R-R TIME-TABLES 1 Pennsylvania i '/' WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. ,/Sehetlnle in etl'eet .fan I, 1000 Traics leave BUTLER as follows: F«»r All»-Kh/n.v an«! wtjr *tati»»u*. f>:ls an«l > ; m, an l A.t) !». m. week 7.30 a- m 5.w l». m, HOKU} , . _ FbrPittalmrg and dattoiu B.JO a. m. an«i Z.JO p. txj. we*k days. . . For Blaimille I titer.** lion, AlU>»na, Harri-burg, Philadelphia and the laat,6.lft »i]% T. 20 a. m. »n.l 5-"5 p. ni. pnn.lay?. ... , .... For KltlA'jning and way ftJ5 and I''- '' /' in. and 4.20 I>. m. mk days; 7.20 a. m. and 5.0 m. SnmlajH. For detailed infonnatioc, »p)ly to ticket agent or a ldr«n Tbo«. E. Watt, lan. Agt. Wwtern Diitrict, MO Ftftto Anna*. Pittatmrg, P*. W. W. ATTEEBL'BV, J. » WOOD Gen'l Mwuwor. Paa.'r TrattcManager. GEO W. BOl'l>. Ojneral Pae-enner Airctt BU&Plili Time table in effect Nov. 19, 1905. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Bntler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTS. 7:30 a. in., mixed for Punxsutawney, Da Boie and intermediate stations. 10:33 a. m. daily, vestibnled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. . 5:50 p. m. local for Pnnx'y, Du Bois and intermediate stations. 11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:10 a, m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 9:30 a.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 4:50 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash ford week days from Rochester. 8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train from Du Bois and Pnnxsutawney. q Trains leave the B. & O. Station, Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local points as far as Dußois daily at 4:20 p. m. week days. Winfield II it Co rime Table In effect May 29th, 1903. WESTWARD. STATIONS. AM P M Leavet WertWinDell. 7 30 2 45 " BoggaTille 745 300 » Iron Bridge 756 SlO " Winfield Junction 8 10 3 28 " Lane 8 550 335 " Butler Junction 825 340 ArriT* Butler 10 33 5 05 Arrire Allegheny J. 500 Arrive Pittsburg 10 25 pa Arrive Blairsville i 1 06 6 42 ] KASTWABD. " STATIONS. " ] A M PM Leave Fittabnrg 3 06 Leave Bttravllle J 50 2 15 " Allegheny 8 V> 220 " Bntler' 840 230 " Butler Junction 10 00 440 » lan 10 03 443 " Winfieid Junction 10 t5 455 " Iron Bridge 10 25 505 11 Boggsville 10 35 515 Arrive We»t Winfleld 10 50 5 30 Traini atop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to take on or leave off pauenger*. Traini Connect at Bntler Junction with: Traina Eastward for Froepcrt, Vatidergrif* and Blairsville Interaection. Traina Weatwanl for Natrona, Tarentnm Allegheny and Fittabnrg. Train* Northward lor Saxon burg, Mamood and But- B. G. BKALOB, General Manager. BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. TIME TABLE la effect September 17th, 1906. EASTERN STANDARD TIME NORTHWARD ~~ SO"™"* 1 "' .(Read up) Dally Except Sunday (Readdown) 10 1141 VI I QT ifinvc I 811 1 I " p. m. p.ra.'p. m. STATIONS. a.m.a. m. p.m. 1 ? iivi-am? « d'i befH i «jj * ■»' * 6 I 'J 2?l | s W S "fl"s.ij FSfllO (WfAr-Conneauta-vi 7 oui- ui 6 10 6 IWI2 Oil 7 00iLv..Conneaut-Ar|lo W .J 665 '6*2112 4 ? .; oit Albion, ]*o3l ta 6 M 10 10 fl2 35 f9 ...Shad eland fßll Pi l(»f8 01 8 0712 32| 9 07'. Spring boro 8 17 2 13 6 07 G 02 12 27 9 02'ConueautYille... 8 22 2 1» C 12 ~T 0712 461 9 2t-Ar.Scadviilp .Lvl 7 30i 1 && 4 Hn 4 oaill 2»j 7 30Lr..Meadvillc..Ar 9 2ffl 3 12 7 07 C 40)12 1« 8 M A..Con't Lake..Lv 7 5Sj 2 2:1 5 25 5 2>ll 5 10 WAr.Xlnesvine.JjT 8 27 6 17 B 43112 101 8 43L7M6, arrives in Greenville at 7:00 p. m.; connects at Queen Junction with trains to and from Kaylor, and at Branchion {or Hllllard. H. H. CTI.EY, E. D. COMSTOCK, General Manager. - Gen'l Pass. Agent. Callear Detective Agency 339 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Long Distance Phone. Secret service in criminal and civil cases. Corpora tion work a specialty. Maxwell-Crouch Mule Conipauy. Largest Dealers in Males in the United States. 90 bead, all sizes, con stantly on hand. Branch Stables 202- 204 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. WANTED—At once several young women for employment, in Lanndry and Kitchen Departments of the Hospital. Wages from fl4 to fill and $25.00 per month. Write to Superintendent Dixmont llospital, Dlxmont, MAN—An ambitious man who realizes tlie limited opportunities afforded him in a clerical position, but who posscses sufficient energy to enter the selling Held can secure an advantageous position with a large financial house handling high grade securi ties. Apply Boom 212—331 I-'ourth avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. Allegheny Employment Bureau, 202 Anderson street, Allegheny. Penn'a., first-class male and female help supplied; If yon want a position call and set? us; ladles wishing help can be suited here; private houses, hotels and boarding houses supplied on short notice. 0. M. PATTERSON, HILLIARDS, PA. Dealer in Cornell Incubators. Chick machinery Standard bone-cntters Barred and White Rock eggs and chicks. Correspondence solicited. W S. & E. WICK, UKALEBS IN Bough and Worked lumber of all Kinds Doors, Sash and Mouldings 011 Well Bigs a Specialty. Oflco and Yard E. Cunningham St* near Weit * I fr\ A DR. E. OWEWER, No. 229 1-2 SOUTH MAIN STI NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewer is n graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddress where he treats all chronic diseases of men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women, ball rising in the throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory unable tc concentrate the mind on one subjvt easily startled when snddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible,distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, tear, areams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of tie limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored Weakness of Young Men Cured and ail private diseases. Dr. E. Grower's varicocele Ring cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cared without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. □He will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot cure Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if you cannot call. Office hours—From 9 a. m. to 8:30 p. in. On Sunday from Ito3 p. m. only. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS ■ yJL-v Original nn ami Gold metallic boxec. sealed r\ —with blue ribbon. Take no other. Ilefuao VVi Dangerous Substitution* aad Imlta 1/ ~ flf tloniw Boy of jour Drugjpat, or 4e. In I Jr '-Minpi for Particular*. Testimonials V fS* Fj »n \ 121 E. Jefferson Street. / "AMERICAN" 1 Improved Variable Friction Feed Saw Milln. Fitted with new "Giant" Duplex ! dogs ratchet set works and quick receder. strong, accurate, reliable, and light running. A car load or two of lumber will pay for one of these mills. Portable saw mills in 5 sizes. 1 Gang edgers, drag saws, lath and shingle mills, planers, wood saws, and splitters. The best made. Full particulars on application. I AMERICAN SAW IVII LI. CO. Haclcetstown, N. i or D. C. EMERY \ Grove City, l»a. Howard M. Hooker & Co., Members Pittsburg Stock Exchange BANKERS AND BROKERS ALL PITTSBURG STOCK 15th Floor, Macheeney building. (PITTSBURG, PA, Phone Bell 100."> Court. WALL. PAPER —AI factory prices, for sale. . Chil iimf !s< samples; wo can save you money; If you csau.it call drop postal und cm will call and show .sampjf?s. MILLEK & SNECK. ua."» SmjthtieJd street, lMtislsUrs. l'a- M ACH IN Elt Y «AILS—BEAMS Concrete Mixers. Hollers. Er,i(|nes, M;u"hln« Tools. Tee Kalis: Beams, Uolumtiii, l'lp<- Plates. Blowers, Corrugated Sliuets. ( afcli paid for Scrap Iron and Metals. HOMf.U lt<)\yEH. River Avenue, AlicKlieny. l'a. 'l'lione* 72! North. ST EN OUiiAFH EKS Iflnsearcli of a potitiod. (.!#. cp your ap- Kllcatlon wit h CNHF.KWOOD TVPF; WKITEit CO,. 211 Fifth Avenue. Pittsburg, l'a Why Be When you can buy a bottle of "Bald Head llec;edy ' for 73 cents which Is guaranteed to kill Wcrobe. cure eczema, of kli kinds and dandruff to 10 days and prow hair on B per cent of Bald or money refunded. It is also an excelled to;;|e and vlgorator, ami is absolutely laa'ra;ie.jj Call or address s.'M Washington Allegheny, Pa. Italian. oreek. Slavish f.aborers Furnished. ITALIAN EMPLOYMENT OFFIt:E, lVCU»tham street, I'ittsburg, Pa. Bell Phono 12W Of#ut. F.MT INKS COMPANY. New York Stocks, Bond*. Grain and Provisions. FOB CASH OR MODERATE MARGINS. 604 and 605 Keystone Building. 324 Fourth Ave, Pittsburg, Pa Phones: P. Jt A. Mala 175. B.e)l, Court :£>£. I I ]>o You Want to Buy a l''ari>(? If so, we have them at all prices; our new , farm catalogue will be mulled to you on ap plication; let us send you one. S v. TUOMPSON CO., Third Floor, »*; Times ' Building, SJti Fourth are., Pittsburg. | To Be Frank |: I you have really never | r eaten a true soda cracker until you have eaten W i Uneeda I I Biscuit I | The only soda cracker M which is all good and W ffi] always good, protected | I from strange hands by a 1 dust tight, moisture SC | proof package. ; § NATIONAL'BISCUIT COMPANY Mtt German Coach © @ north of Butler. Mondays and Tuesdays, and the bal- ® © Season begins April 16th. @ DOCTOR RICHARDS 26689. IfV The highly bred and handsome stal lion Doctor Richards will stand for service at' Butler Fair Grounds in charge nD( le rs 'g ne< J- He is a beautiful golden chestnut, stands 1G hands high, has excellent conformation, with action carr i a K c equalled by none. Doctor Hlfl Richards inherits the blood of Abdallah 9| performers) and Robt. McGregor (sire H of the world's champion trotting stal ■u yr ~ lion,"Crescena, 2:02 i, and 107 other ptr ■r". formers, t and his pedigree in every de _ ■- u r J -ft w tail, represents tlie blood that has pro " )< duced world's champions TERMS $25.00 to 11. A. MOORIIEAJ), insure a living colt. Untler, Pa. VENDETTA BOY 35266. The Wilkes stallion Ven JT w/irVe^^oun^at" 1 my "barn during the summer of 100 H. Vendetta Boy is a beautiful rich, bay, standing Hij hands high and weighs l~ s o i- pounds. He is by a prodnc iitK son of the Great Wilkes %-#" & Wkßoy and sire of SM in the 2:!S0 list. His ufflj HH second and third dams are SN/ mW all producers of standard M Hft ySf speed. His second dam be ■ « M ing in the great brood in are ■ » jJJI list. He is a perfect type ran cf trotting bred coach horses.combining as he does the best and fastest blood ■ ■ I in the world. He has shown 2:20 speed himself at the trot. Grandsons of Georue Wilkes have sired Dan Patch 1 50}, the world Is champion stallion: also Dariel 2:00}, .John R. Gentry 3:0o* Anacondo 2:01 J and four others better than 2:04. Breeder» will please compare his breeding, size, style, action and terms with others and Judge for Themselves. Terms--$15.00 to insure. BRILLIANT 27865 Is a beautiful dark dapple gray stallion, weighing about ISOO lbs. He is a perfect model of the Percheron draft horse and has proven himself a sure and remark ably fine breeder, which his colts over the country will show. Terms«slo.oo to Insure, For tabulated pedigree or particulars call on or address ALONZO McCANDLESS, Franklin twp. R. F. D. 45, Euclid, Pa Near Isle. H j UGi r e t eivcv ti»o largest assortment of sewing machines we ever ■h in stork. We hay® fin e- pepf s.' wing machine repair man at reasonabltl I Henry Biehl, | B 122 N. Main St. i*eo. 'l'hone 404. Subscribe for the CITIZEN KAltfti C«iINJ4 lviire t'olnX boußlit und s"id; wau lK,ot» ) latest issue, i l**) illustrations; pri' i. mail 3Tx-. Coin Department, Jlotli s Hank •> Trust C0.. n00 Grant street. Plttablirg, • WANTED—FIoor moulders, ben.-li moulders and machinists on iron plpe fltt Ings. valves, ptc. Apply at once, The Kellv Jones t 0.. ?nsburg. Pa I —Wfliaial-# bright bOT to learn a I I trade. Inquire at oWce GEO R. ELLIOTi. j DIAMOND MARKET PITTSBURG, Pa. Nurseries at West View, Pa. Trees, ! i Plants, Shrubbery, Hardy Plants, Vines: and Roses. Send for Catalogue ' Pearson B. Nace's Livery, Keed and S>ale tauie ! Rear of 1 Wick House Butlsr Penn't i The bost of horses and first class rigs at I wavs on haud and for hire. Best accommodations In town for perwa f nent boarding and transient '.rude, gpecl ! al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses iiLLC.' c - ul !i*~r*> K V.-BPin ble* Thai Mnj t " s«-ful. Cabbage is a most ' .iut vegeta ble in the estimni e Chinese, i>ut it is not our > my of Its many forms, such as «nu.. iwer, broc- I coli. kale or Brussels sprouts, but orien- | tul species, now Lco.vu by botanists I as Brassica chinensis. I>. p 'tsai and B. juueea. The latter i < more a mustard than a cabbage ar.l much used as a garnish or eaten raw for its pungent flavor, like cress. Good commercial "heads" of the two former species were bought iu New York's "Chiua- W 1 i i * \ CHINESE CABBAGE TAKCHOI. town" market at a cost of 13 cents per pound. The two beads weighed some thing over three pounds together. These cabbages had l>eeti received by express iu barrels from the vicinity of New Orleans, where, we are told, they are largely grown during the win ter by a Chinese syndicate. Almost every large city has its group of Chi nese truckers near by, growing the vegetables demanded by their compa triots. New York's supply comes chief ly in summer from Long Island, but in winter the south is depended on. These cabbages are much used as an addition to soups and meat stews, evi dently being added at the last moment, as they are so lightly boiled that the green color of the leaves and the crisp, pungent mustard-like flavor are well retained. Thus prepared by competent Chinese cooks they are exceedingly palatable and doubtless more digesti ble and nutritious than our species as generally cooked. There are considera ble wastes in overcooking certain veg etables. These Chinese cabbages are on sale all through the year and are compara tively cheap iu summer, as they are easily grown. Pakchol appears to be the favorite. It does not bead, but has many smooth, dark green, wavy leaves, with broad ribs springing from the root.—Rural New Yorker. Observe Before Realioolnp:. Does the horse's shoe fully cover the entire lower border of the wall, or is it too narrow or fitted so full on the inside that it has given rise to inter fering, or has the shoe been nailed on crooked, or has it become loose and shifted? Is it too short or so wide at the ends of the branches as not to sup port the buttresses of the hoof? Does the shoe correspond with the form of the hoof? Are the nuils distributed so as to Interfere as little as possible with the expansion of the quarters? Are there too many? Are they too large? These are points the liorse owner should ascertain in order that any faults observed may be corrected. MaKnrriian Tomato. " "Tasa Toiuato, Maguerosa, which is a cross between Ponderosa— a standard, very large variety—and Magnus—a fine pink fruited sort. The cross has been carried through three seasons and is considered very desirable in form and quality. The l\>«lj r Ronslit llorm. Newly purchased hogs should be carefully examined for vermin, and they should not be turned with - the herd until they are known to be free from these pests. CoverliiK Potntoen. When we plant potatoes, says an Ohio Farmer correspondent, we fur row with a plow drawn by two horses. When the furrows are made there are ridges in half of the spaces, and the other half are level (Fig. 1). When covering we use what we call a scrap er. (See Rig. 2.) It is made of a plank, tongue, handles and several braces and bolts. The length of the plank TO COVER POTATOES. should be about twice the distance be tween the rows. The plank should have a strap of iron at the bottom In front for a cutting edge and to pre vent wear. The tongup should be fastened to the plank at right angles and braced. The handles, which may be taken from an old plow or walking cultivator, should also be fastened and braced to the plank. We let each horse j walk In a furrow, but it is better to use a long doubletree or shafts and but one horse, so the potatoes do not get moved and tramped. The scraper carries some ground ahead of it, which it pulverizes. The dawn of the future is announced to Such as can read its signs, and we owe ourselves wholly to St.—MazzfuJ. Crttpintf Sail. Ilere is something in the course of natural phenomena that will -interest aud instruct tli« little folk if they look into it curiously: Into a tumbler half full of water dissolve just as much common table salt as can be held in solution. Let it stand for a few days and see how the salt creeps out of the water, up the Inside of the glass and the outside—Just like a thing of life frying to eseapo .".cm its environ ment. And when ail the salt is ap parently out of prison the water re mains as salty as before! It is a pretty demonstration. JLabtinff. "This butter seems said the young husband at their first l reul;;;i;j£ at honip. "Yes," she answered, ''l talked |Q the market man about that, and lie said it was economy in the end never to buy weak butter. lie said tiiat even though this might cost a little more tii-opiv »rV".'d E'-'t along with less of It, and it woultl 'l&fct lonjffci. ; Slnnder. Slander is a poison which extin- Euishes charity, both in the slanderer nd in Ui6 person who listens to It, so that a single calunno may prove fata 1 [ 10 an infinite number of souls, since It mils not only those who circulate if but also all those who do not reject It.— Woman's Life. f ouh'n DnKy For t&e Son. A man can't fool his wife with the same excuse more than three times, hpt !ior son can fool her with the same promise itut) times, and it will not fchow the least signs of wear.—Cat*. County (ily.) News. DO YOU KNOW That Dr. Pierco'a Favorite Proscription is the only mod lei no sold through druggists for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ail ments that does not contain large quanti i ties of alcohol? It isalsotlieonly medicine. especially prepared for tho cure of tho i delicato dtoeases peculiar to women, the maker of which is not afrnid to take his patients into his full confidence, by print ing upon each bottle v. .appcr all tho fngre i dlent* entering into the medicine. Ask : your druggist if this is not true. "Favonte Prescription," too, is the only medicine for women, all tho ingredients i of which have tbe unqualified endorse ment of the leading medical \n-Iters of the i several schools of practice, reeommend ! init them for tho cure of tho diseases for which tho "Prescription" is advised. ; Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y., for a .free booklet, and read tho numer ous extracts from standard medical au thorities praising tho several ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medicines aromade. and don't forget that no other medicines put up for sale through druggists for do mestic use can show any such }>rnfcsslonal ; endorsement. This, of itself, is of far j more weight and importance than any amount or so-called "testimonials" so conspicuously flaunted before the public, in favor of the alcoholic compounds. Tho "Favorite Prescription" cures all woman's peculiar weaknesses and de rangements.thus banishing the periodical headaches, backaches, hearing-down dis tress, tonderness and draging-down sen sations in lower abdomen, accompanied by weakening and disagreeable catarrhal, pelvic drains and kindrod .symptom-. Dr. Pierce and his staff of skilled-spe cialists may l>« consulted free by addross ing as above. All correspondence is treated as sacredly confidential. By con sulting in this way the disagreeable questionings and personal"exaininations" arc avoided. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser contains some very Interesting and valuable chapters on tho diseases peculiar to women. D contains over one :iiousand pages. Dis sent post paid, on receipt of sufficient in ono-ceut stamps to ,iay cost of mailing only, or 21 cents for copy in flexiole piper covers, or 31 cenu r a cloth-bound copy. Address Dr. R. \ . t'ierco as above. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and invig ite stomach, liver and bowels. One laxative, two or three eatnartic. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL :::::: T OR IMI.ES, O!NE APPLICATION BRIMJS RELIEF. SAMPLE MAILED FREE. At Druggists, 25 cents or mailed. Humphreys' MtMieine Co., Cor William and John Streets, New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $ 1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. 80l J fcy Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of prioec Humphreys' Med. Co.i William & John Sts., N. Y. e. . Drying preparations simply dei op dry catarrh; they dry up the secret ;oi which adhere to the membrane and d_ > 'in pose, causing a far more serious trouble i: the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all > ~\ ing inhSlants. fumes, smokes and ' and use that which cleanses, eootlifs ; ; heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and wiil cure catarrh or cold in the Load easily and pleasantly. A trial size w;il bo mailed for 10 cents." All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers ">i: Warren St., N.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry Eurface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Kasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. WHEELER'S ROYAL GOLD ENAMEL PAINT HENRY WHEELER & SON, 119 W. OHIOST.. ALLEGHENY, PA PAROID READY OOFINQ. IDAKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. A NYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core oi each roll. I> EPRESENTS the results o " years of Experience and Ex perimenting. /"kNLY requires painting ever fewyears. Not when fir; t laid I S Cheaper than Gravel, Slat' ■*- or Shingles. I \EMAND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facva, Samples and Prices are yonrs if you will ask ns. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. L. C. WICK, DEALBB IV LUfIBER. M. A BERKIMER. Funeral Director. 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! SPEAK & 11'Jl.I.An'gTSCK Oi-' i INK Ft'R NITFRE AND i-Alil'KTS. THE i'ALAN'E AT PRIVATE JjAI.E NOW A • GOLD SMITHS. SEX' T«S PICK.'RINU'R. !>34 ri-NN avk. or>u parlor of SOI. III MAI' .i\NV . -OJi r ;If \Nl)' Kl3: NOU sr .". • VNIJ »s HUI.IM V'.HOOANY parlor spits of :! rc< r ;7.i. <;o AT $:.o; tiCNl'i'NK 1.1.\ !. t IT' I.F 3 PIECES. S. & II PRICK, sll% i; I AT ?r ~: CEKI'INE LEATHER «'• I 1 E ' {! A I PRICE. $•« NOW > OiiNTI.Hi LKA TH RED DAVENPORTS :i :j II j RICK. sl. no at # orn;;:n nnv.N i.. .w . 122.10; FINE -A!.I. I l:\TH' ■: ''KKI were st.;. now ; i i.eath. • SEAT ROCKERS s' & II FP.P'E, sls Ml $7 On; FINE OAK ROCKERS. S. & price si;-, now »-,.5.i: mahogany ctip FONIER:'. & 11. PUIi'E. < r>. Nt >' Sit mahooa:' dresse::. s H. PRICK. »:s NOW *22 • PARLOR TAfil.E SOT. in MAHOOANi" price <22 .vow s«i-0, r; : i.or of rti.-i AT i. s;i 5-21 AND S'lO. AI.I. BRASS • !-:r . sl7 3 . AND *22..V> WORTH >:m AN'H .'; c.o \ T $22.50. OTHERS AS I.OW V StII AND SI2 pro I.OT ntNINO P'lOM TAPI.ES. CHAIRS STOVES AM) RANGES THIS 1.1 A CHAX'"TF A [i'TTIV; - ; COME AT ON'-L. ;.ii rvi i ; . n r p-n.m A" E I.OOE I . .. TilE . !■> ' • I V-V I GOMis.MITIi Pvuu .4 -if, ' . f '.utg, Pa, W. .1. TANNEY DETECTIVE AGENCY, Corner Fifth and Wylle Avenues, lioom ii. I'lttsliurK. I'll. J»ete< tlve sorvlce of nil kinds also aids In the preparation of cases and secures the at ila.i. ■ of witnesses at trials. All business Strictly coumi^cllt. —Why is Newton '"The Piano Man .' See adv. Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and e Ootician Nest i ici to Court House, Butler, Ph PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, DR. L. R. HAZLETT, 106 W. Diamond St., Butler. North side of Court House. Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat work, a specialty. ,JA<\IES C. 50VIsE,tU. D. PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. OFFICE Horns— O to in a. m.. L to 3 p. m., 7to* p. in. Sunday by appoint ment. 121 E. Cunningham Street, Butler, Pa BOTH PHONIC. OSTEOPATHY. DR. G. F. PURVIS, OSTEOPATH. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation and examination free. Office hours 'J to 12: 1.30 to 5. Room:- 'Jo*-!), Odd Fellows Temple. People's Phone 509. DR. JULIA E. FOSTER. OSTEOPATH Consultation and examination free. Office hours—'J to 12 A. M., 2 to M.,.daily except Snnday. Evening appointment. Office —Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But ler. Pa. People's Phone 478. DENTISTS. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON, PROSTHETIC DENTIST. Teeth extracted absolutely painless. Take Vitalized Air or Nitrous Oxide. All work satisfactory. 1274 S. Main St., BUTLER, PA. DR. FORD U. HAYES, DENTIST. Graduate of Dental Department, University of Pennsylvania. Office—Room 20fi Odd Fellows Bldg DR J. WILBERT McKEE, SURGEON DENTIST. Office over Leighner's Jewelry store, Butler, Pa. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. DR. H. A. MCCANDLESS, DENTIST. Office in Butler County National Bank Building, 2nd floor. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. Johnston, DEVOST Office at No 114 E. Jefiwiion St., over G. W. Miller's grocery ATTORNEYS. COULTER & BAKHR, ATTORNEVSAT UV. Office iu new Udd Fellows building HH. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY A* LAW. Office on Main St., over Reed a. T D McJUNKIN, 0 • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in R*ib«r building, cornei Main and E. Cunninghaui Sfs, Entrance on Main street. 1 B. BKEDIM, •J . ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on M»ia St. near Conrt Horsr RP. SCOTT • ATTORNHY-AT-LAW, Office in Butler County National Bank building. AT. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But ler, Pa. TV C. FINDLEY, TT . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND PENSION ATTORNEY. Office on South side of Diamond, Btitler, Pa. JOHN W. COULTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on Diamond, Butler, Pa. Special attention given to collections and business matters. I? H. NEGLEY J> ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Negley Building, Weot Diamond. 1 P. WALKER, NOTARY PUBLIC, BUTLER, Office with Berkimer, the Undertaker P F. L. McQUISTION, V. Crvii, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Office with Coulter & Baker, Odd Fellows Bnilding. B. muslinwear May sale being conducted for quality, workmanship, style and all that goes to make Mus linwear acceptable at prices surpassing the average not less than 25 per cent. Special lot Nainsook and Cambric Drawers, lace and embroidery trimmed, $1.50. Cambric Drawers with hem stitched tucks and embroidery fuffle, 7sc Another special Drawer at the same price—fine Nainsook, lace trimmed, full ruffle of in sertion and edge. 20 excellent styles, 50c. Fine Nainsook Chemise—l rimmed with Val Lace, nbbons and beading edge, daintily an<] prettily made, 65c. Si:nilar garments —etnbroid- cry trimmed, Hsc. No matter what you want in Muslinwear—from a garment :ostfng a mere trifle to the inesi produced, you'll find it lere priced to your advantage. Boggs & Buhl ALLEGHENY, PA. lias and Gasoline Engines iil sizes ;iml WIKMI \\ • rMnir Machinery, Now and Second Hand. BRIOGS MACHINERY COMPANY. Secoud Avenue. Pittsburg, I'a. Bdrop us a postal I We're always glad to' give full infor mation relative to our banking factilities. We want your account because we know we can handle it to your advantage. It doesn't matter how many miles you are distant from us you can do your bank ing with us through the mails—just as sat isfactorily as if you visited us in person. Every day deferred means so much less interest. Write to-day. SI.OO WILL START AN ACCOUNT. THE Butler Savings & Trust Co. 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET. . . i LA KG EST AND STRONGEST I\ THE COUNTY. I THE % | j Butler County National Bank. | | A good. STRUNG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of Butler County to do business with. I /Capital $ 300,000.00 | 1 Strength >surplus 400,000.00 1 * 'Assets 3,000,000.00 j We invite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT J COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. J | "The big Bank by the Court House" I ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank. BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ' $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROKiTS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID $6,000.00 None Stronger in the Couqty. ROBT. LEWIN U CO., Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Bell 14 SMITHFIELD STREET, p. & A Phone 2179. PITTSBURG, PA. Phone 1458. We are Headquarters in Pittsburg, Pa., for the finest wines and liquors. We sell direct to tjie con sumer. We prepay express charges on all orders of $5.60 or over, and guarantee prompt shipment. Your choice of the following brands of Whiskey guaran anteed 6 years old. 6-year-old Finch -6-year-old Bridgeport 6-year-old Guckenheimer 6-year-old Ditlinger 6-year old Cibsoj. Overholt 6-year-old Large 6-year-old 6-year-old Antler Club SI.OO per Full Quart, 6 Quarts $5.00. Expressage Prepaid. For a smooth, palatable social drink or family use, GRANDFATHER'S CHOICE at $2.00 per gallon—guaranteed 3 vears old —will suit you. Special Attention to Family Trade. Mail orders promptly filled, carefully packed and satisfac tion guaranteed. We would be pleased to fill a trial order for you. @ Send Your Orders by Mail for Your © 1 WHISKES | I WINKS | I and LIQUORS® |MAX KLEIN A SONS! H 1318 20 Penn Ave., PITTSBURG, PA. || <2> EVERYTHING IN LIQUORS. j| |}(§)<§K§><§^ I »o£B<>oooPo<>oo< XXX >QOOOOOOO^ Try A Gallon of I Our oid at v $3.00 per Gallor\. V HUGH L. CONNELLY (; SUCCESSOR TO JOHN- LiMEQKO. ER, JR. ( i > ) ! 107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Office.)