimmerman's Semi-annnal sale. Evth Bros Wall Paper. Schaul & Lew's Clearance sale. Modern Store's Sale Campbell's furniture Excursions AdMlßlauaCOM and Kx<*:ulors of rm secure their rece.pt book* -»t tn, I'lTlifl'S office. LOCAL AND GENERAL. TERMS: $1.50 Per Year If paid in advance.. 1.00 Each subscriber, by consulting the little tab on his paper, can tell the date to which his subscription ispauT y No Paper Next Week, / % This office will be closed, next / j week, and no paper will be issued I from it. S I77G-li>oC. —Come to Butler for the Fourth. —Next Wednesday is the Glorious. —Dance at Euclid. tomorrow even ing. —ls extortion being practiced in Lyn dorar - The floods left some deep holes in the creek. —This is Donation Day at the Zelien oplu Orphans Home. -Thepicincat the Park, yesterday. - w.n the biggest ever.. —The V'alvaline Oil Works at E. Butler, are taking shape. i —The Spanish-War veterans will 1 reaou at Daßois, July 27-2 —The to.vnship school boards are of fering £lO and S4O P ER month. < i —The i.ot bath cure for spinal menin gitis is the only one yet known. ] —The Jiremeu promiee a good time to j all who come to Butler for the 4th. —Old fashioned 4th of July celebra- < tions ail around, and races at the lake, I —The Court House will be cloeed Sat nrd*y afternoons during July and An- ( gust. 1 —The exposures in the meat packing business ought to encourage home pro- ( duction. —The Buxton farm in Middlesex is < rei»orted to have changed hands for S2O, WW. j —The ball-teams and several hundred i common people went to the lake, yesterday. —The Power Honse of the P. H. N. J C. & B. trolly line will be located at l Evans City. ' —Two important Japanese gentlemen, inspected the Plate Glass works in Bat- j ler yesterday. ( —Three Kames of ball and*several of 1 tennis, on the 4th, besides the parade and fireworks. —There will be ri special Council meeting, this evening, to open revised I bids on paving. —lf your kid is wounded, next week, j wash the wound in hot water, and then ■end for the doctor. —Lightning struck the new Court House at Greensburg, last Friday, and , damaged the dome. —An eighteen-pound turtle, left, by the flood, was caught on the ball grounds, last week. —The buy-at-home business policy is aound, especially when your home mer chants sell just as cheap. —The latest fad is the conundrum sapper. You are Required to guess what you are eating. —Ex. —Dairymen are being advised to sow a few acres in corn for fall feeding, also to buy their fresh cows now. —The Car Works Auditors have a ball team that have beaten the mer chants, lawyers and printers. —"A good way to strengthen the im agination is to acquire a piece of real es tate aud then offer it for sale." —A series of hail storms have Injured the crops of Berks and Lehigh coun ties Hail to the depth of from 5 to 8 inches fell last Saturday. —Hereafter young men and women caught swimming in the Slipperprock, near Muddy creek Falls, will be arrest ed—particularly on Snnday. —Butlejr, West Sunbury, Farming ton and perhaps other towns in the county that we have not heard of, will have 4th of Jnly celebrations. —Last Thursday and Friday were the longest days of the year, and if you planted yoar cucumber seed on those day no matter what variety of seed, the product Is liable to be a foot long. —A fifty-eight pound sturgeon was qtaght in the river at Allegheny last diturday The stnrgeon comes up from the sea and has been caught in the Allegheny as far north as the month of Clarion. --All the bids handed in at Council ' meeting, last Thursday night, for pav ing certain street", were too high. * Council "smelted a mice," and rejected tbem nil, and directed the secretary to re-advertise —A woman who was a party to a marriage license issued last week in Franklin has 'ho record for short wid owhood. Her hnsband died the first week in June and her second license was taken out just ten days later. --The secretaries of the different School Boards of the county can secure ' the lists of school children of the coun ty, for conpulsory attendance in their district* at the office of the Connty Commissioners any time they call , Spontaneous combustion caused a fire in a stable stored full of rdgs belong -1 itig t > MUX Zief, a junk dealer on Fair ground Ave., Monday evening. Water had leaked through the roof into the rags. Zief stated his loss would amount to <9OOO. ' -*-A remarkable cure of rheumatism is reported from New Castle, and is said to have resulted from a thunderbolt. Win. I'attoti wan suffering In bed when Mis home wax struck by iightning. He was so severely stunned that be lay nn conscious five hours. Later hie rheu matin in to disappear and he has entirely recovered. PERSON" A Jj King Kelly konldn't knrn Elmer Timblin of Concord was a I ri day visitor. Mrs. Cal Logan of Jefferson twp. was i in town, Friday. President Roosevelt has announced his intention of going to Panama, next fall. Dr. Boyle purchased the Dr. Bricker property on N. McKean St , last week, for s*ooo. D. L. Hutchison and wife of Wash ington twp. did some shopping in But ler, Friday E. B. Lyon and sister of L.as Cruets new Mexico, are visiting relatives in this connty. Thomas Lvon. wife and daughter vis ited Mrs. Lyon's folks in Brady's Bend, over Sunday. Rev. Ferguson has been nominated for Congress by the Prohibs of Law rence county. Carl Cronenwett s children are afflict ed with diptheria. and his wife has a sprained ankle. Reuben Shanor of Prospect was in town, last week, and sonic one mistook him for Greely. Geo, Hays of Duquesne Heights, for merly of Middlesex twp. visited rela tives in Butler, last week. Mrs Julia Strong of Cincinnati has been the gue?t of her mother, Mrs. Louis Stein, for sometime. Dr. J. C. Foster, osteopath, has as<*>- ciated himself with hi 3 mother, Dr. Julia A Foster, in practice. Misses Mary Miller and May McCon nell were delegates to the Sunday School convention at Harmony, tms week. Mrs. Alfred Aggas is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pollock of Centre twp. Mrs. Aggas has returned from a tiJD to the west. Rev. Adam Schweinsburg of Wheel ing visited his mother in Centre twp., over Snnday. He attended Synod at Erie, last week. Mrs. Geo. A. Hile and Mrs Wm Patterson of Karns City, and Mis 3 Cora Kiefer of Kaylor did some shopping in Butler, Tuesday. W. H. Larkin is tearing down the old Donaghy- Wilson-Mitchell house on N. Main St.. preparatory to building a modern mansion. Benjamin Hockenberry of Cherry twp. visited his daughters. Mrs. Dickey and Mrs. Bell in Butler, yesterdny, and took in the picnic. Senator Morgan of Alabama was 83 years of age. last Wednesday, and ad dressed the Select Bunch in favor of a gea-level canal, that day. H. H. Halstead and John B. Cunning ham of Clinton twp., and Mrs. Harvey, a daughter of Mr. Cunningham were In town on business, Monday. Eph Campbell of Bntler. son of Hovey Campbell, dee'd, lately graduated from a Philadelphia Medical College, and will locate in a western town. Mrs. Julian Clark and daughter. Mar garet, and son, Edwin, had a delightful time one day last week at the houie of Mrs. Alex Pollock of Centre twp. Miss Maude Hays and Dr. J. V. Cowden were married at the bride s home, yesterday noon, and left that evening for an extended wedding trip. Joseph Franklin's mansion at the cor ner of E. Penn and Elm Sts., is one of the grandest in Bntler. If you haven t seen it you want to walk over that way. Archie Davidson became Tax Collec tor of Butler, last week, and will con tinue in the office in the Odd Fellows building, with Ed McShane as assis tant. Park Brymer is visiting friends in Butler, and has an arm oft. He lost, it by an accident in the yards at Jersey City, last month, and now has a job in the office. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Johnston of Ziegler Ave. are rejoicing over their first born, which arrived last week.and Davis Smith is duly proud of being a great-grandpapa. Frederick Ebert of Clinton twp., near Saxonburg, has not been in the best of health for a year or two, but he is get : ting better and we hope to again see his honest face soon Mary Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Miller, very pleasantly entertained a number of her young friends with a party at her home on Franklin St., Monday evening Mr. Van Rehan of Cape Town, South Africa, visited Chas. Trontman over Sunday. He and Troutmau were class mates at Lehigh University, and be in tends remaining in this countrv. Miss Edna Caldwell, daughter of Thomas Caldwell of Concord twp. re turned from a visit with friends in Grove City, Monday. Her brother, Paul, finished a term at the college there, lately, and returned home with her. James Hasten Hyde, of life insurance fame, is said to be looking around for a French castle to buy as his residence for the rest of his life This may ere ate a new point of travel a place where American policyholders can ob serve the investment of their savings. The Butler Public Library has add ed another lot of Interesting liooks to the catalogue. These will be of facial intercut to the your.g people. —Two hundred people were present at the Emery Pizor reunion at J. A. Vojan's last week. Their next reunion will beat J. H. Emery's, near Harlans burg. —White-grass t»ummer hats, -wrnmon ly called Panamas, are selling In our stores at $5 each; arid they are tt very good Imitation of the genuine Panamas, which are said to l>e woven under water on the isthmus and sell at from $25 to SIOO each. —When it comes to figures that are away up you may depend npon a Butlu; bank being in it. The figures in the statement of the Bntler County Nation al Bank in this issue go beyond the three million mark—the highest in the history of any Butler connty financial institution. —The Freeport Journal says there is a new bird In that neck of woods this year. "It is just the size and form of the robin, has a rich seal brown back and wings, is black and white flecked on the breast, and seems to want to be friendly. It hops around the lot look ing for worms within a few feet of the man with the hoe It probably belong* to the thrash family, but Is a stranger in this locality." --The New Nixon hotel has been completed by the contractors and is now being furnished. The second story is being fnrnishe:l in red, the third In green and the fourth in brown. All the rooms are In suites, with a bath and a telephone for each. They are very pretty and up to date In every re spect. The first floor will be occupied by the office and dining rooms. The roof garden is reached by the elevator, and will be a novelty for Bntler —The Thaw family at t'lttsonrg are having lots of trouble. Their East End. Pittsbnrg, home was lately rob bed of silver-plate, jewels aud presents valued at $60.000; and the son who mar ried a pretty chorns girl some time ago, jhot, and killed an old lover at hern, a , New York clubman and millionare. at I a roof-garden entertainment, last Mon : day night, and is now in jail. The af . fair reminded New Yorkers of the I Flak-Stokes affair of SO yean ago. LEGAL NEWS. NEW StTTS. E E. Abrams and C. N. Boyd vs Anna D. and Wm. A. LOWTV, ejectment to settle boundary line between prop erties on East Diamond. Ann E. Christy vs Mina and George Fredley, summons in trespass. J. M. Yogeley vs Jacob Hetzel eject ment for a frame meat market building on Locust St Hetzel failed to pay rent as tenant, end confessed judgment for the premises. A 1 Zeigler vs Gilbert Hook.-, trespa.-* for SIO,OOO for damages for f-lander. Zeigler is a hardware merchant in Mars and was formerly school director. He alleges that Hooks said ' A 1 Zeigler stole enough money from the Mars School Board to build his brick building, and I can prove it."' J. H. Stone vs W. -T. Burke, assump sit for $50<172. Stone states that while he was living at Warren, 0., Burke in duced him to move to the latter's farm near Calleiy, promising him a long term of years, and to pay his freight ex pense of removal and other items Stone alleges a preliminary agreement was signed and afterwards Burke pre pared another agreement calling for a one-year term which Stone signed with out reading or understanding. He w;i>- warned off by Burke prior to Jan. 1. 190 C, and now sues for breach of con tract. >OTES. When ci'minal court cpened in Kit tannin;.'. last Friday, a sealed verdict retui Jed by a juiy late Thursday night was opened and it was found that C. W. Baumgardner. a Pennsylvania rail road detective, and County Detective N. K. Coller had been found guilty of as sault and battely and aggravated as sault and batter}-. This is the sequel to the Leechburg muddle, which has long been dragging through the courts. Ira Butler, a Leechburg furniture dealer, was charged with mutilating a com petitor's goods. Baumgardner beinsr the prosecutor. At the late session of court Ex-Sheilff J. S. Gallaher was found guilty of influencing that grand jury in favor of Butler: Butler himself has been found guilty of the offense and now Baumgardner and Coller have been convicted of assaulting Butler while ar resting him In the U. S. District Qourt in Kansas City, last Friday, the four big meat packing companies of that town and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company were sentenced to pay a fine of $13,000 each for violation of the Federal law against taking and giving rebates. At the same time a New York broker and his clerk were sentenced to pay considerable fines and to brief im prisonmeot for securing rebates. The cases will be appealed to the higher courts, but Judge Mcpherson did his part toward making the law as it stands respected. The officers of the defend ant corporations should, also, have been sentenced to imprisonment.- This de fect. in the law should be cured by the present Congress before it adjourns. Fines, however large, will not prevent great corporations from breaking the law if they can greatly profit by ao do ing, but imprisonment of their officials would act as a general deterrent. The jury in the case of Jos. Eskovitz. charged with false pretense, returned a verdict of not guilty. A plea of nol pros was entered in the case of Maurice Pollock, selling liquor without license, on payment of the costs by the defendant. The last case tried in criminal court wa« that of the Standard Brewing Co. of New Castle, selling liquor without license. The Brewing Co. had been operating in Lyndora through an agent. Friday afternoon the jury returned a verdict of not gui lty, but pay the costs. Monday was divorce day in Couit and the following were heard and granted: Maggie S. Morrison froin Van Kirk Mor rison, Nannie E. Mortimer from Ww. S. Mortimer, Nellie Osenbaugh from Elmer Osenbaugh, Ernestine Uaer from August Baer, Peter Grillo from Maiy Grillo, Maud Hepler from Edgar L. Hepler and Eleanor Stephens from Al beit Stephens. James Milliron has been appointed constable of Winfield twp. vice Wm. J. Watson, resigned. The will of August Stice, dee d, of Clinton twp. has been probated. The estate goes to his wife for life, with re mainder to his sister, Eleanor Jacobs. Henry Halstead and J. B. Cunningham are the executor* A St. Louis court has decided that goods brought from a trust need notibe paid for, the obligation being placed in the same category as a gambling debt In common pleas couit at Toledo, 0.. Monday, Judge Kinkade imposed the maximum sentence of 45,000 fine and one year in the workhouse on five ice men guilty of conspiracy in restraint of trade. The five men, all of them prom inent in business and social circles, were taken to the county jail to await the making out of the necessary papers to commit them to the workhouse. C. F. Keister ban filed a caveat against tl;e probate of the will of his wife, Nellie B. Keister. No cause for the protest is set forth. The charter of the Pittsburg Hickson Furniture Co. was filed in the Recorders oflice, yesterday The capital stock of the company is SBOO,OOO, at fl<>o a share. Toney Cherry, a native of Italy, and Alphonse Lajliberinont, a native of Belgium, were naturalised, yesterday. Morris Kohn, a native of Germany, has filed his first papers for naturaliza tion. A mortgage given by the Pittsburg, -Harmony, Butler and New Castle Rail way (Jo. to the Union Trust Co. of Pitts burg for $1,500,000 has been recorded. Henry Hale, colored, has been charged with surety of the peace by Goldio Black. Charles Kabior, John Lokotis, James Creapo. William Mehazcnk and Morris Pollak were sworn in as citiaens of the United Stateu, Tuesday. A divorce was granted to Jennie Wright from Charles Wright. Harry B. Cooper, ex'r, of Sarah B. Stephenson, deed, has been granted leave to make sale of land in franklin twp. l-UOt'KKTY TRANSFERS. It A Marks, adm'r, to Samuel L Jack son lot on Three Degree Koad for $750. Jackson E Ebert to Jacob A Harmon lot in Butler twp. for SBSO. Mary Kleinfelter to Anthony Scljaef fer int. in lot in Harmony for $100; also to Frank Schaeffer Int. in lot in Jackson iwt). for #l5O. ]< B Denman to John T Elliott lot in Butler for S2OOO. Henry DeWolfe to Elizabeth Witte 28 acres in Winfield for $ . Butler Laud and Imp. Co. to Maiia Kirchner lot at East Butler for $58.50. McCurdy Bricker to Kathleen M Boyle lot on N. McKean St. SBOOO. SStauffer to Flora C Chtilfant lot in Haimony for 4'j"jo. Jacob to 15 L (ioehring H ucreu in Cranberry for $4500. John P Castor to Jas IS Mayer, 72 acres in Worth for SB2OO. Margaret A Snitzel to Mark G Hibbs. 1 acre in Jackson for S3OOO. Lulu C Long to James O Long, 11 acres in Franklin for SBSO. Etta M Dietrich to John itauschen berger, lot in Butler for $llOO. M L Starr to Charles A Hawk, lot <n Butler twp. for Carey LbaCJt-r to lamea Kildoo, 28 acres in Brady for t?75. Clerk of Courts to J It Henuinger, 01 acres in Muddycreek for SBOO. Lillie C Blair to W J Ekis, 30 acres in Buffalo for SOOO. E L Kalston to Lottie C Znver, lot in Butler for SIOOO Julia Vcge.ey k» \y a 'thorn, lot in butler for $2280. Ira McJunkin to P B & L E It It, lot in Butler twp. for SBOO. Jane Parkins to Tracy Denhnlm, Pittsburg, lot in Butle« for s'(2oo. Mary A McDowell to Mary C < >'Bri" u, lot in Butler for Aloyituw to same. lot in Butler for S2BOO. W E Cochran to Mrs. Laura E Bow ! ers lot on W Penn St for SOOO. j M J IjOgtie to Mary Logue 05 acres in Clearfield for if I'SKI 11 A P McKee, ex'r,. to Jas It Kiskaddon ! 05 acres in Allegheny for SI7OO. ! Sheriff Campbell to H L George 102 ! acres in Jefferson for SJ4OO. • Cottage Hill Land Co to Gilbert Les ! ter lot in Butler for $l2O. I Geo Knauff, ex'r, to Robt Beers 89 i ncres in Cranberry for SIBOO. i " Marriage J^icenscs. John C. T'>y Mars ; Carolyn N. Black Slipperyrock ' Edward McFadden East Pittsburg I Edna Shronp Jefferson twp | Oliver Wm. Robb Rock Island 111 ; Corn Emeline McClnre Prospect ■ Alva Ralya Hooker i Bessie Mav Br"wn Karns Cltv James Besaut Butler Emma D. Waliey " j John Leyland Butler i Stella Hollabanzh " i ' Michael R Nash SharpsbnrK I Elizabeth L Killian Bntler George E. Faulk Bntler Pearl C. Stear Punxsutawney Ralph M. Maitland Glade Run Mary Cappeau Reibold Clifford A Hoon Butler Gertrude A. Keck C. H. Foster Sarversville Maude A. Walter W. J. Greenert Butler Ella Widenhofer ....Herman John F. Pickard Karns City Bertha E. Mortimer William H Witte Carbon Black Louise Freebling George N. Morris Carbon Black Laura F. lindiger Saxonbnrg John Victor Cowden. Butler Maud B. Hays W. C. Muesrush McßriJe Mary A. Bvera Boydstown Joseph Krab Forestville Mollie Hughes George W. Work Cbicora BlancheM. Shook Fred P. Bubak Butler Erma F. Wilson Dayton, O. John S. Kearney Braddock Marie Turgeon Butler C. L. Chambers Parkers Landing Ida L. Hogan Allegheny, Pa At Pittsburg -James H. Adams and Gussie Horning of Bntler Junction. At Franklin —John M. Dnnlap of Butler and Sadie Bailey of Harrisville. At Mercer—W. V. Tribby of Butler and Bessie Boyd of Clarks Mills: Wm. J. Hinkson of Keister and Selma Staub of Meadville; W. J. McCurdy and Laura King of Worth; Arnold Bowser of Bntler and Minnie Unangst of Hil liard. "Wanted immediately, 200 laborers and teamsters: wages $2 per day; apply to D. E. Brown, The Hollenden." In blissful unconsciousness of the foregoing ad, that appeared in the Cleveland newspapers, Brown, assistant superintendent ot the Crucible Steel Company in Pittsburg, opened the door of parlor J in the Hollenden at 7 o'clock Friday morning in response to a rap and was greeted by a delegation of teamsters, who wanted work. He dis missed them by saying there must be a mistake, but when he went down stairs for breakfast bp was stormed by 200, all seeking employment. Packing his goods he and bis better half fled from the hotel and city. Brown was married in Sewickly, Pa., Thurs day and his friends inseited the "ad" to have some fun. Hays-Cowden. One of the prettiest home weddings that has taken place in Butler for many a year was that of Miss Maude, daugh ter of Captain Thos. Hays, and Dr. Jno. V. Cowden of Butler. The bride was at tended by a number of friends. Dr. Ketler presided,a nephew of the groom. John \ ictor Cowden, was ring-bearer, the ling ceremony of the Episcopal church was used, the bride and groom knelt on cushions during the ceremony. An elegant wedding breakfast followed and the happy couple left that evening on a wedding trip, after which they will be at home at 325 S. McKoan St. —The chances are that the proposed changes to the Court House will go over till next Spiing. —Butler beat Cumberland 10 to 1 at Ommcsut Lake yesterday and leads the P. O. M. league again. —Our Catholic friends and neighbors fed about two-thousand j>eople, at the Park', yesterday, and fed them well. W. O. W. I'icnlc. Keystone Camp will hold their annual outing at Erie, Juiy IJ, at the beauti ful Waldamere. Train leaves B. & O, station at 7 a.m. Fare, including car fare to park, $1.50, children 75e. Reduced rates on all en tertainments at Park to all Woodmen and their friends. Come along and en joy the day with the Choppers on the shore of beautiful Lake Eiie. BITLEU MARKETS. Our grocers are paying ,foy— Apples 1 75 Freah eggu 17 Butter 15 Potatoes 05-70 Chickens, dressed 10 18 Turkey, dressed 22 Navy beans, bu 81 85 Onions, bu 1H) Honey per lb lii Dried App10a...... ..... ! 8 Turniiia, f>er bu... 40 Parsnips, per bu 75 Beets per do* bunches 80 ItlU IIUTLKIt If AI It, August 21, 22, -.'{ and 24, I i> <) O. I'lciiles unci Reunions. Woodmen's annual picnic, at Erie, Thursday, July 12. July 17 to July 31. Y. M. C. A. boys tamp at Avonia, on Lake Erie. Oil Men's Association and National Transit employees, at Conneant Lake, July 20. Aug. 15—Masons at Conneaut Lake. ALL FOR A NicKKL. Anyone who fails to get a copy of Ti.e Pittsburg Dispatch ne .t Sunday, July I, will a rare treat. Everyone »nows The Dispatch Is the "best al ways," but there are some reasons why next Sunday s paper will eclipse any other paper in this or any other ter ritory. First, a beautiful picture, 10*15, worth framing and tit to adorn the wall of any room in any house, will be given absolutely free. Next Sunday's Dispatch will contain the first part of "The Lady Evelyn" by Max Pemberton—a novel of charming romance, lightning action, extraordi nary mystery. It cost $150,000 to secure the riu;ht to publish this novel and eleven others Isjfore they are published in book form. The Dispatch was suc cessful in securing the ught to publish them in its territory- oro. complete novel every moutL. The Four percent. Negotiable Certifi cates of Deposits issued by the Pitts burg Bank for Savings, of Pittsburg, Pa., are deservedly popular. The read ers of this paper having funds on hands aud desiring a safe and profitable in vestment for the same should write the hank for a free copy of their booklet— Certificates of Deposits. Mention this paper when writing. xOTIC'K TO TKXCIIEKS. The School Board of Concord twp. will meet to elect teachers, July 7th, at Hooker, at 1 o'clock p.m. Wages $lO per month. By order of Board. I. P. MunTtfA>.'l.. 1-ieu., Karns City, Pa. NOTICK. Whereas, my wife, Maiy A. Tiinbhn, j has left my home without auy cause • whatever. Ido hereby notify all per J sons not to furnish her any ov any goods, clothing o. credit on my ae touut, au i will pay no bills contracted by her. Kl.MKit J. TIMIJMN, Karns City. June 22, 1000. For Sulo. j Several desirable dwelling properties >1220 to SISOO in price «i. H. Wise;LEY, ! S. W Diamond, Butler. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Hetrick having been elected to the pastorate of Bethany Reformed chnrch will be installed, Snnday even ing at 7 :50. Preaching strvices in the 1 morning at 11. Member? and friends ! invited to be present at these services. Rev Hetrick is a jfraduate of Frank i lin and Marshall Seminary with the i class of 190f>. and cooies direct from ' school. The following statement was ismud liy Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, la?t . Friday: "The cardinal has received notification from Rone, through th e apostolic dele:rati3n. th»t the holy father ' has jfrant-'d a dit-pensatinn from abstir. , euce for Friday. Jrtne -9. the feast o:' 1 SS, Peter and Paul " i St. Patrick's Catholic church at Sugar ' Creek will on July 3 and 4 celebrate it centennial. The church is largely at tended by people living in Butler conn ty along the line of Armstrong county and th£ celebration will be most inter esting. Members of Knights of Malta listened to an appropriate fn& very eloquent ser mon by Rev. Nicholas in Grace Lnther an church, last Sunday evening. Com munion will bp held in that church nest Snnday Preparatory services Fridny evening an<l Saturday afternoon. At the annual convention of the Yonng People's Union of the Beaver Baptist Association, held at Prospect, lust Friday, the following officers were elected: President, Rev. D. Percy French. Sharpsville: vice president, L L. Tobin, New Brighton; secretary and tre;:surer. Miss Alma Broadhead. New Castle: member of executive committee. Rev. Purvis, Sharon The were elected officers of the Bible school: President. Rev J. R. Campbell. Beaver Falls: vice president, Professor .1 R. Sherrard, New Castle: secretary, Mrs. S. W. Crawford, Prospect; treasurer, Chester W. Hunt, Harlansbnrg. The twenty-ninth annual of the Bntler County Sabbatl. School Association met in Harmony and Zelienople Tuesday morning. Early in the morning the delegates commenced arriving and by the time the convention was called to order almost a hundred of them were in the Grace Reformed church of Harmony, where the first two sessions were held. Every delegation was met by the wide-awake reception committee who wore white caps and badges, and were escorted to the place of meeting. Nothing was left undone to make all feel welcome and soon, whatever natural feelings of backward ness there remained in the hearts of any delegates were banished. CLUB UAT I IS. We catvolnb the CITIZEN with the Pittsburg at §3.00 per year for the two; CITIZEX and Pitts burg Post for $3.25. Cash in advance. ALAMEDA PAKK. Summer Theatre. The show at the Park this week is immense. The balloon-man fiailed to arrive. NEXT WEEK. The LaMarrs, Spanish trapeze artists will give free exhibitions jytcli day at 3 and S p.m. The bill at the theatre in cludes, Chas. B. Lawler and daughters, singers; Tom Gilland, Finegan's friend: Feme, the Messenger Boy and his dog: and a good sketch team. FOURTH OF JULY. Agents of the Bessemer Railroad will sell excursion tickets July :ird and 4th, good returning the sth. at very low rates of fare. Special attractions at Exposition Park. Inquire of agents for rates and time of trains. BUYING WOOL. We are paying the highest price, in cash, for wool. Call at or address, KRUU'S MEAT MARKET, 107 South Main Street, Butler, JV $2.00 C'omicaut Lake un<l lle turn $2.00, Going Saturdays leaves Bntler 7 and 0:30 a m, or 3:20 p. m., returning leaves Exposition Park, Sunday 7 p m. or reg ular trains Monday. Painting and I'apcr-liangiiig. W. B. Scott, painter and paper-hanger, can lie found at 120 East (Quarry street. Conneaut Lake Week-end Ex cursions. Special train leaves Butler every Sat urday at 3:30 p. m , returning leaves Exposition Park every Sunday to Sept ember Dth inclusive at 7 p. m., arriving at Butler 0:15. Fare for round trip all trains Saturday returning Sunday or Monday $2.00. Connection made via Meadville with trolley 'ine to and from Saegertown and Cambridge Springs. —Money to loan on first mortgage, E. H. NEG LEY, Diamond. —Why is Newton "The Piano Man? See adv. duly 4tli Excursions. Excursion tickets will be sold at low rates of fare between all points on the Bessemer & Lake Erie R. It. and to points on connecting lines, July :!rd and 4th, good returning the stb. Inquire of agents for rates and time of trains. Spring Opening The first opening this spring of a bottle <>f onr own make IJeof, Iron and Wine will bring cheer to many families'. CLOSED IN THE HOUSE all winter you become listless an<l tired and have not the ambition for extra spring work. Our Beef, Iron and Wine Is the "Spring Tonic" that brings back red cheeks, red lips, new blood, new life. "Remember" we make our own, it is not shipped in. Every bottle guaranteed, your money back if it fails. Price 50c Pint. THE Crystal Pharmacy R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G,, BOTH PHONES, 106 N. Main St., Butler. Pa. W S. & E. WICK, iiiCA I<KKH IN Kuukl) and Worked 1 urubor of %!l Kinds Doorx, Hanh and MouldlriKN Oil Woll IUKH a Suoclalty. Ottioo auU Yard U (JuriQltiLrliarii and Monroe Htm near W«»t Penn Itapot, Ttr u'K PA |ft. R. Shan<?r, Fire and Life Insurance —ALSO— KKAIi KSTATK. Room 50b, Butler Connty National Bank Buildiug, Butler, Ft. r } Rubber Gloves S For 5 I Dainty Hands. ; | Some ladies think that as , / !>oon as they c;et married, au-1 / ? start in honsekeepitj}?. they x have to give ny trying to be \ j C sweet aud pretty and jnst as "S ; / charming as possible. \ ? Don't do it! You're mak- S \ ing a serious mistake. Yon \ | I can have jnst as dainty and ! \ prett}- hands aud nails as of \ j v yore, if you will wear Rubber J i Gloves when doing the work \ • / which soils the bands. S j / All sizt s, per pair, 75c. \ ; \ ll C. N. BOYD. ( DUGGIST, | BUTLER, PA. | f'M % : • ■ •. s! &-■ A. f COPYRI6MT Wedding and Commencement Presents are now in order. In onr stock of diamonds, watches, rings, brooches, cut glass, vases, decorated china, fancy clocks and a complete line of Sterling and Rodgers silverware. Prices right according to quality. We purchased a largo stock of diamonds before the recent advance which we are selling at less than the present market. We also sell- Pianos. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Snppliea. Washbnrn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Conrt Ho"* ri Noting ' lo Bridge Builders The Commissioners of Bntler conntv at their office in Butler, Pa., until July •5 at twelve o'clock noon, will receive sealed proposals for building the follow ing bridges: FIRST. McFann bridge over Glade Kan in Middlesex township. SECOND. Bonnie Brook bridge in Summit township. THIRD. Hilliard Bridge in Washing ton township. Bids will be received on steel super structure on each of the above bridges. Separate bids for the repairs of masou ary of the Bonnie Brook bridge; also new masonary for the McFann bridge. Plans and specifications are on file for all the above work and each bidder will be required to submit with his bid a certified check for ten per cent, of the amount of the same; otherwise bid will not be considered. Bids will also be received for rein forced concrete bridges having th<i same clear span, clear heighth and roadway. The successful bidder or bidders will be required to give bond equal to the amount of contract The Commissioners of Butler county reserve the right to reject any or all bids. WILLIAM SKIIIEHT, N. S. GROSSMAN, G. F. EASLEY, ATTEST: Commissioners. ROUT. K GROSSMAN, Clerk. hat ' you buy the jVIMPERIAI^ wm hat W Water, but the jHRt 1 I Imperial sheds I wear too. It over- I lasts s3'& worth. S This is the home of Knox r and Imperial hats. No other ' £ store in Bntler Co. has them. j) 4 Summer Shirts with separate 4 # and attached cuffs, and with r J collars "anil cuffs attached. 5 a Two hundred dozen Man 4 F liattan and Empire Stute J ? Shirts to select from j a Straw hats in all shapes in « J »;plit and sennit brands. jjno.S.Wickj J HATTER AND FOHNMHER, J J 341 S. Main St , i (J. Stein Building.) # Two Doors North of Willard Howl. | I have moved my deutal parlors lrom the Miller building to the second floor of the new Odd Fellows' Temple, where my pations and friends will be welcoux- Poso H BAYS. Doctor of Dentistry. ~ . ~ 1 I The Big I I i dissolution Sale! § ; Wc R ive you Mr warni^J|j| (§) y r | t: : • lin the mercantile history of (y) p: 1J •, -i° \ i I Butler county will come to a @ (|) I 1 C^°SC ° n Cyen " l ®' @ jij 1 man walking or ® I fj I' ■ ® f f '?| If if fe |||!j| I can afford to over look the @ ® | 1- yfi I Ij mamm °th offerings before the © @!jf- Jf ; ' Ij /| • li: I! closing of this sale. For the g Ideal Clothing and Hat Parlors! i CHARLES R. THOMPSON, PROP'R. I @ 228 South Main Street. © © P. S.—All clothing sold by us pressed and repaired free. ® (2X2X2X2X2X2) SKsXs) (§X§X°)(2X§X§)(§)©® nfRTTITTouN^ | SPRING MILLINERY DISPLAY } $ OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT j < lias been entirely re-arranged in our new store room. It S ? is larger, more roomy, light better and everything pos- ( ( sible has been provided to add to your comfort. S \ Now if you wish to see this alluring millinery, you must visit this department. ? / All are welcome. Our imported French model hats, as well as the fascinating J ) models created own workroom, embody in them all that is stylish, all that is C 1 new, all that is tftsty and becoming. Nothing we could say would make this f S splcndcd collection more attractive than it is. r MRS. L. M. YOUNG. | \ Opposite the "Bickel Building," 127 Main St. ) in Dollars isn't the first thinu to be considered in buying a piano. There is | more than just money value in musical quality. JT The BEHR Piano- I IVJn' would be a good investment at twice its cost. Real wear, worth. *1 vlr yy durability and distinctiveness, —these are essentially BEHR qualities. To be sure, call and examine. W. H/McC^-NDLESS, I L>-1522J u. P. 1). 45, Euclid, Pa. 27th 27th Semi- » 'f' M ffi Semi- Annual Annual Sacrifice Sacrifice ZIMMERMAN'S ANNOUNCE THEIR 27th Semi-Annual Sacrifice Sale For THURSDAY, JULY sth, and CONTINUING up until TUESDAY, JULY 10. Year after year these SACRIFICE SALES are eagerly looked forward to by hundreds of women who know from past experience the remarkable values that are offered at great money saving prices—they know the word SACRIFICE, when used here, is carried out to the fullest extent of the word. Every Depart ment included in this Sacrifice Sale. Our rule is never to carry over goods from one season to the next. If you need any article mentioned below there are two things to remember —first, all the goods offered in this sale are new, up-to-date styles—and second, that one dollar has the purchasing power of two during this Sacrifice Sale. w j • 5 Suits, Wraps, Skirts and Waists. 1 O / Wrappers, Kimonas artd Dressing Saques. II IL Misses and Children's Fine Hats and Millinery. Misses' and Children's Dresses, Capes, Underwear. Muslin and Knit Underwear, Hosiery, GloVes. Neckwear, Ribbons, Laces and Embroideries, Belts. Art Goods, Corsets. Handkerchiefs, Aprons. JULY s'to'loT Inclusive. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN.