TKE BUTLER CITIZEN. WILLIAM r. STOhVY, Publisher THURSDAY. MARCH 1. 1906 UH year la Airtßce, Otherwise Jl-50 ANNOUNCEMENTS. W« are authorized to make the fol lowing annooncements, subject to tbe Repnbrtean Primary, Saturday, March 31st, IWU to 7 p. m. Congreis DR. R. H. PILLOW, of Butler Assembly (Two to nominate.) REV. J. M. DICHT. of nbe i^. t I *J > , r _ DR W. R. HOTKENBERRT. of Slippery (farmer) Forward tp. O. G. MECHUSG, of Jrfferson twp. W. B. MCOEABY, of Bo tier. IRA MCJCNKIN, of Butler. Jury Commissioner WILSON KENNEDY. »>F Renfrew. A. B. RICHEY, of Bntler. Delojjates to Stnte Convention. (Three to elect. > THOMAS HAYS, of Butler W, PARK JAMISON, of S enaceo twp. WASNIXR.TOY NOTES. On Friday the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce voted to report the Hepburn bill, favorably, and with out amendment, and the bill was placed in charge of Senator Ben. Tillman of South Carolina. Five Democrats and three Republicans on the Committee voted down the amendment. The House, that day, voted to investigate the connection of certain railroads with the coal business. The present Congress is not legislat ing for eternity and any injary that may be done any interest by the Hep burn bill, which has passed the House and is now before the Senate, or any other bill, can be remedied at the next session. The insertion of a Court re view feature in the bill wonld practic ally nullify it. On Monday the Gillespie-Tillman res olution requesting the interstate com merce commission to investigate the re lations of railroads with the production of bituminous and anthracite coal and oil, which passed the House went through the Senate, and was sent to tl»e President. The Hon3e Committee on Aificultur* decided, Tuesday, to distribute no more free seeds. It is the opinion of leading members of the Senate and notise of Representa tives that Congress will be ready to ad journ not later than the 15th of May and probably a week or ten days earlier. POLITICAL. An agreement was signed Tuesday by the Republican chairmen of enango, Warren, Mercer, Forest and Elk coun ties providing that the primaries for that Congressional district, shall be held on May 5. The Republicans of Pennsylvania have three months in which to decide who they want for their candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, Auditor Gen eral and Secretary of Internal Affairs, bnt the Republicans of Butler county most decide who they want for the Leg islature in one month. There seems to be no contest in the matter of delegates to the State Con vention Attorney General Carson filed a opinion last Saturday to the effect that Ex-Insurance Commissioners George B. Luken, James 11. Lambert and Israel W. Durham, with the latter's handy man, J. Clayton Erb, owe the people of Pennsylvania $200,000 and will file a bill in equity. "WEST VIRGINIA IN CHAINS," is the subject of Lincoln Steffens' last Sunday paper article, and his points are well taken. Some years agd a couple of Butler county boys went down there, and purchased a fine tract of timber, hot when they were ready to cut it they were told that the railroad up that val ley wonld not haul it for them. THE Western farmers have resolved to fight fire with fire. Two hundred thousand of them belonging to tbe American Society of Equity, whose headquarters is at Indianapolis, propose to withhold their products from the markets until they are assured of re ceiving a certain price for them. Wheat, they claim, should never bring its pro ducer less than a dollar a bushel. The farmers belonging to this society con tend that the producer, and not the middleman or retailer, should get the most profit. At the suggestion of President Roose velt another miners' convention has been called for March l."»th, in tlio hope of averting the impending strike In his letter to President Mitchell of the Miners Union Roosevelt reiterates the arguments against plunging a costly struggle menacing the peace and gtneral welfare of the country, lie also reminds the miners and operators that they have enjoyed many years of in dustrial peace following the amicable adjustment of the scale and suggests t-hof. every effort lie made to prolong that condition. Riots In China. Somewhat confused reports reached Shanghai, Monday, of a massacre of missionaries at Nanchang, province of Kiangsi. As nearly as could be ascer tained, six missionaries were killed and one child of an English missionary was wounded. It is alleged that after long-continued disputes between the Catholic priests and the Chinese magistrate of Nan chang, the priests invited the mag's trate to a banquet, where they tried to compel him to sign an agreement for the payment of a largo indemnity for the destruction of Catholic mWsiou property According to one report the magis trate became indignant, and committed ■nicide, but the Chinese assert -that a priest attacked and killed him. The officials, fearing to arrest the prieet, called a public meeting, where npon the Catholics, according to the Chinese version of the tronble, set fire to their own premises. The public meeting of the Chinese de veloped into a riot, in which, according to one story, six of the Catholics were Idlled, though a later account says the nnmber of Catholics killed was four. H. C. Kingman, a Protestant mission ary. and his wife also were killed, and one of their two children was wounded, the other being rescued. The only Protestant mission buildings destroyed were those of the Plymouth Brethren. Fourteen Americans escaped in a boat Ilia Nanchang city gates are now 1 ULceam Oouurt, License Court convened Monday morning. The first cases takan up were those of Adolpbns Hocb, William Lackey and Benjamin Forquer, Chicora. There were no remonstrances against them. Lewis B. McCamey asked for a license at the Central Hou®e, Petrolia. j A number of witnesses appeared for j him, while against him was a remon strance signed by 16 men and 50 wo-; mon. Rev. Hovis, H. L. Barney, Mr. ! Gilmore and Miss Bertha Bottner. presi- ( dent of the County W. C. T. U., ap- ( peared against him It wa9 shown by . the witnesses that crowds collected in front of the hotel, and Jndge Galbreath stated he would consider any hotel that I allowed crowds to collect on the side walk as maintaining a public nuisance, i The next applications heard were those of George A. Gehm. William • Wahl and Charles H Miller, all pro prietors of hotels at Evans City. Gehm was questioned considerably about n man named Fulton getting his arm broken. Fred H. Goettler asked for a license in the Cottage Hotel, formerly the resi dence of Thomas Marshall, in Mars. He exhibited plans for extensive im provements A large number of re monstrants, lfd by Rev. Wilson, Rev. Rockwell and Chris Gelbacb, appeared against Goettler to show that the house was not fitted in size or location for a licensed house The cases of Lewis /jigler and Samuel Beam of Harmony. William and AlUrt Eicholtz and Henry W. Stokey of Zelienople. and John E. Muder and Thomas F. Coooper of Saxonburg were heard without opposition developing. The Butler list was then taken up and retail applicants, Nixon Bros , Mrs Reihing. Gus Rockenstein, Ralph Gregg. Jos. H Harvev, Daniel McCrea, G. C. Haworth, E. D. Clinton, C F. Hosford, Gil Moser and Frank D. Myers were quickly disposed of. For Myers. Postmaster Lyon, William nuff, a brother of Hon. George F., Morris Bartley and Samuel Brown, all of Greensburg, appearted to testify as to his good reputation, etc. Objection was made to the Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Co. being on tbe bonds on the ground that the charter of the trust company was not legally recorded. The wholesale applicants were G. C. Frederick, who applied for a license for bis distillery at Zelienople. was called. Former District Attorney John Hen ninger, who is representing the Minis terial Association, and remonstrants in general, the presented a remonstrance against granting wholesale licenses, the brewery license and the Frederick license. The remonstrances were sign ed by over sixteen hundred men and over nineteen hundred women. There was but one tavern applicant to be heard when Court convened Tuesday morning, Earl D. Clinton of Standard Hotel, and his case was quickly disposed ot. The wholeeale list was then taken up. P J. Mohan and J. H. Forquer. Elmer Kelly, Lewis A. Weiabnrg, Charles T. Aland, Charles B. Wuller, Philip J. Miller. R. L. DeHaven, and Frank Kemper and G. F. Pteister asked for wholesale licenses in Bntler. Agent W. H. Robinson of the West Penn railroad, Yard master Henshaw of the B. & 0., and agents of several express companies were called in behalf of tbe applicants to show that great amounts of liquor were shipped into the town nnder tbe present no-wholesale system. Mr. Henshaw testified that on two occasions a whole carload of beer had come to Butler consigned to one unlicensed in dividual I. G. Smith. Louis Stein, John Lawall, Geo. E. Thomas, J. F. Hntz'er, Milton Mays, Henry Berg and Geo. Schaffner, Jr. appeared as wit nesses for the wholesalers. Attorney Henninger had gem ral petition* against granting wholesale licenses which were signed by 1723 voters and 1983 women. Another remonstrance containing 480 names had arrived too late to be filed against the applicants. There were also special remonstrances signed by Revs. Robinson. Worrell and Enterline charg ing that the bonds were defective, etc. The first witness called by the remon strants was Supt. Joseph Graham of the County Home, who testified that em ployes and inmates of tbe llome went down town and came back drunk when there were wholesale licenses, and since wholesale licenses were refused this was not the case. P. D. Sherwin stated there was less drunkenness at bis coal mines since the wholesale licenses had been refused. Charles Gerner of Butler said that he did not think any Jfqaor licenses were necessary. I. J. McGarv ey of Harrifcville, James Barr of Pros pect and J. W Humphrey of Porters ville testified that there was less drunk enness in their parts of the connty since the wholesale houses had been closed. Tuesday afternoon the apjdication of the Independent Brewing Co. for a brewer's license for the Butler brewery was taken up, and a hard fight was made against it by the remonstrants. It was shown that "Silver Top" beer was shipped into Bntler, stored in a building at tbe West Penn station and distributed to local hotels as they want ed it. Manager W. M. Kennedy of the brewery stated that the hotel men simply gave him their orders, he tele phoned them to Pittsbnrg. where the beer in question was made in another branch of the Independent Co.. and the goods were shipped in the lots desired to tbe hotels ordering. If a hotel pro prleter ordered fifty cas#s It was sent here consigned to him, and tho brewery wagons simply delivered it. Attorney t McQuistion tried to have the books of the brewery kept frojn being put in evidence, and he and Mr. Henninger had a little tilt during which Henninger called McQuietion a "cur" and M nt ly killed on the railroad ther» a few (lays ago. John Q, Kapp of Butler, formerly ot Karns Oity, la repotwa mining BSLATHS. BABNHART -At his home in Fairs view twp.. Feb 27. 1906, Joseph J Barn hart aged (K} years He is survived by his wife, thrte boys and five girls. ADAMS—4I bis home in Parker, Feb. 20. 1906, William Adams, aged GO years DOWNEY— At his home in Foxburg. i ; February 15, 19C6, Saul Downey, aged i 88 years. ' McCALL— At her home in Saxonburg, ! February 10, 1900, Anna May. dangh j ter of Frank McCall, aged 3 years. DOUTHETT—At her home in Mars, i Feb 25, Mrs Rosanna Douthett, widow of Benjamin Douthett. aged !S5 years. She leaves two sons. Rev. John of Greenubarg U. P. church, and Dettmer in the old home; and three daughters. Mrs. Levi Park, Mrs. B. Owens and Mrs. Ferguson of Mars. SWEENEY—At his home in Home stead, February 25, 1906, Edward J Sweeney aged years. DAMBAUGH—At her home in Zelie nople, February 22. 1906. Mi wife of A. E. Dambangb, agt 1 . STEELE—At his home in Harmony, February 20, 1906, Alfred Steele, father of Rev. Steele, aged 65 years YOUNG —February 28, 1906, infant son of T. B. YouDg of Butler. WARWICK—At liis home near Carbon Black, Feb 23, 1900, Edward A. War wick. aged 23 years. SNYDER—At her home in Butler, Feb. 27. 1906, Estella daughter of L. Snyder, aged 3 years. WHITEHILL—At his home in James town. N. Y., Feb. 27. 1906, Robert Whitehill, aged 42 years. He was a brother of Geo. W. White hill, the plumber, and a son of the late James Whitehil! of Clearfield. Pa. He leaves a wife and four children. DOUGLASS—At East McKeesport, Feb. 27, 1906, Miss Martha Douglass, aged 80 years. She was a trained nurse during the Civil War. was born in Zelienople. and will be buried there today. HELM —At the home of his brother in law. Lather F. Reiber. of Butler, March 1, 1906. William J. Helm, in his 37th year. Mr. Helm was a son of John Helm, and was for several years station agent at Evans City. He was a Mason and a member of the Lutheran church. He is survived by his wife, nee Lillian Reiber, and two children. He has been an invalid for almost two years, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him BRICKER—At his home in Jamestown, N. Y, February 23, 1906, Josiah Bricker, formerly of Butler, aged 78 years. Mr. Bricker will be remembered here as the man who built tbe P. & W. trestles between Chicora and Butler. His first wife's name was Weaver, and she was the mother of four children, one of whom, Hairy, resides in Penn twp , and the other three in Allegheny county. His second wife was Mollie Timblin of Bntler, who, with two children, survives him. CLINTON—In Butler, suddenly, Feb. 22, 1906, Joseph Clinton, in his 64th year. Mr. Clinton was taken ill on the street, last Thursday evening, and died a few minutes after. He was born in York state, came to this section with the first oil excitment. and for many years followed oil-producing as a busi ness. He has, lately, made his home with his son, Earl, proprietor of the Standard Hotel, who with his wife, survive him. He was always a good citizen, was a County Commissioner in his native county and his sudden death is greatly regretted. NIGGEL—At her home in Butler, Feb 23, 1906, Mrs. Julia Stehle Niggel, aged 81 years. Mrs, Niggel was in good health, until about two months ago when she was stricken with apoplexy. She was born in Germany, came to Butler when a girl, and became the wife of Thaddeus Niggel, who died 43 years ago. She is survived by four sons, Joseph and David of Bntler, and Thomas or Lowelville O , and John of New York, and one daughter, Mrs. Hughes of Wilkinsbnrg PASBAVANT—At her home in Zelie nople, February 26, 1906, Mrs. El'za widow of Rev W. A. Passavant, aged )£J yuars. Mrs. Passavant went to Pittsburg in 1845 as a bride, her husband being call ed from Baltimore to accept the pastor ate of the First English Lutheran church. Seventh aveuue. She was one of the most active workers of this con gregation and was also active in hos pital and other charitable work. Mrs. Passavant is survived by the following children: P. L. Passavant, Steuben ville. O.; Walter Passavant, E Helena. Mont ; Mrs. Z. R. Emerson, Jackson. Mich ; C. G. Passavant, Lynchburg, Va., and D. L. Passavant, Zelienople. BEIGHLEY—At his home in Lancaster twp.. Feb 19, 1906, Michael Beighley, in his 91st year. Mr Beighley was born in 1815. In 1836 he married Catharine Sbanor. and they settled on part of the old home stead, he helping to clear the land and build the house, in which they passed thei» lives. Seven of their nine chil dren are y«t living. Aaron of Butler, Abraham of Harmony. Amos and Mrs. Susan Moyer of M. Lancaster, Mrs Andrew Weir of Jackson twp , Mrs. | Jos. Rodenbaugh of New Castle, and Mrs. Christina McKinley of Cllnton ' yille, also 49 grand children, and 77 I great grand-children. He was buried i at Middle Lancaster cemetery, Wednes day GIBSON—At his home in Valencia, Februsry 23. 1906, Robert Gibson, in his 70th year Mr. Gibson was formerly a resident of Penn township He is survived by his wife, nee Elizabeth Wyke, and eight children. Thomas M. of Penn township, John W. of Valencia. Evan of Bellevue, Lincoln, Charles and Oscar of i llegheny, Mrs. Robert Bartley of Glade Mills, and Miss Mary Ellen, at home. He was a member of the Meth odist church and his remains were buried at the Middlesex Methodist church, Monday. Dr Kilpatrick hav ing charge of the services lie was IJargess of Valencia at the time of his death The following resolutions were adopt ed by the Council of Valencia borough: Whereas, God, in his wise providence has removed by death, Robert Gibson. Burgess of this borough, we, the council of said borough desire to place on record our high appreciation of his services ttU'4 to bear our testimony to his worth as a citizen, a friend, and a neighbor. We would also tender our sincere sym pathy to his wife and chddrun in thuir bereavement. L'y order of Council, Attest: J D. PERRY, Pres J C. BARR. Clerk , Obituary. An old citizen of Penn twp. named Coobage, died last night, but we have not learned fne particular,; Samuel Pierpont Langlcy, secretary of the Smithsonian institution and ! known as a scientist throughout the; world, died at Aiken, S. C., Tuesday. j W. J. Hendrickson, a tool dresser, ; formerly of Butler, died in South: Africa, last December. He was helping to drill water wells along the new rail- j road at the time. On Saturday. Feb. 10th Mrs. Mar garet Craig, aged 80, died Tuesday. Feb. litli, Margaret Ross. 81 years old died Thursday, 15th inet-, Miss Mary Jane Ross. 86 years old, died. These life-long friends were all residents of j Worthington and vicinity, a small vil- { lage six miles west of Kittanning.— I Free Tress Ex-Speaker of tbe House at Washing ; ton, David B. Henderson, died (>.t Du buque. lowa, of paresis, last Snnday. j He was born in Scotland, in 1840, came to this county with bis parents when a child of six years, lost a leg during the Civil War, studied law, and was elected to Congress in ISBO. He was continu ously elected until 185W, when he was •leefced Speaker of the House, succeed lng T. B. Reed. whose famous rules he vigorously enforced. Mrs. Eli*i Graham, aged 63 yrv-irs, diM at the home of her daughter, Mrs Juhn Harbison, Uakerstown. last Thurs day. She was born in County Derry, 1 Ireland, and came to this country when 1 she was 17 years old. She was a mem ber of the ilrownsdale Uoittjd Presby-. (Wan Ohufpa- She If IUITI VffI b f thrtfc 1 ann< tV~r(" ,iany litara, U follow!: Robert of AJlejhsny; Jo»ph W. and 9amß»l, of Butler: Mr* Eliza A* Keabr lar, of Bntler; Mra. Jacob Young, of Kansas and Mrs. John Harbison, of Bakers town. Klectfon Notes. Tbe question was submitted in Buf falo, Win Geld, Clay and Slippery rock I townships, as to whether or not the | present system of payment of road tax ihould be abolished In Buffalo there were 'M for the change and 53 against in Slipper.}rock, tl for and Si against. I 14 not voting: in Clay. 1C for and 60 apainst, and iu Winfield, 97 for and 60 I against. The measure had a majority ' in each of tht sVinfield precincts. Harmony voted for a water plant, and every town in the county should do likewise. Council adopted the ordin ance to increase the indebtedness of the borough the amount to be used in providing a water plant. When the matter was submitted to the people there were 72 votes cast in favor of a municipal water plant, and 01 against. On the question of iucrease there were 67 votes favoring an increase of the indebtedness and 19 against. Oil and Gas Notes. The Market—Remains at f1.58. Coylesville—The Hinchberger Co well on the Steihhner. was put to pumping last Friday, and started off at 9 bbls an hour or about 200 bbls a day. Gregtr No. 3 on the Denuis Mcßride was reported dry Bnrton, Lefevre &O. have brought in a well on the Robert Kyle farm, near Flick. Middlesex twp. which, when shot Monday, flowed over the top of the derrick. The Octogenarians. At the meeting of the Octogenarians last Saturday the Secretary read a com munication from the Millerstown Her ald of February 22 inst.. giving an ac count of the celebration, by his friends of the 84th birthday of Mr. Samuel S B< 11, one of their members. Tbe cele brations was at the home of a dauKhter of Mr. Bell iu Millerstown and a large number of friends and relatives were present. Tbe article signed "A Guest," gives a very interesting account of tbe celebration which was greatly appreci ated by Mr Bell and enjoyed by all present. Mr. Bell was 81 on the loth, February last. CIIUKCII NO'i'KS. Rev W. J. Grimes of Connoquene-s mg having accepted a call to the U. P church at Millersbarg, O , preached his farewell sermon to tbe congregation at White Oak Springs church last Sunlay. During his pastorate his church has prospered greatlv, both spiritually and financially. Almost two hundred new members were added and the contribu tions amounted to almost £IB.OOO. A farewell meeting will be held at his home this evening. "Shut you* myos, open your mouth mnd moo what luck wit! bring you." Many a woman is weak and sick, nervous and discouraged. She suffers from headache, backacho and other ills. She wants to bo wall, but all sha does tls to shut her •yes and open n«r mouth for medicine and trust to luck for results. Sho "doators" month after month, often year after ard fashion, and receives no per manent benotit. Women take Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescrip tion with their eyes open to the fact that It cures It cures irregu larity, It dries debilitating drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration and cure* female weakness. There Is no trusting to luck by those who use "Favorite Prescription." "In the year 1803 my health was poor." writes Mrs. J. Hack, of 842 Broadway. Buf falo. N". Y. «I suffered from falling or womb, a dlsarreeabie discharge, painful monthly periods, headache, backtabs and pains In the limbs. Every month was confined to bed for two or three days. Was weak, nervous dad hysterical; life was a burdeu to myself and 1 made every oae In the family unhappy because I was so Irritable. My husband got me four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scrlfitlqc. and before I had takes the llrst bottle I was feeling soiee relief. The medi cine made ms well and strong, free from nerv ousness, aches and pain, anal fait like a pew woman. Before I used the 'Favorite Pre scription ' I had been taking another physi cian's medicine for nearly three months, nut bad received no benefit. Your medicine is certainly the best In tho world." rA man or woman who Deflects constlpsUon suffen from alow DOl soolcr I>r. Plorce's Pleasant Pel let* euro constlpstien. One little "Pellet "in a gentle laxatlvw, ai»l \iro a mild utliaiUc. Don't let a telflsb seller oser-per.uad'j jya to accept a substitute for these Orl gl. nal LJttle Liver Pill*, flr.t put u| by old I)r. R. V. Pierce over 4t) years igo fluch Imitated kut never equaled. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions, which adhere te the membrane and decom pose, causing ft far more serious trouble 1 hrt u tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all (lr_t. ing inhuhuits, fumes, smokes and snob's and use that which cleanses, soothes ami heals. Ely's Cream Balm ia such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in the lwad easily and pleasantly. A trial aizo will bo mailed for JO cents. All druggists sell the 50c. nizo. Ely Brothers OC Warren St., N.Y. Tho Halm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over on irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Kabul Catarrh and iinv fever. "EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary on the ehtut* of Robert Gibson, dee'd., late of Valencia borongh, Butler county, Pa., hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persona knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment and any having claims against fcuid estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ANDREW Q. WILMAMS, Ex'r.. Bntler, Pa. ALEX MITCHELL, Att'y. A 1-00 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of Robert N. (irant, doe'd, late of Alle ghenj' twp , Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to (he undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, an.l any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement to MRS DELLA M. GRANT, Adm'X., Emlenton, Pa. JOHN \V. COULTER, Att'y. 8-1-06 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Karah Jane Kelly, dee'd., late of Worth twp . Bntler county. f J a Letters of administration having lieen granted to the undersigned on the alx>ve estate, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment and those having claim# agsimt the same to present them dnly authen ticated for settlement to W. E. KELLY, Adm'r Slipperyrock, Pa. E. L. RALSTON, Att'y. A H-f»o ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTTCI Letters of administration on the estate of Karah C. Tiinbliu, deceased, late of Euclid, Batler county, Pennsylvania, having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt payment and those having claims against the estate will present the same duly authenticated for settle ment to CATHERINE A. TWBLIN, Euclid, Pa. J. M. & H. I PAINTER, Attorneys. Butler, Pa. 9-1-08 A STRASSBURGER o feet along lands of Weible. to above de scribed tract; thence by sameo6 feet to place of Ijeginuiug: containing one acre, more or less. r-elzed and taken In execution as the prop erty of Mark W. Marshall at the suit of Thomas M. Marshall. Jr., Trustee. E. D. No. 31 and 32. March Term, 1006. I". J. Forquer, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of R. M. Donaldson, R. M. Donaldson, W. A. Donaldson, of, in and to ail that certain piece or parcel of land situated In Concord township. Butler couuty. Pa., liounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the southwest corner; thence by lauds of E. Crahain. north >t deg east one hundred seven and nine tenths perches to a post; thence by same south deg east l-> and eight-tenth perches to a road; thence along road north Hit deg east eighteen and one-half perches: thence along same north 25 deg sixteen and six-tenths perches; thence norih 74 cleg east thirteen and one-t»ntb perches to a post at forks of road: thence by lands of Harper Campbell south east sixty perches to a pos:: thence by Isnds of S. C. Hutchison south '•« deg west 30 perches; thence by name souths deg east 22 and six-tenths perches to corner of J. C. Donaldson land; thence by •atdJ.C. Donaldson south *, deg west one hundred and seven nine-tenths perches to a post; thence by lands of A H. Donaldson north fcs'i deg west one hundred and twenty four and eight-tenths pen-lies to the place of beginning; containing 101 acres and ulne perches; and being same property conveyed to iionert M. IHnialds /ii by deed of J. C. DouaidsoD and Eliza J. Donaldson dated the 27th day of Jnly. A. D. I<*o, which deed re corded in Deed Book No. 63, p±go 477; haviug thereon erected a large frame dwelling house, frame barn, good orchard aud otbei outbuildings, and In a good state of cultiva tion. ALSO—Of. iu and to all that certain piece or parcel of laud situated In Washington township. Uutler county. Pa., bounded as follows, i i-wlt: Uegluniug at the southwest corner; thence by lands of .*!. s. McGurvey. north one degree (1 deg) west » perches to a post: thence by lands of Fletcher north ueg east D 7 perches to a post; thence by S. C. liutchlusou south 1 deg east 50.5 perches to a p' st; thunce by public road soutn 26 deg west 17.H perches: thence south 35 deg west 43 3 Cerches to a post; thenee by lands of R. M. lonaldson, north 39 deg west 14 perches to place of beginning, containing twenty-four acres strict measure. Seized and tuken In execution as the prop erty cf R. M.Donaldson. R. 11. Donaldson. W. A. l>onaldson at the suit of A. S. Hlnd man.John Berg and lienry A. Berg, partners as John berg & Co. E. D. No. H Mar. Tsrro. 10C6. W. D. Uraudon. Attorney. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Margaret Webber, W. D. Webber, of, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situated lu Jefferson township. Butler coun ty. Pa., b-ju-ided as follows, to-wlt: Ou the north by Joseph Baker, S. Cypher and John lioenlgk. cast by heirs of Michael McFaddeii, south by heirs of A Kreder'ck aud John Gal lager and on the west by M. tl. Byerly and Mrs. Neely; containing fifty six (M) acres, more or less, together with all and singular the buildings, improvements, woods, ways, rights, liberties, privileges, belonging there to. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Margaret Webber, W. D. Webber, at the suit of E. Brandon, guardian. E. I>. No. 35 and 36, March Term, 1006. A. M. Christley, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Barbara Elien Sparluger, William Sparlnger, Hrubry E. Sparlnger, of. In and to all that certain piece or lot of land situated In Wash ington towushlp, Butler couuty. Pa., bound ed as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stone orner by lands of William Holland; thence south 35 deg east llfty-uine and two-tenths 10] perches to a chestnut tree; thence also by lands of William Holland south #T» deg east forty-two and tnree-tenths 1.42 3-101 pen lies to a stone pile; tnence north sO'.i dec west eighty six and five-tenths [s«s a-luj perches to a post by lands of .V Beck;thence north 20 deg West eighty seven (-7) perches to a post'.-v lauds of r. I'. Holland; thence south tij deg east thirty-eight and seven tenths CtH 7-10) perches to a post; and thence changing bearing north eleven and two tenths (112 1") perches to a stone pile und the place of beginning; and containing twenty rnur (24) acres and one hundred and twerity r.lne (I2ii) perches, be the san.e more or less, and having thereon erected a two stor> board dwelling house, board stable anil out building. most ly cleared, orchard thereon. Seized ana taken in execution as the prop erty of Barbara Ellen Sparlnger, William Sparluger, Krubry Spsrlnger at the suit of Miss It'.se E. Auams, for use Ilutler Savings A. Trust Co., now for use J I'. Graham. J. V. Graham. E. D. No is. March Term, IMS, W. D. Brandon, Attorney, All the right, title, lnteres'. and claim of Wilson Graham, of. In and to all that certain piece or parcel of laud situated in Cranberry uiwnshlp, Butler county, I'a.. bouuaed as follows, to-wit; Beginning at a cherry tree on the bank of Brush creek; thence south sixty-five degrees west sixty-four perches to a white oak; thence south eighty-seven de grees west one hundred and fifteen perches to a post; t hence north llfteen degrees west one hundred and fourteen perches to a white oak; thence north etglil seven degree-, east ninety-eight perches to Brush creek; thence up the same bv the meanders south 04 deg east thirty-seven perches south Is deg east, fourteen perches; thence south 2] deg east llfteen and one-half perches south .10 deg e*st twenty-three perches; thence 25 deg east twenty-live perches to the place of Ihi glnning and containing one hundred (100) acres, tie the same more or less. Seized and taken in execution an the prop erty of Wilson Orabam. at the suit of Philip l>. Oeibach. E. I>. No. 15, March Term, l'JOfl, Jackson ft Trout man. Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of F.dward Mohr or Kdwln Mohr, of. hi and to all that cer-alu piece or lot of land situated In llutler borough. Butler county, I'a., Ix.illiiliU as follow s, to-wlt: Knirlunlnj( at a point on the south aide of Milllln fc' reet, at lire- of lot No. It In the William Vogeley heirs plan of lots 1M said borough; thence In an easterly direction along Jiilllln street tlfty-one ('>o feet to we»i line of lot No. 1«; thence In a southerly direction along said lot ninety.eight and 11-100 feet to an alley: thence In a westerly direction along alley tlfty (501 feet to lot No. 14; thence In a no) ilierly direction along sain lot one huml rwtltl and 4-10 feet to .Milllln street, the place of beginning; having erected a frame, slate roof. duelling house, and frame barn, and being lot No. la. In the William Vogeley belli plan of lot*as recorded In I'ced liook iB7, page 4!KI, being the same premises that were granted and conveyed unto Edwin Mohr by Chas. N. Dannlsori, et >!.*, by their deed d-ttcd Nov. 5, lUCC, recorded In Deed Book No. 215, page K;. Seized and tuken In execution the prop erly of Edward Mohr or Edwin Mohr at the suit of The Mutual Guarantee Jlulldlng .* Loan Assn. E. I). No. is. March -Term, 1900. Stephen Camming*. Attorney. All the right, tlt!e, lisle,osV «nd claim of \V. Clyde Oruhbs, adm'r cum testamento of .( C. \Vallaee. dee'd., of. In and to all that certain plocn or parcel of land sit ated In I'eim and llutler townships, liutler county* I'a., bounded as follows, to-wlt: All tho un dltlded one-eighth (\j In all that certain tract. situated paitly In the township of i'enn, In the county or liutler. and partly In Ihe township of iltitler, In the county of liutler, and state of Pennsylvania, boundeu i and described lis follows, to-wlt: Heglnnlng at a crab free; thence by lot No. -00, west 3uo pi-f'lies to a point; thence t>y lot No 211 V nor th —>t perches to a white oa% tree; thence by land not yet surveyed; Uusl SOU perches to an oak l t lieuce l.y lot 287 south Hltsj perches to the place of beginning; containing three iiundreil acres anil eighteen perches atid al lowance, being same lund W. Walla' •*, died, selze'i of. see hi* will recorded In Will Hook J. page 170. Together with all and singular tin- liulldlngs, Improvement*, way*, waters and water courses, rights, liberties, prlvclege*. hereditaments and appertan euces whatsoever belonging to above de- I si-rltied property a* In said mortgage pro vided. Seized and taken In execution us the prop erty of W. (.'lyiie 11 rubhH. administrator cum lehlameuto of J. *'• Wallaee, dee'd., at the suit of llanmib L. Wallace and Annie L. ; Wallace. E. I>. Nos. 3S rmd March Term, I WW. W. I). Ilrandon, Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of It. .1. Miller, who survives Jacob M. Miller, IUC .1., of in and to all that i i rtaln piece or tract of lund situated In Adams townsh'p, Kutler county. I'a hounded foilAws, t'o wlt: lleglnnliif at tho northwest corner of tract at a post; thence north 52% deg east along lancis of Marhurger heirs 4'.i ;tl-100 prrchostoa hickory tr»-<'; thence south % di g west 7.V100 perches along lands of J. E. ('ashdollar to a atone; thence south H.'ti di g wi st 4H «.>-leu along lands of Marhurger heirs io a stone; thence north V deg east 15 75-100 perches along lands of John K ufman to a post.thf pliue of tK-glnnlng; containing il acr*». more or lf»s. AL"U of. In and to all that rerlaln pleco orlotof land situated lit <'all«-ry borough, llutler county, I'a.. Itounded as follow*, to wlt: On the north by lot of , on the east by Mars and Evans City public road, on me south by lot or vv. 11. Scott, end on the went by I'. A W. or 11. <». K. It uud bal - ing thereon erected a dwelling houso. ».:lr«-rl and taken ki ejiecullou a* the prop erty of it. J. Miller, who survives Jacob fi. Miller, dee'd.. at the suit of Itachel Warran, now for use. W. 11. Miller, now for u»e. H. I'. No. 9, March Term. 1808. F. J. Forqusr, Attoruey. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Bobt. or k Q Marshal I. of, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situated In Al'egaeiv town*ni{i, ifrutler county, I'a,. luuti lea uu follows. to-Wtt: On t hi- no;th by land of Emlenton Lumber Co., ea*t t>y Alle- , gh'uy river, south by lands of Kevmonds. and on the west by lands ot W. T. t rawford heirs; contalnt.ig 7s acres, more or le»*. about 'A) u< re* rlnareil and havlug erected thereon a bouse and tiarn. Seized and taki-n In execution as tho prop- or U. U. Manhall at the suit of £. DJSa lit W, QJ.o*k 1 A,; ' *• 1 *|if r tUlo. Int*re»: and cls-Ut of A MartTa or A M. Bsrr. of, ti. and to all that cwrtaiD piece or lot of lurid situated In Mar* liorougli. Butler county. Pa.. bound od as follow*, to-wlt: On tbe north 5" feet by an alley, east 140 feet by lot of 1. S. Jordan, south s»> feet hy a »tro«t. and ou tbe west 140 feet by lot of Elder Crawford, and having erected thereon a two story frame dwelling house and outbuilding* Seized and taken In execution us the prop- • erty of A. Martin Harr or A. M. Barr at the suit of The Mars National Bank, fc.. D. No 4'i March Term. 1900. Jas. B- McJunkiu, Attorney. ' All the right, title, interest and claim of Mrs. 11. S. Mechlins. 11. S. Mechllng. and ' Mabel O. Mechllng. of. in and to all that ccr- I tain piece or parcel or lot of land situated in Butler township, Butler county, l'a.. bound ed as follows, to-wit: On the north by laud of Uerberdinj and of Buiford, east by a private eleven (11) foot alley, south by a twenty C*>) foot alley and on the west by Wllklus avenue, and fronting sixty-five (tk>) feet six (6) inches along said Wilklns ave.. and sixty-four [64] feet five [sl Inches along • said private alley, and one hundred and ' seven [lo7f feet *ix [G] inches aloug said twenty foot alley, having a two story I frame dwelling house erected thereon, and ; lieingtlie sauie lot of ground conveyed to j Mabel e< a Book No. -14. page -'43 of the records of the said county of Butler, Pa Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Mrs. H. 8. Mechllng, H. 8. Mechllng and Mabel G. Mechiing at the suit of G. 8. Gahagan. for use. E. D. No. 4>. March Term. 100 G. Jas. B. Mc- Junkin. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of \Y. Smith and Henry V. Crawford, of, in and to all that certain piece or tract of land sit uated in Winlleld tounship. Kutler county, l'a.. lioucded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a white oak; thence bv lands formerly of Wtn. IK-nny now Burns SS deg west 73V4 perches to a uost, a corner of now or former ly Tliomsa Duffs lauds; tbeace along said lands 2 deg west one hundred and twenty perches to Rough Run creek: thence along said cieek and down the same Its several courses to the line formerly of Edward Cypher: thence along said line of Cypher and others south V, deg east 11(5 per to the place of beginning; containing some fifty four l">4] acres and ninety-two [93] perches of land t>e the same more or less, upon which said land is erected a two story frame dwelling house, small tarn and other out buildings, and being the same tract of land conveyed by Wm. B. Clymer to Wm Smith by deed dated Nov. ittth, A. D. 1*54. sec Deed Book No. 1, page 0, of the records of the said county of Butler, Pa. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty of Mis. Isabella Smith. Grant Smith. George W. Smith and Henry Y. Crawford at the suit of Mrs. Caroline Keck. I. D. Nos. 33 and litf, March Term, IWO6. W, D. Brandon, Attorney. All the right, title. Interest and claim of R. J. Miller, who survives Jacob M. Miller, dee'd., of, In and to all that certain piece or tract of land situated in Adams township. Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wlt: Begiunlng at the northwest corner of the tract at lire of Ellas Irvine; thence north 00 deg east 116 IX-100 perches along lands of Marburger helrsnhence along lanOo of same parties north 51 a deg east 30 91-lOn porches; thence south 1 dee west 123 32-100 perches to lands of Wellington Irvine; thence south S3Ji deg west 107 21-100 perches aloug lands of said Irvine, and Mont Martin; thence north 21! j deg west 00 110-100 perches along the I'. A W. K. R; thence north 59H deg east ."> y-10 perches along lauds of Ellas Irvine; thence by same nortli Sssi deg west X 'J-J-100 perches to place of beginning; con taining 00 acres, more or less, together with the improvements. Seized and taken in execution afc the prop erty of R. J. Miller, who survives Jacob 51. Miller. Uec'd., at the suit of Rachel Warren, now for use, W. 11. Miller now for use. TERMS OK PALE—The following must be strictly compiled with when property Is stricken down. L When the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens. Includ ing mortgage searches on the property sola together with such lien crodltor s receipt" for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must oe furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid la full, i. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until one o'clock. P. M., of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold a 1 '•lie expense and risk of tbe person to whom first sold. "see Purdon'a Digest, oth edition, page tw. an I Smith's Forms, page 354. ALEX. MfCl NE CAMPBELL, Shsrlff. tfiiariff's Offlso. Butler. Fa.. Fell. 7. lMCti. REGISTER'S NOTICES' " The Register hereby gives notice that the following accounts of executors, adminis trators and guardians have been filed In his office according to law, and will bo pre sented to Court for confirmation and allow ance on Saturday, the 10th day of March. 1000. at 0 A. M.. of said day: 1. Final account of B. L. Hockenberry, guardian of Gertrude May Duulap. nilnur i of W. W, Duulap, deceased.lata of West Sunbury. 2. Final account of J. A. Jolly, adminis trator of S. S. Jolly, deceased, late of Venun go township. 3. Final account of W. U. Shrader, euar dian of John M. Shrader, minor child of Kate . fhrader. deceased, late of Beaver Co., I'». 4. Final account of E. M. Tannebill. ad ministrator of Joseph Tamiehlll. deceased, late of Vonango township. 5. Final account of T. C. Lee, administra tor of Bertha .B. McGee, deceased, late of Ilutler borough. 0 Final account of F. I'. Mcßrido oxecu tor of Timothy Klley. deceased, late of Clearfield township. 7. Eighth partial account of J. M. Mcßur ney, trustee, under the will of George A Wsnzel, deceased, late of Zelleuople, I'a. H. Final account of Amanda Cooper, ad ministratrix of Zebtilon Cooper, deceased, late of Worth township. Final and dlstributlou account of Oscar It. McClung, administrator of Bobert Mc- Clung, deceased, late of Butler township. 1«. Final account of M&nnetta Blair, ad ministratrix of Joseph F. Blair, deceased, late of Cranberry township. 11. Final account of I. F. Shearer, admin istrator of W. E. Barker, deceased, late of Huffalo township. 12. Final account of S. O. Humphrey and Win. 11. Humphrey, executors of John Hum phrey, deceased, late of Butler lioro. 13. Filial account of James Q. Alexander, administrator of C. t'. Badger, deceased, late of Brady township. 11. Final account of Butter Emerlck, guar dian of Verna Weitzel. minor child of Eliza beth Weltzel. deceased late of flutler horo. 15. Final accounts of Ethyl N . McAdoo, ad r;lnii;ratrix of Geo K. McAdoo, deceased, late of Butler borough. lti. Final account of W. Henry Wilson, ex ecutor of John Halslon, deceased, late of ilijipery rock Uiwnshlp. 17. Final account of Naomi L. Wailace and Edwin Meeder, executors, of James Wallace, deceased, lute of Zellenople borough. Is. Final account of George King, and Frederick liohr. administrators of Frederick Mohr, deceased, lute of Cranberry township. 18 Final account of Daniel Duffy, execu tor of John DutTy, deceased, lute of Marlon township. IM. Final and distribution account of A. E. Uussel. executor of J. E. Kyssvl l . deceased, late of Butler borough. -I Flt;al HCCGUnt of H. E. Dambach, and C. F Dambach, executors of Henry Dambnch. deceased, late of Zellencgile borough. 22. Flnul account of (ieo. A Fleming, ad ministrator of Edwardtf. Fleming, deceased, lute ot llutTulo township. £l, Final account of Amos Stewart, admin istrator of Christopher Stewart, decease J. late of Donegal township. zt. Final account of beroy Dourldson. ex ecutor of Nancy Donaldson, deceased, late of Concord township. 3f>. Flnul account of William it. Nolf, ad ministrator «'f Wllilaiu Nolf, deceased, late ot liuflulo township. Kllia.l »(?couiit of Flavins OeoDT, fttl nilfil»tmt')r of W. Dt'jiny, deccftHed, late of Wlittit'M U>wriitblp. 27. FIMMI account of John Ferguson, trim too to anil the roul entfitu <»f .loliu Cooper, late of Adaum towutihlp. Hecond partial account of C«eorgo Mar tin. testamentary trustee In the e»tate of Wtlllaiu Douthett, deceased, late of Fuvward town&hlp. Final and dlsti (Uutloa of Sarah ( 'arADbell, ratrlz of MarKaret l>au du< uaked. lain of Parker township. Final account of Bar nil Ann Denny, ad mlnWtratrix of John Demny, deceased, late of Wloflcld townnhlp. 81. Final account of A. Kllpatrlclc and H. Kjle, executors of Margaret («laMgow, de ceased, late of Middlesex township* ' 38. First aiX'ount of l*. J. and Johu Spohn, executors of John Spohn, Sr., deceased, late oftiurnmlt township. Final account of Porter Wilson, execu tor of lieortfe Wilson, dcceaaed, late of Oak land township *i I - Final account of K»»bert M* A uderson, exei'ut! r (>f Mat lie w li. Kowan, deceased, late of Peon township. &>, Final account of Wru. J Pa« o•, adrnin lstriitor of Arnold Vorpt?, dec«*a-,«-i. late of Middls«*'x township. 30. Final account of John 8* Wick, icuar- I dian of (ins ti. Forquer, minor « hlld of I Joseph Forquer. docnansd, late of Clay twp. Si Flual account of H. U. Frschlilitf and A ugutt Freehling,ex4K'utor» of (Jaspwr 1 reeh* | ling, deceased, late ot Winlirld to«v.;thip. i '.la. Flual account of J M. UunMon. guar- I dian of Wil*lam I]. Hi>n4<*n. minor child of James l{. Benson, deceased, lute of iJouegal I town»h)p. '.i'J Final and distribution account of Ira lieahm, administrator of Caspar Beahni, de ceas< d f late «»f Jackson township 40. Final account of Johu N. Hfle and Ciartfuce Walker, executors of lien. Manietli, deceased, late of llutler borough. 11. Final account of W. n Btiae, adminis trator of Mary Falen, deceased, lato of Hra dy township 4'. Final account of Stephen t ummings and Boil fcjltcheli, < secutorsof I-. /. Mitcn e|!. late of Itutler InirouKh. i-t. Final account of J. F Hcot*,, adminis trator of Francis M. Hcott, deceased, late of Lam aster township. 44. Final account *»f J. V* Kills and L>. Lktdln, executors of Mrs. Aramlnia Masseth* df'ceasud, late of llutler borough. POKTEK WILSON, JUeglster AD MIN |g TP ATOR'S NOTICE Letters of adtuinistrniion on the es tate of Albert I. Raletou, dee'd., late of Franklin township, But ler county, Penn'a., havinK Iwen grunted to the andersißned, all persons knowing theuiselvea indebted to said estate will please make itnuiediato pay meet, and any having claims against said estate will present thetn daly authenticated for settlement to EVA KALSTON, Adin'x, K. F. D. 44, Pruspect. Pa. p:. L. KaUton, Att'y. Regulating and Polishing I'lano Tuning by PROF MKUIUAM, ex pert tuner. llotel Wlllard, !il» Federal St., AHt-Kbeny. VIKOIMA I'AltM ItAKOAIS I JIOW buys 6-ai:re poultry and gard n farm, ul ely located ou the Kouthern Hallway;' V'KIII markets, bestof soil, climate and water level and fri'e from rocks and swamp*. SELECTING AFAVORITE! ) That's what most of the well groomed men of Butler and vicinity have done— j selected The Ideal Clothing and Hat Parlors as their favorite shop for this season's newest and smartest garments. The Famous Washington Co.'s Suits and Overcoats for Particular Men. j SUlTS—Prices SB.OO. SIO.OO. $15.00 and up to #25.00. OVERCOATS—Prices SB.OO, SIO.OO, $15.00 and up to $35.00. These garments will retain their shape, fit your figure and sustain your reputation as | a good dresser. Give us a call and inspect our goods. Men of good taste wear Stetson & Ideal Hats. Prices range from $1 to $5. | BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. 1 Our Boys' and Children's Suits were never so complete as they are now. Children's | Suits from $2 to $7. Children's Overcoats from $2 50 to SB.OO. NOTICE—AII Clothing Sold by Us Cleaned and Pressed FREE. | Ideal GlotHing AND iHat Parlors. j 228 South Main Street. j B. & B. NEW SUITS for women, misses and girls. Women's Suits, $15.00 to $85.00, Misses' Suits, $13.50 to $70.00. Girls' Suits, SIO.OO to $25.00 We have always given a great deal of thought and atten tion to the selection of our Suits, and have found much satisfaction in the results ob tained. This year we determined to surpass the best we have ever don? —we believe we've suc ceeded —the Suits we chose as a medium to win your further preference we hope you will see. They are Etons, Pony Coats and tight fitting Jackets. Greys and other fashionable shades in all the new materials solid colors, Mixtures, Checks, Stripes, etc. Especially good showing of Women's Suits, at $25.00 and $35.00. Largest assortment Misses' Suits, $18.50 and $25.00—10r Girls, $12.50 and $18.50. Boggs & Bulil ALLKGHENT, PA. rAIIF AND EXAMINE |>V/ItIC Our New Goods ; .v» ii if you're not ijiuite ready to buy. it v. ill Hive you au idea as to wbat'e no itiK to be worn and how much it will ccat. Some of our best cnatouiera ronie In two or three times before luakinc a fir' it decision. THINKING IT OVER assists their selection in a more ealis fa< r.ory uiauuer. Some prefer aecidinjf at once, and either way pleases ns We're sore you'll like the new suitings we're now showinK and waut you to get in and get an early pick. WM. COOPER, LEADING TAILOR, Cor. Diamond. Butler* Pa NOTICE. In the natter of the potltjon tor amendment i of tb# charter of the H. h. U. No L'nlted Presbyterian March T . i)Wo. Oburch, of Butler. Pa. Notice I* hereby flren that In pursoance of an application to the Court nf l oinnion I'leaa of Hu»ler cuuuty by the Trust**, of Ili<- Presbyterian church of Bm er, Pi tinsylTaula. for ieavi- Ki have the' '"ha'ter unj'-nrJ»d. The Court flied Man li 3th. I **>. at> p. m. for liearliiK »»ld appllciitlou where all persons /WwfWye CAMPBELL ' S GOOD FURNITURE ifc V I The New Spring E ICarpets and Rugs! g Are ready for your approval, Never g H before has this store had such an g| cellent gathering of floor coverings, jg^ ! 9x12 WILTON RUGS IS allf Red, tan and green grounds in floral medallion or set patterns suitable for parlor, dining room or library. |gS *53 Price $39.00. ys* g - jg jlj, BODY BRUSSELS RUG jj jgs| Oriental and medallion patterns in tan, red orgs >§3 green grounds. One of the most serviceable rugs you ps jj§} can buy for dining rooms or libraries. jg, " Price $28.00. jg m — '— 8 I Alfred A. Gamobell| Jury List for April Term. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel this 17th Redick & Grohman? / PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS ? C 109 North Main St., S c Butler, P.i. ) Do \ 4iii WMI t«> Bay a F«rni? If so we have them at all prices; our i cw farm catalogue will IK- mailed to yon on ap 111 leal Ion: let us send you one. 8. \ Till >MP bO.\ CO.. Third I'l -<>r. :#*' Times Klilldlng. no Fourth are., Pittsburg. Want Small Farm We have customer* for furn.s from 10 to . 0 acres. What have you to offer? AMERICAN REAL ESTATE CO. 1 looms :wu. Sll fourth avo., Pittsburg. I'a. M A (Jill N i:UY HA ILB-UK AM S Concrete Mixers. Boilers. Engines, Machli e Tool*. Tee Ralls. Reams. Columns. Pipe Plates. It lowers. Corrugated Bhei. IS. Cash paid for Scrap Iron and Sletals. HOW I k IU) WES. River ave.. Allegheny. Pa. I'hoots North. ADMINISTRATORS' NOT'CE Letters of nd ministr*tion on the.-t -:«J of Miss Elizabeth Patterson, dee d . lute of Slippery rock. IJutler 00, P* > hav ing been granted to the nuderhiped, all person* knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will piwent them duly authenticated for settlement to MRS. MARY A. VINCENT, Adm Slippery rock, fa. W. D. BRANDON, Att'R EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate ox! Elizabeth Scott, dee'd, lateof Middlesex ti> Hntler Co.. Pa.. having been grant ed the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having cluing against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to SAMCF.I, A. LF.SI.IE I'x'r.. K. F D. 23, Valencia. P*. JAMES B. MCJUNKIN. Alt y.