TTTE BUTLER TRRRRZENR THURSDAY, MAY 17,1906. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertiser* Intending to make chances In their ads. should notify us of their intention to do so not later than Mon day morning. Boro Ordinance. Jury lists for June Term. Zimmerman's Tailor-made suits. Schacl & Levy's suits. Modern Store's Waists, etc. Campbell's furniture. Estray notice. A.lmlnihii»tors and Executors of estates ctn >ecure their receipt Iwok* at the CITIZEN ofllce. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Nice showers. —Fine growing weather. —Lots of corn was planted this week. —The new street sweeper arrived, Monday. —The "Wabash." famous in song, is now in an oil belt. —Diamond Park is the beauty spot of the county at present. —The Street Car Co. has filed exten sions for Institute Hill. —The Glade Run valley, now crossed by the trestle, is being filled up with earth. —The burglars were on Institute Hill, Saturday night, bat a pistol shot scared them away. —The barefoot burglar visited the Soath Side, last week. If he comes to see you tell the cop. —The power house of the ne«w trolley line is being built near Renfrew, at the mouth of Thorn Creek. —A base-ballist at Punxsy hit the umpire on the head with a bat. If this i* tc be catching we'll all go. —Straw hats were ripe, Tuesday, the 15rh, and a few overly-ripe ones of last year's vintage appeared on our streets. The bursting of u water main in Pittsburg, last Friday, was attributed to tbe corroding power of electrolysis. —An enormous quantity of milk H shipped daily from the stations north of Greenville, in Crawford county, to Butler. —Three big policemen and electric lights all through the woods ought to keep things straight out at the Park, this summer. —The newest trolley company says it will run cars from New Castle to Pitts burg in 70 minutes. Butler people will get on at Harmony. —Butler has become "sum punkins - ' in stores, one of which has a sign ou it saying—"the largest stock and lowest prices this side of the Ocean." —Superintendent Wright of the Wa ter company is running opposition to Diamond Park on tulips. There are several very pretty beds of theji in town. —The P. R. R. Co. is thinking of building a new passenger station in But ler. A fast train from Butler to the Union Station, Pittsburg, would in crease the Butler business. —The B. R. & P. intends extending its lines through Indiana, Armstrong, Westmoreland and Allegheny counties to Pittsburg, and is double tracking its line north of Punxsutawney. —The new Tort Wayue station A 1 leifheny is being built of reinforce* li'Winl -i. e. cement with iron rods it it. They make all parts of a building of cement now—columns, girders, floors, and walls. —lt is said that the Pennsylvania rail road company will continue its plant ing of trees for crossties by eetting out 800,000 this year. Nearly 200,000 trees were planted last year along the Phila delphia and Middle divisions. —Quite a number of Butlerites are in terfested in the Casey, Clark county, Il linois, oil field; also Harry Faubel. formerly of this county. Clark county is in the southeastern part of the state, bordering on the Wabash. —Broken glass—parts of glass bottles —all over the streets of the town, and here and there ou the roads, are a men ace to man and beast, and indicate a carelessness or thoughtlessness that calls for state and municipal legisla tion, —A Chicago professor comes forward with the reassuring information that the earth isn't cooling and that it it good for a 100,000,000 years to come. That will give the Senate time to pass a rate bill before the real cold weather sets in.—Ex. —The bottle glass blowers have a fight on hands. On account of the in vention of the Owens automatic blow ing machines, now in market, and which turn out a large number hourly, the manufacturers want to reduce theii wnges one-third. —The division encampment of the National Guard of Pennsylvania will be held at Gettysburg July 21-28. Gen. Stewart said that the details of the en campment would not be arranged until after the location of the camps of the three brigades have been selected —West Winfield has a limestone quar ry and crusher from which several car loads of crushed limestone is shipped tc Pittsburgh every day; also a sewer-pipe factory that is doing well, a sand-stone quarry that is overrun with orders, and is row threatened with a bottle glass works. West Winfield continues tc boom. —General comment was made on the magnificent lot of gray horses with tht Ilagenbeck show An attache of th« show stated that they had lost fifty head through lung fever, and othei sickness caused by traveling and bac weather. One died while they were ir Butler. The show people offered A. B Richey S6OO for his gray team, but Mi Richey refused to sell. —Butler has a base ball club in tbi Pennsylvania. Ohio • and Marylanc League which looks like a winner ant Should stand well in the league race The local backers cf the team securec Thad Troy of Benwood, W. Va. ai manager and captain, and the team con sists of pitchers Conover, Vashbinder West, Jutzi, Geo. Johnston and Har king; catchers W. Daily and G. Daily first base Sykes-.second Aiben-,short stoj Sapp; third Lewald; left field Lewald Troy and the pitchers fill the other po sitions. The practice games to dat have resulted as follows: Butler 2, Ze lieuople 0; Butler 3, Slipperyrock Nor 19*1 Q; Butler Jj, Pittsburg College •.< Butler except Sunday, between Erie and Alio gheny via Bntler and the B. & <). Nos 11 and 14 run on fast time making nc stops between Bntler and Allegheny. It is officially announced that witt the new schedule, effective May 28th passenger train service will be inaugu rated on the Bessemer between Butlei and East Pittsburg. Two trains eact way daily except Sunday will be run connecting at Bntler with Nos. one an< 11 southbound and 14 and 2 northbound Through trains to and from Allegheny via Bntler and the B. & O. will 1» con tinned aa at present. Your stocking is a bad place in whicl to hide yonr hard-earped money Thieves break through and steal, be . sides it does not earn Interest. Bettei i plan is to place it in the care of : . strong, old-established bank like thi ' • Pittsburg Bank for Saving, of Pitts Iburg, Pa. Write for their special book let, "Banking by Mail." 4—— HBBAI. NEWS. SEW SUITS. Harriet M. McCoy vs C. M. Brown, trespass for S3OO damages. The plain tiff states She owns 35 acres of land in Mercer two. which the defendant has been trespassing upon by walking and driving over, plowing, and destroying the grain and herbage, and tearing down the fence. J. H. Convert vs Tony Maroell, ap peal by defendant fmm judgment of *llO. Oti rendered bv J. M. Maxwell, J. P. Farmers National Bank vs Fred B. Hawk and Charles B. Hoffnfac. defts. and Jas. E. Marshall, garnishee, attach ment execution on a debt of slls dne by garnishee to defts. Lochrie Bros, vs Hamilton Bros, tres pass for $2500 damages for mining and removing the coal from nnder "0 acres of land in Washington twp., of which the plffs. claim to be the owners. Mand Hepler vs Edgar B. Hepler libel in divorce, alleging indignities rendering her conditisn intolerable and life burdensome. A very remarkable 810,000 damage suit was'filed at Yonngstown Monday by R. T. Hooper, an artist, who alleges that his delicate touch and steady nerve have been greatly impaired by an electrical apparatus installed in his rooms by the Brenner Jewelry com pany, over whose place of bnsiness he has his studio. Hooper alleges the electrical device was installed purely to annoy him and has already greatly im paired his touch. Persons not familiar with the particular kind of nerve and touch possessed usually by artists would believe that Hooper' are working in a fairly satisfactory manner, to judge by the filing of the suit. » OTES. On Friday last James Gallagher, Wilbert Kaup and Roy Bracken, three good looking and well dressed young fellows, whose aged range from IS to 22 years, plfcad guilty to two charges of robbery made against them for assault ing and robbing two Slavs on the night ot April 21. The defendants told how they had gone to Lyndora to get liquor because Bracken, the youngest and largest, could not get liquor over the bars in Butler, how they were return ing through the Car Works field near Fairground Ave., Bracken walking in front, and the others about a rod be hind, when they met their two victims, knocked them down and took their money The Slavs appear to have been knocked down by Gallagher and Kanp first, and then Bracken came running back and knocked one of them down again. From one $75 was taken and from the other sls and a watch and chain Gallagher and Kanp claimed, when examined, that Bracken, who had confessed to the police after arrest, had taken the pocket book with the $75 in it and divided the spoils with them: but Bracken claimed Gallagher had gotten the pocketbook. Bracken admitted that ne had knocked one of the men down and had received $25 of the money. Gallagher had been before the Court twice belore, one of his offences being the taking of a dress off a dummy in tront of Troutman's store and parading it around, for which he served several months in the workhouse. He had no | attorney in Court. Kaup had an attor ney and his mother and aunt were there. Bracken's mother, Mrs. F. E. Bracken, his uncle and his attorney were there. Judge Galbreath, in pass ing sentence, told Gallagher he did not believe his story and gave him three years in the penitentiary and a fine of $500; Kaup got 18 months in the pen. and a tine of SSOO. Both sentences were on the charge of stealing the $75, sen tence on the other charge being sus pended. Then the Court told Bracken that he was not satisfied as to the truth of his story, knew him and his friends, was sorry he was marking out the life for himself that he seemed to be, and stated that he wanted to make further inquiry before sentencing him, there fore sentence wa« suspended until June. The U. S. District Court, sitting in Pittsburg, finished its business for fhii term and adjourned, last Friday August Jonas of Kittancing, convictei of making false oaths in bankruptcy proceedings, pending a motion for a ue v. trial was sent back to jail, as he was not able to secure SSOOO bail. A New Castle foreigner who passed counterfeit money was sent to the pen. for two years; and an employee of the postofifict ther9 to jail for a year for stealing s< letter. Vincent A. Rhodes of Beavei Falls, who entered a plea of guilty to the charge of detaining U. S. mails, was ordered to pay the costs and to ap pear on the first Monday in October. Jacob Sherer was fined $1 and costs on the charge of depositing a defamatory letter in the postoffice at Black Hawk, Beaver county. All the Enterprise bank cases and some others were con tinued to the October term. At Dayton, Ohio, last Friday, Judge Brown overruled the motion for a new trial in the case of Dr. Oliver C. Haugh, convicted of the murder of his parents and brother, and sentenced the prisoner to be electrocuted August 29. He was taken to the peuitentiary at Columbus Sheriff A. M. Campbell took James Gallagher and Wilbur K?inp, the two young men convicted of highway rob bery, to the pen, last Saturday. Attorney General Cars.m filed a bill in equity in the Dauphin County Court, last Friday, for the recovery of about $200,000 in actuaries fees paid by Rob't H. Foster, actuary of the insurance de partment of Pennsylvania, to former Commissioners George B. Luper, James H. Lambert and Israel W. Durham and J. Clayton Erb, actuary under Durham. Attorneys H. H. Goucher, James W. Hutchison, Ley. McQuistion, S. F Bowser, E. L. Ralston, T. C. Campbell, Stephen Cummings and F. X. Kohler attended Superior Court, in Pittsburg, this week. Members of Pittsburg Councils accus ed of vice grafting will be tried by their respective branches next Monday even ing. Each branch adopted a resolution providing for a trial and the indications were strong that the cases have been prejudged in the minds of the members and that unless something very much uuforseen occurs they are certain of ex pulsion. v Jos. D. Fleming has filed an answer to the bill of ecjuity entered against hiir> by C. W. Shatter, in which he denies that a partnership ever existed between them. The Butler Passenger Railway Co. has filed extensions to their charter covering nearly all the streets of Insti tute Hill, a street through the Orphan's Homo property and E. Pearl St Philip Hilliard, Esq. has been appoint ed Register Assessor of Washington twp., North Precinct, vice Oliver Christie, who moved to the South Pre cinct. The Superior Court nolle pressed the case of Anderson versus the "Bessie" R.R. Co. W. C. Findley, Dr. W. R. Cowden and W. H. Ritter were appointed a commission in lunacy on John Tonko, a jail prisoner. He was committed to Dixmont. Former Clerk Isaac Meals lias been sworn in as deputy Clerk of Courts. Bert McKelvy is in jail charged with a misdemeanor. Frank Pomey is in jail on a charge of . furnishing liquor to a minor A charge of wilfully and maliciously • cutting timber has been made against William Schadt by Samuel L. Grier. ' A case of agg a&b against Andy Luchoshok of Lyndora has been settled. 1 Chester Dailey is in jail on a charge ■ of desertion and non-support. f A charge of a&b and resisting arrest i has been made against Lewis Scheck . line, i PKOPEUTV TKANSFERS. ' John McNanny to Frank E McNanny lot in Butler twp for $450. John C Graham, trustee, to Davis i Smith lot on Plankroad for SSO. Oral L Sutton to Emily Hartley 5'.) i- ncres in Concord for sl2<»o. r Emily Bartley to Lewis F Sntton 12 a acrea iu Concord for S:>(JO.2S. n ' SO Sterrett to W M Boggs lot iu Ya . ■ leneia for $2500. Guaranty L & 1 Co to I G Pollard lot [ in Butler for SIO3O, Mrs E M Boy J to John A W Park lot Mars for #9OO. Thos Painter, trustee. to Fleming Bros. assignment of lease and well iu Buffalo for SI3OO. W n Hamel to J L Kirkpatrick lot in Renfrew for £IOO. D G Brnnermer to .Tas Kay lot in Connoq boro for £IOOO. John S Bnlford to ,1a? B Wright lot on Institnte Hill for $950." Anna M. Benner to .Tames M. Drill lot in Jackson twp. for £3ave).so for .V. Seville Poultry Farm, end of itrVghton road, Allegheny, rlibM BbUOI ue 314-EL 'There's Money ia it" Our patent pressi 'l steel corners ana grooved strips enable you i to utilize your spare evenings profitably | making window screens fox- yourself or m.igliliors. It's ily time now get l>usy. Til F. VICTOR VENTILATOR CO., I -17 street, I'lttsUurSi Pa, Improvements. J. C. Say has built six brick houses on his lot adjoining the Monroe Hotel, and he and W. S. Wick are now ex cavating for a business block, facing E. Jefferson St., with a ten foot alley between it and the hotel. Monroe St from the West Penn tracks to the bridge is bemg paved. E. Jefferson St. will soon have a two story brick, banana store. Theodore has built a new house on the Limbt-rg property east of old homestead, en Institute H:i!. .:.<1 Frank intends building one The Limberg heirs have laid off a plot of about 28 acres with one hundred lots, and the paving of the street there to the borough line would make them very desirable. Earnest Croneuwett is building a brick house fronting N. Washington St.. between Clay and Penn. A. L. Brown intends building on his lot at the corner of McKean and' E - Penn, and has given Will Brandon the contract for a fine house Mercer and West Penn Sts. are hav ing quite a boom. On Mercer. Chas Miller has completed a fine brick honse. and his brother John is building one like it: W, H. McGaffic and Howard Hazlett are building frames, E Preston Peffer is building a brick, and at the end of the street W. H Miller is build ing two store roon.s, with fiats in the upper stories. A number of honse.- are under way on the old ball ground and on W. Penn St. C. ». Boyd has greatly improved his store room by pntting in a corner window. Prothonotary Lowry is improving his property on E. Diamond St Kramer brothers intend bnilding a brick livery on their lot on S. Main. St. John's Reformed church in Butler twp. is to have a $2,500 addition. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance providing for the grad ing. paving and curbing of East Pearl street, a public street or thoroughfare of the borough of Butler, from the west side of Elm street to the east side of Oak street, and for the payment of the cost and expense of said improvement. Whereas, a petition has been present ed to the Town Council of Butler borough under the Act of Assembly of April 23rd, 1889, by two thirds of the owners of property representing not les3 than two thirds in number of feet of properties fronting or abutting on East Peral street, a public street or thorough fare of said borough regularly laid out and opened, praying Council to grade, pave and curb said street. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of Butler borough, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same: That said East Pearl street between the west side of Elm street aud the east side of Oak street sha'l be graded, paved and curbed. The paving to l>e of vitrified brick or other suitable material, and curbed with stone curbing or other suitable material, in pursuance of the provisions of the Act of Assembly ap proved April 23rd, 18S9. SECTION 2. That two-thirds of the cost and expense of said improvement shall be collected from tho owners of the real estate bounding or abutting on the said street or part of the same' so to be graded, paved and curbed, by an equal assessment on tho foot front bounding or abutting thereon. Ordained and enacted in Council this loth day of May, 1900. 11. C GREENEKT, President of Town Council. Attest H. E. COULTER, Secretary Town Council, Approved this ltitli day of May, 1906. ELMER E. BELL. Burgess. \ was hoiicst pMIjV your grandfather's day. . ||jjjis of his misdeeds. {yaßr friakcr of (m to - - 4 considers his SvJ* just as important as can be sure oftffl old-fashioned • ■V isfaction here. guarantees (is hats; W? through us.. ■ .*»■ l ii 'iii u3 r Manhattan Shirts here in a J | big variety of patterns. 5 J Spring and summer neck- * S wear in silks and wash £ P goods, 25c to *!. do. # j> Big showing of Summer £ | underwear and fancy g | hosiery. t |Jno.S.Wick,j r HATTER AND FURN'~UER, jjj 341 S. Main St.. I £ (J. Stein Building.) i J Two Doors North of Willard HoM. J SsOLE AGT. \ SKnox and Imperial Hats. J We have engagement rings that will iiutnhiue the lovelight in your fiance's eyes aud make them sparklo with joy. Our stock of Watches has just been replenished with everything new and desirable in Hamilton, Elgin and Wal tham. In back combs, shirt waist sets and hat pins, we have the new spring styles. We also sell Piapci. kiui&on and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins aud Guitars. Optical goods, Field and Spy Glasses. ft. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Qoticiart NI \( HIM:KY -KAILS I.R, V>IS <-hiu« Tools, Tee liails. Beams. Columns, i'ip. l'lates. Blowers. Corrugated Sl:..e.s t'asli paid tor Scrap Iron :uid Metals. llOllKli HoWES, Rivey Avenue, Allegheny, I'a. 72J North. / We Have > \ \ limited Number, s \ The Home Formulary. N | / A most valnable collection of S C F . mnlas for home nse, nuui- r f bering nearly '2OO. If you will / J (ill out the coupon below .mil / \ present it at Boyd's Drug Store N t we will present yon with one of r / these books FREE. The origin- f V al ot this book co?t five dollars r ) per copy. We will send by / x mail prepaid if yon cannot call r / iu person. Better call soon. / i 3 they won't lust long. f coupon. | \ jx Home Formulary. |S S § SIGN HERE. ? V X |f NAME # £ # ADDRESS j| \ hC. N. Boyd, §> : I Druggist, I ? | Butler, Pa. | C \ x 'i* % y %x%% yy y xy x % |V\. Shan^r, Fire and Life Insurance ALSO REAL ESTATE. Ilooin oOs, Butler County National Bank Building, Butler. Pa. Spring Opening The first opening this spring of" a bottle of our own make Beef, Iron and Wine will bring cheer to many families. CLOSED IN THE HOUSE | all winter you become listless and tired and have not the ambition for extra spring work. Our Beef, Iron and Wine is the "Spring Tonic" that brings back red cheeks, red lips, new blood, new life. * ••Remember" we make our own, it i.s not shipped in. Every bottle guaranteed, your money back if it fails. Price 50c Pint. THE Crystal Pharmacy Rn*T LUbAIV, Hi, b., BOTH PHONES, 106 N. Main St, Butler. Pa, Notice to Contractors. The Commissioners of Bntler and Armstrong counties will meet at the i Central Hotel, Freeport. Pa., on May :2-nd. 190 C, where they will receive seal ed proposals until 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, and opened at 11 o'clock a. m. for the construction of the superstruc ure and substructure of a joint bridge | to be erected over Buffalo Creek at the month of Rough Run near West Win field. Proposals will be received for reinforced concrete superstructure and , concreto substructure; also for steel superstructure with concrete and brick : road way and masonry or concrete sub structure. Plans and specifications are on file in Oommissio-ers' office in B'ltler, also iu Commissioners' oSjce at Kittaining, where they oan be seen. A certified check of $500.00 to ac company each bid. Tha Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids William Seirert, i N. K. Grossman, Cotn'rs. G. F. Easley, \ Attest: Roijt. K. Orohsman, Clerk. See the Sign directly opposite the Old Postoffke Theodora Vogeley, In Real Estate and ■^l Insuranre Agency. 238 S. Main St IS Butler, Pa i MB If you have property Vim to sell, trade, or rent a or, waut to buy or rt ut caii, write or MM uhene me. list Mailed Uoon Application L. S. McJUNKIN. I It A McJUNKIN GEO. A. MITCHELL, h. S /McJUNKIN cSr CO., Insurance & Real Estate 117 E- Jefferson St. SUTfcER, - - - PA Men's Suits and I Young* Men's Suits AT HALF PRICE. We still have a small scattering of medium and heavy weight garments v/hich rather than put away in camphor we are pleased to offer you at prices which will induce you to buy. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SB.OO SUITS GO AT $4.00 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SIO.OO SUITS GO AT SS.UO MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S $12.00 SUITS GO AT $6.00 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S $15.00 SUITS GO AT $7.50 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SIB.OO SUITS GO AT $9.00 SCHAUL & LEVY { 187 South Main Str«»t, Butler, Pa. | Ideal ClotHiriffl © © 1 — AND — 1' i | Hat Parlors. { §|| 1 1 r- EVERYTHING IS GRAY i 1 I THIS SEASON, I I " i r ii, z..zL I I % I H ' Seven out of ten men call g ® for gray suits or top coats. © |j ' As usual this store is § ® \ r; • prepared with a ®(§>®(§)(§)®<§) < > White Shirt Waist Suits J J ( * Special Sale of Suits. Hundreds of beautiful white < '' shirt waist suita, Eton suits, <> HO Tailor Made Suits #23.00 jacket suits. Prices, HSO. >5.00, < > • .i .* 22.50 $5.98, s<.so, $9.50 up to $-£5. I ,> 20 » " ;; ••••• i 3 -®® White Lawn Waists. < 1 * ' Another great sale of white . . <# c„ n ,M(o QLrir+c waists. Five hundred handsome < Z separate OMI la. white waists, embroidered and J \ ' lace trimmed, long and short . i One thousand beautiful sleeves. ' . . ate skirts in white, gray, blue f or waists worth #1.23 { ( \ ' and black. White separate skirts, < )f l i> priced *l9B, #4.98. #.5.98, #<>.9B, ' . .. 2.75 I < ) $7.98, #8.98 up to 825. Each and ' ' ( i every one a bargain. Every Department at its < > i > Millinery. Best. < > ; ; ,t,h and character tm- "fuST ££'< !' ;; v gis £: Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman.| | I' e op'l'e ' son e .126. Blltler, Pa. / &*oo*>ooooooo©<§>oooooooo<>oo0: Advertise in the^pITlZEN. £jjm£ '