Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 14, 1906, Image 4
■ tr - 7 Drop us a Postal Garde F if yoa cannot call and we J V will mail you % 1 Free of Charge 7 f a sample package of \ 2 Miller's Kidney Pills / ft. \We want everyone who has § I backacke and kidney trouble to V V try these pills, they spesk for / ... % themselves. J S Regular size 50c sent to any / p' / address upon receipt of price. 5 1? PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS S C 109 North Main St, S c Butler, Pa. MARBLE«wiCR£HrrE yi I pONIDITS.^^^ !P. H. S6CHfe6R, DR. E. (j^EWER, No. 229 1-2 SOUTH MAIN ST I NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY j SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, ■ f AND 3. I' , Dr. E. Grewer is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania*, is now per il manently located at the aboveaddress HI where he treats all chronio diseases o! By;. men, women and children. * R . Diseases of the Nervous System, the jK. symptoms of which are dizziness, lack ■p* of confidence, sexual weakness in men I ■£"„ and women, ball rising in thethroat.spots Bit "floating before the eyes, loss of memory j* Hj unable to concentrate the mind on one |j I rtbject easily startled when snddenly ■L spoken to, and dull distressed mind unfits them for performing the p- j. duties of life, making happiness impos- Br'T-vtMC&tMrnstag' tbcnrttnn or tile liem t>. 5 depression of the spirits, evil forebod s * togs, cowardice, rear, areams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as j t tired in the morning as when retiring, •lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con- Bjfc stipation, weakness of tie limbs, etc. Those so affected should coasult us iin p)'* mediately and be restored to perfect |P health. Loat Manhood Restored Weakness of Young Men Cured M and ail private diseases. ! R§i£g Dr. E. Grower's varicocele Ring cares Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture ft'- * promptly cared without pain and no detention from business.' He cures the worst cases of Nervous ItM, Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, f* Old riores, Blood Poison, and all Di , teases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart, Langs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, '■ Kp Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cored with- R:out catting. p' Special attention paid to the treat- K : "; ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfeit the sum of Five Bp" * Thousand Dollars for any cane of FITS QR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that 1,, Bfe. be cannot care 3: Consultation free and strictly confi (■ denti&l. Write if you cannot call. Office hoars—From 9 a. m. to 8:30 p. la. On Sunday from Itoß p. m. only. 0. M. PATTERSON, HILLIARDS, PA. Dealer in Cornell Incubators. Chick machinery, Standard bone-cutters. Barred and White Rock and chick?. El Correspondence solicited , NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! ;f SELLING THE ENTIRE STOCK OP FUENITOEE, FOBMEKLY AT THE LEASEE DEPARTMENT STORE AT LESS THAN 500 OX THE DOLLAR, g TEN GENUINE LEATHER COUCHES S; WERE S6O, S7O AND «73, NOW FOR f #22.50, $37.50 AND $:!0.00. THREE PIECE MAHOOANT PARLOR SUITES WERE SOO, $65 AND S7O, VOW $22. $25 AND $30.00. HERE IK A BARGAIN OP V, A LIFE TIME. FIVKE-PIECi: MAIIOG fe ANY OEXVTXB LEATHER SUITES COST F\ #l2o.o'*, $200.00 AND $250.00, WILL SELL f* QUICK POR $55.00, $r,0.00 AND $75.00. BED ROOM SUITES OF THE •FINEST „ QUARTERED OAK AND MAHOGANY PL COST $75.00, NOW S3S."O; SSO.OO ONES W. FOlt ¥27.60. OI)I> I>Ki :sKRS $7.50, Si #IO.OO AND $12.50 WORTH DOUBLE. Kt. CHIFFONIERS OP THE BEST MAHOG ANV AND QUARTER OAK WORTH $35.00 FOR $17.50; OTHERS FOR "1.00, SIO.OO ST AND *12.00. ALSO SELLING A BIG LOT OF MISFIT mk CARPETS TO FIT LARGE ROOMS, WIL- H; TON VELVET CARPETS COST SBO.OO Etr NOW $22.50. BODY BRUSSELS, BIG r ROOM SIZE CARPETS. COST $55.00, | NOW $20.00; OTHERS FOR #15.00, $12.00 E. AND $7.50. AX MINSTER RIGS 9x12, R tV'KRE 54(.,00 AND $45,00, NOW SIB.OO !;' AM) $20,110. BRUSSELS $7.00, SIO.OO 6AM > $12.00 WORTH nOrm.lv COME AT j ONCE. THIS IS A BARGAIN OK A LIFE TIME. I. Q OLD SMITH, NEXT TO PICK- S' BRINGS. LOOK FOR THE 810 SI'lN. 954 I PENS' AVENUE. NEXT DOOR TO COR if. NER OF TENTH STREET. PITTSBURG, i PA. K' » Why Be B(Ud? When you oau buy :i lxitt le of IS "Bald Head Remedy for 75 cents which In guaranteed to kill microbe, cure eczema, of i nil kinds and dandruff in 10 (lav* and grow hair on 'J per cent of ilald Heads or money K refunded. It is al*o an excellent lialr tonic S and Tlgorator, and Is absolutely harmless. E> Call or address nil Washkiirtou avenue, Bgg Allegheny, Pa. 1 ■ ___ I 1 The only form of food made | v « from wheat that is all nutri- v ffl ment is the soda cracker, and |g . I yet —the only soda cracker of ■ II which this is really true is H i I Uneeda Biscuit | H The only soda cracker scientifically R I The only soda cracker effectually n The only soda cracker ever fresh, jflj crisp and clean. ■ The oqly soda cracker good at all 5$ tSfi I n a ust t^t ' p, )K| moisture proof package. gp P NATIONAL" BISCUIT COMPANY l| §The Butler ® § German Coach p 1 Horse Association ® @ Offers to the breeders of M & g @ Butler Co. their celebrated |P v ? @ * coach stallion ■,<&&-. ■ ----- I Loehr 7AA. © § He will be at the barn of Adam Cradle, one mile ® north of Butler. Mondays and Tuesdays, and the bal- © © ance of the week at the barn of John F. Smith at © ® Herman, Pa. igv if! TERMS—SIS for a Living Colt. © ® Season begins April 16th. ® ® J. F. SMITH, Keeper. ® DOCTOR RICHARDS 26689. jjih. The highly bred and handsome stal lion Doctor Richards will stand for service at Bntler Fair Gronnda in charge of the nndersigned. He is a beautifnl golden chestnut, stands 16 hands high, has excellent conformation, with action and carriage eqaalled by none. Doctor HB Richards inherits the blood of Abdallah HI 15, both through Nutwood (sire H performers) and Robt. McGregor (sire V of the world's champion trotting stal- Bc.— ' lion, Cresceus, 2:O'2J, and 107 other per ■ ■ formers,) and his pedigree in every de tail, represents tbe blood that has pro •? duced world's champions. . _-■> Call and look him over, or inquire TERMS $25.00 to H. A. MOORHEAD, Insure a living colt. Butler, 1 a. VENDETTA BOY 35266. tti • —' • The Wilkes stallion Yen- Uk i i I detta Boy and the Percherou | _ Stallion Rtillmnt 210. 2.75(5-3 ~~ V W"% will be found at my barn during the summer of 1900. , Vendetta Boy is a beautiful. ' rich, bay, standing high weighs He is nc ing son of the Great Wilkes Boy 2:24\ and 2:30 list. His second and third dams are all producers of standard IH B> speed. His second dam be ■ fl Jp ing in the great brood iuare ■ m list. He is a perfect type H A of trottine bred couch JTAL * horsea, combining a? he does the best and fastest blood ' rr "*« »' 1— in the world. He has shown 1 2:20 speed himself ai the trot. Grandsons of Georee Wilkes have sired Dan t Patch 1 56i, the world's champion stallion; also Dariel 2:00J, John R. Gentry , 2:00 i Anacondo 2:01 i and fonr others better than 2:04. Breeders will please compare his breeding, size, style, action and terms with others and Judge for Themselves. Terms--*15.00 to insure. BRILLIANT 27865 . Is a beautiful dark dapple gray stallion, weighing about 1800 lbs. He is a perfect model of the Percheron draft horse and has proven himself a sure and remark ably fine breeder, which his colts over the country will show, i Terms--sjtlO.OO to Insure. For tabulated pedigree or particulars call on or address ALONZO McCANDLESS, Franklin twp. R. F. D. 45, Euclid, Pa. Near lale. / l I Just received the largest nssortment of sewing machines we over iu stock. We have anexpert sewing machine repair man at reasonablt BH Henry BieHl, | 122 N. Main St. Feo 'l'lione 4<>4. g3g • | : Subscribe tor the CITIZEN KAKE COINS Hare Coins bought and sold; coin books. Utest issue. 1.1100 Illustrations; price -><\ miiil :Oc. Coin I>epartment, lioth's Hank Sc Trust Co.. VW Grant street, Pittsburg. Fa. Gas and Gasoline Engines All sizes and Wood Wortlrig Machinery, New and Seomd liand. BRIUGB MACHINERY COMPANY. Si;* Second Avenue, Pittsburg, Fa. | WP&Msmam BERfImED POM| i Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Feed and Sale able Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a The best of horses and first class rigs &i wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodation* In town for perma nent boarding and transient .rade. Sped al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses . A good c ass of horses, both drivers aad ' draft horses always on h"nd and for sale . p>-der a full guarantee; and horses bojgb uoo proper notification b/ PEARSON B. NACE, I'none No. 21 TRANSPLANTED ONIONS. When The) lr<- t?ic lllßltt Sl*e nnd lluu to Set Thpoi. We regard transplanted onious as l>ost for garden use. We use Trize takers. sowing tlie seetl in flats or hot bed alw>ut six weeks ahead of tlie time for outdoor setting. One year we sow ed 1110 see I outside and transplanted from the row. This made the onions j later, and tliey did not grow so large, j This transplanting system elves lar- ; ger and finer onions and really saves a— ILBADY FOB TRANSPLANTING. labor, as there is less hand weeding j and much work can l>e done with a . small hoe. We set the plants as we : would cabbages, in rows eighteen inches apart and four Inches In the row. The ] cut shows the size of onious we like to j plant. Wood ashes are excellent for j onions, and nitrate of soda or liquid j manure will force them rapidly during i July and August—Farmer's Garden. SEED CORN. Importance of Te*tlu«s tlie Vitality . of Individual Ear*. By J. W. DUVEL. Approximately 1.1.iJ00.0u0 bushels of j corn are required for seed every year j in tlie United States. The yield depends largely on the vi tality of the sewl planted. Make your own germinating box and , test the vitality of every ear of corn j before planting. The time required for individual ear j tests is very little. Twelve or fifteen j ears will furnish enough seed to plant one acre. Count the sprouts very carefully. Any ear falling to show 100 per cent of good sprouts should be rejected. Of 3,822 ears tested 1,900, or more than one-lialf, were unfit for seed. These samples were taken from ears picked for seed by good, careful farm ers and are evidently much above the average. Field tests have shown that seed of strong vitality will produce the largest yield of corn. Granting that the samples tested are representative of the present supply of seed corn, the testing of every ear and the subsequent rejection of poor ears will increase the stand 13.7 per cent. An increased stand of 13.7 per cent woulcj mean an Increased annual yield of 298.140.605 bushels, with a value of $100,739,012.01, calculated on the aver age yield and price for the last ten years. For tUc Time of Sliort I'a»tnre. Sow oats and peas one-half bushel each per acre May 20, and cut from July 17 to 28. Half an acre of fertile "land"Til a MiumlHl' BCirson wttt sotf teu cows during the period named. Japanese barnyard millet, fourteen quarts per acre, sown about June 5, will furnish feed from Aug. 10 to 20, one-third of an acre for ten cows. Ten quarts of corn and seven quarts of soy beans per acre, sown May 15; cut from Aug. 20 to Sept. 4, one-half acre for ten cows. Sow again June 5 and cut Sept. l to Sept. 20. Corn alone, sown June 1, will furnish feed July 20 to Aug. 1. The area to be sown depends upon fertility of land and the season, so that no exact acreage per cow can be given. The above is simply a guide.— Ohio Farmer. Recent Bulletin*. Of interest to those who make wine on a large scale Is a bulletin of the California experiment station, "A New Method of Making Dry Red Wine," by F. T. ISiolettl. It is technical In char acter. "Canning Fruit and Vegetables," bulletin No. 87 of the Oregon experi ment station, is a collection of notes on 1 experiments in the use of different temperatures* and a study of injurious organisms. It contains some interest ing items on putrefactive organisms that produce ptomaine poison In can ned meat, head cheese, fresh pork, fish and other animal matter, both raw and cooked. Included in the pamphlet are explicit instructions for preserving ci der or fruit juices. Clover FOP Xitroßcn. Nitrogen is invariably needed on hard run lands, but it costs more, If purchased In fertilizers in quantity sufficient to meet the demands of the soli for full crop production, than phos phorus and potassium combined. Hut this nitrogen may be procured abso lutely without cost by growing clover, feeding that to live stock and return ing the manure to the land. Such man .iKe::iei:t will aisc postpone indefinitely the uecesslty for purchasing potassium, the ri<sct most expensive constituent of th» fertilizer.—O. ft Tbornc, Ohio. Tlie lOleplinnt'M Trunk. An elephant's trunk answers that animal as nose and hand. He also uses it for drinking, drawing tip the water through his trunk and then p Hir ing it into his mouth. The elephant has a singular habit when suffering from the hi at of poking his nose <1 IWII his throat iritr» his stomach and with drawing a quantity of water, which he then squirts over his back and si !es to cool his body. As during a warm day this operation is repeated about ouce in every five minutes riding an ele phant in the sun is no pleasant imder ta khtcr. The Te»t, "How do you like your new music teacher?" "He's no pood." "Why, what makes you think so?" "Yesterday I played a common tune clear through, and he didn't say it would take a week's practice to offset fie harm done." Stirel y. "Tommy is such a sweet child," said a doting mother, "that I often think It will In; a miracle if he lives to grow »I>." "It will," said the candid neighbor, with a baleful gleam in his eye. A Coincidence. Mrs. Janson said to Mrs. I.nmmis in perfect confidence, "J)o you know mine is the prettiest baby in the world?" "Well, really, now, what a coinci dence!" said Mrs. I.animls. "So Is mine!" Cause nnd KflTeet. "Poor .Tones Is suffering from melan cholia." "Why, I thought he was the editor of a couiic paper." 1 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Is not a secret or patent medicine, atrainst which the me.st intelligent people nre quite naturallv averse because of the un certainty as to their harmless character, but is a medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION, a full list of all its ingredients being printed, iti plain Entjli-Ph. on every' bottle wrapp«r. An examination of this list of ingredients will disclose the fact that it Is non-alcoholic in its composition, chem ically pure glycerine taking the place of the commonlv used alcohol, in its make up. The "Favorite Prescription" of l)r. Pierce is in fact the only medicine put up for the cure of woman s peculiar weak nesses and ailmenis. sold through drug gists. that does not contain alcohol and that too in large iiriantMes. Furthermore, it is the only medicine for woman's special diseases, the ingredient- of which have the unanimous endorsement of ail the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several -ehoote of practice, and that too as remedies for the ailments for which "Favorite"Prescription" is recom mended. A little book of some of these endorse ments will l)o sent to any address, post ! paid, and absolutely free if you request ' same by postal card or letter, of Dr. R. ! V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Don't forget that Dr. Pierce's Favorite i Prescription, for W('man's weaknesses and i delicate ailments, is not a patent or secret i medicine, being the "Favorite Prescrip ! tion"of a regularly educated and gradu : ated phys-iclan. engaged in the practice I of his chosen sj» cialty—that of diseases of women—that its ingredients are printed | in phi in English on < \ ery Ijottle-wrapper: ' that it is the only medicine especially de signed for the care of woman's diseases | that contains no alcohol, and the only one that has a profe.-- onal endorsement I worth more than all the so-called "testi- I monials" ever published for other med ' iclnes. Send for t! < ■ endorsements as i above. They arc free for the asking. If you suffer from periodical. headache, | backache, dizzine--. pain or draggin? i down sensation low down in the atxlomen, I weak back, have ci.- igreeable and v.vak ' ing. catarrhal, pelvic drain, or are in j distress from being longon your feet, then I vou may IK- sure of benefit from taking ! Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. ! Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets the best lax- I atlve and regulator of the bowels. They invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. I One a laxative; two or three a cathartic. HUMPHREYS' ! Specifics cure hv acting directly on the | sick parts without disturbing the rest of i the system. No. 1 for Fevers. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Teething. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia, No. 9 " Headaches. No. 10 •' Dyspepsia. N". 11 " Suppressed Periods. No. 12 " Whites. No. 13 " Croup. No. 11 " The Skin. No. 15 " Rheumatism. No. 1G " Malaria, No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 " The Kidneys. No. 30 *' The Bladder. No. 77 " La Grippe. | In small bottles of pellets that fit the ve >t pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. e. h. Medical Guide mailed fi« ■■>. lioinpbreya' Med. Co., Cor. William & J tree!.* Now York. , Nasal Catarrh quickly yields io treat juent by Ely 's Cream Balm, which is agree, ably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses an 1 heals tho whole sur faco over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the 50c. size; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are euro to continue the trcatiaent. Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to tho u. e of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal j assages for entarrhnl trou bles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm iu liquid form, which will bo known as Ely's Liquid Cicaw Balm. Price including the spraying tut ois 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of (he solid jaeparation. PAROID READY OOFING. IJAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR Won't dry out. Won't i;r.- brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails rr>d Cement in core oi each I> EPRfiSENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. / LNLY r.quires painting overj - fcwyears. Not when first laid s S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate o r Shingles. DEMAND FOR PAROID IS WORLD wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Faov<s, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask us. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. L. C. WICK, v ' • j rr LUFLBER. H. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. j 2"T) S MAIN ST.. 3UTIER. r A WHEE L E R'S j ROYAL GOLD ENAMEL i- ~T : HEsNKY WHEELER & SON, I 119 W. OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. PA. j ; W. .1. TANNEY DETECTIVE AGENCY, Corner Fifth and Wylle Avenues, ltonni Pittsburg, Fa. Detective service of all kinds alsa aids in tin* preparation of cases and secures t lit? al tendaneeof witnesses at trials. All business strictly confidential —Why i? Newton "The Piano Man':' See adv. . Eyes Examined Free of Charga R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Ootician Ne xt Door to Court House. Butler, Pa MAC niNEKY-KAILS BKAMS Concrete Mix i rs. I tollers, Eotlnes, Machine Tools. Tee Halls. Ileaius, Columns, Pipe IMatcs. Mowers. forrugated Sheets. t'ash pni«i for Scrap Iron and Metals. HOMER BOWKS. Kiytr Avenue, AlleKl»eny, i'a. 'Phones i .'2 North. (\\. Shan^r, Fire and Life Insurance ALSO REAL KSTATE. Room 50H, Butler County National Bank Building, IJutler, Pa. BI YINO WOOL. We are paying the highest i-rice, in cash, for wool Call at or address, Kuni's MEAT MARKET, 107 South Main Street, Bntler, Pa. R-R-TIME-T ABLES Pennsylvania KAIbKOAD WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Schedule m ell'ect May 27, 1 i>0(» Trai s lea-.e BUTLER as follows: F« r All- -henr v. I vat ftati* f 15 and KUS * nr., an I 4/2J p m. week day?: 750 a. m. tad 5.<'5 j». in. >un Uj . i" r Fitt»! nr. 4nd way statiwi « 8.40 a. m. and 2.25 p. vo. we»*k days. I li'anTil!, In• • f«e<i !!. Alf>nt. HarrUbiirg. Iliilade'phia and th»' East ,6.1 i and 10.35 a m. and iu w. k «'..»>•: 7.20 a. m. MID -iav*. BUFFALO AND ALLEGHENY VALLEY DIVISION. Trains leave via XISKIMISETAS JUNCTION as follows: Y r n ft.4108.40 a.m. w ok Uy- 7.20 a, m. Sun •lay-». K r n. dFiiik .lid nil City. 6.1*. 8.40. 10.35 a. n.. ♦nd 4.J0 p. m.w Mk day>: 7.5JU n. m. and 516 |>. in. Sunday*. Y - Kittatming and wav i»a # 6 15 and 10.35 a. in. and 4.20 p. m. wt*ek days; 73) a. m. and 5.<»5 Foi detailed information, apply to ticket a»rent or addrew Th■+. E. Watt, 1 au. Agt. Weet-rn District, Kiftb PitUburu, Pa. W. \v. J. K > Gen'l Manage*. l*a«i'r Traffic Mana^rt-r. «ifcO *»V IKiYI). G jneral Aftect. Wiiiilelfl 11 K C o 1 ime Tabic In effect May 29th, 1903 WESTWARD. 82ATI..NS A M I'M Leave* West Wiu field. ... 730 245 M " Iron Bridge . 755 310 Winfield Junction. 8 10 3 25 » I.p.ne 820 335 " Butler Juu.'tkn 825 340 VrriTe Putlt-r 10 33 5 05 arrive Allegheny 6 00 \rrive Pitt-bur 10 25 pm Arrive Blairavilh* 1 05 5 42 EASTWARD. ______ STATION? A MI P M Leave littabuig. 3 05 Leave B'uir-\ille. ... 7 2 15 ** Allf-eltt-nv .. 2">t 230 " Butler ". b 40j 230 M Bnt'a-r Junction 10 Oo 440 » l*.io 10 03 443 " V iti.-l.i junction 10 15 453 44 ii »n 15ridge 10 251 505 « B..g«sville 10 3515 15 Arrive Wt -r Win' 8 . Id jlQ_so| 530 ~Trains dt-p at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to cake on or leave off passenger*. Trains Connect at Butler Junction with: Trains Eastward f-r Freepcrt, Vandergrift and Blairavillc Intersection. Train* Woatwaid for Natrona,Tarentum Allegheny ind Fittnbarg. Trains North war? tor Saxcnbarg ,M ar wood and But ler. B. G. BKALOR, Gmieral Mauager. BBSP it IT Time table in effect May 27, 190<i. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Butler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. 7:30 a. M., mixed for Punxsutawuey, Du Bois and intermediate stations. 10:33 a. m daily, vestibnled day ex press for Buffalo and Rochester. 5:50 p. m. local for Punx'y, Dn Boie. Clearfield and intermediate stations. 11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:10 n, M. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:30 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 4:50 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express from Bnffal"> and Rochester. 8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train from Du Bois and Punxsutawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, I'ittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., and for local points as far as Dußois daily at 4:20 p. m. week davs. BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 28. 1006. EASTERN STANDARD TIME NORTHWARD SOUTHWARD (Read up) Daily Except Sunday I Read down) 10 |l4 I 12 I oriTiAva 9 I 11 l3 ~ !5 p m p. ill. 11.in. 1 STATION*. a . 111. a. m. p. m. feoM ml § winufTiiio(vi»;.s.x.s.i » 4aio to 2 00 p. in.j>. m.a. m. a. ia - P- ln - P- 'n -7 2< 1" 1 i- a if Erie.— ; no 1 w 5 w r, IT) 1 1-' -t IT i.irani 7 ":i 131 ■> s:l 11 : \r..< oiuiruiil .Lv 7 0012 ul ft 1U r> l'n2 o|l 7 OO Lv..Connflint_Ar 9 65 i 0." -LITE IA'VAR. ALULOA - 1 « 16 l.; is 41 -lia'l t lniKl m I' l i" "• 6 10IJ an S ;<< ...Sprmff tKivo 813 00 GlO a 0412 :M X <'oinieantville...l BIS 2 fi 17 7 .;, ;i js ai MwuTviilc.Xv 7 5- 1 40 1 4 >ll 21 G l.v M«i«l villi- AI ".I 2c| 31»7 33 7 04 U 25 » 00 \ • on't Jjiko l.\. s 2 10 4 '>B 4 5 1 55 S uS.Vr .Lines villi-, l.v 8 !•> c 15 2 40 l.v..Liiu'sviile..Ai j G 3> 6 In 12 3:- x I'". .Kxposillon r»rk. 545 2 '.'o 645 e OK. .....17~2«T.~rgSbod j #2l 2 M 7 ac 455 12»7 2U TIR . I'll villi' 93030R /28 4 5011 22 7 1 ' siienango 9 3S 8 15 7 38 4 is 10 5 .a. 11). Mercer 10 0B 3 4): 8 10 liO 48 ! . llOliston .1i'1... 10 10 Bli 55 io 32 1 ....drove i iiy 10 4 10 8 3:i 8 10 15 ...Hrani'litiiito.... 10 4'.' -I 26 855 II ji Vr HiliiH!«l...H 937 220 i "2 20 9 37 Lv ..HUllanl.—AMl 20 8 16 .. . 1~3 32|10 10(. .. .|T Keisier |IO 63| 4 80) 8 M Uta Ar. Kaarlor ...Lv J 8 20j 72n p. ra. Lv. ..Knylor ... Ar 8 ...... 2 ■ v . ■ 1 ■ .. Huiler ill »i 5 10! 943 fs (c, f3 1 Home ! 16 8:« p. m. 8 ('' 3 1". ....Illack's ltun.... 63« 7 S5 2 no Lv.F..rittKbiircArl 7 0® 1 1.-, H 1 Lv.Al'ii'slien.v.Ar 1 on G 35 m •. p.m. p. in. p.m. Tr« : 1 Ni>. 1 leaves (acenvllle f:!5 a. m.: Slie liafic- .>: M P-'T 7 tirove < y 7:50: Kris ter h lu- Itul • r!» 1», arrives Allegheny l«: 23 a. m ■ liisl Pittslmrg 11.15 a. ;u.. lonnecting at Braneliton to ami from Milliard, and at yncen Jiineiion to and from Kay lor. _ ■ losies Allegheny ;::n0 p 111.- East Pitts- Ln.g 1 11.1: 1 .-r I I'.: Ke ; -ters".~: <i:ove('ity 5. MitciT 1,:20: Shenaiißo '• ■■■■: Greenville 7:00 p. in. I'onni'OtlnK nt < )n. • 1 In notion for Kavlor, uii'l a: Rrancbton for Hlllian!. N,. 1.. leaves Butler 7,«.0 a. m.; Kei.-ter ~10: Grove «'itv -05 Mereer .v.2>: Rhenango 9.02; Greenville '.".07 a. ni.. urriv.s Kximsition lark 9.55 a m ronnci tng for Meadville. Additional tniln leay.". Kxpositlon Park 8.00 p. 111., arriving Greenville 8.13 p. 111. E 11 rTI.KY. E. I). COMSTOCK, General Manager. Gen'l Pass. Agent. B. <\ suits reduced Women's handsome Tailored Suits. It will be to every woman s advantage to see these Suits at once. You will find the very Suit you were in quest of, and at a much less price than you had expected to pay. Every garment the newest model —correctly tailored —the latest colorings. $20.00 to $25.00 Suits' sl3 50 —man tailored, stylish Eton effects, all the new color 'ngs. $20.00 to $35 00 Suits, $lB 50 —all the latest effects checks, stripes, Grey Mixtures, Panama Cloth, Alice Blue, Reseda Green. Rose. Many other values in this department worth getting here for. Bopo*s & Buhl ALLEGHENY, PA. For Sale Sliellautl l'oincs. I'.inv harness and puny vehicles of all klt.ds. [Write for prices 1 .1. It. HICKMAN. I'arkerslnirg W. Va. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, DR. L R HAZLETT. 106 W. Diamond St.. Bntler North side of Conrt House. Eye. Ear, Nose ami Throat work, a Fl>eciaJty. JA/VIES C. 50ybE,i>\. D. PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. OFFICE HOURS—9 to 10 a. m., L to A p. m.. Ttos p. ni. Sunday by appoint ment. 121 E. Cuuningham Street, Bntler, Pa BOTH PHONES. OSTEOPATHY. DR. G. F. PURVIS. OSTEOPATH Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation and examination free Office hours 0 to 12: 1.30 to 5. Rooms 208-9, Odd Fellows Temple. People's Phone •">O9. OR. JULIA E. FOSTER. OSTEOPATH. Consultation and examination free. Office hours—9 to 12 A. M., 2to M.,-daily except Sunday. Evening appointment. Office—Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But ler. Pa. People's Phone 478. DENTISTS. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, PROSTHETIC DENTIST. Teeth extracted absolutely painless. Take Vitalized Air or Nitrons Oxide. All work satisfactory. 127* S. Main St., ' BUTLER, PA. DR. FORD H. HAYES, DENTIST. Graduate of .Dental Department. University of Pennsylvania. Office —Room 206 Odd Fellows Bldg DR J. WILBERT McK.EE, SURGEON DENTIST. Office over Leighner'3 Jewelry store. Bntler, Pa Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. DR. H. A. MCCANDLBSS, DENTIST. Office in Bntler County National Bank Building, 2nd floor. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston, DENTIST Office at No 1 14 E. Jeflerson St., ovei G. W. Miller's grocery ATTORNEYS. nOULTER. & BAKER, V ATTORNEYS a? LAW. Office in new Odd Fellows building HH. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office ou Main St.. over Reed's. T D. MCJUNKIN, t) • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office iu Reiber building, cornei Main and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on Main street. JB. BREDIM, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court Ilontf RP. SCOTT • ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, Office in Butler County National Bank building. * T. .SCOTT, A. • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. Bnt ler. Pa. \\T C. FINDLET, »T . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND PENSION ATTORNEY. Office on South, side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. JOHN \*. COULTER, A TTORNEY-AT-LA W. Office on Diamond, Bntler, Pa. Special attention given to collections and business matters. EH. NEGLEY • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Negley Building, We^t Diamond. I P. WALKER, Li« NOTARY PUBLIC, BUTLER, Office with Berkimer, the Undertaker p F. L. McQUISTION, V. Civil, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Office with Coulter & Baker, Odd Fellows Building. WALL PAPER At factory pi ices, for sale. Call and MO samples; we can save v«>u money; if you cannot call drop postal and e.w will cat! and show samples. MILLER.t SNECK. 533 Smithfleld Street. Pittsburg, I'll. .r<a CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PILLS | OritfliiMt nil 1 Only lienalne. Ft:. \.w»v,r.. . ladle*. Uk Drunltt f >5 «-r (KICIIKSTEirS KNGLISII ia !; !J» ml (•<•!<] metallic boxes. staid .r—- J b.'uf ril ' • :i. Tukt» no other. IlrfuNC * < • •* ■ l»nnc*T«Mj« *«ii!><ttltutlon* and ImltA j / ~ {,'• tlon«. Tuj of your Diuuul, or »en'l 4*. in I - . »•>'»•• f' r I'Mrtlriilur*. lYatlmonlala » '«"* "'j 1 "fiplipf fur l.sillr*,"in <i«r, by l:i-n Mull. 1 C.OOO TratimooUU*. Sold by ~ « 1 |i!rhr»«tcr Chrmlfal l -u - -i . Mtdlton f»cu»irc, I'IIILA.. FA, viol Murliiiira of all inscriptions bought, toll] ••paired or exchanged. FISHER. *34 Second Ave , J ltlsburgh. Pa. f you want to Buy or Sell any kind of property In an J pai lof the L'nlted States, seo M. O. TOOLK, 503 I'rnil Hull.ll.i U . PlltiHnrn. P«, ALL STRANCJERS looking for work go t< llm lilrr'M, 411 Seventh Ave. Pltulwry, P» F you want to bay or sell any kind of business se> IAVANAGH A CO.". 431 Fourth Ave.. PitUburg. P Italian. Greek. Slavish Laborers Furnished. ITALIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 19Chatham street, Pittsburg, I'H. Bell I'honc 12W Urant. Callear Detective Agency 339 Fifth Avenue, Pittsbnrg, Pa. Long Distance Phone. Secret service in criminal and civil cases. Corpora tjon work a specialty. Max well-Croucli >iule Company. Largest Dealers in Mules in the United States. 'JO head, all sizes, con stantly on hand. Branch Stables 202- 204 Penn Avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. 8 A safe, certain relit .r Suppressed I U Menstruation. Never k>„ .%vn to mil. Hufr! B B Suri'! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed B ■ or money Refunded. Heni prepaid for B ■ JI.OU per box. Will send them on triaj. to B B bo paid for when relieved. Samples Free. B B UNITfO MIDICAI CO.. So» T4. Lmillll. *A. J Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Phannacr C. F. T. Pape, J ''gagSSSssg-r 1 —":,f: • pJEWELERI \ S 121 E. Jefferson Street. / MATERNITY HOME strictly private real home comfort! and con retilrnces. Adoptions provided. For particulars address Poiilofncr Ilox '4ll Allegheny, Pa. DROP US A POSTAL ' We're always glad to give full infor- mation relative to our banking facilities, gfefc I We want your account because we know we can handle it to your advantage. It doesn't matter how many miles you are distant from us you can do your bank- K ing with us through the mails—just as sat isfactorily as if you visited us in person. ' [, Every day deferred means so much Wp less interest. Write to-day. ' SI.OO WILL START AN ACCOUNT. THE Butler Savings & Trust Co. 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET. LAUUHST AND STRONGEST IN TIIE COUNTV. | THE | | Butler County National Bank. | | A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of j Butler County to do business with. | Capital # 300,000.00 f i Strength surplus 400,000.001 Assets 3,000,000.00 \ K J We invite YOUR business —assuring you PROMPT, | COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. I "The big Bank b v Court House" j ESTABLISHED 1900- THE ' Farmers' National Bank, BUTLEK, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000,00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID ----- $6,000.00 None the Cou.r\ty. ROB!. LEWIN 6 CO., Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Bell 14 SMITHFIELD STREET, P. & A. Phone 2179. PITTSBURG, PA. Phone 1458. We are Headquarters in Pittsburg, Pa., for the finest wines and liquors. We sell direct to the con sumer. We prepay express charges on all orders of $5.00 or over, and guarantee prompt shipment. Your choice of the following brands of Whiskey guaran anteed 6 years old. 6-year-old Finch 6 year-old Bridgeport 6-year-old Guckenheimer 6-year-old Dillinger 6-year-old Gibson 6-year-old Overholt 6-year-old Large 6-year-old Thompson 6-year-old Antler Club SI.OO per Full Quart, 6 Quarts $5.00. Expressage Prepaid. For a smooth, palatable social drink or family use, GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE at $2.00 per gallon—guaranteed 3 years old—will suit you. Special Attention to Family Trade. Mail orders promptly filled, carefully packed and satisfac tion guaranteed. We would be pleased to fill a trial order for you. Send Your Orders by Mail for Your ® 1 WHISKBS 1 I WINES | and LIQUORS^ H ro O IMAX KLEIN & SONsJ |f 1318-20 Penn Ave., PITTSBURG, PA. ® EVERYTHING IN LIQUORS. IOC* 5OO0OO0OOO&O* >oooooooo*^ 'Fry A Gallon of X Our oid at * $3.00 per Galloi\. V HUGH L. CONNKIJ.Y 0 SUCCESSOR TO JOHN LIMEG ROVER. JR. A X 107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Office.) V BOTH PHONES ALLEGHENY, PA. ¥ )|>&OO0&OQ<X>Q0OOOOCOOQOOOQ<R ] NOTICE! ? July Ist, 1906, Stahl Distilling Co. will sell by the 7 c gallon or barrel, pure Rye Whiskey of their own > / make, at Sales Room, Zelienople. Pa.; also will fil' 3 r and ship mail orders promptly after July l?t, 1906. ) STAHL DISTILLING CO., Butler Co., Pa. P. C. FREDERICK; Prop. \