VOL. XXXXIII. i— — THE MODERN STORE- DAINTY SUMMER FABRICS. NEW THINGS IN MILLINERY. Newest Summer Waah Goods, alt the choicest and best weaves and colorings suitable for dainty, cool summer coStnines Batistes in dozens of new patterns, checlts, stripes and beautiful floral designs, 12H*. 15c and 18c per yard. Fine Colored Organdies. Eolians. Swisses, Silk Organdies and Mousel laines in handsome patterns and colorings. 2.5 c. 35c and 50c per yard. Arnold wool finish Batistes in the new grey checks and plaids. Uor rect imitation of dollar wool suitings, 18c per yard. Benley Sergee, black, stripes, checks and plaids on cream grounds look - like expansive wool suitings, 18c per yard. . ~ t# , 75 pieces new light and dark linen finish Percales, yard wide, l-}c per yard. , 50 pieces new dress liinghams and Seersuckers. Bc. 10c, l-*c per White Goods for Graduating Gowns, Persian Lawns. Batiste, Chif fons. French Lawnetts 25c, 35c, 50c to SI.OO yd. Shrunk Muslin, Linen finish. 10c, 12} c, 15c and 18c per yard. Dress Linens. 30c, 35c, 50c to 68c per yard New Patterns this week lu grey, old rose and alice blue, wol suitings, 50c, $1 00 to $1.50 per yard. Al ways something new in Millinery. Nfew Sailors, Leghorn and Mil*n Hats, trimmed or untrimmed at prices you will appreciate. Children s Trimmed Hats, Cap 3 and Bonnets all prices. M EISLER-MARDORF COHPANY, i SOUTH MAU STRUT | 001 SiS"' \ C-LI Samples sent on request. I OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLER. ?A | I Magic Carpets. | * Put a new floor covering in the dingiest room of yourX g&house. The effect is magical, comfort, cheeriness, cosi-0 naness, all come in with the carpet and Rugs, and our© ©carpets attract the purse, as well as the eye, with a hand ® ©some INGRAIN— aII laid little to the price, and substituting® @a BRUSSELS or AXMINSTER, at any rate, drop in andg xtake a 100k —for future Reference Low Prices, Jgjof QUALITY. © I Patterson Bros. § k» (Successors to Brown & Co.) ® @ IJ|6 N. Main Street, Butler, Pa. <| @<§)@®@(s)(SXoXSXgK§)®®®®®®®®®<£)®®(2)®® m. iw. n ■ .J ■■ . -- - I SPRING STyfeGS i I AND IN J ■ SUMMER FOOTWEAR. M I Shoes for dressy occasions B H Shoes for the mechanic B B Shoes for the farmer If B Shoes for everybody B Each and evcrxj pair in its p B class the best money p] B (iet your pair at || I HUSELTON'S I B Opp. Hotel Lowry. 102 N, Main Street I Duffy's Store 1 I Not one bit too early to think of that new Carpet, orH I perhaps you would rather have a pretty Rug—carpetH H size. Well, in either case, we can suit you as our Car-H I pet stock Is one of the largest and best assorted in But"B ■ ler county. Among whjch will be found the following: gg B EXTRA SUPER ALL WQQL INGRAIN CARPETS, S ■ Heavy Iwo and three ply «5c per yd and up B B HALF WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, M Beat cotton chain 50c per yd and up j B BODY BRUSSELS, B ■ Simply no wear out to these $1.35 yd H B TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, H H Light made, but very Good Bsc ner yd u\. 9' B STAIR CARPETS ij Ej Body, and Tapestry Brussels, Half and All Wool Ingrains. - B HARTFORU AXMINSTERS, H Prettiest Carpet made, as durable too $1.35 B ■ CARPETS, Qenuiue old-fasbioned weav» B MATTING, ape) Straw ■ RUGS-CARPET SIZES. B H Azminster Hogs, Beauties too $32 each and uj> H ■ Brussels Kuks, Tapfstry and Body fl'i each and tip HH H Ingrain Drnggets. All and Half Wool $5 each and up H H Linoleums, Inlaid and Common, all widths and grades -'2 ■ Oil Cloths, Floor, Table, Shelf and Stair. H Lace Curtaina, Portiers, Window Shades, Curtain Poles; Small Hearth K H Rugs, all styles and sizes. ! :M I Duffy's Store. I B STREET. BUTI ER r^mrpAPia"" 1 ! $ B'® loll | t| Specially low priced. Al| New Patterns. |t S We sell our border by the bolt same price t| w as wall and celling. *1 B£ytH Bros., § &OURT HQ^ E ' THE BUTLER CITIZEN. g Bickers Footwear 8 Footwear in all the 14 M Latest Styles. kj 'jiM We are showing many T# M st y les ln Ladies ' Fine Shoes rJ jA and O x^ords at P" 063 sure r t0 intereSt U " M rl A + Large stock of Men's and kl & * Boys' Fine Shoes and Ox- WA fords in the latest styles. i-w . M VA 1 Big bargains in Men s fcj S>j and Boys' working shoes. \A Ij |§|/ n|§| Repairing promptly done. M JOHN BICKELH n| 128 S Main St., BUTLER. PA. fj MEN r T #|i I € ' ! ! Won't buy clothing for the purpose of I f II spending money. They desire to get the Hi; ;/y 7"v! ■ I best possible results of the money expended. IIF I ■■ I \/£I Those who bay custom clothing have a \JtLJ .jiff 1 vi[| IAJ right to demand a fit, to have their clothes /jju U/VpT, fll Ifj correct in style and to demand of the id seller to guarantee everything. Come to / Jjr 't! 3 us and there will be nathini: lacking. I ;'w- •»*?-9 have just received a large stock of Spring i< i //C J 5 and Summer suitings in the latest styles, A M i shades and colors. \ 115)1 if G. F. KECK, IfflHf J JIERCHfINT TAIbOR, |j I j M"O 142 N. Main St.. Sutler, Pa UJ* If / The Great $5 Clothing Sale is on again this month. But that will end it—no more after this month. Qartnents for which we would ask I fuli price under normal conditions. No matter how little the price, its a high standard that jules here —annoyingly so to those of our com petitors who even attempt to match the values presented. This $5.00 Clothing Sale Is a Miahty Strong Proposition. ss.ou buys choice of several hundred rattling good suits and overcoats that cannot be matched in any other Butler store in season or out of season for less than $lO to $12.50. SCHAUL& LEW x.j, soutn Alain Street. - - Butler. Pa. 4|i ( H? J Spring and Summer Millinery. | 2? Everything in the line of Millinery can be found, •g the right thing at the right time til* figift prici at •£ | ROCKENSTEIN'S J j| Phone 656. 148 S. Main St. j| j J. Ci. & W CAMPBLLU j & * BUTLER, PA. jg BUTLER '(.V) - / ;/ // Tfco following graduates of the Hutler Business College have lust acoenteU position* as follows: .1 11. Alexander, bookkeeper. Wabasli It. It Co., Fay Thompson, stenographyr. I. S. Development Vo . Oil Avu.. Pitts tiurg; Emma Burr, stenographer, Fitts.>ll r j» J*. t 0.. m'.-v kensington, I'a.; I'earl Hnyuer, .stenographer. The lirati- Atruet IJo.. I'lMsburgi U. I'. Frederick, kienographer, Wabash K. It. Co., IMttsburc; Hosenna McLaughlin, *t"iioxrupher, Balrd Marhlnerv Co., Pittsburg; Anna Hnnday, stenographer. Walvajfe Hei'iirity < «>.. I IttsburKl 4th Ave ; Winifred HhafTer« l>etter position, stenographer, Oermanla Hank Bid# . liertlia Mc(/lellaiid, stenographer, Aaron E. Keiber, Ihit ier; (>. E. \\ Ick, Standard Steel Car Co.; Myra Ash, stenographer. S. & li C. Welnhaus Co., ■'ittsburc; Carrie Gerner. better position. Fidelity & Casualty <'o., Pittsburg; ,1 M. Wilson, IV OH* reight Office, Kutler; L«*ster Bell, bookkeeper. Goo. Walter & Sons, Butler Poller Mills, Butler. Young men and women, BESCLTS TALK. Attend a 1..,0. whuc UuKS secure posi tlons and GOOD ones -for its sradnate Ot!E ,c..00.s w'• PRKFOItAI. i'our times as trr.ny call ». I. * me .n a.J the lHt ts—we si all be p>eased to show i\ on\ to / . Js, v/ the to d..tv». j SPRING TERM, APRIL 2, ISiOq. !' 7 t '"VT A - >i V i l '.')'."..' unci I'ln-ulars nulled on appltratlon. Oorrespondcnce lii .ituu. VlnJtors AIAVAYh welooiuo. When In Hutlcr, pay us a visit. A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 10, 190G 1' ' ' SYBILLA LONG, KNIGHT ERRANT By INA WRIGHT HANSON Copyright, 10oC. b)i Ruby Douglas "I did have such an experience this morning! I started out to find a girl I used to know and who I heard was liv ing here. I got tangled up in a minstrel show going over and coming back I got mixed into a funeral. I didn't know exactly where she lived, and I had all Boston Ravine out looking for her. I'm sure the folks down there haven't been so stirred up for years." The voice beyond the bowlder broke most pleasantly into Fentou's moody thoughts. He sat up promptly, but cau tiously. "That's the first decent voice I've heard in this accursed place," he ob served silently. It didn't seem to- an accursed place. Fragrant witli pine needles, vocal with the humming of bees in late manzanita blooms and the laughter of a watercress laden stream; beautiful with brick red soil, varied greens in foliage nnd glimpses of heaven's own blue —it seemed like a charming spot— the only discord the pale faced, hollow eyed man himself. "I didn't find the girl after all," the musical tones went on, "but I found the house she used to live in." Fenton listened impatiently while the other voice said things, querulous things burdened with the aches and pains of the speaker. "A typical sani tarium voice," thought Fenton peevish ly. Then he brightened as the first speaker remarked: "You think you will go back, do you? Oh, no, the walk hasn't hurt you. Ex ercise and fresh air do wonders for a body often. No, I am going to stay and read till luncheon." In silence Fenton wondered If she would read aloud, but Instead she be gan to sing. He fairly held his breath —notes soft as a wood dove's; a voice exquisite by naturu and unspoiled by training. She was singing a lilting lyric of love, and Fenton thought of a swinging gate, scurrying clouds and his first sweetheart's first kiss, years and years forgotteu. Tlieu, without any perceptible hesitancy, the melody changed to a lullaby, tender as a moth er's prayer, and the weary look left the man's eyes, the hard lines around his mouth relaxed, and he drew a long, almost sobbing, breath. The melody ceased, aud Fenton as if ho had never had • desire In his life but to hear her sing. He arose and went to the other side of the bowlder. "Pardon a sick man," he began, but his tongue seemed paralyzed. His only conscious thought was that he was glad the girl In her nurse's uniform was so fair. Her eyes gazing curious ly up at him had never a hint of fear in their amber depths. He gathered his senses together. "I haven't slept naturally for a week," he said bluntly. "WIH you sing for me?" When Fenton awolte the sun was shining no longer. He sat up quickly and found that a great shawl wau keeping t'\e eveniug's chilliness from him; then his eyes discovered the nurse leaning against a tree, regarding him gravely. "You have stayed here all day—you have had no lunch!" he exclaimed. She smiled. "Oh, no; when } was surq you woyid stay asle»p I went back to tho sanitarium, and then I qanie again." They arose. Fentou folded the shawl and laid it over his arm. "How am I ever going to thank you?" he began. "Don't try," she answered simply, preceding him down the narrow path. "I worked too hard aud collapsed," he explained. "Shan't be so foolish when I get well agam. £am going to get weli now Uiat I can sleep. Maybo y6a bave' heard J<4\r> Venton, «ay ppt mimitfuctipHu'. |am the idiot." ''•<» L:' • wUi(P»d the girl, then added hastily: "A pebble rolled under my foot. I am Sybilla Long, nurse." He wondered ut the deep flush which overspread her face—they were at the foot of tho hill and walking side by side. "Can't ' syj.o.ur »etwees'*'' he gravely. "Dyi you suppose (tie doctor* are averse to a graft?" Ho thought her low laughter was pleasantcr even than her song or her speech. That night he slept as he had not for a year. A new life was beginning for Fenton. The sanitariums, guui walla no linger speileti to him hopelessness. Tlie doe tors were complacent over aq satisfactory a convalescing, hut teu ton laughed hi hid fcleevo at them. It Wftß not pills and potions which had made a man of him again, but the ton ic of a sweet voice and a gracious pres ence. Sue seemed, tills fair Sybilla, t j tya overyoung for 11 :, A (Sv« I'm'haps for umsoii the grave doctors Indulged Aer beyond the others. At any rate, she always had time for Fenton, and daily she fascinated him more. Ho had not been a man of many loves. The first little sweetheart, deuu years before unci woman his mother wanted nini to marry, but whom he had perversely refused even to meet — the first bad set his heartstrings n-qulv cr; the last, his mother affirmed, btood ready to do so. So all the loves which Fenton might have nurtured and had liot came flying around this amber »yed, flute voiced Sybilla. So she sang to him, and he quoted to blmself, "And thou beside me singing in the wilderness." She read to him, and he fitted other words to the mel ody of her voice, words he hoped some time to hear ffom her lips, joe talk ed blithe!/ or thoughtfully, as her mood might be, and he answered in (ike spirit, watching with a lover's eyes each changing expression. The doctors had pronounced him well, but he was loath to go Into the world again. He had a feeling that in its clang and clamor Sybilla Long would prove to be what she had beeu before he knew her—a dream too beau teous to come true. There cmne a day when ti,io breath of summer Was over die red soil fiad withering manzanita blooms. The water cress iadoit stream was too lan guid for laughter, but Fenton's heart beat high with hope. Ho was wonder ing how he should say it, the world old tale, for say it he must within the hour. Looking at her pensive face, the words of a favorite song came into his mind, and his clear tenor broke softly Into the stillness of the est. Sybilla V.k.-u up surprised, for »ue uaik never Ward him sing. "I think of you all the day long. Ton run throuKh tho hours like; si song. Sometimes i think if the worhl could My golden' dreamy It would fcnvy ins. Lvarl«, my dearlo. nothing's worth while but dreams of you, Anil you can mako every dream come true, Dearie, my dearie— "Will you, my deafie, yjako eiv* dream Come true";" He leaned toward her eagerly, but she shrank away from him. covering her face with trembling hands. A tear splashed out between her fingers. His face clouded. "Why, little gin"— he began, with troubled concern. She uncovered her face and looked at him wanly. He started at her expres sion. "Did you ever hear of Martha Gil len?" she asked. His look was uncomprehending. Mar tini Gillen was the woman his mother had for five years been importuning him to marry. "Yes," he said dully. "Why?" "For many reasons I love her as I would a sister. One day she told me that your mother wanted you to marry her, but that you wouldn't even meet her for fear you might be inveigled into it. She laughed about it, but I thought it an affront to her beauty and goodness and wisdom, aud I prayed for the chance to avenge her. It came sooner than I expected. I learned about your illness nud where you were. Dr. Jeusou is my cousin, so it was easy enough to pose as a nurse, and that's what I've been doing. Now you despise me." Fentou noted the quivering of her lips and said gently: "I don't under stand. You have been goodness itself to me. You have"— "Oh, don't you see the baseness of me? I did it to make you love me." Sybilla's white face was crimson now. "I wanted you to love me and tell me so, aud ask me to marry you, and then I was going to spurn you to the ground, aud so should Martha Gillen be avenged"' Fenton smiled. "How old are you, little knight errant, avenger of another woman's wrongs? Not quite twenty? I thought so. Years ago I was not quite twenty, nnd often did I busy my self turning a gopher hill into a Vesu vius spitting forth fire, smoke nnd lava. Sybilla, dear, why don't you spurn me?" He held out his arms, and into them crept a tearful, very rosy, very win some knight errant, happily worsted In her first combat. The lleaerrc Seat. "As an instance of the way traveling Americans get foolish over making a show of opulence and liberality," said a New Yorker who is much abroad, "let me tell you about an old woman who made a visit to Ireland. This wo man, getting off the boat at Queena town, hired an outside car for a drive. The rate by the hour was 1 and C (35 cents) for the car and a shilling <a quarter) for the jarvey, or driver. Well, the woman got up on one side of the car, and the jarvey got up on the other, driving sideways, and they start ed off. After a bit the woman pointed to the empty driver's seat in rront and said: '•'•'What is that seat in front for, young man?' " 'Sure, ma'am,' said the wily jarvey, 'that's what we call the reserve seat, nicoly cushioned and all th f Xind of thing, apd is only engaged the real gentry, they paym for ..a-ue 10 s' "..a » uuii 2 abulia's for the iuu womair nastily sfytficd io the driver's §f«t '.'•'JTuu snouid have told me that be fore,' she said. 'How was I, a stran ger, to know what was the proper thing to do over here?' "And she paid 12 shillings f&v tu u privilege of riding i# the driver's seat, >o the amusement of all Queenstown." Denr Old Mother! In the hurry nnd bustle of this busy life those dear old mothers, our best friends and champions, who gave us the very best years of their lives, who stood between us and all harm, who would willingly have laid down their lives for us, who, times of sickness were always our ministering angels— constantly at our bedside, responding willingly to every book and call, at tending \yUbi luui'u than loving kind-' t« our every want and need—are too often forgotten nnd seldom accord ed the loving attention which is their due, and when the grim reaper takes them from us we, for the first time, re alize In anguish, sorrow and regret what tho loss of a mother really means. It mean., v re than all tha ether things ot earth. All the riches of \lio universe could not compensate, aud in all the whole wide world there Is no ether who can fill her place. Of all the beauty with which the world Is em bellished the most ljoautiful Is tho mother, and her every human truly owes a world of lion Times. KIGHARI3 BURBAGE, He Wan Ael.r and Shake turaru'n I.endliitc Star. March IG, 1018 or 1019, Richard Bur bage, player, died at Shoreditch, Lon don. The first of the great EJuglWh actors, Burbage wa» ija, every way \varthy to head ttu long roll of Eng- Ipnd'tt famous players. The sou of an actor, the friend and companion of Shakespeare, it was through him that muny of 1 tie heroes of the dramatist first spoke to the eager playgoers v. hu thronged the Olobo, He was the original of ltomeo, Hamlet, Lear, Othello, Macbeth, Shylock, Itlchard 111. and many other of Shakespeare's leading characters, and his stands next to that ivf tlia great poet ill tho licenses for acting granted by James I. in 1003 to the company of the Globe theater, llis powers as an actor were not his only claim to distinction, for ho was also a successful painter. The fame of his abilities held a prominent place in theatrical tradition for many years, a poem In his honor, dedicated to\ vne of the great players o£ tho day, being written us late as the timeof Charles 11. His death, which was probably the result of paralysis, caused the poets to turn their thoughts to his successful career, nml It la from tho numerous elegies then written that most of the information concerning him must be gathered. Few players have ever had the good fortune to bo so well liked by tho dramatists of their time, aud all praised him, one even lamenting that his death "hath made a visible, eclipse, of playing.". V fehiewu, careful ir*m in his busi ness nffalrs, Burbage left an estate producing a yearly income of £3OO, n large sum for a player in those days to bequeath to his heirs. Beloved and respected by all, lie survived his great master by only a few years, his grave bearing the simple, expressive epitnpli, "Exit Burbage." London Saturday Review. CHLOROPHYLL. To Thl» Substance I« Dae Hie Color iuu of l'lnntN Chlorophyll Is perhaps the most lm j.uttant coloring substance in the world, for upon this substance depend the characteristic activity of plants, the synthesis of complex compounds from carbon dioxide nml wftter process, upon which the existence of all living things is ultimately conditioned. Only in a very few t;i:i:ui>ort:>nt forms devoid of chlorophyll can the synthesis of com plex from simple compounds or from the elements be accomplished. The function of chlorophyll may only be comprehended when its chief physical properties nre understood. These may be best illustrated by placing a gram of chopped leaves of grass or geranium in a few cubic centimeters of strong alcohol for an hour. Such a solution will be of a bright, clear green color, and when the vessel containing it is held in such a manner that the sunlight is reflected from the surface of the liquid it will appear blood red, due to its property of fluor escence, that of changing the wave length of the rays of light of the violet and of the spectrum in such a manner as to make them coincide with those of the red end. It is by examination of light which litis passed through a solu tion of chlorophyll, however, that the greatest insight into its physical prop erties may be giinert. If such a ray of light is passed through a prism and spread -out on screen, it may be seen that tli.re are several large intervals of dark bauds in the spectrum. The rays of light which would have occu pied these spaces have been absorbed by the cliloropbyll aud converted into heat aud other forms of energy. This energy is directly available to the pro toplasm containing the chlorophy" and by means of it the synthesis oi com plex substance may be accomplished. \coord iii u to Horseiioirer. A young motorist, endeavoring to convince a country innkeeper that the decay of coaching was more than com pensated for by the spread of motoring as a pastime, exclaimed, as a final ar gument, that his car was of forty horsepower, "the equal, sir, of ten re lays of coach horses." The next morning he read in his bill, "To feeding and stabling, SO shillings." He asked the landlord for an ex planation. "The charge for 'csaes Is 2 shillln' a 'ead, sir," was the reply. "That ma chine of yours is equal to forty 'osses, which Is 80 shiilln'." London Ex press. Onions. Onions are almost the best nervine known. No medicine is so useful In cases of nervous prostration, and there is nothing else that will no quickly re lieve aud tone a womout system. On ions are useful in all cases of coughs, colds and influenza, in consumption, insomnia, hydrophobia, scurvy, gravel and kludred liver complaints. Eaten every other day, they soon have a clearing and wliiteniiig effect on thQ complexion. Taleu», The world is always ready to receive talent with open arms. Very often it does not know what to do with genius. Talent is a docile creature. It bows its head meekly while the world slips the collar over it. It backs into the shafts like a lamb.—Holmes. The PnmtnUf, Hamand—Sinco Walker Tighs inher ited ,000,600 he is a paradox. Egg l*ert—What's tho answer? Hamrvnd— ite Is both the richest and poorest actor on the stage.—Chicago News. An excess of levity is as impertinent as an excess of uTavitv.—Haxlitt. ALPINE ROOT DIGGERS. Their Work of Danger Illgh t"p In the MonntainH. Throughout the whole chain of the Alps there are men who make it theU" business to search for and root up the gentian, arnica, puffba\li and other Al pine flowers. High in the mountains the root grubber, generally an old man, builds a little hut. He clambers precipices to the edges, where the blue flowers grow; o*\ if lie cannot ascend, he lets himself down to their place of refuge by a rope fastened to a pine above. He wanders to a long distance from his hut and does not always trouble to return to it at night, tinding shelter un der a rock. Next morning bv spreads all the roots he lias collected on a rock, where they umj dry. H« collects herbs as well as roots, and the resin from the plno besides. When the summer is over and there are bigns of snow, the root grubber collects all together in his little hut and Anally transports the whole of his six months' collection to the valley. The arnica and some otliev roots used in medicine nr? readily disposed of. From gentian is made the favorite gentian brandy, which Is considered the very elixir of life by the mountain folk, tu other days, when gentians grow in great numbers, the root digger was able to realize n good Income from his perilous occupation, but it b* other wise now.—ChanibotV journal. THE TIMOROUS KUBUS. They- Live. In Samntrn nnd Are the Shiest People Alive. There is a very singular race cvf peo ple in Sumatra, the Kubus,. who are too timorous nnd sl\y io mix witli the other races two island and dwell In the ro cessea of the forests. They are looked on as inferiors by the Malays and thought to be little better than beasts. Such is their shyness that they will never willingly face a stranger. Their trade with the Malayans is con sequently carried on In a strange man ner. The trader announces his nrrival by beating a gong, and he then retires. The Kubus approach, put their forest treasures on the ground, beat a gong and retreat. The trader returns aud lays his commodities down in quanti ties sutHc\e»t, as he thinks, for the pur chase of the goods on sale. Then he re tires, and the Kubus reappear and cou slder the bargain. And so, after more withdrawals nud approaches and gong beatings, the re spective parties come to an understand ing and carry off Independently their bargains. The Kubus In their wild state do not bury their dead. They live on snakes, grubs, fruits and the flesh of any deer or pigs they can slay. They nre skillful spearmen and throw stones with marvelous accuracy.—PaU Mall Qawitte. Mealn In Seboola. In Paris the city government gives every school child one full meal a day. This does not tend to pauperize the chil dren or to lessen the responsibility of the parents, for all those who can af ford to pay for the meal aie expected to do so. On tV other hand, no Jeal ousy pjr contempt can be felt by the richer children for their starved com rades, for all nre supplied with the same metal token, which has to bo given up in exchange for the weal. Tho "cantiue secJalrw," us ttils municipal «oup kitchen Is called. Is not confined to l'aris. In the provinces the "soupe scolaire," Its equivalent, has sent up the school attendance by leaps aud bounds. Here, however, Instead of paying for their midday meal all those who can possibly do so are encouraged to bring to school their handful of vege tables aud the like, aud the contribu tions are all put luto the cotumyn goup. l| 1 DOWN BY THE RIO GRANDE By CIRRVS RICHARD GREEN'LEY Oipi/ritffcf, IMG, fiy I\ C. Eattment ''l The long gray adobe walls of the hacienda lay bathed In the quiver of yellow light. Alleyne watched Mar garets face for a sign of truce, but the shadows came and went between the vines that draped the patio as the in terminable Sabbath afternoon dragged away and Margaret remained buried in her book. "And all about a beggarly horse thief," he murmured to himself as he sat up straight and sent the pile of magazines crashing to the floor. There was a look of consciousness about the back of that shapely brown head that held itself so persistently averted, but Alleyne deemed It wiser not to reoi>en the subject of Miguel. Over in the corral things wore a de serted air. Two or three men lounged in the shade of the high wall. Alleyne yawned and looked at Ills watch and at a faint movement of the figure in the rocker. "Margaret, I" Crack-ack ack! Somewhere away to the west three shots rang out in rapid succes sion, a pause and then three more. Over in the corral the lounging fig ures sprang to life, and an instant later three ponies were galloping in the di rection of the shots. Alleyne dashed Into the house, reappearing with the field glasses. "They've got him!" He was peering at a collection of black dots on the edge of the horizon. "Got who?" Margaret laid her hand upon his arm. "The mischief!" Alleyne jerked the glasses down. "I forgot you were here." Under her steady gaze his color changed. "Yes, If you will have the whole ghastly truth and cannot be persuaded to stay out of it, it's that scoundrel Miguel." Margaret shrank away from him with a low cry of distress. The look In her eyes went straight to Alleyne's heart, and his voice softened to a ten der pleading as he tried to draw her to him. "Little woman, you ennnot bo the judge of these matters, and you cannot shield a horse thief. I could have told you this morning, but I pre ferred to let you think me a bit hard on Miguel than to shock you with the truth. There have been some queer happenings lately both here at the Alaho and at Jose's. Last night a bunch of Jose's best ponies came up missing, and the boys have been trail ing him since sunrise." "John Alleyne, do you mean to let those savages of yours murder a man here on the Alaho Just for the sake of a few bronchos?" Margaret faced him sternly, and Alleyne lost his hard kept patience. "Yon forget that there are men's laws to be considered as well as God's, and out here on the fringe of the world the code knows no greater crime than lifting a broncho, and the lifting ot many bronchos aggravates the case. It Is not a question In which my wife may meddle." And Alleyne strode to ward the corral, while Margaret pick ed up the glasses. The wind blown stretch of bare brown mesa told her nothing of the tragedy browing behind its crest. She watched Alleyne until her eyes ached. A clatter of hoofs and a voice call ing her name brought her to the door, where a half broken cayuse snorted and pawed. Astride of him sat Bright Eyes, Miguel's Indian wife, the brown baby swung to her back. There was a queer ashen pallor on the woman's stolid face as she slid from the pony's back, one hand clutching at the deer skin tliong that held the papoose. "White man got Miguel. Miguel he die." Here she pointed to her throat and mado a gasping sound. "White much hurree. Miguel ho no die. Sabe?" Margaret cowered before the awful pleading in those savage eyes. "Not n question in which my wlfo may med dle," John had said, but there was no time to weigh scruples, and five min utes later a strangely assorted pair rode into the face of the setting sun, and tho rough little cayuse strove to fctvp pace with the swinging stride of the Hindoo mare. Far ahead a black dot moved against the sky that Marga ret knew to jpe Alleyne. A glimmer of consequences flashed across her mind, but the sweet young mouth only grew a little firmer as she struck tho trail of many horses and knew the goal to be In sight- On and on, sagebrush and prickly pear, tho yellow sand beneath and overhead the blue melting Into the evening's violet crown—nature's own smile upon the sceno that swept Into view, where men and horses were grouped around the impassive figure wrapped in the ragged poncho that lounged in tjareless grace against the white scarred trunk of n large mes quite. Margaret's eyes went instinc tively to the lariat knotted about the bronze throat. It was not the first time that Miguel had felt It there, but Busty Pete himself held the end of this one. j The voices hushed Instantly, nud to a man the wide sombreros were lifted ns Margaret slipped from the saddle and stood looking from one dark face to another. An awful sense of self en gulfed her, and In another moment Mi- I puel'a cause would have been lost. But the grtin set of Alleyne's mouth as he rtarted toward her gave her the cour- j sge that is born of cowardice. Before I ho could reach her she had broken j through the circle to Miguel's side, and the sun struck along the barrel of a re volver leveled straight at Busty Pete. "Drop that rope!" she cried. Pete let go as if the lariat were red hot lion; then she wheeled to face the ring of Miguel's accusers. "Men of the Alaho, you are many. This man Is but one, bound and helpless, but tho first man that moves toward him does so at his peril. If you persist In taking liim it will be over my body!" Alleyne's eyes were blazing, but not a man stirred for a long moment an Interminable time, it seemed to the wo man, who stood between that riug of tierce faces and their prey. "God In heaven, will it last forever?" Her brain was reeling and the black UgUf'N danced In a blood red mist as earth rose In waves beneath her. The silent battle was almost done when a wild yell from tho darkening mesa scattered the circle to right and left as the man from Jose's galloped In. "Cut that rope!" yelled the leader as bo I ioit> down upon the group under the mosquito. Margaret staggered blindly iuto Al leyne's arms, seeing nothing but tho flash of Pete's knife as ho cut tho thongs, then utter blackness until she awoke to the wldto walls of her own room. Alleyne was landing over her. There was something distinctly apologetic in his attitude. Margaret grasped her advantage. "Well?" Her tone was tentative. Alleyne settled himself on No. 19. tlie side of the bed, laughing a bit un easily.- ,- I suppose you hare the best of me, little woman. Your dramatic entrance upon the scene saved the day or we would have sent Miguel on the long ride on another man's count Jose's men would have come too late." -Who did it?" "One of the greasers. Miguel had been over to the post loading up on fire water, as usnnl, and the greaser ran across him just about the time he discovered that the boys were close on his trail. Things were getting pret ty warm for him when he persuaded Miguel to take charge of the ponies while he skipped out. Naturally the boys did not stop to question Miguel when they found him heading away from the ranch and the proof trotting alongside. It would have been all over for Miguel but for the fact that the greaser met a man who had pood rea sons for wanting to find him — and found him. Exi>lanatious came later, and when the greaser realized that a few bronchos more or less couldn't count against a man who had only nbout twenty minutes to live he set things In motion to reach Miguel. That is all the story." The south wind rustled the vines In the patio. Margaret looked down to the grove of mesqulte just beyond the big corral, where a brown baby rolled in the dust at the door of Miguel's tepee. AJleyne's eyes followed hers, lie understood. A Good Lacquer. It is often the case that one finds It convenient to have at haud a first class lacquer with which to coat instru ments, ornaments or other articles, to add either to their durability or finish. The following recipe will be found re liable and not specially expensive: One pint of best rectified alcohol, two drams each ot saffron and Spanish an notto, an ounce of ground tumeric. Tut these ingredients together and place them where there is a moderate heat Leave them for several days, shaking tlieai occasionally. When nearly dis solved add three ounces of the best seed lac in rough powder. Let this stand until the lac is all dissolved, shaking it frequently. If the color is to be a bright yellow, use less annotto; if a deep orange, use more. Put the mix ture on while warm. Apply with a brush as one would use paint The number of coats depends entirely upon the article and the purpose for which it is used. For blue lacquer add Prus sian or aniline blue to white shellac varnish made very thin. In making lacquer take great care not to use too much seed lac, as the mixture is likely to dry unevenly or in streaks. A Veil With a History. The bridal veil is evidently of east ern origin, being a relic of the bridal canopy held over the heads of the brido and bridegroom. Among the Anglo- Saxons a similar custom existed, but If the bride was a widow It was dispensed with. According to Sarum usage, a fine linen cloth was laid upon the heads of the brido and bridegroom and was not removed until the benediction had beon said. »i illuli cuatom »as to use nature's veil unadorned— that is, the long hair of the bride, which was so worn by all brides, royal, noble and simple. Only then did every one be hold the tresses of maidenhood In their entirety and for the last time, as after marriage they were neatly dressed on the head. Among some tlio tresses were cut and carefully stowed away on a woman becoming a wife. It was cus tomary In Ilussla for village brides to shear their locks on returning from church. The Precept of Idealist*. Listen to the old men seated upon the benches In the towns or during their walks in the parks. Listen to those who are in the midst of life, in the thick of bitter conflicts and heart sickening struggles. Listen to the wo men who have been married these sev eral years. What discouraging re marks! Vanity of vanities! All these people have filed their reports, and, worn out, without the courage to put the ideal Into life, it ends in inevitable and horrible bankruptcy. But in all this it is not life which Is at fault It is man. You must supply what Is missing. Let us, then, to the profess ors of the Ideal. Their precept is very simple. It resolves Itself into this: "Be prepared for difficulties, but be faithful In the Utile things, and you will attain the great ones." It is by the very little steps that one rises slowly to the summits.—Charles Wagner in Ilarpsr's Bazar. THE SCILLY ISLANDS. They Have bat Three Seiaoit-Sprlif, Summer and Antamn. The climate of the Scilly islands is the most equable In Great Britain. It ranges on an average from 40 degrees to GO degrees. On the coldest day It la warm and on the hottest it is cool. There are only three seasons In Scilly, of four mouths each—spring, summer aiul autumn. When the autumn ends spring commences. There Is no great height In the islands. The highest land In Bryher Is only 188 feet above sea level, although tho telegraph tower built on St. Mary's reaches a height of 158 feet, but the rock scenery of the en tire group of these Islands is remark able. There are rocks fantastic, jagged, peaked, toothed, serrated; rocks resem bling living creatures and others sug gestive of primeval vastness and un couthne-ss; some grandly castleated, others Like a groat lion's check teeth. Those on the i>cniusula of renuinls, especially If they are seen in mist, Meuawar (pronounced man-of-war), the Maiden Bower, Mincarlo, Shlpman's Head, the lla.vcocks at Annet and many others are strikingly grand. The curious resemblauco to primeval ani mal forms has given rise to many of the names of these rocks and certainly many are Like a great sea beast, crawled forth to sun itself. while there are "elephants' tusks," "monks' cowls," "pipers' holes," "giauts' castles," "pulpit rocks," etc.— London Spectator. An AKirrnvated Case. Lord Justice Clerk Eskgrove, in sen tencing certain housebreakers, began by explaining the various crimes of which they had been convicted—as sault, robbery and hamesucken. of which last lie gave them the etymology. He then reminded them that they had attacked the house and robbed It, and so worked gradually up to the climax, "All this you did, and, C.od preserve lis, juoet when they were settin' down to their dinner!"— Law Notes. A Lon( Life. To prolong life one should take plen ty of sleep and remember to sleep lying on the right side. Indulge in a morning bath In tepid water, take daily exercise in the open air, keep the window of the sleeping room open all night, take fre quent and short holidays, not be over awUitious and hold one's temper.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers