Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 29, 1906, Image 1

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■ Shoes for dressy occasions I
■ Shoes for the mechanic E
I Shoes for the farmer E
■ Shoes for everybody H
I Each and every pair in its m
I class the best that money ||j
■ will buy. p
I Get your n*xt pair at H
Great Anniversary Sale Begins
Monday. March 26th,
and continues until
Saturday Evening, March 31st.
Special Bargains In Every Department.
Don't fall to Attend.
XZZiMSF\??\ o ,
rorrornc?Box I Samples sent on request.
I Patterson Bros. I
g (Successors to Brown & Co.) 0
1 Furniture and Carpets. I
® We respectfully solicit a share of your ©
New goods arriving daily, inviting @
1 36 N. Main Street, Butler, Pa. ©
** Do It, Now! i
i| _Y°ur Wall Papering. |
if We have iust received a Car Load of Cheap and??
| 'Medium Priced Wall Paper that we intend to sell at Bar-? £
$ fgaln Prices. Just what you want for. tenement houses#?
4 tand rooms where a nice paper is required at a small cost.if?
0 You Can't Afford to Miss This. B
If Eyth Bros., 11
| Duffy's Store 1
1 Not one bit too early to think of that new Carpet, or I
■ perhaps you would rather have a pretty Rug—carpetß
■ size. Well, in either case, we can suit you as our Car-M
■ pet stock is one of the largest and best assorted in But-H
■ ler county. Among which will be found the following:
■ Heavy two and three ply Usc per yd and up
H Be«t cotton chain 50c per yd and up
H Simply no wear ont to these $1.99 yd
■ Light bat very "Oood. 05c per yd up
■ Body and Tapestry Brussels, IJalf and All Wool Ingrains
■ Prettiest Carpet made, a* durable too f 1.85
■ RAG CARPETS, Genuine o]d fashioned weave. |||
■ MATTING, Hemp and Htrsw.
H \xraln.ter Rug., Beauties t00..'. f'J'i each and up
■ Brussels Rugs, Tapestry and Body |l2 each and up
■ Ingrain Drugget*. All and Half Wool $5 each and up
■ Linoleum., Inlaid and Common, all widths and grades
■ Oil Cloths, Floor, Table, Shelf and Stair.
■ Lace CurUlns, Portlers, Window Shades, Curtain Poles; Buiall Hearth
■ Ruga, all styles and sizes.
I Duffy's Store.
/ J ////
The follow!tie graduates of the Hutlcr Business.College have just accepted j®"* JJ*
WW J H A&der bookkeeper. Wabash U. R. Co.. I'ittsbur?; lay Thomp-m.
S«pter V g ro P . ith Are.. Httslmre; Emma Barr st«e<«rapher.
I' ttsl7ur-' Reduction Co.. Ne* Kensington, Pa.; Pearl Rovnna
rvT i>ittuhnrcr: K. ! I 'rederi'-k. stenographer. \\ awisn K. K. i <*-. i
! better t£S»er.
many calls as we can fill. Come In and sec the letters we shall be pleased to
show them to you. Now Is the time to enter.
Ma? enter ANY time. Cataloene and circulars mailed on application. Correspondence
Invited Visitor-, ALWAYs welcome. When in Butler, pay us a visit.
A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa.
The Great $5 Clothing Sale
is on again this month. But that will end it—no more
after this month. Garments for which we would ask
full price under normal conditions.
No matter how little the price, its a high standard
that rules here —annoyingly so to those of our com
petitors who even attempt to match the values
This $5.00 Clothing Sale Is a
Mighty Strong Proposition.
$5.00 buys choice of several hundred rattling good
suits and overcoats that cannot be matched in any
other Butler store in season or out of season for less
than $lO to $12.50.
137 South Main Street. - Butler, Pa.
\ Great Bargain Sale. H
► An immense Stock of Seasonable Footwear to be To
i closed out in order to reduce our extremply • J
► large stock. Fl
I Big Bargains in All Lines. N
* Ladies' Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers, price *1.25 reduced to.. 75c W J
► Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes, price $1.!50~-reduced to sl,llO Tfi
i Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes, price $1 25—reduced to 85c kl
One lot Ladies' 8.80 Hand-turn and Hand-welt Shoes reduced to 2.25 W A
► One lot Ladies' 00 Fine Patent Leather Shoes, button or lace, A
i reduced to 2.00
One lot Ladies' fß.f»o Fine Dongola Patent tip Shoe® reduced to 1.65
1 One lot Ladiea'l.so Fine Dongola Patent tip Shoes reduced to 1.10 i
i One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes 4to 8, reduced to 45c .
One lot lufants's Fine Shoes, sizes 0 to 4, reduced to 10c
► Men's Fine Box-calf, Vlci-kid and Patent Leather Shoes. <
. regular price $3 50 and 44.00—reduced to 2.50 .
k Men's Working Shoes, regnlsr price $2.00 reduced to 1.40
» 1 One lot Boys' Fine Satin-calf Shoes, regular price 1.50 red'dto 1.00 4
One lot Men's Fine Slippers reduced to 10c
W Ladies' Lamb-wool Insoles, regular price l isc—reduced to 15c "
M Mioses' and-Children's Lamb-wool Insoles, regular price 20c -at f?c (
w All Felt Boots and Overs, all Stockings and
/ Overs, Warm-lined Shoes and Slippers, also balance 4
< of our stock of Leggins and Over-Gaiters to be in- ►
► eluded in this GREAT BARGAIN SALE.
i Sole Leather and Shoemakers' Supplies. \
► Repairing Promptly Done. <
► i
J 128 S Main St., BUTLER. PA. j
| Spring and Summer 1
|it Everything in the line of Millinery can be found,
the right thing at the right time at the right price at *£
Phone 656. 148 S. Main St. j|
Won't buy clothing for the purjKjse of ij
spending money. Tliey desire to get the JII ' : j
bent possible results of the money expended kt? ) .i / V " I
Th<xie who buy custom clothing have a VJ J '/
right to demand a fit, to have their clothes i. , ) .
correct in style and to demand of the . , 1 ' t/ \ 1
seller to guarantee everything. Come U) / AiV . V /». > j
us and there will be nothing lacking. I y*KS\\L . / A'-
have just received a large slock of Spring I \ i/'' .
and Summer suitings in the latest styles, 'fit* j |t
shades and colors. t— ' '■''/<??■ 1 i I S
G. F. KECK, \H'fi
142 N. Main St., Pa
rl*? rlf fir rl~? rlr fI? fXr fl? fl^
I / You see we are as usual, the early bird. Our line / j
j ?of Spring Suits for Men, Boys and Children is here and \ i
S open for your inspection. The handsomest styles and \
\ patterns you ever laid eyes on. You never saw their J
\ equal. The envy of all local merchant tailors. Heavy#
C padded shoulders, hand-quilted breasts, hand-made button p
/holes, in fact so snappy and well built as to \
/ We Defy Any Merchant Tailor to Equal Them! \
< We are always first. You do the same by buying I
/early. Prices considered, Hamburger make considered, f.
style, quality, make, wear and patterns considered, in fact
» everything considered, you'll find this the only place to buy. ?
J The Famous Skolney Suits for Children are here and ?
Sread> to be worn by the best dressed Children of Butler. /
| Douthett & Graham.
IJuat received the largest assortment of sewing machine* we ever hadH
in stock. We have an expert sewing machine repair man at reMonabkH
Henry Biehl, I
I'j'j N. Main St. I'eo. 'l'lione 404. |
Schedule in effect Jan. 1, 1900
Tralra leave BUTLER as (011ow»:
l ir Allrnheny IIII'I w»y 6: IS IIU'I 10 115 »
m, mi'l i.M li ro. week d»>«; 7.30 «. m. Hi'l 5.05
p. m. Sui»la> .
Kor PiHutjiiru nnil w«y itatloiw 9.10 u. m. nn.l 2.30 |>.
ui. wfik liny.
For ll'airitTllli' )nti!l*6ttlon, AIUKIDU, Qarrlitbarg,
I'liiliulilplila iiii.ltlio Kim1.6.15 »i"'J 10.3J a m. mul
t.S) |'. in. wi i li iluy«; 7.2u n. m. Huuil.i.\ i.
as follow*: -
For Buffalo 8.40 a.m. «i «k .M)«; 7.20 «, m. huu
ilk V H,
K,,r Bod Bunk mid oil Ci«y, fl.ll, MO, 10.38 a, m.
ami 4.20 p. m. w*tk il4}'>r 7.X)». m. »ml 5.05 p, in.
1 >! klltii'intnK ""*1 wnv »tiitlun«, tt-Lfi nljil 10,35 a.
pi. anil 4.20 p. Hi. wink .layi', 7.80 a. m. Hliil 5.0&
|i. 111. Him*]*)'*.
ITki IIIIUHihI lufurmalli.il, apply tu tkkot ai(i<nt uf
•ililtuw Thua. K. Watt, I'aaa. Aft. Wontoru DUtrlcl,
.'tOOflflb A»«no». PltUbiirK, Pa.
Oon'l Mana««r. I'an .'r Tiaft i MauaKcr.
<iKO W IlilYI), (Jiueral Pamit'iiaor Alfn'.
It It & 1* It It
Time table in effect Nov. if. 1805.
PasaeoKer trainn leave and arrive at
ilutier an follows:
7 .30 a. m., mixed for Punxgutawney,
Du lioia itnd intermediafe Hnitione.
10:J}U a. m. daily, v*atibuled dav ex
preaH for linffalo, connectw at Annford,
week days, for Rochester,
fl .10 p. in. local for Punx'y, Du Boia
and intermediate HtationH.
11:81 p. m. night expreaa for Buffalo
and Rochenter.
0:10 a, m. daily, night express from
Buffalo and Rochester.
0:30 a.m. woek days, accomodation
from Dußoiu.
4:50 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express
from Buffalo. Has conpection at Ash
ford week days from Rochester.
8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train
from Du lioiu and Pnnxstitawney.
frainu leave the B. <*: O. Station,
Pittsburg, for Buffalo and Rochester
at 0:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., and for loc»l
points aa far tu 1 Dußoia daily at I'.'o p.
m. week davs.
Winfield It it Co Time Table i
In effect May Jlith, lOOtt.
l.t.avra Wuit Wluflrlil. 730 2 45
" lt-iKKavllla 7 45 3 flu
" I run HIIIIK. 7 M 310
■ Wlu drill Jll 111 Hi,ii « 10 :i yi
" (Aim H 2o .1 .45
" llutlrr Jliurtloli If' 340
A"l«" Putlrr 10 .m fl 0,-.
AlillD Allnxliapy ft 00
Arrivn PlilalurK . .., 10 2A ,
Arrlvr Blalravlllr 1 OA S 4!
l.«a'n PlllabiilK 3 Oft
l.ra»» B'almvlllo . .. 760 2IS
" A llixliouy H 21 220
" llnllor ' K 111 U :*l
" duller Jii in Hun 11l 00 440
•• Land 10 03 4 4.1
■' Wli.di-1.l June!lun |0 ir, 455
" I run llrlilK* 10 25 5 ofi
•' Buggtvllln lo 35 515
Arrlyn Wr.t Wlntti 1i1... |lfi 5(1 ft 30
1 ralua atup at l.auu aiul 11 uu unly uii tu
taki uu ~r Ii avr ufl paaiirliKria.
Truliia Cuuu««tat Butler .luiutluu w|t|,.
Tralua Ka.twanl fur lfi«ni< rt, Vatultrgrllt aud
lllalrnvlllii Inlmari lliip
Tralua Wuatwanl fur NatMiia.Taioiitum All.nliriiy
ati'l Pi i tuliuiu.
1 ulua Nurtliward (or Muruw.J aud llut
a. u neAi.oH,
'lnurial Maiiaitat.
tip:o. A. MITCHELL.
Insu rune? «Sr Kcul Estate
117 E Jefferson St.
SOTbEK, - - - . ]?A
TIME TABLE In eff«ct September 17th, 19UB.
(Read up) Dally Except Sunday (Read down I
~io - nrrw l arAttoitk L # L u L"
p. in p. HI. p. m l in iitu.Mj, la.m.a. ro.jp. in.
10 li:. I on :. laiHufTiiliifiiaHMA) 3 45 Hi tai 2 HI
p. in. p. in. h. in.! a7iu. p. in. p. in.
7 i:tj 1 43 10 25 1 Krle 7 05 1 On 4 57
c 61 1 lio o- 1 PalrvleiT 7 2® 6 -1
ti to 10' 0 15, „ti>mril 7 101 1416 »3
0 24 1 | U
"« Ml 1 fiftio i*«.\r..(.i)tincuut..l,v 7 &>!•.• 01 6 Id
ft 10fl2_0l! 7 OOILT-Coiineant-Ar 10 oo 'r> .-5
cYI li"<lV'M ii.lj XTliiott « 03 1 50 6 63
ffi iofl2 35fJ lot shiidulaiKl 18 im lott 01
607 12 32; 0 071 .SprliiKljorn Hl7 2130 07
« IK 12 27 fIMKB.. CutllMMltTilla.... »_22 _'i Ir « 12
"7 0i 12 45( SI a Ar .Mi-u(lvillr L\ I 30 I 5s I M
4 Mil 2mi 7 yotr. Mcad villi' At ft 2W 312 707
6 1012 1W. 1 553 K ( lin't X.nko. Lv 7 (-'ii 2 2:1 ft 25
5 2'| U 6; 7 6".X,7.l ol|'t Lake.Ar 8 63 2 45 C 40
5 4* 10 fio , Ar..l4neavlllr..l.v 8 27 10 17
5 43(12 101 a 43... Mi'iulvllle "Jet.." 8 48| 2 37) «32
IS 27 fll 6 5 8 27 UarUUIWU.,.. (8 57 f J 4H 0 40
5 13,(11 41 812 tWKOOfI ...... II 12fa 03 700
605 11 3.51 803 (In-eiivlllo... U 20j 3107 08
ft 00111 an! t65 . BUeiiaugo U 2.11 3 111 7 ifi
4 4.T11 12 7 art I redoul# 9 42, 3827 SI
4 2810 fi>, 7 2.1 Meroer 8 6a' 3 48 ? 48
flO 63| 7 If ... Htmaton Jet... 10 O'.' 7 I.::
4 0210 a•7 00 ....urove City 10 as 4108 is
13 47n0 23 tt.m llarrlßvllle fill 'M 14 22! p.m.
811 I'J Im) HrttiichUm |lO 43 I
II 30 1 Ar7-.TllHliir<l...!,vi 7 * 10
2 lo 7 O.V I.v lllllliuil Ar'll Sol fl 17 ..
33710 14 ..." ! ...KelMer 10'47j 431
32a10 02 . . I II 041 445
II 081 \r. ..Kiiylnr .. I.v ; 3 201 28
1 7 2« I.v. ..Kiij 1 lor Ar . 1 0 'Mp.m.
■1 .. .j 9 35i ;...| ... lllillerT. |ll Hi; I •«)
'. j 7 t»..7..„.i.NortirßoaaeunT.l '... Trial
1 15! 815 |L».Alle(jlioiiy.An 1 00' 086
p. m.|a. ui.l J h>. in. p. m.lp. in.
Train No.J leitvlog tirccnvllle at 0:47 a. m.;
Bliouaiißo 6:5l;Fr«doola 7 1.3; M rccr 7:27| Grove
"City 7:50; K' luti r 8:17; llutler i» 00, an hi . in
Alierbeny ai joya a. w.; eouuecu ut Quct'n
Junction wlili lrul|ia to anil from Kavlor. and
at Urauolitou from llllllai'd and Aiiiutnilnle.
Train No. 3 leaving Allegheny at8:00p m.;
Hiitler 4:45; Kelatt r 6:32; tirove city 5:56; sferei r
8:21; Kfdonla 0:!l«i Blicnungo 0:56, arrlvi-a 111
<lr«i«iivlllu at 7:00 p. in.; i'IIIHIITIh ut
Junction wltli train* to and from Kay lor, and
llrnnchuiii fur llllllurd.
Cieui ral iloiiaser. Oen'L I'aaa. AKPH'.
Zuver Studio
Has added a full line of
amateur Photo Supplies, Cam
eras, Films, Dry Plates, De
velopers, Printing out and de
veloping papers.
Anti-Trust Goods
At about one half what
you have been paying.
AS good if not better than
the Trust goods.
2i5S, Main St. Butler
CUUK ran
Ely's Cream Balm K. "Wjl
K**y a"'! J Fmk
juiioiH drua. EjHj
11 IM quickly
lltiU* and l'roleita tin* Mutntrau*. Meatorca ln«
Mi naea of Tvata au.l (flnall. 6u ccule al
Drmajltlaur liy malli Trial HI/.«, 10 n-nta by 1114)1.
ui.V UltU i'UJfltd. bO Warruu btrsol, Ktw York-
AtMwnlUCrourli 31iilc 4>
LitrKMit Doaltir* in Mnlea lu the Uuitt ii
Htttte*. !M) htmil, till mIKHX, coDHt'tntly on
baud. Uranrh Htttblea JO2 JOl IVrm avc.,
| When Lung Sing |
I Whistled
I >?
| |
}> CcpyrisW, 1305, by E. C. I'arcella «
Tbo foretaau at the Star ranch bad
cotuo up to the bouse In the middle of
the afternoon on some errand, and as
he passed the cook house where Lung
Sing was scouring his pots and pans
be heard a sound that caused him to
stop iu bis tracks and exclaim:
"Well, I'll be banged'"
I.ung Sing was whistling. lie bad
been cook at Star ranch for over a
year and had never been beard to whis
tle before: Indeed, he never bummed,
never smiled, never talked unless di
rectly Hpokeu to. He was put down as
surly and crossgraincd, but as be was
a good cook nml as none of the men
cared a copper whether ho talked or not
he still held his place.
"What's the matter?" asked Colonel
Spear's wife, who was mistress of the
ranch, as the foreman finally reached
the d*»or.
"That heathen back there Is whis
tling." *
"Well, can't a heathen whistle?"
"There is no law against It, hut I.uug
Sing has been here over a year, and
, this is his flr.it toot. Wonder what has
happened to chirk him up?"
"I can't say. I had him in here an
hour ago and told him that he'd have to
take the buckboard tomorrow morning
and drive over to Plue llrtl to meet
Fannie Williams. She's coming on to
etay with us a month or two. you know.
Tbey think something Is the matter
with Ler lungs, and the doctor has ree
, ommpiided this climate. The colonel
I has jrot to go over to Wolf Creek, and,
I of course, the rest of you arc busy."
"But—but I don't 4ike the Idea," said
| the foreman as he scratched his bead.
1 "Why don't you?"
"Because Lung Sing is whistling.
When a heathen whistles look out for
The woman laughed and turned away!
and a minute later the foreman was
walking off. lie passed the cook house
again, and the Chinman wns still whis
tling softly to himself.
"He's at it again, and I'll bet he's up
to some deviltry. I'll tell the boys to
keep an eye on him."
As soon as he had cooked the men's
breakfast uext morning I.ung Sing set
out on bis ten mile drive to the rail
road. lie was givt-n many words of
caution by the colonel's wife, and be
promised over agaiu to drive slowly
and bring the girl and her trunk safely
to tbe raneli. His face was as Impas
sive as a washboard until he bad left
the boust- half a mile behind him; then
he puckered bis mouth and began to
whistle. Between whistles he grinned
and smiled
An hour tiud a half luter be drove up
to the little station on tbo plains, and
when the train came In bis passenger
stepped from one of the parlor cars.
Lung Sing welcomed her with a grunt.
He grunted again ns he put her bag
gage aboard the vehicle, and be put on
n blank look as the station agent said
to tbe girl;
"I suppose he's tlio cook over at the
Star and they sent him because all tl«>
others were busy."
"Oh, I'll excuse him," biugbed the
girl «s she settled herself. And next
moment Lung Sing was driving away.
It was In June, and tho weather was
cool and pleasant, urn! the girl almost
forgot tho uian beside her its mile after
luilo wus passed. Ouce or twice she
was conscious that he was whistling,
but as she didn't know whether China
men usually whistled or not she did
not give the matter n second thought.
She hnd been Informed by letter that
the drive front the station to the ranch
house would not occupy over two hours
at the farthest. That meant her ar
rival by uoou. Her watch showed her
when that hour had como round, but
she could jjeo no sign of civilization. Iu
fact, oho saw that the vehicle had left
the road, taicli as it was, and was pro
ceeding over tbe unniark .1 plains.
"Are WJ almost there?" site HHUMI ll*
she turned t>> {..itujj tftu* and spoke
{of t'ii< nest time since leaving the
"Lille while 11 lie while," he replied
as ho stared straight ahead,
"But liow Is It !«U» t y u o wff the
road ?"
"Load alio light."
A mluute later tho Chinaman was
whistling. It wasu't tlio holiest wliis
tlo of an American, hut there was
something hypocritical ami deceiving
ttbout It. Tho girl had nothing further
to nay. The man would not Uuvo been
sent If lie hadn't been all right, and If
ho had left the track It was probably
to tako a short cut and roaeii the
house all the soonev U was not until
ller wntvV. marked I o'clock and the
Y«ilclc was being driven among 111*
scrub pines and cedars, along a st retell
of foothills, that the g!>l turn**! and
gelzcd Lung Hlng by tlio arm and ex
*'J know you are not taking me to
tho ranch house! What do you mean
by tills?"
"Alio light-alle light," replied tho
Celestial as he hurried the horse for
"But it is not all right! -Let me out
ut once!"
He seized her with one hand to hold
her lu the seat while he guided the
horse with the other, but In the strug
gle tho animal was reined Into a tree,
and the vehicle stuck fast. Tlien Lung
Slug developed the plot that had been
working In his brain over sluce tho
moment lie was told that lie must drive
over for tho visitor.
WltU a tier en scowl on his face, In
Jtis pigeon English he ordered tlio girl
to nroeccil In it curtain illrortUin I'ur.
ty rods beyond where she had left the
buck board thero was a rocky bluff hid
den under tlio eedar* and In the bluff
a cave of considerable dimensions.
Upon enteritis: the cave he tied the
girl's h<inils and feet and then retraced
his steps. The vehicle was backed off
Uie brink or a gorge, the harness flung
over It, and then the man led thokorse
into a thicket and cut It* throat.
When he reappeared at the cave lie
unbound his victim and lay down on a
tint stone at the mouth and told her bis
plans. He had heard of brigands and
holdups and abductions, lie had ab
ducted her and would hold her captlvo
until Colonel Bpear was willing to
com* down with in cash and
promise not to set the law on his trail.
Ilu had been wondering for several
years how tie could make a gruud coup,
but fate had never aided him before,
lie knew the Chinese cook.Jit Crescent
ranch and through htm could Ret pro
visions and open communication with
the colonel. She would l>e well treat
ed, but she would be held captive In
tin* rave until results could be brought
Lung Sing raited on his right *ldo
and elbow as ho told his story. The
sun had got far iu the west, and as It
shone over the hill forming the roof of
As the story was finished. a:id it had j
beta listened to without a word In re- ]
ply, Lung Sing began to whistle, lie
had brought his plot safely thus far
and felt that he had a right to whistle.
As he whistled a new shadow appeared
aiuou*; the shadows. It fell upon the
flat stone at the Chinaman's heels ami
was so clean cut that the girl dretv in
her breatii at sight of it. She knew it
for the head of a great .cat. The head
moved to and fro, and the ears worked
backward and forward, and all the time
the man lying there was whistling to
himself. lie may have wondered why
the captive did not shed tears and ap-
I>eal to his mercy, or he may have men
tally praised her for the bold front she
put on. She was ready enough to weep,
and she would have appealed but for
that shadow. It fascinated her and
for the time being made her oblivious of
her situation. Sometimes It disappear
ed for a moment, but always to reap
pear and to seem to grow larger and be
come more menacing. By and by Lung
Sing ceased to whistle and said:
"I tlie you up again and go away."
He had lifted himself off his elbow
when there was a scream so fierce that
the hills rang, aud a tawny body alight
ed on the recumbent Chinaman, strug
gled with him for a moment and then
was gone from sight among the cedars.
The girl rose up aud stared, but Lung
Sing was gone as well. The big moun
tain Hon had carried him off as easily
as a cat carries a mouse.
"Didn't I tell you?" said the foreman
of the Star ranch at midnight that
night when the girl had been found
wandering on the plains and brought In
by a searching party. "It isn't In the
nature of a Chiuaman to whistle. He
just sulks and grunts. When you find
him whistling, look out for him, for
there'll be mischief to pay In some
Sleelj nrils Still Popular.
"It beats me," said a clerk in a hard
ware store, "how the old fashioned
steelyards hold their own. I can re
member how popular they <tere with
certain farmers' wives when I was a
boy in the country and what a delight
it was to me to be allowed to try my
hand at weighing a roll of butter or a
bag of wool. But even then the women
and children were the only persons who
seemed to take much stock iu steel
ynrds. The tradesmen who bought our
produce very flatly said that the figures
represented by steelyards not only
could but did tell lies, and they pro
ceeded to weigh all our stuff over again
on scales that were supposed to have
the quality of truthfulness.
"Up to the present day steelyards
have had the reputation of being*unre
liable, but in spite of their ill repute
people still buy them. Just why so
many householders and tradesmen re
tain their fondness for an antiquated
style of weighing machine wheu there
are so many new and approved pat
terns on the market Is a puzzle, but
even though mystified we keep a sup
ply on baud for the benefit of those who
stick to the old way of doing things."—
New Ybrk Press.
Qualified to Practice.
When John Ilay was crossing the
Atlantic in ISOS on his way to Paris
to servo as secretary of legation he
told the following anecdote to one of
his fellow travelers: On applying for
admission to the bar of Illinois he was
summoned to appear before a commit
tee of prominent Chicago lawyers to be
examined as to his qualifications.
He went to the place appointed and
found the committee assembled, but
for n long thue they took no notice of
the young candidate, but
lalking vigorously together on various
tuhjects. At last one of tho lawyers,
turning to him, said:
"Mr. Hay, what would you do -if a
clleut should come to you with such a
case as this?" and proceeded to de
scribe very elaborately a complicated
legal case.
"I should ask for a retaining fee of
|50," promptly replied >lr. Hay, "and
tell him to call tomorrow."
"Mr. Hay, you are admitted," said
the gentleman, and with a hearty
laugh from all present the proceedings
Knew He Wn* Worshiped.
"In Paris Mr. Whistler and an Eng
lish painter got into a very turbulent
argument about Velusquez at a studio
tea," said an artist. "Mr. Whistler at
one point In the argument praised him
t.clf extravagantly. The Englishman,
listening, sneered, and said at tho end:
" 'lt's a good thing we cau't see our
lelves as others see us.'
" 'lsn't It, though?' said Mr. Whistler.
'I know. In my case, I should grow In
tolerably conceited.' "
t'he ViliMmr HeuuUe* of the Grand
< mi you of Arlcona.
'J'lila terrific gash Is more than 200
uilles long nnd more than a mile deep,
and Its area exceeds 2,000 square miles.
From tho El Tovar rim, on which I.
stand, to tlie gleaming, snow veined I
crags ou the opposite side of this stu- '
pendens cleft tho distance Is thirteen
miles. Human vision cannot tuke in
the full extent of this wide pageant of
terror'and glory nor Is It within the cn- „
paclty of words to set forth its over
whelming splendor. The plain on which
I stand In nearly 8,000 feet above sea
level, and here, In a prodigious llssuro
—gaunt, hbrupt, frightful aud wonder
ful—tiro assembled mountains, valleys,
enormous rocks, precipitous crags, ra
vines of mystery and forests of gloom,
through which the black waters of the
Colorado rush onward In their resist
less flow and over which the dauntless
eagle wings Us upward flight to meet
the sun. All the forms nro hero that
imagination could construct, and all the
colors aro here til at glow In sunset
skies. Par down In the subterranean
vista tho forests show like green lawns.
N'ot less than seven geologic periods In
the physical history of tho planet nro
displayed iu tho layers of tinted rock—
black, green, gray, red, brown, blue,
pink, orange and alabaster, with many
other mingled hues—that constltuto tho
walls of this colossal gorge; walls that
seem continuous and unbroken, yet
everywhere aro rifted with lateral fis
sures, the beds of mountain streams
that swell the flood of tlie great Colo
rado river. Tlie American continent
lias nowhere else a spectacle to show
commensurate with this in beauty,
grandeur and nwe.—Wllllnin Winter in
Pacific Monthly.
lloiv The» Mar lie Hueceaafallr Culti
vated In Tulm.
Tho cultivation of aquatic plauts In
tubs mnkes II possible for any one to
try his skill with them, of course he
need not expect to he able to grow the
rarer sorts of nyinphnen, but he can
succeed with many beautiful varieties
of water Illy and other plants of that
class. A half barrel is not very at
tractive in Itself, hilt Its lack of beauty
may be concealed by the plauts, or it
may be sunk its depth in tho earth.
When It contains a flue specimen of ,
soiue aquatic plant we will forget all J
about Its luck of grace. Wheu prepar
ing for these plains put lu rich black
PMrt the bed of stream ur.muck i
No. id.
from swamps to the depth of n foot; *
then plant your roots in it and fill with
water. Add enough water from time I
to time to make up for that which la 1
lost by evaporation and give the tub a
sunny place in the yard or garden. If
you want to grqw more plants than one I
tub will accommodate, it is a good "3
plan to take four, five, six, or as many
as you may decide on, and have them V:
sunk in the ground close together, so
that the general effect will be some- 3
thing like that which a large tank
would give. A better plan, though a
more expensive one to carry out, ia
to have a tank constructed of hesrry
planks. These should be securely bolt- '
ed at the ends and the Joints made „
tight by white lead in the grooves.
The word "ironmonger" has as curi
ous an origin as any other word In the
English language. It means literally «
an eater of iron and came to its present " :
use in this way. There was once a law gj
that forbade buying fish to sell again, : f
and the fish hawkers, who still carried
on their trade in spite of this law, were
facetiously termed fish eaters or fish
mongers, for, to evade the law, their ,
large purchases of fish were said to |».
for their own consumption. Gradually
the term monger was applied to other iff
trades, as cheesemonger, until at last
It came to mean any middle man, as- j
distinguished from a manufacturer, and
so was applied to the dealer In hard- |
ware.—-London Graphic.
Odd Tiling* to Be Seen In a Great
London rcMnhlixliinent.
If the reader can Imagine the cure of
every one of the 5,000,000 to 0,000,000
persons living in London of some ail
ment or disease he holds in bis mind's -i
eye a true picture of the vast work
done by Guy's hospital since its founda
tion. The south sea bubble, like many J
another financial catastrophe, ruined
thousands of citizens, but it enabled
Thomas Guy, who sold his investments
in the the great advantage of -t|l
other people as well as himself to
found the institution which bears hia |
name nnd to restore to health (down to .
the present time) ovcis6,ooo,ooo human
Among the many curiosities exhibit
ed in the famous museum at Guy's is a i
large piece of cardboard bearing the *"*;
remnanta of thirty-five pocketkMves,
which were swallowed by an American
sailor. His name was John Cummlnga,
and he was admitted to tho hospital In
1822. A small book, containing also ?
the manuscript of the printed copy,
narrates the particulars of this remark
able case, and it may be perused by
the privileged visitor to Guy's.
It appears that Cummlnga during a
spree ashoro challenged the feats of a 1
conjuror who had made a pretense of
swallowing knives. Encouraged by his
drunken comrades, the Bailor actually
swallowed an opened pocketknlfe, to j
the amazement of the conjuror- Feel
ing no immediate pain, he put five ether,
knives out of sight in the same way. m
In two years' time he had, In the course
of his drunken bouts, shown sufficient
bravado to enlarge hia internal ar
mory hy twenty-nine additional knives.
When, after his foolishness had brought
him to the hospital and subsequently;
to his grave, a postmortem examination „
waa made tho thirty-five knlvea were
removed from his stomach by the amaz
ed surgeons.
These interesting relics are exhibited l
among others In tho surgical classroom,j
whither the students return from the . -
dissecting room to correct their
slons. Close by is another interest!)!®
object, a glass case containing u nuflj,-.
bcr of what appear to be Illuminated
parchments. The grewsomo nature j)i
these exhibits grows upon tho
when ho learns that they aro suß., .f t
patches of tattooed human skin pre-,
served ia spirits. The inscription upon
each enables one to truce the occupa
tion and character of the unfortunate
patient from whom it was taken. One
was a colored sailor, a native of Afrl- \
ca. On some twelve square indies of hi# '
skin is worked an artistic representa
tion of tho most brilliant plumaged
birds known in tho tropica.
Guy's anatomical wax models are
said to be tho finest in the world. On®,
of these Is extremely valuable, the hos
pital authorities Waving refused tho
sum of £5,000 offered for it by a for- *
elgn in ed leak celebrity. It is an ab
solutely perfect model of tho upper ex
tremity of the body, showing every, ii;
muscle, gland, vein, nerve and artery.
It took Joseph Towne, a clover dem
onstrator nt Guy's, fully two years to
make it, but with him in JS7O ulso died
tho secret of tlie process by which the
wonderful const met lon of the human
body was reproduced in wux with such
marvelous fidelity.—London Standard. |
It rarrfea an luilirella and HM * «'
I'lKlitluK Tall.
| The frilled lizard is found In Austra-,
' llau woods, being tolerably abundant; '
in north Queensland nnd the Klmber-,
ley district of western Australia. It
lives on beetles such ua uro found on
, the tree barks. It is about three feet
long, measured from head to tall point.,
What makes It remarkable consist® of j
two things its hurried walk and its
fighting anger.
it carries a sort of natural umbrella
top about its neck, which It elevates
suddenly with an alarming effect even
to ordinary Heard killing dogs, scaring
them as an umbrella opened In tho face
of a charging bull; hence It is called
the frilled lizard. Its teeth are not of
much use as a defense against a vigor- 1
ous animal, but when It fights it uses
its long, lithe tail In a way to bring
long bruises on one's hands—ln fact,
could it bo properly trained, it might
serve as an automatic switch, which, .
like tho magic ruh-a-dub-dub stick,
would nt the word administer a thraah
lng to the disobedient child.
From tlie scientific point Of view the
creature's peculiar method of ambula
tion is most Interesting, because it pre
sents an absurdly grotesque appear
ance lit such times, more especially
from the rear. It walks bipedally or on
two feet, like a bird, njul so much does;
it resemble a bird iu its walk that It
seems to be tho connecting link be
tween the ancestors nt birds ond the
llsnrds of today.
Where farming can be pursued with <
profit bees may bo successfully kept. , tj
A good cluster of bees can reslat a
very low temperature if thoroughly
Bees stored ia the cellar require less ' *
feed to maintain life than those stored
If tho queen is missing, the colony
Will dwindle very rapidly in the spring.
Drones are not found in the hlve'dur-
Ing winter. They are tolerated only
from May to November. * 1 -^ij
If you do not want to stir up the s
bees, do not take n bright light to the
cellar. It Is well. to turn the Jjttttp
down low. .
On* must bo very careful to oped the |
hive only ou a wunu, sunny dajjgflLf 11
the weather is cool, the broog wilTt&ll
to death when exposed.—Farm.Journal^. v -<