THE BUTLER CITIZEN. THXTBSDAY, MARCH 22,1906 NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTE—AII advertisers Intending to make chuicet In their ads. should notify os of their Intention to do so not later than Mon day morning. Auditor's Report for 1905. Sheriff Sales for April 13. Administrator's notice, estate of John W. Gibson. Executor's notice, estate of Conrad Sell Ideal Clothing Parlor s new goods. Modern Store's Lace Curtains. Campbells furniture. Kirkpatrick's jewelry. AlßUUiuturt and Executors of estates cin secure their receipt books at the CITIZEN office. LOCAL AND GENERAL^" —ls it Spring ? —Chicora ha? a postoffice fight on Hanfla —sloo,oCoJofferel for a Butler hotel! Which? —The late cold spell was bard on spouting. —The landlords and the merchants have organized. —Spring began at 8 o'clock yesterday morning—Sharp —This job lot of snow was held over for higher prices. —The flowers that bloom in the Spring tra la, will soon be out. —lt cost $2.34, per week, per inmate, to run the County Home, last year. —The W. &A. is to be extended to the Allegheny river, ard then some. —The County Commissioners have been busy hearing appeals, this week. —Clear your sidewalks within 12 hours after the snow falls or Gee Whiz. i —The blue birds and robins had troubles ot their own, last week and this. —Franklin township don't want a ' safety" or any other kind of a powder milL —lt takes 40,000 tons of copper a moath to satisfy home and foreign de mand. . / —England possesses 28 cows for every hundred of the population. Australia has 280. —The coon pounded the groundhog on the ear the other day, but couldn't wake him. —The peach trees are in bloom down ■aath and the late cold snap did them some harm. —The P. E. R. Co is destroying all its old engines and freight cars. Stock that cost millions. —Pneumonia is claiming many vic tims these days. Nqrse that cold of yours very carefully. —Remember that the only sleighing we had for the winter of 1905-6 was in the middle of March. —"Skiddoo 28" is the latest slang.and invites you to disappear or vamose in twenty-three languages. —The County Auditors finished their work last Friday, after being at it for 08 days, but they went over it all. —The Butler School Board will pro caed to erect a High School building, tills summer, at a cost of about eighty thousand. —The three Russian journalists who an sentenced to be shot have nnnsaal and probable excessive evidence that their articles hit something.—Ex. —Another little girl has butted into the "consecrated cross-eyed bear" pnz sle, and says she saw one on the Dia mond, bnt it looked like a bull dog. —Carbon Centre and vicinity bad a mad-dog scare last week. It was Booher'a dog, and it bit some boys, and some other dogs, and then the boys kill ed it —The Butler baseball club is to go into the Inter-state League, composed of N. Y. and Pa. towns, and M. J. Bpie§man of Titnsville is to manage the team. —Saturday of this week is Democrat ic primary day. Several names are an nounced for Delegates to the State Con vention and Jury Commissioner, bnt none for Assembly. —They have been having some great races at New Orleans of late. They feed the horses on molasses, down there, which accounts for their going so fast and sticking to it . —ln America last year 27,840 auto mobiles of a total value of $47,768,600 were manufactured. Of these 22.970 were sold within the year. 1,086 for eign cars were sold for $6,700 each. —Fifteen examinations will be held by the Committees in different parts of the county, on Saturday the 81st, for Common Bchool diplomas. All the ap plicants haye been notified of the time and places. —Socials at Franklin are evidently not the tame affairs which flourish In most communities. The announcement of one in a paper of that city invites the public, with a saving clause: "Children under ten years of age not admitted." —Perhaps yon have noticed that the Ist of April falls this year on Sunday, giving movers a needed day of rest, whether they flit before the day or af ter Bnt don't figure too much on the leisure you will have, or you may be dlaap pointed. —All the noise a human being makes in talking originates in his larynx, and is articulated with hla tongue,teeth and Hps. >mt that ventriloquist at the Ma jestic. this week, can throw bis yolce into his figures with his mouth shut, or nearly so. —The Bessemer railroad is to straight en eight miles of road between Brim stone Corners and Ivywood. this sum mer. The reason being that the ap proaches to the Bull creek trestle are carves and the trestle is being damaged by the resultant swinging of the trains. —John C. Thorne. Henry W. Keefer, John P. Glace, Orin Claypool, Harry Wlmer and others have organized the Thorne Lumber and Planing Mill Co., and bought a lot 90x895 feet on Negley avenue from tbe Butler Ice Co. They expect to have a mill in operation with in two months. —At the late election the Republicans of the 2d precinot. First Ward, did not have a man on their ticket for in»i>ector because two candidates had tie votes at the primaries. Will Larkin, Jr. was sleeted by the Democrats. On a peti tion to Court, Peter W. Boyer, was ap pointed to fill the vacancy in the office of "majority" inspector. The Demo crats claim Larkin is majority inspector having received all the votes for the ofllc? at the election and the only thing Boysr can fill is "minority" inspector. PERSONAL. John Neglev of Great Belt visited in Butler, Monday. ' Martin Monks of Middlesex twp waa in town, Monday. E. H. Baker of Penn was in town on basin ess, Saturday. Wo, Eisler is about again after a long and serious illness. Clerk Kiskaddon had the grip last week, but is all right again. Judge Taft has decided to accept a place on the U. S. Supreme bench. G. F. Beighley ana son of Clav twp. did some shopping in Butler, Saturday. Sain Blank will continue to till out blanks—and blanked be he who inter feres. Hon. T W. Phillips iS recovering from an attack of indigestion at his home in New Castle. George Hazeltine of Flick spent Mon day with his brother. Walter Hazeltine, and other relatives in Butler. James Walker of Clinton twp and George Maizland of Buffalo twp were in town on business, Saturday. County Anditcrs Scott and Wilson came to town Monday, for their money. They got about S2OO each, this year. Miss Lavina Dodds of Adamsville, Crawford conntv, visited her brother. T. J. Dodds. of Mifflin St., this week. James Watsoc of Clinton twp. attend ed the funeral of his brotber-in law, James Long, near Worthington. Fri day. Washington Irving Scott, the great est literary character in the county so far as name is concerned, was in But ler. yesterday. J. Q. Ray of Grove City was removed to his home, last Saturday, He waa stricken with paralysis at the Butler B. & O. station some time ago. John Rockefeller has a billion, but is not happy. He is said to be hiding in New Jersey, where Missouri writs do not count, but is afraid of kidnappers. Rev. Samnel Montgomery, pastir of the Gill Hall, Pa., U. P. church, has resigned bis charge there. Rev. Mont gomery iB a native of Clinton twp.. this county. Mrs Mary McKittrick of near Union town celebrated her 108 th birthday, last Saturday, and danced with her gue->ts She waa the mother of ten children,a nd can talk all day. Linn Borland, manager of the Zim merman store, returned Monday, from New York, where be purchased an im mense line of ready-to-wear ladies suits and other made-up goods, now arriving daily. H. H. Goucher. Esq. has rented the second floor of the Byere' building, ad joining the CITIZEN office building, on Main St.. has sublet two of the rooms to Messrs McCrea and Findley. and will occupy the other two as his offices. Blair Hooks returned, last week, from Illinois after succeeding in leasing up 5000 acres in Clark and Effingham coun ties. Mr. Hooks had relatives there who assisted bim. The oil develop meet begins a few miles west of Terre Haute. Ind. and now extends over 30 miles through Illinois. Senator Piatt alone was present when the Senate chaplain openea the proceed ings with prayer the other day. The other Senators seemed content to let the cbaplin try it on Piatt and, if it has a good result there, he may be permit ted to try other cases. Of course no discreet chaplan would undertake to cure Aldricb, Elkins or Penrose.—Ex. —Butler's to have a good base ball team this year. The officers are Dr. Wasson, President; M. F. Wright, Vice President; Chas. H. Douglass, Secreta ry and Treasurer. They, with Morgnn Davis, W. C Culberson, J. W. McKee and R. G. Gillespie are the directors. Twenty-five hundred dollars has been raised and franchises can be secured in the N. Y. & Pa. League, or the Penn'a. Ohio and Maryland outlaw league. —An alibi is the best defense an ac cused person can present—if made good. Samivel Veller. Sr., an interest ing character of Dickene' time was a great believer in alley-bys, also a great disbeliever in widows, because he mar ried one. The "wild and wolly" west takes the lead in alibies, but the north ern part of this county is some pump kins in that line. In Chicago they have dealers in alibies—men who arrange for them weeks and months ahead. Letter to Niggle & Ilauck, Butler, Pa. Dear Sirs: Have yon found this out? Yon need less of Devoe lead-and-zinc for a job than of anything else: less gallons; less money. M A Thomas, paint e--, Lynchburg, Va. has found it out: he writes: "The first job I did with yoar paint I estimated 87 gallons; had 12 gallons left over. Since then I nave not used any other kind of paint bnt Devoe lead-and-zinc; I recom mend it to all my customers. When I commence a job, I tack up a card read ing as follows: M A Thomas, contrac tor; Devoe Paint." Putting it on costs two or three times as much as the paint. Have you found this out? You can paint Devoe in less time: less time; lees money. Have you found this out? Devoe wears longer than anything else. Yon don't object to long time between johs Your customer likes it And yon like what be likes. It keeps your cus tomers Yours truly F W DEVOE & Co P. S. The Butler Decorating Co. sells our paint. 88 MAJESTIC THEATRE. The Beauty Doctor. —Mar. 20th. At the Majestic Theatre, Monday, Mar. 2flth. Fred E. Wright will again present his new and elaborate produc tion of the musical success "The Beauty Doctor" in what Manager Wright terms the ''2nd Edition" of the play. This second edition of The Beauty Doctor is replete with new features and numbers, both musical and of a dancing nature and to the favorites who interpreted the piece last year have been added new faces both among the comedians and in the chorns. Prices 25, 50, 75 and $1 FOR RENT. The Maizland heirs' farm in Clinton township, two miles below Saxonburg on the 8-deg road, and one mile from the "Bessie" is for rent, with immediate possession, 162 acres—good farm. Inqure of JAMES WALKER, Saxonburg, Pa. BUTLERMARKETS. Our grocers are paying, for— Apples 1 75 Fresh eggs lfl Butter 25-27 Potatoes 60 Chickens, dressed 1(S 18 Turkey, dressed 22 Navy beans, bu $1 815 Onions, bu 90 Honey per lb 17 Dried Apples b Turnips, per ba 40 Parsnips, per bu 1 75 Beet* per bu 75 PUBLIC SALE. There will be exposed to Public Sale at the Livery Barn of Miller & Robb, on West Jefferson street, Butler, on Saturday, March 24th, 1906, beginning at 10 a. m.--thu entire con tents of the big livery barn. The sale will be positive as the build ing is to be torn down. MI I.LEU & ROBB. CLUB KATES. We can club the CITIZEN with the Pittsburg Times at SB.OO per year for the two, CITIZEN ami Pittsburg Post for $8.25; CITIZEN and Pittsburg Ga /atte $4.00. Cash in advance. —Why is Newton "The Plnno Man? See adr. 1 I/EGATj NEWS. XEW SUITS. Amos L. Cooper vs Pittsburg and Butler Street Railway Co . bill in equi ty asking for an injunction permanent ly restraining the defendant from mak ing a cut more than five feet deep throngb his dwelling property in Valen cia. Cooper exhibited a copy of a right of way given to C. J. Gibson and as tinned by him to the defendant, which specifies that the cat through bis lot shall not be more than five feet deep Regardless of this he states the defend ant's contractors two weeks ago com menced excavating on his property and are making the cnt from t**n to twelve feet deep, practically destroying the property for lesidence. He asks for damages and that the injunction be made permanent. Monday the case was settled, Cooper receiving several hundred dollars Harry J. Donagliy vs Sophie Dona ghy, libel in divorce, whom he alleges deserted him in ISB9. Lochrie Bros, vs H. K. Wick, assump sit (500, for alleged breach of a contract to give the plaintiffs S2OO if it was shjwn that a lateral railroad was not a necessity and benefit. The road in question was to tun from the Btssemer railroad near Argentine through the lands of the deft, to the lands and mine of the plffs. Lochrie Bros, vs Hamilton Bros., as sumpsit for (500 on a suit similar to the Wick. John Berg & Co. vs S. C. McKinney, M, M. McCall, defts, and Warren Al bert. garnishee, attachment execution on goods of defts in bands of garnishee for claims of S2O and (40 respectively. Cornelius Lumber Company vs Dick Lacopnlas and August Keller, eject ment on a lot in Lyndora which th€ plffs leased from F. X. Kohler and sub let to the defts, after building a store and house on it. Judgment for the property for a debt of (60 was entered for the plaintiff. PLANK ROAD NOT CONDEMNED. "Judge'' Henniuger aud viewers Leighner, Dindinger, Irwin, Turner aud Humphrey held another session in the Plauk i\oad condemnation matter, Friday. A number of witnesses for and against the condemnation were ex amined. Surveyor C. F. L. McQuistion and George Schalfaer, Sr. stated they had examined the Main street. Thorn creek, Glade Mills and a number of smaller bridges and culverts for the County Commissioners, who are oppos ing the condemnation, and found them all out of repair and in snch shape as to require rebuilding at an early date. The cost of replacing the Main street bridge and approaches was estimated at (13.000. and that of the other bridges together at nearly as much. D. H. Sutton, one of the witnesses, said he overheard an offer by Judge Bredin to sell the Butler county portion of the road for (7000. The Plauk Road Co. is asking (10.000 for the road. The hear ing of testimony was concluded Friday. Monday evening the viewers made their report, refusing to recommend the condemnation. The County Commis sioners showed that a number of bridges are in bad shape, and it is prob able that h»d the viewers reported in favor of condemning and awarded dam ages, an appeal and change of venue, with a repetition of the Beaver county bridge cases would result. They also claimed the proceedings were commenc ed because the road was no longer pay ing. Judge Bredin, secretaiy and treasurer of the company, when on the stand stated the company thought they should receive (10.000 for the road. The costs of the proceedings and view about (150, and the ex ceptions to the bills filed have been filed by W. D. Brandon for the petitioners. NOTES. Tillie Snyder, convicted of man slaughter for binding and deserting her little child in the woods u*ar Summit .Station, with the result that the child died of starvation, was called Saturday for sentence. Pleas were made to the Court by her attorneys for a reformato ry sentence, and after an examination of the law, showing that prisoners in the House of Refuge at Morgauza art kept there in certain cases until 25 years of age, she was committed to that insti tution. John B, McLanghlin, convicted ol murder in the second degree for shoot ing and killing Win. J. Hemphill it May, 1905, in Clinton twp., was called for sentence, Saturday. After a steom pies for mercy had been made iu his be half by W. Z. Murrin, Judge Galbreath sentenced him to undergo imprison inent in the Western Penitentiary foi 14 years. By good behavior McLangh lin can secure commutations amount ing to 5 years and 4 months, reducing his uctual time to » years and H month*. An appeal has been taken by McLangh lin. Steve Bodynak, the Lyndora boarding house keeper who was found guilty ol selling without license to his boarders, was sentenced to piy costs, a fine of (500 and three months in jail. The least legal penalty possible. The case of Com. vs Jas. M. Max well. in which the Knights of Pythias lodge was complainant, has been setr tied. R. A. McDonald, found guilty of de frauding a boarding house keeper ont of a(7 board bill, was sentenced to piy •osts, (10 fine and undergo jail impris onment for 80 days. Angelo Kandor, prosecutor in the adultery cases against Mike Leggins and Mary Kindal, was sentenced to pay half the costs. Panl Milovitz, convicted of tnan »langhter for shooting and killing Was nil Danchula in Lyndora on Feb. 11, 1005, was called in Court, Satarday.and sentenced to pay the costs, a fine of |IOOO and undergo imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary for four years The jury in the case recommended Mil- Dvitz to the mercy of the Court and he had been in jail a year before Sentence was passed. By good l>ehavior Milo vitz can have two months taken off his first year, three the second, four the third and five off any subsequent year, which would make a total of 14 mouths and reduce his actual time to two years and ten months. George Newman was committed to jail, Saturday, by Justice Keck on charges of rape, seduction and f&b The charges were entered on oath of Bertha Mincer, aged 15 years. New man was arrested in Pittsburg. A rule has been granted on the heirs of the late M. H. Byerly to accept prop erty of appraised valuations: viz. (2550 on the farm in Jefferson twp., and (1004 on the farm in Fawn twp., Alle gheny county. Iu the case of Com. vs Edward Den holm, found "not guilty but pay the costs" on a misdemeanor charge, amo tion has been made by the deft to have ttie "costs* 1 part of the verdict set aside. Sam Blank, Lyndora agent of the Elk Brewiog Co. of Kittanning. was tried, Friday, on a charge of selling li quor without license. Blank took or (lers from Lyndora people for amounts ranging from an eighth to a barrel of beer, aud the beer was sent to Butler addressed to the purchaser "in care" of Sam Blank. The latter received and delivered it. Saturday moruing the jnry returned a verdict of not gullly. This was the last case for trial. In the cases vs W E Millignn, OH ver C. Wood .vorthVnd Charles K King, the smooth bunch of Pittsbnrgers who went around selling farmers wagon loads of phonographs, a motion to nolle pros the cases was allowed on condition that the defts paid all the cost, and gave back nil the orders for phonographs which tney jeenred in Butler, Arm strong and Washington counties There were two charges of conspiracy to de fraud against the defendants, the in formants being John Kirk and George Trimbnr. The will of Harah Miller, dee'd, of Washington twp. has been probated. Her daughter, Emma, receives all per sonal property and one-fifth of the coal and oil royalties of testator's farm. L. C. Miller, a son, receives the farm, he ! to pay his brothers, George Hnd James, • ami niece, Nina G. <3oyle, (1 each in 1 full for their share in "the estate. In I connection with the probating of the I will and sale of L. C. Miller to T. C. Burns of 00 acres of the farm, a deed , dated Nov. 25, lbso, from Alex Young I to Sarah Miller for 150 acre. l ? for |3OO. ■was placed on record. E. L Ralston has filed his report as auditor on the report of the receiver of the Lyndora Supply Co. The_ total in debtedness amounted to $31,125 78. and the proceeds from the sale of real estate to $7.204.2 4 and of personal estate $4- 643.13. making the total assets sll.- »4G.37 The costs of the andit amount ed to $254. The mortgage indebtedness ami n Jt« d to j and was in such shape that the mortgagors received something over fifty per cent on their claims, while unsecured creditors re ceived twelve per cent A number of exceptions have been filed to the report. The liquor selling against Jos. and Morris Pollack. Dr. Mtnteer, W. 8. Brooks and Sam Tynnauer were cootin n- d until Jrn 1 . One of the Pollacks had fallen down stairs and broken an arm. The two Reott boys charged, with a boy named Wellner, with stealing from a dozen or more residences, were re leased oa their own recognizance Wellner is to appear in Court March 26. Thursday afternoon the jury in the case of Cow. vs Hem er-on Surreua, charged with the burglary of the house t f Mis. Violet Famn, brought in a ver dict of not guilty. The verdict was probably due to the testimony of Sur rena's brother-in law, Gilbert Walters, and his wife and sister, who swore Sur rena spent the night at their house, three miles from the Farren place. R. L. DuHaven and the Independent Bretving Co. have appealed to the Su perior Court from the ruling of Judge Gal breath refusing them wholesale li censes. Henry Wilson, ex'r of the will of .Terusha Bingham, dec'd. of Slippery rock. has filed exceptions to the account of Amanda Cooper, adm'x of the estate of Zebnlon Cooper, deed, of Worth twp. Notes amounting to S3OO are claimed to be due the Bingham estate. Mrs Bingham and Mr. Cooper were brother and sister. .Tunnet Bell. Thursday plead guilty to f&b, and was sentenced to pay the costs, a fine of $23 $25 to the prosecu trix and $1 per week for maintenance. The will of Jacob Ader of Winfield twp. has been probated. In addition to amounts already given his son, Charley receives SIOOO, and the residue is divid ed between his son, Wm. ami daughter. Catherine E , A. C Krug is executor. luai Zidovosni, alias "Peanuts," 15 years old, without parents, and three months in America, plead guilty to lar ceny of a juit of clothes, liat, etc. Sen tence was suspended to give the boy a chaDce. A Jefferson twp. man took him. John Buccos was appointed guardian of three minor children of Micheal Sen dry, dee d, of Lyndora. Samuel Landos was released as bonds man of Samuel Shamberger last Thurs day. Before his release was granted by the Court, all the costp, which had al ready been paid by the county, had to be made good by Landos, and it cost him one cent iess than SIOO. Justice Keck received $4, Clerk Christley $9.54 Sheriff Gibson $1 25. Sheriff Campbell $2, District Attorney Walker $7, Coun ty Detective Hoon $17.20 and the wit ness fees amounted to $59. Landos is said to have spent over SIOOO in follow ing aud capturing Shamberger. Gov. Pennypacker rtspited Frank Johnson, last Saturday, and there was uo hanging in New Castle jail, Monday, as was expected. An answer has been filed by Blair Hooks. President of the Callery Brick and Tilo Co., to the equity bill of J. F1 Thomas against the company iu which it is claimed Thomas owes the company SI4OO. C. G. Christie was appointed auditor in the estate of John Cooper of Adam? twp. On petition of Mr. aud Mrs. James O Harbison an order was made by which they legally adopt Susanna Houim of Lawrence county as their child. The child is one year old hei mother has been deserted by the father. The name was changed to Faith Harbison. After serving almost 17 years of a life sentence for the murder of Mrs. Paul Rudert, Alexander Killen of Tarentum, a prisoner in the Western penitentiary, at last has succeeded in interesting in fluential men in his case, with the result that they have become satisfied of bin innocence and will endeavor, to secure a pardon for him. Bishop Canevin and Rev. Donahoo, pastor of the West End Presbyterian church, are at the head of the movement. They are making si thorou«h investigation and have already unearthed valuable testimony indicaf ing Kilien's innocence. Prominent cit izens of Tarentum are lending their aid. as the cons«nsus of opinion in that town is that Killen is suffering unjust ly- Mike Matthews, John Frttz, Mik* Bunko, witnesses in the case of Com. vs Sam Blank were not in Court when (railed. Attachments were issued and they were arrested by Deputy Voroun and each fined $5 and costs by Judge Galbreath. Attachments were issued for Ella Wrare, Steve Shere, George Olah, John Scbnltz. Miko Takos and Elizi Andryna witnesses in the cases of Joseph and Morris Pollak. Iu the pace of Com. vs A. W. Kreps, charged with desertion by his wife, the Court made an order dismissing the case on payment of costs by Kreps. In com menting on the case Judge Galbreath said "If what each said is true they are bcth entitled to divorce." The case of Com. vs John Shanor, adultery, was continued until June on payment of the costs accrued at this [.dm by Shanor, who claimed he could not get his witneeses for the present Court. E. A. McCandless has been appointed supervisor of Adams twp. vice W. J. Blakeley, reeigned. Henry Feme has been appointed guardian of Timothy Frederick, minor Hon of Adam A. Frederick, dec'd. of Summit twp. Jesse Mudison, a colored boy of Lyndora, was placed in jail. Monday on a charge of a&b. for kicking another boy in the groin. The Guaranty S. I). & T. Co. was ap pointed guardian of Edward Gibson of Valencia. Commissioner Siebert and Constable Rice took Mrs. Charleton and her children back to Allegheny county, last Saturday, aud they had quite a time getting her started. The State Supreme Court has affirm ed the decision of the Court here in the case of Purvis et al against the local Carpenters Union. On complaint of A. Krieg before Justice Maxwell, Geo. Walker has been held for trial for surety of the peace. Krieg alleges Walker threatened to tar and feather him aud "put him out of the business." Wm Twentier has been appointed Road Supervisor of Cranberry twp, to fill a vacancy caused by a tie vote be tween Jas. Graham aud John Reiser. The will of the late Wallaco M«- Quistion has been probated, his son W. W. Jr., being the sole devisee. The case of L. O. Purvis vs B. R. & P. R. R. has been continued. John Renison of Adams twp. has I been adjudged insane and committed to Dixtnont. ' The commission in the case were J. I M. Painter, I)r. L. 11. Stepp. and Jos. ! Gilkey. Renison has SHOOO personal j estate and $5000.00 in unincumbered realty. An appraisuieut of the estate of Mrs. Elisa Passuvaut, deed., of Zelieuople shows personal property amounting to $21,515 Judge Galbreath has filed an opinion refusing to graut a re hearing on the application of the Independent Brew ing Co. for the reason that the company mainUinod a brewery in the Third ward nnd an agency for a Pittsburg branch of the same Co. in the Second ward under the same license PliOl'fittTY TBANBFKKS. Margt L Brown to Anna Dietz lot on Mitllin st S7OO. Chas E Pearce to Blair Hooks lot on Shady ave for #3lO. A M Campbell, Sheriff, to Mutual G B s acres in Summit for SISOO, also lot in Butler for SIOOO. W M Gibson to Mrs. S J Arntll, lot in Bruin for $225. J W Barricger to Anna M Barringer, lease and wells in Allegheny twp. for $2300. H A McPhersou to Wm. F Swartz. lot on Locust St. for $.2700: lot on Second for $2600; lot on Locust St. for $3200. W F Swartz to John W Borland, lot on Carl>oii St. for ss<»o Martin Monks to Moin Oil Ca. leaser and wells in Middlesex for S3OOO. R M Bowser to Hugh A McNainee, lot on Pillow St. for $2305. John to Jas. Bryden, 25 acres in Cherry for $250 Jas Bryden to Margaret A. Grossman property in Cherry for S9OO. Sarah C Gibson to H L Warner, 44 acres in Buffalo for $2050. W H Parker to H L Warner, 78 acres in Buffalo for $2500, Theo. Schenck to Flaudelia M Covle, lot on Fourth Ave. for $2500. Robert Davis to O J Gillespie, prop erty in Washington twp. for S3OO. W E Slater to N P Winner, lot on W. Penn St. for SI9OO. John H Reid to W H McGaffic, lot on Mercer St. for S2OOO. John W Powell to Geo. Powell, two thirds int. in U0 acres in Buffalo for $1206. Lizzie J Painter to Geo. C Powell, int. in same for sl. Uatler Borough to Butler lee Co.. lot near garbage furnace forsl. Marriage J-licenses. Jehu G. Kaylor Kay lor Laura E. Grant North Hope Harry M. Christy Keister Eva M. Smith Bovard Robert E. Sloan Eau Claire Mary McCandless... " *' J. A. Jolly Venango twp. Lizzie Jamison " " John W. Greer Valencia Sara J. Blakeley Adams twp. George Ketterer, Jr Butler L. Frances Wadsworth " Ollie J. Graham Bntler Genevive Stoner " At Pittsburg—Lewis Wbitniyro of Mars and Lillian Pryor of Allegheny. At Kittanninir, Mike Suchonnic of Butler and Katie Lucas of Leechburg. For Sale. Forty-acre lease and 5 wells. Several desirable dwelling properties. Four acres and large dwelling in Butler, S7OOO. E. H. NEOLEY, S. W. Diamond, Butler. STATE NO It MA I. SCHOOL. Attend the State Normal School at Slippery Rock, Butler County, Pa. Ad vantages first-class, rates low; tuition free to teachers and to those who iutend to teach. Spring term begins March 27th, 1900 Send for a catalogue. Ad dress ALHERT E. MALTBY, Principal. —Wanted—a bright boj- to learn a trade. Inquire at this ofhee. —Why is Newton "The Piano ManV' See adv. —Money to loan on first mortgage, E. H. NEOLEV, Diamond. CUPID S CALL upon friends is the suggestion of sou venirs for the wedding day. In our stock you will fiud many articles in silverware, rich cut glass, clocks, vases and hand painted china suitable for presents. Wedding rings in endless variety. Prices right according to quality. We also sell— Pianos. Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Poco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Opticul goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician Next to Court House. PAROID READY OOFINQ. pAROID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't tjrow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core oi each roll. REPRESENTS the results o years of Experience and Ex perimenting. requires painting every fewyears. Not when first T laid S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate o r Shingles. I \EMAND for PAROID is world wide. MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other Facvd, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask ns. L C. WICK, BUTLER. PA. W S. &E. WICK, DEALERS IN (tough and Worked 1 timber of all Kinds IHMITH, Sash and Mouldings Oil Well I'.IKK a Specially. OlHre and Vard R. Cunningham and Monro* Ms n»*r Went Penn l>npot. in-rT fit ' \ See Ihe Sign directly opposite the Old roslolHce THSODORE YOGELEY, RA Real Eitate and loturanrc Ajjcnoy, 238 S. Main St L 3 Hutler, I'a. J If you have prop< ri v Tk| to mill, trade, or rent I Idß or, waut to buy or rent call, writ" 00 A me. U| List Mailed Upon Applioatlon IT { GOOD ? MANY ) PEOPLE ) \ like the old fashioned C Syrup of Tar and Wild v / Cherry for coughs and f f colds. This is one we } \ have sold for fifteen \ \ years and it constantly J / grov/s in favor. Pleasant \ # to take. Gives prompt } \ relief. Stops that tickle- i V \ ing sensation. It is a, J V ; good safe remedy to ! \ C have about and } / many a trip to the \ j doctors or druggist, j v / Same goods, same size 1 < f package and same price / \ as we have always sold / \ it. 25c. r \C. N. BOYD, | ( DRUGGIST j P Dimond Block. Bctler. j / /H. Shann« Tea *ir» our wpoOaltK-M. lor Complete Farm Lwt of AIICRIiHny Count* VHTUM. W. F. WEITERSB i:TBE.\. _ j Tl» C. Ohio strMt. Allvghtnf, Pa. | — I Patterson BrosJ Successors to Brown (Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN:! I ! MILLINERY ! < > Some people think there is no Milliuery sold in February —this is the ' * t i case in some stores —but not here. Women are always interested in pretty < | new stylish Hats If the price is tempting and wo certainly have priced < ) onr New Spring Hats tempting enough. Then the prices we have put on 1 ' t balance of Winter Millinery i» most seductive-Ostrich Tips Oc per bunch < > —Untrimmed Hats 9c and 25c, formerly SI.OO to *100; any Trimnwd i I Hats in house for SI.OO, formerly fci 00 to $10.00; sale of Artificial Flowers < ■ i 1 . for less than J price: sale Ostrich Plumes less than } price; J off regular < | price on all Silk Velvets. . . ( SPRING STYLES. J | , 1 ( Swell Spring Tailor Made Suits and Jackets. < > 5 l Handsome New Models to choose from—Eton Coats—Pony Coata and 4 } j? hip length Jacket effects, three-quarter or full length sleeve skirts with € ► new draped circular sides, pleatod front and backs, delicate new shades Aof Gray. Green, Alice Blue, Lavender, Navy, Old Rose and Black—Suite < > \ of exclusive style and beauty. Prices range $20.00, $25.00 up to 115 00 Q New Style Spring Q>vert Jackets, two specials, at ss.o* and #8.98, < worth $8.50 and $lO. New Spring Style Rain Coats $10.98, value $15.00. | | J New Spring Style Separate Skirts $3 98, $5.98 up to $20.00. New Spring k y Style Lingerie Waists 98c, worth $1.50. New Spring Style Lingerie 4% Waistß $1.50, $2.25 up to SIO.OO. < X REMODELING BALE CONTINUES. < > Jk Dress Goods at less than * former prices. Wash Goods at less than } ( y former prices. Dress Trimmings at less than \ former prices. Winter A Wraps and Furs at less than J former prices. Greater money savjng op- { I jf port unity has never been offered you. 36 inch Butler Taffeta Sil* wc, j * aold it . jjMrs. J. E. Zimmerman.; >4 Hell Phone 208. Blltler. Pa. I I » People's Phone 126. L,ullcl ' ' I HUSELTON'S I I Great Cut Price Sale I | of Winter Footwear I I Will Open Saturday, I 1 January 6th at 9A. M. I 1 Sharp. I 1 Come and get some of I | the great bargains. I 1 HUSELTON'S I Opp. Hotel Lowry. 102 N. Main Street. I . ikmmm If w iwi Try The CITIZ6N FOR | JOS WORK ——