VOL. XXXXIII. THE MODERN STORE- Millinery and Spring Goods Opening, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 4th to 7th inclusive. We invite yon to attend the best Millinery and Spring Goods Display this store has ever shown. Onr Millinery Department has made constant strides forward so that today the product of onr milliners has an individuality which is appreci ated by the ladies of Butler. Our constant aim has been to give the best value for the money and we believe that we can not only supply the wants of the most fastidious, but at the same time meet yonr views on cost and surprise you on the moderate prices which will prevail this season. ■ > EISLER-MARDORF COfIPANY, SOUTH MATH STREET | QQ4 SSSiiSSSF' f" ■ Samples sent on request. OPPOSITE HOTEL ARLINGTON. BUTLER. PA ■ • fyS I SPRING STYFCES 1 AND IN I SUMIER FOOTWEAR. I NOW CODING IN. I Shoes for dressy occasions I Shoes {or the mechanic I Shoes (or the farmer I Shoes- for everybody ■ Each and every pair in its B class the best that money I will buV ■ Get your pair at I HUSELTON'S I Opp. Hotel Lowry. 102 N. Main Street. | ©@@©@@(§X§)(§)@®@®@@®@®(§X§)(§K§)(§)(§)(§)@ iPatterson Bros. 1 (Successors to Brown & Co.) © I Furniture and Carpets. | 0 We respectfully solicit a share of your © 0 patronage. © @ New goods arriving dally, inviting ® ® your inspection. ® II 136 N. Main Street, Butler, Pa. @ ®@®@®®(§)®(§)®®®(§X§)®(§)®(§X§)®®(§)(§X§X§)© I j**E tj Do It, Now! I 1[ Your Wall Papering. I i} We have just received a Car Load of Cheap andw i Priced Wall Paper that we intend to sell at Bar-w •rgain Prices. Just what you want for tenement houses?!? tffand rooms where a nice paper is required at a small cost.H? If You Can't Afford to Miss This, Eyth Bros., | t i NEAR COURT HOUSE. & _ * ■; I Duffy's Store. 1 I Mot ohe bit too early to think of that new Carpet, orß ■ perhaps you would rather have a pretty Rug—carpetß I size. Well, in either case, we can suit you as our Car-B B pet stock is one of the largest and best assorted in But-B B ler county. Among which will be found the following: B EXTRA SUPER ALL WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, H Heavy two and three ply 65c per yd and up B HALF WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS, H Beet cotton chain 50c per yd and up B BODY BRUSSELS. ... , H Simply no wear ont to these yd B TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, Light made, bnt very Good ®sc per yd up B STAIR CARPETS Body and Tapestry Brussels, Half and Alj Wool Ingrains B HARTFORD AXMINSTERS, H Prettiest Carpet made, as durable too. ...... f 1.85 B RAG CARPETS, Genuine old-fashioned weave. B MATTING. Hemp and Straw. B RUGS CARPET SIZES. Axminster Rugs, Beauties too. 422 each and up ■ Brussels Rngs, Tapestry and Body #l2 each and up H Ingrain Druggets. All and Half Wool $ b each and np Linoleums, Inlaid and Common, all widths and grades. Oil Cloths, Floor. Table, Shelf and Stair. Lace Curtains. I'ortierg, Window Shades, Curtain Poles; Small Hearth ■ Rngs, all styles and sizes. I Duffy's Store. B MAIN STREET, BUTLER. ff I THE BUTLER CITIZEN. J Bickers Footwear]! H , H A (gv /gg| A Grand Display of Fine fcj Footwear in all the 14 Latest Styles. fj n ./s#s 'J* We are showing many £4 \ s* j st y' es in Ladies' Fine Shoes *2 and Oxfords at prices sure !m A / Large stock of Men's and m Boys' Fine Shoes and Ox- orc^s ' n styles. kj V Dar g a i ns j n Men's W and Boys' working shoes. M >A . f Repairing promptly done. 3 JOHN BICKELfj 128 S Main St., BUTLER. PA. BUTLER . 'QA - / M:'' The following graduates ot the Boiler Business College have Just accepted positions as follows• I H Alexander, bookkeeper, Wabash It. K. Co.. Pittsburg; lay Thompson, stenographer. I' S I votopment Co.. 4th Ave., Pittsburg; Emma Burr f'ltt sbuuk Krduotion Co.. New Kensington. Pa.; Pearl Sny.ler, stenographer. T»»e Bracb street Co . rittsburg; K. I'. Frederl-'k, stenographer, \Vab:ish R. K. Co.. 1 lttsburg. Kosenna McLaughlin, stenographer, Baird Machinery Co , Pittsburg; Anna Bunday, stenosrapl i r. Salvage Security Co.. Pittsburg; 4th Ave ; Winifred Shaffer, better position, stenographer. Ger Vou"nE men^nd d w^en^R U Kfi;LTS TALK. Attend a school that DOES secure posi tlons -and GOOD ones—for its graduates. SOME schools PROMISE—we 1 EHI'OUM. tiroes as many calls as we can fill. Come in and see the letters—we shall be pleased show them to you. Now Is tbe time to enter. SPRING TERM, APRIL 2, 1906 SUiy enter ANY time. Catalogue and circulars mailed on application Correspondence invited. Visitors ALWAYS welcome. When in Butler, pay us a visit. A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa. The Great $5 Clothing Sale is on again this month. But that will end it —no more after this month. Garments for which we would ask full price under norma! conditions. No matter how little the price, its a high standard that rules here —annoyingly so to those of our com petitors who even attempt to match the values presented, This $5.00 Clothing Sale Is a Mighty Strong Proposition. $5.00 buys choice of several hundred rattling good suits and overcoats that cannot be matched in any other Butler store in season or out of season for less than $lO to $12.50. SCHAUL& LEVY 137 South Main Street. Butler, Pa. | Spring and Summer Millinery. | **' Everything in the line of Millinery can be found, fjt •p the right thing at the right time at the right price at I ROCKENSTEIN'S I 3? n? !*. I ; P ; h ;° ne ••• S. Main St. jjj MEN 1 # ijjpf Woni buy clothing for the purpose of fJi , I nrt spending money. They desire to get the Jj) ' jV;Xnij II best possible results of the money expended. in I >} '/ 'f Those who buy custom clothing have a W J -!J.y \ if right to demand a fit, to have their clothes I Pi 1 L MS' Sjj'ivl correct in style and to demand of the Ail ! < ,„y A\ 1 seller to guarantee everything. Come to /j\ V|j us and there will be nathing lacking. | •' '.£> A'<." a have just received a large stock of Spring -v v, ,| 8 and Summer suitings in the latest styles, \ [ \ . 9hades and colors. I \ ra ' \ ') I I G. F. KECK, ! \fflP| J MERCHANT TAIbOR, " i j | 142 N. Main St., f&utl<?r, P4 Plfi ; | Acme Washers | DJ More Work, Tbau anj othet Wastiei|| I J. Q. & W. CAMPBELL, l M BUI LER, PA. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 1900 [SPRING SUITS.] / You see we are as usual, the early bird. Our line 7 ? of Spring Suits for Men, Boys and Children is here and \ S open for your inspection. The handsomest styles and \ \ patterns you ever laid eyes on. You never saw their/ \ equal. The envy of all local merchant tailors. Heavy/ C padded shoulders, hand-quilted breasts, hand-made button ) S holes, in fact so snappy and well built as to \ / We Defy Any Merchant Tailor to Equal Them! N v We are always first. You do the same by buying i / early. Prices considered, Hamburger make considered, f J style, quality, make, wear and patterns considered, in fact ? everything considered, you'll find this the only place to buy. ? J The Famous Skolney Suits for Children are here and ? Sread> to be worn by the best dressed Children of Butler. / { SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. } | Douthett & Graham. ( INCORPORATED. C H Just received the largest assortment of sewing machines we ever hadH in stock. We have an expert sewing machine repair man at prices. K' Henry Biehl, 1 R-R-TIME-TABLES Pennsylvania RAIbROAD WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. Schedule 111 effect Jan. 1, 1 !100 Trai. s leave BUTLER as follows: For Allegheny and way -tali on#, 6:15 and 10 35 a •n, and 4.2J p. m. week days; 7.20 a. m. and 5.05 p. in. Snudaj . F»r Pittsburg and way nutlet:? 8.10 a. in. and 2.30 i». m. week dayn. For ll'alrsTillo Intersection, Alto«»Da, Harrinbttrg, Philadelphia and tlio East.6.ls aud 10 35 a m. and 2.30 1». m week d»y«; 7-20 a. m. Sud<L- ; >h. BUFFALO AND ALLEGHENY VALLEY DIVISION. Trains leave via KISKIMINETAS JUNCTION as follows: F.r Buffalo 8.10 a. m. week .lays; 7.20 a, m. Mm days. For Kod Punk oil ( icy, 6.15 i 8.40,10.3. j a. oi. and 4.20 p. in. wetH «li|3 c* 7.20 in. %nq 5.05 J'. m. Sundays. F«»r Kittantiing a nd way stations, 6.15 and 10.35 a. m. and 4.20 p. m. w«-ek days; 7.2" a. m. and 5.05 p. in. Sunday a. Foi detailed iuformatior, apply to ticket agent or *'!<!rea» Thoa. K. Watt, l ass. Agt. WfathWQ District, HOO '•'iftk* A^enn* 4 WtUlmrg, W. \V. ATTKIirtUUY. J a WOoD Gen 1 Manager. Pas >'r Traffic Manager. GEO VV VOTD. Gmeral Passenger Age aI. BK&P It It Time table in effect Nov. It), 1905. Passenger trains leave and arrive at Bntler as follows: LE4VE tOK ijciRTH -7:30 a. in., mixed for Punxsutawney, Dn Boia and intermediate stutione. 10:33 a. m. daily, vestibnled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. 5:50 p. in. local for Punx'y, Du Boia and intermediate stations. - 11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester Arrive prom north. 6:10 a, m. <Jaily, night e*pro33 from I Buffalo and Rochester. 9:rfoa.m. week days, accomodation from Dußois. 4:50 p.m. daily, vestibnled day express j from Buffalo. ' Has connection at Ash- | ford week days from Rochester. 8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train j from Du Bois and P.v^p^spVawn^y. f rainy laave tne B. <!fc O. Station, j Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester j at U:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local j points as far as Dußoia daily at 4:20 p. m. week dava. Wintieltl U Co Tiinp Table 1 In effect May 29th, 1908. WfSTWAftp. STATIONS, AM P M Leaves We.t Wiuflulil. 7 30 2 45 " I»ug k '.ville .. 745 300 " Iron Bridge 755 310 " Winfield Junction 8 10 3 25 " Lane 8 20, 335 41 liutler Junction 825 340 Arrive Puller 10 33 5 Of) Arrive Allegheny 5 0<» J Arrive Pittsburg 10 25 1 pjn Arrive Blairaville.... 1 05 5 42 KABTWABD. STATIONS* [AM PM Leave Pittsburg 3 05 Leave Blairaville 7 50 2 15 44 Allegheny 8 f £2O 44 Bntler , « ■»»: 230 44 Butler Junrt;« t* 10 00 440 41 Lii, t j> 10 03 143 * Vviuneld Junction 10 15 453 11 Iron Bridge 10 25 505 " BoggsrlUe lo 35 515 Arrive West Winfield 10 50 5 "Trains stop at Lane and Iron Bridge only on Flag to take on or leave off passengers. Trains Connect at Butler vile: Trains Eastward ijr Vandergrift and Blaintvii'.* iutersQction. Trains Westward for Natrona,Tarentnm Allegheny and Fitteburg. Trains Northward tor fciaxGnburg,Marwo«.»d and But hr. U. G. DEALOR, General Mauager. L. S. McJONKIN. IRA McJUNKIN GEO. A. MITCHELL. h S McJONKIN Ar CO., Insurance & fteal Estate 117 E- Jefferson St., SUTI9ER, - PA : BESSEMER & LAKE ERIE RAIL.ROAD COMPANY, TIME TABLE in effect September 17th, 1905. EASTERN STANDARD TIME NORTHWARD" ~ SOUTHWARD (Read upi Daily Except Sunday (Readdown) 1U j 14" iTT I BT , Tlr> ~ I9| 11 | 13" p.in. p. m. p.m.l Bi.vtH'iss. 'a.m. a. m.'p.m. 10 05i 4 (K>; 3 00 BulTttlo( via L.S.M.S.) 8 45.10 00 2 00 p. in. p. m.a. m.l a. in. p. m. p. in. 7 l.ij 1 4310 25! Krie. I 7 05, 1 08 4 5" I 651 10 02 Fairvlcw I 7 29 sji 0 40j 1 OT. 0 45! G!m4 1 I « 1 41 5 33 6 241 |!> 27i CrunteVlrle..—| 8 OOj. j5 49 • ; f>"> l iVfflo UO,Ar..< • nuieaut..Lv 7 ♦ 01 6 lo 5 10jl2 0117 00i I Lv..Conneau CM>.. .J C> 55 5 2112 4. 9 2.1 AIW011„ >BO3 1 B:» »53 £6 10fl2 35fa 10! Shadeland (8 14.12 10f6 "I 6 0712 32| 9 07' Springboro.... Igl7AKi tl 01 6 0212J27 9 02 ! ..Coinieafttv4Hfl...l ft 22 2 IS 6 12 ~7 07 u i... t Ar.'.Sf cadvi l le..Lv I j 3oi 1554 53 4 58 II 2* 7 80Lv..Mead ville.Ar 9 20. 3 U 7 07 6 1012 18 8 53 A .Con't Lake.Lvj 7 55 2 23 5 25 5 2". 11 s>i 7 65Lv.Con't I.nke. Ar 8 s:i! 2 45 C HI 5 48 10 fio Ar.-Lltiesville-Xv 8 2J 0 17 ■ 5 4:H2 10! 8 43:..Mca'h-iU«4ci~| tt 431 237 882 15 27 fll 56 s -"i Uattstovvn... (8 57 f2 41' C 46 5 13111 4.' 8 1-! UsßOOil 0 12f3 0: 700 5 O.MI 35[ 8 o;:[ Greenville 0 a*. 3Ki 7os 5 UOII 4 43,11 12 738 Krcdonia.. 0u'332 7 83 4 2810 58 7 --A Mercer ft .V 3 4h J 48 fl# 53 11'_ Houston Jet... 10 ftJ . 7 w 402 id i". ? C01....1'.r0ve City io 2S 4108 15 13 17110 83 a.m......Harfisvillc i'W as H a2!p.in. 3 11:!) jß|. |,..„nmneiiton no 43 428 . II $, \r...HTTfiar<l...Lv| 7 05. 2 lo .... 2 10| 7 05 iLr.„Hilliari_Ai(« fin • 17 3 37 10 II . ... '.Keister 10 47 4 31.; j_3 2310 02* I Euclid 'llo4' 445 | 11 05| Vr. ..ICaylcr ... I.v ! 3 20f 23* i I 7 2h Lv.-.Kaylor . ..Ar .. .... '_G_2o p. lu. 2 55| 9 :W Sutler 1 jpi ■*> H>, 4 w 1 15| " !•'» iLr.Allegheny.An 00 1 o w p. m.irt. in.i —. | '[>. m. p. m.lp.m. Truiu No.l leaving Greenville 9. ni .. Slif.nango 6 sl:Ffecloiiia 7:13; M 1.27: Grove city v.afl: t, n, iluilor U:w», arrives in AliegUeny ut 10:23 a. m.: connects at Queen Junction with trains to and from Ka\ lor, and at Branoliton from Hilliar.l and Annandale. Train No. 2 leaving Allegheny at3:oop m.; Butler 4:45; Keister 5:32; (irove Cltv 5:55; Mere r 6:21; Fred on i a 6:38; Sheuango <;.'s anived >ll Greenville at 7:00 p. m.; c,...ntei* av Queen Janction with trains t,i aud irom aud at Brancluiju k.r HilUard. £:. H. VTI.EY, £. I) OOMjfJYirK General Manager. I I'aia. Agent. luver Studio Has added a fyU ii»ie of amateur Photo Supplies, Cam i eras, Films, Dry Plates, De velopers, Printing out and de ! veloping papers. Anil-Trust Goods At about one half what you have been paying. Quality Guaranteed As jQOd if not better than i the Trust goods. ZUVER STUDIO 215 S. Main St, Butler Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. ££Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy 8. Q. ?-ObViS, PH. G Both Phones. 218 S Main St. Bntler Pa. ] I On the Fence I >. < J By DONALD ALLEN All the farming population for five miles nround said that it was a good match, that between Burt Adams, son of Deacon Adams, and Eunice Taylor, daughter of the Widow Taylor. The young folk had known each other as children. The parents approved the en gagement, and the deacon went as far as to take his son by the hand and say: "My son, she is a flue girl, and you will make no mistake in tnarryin' her. I shall feel toward her as my own daughter." The engagement was announced and the wedding day set. Everything went well until the deacon's brother out in Wisconsin died and left liim a legacy of $14,000 in cash. The deacon, who had lived without any of the luxuries of life, was stunned for a time by the size of the legacy. He felt that it made him one of the millionaires of earth. The money would have made some lit tle difference to any man, no matter how level beaded. "We are on a different plane now," lie said to his old wife, "and we must conform to the new circumstances. Yo'i won't wear calico any more and shall have a hired girl, and I shall do 110 more work except boss the hired man." "And what about Burt?" was asked. "lie must go to college and become a J.v/"rer or doctor." "Bv' he and Eunice are to be mar ried, know, and I don't believe he'll want to put It off." "Look hero, ma," said the deacon aft er thinking for awhile, "we can't let Burt throw himself away on no such girl. It might have done passably well when we were poor, but now we can buy out the whole county and have money left. He can't afford to tie him sc-lf to any such wife. To begin with, she don't look aristocratic." "But do we?" "Of course we do. Any one would know to look at us that we had blood and money. In the second place, she has no style about her." "And have we got?" "Heaps or it. In the third place, she hain't got no eddicatlon." • But you and me never went to any thing bettet'n district school," protest ed the wife, "while Eunice attended a seminary for two whole years. I thought she knew more'n all of us put together." "But she don't. At the seminary she Jest chawed gum and played the pl aner. We hain't l>een braggln' around any, because that ain't the way of the Adamses, but we've gat eddication 'miff to pass hi any crowd. When 1 tjukv>ii with the governor at the county fair two years ago I felt perfectly to home. I must have a talk with Burt." "I don't believe he will fjve her up. You know how obstinate he is about some things. If Eunice would giro him up"— "By thunder!" Interrupted the deacon as ho brought his fist down on the kitchen tabla with a bang. "What is It?" "I've got an Idea, ma—one of the brightest Ideas I ever had. Keep mum. Don't say word. I'll tell you all about it tomorrer or next day. Don't say a single word to Burt, and don't go around lookin' as if you had somethin' on your miml." "You—you hain't goin' to do any thing desperate?" stammered the wife. "Of course not. I'm simply gain' to work out my idea, and when I get ready to telj yen you'll say I am about as sharp as they make 'em. S-s-sh! Keep mum!" The above conversation tuok place one evening, and at Q o'clock the next morning the deacon was knocking at (lie door of Widow Taylor's farm house. Eunice had driven to the vil lage to do some ' trading." and the fat and motherly wi luw was just finish ing up the Inst of her morning's work. "Why, deacon, is this you?" she asked as she answered the knock and held out hor hand. "1 hope none <>f the folks are sick?" "No. The folks are all well." "None of the coirs ailing?" "Nope." "Well, fu 'u be thankful for that. Won't you come in and sit clown?" ' No, I guess not. Tho fact is, wid.- der, I've come over to say somethin' to you." "Well, say on." "It's about Burt and Eunice. You know I am rich now. Cot $14,000 in cold cash—sll,ooo. I'm the richest man iu Plum county." *'\Yell'?" "Waal, i want to say that I want i«urt to go to college and become a great lawyer or doctor. I don't want him to marry for three or four years yet, and when he does I'd like the wo man to be—to be"— "To be somebody better than Eunice Taylor," finished the widow as the deacon hung tire. "I hain't savin' that exactly, but you know that the eagle and the crow can't mate." "I've heard that they couldn't. Is that what you came to say V" "Yes, that's about all." "Then vim have finished and can go. Good morning. Deacon Adams." The widow turned away, and there was nothing for the deacon to do but go. He had got off better than he hoped for. He had expected to have a row, and he was elated that the widow had taken the matter so coolly. In coming he had come by the highway, but iu returning he decided to tako a short cut across the fields. To do this he must climb the fence of the wid ow's barnyard, and wheu he reached tho top rail he sat for a moment to look around, slipped and found him self caught by a stout silver and hang ing lmci? downward, He couldn't lift himself up. and the sliver wouldn't give way to his wiggles, and there was nothing to do but call out. He called lustily, and in about five minutes the widow appeared. "Is there something you forgot to say?" she asked as she came up. "You see I'm caught on the fence," he replied. "Oh, that's it? It's singular what things happen to rich men. If any one had told me that a man worth f-o-u-r --t-e-e-n thousand dollars could be caught by a sliver on an old rail fence I should have said it was impossible. Are you enjoying the novelty of the situation ?" "Say, widder, I've got to ask you to help me out of this scrape. The blood's rushiu' to my head till my ears roar." "But as long us It's blue blood it won't hurt you. Take it calmly, dea con Ail the wriggling around you can tto won't tear the cloth nor break the sliver. I'm going back to the house." "What! You golu' to leave me here huug up like this?" "I'm going back to the house to skim the milk uud get ready for churning." X Aali ke a vscae in : utes more. My bead's almost bustin' I HOW." "I shall be back In n quarter of an hour. While I'm gone you do some thinking. Think about Burt and Eu nice. Tliink übout tliat f-o-u-r-t-e-e-n thousand dollars; think yvhat a fool you are trying to make of yourself. You've pot the swell head, deacon, and the rush of blo<>d will be good for It. Be cause you've got #14,000 you are ready to swell irp and bust and make your self a laughingstock. Get hold of your self and get your common sense back." "Don't leave me, widder!" Hut she did. She went to the house and dallied around for a long twenty minutes and then returned. The dea con had been thinking. He was red in the face, and his nose was bleeding, and there was a roar like Niagara In his head. "Widder," he said as he became aware that she had returned. "Well?" "I've got f-o-u-r-t-e-e-n thousand dol lars. and I'm goin' to give Burt and Eunice $3,000 of It for a marriage pres ent:" "Very nice, I'm sure," replied the widow as she brought the ax and chop ped the sliver and let him tumble to the ground. FetieliUm—Nen* Style. The case of a German student who is reported to have been arrested for stealing plaits of human hair is an ex ample of what has been called fetich ism, a not Inapt use of an old term for an old tendency. A certain 'de ceased English nobleman of the pres ent generation who used to pocket the silver spoons of others when he went into society was never believed to do so in order to enrich himself. He was wealthy. A few years ago in a Man chester court an elderly man of many convictions was before the Judge. He was not a mercenary thief. He had always stolen one particular thing, to the exclusion of all others—shovels. Similarly, one remembers a woman thief, with a long record of previous convictions, whose theft was always of one kind, and that not of a remu nerative description. Her fetich was newly washed clothes hanging upon a line to dry, and she never tried to pos sess herself of anything else. Fetich ism is not confined to criminal psy chology. There seems a strain of it In the normal mind. A distinguished uni versity graduate and traveler told me i that he found fetichism so universal that much of his recreation in going through the world lay in a constant at tempt to discover the fetich of each person he met.—Manchester Guardian. The Ilnliainnua. A most curious utensil of a Bahaman dwelling is a big cement oven, like a cone, at the back of the house. In this the family bread is baked. Bahamans are physiologically starved, and their thin, attenuated forms show it. An unvarying diet of fish and fruit Is not nourishing enough, and the fact speaks for Itself in these islanders. The white Bahamans are homely and sallow un less burned so that complexion Is a thing of the past. They rarely—some never—wear shoes; hence feet in these latitudes are feet and not merely the ends of legs. I used to gaze in admira tion at the feet that daily and nightly visited our schooner. The owners of the appendages could walk where a shod foot could not bear to tread. The skin becomes tougher thail leather. Black Bahamans are the finest speci mens of the negro race to be seen out side of Africa—strapping fellows with magnificent arms and chests, but they are dreadful beggars and dreadful liars.—London Chronicle. liirt-li Ilark Shorn. Shoes and other articles besides bas kets and cabinets are manufactured from birch bark by the Russian peas antry. The bark from which these ar ticles are made is from the inner skin of the Russian birch tree, common in almost all parts of the empire. It is gathered spring and fall, and the proc ess Is a very simple one. An Incision Is first made around the trunk of the tree, and the peasants have a knack of tearing or unwinding the bark from the starting point, Avlilch gives them a strip of even width that they wind into a bail and keep through the win ter until It is dry enough to use. It is then made into shoes, baskets and oth er useful articles. The bark shoes are universally worn by the Russian peas antry. Other shoes used in winter are made of sheep's wool. These are man ufactured by itinerant cobblers who travel from house to'house, using the peasants' own materials. ARNISH ROCK. A Llghlhautc Whieli I* Without a Uttht of It* Own. Tfia most extraordinary of all light houses is to be fouud on Arnish rock, Stornoway bay, a rock which is sepa rated from the island of Lewis by a channel over 500 feet wide. It is in the Hebrides, Scotland. On this rock a ■jcouicai beacon Is erected, and on its summit a lantern is fixed, from which, night after night, shines a light which Is seen by the fishermen far and wide. Yet there is no burning lamp In the lantern, and no attendant ever goes to It, for the simple reason that there is no lamp to attend to, no wick to train and no oil well to replenish. The way in which this peculiar light house is illuminated is this: "On the island of Lewis, 500 feet or so away, is a lighthouse, and from a window in the tower a stream of light is project ed on a mirror in the lantern on the summit of Arnish rock. These rays are reflected to an arrangement of prisms and by their action are con verged to a focus outside the lantern, from which they diverge in the neces sary direction." The consequence is that to all Intents and purposes a lighthouse exists which has neither lamp nor lighthouse keeper and yet which gives as serviceable a light, taking into account the require ments of the locality, as if an elaborate and costly lighthouse, with lamps, serv ice room, bedroom, living room, store room, oil room, water tanks and nil other accessories, were erected on the summit of the rock. THE ISLAND OF FIRE. Jara'n Wonderful Lake of noiliiitf Mud and Slime. The greatest natural wonder in Java, if not in tlie entire world, Is the justly celebrated Gheko Kamdka Gumko,*or .Home of the Hot Devils, known to the world as the Island of Fire. This geo logical singularity Is really a lake of boiling mud situated at about the cen ter of the plains of Grobogana nnd Is called an Island because the great em erald sea uf vegetation which surrounds it gives it that appearance. The Island is about two miles in circumference and Is situated at a distance of almost exactly fifty miles from Solo. Near the center of this geological frea"k immense columns of soft hot mud may bo seen continually rising and falling like great timbers thrust through the boiling sub stratum by glaut bands and then again quickly withdrawn. Besides the phe nomenon of boiling mud there No. 14. :ire scores of gigantic bubbles of hot slime that till up like huge balloons and keep up a series of constant explosions, the iutensity of the detonations vary ing with the size of the bubble. In times past, so the Javanese authorities say, there was a tall, 6pirellke column of baked mud on the west side of the lake which constantly belched a pure stream of cold water, but this has long I been obliterated, and everything Is now a seething mass of bubbling mud and slime, a marvel to the visitors who 1 come from great distances to see It. Burma Costou.. Two ceremonies in Burma mark when childhood stops and manhood or wom anhood begins. The boys have their thighs tattooed and the girls their ears bored. The boring of a girl's ears Is commenced with a needle, and the puncture Is gradually Increased until the tip of the finger can be Introduced. The enlarging process 13 the one car ried out In the Polynesian Islands, where a native can carry a good sized* knife hanging in the lobe of his ear. The ugliest mutilation is that of the Eskimo, who punches a hole in his cheek and puts a bone stud into it The Burmese boy suffers great pain from the elaborate ornamentation of his legs, which are decorated In blue and red patterns. HEALTH FOR THE HOG. Dlmiw Prevented by Sanitary* Hous ing: and Feeding:. By GEORGE M. ROMMEL, bureau of animal industry. " Hogs must be given dry and well .ventilated quarters, which must be kept clean. Contrary to common be lief, bogs have some habits which raise them above other domestic ani mals from the standpoint of cleanli ness. For example, unless compelled to do so, a hog will not sleep in its own filth. If part of the floor of the pen Is raised and kept well bedded with straw, while the rest is not, all excrement will be left on the unbed ded portion of the floor, and the bed jtself will always be clean. Feeding and drinking places should be clean and the water supply pure. Unless the origin is known to be uncontaminated and there has been no possibility of in fection during the course hogs should not be allowed access to streams. Wal lows should be kept filled up as much as possible. At least once a month the quarters should be disinfected with air slaked lime or a 5 per cent solution of crude carbolic acid. If a hog dies from any cause the carcass should be burned or buried and the pens thor oughly disinfected at once. Breeding and Feeding. While inbreeding is the surest and quickest means to fix type, the system weakens vitality unless very carefully followed. For this reason closely in bred hogs are more susceptible to cholera than those whose constitutions have not been impaired by the system. The straight corn diet which many hogs receive from one year's end to the other also lessens vitality, and the re searches of the Wisconsin experiment station have shown that this is prob ably brought about by actually retard ing the development of the vital or gans. A minimum inbreeding and a varied diet, including, especially for breeding stock, ample range, will there fore better enable the herd to resist the attacks of disease. Isolated Iloaaea. The advantage of a number of small portable houses, each accommodating a few hogs, rather than one large pig gery for the entire breed, has been discovered by many breeders. In districts where cholera is prevalent these are undoubtedly the best shelters. They make it more difficult-to carry, contagion to all animals in the herd, and the destruction of one of them In ca?e of au outbreak does not entail a great expense. An added advantage is that they may be moved from place to place as needed. While more work is necessary in feeding, the convenience and safety from their use more than offset this disadvantage. Early and Late Ea«ter». Easter Sunday cannot happen earlier than March 22 or later than April 25, but between these two dates it has a range of thirty-five days. At the time of the council of Nice, 325 A. D., it was agreed "by the representatives pres ent that from that time forward Easter should fall on the first Sunday after the full moon occurring on or next after March 2J, or, In other words, "on the first Sunday after the first full moou after* the sun crosses the line." Since the above arrangement was adopted by the great ecclesiastical council referred to Easter has fallen on March 22 and on every date be tween that and April 25, but it la only after long Intervals of time that it oc curs on Its extreme dates. In 1880 Easter fell on April 25, its latest pos j slble date, an event which will not again occur until the spring of 1943. The last time Easter fell on its earliest date was in 1818. This will not happen again until after this century. Fnilnre. "Very frequently," says a New York lawyer, "there is an element of uncon scious liumor In the findings of a Jury. To my mind, the best I ever heard in this connection was the verdict brought In by a coroner's Jury in Michigan, who were called upon to pass upon the case of the sudden death of a merchant In Lansing. "The finding was as follows: 'We, the jury, find from the physician's statement that the deceased came to his death from heart failure, superin duced by business failure, which was caused by speculation failure, which was the result of failure to see far enough ahead.' "—Harper's Weekly. The Thermometer Habit. The clinical thermometer habit has taken such a hold on many persons that ono. physician has forbidden his patients to have them on pain of re fusing to treat them if they disobey. The clinical thermometer fiend is a per son who keeps one of these medical registers in the house and the instant that he, more often she, has a head ache, real or Imaginary, thrusts the tube under her tongue and takes her temperature. Finding it varying one millionth part of a degree from normal, Bhe thinks sho Is about to have Bome deadly illness, packs off to bed and sends for the doctor. liood Temper. Good temper is the most contented, the most comfortable, state of the soul; the greatest happiness both for those who possess it and for those who reel Its influence. With gentleness In his own character, comfort in his home and good temper in his wife the earth ly folieity lit man is complete.— Anon. The Aaancr. "Why should we cast our bread on the waters?" asked the Sabbath school teacher. "Becuz dey'll arrest youse fer t'row ln' scraps in de street," was the know ing response of little Mickey Flynn.— Louisville Courier-Journal.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers