Receipts and Expenditures of Butler County for the Year 1905. NEW BRIDGE ACCOUNT FOR I®os Br(d(le ~~ Sl lfiontr»ctor r ° Masonry Filling Approaches Inspection Total Cost bsst IS HIS II ww* « *22 Mi :: :: sis « g is as Miller Crossing » - gft H 11. Henon AM j» W.Barber tSO 20 « H« *> Mush rush (BOW j't Heaven 517 73 J. T. Cranmer CO 00 15 50 1513 23 K%r Valencia" ;; S» V.1 707 7, J. D. McGee 41 oo 17.76 «« -Keefer repair 4 Iron, lumber and erection of Valencia bridge 43 42 Oneida ® oUom Bridge Co. «7 00 U« j§ g Harrlsville Boro Groton Bridge 00. - tOOO Breckenridw & Cljr^« Buhl State bridge engineers and Inspectors . . iTT; Zelienoiile State bridge engineers and insi>ectors Cement furnished by Co.for new work 1J " fc»yoo ns Dae Nelson Buelianon Co. from !J® Due Bieckenridge & Cber from 1904 ___ Total paid during 1905 >22190 18 Bridge Repair Account for 1905. Nam*of Bridge. Amount. Myoma * ®ft Saxon Station 15 ft 1 Clark -Jm r* Amberson JS Etna Butler * 5 Harmony 2. Renfrew j. ' ft Bw*ln * ft Peffer ■]& i? Reibolt Muddycreek ft Allen i ft Balfour ; ®® Bloom * ri J* ft Moore 52 21 Ogle jgft Pump Station • 7? SJ? Ftlnner ' "ft Cooper New Hope So *> Kearns |*® £; Staff g ft 4 2S Keystone 5? McMUleti J 8 Port Kelly £ Swalcn ~ X Hartzell £> £ Mare •>}«£> Wadsworth J ® jh Oallery ? ft Cranmer ? JK Denny -'ft Hays ..... lj ?ft Hlte ft Mcßride Ji.ft Greece City £ il Burgoyue » „ Oladerun -X 5? Klffley "9 ft Kittanning ft 4,s' ,? 5? Nelson Wolf Creek J® ft tegan. ». Kennehan .2 S Goehring »®ft Bruin borough „2 V, fe ey ~ si® Bovartl. ..." ■ • Wasson ® 5? Morlson a nn Marshall ••• ft Etna S? ft Hardware .31 2 Lumber ®" £ Paint and Painting 108 Total bridge repairs **9o4 27 ' County Expense, for 1905. Tipstaffs, H. O. Seaton 3 293 00 F. M. Benno .... 294 00 .los. Hlnchberger. M 0 00 " John Bippus 27-1 00-? 115# 00 Com. traveling expense Greer McCandless WOO John T.Kelly J. M. Patterson. « ~ J. C. Klskaddon 1 <*>- 113 13 Court Stenographers Ed Blddle 3M2 jo -4810. Commissioner's acc't days.. Greer McCandless 306... 1071 00 JohnT. Kelley 2«> IMJ 5" w „ J. L. Patterson itoß. •• 1008 OO- SOW Registering births, deaths. ft> ft schoolchildren.. , }*r- JJ; Coroner's Inquests J"™ V® Election account i? SSffiS?:::::::-:::::"; i|| Int on temporary 10an5.... f! Penn Industrial Reform ty Western Penitentiary Allegheny Work Houso. .. 1 H JS Court Auditor !~ Road damage ® JO da County Auditors u. D. Hnselton 161 64 Howard Haxlett }5? 2? i-o «« W. O. Deitrick 181 ft 4 28 Prig in State road contract. •*> «{ ?SSiS lblng . act ::::::: »» Bounty on minks.' ® ? Injured coal miners }!{?'■ Damage account A* 2S Fair Association - - 4n Refunding account Printing Audltors report.... 340 TO iSSSSS-.£S:Wm:: S8- «« Courthouse Jj* Boiler house repairs. " Freight express and drayage -♦ « Stationery account 'JjV ™ Road Views ™ Lunacy Inquest #)0 11 Clerical Work— Miss M. J. Patterson nr~ <*- Laura B. McClung JOO 50- Sg Public building and grounds - » ri .lanltress. Grace McLafTerty JJ® J® ?. h SsMTßru g u:::::::. SS i 'ommissloners attorneys— E.L. Ralston 400 00 Stephen Cummlngs. .. . S 00- 425 00 Telephone service 1J i M District Attorneys— Samuel Walker W*> 25 John Henlnger 101 00— .0. 25 Court Crier, Joseph Crlswcll ft Livery account - ft Teachers Co. Institute ~£> ft Jail account ft State tax on county bonds.. <£- oo Jail physician. W. B. Clark. 100 00 Register and Recorder. J. P. Davis *J" Prothonotary, J. C. Clark . 28a 27 Jury Commissioners Clerks. Leona Cooper 159 00 Letitla Rine 15 oo Tessle Ebefhart 12 OO— 186 00 Rewards, J. R. Hoon 200 00 . " Ed. Merwin....... . JO 00— 23000 Burial deceased soldiers.... jfiO ft Constables quarterly returns Butler Water C 0...,. 3« 61 Janitor, Court and Jail M Clerk of Courts "°i lio Light service, court and jaii Butler L..H. & M. Co ... 1397 91 Philipps Gas Oo 14 55 — 141t 4b Com. Clerk. J. 0. Klskaddon «00 00 Ins. for division of Venango tfljrp 3100 Commonwealth costs ■liTi «f> Military enrollment -»» County Detective __ R.L. Barns 29 00 J. R. Hoon 777 30- 606 20 Jury account 10702 .» Registering voters lo<4 00 8K159 38 Total Co. expense, 1905.. 591229 33 Balance Sheet for 1905. W. S. Dixon in Account With Batler County Funds. DR. CB. To balance on hands Jan .2, 1905 $ 9717 82 To received during 1908 77719 55 To State tax received dur ing 1905 19909 49 To unseated land tax re ceived In "1906 1065 09 To cash received of Co. Commissioners 2150 97 To cash received of Clerk of Courts Graham ' 827 41 To cash received of Clerk of Courts Ohrlstley 700 21 To cash received of Just ices «f Peace 234 4<» To cash received of Sheriff Gibson (Jury fees) 77 GO Tocash received of J. It. Hoon. adm, (Jury fees) .. 85 '« To cash received of retail liquor licenses 570 00 ■ To cash received of auto mobile licenses, less per cent 34 20 To cash received of tem porary loans 25000 00 To cash received of Pro thonotary Clark 154 00 To State tax returned to county. 16503 58 To Int. on J. M. Maxwell account 12 87 By amount paid on tem porary loans .. 25000 00 By amount sent to State Treasurer 22227 05 By amt paid Bar Ass'n less treas. percentage... '.«u 45 By amt paid School Di rector's convention 100 00 By amt paid on unseated land 1237 82 By amt set over to Co. sinking fund 2293 24 By vouchers redeemed 91229 33 By treasurer's percentage. 2908 (Hi By balance on Jiand Jan. 1, ISO 6 8981 10 £154881 05—£151881 05 W. S. Dixon in Account With Bntler County Sinking Fnnd. DR. CR. To amount on hand Jan. 2. 1906 73 To amount set over from taxes of I«V> and previous. . 22fK! 24 By amount bonds and cou pons paid #32 M no By treasurer's percentage 82 12 By balance on hand .lan. 1, 1908 1886 26 «519S 97—85192 £ W. S. Dixon in Account With Dog Tax for 1905. To dog reserve from 1904 $ 300 00 To dog tax received from 1904 and previous 1583 70 To dog tax received from "905. 2302 M Bv vouchers on sheep dam age shoo m Bytreasurer's percentage.... 158 30 By amount set aside for school districts less trcas pcrcentage 601 05 By amount treasurer's per centage 31 10 " By dog reserve fOT I9ofl aoo oo eaw si-*iw n I W. S. Dixon in Account With Surplus [ Dog Tax for 1905 | To amount on liand Jan. 2, I 1906 * 31 10 To amt set over from 1904 for school districts less treas urer's percentage 140tj 03 By amount paid twps and . boros By treasurer's percentage— l- Bv amount on hand Jan. 1.1908 ' 1,1 J1437 13—31437 13 Assets of Butler Co. Jan. 1, 1906. Balance on hand in Sinking Fund Jan 1. 190»> i 18»> 2o Cash in liand of Treasurer Jan. 1, 1906 Bft2l 10 Due from Collectors, Co. tax 1905 and previous 22305 65 Due from Collectors, state tax '905 and previous 2654 35 Fines due from L E Cristley, Clerk of Courts 10 00 Jury fees due from J. C. , Clark. Prothonotary s»i 00 Liabilities of Butler Co., Jan 1. 1906. Bonds outstanding ®*J® Sundry bills due and unpaid 1900 48 Due twps. and boros, school tax from unseated land... '* Due twps. and boros., road and poor tax from unseat ed land 3tfr $35773 35 —17561 77 Assets in excess of liabilties 338211 3# Wo, the Auditors of Butler Co.. state of Pennsylvania, have met at the Court Hou&e of said county on the Ist day of Jan., 1906. be ing the first Monday of the year, according to the Act of Assembly. Having examined the several accounts or the county, do certify, that the foregoing is a correct statement of the above, accounts, according to the best of our knowledge and belief. # Tn witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 18th day of March, 1906 DAVID CITPPS, [SEAL] W. B. SCOTT. [SEAT.I G. N. WILSON, [SEALj Unseated Land Tax Due Townships and Boroughs. 1906. on 55 "B Is- I 3 g P : S{ DISTBICTS ' - f" Butler twp i 9 03? i 8 0. Brady twp ... •• -2® Cherry twp 8 00 10 78 Clay twp | J" • ®$ Centre twp 9 3. 8 50 Connoq. twp * "9 - '- Clinton twp - .a S Cleartield twp 68 29 90 48 96 Concord twp . « Cranberry twp 1 38 56 w Forward twp 23 64 8 81 Falrvlew twp 1 38 Lancaster twp 2 11 <9 60 27 Petrolla boro i 200 35 18 Sunbury lwro 90 13J Barrlsville boro 1.5 .0 IDi i Evans City boro j' „j® i Falrvlew boro 88 13 914 l Eau Claire boro 11 08 3 11) I Bruin boro i 158 !k> ( i Zelienople boro | 109 41 ! S»i 71 07 ?291 51 i 1 Expenditures Account of County Home 1 . and Farm 1905. Clothing and shoes 5 196 50 Fuel account 583 00 Furniture, bedding and dry goods— 438 (to Light account 231 11 Farm Implements 74 50 Lumber 28 05 Threshing -1 « Fertilizer !*> d 0 Blacksmith 70 15 Grass seeds , 51 05 Feed : ,75 08 Physicians and medicines 570 32 Hardware 188 23 Groceries and bread 2019 88 Beef 933 71 Harness and repairs . 41 40 Burial (coffin boxes) .. 114 00 Live Stock 172 00 Printing.. < 25 Salary and Wages. Mr. and Mrs. Graham 800 00 J. C. Fisher 79 25 J. A. Uermon 56 00 James Scott . 77 00 E. C. Sloan IMO 00 Jack McCleilann ■•••• 2" "0 Geo. Wick 22 50 Harry Lelserlng 100 00 Frank Fisher 68 50 J. C. Klskaddon, clerical work 150 00 Elmer Melison 54 87 J. W. Wilson 225 00 Myrtle Rice 42 00 Annie Patterson 32 00 , Sadie English 365 00 1 Elizabeth Allen 31 50 , Ella Thompson 125 00 Dr. L. R. Hazlett * 500 00 Frank Hazlett .;. 10 00 Preaching 250 00 . Mrs. Mock 150 50 1 W. J. Beatty 150 ' J. E. Reeseman 66 00 Miscellaneous account 22 50 Interest 568 67 ' Freight, drayage and express 310 1 Repair account 163 58 , Refunding account 53 33 ' Incidentals 850 ! Dlsijfectant 24 00 1 Telephone service 39 00 State tax and Poor District bonds «04 00 ! Temporary loans 12000 00 $23851 13 Insane and Hospital Accounts Dixmont 84789 85 Warren 2209 75 Wernersvllle 417 14 Polk Ml 19 $7947 93 Expenditures of Relief and Support Furnished Out»id6 County Home 1905. •Justice's fees In order of relief $ 15U 00 Livery hire 31 50 Traveling expense, com 118 07 Removal of paupers 1-4 41 Provisions 11*77 17 Burial expense 7xo 50 I'hyslclans and medicines 1978 05 Clothing and shoes 59 00 Dry goods and furniture 70 48 Hospitals and nurses 1104 85 Incidentals 84 79 House ron"; 12 00 Total *1»96 «S W. S. Dixon in account with Butler County Poor District. DR. CR. To bal. on hand Jan. 2, 'O3. .? 3024 57 To nut of tax received of 1904 and previous 7772 9ti To amt of tax ree'd of 1905.. 25211 37 To amt of tax reeelved of unseated land 1905 100 82 To amt ree'd of Co. Com'rs 2347 (17 To amt received of tem porary loans 110m> oo By vouchers redeemed $86301 t>B By temporary loans paid.. 13000 00 By amt set over to sinking fund 11057 W) By treasurer's percentage. 070 27 By bal on hand .lan. 1, 1906. 27 01 850057 a#—ssoos7 3!t W. S Dixon in acct with Butler Poor District County Sinking Fund. To amt on hand Jan. 2.1905..810548 7rt To amt set over from taxes of 1905 11057 80 By bonds and coupons paltl 8938 75 By Treasurer's percentaso 150 43 By bal on hand Jan. 1. 1900. 12511 38 821006 50—121606 56 Liabilities of Butler Co. Poor District Jau. 1, 1906. Bonds outstanding 8 95500 00 Temporary loans (HWO 00 Sundry bills due ft unpaid 432 22 Assets of Butler Co. Poor District Jan. 1,1906. t 'ash in Treas. Jan. 1, 1900. 27 64 Cash on hand in Poor Dis trick Sinking Fund 12511 38 Amt duo from Collectors tax loot and previous 2295 15 Amt due from Collectors tax 1905 7412 54 $101934 22- 322236 71 Liabilities in excess of assets $79697 51 We, the Auditors of Butler county, state of Pennsylvania, have met at the Court House of said county on the Ist of Jan.. 1906. I>eitig the first Monday of the year, according to the Act of Assembly. Having examined the several accounts of the county, do certify that the foregoing a correct statement of the above accounts according to the besiof our knowledge and belief. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seais tills 16th day of March. J 90S. DAVID CUPPS, [SEAL] W. B. SCOTT, [seal] U.N.WILSOX Report of Farm and Home for 1905 No. of inmates Ist quarter 7 s 2nd •* 73 «• •' " 3rd " 73 •• " " 4th " 96 Total .... 320 Average per quarter 80. Live ?*ock. Horses. 4 head. Cows. 13 head. Heifers. 3 head. Bulls. 2 head. Brood sows. 2 head. Sboats, 12 head. Farm Products. Wheat. 142 bushels. Rye, 81 bushels. Oats. 562 bushels. Corn. 1200 bushels. Potatoes. 300 bushels. Hay. about 50 tons. Pork. 2800 pounds. Butter, 2190 pounds. Milk used, about 7300 gallons. Enough vegetables to supply demand. | Farm proaucts sold, consisting, of hay, 1 grain, potatoes and veal calves, 1345.99. 1 STATEMENT OF OUTSTANDING TAX JAN. 1, 1900. r~i j f r Yrs DISTRICTS. County. State. , Poor. | Dog. 1897 Karns City borough $ 357 . * 965 1898 Clinton township 204 91 15 0. " Cherry twp - 1 1899 Clinton twp 205 81 16 60 1. 06 " Parker two ••• 2 25 1900 Harmony boro 97 52 111 88 187 63 34 20 " Millerstown boro 20, " Marion twp 105 75 .. 1901 Marion twp 110 42 29 9i> " Harmony boro 92 22 57 07 59 00 433 " Slipperyrock twp 2 00 " Washington twp 24 08 " Clearfield twp 2 27 4 1* 1902 Clinton twp 82 01 26 6. •' Bradv twp 10 00 .. " Connoquenessing twp 11 75 2 37 8 48 2 70 " Venango twp 30 34 41 20 190 14 " KarLS City boro 31 82 543 14 54 " Marion twp ! 267 78 ... 1903lFairview boro 59 02 04 31 52 844 " ! Connoquenessing twp 31 40 " Butler twp 211 30 74 32 33 60 •' Clay twp 11l 45 " IKarns City boro 10 93 132 532 10 59 ";Eau Claire boro 41 20 201 161 .. " iSummit twp 1° 001 " Butler boro 358 51 116 91 138 80 500 1904 Brady twp 20 05 13 38 77 " jConnoquenesaing twp 48 17j 60 69 ; 19 91 " i Venango twp 12 12j 039 805 •' Butler twp 333 52 24 91 139 45 65 10 " Clay twp 182 60 ! " Eau Claire boro 19 95 20 21 166 " Buffalo twp 120 59 25 041 558 00 80 " Clearfield twp ••• 156 73 j 23 39 " Lancaster twp 104 90 97 " Mercer twp 51 31 j <>B 28 24 97 '• i Butler boro 1010 07 35 70j 494 78 48 10 " Fairview boro 47 30 10 44 24 86 10 51 " West Sunbury boro ' 33 59, 4 13| 14 34 01 " Concord twp 24 | " Winfield twp 99 44 101 21 17 85 " Worth twp 75 00 44 30 88 71 37 30 " Bruin boro I 41 4" 3 56| 27 97 12 78 " Evans City boro i 21 07; 11 07 4 20 " Portersville boro 7 94, 94 4 46 3 06 " Jefferson twp 02., "! Marlon twp 43 " Franklin twp 4 89 5 12 " Parker twp 7 00 " Harmony boro 5 46 " Zelienople boro 1 06 1901 Venango twp 74 57 " Parker twp SO"' " Zelienople boro 6 01 1903 Forward twp* 25 87 " Cranberry twp ..,, 2 49 ...... " Concord twp 08 " Mars boro 09 1902 Muddy Creek twp 1 15 " Evans City boro | j. 74 04 *14144 29 #047 14 *2285 15 $.590 51 1905 Adams twp 742 50 57 51 318 27 106 00 Allegheny twp 43 79 57 21 15 24 38 72 Butler twp 566 44 49 41 243 20 120 40 Buffalo twp 522 09 52 97 141 63 83 31 Brady twp 110 24 16 53 486 18 922 Clinton twp 272 10 833 111 50 39 28 Clay twp 399 84 931 210 49 07 41 Centre twp 238 57 133 64 50 58 Clearfield twp 283 79 800 57 72 26 77 Cherry twp 417 38 42 14 38 44 97 00 Cranberry twp 370 17 594 274 11 24 48 Connoquenessing twp 474 10 '39 00 206 15 00 99 Concord twp 18 20 189 15 53 29 87 Donegal twp 795 63 32 80 340 48 127 0O Forward twp 638 02 60 80 280 42 81 97 Fairview twp 531 74 124 99 231 75 103 47 Franklin twp 543 48 10 10 231 54 59 o<> Jefferson twp 359 77 20 97 150 02 5H 00 Jackson twp 491 44 48 78 39 30 Lancaster twp 201 23 495 90 45 30 00 Marion twp , 70 02 37 48 70 11 45 Mercer twp 99 55 11 3H 23 48 20 18 Middlesex twp 103 40 04 30 30 61 28 74 Muddy Creek twp 8 88i 1 22 6 96 Oakland twp... 376 72 796 157 97 48 47 Penn twp.. 94 90 10 73 34 10 49 24 Parker twp 398 47 0 18; 175 30 Oi) (8 Summit, twp 198 89 147 lli 305 89 38 07 Slippery Rock twp 309 57 14 21 83 93 28 61 Venango twp 509 75 28 90 210 SI 109 41 Washington twp 730 89 42 24 59 10 11 93 Winfield twp 405 59 320 02 337 43 108 (Ml Worth twp 244 08 104 71 36 74 Bruin boro 62 19 345 31 94 11 39 Connoquenessingi boro 107 99 45 93 8 85 Evans City boro 190 15 25 09 82 80 20 00 Eau Claire boro 115 87 677 58 13 14 58 Fairview boro • • ■ 21 15 7 23 16 87 10 20 Harrisville boro 72 71 30 80 9 00 Harmony boro 299 10 39 79 32 81 910 Karns City boro 85 24 997 11 58 M'llerstown boro 38 00 28 00; 19 38 23 07 Mars boro 162 07 46 10 110 02 57 00 Portersville boro 37 84 16 22 Prospect boro 98 17 23 30 46 68 14 63 Petrolia boro ' 79 Slipperyrock boro 75 44 37 49 72 22 84 12 Saxonburg boro 22 04 28 03 40 94 12 79 West Sunbury boro 85 68 42 19 5 54 Valencia boro 17 03 68 C 8 11 03 3 01 West Liberty boro 13 24 0 47 7 00 0 74 Zelienople boro 101 95 09 28 35 28 Butler boro 4876 98 441 88 1402 90 213 00 *lßl6l 30 $2007 21 *7412 5413808 11 RECAPITULATION. Total County $22805 65 Total State v 2054 35 Total Poor 9697 68 Total Dog 2964 65 Total... $37622 34 The above outstanding amounts are subject to deductions, commissions, and exonerations UNSEATED LAND TAX RECEIVED 1905. O|OpMm I H I H o 2. o o o " » 2. S g S. ° £ ! % g,E DISTRICTS ? f I ! I ■ : : " : : ■ • i • • ; • Cherry twp 859 800 802 327 28 4* 190 25 88 1 Clay twp 073 471 704 230 20 84 120 22 10 Centre twp. 4 97j 511 285 214 15 071...... 15 07 Connoquenessing twp 152 175 65 71 103 27 190 Clearfield twp 47 89 6S 29 82 08 20 51 218 77 200 220 77 Concord twp 16 45 23 42 42 11 703 89 01 04 89 05 Cranberry twp 44 38 56 19 1 57; 04 1 01 Forward twp 986 10 29 14 38 881 44 34 331 47 05 Fairview 3 90 7 91 1 8* 13 25 93 14 is Marion twp 485 485 19 24 210 31 04 13 81 19 Middlesex twp 10 80 10 69 821 360 33 42 981 43 23 1 Parker twp 13 43 46 51 32 08 564 97 00; IK4 99 50 Penn twp. 11 20 18 77 16 71 4 4-41 51 121 247 53 59 j Donegal twp 551 945 11 03 2 30' 28 35 28 35 Oakland twp 20 01 21 94 30 00 8 47; 87 02 34 87 96 Winfield twp 30 55 62 04 83 51 15 66| 198 86 198 36 Venango twp 15 21 20 21 11 19 0 30 l 52 91, 141 54 32 Allegheny twp 26 07 17 84 49 59 991 [ 104 01 55. 109 58 Jackson twp 163 180 I4H 70' 507 •» 67 Petrolia borough 50 200 35 18j 303 42 845 Total. $247 4S#s>3 22 $422 0* *IOO 82 $1124 15531 76 $1155 91 Subscribe for the CITIZEN GET THE BEST |aj 0 ||||||| jy. r Recently Enlarged WITH 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 2r>,OCO titles, based on the latest census returns. New Biographical Dictionary containing t ho names of over 10.000 noted persons, date of birth, death, etc. Edited 1-y TV. T. ITAIiIiIS,Ph.T>., LL.D., United Suites Commiiisiouer of Education. 2380 Quarto Pages New Pla: a. 5300 Illustrations. Rich Bindings. Needed in Every Home Also Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 11 IS Pajfta. lioO I i lustration*. Regular Edition 7*lo*2^inches. Stiadins*. ! De Lu.-e Edition >*. Printed from ; «.*»* io fa 1-ibl® paper. 2 b*-&stifnl biri-iinp*. j FKi-C, "DictiocarjWrmilcs." Illustrated pamphk-U. G. & C. MERRIAM CO.. i Maxwell-Crouch Mule Company j Largest Dealers in Mules io the United i States. 90 head, all sizes, constantly on ; hand. Branch Stables '202 204 Penn ave., I riTTsm iid. PA. riADE FROn NATIVE ROOT-**. SAFE AND RELIABLE. That the roots of many native plant-', growing wild in our American forests, possess remarknblo properties for the cure of human maladies is well proven. Even the untutored Indian had learned the curative value of somo of these and taught the early settlers their uses. The Indian never liked work so ho wanted his squaw to get well as soon as possible that she might do the work and let him hunt. Therefore, he dug "papoose root" for her, for that was their great remedy for fe male weaknesses. Dr. Pierce uses the same root—called Blue Cohosh —in his "Favorite Prescription," skillfully com bined with other agents that make it more effective than any other medicine in curing all the various weaknesses and painful derangements i>eculiar to women. Many afflicted women have been saved from the operating table and the sur- f eon's knife by the timely use of Doctor 'ierce's Favorite Prescription. Tender ness over the lower pelvic region, with backache, spells of dizziness, faintness, bearing dawn pains or distress should not go unheeded. A course of "Favorite Pre scription" will work marvelous benefit in all such cases, and generally effect a permanent cure if persisted in for a rea sonable length of time. The "Favorite Prescription" is a harmless agent, being wholly prepared from native medicinal roots, without a drop of alcohol in its make up. whereas all other medicines, put tip for sale through druggists for woman's peculiar ailments, contain large quantities of spirituous liquors, which are very harmful, especially to delicate women." "Favorite Prescription" con tains neither alcohol nor harmfni habit forming drugs. All its ingredients are printed on each bottle wrapper. It is a powerful invigorating tonic, imparting nealtli and strength in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. For weak and sickly women, who are "worn-out." or debilitated, especially for women who work in store, olhee, or school-room, who sit at the typewriter or sewing machine, or bear heavy household burdens, and for nursing mothers. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will prove a priceless benefit because of its health - restoring and strength-giving power. For constipation, the true, scientific cure is I)r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Mild, harmless, yet sure. DR. E. GREWER, No. 229 12 SOUTH MAIN ST? NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, PA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grewer is r. graduate of the University of Peurjylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddress where he treats all chronic diseases o? men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women, ball rising in the throat, spots Hosting before the eyes, loss of memory unable t<: concentrate the mind on one subject easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible,distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, rear, nreatns, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, dt pression, con stipation, weakness of tie limbs, etc. Thoso 30 affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored- Weakness of Young Men Cured and ail private diseases. Dr. E. Cirewer's varicocele Ring cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cared without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart. Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles. Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. i Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that be cannot cure Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if von cannot call. Office hours—From 9 a. m to 8:30 p. in On Sunday from Ito3p. m. only. .Dean's J '•s A safe, certain r» Ju r Suppressed g L Menstruation. N» v to fail. Safe! « Lj P.poedy! Satisfaction (iim ran teed K 2 or l.ionev Refundoil. ften« prepaid Tor R 1 SJ.OO per box. WiH send thrni on trial, to ■ g be paid for when relieved. Hampics Free. H I UN IT FD MEDICAL CO.. Bon 74. Lanc»«TC«. *A. g Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy jc. F. T. Pape, ? 51 JEWELERI I S 121 E. Jefferson Street. / "AMERICAN" i Improved Variable Friction Feed Haw Mills. Fitted with new "Giant" Duplex dogs ratchet set works and quick receder, strong, accurate, reliable and light running. A car load or two of lumber will pay for one of these mills. Portable saw mills in 5 sizes. Gang edgers, drag saws, lath and shingle mills, planers, wood saws, and splitters. The best made. Full particulars on application. AMI KICAN SAW MILL CO. llackctstoivii, N. «)., or I>. C. KMEKY Agents, Grove City, l*a. , THINNING «N ORCHARD. Plan For Keuiovinic \|,ple Trrc. by 1 a Gradual Proee*». An orchanlist submits in Rural New ( Yorker the following plan for orchard ! thinning: The trees are mostly Ithode j Island Greenings and consequently j great spreaders. The limbs began to meet twenty years from planting. ! They are set 30 by 3"2 feet. We determined to take out every , Other row diagonally, but by ;i gradual j process In this nge of spraying, with j P y P y P /p/ p / p/p / p /PP J ! P S P / P DIAGRAM FOR TAKISG TREES OfT OP OR CHARD. trestle rigs to be drawn through the orchard, roofa must be had to get around. As fast as the trees crowd we keep cutting from the trees to be eventually taken out and let the per manent trees spread at will. Now. after thirty-two years from setting, all the large lower branches are off some of the trees, and it is only a question of time when the trees will be taken out entirely. As will be seen by the diagram, this will leave the permanent trees (P> about forty-five feet apart each way. I*o*Moiilni£ tlie 801 l "Weevil. 11. W. Marston of the Louisiana crop pest commission predicts that in five years the cotton boll weevil will be universally poisoned wherever it is in April and May, just as the potato bug is being universally poisoned. Mr. Marston bases his prediction on experi ments carried on at Keachie, La., last year. He contends that it has been conclusively proven that the hibernated weevil can be killed in April and May with paris green, and, he adds, in Farm and Ranch: "The Keachie demonstration proves that had every weevil in Texas and Louisiana beeu poisoned upon its first appearance it would have solved the boll weevil proposition. But it is said that the boll weevil continues hibernat ing into the hot, scorching mouth of June (?). All the weevils I put up this last year died in December. We can risk those Juno hibernated (?) weevils." Alfalfa In Ohio. In a discussion of alfalfa growing at the annual meeting of the Ohio farmers' institute Mr. Wing advised to get good clean seed. It should be a bright green ish yellow in color; avoid brown seed. Be sure it contains no weed seed, espe cially dodder. Mr. Kankin of Fayette county doubt ed that alfalfa would grow 011 any and every soil. Ho had succeeded with it in somo instances, in others failed. Mr. Wing stated that special soil preparation was necessary to insure good root development aad acknowl edged that a crop was not always as sured, Giving Milk to a Ilnnfrry Calf. Here is a calf feeding device sub mitted in Farm Journal: A square openiug is cut in the front side of the pen just big enough to receive the feed pail. Hinge the piece cut out to swing In, as shown in the figures. Put a chain or strap at each side so that the open door will stand horizontal, with a FIG. I FIG. 2 CALF FEEDING DEVICE. cleat at its upper and outer edges (Fig. 1 2). The pail can be set in from the outside, a cleat on the outside holding the top of the pail from coming in through and the cleat 011 the door liold i lag the bottom of the pail from being pulled off the door. This does away with the great trouble encountered in trying to set a pail of milk over into the pen of a hungry calf. A Gentle Hint. This notice to prospective visitors is credited to a German gardener: "To those kind friends who during the past season showed such interest in the con tents of my humble garden: Take no tice that In future the key can always be had 011 application, even during the | night, and that to enter by the gate is •much less dangerous than clambering I over the wall. I shall further be deep j ly grateful if in future you would be so generous as to leave a little of the produce for my needs. Thanking you for past favors," etc. Tea Tablets. Tea tablets are a new product from the tea gardens of the department of agriculture at Summerville, S. C. The dried tea leaves - are steamed and com pressed into tablets about the size of a penny anil twice as thick, each o which will make a cup or more of tea. Drainage of Irrigated Lands. While the necessity for the drainage of Irrigated lands will doubtless be less obvious when water is mi re econom ically used and supply canals are Im proved In such a way as to diminish leakage, a considerable loss of water from both causes will always bo un avoidable, so that drainage will al ways be an essential part of the im provement of irrigated land in some localities. GARDEN SNAPSHOTS Get the poisons ready for the early insects. j Beginning with the advent of spring ! there are few places so Interesting as the hardy tlower garden. The annuals have to be sown and the half hardy plants have to be planted before they can be enjoyed. If a gardener has not experimented with his soil so as to know to what fertilizing elements it really needs he must use a formula, and one carrying about .1 to j per cent nitrogen, sto 0 per cent available phosphoric acid and 4 to 5 per cent potash will usually bo found as profitable as any. I Sow Prizetaker onions indoors, to be j transplanted to the garden in May. If seeds are planted In dry soil or in : soil that Is less moist than the seeds tlio 1 drier soil will extract the moisture 1 from the seed and retard development. 1 The radish Is one of the favorite ear ly spring vegetables, and it is 0110 of ' easy cultivation. We naturally look ( forward to this as the one very early, | If not the first, that we are to grow to 1 maturity, either in the frame or outsldo - ground. 1 For success with parsnips use fresh | seed, plant very early and quite thick and thin out the seedlings to six to serea lathes apart. The turnpike road Lies through their HH9VWs mouths, cr I mis take mankind — Fctcr H|pr —And the turnpike guide post is the trade mark of the National Biscuit Company. It points the way to the food E quality—biscuit and crackers so perfectly iced and properly protected; so cleanly iced and freshly kept, that they never fail to VA e in their mission to the appetite and heart. lis trade mark always appears in red and white. ced on each end of a dust and moisture proof hat keeps the contents in their original condition. il Biscuit Company products are thus distinguished and ou are thus protected and guided, in buying the most ery products. 17 a package of GRAHAM CRACKERS. You will instantly recognize ay ordiaur Graham ciacken yoa erer tasted. They contain all th« good 1 enhanced by perfect baking. MATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY VI A Difference in Dollars isn't the first thing to be considered in buying a piano. There is —y more than just money value in musical quality. ! y —<\\i-2 The BE.HR Piano r j! \ \ would be a good irvestment at twice its cost.* Real wear, worth, k|r yo durability and distinctiveness, these are essentially BEHH 1 qualities. To be sure, call and examine. cW * 15 * mcCANuless, //* |L*— R. F. D. 4.-, Euclid, Pa. ! HUMPHREYS'* WITCH HAZEL OIL :::::: FOR PILES, ONE APPLICATION BRINGS RELIEF. SAMPLE MAILED TREE. At Drugs tits. 25 cents, or mc lied. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Streets, New York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success fulremedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of pric& Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y. CATARRH jjK I | y %/ ELY'S CREAM BALM This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away u Cold in the Head quickly. Restores tho Senses of Tasto and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Largo Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 V.'arren St., New York. NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE T) BPKAfi"£ ITOK FUR NITURE AND CARPETS. THE BALANCB AT PRIVATE SALE NOW AT GO LD SMITH'S, NEXT TO PICKERING'S 084 PENN AVE. ODD PARLOR PIECES OP SOLID MAHOGANY, COST *3O AND $35, NOW *7.10 AXI) $8; SOLID MAHOGANY PARLOR SUITS OF 3 PIECES, COST $75, GO AT S3O; GENUINE LEATHER SUITS OF 6 PIECES. 8. & H. PRICE. 1110. GO AT *55; GENUINE LEATHER COUCHES. S. & U. PRICE. »'«. NOW 133; GENUINE LEATHER BED DAVENPORTS. S. * 11. PRICE. sll3. GO AT $55. OTHERS DOWN' AS LOW AS 122. SO; FINE ALL LEATHER ROCKERS. IVERi $65, NOW $32.50; FINE LEATHER SEAT ROckERH. S. & H. PRICE, *ls. NOW *7.CO: FINE OAK ROCKERS. 8. A H. PRICE. sl2, NOW *3.50: MAHOGANY CHIF FONIERS, S. & if PRICE. s(ls, NOW sl7 50; MAHOGANY DRESSER. 8. A H. PRICE. $75. NOW $22.50; PARLOR TARI.E. SOLID MAHOGANY. PRICE $22 NOW $3.50. BIG LOT OF RUGS AT $7.50. sl2. sls: WAS SOLD BY SPEAR A HOLLAR FOR s2'i $25 AND S3O. ALTj 11RASS REUS. sl7 5.1 AND $22 50. WORTH *3O AND $35. FINE WILTON VELVET RUGS. oxl2 WAS *45 NOW $22.50: SOME ROOM SIZE MISFIT CARPETS IN WILTON VELVETB COST $65 GO AT $25. BODY BRUSSELS CAJfirETS TO FIT I.AROB ROOM. COST SSO GO AT $22.50. OTHERS AS LOW AS $lO AND sl2. BIG LOT OF DINING ROOM TABLES. CHAIRS. STOVES AND RANGES. THIS IS A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. SO COME AT ONCE. NEXT TO PICKERING S 1>54 PENN AVE. LOOK FOR THE 810 WINDOW. I. GOLDSMITH. 931 Penu Avenue, Plltibnrg, Pa L. C. WICK, i)HALBB IP LUfIBER. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director, I 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA| Winter's Changes Breed Pneumonia Be on the safe side. Have a bottle of good whiskey ready for emergencies. We can honestly recommend for this purpose Grumli'iitlier'M Choice Guaranteed Yrs. Old It's a smooth, palatable whiskey—for social and family use; #3 a gallon. Your choice of any whiskey in list below for $1 a full quart: 0 qts., FINCH, UKUK, OTBBIIOLT. OCCKENHEIMKB. JIT. VKBNON THOMPSON, HIBSOS , DILLINUEB. BBIDUKPOBT We pay express charges on all mail orders of |5 or over. Goods shipped promptly. Robt. Lewin & Co-, WHOLESALE DEALERS IH WINES AND LIQUORS, Ho. M SmitMield St., PITTSBI3O, PA. 'Phone*: Bell am P. ft A. 14M J LABGEST AM) STRONG EST IX THE COUNTY. | !* THE | Butler County National Bank, i A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE ol J $ Butler County to do business with. /Capital # 300,000 00 | ! strength surplus 400,000.n0 1 I (Assets 3.000,000 00 f I I * We invite YOUR business —assuring ycu PROMPT, * COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. § | "The big Bank by the Court House" | DISTINCT ADVANTAGES. Your estate will be the more safely administered and your wishes more certainly attained if you call upon our Trust Department to act as your executor. . It can act in a capacity either alone or with any in dividual of your own selection. Its procedures are regu lated by statute, and rules adopted after careful consider ation and wide experience. As a part of this corporation it'cannot be disabled by illness, or its work in behalf of | your estate hindered by other business. Will you call that we may explain? THE Butler Savings & Trust Co. 106 SOUTH MAIN STREET. ■g ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLEK, PA. CAPITAL - - ~ " ~ $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS (earned) - $47,000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID - - - - $6,000.00 None in tlie Cou.r\t;y. J! Send Your Orders by Mai! for Your ® I WHISKES 1 I WINKS I | and LIQUORS! JMAX KLEIN & SONSL H 1318-20 Penn Ave., PITTSBURG, PA. 8 © EVERYTHING IN LIQUORS. <| x Try A- Gallon of )! I Our 4-year old at ji; $3.00 per Galloii- ; ; HUGH L. CONNELLY ; j SUCCESSOR TO JOHN LIMEGROVER. JR < > 107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Office. i < 1 BOTH PHONES ALLEGHENY, PA. ' | >oooocooooo^ooooooooo^^o<{ Advertise in the CITIZEN.