THE BUTLER CITIZEN, j WILLIAM C. NEC LEY. - Publisher j ( THURSDAY, JUNE 14,1006. SIOO per year la Adraace. Otherwise SI-SO REPUBLICAN TICKET. GOVERNOR, Edwin S. Stuart. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, Robert S. Murphy. AUDITOR GENERAL, Robert K. Young. SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS. Henry Houck. CONGRESS, R. H. Pillow, ASSEMBLY, J. M. Dight, Ira McJunkin. JURY COMMISSIONER, A. Dale Thome. WASHINGTON NOTES. On Friday last the Senate decided to send the Rate bill back to Conference. On Monday the majority of the com mittee on privileges and elections of the United States Senate reported to that body in favor of depriving Senator Reed Smoot, of Utah, of his seat. The report was signed by Senators Burrows, Dolliver, Dubois, Pettus, Bailey, Over man and Frazier. In brief, it found that Senator Smoot had forfeited his right to sit in the Senate because he had taken the endowment oath to avenge the blood of the Mormon prophets on the Nation and because as a member of the hierarchy of the church he was re sponsible for its action in sanctioning polygamy. , The minority report declared that Smoot is entitled to his seat, that the testimony as to his having taken the B endowment oath was given by wit nesses of bad character and that he was not shown to have been a polygamic himself or to have sanctioned the viola tion of the Federal law against it. The minority report is signed by Senators Foraker, Beveridge, Dillingham, Hop kins and Knox. POLITICAL.. The Democrats of Westmoreland Co. held their primaries last Saturday, but did not name a man for Congress; leav ing that to their Co. Committee which meets next week. At Dover, Del., Addicks was again defeated for U. S. Senator. Thi3 time by Col. Dupont—2o to 10. Time for New Regime. 11 is not surprising that many of the Republican newspapers of the state are condemning the methods which were used in nominating a Republican govern or. They should be condemned by the true Republicans of this commonwealth. Of course the ticket will be condemned by the Democrats, but this criticism means little, as any kind of a ticket, by whatever method, would have been criticised. The Democrats are looking out for their interest, and their boss, Col. Gnfitey, will slate their nominee for ' them. And they will pipe to his fiddle as they have always done. Bnt the Republicans of this state have ret before them a contest within the party. It will be a contest for the elimination of those methods and those tactics which made possible the nomi nation of Stuart. Few of the delegates to the Harrisburg convention knew any ftf fanfliflnta Until tWO davS before the convention. They bad been promised an open convention and a ! square deal. They did not expect that ' the Philadelphia machine would have the nerve to use the party machinery of the state to rehabilitate itself. Yet this combination made up of malodorous factional leaders, discredited in Phila delphia, named the ticket which was forced on the Republicans of the state. There were enough delegates under the control oi Penrose and responsible to-him or their leaders for political ex i«tence and their jobs to go along. All credit should be given to those Repub licans of the state who refused to wear the Penrose collar, and showed their in dependence and who expect to remain in the party to make possible the defeat of nnch methods and such outrages in the future. The Republicans of the state have an important duty to perform and we are not so sure but they will perform it. And let the consequences which will come to those leaders who disregarded the rights of others, be what they may. It is time for a new regime—a new leadership.—Washington Observer. AT Bellefonte, Centre Co., last Fri day. a statute was dedicated to Andrew G. Curtin, the great war-governor of Pennsylvania, In his later years he joined the Democrats in an effort to de stroy the "Cameron machine" and for six /ears he served in Congress as a Democratic representative, discharging his duties with ability and credit. Be was a Pennsylvanian whose memory can well be honored by its citizens of all parties. Fatal Fi res. Towards midnight of last Thursday night the fire alarm was sounded, and persons residing in the northwestern part of town, ani who looked from their upper windows, saw a house on the plank road hill completely enveloped in flames—a vast torch—and the thought occurred that a home so completely and suddenly enveloped in flames might be the funeral pyre of some or all of the members of that family. And so it was. Gas escaping from a % hose connection completely filled the room on the first floor occupied by Miss Katharine Kreitzer, the oldest daugh ter of Andrew Kreitzer, and probably made her unconscious; then it ignited from a light left burning low: and the explosion that followed blew ont the side of the room and set fire to the whole lower story of the house; the members of which, sleeping up-stairs escaped through the windows, but Miss Katherine, yet in her bed. slept the sleep that knows no waking. Part of her charred body was fonnd on the bed springs after the fire burned ont. The fire companies, by a heroic effort, prevented the flames from communicat ing to the adjoining houses. The First Wards were first near the scene, and connected with tho plug at the Hospi tal; then the Campbell's came along and attached to their hose, making n line long enough to extend to the nar row passageway between the Kreitzer honse and the next building, with a weak stream of water, but sufficient to do good, thongh to the firemen, danger ous work. The family escaped in their night clothing, lost everything, and were pro vided for by their neighbors. This is the second house Mr. Kreitzer has lost by fire. Early next morning a house on same hill, and but a few handred feet dis tant was destroyed in almost the same manner. A rubber hose in Alonzo Hutchens kitchen, exploded during the night, and the room tilled up with gas. When Mr. Hutchens entered the kifch en in the morning he smelled the gas, but did not close the door behind him, and while he was turning off the gas in the kitchen, it reached the light in the dining room, and the explosion wrecked the house, set it on fire, and so badly burned Mr. Hutchens that he was tak -4a to the ffflflfKnl. ACCIDENTS. J. A. Klingensmith met with a serious accident at George Harvey's in Clinton township. Monday. He waa tearing down an old log-barn at the time, when a log fell across his breast, breaikng six ribs and, perhaps, injuring him in ternally. Finlay Bartley of Evans City, former ly of Brnin, aged 38 years, was found nnder a freight train near Gallery last Saturday night. When the engineer stopped at Callery for orders, he heard a groan under a car and an investiga tion revealed the badly mutilated body of a man not yet dead under the trucks. He was placed on the Buffalo flyer and started for the Butler Hospital, but died on the way. Hia body was taken to Bruin. He waa a son of Thos. W. Bartley, and is survived by his wife and five sxiiall children. A Slav named Gladi had a leg broken at the Car Works, Sunday night E D. Comstock. G. P. A. of the "Bessie" had a leg broken by a fall from a car, at Greenville, Monday. A bov nsuned Orriel fell at the Park skating rink, Monday night, broke an arm, and is now at the Hospital. Tlie Flood. The downpour on the night of June 6th, 1906, in the townships to the north and northeast of Butler seems to have been one of the most remarkable of late years—though how many inches fell was not measured. We hear of farms being washed, in several townships; of corn, oats and po tato crops being damaged: of roads be ing washed out and township bridges being destroyed; of several railroad washouts; of telephone lines downed and one railroad bridge (on the Win field branch) being destroyed. The Slipperyrock, Connoquenessing and Buffalo were all flooded. The wa ter in Butler rose higher than ever be fore known, the Centre avenue and rail road bridge embankments forming a dam there, and the railroad and county bridges and embankments near the car works another there, while the creek b«d and channel are gradually being filled with refuse. Much damage waa done in Butler, and in several townships. Old residents of the Connoquenessing Valley say the water last Thursday was two feet higher than the great flood of August, 1861, and three feet higher than when the Boydstown dam bursted in August. li>o3. If the water last Thursday had gone three or four inches higher, it is said the dam would have overflowed and broken, and Butler have been another Johnstown. Fires and Lightning. During the storm of last Wednesday night the barn of Harrison Emery in Washington twp, was struck by lightn ing and destroyed by fire. One cow burned with the barn. The loss is about SIOOO, with insurance in S6OO. Jas. Campbell of Concord twp. had a fine Jersey killed by lightning during the storm of last Wednesday night. During the storm of Saturday after noon James Mitchell and his son, of Rural Valley, Armstrong county, were killed by lightning while sitting on their porch; while a dozen houses and barns near Punxsutawney were struck, and two boys killed. The barn of Lawrence Denny in Winfield twp. was struck by lightning. Wednesday night. School Board Meeting. Monday evening the School Board met and" accepted the report of the budget committee which recommended the levying of taxes as follows: 1 mill sinking fund. 6 mills general fund and 2 mills building, a total of nine mills. Last year the tax was 1 mill sinking fund, 6 mills general and no building tax, making an increase of two mills. Debts already contracted in connection with the condemnation of the old Borough graveyard amount to S7OOO, which was borrowed from the general fund of last year, and this indebtedness makes the levying of a building tax necessary. A hard fight against mak ing an increase of more than one mill waa made, and the final vote was 0 to 0 in favor of the two mill increase. All last years corps of teachers wbo applied were re-elected, which included all the old High School force, all the principals and special teachere, and all the teachers except Florence Cornelius. Mae Kreaps, Anna Thompson and Miss Barton, who did not ask for re-election. Miss Cornelius has been elected to a position in the Bellevue schools and Miss Kreaps is now Mrs. Frank Kemper. Miss Elizabeth Frazier, who was sub stituted last year, was given a regular position, and two additional teachers were elected, raising the total from 53 to 55. making places for six new teachers. They are Mary McKinley, AnnaH. Brown, Edith Negley, Gertrude Redic, Margaret Wilson and Em ma Marshall. The total number of teachers, principals and High School Corps is 69. Henry Krug was re-elected truant officer and Harry Nicholas, T. A. Hite, Simon Moon, Oliver Graham and J. H. Cumberland were re-elected janitors. Miss Bard of the High School has been elected to a place in the Central High School. Pittsburg, and if she will not accept her Butler posUion, another High School teacher will have to be elected Friday evening when the Board meets to fix salaries, etc. Oil and Uas Notes. The Market.—Remains at $1.64. Connoquenessing Walker & Mc- Candlesa' No.l on the Rose, which play ed out in the 100-foot is showing uji good in the Snee or Blue Monday. W. Va —A monster gas well in Ritchie county is burning, set fire by lightning, and the flames are rising 501 feet Indian Territory—Two hundred oil well derricks were wrecked near Dewej last Saturday night by a tornado. Callery—Eisler and O'Biens No. 1)' Staples struck good pay in the 100-foot, yesterday. Greater Pittsburg. By a vote of 37,505 to 17,582. only about five-eight 9 of the voters going tc the polls, Pittsburg and Allegheny be came one city, last Tuesday. The vote of the two cities was as follows. For Greater Pittsburg, in Pitts burg 30,90 7 For Greater Pittsburg, in Alle gheny 6,50f Total 87.50.1 Against Greater Pittsburg, in Pittsburg 5,527 Against Greater Pittsburg, in Allegheny 12,00," Total 17,535 Majority for Greater Pittsburg... 19,97: i Vote of Jenkineon and Guthrie in Pittsburg mayoralty con test.. 63,39£ Decrease in Pittsburg vote cast yesterday 26,87.; ; Vote of Kirschler and Logan in Allegheny mayoralty c0nte5t.23,992 Decrease in Allegheny vote cast yesterday 5,47f QUESTION— If a railroad official oi clerk accepts a gift of stock with an un mentioned outlook toward the supply of cars, or a "commission" of so inany cents per ton on sales of coal to the rail road. Who really pays it? On the facs of the transaction the coal producing and shipping company pays it, and gome courts might decline to go deeper than the surface. But in view of obvi ous ground for belief that the donor did not make the gifts for lore the next view, for which there is strong grown*, is that it was done at the co«t of the shareholders. It is possible to go deeper yet and assert that the cost of these | levies came ont of the shippers, who : could not get cars or a square deal on contracts, and ultimately out of the i consumers, who pay in the end not only for artificial restraints on coal pro duction, but for the increased cost of fuel t) the milroad. The Cunningham Brothers- Founders of Butier. MR. EDITOK —The recent removal of the dead remaining in the old grave yard of Bntler was an event calculated to make a deep impression upon all ocr people, bnt more especially upon the decendanta of the early citizens of onr town. While the remains of many had heretofore been removed to new resting places, yet there were still reposing there the dust of some of the early pioneers and, in one case, of that of one of the founders of the town itself. In most of such cases the descendants of these ancestral dead were either scatter ed afar, or perhaps themselves dead. To preserve their memory an element of sentiment arose which said, that even if no bones or dust of theirs be found yet their names should be rescued from oblivion and not permitted to perish from the earth. In this noble and worthy sentiment our School Board, who have been given control of the old ground for school purposes and who were charged with the care and remov al of its dead, heartily shared, and we have every assurance from them that the new homes of these dead will be marked by suitable grave stones placed at their head. Among them will be that of John Cunningham, whose name ap pears on the deeds as giving two of the three lots composing this old burial ground, and who died in Butler in the year 1805, and was buried upon one cf the lots he, in part, gave. The removal of his dust, last October or November, came just about one hundred years from the time of his burial there. Of him, who he was and what he did for the town and county of Butler, in con junction with a brother, it is the desire and principal object of the writer of this to give some account, as he has learned the same by tradition, and a.-: handed down to him from father to son Two brothers, John and Samuel Cnrr niDgham were among the first whiie men who came to and settled within the limits of the present borough of Butler after the Indians had left this section. As General Wayne's victory over and treaty of peace with the Indians was in 179.->, the white man began to come here soon after. From all we have learned the Cunningham brothers came here in 1796 or 1797. Butler county was nut then organized—it was taken from Alle gheny county in 1800. So when they came there was neither county or town in being. They came from the eastern part of this State. Lancaster county it is said, but they seem to have had sonu acquaintance in and about Philadelphia What first attracted their attention tc this point was, very probably, inform i tion of it derived from an elder brother. James Cunningham, who had been ou« of the Surveyors of the State, appointed to survev and lay out into tracts tht State lands in Western Penrsylvania Many of these tracts had become thf property of Robert Morris, the dis tinguished Patriot of Philadelphia ii Revolutionary times, and who did sc much for the cause, of Independence James Cunningham, it would seem, be came the agent of Mr. Morris for tht lands in the district he surveyed. Thi> district extended from a line north o Butler about four miles to the Alie gheny river on the south, and was an< still is known as "Cunningham's Dia trict of Depreciation Lands." Th< portion of this "District" that fell iut< Butler county, after it was taken frou Allegheny county, embraces part of oui present Centre and Oakland townships all, or nearly all. of Butler, Summit Jefferson, Penn, Middlesex and Clintoi townships, and about half of Buffalo WinfieJd, Clearfield and Donegal town ships. The town of Butler is includes in Butler township. The lands within this "District" wen not in fact "depreciation lands", brr were so called because of certain scn'i 3r certificates issued to the soldiers oi the Revolution for their services hav ing become depreciated. The law al lowed tne trtrtirtn KU'l t«vy these lands in this depreciated scrip 01 money, and hence the name of thf lands' Robert Morris, in aid of and ii sympathy with the soldiers, gave then .food and full money for this scrip, am 'o such an extent that, with other simi lar losses, helped to bring about hi financial ruin. All his lands in thi? section of the State were sold at : Judicial sale held at Bedford, Pa . ii the year 1807, and Stephen Lowry, Esq. )f Baltimore, became the purchaser o; many of them in this section. Aftei that "they were called "Lowry lands.' By Mr. Lowry s will he devised theu to his daughter Sarah, who became thf wife of Thomas Collins, and hence tin lands became known as "Collins lauds,' ar "Sarah Collins lands " Sarah Colli™ lived in Butler in its early days am was well known to its early people. Tin late Mrs. Judge McClure and the latt Mrs. Judge Wilson McCandless of Pitts burg were daughters of Sarah Collin: and inherited most of her lauds here about, some of which, east of town, re main in their heirs to the present time The lands were divided into tracts ol abont 300 acres each. The particulai tract upon which Butler is was firs; known as the "Tressler tract", that be ing the name of the man to whom ; warrant had first been issued for it. T< this tract the attention of the Cunning ham boys, or men, seems to have beet directed. They settled upon it, obtain ed a patent, deed, for it and changed it! name from "Tressler" to that of "But ler", so called in honor of Genera Richard Batler, a brave soldier of th< Revolutionary war, and who afterward; fell fighting the Indians in the battli with them in the west known as "St Clairs' defeat", Nov, 1791. Our count; and our town were named after thi lamented Gen. Butler, and to the Cuu ninghains, tradition says, is due thi honor of suggesting the name. John and Samuel Cunningham, as wi say, became the owners of this tract o 300 acres that they called Butler. Wha directed their attention or fancy proba bly, to it was no doobt the peculia formation in the creek here. The; were millers, or had knowledge of thi milling business, and may be wer looking about for a good mill site t< erect a mill. This they found here The creek here on south end of towj flows in nearly a western course unti it strikes what was known as "Th Rocks", where it turns to the north One tier of these rocks lay directly ii the creek, forming a kind of half circle From this the creek escaped by a chan nel so deep and narrow that a singl timber of forty feet as a foot lpg coul' span it. Another row of huge rock was immediately behind and west o the row in the creek. This made : formation such as was no where ele known in or on the Connoquenessinj creek. It was wild, unique and pictur esque, and well calculated to attract at tention as rare and without its like. Bu one of all these "rocks" now remain entile. Most of the back row wer taken away by the coming of the firs railroad along there, Pittsburg am Western road. 1880, and most of th row in the creek were taken by the Bes semer road when it came, 189(5. Th oiij in the creek remaining entire i showing a disposition lately to f-lid still further iuto tho water, caused b; water drained from the raihoad ijowiu; against it. For many years these rock were a favorite resort for the boys o ttia town, particularly upon a Sunday and evfeiy ojje of them in ride it a specia i point to have the initial letters of hi name cut on them in poise shape o other. On this, the east side of the creek and directjy opposite these rocks. Join and Samne} Cunningham located am built the first flouring mill in all thi: vicinity. About the same time the} built a mill-house across the creel among the rocks we speak of Tin mill was driven at first by water from ; canal or race course which tapped thi creek about where the Plankroai' bridge crosses the creek. This nol proving suniciejit in power a mill dam was made, just wnei-.e tfce present darn is, and another race course'frou. it sup plied the water to drive the mill Thv present dam there is fast disappearing and will sooc be among the things thai were, being no longer cf the pres ent mill being driven by steaiii. As fa; as we have learned the first mill was erected in 1797 or 8. It was, as we state, before the lormation of our coun ty. The father of the writer of this, John Negley, deceased in 1570, wae the first miller in this Cunningham mill. He too had a knowledge of milling. Just how or where he and the Cunning hams first metTand became acquainted ■we never exactly learned, but we have reason for believing that he came here about the same time they did. They .ud he becauie very close friends and" lie continued their miller until February, 1807. when ho purchased of Samuel the mill anil all remaining of their tract of land and thus became their successor in business and prop erty John Cunningham having died, 1805. as we have stated, Samuel be came d'scouraged at his loss and con cluded to go back to his home in the eastern part of the State. (Concluded next week.) Dcnat ii rizo<! Alcohol. The recent passage by Congress of the bill to remove the tax on alcohol for technical uses, is expected to prove of enormous value to almost all the in dustries of the country. To render un lit for drinking or other purges al cohol which is intended for commercial or industrial utilization, the liquid mupt be "denaturized " by the addition of vari ous substances which make it impossible of consumption in beverages. For'most industrial purposes alcohol is used in Oermany free, after ha\ing been "denaturized' or rendered unlit for drinking purposes by admixture, in presence of <x government official, svitn a prescribed percentage or proportion of one or more of several different substances' prescribed in the very elaborate ctatate which governs toe complicated subject in Germany. There are two general classes or degrees of denaturization, viz , the "complete" anil the "incomplete." according t-> purposes for which the alcohol so de naturized is to be ultimately used Complete denaturization of nlcoaol by the German system is accomplished by the addition to every 100 liters (-<H gallons) of spirits, (ai Two and one halt liters of the "standard denaturizcr, made of 4 parts of wood alcohol, 1 part of pyridin (a nitrogenuons base obtain! d by distilling bone oil or coal tar), with the addition to each liter of 50 grammes of oil of lavender or rosemary; (b) one and one-fourth liters of the above "standard" and 2 liters of benzol, with every 100 liters of alcohol. Alcohol to be usedin the manufacture of ethers, aldehyde, agarcin, white lead silver bromide gelatins, photographic papers and plates, electroplates, col lodion, ealicylie acid and salts, chemicals and for a number or other purposes, is denaturized by the addi tion of (f) 10 liters sulphuric ether, or 1 liter of benzol, or one half liter of oil of turpentine, or 0 025 liter of animal oil. For the manufacture of varnishes and inks alcohol is denaturized by the ad_ dition of oil of turpentine or animal oil and. for the production of soda soaps by the addition of 1 kilogramme ot castor oil. Alcohol for the production of lanolin is prepared by adding > liters of benzine to each hectoliter of spirits. The price yf denatniized alcohol varies in the different Stntes and prov inces of the Empire in accordance with the yield and consequent maikf t price of potatoes grain and other materials. At the preseut time alcohol of 95 per cent purity, which is the quality or dinarily used in Germany for burning, sells at wholesale from 28 to 29 pfennigs (0.07 to <> 9 cents) per liter (1 CO quart?) and at retail for 33 pfennigs (7.85 centsi per liter —Sci Am The New York World THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION The Thrice a-Week World hop as to be in 1906 a better piper than it has ever been before, and it hi 9 made its arrangements accordingly. Its news service covers the entire globe, and it reports everything fully, promptly and accurately. It is the only paper, not a daily, which is as good as a daily, and which will keep you as completely in formed of what is happening through out the world. The Thrice-a-Week World is fair in its political reports. You can get the truth from its columns, whethei you are Republican or Democrat, and that is what yon want. A special feature of the Tbrice-a- Week World bus always been its serial fi.±ir>n Tf pn 1-1 nnrula Hp tile beat authors in the world, novels which in book form sell for $1.50 apiece, and its high standard in this respect will' be maintained in the future as in the past. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular snbeription price is only sl.o< per year, and this pays for 150 papers. Wo offer this unequalled newspaper and The Citizen together for one year for *1 75. The regular subscription price of tb« two papers is $'2.00. TH6 SUTI36R (JTIZ6N. SI.OO per year If paid In adv&uce. other-wist $1.50 will be cnartred. Adveutisino Katks —One inch, one t!m« $1; each subsequent insertion f>o cents eacl: Auditors' and divorce notices $-1 eiich : exec utors' and administrators' notices each estrriy and dissolution notices $2 each. Read ing notices 10 cents a line for first and 5 cent; for each subsequent insertion. Notice? amonglocal news Items 15 cents a line foi e *ch In sertion. Obituaries, cards of thanks resolutions of respect, notices of festival: and fairs, etc., inserted at the rate of 5 cent: aline, money to accompany the order, ievei words of prose make aline. Hates fur standing cards ana Job work or application. AH advertising is duo after first Insertion and ail transient advertising must be pai> for in advance. All communications intended for public;;, tlon in this p;tper must be accompanied l>j the real namtfof the writer, not for publica tlon bu; a guarantee of good faith.and shou it reach us not later than Tuesday evening. Death notice* must be accompanied w t) responsible oain« THE Established COUNTRY ,83i GENTLEMAN Hie ONLY Agricultural NEWSpaper AND ADMITTEDLY THE Leading Agricultural Journal o the World. Every department written by special!-.; the highest authorities in their respectlvi lines. No other paper pretends to compare witl It in (juailiicatioiis of editorial stall'. Gives the agricultural NEWS with adegrei of completeness not even attempted In others. Indispensable to all country residents win wish to keep up with the times. Single Subscription, $1.50. Two Subscribtlons, $2.50. Five Subscriptions, $5.51 SPECIAL IMUTKNKNIs TO IIAKKXS 01 LAUUKK CLUBS. Four Mouths' Trial Trip 50 cent?. SPECIMEN COPIES will be mailed free on request. It will pa; anybody interested in any way in countn life to send for thtti. Address the publishers LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Albany, N. Y taken at this oflioe Both uapi'rs together. s^.oo. Anvono so .11 na sketch and description may quickly ascertain om opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communlcn tions strictly contldenttaL Handbook cn Patents sent free, oldest agency for securing patents. Patent* taken through Munn A Co. receive notice , without charge. In tho Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scienttflc Journal. Terms. a year: four months, fl. Sold by all newsdealer*. MUNN& Co 361 Broadway, New York Bnujcb Ottloa. HJS V it- W««bl»nr»on D. fl jVL Shan<?r, Fire and Life Insurance 4l-J.Su HEAL ESTATE. Room 508, Bntler County National j Dank Building. Butler, Pa. DEATHS. , ENGLISH--At her home in Muddy- j creek township, June s. HMMi, Mrs. Wm. F. English, nee Hilliard. aged ! about 50 years. Mrs. English died suddenly from tjeart trouble, while her husband was in Butler. f>he is survived 1 y lit-r Ims band, three sous and one daughter. NIXON —At Somert-rt. Ky., .Trine 11)06, D. W. Nixon, formerly of But ler Co DELEAU—At his home in Butler, j June it. 1900, Edgar V.. son of Ed- • ward Deleau. aged 4 years. GALBREATH—At her hoiue in Worth ington, .Tuue 5, HH)<> Mrs. Elizabeth Galbreath, mother of Wm. G..of Butler, aged 8* years. RABBITT—At the Hospital, June fi, I 190*!, Williim Rabbit t. formerly of | Donegal township, aged •'>:! years. HOFFMAN—At his home in Pittsburg, i June T. 1900, John L Hoffman, in his ! Oiad year. DICKEY At his home in Mars, June 13, 1900. John Dickey, aged 55 years, j Mr. Dickey was Postmaster at Mars, i and died suddenly, yesterday morning. | He is survived by his wife and three : sons. GATTENS—At her home in Butler. I June 13. 1900. Miss Esther, daughter j of Mrs. Bridget Gatten?, aged 20 j years tier death was caused bv typhoid. DAVIDSON At her home in Forward township, May 1900, Mrs. John Davidson. BEST At her home in Butler, June 9, 1900, Mrs Eliza Best, mother of Mr-. George C. Biehl. aged 75 year?. SNYDER At hi; home in Wiufield township, Juue 10, 1906, John Suvder, aged TO years. lie is survived by three sons. HOCKENBERRY—At the home of his parents ut Wtst Sunbnry, Ju. 11, 1900. Hugh D.', only son of Dr. and Mis. H. D. Hockenberry, aged 4 years. Obituary. Rev James Ke!. j >, a well known I*. P. minister Pasadena, Oala., last Thursday. C'aivl of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. IKttzell i ish to thank the attendance at th * Hospital and also thtir friends aud neighbors for their assistance and sympathy through the sickness and death t>f their s>n, Ilarvey. Painter the best results can be obtained only when the paint is Pure White Lend and Pure Linseed Oil mixed with the require ments of the particular job in view. Be wary of the man who suggests the use of paint already prepared. He cannot know the ingredients of such mixtures. First-class painting can only be had by the use of paint which contains nothing but Pure White Lead and Pure Linseed Oil, colored to the desired v—v.. shade. Specify 1 3EYMER-BAUMAN U'/JJ Pure White Lead /f \ (Made by tlio Old Dutch Process) ft 1 ' "~~-t mixed with Pure Linseed p PURE Oil, and see that your :Wti|TS" j painter uses it. It spreads ' , Jr j easily and uniformly, form ing an elastic coat that im mediately becomes a part of the wood itself. It will not crack or peel as do adulterated 'paints. This means at tractive appearance and perfect protec tion through all the long years ,f its life. When it does wear, it wears away uni formly, and when the painter is called upon again, he finds the surface ail ready for him without recourse to scraping and "burning off." Remember the name, Ueyiner-Bauman Pure White Lead. Send for a br.nklet containing several handsome j : ions of actual houses, offering valuable 6.i>ocestionH f*>r a color scheme in painting your txmsc. A teat for f>uliit purity la ttfuo ulvon. NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PENNA. Second National Bank Bid#., Pittsburgh, Pa. For Sale by nil Dealers. /Kerr & Brown. S 212 S. Main St. ) ) New Drug Store ) y Now Open, } j !■■■■— — mil —— / 1 All our drugs and med- f S icines new, fresh and :lean. / t Our prescriptions are y ? compounded by Jwo regis- \ ) tered pharmacists, Messrs SR. G. Kerr and J. A. / f Weber y / Handsomest soda foun- \ ) tain and best fruit syrups f S in city. r / Full line of Toilet Arti-y / cles and choice Perfumes. S j Finest Cigars. ( S Try us and be convinced. / ) Kerr 8 Brown, ( ? 212 S. Mm St., S j Arlington Hotel % ") Building. 5 Notice of Application for Charter. In the Conrt of Common Pleas for the County of Butler. Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the said Court ou the ltilli day of June, 11)06. at 10 o'clock A. M , under the "Act to pro vide for the incorporation and regula tion of certain corporations ' approved April 29th, 1371. aud its supplements, by Henry Heyl. Dauiel Shaner. Martin Heyl. Lewis Albert, Franklin Bliun, J. W. Burry, Amos H. Bartholomew, and others for the charter of au intended corporation to l>e called "The Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church of Pros pect", the character and object of which is the establishment aud perpet uation of the worship of Almighty God, and for these pnrposes to have, possess, anil enjoy all the right*, benefits, and privileges conferred by said Act. and its supplements. A. E. Keiher, Solicitor LOOK AT THE LABEL Pasted on your paper, (or on the wrapper in which it coiiies,) for a brief but exact statement of your subscription account. The date to which you have paid is clearly given. If it is a past date a remittance is in order, and is re spectfnlly solicited, Remember I the subscription price, ? 1. 00 a year in advance or $1.50 at end of C. NEGLEy, B isl jr. Pduui . i £3/ It the date in not cuaugud within j three weeks write antl auk why. j CAM P ? E LL ' S GOOD FURNITURE | HAMMOCKS Porch Chairs 1 ptj Complete line c: strong, plenty of the popular lS SSjJ durabs hammocks at $2, priced rocking chairs he r e. gig $2.25, >3.90, $5.50 and most em n j Ce enough §g * 6 -75. for indoors, at $3.90. jUs Kg 52.25, $1.75 and 85c. Mf* gj Parlor Suit, $75. || Sgi New five-piece suit, large, o j n 0..:* $55 Mg massive, mahogany finish- bea hoom J>UI1 ' 3§| ed frame, with claw feet ~ , (S Sand shaped arms and Quarter sawed golden oak g sll* curved, plain tops; up- su dresser has pattern holstered in a rich green mirror, shaped top andjgf S=k mercerized verona. One swell front. ■ r ' ;jse of the best values we have as s i top draper an . shown this season. matches the dresser. Bed!g has a continuous rim and pS ?| Iron Bed, $6.75 of medlum helght g Strong, durable, continu- __ ftge ous post bed, finished in BGu bprinCJ. sb.OU < Pj |p| light or dark green, with jg| 3»S white and gold trimmings. Made expressly for iron tegs SSI No brass to tarnish. A beds; all iron frame. withgjß very desirable bed for the best coil springs that we^ s||j price. guaranty for five years, 1 Alfred i. Campbell! EEEEEEfSiIISIEEEEEEEEE - PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PERSONALLY-CONDUCTED TOURS Yellowstone Park Denver and Pacific Coast Colorado S P rin 9 s Jnlv 3, An»nst 0. Sept. =5, 1000. ! A,>COunt ®" P " °* E " RATE? PROM j July 13. MM. ~ . . | RATES FROM Ilarrisbnrg eiit Pittsburg -10 llarrisburg S3JS , Pittsburg SO.TS 2 Covering necessary expenses for -» 'days. Varying routes. Covering necessary expenses for 1- jg . ... days, except nteals in Denver. 8 Vellowstcr..' Park is Natures Play- J E uround a land of many wonders. Colorado is tlio richest Siato in the Geysers gush tiaiiy. I'nion In scenlr attractions. PROPORTIONATE RATES FROM OTHER POINTS. SPECIAL PULLMAN TRAINS. For further information, consult nc-trest Ticket Agent, or address GEO. W. BOYD. General Passenger Agent, ■ J. R. WOOD, Passenger.Trafllc Manager. Itroad Street station, Philadelphia • i H ■—r ■— i rAME ANDEXAWNE <bvl»lE Our New Goods Even if you're not quite ready to buy, it will tfive you an idea as to what's ing to be worn and how much it will cost. Some of our best customers come in two or three tftnes before making a final decision. THINKING IT OVER assists their selection in a more satis factory manner. Some prefer deciding at once, and either way pleases ns. We're sure you'll like the new suitings we're now showing and want you to get in and get an earlv pick. WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond. Butler, Pa. Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line ;uid we ate sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis Pharmacy S. G. PURVIS, Pu. G Both Phones. 213 S Main St Butler Pa. Claims Sustained UNITED GTATLS COURT OF CLAIMS i'i «• !'i ; i:!: hers of Webster's International Dictionary niJcirethat it "is,in fact.!ho IK»I»U -lai i'iitii>n<li|efi Jhtfrotiffhly i : overy ik: ail, and vastly enrirhed ineverj j» •», »viii* the pvirpt so < t adapting it to nu< i tin- larger i! v 1 severer requirements of uuott *r • ncra tion . M We are of tbe opinion t '.:,. ;:• : -at ion nv ! t • :r. lv and accurately '»•' r s the \ . t'i:• ■ has been ii«vo!npli>l:<- I:: 1 the ! • - ilt t'iat !k en ro:;che*l. The 1 i<" ."r. :ry. : - it !■«'.-J..:i<ih;i.v been tl.o;. i. !;iy IV- I;iii, has IM en coi i --1 in cn ry in• t, and isadmirably adapted (o nu et ;!•• hii «r £u\crer :«".|iiirei:.!:itd of a i «lemand moi e < f i< rpvlar ledge t ban any gene ration ! ):; i I !;• • v. .:!•;<! h: <fY«.T C<>! 11 :ii: .1- 1. it . perbapa needless to add that we xeffer .(. , '!»«•<lo'.rry in < iir Judicial »»<M k :li. I;. •.! - 1 miih; !' iv in accuracy of defini tion: and that in the fu tore as in the past it irill be I ho Bounce of constant itteretM OXiASijpo*! rrr.ctirfinaiii. LAWRENCE WELDON, JOHN PA VIS, (STANTON J. PEELLE. ! CUAKLES !!. HuWllV, J ud^cfl. Tli<- rihnve refers to WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE 'tli" lii'rhi'-t :r *rsni) Tvnq (riven to the Interna li"'. !Httl " World's Fuir, tit. Louis. EEs THE LATEST AN!I BEST fs -% Tpi a r,tt Of". V-- ;:.rSIMiVJ wLJ., iISrtRSATTOiAI.. • iiHtRS. > mcTioswnr/ £; ..Gi-IELD. MASS. Success, HenJ.h, Happiness, Prosperity. The way to gel rlcl,. Photograph ol yo.ii future Husband or Wife, Sue in coin or stamps. Send I'irth date. .MAI>AM IViL- J.M'[' Jfo <73 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, Conn, TIDEWATER Virginia Truck, Stock F.ii ins and Colonial llomes l>y the sea: line climate; write lor catalogue. Your oppor tnnilv. M. O. LACKEY", KKAI, ESTATE. Hiuuptou. Virginia. MACHINEKY- KAILS -BEAMS concrete Mixers. Boliei-s, >f.jiines, Mhi'iilno TiViH, Tee Itk b. ltean>-i. Columns. Pipe Plates lllowerfl Co"TUffHl"<i Sheets CUsI; pan I foi SrTkp iru;t ,»id M tal-. H<'MKU iu)\Yr.S, ltiver Avenue, Alie£lu<ny, liv. ' Phones '.ZI North. Receiver's Notice. 1 In the matter of the Bntler Builder* Supply Company. Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of April, 1906. on petition pre sented to the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county. Pa., at Ms D. No March Term, 1905, the Guaranty Safe ; Deposit and Trust Company, Receiver I of the Butler Builders Supply Company, • were discharged from said office of re ceiver at its request and with the con sent of the parties in interest and that the undersigned was appointed receiver of said Bntler Builders Supply Co., to succeed the said Gnarantv Safe Deposit and Trust Compay; that I have accept ed said appointment and entered upon my duties as receiver aforesaid. Notice is hereby given to all persons who are indebted to said company to make payment to me and all persons having any legal claim against or de mand upon said company shall make proot of the same in the manner pro vided by law and present the same to me. MARION HENSHAW, Receiver of the Bntler Builders Supply Company. JAMES N. MOORE, Attorney for Receiver.. NOTICE. In the matter of the 1 In the Court of L'nin flual account of Al- moil Pleas of Butler fred Miller, committee ; county. I'a., No. (, of Martin Lowry I>ec. Term, ISB9. Ms. Webb, a lunatic. J D. 13. page Notice Is hereby given that Alfred Miller, committee of said lunatic, has Bled hi.s final account in the office of the I'rothonotary of the Court of Common l'leas of Hut lei coun ty. Pa., at the above number and term and that the same will he presented for con tirmation and allowance on Saturday. June 9th, 1006. WILLIAM A. LOWRY. I'rothonotary's office. l'rothonot ary. Butler. Pa.. Slav 8 1900 Executor's Sale. , liy virtue and authority contained in the last will of George Smith, late of Butler township, Butler county, I'a.. deceased, re corded in Will Book I, page 101, the under signed executor will offer at pubic sale at the Court House on Monday, June ilth, 1906, At one o'clock I', M.. the following described real estate, located in Butler township. But ler count jr. i'a.: Bounded on the north by lands of Schalt'ncr. on the east by lands of Crisweil. on the south by lands of William Rae and on the west by public road, con taining 175 acres, more or less; frame house, frame barn and other outbuildings thereon; aliout 60 acres in woodland, with two good orchards. TERMS Ol' SALE—One-third cash, bal ance In two equal, annual payments, with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. DAVID NIOGEL. Executor of Oeorgo Smith, dee'd.. F, X. KOULKII. Att'y. Butler. Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration ou the estate John W. Gibson, dee'd, late of Valencia, Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment, and nil having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ANDREW G. WILLIAMS. Adm'r. ALEX MITCHELL, Att'y. 8-22-00 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Conrad Sell, deed, late of Winfield twp., Butler Co., Pa. Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the above estate, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authen ticated for settlement. HERMAN SELL, L . B^KT'SELL. R F. D. 17. Carbon Black, Pa. JAMES B. MCJUNKIN, Att'y. 3-32-0t; W.M. WALKI;K. CHAS. A. MCELVAI.-; WALKER & McELVAIN, 307 Bntler County National Bank Bld'g REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. OIL PROPERTIES. LOANS. BOTH PHONES UL.UB BATES. We can oinb the CITIZEN with the Pittsburg Times at ,s:i.oo per >ear for the two; CITIZEN and Pittsburg Post for $3.25; CITIZEN and Pittsburg Ga zette $4.00. CITIZEN and Thrice-a-week (N. Y.) World, $1.70 Cash in ftdvance. il-'.no T(. ... <» I'ER WEEK AND A \ KA 1. GOLD FILLED. WAUHANTED WATCH 1- REE. We want one representative in every town and city to advertise, take orders and appoint sub-agents; 30 per cent commission and other inducements; big money made and pleasant, clean work: goods said to ad vertise at half price; credit given agents; no money required, for we trust you until after delivery, giving you 10 to 30 days; sample ><- lnch shear sent on receipt of advertising price 28 cents; all goods .warranted by us; tile sample will convince you that you can make $11".IN) to 55.00 per week 0., our goods: exclusive territory given wUI) control of sub-agonts. Answer a. once, wh%e territory Is open; salaried position after you becw 10 experienced. THE i NIT ED SHEAR CY. , Westboro. Mass, I JUNE CLEARANCE SALE. v We have decided to clo»»e oat our entire stock of lat« Spring Styles f. and Novelties in Ladies' and Misses' Fine Tailored Snits. Our stock is v very light, bat a rule never broken here is to start eftch new season with ont one left-over garment from the season before. Hence this sacrifice J sale so early in the season 1 Sis high class Jacket Suits for #6.98; formerly $13.00 and $25.00. ( I Fourteen high Eton Suits, $10.95; formerly $30.00 and $35.00. J . In connection with this Clearance Sale of Suits, we offer special cut S price* on White Wash Suits, Skirts and Waists. C > One lot of 50 Fine White Waists slightly soiled, at 69c, formerly / . $1 25, $1.50 to $2.00. All sizes from 34 to .. in this special lot. All on % ' one table. c ( 25 IJOYS* WASH SUITS. WHITE AND COLORED. | > Sizes, 3 years to 10 vears, to be sold at one-half former price. On t' • table, first floor | Girls' Wash Dresses white and colored, 1 to 14 years, price 25c, 50c, $1 ' I Infants" Slips, 25c, 39c, 48c, 75c, 98c, and np to $5.00. i ' j Children s Short White Dresses.age Ito 6. 25c, 39c, 48c, 75c, 98c, up to $5. If Infants' Lace Caps, 25c. 39c, 50c. 75c, 98c, up to $3.00. ( J Children's Lingerie Hats. 50c, SI.OO, $1.50, and np to $6.00. ( t WASH FABRICS. . C Only in white. 19c. 25, 39c: values, 25c. 40c and 50c. Balance of our . ( stock of Embroidered Rot>es. s3.9B—value $6.75 and $7.75. Fifty Lingerie v Shirt Waist Patterns, at 79a—value $1.50. 4 » SEPARATE CLOTH SKIRTS. <1 Colors, Grays, Blacks and Blues $4 98—value $7.00. jk Colors, Grays. Black and Blues $, r ;.9S—value s*.so. K Colors. Grays. Blacks and Blues $'5.98-value SIO.OO. . ' f MILLINERY CLEARANCE. < g { ( One-third to one-half off plainlv marked price, on all Trimmed Hats. < » , , One-third to one-half ofl, plainly marked price, on all Untrimmed Hats. . 5 Flowers. Ribbons and Xlillinerv Novelties reduced. y SUMMER REQUISITES. 0 4,) Hosiery, Knit and Muslin Underwear, Corsets, Gloves, Neckwear. A /\ Belts, Combs, Pins. Hose Supporters, Bracelets and Beauty Pins. Em- X \/ broideries. Laces and Ribbons, Pompadour Ribbons for Sashes.2sc, 35c, 50c. y | Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. I Bell Phone 208. . T ~)„ I People's i'hone-126. DlltlCr, 1 O• I Women's Pretty White Lawn Waists. Our exceptionally fine showing of dainty and stylish waists captivates V fanc Y °* the ladies who see The waists in the main, are ((( jl§l\ copies of models imported from \ MWV foreign fashion centers and the \/ styles can be depended upon as be in £ aut^entic // ' It Made of fine, sheer persian lawn, / m elaborately trimmed with fine val / !\ lace and embroidered fronts special | ly imported for the purpose. Long V or short sieves. Regular $1.50 value at SI.OO. Regular $1.75 value at $1.25 Regular $2.00 value at $1.50. Regular $2.50 value atsl.7s. Regular $3.00 value at $2 00. Pretty Wash Dress Fabrics. This is a very attractive lino of fashionable<fabrics for wash divs3»s and waists. Here you will find India Linens, Persian Lawns, Pari* Mnslins, Organdies." Batiste, Linens, &c.. at lowest prices. L. Stein & Son, 108 N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA iWe Want to Say I Something to You. / / It's About the Hot Weather! \ / How, What and Where to buy! S * Two=Piece Suits. { f Half the satisfaction of a summer is being so well clad that yon can / f dismiss completely the clothes matter from your mind. \ \ Two-piece Suits are it. (Solid comfort in every one of 'em.) In grey.", / blue serges, fancy Southern worsteds: well tailored. Cut, fit and every 1 feature of finish of a first-class tailor-made. From SIO.OO to SIB.OO. / Straw Hats. \ The best interests of your head and purse demand that you buy your \ l straw hats here. The most complete line of straws ever shown in the city. f / SAILORS, from SI.OO to $3.50. } V PANAMAS that have no equal for the price, and generally sold for J y one-half more—ss.oo to si>.so. } / And don't forget the Window Display- | Douthett & Graham. I INCORPORATED. S , SUTLER . " Cs/> -C /<?•• New Buildings, new rooms, new :md elegant equipment excellent courses of study, Ir\- of ti achers. expenses moderate, terms VEUY LIBERAL! ' over ij-.iKXi worth of new typewriters In use (showing advanced students from 3 to 4 hours'practice per day. and other equipment In proportion. Positions secured for our worthy graduates Visitors ALWAYS welcome! When In Butler, pay us a visit. If you can not do so sooner, stop and see our school when In Butler for the fair. • , Ten times as many calls for young men stenographer* as we can supply. Should you doubt this, stop at the office and ask about It. und see for yourself. MANY are already enrolling for the fail term. Young men and women, arrange matters at home so that yon can enter In September or the early fall months. So far as we know, we have placed every shorthand graduate we have turned out this year—both ladles and gentleman, and with two or three exceptions, all the graduates of our bookkeeping department. FALL. TERM, SEPTEMBER Jt, IJMMi Catalogue, circulars, etc., mailed upon application. A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, P3. WHY You c i ) ney by purchasing your piano of W. R. NEWTON, "The Piano Man." The expense of running a Music Store is as follows: Rent, per annum $780.00 Clerk per annum Lights, Heat and incidentals . . . $194.00 Total $1286.00 I have no store and can save you this expense when you bny of me I sell pianos for cash or easy monthly payments. I take pianos or organs In exchange and allow you what they are worth to apply on the new instrument All pianos fully warranted as represented. MY PATRONS ARE MY REFERENCE. A few of the people I have sold pianos in Butler. Ask them. Dr. McCurdy Bricker Dr.iW. P. McElroy Fred Porter Sterling Club Fraternal < Irder Eagles U F. Reed Epworth League Woodmen of the World E. \V. Bingbam H. A. McPherson d co. D. High Miss Anna McCandless \V. J. Mates E. A. Black J. S. Thompson Samuel Woods Joseph Woods Oliver Thompson S M. McKoe JohnJohn3on A W. Root R A- Eleauor Bu»tou j. Hillgard Mrj. Mary L Stroyp j. E. Bower* W. C Curry C. F. Stepp F. J. Hauck W. J. Armstrong Miss Emma Hughes Miles Hilliard A. W. Mates I Mrs. S. J. Green W. R. Williams J. R Dontbett Mrs. R. O Rutnbaugb E. K. Richey Clias. E. Herr L S. Youcfe PEOPLE'S PHONE 4-26- Advertise in the CITIZEK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers