Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 01, 1906, Image 1

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And with Spring comes to BROWN A: CD's, k!
M the largest—most complete—and exclusive line of Fi
fA of Furniture and Carpets we have ever shown. k
Lj We have been particularly careful in the n
ft selection of every piece of Furniture, and by April I
M let we expect to show you a store full of the best M
money can buy. Fi
Our Carpets are all new—much of the stock k
in Brussels goods having only recently arrived, w
{ The order for these goods having been made m
► previous to our advertised reduction sale on f 4
* Carpets—you will now have opportunity of a r,
great saving of money for your Spring floor cover- k*
| ings, as they will be sold at much less than regu- rJ
< lar price along with our elegant line of Ingrain k
► Carpets, which we offer you at cost. Think of tne M
! saving just at the season when you will need the P
goods. Our liberal offer should bring you direct L .
to this store. Don't fail to avail yourself the sav- F
ing we offer. •
[| BROWN &■ CO. f;
No. 136 North Main St., Butler. pt
New Spring White Goods,
Superb Line New Embroideries,
Jhe Unrivalled Assortment of Butler.
If yon are mwrutod io thp finest, best and largest line of white goods
and etc broideries in Botler. tnea po this store for we have just re
ceived and opened the Jiandsoment and most extensive line of new
and Cambric Embroideries and Insertions, India Linen*, Persian pawns.
Jfainaook#, Batiste. Chiffons plain and dotted Swisses and hundreds of
patterns in fanoy Naipaocjcs, Madras and Mercerized Weaves
Bc, 10c, lSjc, 15c, lHc. 35c, 85c to 75c yard
A special lot Embroideries worth 12* cto 200, this week at So, 100 and
12& C yard.
An immense assortment of finer ones at 18c, 25c, 85c, 75c.
Jlaw all-over Embroideries 35c to $3.00. %
ftew Mixlalliong. Val and Torchon Laces, all the very newest designs.
We are makinK a specialty of this department. Don't fail to see them
before commencing yonr spring sewing. j?
Ladies' Home Journal
Booka now here.
goxm tuanuan » QQ4 t
ISTJSKS^OI E8 1 Samples sent on request.
* \
I Duffy's Store
I Not one bit too early to think of that new Carpet, or
■ perhaps you would rather have a pretty Rug—carpet
I size. Well, in either case, v/e can suit you as pur Car
■ pet stock Is one of the largest and best assorted in But-
H ler county. Among which will be found the following:
H Heavy two and three ply fisc per yd and np
■ Best cottoD chain 50c per yd and op
Simply no wear ont to these $1.85 yd
H Light mad#. Jjijt very Oood 65c per yd np
■ Body and Tapestry Brussels, Half and All Wool Ingrains. Kj
H Prettiest Carpet made, aa durable too $1.35 H
■ RAG CARPETS, Oennine old-fashioned weave. Eg
I MATTING, Hemp and Straw. P
H Axminster Hugs. Beantiog too. *2,' each and up K
H Brussels Rnics, Tapestry ana Body lilt each and n( B
■ Ingrain DrngKets. All and Half Wool $5 each and np H
Linoleums, Inlaid and Common, al) widths and grades Bg
H Oil Cloths, Floor, Table, Shelf and Stair. EE
H Lice Curtains. Portiers, Window Shades, Curtain Poles; Small Hearth H
H Rugs, all slyles and sizes.
I Duffy's Store. I
You can save money by purchasing your piano of
W. . NEWTON, "The Piano Man."
The expense of running a Music Store is as follows:
Rent, per
Clerk, per annum $312.00
Lights, Heat and incidentals . . . $194.00
Total , , , , , . . . f . $12«6.0Q
I have no store and oan save yon this expense when yon buy of me.
I sell pianoe for cash or easy monthly payments. I take pianos or orgaus in
exchange and allow you what they are worth to apply on the new instrument
All pianos fully warranted as represented.
A few of the people I have sold pianos in Bntler. Ask them.
Dr. MeCurdy Bricker
Pred Porter
fraternal Order Eagles
Epwortli League
E. W. Bingham
Qeo. D. High
W. J. Mates
J. S Thompson
Joseph Woods
G M McKuo
A. W Boot
Miss Eleanor Barton
Mrs. Mary L. Stronp
W. C Currv
F. J. Hauck
Miss Emma Hughes
A. W. Mate*
W. Williams
Mrs, B. O. Rnmbatjgh
Chas E Herr
Subscribe for the CITIZEN
Dr. W. P. McElroy
Sterling Clnb
D V. Reed
Woodmen of the World
H. A. McPherson
Miss Anna McCandless
£. A. Black
Samnel Woods
Oliver Thompson
John Johnson
B. A. Long well
J. Hillgard
J E. Bowers
C. F. Stepp
W. J. Armstrong
Miles Hilliard
Mrs. 8. J. Oreen
J, R Douthett
E. K. Richey
L. 8. Vouch
>We have bought a ) fill <
property for f (®JvßVv"i"v )
! A SIO.OOOI Jsra d " s
\ We are going to raise the $lO 000.00 before that time if possible. To /
{ do this we find it necessary to red sice and sacrifice nnr overloaded stock \
) of Men's Bovs". and Children's Suits and Overco its retfardl-M of cost, f
CWe certainly mean it. We were never known to advertise anything we ;
} cannot prodnce. A trnthfnl advertisement has much weight to on. i
/ character and business. We do and always will maintain them both \Ve J
j will not quote prices as space will not permit, but to those who b a e \
attended onr sales in tbf past nothing need be said or prices quoted The /
v above announcement is enough to convince yon that we mean business C
f A few minutes of vour time and we can easily prove to you what an ex /
( traordinarv opportunity this is for yon to save your hard earned money \
J Yon call'-w will do the rest A legitimatea«l\.— ai legitimate /
C sale-is at your disp. sal and approval. Avail yourself of the opportnnl- J
ity is all we ask of you Yours is all the gain. Ours is all the losa. Call
/ and be convinced.
J .. I
Window Display—and seek information—You'll get it
| Douthett & Graham. I
H Great Bargain Sale. H
An immense Stock of Seasonable Footwear to be
closed out in order to reduce our extremely pj
kl large stock
W Bigßargains in All Lines. m
Ladies' Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers, price *l.2s—reduced to . 75c
Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes, price * 1.50-redneed to *I.OO II
Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes, price #1 25-reduced to .......... &>c "1
One lot Ladies' 350 Hand tarn and Hand-welt Shoes reduced to 2.2;j WA
One lot Ladies' 3 00 Fine Patent Leather Shoes, button or lace, *
A reduced to •.• ■
One lot Ladies' $2.50 Fine Dongola Patent tip Shoes reduced to l.o> WA
One lot Ladies'l.so Fine Dongola Patent tip Shoes reduced to 1.10 im
A One lot Children's Fine Shoes, sizes 4to 8, reduced to 45c
One lot Infanta's Fine Shoes, sizes oto 4, reduced to lJc WA
M Mens Fine Box-calf, Vici-kid and Patent Leather Shoes. __ I X
M regular price 50 and s4.oo—red need to
Men's WoikinK Shoes, regular price $2.00-reduced to. .• •••• J-40 WA
One lot Boys' Fine Satin-calf Shoes, regular price I.so—red dto 1.00 . C
One lot Men's Fine Slippers rmluced to 40c
A Ladies' Lamb wool Insoles, regular price 25c—reduced to l->c WA
« Misses'and Children's Lamb-wool Insoles, regular price 20c-at »c »
>1 All Felt Boots and Overs, all Stockings and pj
A Overs, Warm-lined Shoes aDd Slippers, also balance L I
M of our stock of Leggins and Over-Qaiters to be in- Mrl
eluded in this GREAT BARGAIN SALE «
i Sole Leather and Shoemakers' Supplies. fej
Repairing Piomptly Done.
4 128 S Main St. f BUTLER, PA.
J w g
/Qx T LCK / -M
New buildings, new rooms, elegant new equipment. excellent courses of
study, best of teachers, expenses moderate, terms VERY LIBERAL!
Over $2,000 00 worth of new typewriters in use (allowing advanced students
from 3 to 4 hours' practice per day), other equipment in proportion'
Wlutet- Term, Jau JfMXJ. Soring I erin. April 2, 1000.
Positions secured for our worthy «raduates. V iaitor« always welcome:
When in Butler, pay ns a visit. Catalogue and other literature mailed on ap
plication. MAY ENTER ANY TIME.
A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa
| Fall and Winter Millinery. |
Everything in the line ot Millinery can be found,
•F the right thing at the right time at the right price at •$!
tj? W
Phone 656. M 8 S. Main St. ||
7WEN ? ~ /
• f > ws f '
Won't buy clothing for the purpose ot f Ii
spending money They desire to get the j
best possible results of the money expended.
Those who buy cnutom clothing hay? a |j»_j , \ *•
right to demand a tit, to have their clothes
correct in style and to demand of the
seller to guarantee everything. Come to
ns and there will be n jthini; lacking. I yr4 v y
have just received a large stock of Spring i > \ , ' '
and Summer suitings in the latest styles, \"' y • ,! ij t
shades and colors. "" \ ? ~ ii fl I
142 N.Main St. f RutKr,Pd . '
| Heme Waste |
l| Than any other Washer^
l J. Ci. & W. CAMPBELL, f
Schedule in effect Jan. 1, lOOG
Trai 3 lea> e BUTLER as follows:
F r MJ.-vrhenj'and way E>t%i».> ;■», 6:15 and 10.35 a
*r.. and 4.;! > i> m. u .-k 7.J0 a. m. aid 5. 0
p. m. Saoda} .
K »r Pitt*burg aud way statlous S.iO a. m. and 2..W i*.
m. *e<*k 'lays.
For B afrarille Intrroctioo, Aitooaa, Harriftburp,
Philadelphia and the K**t.6.ls and 10-35 a m. and
2JSO V. in %V k day*; 720 a. in MID.I IV,.
as follows: -
For Buffalo BAO a.m. we*>k <iav-; 7.20 a, m. Suu
For Redßank and "il < itr, 6.15, 8.40, 10.35 a. m.
and 4.J0 p. m. wstk days; 7.20 a. m. and 5.05 p. in.
F< r Kittanning and way Ktations &15and 10.35
in. and 4JM |». m. week days; 7.20 a. ni. and 505
p. m. Sundays
Foi detailed iuformatioi?, apply to ticket agent or
addreos Tho*. E. Watt, I aaa. Apt. Western Oifltrict,
:trto VifYb Pfftsb'ir*, Ph.
Gen*l Manager. Paw ,'r Traffr Manager.
f>KO W BoYl). G-neral Paa»enger Afteet.
b K .v P it iu
Time table in effect Nov. 19, 1905
Paseenfjer trains leave and arrive at
Bntler as follows:
7:30 a. in., mixed for Pnnssutawney,
Du Bois and intermediate stations.
10:33 a. m. daily, vestibuled day ex
press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford,
week days, for Rochester.
5:.>0 p. m. local for Punx'y, Dn Bois
and intermediate stations.
11:31 p. m. night express for Buffalo
and Rochester.
6:10 a. m. daily, night express from
Buffalo and Rochester.
9:30 a.m. week days, accomodation
from Dußois.
4:50 p.m. daily, vestibuled day express
from Buffalo. Has connection at Ash
ford week days from Rochester.
8:07 p.m. week days, mixed train
from Du Bois and Punxsntawney.
C Trains leave the B. & O. Station,
Pittsburg for Buffalo and Rochester
at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.. and for local
points as far as Dußois daily at 4:20 p.
m. week days.
TIME TABLE in effect September 17th, 1905.
(Read up) Daily Except Sunday (Reatldown)
ToTIi 112 | OTATIONS | ®I II I 13
p.ni.p.m.p.m.l SIAHUHH. i a m .a m.'p.m.
10 oal 4 00l 3 oaßuffqlo(ritU.«A) : 3 4?> 10 (io"2 0o
p. in. p. in. a. in. | ,H. in. p. in. p. in.
7 i:t| 1 43i10 2 > ! Erie. 1 7 o'i 1 ox 4 .'.7
C 51 JlO oi Fuirview 7 29! B
ti 1U( l u: a 45) Ciirard 7 4lt 1 4! 5 &S
6 24 ; I 9_27' rraiiesvillo.... I h O«>- r> 4 "
"S -• l iU.!nrur»,Ar..f'«nue«iit.'.t % JiMJ u6 I"
5 i(j;i 2_oiij7 j»o Lv-Oonilpatit -ArjlO 00 1 n 55
Hj! I_• i . u'i ■ Albion iH us ns B u
16 10 fl2 35 fj 11)1 Shad eland !fs 14 tt l»fe 01
6 0712 32! VO7 ...Hpringboro |8)721a 607
0 I'J -JT !) ,jj . I V,1,11t-ul■ IV iljl-... h---lx '• 12
"7 07 12 4-V'j J Ar M i-advi lle"X\ | 7 oil! 1 ■*..'• I M
4 5811 2* 7 SDLv .Meadville. Ar! 9 2'V 3 12 7 07
6 1012 is! S 6J A..<"on't Luke..L\i 7 6"> 2 23 5 2S
8 2 11 6G 7 .V> Lv.fon't iJikc.Ar! 8 5:: 2 45 C 40
5 48 10 5" Vr..Liliesville..Lv 8 27' « 17
T4 112 10' S «*.-ilfadvilß Jet.. I 8 431 237«; 32
is 27 ill 56 8 27' lliirtslown.. f8 57 f2 C 46
B 13 fU 41, 8 12 Osgood. 9 12 f3 03 7 00
5 0".lt 85| 803 Gr< envllie 9 2Uj 3107 OR
5 00 II 2« 7 65 .. ..Sheaango . .. 9 jtf 3 It. 7 15
4 i ll 12 » 8s FMd<»nU„ . 0 4i 832 783
4 28 "0 58| 7 23. .. Mercer 9 .'.B S 48 7 48
402 10 3"> 7CO Grove City 10 23 4HHB 15
13 47 flO 23 n.ra Harrisviile : fSO 38 14 22 p.m.
3 II ID l« I«ruXl• ■ 111<>!i 10 43 I 2-
2 10j 7_05 ..'Lv ..Hilliard _Ar II 30' 617.. .
3 37 io K I Ki'isUT. 10 47. 4 31
3 23 10 02 1 Euclid II 04 4 45
.. .. i I 2> LL>V. KayloE .. Ar lii ID p.M.
"a'ssj' 9 .45f j......- Bill ler ! 11l »0| 5 10) 400
1 is) 815 iLv.Allegheny.Ar| 1 o*l 6
p. in. a. na.! J 'p.m. p. mJp.m.
Train No.l leaving Greenville at 6:17 a. m.;
Bhenengo 6:s4:Fredonl» 7:13; Mercer 7:27; Grove
City 7:50; Kcister 8:17; Butler 9:00, " Tlv Sin
Al'ecMeny «' ]y.~Z t,. »t tjneen
.liinetxin with (f«m* to niid from Kajior, aud
at Branclitoa from Hilliard and Annandalt'.
Train No. 2 leaving Allegheny atß:oo p.m.;
Butler 4:45; Kelfter 6:32: Grove City 6:55; Xfercer
6:21; Frt'donla 6:38; Blienango 6:.55, arrives in
Greenville at 7:00 p. m.; eonnectn at Qneeu
Junction with trains to and from Kayior, and
at Branehion for Milliard.
!•;. M. U'J'l.fcy, K. t). t'OMSTOt'K,
Geueral Manager. Geu'l l'ass. Agent.
Win field K It Co Time Table
IN effect May 29th, 1903.
Leavos W.»t Wlnflald 7 30 2 45
,4 B"KK*vllle .. 745 300
" Iron Bridge 76d 310
Wiafield Junction 8 10 3 25
14 Lane 820 3.&
" Butler Junctlun 8 ld.S 340
Arrive r utler 10 5 OA
Arrive Allt>' bu..y 6 (Hi
Arrive Mtti/nutj, .. 10 tf
Arrive Blalrtvillv.. ... j 1 Qft 642
I.cave Pftteburg 3 05
Lenve IJ'iilrHvillti ■ 7 .50 2 15
14 Allegheny I 8 230
44 Butler | 840 2 30
44 Ulltl'T .. . . j 440
" »«.... ; 10 03 443
** Wlnfleld Junction 110 IS 45C
. 44 Iron Bridge !10 2ft 5««
44 BogipvHl* 10 35 515
Arrive Weet Wlnfleld (10 60 5 90
TrniiiH at Lan«i and Iron Bridge only on Flag to
tak« on or leave off pantongun.
Trai ub Conuectat Butler Junction villi;
Traiim Eaatward for Freeport, Vandcrgrift aud
BlairHvill«< InterHoctlon.
Trains Westward for Natrona,TuiCntutn /yM'glieny
and I'iHfliur;;.
l raiu« Nortiiward lor Saxcoburg, Marwood and But
I Strictly High Grade 1
| Come and see me when |
| you buy; also sheet music |
1 or anything In the music I
I line. |
| W. A. F. GROHMAN, |
* Mnsic instrnctor and Piano Toner, *
x. Next (loor to Y. M C. A,
S People's Phone
fnrnijhed for ail %
tteoasionii. £
Zuver Studio
Has added a full line of
amateur Photo Supplies, Cam
eras, Films, Dry Plates, De
veloper*, Printing out and de
veloping papers.
Anti-Trust Goods
At about one half what
you have been paying.
As good ff not better than
the Trust goods.
2-13 S. Main St. BUtler
j CWjrigltt, 190 S. I.j K. A. IHi it(htad ||^
The up express was due to pass at
1 o'clock, but it did not stop. Graham
would not have been in the office at
all, only he had some money in the safe
and had received orders by wire to
sleep in the station that night.
He did not know how much there
was. It had come in a sealed package,
locked In a small pouch. He knew it
was pay day on the new branch then
building on the Ist, and this was the
"Why can't they send a pay car?"
asked Graham of himself.
'•Too confounded mean," he muttered.
The hours dragged slowly, but Gra
ham found some solace in thinking of
Miss Delaine.
Miss Delaine was from Chicago. She
was visiting the daughter of Silas
Jones, whom she had met at school.
Miss Jones was tall, big and strong;
Miss Delaine was dainty.
Miss Jones, with the advautage of her
boarding school years, dressed well;
Miss Delaine dressed better.
Graham had suddenly felt a peculiar
sensation wjjen Miss Delaine got oft
the local at Naomi. lie knew that Silas
was going to have company. He had
no idea the company was built more
on tho fleeting vision plan than any
"If Silas don't feed that girl up he
will be all out of company," Graham
had said. "She's almost gone now."
Graham was a husky fellow and had
been at Naomi two months when Miss
Delaine appeared. As Graham board
ed with Silas he had an opportunity to
study her well.
"No more turkey hunts while she's
here," he grumbled to himself.
Miss Delaine took the prumble out
of him when she proposed a shoot, and
the three went to the scrubs, and Miss
Delaine brought down live to his three
and Miss Jones one.
Miss Delaine proved to have more
get up and get in her d-iminutive body
than Graham acknowledged in bis five
feet ten. She could box big Miss Jones
all over the barn floor; she could climb
a cherry tree in a light summer frock
and come down as neat as she went
up; she could swim better than Miss
Jones and dive as deep as Graham.
She could play the most charming
\vajtxes and sing the prettiest songs.
She had not beon at Naotnl two weeks
before she was singing In tho choir,
and Graham made the harrowing dis
covery that he sang bass.
So on this night Gtaham consoled
himself by thinking gloomy thoughts
about Miss Delaine.
"I'd be a fool to ask her and a brute
to expect her to accept if I did ask."
He said this with almost a groan.
"Why couldn't it have been Fan?"
Fan was Miss Jones. "But, no; she'll
marry Larklns, and if Miss Deluine
was poor I'd marry her."
He knew she was rich. She had of
ten spoken about "our railroad." James
Delaine was president of the Q. and R.
Disconsolate ho 6 pio k (Hi ids pipe. Ho
in the safe. He kuew the payroll must
be long.
He had read last Sunday s paper a
dozen times and gone off to sleep and
nearly fallen off the ciia'r t \.h«cn i,« hail
tilfei' Vir. 1 :J bau left tho door open
for air'. The night was warm.
"Hello there, young feller!" came a
voice. He turned toward the door and
looked into the barrel of a big revolve^.
"Hold up your bunds"'
"Ei - 4 u(u ag^n't"here," stammered
"Oh, we know that. You keep yer
mouth shut. We'll do the rest."
"I won't submit to robbery, if that Is
what you mean," said Grahatp.
"Robbery, r;hl \\ M n't submit, eh?
WelK young feller, ye d<jn't look much
like a fool. Under the circumstances
I wouldn't ndvise yer to be one even If
ye do know how. I've got two partners
here, and the first yawp out of ye w!U
mean a game o' s?>ootln' Uijj. No,w,
Another fellow came in aud went
through Graham's pockets.
"Now, young feller," said the leader
after Jim had deposited an express re
volver on the table, "Just tell us the
combination to that safe."
"I refuse."
"What did I cay about benr a fool?
Say, V-U give you three minutes to
inake up your mind. You'll either give
us the combination or I'll put a hole
through you. Now, one."
Graham was silent.
Jim was working at the safe- The
third came in and grinned ut the plc
two Graham made.
"Pretty boy," he said.
Graham opened his mouth to speak.
"Ain't no use saylu' anything unless
It's the combination."
"Aw, kill him. We can blow open
the safe."
Graham knew that these ruw» meant
business. They \VQUKI as soon take a
life as eat. He could see his revolver
lying where Jim had placed it.
If only he could divert the leader's
attention while he grabbed his pwu re
volver lie would take a chance. Gra
ham was na coward. He fixed his eyes
on the door, nodding to some imag
inary person behind tho leader. The
bandit laughed.
"See that, Hill? He don't know how
old that trick is. Young feller, that
trick was old before you were born.
Give us another."
"It Is no trick!" shouted Graham. "I
am not afraid of yon, 'ju» dout let that
bear Ifl
li looked frightened. The one call
ed Hill looked. Graluim had moved a
few steps forward.
"Are you goin' to open that safe?"
"I tell you to iilin," said Bill.
"IIe"« tried to fool us twice. No bear
Graham could see the desperado
growing blacker. J,Io kuew that after
he had opened the safe for them they
would shoot him to prevent Identifica
tion. It had been done many times be
He resolved to sell his life fighting
father than yielding. He suddenly
darted toward ills revolver, but the
leader was too quick, He bad been
expecting that. The revolver was sim
ply a lure. He fired, and Graliaiu fell
with a bullet iu his side.
"Now, Lang you, If you want a show
for your life give us the combination."
Graham was gasping. Ho was wait
ing for the next shot that would kill
Suddenly there was a sharp crack—
the smashing of Klnss—another—and
another. Tho leader was down, with a
bullet In his heart, shot through the
buck. Jim lay writhing near the
*af«. Bill had pitched forward uu<J
was grasping the side for support.
Then an apparition api>eared at the
A bit of a pirl stood there, her face
white, a rifle in her bands. She was so
small slie looked like a child. Graham
saw her.
'•You—you, Miss Delaine—at half past
1? How—how"—
She calmly pazed at the result of her
lightning work.
"To tell you the truth, I was afraid
and came here to sleep. After you left"'
—she was examining his wound while
she spoke— ' Charley Jones came over on
horseback and said Mr. Jones' brother
was dying. I was out In the orchard,
and they could not find me and thought
probably I was with you. I returned
to the bouse and could not get in. I
had left my key in the house. I man
aged to get a window open and went
in that way, but I was afraid to go to
sleep. I could sit up without fear, be
cause I always feel safe with my rifle.
But I was dead tired after the dance
last night, and I wanted to sleep. I
thought I'd risk the talk and come here.
It was nearest. I heard the shot and
knew you were in trouble. I ran and
got here just in time. Can you run the
"I guess so," he said feebly.
"Wire to order that express to stop
here." She even knew the stations.
Graham dragged himself to the table,
got his call and clicked off the mes
At 2 the express came roaring and
rumbling in.
"What the mischief's the row here?"
bawled a heavy .voice, and a powerful
man in a silk hat and black frock coat
stood with mouth agape while a frac
tion of what would make a fair sized
girl slid, unconscious, to the floor.
"Xan, my girl, here?" said the big
man. "Here, tell Hawkins to come
here." Hawkins was Mr. Delaine's pri
vate secretary and an operator.
"Hawkins, get Burns and stay here
till relieved by a new man. This man
won't come back. He'll either go to
jail or the head of a division. Qft Nan
into the stateroom. Get a doctor.
There must bo one on the train. Get a
woman to take care of Xan. Take this
man—his name is Graham—lnto the
coach. Guard that safe as well as I
think Graham has. There is a pack of
money in there. Evans said he feared
a holdup, and I sent the money yester
day with orders for Graham to stay all
night. But what I don't understand
is what—what Xan—at this time of
It was not many hours before the
whole story was told.
"Well," said Mr. Dfelame, "you have
told a gaud story, but I know a better
•jiie. I'll tell It when I see the result of
Graham's injuries."
"Yes, I know one as good as yours,
but It won't be time to tell It until
yours Is told. And, papa, won't you
be surprised?"
"I'm-not a lot," said the president.
• *•••••
The other two stories were told. Gra
ham is now second vice president,
which was Delaine's story, und Nan is
his wife, which \vns Nan's. Now Miss
Jopes goes to see Mrs. Graham and
travels in a yrlvate Pullman wiUi the
second vice presidential guardianship
for her safety.
Ploninc With
There can be little (Wubt that the ox
was tht» uarlifst l>east employed for
the plow. A white bull and a white
cow were yoked together to draw the
furrow for making the walls of Rome.
Greeks and Romans employed oxeg U
plowing; asses only foj MMdy soils.
When the had finished hl»
»anor he turned the instrument
upside down, and the oxen went home
dragging its tall and handle over the
surface of the ground, a scene
ed by Horace.
The yoLUitf k'jfettier of ox and ass
\viiH expressly forbidden by the law of
Moses and Is made the ground of a lu
dicrous comparison by I'lautus. Ulys
ses, when he feigned madness In order
to avoid going on the Tiojau expedi
tion, plowed wHU au ox and a -tours*
The North Star.
The north star is exactly In line with
the poles of the earth—that is to say,
It Is exactly north of tl\e paid*—which
Is the reason why its pusitlou with rct
wyjicK to us does not change by the
revolution of the earth upon its axis.
The reason Its position does not seem
to change by the annual revolution of
the earth around the sun Is that It is
so many billions of miles away that
ihe differ«ice in direction rrom differ
ent points of th? earth's orbit la Im
luiwtay Observance.
Scene, Scotch farmhouse; time, Sun
day morning.
Tourist (to farmer's wife)— Can you
let mo have a glass of milk, pleasef
Milk Is produced fu\d consumed.
Tourist some coppers from
ills i»ocket)—A penny, I suppose.
Farmer's Wlfe—Mon, dae ye no think
Pftme o' yersel' tae be buyln' goods on
the SawbaUi?
Tourist (repocketing the coppers)—
Oh, well, there's no harm done. I'm
sure I'm much obliged. But wont you
have the money for It 7
Farmer's Wife—Na, na; I'll no tak'
Ifess than Eaxpence for breakln' the
Rawbath!—Leeds Murcury.
Wnthlngton and Harvard.
Washington received from Harvard
collogo tho honorary degree of doctor of
laws. The distinction was voted by
the president and fellows of the college
at the meeting at Watertown April 8,
177<!. "as an expression of the graU
tudo of this college for his eminent
services in the cause of his country
and to their society." The signers wero
President Samuel Langdou. Nathaniel
Appleton, John Wiothrop, Andrew El
lot, Hatnuvl Cooper and John Wads
Didn't Know.
There are some persons who cannot
take a Joke, but Snlggina Is not one of
them. A "friend" acquainted with
ynlgKlns' frequent changes of abode
asked him which he thought was tho
cheaper—to move or to pay rent.
"I cau't tell you, my dear boy," re
plied Suiggins. "I have always moved."
—London Telegraph.
A!d« to llapplneas.
Cultivate tho habit of detecting the
possibilities for good In things aud peo
ple; also the habit of letting people
know how much you like them. It
makes the world a pleasant place.—
Woman's Life.
Mia Scheme.
Creditor—Can't you pay me some
thing on account of that bill you owe
me? Debtor—How much do you wantf
Creditor—l'd like enough to meot the
fees of a lawyer to sue you for the bal
The clnfs in natural history, being
asked the difference between a dog and
a tret-, the head boy answered, "A tree
la covered with bark, while a dog aeema,
to be lined with l£"
j Copyright, 190S, by Ruby IXmfllgt ;
Marion rode at an angry gallop. The
dust was thick and the beat Intense
even for July—no weather for riding.
The girl wore a neat blue gown, and a
wide 6traw bat shaded her golden hair
and clouded blue eyes. As she passed
the hay field, midway between her fa
thers farm and Jim Bradley's, Jim
himself stepped to the road and motion
ed her to stop. She reigned the rough
bay colt up with difficulty and pushed
ber lover's hand away when he laid It
on her arm. She gave him no chance
to speak.
"Now, don't say anything. I shall
ride whatever horse I please. See how
quiet be is, anyway. Well, suppose I
am killed? Then you will be free to
marry Agnes, since you seem to like
her so well. You can ride with her
every day. You are free now, for that
She knew It was an unjust remark,
but jealousy bad the upper hand.
Jim Bradley was every Inch a man,
tall and good looking. His dark eyes
flashed, and his jaw set He bad seen
Marion in a temper before. He tried
to explain.
'"But, dearest, she only overtook me
on my way to town. It was not
planned by either of us, and I have al
ways known her, as I have you. Would
you have me tell her you did not allow
me to ride a mile with a neighbor?
Where's the harm? You know whom I
love, dear."
"She's always after you. She's In
love with you. She"—
"No, she is not, but if she were ought
you to be angry with me? And even
then should you blame ber? You love
me yourself, don't you? Come, dear, be
reasonable. Let me lead the brute
home, and, if you must ride and get a
sunstroke, get It on a safe horse." His
masterful air of possession irritated
her as much as It ordinarily pleased
"I don't love you. I hate you! Come
on, Prince." She gave the reins a little
slap, and tbe colt danced and snorted
wildly. Jim caught him by the bridle.
He spoke with repressed anger.
"Well, love me or not, you shall get
dowir You shan't break your neck
Just to break my heart. You know
plenty of other ways of doing that
Prince tins not been saddled half a
dozen times, and I know your father
does not allow you to ride him, though
you are an old hand at horses. And
you know perfectly well that Agnes Is
nothing but a friend. She cares noth
ing for me. She's a nice girl"—
Bradley! She told Sue Field that she
would take you from me, and she's
done it. Not that 1 care—much. Let
Prince go, 1 say!"
"I will not. I shall take you down
and have your father forbid you to
W.ouat fetm. Sue Is only trying to make
trouble. Agnes never said or thought
a thing like that."
Marion sat quietly a moment, as If to
obey his command to dismount Her
eyes were wide, her cheeks glowing.
He dropped the bridle and came to
r«aeh his arms up for her. Then sud
denly the demon of pride seized her
again. She gave Prince a cut that sent
him out of Jim's reach with one bound.
"Goodby," she called. "You are free.
I wouldn't marry you If you—l would
have to be dead and come to life again
before I would say I love you!"
The horse was off at an unruly gal
lop. Jim was angry, but his heart
stood still aa he watched the little bine
figure rtdlug away so lightly. Untrust
worthy ns he knew the colt to be, she
seemed to have him under fine control.
She could tame anything but her own
temper; it was a way she had. Per
haps her own unruly spirit made the
conquest of others easy. Of all her
suitors—and she was much sought—
ouly Jim had ever held his own and
refused to bow utterly under the yoke
of her will. That was why she loved
him and quarreled with him—and had
always come back to him. He was the
stronger, and, while at times she re
sented his power over her, she alio
glorl**) in It. This was the worst sh«
had ever done—defied him, broken her
promise to marry him, risked her life
to wring Ills heart
He watched horse and girl fly from
him over the level road. Then he
shouldered his hayfork, walked swift
ly to her father's place, entered the de
serted barnyard—the men were all In
the fields—closed the open barn door
and waited with set jaw.
Meantime Marion and the colt were
having a grand ride past grain lands
and Krovcs and farmhouses, flying past
meadow and hayfield. The brisk mo
tion, the wind In her face, cooled the
girl's nnger a little and made ber
ashamed. She thought with a pang
that she had gone too far this time
that she could never make It up with
Jim now she had been a fool.
Then bhe remembered coming back
from shopping with Sue and meeting
him riding gayly to town with Agnes
Sutherland, with whom she had warred
from the A B C's up. Jim had always
had a fondness for her. Her wrath
rose again, and she twitched the bridle.
Prince was tired and beginning to be
a bit sulky and nervous. With horse
womanly Instinct she humored without
yielding to him, let him drink at a
roadside trough and turned bla head
for home.
As thoy reached Field's farm she no
ticed preparations for thrashing going
on. Tbe great red thrasher stood walt
tng for the engine, and men and horses
n-ere standing all about the conical yel
low stacks. Sue came from the house
and called to her to stop, which she did,
to the colt's disgust. Sue leaned on the
fence, and tbe two girls chatted a mo
"You better get off till the engine
comes, Marlon. You might meet It
You've no business on that crazy colt
It isn't safe. 1 don't see how Jim al
lows it!" Marlon's face flamed.
"What has he to say? I am not en
gaged to blm any more. I"
Sue gasped, then, with remorse—too
late, as usual—remembered what she
had told her friend on tbe way from
towu that day.
"Marlon, you weren't ever fool enough
not to know I was Joking? What Ag
nes really said was that Jim was so
silly about you he didn't hear what
she said half tbe time. Ob,. May, I'm
so sorry!"
But Marlon did not wait. She rode
Prince settled Into an ugly, obstinate
gallop, swerving and jolting.
They were nearlng the crossing when
an unearthly shriek mad* Marlon look
up to see the thrasher engine approach
ing. She urged Prince on, trying to
reach the corner where the road turned
toward home before tbe came
closer. Her bjytgs trtaflfft COS ah*
No. ft
remembered that It is fatal to lose
nerve with an unruly horse.
Prince snorted, laid back bla ears,
but went on well enough. They were
almost at the corner when tbe fiendish
shriek came again.
The colt took the bit In his teeth and
bolted In utter terror. Marlon knew
ber danger and kept her head as they
turned the corner. She let her hat go,
and the wind whipped ber long hair
back like a yellow banner. Bhe spoke
to the colt soothingly, patted his neck,
tried to get the bit from his teeth—all
in vain. They were still a mil* from
home and going so fast that tbe mo
tion was as easy as the rocking of •
cradle. If they met no teams and be
kept to the road all might yet be well,
but he might throw her. He swerved
st the bridge and nearly dragged her
against the railing.
She felt cold perspiration on her face.
It seemed like the end of thinga She
thought of Jim—all he bad been, all he
was to her, what she bad said to him—
and now she—might—never be able to
say she was sorry, that she loved him—
get him to forgive her. Bhe recalled a
baby prayer, a little brother long dead,
thought of her mother's face when they
would take her home. As they neared
tbe house she remembered that she bad
not weeded the pansy bed. Everything
wavered strangely In her mind.
As they passed the windows she saw
her little sister's baby face.
As the colt tore around the corner to
the gate and into the yard she grew
cold with horror. She bad left tbe barn
door open. He would make for his stall
and crush her. It went suddenly dark
before her, and her head swam. Jim
she wanted to call his name, but could
not He would have saved her, Bhe
Against the closed door stood a brim
ming pall of cold water. As Prince
stopped with a Jerk that threw Marlon
from her seat Jim Bradley came quiet
ly up. She was hanging by all ber
skirts, that had caught on the pommel.
Only a quick band and a steady one
could have disengaged her as he did.
He drew her into the shade and beld
her close.
She opened her eyes and looked up
into his white face. It was like heav
en to her.
"Jim!" she said. "Jim!"
"Are you hurt—are you hurt? Mar
lon, are you all right?" She drew •
long breath, stood up and walked a
step to show him she was uninjured.
Then she went close to him and put
her hands on his shoulders. Her face
was very serious.
"Jim," she said, "I have changed my
mind." He saw a queer little light ia
her eyes and was wary.
"About what—Prince?"
"About you. Couldn't you—ask ma
if I—love you? I think that I wouldn't
have to He to say—yes." Jim tried to
get hold of her, but she held off.
"I want to tell you what I think of
myself. Don't you speak. I am a hor
rid little—beast Yes, I did say 'beast.'
Will you—take me back?" Jim thought
he would.
Thackeray's Dlslful R«M,
That George Venables, Thackeray's
schoolmate, was not entirely responsi
ble for the novelist's disfigured nose la
to be gathered from the autobiography
of Sir Wemyss Reid. On one occasion,
when both Venables and Reid were
visiting Lord Houghton, Reid bluntly
asked his fellow guest who broke
Thackeray's nose.
"It was winter, and we were walking
in Indian file through tbe woods. As I
put this question to Venables he sud
denly stopped and, turning around,
glared at me in a manner that Instantly
revealed the terrible truth to my alarm
ed Intelligence. He continued to glare
for several seconds, and then, apparent
ly perceiving nothing but innocent con
fusion, not unmixed with alarm, on my
face, his features became relaxed into
a more amiable expression. 'Did any
body tell you,' he said slowly and wltb
solemn cmphAls, 'to ask me that ques
tion?' I could truthfully say that no
body had done so. My answer seemed
to mollify Venables at once. 'Then, if
nobody put you up to asking that ques
tion, I don't mind answering it It waa
I who broke Thackeray's nose. We
were only little boys at tbe time and
quarreled over something and had the
usual fight It wasn't my fault that he
was disfigured for life. It was all tbe
fault of some wretched doctor. Nowa
days a boy's nose can bo mended so
that nobody can see that It has ever
been broken. Let me tell you,' be con
tinued, 'that Thackeray never showed
me any 111 will for the harm I bad done
blm, and I do not believe be felt any.'"
Aa Old coartahi* Caataaa That Mill
Prevail* Ia Polaad.
A quaint old superstition Is to this
day held in Poland to tbe effect that
two lighted candles set afloat on tbe
river by two lovers will by their con
duct foretell if the course of true love
will run smooth or otherwise.
Tbe "lovers' candles" are launched
at a very pretty water fete that takes
place every summer on that part of tbe
Vistula which runs through Poland. It
commences at sunset. Tbe river Is
thronged with a procession of little
boats containing masked ladles and
gentlemen. Each person carries two
wreaths and two candles, the latter
representing the person carrying them
and the object of his or ber affections.
They aro lighted, fixed firmly in the
center of the wreaths and laid side by
side in tbe water. Should tbev float
down the river close together It is a
sign that their lives should be united.
Should they drift away from each oth
er It is a sign that the lovers will be
parted, and should they only drift
asunder for a little way and farther on
come together again It la a sign that
the loved ones will only be parted for
a time and all come right In tbe end.
There is much method and order about
tbe arrangement of this procession.
The boats glide along in rows, eo many
abreast, and after the first row have
proved their wreaths they move away
to the sides and tbe othera come for
ward in succession. Tbe river Is well
Illuminated, and a large concourse of
people assembles to watch the pro
ceedings. The scene Is a charming one
and reminds one more of fairyland
than of anything else.
Teachtag the Teaehar.
Mother (whose children have had an
education superior to ber own, to bee
small daughter, whom she Is in tbe act
of smacking)—l'll learn you not to con
tradict me! Small Daughter (between
ber sobs)— Teach, mother, teach.—
Relattoaa Baeaata KralMl<
Mrs. Amblsb— l often tell my bus*
band I wish he hsd more "get up and
get" about blm. Mrs. Jellers-^ladeed?
I've often heard that be get* UP and 1
gets bis own breakfast—Chicago Trlb-'
A lazy man Is as useless as » jjW|
man and takes up tool* Too01*»HtlW
bard. j