Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 28, 1906, Image 2

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WILLIAM C. XEOLEV. - Publisher
THtrRSD-iY. JUNE 38, 1906 „
$1 M per year ia Advance. Otherwise Sl-50
Edwin S. Stoart.
Robert S. Mnrphy.
Robert K. Young.
Henry Hotick.
R. H. Pillow,
J. M. Dight,
Ira McJankin.
A. Dale Thome.
The greatest band of patriots this
world has ever seen were "kickers.'
The men who pledged "their lives,
x their fortnnes and their sacred honor *
tojstand together in an effort to redress
th««ir grievances were "kickers." They
the leaders of the English colonists
tftwng the Atlantic Coasts, and they
believed "that the emigrants to America
should enjoy the same privileges as if
they had remained, or had been bora,
within the realm." That sentence was
in all their charters; and James Otis, in
his speech in Boston in 1760 asserted
that "Taxation without representation
(in Parliament) is tyranny—a sentence
that became a watchword during the
exciting years that followed.
The "Stamp Act" came in 17G5, and
. delegates from nine of the colonies met
in New York and put np a "kick"
against it and "Sons of Liberty " asso
ciations were organized all through the
colonies. Then came the restrictions
to the trade of the colonies; the quarter
ing of troops in Boston andthe' 'massacre
of March 5, 1770; the destruction of tea
in Boston harbor, (Dec. 16, 1773); the
Boston port and other tyrannical bills;
the first "Continental Congress, " held
in Philadelphia in September 1774; the
"minute men" organizations; the Lex
ington and Concord affairs of April
1775; the assembling of armed men
•ronnd Boston; the battle of Bunker
(or Breeds) Hill in Jane 1775; the
wcond Continental Congress in Phila
delphia and the appointment of George
Washington to the supreme command,
the organization of an army, tbe attack
mi Boston ; and then that great event
which we celebrate «next week, the
signing of the "Declaration of Inde
depence," by the second Continental
Congress in Philadelphia, July 4tb,
1776— from which event dates the birth
of this Nation.
The war for Independence and against
the usurpation of the civil rights of the
colonists, was practically ended at'
Yorktown, Virginia, on Oct. 19, 1781,
by the surrender of Cornwallis; though
the treaty of peace was not signed (at
Paris)-and the British army did not evac
uate New York until Nov. 1782. Then
the American army was disbanded;
Washington resigned his commission,
and the colonies continued for some
years under the "Articles of Confedera
tion," adopted in 1777, But these prov
ing unsatisfactory a constitutional con
vention was called to meet in Philadel
pbia. May 1887. and after a long dis
cn«iion,the delegates adopted the present
Constitution, the following September.
■»)" Wig twenaoun re
this continent, the inventive
grains and energy of its people; the pro
tection of our industries and above all
our system of popular government, this
Nation has conquered all obstacles to
its progress and has prospered above
•nd beyond all others of this earth and
It is but fitting that we should heartily
celebrate its natal day—the 4th of July.
But it is now«and let us hope it ever
Will be, ready to put up a "kick,"
against all perversions of its best
(such as it is now doing)
•gainst the absorption of its wealth by
the favored few) in order that govern
ment of, by and for the people may not
perish from the face of the Earth.
The Senate followed the House, last
Thursday, and declared for a Lock
Canal, and its "cut loose, now, and dig."
The highest lock will be 85 feet above
To a Senator who brought him the
news of the vote President Boosevelt
said that as soon as officially notified he
would issue orders to "cut loose and
dig dirt."
The bill was passed by a majority of
only five votes, the result being 31 to 310
intfavor of the lock canal.
The Senate and House conferees on
the railroad rate bill deadlocked, lost
week, over the pipe line provision.
Senator Tillman and Representative
Richardson, the Democratic members
of the conference committee, would not
consent to the striking out of the pro
vision nor to a change in it which will
parmit pipe lines to carry their own
|§ . products.
Senator Cullom, of Illinois, one of the
Bepublican conferees, stands with Till
man and Richardson on this question.
The House, on Saturday, passed the
conference report on the rate bill by a
vote of 210 to 4.
At Harrisburg, yesterday, the Demo
cratic State Convention nominated
Lewis Emery, Jr., of McKean county,
for Governor; Jeremiah S. Black, of
York county, for Lieutenant Governor;
William T. Creasy, of Columbia coun
ty. for Auditor General; John J. Green,
of Philadelphia connty, for Secretary of
Internal Affairs.
The fight was on Governor and the
Emery men won out by a vote of 201 to
60 over DeWalt. Jno. J. Green is a
Philadelphia lawyer and Deuncrat
The Democratic Connty Committee
of Westmoreland Co. nataed Silas A.
Kline of Greensbnrg, for Congress, lust
A TT. S. Circuit Judge covers a larger
territory and receives a larger salary
than aU. 8. District Judge. Judge
Afifeeson's death makes a vacancy that
it is proposed to fill by promoting Judge
Bufßngton; and in that case an efTort
Will be made to secure the vacant
distrfct Judgeship for H. 11. Goucher,
of Butler.
Thk Committee of the Russian
Drama, found that the late massacres
of Jews at Bialystok aud other towns
was inspired by the Grand Ducal or re
actionary party, and were winked at by
the police* and local authorities. The
massacres arrested negotiations between
Great Britian and Russia on Eastern
affairs, and have had a bad effect on
Russian finances. The Czar may yet
be compelled to cast his lot with the
The 4th-of-July program for Bntler,
this year, as has been the custom for (
the past few years is in charge of the j
Fire Department, and is their annual
"benefit." As the department is entire
; ly a volunteer one (and very efficient at
j that) it deserves all the patronage we
i can give it.
j The day will be ushered in by a pa- .
« rade of the entire department, with all
i the equipment and plenty of music. :
j The parade will start at 10 o'clock from
the Centre Ave. school house and the i
line up will be as follows:—Escort of
Fire Police; Sixteenth Regiment Baud;!
First Ward Hose Co.. Good Will Hose.
Co., Renfrew Brass Band, South Side
Hose Co., J. S. Campbell Hose Co., Col. j
Neal Band, Rescue Hook and Ladder
Co , East End Hose Co.. the route will
be west to Wayne, Wayne to Main,
Main north to Fnlton, Fulton east to
McKean, McKean south to Cunning
ham, Cunningham west to Main and
There will be band concerts in vari
ons parts of the town, both before and
after the parade.
There will be amusements galore at
the Park, band concerts, dancing after
noon and evening, etc. in addition to
the usual attractions there; the engage
ment for the Summer Theatre for that
week being exceptionally strong.
In the evening there will be a grand
SBOO display of fire works at the Park.
The program consisting of 33 numbers
—contains many fine displays or set
Come to Butler for the Fourth. A
good time promised to all.
Work on New Eine.
Work is soon to be begun on the Pitts
burg, Harmony, Butler and New Castle
railway, which will connect Pittsburg
with New Castle and Butler by prac
tically a direct route. Within two
weeks contracts for the construction of
the road will be let It is expected to
have tbe line completed within a year.
The new line will have two franchises,
one from Evans City to Butler and the
other from Evans City to New Castle.
Tbe entire distance is 70 miles. Cars
will be run into Pittsburg over the
tracks of the Pittsburg Railways Co.
The Pittsburg of the road will
be at Liberty avenue and Sixth street.
The road will follow piivate right of
way nearly the entire distance. R. H.
Boggs is president of the company The
cost of the road is estimated at.
$2,500,000. Post 23d.
After Big IFisli.
A dispatch from Philadelphia, to tbe
Pittsburg Dispatch says that city "is to
be the scene of the first great prosecu
tions to be brought by the Government
against the Pennsylvania railroad and
the Standard Oil Company. United
States District Attorney Thompson will
conduct the cases, arrangements for
which will be completed this week at a
conference between Alexanderpimpson,
Jr., and Charles E. Hughes.
The one great question under con
sideration is that of the advisability of
individual prosecutions against A. J.
Cassatt, President of Pennsylvania.
By both the commissioners and special
counsel appointed by the Attorney Gen
eral to follow tbe testimony and prepare
prosecutions it is believed that more
good can be accomplished by centering
the prosecution upon Mr. Cassatt than
by scattering their energies over prose
cutions of the presidents of all railroads
concerned, most of which are directly
or indirectly controlled by the Pcnn
i sylvania.
Although Mr. Simpson and Mr.
Hnghes were the lawyers especially ap
pointed to report upon prosecutions, it
is understood they have the consent of
tbe Government to associate with them
selves other counsel as they see fit and
when the first of the prosecutions is
called William A. Glasgow, Jr.. who
has conducted tbe probing for the Inter-
State Commissioners, will be found
ranked with the prosecution
District Attorney Thompson has been
advised by the Attorney General to pre
pare for the prosecutions of the Penn
sylvania railroad; lawyers are working
night and day making plans for a de
fense from what the revelations already
made show will be the strongest anti
trust attack ever made in American
courts. /
The charge to be made by the Gov
eminent will IKS that of conspiracy. This
is ordinarily a hard charge to prove,
but the lawyers believe that facts have
been brought out in the investigation of
the dealings lietween the railroads, the
Standard Gil Company and certain
| favored coal companies which can be
explained only upon the grounds of a
private understanding.
Moreover, the charge of conspiracy,
if proved, carries with it imprisonment
as punishment, and President Roosevelt
has made it clear to the prosecuting
lawyers that, in his opinion, the public
will have more respect for the sincerity
of a prosecution thus directed than in
one which results only in fines against
the richest corporations in the world."
The Gullugln'r Ca»<\
The Kittanning Times of last week
•'Fifteen minutes after the jury in thi
case of Com. vs James S Gallagher,
charged with embracery by Detective
Baumgardner of the West Penn road,
retired from the court room Tuesday
afternoon for the consideration of the
eviaence, a verdict was reached, but as
court had adjourned with their retire
ment, the verdict was sealed up aud de
livered when the session opened Wed
The court room was about half filled
when the jury Hied in aud when Clerk
Williams read "gentlemen of the jury
liarken to your verdict, that you find
the defendant, Jas. S. Gallagher, guilty
in manner and form as indicted," the
deepest silence prevailed.
The defendant was not present when
the verdict was read", but later in the
morning it was learned from one of his
attorneys that a motion for a new trial
will be made at once. The penalty pro
vided by law for embraoery is a fine not
exceeding SBOO or a term ot imprison
ment not exceeding one year, or either
or both.
All the testimony in the case was in
shortly after i o'clock, Tuesday, and the
jury went ont about an hour later The
attendance at the case was much larger
than usnal and a great deal of interest
was manifested in the proceedings "
Commenting on the Thaw and
Hartje scandals, the Dispatch says:
"Undoubtedly modern social opinion
tends too much in the direction of uiak
ing wealth the measure of success in
life. But do not such things as these
show the hollowness of that standard?
What are riches, luxury, glitter and
prominence compared with integrity,
industry, affection and conscientious
performance of duty ? On which side
is real happiness in this world? Which
furnishes th« most comforting retro
spect for one who uaiint contemplate the
passage from this life to a succeeding
existence? Let this not be understood
as impugning wealth as a clasu. The
rich circles of Pittsburg as a whole
represent good citizenship, domestic
viitne and little assumption on account
of their fortune. Hut such things as
these must bring the lesson home to
every thoughtful mind that great
wealth alone Is the poor, it thing in life,
since it cannot buy any of the things
really worth having.
Thk U. S. Steel Corporation has
has taken alarm at the Universal Graft
Ing in this United Htat.s and has sent
out an order to its vast army of em
ployes forbidding any officer or employe
of any company owned or controlled by
the steel corporation, under pain of in
slant dismissal, to accept any present,
whether it be for Christmas, a wedding,
a birthday or any other pretext, coming
from any person or corporation doing
business with subsidiary companies of
the corporation or the corporation Itself.
THE World's supply of gold is said to
be steadily increaslrig, while the price
of silver Is on the Increase.
Mutinies in the Russian Army ami j
Navy foretell the end of the present
Mrs. Kelly of Jefferson twp., widow
of David Kelly, dee d, and now a very
old lady, had another bad fall a few
dnys ago.
A son of Harry Srnlovitz, aged nine
years, was drowned in the creek, near
"the lead works, last Thursday.
Joseph Kelly, said to reside in Butler,
was struck and robbed on Water St.,
Pittsburg, last Thursday, but not seri
ously injured.
Rev. Kiipatrick of Valencia met with
a painful accident a few days ago. He
fell from a cherry tree in bis vard,
breaking several ribs and making an
ugly wound on the head.
Charles King, a coal miner of Karns
City, was crushed to death by a fall of
slate in the Sherwin mine oh Wednes
day, the 20th. He was years of age,
leaves a wife and one child, and was
buried at the Hemphill cemetery near
Millerstown. Edward McLean of
Karns City who was hurt at same time
will recover.
Orin Douthett, formerly of Evans
City, had a foot so badly injured, at the
National Bridge Works in Beaver Falls,
lately, that it had to be amputated.
John Bayei of Franklin St. had a fin
ger cut off at the Purvis planing mill,
Wm. B. Thorn and family of Walnut
St. were the victims of a runaway, on
the road near Saxonbnrg. last Sunday.
While going down hill the harness
broke and crowded the horse, which
started off at full speed, and a tilt to
one side threw iir. Thorn out upon tbe
road and made him unconscious. The
borse continued to run. and began kick
ing, and Mrs. Tbom dropped the baby
upon a clump of grass and was prepar
ing to jump when horse and buggy
separated. She walked back and pick
ed up her baby, and saw her husband
approaching. They were all bruised
but not seriously injured, and returned
to Butler in another rig.
Tom Frazier and Lev McQuistion had
a close call on the hill south of town,
the other day. Their hoise ran away
and both men jumped and Tom was
badly braised.
A valuable horse belonging to ex-
Sheriff Gibson was struck and killed at
tbe Centre Ave. crossing by a "Bessie'
engine, Monday evening. E. E. Lantz
and Clark Nicholas saved themselves
by jumping from the buggy.
W. S. Hoabling had a leg broken fit
the Car Works, Tuesday night.
James L. Branson, the inventor of the
knitting machine which bears his name,
was found dead in the stable attached
to his residence at Doylestown, Pa.,
some time ago. having been killed in
some manner by a horse. His knitting
machine was invented during the civil
war. and is said to have yielded him a
profit of #60,000 in three, months.
Monday morning word was received
in Franklin by relatives that James
Higgins had been killed by falling, from
a third-story window of the Hotel Rider
at Cambridge Springs sometime Sunday
night Mr. Higgins, who was 49 years
of age, bad been employed as barber at
the hotel for the past six weeks, and oc
cupied a room on the third floor. It is
believed that, at the time of the acci
dent, he was sitting on the windowsill
taking off his shoes, and that he leaned
back against the screen, which gave
way, precipitating him to the ground.
The screen was found broken through.
James Higgins, son of the late Edward
Higgins, was born in Butler county;
came to Franklin when a young man,
and spent the greater part of his life
here. He was doing finely at Cam
bridge Springs and well satisfied with
his job there.—Spectator.
Miss Martha Nightwine of Grove
City, aged 28 years, died last Saturday,
after more than seven months of intense
suffering, the result of an Resident in
the Montgomery Broom works last fall.
She had been employed in the works
only a few days, and on the evening of
the third of November of last year when
preparing to return home at the close
of the day's work she stepped into an
elevator shaft in one of t lie bnildings,
not knowing that some of the employs
were running the (-levator up and down
the shaft in way of amusement. Just
as she entered tin- '•.haft the desceiuii"*-
C agc prnmr lwrr^i■ww**
floor beneath it. When she was remoy 1
ed and an examination of h>-r injuries |
made it was found that her backbone
had been dislocated, one rib broken and
one long crushed, l>esides numerous
other injuries of a less serious nature
inflicted. At the time it was thought
nhe could not survive for more than a
day or two, but the work of the destroy
ing angel was not completed until Sat
urday, when death came as a welcome
relief from the sufferings which it was
realized could be abated only by this
usually unwelcome guest. —Reporter.
THE Japs are whipping Koreans into
beinif good.
Ha imo a u favoritism reaches to all
sections and to all interests. In the
Senate, Monday, Senator La Follette's
resolution to have grain added to coal
and oil as subjects of inquiry by the
Inter-State Commerce Commission was
supported by definite statements that
certain railroad companies and owners
of elevators occu pied much the same
relationship shown to exist between
railroads aud coal companies.
Enough steel rails have been ordered
by the railroads of this country to build
a single track 27,9110 miles in length,
enough to girdle to girdle the globe and
have enough left for sidetracks and
spurs. (Figures compiled by statisticians
place the number of tons of steel rails
for delivery in 1906 at :j.800,000. The
official contracts for 1907 delivery total
609,680 tons, while unofficial contracts
for the same delivery account for 215,
000 tons additional.
Oil uiifl GAS NOU-K.
The Market. Remains atsMl4
Oakland Winona No, 1, on th<*
Goodgasell is reported at 40 bbls. Geihel
No. Kirk at 4">, No I! drilling.
Coylesville —Togo No Son the Logan
Is drilling. John <4regg has sold his in
terest in wells on the Dennis Mcßridt*
farm, to Ralph and Charles Gregg, and
11. L Ulnewall for £9OOO. The pro
duction of the company Is DO barrels.
llickey& Muntz's will on the Mi
chael Kramer was completed Tuesday
and started off at .'ls bbls. an hour. The
well on the Thomas Humes farm will
do about 25 bbls a day.
Conaoqatjnos ng The South Peuu's
well ojj ttie Andy Fehl lot, is the latest
surprise to bildoui. It was dtilled in
Monday morning, am! began flowing at
about a 26 bbl. an hour rate, but te xt
morning win reported at but 9 bbl*. the
hour aud yesterday it was doing but 5
bbls. the hour.
(School Notes.
The I'iVatis 0 ty School Board elected
Prof. B. H. ll irlwian of Chlcora,
Mayor Guthrie says that tin school <
teacher should be "free to teach ideim !
of right, justice and liberty, the high
ideals of life and devotion to law There j
U 11 sense of Injustice that cone < to trie :
when f tbinjc of public employ*.« being I
sent av/ay b-ygJue l J'ti r year <of ti- :
fulness In the public service simply l»:
cause so me political! Ims a whim h.
Wishes to gratify, or because lie bus i
friends he desires to place. Yon people ■
have power to rectify this matter, and I '
assure you there is no grtiit r work th- • j
can be done than that which I have nug j
gest. <!," and that school teachers should [
be placed under civil service rules
A S2OOO education is worth a lot more i
to any boy who has the stuff in him J
than a SBOOO farm or busiriesn And let j
us remember every boy or giil in our;
district fs as important to our Nation '
AS one of <mr own children and Is as j
worthy of public benefaction us our j
own. If we covet a g<s»l education for !
our own child we liruat in all honor and j
wisdom covet the same for our m fj;h j
bor's child. I write this because it
seems that sometimes misapprehension ;
arises in the minds of many concerning I
the state of affairs in our schools.
GRUVER—At his boms in Harmony. '
June 15, 1906, Joseph B. Graver, aged
GO years.
THOMPSON—At the National Home,
Fortress Monroe, .Tnne 10. lftOfi, S. S.
Thompson, formerly of Harmony.
SULLIVAN —At St. Froi-cis Hospital.
Pittsburg, .Tnne 26, Margaret, i
wife of John Sullivan of Butler. aged
35 years.
DUNBAR—At his home in Middlesex
township, Jnne 14, 1906, John C.
Dunbar. aged 52 years.
His death was caused by locomotor
ataxia, and he had been ailing for some
GANT—At her home in Bntler. June
31. 1906, Maude, daughter of Jas. FI.
Gant, aged 16 year.-.
MACKEY— At the home of her son'
Charles, in Franklin township, .June
Is 1906, Mr-. Mary Maekey, nee Mc-
Candless, in her Ssth year."
She is survived by one son, and two
daughters. Mrs. James Thompson of
Ceutre township is a daughter. Her
husband died fifteen years ago
| STICE—At his home in Clinton town
| ship. June 19, 1900, August '.Stiee,
aged 78 years. He is survived by his
FLEISHER—June 20, 190' i. inf.:nt
child of Fleisher of
Clinton twp.
GREEN —At tbe home of Thos.
Shnfll'n, .Tune 24. 1900. Mrs. Mary,
wife of Wm. H. Green, aged 83
years. She is survived by her
husband and two daughters.
BAUDER—At her home at Portersville,
June 22, 1906, Joanna Bander, nee
Pyle, wife of Henry Bander, aged
04 years.
Mis. Bander's death is reported to
have been caused by lockjaw, resulting
from an inflammation following the ap
plication of corn salve on her foot. She
is survived by her husband and the fol
lowing children: Mrs Harvey Marks of
Portersville, Mrs. Ella Ziegler, Mrs
Edna Diffenderfer of Wnrtenburg, and
Miss Clara at home Another daughter
Mins Maud Wimer, is deceased.
ROBIN'SON—At his home 111 Butler.
June 23, 1900, Thomas Robinson, in
his 81st year. ' •
Mr. Robinson was born in County
Armaugh. Ireland, July 4, 1825, and con
sequently would have been HI years of
aga next week. His death was caused
by pneumonia, followed by heart
failure and was rather sudden and un
His father came to this country when
he was ten years of age, and located in
Penn twp., this county.
He became active in politics while
yet young and in 1854 was appointed
clerk to the County Commissioners;
read law with G. W. Smith and was
admitted to the Bar in 1855, and was a
delegate «o the first Republican Con
vention, held in Pittsburg, a fact of
which he was very proud; served a term
in the State Legislature in the early
sixties, and in later years was State
Superintendent of Public Printing.
Ho married Anna E . daughter of Dr.
Eli G. DeWoll and to their union thir
teen children were born.
He is survived by his widow, four
sons, Eli D , George D.. Charles and
Thomas Robinson, Jr., and five
daughters. Misses Sallie A., Electa L.,
Adelaide, Arabella and Clara B. Robin
son. He was a member of the Meth
odist Episcopal church.
HAZLETT —At his Home in Petrolia,
Jnne 2t, 1908. Alejcar 1;r Ha/.l ;tt,
aged about 00 years.
MYERS—At her hom■: in twp.,
Jane 25, 1900, Mrs. Wm. J Meyers,
aged about 00 years.
EVANS—At his home in Butler, Juno
20, 1900, Joseph Eugeue, mof Peter
Evans, aged 2 years.
WESTERMAN -At 1h- home of her
sister, in Pittsburg, Jane 25, 1900.
Miss Sarah .1, Westorman, aged 58
She was a sister of Edward Wester
man of Sasonburg, and Mrs. E. E
Me.ul of Pittsburg.
MEEHAN—At his home in D - ilavi n„
.1 une',2s, 1906. Wm. W., son of Phiiip
Meehan, aged IS years
GROSSMAN At the home of his
datiKht' r, Mi.si M'lda Betliliy. in Al
legheny, Jnno 21, 1900, Simon Gro s
jjian, aged 81 years.
Mr. Grossman was a furuiur re sident
of Middletown, where he had a wagon
making shop. He was an old soldier,
his wife died ten years ago, and Mrs.
Bently is his sole survivor. He was
buried at Concord church, Tuesday.
PORTMAN At lis home in Summit
twp.,June 27, 1900, Joseph Portman,
aged 72 years.
KEISTER—At her mothers homo in
Brady township, June 19, 1000, Mrs
Nellie V. Keister of Prospect, aged
I years.
H»-r death was caused by typhoid.
John N. Eckerf died June 21st, liidfl.
He wah burn in Franklin county, Pli
lie was married to F ran ecu Morrison in
Heptember, l win. He leaves six
children, F. W., of Ro.se Point; Mrn. I'.
A. McCandl';»H, of liutler; Mrs. 11. .1.
Campbell. of Plane Grove; Mrn. H> v.
H. \V ilson, of Prospect and Mary A and
Alfred L., at home, near Rose Point.
Ufa wife died Februaty 20, lKli'.l, one
daughter, Hat ah, died Anoint 24, HO9,
another daughter, Miss Jennie L
Chatland, diea in New Castle. March
VI, H)0:s,
Judge Marcus W. Achcuon. ugod 74
yearn, died suddenly, at his houie in E.
15. Pittsburg, last Thursday. He was a
native of Washington county, was ad
mitted to the bar of that county In
iH.Yi. moved to Pittsburg same yi-ar,
and was appointed Judge of the 8.
Circuit Court of Western Pennsylvania
in |i"HO, and teappointed in IH'JI, and
stood high in lef>al circle.t.
Wui. Lavan, i Uessia conductor, died
at tin* Mercer Hospital, Tu id.iy, of
brain fever.
| Right Paint
i at the Start
l'ure White Lend and l'ure Lin-
I seed Oil should always be used for
I tin- first or priming coat. No oilier
' paint has Ilia same affinity for the
; irfru marrying and becoming a part
of the wood.
Yellow ochre, barytefi, line or an v other
substance than l'ure White I-ead falls to
i with the wood and serves only to
f'in'i a cushion, which will prevent even
run White Lead from attaching
it-.<-!f when finally applied.
S.tii- factory results can never £ % t 1
f u' iii il hit lonic an a surface /jJ ,f
i coated with u venerrinff (for (f J JIB
lill-.l I . .ill jt i») of VCIIOW yvl
| " bnrytth, sine, etc.
inith a foatlnj; is bound r
CO crumble, crack an<l
P> cl, and must be burned
or ::ijitd off, down to the inooil itsetf,
I" Tore a good job can bt: done—an ex
penMv® ptoccuti, and not without danger
of fire. ! e •
A house owner can scarcely make a
more costly mistake than to uie a substi
tute for Pure White I.ead in the priming
(oat. Avoid all risk by using
Puro Whltft Lo*d
(Mudo by Iho 01<1 JUuUU I'rocva*)
!l< ml for a booklet containing hnn<lnomr>
r«{« rod act loon «,f tctnil hoa—, vftluftbiit
•I stlortN f'.i ft Onlttr Mit&MUl In Mldtlflf JTUUI
Lou*;, A to*L tor l»ulnt purity i« tfivon.
Second National flank bldtf.. Pittflburtfli, I'a.
lor Sale by nil Ik-clerk.
I, '■ Mc.fONKIN. lif A Mc.Jl VHIN
h. 3 & CO.,
Insurance &• Real Estate
117 E- Jefferson St,,
QUTIyEH, - - - - PA
1 Butler County National Bank
J Statement of Condition at Close of Business Monday, June 18th, 1906. \
C Loans, s>2,o /0, 309.71 Capital, $ 300,000.00)
[ United Statee Bonds. 200,000.00 SurplM an | rofit3 407,059.82]
("oSSffiaS 203,518.83 circulation. 200,000.00
< Cash and duo 028,718.22 Deposits. 2,194,886.94]
S $3,102,546.76 #3,102,546.76 J
i INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS subject to withdrawal at any time WITHOUT NOTICE. (
CLi - I.I! P. HAZI.KIT, PIT . A. L REIBER, Vice Pres. T. P. MIFFMN. Vice Pres. J. V. RITTS, Vice Pres. J
/ JXO A. \[( MAR LIN, C.:.-hier. ALBERT C. Krcuu. Asst. Cashier. W S. BLAKSLEE, Asst. Cashier, i
Letters testamentary on th •• estate of
August Stice, dee'd., late of Clinton
town.-hi;>, Butler county. Pa., hal
ing been -iauted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any hav.ng claims
again-t said estate will present thein
duly authenticated for s-atlenient to
f,-2H Ofi Saxonbnrg. Pa
Letters tecaineutury on the > sta' of
Eli Patterson, dee'd, late of Clay twp.,
Bntlei Co., Pa . having been grant
ed the undersigned, nil persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment,
and any having.-claims against said
estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement to
K. F D. Euclid. Pa.
HARRY L. GRAHAM, Att'y. ii-21-oc
See t!ie Sign directy ■
Old Pos'toUice
TQSODI'J Vog.ley, Kj]
Real Estate and ■jHj
Insurance Agency, r%
li% S. Main St 13
It you have ■•■peny ■
to sell, trade, or rent t lim
or, want to buy or pprj
ftut call write or Byfl
List .sJiHcfi Uoor. Aoullcatlon
Gibson's Livery
(old fd -.y & Kennedy stand)
First-class horses and rigs
Excellent boarding accom
Good clean waiting room, and
Open day and night.
/ Kerr & Brown, i
? 212 S. Main St. >
f facmmvaamammmmmmmmmmmjmmaKma \
) New Drug Store £
S Now Open, ?
) vrjKnn&MHß* 11111 \tmtmm\immn ■wi 11 /
J All our drugs and med-
S icines new, fresh and :lean. r
I _ Our prescriptions are y
/ compounded by two regis - \
) tered pharmacists, Messrs .
}R. G. Kerr and J. A. /
c Weber y
✓ Handsomest soda foun- s
) tain and best fruit syrups f
S in city. f
c Full line of Toilet Arti s
? cles and choice Perfumes. \
; Finest Cigars. .
S Try us and be convinced, r
I Men 8 Brown,;
c 212 S. Main St., S
i Arlington Hotel >
S Building.
v VIUC Our New Goods
Kvi a if you'rn not quite ready to buy,
it v ill •:Iv«» yon mi iclcll HH to what '« «o
in;; to be worn unci how lunch it will
c.-Ofl Home of our l>eHt ciintonier* coma
in i. nor Hu'i-e timi'M before making n
final ilecinion.
Kn«i."tH their • i lrt-lion in u ''i'iCO wit in
factory manner, Homo prefer deciding
at once, find either way plena** mi.
\V<- re Hur-- you'll like the m-w niiitintfH
wn'rit now nhowlnj{ an<l want you to «'>t
in and «et an early pick.
Cor. Diamond. Butler. Pa.
VV.'f. WAI-kku. • "IfAS. A. MCKI.VAIN
iJutler County National bank Bld'g
Ol I, I'KCJl'I' llTl KH.
pU'l'll I MUNKi
Klfl W. Diamond St.. Butler.
North side of Court House.
Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat work, a
C. SOykE,(Vl. D.
Eye, Ear Nose and Throat.
OFFICE HOURS— 9 to 10 a. m., 1 to A
p. in., 7toß p. in. Sunday by appoint
121 E. Cunningham Street, Butler, Pa
Dli. G. P. PURVIS,
Chronic diseases a specialty.
Consultation and examination free.
Office hours !i to 12. 1.:10 to 5.
Rooms 2pß-9, Odd Fellows Temple.
People's Phony 500.
Consultation and examination free.
Office hours—o to 12 A. M., ,2 to 5 P.
M., daily except Sunday. Evening by
Office—Stein Block, Rooms 0-10,
Butler, Pa. People's Phone 478.
Teeth extracted absolutely painless.
Take Vitalized Air or Nitrous Oxide.
All work satisfactory.
1271 S. Main St., " BUTLER, PA.
Graduate of Dental Department,
University of Pennsylvania.
Office Room 206 Odd Fellows Bldg
Office over Leighner's Jewelry store,
Bntler, Pa
I'u.iolea Teleptii>n» 5^.5.
A specialty made of gold fillings, gold
Town and bridge work.
Office in BntlerConntyNation.il Bank
Building, 2nd tloor.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 K. Jcilerson St., over
G. V. Miller's grocery
Office in new Odd Fellows building
nil. r.OU'JIIKK,
Office on .Main St.. over lteed's.
Oflicc in Reiber building, cornei Main
and ii. Cunningham Sis, Entrance on
Main street.
Office on Main St. i.ear Court lloijii
|) I*. SCOTT
Office in Butler County National
Rank building.
Oilier :it No. f. We<*t Diamond St. But
ler, Pa.
Ottlro on South of Diamond,
Butler, PH.
Office with Coulter & Baker, Odd
Fellow* HuiMing.
Zuver Studio
Has added a full line of
amateur Photo Supplies, Cam
eras, Films, Dry Plates, De
velopers, Printing out and de
veloping papers.
Anti-Trust floods
At about one half what
you have been paying.
As good if not belter than
the Trust goods.
'215 S. Main St Butler
I'olt HA LB A few bargrulim '» mfond
li:i,ml lllllolllOlllle».
ItKif, »ldn eiiliuii.-.. TOURING cur. urn.
mill oil taui|>u 111 'iril > l«vi IMIHIJIIIK orilwr,
i'.Ui Wlnlon lourtiiK ear in «ii» ruiiiuug
order. #7Wt, . . Jt , _
lnnfiCadlllW louring I'ltji ...M.rlv new,
im I'terce Ml»nti'>lK- ~»' .*•<»>.
l<m; ( I runUIlM >*» fIIMI f<
Horim v«ry fin** MTOIHI IHMMI tlr«*» »f l****
I linn lntlf i»rl« , «i.
rwrfi H«iv« k uth Avenue. Httftburg, Pa. I
B. & B.
Neat colored Chambrays.
Not in the history of this
store has there been such a
showing of Misses' and Chil
dren's Wash Dresses—Never
were they, selected with quite
so much care—as to service
and at the same time, correct
The frugal mother in her
search is sure to find just what
she wants.
Bought right and priced
For Girls 4 to 14 years.
Sailor Suits, SI.OO, to $5.00,
—ShirtWaist Suits, $1.75 to
$5.00, Suspender Suits, SI.OO
to SIO.OO, —Guimpe Dresses,
.*.75 to $5.00.
One piece Wash Dress, 75c
to $3.50,-Dutch Neck Dresses
$ 1.00 to £5.00 Russian
Dresses, 75c to SIO.OO.
Misses Chambray Dresses,
Regulation or College Suits,
$5.00 to SIO.OO.
Peter Pan Suits, £5.00 to
$8.50,--Shirt Waist Suits, £5.00
to £IO.OO, Dutch Neck
Dresses, £5.00 to £8.50.
Boggs & Bulil
Receiver's Notice.
In the matter of the Butler Builders
Supply Company.
Notice is hereby that on the
14th day of April, 1906, on petition i»ro
scnted to the Court of Common Pleas
of Butler county, Pa., at Ms. D. No. 11,
March Term, 1005, the Guaranty Safe
Deposit and Trust Company, Receiver
of the Bntler Builders Suppfy Company,
were discharged from said office of re
ceiver at its request anil with the con
sent of the parties in interest and that
the undersigned was ap[K>inted receiver
of said Butier Builders Supply Co., to
succeed the aaid Guaranty Safe Deposit
and Trust Compay; that I have accept
ed said appointment and entered upon
my duties as receiver aforesaid.
Notice )H hereby given to all pWMM
who are indebted to Maid company to
utaku payment to me and all pernon.M
liaviiiK »uy legal claim against or dt)
maud upon naid company ahull make
prool of the name in the manner pro
vided by law and present the name to
Receiver of the Hutler Builders Supply
Attorney for Receiver.
IfllKK. We want one representative In every
lown unit city to itilvcrtlsc, I ;tke orders uml
appoint sulj-uuents; M per rent * com mission
ana other Inducements; bite money mailt!
unit pleasant clean work; KIHHIM s»lil to ML
vcrtfse al In.lf price; credit xlveo UKentA; in
money required. for we triiNt you until iiftei
delivery, KIVIIIK you 10 to ■<*> (lays; sample II-
Inch Mueur sent on receipt of advertising
price 2K cent*; all KIHMIh warranted liy um
tlie sample will convince you tliut you can
make (12.00 to fll&.OO per week on our KOOIIS,
exclusive territory (jlvca w lllt control 111
.mi agentx. Aimwer at once, wiiiie territorj
Is open; salaried position after you becoim
experienced. THE I NITKU nil EAIt UO.
WeHlboro. Muss
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto,
Come and see us when in need ol
anything in the Urug Line and
we are sure you will call again,
We carry a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toiltt Articles, etc.
Purvis" Pharmacy
8. (J. PURVIS, L'N. A
Doth Phones.
213 H Main St. Butler Pa.
Special Offer
To those purchasing photos
of groups or views, Bxlo, at
50c each, to the amount of $lO
1 will present free a fine 20x40,
exact reproduction that wlh
stand washing and not fade
away. No bum work, but a
fine permanent Bromide en
largement, fully guaranteed.
The Outdoor Artist,
The Butler Dye Works
I Wall Paper Cheap. I
■4O per cent off. Wall Paper Cut. I
F rom JULY 2 re AO inclusive we offer our entire I
■ stock of Wall Paper, from the cheapest—6c a double S
H roll —to the very best, at the remarkable reduction of 40 B
■ per cent off the regular marked prfce. t
During this sale you will be able to get paper for g
■ your whole house at just about half the usual price.
H REMEMBER—JuIy 2to 10—40 per cent, off
Wall Paper Sale at
• E£ytH Bros., |
The 30 Day Clearance Sale of
Clothing, Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Trunks, etc.,
Which is now Going on at
Schaul & Levy,
137 South* Main St., Butler.
Prices have never been so iow as they are at
this General Clearance-Sale of all goods in the
Don't Miss it It Will Pay You.
137 Sonth Main Street. Bntler. Pa.
fjsgf i '
A new line of bent rim chairs, rockers
settees. The most durable popular priced goods< 3
made, and they arc nice enough for indoors the
coming winter,
£ Rocking Chairs Rocking Chairs | |
Bent rim, split seat and Bent rim, split back and IJ|
s»r back, finished natural. seat, painted green, vge
S§» A chair that will last Light and comfortable. ISs
%j|| for years. Price $2.75. Price $3.35.
§j Natural Settee Green Settee ffl
a Matches the above rock- To match above rocker, tip
er. Strong and durable. Large enough for two JSC
PU Price $5.50. persons. Price $6.75. J|||
| PARLOR SUIT $75.00. I
The best parlpr suit value we have to show you. Bp
sU Covered in a rich mercerized green verona. Large,
35M massive frame, highly polished curved tops, finished
||| with a neat rope work, curved arms and claw feet. Bp
{Alfred A. Campbell!
I |||| listen! I
When you want $2.00 worth of
Shoe value, wear, tear and style
for your $2.00 hill, buy our
"Wearwells." It's the worklnfl-
H man's friend. jp
Opp. Hotel Lowry. 102 N. Main Street. [
CoiijH-iiut l.ukc Itiu'ct
i>n noooiint of tlm ConßMnt Luke
ittu-o Mi<ft .luly Hril, 4th ami Mh. thu
11. iV L E. It H «'o will an 11 low rate
excur*ion ticket* to lixpoaiHoti I'aik.
For full information inquire of uK#nt». ;
II i ou wul to make Moa«y In ate, or are I
. Uluk Information regardlnu Nevada mln- ,
ii ;u''U» wr(l<' »» f»r our market li-iter,
win f)■*** upon
I'A'l Hli K I 1.1.10' l T .V i AMI',
Uuukor* and llrokurn. CJolillU'ld, No*.
»S White Leghorn Hem «n4 Tour Roo»t«r»
Km* *."«.<k> p.-r liuntlrod, l.«iil>orim | i
null White AV»fiijioU<<». jirl*e winning Htook
I'll AH. .1. BAHDkMON, »Wla*alt«. I'a. <
Foil MAUB—T holnl, local' '
WtlM from I'ltltUurKh, In n g <il I" .1
ftoo or MX) |Hi|»ulftltou, on 11. 1'
train* building i-f 24 ruumi, l*ig"
•lOMtMld Uimdiy, two porcluw, '
■n>li linn light, Uitfr lul, burn, etA i.
Brit cU» >uaixi. diilnf » gou 1 liinltn
*. c. Mottmii * ««>., 3*o • .. t
«!■», I'HUlmrKh. I'«.
roil »Ai.K~r»im*«i«ti!.' r..i* i> , ■
t'lty. Writ* Rlarphy *> NUti .l-,,
for )'»rtlrnlan _ ___
Swcms, Ileal.l, riappiHCM, Frotperliy.
The vritif to rich, ('holograph Of JOB'
future lluxtmad or Wlft, Mir In < - oli. or
»t>• mii>~ St-ml lilrth dutc. MADAM WAi
I.ACf. N'.. "il \\ hlln. y A \rutiii, New llnvi ;i.
, < 'nUB.